
The 1 RULE to ESCAPING LOW ELO (Not Clickbait) 

Skill Capped Challenger LoL Guides
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@skillcapped 2 года назад
Unlock 8 SITE EXCLUSIVE GUIDES teaching exactly how to execute this strategy to rank up at: www.skill-capped.com/lol/pricing/plans#80rule 👈👈👈
@derboss7909 2 года назад
I got a one year membership. I know this Video 😉
@darksalarian7106 2 года назад
I've been a diamond top laner for 5 seasons, and have recently started jg. New to the role but your entire video is low elo plays. There positioning is awful, using non-cc abilities in mobile characters. Claiming the difference between master and challenger is bigger than iron and diamond is comical. Iron / bronze people are still learning their own champs, csing properly, understanding other peoples champs. In Master to challenger, challengers are able to exploit small weaknesses due to a complete understanding of all game mechanics. The knowledge gap is slight, but still increased, giving them an advantage.
@pauliussipavicius4658 2 года назад
@@darksalarian7106 Challenger streamers(baus for example) says that too that difference is huge between best challengers and just masters
@nicolbolas8758 Год назад
Jungler role is the easiest -Dekar 173
@JotaG3467 2 года назад
I'm a master jungler, and yes I agree that the gap between masters - challenger is higher than bronze - masters, the few times that I've played against challenger players I was destroyed in a way that I could'nt destroy a bronze player.
@TheKittyClink 2 года назад
Same also master, jg/support peaked GM but couldn't stay
@valiantcashcow 2 года назад
i watch alot of high challenger streamers and everytime they do any sort of climb challenge, they all say the same thing, that under high master-low gm the game quality is completely uncomparable from what they're used to. even players that are known for never tilting in their games completely lose their shit in master games and pointing out their teammate's mistakes as if they were bronze and just didnt know what theyre doing
@kcStranger 2 года назад
I don't deny the truth of what you're saying, but do you think it's helpful for lower-ranked players to think too hard about that? The healthy viewpoint is, "people are making lots of mistakes all the way up the ladder, so if I practice well then I can do this." But I could also see people getting frustrated and saying, "wow, I must really just suck if it's actually so easy." The truth is, going from Bronze to Master takes a huge amount of work for pretty much everyone.
@QiyanasStories 2 года назад
​@@kcStranger What is easy? He (and the vid) says it's a simple question: "does this play that I'm about to do have a high probability of succeeding?" But the amount of factors you need to take is not so small. The "easier part" is when it's under 6 min - but you still need to know enemies' abilities, think about how they can use them to outplay you, who is where on the map and what are abilities of enemies' that are close (do they have CC, how fast they move). This simple question tho, gets more complicated when people start getting items (when I am able to kill this person? Who I don't see on the map and what abilities/items they can use to kill me before I can kill this one target of mine) Btw. I'm not high elo, just cause I know what I should do doesn't mean I do it :O For me, it would feel like work, and I would get tired of thinking so much on a conscious level, constantly questioning what can be done. I just want to have fun and click buttons automatically :P (probably also "roll the dice" like in a casino - the thrilling excitement of not knowing the outcome) - and I imagine many players feel the same. I don't think it's bad to say that the basic rules are simple. Fundamentals always are simple, doesn't mean they are easy to consistently execute.
@7AM_Tzar 2 года назад
I've played lanes into masters rated players before and like maybe 2 times into challenger level players, you can tell the difference. You can play safe enough as a gold player and get enough xp and still come back into the game vs masters, you get completely and utterly dicked by the challenger player.
@neantdistordu982 2 года назад
11:55 you forgot to mention that no matter how much you ping, in gold or lower, there's a 90% chance that mid lane will NOT rotate
@ipkickss 2 года назад
i used to rotate with ryze, but they nerfed his waveclear, so now it is harder as i have to spend more mana, so if i try to push i end with no mana and resources, now i have to save mana by not pushing and pray to god the jungler wants to gank me so i can have prior.
@andy6302 Год назад
Not just mid man. NO ONE rotates! Now forget rotating to objectives. What about when you gank bot lane and it should be 3v2 on a half health target AND YOUR FREAKING BOT LANE BACKS. Leaving you to die 2v1 and reverse the situation. I don't know how to jungle low elo because you can't count on anyone for anything!!! You have to gigaChad and solo objectives AND solo kills. If your laners help that's just icing on the cake, but expect to do everything yourself!
@marcussmith4913 Год назад
@@andy6302 omg this... low elo people ignore all pings. Its unreal. You can be fighting right in front of their tower 2 v 1 and still watch them complete a full recall rather than help you.
@ferst262 Год назад
thats what I hate about high elos coaching. They assume your team will listen to you and move accordingly, that they will not force fights themselves, when it's the complete opposite
@neantdistordu982 Год назад
@@ferst262 IKR
@miserepoignee9594 2 года назад
The real difference between low and high elo junglers, and it's something a lot of challenger players/coaches don't seem to realize because it's so second-nature to them, is that lower elo players are way less accurate when they're coming up with the percent chance a play will work out is. Sure, there's a lot of times where players just don't think about it, but I bet if you showed a bunch of clips like these to a random low-elo jungler and asked them what the chances are that each play would work out, he would be way off from what a challenger jungler would say for most of them. And that's if you did like what we had in this video, where you showed the clip, gave him a few seconds to think, while not having to do anything else. In a real game scenario where you're trying to collect all the info in real time and also play the game, the difference is even more pronounced.
yeah, like maybe kain even didn't knew what skills does Fiora have. I think you should play for each champ at least to the mastery of 4, for you to be able to tell this percentage even remotely close.
@KahmannMan 2 года назад
Shit half the time I’m like “this probably won’t work but let’s do it anyways” then I dash in and die for 15th time on yasuo while being down 5 levels but up by 100 cs lmao
@strixgtx6422 2 года назад
Exactly what i tought!
@samuel9294 2 года назад
@@KahmannMan thats ok for an aram player
@Pixelatedrat 2 года назад
Also you have to factor in will my teammate join in or watch. Had a game where me and Leona dived a Caitlynn and brand. Their abilities were down. Vayne freshly back from base sat there and farmed a 3 minion wave then decided to join in only afterwards. But they got away with 1 hit each had Vayne joined for one auto we would have killed both. It had a 75% chance of working. No flash in either. Abilities down. Over extended by a wall and recalling. Leona locks em down Vaynerchuk condemns and I was yi so damage. And boom... nope. Got hit with a net gun after we landed on them. Got a snap trap and then hit with a brand stun. They got away with each 10 health. We didn't die either. But wasted time sigh
@MrReese 2 года назад
As always, the problem with jungling "the right way" is that it's often not "the right way" in the particular ELO that you are in. It's great that in Challenger or whereever people know about win conditions, about how to play the lane, about what your jungler wants to do with a certain pick and which lanes are worth ganking for and which aren't, and so on. But in lower ELO none of this matters, because when you just farm your way up when no absolutely clear chance to gank presents itself, but your opponent's jungler ganks several times then your team will absolutely mental boom and lose the game solely off of that alone.
@blahmaster6k 2 года назад
if your opponent jungler ganks several times and you're not in position to counter or gank another lane, that's an opportunity to steal camps on the other side of the map or solo an early dragon or rift herald. I just play with chat off so I have no idea what my team's mental is and play like everything's fine. eventually a lot of games can be turned around. I role swapped to jungle this year and I've got a 70% win rate on my main so far so it seems to be working.
@jamesspencer5180 2 года назад
I completely agree. For example, the antithesis to the video above is a gold master Yi player (not to mention any names), who farms the whole game and has little game impact. Imagine him watching this video, laughing loudly at the idiotic gank-plays of diamond players, and reflecting about how HE never wastes his time like that! In reality - he does not much gank at all - but is blind to his faults. Thus, advice is a very dangerous thing. While it can be extremely valuable, it can also be a crutch that holds you back.
@TheAKD56 2 года назад
I think you are delusionnal, no offense, like most junglers tbh. You problem is your inability to see opportunities from both side.
@MrReese 2 года назад
@@TheAKD56 If you think for a second that "playing right" from a Challenger stand point of view nets you anything in lower ELO then you got a lot to learn. Just watch people like Hector from SC when he jungles and how he always plays for the lanes because he KNOWS how important it is for the laner to feel like the jungler has a proper presence. Also, I am not a jungler anymore, I stopped jungling in early S10. There is a reason why jungle is by far the least popular role these days - because of people like you. The way you are talking you are someone who has never really jungled and has no clue what it's like to be a jungler. Long story short: you are the delusional one.
@yottaXT 2 года назад
If jungling "the right" as you said would get you different results in low elo THEN no challenger jungler would be able to jungle "the right way" in low elo which in fact is false. Put a challenger jungle in iron, within a day he'll be close to high diamond. A SINGLE DAY. And this fact has been proven countless times.
@KahmannMan 2 года назад
That j4 example was definitely an eye opener for me. I’ll likely still be gold hardstyck but I appreciate y’all’s effort
@TmBeast17 2 года назад
Dude facts, I been tryna climb out of gold since the season started 😭
@BobJason1 2 года назад
Well as someone who is Diamond, the difference between gold and diamond is just minimizing mistakes. 80% rule + playing safe unless you know more often than not a play works out. Part of the answer is something he doesn't mention tho. You have to know and roughly know champions cooldowns. If you know based on your CDs or their CDs how likely a kill will be is your deciding factor on whether or not to go in. I obviously am not a pro and have my own problems cause I've been hard stuck D3-4 for 3 years. But those things will help.
@ShivPatel-hy6vu 2 года назад
@@BobJason1 I know this may sound kinda dumb but I'd love to have your problem of being hardstuck in diamond rather than being hardstuck g4 🤣
@LlibertarianGalt 2 года назад
play one, easy to pilot champion every game and work on the fundamentals my guy
@msterofficial 2 года назад
@@TmBeast17 I'm here stuck in iron 2 elo hell, I'm lvl 100. I understand that I'm better and others say that too (not much but atleast not iron 2), someone said I deserved bronze 3 but I thought that was too high and said bronze 5 is my estimate on myself. I don't really play too much ranked tho
@matthewminogue3276 2 года назад
Honestly, jungle is the role that dictates the most in solo que. As an ADC main, I feel like I impact so much less the map its ridiculous. They can win or lose matches singlehandedly.
@aquamentai 2 года назад
If you want to impact the Mao more then why play adc litterally any other role except from top is a better choice for map impact
@matthewminogue3276 2 года назад
@@aquamentai Because i've been playing it for years, itll take me awhile to learn a role as efficiently.
@Undomaranel 2 года назад
That's kind of the point of ADC. You don't impact the map. Your job is to get swole and dps while the team protects you, like a literal glass canon. If you want more map pressure, try ranged top like Quinn or Gnar, or play Ashe sup for a while and get the hang of making plays/ warding objectives/ roaming/ tracking other players/ etc.
@jamesspencer5180 2 года назад
I agree. But unfortunately, It is also one of the hardest roles to master. ADCs have it tough in solo queue, as their supports ability/style is a bit of a coin flip. Perhaps if you want to have more impact you should try pairing up in a duo?
@paul-zr9xb 2 года назад
@@aquamentai top lane has a huge impact on the map. Maybe you haven't had the joy of the opponent using hull breaker to take care of a couple turrets and inhibitor while your team dances around at dragon or baron. Also, have you heard of inting sion?
@leddmask Год назад
I got really tired of supports feeding on bot and decided to go back to jungling recently. I had an epiphany similar to the concept you went over in this video, realizing how much gold I was throwing away by overreaching for nearly impossible ganks and giving away my position for almost no reason. I jumped four divisions in one day after correcting myself every single time I went to do this. From B4 to S5 and sitting at an 80% WR with Udyr.
@Janne1889 10 месяцев назад
Acctualy therers lot of stats that show its the adc who feed most of all rolls.😂
@AVALONXIX 2 года назад
No matter how you do, try or perform if you have, trolls, inting teammates or smurfs in the enemy team stomping your bad teammates there’s no way you can carry a game, Riot needs to fix the Matchmaking somehow to balance games between low, mid and high skilled players, also about their behavior history.
@PlayerFORgamev 2 года назад
This game has 12 years. They are never ever going to “fix” anything. They only care money and “balanced gameplay” doesn’t equal gain and popularity like toxic one does
@ЛазарЙорданов-й7щ 2 года назад
Well what more do you want? You play versus players with the same rank, isn't that enough?. It means, if they are bad you are also bad at the game.
@skylerfreeman1173 2 года назад
@@ЛазарЙорданов-й7щ Its amazing how people fail to realize this simple fact. If its happening to YOU, then guess what? It's happening to the ENEMY. Be the difference lol. Tada > You've now climbed.
@Undomaranel 2 года назад
@@skylerfreeman1173 And it's unfair when we earn elo because of trolls, afks and such. Who wants to climb with lucked stolen LP instead of earning their rank? Yesterday I played 8 matches, sup main. 4w, 4l. Each of the losses had something crazy going on. In one I was in river bush, saw the enemy go in for an invade, so we all went to their blue. 10 sec before spawn our Kayn decided to 1v5 for his red and my idiot team trickled after him. I went bot and last hit until my adc showed up. Got him a double kill before third wave. How was that match a me problem, how would me having a higher skill have improved the team when they made calls like that all match? When I'd ping objectives or danger and they'd do the opposite? Another had an inting mid, constantly overextended and fed the Samira/Yuumi left 0/6 by laning phase, Sam ended 34/8 insult to my injury, only two of those from me defending base 1v5. We had up to inhib bot side and took up to tier two on the other lanes. How can I improve when the team doesn't step up too and I'm not a carry? Matches where all 10 of us are playing to win, I have an 80+% wr. Matches where it's a 4v5 for whatever reason? I'm the sup fam, and yes I'll swap to extra mage on Swain for chunking and W/Liandry's to keep lanes where I want them and snipe, but there's only so much you as an individual can do in a team game. A high schooler on a basketball team with 2nd graders will still be defeated by an opponent team of 7th/8th graders. It's made worse when temper tantrums/ mental booms happen. Look at Neace's "why I'm having trouble in Bronze" video, then watch his sup Ez and tell me he wasn't trolling the whole match, not with his pick but how he played, stole cs from a noob adc instead of setting up kills, choosing goredrinker onstead of mandate, etc. I genuinely would love for matchmaking to pair us all unequally and see just how good a Master is on a team of Iron vs a Gold/Silver team. I would also love to understand why I placed Silver last year and climbed but this year with a higher w/l they placed me in Iron... But what do I know in low elo, certainly not enough to climb in matches with two AI bots on my team that Riot told me they will stop responding to all my reports after I sent them timestamps of the robot behavior. It's almost like this is designed to be a team game, not a 1v9 game smh.
@skylerfreeman1173 2 года назад
@@Undomaranel it's been proven time and again that if you deserve a rank, you will get it. Whether it's easy or hard or however many games it takes doesn't matter. It's based on You. If that weren't the case, people wouldn't be able to make multiple accounts and climb consistently. I've done it myself. Booster websites exist somehow right? Just how something "feels" does not in fact dictate how something is. I'm not justifying trolls in games or saying some matches arent literally unwinnable, but if you're consistently playing and actually trying to improve and climb, you should or you just aren't good enough.
@achillyswilly5758 2 года назад
I've started implementing this as rammus early this season and I've climb from iron 4 to bronze 1 with a wr of about 70% without being much better mechanically, games have become soooo much easier to win, great info I'll definitely be sticking around for more info like this
@jekhanter91 2 года назад
i'd suggest you to look their othe vids about jungle tempo and other mechanics, got to plat kinda easy with that knowledge
@AKadir8 2 года назад
You guys really deserve all your paid services twofold. Very inspiring and informing. When you are jungle basically you are moving to your minions, unlike laning. So you have to consider every second of the action, see&seize the possibilities then make the right choice.
@TwistedTeaFate 2 года назад
12:57 this Jarvan 100% flamed Viktor for not coming to help this play. Junglers like these seem to always think their mid lane should always forfeit all their minions for a coinflip
@jfacum24 2 года назад
"Based on mid matchup, FLY will win LCS"
@vidda2606 2 года назад
I‘m learning Jungler and I‘m already very cautious when deciding to gank. Ends up I powerfarm with Yi or Diana and not ganking pre lvl 6, but also too rarely afrer that -> my lanes loose because I dont impact and so does the game…
@kcStranger 2 года назад
Honestly, I think a big danger with taking the advice of this video too far while you're still learning is that if you don't take a shot and fail repeatedly, you'll never learn what an 80% gank looks like. It takes a lot of practice and review to make those decisions well, and becoming a timid perma-farmer isn't the answer.
@viciuspossumalvesto9368 2 года назад
Jugar al Homero Simpson es algo absurdamente bueno pero si el enemigo está aplicando esa es mejor contar con un buen asesino para romper esa forma de juego y es encontrar un buen momento para cuándo hacer un gank por qué se centran demasiado en hacer un countergank así que pasar desapercibido es algo difícil
@theouthousepoet 2 года назад
@@kcStranger wooo well said.
@SolosoyAngel123 2 года назад
@@viciuspossumalvesto9368 Homero simpson
@Siticmon 2 года назад
i watched the "inside out" rule video and quite literally i think after 10 years of playing this game on and off it made me 2 tiers better a player in 10 minutes, my farm has gone up significantly and my map awareness and overall map control is in a different universe (when i remember to stick to it), really good vids here
@benjaminwing3672 5 месяцев назад
I love the advice, especially the 80% guide. One question I do have though is specifically if we don't rotate to lane (which I agree is a waste of time in these examples), how do we respond to our laners without triggering them? If we ignore then they will ? us. If we respond to them about how it would have been a waste of time to rotate up, they will get pissed off and triggered. I can't see a win when you factor in the human/team aspect.
@AlwaysSmileTv 2 года назад
@sonictrain1 2 года назад
I think I agree, when my friend taught me how to power farm in jg I hit s1 from bronze in 2 weeks. This was like season 7 so it made an even bigger difference
@fabio21199 2 года назад
If 11% of your time (25 secs) is worth 200 gold, that means you would have 2000 golds in 4 minutes (250 secs). But even though the math is wrong (because you are not always in combat with jungle monsters), the concept remains true, so whatever... I still appreciate 😅
@kiidrecklzz 2 года назад
yea but i have to walk to the camps too
@yiqunxue4123 2 года назад
Dude that 25 secs are supposed to be used at CAMPS u haven’t cleared yet. In that case the gromp was still there for Kayn. You don’t always have ur camps up but when u do u have a window of 25 secs to invest on them, and the reward is fixed as 200 gold. Every choice u make is a kind of investment.
@Narx9 2 года назад
Yeah, I thought same. Like it's true in concept, but math should have been calculated based on time to kill next camp. Including walking to camp and which camp was next. Then he could have calculated avg camp gold and time to walk to camp based on normal clearing routes and came up with a lesser but more true number. Either way, the concept is true.
@jorgovan-ni9kz Год назад
Many times i knew gank isn't good to do, i main fiddle in gold/silver and teammates always perma ping me until i gank then blame me for losing in gank... Ugh man...
@Alexgaming-jw6ey 2 года назад
1:45 great representation of the ego players have based on elo. just make diamond a bit bigger than lower rannks : )
@jfacum24 2 года назад
and make gold big as well
@xarhs6514 2 года назад
What you wrote here shows only that this graph stroked your ego making you believe silver/gold players are remotely close to diamond players though, especially high diamond players.
@janu2997 2 года назад
@@xarhs6514 I'm guessing the channel is playing to the delusions of low elo players that climbing is more about luck. The real skill you need to be in each elo is an inverted pyramid not a small channel until challenger that's absurd. Challengers are just a cut above everything else and can be outside of this pyramid but there are massive differences between silver/gold, gold/plat players from my climb experience. For example by mid gold you are in the top 10% of your server. By mid plat you're in top 5% of the server. Might not sound like big numbers but the bottleneck is quite profound.
@xarhs6514 2 года назад
@@janu2997 It's true that the gap between a master player and a challenger player is quite big as they say in the video since there is a 600-700 LP difference between the ranks, but the same goes for all the other ranks. Just like master to challenger is 600-700 LP , gold 4 to platinum 4 is 400 LP so you need to improve a lot to consistantly win games. Also when you get to diamond the difference between diamond 4 players and diamond 2 players is so much bigger than a gold 4 to a gold 2 or a platinum 4 to a platinum 2 player it's laughable. Coming from a multi season diamond player peaking grandmaster. I think these videos give solid information to lower elo players and sometimes even to higher elo players that can be used to improve your game but by no means will a single change in your playstyle shoot you up the ladder when you do simple pre-game mistakes like having bad bindings and such.
@janu2997 2 года назад
@@xarhs6514 yeah I understand. Especially difference between low and high diamond. The bottleneck is a lot tighter than low to high gold/plat
@Popilido 2 года назад
2:07 man's forgot about grandmaster 💀
@CPSPD Год назад
in counter-strike its the same! from silver to faceit level 10 low elo would be bronze to master, then level 10 high elo would be challenger. game gets crazy up there. as a low global i can see just how much there is left to learn and the ridiculous amount of mistakes i make on an average match.
@thanhan9568 2 года назад
It's a great tutorial, however, I wonder how to consider every situation to make sure the chance is more than 80%, then make decision in such short time. Is it just about experience or are there ways to improve critical and quick thinking?
@samuel9294 2 года назад
Play 1000 games thats the best tip i can give u lol
@lueroifan12 2 года назад
This is why jungle is the hardest role AHHA
@Speedy-Rabbit 2 года назад
stuff like: level advantage, hp advantage, vision, how fed enemy is, how fed you are, is it an outnumbered fight, what cooldowns do they have - in the first example, kayn had no chance of closing the distance and no chance of doing the damage necessary to kill fiora - in the bot lane example his support was in base and enemy bot was pushing with big wave, so that's low % because cait has to walk past enemy wave to do anything and she's unlikely to contribute much, ganking there means u die more often than not cuz it's actually a 1v2 vs enemy bot + their wave. - in the j4 example i actually think that gank was high% because kennen will want to crash the wave and there was a window to sneak into the first lane brush and kill him as he tries to crash. if he bases without crashing, it's in a bad wavestate so the odds that he tries to push after te kill are quite high, and he is low enough to die to the EQ directly.
@anasokda8570 2 года назад
If you aren't sure just go on and make the play then when you don't get anything from it you will know the limits and next time you will be better
@lefroste6370 2 года назад
1- feel from playing alot of games 2-levels There are other factors but these are the most important ones ,levels matter alot even if it's just one level, lv6 vs lv7 means that lv7 will win 1v1 70% of the time
@HystoriaReiss 2 года назад
the 9:20 there is something else bad , garen had 2 waves under his wave , he also loss that , giving 300 gold to fiora on kayn kill + arround 250 g loss on creeps + xp
@JK96CZ Год назад
Altough definitely true, there is one thing which may result in lose despite this improvement in low elo. When you choose no not waste time, your laner will do, die and then ragetroll.
@justinbond7243 2 года назад
to make the gold value of time correct, you would also need to average in the amount of time it takes to walk between camps. The model in the video implies oyu're famring every second of the game.
@baykus3006 2 года назад
Exactly what I thought
@rayhanmahmud6579 2 года назад
12:10 LMAO 😂
@Drazard 9 месяцев назад
tried this in bronze. after 6 games of using the superior strategy to farm when the ganks were bad I routinely get huge leads. and then lost when the enemy jungler is 12-0 and my entire team flames me. 10/10 advice.
@Manuel-ck7uq 2 года назад
i am plat and the diamond mistakes seemed very silly and obvious. id like better examples that can actually make plat and diamond players relate. regardless i liked the point of view you gave, ive always had this plays where i knew i fucked up right where it was to late to turn back, ill pay more atention to those mistakes now.
@Thaiax 2 года назад
Mistakes always seem silly and obvious when you're 1) Not playing yourself 2) Having it pointed out You and the people around you make these and a ton of other egregious mistakes all the time. Don't be blind to them.
@crimsonxii9361 2 года назад
You do x10 more mistakes than them lol
@Kamishi845 2 года назад
@@Thaiax The problem isn't the point about mistakes, but the frequency and severity of them. Even challengers can make noob mistakes like face checking bushes, no one is exempt from them. It's just that the likelihood of a challenger player making that mistake is a lot less than even a diamond one. Of course, the better you become the less likely you are to make really bad and obvious mistakes as well, but in general no one is exempt from making even the most noob mistakes. It's just that the likelihood shrinks with skill level.
@bibidibabidiboo3013 2 года назад
I gotta say I followed that tip and followed all the tips I learned in another guide that said the same and before the guides I won 1 match and after i lost 4 2 of them beeing ranked but they were good tips im just bad at Lee sin
@lucasmoratoaraujo8433 Год назад
I don't know if i fully buy this. To quote detective marty hart: "you got any chapter in those books on 'jumping to conclusions'? You're attaching assumption to a piece of evidence... start... to bend the narrative to support it, prejudicing yourself". Let's see: you are accounting time and money without deflating their combined effect, which you should do by taking an analogy to the rent-substitution effect teached in economics. Also, by calculating "our" jungler's stats in terms of time and money, you are not considering that showing up on the map in lower elos can not only have zero effect on the other junglers' map pressure, but, and this cannot be discarded until proven wrong, you are not considering that perhaps in lower elos showing up on the map can ultimately result in higher winrates. This could be achieved by some weird interaction unclear to those who sell the idea the they "know the game". After all, if some coach discovered that the opposite is true, and if this resulted in trully remarkable winrates, I really doubt they would share this "trade secret" so willingly, no mentioning "for free". The problem i find with this type of lesson is that it takes a systemic problem, that is, the combination of an action and its effects on the entirety of the map, isolates a few aspects, and then generalizes this to something as complex as winrates. But if, as you say, knowledge is basically a rare commodity until master is reached, and if still some players climb and others don't, it could be some right measure of logical and "illogical" action that help people to climb, or, ideally, climb faster. This is the thing that is trully difficult to grasp: why more knowledge and "logical" decision making can be detrimental to overall achievement. Everybody knows being akf, or ganking badly, or not going for 'cheater recalls' is, in principle, wrong, but not knowing and applying this are not, in my humble opinion, the reasons for not being able to climb. The only thing we know is that climbing depends, not on winrates per se, but mostly on mmr. For this reason, if by playing normal and bot games with high elo friends and having high winrates really do affect one's mmr, as it has been suggested multiple times, then climbing is a function of normal game mmr and, perhaps, dodging promos at the start of the season. Ultimately, it doesn't matter if you incorporate this kind of knowledge until you reach masters, so long as you "manipulate" your account lp gains to obtain 4 times more lp for winning than for loosing. By doing this, you can climb EVEN WITH A NEGATIVE WINRATE. Of course, I could be wrong too, and this is most of the problem. Since the important factor for climbing is mmr, and since no one knows fully how it is calculated, people who read this message will never know for shure if the best thing to study for climbing is watch these kinds of videos, or simply find statistical evidence for things outside rank that influence your mmr and lp gains, permitting you to climb without the frustration that normally go hand in hand with this kind of effort. Before doing claims like those made in these videos, coaches should really have "sort of" controlled experiments with their "pupils", to see if this kind of logic really applies given a large enough sample. They also should take note not only on people who climb under their advice, but on those that climb AND don't climb after leaving those services. Finally, they should spend more time evaluating weird and non-llogical behaviour that still somehow function, like it seems to happen with thebaussffs, for example. Before ending, I just want to say that I don't disapprove of any kind of video like this. On the contrary, I congratulate the author for his inniciative, and only wish to speak my mind for debating purposes. Peace!
@danielclv97 2 года назад
Skill Capped "you don't need brains to win games as jungle", also Skill Capped" isn't it obvious that you have a 10% chance of killing the top, 20% chance of them killing you, and, a 70% chance of them escaping? Duhh"
@lueroifan12 2 года назад
AHAHA hes saying like everyone played this game for years
@WartyFingleBlaster 2 года назад
Thanks for this one tip that only applies to junglers. Very helpful.
@Dorkster81 2 года назад
My coach in hots told me same basically “fan pro hots player isnt doing Anything mechanically different than u…. He’s just playing the game the correct way……. And thats what the ranks kind of say. If your at the very bottom its cause you are competely playing the game wrong. When u get up to masters there a few thing you need to polish up that make a huge different in that rank”
@Skillzthatkillz753 2 года назад
As someone whos hard stuck master for 2 season cuz im a boosted support player i got 2 things to say 1- I agree that the gap between masters and higher rank player is insanely bigger than whats lower than us . The rotation and decision making of those people is on another level. While mechanic wise we are on par and can match them aka i barely ever lose my bot lane, the transition into mid and late game is where we lack a lot. 2-The kaynn gank wasnt as bad as per say and youll see it even in high elo play challenger and such. By showing yourself top you give your top laner some pressure relieft and you force the enemy top laner to either play safer or to use a ward. Either way you are doing some work. Not all ganks need to have a flash or kill used to be succesful. League is way deeper than what this video is trying to teach you
@Drianikaben 2 года назад
Yeah my first thought when I saw the first "gank" was that it was less a gank and more a warning shot. "I'm watching you, back off". The garen isn't pressured, won't be forced into an early back, and if you get lucky, you get enough damage in to force an early back, which can be the difference between snowballing and losing the lane. I agree with the premise of the video, but that particular gank seemed fine to me.
@harrywang5675 2 года назад
@@Drianikaben on kayn it was bad. your early really has 0 pressure, and that fiora with any more confidence would just 1v2. achieving nothing is really bad for kayn as his power spikes come from items primarily, and then form. with how mobile fiora is the warning shot is more like a slap on the wrist vs if he just took gromp and waited for fiora to keep pushing. that way you take the guaranteed xp and gold, dont risk losing bot side camps, and still be in a place to apply pressure. if she say dived garen mid gromp, you can just e and join and the dive is a higher chance gank. also him not showing on the map is a warning sign in higher elos as kayns pathing is fairly predicatable if you know his first clear. idk how else to put it but that warning benefitted his team very little as that garen gained very little relief given in that situation kayn did jackshit yet kayn puts himself behind for that. just better to farm and when theres nothing to farm/enemies cross the river when you're in position then you go for a gank for form
@sharkhorse2444 2 года назад
@twitchdailies3982 2 года назад
i've been iron since i started lol (1year) i've tried it all but whenever i get a 20 kill game my team can't help ganks. And every team i face has atleast 2 smurfers that are just insane for iron...
@oliwier2847 2 года назад
Yeeee escape low elo, the trick is to get the smurf in ur team and not enemy team
@brianlegrand9825 2 года назад
I've known my problem for the longest time was forcing ganks. It was from playing junglers like Hecarim. It was feast or famine. So I started playing Shyvana, which is a different mindset. Switching the playstyle had me go from Silver 4 to gold 2- with a 70% winrate.
@mmorkinism 2 года назад
You can feast on jungle camps tho.
@wez_schow 2 года назад
To be fair, Hecarim is more of a farming jungler too.
@drainxl3673 2 года назад
I would always think to myself and when i see the enemy jg on the map i instantly just look for anyone overextended or keep farming now in reverse i kinda realize how bad it is just showing where u are
@sarahkanters6253 2 года назад
I do agree that there is a big skill gap between master - challenger, but saying that it is bigger than the difference between bronze and master is ridiculous. The gap between bronze - master, is waaayy bigger than master - challenger. Do you really think a bronzie would sooner hit master than a master player would be able to hit challenger, it is absurd really. Something that is also worth noting is that it is not unusual for a master player to be matched with challengers in a regular ranked solo/duo match, and no they do not get completely destroyed, atleast not as hard as a master player would destroy a bronze....
@Story-teller38 2 года назад
remember guys camps are healthy food and ganks are oreo
@jacksilence3273 2 года назад
I would love a guide like that for the midlane, there are vaguely any midlane guides. I play Talon mainly and roam a lot but I can't seem to climb past Gold anyways, no matter how much I impact the map or how ahead I get. Really nice video tho
@joelprofessor4220 2 года назад
Talon is a weak champ to carry later on in the game. You may consider to play a champion who is stronger in late game.
@screechingtoad2683 Год назад
I'm a support main, but i think I'm going to adopt this when I'm deciding whether to roam/rotate or not
@VladSuperKat 4 месяца назад
Most games there is no lane to gank. Farm your jungle and try to countergank or counterjungle.
@Championalex7 Год назад
As a Nocturne, I normally don't gank until 6 unless they are grossly mispositioned.
@MATomaso 2 года назад
10:25 not just got enemy adc flash but also denied a plate, so i wouldn't call that a 200+ gold loss
@SirLANsalot 2 года назад
In the Kayne example, the kayne needed to come from the other side of the lane, that is, tri-brush. He was in a bad position to gank and take advantage of the overextended fiora. Also getting help from the laner, by baiting in to a fight first, like Garen being more aggressive would also increase the kill chance. Now in those examples the fiora was being SUPER cautious and probably had wards in the bush, as one should when pushing up that far. Crossing the river and coming in from the tri-bush side would show if she had a ward there, as she would start to back off. If she didn't, then you can come in at a much better angle and cut her off from her tower. Either way that side of the map is much harder to gank top because of where tri sits, its much easier to sneak into botlane from blue side then it is from red, regardless of who you are playing.
@kaso236 Год назад
Yeah, if he'd knew viego was bot, steal His raptors/kruggs and gank
@davidush429 2 года назад
well finally the 1% of the usefull and not click bait how to rank up videos
@Screen-Peeks 2 года назад
The thing is as a jungler you get yelled at to gank even if it’s not the right time or 80% successful , man junglers have it rough. I always tell my buddy mute the chat , keep the pings .
@kingbirdIII 2 года назад
i feel like you missed another reason to the gank being bad is the timing. the lane is pushing toward garen, his passive is almost up and he could have finished gromp waiting for the wave to crash in and then ganked a long lane, letting garen get 6
@georgiuchiha9762 4 месяца назад
i agree with everything you said in this video . i just have one question . what do you do when your plat teamates start the fights while you clearing a camp ?
@dimkahitrec2738 2 года назад
я думаю это видео полезно с даймонд уровня, ниже любой лесник, который нон стоп гангает, будет лутать килы и сноуболить линии, пока ты пытаешься выфармить по правильному
@easyusername25 2 года назад
This video is really good, but my main role is mid. I win more on other roles from the guides, but why are their no mid lane videos usually
@MikeAIright Год назад
As a diamond main support i had to go mid for the first time so i chose lux and i went up vs a challenger jayce mid. i went 0/3/2 and won the game because my bot lane was just steam rolling and my one of my deaths i lured enemy bot lane to over extend on me and just plow through everyone. I still think we won based on comp because if that challenger player just went with an assassin or an ap carry they could have taken out bot but he went a top laner. I’ve never laughed so hard after a game.
@stefanmlgpro 2 года назад
How do you calculate the probably?
@vendettakc7758 2 года назад
That mindblew my brain as a jgl main and i got all the answers right but i still would do those mistakes if i didnt know your simple rule ty
@kylejohnson-evers4549 2 года назад
J4 scenario: "what are we fighting for here" idk vision and control around the dragon? Lol. It's funny how they just make up percentages to prove their points but still a good and helpful video overall.
@starcitizenaxion9956 10 месяцев назад
You can literally cheese your way to gold. Also this is why you mute chat as a jg because in lower elo they WILL flame you for not banking when they’re the ones overextending and making dumb plays.
@captainglad4966 2 года назад
after 2:30 I was waiting for the strategy being "Git Gud"
@martinzuniga6605 2 года назад
All the advice in the world about league can only be applied about 40% of the time. Sometimes you get players that wanna grief and there's nothing you can do about it. One the best and truthful statement from a pro was this, "league is 90% mental and 10% skill".
@Zealice001 Год назад
10:30 bro no waste here she has no jungle camps
@TrueOTR Год назад
How is the Gwen wasting 240 gold if all of her camps are currently down? I also like how you expect the mid lane Viktor to come and help if you were to wait for Lee Sin in the brush, because bronze mid laners defiantly wont be looking at their map.
@kardrasa 2 года назад
daaamn this was a really good guide, wtf Skill Capped! Didnt expect.
@wutexas5177 2 года назад
I heard a streamer said that masters are playing the game and below that they just compete who made the most mistake to lost.
@matthewsmith2481 11 месяцев назад
While your point is true about using time efficiently, you missed what made the first example bad.. when Fiora turned around Kayn should have turned around. He wasted time by chasing for stacks, not by hovering the garen who is being chased
@blueghost3436 Год назад
ty I got masters affter looking at this!
@Stillstanding1 Год назад
First of all: great Job explaining how high elo Jungle works. But at 7:52 there is 0% Chance fiora will kill anyone of them even at lvl 6. 😁
@GettinBonked 3 месяца назад
This was amazing, thank you for this video!
@Mast3rGam3Fr3ak 2 года назад
Sadly the j4 top example has some flaws, because if he doesnt go top after Jax died, 2-3 waves get lost to tower + exp get lost too
@rk13567 2 года назад
I want to agree but I feel like pro junglers spend so much time just hovering near their lanes not actualy earning XP or gold.
@dazeen9591 2 года назад
what's the 1 rule for laners though?
@chasedeblois6699 2 года назад
How does playing Dark harvest Karthus effect this decision making process. Currently I'll go for any gank that has a 50+% chance of getting me a stack on dh and still maintain good gold per minute
@kestrelloz 2 года назад
what to do if you want to manage your wave but your silver support says no?
@ChristJesus-v3g Год назад
Well i would play jg, but for some reason when i play jg the enemy team has 3 junglers, all my camps are stolen and my laners is still losing somehow
@maikeru3471 2 года назад
Are we ignoring the smite Kayn used on Wolves aswell? The big wolf was around 100hp and oop! Big boy smite
@TMNTCZ 2 года назад
Is there some advice. When your Yasuo is 0 4 against Talon on solo lane a pinging you for help?
@hamfastgamwich 2 года назад
So what do you do when you decide not to go in, your top laner dies, and then flames you in chat for not helping while you are getting grump? He then AFKs and you lose the 4v5?
@spaldychops Год назад
Sad, I was Gold a few years ago and now I'm in the bottom of bronze. Hope I can implement these tips and get back to gold.
@sh1nt0ni 2 года назад
Doing these things literally most of the time. Ofc sometimes a bad decision happens but it doesnt matter if 2/3 lanes are in over 80% of the games 0/3 before lvl 6 without the enemy jungler existing.
@turbanheadless 2 года назад
I think main problem in low elo is picking fights that you have not good enough chance of winning, ive seen countless of games thrown where my team goes 3v5 4v5 and so on even for no objective. And even if there is an objective, one dragon or herald isnt enough to force a massively unfavoured fight. Just cause i play adc and i know i have to farm i cannot always be there. Really, i feel like in low elo laning phase does not matter almost at all, unless it ends up with a 5/0 or stronger 1v9 champion in one of the teams. Its all about just picking the right fights mid and lategame. Also we are in low elo, this isnt competitive pro play where a couple of kills mean game is almost done. Players watch pro play and think game is over in their own games all the time.
@randokaratajev2617 2 года назад
The gwen part was a horrible example. she had no camps nearby to farm anyways so what gold was she missing out on exactly? If caitlyn followed-up correctly, they would have managed more than just wasting jinx flash.
@DjinnGazoo Год назад
1 Rule to escape low elo... you need a 80% winrate... becasue the system give you allways +12 for win and -19 for lose. Even with a 60% winrate you will fall down... dont make the misstake play a game who wanna have from you making new accounts as only option to get out of elo hell! Rule number 1 --- so still delet LoL Rule number 2 --- find yourself a game with a fair system. Rule number 3 --- never look youtube channels of people who talk big and still need maybe just 10-20 games to clime in the same time you need 400-1000 for the same result (even with you both have the same number of winrate! - If your account is doomed from the past its over! ) (Its not a question of skill- its a question if the system likes you or the system hates you ... even faker would stuck if the system hates him! But the most people who clime fast are on chars who have no big history - Many of them play on a completly new account when they show you how easy they can clime.)
@davidportilla4377 Год назад
or better , only play if you like it, riot try hard to make you loss, so if you like that , cool , if you dont play something else
@IGiveTheBestTakes 2 года назад
You see the critical mistake you made in this video is that in a low elo match if the kayn doesn't immediately come help the garen would've overcommit, died, tilted out his mind, spam question mark, and probably afk until 15 saying jungle gap and x9 jungle.
@darkside1975 Год назад
Biggest problem with low elo is: if that Jarvan didnt come to top as he did, Jacks would be pinging on him; inting whole game and left :) Thats the biggest problem
@Uthael_Kileanea 2 года назад
10:13 - That Gwen... What could she do instead? Assuming she has about 200 gold at the moment. Start pathing for top scuttler and blue?
@theouthousepoet 2 года назад
She doesn’t necessarily need to leave the area, but ganking at that moment was the misplay. - it doesn’t have any chance to succeed - there is a wave that Caitlyn needs to farm - lux is not there yet - Diana is showing mid. Gwen shouldn’t pull her to the lane before it develops more positively in her team’s favour. Things to do instead: - hover in tri-bush and watch which direction diana goes while cait farms and lux comes back to lane. - go into river brush to look for pink wards to clear, if they have vision, this will give your cait extra space to farm safely - head up towards mid since Diana may move towards your laner. Since she just showed, hovering for a countergank is better than doing a badly timed gank. - Zed is basically chunked out of lane and Corky has full health. Lux is almost back. Gwen can ping the dragon to get corki to rotate and help set up vision/fight off Diana if she shows. Edit - just watched that part again. Diana and zed were both chunked. Gwen can contest anything as long as she doesn’t blow her cooldowns before the enemy bot lane loses their priority. - The dragon was free if Gwen stays healthy while waiting for Lux to get to lane. She should use the blast cone behind the dragon and then go up to to enemy blue. Either zone Diana off it or simply use the sight plant to scan for wards in bot lane or scan towards mid/wolves to reveal Diana.
@Mert-nn7ib Год назад
Allof this and still my support picking up Miss Fortune while I’m ADC
@icekareemy7684 Год назад
Something I’ve learned is that low Elo non jg’s are ever bad and it’s always the jg’s fault. Even if they are not baiting the lane or rec they are outmatched and not feeding or just standing around while I gank and not help
@JZJora 2 года назад
All of these example clips are where the junglers or laners make stupid mistakes like garen ulting Fiora mid-w or j4 taking a tower shot by EQing into it
@Dubstepconcept 2 года назад
Super helpful thanks man!
@molakola2856 Год назад
can this guide inform me how to not get teammates who die once then troll please.
@davidportilla4377 Год назад
playing like a challenger and carry , no other way to play this game sadly
@VirusTechKEKW 2 года назад
12:27 You know how wrong this is when you play a game that consists of you and 4 other random players???
@seanogrady3499 Год назад
The one rule is simple. Be lucky and don't get a team full of trolls and feeders
@Brandon956Cuh 2 года назад
thank you for the video. i havent played since S4 so this was a big help
@anakinskywalker5984 Год назад
all that the video says its right, but nobody ever consider that in low elo people literally troll a lot and you can be as goood as you want, but if when you turn aroud after farming jg and at min 6 the enemy mid has 6 kills and bot 8, what can you do? being good at the game is nice to climb only when you have team that dont really troll and just play normally and let oyu carry
@theWebWizrd 2 года назад
The problem I have with this video is that these 80% plays don't come out of nothing. If you just clear your jungle and never go for any gangs or plays unless it seems 80% sure to be a kill on Jarvan or Elise or Lee Sin, you'll most likely spend most games just clearing your camps doing nothing until you are outscaled and either win or lose with nigh zero impact on the outcome. To win and climb you have to actively tilt the flow of the game in your favour. You can't just sit back and do nothing but farm. This is doubly true for junglers, since they are the principal playmakers of the early game. I think at least for diamond and above jungling requires the additional step of thinking about how to *set up* oppurtunities that are 80% sure to win. The first decision to possibly gank top isn't made when you are sitting on gromp, it's done when you buy items at base and see that your toplaner is crashing a big wave into a Jayce so you expect Jayce to push back and be overextended. And in the end, that's really all farming is too - farming is not a goal in itself, it is setup that gives you the means (gold, xp) to make other plays in the future higher percentage plays. In short, if you walk around never seeing good oppurtinities and just farm you just don't impact your games and lose more often than not. You won't turn losses into victories with that strategy.
@sepehr2371 2 года назад
the gwen example...wasnt that a bad one as there was no camps up for her to take on her side anyway?
@feffe-g 2 года назад
typical low elo moment: mid and bot push for no reason, so after you full clear you gank top with no results cause the enemy escapes or your toplaner has no hands, meanwhile mid or bot overstayed so they get an easy gank and die, starting to lose lane and tilting. Obv all of this ends with a beautyful “jgl diff” cause for them they were gankable. My friends are diamond/platinum and when I play jgl with them I easily get S meaning that i played pretty well. Well, I’m hardstuck bronze in solo queue cause i dont play solocarry champs and many times my teammates lose lanes alone saying that its jgl’s fault. Often it happens that I get S or S+ in jgl cause I helped laners snowballing a lot, but the game is lost cause they doesnt know the champ and how to use it when fed, or just they miss skillshots. I think the second rule to climb is DO NOT USE SUPPORT CHAMPS, USE ONLY CHAMPS THAT CAN SOLO CARRY. Last thing: Why the f* bronze players use champs never played before or champs on the wrong lane? Like today a very clever man decided to pick wukong adc and he never played wukong… sometimes dodging should be legit.
@jacobjones1849 2 года назад
A full rank? Yay I’m now playing at a bronze rank instead of iron
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