
The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Completed Game Boy 1/2 

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The Amazing Spider-Man 2. Game Boy. Partida grabada usando el emulador VisualBoy Advance y con el teclado como modo de control. Played using VisualBoy and the keyboard, no tools, rollback, autofire, cheats or save states were used.
Este es uno de los juegos que tuve de pequeño y nunca pude pasar. De hecho, nunca completé la primera zona. En la vida se me podría haber ocurrido que había que engancharse en la nave de Hobgoblin y hacerlo descender. Aún así, lo descubrí hace poco y por pura coincidencia. Al final he podido quitarme la espinita.
El juego es nefasto, casi como todo lo que ha hecho LJN. Los controles son horrorosos, y da risa ver a Spider-Man haciendo esa tijereta a lo David Bisbal. La idea del juego estilo video-aventura no es mala, pero está muy mal llevada a cabo, y algunos puzles simplemente carecen de lógica (¿engancharse a una atracción de feria?).
Cuando sabes lo que hay que hacer y más o menos te acostumbras al control tan malo, descubres que el juego no es realmente tan difícil. Es corto y quitando la parte del parque de atracciones, en la que hay que memorizar donde ponerse para no toparse contra los obstáculos, el resto es bastante fácil.
He estado a punto de pasarlo sin que me mataran, pero los controles no han ayudado mucho.
I had this game when I was little and I couldn't even complete the first zone. I could never have imagined that you had to web Hobgoblin and hang off him. I discovered it recently and by pure coincidence.
The idea of the game is not bad, mixing action and adventure, but the game is just horrible, as all LJN games. The controls are awful and unresponsive, and most of the puzzles have no logic at all.
The game is not that difficult once you know what you have to do, and is rather short. The only part more complicated is the amusement park, where you have to move along with the ride. You need to memorize where the obstacles are.
It was almost a no death run, but the controls didn't help too much.



13 сен 2024




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@rxmcgree 7 лет назад
Thanks for posting this! This game tormented me as a kid and never saw the vast majority of the game. I had absolutely no idea what to do and never made it past about the third minute. Horrible controls and no indication of what you were supposed to do. I remember reading the game-manual cover to cover trying to find something to go on. Probably the worst game I have ever purchased. I think I paid £25 for it. Funny that now you can buy Metal Gear Solid 5 or the Witcher 3 for £15 after 20+ years of inflation. Amazing how much times have changed!
@ThePathfinderX 9 лет назад
I could never pass the first stage lol.
@JohnnyCasey 7 лет назад
Same here.
@FukubeHattori 6 лет назад
yeah me to
@FrozenRemix1 4 года назад
Same 😭😭
@Duzz14 4 года назад
Absolutely could not figure out how to get past the first level hasg
@albahb95 8 лет назад
Madre mía, POR FIN HE DESCUBIERTO CÓMO SE PASA DE ESA VALLA ELÉCTRICA! A mis 20 años y no a los 8 cuando tuve este juego, increíble. Lo peor es lo frustrada que pude llegar a estar por no pasar de ahí e investigar cada píxel de esa pantalla, me sentía tan inútil y creía que era la única tonta del planeta en no conseguirlo xD Ya tienes mi MG por enseñarnos qué venía después de lo que (al parecer a TODO el mundo) nos tenía tan enrabietados :D
@MrMaskaman 8 лет назад
+albahb95 A mí me pasó lo mismo, por eso decidí subir este vídeo. Jamás me imaginé que había que encaramarse al trasto ese del duende para chorizárselo xD. En los comentarios hay personas diciendo que se atascaron más adelante, lo cual me parece curioso, porque si eres capaz de resolver lo anterior, ya puedes dar con la solución de CUALQUIER COSA en este mundo. Creo que es uno de los juegos que menos personas se han pasado, y no por ser especialmente difícil, sino por situaciones surrealistas xD.
@javierrodriguezlobato7862 2 года назад
@@MrMaskaman a mis 22 años acabo de ver la luz, estaba en la misma situación que ustedes, no sé si verás este comentario pero que sepas que me has hecho muy feliz.
@Venomous9 13 лет назад
...God damn. You make this game look so easy. I had this as a child, still do in fact, and it is a horrible game, could never play it properly. Props to you.
@plyscho 6 лет назад
I've managed to finish about 100 Game Boy games back in the days but never got past level 5 in this one. And I've invested countless hours. Maybe I'll have to try again. Everyone who beat this game is one hell of a gamer! (And under 20 minutes to finish it, like in this video... wow!)
@MrMaskaman 6 лет назад
Most of us got stuck in the first level, so getting to level 5 was quite a feat. Once I knew what I needed to do, the game got a lot easier, but I never figured out back in the day that I needed to hang off Hobgoblin.
@mewantcool 11 лет назад
3:26 since 1992 i always got stuck on this part and the "danger" as well as that electric fence. haunted me to this very day January 11 2012...just because I couldnt jump over it... Now I realized that watching this video..I HAVE TO FLY OVER IT!?!?!? WTFXD!?
@Netrool 4 года назад
I never know how to beat greem goblin, this game was so hard. Thank you youtube, 25 years too late
@bouelf 7 лет назад
got this game when it came out (still have it) I never knew what to do or where to go thus never finished 1st level. glad to see what needs to be done.... youtube didn't exist back in the day.
@samusaran181818 7 лет назад
I had this game as a kid!!! LOL Wow, Spider-Man 2 was so tough to beat. I played this game for so long, because I really wanted to beat it. After a very long time, I eventually beat this game. This video brings back so many memories! Thank you for posting!!! Great quality as well!
@capicomando 9 лет назад
spiderman volando el planeador del duende se ve gracioso :v
@FukubeHattori 6 лет назад
I loved this game as a kid the music is awesome
@Duzz14 4 года назад
Simpler times man...I think I spent more time trying to draw the cover of this game than actually playing it.
@Rodriquez124 12 лет назад
This game was very difficult back then, i also found this "rollercoaster" later in the game really entertaining to play and kinda unique.
@lightheart5 7 лет назад
My childhood game
@elcombine925 5 лет назад
With walking animation like this, the original music should be replaced with "Stayin alive" 8 bit cover...
The first amazing spiderman is way too better than this sequel.
@MrMaskaman 9 лет назад
G.A.G.O (Gwapo Ako, Galing Olongapo) ThugLife Remix Channel I agree with that. It was made by Rare and although is not a brilliant game, is a lot better than Spider-Man 2 and 3.
@NeoEveryhobby 3 года назад
Un juego típico de Bits: Nefasto. A game typical from Bits: Nefarious.
@ahutsonsooner 12 лет назад
i remeber the soundtrack holy shit what memories
@adifto1 12 лет назад
no se si lo sabeis, pero llego a salir una tercera parte de este juego que se llama : Spider-Man 3: Invasion of the Spider-Slayers , se conoce que los programadores consideraron que no nos habían torturado lo suficiente y volvieron a sacar otra "joya" mas. Por suerte, dicho juego no llego a España, o si llego lo hizo por la puerta de atrás, porque yo no me enteré en su momento, lo he descubierto hace una semana de casualidad
@xXxcrAzYkItTyxXx3 9 лет назад
oh nostalgia ;'-)
@danteventurini4725 8 лет назад
tanta nostalgia
@munavar46 8 лет назад
Dante Venturini Mmnnn
@xXxcrAzYkItTyxXx3 8 лет назад
i think i was 6 when i play this. love the old times
@DeaNizBack 7 лет назад
Hahaha oh my gaaaawd! I played this game when I was a kid (now 30). I never figured out what the hell I should do next :). I remember complaining about this game so hard, my father went to my older cousin and traded this game. The traded game I got was Gremlins 2 and it was as hard as this shit xD. Games back then man.... they were serious business!!
@saudalarfaj88 8 лет назад
I had this game when I was like 7 years and I couldn't even beat the first level of it
@Magnum511 13 лет назад
@MrMaskama Ok muchas gracias lo volvere a intentar, el juego es de esos que vendían antiguamente que te venía acompañado de muchos juegos. Ya que estoy aquí aprovecho para dejaros un truco de este juego por si no lo conoceis, es el truco de ser invencible, en la pantalla del título antes de que aparezca la historia del comic, pulsar Arriba, Abajo, Derecha y A. Haciéndo esto Spiderman se vuelve invencible y por mucho daño que le hagan no lo matarán.
@guaitnius 7 лет назад
Magnum511 interesante lo he probado y si, al llegar a un nivel de salud en concreto no baja... por cierto ese juego lo tengo en un cartucho de 8 en uno xD
@SchillaciBenedetto 13 лет назад
@MrZorro0O haha, me too!!! I hated this game but I loved Spidey so I had to play it!:d
@kikecake 13 лет назад
poor graviton.......COMBO BREAKER!!!!!
@outlawboy88 12 лет назад
@Magnum511 13 лет назад
Otro truco interesante es que en la pantalla de título pulseis Select y a Spiderman le saldrá un bocadillo de cómic si lo seguiis pulsando podréis cambiar las opciones de sonido. Por cierto hay otro truco que no se si es un rumor o es verdad, es que si te pasas el juego dos veces, cuando vuelves a encender el juego tienes la opción de Level Select (seleccionar nivel) eso es cierto? Salu2 !!
@mikecarter8880 6 лет назад
Always looked more like a 5 year old in a costume.
@TheCodedtestament 9 лет назад
Many of the levels have a boss, which are overly simplistic.Most of the bosses in the game will let you get by unscathed or by the skin of your teeth.
@kerokerocola99 2 года назад
what's up with these game boy spiderman games and having the most awkward walk cycles
@beastb83 13 лет назад
Didn't even know there was a part 2.
@Magnum511 13 лет назад
@MrMaskaman Si si, lo he hecho todo al pie de la letra exactamente como lo haces tu, a mi los ''Duendes'' que me aparecen en las motos están quietos, no encuentro ninguno moviéndose y se que es raro pero es que no lo encuentro, me voy al edificio ese en el que tu te enganchas pero el que aparece está quieto :S me engancho a el y no se mueve, :S se te ocurre que puede pasar? =S es en ese único edificio donde aparece? Gracias
@scabberson 12 лет назад
What the hell, Carnage? The amusement park?
@Cwolf1995 10 лет назад
Seems to be a good game
@terryng5645 8 лет назад
also win the boss ~~FINSIHED~~YEAH~~~~
@123TauruZ321 Год назад
It does not look better than the original.. just different.
@SchillaciBenedetto 13 лет назад
@MrZorro0O Nah, I must reconsider my opinion:d:d...After just seeing the video I want to play it asap!!
@clouderal 13 лет назад
me he quedaoo con el culo torcio xD, yo no sabia ni como traspasar la puñetera vaya electrica xD
@Habel69 8 лет назад
haha i fort of this the other day and how i was stuck for months and months on the lizard as i Didnt know how to hurt him, had to look up to get some closure 20 years on...
@guaitnius 7 лет назад
I could complete this Game when I was a child but i've lasted more than 5 years. call It determinacion or stubborness. by the way...no one seen a power Up impossible to collect in the Factory? It stills Drive me mad...its in the upper right side of graviton Factory, you cannot climb in the walls and the Big pipe surrounded by lava pools...
@MrZorro0O 13 лет назад
I've been stuck in the first level since 1992
@Resurrected 12 лет назад
How do you climb up walls? I tried everything but it just wont work
@charizardoreo 8 лет назад
better than the 2014 game
@hyperion3145 8 лет назад
By far, just look at these next generation graphics.
@radionoobita4648 6 лет назад
Anyone knows how to reach power ups on Graviton factory at 8:37 and after?
@clouderal 13 лет назад
@MrMaskaman jaja ya ve tio y mas con la edad que tenia cuando jugaba, pero vi la game boy por ahi tirada con el juego y dije voy a intentar acerme lo del spiderman... a ve si esque yo era demasiao tonto de chico y no tenia paciencia xD, pero al rato dije esto es una puta mierda, a ver si esta por youtube, xD y me quedao flipao jajaja
@Omarock 12 лет назад
LOL same here!
@KhamStronk 7 лет назад
I fucking hated this game
@MrMaskaman 7 лет назад
Everyone did.
@p6mkq 6 лет назад
Hardest and shortest game ever made ?
@MrMaskaman 6 лет назад
Take a look at the Buccaneers gameplay!
@KRAYZ31619 9 лет назад
seriously? i had this game when i was in 2nd grade(2011) on my gba sp and i didnt kow how to open the door. and know in 6th grade i still dont know what to do. plus broke all gba sp cartridges on purpose and also lost gba sp. and when i see this video i came to know how to open the door. plus i knever knew this game had storyline. :(
@MrMaskaman 9 лет назад
+kaushal japaneese If you read all the comments, it seems nobody could beat this game, me included. I had it when I was a child, and I never got past the first stage. They don't give you enough clues to know what to do. I read a faq and I decided to make this gameplay in order to help more people with this game.
@KRAYZ31619 9 лет назад
***** oh. only i couldnt beat this game.
@FukubeHattori 6 лет назад
What ? no way i played this in that same grade same year
@Magnum511 13 лет назад
a mi no me sale el Duende Verde moviendose para engacharme a el =S me salen solo tios de esos parados, me engancho y no se mueven xDDD q es lo q pasa que tengo que hacer xDD porque ese al que tu te enganchas (que se mueve) no me saleee xDDD
@mixey01 7 лет назад
Spiderman 1 was much better than this IMO
@davidnikolalde 5 лет назад
How I get more Spider web? please anybody help me!
@MrMaskaman 5 лет назад
The spider web is the item that you can see hanging from the ceiling at 1:49.
@gamestart000 12 лет назад
jaja 6:12 - 6:15
@santmc12 7 лет назад
Que mierda nunca pude pasar del primer stage
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