
The Atheist Experience 765 with Russell Glasser and Don Baker 

The Atheist Experience
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@dragonrage122 10 лет назад
question, if they didn't know right from wrong before they ate the fruit, why be punished for eating fruit? they didn't know what 'wrong' was.
@TheZooCrew 10 лет назад
dragonrage122 That's the right question. The Christian usually attempts to skirt this by acting as if obedience to authority is an ingrained aspect of humanity and doesn't require knowledge of right and wrong or the ability to appreciate the consequences of actions. This is nonsense, of course, but that's Christianity for you.
@LogicAndReason2025 6 лет назад
"I distrust those people who know so well what god wants them to do, because I notice it always coincides with their own desires." --- Susan B. Anthony
@aidanhoward213 8 лет назад
The caller, Mike, queried whether torturing babies was morally right if the people who wanted to do it "felt okay" about it. What was not mentioned in reply is that "feeling okay" is not one of the essential objective criteria in determining right and wrong. Whereas right and wrong may not be objective in their absolute sense, our assessment of them can incorporate factors which are independently objective, such as the universal notion that life is preferable to death, health to unhealth, productivity to destruction, social cohesion to fragmentation, truth to falsehood, etc. None of these ingredients of assessment state that whether one "feels okay" about an action carries any weight in forming a social attitude to right and wrong.
@scarredqatsi 11 лет назад
I'm am so glad this show is out there. I hope it brings more people to our side. Religion is very dangerous. The sooner we can make people realize this the better.
@0LadyV0 8 лет назад
I say that if everyone agreed that torturing babies was okay the race would be short lived.
@DamarisJohnsonnakomiah 8 лет назад
+0LadyV0 my thoughts exactly.
@tedgrant2 5 лет назад
My dog will very gently take a sausage from my hand, being careful not to bite me. He knows that eating a sausage is ok, but eating my fingers is not ok. I never taught him this rule. He worked it out himself.
@Dani-th6cl 8 лет назад
I'm so bothered by the first caller's baby torture example. Torturing someone is absolutely wrong. Torturing someone innocent and defenseless is absolutely wrong. What does the tool even mean by objective morality? If he means timeless, universal morality principle, he should just ask himself if he wants the same thing done to himself.
@DamarisJohnsonnakomiah 8 лет назад
+Danielle Stormborn That was just a loaded question in general that appeared like an oxymoron. That guy doesn’t understand the concept of wellbeing.
@recalcitrantmisanthr 12 лет назад
I just mean that everyone calls in and says, "so good to talk to you (Tracie/Matt/Russel/Jeff)". No one ever calls and says that Don is awesome. Which he is.
@lorianabanana6066 4 года назад
Agreed!! Not that the other hosts aren't awesome, cause they are.. but Don Baker rules!! Can he be my god?
@calcolash86 12 лет назад
Those are my thoughts on the matter, but you are welcome to your beliefs and I respect that. Just wanted to share my own as it popped into my head as I read yours. All the best to you.
@BrokenCurtain 12 лет назад
"This is #1 on the predictability list" ...said the guy who asked the "where do atheists get their morals from"-question.
@WeWantGoodCovers 12 лет назад
Thanks I did not know if that would work. Anyway, keep the videos comming.
@KIDNROLL 12 лет назад
I subed. Although, caller #2 was way out in left field, I very much enjoyed this program. Thank you, future space travelers.
@goodbyebinarybrain 11 лет назад
Russell always makes some really good points.
@bmwill1983 11 лет назад
When I was a believer, this was explained to me. Our pastor said that God knew where Adam was, but was giving Adam the choice to either come forward or remain hidden. Presumably, if he remained hidden, he would have suffered an even worse punishment. Another possible, more blasphemous, explanation I recently read is that Yahweh was imagined to be a child at this point in his career as a deity.
@mattxdillon 12 лет назад
Smartest thing I've read all day.
@Zackindy0846 12 лет назад
Our worse enemy is ourselves, because we believe the lies we tell ourselves.
@HARMLESSPictures 12 лет назад
New viewer. New fan. Love the show.
@MrSighAnne 8 лет назад
Psychedelics are about understanding yourself. And by understanding yourself, you can have a greater understanding, and empathy, for others. Disagree? Do the research. There is only one way to know for sure- you have to take a chance on knowledge. NO RISK NO REWARD. DON'T BE A COWARD!
@JanneFlinck 12 лет назад
thanks for answering :)
@Santhix1 11 лет назад
If we go by your definition of faith (which is the same to blind faith) then I wouldn't agree with you. We have trust on what the shastras (scriptures) say based on experience and observation. For example reincarnation. Most people would say it is a believed based on faith, but actually it has reasonable justification. Ever hear of Dr. Ian Stevenson? He has 3.000 cases of reincarnation in his record. Based on that, how would you say it is unreasonable, or based on faith?
@FrankenPC 11 лет назад
The failure of biblical morality is biblical.
@WeWantGoodCovers 12 лет назад
Is there eny possibility of making subtitles? I want to share your show here in Brazil, but translating would take too much time and would not be as perfect. Even EN subs would do it, so I can put it on google and translate. Thanks
@donohue100 12 лет назад
I commend you for trying to explain this to people. I gave up long ago.
@jameswest8280 4 года назад
Did Mike have a point?
@TheAnubisDrake 12 лет назад
Do it! Be a hero!
@silverbars2508 12 лет назад
That's right. Why is it so hard for people to accept they won't exist when they're dead? They accept they weren't around before they were born!
@TheSandvichTrials 12 лет назад
Nothing lasts forever. If you can't let go of your life you're simply startled of death and want something to comfort you. "Eternal life sounds nice!"
@RatherCynical 12 лет назад
It's especially odd when they seem to want to argue, yet they are frustrated when they're told that they're using fallacious/incoherent argumentation so their reasoning doesn't follow.
@jessesipprell 11 лет назад
His "record"? You mean the 3000 cases of supposed children that remembered "past lives"? There are numerous peers of his that have published papers casting significant doubt on his methodology including detailed analysis of confirmation bias. One person's supernatural claims without *extraordinary* evidence is an insufficient basis for believing something to actually be true. So yes, Faith. Big time.
@1991stratplus 11 лет назад
Your right, thanks for the reminder. Cheers!!
@hhvictor2462 3 года назад
The first caller failed miserably in whatever he was attempting to do and got so butthurt over it in the end lol
@KazeKirin 12 лет назад
Please explain how you came to this idea using only Bible quotes. If you read the Bible, nowhere does it say anything of the sort. Women are fully expected to understand and uphold The Law, hence the law about killing women who touch your genitals to break up a fight for example. As for stoning, it's not abortion. It's execution. Stoning people was to the death. If they wanted an abortion, the Egyptians/Chinese figured out how to do that without throwing rocks long before this was written.
@pdoylemi 12 лет назад
If 80% of Americans were running around claiming that Michael Corlione was the ruler of the universe and we need to make our laws match his morality, I would fight that also. It is funny that you choose a gangster as your example as the Mafia "protection racket" is a good analogy for Christianity. "If you pay up and show 'respect' I'll keep you safe from the harm that I will do to you if you don't."
@recalcitrantmisanthr 12 лет назад
Don Baker is the most under rated host on this show.
@SporkyMcFly 12 лет назад
I know a good one too. Circular logic works because circular logic works and so on.
@tedgrant2 5 лет назад
We don't need a god to tell us that burning heretics is immoral.
@matthewtenney2898 5 лет назад
Other than a bad feeling, how do you know killing is immoral?
@tedgrant2 5 лет назад
@@matthewtenney2898 If killing is immoral, then God is immoral. (Genesis 38:10) If killing is immoral then Barack Obama is immoral. (May 2, 2011 Abbottabad, Pakistan)
@recalcitrantmisanthr 12 лет назад
Regardless, he brings good, well thought points to the conversation. Atheism isn't at all about debate skills but instead about having a solid, fact based foundation for your beliefs.
@ophios 12 лет назад
this. the moment a person says "god is mysterious, and we can't understand him." is the moment we should stop caring what they have to say since anything they say about god is heresay.
@reset999 11 лет назад
Your salvation lies in you and any people who have helped you and stood by you as you struggled to stand. It does not lie in imaginary friends or in superstition. It seems you mean well so I wish you the best of luck.
@EdMarchal 12 лет назад
Yes, I am the one having a screw loose for saying that causing harm to other human beings is not moral. By saying that it's moral to kill the child, you imply directly that the act of killing is "GOOD", which it isn't because it causes harm. You can say however that you are morally justified to defend yourself as preserving your own life IS good. But that is something else entirely. I really don't think someone who believes that causing harm is moral should lecture on morality.
@werriboy55 12 лет назад
I go to mdanderson every 3 months, you are 2:15 east of here on I10 (keeping to the speed limit) and you got mondo humidity and mosquitoes. Minute Maid park sucks as a concert venue and the highway to Galveston is always congested. Am I close?
@Pheonix2022 12 лет назад
I don't mind watching it again
@megatrollsecurity 12 лет назад
Duuuude your show has an awesome spiritual experience at 58:34 !
@dangil125 12 лет назад
I really hate the whole "what if they are innocent" argument against the death penalty. It means nothing to me; this is not a reason not to kill someone, this is a reason for a better law system
@superstd 12 лет назад
"And the debate would be settled." if you look in the video, the caller doesnt want to answer question, its not a debate if its one sided, and the host is not there to provide ALL the answer. i think the moral standard of society keep changing because all within it wanted to better themselves/not caused harm to other people, the host wanted to ask the caller what his moral standard is (and caller avoid it) because moral standard come from all of us.
@2010topdog 12 лет назад
i think sometimes hating god can be a step into becoming atheist, like hating god for letting "evil" things let go unpunished, or the hypocracy of religious institutions can lead ppl to hate god. but a true atheist cant hate god
@ROBINFREEMANTLE2012 11 лет назад
Every time you check into an hotel, chuck the gideon's bible in the trash and replace it with "The god delusion"
@andyt7734 12 лет назад
I don't think that you need a majority to determine whether morality is correct or incorrect. Majority only ensures that your shared point of view can be enforced. Morality IS subjective, relative to the individual.
@jgmartn 11 лет назад
Except, that there is.
@silverbars2508 12 лет назад
And I would just add that if everything that makes us what we are are our memories and experiences, then you can not possibly claim we are the same person if you have no memory of a previous existence.
@DamarisJohnsonnakomiah 8 лет назад
Why was Mike so butthurt?
@andyt7734 12 лет назад
"...for I would not have known lust, except that the law had said, “Thou shalt not covet.” Sexual attraction would have been present regardless of any writing. "For that which I do, I know not. For what I would do, that do I not; but what I hate, that I do."
@bladudemovies 12 лет назад
People. Please stop clicking on the creationist comments and marking them as spam. We should leave them easily open to the public so their stupidity can be admired by all.
@RealEstateDatabase256 4 года назад
As one of the babies, I would not agree to being tortured.
@presidentobummer447 3 года назад
Better hope you're not a muslim or jewish baby then lol
@LogicAndReason2025 6 лет назад
Mike is just another Ray Comfort poser. Disingenuous at best. Just ask Mike what difference would it make? Who says? Even if this god didn't like it, nothing would stop it.
@andyt7734 12 лет назад
I was just told a few days ago that God killed so we would have an illustration in contrast to his love. You have to see the result of Sin (the death of sinners) to be able to discern between good and evil. It would be fun to watch the two of you debate your differing interpretations. You would think that watching 30,000 people suddenly die for absolutely no reason would be convincing enough, without all the dead babies.
@SuperMemzzz 12 лет назад
This is not about selling your product or converting someone through well done marketing.
@mWongAero 12 лет назад
The fact that we don't know something does not make it correct to make something up.
@jameswest8280 5 лет назад
Jordan did a little too much LDS in the '60s.
@markedwardindc 12 лет назад
They were 90 zillion times more patient with that stoner guy than I ever would have been.
@user-ke3wp7cn1i 12 лет назад
well interesting point.. but the same can be said to children with abusive parents. what would it mean to have those children becoming more prone to abusing their own children in return. that being said, perception of a certain experience can change through time, and there is no telling what a person may conclude based on an experience locked in their own memory.
@stuchly1 12 лет назад
As an atheist, I think morality is subjective. The subjectivity opens room for dialogue, we can entertain new ideas and eventually update our views. You can't argue with an absolute, and if you present a controversial situation to a "moral objectivist" he starts to sweat and seek a way how to avoid the answer. I think nothing should be immune to discussion or criticism - let's get rid of the tabu topics, those are the things that can be worked on, because most are afraid to talk about them. ;)
@JJLatBIM 12 лет назад
What are these "new rules" that you'll have been dancing around? Why wouldn't you be allowed to mention El Arroyo restaurant? Is it considered a "commercial promotion" in violation of "public access"?
@SpitViciouz 12 лет назад
I'm really glad Russel was fast enough to correct Don on the Bat/Spidey reference. I was just about to go nerd rage in the comments lol
@DenzelSeale 12 лет назад
Things like this makes me happy that in the usa we have the right to broadcast our thoughts.... without being killed or thrown in jail....for the most part
@dongold9605 11 лет назад
I will say Buddhism is not a blind faith because it is not a faith at all. It is a lifestyle. It has no creation story, god, or messiah. Instead it is to be taken as a guide to personal peace.
@VictoriousCatholic 12 лет назад
You didn't answer my question....what city is nicknamed the Bayou City?
@CareFreeCommuting 12 лет назад
Maybe the point of the story with Abraham & Isaac is that though everybody had gods at that time period, this god who says he's one actually takes Abraham through a standard ritual at that time yet his god says, "hold on...I got this, I can provide just fine for myself thank you very much."
@La6Muerte66 11 лет назад
Correction to Jordan from Indiana: Tropane Alkaloids make you genuinely see things that aren't there.
@DrChalkwithering 12 лет назад
If you say your position is impossible to explain, then you haven't spent enough time thinking about it.
@swektmaico 12 лет назад
My favourite is when the president of the greatest nation on earth explained that god had told him it was right to go to war. I can safely guarantee, even in writing that that never happened. So, a president who is lying or hallicunating, that is what we have to choose between? Which is more ok to you?
@SquirrelFromGradLife 12 лет назад
By definition you have to base morality on objective criteria or absolutes. For morality to have any meaning at all it has to be consistent or you have created an argument based on a contradiction which is invalid. Remember that the definition of madness is to repeat actions and expect different results. Therefor if you base your morality upon an argument where you expect different result then it's based on madness. It also means that we often do immoral action because life is not perfect!
@NathanWubs 12 лет назад
Please go to the evolution wikipedia and tell me if there is anything wrong with. No, better yet. Please go to the talk pages, with over 60 archives and tell the people there what is wrong with it. And you will see how Wikipedia while made by user unwanted and wrong info is filtered out. Especially on a article like evolution, which is even semi-protected against creationist vandalism. Also thanks for catching my mispelling.
@GhostofAlanGrant 12 лет назад
jordan sounds so chill
@threewiseman1 12 лет назад
The most frustrating thing about theists is that virtually none of them have any idea about the principles of argumentation. I see these sorts of examples all of the time.
@juliolewitt 12 лет назад
Maybe what that meditation guy tried to say when he stated that he learnt that "we are all one, all the same" That phrase has a link with secular morality. If we are all one...why should I hurt somebody if that somebody is the same as me? That morality is much more healthier than religion. That guy couldn't explain it well.
@EmperorGarm 12 лет назад
Fuck, I made that comment *before* the caller started talking about psychedelics. Now I'm rolling my eyes that he lived down to my expectations.
@BeBoBli 12 лет назад
You severely oversimplified how it works. You could say that about ANYTHING. Edits are observed and there are preventions in place to prevent blatant lies or misinformation about the sciences.
@cassindia1987 12 лет назад
I would rather live my life the way I want than be on my knees praying to an invisible being working for an afterlife that I don't believe exists. Life is hard and people don't want to take responsibility for that life. They want to believe that they are receiving some sort of supernatural help. This makes it easier for some people to live with mistakes that are made, but is it really worth wasting your life worrying about what will happen after you die?
@RatherCynical 12 лет назад
How dare they accuse Christians of adhering to their own doctrines. It's absolutely despicable! It's completely and obviously taken out of context. If you want to claim that it's taken out of context, then show us what you believe is the actual context so we could have a proper dispute. It's pointless to argue if you're not going to do so.
@jessesipprell 11 лет назад
Is there any culture where it's morally justified to torture a higher-order animal (including humans), one that is obviously capable of suffering, for absolutely no reason other than inflicting pain? Even beyond culture, is there any possible situation where such actions are morally justified?
@GapWim 12 лет назад
Are you serious or are you just trolling? I honestly can't tell the difference.
@TooSweaty4U 12 лет назад
Also, i want to share another thought. I believe that an Atheist, in order to be coherent with what s/he (dis)/believes, must also disbelieve an objective moral standard. If s/he believes there's an objective moral standard where is it? what evidence there is of it? If s/he can demonstrate the existence of such standard or at least find enough evidence of its manifestations, then a proper scientific paper can be produced and be sent to peer review. And the debate would be settled.
@WolfehFenrir 12 лет назад
The comment you replied to no longer exists. What was it?
@DrChalkwithering 12 лет назад
We're all lacking in knowledge on some questions. It's just that some people fool themselves into thinking that they know when in fact they don't know at all. It saddens me that there are people in the world who consider that kind of mindset to be a virtue (which they call "faith", but which I prefer to call "dangerous credulity")
@werriboy55 12 лет назад
My apologies I did misquote you. I had intended to frivolously challenge your term "christian nations" What exactly is a christian nation? I currently live in the USA, which is of secular, and previously in Australia where we have more important problems like weekend BBQs, bushfires general hedonism
@keepdancingmaria 12 лет назад
Where on earth did you come up with this?
@JimboWizbo 12 лет назад
Just returning to listening to this show, you're still using that theme music? Arrrgh
@cassindia1987 12 лет назад
Just like the last caller I am currently reading The Bible as well. I got it from the library and it made me a bit mad to find it in the non-fiction section. I am about half way through Leviticus. Now I am an empirical, logical person, and have found that so far it was obviously a tool for control. It shouldn't be applied to life of today. I also think that most Christians have their beliefs without reading The Bible. They should read it because it might change their minds.
@lisakn27 12 лет назад
If you take questions to your pastor he will only show you one side, the god side. You need to look for yourself. If a pastor can't answer a question..he just says "It's not meant for us to understand". It's a loophole they all use. Try figuring it out on your own, you will be the best judge for yourself.
@fateplus1 12 лет назад
true, i guess i meant that in comparison with the man on the left, the man on the right seems less open to discussion on topics he has a predisposition against, while the man on the right seems happy to field any and all questions regardless of its stupidity... just an observation possibly incorrect
@berner 12 лет назад
If this really is the case that "an atheist didn't want to have to sit and listen to it", then I guess he did the work of the lord for the football team. Feel free to check out Matthew 6:5 and Matthew 6:6 for what it says about praying where you can be seen. If you're going to have a belief, that's fine, but people shouldn't step out of the rules of that belief, force others to have to sit through their prayer, and then condemn a group of people for basically saying "I don't need to hear this".
@glasp1 12 лет назад
@jesuslordmysavior4397 12 лет назад
Dear Heavenly Father, many here are lost. I pray that you show mercy on them, as you have me, having delivered me from alcohol and drug abuse and all kinds of slanderous talk and deception, and remain patient and slow to anger as these lost souls struggle to see the beautiful truth that is in Christ Jesus, that He is Lord and that He laid down His life for us, for the sake of those whom He loves, that they may repent and be given the free gift of eternal salvation that is in Christ Jesus. Amen.
@AcanLord 12 лет назад
Allot worse things in the bible. Levitivus chapter 26 verses 27 to 29 It is indicated that yahweh will force you to eat your children if you disobey him.
@berner 12 лет назад
Whenever I go to the super market and a child is acting unruly, I grit my teeth and keep my fingers crossed that the next stop the parent makes isn't to the edge of town with their unruly child and a bucket of stones.
@PatrickHansen101 11 лет назад
You people keep saying "is" instead of "was", so here's a clue for you: If you're not speaking in a past tense, how are people supposed to know that you're talking about the past?
@hs0003 12 лет назад
This show is one of the few things that allows me to keep hope that USA has a future..
@nasty1182 12 лет назад
They should do an episode where they call a Christian TV show and debate those hosts. Like that guy off nightlight that's always getting pranked.
@ah-kulkulkan 11 лет назад
Define "spirit" and please give an example of spirit that can't be easily dismissed and/or proven by any rational means. Furthermore, what is the difference between someone claiming "spirit" and someone else claiming the "great gazoo" exists?
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