
The Avatar Episode That Makes Villains Relatable 

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Avatar: The Last Airbender has a lot of great episodes! The one that has a special place in my heart is The Beach. What I love about it is that it finally makes Azula’s group relatable. Putting them in a “normal day” setting forces the viewers to see who really are Mia, Azula, Ty Lee, and Zuko. This is a deep dive into the wonderfully created episode! Where we’ll take a look at how the characters change from one scene to the next. Hope you enjoy it!
This is just my opinion. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, so if I got something wrong, or you have something to point out please do so in a constructive way. We’re here because we’re all passionate about this show. Be kind and willing to listen. You never know what you might learn!
Overthinking movies and tv shows, so you don't have to.




5 окт 2024




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@CinemaOverAnalyzed 2 года назад
Thanks so much for watching! Question of the day: Who is your favorite character from Avatar the Last Airbender and why? Hope you guys have an awesome day and I'll see you next time! =)
@JabamiLain 2 года назад
Hmmm... that's a hard one.
@CinemaOverAnalyzed 2 года назад
I know right! All of them are so well written, but if I have to choose...I have to go with Toph and Azula. They were the characters that got me into this show all those years ago. =)
@JabamiLain 2 года назад
@@CinemaOverAnalyzed well...I think if I did have to choose, then I think those would be Azula and Toph too.
@CinemaOverAnalyzed 2 года назад
Great choices =)
@bdariamihaela Год назад
Toph is my absolute favorite, she is a total badass and I love how her character arc is to learn how to be dependable
@princessazula6679 2 года назад
This is like my favorite episode! I love that they huminaze Azula
@CinemaOverAnalyzed 2 года назад
I really love Azula as a character! She was a character that I really related as a kid. This episode hold a special place in my heart for that very reason!
@JabamiLain 2 года назад
This might sound crazy, but I actually relate to Azula more. Not in terms of parents or lying. But the narcisism, the perfectionism...
@CinemaOverAnalyzed 2 года назад
No, it's not crazy. I relate to Azula a lot as well. Maybe not for the same reason you have, because we all have different experiences. I think it is great to have a character who reflects you in a way. Whether that's Azula or any other character. That's pretty awesome =)
@MinecraftIsLoveMinecraftIsLife 2 года назад
i love this episode so much. my favourite character is azula as well. she says her own mother thought she was a monster. she even nonchalantly agrees, so this means that she thinks that no one truly loves her or can love her, because if her own mother doesn't, then who can? and her cool demeanor about the matter displays that she feels this is normal for her to experience and a sort of acceptance that no one can love her. whether she realizes this consciously or subconsciously is up for discussion. she must realise on some level that her relationship with her father is she provides her service in fighting and he provides praise (not unconditional love). this is why she controls everyone around her with fear, even her closest friends mai and ty lee. this fear-worship from others is some sort of substitute for love. in her mind, she is forced to rely on fear because love won't work as no one is able to love her. she also must see love as unreliable, since in zuko alone, she has a pretty solid relationship with her mother, but her mother is very close to zuko and she hears her mom say "what am i going to do with that child" which is detrimental for a young child to hear, and when ursa leaves, she never says goodbye to azula like she does to zuko. we see this mental framework of hers with her interactions with characters in the beach. she treats the beach guys who invite mai and ty lee to their party like they are soldiers that she commands (evident by her tone of voice and direct demanding speech) rather than speaking to them like regular people. with chan, the guy she talks to at the party, she doesn't really love him. she's trying to get attention and adoration like ty lee is getting from the group of boys surrounding her (remember that azula isn't in the fire nation palace where everyone knows her name and cowers before her, something that azula interprets as adoration) and chan is one of the first guys she sees at the party, plus he's the strongest. when azula comments on his strength and says "together, you and i will be the strongest couple in the entire world! WE WILL DOMINATE THE EARTH!", that's actually a really heartbreaking moment if you analyse it, even though it is played for comedy (and one of my favourite azula moments and quotes). it demonstrates that azula only wants and bothers to form meaningful relationships with people who will benefit her. it shows that she has been conditioned by ozai to not see people as people with personalities and human qualities, but as mere tools that she can use to benefit her and the fire nation (chan's strength would be useful for the fire army, after all). this also links to mai and ty lee. she controls them with fear and bosses them around, like she is their commander and not their equals; this is another example of how she has been conditioned by the fire nation, where they have rendered her incapable of forming proper equal relationships with those around her and has been trained to always put herself above others, but not ozai of course (evidence is ozai praising azula over zuko). this makes sense because it's easier to use people to her advantage, so it's easier for azula to do ozai's missions and serve the fire nation, if she sees the people around her as disposable pawns or valuable pieces that she can play rather than forming a deeper emotional connection with them. the other factor in this is that her need to be worshipped out of fear precludes her from ever being equal in a relationship, even with her closest friends (especially with her friends). anyway, azula chose mai and ty lee for their skills and their loyalty. she met them at the royal fire academy for girls, which is basically female military school. when azula meets ty lee at the circus, she looks at ty lee with disdain for choosing this lifestyle because she thinks it is beneath what the daughter of a fire nation noble should do, rather than supporting her friend. this is evidence that azula doesn't really care about ty lee's happiness. in the beach episode she tells the group "well, those were wonderful performances, everyone" after everyone in the group has poured their heart out. she cannot think of her friends' deepest troubles and insecurities as anything but a form of entertainment and fake and barely supports them. when mai and ty lee betray her at the boiling rock, she sees them no longer as useful or reliable. she quickly snaps at them and leaves them to "rot" in the prison. despite all this, i think that the beach episode shows us what could have been of azula, had she been raised in a far better environment with people who truly love her. she wants to play volleyball with people she deems below her, even if it is to prove her superiority. she tries to talk to chan, even if she just does it for attention and more strength on her side. she brings zuko down to the beach and saves him from the painful memories of their old beach house and helps him to figure out his mental troubles, even if she ends up scoffing at him and seeing his breakdown as entertainment. she has a moment of emotional vulnerability, admitting her greatest insecurity about her mother, even though she does brush this off as a joke. this shows us that even though azula has been heavily indoctrinated by the fire nation, and it is heartbreaking to see it affect her so much even when she is removed from that toxic environment and given a chance at being a normal teenager, there is still hope for her that she can recover from what she has experienced in the fire nation palace and can learn to grow into a person capable of genuinely loving others and earning and accepting others' unconditional love for her. the beach episode is a glimpse at what azula could be and the tantalizing prospect that if she was able to escape the fire nation's poisonous roots in her mind then she could finally be happy. anyway, this is just my take on my favourite atla character and one of my all time favourites and i would love to hear your reply. :) edit: another thing i noticed about azula that relates to if she could be redeemed if she spent enough time away from the fire nation is in zuko alone. young azula was more comically mean and snarky than present azula. she spoke like a stereotypical cartoon villain. she presented a lot less nuance and smoothness in her calculating callousness and cruelty. i believe this shows how azula's cruelty was majorly learned from ozai and emulating him. in the flashback azula is seen playing tag with zuko, the person ozai is conditioning her to hate and be better than. ozai probably played on azula's competitiveness and the fact that ursa focused on zuko to be able to manipulate azula to be the next version of him to rule the fire nation. so i think this is a major piece of evidence that azula could eventually be redeemed.
@CinemaOverAnalyzed 2 года назад
First off, I have to give you a "gold star" for this amazing comment! This is an essay, and I love it...haha! It's wonderful to see others so passionate about this character because it feels like some people just write her off as just being crazy. Azula is interesting because there are so many details of her character that go unnoticed. Like how she can be really sarcastic with her brother, in the episode before The Day of Black Sun. Or how she can advise her friends in this episode (The Beach). She does have a nurturing side to her, but we don't see it that often. Even if her mother left she still has some empathy toward others. Which is something that I don't think a lot of people pick up on. You raise an interesting discussion about if anyone can love Azula. In Azula's eyes, I don't think she thinks she can be loved. However, I feel like Zuko and her mother do love her. They may not understand her, but they still care for her. In the Southern Raiders, Zuko is worried that Azula was going to die when she fell off a cliff. Even in the Last Agni Kai, I do think Zuko has a hard time seeing his sister so disheveled. As for her mother, I don't think she hated Azula. They didn't see eye to eye, but she never hated her. Sure she says "What's wrong with that child" within earshot of her, but I don't think she's insulting a little five-year-old kid. I think she just doesn't understand her. Even when Ursa is scolding Azula, it's still coming from a place of love. If Ursa didn't care about her daughter she would let her run wild like a crazy person. Instead, Ursa scolds her because she cares what type of person Azula grows up to be. It is the same reason Ursa shows more compassion to Zuko because that is what he needs to help him become more confident. This doesn't sit well with Azula because she doesn't like the constant judgment from her mother. Whether it's because she wants her mother to be more compassionate towards her, or she just doesn't understand why she's getting reprimanded in the first place...is up for debate. But I still believe that Ursa loves her daughter no matter what. This is why Azula looks to Ozai for inspiration. Ozai praises her for her ruthlessness. From the years alone with him, she was conditioned to control people by fear. This leads us to what you said about her controlling her friends. Like when she goes to the circus and forces Ty Lee to join her group. In my opinion, this is the WRONG thing Azula has ever done. Yes I know she "killed" the Avatar...but I feel that was justified. Anyways...After the rocky start with her friends, I still think she cares for them. Even if she manipulated them from the start. After Mai is upset that Zuko left during the Day of Black Sun, she travels to the Boiling Rock. Azula and Ty Lee so happen to be there too...Which seems really strange? But what if they were there to support their dear friend Mai? When you really think about they have no REAL reason for being there in the first place, except to help Mai over her breakup. In the Beach, I hundred percent agree with you on why she goes after Chan. He's the most "popular" guy on the beach, so she has to go after him because all her life she thinks power will get her places. You raise an interesting point about the whole "those were wonderful performance" line. In my eyes, I see it more as a sarcastic joke. She's not a very emotional person so people pouring out their hearts and soul is a little uncomfortable for her. This is why she makes a joke about her own problems instead of showcasing how she really feels. That's an interesting idea, on how this could have been a kinder Azula if she had loving parents. I never thought about that before. Honestly, I feel like in some cases Azula had it worse than Zuko because she was stuck in a nation that only cares about itself. In the Headband, we see how the education system works, and it seems like it is more about brainwashing kids to understand Fire Nation's history than to find a semblance of individuality. This is what happens to Azula, and just like you said this is the only time that Azula breaks away. Heck, I think this is the only time Azula ever smiles...a genuine smile in the whole series. If Azula and Zuko were able to leave with their mother I feel like they would have been two completely different people. Azula definitely would have been more kind and caring towards others. She would also have a very different outlook on life. This is a random question, but have you read The Search? It's a comic that explains what happen to Ursa after she left. It also expands upon the ideas of Zuko Alone. It is an interesting read that heavily focuses on Azula. If you haven't, I think you would greatly enjoy it! Haha, I didn't mean to make this response this long...sorry about that. Thank you so much for taking the time out of your day to write your lovely comment. It's always a joy talking about a character that we're both very passionate about. =)
@MinecraftIsLoveMinecraftIsLife 2 года назад
@@CinemaOverAnalyzed thanks for replying so soon with this amazing response! i haven't read the search yet. is it available for free online? i agree with you on her relationship with mai and ty lee. i think she does care for them but doesn't really know how to be kind or express it because of the whole fear controlling thing. she cares for them in her own twisted way. a point i overlooked earlier was when azula apologized to ty lee at the beach party. maybe that was azula forgetting to uphold her image of the cruel leader and this is the real azula? anyway, thanks again so much for writing back to me! :) it means a lot!
@CinemaOverAnalyzed 2 года назад
There are 3 parts to the story and I believe you can find them free online. I think Azula's apologizing to Ty Lee is more of Azula letting her guard down to let someone get to know the true her. No problem! Always love chatting about this awesome show! =)
@MinecraftIsLoveMinecraftIsLife 2 года назад
@@CinemaOverAnalyzed thanks. I’ll be sure to search for it. :)
@kingraplhmativo5178 2 года назад
Azula is fear of being lonely, failure, and losing someone.
@CinemaOverAnalyzed 2 года назад
You're spot on! It's really sad to see such a tragedy unfold.
@slugma_nuts 2 года назад
"most iconic scene from the episode" I thought you were going to say the "that's a sharp outfit, Chan". But for real, book two had the best plot/story, but book three had the best character development. Thank you for the nostalgia hit!
@CinemaOverAnalyzed 2 года назад
Haha, that is a very iconic part! I will have to agree with you Book Two has such a great arc with Zuko's whole crisis, Appa missing, and Azula's orchestrated a coup to take down Ba Sing Se. Amazing! Book Three focused on the characters... that's what made this show a masterpiece, in my eyes. Glad I could help! Let me know if you have any other episode you would like me to cover =)
@psymetric3684 2 года назад
This is still one of my favorite shows to this date. I always loved The Beach episode because of the rearons you described, but you gave more depth to this episodes and to these characters. Therefore making this show more beautiful for me than I already thought it was. Thank you.
@CinemaOverAnalyzed 2 года назад
Such an amazing show, that I wish more people would watch. A lot of people get turned off by it because it is a "kids" show. Or because it is animated. But it deals with themes that everyone can relate to. This show will always hold a special place in my heart! I'm glad I could help you gain a different perspective on this wonderful episode =)
@kunolacarai 2 года назад
I couldn't help noticing Zuko was one of the only people in the episode without a topknot in his hair, but wearing it in his usual "emo teen" style. While some might argue this is fanservice, considering how closely hair is tied to honor in the Fire Nation, it could mean he doesn't truly feel he's redeemed himself.
@CinemaOverAnalyzed 2 года назад
That's a great point, that I never thought of before. That makes a lot of sense, why he blows up and has his whole existential crisis later on in the bonfire scene. Now, I'm going to have to rewatch the show and really pay more attention to Fire Nation hairstyles. Thank you so much for pointing this out! =)
@bdariamihaela 2 года назад
@@CinemaOverAnalyzed you were going to rewach it anyway, you can't deny that
@skb1829 2 года назад
Azula is my favorite person in the show and i am probably going to watch avatar again
@CinemaOverAnalyzed 2 года назад
Hey that's awesome! Have fun watching this masterpiece of a show =)
@chuuyaism1653 2 года назад
The Beach is hands down one of my top 5 episodes of the entire series
@CinemaOverAnalyzed 2 года назад
Now, I'm curious to know what your other 4 favorite episodes might be...haha!
@JabamiLain 2 года назад
Has anybody here read this crossover between "Youjo Senki" and "Avatar" ? It's only at the begining, but so far, it's really good. The characters are very accurate with their canon counterparts. The name of this fanfic is "Tanya the Firebender".
@CinemaOverAnalyzed 2 года назад
No, I have not, but it sounds pretty interesting. Maybe I'll give it a read!
@JabamiLain 2 года назад
@@CinemaOverAnalyzed hello again. How are you ? Did you have the time to check what we talked about last time ?
@CinemaOverAnalyzed 2 года назад
Hello there! I'm doing well, how about you. Unfortunately, I have not gotten around to reading it yet, but I still plan on it!
@nevetstrevel4711 2 года назад
A truly great episode. One of the big things missing from korra. (Which i still like)
@CinemaOverAnalyzed 2 года назад
I like the Legend of Korra as well. I just wish they gave more time to the supporting characters like Bolin or Asami.
@ElementMucho 2 года назад
@@CinemaOverAnalyzed listen to your stupidity do your research how many episodes compared to ATLA did TLOK had
@CDHfilms 2 года назад
There's probably only one reason I can never forget this episode and why it's my favorite 5:09 maybe 2
@CinemaOverAnalyzed 2 года назад
haha, That is a pretty funny scene with Ty Lee. This episode has a great balance of being funny and serious. I think that's why I like it so much!
@runlilblondedude1 2 года назад
I've watched this show so many times and this video is the first time I saw Lo and Lee as a stand in for Iroh. It makes perfect sense. Makes me question the argument that Azula was more messed up because she didn't have an Iroh in her life.
@CinemaOverAnalyzed 2 года назад
It makes me question who was raising Azula after her mother left. I don't think it was her father, because he thinks more about himself. I feel bad if it was Lo and Lee because it seems like a difficult task.
@jacobschulman1306 2 года назад
this entire episode was like a breakfeast bunch type episode
@CinemaOverAnalyzed 2 года назад
I know right! I love how it starts out funny and light-hearted, and then BAM out of nowhere it gets super serious.
@abrahamedelstein4806 2 года назад
3:52 Let's be real here though, they were probably nobility in their own right, just drawing upon the fact that Chan's dad is an Admiral.
@CinemaOverAnalyzed 2 года назад
That is very true. Both Ty Lee and Mia should get the attention of Chad. Mia's family holds a very high status. Ty Lee has to be of high status as well, or she wouldn't have been at the same academy that both Mia and Azula were at.
@trapadvisor 2 года назад
it sounded like you said avatar and the last airbender in the beggining. Good video!
@CinemaOverAnalyzed 2 года назад
Sorry about that...haha! Such a great show, with so many wonderful characters =)
@bdariamihaela 2 года назад
Not even Ozai, Zhao and Long Feng were evil just for the sake of it, I see in Ozai an older version of Azula, sadic and with a lack of empathy, we see him as a child in that painting and he is actually cute, Zhao had illusions of grandor, he wanted to leave his mark on the world, and who wouldn't after all, every one wants to be remembered in a certain way, and I think Long Feng actually cared for the people of Ba Sing Se (up to an extent of course), yeah he had all the strings of power but he never did that to hurt or command the people of the city
@CinemaOverAnalyzed 2 года назад
I can see what you're saying about Zhao and Long Feng! They have realistic goals, but the thirst for power is what blinds them from their humanity. Thanks for making me think of Long Feng in a different light. I'm going to have to look into this character a little more! However, I don't think I see enough of Ozai in the show to get him out of the category of being "evil for the sake of evil" but that's just me though...haha!
@bdariamihaela 2 года назад
@@CinemaOverAnalyzed Thanks for answering, that is just my oppinion, and I don't give Ozai a free pass either, for me he is about 99% pure evil
@CinemaOverAnalyzed 2 года назад
It's all good! I'm very glad you voiced your opinion! Ozai is a very interesting character, who I wish we saw more of. I would have loved to see more scenes with him and Azula.
@bdariamihaela 2 года назад
@@CinemaOverAnalyzed Mabey we will with book 4
@marcoh703 6 месяцев назад
In the last letter of Iroh to Zuko he wrote about his and Ozai's youth. Their father was really abusive but Iroh was favored. Like how Ozai favored Azula but he was still abusive against her. Ozai was treated badly by his father. There was no room for error and he worked to perfection but he could never be the first born and be firelord. He really resented Iroh for this. This is why they hava a cold relationship. Azulon was never satisfied with Ozai. Ozai was always looking for approval from his father. He never got it and he never learned that he is more than what his fathers think about him. Iroh learned a lot from this relationship on how he needed to guide zuko. When i learned this about Ozai his character had more depth. There is a reason why every city in the fire nation needs a statue of him or why he came with the idea to become the phoenix king. He wants to be seen, he always needs to step up and he wants admiration. With all his power and even with his fathers dead he is still looking for his approval what ne never gets. Zhao and Long Feng are characters who already have completen their story arc before the start of the show. Zhao completen his arc when didnt wanted to listen to his master jon jon and left him. And Azula said Long Feng worked himself up to the op. He came from a poor familie and became the most influencal in Ba SIng Se. Zhao and Long Fen going to the end of their story.
@antoniaxx1376 2 года назад
Love love your take on this episode! Also you have a lovely voice to listen to, I hope your channel grows more! It definitely deserves to 😊
@CinemaOverAnalyzed 2 года назад
This episode will always hold a special place in my heart...haha! Thank you for your kind words! I'm doing my best to improve on every single video! =)
@ArasRud 2 года назад
7:12 where did that come from? Mai is really confident about her abilities and the only reason she is not shown to be effective is the nature of her abilities and lack of motivation (her ability is really scary for a kid show) and people always take her seriously, no one doubts her capabilities ever! Azula takes her seriously, Zuko does... She is more like Toph backstory and personality wise. Also, you said that her "not caring" does not change, well it does actually. She ended up caring so much that she went against everything that she feared and was told to do. Good Video otherwise. She has one of the strongest minds and personalities, but I guess difficult to understand.
@CinemaOverAnalyzed 2 года назад
Hello there! Sorry, I was very blunt in the video about this aspect. Let me explain. Although I do think Mia is a very strong non-bender. She is very good a what she does. (If she wasn't accurate she would not be on Azula's team in the first place) However, compared to both Azula's and Ty Lee's abilities, she's a bit weak compared to someone that shoots lightning and someone who can chi block someone. Don't get me wrong, Azula picked a wonderful team that is deadly from all ranges. However, I still feel that Azula and Ty Lee are stronger...but that's just my opinion. Yes, I would agree that Mia is more like Toph with their personality, but I still feel her character arc is more like Sokka. As you said Mia is intelligent and is the perfect balance for a chaotic wild card like Ty Lee. Which is the same type of duty that Sokka is assigned to with Toph. When it comes to being taken seriously, Mia doesn't really want to be because she doesn't want more "boring" tasks to do. Both Sokka and Mia are followers, that could be wonderful leaders, but there are "louder" personalities that want to take the lead. In Aang's group, it's Katara. In Azula's group, it's Azula. That's a new perspective on the "Azula betrayal scene" that I didn't see before. Thank you for making me look at it in a new light! To me, the scene showcases Mia finally finding her voice, becoming an independent thinker away from an external source telling her what to do. Like her parents, and Azula. She's no longer attached to anyone and she's free to make her own choices. Thank for your insight, I didn't mean to throw Mia under the bus. I think she's a wonderful character, that I truly do relate to in a way!
@ArasRud 2 года назад
@@CinemaOverAnalyzed in comparison to Azula yes; but in comparison to Ty Lee I am not sure, I would put them in the same power level but different, Ty Lee has to touch someone and has to get close enough and the only times she was able to do so was when someone else made it possible to do so, Mai on the other hand is more effective on longer range than closer ones (really similar to yu yen archers?). I would say they work in pair and it is dependent on situation but both focuse on disabling their opponent for a time rather than killing them. But I have to disagree again, Mai is not at all a follower type of personality, she was a rebel and indeoendent thinker as it was shown again and again, she was just thought to not show it in a way that would damage her father's reputation. Her actions were always calculated though until boiling rock which was a life and death situation and yet, she doesn't even make excuses, she just drags Azula down mentally and was ready to challenge her physically as well. Ty Lee is more like a follower until it reaches a breaking point and is forced to make a choice I would say Mai's arc is standing up to her abuser and letting her rebel side out more and more and I always saw Zuko inspiring Mai to do so and Mai inspiring Ty lee to do so. The comparison to Sokka's arc is lacking I still think. Mai is also not at all a leader, she might inspire others by being herself, but she has not shown any interest in leading any groups or prove that she can lead. She is happy living on her terms.
@ArasRud 2 года назад
@@CinemaOverAnalyzed Oh, I was just surprised about the take and the logic did not match what I have seen in the show. Otherwise no problem with throwing characters under the bus or expressing opinion no need to explain that :))
@CinemaOverAnalyzed 2 года назад
Thank you for taking the time to let me know your thoughts on Mia! She's an interesting character that has a lot more going on than more people realize! It is really interesting to see different people's takes on such a wonderfully crafted show! It helps us grow and see different perspectives. I will remember to think about this the next time I watch the show =)
@ArasRud 2 года назад
@@CinemaOverAnalyzed sure! Keep up the good work :) Ps: it it written "Mai" and not Mia, I guess her name is also hard to get. Haha.
@All-ze9cl Год назад
I love how grey the morals of the fire kids group was. Azula was the most evil out of the four and even she had her own shit. She had evil plans with grey motives, and her ambition rubbed off on the other three. Ty lee mostly stayed out of fear of Azula, her morals were messy but she wasn't technically a bad person, just around bad people. Mai honestly didn't really care, if she was friends wit the avatar kids she would help them too. It's still not a good way to live your life, but she wasn't as driven as Azula. She did whatever helped her friends. And Zuko, Zuko was very misguided. He was constantly fighting inner turmoils and he ended up suceeding in becoming a good person. He was never a bad person, he was just affected by his surroundings and he ended up choosing the right path. Villains that have real reasons to do bad things are so much more interesting than black and white villains. I like it more when they are in the grey zone and their morals aren't horrible. Most of the fire nation teenagers weren't bad people, they just grew up in a bad enviorment and did what they needed to survive.
@CinemaOverAnalyzed Год назад
Even looking at the education that Fire Nation kids got from the episode The Headband. All of the Fire Nation kids are just molded by what the government wants them to be. If any of these kids had a different upbringing away from the fire nation ideals I do believe they could have done great things. Are any of the members of Azula's group really "villains" or are they just lost souls trying to find their place in life?
@thuthuka3562 2 года назад
Avatar: the last Airbender should be a case study on how to write characters. Excellent video, loved it. Subbed 🙂
@CinemaOverAnalyzed 2 года назад
At this point, there should be a college-level class just talking about it. This show is a masterpiece in worldbuilding and character development...haha! Thanks so much for your support! Let me know if you have any other Avatar-related questions on your mind, that you would like me to look into!
@thuthuka3562 2 года назад
@@CinemaOverAnalyzed Not sure, I'm learning from your videos... I'm teaching myself story writing and I love it 😍
@FireFistAce. Год назад
at 4:44 after Azula kissed and scared off Chan she looked mad then looks away and looks sad for scaring him off alot of people seem to miss this Azula really does want to connect with people but has a hard time doing so because of her upbringing her and Zuko truly are socially awkward hopefully if she does heal or get redeemed in some way she can talk to a boy without scaring him off lol
@CinemaOverAnalyzed Год назад
There are a lot of hidden details about Azula within the series. Making her a lot more complex than people think. Personal she's one of my favorite characters of all time!
@FireFistAce. Год назад
@@CinemaOverAnalyzed Agreed alot of Azulas soft side or vulnerability is very subtle and yea Azula is my favorite character in the entire Avatar universe and is my favorite female character in fiction shes such a good character to me
@ВикторСкачков-в9ч 2 года назад
I agree for the most part but why do you show an image of Darth Vader when you talk about villains who are black and white and evil to be evil? He redeems himself by saving his son and the prequels explain that his fall to the Dark Side was caused by his desire to save Padme because he was traumatized by his mother's death and his hunger for power was caused by his childhood of living as a slave. The Clone Wars TV show and other Star Wars media, set both before and after his fall to the Dark Side, expand even more on his character.
@CinemaOverAnalyzed 2 года назад
Honesty, there was no particular reason. He was one of the first "villains" that popped into my mind when editing this. I understand there is a lot more to his character. Now it's more of an editing mistake on my part...haha! Sorry for the confusion.
@johnwalker1058 2 года назад
Yeah, I think if you want to use Star Wars for black-and-white villains who are just plain evil, use Palpatine.
@CinemaOverAnalyzed 2 года назад
@@johnwalker1058 Yeah, that probably would have been a better option...haha!
@lucy1008a 2 года назад
I love how the planned EVERY SINGLE episode not just came out of ideas that doesnt makes sence
@CinemaOverAnalyzed 2 года назад
I know right! Every episode flows together so well!
@cosmicdoggo9296 2 года назад
I alweys related with Zuko specialy with emo hair same kind i had in hi schooll
@CinemaOverAnalyzed 2 года назад
That's awesome! As I've grown up, I've started to relate to him more and more. He's a great character...with great emo hair...haha!
@Just_Kanji 2 года назад
Imagine if the Last Airbender never existed and we got a new series that was just entirely Zukos side of the story. That’d be crazy
@CinemaOverAnalyzed 2 года назад
That would be really awesome!
@bdariamihaela 2 года назад
Even if Mai is the weakest of them she is still my favorite
@CinemaOverAnalyzed 2 года назад
Don't get me wrong, Mai is still one of the strongest non-benders in the show in my opinion. She held her own in The Boiling Rock! She is a very fun character that I relate to a great deal! Do you have a favorite Mai quote?
@bdariamihaela 2 года назад
@@CinemaOverAnalyzed Belive me I know she is, she's my favorite not because I relate to her that much, my personality is more Ty Lee like, but because people misdguge her, things like that she is the weekest or she has the smallest charcater growth I have a few: "Don't ever break up with me again" (Avatar Aang) , "I don't need protection"( The boiling rock), "Please say you came here to kill me"(Return to Omasu), "She can throw as many lightnings as she want I'm not going in there" (The drill), "I love Zuko more than I fear you"such a classic
@CinemaOverAnalyzed 2 года назад
I see where you're coming from. Mai's a great character that I wish we got to see more of throughout the series. She has tremendous growth, but I still wish we say more of Ty Lee and Mai in Book 3. Where are they on the Day of Black Sun? Why didn't they help Azula distract Team Avatar...you would think that they would probably be very helpful during that time? So many unanswered questions about two very underrated characters! I think my favorite quote has to be the one, that you pointed out from "Return to Omashu"
@nataliemoonsings 2 года назад
@CinemaOverAnalyzed 2 года назад
thank you!
@ElementMucho 2 года назад
I can tell you’re a Korra hater lmao
@CinemaOverAnalyzed 2 года назад
Honestly, I'm not. I think that's just how my voice sounds...haha! I like the Legend of Korra I think it's a beautifully animated show and I relate to Korra's journey.
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