
The Beast of Revelation (Dr. Kenneth Gentry) 

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Dr. Kenneth L. Gentry speaks on the beast of Revelation in this radio interview. Dr. Gentry contends that the beast is Caesar Nero.



28 сен 2024




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Комментарии : 81   
@dafflad1 3 года назад
Another solid message
@donjoseph73 3 года назад
Solid stuff!! I had to challenge everything I’ve ever been taught. So I did and this man has answered questions that the rest just shrug 🤷‍♂️. I believe this to be correct! 🙌🙌🙏
@sorens70601 Год назад
@donjoseph73, No, this is "Solid DECEPTION" !! See my coment above to "@FreeIndeed92" Morgan Sorensen ( Biblical Theologian )
@soteriology1012 10 лет назад
Whether or not you embrace any form of preterism or not, the news events we observe going on around us are scary as hell. I do have one criticism of almost every form modern day Christianity in general is its power to distract us from the hair raising news happening all around us & therefore neutralize us as participants in the.events forming our world Futurism gives us an escape from the storms around us & preterism simply ignores them. I fear that while we Christians argue over eschatology that tragically we will ignore some massive incoming disaster from the world around us.
@bernardmichaud1099 11 месяцев назад
Rome is the city on 7 HILLS. Jerusalem is the city on 7 MOUNTAINS or MOUNTS. 1- Mount Gared; 2- Mount Goath; 3- Mount Acra; 4- Mount Bezetha; Mount Moriah; 6- Mount Opel; 7- Mount Zion. These 7 MOUNTS are more closely related to the HARLOT who sits on this beast rather then sitting on Rome.
@danielnosuke 3 года назад
Two witnesses killed by the beast... how about Paul and Peter?
@christalone71 Год назад
Ummm.... NO
@jarettfarrington8512 4 года назад
@aaronclark1599 3 года назад
The Papacy will rise again, the Bible says it would rule for 1260 years and the Roman papacy ruled for exactly 1260 years to the day that Pope Pius was taken prisoner by General berthier, now the Roman papacy will regain its power and that's the deadly wound that was healed. The Papacys God is the sun god Shiva the Destroyer, that's where you get Sunday.. Sunday was created by the papacy for a day to worship the Sun that's why they changed the Sabbath day, the true Sabbath Gods Sabbath is Saturday. The mark of the beast is keeping God's law which is the Seal of God, if you look on the papacy encyclical it says the papacy changed the Sabbath using her Mark of ecclesiastical Authority.. the mark of the beast is following the papacy which is Babylonian also known as Bel or sun worship. I know many people think that it's okay to go to church any day of the week but that's so far from the truth of course you should worship God everyday of the week but when Sunday law is enforced they will attack the 7 Day Adventist which is keeping the true Sabbath.. people think the mark of the beast is a literal mark and it is not the mine represents the forehead and where you put God's law is made by your decision which is with your mind and where is your mind located on the front lights between your eyes which is what the Bible says the forehead.. the hand represents the riding will you write God's law in your heart and in your forehead or will you allow the papacy to write its mark in your forehead and in your right hand. Sure there will be some way to control the buying and selling aspect of the mark of the beast but that is not the mark of the beast the mark of the beast is keeping the true Sabbath my guess is if you choose to worship on Saturday you will not be able to buy and sell. You will see the papacy start to become more powerful as time goes on the Nations will ask her to roll in hopes that they will save the world from climate change which is a man-made lie so they can deceive the nation by creating a national day of rest to save the planet which the papacy will use the United States which is the second beast to enforce its Sunday law. What's taking place goes far deeper than anyone really even can understand many true Christians are clueless as to what is taking place. Now I want to make this clear that I have no hard feelings towards Catholic I know some Catholics who are true Christians but they don't realize that the papacy is actually worshipping the sun gods and not the true God, just look in the cathedral or in the churches of the papacy they worship the Dead, look at the symbols there's always a sun behind Jesus there's always a half moon or there's always Medusa which is all satanic paganism which is what these people are in our government and the papacy has Taking Over America with groups like the f b i and the CIA many people have no clue that the CIA actually stands for Catholics in action are also known as Catholics infiltrate America. You can tell me that what I'm saying is totally false but just read the great controversy or the book Catholic power
@christalone71 Год назад
What religion are you? Never heard of any of this nonsense.
@mrfreeland123 Год назад
Im pretty certain its going to be andrew tate
@RUHDD4HVN 11 лет назад
Dr.Gentry has reasoned the case very well. Make more sense to me. Plus he uses extra biblical writings to back it up through noted historians as well. Thanks Dr.Gentry!
@bradgay7710 4 года назад
“I said in mine heart concerning the estate of the sons of men, that God might manifest them, and that they might see that they themselves are beasts.” - Ecclesiastes 3:18 (KJV)
@GodsTruthMinistries 4 года назад
His commentary is seemingly NEVER going to be published. He's been shafted by whoever he's contracted to publish it.
@jesussaves1875 3 года назад
God did not see fit to have this junk published. Jesus is the resurrection... ~ satan can't resurrect a flea
@GodsTruthMinistries 3 года назад
Thanks for bringing in such an intellectual and articulate refutation of his teaching regarding the Book of Revelation and his interpretation. It's good to have mental giants like you to set us straight spiritually and scripturally.
@jeffebdy 3 года назад
@@GodsTruthMinistries 🙂
@lavieenrose5954 3 года назад
@@GodsTruthMinistries It’s usually those who have been taught about a rapture who oppose these teachings...Instead of seeing Christ and His victory, they see antichrists, peace deals w/Israel, a future world of hell on earth etc etc..
@mrhartley85 10 лет назад
Cant wait for this commentary to come out!
@ENDofREGULATION30 Год назад
Here is where his argument falls short... He describes the beast... great, we agree, its ROME! What does the bible say happened to the beast? Did that happen? If you take mountains, hills, heads, crowns, why do you not take the information about the beasts judgement literally? These things are clearly future
@jarettfarrington8512 4 года назад
Very eye opening and makes me want to look into this Moore Makes Moore sence to me.Thank you.
@larrybedouin2921 9 месяцев назад
And he saith unto me, The waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues. {Revelation 17:15} The seven headed beast of Revelation 17: The seven heads are symbolic of seven kingdoms, starting with the beast of Daniel chapter 7 1st < Babylon 2nd < Medo-Persia 3rd < Greece 4th < Pagan Rome 5th < Papal Rome; the little horn ("that was" & "is not" & "yet is") 6th < "one is" ^ The woman that rides the beast is in captivity at the time of John's vision, AFTER receiving the deadly wound from the (atheist) beast from the bottomless pit [Rev 11:7]. This is the beast of THE TIME of John's vision IN THE WILDERNESS. (Meaning that John is in the wilderness in his vision and not physical on Patmos, and he sees a beast that would come up from out of this wilderness. Read Job 38:26.) The 7th < "is not yet come" At the time of John's vision *in the wilderness* this head of the beast was yet to come; this is *the beast from out of the earth* [Rev 13:11]; (And he shall exercise all of the power of the first beast...) when this beast will speak like a dragon. This beast must continue a short time, as per the others before him. I believe by the testimony of Jesus, that we are now living in that "short time". The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is. {Revelation 17:8} :11...even he is the eighth, AND IS OF THE SEVEN, and ascends out of the bottomless pit and goes into perdition. --There are seven heads at the time of John's vision, five kings/heads/beast are fallen, so this eighth is of the seven kingdoms...."that was"...."and is not"...."yet is" AND received a deadly wound; AND his deadly wound was healed. This wound is the loss of her (the woman/church that rides the beast.) temporal sword (also her captivity), which is the earthly secular world kingdom. This is the image of the beast (that great city), who like Babylon of antiquity, who thinks to usurp church and state craft. The number eight is a metaphor for the resurrection. The eighth is resurrected from a former head of the seven; the 5th head that received a deadly wound. (When he shall go into perdition: this will be the final dispensation of this beast with seven heads, that is a metaphor for satan.) Jesus; (The resurrection; Jn 11:25) Ἰησοῦς/Iēsous = 888 by counting the letter values of the Greek transliteration; I(10), E(8), S(200), O(70), U(400), S(200). In antiquity the mountain was not only a metaphor for a kingdom, but it was also symbolic of the head of a (river) dragon that was symbolic of a river that flows out from a mountain, after the spring thaw and overflowing its banks, spreading out in the form of the dragon's tail. The color is scarlet because it is symbolic of the blood of the saints of the Lord. A woman in prophecy is always a metaphor for a church, in this case (Jezebel) it is the fallen temple of God. The false prophet, a lamb (Christ like) with two horns, and/but will speak like a dragon (a wolf in sheep's clothing), will be the beast (from out of the earth ... the USA) that will make an image unto the first beast from out of the sea, who received a deadly wound and his deadly wound was healed. The two horns are a metaphor for two (equal) kingdoms in one, church and state craft. Medo-Persia also is expressed as having two horns [Dan 8:3], but one was higher, (Persia) and eventually usurps the other. This is the image of the first beast from out of the sea (Papal Rome). Once the wall of separation of church and state is lost, then will the second beast from out of the earth become the image of the first beast, who claims the authority of both church and state. Even so, come Lord Jesus. Amen.
@larrymcclain8874 7 месяцев назад
Revelation 1:1-4 says it all. It is a "revelation," a revealing of truth, from Jesus Christ, specifically given to John, written in signs, "signified," or symbols (the Greek makes this more prominent), specifically directed to the seven churches in Asia, of things that will immediately or shortly take place (the Greek can only mean "right away," and demands no delay). If you want to understand this book, you must filter any interpretation through what was pertinent to anyone living in the first century and who was a member of one of the seven churches in Asia. No person living two thousand years later is the specific audience for any of these writings, and any interpretation must reflect this.
@larrybedouin2921 9 месяцев назад
Revelation 13:1-10 the (conglomerate) beast from out of the sea. And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and *ten horns* and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy. And the beast which I saw was like unto *a leopard* and his feet were as the feet of *a bear* and his mouth as the mouth of *a lion* and *the dragon* gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority. {Revelation 13:1-2} Greek > philosophy Persian > religious sects and monachism Babylonian > sun worship (Mithraism) Roman > law
@imageinkdesign 7 лет назад
There is not the fog of identity claimed by the commentators. See Professor Walter Veith, The Beast & it's Image. The Bible defines its terms in Daniel and Revelation, so we can be 'sure'.
@bobbi2235 4 года назад
Amen 🙏
@donjoseph73 3 года назад
Ya I just went and watched those videos of Veith. I don’t agree the passages he relates to in Matthew already happened in 70 AD.
@bernardmichaud1099 10 месяцев назад
The best interpretation I have ever studied is "Interpretation of John's Revelation" by R.H.C. Lenski.
@chucksimcox4690 4 года назад
the two witnesses were the WORD and the SPIRIT. I just cannot see how we can take this literal. And as Mr. Gentry states numerous times and I agree this is symbolic.
@bobbi2235 4 года назад
It’s the old and New Testament
@noturningback2023 3 года назад
Oh, how can the 2 witnesses be killed and then rise to life again? Bizarre theology.
@jesussaves1875 3 года назад
So the "word" and the "spirit" are going to lie dead in the streets for 3.5 days, not be buried, then will be resurrected and raptured for everyone to see????
@jesussaves1875 3 года назад
@@noturningback2023 Easy - it is appointed once for a man to die. (for example - Elijah never died, nor did Enoch see Hebrews 11) And when the church is raptured - their deaths have never been appointed !!
@dafflad1 3 года назад
The law and prophets - the two witnesses
@ravikeller9626 8 лет назад
Great message, but if the beast is present at the end of history when Christ returns, (Revelation 19:20), how can the beast be Nero, who died at least two thousand years before?
@willempasterkamp862 8 лет назад
History repeats itself, so this "prophecy" did fit more situations along 2000 year of history. and will do so in the future. But there is the historical approach that fits Johns own lifetime. Search beast revelation 5 of 25. Hope I cleared it up for you in my comment there. Note that what John is doing is simply fitting the old testament prophecies on his own-days-situation. Modern explainers do exact the same thing. Nothing new under the sun so far.
@ElonsXiProtocolCadet 7 лет назад
Two beasts are distinctly mentioned, one called of the sea, one was called of the earth.
@ravinroyer 4 года назад
Revelation 19:20 does not speak of end of history rather the end of an age. The end of Jewish age, the temple worship and the law. It was end of Priestly Judaism to the Pharisaic Rabbinical Judaism now exists. It is also the end of old covenant age and the beginning of new covenant age.
@leecee7132 3 года назад
Because its a load of rubbish, where in history was it demanded that every person take a mark on their right hand or head? And that if they didnt they could not buy or sell? And if they refused they would be put to death? Never
@8888meg 3 года назад
@Kenneth McRae is the mark the covid jab? I see so many preachers say it is.
@itsspiritual8645 3 года назад
PRAY TO SAVE THE USA - GOD’S SOLUTION 2 Chronicles 7:14 (KJV) 14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. Revelation 13:11 (KJV) 11 And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon. Is the beast of Rev 13: 11 the United States of America? President Barack Obama signed into law the resolution declaring the bison the national mammal of the United States. (Two horned beast) The Beast from the Earth Rev 13: 10“If anyone is destined for captivity, into captivity he will go; If anyone is to die by the sword, by the sword he must be killed.” Here is a call for the perseverance and faith of the saints. 11Then I saw another beast rising out of the earth. This beast had two horns like a lamb, but spoke like a dragon. 12And this beast exercised all the authority of the first beast and caused the earth and those who dwell in it to worship the first beast, whose mortal wound had been healed.…
@jarettfarrington8512 4 года назад
Moore ,sorry
@louisjordan4702 2 года назад
So if this is the case, what happened to the seven trumpets, the seven bowls of GODS wrath, The rapture, The Best suffering a deadly wound, battle of Armageddon, The return of Jesus Christ, The mark of the beast, The false prophet that can do miracles?
@goran5653 2 года назад
What about revelation 19:20 and Jesus coming on the clouds to ressurect all humans
@Sam-fp8zm 2 года назад
The 666 and wisdom and understanding is a reference to king Solomon. This seems like a sure thing. The only country that has anything to do with Solomon since John wrote Revelation is the modern blasphemous country Israel with the seal of Solomon on the flag. Rev 13 has not happened yet but we live in an age where one of the beasts in Rev 13 or at least what one of the beasts will rule; exists.
@billhesford6098 2 года назад
As John stood on the shores of Patmos and looked at the sea, Rome was across the waters. Rising up from the sea. Rome fits very well.
@Sam-fp8zm 2 года назад
@@billhesford6098 Jesus blamed Jerusalem for killing all the righteous OT prophets. Luke said it is impossible for a prophet to perish outside of Jerusalem. Mystery babylon is responsible for the blood of the martyrs and the saints. There are a lot of other verses proving it too.
@KingPanzergrenadier 11 лет назад
How is his assumptions aren't biblical? Everything He says is directly from the Bible!
@jesussaves1875 3 года назад
satan quotes scripture too - does not make him any the wiser
@michaelcarr8932 3 года назад
@@jesussaves1875 satan was destroyed in 70ad. Preterist is true.
@jesussaves1875 3 года назад
@@michaelcarr8932 so you're saying Revelation is a lie?
@jesussaves1875 3 года назад
@@michaelcarr8932 you would distort scripture to suit your own opinions - your understanding of it? Your false doctrine? Peter (2 Peter 3) tells us men distort scripture to their own destruction. If i were you I would stop listening to men (and that includes yourself)
@lavieenrose5954 3 года назад
Haven’t you noticed all the time stamps throughout the New Testament.....? The time is near, at hand, the last hour, yet a little while, the axe is laid to the root of the trees, the wrath *to come* , be patient etc etc ....
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