
The Beginner's Guide to Alpha 21 - 7 Days to Die 

Guns, Nerds, and Steel
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@MrEisenhaupt Год назад
This isn't just a tutorial Video: This is well-edited half hour of informative Fun
@koanbonwa Год назад
Indeed, lost count of the inside jokes pretty quick on this one! 😂
@rpbns Год назад
Agreed, truly fantastic!
@Iwondera Год назад
As a writer I enjoyed this comment for some reason.
@CellTherapyCream Год назад
Everything he does is high quality, it's a nice change on youtube.
@Osieli Год назад
how do you use the free camera? or is it just editing?
@chrislambro Год назад
And here I thought that the A20 beginner's guide couldn't get any better. I commend you on your attention to detail and your effort that you put into creating this guide Tem. Fantastic job!!!
@GoldieTamamo Год назад
In general, for your first four levels, I'm going to recommend: [Master Chef]: Cupboards and cabinets (incredibly common loot containers, available in most PoIs), have a higher rate of cookbooks, (you want at least five to appear for grilling meat that won't dehydrate you, and red tea cuts your hunger and thirst costs of doing things that cost stamina by 15%, meaning you keep food and water in you longer). Additionally, meat costs for grilled meat drop from 5 to 4, letting you eat the same for 20% less critters. Lastly, and this is an underappreciated aspect of cooking--having access to Goldenrod Tea (brewed with a cooking pot, fresh water, and the yellow flowers you see in fields) lets you eat Sham Sandwiches on the run, meaning you don't need to settle down and cook, if you have a few yellow teas on hand to cure your dysentary, for those moments when you stuff a sandwich and roll that unlucky 12% chance of it proccing. Goldenrod Tea basically lets you have an entire extra food source on the run, when you don't have time to settle in for a bite, and haven't had the time or a teammate willing to cook for an army. And if you're living on top of a (dirty) water supply? Goldenrod tea basically lets you get free water from that supply. Try camping on a water tower with a few of these. They're an early-game substitute for vitamins or the water-purifier mod. Later down the road (after you've raided quite a few book stashes/cupboards), there's also quicker access to Bacon and Eggs (make nests a source of food as well as arrows), and Coffee (regen stamina faster, when you're continuously exerting yourself--great for miners). [The Huntsman]: Animals will wander in at virtually any time, unpredictably and at random, and are a good source of crafting materials, saleable leather, and most importantly--FOOD. Just because you're not a devoted fortitude specialist, doesn't mean you can't pop a cap in some rabbit's ass and scrape it off the pavement with a bone shiv--and doing so regularly will mean you won't starve and don't have to live as a professional food beggar. Needless to say, this skill synergizes /great/ with the 20% meat cost reduction of Grilled Meat, from Master Chef, be it on you or a teammate who prepares your meals. Even if you're living in the city, chickens, rabbits, and even deer, occasionally scamper around and get trapped by the local infrastucture (even impaling themselves on spikes and barbwire, sometimes), and there's also a few PoI's like the Dead Rooster that will offer you some free critters to gut. Moreover, roadkill nets you animal fat, which is itself a great source of candles for light, and can be sold or used as a cooking ingredient, and lastly--more Nitrate Powder means more gunpowder, which is virtually always useful. Lastly... dogs suck, but there are a lot of them in open parts of PoIs now, so having huntsman makes running into them more of a stroke of good fortune once they inevitably chase you down and you have to trade blows with them. So don't think this is a skill that's exclusively for forest-dwellers, or something. Moreover, if you actually ARE a fortitude specialist, the Huntsman nets you more rotten meat and more of the aforementioned nitrate powder for crafting farm plot blocks, so cleaning corpses off your lawn makes more progress in terms of expanding your homestead, with the Huntsman. Meanwhile, if you use bows, you will get more feathers for arrows from chickens and vultures. Enough so to arm several archers, if that's your thing. As a note, stealth sneak-attack arrows one shot a large majority of the random zombies wandering and in low-threat PoIs with just a bodyshot, and can get you a few more easy levels right off the bat, and the Huntsman will help you not to run out of those arrows. [Healing Factor]: 1 HP every 30 seconds will not save you in the middle of a fight--but that's not what this is for. What Healing Factor accomplishes, is to start you off in good health, 'between' encounters. This means you don't end up dying to the first random unexpected feral that knocks on your door, because you were thirty hp a couple hours ago and haven't eaten anything or splurged on first-aid bandages. Healing Factor essentially stops you from dying of HP starvation from repeated encounters gradually wearing you down. and lastly, an underappreciated gem: [Deep Cuts] So, here's the problem with melee weapons in 7 Days: Zombies have an inexhaustible number of attempts to swing at you and give you every nasty status effect in the book, from bleeding (an immediate killer, for which you should always have bandages prepared), to ability-score impairing, perpetually worsening infection, to broken arms and legs, to just randomly getting a concussion because that zombie dog bit you once on the ass. YOU, the player, have a 'severely limited' pool of stamina, to both attack and to get away from things, meaning low stamina puts you at risk of all of the above, on top of just running out of hp from being mauled by an unending onslaught of melee (remember, they don't have to obey a stamina system, you do). Knives solve this problem, in that, they both cost very little stamina to swing, and can apply damage-over-time. This means you can hit an enemy, use your precious stamina to escape, and the bad thing, whatever it is, still takes eventually-lethal damage even when you're not in melee range. The normal weakness with this, is that you can only apply one layer of bleed at a time, it is random, and you may not proc repeated bleeds--and one stab plus one stack of bleed is probably not enough to kill by itself, meaning you need to gamble for repeat applications, to reset your damage-over-time. Sounds kinda bad, right? But for the cost of just one level, Deep Cuts, in addition to making your power attacks less expensive, making your knife hits in general more damaging, AND allowing you to apply up to 3 simultaneous stacks of bleed (increasing your overall damage output tremendously)--you now 'refresh' your bleed damage-over-time stacks, on ANY consecutive hit with the knife. Not just a hit that applies a new bleed--ANY hit with the knife will reset any existing bleed timers you put on that bad thing. What this means, is that you can jab a zombie in the face a couple of times, back up, listen to it make pain sounds, and repeat, until it is dead, without ever worrying about bottoming out your stamina or having a lack of it to run the fuck away. Moreover, it means that if someone knocks a zombie down or stuns it, you are going to have the chance to absolutely 'maul', even the tankiest, highest hp, most armored zombie. And this perk gets even more absurd: in addition to the increase in both raw damage output and number of max DOTs you can apply, a discount in stamina used for power attacks, and an insane ability to reset your bleeds on any given knife hit--an enemy suffering with your bleed debuff now suffers a 10% movement speed penalty. AND THIS APPLIES ON PLAYERS, too, keep in mind--making knives a frightening source of damage in a PvP scenario--even when you don't consider their ridiculous 5.5x sneak-attack crit on PvE enemies. And you don't even need a good knife. Not even any mods. Just a quality 1 bone shiv made on your first hour of your first day, out of the first roadkill carcass you harvest with a stone axe (again, the Huntsman helps makes sure you get enough bones with just one corpse). Please, PLEASE, I implore you, consider Deep Cuts over Pummel Pete, if your interest is in quickly, safely killing things with melee. The difference in effectiveness is night and day. If you are just looking to knock things over, consider crafting a stone sledgehammer and using its power attack to the head of an enemy, to supplement your bone shiv, until you get something better like a stun baton or a modded baseball bat. Remember: you don't always have to incapacitate an enemy, you just need to be able to hit it and still be able to get away from its retaliatory attacks, long enough for it to bleed to death. A knife to the face and three stacks of refreshable bleed does this far more effectively than repeatedly clubbing a thing and praying for a knockdown.
@WilliamDefoe69 5 месяцев назад
Thanks this helped me start playing this game well and it’s a lot of fun
As a returning player, this is super useful and is filled with excellent information. Been able to get some of my clan members to start playing this game and will be sending them to this video to get a basic 101 rundown on how the game works. I can't wait for our 8 player horde nights :D
@KeithOlson Год назад
Nice! A few bonus tips: 1. *ALWAYS* try to make your first strike with a knife--even the bone knife--in the early game. That will apply a 'bleeding wound' debuff that gives free bonus damage over time. (With the right setup, the wounds can also stack.) This is especially handy if you need to kite a horde to preserve your limited stamina; you can just stab each of them repeatedly and wait for them to bleed out while you run around them. 2. The green dumpsters have a neat trick. While both you and the zombies can jump on the low side, neither can jump on the high side. That means if you jump onto the low side then quickly run to the high side, zombies will gather below you but can't hit you. (If multiple zombies show up, keep moving along the edge so they don't stack up.) 3. Your first horde base doesn't even have to be a base. A basic 2-up concrete wall that you can run along will work well for the first two or three blood moons--or six or seven, if you're that good. Place blocks one block away from the wall at various points along it so that, if you have to jump down, jumping back up is easy. (Tony Pandemony uses these tricks in his *INSANELY* hard runs.) Cheers!
@MrMagyar5 Год назад
I would agree that early in the game, pack mule isn't necessary, however later in the game when you are adventuring into other areas and doing higher tier POI's I think Pack Mule is an excellent choice. This frees up mod slots on your clothing and gear which can be extremely useful once you have the ability to make those mods.
@ivraDiaNCE 5 месяцев назад
Personally I still don’t think Pack Mule is helpful. The extra backpack slots from your clothing pocket mods is usually enough, as being encumbered by a small amount won’t hurt you. And by the time you’re actually adventuring into T4/T5 POIs you should have a small stockpile of steroids to burn if you really need to not be encumbered. Just my opinion though, I still think Pack Mule isn’t helpful even in the lategame
@MrMagyar5 5 месяцев назад
@@ivraDiaNCE Fair enough. The problem with the mods is that they have to be found or crafted. So if you have points to put into that class, then you would have points to use for packmule. Either way, pocket mods are usually not found until later in the game and the tactical rigging and backpack upgrades are class specific which means, they come online later in the game as well. It really is a case of what you choose and what you find. The nice thing about packmule is that everyone has access to it.
@elbrop Год назад
Lucky Looter speeds up looting time significantly, and looting is something you do almost constantly. With relatively low stat requirements its easy to get it to rank two or three early and you absolutely will feel the benefits when clearing out a location. Its like parkour, you can do without it but once you have it you won't want to go back.
@sigvar6795 7 месяцев назад
This is one of the best videos I have seen. I am a returning player from... maybe 17 or 18. So many changes. Thank you!
@mariomelendez5341 6 месяцев назад
I feel the same way about the amount of changes
@Roughdraftotp Год назад
TFPs need to bring you on to the team fulltime to handle all their videos and social media/community interaction. Your editing and video quality would be a great addition to thier team.
@beforelifewaschaos Год назад
(Comment to push this comment) 😁
@AdderallXR831 Год назад
@@beforelifewaschaos PUUUUUUUSHHH
@EvilMaxWar Год назад
GNS definitely has some ties with TFP at this point. But the fact that it remains 'unofficial' is probably for the better.
@Roughdraftotp Год назад
@@EvilMaxWar valid point
@akaxstretch Год назад
This is truly my first play through. I have 100+ hours already but end up quitting because I get bored. I love that I have to actually explore now to level up almost everything! Loving the quest system and hope they expand on it and add a story mode!
@ximirux2408 10 месяцев назад
Play Alpha 15 you will never get bored
@Phnxkon 7 месяцев назад
​@ximirux2408 idk he likes the quests. A15 was so nice for the self sufficient approach... and better zombie ai to me. You know before they went to college
@ah64jimbo81 Год назад
This is an excellent, comprehensive guide on 7 Days to Die. Great job! My only comment is that I would highly recommend to players (especially new players) to spend a skill point into Healing Factor under the Fortitude Attribute in order to gain some passive healing. My experience is that by spending even a single skill point on healing that it greatly saves on having to rely on healing items such as first aid bandages.
@kelakakku 9 месяцев назад
I put about 40 hours into this back in 2020. I loved the exploration and really want to experience it again.
@KhainesKorner Год назад
Sup nerd ;) Couple of small comments for you. 1) Screamers are not guaranteed to spawn at 100% heat. They USED to, but that was changed around A19/A20. It's something we patch in DF to return it to how it worked in earlier alphas. 2) Screamers spawned by screamers CANNOT spawn more zombies. Only screamers spawned by heat can spawn more zombies. Note for modders: The game uses zombieScouts in entitgroups when spawning a "screamer" from heat. You can put ANYTHING in there. You want an aggressive chicken that spawns zombies? You can have an aggressive chicken that spawns zombies.
@GunsNerdsandSteel Год назад
Hey Khaine, thanks for the clarification 🍻
@Kevin-hb7yq Год назад
Wow !! This is a comprehensive and complete guide to 'Seven Days Two Die', well done !! Your base building series are always super fun !!
@beforelifewaschaos Год назад
Seven Days *Two* Die 😁 that is fitting quite well 😛😂
@Kevin-hb7yq Год назад
@@beforelifewaschaos yep, I see it now
@beforelifewaschaos Год назад
@@Kevin-hb7yq leave it like that, i had a nice laugh! 😊
@twitchymactwitchit2501 Год назад
My inner loot goblin always questions why the speed aspect of lucky looter is never mentioned
@supermanbok5869 Год назад
By far the most informative and helpful video you have done thus far, I was clueless on how to use the cheat commands. Love your content, keep up the great work!
@DaosIures Год назад
Great break down of this update, thanks a lot ! About your tips for the buried supplies, I prefer digging 1 block deep (like a trench) while staying in the circle, and once the circle gets small enough i dig a bit deeper, it seems easier to me
@jacksonholder2987 Год назад
The problem with this is that the cache always spawns 4 blocks down (or one block above the stone layer), so any blocks dug above this layer are effectively time wasted.
@DaosIures Год назад
@@jacksonholder2987 yes, but as the zone gets smaller, like a radius of 3 or 4 blocks, you can start digging deeper around the center. Perhaps it is not as optimized as the method proposed in this video but the upside of mine is that I can simply raise my head and take a look around me, and a simple jump gets me on the ground instantly for a fight
@JollywoodJoel Год назад
The Pack Mule you are saying to not put any points into made sense in A20 and below but not so much now that it really doesn't cost much to reset your skills. To get really good carrying capacity at the start of the game can be a game changer since you are walking every where all the time and you need to pick up just about everything you can grab. Pack Mule can be utilized very well in early game for maintaining time, stamina and money, the 3 main categories to maximize efficiency in.
@brodriguez11000 Год назад
Pocket mods are a cheap investment, and easily ditched. Pack mule is more of a commitment till one gets the elixir.
@JollywoodJoel Год назад
@@brodriguez11000 The Elixir is only 6000 without any modifiers, that's cheap af. Why can't you do both pockets and packmule until you get less than 6000 dukes?
@josejj Год назад
6:32 also should mention something about the restocking process and how things will change after some time
@shanegarrod6498 Год назад
Great video. The only thing I would suggest due to the changes they made to the skill tree. Is talk more about when reading the books how it impacts weapon levels or getting better tech. Such as how many magazines it takes to get to the new level. I believe now its like 3 magazines per level of tech.. I am trying out the new edition today so I havent tried it fully yet.
@chinesepopsongs00 Год назад
Yeah i missed that a s well, also the selling of books looked like a A20 thing and before and not a A21 thing.
@j-p4194 Год назад
I absolutely LOVE these tutorial guides! You and IzPrebuilt really excel at this and help make this game more fun!
@williamburroughs9686 Год назад
Lots of good tips. Thanks. :) One thing that I learned when playing is that if Hoard night end early. Do not log out before dawn. Unless you want to fight the hoard over again. 23:48. Love that map. It's so open.
@Jason-sm4oc Год назад
Dude you earned my subscription long ago but I still click every GNS video as soon as it pops up because I will always enjoy it and probably learn something new. :)) Than-Q for the content.
@kathrynck Год назад
1 point in pack mule is pretty decent. You're gonna be pretty far into the game before you can unlock your whole inventory with pockets. Until then, it's a nice benefit. I think most of the candies aren't worth 300 dukes now. lockpicking & sugar candies are the only ones worth it probably. Maybe the melee dmg candy for a melee horde night. nice vid :) Edit: I didn't realize when I posted, that lockpicks are MUCH cheaper to craft in A21. So that makes lockpicking candy fairly worthless, since you can just mass produce lock picks. Sugar candies, and skull crusher are the only stand-out useful ones I think. And only if A) you save sugar candies for a "selling day", probably once every 3 days (trader restock), and only if you have at least 3000 dukes worth of 'stuff' to sell & buy (that's just to break even, so ideally 'more'). And B) if you save the skull crushers candy for horde night (you can take up to 3 at the start of horde night, and their buff time will stack). There could be other spot uses for candy, such as explosives candy (i forget the name) if you have a throwables focused horde base, etc. Depends on what you're trying to do. But I'd be a lot more judicious about buying candy at the new price on them. Also, in addition to having frames on the hotbar, having a few wood hatches on the hotbar is far more useful than it was in previous alphas, due to the green arrow on hatches making them very easy to quickly place the right way. 10 wood to make one, and they can make a dangerous final fight in a POI a lot safer to initiate. Last thought: I like to do the day 7 horde night at my home base, not a separate horde base. This ensures that your home base is able to handle 'modest trouble' like a screamer or wandering horde.
@somebody9417 Год назад
I was going to say the same thing. Plus forgetting elixir is like 5k now, so points to make your early game easier are well worth it
@kathrynck Год назад
@@somebody9417 I think it's 6k, but yeah, it used to be 30k. I thought 1 point in Pack Mule was kinda-sorta-decently worth it when the respec cost 30k, but at 6k it becomes a solid perk. Maybe even 2 points.
@somebody9417 Год назад
@@kathrynck yeah, I have points in bartering so I'm unsure of the base price. It's around 1.5 with all the bartering goodies. It was 60k in A20
@shawnrr_ 4 месяца назад
As a player with sub 500 hours, there was so much good info here! I only ever play solo as none of my friends play this game, so it's great to find something this in-depth and digestible. Definitely earned a new sub today.
@staticmetalxbl 9 месяцев назад
Im coming from years of playing 7 days on xbox. Now playing thru the xbox app on PC. What a difference. Its like a completely different game. This is so much better. Great guide!
@bear1245 Год назад
I can’t think of anyone better to make a tutorial than Tem. Annunciated very well & timestamped
@austinstoner6270 8 месяцев назад
I've had my eye on this game 43 and a half years. Are mods a necessity? It's on sale for like seven dollars and i'm seriously considering getting it.
@bear1245 8 месяцев назад
@@austinstoner6270 absolutely buy it. It’s hard until you get the hang of it. Mods aren’t necessary
@austinstoner6270 8 месяцев назад
@@bear1245 so there will be plenty of content to keep my wife and I busy for quite some time? Are there lots of weapons, gadgets, armors, etc? I know there's near limitless building options.
@seanhall9720 11 месяцев назад
I 100% rush maxing out daring adventurer. I usually can get 2 trader rewards by the time i get the bicycle, letting me ride and get that water purifier for the dew collector. As often as you're gonna be taking quests, you dont wanna be caught in a situation where you have 2 rewards you need and you start doing mental gymnastics trying to decide which one you need and suddenly you're booted out because Jen decided to go to bed... without you lol. It takes 10 points total, i believe, so you can have it by level 6 and then you're set for the rest of the game.
@humbledrage9922 Год назад
The controls in the beginning tutorial is a life saver 💯💯💯
@ChewyChops Год назад
Must admit I will still be taking lucky looter fairly early for the quicker looting. The more looting you can get done early game, the quicker you will get magazines and thus quicker access to a dew collector.
@brodriguez11000 Год назад
Same with pack mule. It's a trade-off between freeing up clothing and armor slots for other benefits. About a middle to late game concern.
@BladeRunner031 Год назад
Thank you! I bought the game yesterday and I like it.I learned a lot from your videos,tnx
@karp_4902 Год назад
2:35 i had no idea the third person reload animation for the pipe shotgun was so clean
@luismonteverde2113 Год назад
2:28 "Turns you into a very deadly brawler" * Dies *
@The_raggedyman Год назад
This is my Favorite 7dtd guy. Thank you for all the easy to digest information over the years
@benmohatun Год назад
Your editing skills and pacing are fantastic. I'm so glad tfp featured you on steam news for a21 release. Much love from France
@idoeli382 5 месяцев назад
France dosen't exist
@nocturnal101ravenous6 Год назад
Great guide, thank you for updating it. Love Base building in this game, "How to build a better Mouse Trap" always intrigues me and in a way it makes the game really never get too old.
@toohardtothink1113 Год назад
I stopped playing back whenever you could search a toilet and find a gun, because my computer was starting to get too old to play this game but I got new parts recently and tried the game out and omg it got so much harder from that time.
@lurkingspud 11 месяцев назад
Superb and well laid out. Im just getting into 7 Days to Die and this has helped me loads. You have a new sub!
@minias1444 Год назад
I've watched a couple of your videos over the last couple days. Waiting for the update to release. This one made me subscribe. Damn well done tutorial. I have over 400 casual hours in this game over the years and I'm still learning new things watching your vids. Very cool.
@thegreybeardking 10 месяцев назад
Solid video. I haven't played since 18.3. Jumped in last night and was hooked all over again. They made some serious changes. Game looks great. Figured I better get my ducks in a row with the basics. Your top 50 tips and tricks video was outstanding as well! Thank you for your content.
@bbutcher0812 Год назад
I know I'm an outlier probably but I have roughly 800 hours in the game and I still max out pack mule immediately. I can't stand being over encumbered and I find it's barely an inconvenience when you're constantly racking up skill points early on anyways. It's also frees up my armor and clothing for other mods.
@shinga_lana Год назад
Taking vitamins before doing a mission, especially lvl 4-5, prevents Infections.
@ComboBreakerHD 9 месяцев назад
Hey man I just wanted to thank you. I bought this game (4 pack of keys) on literally day one a decade ago. Loved it but it wasn't polished. Tried it a few years ago and it was a mess. Now I'm giving it a try again but watched your vid before launching, excellent stuff, thank you so much.
@TigerblindGames 4 месяца назад
Man, this has to be the best beginner tutorial video I've ever seen.
@Ton3ification 3 месяца назад
Thank you buddy. That was amazing to watch. I really appreciate the work you did for this video
@megsmith6758 3 месяца назад
I normally get overwhelmed by all the different options available in 7 days so I appreciate this a lot
@tpeel6309 Год назад
Great video Tem. Good info for a beginning 7 days player and A21 intro as well. Loved the live streams over the weekend! Can't wait for a new series for the new alpha!
@XoRandomGuyoX Год назад
That bit with the bow and arrow stealth was me at the start, swaddled in duct taped padded armor, with clubs as a fallback. As long as you check your corners as you move and avoid items on the ground you'd be okay in most PoIs. Knowing the tools early on can help a lot too: when to use an axe, pickaxe, or shovel. Heck, even knowing that a dedicated Claw Hammer is faster at repair and reinforcement can be helpful.
@hh33ll99 5 месяцев назад
1:03 spawning in 1:38 spending your first skill points 2:45 magazines explained 3:37 skills to avoid 5:06 crafting your first weapon 6:01 arriving at the trader 6:38 things to look for 8:08 quests explained 10:11 finding your first base 16:04 setting up a home base
@hh33ll99 5 месяцев назад
Missing time stamps are 10:44 vending machines and candy 13:11 first aid 17:38 structural stability explained 19:30 heat explained 20:08 first horse base 22:32 things to bring to horde night 23:12 gamestage and biomes 24:13 cheats and mods 24:53 dev mode 26:27 creative menu 26:58 console commands 27:45 modding 28:56 my pitch to u
@shanerowell6943 9 месяцев назад
Thank you for this video. I love this game but there was some frustration with learning aspects. You showed me so much. Subbed!
@zagaroth1070 Год назад
First video I have seen on this channel and I subbed without question. So very well done!
@apfelsaftschorle 3 месяца назад
Awesome guide man, thank you a lot 🙏🏻
@strapsmcclellan3246 5 месяцев назад
This is the best beginner tutorial video for this game I've seen. Very well done
@Glenners 9 месяцев назад
a blog post to go with this would be sick. So I can have a guide in words to know what to level up, and what to avoid spending my points on!
@shinebear7932 Год назад
3000+ hours in and i learned something new, as a permadeath player ive never played after a death( other than to check how i died) so i didnt know the red meter ticks down!
@futuristicbus61 8 месяцев назад
Just some extra stuff: Always take the bicycle over the filter in my opinion. Filters you can always buy for a reasonable price, but goddam is that bike ever nice. You move at a considerably faster pace, plus it allows you to ignore slowness penalties such as over encumbrance, or heavy armour, and it comes with an extra nine slots. It’s super simple to repair and requires no fuel whatsoever. Wood Frames or Spikes in your hotbar can save your life so often. Being able to block doorways, trap stairs or hallways is so damn helpful. This also goes for the robotic sledge. Just toss it down and you have a little safe space for a moment
@KNGER1988 Год назад
Couple hours shy of 7,000 hours in game. Thanks for the video 👍🏼💪🏼
@gravewander Год назад
when do we get to play the experimental? me and my friends can't wait and look forward to playing 7 days again.
@saintmichael01 8 месяцев назад
Just started playing this game today and this video has been so helpful thanks mate
@Parsifal308 Год назад
this should be on the steam page!!!
@laggmonstret Год назад
I hate crafting and base building, thanks to this video it took me 22 seconds to know this game is not for me. So perfect video!
@narmytrooper 11 месяцев назад
thought id have a play of this game again after not playing since 2016. i loved it back then tbf but a group i was playing with all split so i moved on. thanks for the video its just what i needed to get back in the swing of things and first thing i noticed after booting up is how much its changed graphically i feel. thanks again liked and subbed.
@-NateTheGreat Год назад
When base building make your base pillar 1 to 3 deep underground. Soil is soft so explosions can compromise your supports
@paulodiaz5774 Год назад
Make it a habit to dig at the very least 1 layer deep to create a slab to build on.
@super_bakon7238 8 месяцев назад
I've been playing for my first time ever with a friend and this guide has been insanely useful. But personally for a base I really like the ranger station me and my friend are in.
@Larseus Год назад
One of the best sandbox games out there in my opinion
@andrewopenside3224 9 месяцев назад
Just came back to 7D2D after purchasing a decent computer. Got a ton from this video. Thanks!
@Crodmog83 Год назад
Bro this has been super helpfull,thanks.
@FurlowT Год назад
It's nice to see all this with the update finally coming. As I'm watching Steam obsesivly, I've still not seen it pop up yet sadly. Hope it comes up soon!
@Pachinetta Год назад
Me too 😪
@aarondavid9471 Год назад
It wont pop up, You will need to go into the settings and turn the game into latest experimental test
@Wavy_Gravy Год назад
Honestly, i know this all, but ima listen because this guy put me onto everything about this game, lol. That loot to level doe, that's what I'm after.
@Universal.G Год назад
What a great video. I just shared it with my friend which will soon get into playing and streaming 7DTD
@KingMojo1 Год назад
DUDE!!!! Your build is off the charts!!!! I'm running a 9yr old build (don't quote that I'm old and forgetful). i7, 980 GPU and 16GB RAM. I think I need an upgrade.
@DraconisNocturne Год назад
This is seriously one of the most comprehensive game guides I've ever seen. I've played 7d2d for years, and still learned a few things. I always appreciate your crisp editing and clear/consise explanations!
@chinesepopsongs00 Год назад
You keep on learning because the devs change game mechanics like alomost every new alpha.
@lokhar515 Год назад
That's what i was looking for! Great work :D
@TechBrosWilkes 8 месяцев назад
Awesome! Thank you for all the tips.
@rocky2561 Год назад
your my first port of call whenever this 7d2d gets an update or im coming back for a new playthough, looking forward to diving into your new series
@injectionletal66 Год назад
i was to thinking to see the new thing of alpha 21, but this is a very beginner's guys for 7 die to die, but one of the best i've ever see , ( i'm playing from a old time )
@sauronikov9254 Год назад
i love how u left out beer in the buffs at 22:35. when its literally the best buff
@bakedjesus1177 Год назад
If you have a wrench good idea to tear down lootable cars before starting trader quest mission to try and get an engine then start the mission to reset it usefull if loot respond you have a chance to get in engine and respon the car
@sharonk.3107 Год назад
Will be sharing this video, nicely done
@donpfoutz625 Год назад
Excellent video. Thanks for posting.
@zionsphinxx Год назад
best 7 days to die content creator out there
@EisakoTheAvali Месяц назад
I got to disagree with you on the pack mule perk because if you completely deck out your armor in pocket slots, because you are essentially losing a mod slot for just a little extra carry weight one that could be used for like anything from stealth to a slight bonus in charisma for traders. I highly recommend that you use Packmule because it’s not taking up a mod slot that could be used for something else.
@wizzardrincewind9458 Год назад
Thank you and greetings from germany 🖖
@ookageookage Год назад
22:59 also if you save and exit after finishing horde in horde night, after loading save - horde came again. Many players who start to play don’t know that. After tough fight and looting corpse at street - save and exit only in a safe positions 👍
@VioletHeyoka Год назад
Great video as always Tem!❤
@nevabeensmart Год назад
Thanks for placing Jen in my nightmares forever with that thumbnail.
@bostonbebopeats7173 Год назад
I just recently got my girlfriend into video games and this game (which is he first), and we are having a blast! I've been playing since the older betas can't remember which one but I love the new update and greatly appreciate this video and support you provide for this game. A well-done thorough guide and that goes for you other videos I've watched, and I'm impressed by the humor and creativity you layout throughout your videos!! 10/10!
@GranniesgotGame Год назад
Excellent guide, I've been enjoying watching you play, for quite some time now, and I still learn new things with every series. Thank you for all you do!
@GamingAfter50 Год назад
Great info! Fun to watch!
@littlecesarphd107 6 месяцев назад
Your video motivated me to try and for my first attempt I finished a some bits of the tutorial until I got to the find a trader I went off only to realize my club doesn't do much damage or that i wasnt doing it right and that I was infected while fighting some zombies and on my way I stumbled onto a house and when I walked near it I got blown up. So yeah off to a Rocky start I'll try to play this again tomorrow.
@swordvaporcat Год назад
Fantastic. Love it. Thanks. 👍🏼
@niha-gaming8551 Год назад
This must be the best 7D2D Guide video i´ve ever seen. Well done, good job @Guns, Nerds, and Steel
@lordofluna Год назад
High-Quality content as always!
@luisjdavis Год назад
If I didn't know any better I'd swear I just got a Game Briefing ! Great Edit as always.
@christiancych1561 Год назад
22:33 lets not tell the new players you forgot your own mnemonic XD
@KingShadow_87 11 месяцев назад
Just bought the game, enjoying it so far. :)
@paulodiaz5774 Год назад
I don't know if this the same in A21, but in A20 regarding buried supply quest. I just dig inside the circle layer by layer. With this there's no instance to get stuck under the ground since digging layer by layer always keep you on top of the ground for easy escape whenever the zombies spawn.
@Allurapre Год назад
Fantastic job, thanks for the video
@myleshorton9990 Год назад
What an excellent video. Subscribed and watching more.
@TheEyez187 9 месяцев назад
16:20 - Obviously you can walk over those hatches when they're down. Could they be placed over a spear pitfall trap? Walk over and into base, raise it, then you wouldn't even need to defend? Or dig a completely encircling deep trench which you yourself can jump over/across but which they'll just walk/fall in to?
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