
The Bible and age of the earth? | John Lennox at SMU 

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John Lennox explains how the Bible doesn't make claims about the age of the earth. | SMU, 2016 | View full forum here: • Has science buried God... . Explore more at www.veritas.org.
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@claudelebel49 2 месяца назад
Truth is not a question of belief. Beliefs often change. Truth does not. Believe what you want. Truth will wait for you to catch up.
@taylorthetunafish5737 Месяц назад
That depends on how you define truth.
@DavidRodriguez-yy6kc Месяц назад
@TheLoveOfGod_Gen 22 дня назад
Wise words, kind sir! 😎♥✝🇺🇸💯
@taylorthetunafish5737 21 день назад
@@DavidRodriguez-yy6kc Are all gods truth or just the one you believe in?
@falcon7404 Год назад
"On this topic (age of the earth) the saddest thing is to see Christians fighting one another. That brings the Gospel into disrepute" John Lennox. Well said!!
@mcmanustony Год назад
Reality brings the gospels into disrepute.
@fatstrategist Год назад
@@mcmanustony How so?
@holesinthenarrative816 Год назад
@millennialpoes5674 Год назад
​@@fatstrategistreality brings the whole notion of the supernatural into disrepute. An omnipotent being is an especially ridiculous notion.
@fatstrategist Год назад
@@millennialpoes5674 How so? You’re presupposing materialism.
@answersingenesis Год назад
"And God spoke all these words, saying, “I AM the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt... You shall have no other gods before me... in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested on the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy." - Exodus 20 "Jesus said to them, “... from the beginning of creation, ‘God made them male and female.’ ‘Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.’ So they are no longer two but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate.” - Mark 10
@wayneroberts4144 3 месяца назад
True and even though the Bible says the earth is fixed they take that to mean it doesn't move. Reason on deeper thought on the subject suggest it is fixed, fixed in it position in the Universe..........yes it rotates, yes it circles the sun but those movements are fixed in place.
@deafgospelworkinamerica2645 2 месяца назад
In Hebrew there are two different words for make one is "bara" which means to create out of nothing, the other is "asah" is the generic word for make or do. In this verse asah is used not bara
@stalker7892 2 месяца назад
@@deafgospelworkinamerica2645 Never forget the sun was not created till the fourth day. I find it very hard to believe the prevoius 3 days were 24 hour solar days.
@timothywilliams4089 2 месяца назад
Stop preaching,...and now you're cherry picking the bible, conveniently leaving out exodus 21,...endorsing slavery.
@paulbenj1277 2 месяца назад
​@@stalker7892 Revelation 21:23 and Rev.22:5 suggest it's possible to have an existence of light without the sun. While that doesn't answer the 24hr day question, if God decided there was evening and morning the first 3 days without a sun and says the same for the latter 4 days, is it so unreasonable to think God could make it possible for them to be 24hr days?
@christvictoriouskingdomnow2473 2 года назад
When we ask ourselves how much we really know with that little information we've been given, we'll quickly realize if honest, that some things are not worth fighting about.
@1Corinthians6Verses9thru11 Год назад
Inerrancy of Scripture is worth fighting for; the clearest verses (it seems in the entire Old Testament) indicating actual 24 hour days (by the amount of contextual clues) are within Genesis chapter 1 (evening, morning, number, and day; and all of these cues occur, for every single creation day, until God rests on the 7th day).
@@1Corinthians6Verses9thru11 Yes, but to what level? Are we going to judge someone's salvation on if they hold to a young earth model or not? There are very good old earth arguments based on ANE culture, which explains a little of how Genesis was written, but we look at it with modern western eyes, which could be right, but then again, it might not be. We must keep in mind the culture of the time, what would it have meant to them first. I am open to either view, its not a salvation issue.
@@1Corinthians6Verses9thru11 Just a follow up, did you watch the video? I think Prof Lennex is spot on. God-bless
@TheHumbuckerboy Год назад
@@christvictoriouskingdomnow2473 From what I remember Dr Lennox's conclusion necessitates that death and predation ( and therefore fear and suffering and hardship ) existed on planet Earth before the fall.
@@TheHumbuckerboy Yes that may be possible from his view, there are others who see this as well arguing that the "death" scripture is concerned about is "Spiritual". There is actually some good arguments for that position from scripture, my personal view is that its "both", but I am not dogmatic. God-bless
@BlueNotaMaestro Год назад
First time someone explains this the way I always understood it. Thank you professor! For almost 50 years I was doubting myself at times and listened to different interpretations but in the end always came back to Genesis 1:1
@twosheds1749 Год назад
And the talking snake I suppose!?
@BlueNotaMaestro Год назад
If I had a dime for every time someone said that .... ever heard of ventriloquists? Bible pretty consistently speaks who it was. Perhaps open Bible and read it without prejudice ... it's literally throughout the text, and in Revelation 12:9 even plainly spells it out.
@pankaja7974 Год назад
@@twosheds1749 if a trillions of atoms can simply arrange themselves to form a cell and boot then talking snake is not possible ?
@twosheds1749 Год назад
@@pankaja7974 Where does science make the claim that atoms just arranged themselves? AND its molecules not atoms!! LOL I suggest you get some chemistry lessons and come back!
@pankaja7974 Год назад
@@twosheds1749 sweetie molecules are composed of atoms. I could even have said neutrons protons and electrons simply assembled themselves and I would still be right. That is besides the point. Science does not make any claim. Scientists do. Have I said science claims?
@douglaswebster1028 Год назад
I see a pattern in Genesis that cannot be dismissed. When God created Adam and Eve and vegetation and animals, He created all of it in a mature state. Much of it needed to be mature in order for it to survive. So it is no stretch to imagine God creating the cosmos in a mature state having the appearance of being old in order for it to function.
@poolbob8776 Год назад
When the Bible says, "One day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day", I always felt, it was simply saying God's time, is not the same as our time. To be clear it doesn't say, one day is equal to 1000 years, but one day is "like" 1000 years. One day to God, who is eternal, is a long time to us.
@davegaskell7680 11 месяцев назад
You can interpret it any way you like if you want to continue to think that the bible is correct. It's best just to accept that the bible is simply wrong (and not just on the creation story!)
@tobystamps2920 9 месяцев назад
The length of each day is given in the Genesis record. “Morning and Evening.”
@Mannwhich 9 месяцев назад
@@davegaskell7680 How about you prove it wrong, rather than just tell people to accept your word for it blindly.
@davegaskell7680 9 месяцев назад
@@Mannwhich I am not asking anyone to accept anything blindly. Indeed, accepting things blindly is why a lot of people believe a lot of false things. In terms of proving the bible wrong, if you think it is the inerrant word of God then you just need to read the bible to see that it's wrong as there are inconsistencies within it which prove that it can't be inerrant. If you aren't a biblical literalist then it depends on your interpretation. Is it your interpretation of the bible that all the kinds of life today were created separately and uniquely over a few days?
@Mannwhich 9 месяцев назад
@@davegaskell7680 If you can't read and discern it through the spirit, YOU WON'T be able to understand it! The rest must be understood through prayer, study, and personal revelation. Understand why God raises up prophets from time to time, as he always has! To ensure the truth is taught correctly. It's up to you to seek them out and test them, to see if they are divinely appointed or not.
@manofgod1910 Год назад
Claiming the Bible says something that it doesn’t actually say? How about Exodus 20:8-11? “Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work: But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates: For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.” Sounds pretty clear to me!
@donthomas4793 Месяц назад
And in the book of James, who is also the half brother of Jesus said if you’re gonna keep part of the law, keep it all.
@googoo-gjoob Месяц назад
@@donthomas4793 , thankfully, Jesus fulfilled The Law
@DavidRodriguez-yy6kc Месяц назад
@RobertEWaters Месяц назад
But not spoken to contemporary Gentile Americans. Part of the Civil Law.
@JonathanMarshall-kc6pi 26 дней назад
Very important scripture, yes, yes indeed. However, you left out a crucial bit of information that goes with all that. How one goes about receiving rest. Christ says: "Come evening of the 6th day at the 9th hour. Take yourself away from everyone. Go into your room and shut the door. Then pray and I will give you rest.
@happyandblessed5640 Год назад
If the bible told me God made the earth in an second I'd believe it. He is God and he is powerful and he's outside of time. If the bible says the earth is fixed, maybe the Universe turns, every thought about that one. Fact is, we have not clue but Hallelujah, God does.
@rhydyard Год назад
I don't care how old the earth is or isn't.. I keep my eyes firmly on the author and finisher of my salvation.. Jesus Christ the Holy Child of God.. who is seated in glory at the Father's right hand..
@TinyFord1 Месяц назад
See the problem with this sentiment is the fact that if the earth is old, then there was death on the earth before the fall of man, and if that’s the case then there is no original sin which caused death. Effectively there cannot be a second adam if there was no first adam as described in scripture. So as nice as it may seem to say “I don’t care about this issue” it is a fundemental issue to the truth of our religion. If there was death in the world before sin then scripture cannot be trusted, if there was not then of course the biblical narrative makes sense. The age of the earth is perhaps as important to the truth of the bible as the empty tomb is. And it’s crazy for me to not see people realise it.
@rubiks6 Месяц назад
How would you even know about the "author" of your salvation if He had not authored a book? Why would you not believe His Book?
@fred-x3s7e 27 дней назад
Spot on, and I like your choice of words (sentiment). Lennox sounds like a gap theory guy.
@rubiks6 26 дней назад
@@fred-x3s7e - He believes in some kind of millions of years and in human evolution. It's quite disheartening. He such a good speaker but his foundation is just wrong. He is truly a wolf in sheep's clothing.
@Dheyja 13 дней назад
⁠@@rubiks6when did he say he believed in human evolution?
@BATTY3459 2 года назад
The thing old earthers don’t seem to understand is the debate isn’t really about the age of the earth. I agree that is pretty much irrelevant. The debate is about where you turn to for authority on the issue. I know old earthers who are faithful to the rest of scripture, but there are implications old earthers don’t realize. For instance if “day” in this context doesn’t literally mean “24 hour period” then it is easy to see how people can read other passages about homosexuality or the deity of Christ and say it doesn’t mean what it clearly says. Not saying all old earthers do that, but it’s easier to justify it. Secondly, the major problem old earthers have is accounting for death prior to sin. This is really where the issue lies that I don’t think too many old earthers think about. In order to accept the millions of years viewpoint, you would have to account for these millions of years to be occurring prior to the fall of man and introduction of original sin. It would also mean things died and decayed. If this is true, it means that death was originally part of God’s plan for creation, that it was “very good” despite including death, that Bible wrong to say “the wages of sin is death” and it ultimately undermines the Gospel and attacks the character of God. Why? Because if death was around before sin, what did Jesus have to die for? What was the point of him rising again? If death was around before sin, then death is good according to God and death is from God rather than sin and makes God wicked because you’re claiming He said something was “very good” which isn’t.
@Count-kp3oy 2 года назад
Good point. I never considered that. Thank you for the insight.
@catross3713 2 года назад
So what your saying is you have to believe the earth is 6000 years old or you can't justify your hatred for gay people?
@Count-kp3oy 2 года назад
@@catross3713 I do not hate gay people? Where do you get off making judgments without facts. Do you hate Christians? How do you feel about Muslims?
@Count-kp3oy 2 года назад
@@catross3713 What does gay have to do with this theoretical discussion?
@Count-kp3oy 2 года назад
@@catross3713 Dont gay people believe in God also?
@SonjaShindler 2 года назад
Excellent. Our history has been lies manifested by people for uncountable years and timelines. Thank you.
@theunclejesusshow8260 2 года назад
The One Eyed Farmers of today are the same as the ones from the Beginning The Authors of Confusion wrote The Holey Script-yourz .
@tonypino5415 2 года назад
His Story
@TheAaronExperience 2 года назад
@@tonypino5415 it's story.
@ovechkin100 Год назад
it really is crazy how short our lives are compared to how long it takes ideas to change. thinking about all those people who lived and died in an even more stagnant time than our own is incredibly sad.
@brick2392 Год назад
​@@tonypino5415The short version is that the term history has evolved from an ancient Greek verb that means “to know,” says the Oxford English Dictionary's Philip Durkin. The Greek word historia originally meant inquiry, the act of seeking knowledge, as well as the knowledge that results from inquiry. If you use a word that sounds like something else in English you're going to come to some pretty mixed up conclusions like people who teach the name Jesus derives from the word Zeus words are not created with nefarious intentions. Words are translated from older words that means specific things
@davidwalker5274 2 года назад
So it sounds like God made the Heavens and the Earth, then did nothing for millions or billions of year before the first day. Is this how we tie it together? Remember that Adam was made a man, not a baby. He was fully grown so it stands to reason that other parts of creation were is different stages of age as well.
@PC-vg8vn 2 года назад
I think Lennox is wrong in his understanding. 'In the beginning. God made the heavens and earth' seems to be not only an opening statement, but also a summary statement. The following verses then provide more details, focusing on the earth. Genesis 1 should not be viewed as a scientific text. All of the evidence is that the Universe and the earth are very old indeed.
@petergaskin1811 2 года назад
A book says a thing. Is that all you've got?
@petersinclair3997 24 дня назад
⁠@@PC-vg8vn And, the Earth is a part of the Universe, now. Prior generation stars lived and died over billions of years to create the heavier elements today on Earth.
@savedwretch8711 9 месяцев назад
Ok, so all those who think that the age of The Earth is not important, If we can't believe Genesis, why should we believe any other part of the Bible?
@galileog8945 8 месяцев назад
The Bible is an awkward collection of myths, often contradicting each other, and partially borrowed from other mythologies. Most important, the origin story in the Bible is simply factually false. It has zero knowledge value, and progressive Christians have understood this simple lesson. Grow up!
@Christian10111 Год назад
In the beginning might not be day one but life only started with the announcement of the days. If the earch existed for billions of years before the announcement of days, it existed without death. Since the fall of Adam and Eve, we have the days counted...
@mrgoodintent Год назад
Of Course.... this plain analogy just occurred to me also. It is important to a Holy God that human beings are the priority being discussed here. The actual planet earth (physical three dimensional substance) possesses no soul or spirit so needless irrelevant credit of adjectival (good or evil) is necessary prior to mankind's existence.Please think on this!
@anthonykanemd Год назад
The problem is that “Let there be light” happened on day 1. Six days later you have man walking around. His explanation does not work
@CarlosRodriguez-hu4eb Год назад
Agree Anthony. That is the problem. Apologist cherry pick verses. You must keep reading. Few people do and follow blindly
@coreygardner59 Год назад
@@anthonykanemd you are assuming "days" is a 24 hour period. Scripture uses a lot of poetry, etc to describe things - not all to be taken literally.
@anthonykanemd Год назад
@@coreygardner59 When the Bible is being poetic, like Song of Songs or Psalms, then the Bible uses poetry. Here is the Bible is not being poetic and it is meant literally. And no, 'days' does not mean 24 hours.
@arthouston7361 Год назад
When I find a difference between scripture and science, I immediately know that I have a lack of understanding, and for me to have a greater understanding would require God’s intent for me to have that greater understanding, and at this point in eternity, I content myself with where God wants me to be and the understanding He wants me to have.
@yuy2375 7 месяцев назад
yea, whether it's science or interpretation that is correct, we shd keep an open mind. becos scientists or bible scholors, they are all god's wisdom.
@TheFightingSheep 6 месяцев назад
We should differentiate between objective, experimental science, and popular theories paddled by scientific establishment and the education racket.
@Mauser_. 6 месяцев назад
This, right there, is the correct approach 👏👏👏
@jtapia0 5 месяцев назад
In short, when the Bible is not true in what it indicates, do you try to accommodate the interpretation so that it fits with reality and the evidence? What a way to lie to yourself !! Otherwise How do you know (with what verifiable method) that god tells you that this or another interpretation that you find about the Bible is the correct one?
@arthouston7361 5 месяцев назад
@@jtapia0 You're asking yourself is, "is the Bible true?" And, you are doubting that. I'm not doubting that when the Bible seems to be not true, it means that I'm not understanding. That's not "me lying to myself." It's acknowledging that God's knowledge and His leadership is greater than I can imagine. Let me refer to you to 1 Corinthians, 2:14.
@meatyourmaster Год назад
So, whenever science is in conflict with scripture, we are simply looking at some misinterpretation of scripture? The consequence of this is the complete loss of falsifiability, isn't it?
@Spladoinkal 6 месяцев назад
You're making a strawman argument
@megalopolis2015 Год назад
How I Love John Lennox. Such a voice of reason and peace. As believers, we must remember that Jesus Christ Is Lord, the rest are details. May God continue to bless John and Veritas Forum.
@TheAdventurer1 9 месяцев назад
Jesus was not a god. There is NO invisible sky fairy who created this world.
@stephenberry8658 Месяц назад
How come he is not the Messiah for the Jews???
@jonifejes6815 Год назад
We don’t know how long a minute was, an hour was, a day was when God created the world……man created time as we know it today
@brianoconnor6326 Год назад
This wonderful brother John Lennox has devoted much of his life to persuade unbelievers of the resurrection of Christ and the power of his word. I'm sure many atheists have gotten serious headaches from John's powerful logic and faith. Please pray for him and those that listen to his lectures that God will open the ears of the unbelievers and they would be saved. I think this is God's will that he continue, not many are able to do what he does and are as respected as he is. Thank God for this man and all others who have given their lives in the belief that Christ died to save sinners
@dennyworthington6641 Год назад
Do you also believe in talking snakes?
@johnkaz1476 Год назад
Yes logical people get serious headaches when listening to lennox mumbling about things which don't make sense at all.
@johnpro2847 Год назад
Prof Lennox is from the old school of superstition and revenge by celestial bogeymen..he should stick to teaching arithmatic.
@ExpatriatePaul Год назад
I've been an Atheist for 40 years, and have never heard Mr. Lennox say anything that gave me an even slight headache. Perhaps that's because I'm a rational thinker and realize there is no objectively verifiable evidence for the existence of any "god".
@johnkaz1476 Год назад
@joeturner9219 I want a lot of things to exist my friend. But wanting to and actually existing is two different things unfortunately.
John Lennox IS A MAGNIFICENT professor! When life on life's terms delivers a PUNCH and I'm attempting to regain my ballance, then listen to John's CALMING lectures.. Thank you kind Sir 🙏
@philipbuckley759 Год назад
he may have intellect, but how or why the old earth.....
@rubiks6 Год назад
@@philipbuckley759 - John Lennox has been swayed by the delusion, most likely for the sake of his academic reputation.
@ARRAM57 Год назад
If we can give different interpretations of verses in the bible how can anyone claim it is the unerring word of a perfect all knowing god?
@rubiks6 Год назад
@@ARRAM57 - You can walk on your hands but I claim people were intended to walk on their feet. What _men do_ with the Word of God does not change the fact that it is the Word of God.
@ARRAM57 Год назад
@@rubiks6 I would expect the word of a god would be unambiguous and crystal clear to all that read it......he is god after all, the creator of everything, including language.
@manofgod1910 Год назад
Let me give certain Christians - especially in the scientific field - a slice of advice: don’t try to fit the Bible into science, but rather fit science into the Bible. The Bible is the Word of God; science is the word of fallible man.
@andrewdurand3181 Месяц назад
We are moving on. Thank you though.
@Robert-ct6bc 8 дней назад
"don’t try to fit the Bible into science, but rather fit science into the Bible." Throw every bit of reason, integrety and dignity over board and just buy into the magical claims of some random middle eastern mythology. Obvious that you choose to do that...
@8House 7 дней назад
I don't believe in either. Science is politicized and religion is in total disarray. Neither even begins to satisfy my curiousity.
@Robert-ct6bc 7 дней назад
@@8House That's one way of saying: "I don't understand how science works"
@ss396rip Год назад
I sometimes think the question really being asked is. How long has man been on the earth? That would be a different answer.
@goodmorning6827 Год назад
No, they're two entirely different questions -
@ibealion1 Год назад
I agree with you. I think that is a much more precise question.
@kenneths.perlman1112 Год назад
Well the answer to that question is about 2 million years.
@RuiManel-i9j Год назад
​@@kenneths.perlman1112 haw do you know ?
@Rooster1212 Год назад
​@@RuiManel-i9jhe doesn't
@andreab1144 2 года назад
I was an atheist and got powerfully and wonderfully saved 45 yrs ago. I knew ZERO… but I knew my salvation wasn’t based on my IQ… in fact very little of my salvation is based on me… except my trust in Him. He did it I only need to accept His work on the cross. I love theology, I love to talk and hear about my Lord. I just want to be with others who love Him, not those who agree with me. Those who agree with Him. God bless
@petyrkowalski9887 2 года назад
Do you like to believe things that are true? If you really were an atheist then you were a critical thinker who needed evidence to back up claims. What led you to let go of your critical thinking faculties, join a cult and think that you have been « saved »? Saved from what?
@BornOnThursday 2 года назад
If you don't mind sharing, did you identify as an athiest at the time? And, what were you doing before you were saved?
I would like to share the gospel of our salvation in the dispensation of God's grace. “Grace can be defined as the undeserved favor of God for people who deserve His condemnation.” God does not hold sins against us because they have already been paid for (every sin for every person.) Christ was made to be everyone's-every-sin (2 Corinthians 5:21). However, full reconciliation is not achieved until an individual "reconciles himself" to God (2 Corinthians 5:20). This happens upon belief of the gospel of our salvation. All humanity is forgiven but not all believe it. Being forgiven does not equal being saved, salvation comes by faith. Salvation is appropriated by faith, forgiveness of sins is NOT. Your sins were forgiven regardless of your belief. God did not need your faith at Calvary, He only needed His Son. SALVATION is only gained by trusting Christ - via belief in the word of truth (the gospel of our salvation.) Salvation IS by works, just not our own. It is not of ourselves, but through the gift of God's grace that we are saved. Upon HEARING the gospel, if we BELIEVE the gospel, we are sealed with the holy Spirit of promise unto the day of redemption (Ephesians 1:13-14). A lost soul can only be saved by trusting Christ to have done everything necessary for our salvation though His finished cross-work. Romans thru Philemon are the only books in the bible that explain salvation for today. In those books we find salvation is by faith alone, in Christ alone, without-any-works-of-any-kind-at-anytime. Christ died for your sins, and has risen for your justification (1 Corinthians 15:1-4) Put your faith in what He did rather than what you have done, are doing, or are going to do. Salvation is not getting-your-sins-forgiven, it's believing they already are. (2 Corinthians 5:19) Truth Time Radio, also on youtube and facebook, is here to help you better understand your bible and better articulate your faith to others.
@andreab1144 Год назад
@@BornOnThursday sorry I just ran across this ? I was an angry atheist. Thought Christians were all hypocrites. One day I was looking outside and saw the beauty around me. I said, “God if You are real, I do want to know You. … … I just said, I just can’t believe. A few days later the tv is on and the guy says “if you can’t believe in God, just tell Him.” I thought ok. He says now say this prayer… I asked the Lord into my heart… when I said amen… on the nnnn… I was on the floor. Not only did I know there was a god… I knew God was Jesus Christ. As if He’d infused a knowledge of Himself into my being. Thats over 40yrs ago. It radically changed my life, I’ve never looked back. I’m always in awe of His mercy for me an atheist. I was an enemy of God and He loved me anyway. What grace… truly I am beyond blessed and grateful.
@paxvlog 2 месяца назад
@@andreab1144 🤣
@sudhirkalapala 7 месяцев назад
The Bible says God firmly established the earth. When Adam was 1 day old he would have appeared young 22 year old. Enough said?
@greggoodrich5189 6 месяцев назад
Dude! John Lennox is in front of you. Have someone else sort through the questions. Pay attention to him so others will also.
@paulyester1965 4 месяца назад
Couldn't believe that....
@davegaskell7680 11 месяцев назад
Of course, he is absolutely right in that the overwhelming scientific evidence that the earth goes round the sun, and that the earth is billions of years old should be accepted. It is ridiculous not to accept this. If the bible contradicts this then the interpretation of the bible should be modified. He is correct. The big problem is that he should apply the same principle to accepting the overwhelming scientific evidence on evolution. It is ridiculous not to accept this. He should advocate modifying ones interpretation of biblical creation accordingly.
@shelleyg218 2 месяца назад
Exodus 20:11 - For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.
@shelleyg218 2 месяца назад
@@davegaskell7680 actually, there’s overwhelmingly evidence that we’ve been duped. There’s no curvature, the earth is flat and the sun moon and stars rotate above us, Polaris in the center (it doesn’t move). But I don’t want to get into a debate here, the truth isn’t for everyone. It’s fine that you believe what you believe. Virtually all flat earthers, including myself, believed the earth was a globe their whole life.
@davegaskell7680 2 месяца назад
@@shelleyg218 Oh yes, you have persuaded me. I hadnt realised. How foolish I have been. ;-)
@shelleyg218 2 месяца назад
@@davegaskell7680 I didn’t try to persuade you. It would be impossible to put years of research into a few sentences. That’s why I said in my comment that I don’t want to debate.
@davegaskell7680 2 месяца назад
@@shelleyg218 Ok.
@hakki368 9 месяцев назад
Creation ministries (CMI) is an excellent resource, with multiple videos that tackle this question based on numerous scientific data.
@paulsilsby5355 Год назад
So why does John imagine that God had his word written in the Bible in a way that could be interpreted in different ways. Was this beyond his ability ?
@Unique_Monk Год назад
Let’s consider one thing - if the world is old, then there was death If there was death then Adam was not the cause of death If he wasn’t then sim isn’t the issue If sin isn’t the issue why Christ ?
@butcherjsy8 Год назад
It's possible the Earth was affected by Satan and the fallen angels sin, long before we were created, hence why some interpret the account in Genesis as God restoring the Earth. No doubt in my mind that the enemies fall would affect the creation.
@davidwelch5186 Год назад
The problem is , the Bible acknowledges a time line from Adam to Jesus. Lennox ignored basic facts.. Lennox says the Bible doesn't say how old the earth is, but the book does say how many generations from Adam to Jesus . It is not millions of years.
@tsfurlan Год назад
Right, but the earth could of been around millions of years before God created Adam
@LilRedRasta 7 месяцев назад
Actually it doesn't. It's well known that the genealogies in the bible have many people missing. And they'd often exclude people while focusing on others to emphasize to theological point. In other words, They're not exhaustive. Also the word for father in Biblical Hebrew doesn't necessarily have to mean direct descendant. It CAN also mean great-grandfather or grandfather as well. There's gaps.
@studiolivingroom 5 месяцев назад
​@@tsfurlanBut in Mark 10:6, Jesus said "But, from the beginning of creation, God made them male and female." ("them" in reference to humans based on the context) Jesus understood that humans were created in the beginning. And according to John 1, all things were created through Him, so who better than Jesus to tell us when it happened. John Lennox' explanation sounds great but ignores Jesus' own clear understanding that "in the beginning" wasn't any distance from the rest of the creation days.
@q-petebassin2557 4 месяца назад
@@studiolivingroomthat verse doesn’t support a young earth either. Because even young earthers ignore that humans weren’t made in the beginning. The heavens and the earth were. So even in the literal sense, humans weren’t made in the beginning. The earth is old
@studiolivingroom 4 месяца назад
@@q-petebassin2557 5 days older to be exact.
@adamsifford6228 Год назад
We are lied to all the time. Giants are covered up...
@nate78824 Год назад
Care to elaborate?
@johnlol7416 Год назад
Thank you, someone aint afraid to say it
@eswn1816 Год назад
​@@nate78824 Read Genesis 6 🙏
@JamesRichardWiley Год назад
John Lennox does math but not logic, reality or the scientific method for arriving at truth.
@mikedunningham9614 7 месяцев назад
You’re an extremely simplistic man John. Cheers Mike
@fess749 Год назад
For 1700 years the Bible said the Earth was fixed. All of a sudden it doesn’t say that anymore. Same with the Earths age. There was never any interpretation of the Bible indicating a 4 billion year old Earth. But when science shows the Bible to be problematic, suddenly the Bible didn’t actually say that. Very convenient.
@JL-xn3zy Год назад
John Lennox is a great man.
@TonyEnglandUK Год назад
He certainly has a lot of get-out-of-jail-free excuses whenever his holy book is shown to be wrong.
@upturnedblousecollar5811 Год назад
@@TonyEnglandUK Surely if the Bible were the word of god he would intervene during the writing of it and say _"You can't put that part in my book, it's wrong and by definition, god cannot be wrong."_ That leaves just two options. Either god can be wrong and therefore he cannot be god, or god doesn't exist.
@JL-xn3zy Год назад
@TonyEnglandUK You will not get out of this world alive. I encourage to dig into "the book" for yourself. God bless
@TonyEnglandUK Год назад
@@JL-xn3zy _"The Bible is primitive legend."_ *Albert Einstein*
@JL-xn3zy Год назад
@@TonyEnglandUK Albert wasn't God. The gospel is foolishness to those who are perishing. Instead of relying on the take of Albert, why don't you really find out for yourself?
@theroguetomato5362 2 года назад
It doesn't say "in the beginning". It says "[the] beginning", and it's an introductory statement that is elucidated in the next verses. So Genesis does describe a young earth.
@Isaac5123 2 года назад
It always says In the beginning
@theroguetomato5362 2 года назад
@@Isaac5123 That's the translation. That's not what the Hebrew says.
@Isaac5123 2 года назад
@@theroguetomato5362 it doesn't make sense starting with beginning. It's In the beginning. Do you read Hebrew?
@theroguetomato5362 2 года назад
@@Isaac5123 The Hebrew is רֵאשִׁית which is simply "beginning". Adding "in the" is a translation decision. They did the same thing in the Septuagint.
@Isaac5123 2 года назад
@@theroguetomato5362 do you speak and read Hebrew?
@msa4548 Год назад
Grew up going through Christian schools, had speakers every Friday. I've never heard this before, or explained so simply.
@SalvableRuin Год назад
He explained it so incorrectly.
@oldtimerlee8820 Год назад
It's called the Gap Theory. Proposed in the 1800's. Millions of years have been forced into space between Genesis 1:2 and 1:3.
@cryptochris9001 8 месяцев назад
Gap theory is probably bogus why would there be millions of years gap
@cufflink44 Год назад
I see. So when the Bible says that Adam lived to the age of 930 years, Noah 950, and Methuselah 969, well . . . you don't HAVE to interpret those ages in the "ordinary" sense. I mean, who knows what a year meant back then, right? Or hey, maybe they actually DID live to those ages! Things were different back then! (Even though no scientist in the world believes humans EVER lived anywhere near that long.) Why not, right? The Bible is inerrant! . . . SMH really, really hard.
@Pro-j4q Год назад
Interesting that Mr. Lennoxs god created the universe 13.8 billion years ago, then created the earth 4.5 billion years ago, then created humans 300,000 years ago and only 3000 years ago he created a judaic-chrsitian culture that would fit in Mr. Lennox believe.
@johnrowland9570 2 года назад
What about Ex 20:8-11? Does honest exegesis allow a different interpretation of the word 'day' within a couple of lines? Let John Lennox answer this.
@legron121 2 года назад
Might Exodus 20:11 be read as saying that God created in 6 sequential periods of time and rested afterwards (Hebrews 4 implies that the seventh “day” lasted thousands of years, so this “day” is not 24 hours)? The analogy between human work weeks and God’s creation doesn’t have to be exact. God’s week is a pattern for ours, but not identical. After all, Exodus also speaks of the “hand” of God (9:3) and “voice” of God (19:19), despite God’s not literally having physical hands or a voice box the way humans do (but in a metaphorical sense). So I don’t see why the six “days” of God’s creating have to be exactly the same length as human days are.
@user-yb9hi3us4p Год назад
According to Strongs, the word for "day" is the same in Gen 1 as Exo 20. However, the word translated "made" in Exo 20 is different to the word "created" in Gen 1:1. But everything made in the 6 days Hod saw that it was good. However, verse 2 doesn't say the verse 1 creation was good, in fact it says "without form and void". Ie, not good. Either way, we can agree that God did it. I'm not prepared to tell Him what He meant
@peterwebster7785 Год назад
Thank you! The bible is the Authority, not our understanding of it!!
@lizadowning4389 Год назад
If you can't or are unable to understand it, then how do you even know it is the "authority"? Or is it "any interpretation of it will do, as long as it fits our narrative"?
@alwilson3204 Год назад
It was written for human understanding, and therefore our interpretation as well.
@glen1482 Год назад
@@alwilson3204 And how do you know this? Did god tell you?
@phav1832 Год назад
The scriptures were not written to be science or archaeology books. They reveal profound truths beautifully and poetically. If you study ancient literature even a little, you realize that many of the numbers, images and narratives are not meant to be read literally (that's the shallow approach), but are meant to be prayerfully pondered again and again as multiple levels of truth are uncovered. This is particularly true in the Creation Story, Job and a few others probably. That doesn't mean that there are not historical components to the Biblical text; there are for sure, but too many take a literal approach when none was intended.
@almightyzentaco 9 месяцев назад
If it is not meant to be taken literally, then what is it actually for? How do you divide between crucial dogma and poetic license? I would say that if the bible is not true it should be abandoned, unless you consider pondering it to be some sort of philosophical or spiritual enterprise, such as contemplating the sound of one hand clapping, that somehow leads to enlightenment.
@salvadoralvarado8685 2 года назад
the bible says that plants were created before the sun, how should we “interpret” this ?
@ryleighloughty3307 2 месяца назад
"The Earth does not move" is a red herring. The Bible uses various literary methods, and the reader must discern which method is used and where.
@Chris-hf2sl Месяц назад
Movement has no meaning unless you specify what you're measuring it against. So a 'fixed earth' is meaningless unless you specify with reference to what. Someone standing still at the equator isn't moving since he's standing still (relative to the earth). But the earth is spinning and since the circumference of the earth is about 24,000 miles and there are 24 hours in a day, that same person is moving at 1000 mph, relative to some 'fixed' point near the earth. This brings us to the next problem - what is a fixed point ...
@NathanP711 2 года назад
The difference was Galileo wasn’t trying to push God out of the picture, but the idea of an old earth and the Darwinian evolution that that idea supported were largely pushed by those who wanted to get God out of the picture. So it is difficult for Christians to have a conversation about the topic, because it’s already very muddled.
@petyrkowalski9887 2 года назад
I disagree… scientists want to know the truth based on facts…proven by empirical evidence…not « feelings » or « personal revelation » or simple blind faith.
@NathanP711 2 года назад
@@petyrkowalski9887 No they don’t. Scientist are humans just like everyone else. They’re subject to the same motivations as everyone else. There are plenty of people who can stare empirical evidence in the face and blatantly ignore it. Many of those people are scientists. They’re not immune to their personal bias, nor is anyone else.
@joenbjerregaard7816 Год назад
As one who believes in God I can appriciate that you dont learn anything about how stuff works by reading "God did it" (and it is not like the Bible gives any details anyway). Science must work with the observable and Christians should simply accept scientific consensus. It is really a false dilemma created by conservative churches afraid to loose members and power. But on the other hand, we dont all need to know science stuff and knowledge about the dinos will not fill any starving stomachs today.
@olubunmiolumuyiwa Год назад
@@petyrkowalski9887 empirical evidence is only seen by human through personal perspective...
@Springwater475 Год назад
@@petyrkowalski9887 sure, if you speak against climate change - defunded , speak against certain viruses or treatments , science has been hijacked as ,icy as anything else .
@ivanscott2367 Год назад
Very good reconciliation. The problem with such questions is we often forget God, and therefore his word The Bible, are never wrong. At the same time He never contradicts facts. So, if The Bible says something is thus and so, and the facts seem to contradict that, the issue IS NOT The Bible nor the facts. The issue is OUR choice of interpretation.
@tims5268 Год назад
The bible says mustard seeds are the smallest seed, it isn’t. The bible says bats are birds, they aren’t. Etc etc etc
@airbornesnow4541 8 месяцев назад
So you admit that religion follow science, and you must change your interpretation according to science. When science proved that the earth is over 4 billion years old, your religious beliefs must also follow it.
@ivanscott2367 8 месяцев назад
Yes, I did change my interpretation, from a literal 24 hour day and 7 day week (which neither the greek nor hebrew support btw) to "some periods of a period of time". However, I'd like to help you with something, science never proves anything. It does disprove all else that is untrue. Laymen get that wrong a lot, but scientists know the difference.
@michaelloewen902 2 года назад
I honestly think this is one of the more boring arguments of faith. It's like arguing whether or not each day of creation was 24 hours or not. It misses the point. A God...THE God who created all things (53 billion light years of universe) took 6 days because he chose to. He could have created it instantaneously or over a gazillion years. He did not REQUIRE the time, he chose to use that time to express his creativity and love. .....and remember....this the same type of dude who in the 80's said the earth was MILLIONS of years old. Then somewhere in the last 40 years they added an additional 3 zeros to the timeline when they realized they couldn't fit evolution into millions of years. As a Computer Scientist, I can assure you that adding those zeros was more than a big deal. It was an admission they didn't know what they were talking about. I mean how could today's scientists, who can't figure out if you are a dude or a chick, be wrong about the age of the earth?
@lesliewilliam3777 2 года назад
Allow me to suggest that saying God could have created the Earth etc in "gazillion" years is something God could NOT have done. If he had taken 4.5 billion years to bring the Earth to this present state of existence then it would give the atheist/materialist an excuse because he could always say Nature did it. This is the reason why God took only 6 days so that the miracle of creation can be truly see from the creation itself, that the denial of God's existence would be irrational.
@michaelloewen902 2 года назад
@@lesliewilliam3777 Thank you for providing an example of why this is such a nothing burger argument. With your insistence (and I am not saying you are wrong) in stressing the significance of 6 days, you accomplish 2 things. You start an argument on 'what is a day?' and you suggest God required 6 days ('only 6 days'). He did not. It distracts from the fact that God and God alone is creator, and the glory He should receive for His creation, and instead has people arguing about a timeline in relation to The being who created and is outside of time. But everyone has the right to focus on what they find most important. I choose that it be the Creator, and not the process of what in all creation is, although of great importance to Him, less than a speck in size to all He has created.
@Dudeguy36 2 года назад
He chose that time to establish a pattern for us and so we work 6 days and rest on the 7th. The first day of the week is SUNday, the first day when God established light and the last day is sabbath day or Saturday, when he rested.
@daonedaonly942 2 года назад
Unless you can actually dispute the methods with which scientists use to determine the age of the earth such as radiometric dating, what you are saying is essentially waving in the air. It's nothing. This argument is a nothing burger? I think you denying the fact that the earth is billions of years old without a shred of proof is a nothing burger. How can you, who likely doesn't even understand how scientists reached the conclusion that the earth was billions of years old, even begin to dismantle it? We've estimated it was that old since the early 1900's.
@johnrowland9570 2 года назад
This answer is full of scientific errors if you happen to believe so called science.
@daniellouw1 Год назад
If the Bible says in Psalms 104:5 that the earth does not move, then the Bible also says that: - God is a shepherd (Psa 23:1) - God is a rock (Psa 29:1 and Psa 118:2) - God is a hen (Mat 23:37) - God is an eagle (Deu 32:11) - God is a lion (Isa 31:4) - Trees have conversations (Judges 9) In the same Psalm 104, it also says: covering yourself with light as with a garment, stretching out the heavens like a tent. He lays the beams of his chambers on the waters; he makes the clouds his chariot; he rides on the wings of the wind; he makes his messengers winds, his ministers a flaming fire. We do not take that literally, right? Why then does Lennox want to read verse 5 literally? Psalm 104 is poetry; however, Genesis 1 is not. Also, the earth's movement is part of operational science, while the age of the earth is part of historical science. If people in the past used verse 5 to argue that the earth is fixed, the correct rebuttal is not that science has proved the Bible wrong, it is the people who read their Bible wrong. Read history as history, poetry as poetry, etc
@jessejjordi4689 Год назад
The guy next to Dr. Lennox is obiously not interested in the answer . How RUDE !!!!!!!!!
@dustinberes6401 2 года назад
For in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, the sea and everything that is in them, and He rested on the seventh day; for that reason the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy. Exodus 20:11
@richardgregory3684 2 года назад
The bit with ththe talkign snake is more entertaining, though of course, just as ridiculous.
I would like to share with you the gospel of our salvation in the dispensation of God's grace. “Grace can be defined as the undeserved favor of God for people who deserve His condemnation.” God does not hold sins against us because they have already been paid for (every sin for every person.) Christ was made to be everyone's-every-sin (2 Corinthians 5:21). However, full reconciliation is not achieved until an individual "reconciles himself" to God (2 Corinthians 5:20). This happens upon belief of the gospel of our salvation. All humanity is forgiven but not all believe it. Being forgiven does not equal being saved, salvation comes by faith. Salvation is appropriated by faith, forgiveness of sins is NOT. Your sins were forgiven regardless of your belief. God did not need your faith at Calvary, He only needed His Son. SALVATION is only gained by trusting Christ - via belief in the word of truth (the gospel of our salvation.) Salvation IS by works, just not our own. It is not of ourselves, but through the gift of God's grace that we are saved. Upon HEARING the gospel, if we BELIEVE the gospel, we are sealed with the holy Spirit of promise unto the day of redemption (Ephesians 1:13-14). A lost soul can only be saved by trusting Christ to have done everything necessary for our salvation though His finished cross-work. Romans thru Philemon are the only books in the bible that explain salvation for today. In those books we find salvation is by faith alone, in Christ alone, without-any-works-of-any-kind-at-anytime. Christ died for your sins, and has risen for your justification (1 Corinthians 15:1-4) Put your faith in what He did rather than what you have done, are doing, or are going to do. Salvation is not getting-your-sins-forgiven, it's believing they already are. (2 Corinthians 5:19) Truth Time Radio, also on youtube and facebook, is here to help you better understand your bible and better articulate your faith to others.
@richhand930 9 месяцев назад
One of a 1000 reasons not to believe in the Abrahamic God.
@LilRedRasta 7 месяцев назад
Sweet now look up the definition of "yom" which in hebrew is day. It has 4 literal definitions. It doesn't have to mean 24 hours. For example. There's no morning or night on the 7th day. The bible claims we're still in the 7th day. In Genesis 2 the hebrew reads. In the DAY that God created the heavens and the earth. What day was that? Day 1 or 6? Biblical Hebrew was a very small language only consisting of a few thousands words. Roughly 3k-5k words. Day in Hebrew can mean an indefinite amount of time that has a start and a finish. The meaning depends on the context. Another example is heaven. Heaven meant the sky in Hebrew, it also meant the entirety of the universe, and it also meant the place where god resides. This why in the bible they'll say i went up to the third heaven. They're letting you know which one they mean. The same can be deduced from Genesis upon close inspection. Adam watches the trees grow in Genesis 2. He names all the animals that God has made. He tends the garden. He has enough time to get lonely. Are we meant to interpret that this all happened on one day?
@davedavis2132 6 месяцев назад
2 Peter 3:8 But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day. Psalm 90:4 A thousand years in your sight are like a day that has just gone by, or like a watch in the night.
@sophiandethiu2721 Год назад
I love God because He is mysterious in all His ways. If we knew everything about God and about the earth, we would not need what God wanted us to have. Faith. I believe it makes God thrilled when a man can humbly say....l cant understand it, but nonetheless, l believe what you have said is the truth. God didn't want us to understand everything. If we did, he would just be one like us! I am a teacher. If my pupils knew everything l knew, they would not need me!!! You want to understand everything about God? Do you even understand everything about your closest friend??
@EET8689 Год назад
Very interesting analysis! Above all Let us not “disrepute the gospel”! I would however like to add one note (no controversy here, just food for thought), when thinking about creation. There is a vs. from Exd 20:9-11 “six days you shall labor and do all your work… for in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day.” NIV
@JonathanMarshall-kc6pi 26 дней назад
Where can I find :"God has set the earth on its pillars that it should not be moved."
@viliamrajnic7396 16 дней назад
In the Bible, the concept of God placing the Earth on pillars appears in a few passages, particularly in poetic books of Old Testament texts that use figurative language to describe God's power and creation. For example Psalm 104:5 "Who laid the foundations of the earth, that it should not be removed for ever." One of the well-known verses mentioning the idea of pillars is found in 1 Samuel 2:8, which states: "He raiseth up the poor out of the dust, and lifteth up the beggar from the dunghill, to set them among princes, and to make them inherit the throne of glory: for the pillars of the earth are the LORD'S, and he hath set the world upon them." A similar image can also be found in Job 9:6: "Which shaketh the earth out of her place, and the pillars thereof tremble." These verses are symbolic, expressing the stability and control that God has over the world, rather than making a literal statement about the physical structure of the Earth.
@gdsandkes8912 Месяц назад
How are we to reconcile Job 26:7 with this line of thought? The earth is indeed fixed in its place (thought it moves) and no one is able to move it from where it has been fixed on that first day of creation.
@zacdredge3859 2 года назад
Interesting that he didn't ask the professors what yom(day) means.
@richardstorier6172 Год назад
Yom is a literal 24 hour day
@butcherjsy8 Год назад
@@richardstorier6172 It depends on the context, it means a period of time.
@Peekaboo-Kitty 7 месяцев назад
@@richardstorier6172 No it is NOT! *Yom means an undefined period of Time.* It can be from sunrise to sunset, it can be one week, one month, one year, one age, one lifetime, or one eon.
@justinmon6659 7 месяцев назад
​And in this case it means one day
@LilRedRasta 7 месяцев назад
@@richardstorier6172 Actually no. Has 4 definitions. Doesn't always mean 24 hours. It can mean an indefinite amount of time that has a start and a finish as well.
@ragibby6557 7 месяцев назад
No one ever says or believes the new earth and new heavens will take billions of years. Why do many think that of first creation? It was literally days. God spoke it and it was. The Hebrew word "yom" ALWAYS means a literal day when used in conjunction with a number or description like day or evening.
@jollyrancher521 2 месяца назад
William Wilson's _Old Testament Word Studies_ says the following regarding the Hebrew word “yohm”: "A day; it is frequently put for time in general, or for a long time; a whole period under consideration . . . Day is also put for a particular season or time when any extraordinary event happens.”
@ragibby6557 2 месяца назад
@@jollyrancher521 Yohm always means a literal 24 hours when used with a number (day 1), or when used with "evening", "morning". You will never find sn example of yohm meaning other than 24 hours when it has a qualifier like this.
@jollyrancher521 2 месяца назад
​@@ragibby6557 How can you say that with such confidence? I am no expert in Biblical Hebrew, but I quoted for you what experts in Biblical Hebrew say. Am I supposed to believe you just because you say so?
@CSUnger Год назад
There is overwhelming scientific evidence that the universe is far older than the six 24 hour periods that many young earthers claim the Bible proposes. but if a modern day scientist had been present at the marriage feast in Cana in Galilee, he would have said that the wine he had just consumed was the finest wine he had ever tasted and it must have been brought out at the peak of its aging process and most certainly could not have been made that same day
@samsonite363 Год назад
That is an interesting point considering this was also Jesus’ first miracle
@CSUnger Год назад
Consider something else about that miracle, samsonite363. First off, John is the only Gospel writer who records this incident and he places it between John 3, the New Birth, and John 1:13 “born of God”. Think figuratively. Water into wine. Six stone jars.
@pannonia77 Год назад
Only problem that the story of the wedding at Cana never happened. It is a fictional story. (Most - or perhaps all - stories found in the gospel of John not found, and even contradicting the synoptic gospels are fiction.) The synoptics say that the relationship between Jesus and his family was strained, they even thought he had lost his mind. John says that Jesus' relationship with his mother was very close, indeed he turned water into wine only because his mother asked him to.
@CSUnger Год назад
@pannonia. LOL. Make up your mind. Either the Gospels are a reliable source of information or they are not.
@pannonia77 Год назад
@@CSUnger They are not. The synoptics may contain traces of actual history, but the gospel of John is entirely fictional.
@peterhinton3352 Год назад
In 100 years religion and belief in a God will have gone.
@robertortiz-wilson1588 8 месяцев назад
So well explained. God bless him. I pray others who need this find it.
@TheHoodie63 Год назад
Love listening to John Lennox- he removes the religion from faith.
@jounisuninen 9 месяцев назад
"John Lennox- he removes the religion from faith." - Pretty well said. I became YEC by studying first the evolution theory, then genetics, geology, biochemistry, paleontology, information science and the laws of physics. The impossibility of abiogenesis and the false theory of natural selection acting as a gene generator made me reject evolution theory. Instead, I became 100% certain of the Intelligent Design, especially because there is no 3rd alternative. Give me one observable evidence of abiogenesis. Give me one observable evidence of genetic information developing from dead matter. I say: Both life and genetic information are created by God i.e. Jesus Christ. That is proven by science itself, since abiogenesis would break the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics and there is no 3rd alternative.
@Wertbag99 8 месяцев назад
@@jounisuninen How did the science lead to YEC and not OEC? It is possible to not believe in abiogenesis or evolution but not believe the world is only 6000 years old. I'm also not sure why you say there is no 3rd alternative? Surely there have been countless ideas on how life was created and if by supernatural means, which deity in particular did the creating? Abiogenesis doesn't break the 2nd law of thermodynamics, so I'm unsure where that idea comes from.
@bobmoore7481 2 года назад
Once again, verbal gymnastics to make the bible relevant. A University Professor ? Universities are meant to be places of critical thinking and enquiry not of delusional dogma.
@mtgoat1016 11 месяцев назад
This just says they got it wrong back then because we all know today the earth does move so what else did they misinterpreted back then?
@dennyworthington6641 Год назад
Science tells us the earth is 4.5 billion years old. Full stop, end of discussion.
@dongee1664 2 года назад
If the Bible was clear about anything it would be the only miracle in it. Look how he has to waffle all around the original question and actually say nothing..
@michaeloshea5505 2 года назад
A theologian waffling on and actually saying nothing 🤔
@geoffreyallen8810 Год назад
Isn't it amazing how christians re-interpret the. bible to suit their own particular circumstances?
@Danny451 9 месяцев назад
Well, as a Christian, I believe the earth is around 6,000 years old. I mean, who could possibly imagine such an enormous number as that?
@davidmacpherson8710 8 месяцев назад
Add about 4 billion to your 6K.
@Danny451 8 месяцев назад
@@davidmacpherson8710 🤣👍
@EnthusiasticTent-xt8fh 8 месяцев назад
​@@davidmacpherson8710You have no evidence for your claim.
@trevorstieger6762 8 месяцев назад
4.5 to be exact
@EnthusiasticTent-xt8fh 8 месяцев назад
@@trevorstieger6762 4.5 years? Boy, I thought I was YEC!
@buzzbbird Год назад
In the Beginning, God created the Heavens and the Earth is simply a title or overview statement. It is identically equal in meaning to saying something like, God created everything. After this opening statement, the information that is covered by the opening statement is given. HOW can I be sure of this? EASY, the very next sentence says that the earth did not exist. NULL AND VOID means nonexistent. So since we were told that God made the heavens and the earth, the next statement that says the earth did not exist, is the actual beginning of the creation story, under the title phrase of God creating the heaven and the earth. This is not seeking to protect the Bible, it is, in fact, THE reading of the Bible. Remember, God inspired the Bible for us to know, not for us to figure out. It was written in the common language for the common man to understand, it was not written in an elitist dialect that the majority could not understand.
@John777Revelation 9 месяцев назад
Regarding the timeline of creation stated in Genesis 1 of the Bible, many people think that creation occurred within a 7 "earth-day" period. However, if one reads the actual text of the Bible carefully, it is very clear that the “days” mentioned in Genesis 1 are not referring to the assumed 24-hour earth- days with which we are all accustomed. Because, what is a “day” on earth? Isn’t a "earth-day” the single revolution of the earth around its axis? (By the way, science has shown that the rotation of the earth has not been constant over earth's history. Additionally, every celestial body has a different length for its "day".) According to the Bible, the Earth was not "formed" until the 3rd day of creation. Prior to the 3rd day of creation, the earth was "without form and void". So, how could an "unformed" earth have rotated about its non-existent axis during the first two days of creation to provide a measure of time? Clearly, God was using a different measure of time for a “day” during the “seven days of creation”. In other words, God was not using an “earth-day” as a unit measure of time during creation. To think that God would use an "earth-based time clock" to measure the creation of the universe is akin to the out-dated geocentric belief that the universe revolves around the earth. Even though God is everywhere at all times, God did not have to be "on" earth [Obviously, since the earth had not even been formed until the third "day" of creation.] and therefore not limited by an earthly time frame, when He created the heavens and the earth. (By the way, when was the clock invented? When was the unit measure of time for a second, a minute, an hour, a 24-hour day established? These are all relatively new innovations. So, how could they have measured time at the moment of creation.) God is beyond heaven, earth ... and time.​
@moirathompson310 9 месяцев назад
Excellent point! As the Most High says, his ways are not our ways. The earth was given into the hands ⏰ of the wicked, who devised times, changed places . You are right how could time be measured from creation. 🌻🌺🌸🌺🌻🌺🌸
@THEJIG-IS-UP 11 месяцев назад
He's the clean Benny Hill
@SolveEtCoagula93 Год назад
So, the esteemed John Lennox says, 'You could interpret it . . . this way, or you could interpret it another way'. In other words, the Bible doesn't actually give the Truth. You make the ambiguous words fit want you want to believe - then it tells the Truth!
@Unique_Monk Год назад
No ambiguity in the 7 days
@SolveEtCoagula93 Год назад
@@Unique_Monk What exactly is a day? How long is one? Is a ‘day’ simply an expression for a symbolic length of time ie one ‘day’ for God is a billion Earth years? Is the length of a day constant? Is it a literal day as we now understand the term? Is it literal, symbolic, allegorical, heavenly, astronomical, or any other representation? If you don’t think there is ambiguity in such a term, you don’t think!
@Unique_Monk Год назад
@@SolveEtCoagula93 You haven’t read the bible have you Genesis clearly defines this And there was evening and morning To suggest it could mean a billion or any other amount of time is desperate Is the day constant - yes it is… we see morning and evening constantly This isn’t hard to grasp
@SolveEtCoagula93 Год назад
@@Unique_Monk Let me remind you that the topic here is whether 7 days is ambiguous or not? So, in the above you are quoting Genesis 1.3 to 1.5 - correct? God creates 'a light' to separate the dark from the light. What light (ambiguity)? It clearly isn't the Sun since 'lights in the sky' are not created until Gen 1.14, which, togther with the added detail at Gen 1.16 pointing to the 'greater light to govern the day', ie the Sun! So, if the Sun isn't created until after He created the 'light which separated the darkness', then what type of day are we talking about in Gen 1.3 - 1.5? (Indeed, what type of light - more ambiguity?). Whatever type of day it is, it is clearly not the 24hr cycle that arises from the spinning Earth receiving light from the Sun. You then go onto say, 'Is the day constant - yes it is . . we see morning and evening constantly.' Well, firstly that's ambiguous already since unless you live on the equator the legnth of the day and night constantly change throughout the year. So, if I asked how long is day light on Earth, I would need to state when in the year I am talking about and where on the planet I am. In the extreme, the North pole experiences many months of continuous light and dark. So, on Earth presently, a day is far from being constant - hence you are factually wrong. BUT far more importantly, how do you know that what we experience NOW is what was experiened at the time that Genesis is talking about? Remember, I don't need to prove that they are different, that isn't my argument, I merely need to show that ambiguity, or uncertainty, exists. Unless we have definitive proof of the time scale in Genesis, we cannot say how long a day was - hence we have ambiguity! If you agree with my analysis, good! Thus it shown that, when considering what is meant by a 'day' at the time of Genesis, we clearly have ambiguity floating around all over the place. If you don't agree with my analysis then better still. By defintion, ambiguity arises as a result of the possiblity of different ways of interpreting something and since we have at least two different ways of interpreting Gensis we have ambiguity. (In fact we have many more than the two of us because my analysis above is a very standard.) Actually the mere fact that this chat exists shows that we have ambiguity. You can argue about about how much, or how strong such ambiguity is, which is what you have done - you used the expression, 'desperate' but that is a simply a value judgment - but, so what? The length and meaning of 'day', any 'day' at any time and in any place, contain HUGE ambuguity!
@Unique_Monk Год назад
@@SolveEtCoagula93 Nope, only in your world view He makes it clear what a day is, how it is supposed to be represented etc I think you miss the whole point of the reason for the debate too, that a) man evolved b) there were dinosaurs millions of years ago Both not possible according to the bible
@kurtdvet Год назад
Gotta give Lennox credit for being so calm while trying to explain away his cognitive dissonance.
@Stupidityindex Год назад
He is transparently void of any quality-control in the reasoning department. What nature of people suggest a prayer fantasy, when we know nothing fails like prayer in a children's hospital. Even the fictional Jesus The Nailed said faith was worthless if you can't move mountains with voice-commands.
@ivanscott2367 Год назад
So which cognitive dissonance do you subscribe to?
@Martel858 Год назад
@@Stupidityindex Inane platitudes. Nothing screams pretentious more than an atheist on religious debate. I wonder how many atheists out there are seeking truth, where religion is not simply anathema to them?
@pankaja7974 Год назад
dont you believe that a trillion atoms came into existence by itself and assembled into a cell by itself and booted ?
@ilovelambs5534 Год назад
@@Stupidityindexyou think Jesus is fictional? Bro be serious 😭 there’s more recorded history about Him than there is of Pontius Pilote, who existed at the same time. Are you going to say Pontius Pilote did not exist, too?
@HaroldShipley 8 месяцев назад
The professor is spot on. Creationists who insist their interpretation of a 6000 year old earth is the ONLY interpretation put limits on God the Bible does not. The 6 "days" of creation could have been of any length necessary. They also do not have to be the same length. They were to prep the earth for the creation of man, nothing more.
@colinlavery625 9 месяцев назад
Do you really believe that at the point of Jesus's death by crucifixion, large numbers of people climbed out of their graves and wandered around the streets of Jerusalem !!!! Lots of wacky stuff like this in the Bible.
@Mr.Anglo1095 5 месяцев назад
Well that’s not one of them because that’s not in the Bible lol
@Shikuesi 2 года назад
Dr Lennox appears to be advocating the Gap Theory, as though God made the earth before the first day of Genesis 1, but ignores Exodus 20:11. Also his language is surprisingly loose when he refers to "astronomy and astrophysics" as pointing to a very old earth, when he urgently need to get up to speed that nothing in the solar system actually looks that old, and that multiple objects in it look much younger - orders of magnitude younger. So his claim of a "conflict with science" is a mirage. Speaking as one mathematician to another (and sure he's a good deal more advanced than me on that), I'd suggest that in big-picture terms the old earth's Achilles' heel and thus the young earth's secret weapon, time and time again, is the exponential function. Now there's something to chew on.
@zacdredge3859 2 года назад
Well by Gap Theory you'd have an old earth and then every other celestial body would be much younger. Given the dating of interplanetary objects give results that exceed that of the Earth it doesn't track; either their calibration and data selection is at fault or the Earth really is that old, there's not really an option of both being true.
@dulls8475 2 года назад
There is nothing in scripture that advocates the Gap theory. No support from either "science or God". I do find his compromise irritating. The Atheists know that Genesis being disproved in any way undermines the reason for Christ dying on the cross.
@wondery6693 Год назад
Lennox is brilliant and his non answer was also.
@nicl8749 Год назад
There is no doubt, the bible teaches the universe was created in 6 days, literal days, God rested on the 7 literal day, 6000 years ago. Chronological read. It is a young earth no doubt, that’s the problem with Christianity these days, they don’t take scripture as “ it is written”
@SuperEdge67 Год назад
………so are you saying you believe the Earth is 6000 years old.
@nicl8749 Год назад
@@SuperEdge67 yes I do ,if you look at some creation scientists, they will tell you the Same.
@SuperEdge67 Год назад
@@nicl8749 🤣😂🤣🤣 ‘Creation science’……..is an oxymoron. There is no such thing as creation science………it is religious creationism…………there is no science involved. It’s laughed at by the scientific community and deserves to be.
@DavidtheNorseman Год назад
You are correct...if you reject that you have to reject Genesis 1:1, too (as well as the rest of the Scripture). Sad.... :-(
@timothy6007 Do you believe in the air that you breath ? Well yes I can’t live to long without it. Yet you don’t believe in the one who created it? When we understand that we need God more than air we breath it will make sense.
@stevenlunsford5782 Год назад
All that matters is when Adam was created, which was almost 6000 years ago. Why that is relevant is because the 7 days of creation was 7000 years of man in the flesh, which began with Adam.
@myxsys Год назад
Genesis 1:1 is a title that summarises the rest of the chapter. Verse 2 and onwards explains in detail how God created heaven and earth.
@cornelkittell9926 Год назад
Christians often get into arguments over those things that don't really matter. Ask yourself, is it a salvation issue? If not, let it go. That is why we have so many denominations. They split over the minutia.
@SalvableRuin Год назад
It IS a salvation issue. If you don't believe that Adam was a literal man who died as a consequence of sin, then you have no reason to believe Jesus died to redeem us from that sin. If dinosaurs died millions of years before man existed, then death is not a consequence of sin, and Christ cannot have saved us from death. If fossils of dinosaurs and mammals and birds were made millions of years ago, then they were made before the creation week when God said he made the land, the sun, the moon, and all the animals. NOT BELIEVING GOD'S WORD is a salvation issue.
@Peekaboo-Kitty 7 месяцев назад
You're correct. The Age of the Universe is not a matter of Salvation but it is a matter of Truth. I want to know the Truth in all things. Do you?
@cornelkittell9926 7 месяцев назад
@@Peekaboo-KittyYes, and I would tend to go with the Bible as the source. After all my years working in science I have come to realize that we actually know very little. We base so much on assumptions. When you look at what we do know it does not contradict scripture.
@Peekaboo-Kitty 7 месяцев назад
@@cornelkittell9926 You haven't been reading your Bible properly then because Science does contradict Scripture - that is if you take Scripture literally. Of course we know Genesis is not a literal account and was never meant to be.
@cornelkittell9926 7 месяцев назад
@@Peekaboo-Kitty Let God be true and all men liars. The Bible is the truth. Science, real science does not contradict the Bible. The Bible does contain the supernatural, which is not understood by science. But it is real.
@AndyfromPBG1 2 года назад
This is an illogical view. People misreading poetry doesn't invalidate Jesus referring to Adam and Eve as real people, or Peter referring to people like this who doubt the flood as fools.
@difficultjourney3216 2 года назад
Can't have it both ways. Either you believe the Bible in its entirety or you don't. Thr Bible explicitly says that God created the heaven and earth in six days which would make the earth only thousands of years old. People like this just need to admit they don't believe it and quit trying to smooth it over. And if the Bible is wrong about that what else is it wrong about?
@nickfaulkner4808 Год назад
A lot of Christians including myself don’t believe that those 6 days are literal 24 hour periods of time. We don’t know how long a day is too God since he is outside of time. I suggest checking out the RU-vid channel Inspiring philosophy. He has a whole video on this topic exact topic where he explains it perfectly.
@difficultjourney3216 Год назад
@@nickfaulkner4808 what do you do with Exodus 20: 11 and Exodus 31: 17? There it's says specifically that God created the heaven and earth in six literal days. Is Exodus wrong also? And what about in Genesis where the talking serpent decieved Eve? Or the angels with the flaming swords? All just symbolic? At what point does Genesis begin to become literal in your opinion? I don't need others to convince me that Genesis is mythically written. I've thoroughly studied it for myself. You should do the same.
@JasonScoopComedy 11 месяцев назад
So God hates analogy?
@Logiactor 6 месяцев назад
This whole argument for the literal six days is ignorant, superficial, and increasingly tiresome. Look up the meaning of the Hebrew word ‘Yom’. Besides, since when was the bible supposed to be a scientific handbook? It isn’t one single book, it’s a collection that comprises all kinds of writing genres and styles.
@gleeman959 11 месяцев назад
One of my favorite writers and teachers of the faith is C.S. Lewis because he taught that reason should be built into one's faith. I like Mr. Lennox (apologies if he holds a doctorate), but in this particular subject he seems to be misquoting Genesis in order to soften what is written there. While I'm using an ESV translation, the passages appear in the other translations I've cross-checked. Gen. 1:5 "... And there was evening and there was morning, the first day." Gen. 1:8 "... And there was evening and there was morning, the second day." These phrases appear after each accomplishment on the respective day. I once tried to hold the belief that what was said in Genesis 1 merely referenced an unknown amount of time in seven sequences. That is until I reread the scripture and saw these passages. For me, these passages are too purposefully placed within the text to allow for interpretation as Mr. Lennox is professing. And as for those stating science has proven the age of the Earth. I merely have to look back 50 or 100 years to the writings of the scientists at that time who were just as certain of the Earth's age that modern science has since debunked. It is only through humanity's hubris that we say anything is certain as to how old our universe is or how it even works. Science is our method of learning about our universe, but to say anything we learn is the absolute end of the mystery is folly. Scientific theories must be tested constantly so that we can know they hold up to new evidence.
@susienatarajan7335 4 месяца назад
Thank you , this is how I understood creation, 6 days and 7th day of rest. The Professor, (due respect to him) is trying to put the square peg in a round hole, to accommodate the scientific age of the world. I love everything else he says about God and the Christian Faith but on this point I'm unable to agree with him!
@ln5493 Год назад
John makes an interesting point differentiating time between 'in the beginning and the completion of day 1", however he explains nothing about the approx. 4000 year biblical chronology clearly listed from day1 to the time of Christ written so that we as mere mortals can understand it". Consequently the bible still states that plant, sea, animal and human life made by God's word on days 3, 5 and 6 till now only accounts for approx. 6000 years in complete contrast to the fiction of evolution.
@Gettin_chunky 10 месяцев назад
For the record, genesis is literal, what he mentions about the earth is found in the poetic writings
@questor5189 8 месяцев назад
Agreed. I consider Genesis chapter one as written from a celestial perspective, Genesis chapter two as written from a terrestrial perspective, and Job chapters 38-41 as a poetical cosmogony.
@Peekaboo-Kitty 7 месяцев назад
Genesis cannot be literal because the earth wasn't created before the Universe (it had to be created into something) and you cannot have Plants without the Sun. Plus the order of Creation is completely wrong and half of all life forms, such as Microscopic life forms and Amphibians, are not even mentioned in Genesis!
@beyondsquid 2 года назад
Think of "In the beginning..." as a chapter or book heading. A summary statement.
@glen1482 Год назад
Yes, for a work of fiction
@Peekaboo-Kitty 7 месяцев назад
Everything has a beginning. Nothing special here!
@Shytot-1 10 месяцев назад
Did anyone hear an answer in that diatribe? He talked a lot but still managed to not answer the question, he's good, in fact, he's very good at dodging the question. Unless I missed the answer and it was, god did it?
@fido652 Месяц назад
If the Bible is full of untruth we can safely ignore all of it.
@thingamejignobodyknows4346 Год назад
You have to have a answer
@tedgrant2 8 месяцев назад
All religions are based on a misunderstanding of facts. Now we understand lightning, nobody believes in Zeus.
@EyFmS Год назад
So his answer is....buy my book??
@EyFmS 6 месяцев назад
@@davidboyd1745 Well f*ck me then...he did a speach on RU-vid...the man MUST be telling the truth!!!
@alainstasse4602 Год назад
Nailed! Exactly what I've always seen. 'In the beginning' and 'God said' are two different sequences/events. Another example is 'In the beginning was the word' and 'the Word became flesh'. Two different sequences/events.
@glen1482 Год назад
All nonsense no matter how you read it.
@jamesmcallister9645 Год назад
@@glen1482 You must be born again, you obviously are not born again so of course without the Holy Spirit you cannot understand, no offense because most of us who are now born again christains through wholehearted repentance used to think the bible was nonsense.The fact remains Jesus Christ died in agony to reconcile sinners back to the Father and thats what's happening since the resurrection of of our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ. Glory to God.
@SatanFollower1 Год назад
@@jamesmcallister9645nice u just admitted to being brainwashed 😂
@jamesmcallister9645 Год назад
@@SatanFollower1 Speak for yourself , and not brainwashed but deceived, do you even know the meaning of deception? Get yourself a dictionary and learn something.
@upturnedblousecollar5811 Год назад
Are you sure you want to use the term _"nailed"_ when discussing this issue?
@bizzbuilder 9 месяцев назад
John Lennox deserves a lot more respect than this person across from him is giving him sitting there playing with his papers that is very rude, but he doesn’t care
@AlanSelkirk 8 месяцев назад
Because he's heard it all before
@Gettin_chunky 10 месяцев назад
People see scientists using dating methods (contradict each other) and see the Bible seeming to indicate a younger earth. If u can believe God created a fully mature man and fully mature animals and trees then why is it hard to believe the earth was also created mature so that it had fossil fuels etc that we need?
@michi9816 9 месяцев назад
did I get it right: some 6000 years god brought the universe, earth, all the creatures and humans into existence ? probably with an old earth history ? you are not serious
@dorfmanjones 2 года назад
First, something isn't true. Then, when it is proved true, it's not relevant. Then when it's proved relevant, it's not important. Religion just keep moving the goal posts. What it comes down to is that people can't deal with death being final. There's no salvation, and no punishment either. They can't bear it. Everything else, like pretending there's some debate about the age of the earth, stems from the inability to process existential terror.
@glen1482 Год назад
Well said
@joseywales9726 Год назад
I wonder if he talked about the OT genealogies from Adam forward that give us a general time frame
@user-yb9hi3us4p Год назад
That gives a time frame for how long man has been on the earth, but it doesn't deal with how old the earth is. But the Prof is right - what does it matter? If God didn't bother to clarify it then he's telling us it doesn't matter. Does it affect your salvation in any way? No.
@SalvableRuin Год назад
@@user-yb9hi3us4p It matters for the reason I explained above. If millions of years of fossils formed in sediment BEFORE the first day of creation (which is what Lennox's argument implies), that means ANIMALS and PLANTS were dying and being fossilized for MILLIONS OF YEARS before God made light, the sun, the moon, land, the plants, the animals, etc. The ONLY motivation to ADD BILLIONS of years between verse 2 and verse 3 (which is utterly absurd) is to compromise with materialistic interpretations of the universe and the earth that were designed specifically to contradict God. ABRAHAM BELIEVED GOD and it was counted as righteousness. Nothing observed in science has ever contradicted a plain reading of the Bible. If we can't believe God when he says he created the earth in 6 days, then why bother believing him when he says he raised Jesus from the dead in 3?
@user-yb9hi3us4p Год назад
@@SalvableRuin now you're just making things up in your head. Firstly, it doesn't take millions of years to create fossils at all. And if you do want to take the Bible literally, then it suggests the planet is older. Firstly, it says it was without form and void. That's not good, but everything God creates is good (1 Tim 4:4). Gen 1:28 God tells Adam and Eve to 'replenish' the earth. That would imply putting it back the way it was. We don't know exactly the time frame of the fall of Satan, but it may be the between Gen 1:1 and 2 as he was most likely fallen before God created man. Man seems to have been created for God to show his grace (Eph 2:7) and to show Satan the power of God. Perhaps an angelic war vastly damaged the earth leaving it formless and void, and God created man to show Satan he could never be the equal of God. The literal 6x 24hour days is also interesting. The sun and moon aren't created until the 4th day, so what exactly was the evening and morning to create the 1st day? The really interesting thing is the grass and trees grew on day 3, yet the sun wasn't created until day 4.... Also, it says the evening and morning were each day. Well, the period between evening and morning we call night, so what exactly does that mean? There's a school of thought the words translated evening means dusky, something unclear or hard to see and morning means getting illuminated or becoming clear. The idea of each stage God created something it revealed a bit more and became clearer what Creation was going to be. And so you're conflating not understanding with not believing. I don't doubt God created the universe and everything in it, and I don't doubt he could do with a snap of his fingers. But that doesn't mean I can't question the mechanics of it and try to understand exactly how it happened. 2 Peter 3 has a lot of interesting comments, and he does make the point that the earth as it was created has perished so its ignorant to assume that what we observe today is how its always been (and a major flaw of modern science). So with all that, I'm not sure how you make the leap from wondering the exact time frame of creation would mean you doubt the resurrection of Christ.
@michaelhoerig5920 2 года назад
This 'controversy' does not bother me at all. The Bible and Science cannot possibly be at odds with one another! Therefore, the Bible must be interpreted in light of irrefutable science. This will be a new revelation!
@oscargr_ Год назад
That's a pretty good definition of a god-of-the-gaps.
@calvinismistrue 2 года назад
This is what happens when someone tries to fit a presupposition into scripture. The day age and gap theories become rebundled into a lot of word gymnastics that basically says "I believe the Bible, but it is wrong because a lot of scientist say so". If the beginning was not really the beginning, what do you do with Jesus saying "have you not read that in the beginning He created them male and female?"? What do you do with Exodus where it says "in 6 days God created the Heaven, the Earth and the seas and all that in them is"? Lennox is not simply casting a shadow on a hand full of verses peppering the early pages of the Bible, He questions Jesus's claims in the new testament and Moses' account of later OT books. It amazes me how John appeals to astrophysics and other branches of science to say that you don't have to believe what the creator of all those subjects of study says about their origin timeline. Simply stated, Jesus references Adam & Eve being created at the beginning. We are then given in the following chapters a comprehensive genealogical list of the patriarchs. Luke follows Jesus' lineage all the way back to Adam. Blathering on and on about mathematics and physics enlightening us over 1700 years falls flat when considering how many times Bible deniers have been shown wrong thru the centuries. As far as what the lost world thinks of Christians having disagreements, who cares? I'd rather pursue the truth than put on a front for the pagans and compromise fundamental doctrine. They don't believe either one us, but do enjoy seeing one side capitulate and undermine trust in the Bible.
@catherinesummers5057 2 года назад
Agreed!!!!!!God bless you
@willbrooks3490 Год назад
Talk about IRONY...John Lennox is involved in the very thing he says Christians shouldn't argue over - the Age of the Earth! IF God intended readers of Genesis to believe the Earth is NOT circa 6,000 years old He, instead of inspiring Moses to use the term yoms (which in context are 6 days of 24 hours) could have directed Moses to use the terms OLAM and QEDEM which are appropriate for indeterminate long periods of time even up to millions and billions of years. BUT.....He didn't and instead he inspired Moses to write 'yoms' and furthermore the same terms and grammatical constructions are used again in Exodus when Moses again under inspiration wrote that the people of Israel were to work for 6 yoms i.e. days (not Olams and Qedems) and to rest for 1 yom i.e. day. Does Lennox really think the Israelites were to work fo r6 millions of years and to rest for 1 million years?! The 'giveaway' in Lennox thinking is in his opening sentences in which he ASSUMES the scientists and astronomers have it right.....and it seems evident that he puts his faith in those secularists and probably hasn't even considered what other scientists and astronomers such as for example, D Russell Humphreys and Jason Lisle both Bible-believing Christians have to say about this issue. So, marks out of 10 for Lennox? 1/10 for showing up.
@HughSheehy 9 месяцев назад
Saddest thing is that people still believe fairy tales about beardy sky men.
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