
The Big Lie Preachers Keep Telling You (And Where it Came From) 

Three Angels Broadcasting Network (3ABN)
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@RokofAges1 2 года назад
Thanks JL “If you abide in my word…….you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free” John 8:31-32.
@robertgoss6564 2 года назад
I am not religious, despite being raised as a front-row Methodist. But this gentleman stirred something old/new in me, leaving me eager to hear more.
@mariadesouza2989 Год назад
Gotta be wise and choose wise...
@johannesbotha4761 Год назад
God hasten opportunities towards you that you enjoy further joy by truth you receive in the messages as His servants share with all who want to hear biblical truth 🙏🙏
@NormanChester882 Год назад
@pamalaboyd7008 Год назад
Praise God, so happy for you. I was a Sun. Keeper till I was 64, and I was told I wasn't obeying the 4th Commandment, and I became a Seventh-day Adventist. God bless you.
@pamalaboyd7008 Год назад
Praise God, so happy for you. I was a Sun. Keeper till I was 64, and I was told I wasn't obeying the 4th Commandment, and I became a Seventh-day Adventist. God bless you. 26:44
@beetlebayley5237 Год назад
I first heard Pastor Lomacang preach approximately 20 years ago. He isa still one of my favourites. ALWAYS keep the bible open prayerfully when listening to any sermon / study.
@hedwigbeck8319 8 месяцев назад
@iowaguy6470 2 года назад
I attended my 2nd SDA church service and Sabbath school this morning. I'm already soaking in new truths. (New to me.) The Word of God is beginning to make sense.
@robertsandberg2246 2 года назад
SDA doctrine makes sense!
@jaredboscarino777 2 года назад
@@robertsandberg2246 I agree with you because I'm Seventh Day Adventist
@jaredboscarino777 2 года назад
@@syio1 I was raised catholic and became sda
@iowaguy6470 2 года назад
@@syio1 amen. I love it. I feel very much at home in the church
@lisag2627 2 года назад
@@syio1 may I as y not?
@jerrystilwell7666 Год назад
Its nice to hear biblical truths taught. Thanks and God bless pastor.
@anthonyjohnson4734 2 года назад
I finished the message and I am so thankful to see this. Jesus Himself gave me my answer. Be blessed always ❤️
@tevinjones7706 2 года назад
@eddietomasi6164 11 месяцев назад
​@@tevinjones7706. As bible reader, Seventh day adventist is the only truth, no doubt.
@tevinjones7706 11 месяцев назад
@@eddietomasi6164 truth? Bro the truth is rape and you men got your women sexed from a real God
@tevinjones7706 11 месяцев назад
Goku/kefla will return you slept on the sister and forget what happened back then your a fool
@tevinjones7706 11 месяцев назад
We all could make agreement but the truth will forever be.. So when God says he don't sit at the gay table don't feel offended
@Killbilly31 2 года назад
So glad to hear you teach the way my heart understands the scriptures. It's rare, it's valuable more than anyone could say. God bless you and your efforts.
@peteraurelius5205 2 года назад
Sadly, pastors and preachers who are (supposed) to be( trusted) men of God turned out to be bold-faced liars. It's because of this reason millions upon millions of Christians will end down in Hell. Do these lying devils pastors and preachers know that they will have to give an account of every lost soul because of all the lies they have told over their life span.
@sezzfreeman3249 2 года назад
went to a hundred churches never did fit in,red flags everywhere, finally i found SDA and its sooo respectfull, i just feel like God made this church just for me , love you guys :)
@dianechapmanbettyboop 2 года назад
Beautiful story, glad you found the truth. You were led there
@iskaykabeya609 2 года назад
May God bless you man. Please don't kill people in the army. US government is fighting Catholic wars all over the world.
@crowsandravens8998 2 года назад
I HEAR YOU! I don't fit in anywhere else either! What most churches preach are not biblical.
@hcho7776 2 года назад
61 I Am Present in the Eucharist despite the misinterpretation of My Promise Thursday, April 14th, 2011 @ 00:05 My dearly beloved daughter, do not worry. You are improving in the way you are setting time aside in prayer to Me. Now it is important that man understands that in order to come closer to My Heart, he must understand the need to receive the Sacrament of the Most Holy Eucharist. Many people, including other Christian groups, deny My Real Presence in the Eucharist. Why they have decided to deny the promises I made at My Last Supper, where I promised I would give My Flesh and Blood as Food and Nourishment for your souls, is unclear. What is clear is that the Miracle of the Holy Eucharist, Present in all Tabernacles all over the world, Exists today, and is there to fill your poor, undernourished and empty souls with My Presence. This Presence will strengthen you in ways, that, were you to miss receiving Me once you get used to this, you will feel lost. Many Christians ignore one of the most fundamental promises I made during My Crucifixion, where I would be Present in Bread and Wine and leave a permanent mark to help nourish souls. Too much human reasoning has meant that I have been rejected by even well meaning Christians. These same Christians cannot receive the Holy Eucharist in its True Form. The Most Holy Eucharist was given to you all as a great Gift for your redemption and salvation. By rejecting the fact that I Am Present, means that you are forfeiting special graces, which are part of a pact to bring Me even closer into your hearts. Remember, when I died for you, it was to lead you to towards eternal life and salvation. Receive Me as the Living Presence and your souls will alight in ways you would not have believed possible. Turn back to receiving My Body and Blood. Let Me remove your doubts. This is one of the biggest mistakes Christians have made, by denying Me entry to their souls in this way. It greatly offends My Eternal Father because of the Sacrifice involved to save your souls. Let Me bring Light and nourishment into your lives. You will be more inclined to accept the Truth of My Teaching after The Warning takes place. Remember what I promised during My Last Supper that when you take the bread and wine it will become for you My Body and My Blood.* Any other interpretation has been distorted by human logic and reasoning. Now understand and accept the Truth. Your loving Saviour, Jesus Christ *For clarification on the Doctrine of Transubstantiation please refer to the Message given on Friday, June 1, 2012 08:15 PM “When the antichrist devours all religions the only weapons which he will be powerless against is the Holy Mass and the Transubstantiation of the bread and wine into My Body and Blood, in the Holy Eucharist.”
@dianechapmanbettyboop 2 года назад
@@hcho7776 I do take part in The Last Supper and the Ordinance of Humility (foot washing), as Christ has asked us to to. The blood and body are symbolic emblems, they are not actual blood and body of Christ, that would be CANNIBALISM. The Eucharist believes claim to be eating the actuality eating the blood and body of Christ.
@mrtlove4111 Год назад
God Bless every SDA around the world and their fruitful message to the whole world..
@yokocosey4954 2 года назад
Amen this is the truth according to God’s Holy Word. This morning my brother called me and said “our mother” (who has been dead for 36 years now)came to him last night with a message just for him”The Lord knew I would need to save this video…i said “brother it’s not true”& then i shared your video Pastor Lomacang on “The Big Lie”.Please pray that my brother will watch this with the guidance of the Holy Spirit to reveal the truth to him.
@3abn 2 года назад
Hello Yoko, Praise the Lord for Bible truth!
@julesfalcone 2 года назад
Additionally, dreams are not literal.
@RoseAumaOdula-vv3gd Год назад
I have been doing a study on John 4:20-23 for sometimes, but I now thank God for brother J. Lomacang , he has help me understand more about God's truth , praise be to God
@joesalgado5963 4 месяца назад
@adellkupa2335 2 года назад
Oh Lord. G0d almighty!! I magnify y0ur name!! Yaweh I give you all the gl0ry f0r my life!! F0rgive my sins and my un c0nfessed sins L0d! L0d I want more of you and less 0f me! I thank you f0r y0ur pr0tecti0n! I am truly blessed and highly fav0red I sit in heavenly places and I am the s0n of a mighty King! I l0ve y0u Jesus! L0rd I pray f0r th0se wh0 d0n't kn0w y0u in a intimate way that they will humble themselves and c0me t0 kn0w y0u 0n bending knee asking for their f0rgiveness, Father I bind the spirit of pride! I cut it 0ff at the head and send it back to the pit 0f he'll in which it has come fr0m! I release l0ve, kindness, patience, humility in the name of Jesus! I f0llowed my heart and I am glad I did. I l0st my wife 2 years ag0 due to the pandemic and I was ab0ut giving up, kn0wing G0d has br0ught me this far was f0r a purp0se and I kept on looking on to him. My destiny helper was sent t0 me the year my wife died.. The moment I was ab0ut giving up, I was intr0duced t0 a business by a man I met in a seminar I went t0 in Fl0rida. This was n0t my first time hearing of such business but I took the risk Investin 10O0 USD and it was worth it, Inf0@j0hnneilandrew. C0M f0ur weeks later I kept on getting earnings and I started using the money for G0ds w0rk, I am very p0pular in Maryland. D0ing G0ds w0rk always give me joy. There is peace and j0y in my mind . I am here to m0tivate you and tell you never to give up even though the situation seems s0 th0ugh. G0d has pr0mised his children and he will surely d0 what he has pr0mised his children, My mail is in my ab0ut 0r bi0 if y0u wish t0 write me. I can tell you what this business is all ab0ut 0r y0u can reach him directly.!!
@Joshuatree7746 2 года назад
Read Mathew 17:2. Who was Jesus speaking with on the hill? Moses and Elijah. Were they both in the grave?
@jeromebowens9709 2 года назад
@@Joshuatree7746 No. Because they never existed. Neither did Jesus.
@searchingforredemption1984 2 года назад
@@jeromebowens9709 there is actual historical proof of their existence. Once you pass away from earth and all you have left is social media presence as your legacy, does that negate your existence if I were to just claim you never existed? My opinion is unimportant and would only prove myself as the fool if I did exactly what you are currently doing. Your ignorance or just blatant refusal of all the actual proof will only lead you to depths of hell. I genuinely pray that you have an eye opening experience before it's to late. May the Lord bless you and all those around you. @8:00 in this video represents you perfectly. Jesus Christ did exist. He is the Son of God. He did give Himself as a ransom for our iniquities. You can reject this truth all you want but just as your original denial of His existence doesn't remove His existence from reality. Your denial of His gift will only affect you and where you end up when your time does come. I hope you will be converted and accept the salvation He offers. ❤❤❤
@Cbones131 2 года назад
I agree. Moses body was wrestled from the enemy and claimed by Jesus and Elijah was carried to heaven by a chariot of fire - these two are perhaps in my humble opinion two of the most important prophets of God who I believe are in heaven with our Lord. And one could argue John the Baptist, the greatest prophet, as well as John the Beloved, and of course all of the Apostles and then there is Mary and Mary and possibly Lazarus and the thief on the cross, God’s mysteries are amazing, I believe the average wretch like myself if not found worthy of grace to withstand in these final days than I too will return to dust but I will give my entire being, my life, my heart, my soul, to ensuring I die in Christ Jesus. Praise God while we still have His breathe in our nostrils!
@emmanuel5984 2 года назад
My friend, why is there such fear and trepidation in you? Do you not belong to him? Have you not taken on his new life? Why are you so fearful? Have your sins been forgiven????
@Destiny-tj3kl 2 года назад
When we die, the breath of life goes back to the giver of life. Since we were made from dust we shall return. "Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.” Ecclesiastes 12:7 The dead know not anything
@tiwo89 2 года назад
Really? Did you read that in the scriptures? Search the scriptures and you'll see what it says of the dead. Jesus told the Sadducees that God is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and that He's God of the living not the dead. Thus Abraham's soul lives after death. Mark 12:27 Jesus told of a rich young ruler in hell and Lazarus is Abraham's bosom after death. There was interaction between the two. This is evidence the soul is alive (aware) after death. Like 16:19-31 Elijah was taken up in chariots of fire. But to where? To heaven or to the grave? 2 Kings 2:11-12 says Elijah was taken up to heaven in the chariots of fire. Thus evidence that saints are present before God after death. Even Paul the apostle says to be absent from the body is to be present with the lord. 2 Cor 5:8 Moses and Elijah visited Jesus at the mount of transfiguration. How so if the soul remains dead in the grave until the resurrection?
@LucilleHenry-vr8zp 3 месяца назад
Ask for help , spiritual things are spiritually discern, you so much misunderstanding all the text you quoted. You need someone to study the bible with you asap, please fine an sda person or an sda pastor. I was in your shoes once tayo.
@lucymutua6455 2 года назад
This is purely the truth word of GOD 🙏
@pkerketta35 Год назад
Thank You Pastor So much for sharing the truth,the Word of God _ " The Big Lie Preachers keep Telling you ( And where it came from). God bless you and those who are watching this message. AMEN
@williamchairo8407 2 года назад
For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith-and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God-
@duffgordon9005 2 года назад
Why do people despise the easiness of that verse- "IF" "TOO EASY" our egos demand to be a part of it, but I love He did it all , as I cannot mess it up!!! Gospel- is ;happy news'
@austinjohn8713 2 года назад
that verse speaks of justification( the salvation of the spirit) and not sanctification( the transformation of the mind)
@911EVERLASTINGGOSPEL 2 года назад
Paul taught that LIE.. Paul and Peter were stumbling blocks. Yahshua WARNED of BOTH! Paul the pharisee and Peter Yahshua called Satan and made it clean Peter was a STUMBLING BLOCK and DID NOT understand GOD, but had a mind towards things of MAN. Yet people are leaning on Peter's understand.. IGNORANCE
@bobbyorr3873 2 года назад
It is the "FREE" gift of God..
@duffgordon9005 2 года назад
@@911EVERLASTINGGOSPEL Oh really, the same Paul; who suffered more than any disciple and had more miracles, even the power of raising one from the dead? But people cannot handle HIS Gospel as given by Christ. ! You realize by rejecting Paul, you reject Luke's Gospel/ OPh!! but he was violent to the new Church- YES!! But God is NOT PARTIASL, and chose a man fervent in serving God the way it had been revealed to him. You like JAMES? Hmm=- but God is NOT partial- do you get it? He who lives by the Law will die in his failure to keep the law, as God is holier than anyone of us can imagine
@joannepitre723 2 года назад
Thank you for clarifying this, as I too have said to the grieving, he or she is in a better place. I love the truth, and you pointed it out so clearly.
@aliciaalejandro910 4 месяца назад
Praise the Lord Christ Jesus. Thank you Pastor John Lomacang . Be bless always. Save souls. Amen
@LoireValleyChateaux 2 года назад
To be absent from the body is to be present with the LORD. I drowned when I was 5 yrs. I immediately saw the Lord and so many people that I didn't recognize. They were warm & loving as if they were all my family. This pastor may believe that where I went wasn't heaven. However it didn't matter to me...to be present with the Lord was heavenly for me. ❤️🙏
@alvinaelliott8722 2 года назад
Pray and ask God for clarity on this subject.
@3abn 2 года назад
Hello friend, you might find this website helpful. www.truthaboutdeath.com/ Blessings
@keiththompson2851 2 года назад
To be absent from the body is to be present with Christ is NOT SCRIPTURAL. Ecclesiastes 9:10 Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest. You go to the grave to await the resurrection. John 5:28-29 (Biblia) Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming, in the which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice, And shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation. God said to his FAITHFUL SERVANT Daniel Daniel 12:13 (Biblia) But go thou thy way till the end be: for thou shalt rest, and stand in thy lot at the end of the days.
@privateaccount1839 2 года назад
The word lord is baal according to the strong concordance...when you died you weren't religious be careful of these 501 3. C peddlers of the church of Mohan . 994a. bi ► Strong's Concordance bi: I pray, excuse me Transliteration: bi Definition: I pray, excuse me H1078 - bēl - Strong's Hebrew Lexicon (kjv) - Blue Letter Bible בֵּל Bêl, bale; by contraction for H1168; Bel, the Baal of the Babylonians:-Bel. ... The KJV translates Strong's H1078 in the following manner: Bel (3x) H1078 - bēl - Strong's Hebrew Lexicon (kjv) - Blue Letter Bible בֵּל Bêl, bale; by contraction for H1168; Bel, the Baal of the Babylonians:-Bel. ... The KJV translates Strong's H1078 in the following manner: Bel (3x) Baal late 14c., Biblical, from Late Latin Baal, Greek Baal, from Hebrew Ba'al, literally "owner, master, lord," a title applied to any deity (including Jehovah; see Hosea ii.16), but later a name of a particular Semitic solar deity worshipped licentiously by the Phoenecians and Carthaginians; from ba'al "he took possession of," also "he married;" related to or derived from the Akkadian god-name Belu (source of Hebrew Bel), name of Marduk. Identical with the first element in Beelzebub and the second in Hannibal ("grace of Baal"), Hasdrubal ("help of Baal"). The 4 has been used figuratively in English for any "false god."
@noelaleonard9246 2 года назад
I too had an experience when I was critically ill, where I “heard” Jesus say to me that I had a choice to stay (with my small children & in pain), or to come to a better place. Years later, I began studying the Bible and I learned that I had actually been deceived. Even though ALL my senses at the time were telling me that what I had seen and heard was the “truth”, I made the decision to believe God’s Word rather than my feelings. I am so thankful He showed me the truth in His word. Jesus was serious when He said in Luke 21:8 ‘Take heed that ye be not deceived’. The devil has ways of deceiving us when we are critically ill. God bless you, friend. 🙏🙏
@tomhawco4329 2 года назад
I am glad to make your acquaintance Sir! You really seem to be sincere and you have my attention! Keep up the good work and may GOD watch over you in the terrible days to come! AMEN
@armymanssg508 2 года назад
Ok, I heard what this pastor has said and I read the verses he presented, however, when I read Rev 6;9-11 where John wrote when he opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain because of the word of God and the testimony they had maintained; I can't help but wonder where did those people come from since as this pastor said everybody that has died, been killed and buried or cremated are still in the grave waiting on the resurrection? How could John have seen them in heaven if no one is in heaven yet?
@keithtonderaichigondo2964 2 года назад
Tom, I implore you to do a more careful study of the Word, this man only uses Old Testament scriptures quoting a different time before Jesus Christ came. We believers are on the other side of the cross where things are radically different. Look at Paul and Stephen’s words. Here is an interesting one: “and tombs opened. The bodies of many godly men and women who had died were raised from the dead. They left the cemetery after Jesus’ resurrection, went into the holy city of Jerusalem, and appeared to many people.” ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭27:52-53‬ ‭NLT‬‬ And Eph 4:8 says when he ascended he led captives...where to? What do you say?
@rosasanchez1084 2 года назад
@@armymanssg508 May our God continue to bless, the Lord Jesus took John into a vision to see the future.
@armymanssg508 2 года назад
Yes, and that's when he saw the souls under the altar who and been killed for his word and holding on to it, their bodies were killed but their spirits and soul went back to heaven Rev 6;9, otherwise how could John have seen them.
@dextermurriel160 2 года назад
@mohamadmusa1488 2 года назад
there are some truth in the bibles/torah, but a lot of contradictions as bibles/ torah are written, altered by men,. want the truth and peace of mind? try the quran. quran has been recited/memorized /preserved from the beginning of revelations until now. millions of muslims as young as 6 years can recite THE WHOLE QURAN without looking at the texts. hellfire is real. save yourself from it.
@errollloyddunkley6005 2 года назад
Very well done Pastor Lomacang. Time for the lie to be made known and the truth be lifted up!
@usmc3547 2 года назад
Was JESUS, the Christ, LYING to the thief being crucified with Him when He told the thief he would be with Him THAT VERY DAY in Paradise? Was Paul LYING when he told us that to be present in the body was for our benefit because to be absent from the body was to be PRESENT with the LORD? You may wish to research the Holy Bible to DISCOVER exactly what JESUS, the Christ, was doing from the time of His immediate bodily death until AFTER He admonished Mary not to touch Him! And it has to do with those that died BEFORE His birth. No reply from you is necessary if it contradicts the Holy Scriptures!
@onchagwadavis6446 2 года назад
God Bless you Pastor Lomacang for shedding some light on the most popular worldly heresies on death!
@keithtonderaichigondo2964 2 года назад
I implore you to do a more careful study of the Word, this man only uses Old Testament scriptures quoting a different time before Jesus Christ came. We believers are on the other side of the cross where things are radically different. Look at Paul and Stephen’s words. Here is an interesting one: “and tombs opened. The bodies of many godly men and women who had died were raised from the dead. They left the cemetery after Jesus’ resurrection, went into the holy city of Jerusalem, and appeared to many people.” ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭27:52-53‬ ‭NLT‬‬ And Eph 4:10 says when he ascended he led captives...where to? What do you say?
@maryjallah5175 2 года назад
This is the sound or biblical teaching which is the truth. Thanks servant of the Lord Jesus Christ. I’m blessed.
@rayray4192 2 года назад
Adventists are Bible illiterate. Biblical folks.
@natkaledzi8135 2 года назад
No. This is not. It is misleading!
@johnyoung6254 2 года назад
Thank you Brother for not making God the liar but men. "For God is not the author of confusion" BUT MEN ARE “Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man; but that which cometh out of the mouth, this defileth a man.”
@moseselaweloa3806 2 года назад
May God be praised for His word of truth. We now see clearly the deception of Satan in twisting the truth of Scriptures and people believe them because they don’t study God’s word. They rather listen to people than to study for themselves thru the leading of the Holy Spirit.
@MKCarol-ms7lg 2 года назад
In all honesty having believed that lie for 50 years, I was overwhelmed by the truth. It took much grieving of the loss of comfort that lie had given me for so years. I have come to realize that truth is much more comforting than any lie because there is nothing real in it.
@privateaccount1839 2 года назад
◄ 994a. bi ► Strong's Concordance bi: I pray, excuse me Transliteration: bi Definition: I pray, excuse me H1078 - bēl - Strong's Hebrew Lexicon (kjv) - Blue Letter Bible בֵּל Bêl, bale; by contraction for H1168; Bel, the Baal of the Babylonians:-Bel. ... The KJV translates Strong's H1078 in the following manner: Bel (3x) H1078 - bēl - Strong's Hebrew Lexicon (kjv) - Blue Letter Bible בֵּל Bêl, bale; by contraction for H1168; Bel, the Baal of the Babylonians:-Bel. ... The KJV translates Strong's H1078 in the following manner: Bel (3x) Baal late 14c., Biblical, from Late Latin Baal, Greek Baal, from Hebrew Ba'al, literally "owner, master, lord," a title applied to any deity (including Jehovah; see Hosea ii.16), but later a name of a particular Semitic solar deity worshipped licentiously by the Phoenecians and Carthaginians; from ba'al "he took possession of," also "he married;" related to or derived from the Akkadian god-name Belu (source of Hebrew Bel), name of Marduk. Identical with the first element in Beelzebub and the second in Hannibal ("grace of Baal"), Hasdrubal ("help of Baal"). The 4 has been used figuratively in English for any "false god."
@leonawulah1620 2 года назад
@@privateaccount1839 j
@johnwade9516 2 года назад
@@MKCarol-ms7lg dddfdrrrrèyq
@ceciliyahyireal9310 2 года назад
I have been waiting for a long time for a sermon like this, this has been going on for a long time, they say a liar can get a ride, but that you has to walk.
@annejames890 2 года назад
I will watch you again . Thank you for blessing my soul with the truth of Gods word.
@lindafrazier9367 2 года назад
Thank you Pastor Lomacang for delivering this critical message for this time. My heart is so heavy for those who have lost loved ones and don't know that "the dead know nothing". The enemy as you stated, appears as their loved one to deceive and ultimately attempt to destroy them. I'm so thankful that the young man shared with you that demons were impersonating his deceased mother, and after your counsel of what to pray, they left him alone. I pray that we as a worldwide church aggressively share this truth to a hurting world, to set many souls free. Maranatha!😇🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾
@sweettreatsoverload4296 2 года назад
The key is the dead. Those that are in Christ are not dead they sleep according to the bible.
@Joshuatree7746 2 года назад
Well, if that is true then who was Jesus speaking to on the mount? Wasn't he speaking to Moses and Elijah? Matthew 17:2. Elijah was taken up but Moses died on Mount Nebo.
@paulpang8151 2 года назад
Good teaching. But you should have also talked about what happens to the soul and spirit upon death.
@BillRoberts242 2 года назад
Thank you, brother. I don't do denominations anymore at all; I believe The Bible, and this lines right up with what I believe about this topic. Bless up.
@carlnaitram6522 2 года назад
Good thing you are not following denominations anymore yet if you listen to this message carefully it is full of denominational doctrine. SDA
@keithtonderaichigondo2964 2 года назад
I implore you to do a more careful study of the Word, this man only uses Old Testament scriptures quoting a different time before Jesus Christ came. We believers are on the other side of the cross where things are radically different. Look at Paul and Stephen’s words. Here is an interesting one: “and tombs opened. The bodies of many godly men and women who had died were raised from the dead. They left the cemetery after Jesus’ resurrection, went into the holy city of Jerusalem, and appeared to many people.” ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭27:52-53‬ ‭NLT‬‬ And Eph 4:8 says when he ascended he led captives...where to? What do you say?
@quintessentialbrick8452 6 месяцев назад
That's a special resurrection for those specific people. It's not a general rule, it's a case where the exception proves the rule.@@keithtonderaichigondo2964
@johnhansen131 2 года назад
I've always understood this concept. That when you die you transition to heaven or hell but not immediately. It is difficult to understand but somehow we 'wait' for the resurrection and the judgment before we go to Hell or Heaven. During that period we are Not aware of anything. When we die time is no longer passing for us because we are no longer subject to the laws of time and space that govern the universe that the Lord made. So I imagine that when we pass away... for the Dead it will be judgement day but for the living we are going through time here with everyone else who is living. It is true that the dead are not judged yet. The earth has not passed away and Judgment is still coming.
@juanitatownsend3997 2 года назад
Thank you for the word of truth because a lot of what you said is a lot of what i have herd growing up and a lot was the same and now i can say that the true word of God is coming together for me. May god continue to bless you in all of your teaching. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
@julievele6089 2 года назад
Thank you Pr Lomacang for clearing the truth to other Christian churches especially about where the death go when they die
@RyanSmith-ht9st 2 года назад
@@chucksmith4624 wow , you doing ok chuck the troll , where's all the blah blah blah , still praying for you chuck , God bless you ...
@MichaelSmith-qc7nk 2 года назад
@@chucksmith4624 care to explain, Where are the dead according to Scripture?
@ctucker7002 2 года назад
@@RyanSmith-ht9st it's not funny! I was raised SDA. I believe in the Sabbath, but I don't agree with all the SDA believe. Calling this person a troll because he/ she dissagrees, and to top it off with 'i will pray for you' - comes across as insincere.
@RyanSmith-ht9st 2 года назад
@@ctucker7002 your opinion , i've been praying for chuck , I couldn't tell you how long and he is a troll and it was shocking to see soo little from chuck , usually it's a paragraph+ ...
@MichaelSmith-qc7nk 2 года назад
@@ctucker7002 u were raised? Did u ever read 9T message to the Cplored People?
@JavierSolis-st6ol 2 года назад
So.. what about the rich man and Lazarus, and what about when Jesus said to the malefactor: "Verily I say unto thee, Today shalt thou be with me in paradise"? What about Eliah and Enoch? For things I don't understand or are inconclusive.. I remember Deuteronomy 29:29 The secret things belong to the Lord our God. Plenty unknowns we can only speculate about. God bless you all.
@Joshuatree7746 2 года назад
And the meeting between Jesus and Elijah/Moses on hill as noted in Matthew 17:2. These people are being deceived as we speak.
@kyiritwieemmanuel1960 2 года назад
i ask the same question because scripture says moses died on the mountain but on the mnt of transfiguration he appeared. what about the thief on the cross with jesus whom jesus said TODAY you will be with me in paradise? what about the story of lazarus in the bosom of abraham? pls i need the man of god to explain this so that i will understand clearly. pls not reafference to any book
@lthompson6750 2 года назад
@@kyiritwieemmanuel1960 He said HE would send you a Teacher, the Holy Spirit who will teach you all things. Ask Him, not some man.
@olinlee4329 Месяц назад
When JESUS told the thief what JESUS said was ( I tell you the truth today,You will be with me in paradise. when you wake up during the resurrection, the dead in Christ will rise first,and those that are alive at his(JESUS) coming will meet the Lord in the air. We that die before the 2nd coming are asleep. Not in heaven,or the lake of fire or hell.
@rosegarza676 2 года назад
I am happy a preacher finially speeks the truth on that. Jesus told us the dead know nothing, that they are sleeping when they die. There are so many big lies that need exposing.
@ayeshaabrahim1267 2 года назад
True will always prevail Pastor John only the truth can set us free
@truthseeker7086 2 года назад
Thank you Mr. John Lomacang, This is exactly what I read and understood. Not Heaven but aslseep until the return of JESUS. Great I thought I was the only one who understood this. GOD bless you brother in the LORD.
@byronscherer5098 2 года назад
You're wrong. Mark 9 proves it. So does Rev 6 their before the altar day an nite with their blood crying for vengeance. The soul is what we are made in the image of God. Is Jesus asleep or on right side of the Father. Did John the receiver of the revelation of Jesus christ saw small an great in heaven. You teach a heresy. Our body sleeps our soul never sleeps per scripture.
@kathybilotta3731 2 года назад
Then when Christ returns the scripture teaches that "The dead in Christ will rise first and then those that remain will be caught up together with them in the air - and so shall we forever be with the Lord.
@sammomoose 2 года назад
"...All liars shall have their part in the Lake of Fire." Rev 21:8
@ericdawson9519 2 года назад
When the Saviour returns, Scripture says that His feet won't touch the ground. He will be above the ground, in the atmosphere, clearly SEEN by ALL PEOPLE.
@ambitiousfrog3075 2 года назад
Happy Sabbath everyone!
@jamesyoung907 2 года назад
Happy rest?
@larrybrevelle 2 года назад
Someone finally sees it the way I see it. Preach my brother. I’ve studied this for years and the resurrection and I found so many lies preached by modern day teachers.
@dorothylantz9484 2 года назад
no, the spirit dies too, God said i give to u a new heart and a new spririt. bc the ones we have now are corrupt. nothing about us is immortal!!!!!!!!!!
@larrybrevelle 2 года назад
@@dorothylantz9484 I agree we’re not immortal. We become immortal after the resurrection of life WHEN Jesus returns and raises believers from the dead.
@losgoodmusicmandrell8371 2 года назад
It’s a shame that after all these years the Spirit of has not revealed the truth to you. I would have to question do you have the Spirit of GOD ?
@larrybrevelle 2 года назад
@@losgoodmusicmandrell8371 Who are you to judge another man’s servant? It is to his own master that he will stand or fall. Yes I do have the Holy Spirit, and God is my Father as well His Son Jesus Christ my Savior. I am confident about what Scripture has revealed to me and it is by God’s Spirt that my understanding is enlightened. I once believe the lie but after many painstaking hours on my knees asking for revelation God gave me understanding that my former ignorance and blindness did not enable me to see. So regardless to if someone believes I have the Spirit of God or not is not for them to determine. Satin is not my father he is the father of lies and I reject anything he has to say. God bless you and may God richly bless you and your understanding
@losgoodmusicmandrell8371 2 года назад
@@larrybrevelle I can call a lie a lie by the authority of GOD. When you meet the Maker you will know the truth , so for now we will leave it like that until That time.
@ralfortruth864 2 года назад
I appreciate your teaching Sir. In respect, I offer how does one resolve the following scriptures: 1. John in Rev 4:1 Clearly depicts a vision of the heavenly scenery. Then in Rev. 6:9 at the opening of the 5th seal, John saw the "souls" of the martyrs under the altar (which is in heven). 2. Luke 23:43 - Jesus on the cross says to one of those on the cross, Today you shall be with me in paradise. 3. The Apostle Paul in his letter to the church of Philipi was caught between a desire and an obligation says in Philippiams 1:20-23. He saw a need to reside in the flesh (physically alive and present) for the benefits of maturing the saints; but also noted the other choice was to die and be with Christ Jesus). 4. 2 Corin 5:6-9 - Absent from the body is to be present with the LORD. Thank you and many blessings if the LORD continue with you.
@3abn 2 года назад
Hello friend, You might find this helpful Revelation 6:9-11 “The Fifth Seal - Salvation in Symbols & Signs” ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-F_hb-3lbn8M.html Absent from the body… Keep in mind Paul also wrote the following… 1 Corinthians 15:51-54 Behold, I tell you a mystery: We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed- 52 in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. 53 For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality. 54 So when this corruptible has put on incorruption, and this mortal has put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written: “Death is swallowed up in victory.” 1 Thessalonians 4:15-17 15 For this we say to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord will by no means precede those who are asleep. 16 For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. 17 Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord. (It’s clear that the believer isn’t given immortality until “the last trumpet” at the resurrection.) Here are some other resources that will help answer your question. Absent From The Body www.ghosttruth.com/media/book/e/4/t/absent-from-the-body The Thief on the Cross www.amazingfacts.org/media-library/book/e/48/t/spirits-of-the-dead#The-Thief-on-the-Cross "Can the Dead Speak to Us?" ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-zxI0sAMXVwA.html Also, this website from Amazing Facts has a lot of good information www.ghosttruth.com/ “Plato and the Immortal Soul” www.helltruth.com/history/id/1854/plato-and-the-immortal-soul Blessings as you continue to study God’s Word.
@charlescherokeega 2 года назад
Since when was Saul of Tarsus a apostle of Yeshuah? Didn’t James refuse Sauls gift offering because he was teaching things contrary to the gospel? I feel so sorry for the misguided but who can dispute the Gospel of the Holy Twelve and Four Gospels? After all do they not line up with the teachings of the Old Testament so who is Saul to teach the law being hung on the cross and just processing the name of Jesus and believing in your heart Jesus was crucified and died for your sins that you shall be saved, Did the one you call Nesus teach that? No he did not. He said you must obey the commandments which includes the majority of Jewish tradition as the world calls them. These are the traditions Jesus observed why because he wasn’t a Catholic.
@Eddie33154 2 года назад
@@charlescherokeega James did not reject Saul any time after his conversion following the vision of Jesus Christ near Damascus. In Paul's (formerly Saul) letter to the believers in Galatia (chapters 1 and 2) Paul states that he visited Peter (stayed 15 days) and James also (Gal 1:18-19). Then 14 years later went to Jerusalem where he met with Peter, James and John (2:1-10), and these elders (apostles) gave the right had of fellowship to Paul after hearing what he preached - taught. They would never have done that if he was teaching anything contrary to what they had received from Jesus. Paul was fully accepted by "The Twelve" as an apostle of Jesus Christ. In Peter's 2nd letter once again we read of Peter acknowledging Paul's genuine apostleship to Jesus Christ.
@lthompson6750 2 года назад
Good ones. Then there's the one where Jesus is talking to a dead man, the rich man in hell. How is that possible if we don't exist after death? I think a lot of people are going to be surprised.
@Eddie33154 2 года назад
@@3abn It is clear from the full spectrum of Scripture that man is a spiritual being in a physical mortal body. The body is subject to death on earth owing to Adam's transgression in Eden. Some verses don't show that detail, others do. But remember, the apostles didn't put the verse or chapter divisions. Each book is meant to be read like a letter, not a fictional novel. The Bible is ONE COMPOSITE MESSAGE. Don't get confused by the word "sleep" in passages relating to the body having died, and assume that the soul sleeps in the grave.
@lillianelenacepeda9808 8 месяцев назад
Thank you Pr. Lomacang, may the Lord continually bless you! I Love The Truths Of The Word of My God! Amen
@sabinusgregory1552 2 года назад
Well done pastor John Lomacang, really understand more about the word, there's no lies there only truth amen amen, what an amazing God I am serving, worthy to be praised, Amen 🙏🙏🙏🇹🇹💯👣😘😘
@veronadavis1226 2 года назад
God words are powerful and truthful
@viper044 2 года назад
Excellent sermon. The truth will make you free from the lie!
@SurfinGrandma52 2 года назад
Wonderful sermon! Thank you Pastor for all the scripture references! I’ve shared with my brother and sister-in-law who are studying to learn the truth of God’s Word.
@3abn 2 года назад
Hello Martha, Praise the Lord! we're glad you found the sermon a blessing.
@jamesrobert3199 2 года назад
Hello Martha,how are you doing in the lord ?
@emmanuel5984 2 года назад
Martha; It can't be learned through the teachings of Adventism, because they use an extra biblical authority that prevents the divine indwelling spirit to teach.
@1stockdale159 2 года назад
@Emmanuel You’re probably thinking of the Ladder Day Saints; Mormons have another Bible and teach the our Bible is wrong. Read the book:. Who Really Wrote the Book of Mormon in it they prove it was written by “Solomon Spalding”.it’s a good read. A fictional love novel. The Jehovah Witnesses use have their own translation of the Holy Bible. They twist scripture to say that the Holy Spirit isn’t God but a thing, and they say that Jesus was created; Jesus is God, He created all things. The Jehovah Witness have it wrong.
@emmanuel5984 2 года назад
@@1stockdale159 ; Like Mormons, JW and Catholics, Adventist have another authority in the writings of Ms. W. that they submit too. Is this not correct? Have I been misguided into this conclusion?
@losgoodmusicmandrell8371 2 года назад
You can say what you want to but scripture is clear that the Spirit & Soul is immortal. They are not created from the earth therefore they are not subject to a physical death. Death for the soul & spirit does not mean annihilation but separation from the presence of GOD for all eternity. The body is the only thing a person processes and dies a physical death. At the Resurrection that body will be glorified for either heaven or hell, meaning never to die again. Soul sleep is a false doctrine…..
@uchihadabba699 2 года назад
Amen-2 Cor 5:8. To be absent from the body is to be …
@angelsolis5077 2 года назад
God bless you you paster. Thank you for the teachings from the Bible. You make it so easy to understand the word of our Heavenly Father. I pray many have heard the word, and understand the lie, one of many that the Catholic Church has spread, among many other religions, and false teachers. Wolves 🐺 In sheep 🐑 clothing. May the Lord be with us. Now and always. Amen.✝️
@sybilmclean6899 5 месяцев назад
Wow. My spiritual life has been strengthened. Thank you Pastor John.
@gerardoteran4770 2 года назад
Thank you for clarifying that pastor if my sisters were believers of christ they would understand what I mean.
@rajjlee123 2 года назад
Happy Sabbath. There are many lies sunday worshippers tell. First and foremost calling the first day of the week the Sabbath. What happens when we die. How to obtain Salvation. Them saying the lgbt aren't practicing abominations. Them saying all foods are clean.
@lornalewis7262 2 года назад
We were made for the Sabbath not vica versa Have you seen any day of the week in the bible
@pureAlkebulan 2 года назад
Man History has it that the Gregorian calendar has those day, but The Almighty HIS STORY in the TORAH don't have any present days of the week. Questions the authenticity of the days of the week. The word of God will forever be true.
@gerahuey3706 2 года назад
"We" fo not call Sunday Sabbath!! Sabbath is Saturday (Friday eve to Saturday eve) which is the 7th day and cannot ge changed. BUT Jesus rose from the grave on Sunday AND the apostles (who were Sabbath keepers before Jesus' death and resurrection) started worship and had church on Sunday-- were they wrong??? No, they went AND we go to church on Sunday BECAUSE that's when Jesus rose!! Jesus did a new thing-- Glory be to God!!!
@crippled82 2 года назад
@@lornalewis7262 hi, Mark 2:27 The sabbath was made for man, and not man for the sabbath: but we gentilesz don't have to.
@bmurp1201 2 года назад
@@lornalewis7262 the answer is yes , there are days mentioned,, they used numbers instead of names, the seventh day is the sabbath of the Lord
@lorimaratuloa5703 2 года назад
I always love to hear Pastor Robert Breaker teaching about Sabbath..
@Rendi-eb8yw 2 месяца назад
Thankyou pastor John lomancang thankyou for the true message from the word of the living Amen 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻❤❤❤ i am watching from merauke west papua indonesia God bless ❤
@azaaparis2915 2 года назад
Amen pastor thanks for speaking the truth of God.
@herbzah5405 2 года назад
@kfed6214 2 года назад
Thank you for revealing the truth !!!!! You are right, they keep telling us the lie that they are looking down on us. Thanks for setting me straight !!!!!!! Only Jehovah can grant us eternal life.
@timgish4888 2 года назад
Most all the passages he cites to are old testament and nothing referenced from the new testament
@williamchairo8407 2 года назад
@@timgish4888 Especially from the book of Ecclesiastes, which many cults like to use. They do not understand most of the observations of the writer are from the aspect of mans view not Gods! Even verse two of chapter one starts "Vanity of vanities all is vanity"could be applied as God made a mistake. Should we follow a lot of the writer observation we would contradict many of New Testament teachings. Note key words " Under the sun = mans view! Read and compare!
@michellebogle5428 2 года назад
but if when we die and go to Heaven or Hell, then what about the Rapture? where the dead in Christ will rise? or judgement day when Jesus returns? I don't see in scriptures where when. we die we go straight to heaven. can. you please show me?
@williamchairo8407 2 года назад
@@michellebogle5428 Could you explain how Moses (dead and buried) appeared to Jesus on the mount of transfiguration? Deut 34 v 5,6
@keithtonderaichigondo2964 2 года назад
I implore you to do a more careful study of the Word, this man only uses Old Testament scriptures quoting a different time before Jesus Christ came. We believers are on the other side of the cross where things are radically different. Look at Paul and Stephen’s words. Here is an interesting one: “and tombs opened. The bodies of many godly men and women who had died were raised from the dead. They left the cemetery after Jesus’ resurrection, went into the holy city of Jerusalem, and appeared to many people.” ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭27:52-53‬ ‭NLT‬‬ And Eph 4:8 says when he ascended he led captives...where to? What do you say? About rapture it is the resurrection of physical bodies in the grave being united with the spirits that will come with the Lord while our bodies are changed...read 1 Thess 4 on that
@johnle231 2 года назад
Collosians 2:16 Therefore let no one pass judgment on you in questions of food and drink, or with regard to a festival or a new moon or a Sabbath
@telabib 2 года назад
I rest in the finished work of Christ and have a Sabbath life.
@susankane8728 2 года назад
There were many celebrated Sabbaths, but only one weekly Sabbath. Also it is no person that judges, but only directs to His Word. The Word itself judges our actions.
@johnle231 2 года назад
@@susankane8728 The collosians were being judged by others in that verse
@johnle231 2 года назад
@@susankane8728 And that verse would’ve been talking about Saturday sabbath AND any other practices including other sabbaths that the Jews kept.
@lynncameron9885 2 года назад
I’m in a popular social media. Just about everyone wishing their loved ones happy Birthday in heaven. They are so I’ll informed.
@craigward8886 2 года назад
Lynn Cameron. This guy offered nothing scripture wise that the soul stays in the grave, nothing. I can however offer numerous scripture that says it doesn't.
@noniesummers3993 6 месяцев назад
❤I Love This Man Of God ❤
@kevinclint7588 2 года назад
@mayroxy29 2 года назад
A Topic that can't preach often enough. Happy Sabbath to all
@jamesrobert3199 2 года назад
Hello Maylene, how are you doing?
@mayroxy29 2 года назад
@@jamesrobert3199 hi, i'm doing ok. how are you and yours
@jamesrobert3199 2 года назад
@@mayroxy29 Glad to hear that you’re doing great.
@jamesrobert3199 2 года назад
@@mayroxy29 so how’s it over there and where are you replying me from .
@eldondennison1087 2 года назад
Finally the truth which I've always believed, AMEN
@keithtonderaichigondo2964 2 года назад
I think this is actually The Big Lie.... I implore you to do a more careful study of the Word, this man only uses Old Testament scriptures quoting a different time before Jesus Christ came. We believers are on the other side of the cross where things are radically different. Look at Paul and Stephen’s words. Here is an interesting one: “and tombs opened. The bodies of many godly men and women who had died were raised from the dead. They left the cemetery after Jesus’ resurrection, went into the holy city of Jerusalem, and appeared to many people.” ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭27:52-53‬ ‭NLT‬‬ And Eph 4:8 says when he ascended he led captives...where to? What do you say?
@illyba1 2 года назад
David's tormentor Saul, went to a witch that called Samuel back from death, he asked Saul, why have you disturbed my rest? David mentioned the "world of the dead" many times? I agree the "body" turns back to dust, but the "spirit" doesn't turn into dust, that "breath" from God never dies.
@edensmith552 2 года назад
Thank you Pastor John for this Srrmon. Greetings from Australia
@bishopgambo6519 2 года назад
Happy Sabbath everyone
@terriwhalen3618 5 месяцев назад
Just as God spoke to Job!
@sharonfj 2 года назад
Amen 🙏🏽 Praise the Lord! A Much needed message in these last days because the lie is magnifying itself tremendously, but praise The Lord God for His Holy Word through Christ Jesus. Thank you so much. We appreciate our Lord God for sending His true laborers to feed His sheep in Jesus Christ Name. Amen 🙏🏽
@leonardmasano312 2 года назад
You better read the Bible again. It is not exactly as the pastor presented. There are two deaths, one for the body and another for the spirit. What the pastor explained is true for the body, but not true for the spirit, is killed by our sins only, ottherwise it remains alive when the body dies.
@sharonfj 2 года назад
@@leonardmasano312 sir everyone needs to read their bibles. We are truly living in the last days, and deception is all around us. His has sent forth HIS True labors to tell the TRUTH. So, Let us not disregard these final last day messages GOD is sending to humanity before the Seven Last Plagues Fall. Thank you 🙏🏽
@leonardmasano312 2 года назад
@@sharonfj We should however not forsake to test all spirits with the truth of the Word. Any contradiction should alert us and not take it for granted. Be blessed!
@sharonfj 2 года назад
@@leonardmasano312 Remember Jesus will always be Lord, and let us not disregard or disrespect HIS true prophets and true leaders in these last days. Amen 🙏🏽
@erichred2858 2 года назад
I fervently searched the word and can only concur with this tested spirit. Firm delivery of the truth. A perfect pitch!
@emmanuel5984 2 года назад
Have you personally experience the resurrected life that Messiah speaks of in Jn. 5:25? This is a living truth that will set free!!!! If this resurrection has not taken place, we are only dealing with semantics when talking about a 1st or 2nd resurrection.
@coffeemillcafe 2 года назад
Revelation 6:9-11 read it yourself!
@keithtonderaichigondo2964 2 года назад
I implore you to do a more careful study of the Word, this man only uses Old Testament scriptures quoting a different time before Jesus Christ came. We believers are on the other side of the cross where things are radically different. Look at Paul and Stephen’s words. Here is an interesting one: “and tombs opened. The bodies of many godly men and women who had died were raised from the dead. They left the cemetery after Jesus’ resurrection, went into the holy city of Jerusalem, and appeared to many people.” ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭27:52-53‬ ‭NLT‬‬ And Eph 4:8 says when he ascended he led captives...where to? What do you say?
@erichred2858 2 года назад
If the body is still in the ground it hasn't been resurrected and received the glorified body. Ecclesiastes 3:19 For that which befalleth the sons of men befalleth beasts; even one thing befalleth them: as the one dieth, so dieth the other; yea, they have all one breath; so that a man hath no preeminence above a beast: for all is vanity. ... Where is the spirit then? Ephesians 2:18 For through him we both have access by one Spirit unto the Father. Ephesians 4:4 There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling; ... Samuel had a shade or wraith the bible tells us the witch of endor summoned on king Saul's commission and request.
@erichred2858 2 года назад
Genesis 25:8 Then Abraham gave up the ghost, and died in a good old age, an old man, and full of years; and was gathered to his people. Mark 15:39 And when the centurion, which stood over against him, saw that he so cried out, and gave up the ghost, he said, Truly this man was the Son of God. Luke 23:46 And when Jesus had cried with a loud voice, he said, Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit: and having said thus, he gave up the ghost. John 19:30 When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said, It is finished: and he bowed his head, and gave up the ghost. Acts 5:5 And Ananias hearing these words fell down, and gave up the ghost: and great fear came on all them that heard these things. Acts 12:23 And immediately the angel of the Lord smote him, because he gave not God the glory: and he was eaten of worms, and gave up the ghost.
@ericorta8196 2 года назад
My brethren he whom has created all the different doctrines and beliefs will in the end times swallow them all up and bring all those whom don’t know the truth to himself to perdition. It breaks my heart we are to love our brothers and sisters all the way to the truth they can except it or reject it , it’s only up to each one
@paulinefernandez4093 Год назад
Bless your much needed words. ❤
@danialex1980 4 месяца назад
Amen, Amen and Amen!! That's all I can say. Straight truth
@angieo.4874 2 года назад
Thank you for making it VERY clear, and backing EVERYTHING by the Scriptures!!
@telabib 2 года назад
Take a look at many of the comments, and you will see that he is ignoring many of the scriptures on this subject, he is not " rightly dividing the word of truth".
@angieo.4874 2 года назад
@@telabib And the ones he is presenting make sense, and can’t be argued against, right?
@telabib 2 года назад
@@angieo.4874 Explain 2 Cor 5: 8.
@johnphilyaw8470 2 года назад
Thank You for the Truth!!! I love you brother, Thanks again.
@nicolelove2501 2 года назад
Happy Seventh Day sabbath, everyone! 💛
@nikoskidis3549 2 года назад
This is the time we all unit and see things more clearly
@NormanChester882 Год назад
Thank you John for the word of God
@chia6876 2 года назад
31:00- 32:34 where did the Rich man and Lazarus go after they die one went to hades and the next went in Abraham bosom also Enoch and Elijah.
@debbielasalle5472 2 года назад
The kingdom is descending from Heaven to Jerusalem. Therefore, He shall gather the elect.
@sleeperolds 2 года назад
What verse is that?
@jamesrobert3199 2 года назад
Hello Debbie, how are you doing?
@chrischris8152 2 года назад
Thank u so much for this sermon. Indeed i am trully blessed and set free
@lilimirza2200 2 года назад
Precious word of truth.!! Wonderful teaching. Thank you pastor.
@johnhughey4330 2 года назад
You wrong Rev
@emmanuel5984 2 года назад
Chris; curious to know, how were you enslaved?
@eddietomasi6164 11 месяцев назад
Man of God, you're right ✅️. Im not a church person but im a bible reader. I was so confused by many religious and many of there pastors even some of Seventh day pastors too. They all says that when we died, our soul bk to soiled and our spirit going bk to god. And on judgement day god will send our spirit bk the body and face our charges. And they all said if you're murder, lies, paedophile, you will burn forever. So, I've been asking myself for so long how can my spirit going bk to god if my spirit was a murderer or lies? And now when i listen to you man of god, something adjust my mind and say, Satan has the same spirit as i do and god kicked him out from god's sites. So how can my sinful spirit going bk to god because god is holy and there a no place for sinful spirit. Sir, man of god your massage makes sense and i know its 💯 fact. God blessed 🙌.
@seradimainacava3159 2 года назад
Amen. Thy words the lamp unto my path.
@susankane8728 2 года назад
Pope, pastor, family or friend- all who deny the plain truth of the Bible- the Word of God, are deceived and presumptuous, and believe the Lies of the serpent. Pray without ceasing for such to Come out of confused and dishonest Babylon, to believe the Living God. Thank you Pastor Lomacang for speaking God’s clear, loving Truth🙏🏼❤️
@tiwo89 2 года назад
Consider these scriptures: Jesus told the Sadducees that God is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and that He's God of the living not the dead. Thus Abraham's soul lives after death. Mark 12:27 Jesus told of a rich young ruler in hell and Lazarus is Abraham's bosom after death. There was interaction between the two. This is evidence the soul is alive (aware) after death. Like 16:19-31 Elijah was taken up in chariots of fire. But to where? To heaven or to the grave? 2 Kings 2:11-12 says Elijah was taken up to heaven in the chariots of fire. Thus evidence that saints are present before God after death. Even Paul the apostle says to be absent from the body is to be present with the lord. 2 Cor 5:8 Moses and Elijah visited Jesus at the mount of transfiguration. How so if the soul remains dead in the grave until the resurrection?
@susankane8728 2 года назад
Taiwo and Hagai, No subdivisions of MAN, true. Just body and breath of life, also referred to as spirit, which constitutes the whole man, who Is a living soul. The parable of Abraham and Lazarus was just that; a story about two men, one who had everything on earth and one who had nothing, and in the afterlife their position becomes reversed for good reason. It has nothing to do with the state of the dead. A parable makes one central point. Of course, a few select people: Moses and Elijah, Enoch are in Heaven, as recorded in the Bible. God is indeed the God of the living, and that means that His righteous people are essentially the living, even if they die before Christ comes again, because they have the promise of eternal life from Jesus, who is the Life-Giver. There are Not multitudes of people living in Heaven since the dawn of History, who are looking down on the earth and smiling at us! God forbid. Imagine how miserable they would be to watch us suffer, and not be able to do a thing about it. God is merciful and gracious, and all that He has done and planned for His loved ones is sensible and sound. Study more carefully, my brothers. I commend you for caring. The Holy Spirit will “bring to our remembrance everything we need know,” when we Want to know and honor God🙏🏼
@lthompson6750 2 года назад
the Bible is Not 'the Word of God' as many preachers will tell you. Scripture plainly tells you WHO the Word is. John 1:1 and Rev 19:13 read it for yourself. Follow Jesus, not a book or any preacher.
@susankane8728 2 года назад
L Thompson. You got your information about Who Jesus is from the Scriptures, the Bible, yes? John tells us that “the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.” So Jesus is in John, Revelation and all of the Bible- OT through NT. “Holy men of God spoke, as they were moved by the Holy Spirit” to write every book of the Bible. The Bible is indeed the Word of God. Believe it all, brother-in-Christ🙏🏼
@lthompson6750 2 года назад
@@susankane8728 Rev 19:13 clearly tells you WHO the Word of God is. And yes, John 1:1. No, the bible is not the word of God per se, that name alone belongs to Jesus Christ. Preachers tells you it's a book. Scripture tells you it is Jesus. “And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God.”
@kerryrucks5323 2 года назад
How do we reconcile Luke 23:43 Jesus answered him,(the thief on the cross) Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise.” ?
@matthewbrown8823 2 года назад
Jesus never said in Luke 23:43 that the thief on the cross would go right then to Heaven.
@matthewbrown8823 2 года назад
The thief and Jesus were both put to death. We know that Jesus was resurrected.
@matthewbrown8823 2 года назад
In Psalm 115:17 (New Living Translation): "The dead cannot sing praises to the LORD, for they have gone into the silence of the grave."
@matthewbrown8823 2 года назад
So we know the dead are in the grave and that the dead in the grave cannot praise God. We also know that the dead are in the grave not in Heaven.
@LoveScooby 2 года назад
Thank you for teaching the truth. Amen
@irenechatman3924 2 года назад
Thank God for the Truth!!!
@karenledbetter9173 Год назад
I sooo wish I lived near yr ministry. Thank U for preaching truth. Lovingly clearly and with yr great personality is very refreshing. Amen
@sleeperolds 2 года назад
2 Corinthians 5:8 We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body and to be present with the Lord.
@telabib 2 года назад
That is the truth.
@3abn 2 года назад
Hello friend, Keep in mind Paul also wrote the following… 1 Corinthians 15:51-54 Behold, I tell you a mystery: We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed- 52 in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. 53 For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality. 54 So when this corruptible has put on incorruption, and this mortal has put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written: “Death is swallowed up in victory.”
@lindaschipansky4429 2 года назад
Happy Sabbath! I try not to judge Sunday's church goers. It's Satan. I pray for family and Friends and co-workers etc. God is going to call his people out of Babylon. It's getting harder to get these people to listen
@lornalewis7262 2 года назад
Where in the bible it said Saturday is the Sabbath
@3abn 2 года назад
Hello Lorna, The apostles never promoted Sunday worship and Jesus never instituted a new day of worship. For a correct understanding of Colossians and other verses used incorrectly against the Bible Sabbath you might enjoy watching the following. "Before Mt. Sinai" - Law Of Love & Liberty ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-k2XVWL4jy_4.html and "The Commandments & the Everlasting Covenant" - Law Of Love & Liberty ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-J4Xz00fouQw.html “Is Sunday the Lord's Day?" - G. Ed Reid - SCM 2017 ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-VD1Q4Gl0knU.html Also this website from Amazing Facts has a lot of good information www.sabbathtruth.com/ There is a section called “Your Sabbath Questions Answered”. Here’s another one you might enjoy. “Is Obedience Legalism if You're Saved by Grace?" ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-75ob6RdrRX4.html Blessings as you continue to study God’s Word.
@lindaschipansky4429 Год назад
But boy do sabbath keeping get judged. And Yet I hear people of different faiths say don't Judge it's God's job
@robertsandberg2246 2 года назад
I LOVE this message!
@armymanssg508 2 года назад
Did you notice where Gen 2;7 is miss quoted, he said, man became a living being, but the verse clearly says man became a living soul.
@bruceneu8588 2 года назад
@@armymanssg508 The New International Version says, "the man became a living being."
@armymanssg508 2 года назад
A soul is a being inside the body, remember spirit, soul, and body, in the beginning, the body was immortal, dressed in glory and it had the power from God to see and talk with him, but when the first sin was committed by one man the body started to die Rom 5;12-21 and because they believed Satans LIE, surely you will not die Gen 3;4, they lost the ability to see God and died. The soul does not die it waits until it is put into a new body that won't die if it believes in the Lord and is repentant 1 Cor 15;51-52, the same body Christ was in when he ascended, that's why he said do not touch me, John 20:17. The soul is mentioned 99 times some are already in heaven and there will be others there when they are killed for their belief in God Rev 6;9, in Matt 10:28 God says he is the only one that can kill a soul, that right there clearly means the soul must be immortal cause only the immortal God can kill it. If a man can't kill it, it ain't from here.
@grammasjewels7736 Год назад
To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord!!
@3abn Год назад
Hello friend, Even though a believer sleeps in death until the resurrection the next conscious thought they have is the resurrection and being present with the Lord. There is no immortal soul. Keep in mind Paul also wrote the following… 1 Corinthians 15:51-54 Behold, I tell you a mystery: We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed- 52 in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. 53 For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality. 54 So when this corruptible has put on incorruption, and this mortal has put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written: “Death is swallowed up in victory.” 1 Thessalonians 4:15-17 15 For this we say to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord will by no means precede those who are asleep. 16 For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. 17 Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord. (It’s clear that the believer isn’t given immortality until “the last trumpet” at the resurrection.) Here are some other resources that will help answer your question. Absent From The Body www.ghosttruth.com/media/book/e/4/t/absent-from-the-body The Thief on the Cross www.amazingfacts.org/media-library/book/e/48/t/spirits-of-the-dead#The-Thief-on-the-Cross "Can the Dead Speak to Us?" ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-zxI0sAMXVwA.html Also, this website from Amazing Facts has a lot of good information www.ghosttruth.com/ “Plato and the Immortal Soul” www.helltruth.com/history/id/1854/plato-and-the-immortal-soul Blessings as you continue to study God’s Word.
@jeffreyhudson3434 Год назад
That scripture is missing one important word.....and it must be read in context. People omit the word or rather words "I'd rather" be absent from the body and present with the Lord. Read it in context!
@waynegabler6570 2 года назад
Seems pretty straight forward: Ge:2:7: And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. Ec:3:20: All go unto one place; all are of the dust, and all turn to dust again. Ec:12:7: Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it. Ec:9:10: Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest.
@godiseverything1482 2 года назад
Pastor Lomacang Where does our Soul goes when we die?
@dennismcginnis3418 2 года назад
Into the dirt or into a crematorium.
@preachtheword4574 2 года назад
The soul goes back to God
@TURNER33A 2 года назад
The soul/person/being that sins it shall die. Our bodies return to the dust/earth/ground from which we came / were taken, formed from. The spirit, or breath, returns to God who gave it. (Ezek 18:20; Gen 3:19; Eccl 12:7; reference Gen 2:7)
@MKCarol-ms7lg 2 года назад
We are our soul/body. It consists of a mind and flesh. Both stop at death. Better question might be "Where will we be resurrected to?"
@dovesrun 2 года назад
Did you watch the video? Pastor John explained it clearly.
@yvettejohnstone8200 2 года назад
God's words are true .
@fredbarney3558 2 года назад
Psalms 116:15 Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints. The word “precious” in 1611 meant “costly”. It was always costly when God’s children died.
@rosekimbeng9365 2 года назад
Amen 🙏 Jesus is the only way, truth and life that can set us free for all eternity. Thanks for sharing pastor God bless you ❤️
@jamesrobert3199 2 года назад
Hello Rose, how are you doing?
@jasonrichards9575 2 года назад
What about the parable Luke 16:19 of the poor man being escorted by two angels to Abraham's side in God's presence after he died
@LoireValleyChateaux 2 года назад
Absolutely... The Lord is very clear... to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. The spirit isn't with the body after death. He says once we die we have nothing to do with anything under the sun. ❤️🙏
@danielmontalvo3274 2 года назад
Thank you brother thank you
@alvinaelliott8722 2 года назад
As you said it was a parable.
@jasonrichards9575 2 года назад
@@alvinaelliott8722 One reason Jesus spoke in parables was to protect his messages over time against translational errors. Parables are true.
@3abn 2 года назад
Hello friend, Some Bible points to consider… • Abraham’s bosom is not heaven (Hebrews 11:8-10, 16). • People in hell can’t talk to those in heaven (Isaiah 65:17). • The dead are in their graves (Job 17:13; John 5:28, 29). The rich man was in bodily form, with eyes, a tongue, etc., yet we know that the body does not go to hell immediately at death. The body remains in the grave, as the Bible says. If you’d like to know more about what happens after death, visit www.truthaboutdeath.com/ • People are rewarded at Christ’s second coming, not at death (Revelation 22:12). • The lost are punished in hell at the end of the world, not when they die (Matthew 13:40-42). Luke 16:31, the last verse of the story, contains a spiritual lesson, showing that the story is actually a parable. Parables cannot be taken literally. If we took parables literally, then we must believe that trees talk! (See this parable in Judges 9:8-15). Find out more at www.helltruth.com/q-a/id/1847 Blessings
@richardhandran3235 2 года назад
Jesus stated the the thief on the cross, "today you will be with me in paradise. The Rich man and Lazarus . the rich man asks Abraham to sent Lazarus to place a drop of water on his tongue. Jesus said, It is finished. All sin is covered that is repented off and given to him. Finished means we can be with God.
@tiwo89 2 года назад
Exactly. I had the same replies posted. See my response as well.. Jesus told the Sadducees that God is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and that He's God of the living not the dead. Thus Abraham's soul lives after death. Mark 12:27 Jesus told of a rich young ruler in hell and Lazarus is Abraham's bosom after death. There was interaction between the two. This is evidence the soul is alive (aware) after death. Like 16:19-31 Elijah was taken up in chariots of fire. But to where? To heaven or to the grave? 2 Kings 2:11-12 says Elijah was taken up to heaven in the chariots of fire. Thus evidence that saints are present before God after death. Even Paul the apostle says to be absent from the body is to be present with the lord. 2 Cor 5:8 Moses and Elijah visited Jesus at the mount of transfiguration. How so if the soul remains dead in the grave until the resurrection?
@lthompson6750 2 года назад
@@tiwo89 Thank you.
@rimkongwapangwapang4469 2 года назад
Dear Preacher, thank you , I am blessed. God bless you too👍
@rainiarduplooy1504 2 года назад
Amen ,beautifully said my Brother 🙏
@coffeemillcafe 2 года назад
Revelation 6:9-11
@keithtonderaichigondo2964 2 года назад
I implore you to do a more careful study of the Word, this man only uses Old Testament scriptures quoting a different time before Jesus Christ came. We believers are on the other side of the cross where things are radically different. Look at Paul and Stephen’s words. Here is an interesting one: “and tombs opened. The bodies of many godly men and women who had died were raised from the dead. They left the cemetery after Jesus’ resurrection, went into the holy city of Jerusalem, and appeared to many people.” ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭27:52-53‬ ‭NLT‬‬ And Eph 4:8 says when he ascended he led captives...where to? What do you say?
@itsjustgodslove.2820 2 года назад
8 We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord. 2 Corinthians 5 verses 8. Please explain this verse Pastor. I do believe JESUS is the only way & the resurrection.
@bryanbishop2377 2 года назад
I love to find a man who loves God and His Word. A true Christian!
@jacquelinezenga7119 2 года назад
Wonderful sermon
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