
The Bizarre Enlightenment Of Ramana Maharishi 

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@That_Freedom_Guy 2 года назад
I used to assume that this consciousness is me and I. After meditation the perception suddenly changed. This "I" that thought it was conscious, was actually pure awareness play acting as me and myself. In other words it became obvious that I was not a conscious being, but consciousness temporarily acting as a being. My little ego self was not only a fiction but this fiction pretends to own awareness, like a thief! All without words in a flash. Thanks for reading.
@Shaarda17 2 года назад
And that’s just the beginning. Don’t stop there 🙏
@rabidL3M0NS Год назад
Thanks for writing 🙏
@gamingop1706 Год назад
Can you name that particular kriya or meditation¿
@That_Freedom_Guy Год назад
@@gamingop1706 I used Vipassana meditation which means seeing things as they really are. Read up about it, it is ancient yet perfect for today!
@noordevries4392 Год назад
@@Shaarda17 no way of stopping anyway 😄😄
@RyanScarbrough Год назад
I experienced Samahdi one time, unifying with an object, and it was like being sucked through a vortex and becoming formlessness. I came back in 5 seconds due to tremendous fear of unfinished karma, and all I could say that day was "It's all form."
@christopherh9897 2 года назад
Interesting how people from all over the world came to see Ramana and then left again feeling the silence and the stillness that radiated from this angel without him uttering a word.
@ryousukuna7643 Год назад
A little respect here "Swami" ramana
@michaeldillon3113 2 года назад
' The Blessed Enlightenment of Sri Ramana Maharshi '🙏🕉️
@MotivationDon 2 года назад
For many, the missing link to success is gratitude. You have to be grateful for what you have in order to attract success to you.
@H1tman13 2 года назад
Who is it that wants success and who needs to be grateful? This is all for the person who does not exist. One has to transcend all words and associated meaning to "attain enlightenment".
@SolveEtCoagula93 2 года назад
@@H1tman13 100% agree Yathin! The original comment from MotivationDon (!) has no meaning. It is written from the point of view of someone who is still confused about what an 'individual' really is. Someone who has yet to grasp the implications of the illusion that is ego. What does it mean for an illusion to be grateful?
@perprerp 2 года назад
If you are satisfied with what you have no more will come.
@babkeebabkus8177 2 года назад
@@SolveEtCoagula93 it's an absolutely ignorant bullsh!t statement by someone who does not understand what freedom or peace is (and also these concepts we need not focus on)... success...gratitude..grateful..attract...ego nonsense...some people don't know that whatever we focus on we call for it's opposite...whoever wants success may get it but must also experience failure as it's opposite...whoever wants to attract may do so but they will also repel in some way...who calls for peace is also calling for war because the opposite of what we want must arise...the war can only last so long before peace breaks out again and so on...whoever wants to be happy must experience misery at some point too...it's a game of duality that most people are stuck in...us buddhists stay with equanimity...just so so...not up or down...not in past or future...just the present moment... any details we get wrapped in we KNOW are illusion while we are dealing with them but most people take the details to be real and are deluded....there is no reality to anything we experience...the reality we seem to exist in is nothingness...can have it now if we sit without thought...no feeling...no concept ..no image..not even awareness of a body...just nothingness...this pure consciousness and it's what peace is...some can have it for 5 minutes...some 20...some an hour or hours and some days...weeks and even a lifetime...means no karma left...no desire...no indovidual spirit having merged with infinite essence...no next life...end of individual story does not mean cessation...it is existing in everything everywhere therefore eternal life
@perprerp 2 года назад
@Skeye Hridayam sometimes blooblies is missing
@LexusFox Год назад
I wonder if all of us who are “seekers” had similar experiences of “god” in childhood that led us to search for “it” again.
@That_Freedom_Guy Год назад
Yes. In fact the more you develop, the more you realise that spiritual societies exist, compassionately devoted to guiding the less developed to find their way. You asked the question because it is on your mind. It is on others minds too. Some who believe that they understand rebirth, have returned to deliberately help others. Many of us are selfish, it's the cause of existence, yet a few are compassionate and empathetic enough to be selfless, not driven by self interest like most, but by something grander. That sounds like something I could sign up for. I feel like we already know of each other at some level that is difficult to articulate. But then, I could be barking mad! Lol.
@Prerna3d 2 года назад
Ramannamaharishi's life is awe inspiring.
@hkumar7340 2 года назад
🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 The ROCK on which all materialist philosophy shatters like fragile glass -- Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi!
@michaeldillon3113 Год назад
Fine words 🙏🕉️
@godisgooey Год назад
Anbe Sivam✨🙏✨🕉✨💖✨
@justaguypassing3rough 2 года назад
this video was deeply moving
@nondualvictor 2 года назад
ENLIGHTENMENTis not a grand experience. It is simple. Anyone can realize it . absolutely anyone
@marcalvarez4890 2 года назад
"Before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood, carry water." -Zen saying
@frontsidegrinder6858 Год назад
@@marcalvarez4890 For me Zen is for example, when there is a teacher in front of an audience and he is saying nothing at all, so the enlightment will come to the people immediatly or maybe later by itself.
@AJWRAJWR Год назад
One of the problems with Buddhism is that this 'enlightenment' is made out to be this esoteric, mysterious phenomena only achievable by a select few. Basically Gnosticism. Whereas the early Christian Church fathers elected to omit esoteric, gnostic scripture with the intent that the Word be accessible and comprehensible by all. Thinking through a Jungian lens; no, individuation is not nearly a fraction as difficult as Buddhism purports it to be. btw.. I think if you're a Westerner who identifies as Buddhist you are so lost. If you have a religious hankering then there is a Western religion perfect for the Western cultured man, called Christianity.
@sapanacharya1365 2 года назад
Finally uploaded
@FLHerbologistLaura 2 года назад
Beautiful 🙏
@houdini178 2 года назад
2:35 where could I find more about this Yogi and the Pranayama he is performing? Amazing video; thank you for sharing.
@babyteeth2920 2 года назад
Check out the movie Jnani on RU-vid
@abhishekghosh4384 2 года назад
It's called bahir kumbhak with uddiyana bandha.
@999titu 2 года назад
Raman Maharashi.
@przemekpolanowski8531 2 года назад
That part of video was similar to clip of T Krishnamacharya. He was Iyengar's uncle
@houdini178 2 года назад
@@przemekpolanowski8531 yes, thank you so much; the video is titled: 'Sri Tirumalai Krishnamacharya' shanti
@ShervinZ Год назад
Perhaps you could use another title than 'Bizarre"!
@ShervinZ Год назад
@@Saurabh-iw5gk Bizarre isn't respectful.
@nothingevermatters..1109 Год назад
When I was a kid, I too had experience same feelings of fear death and it was when I know I’m going to get caught of my wrong doings.. don’t know how many times I have experienced it , I lost count of it..
@khushaliacharya2163 2 месяца назад
@franzhaas5597 2 года назад
The word Enlightenment is actually a deceptive word. because there is no enlightenment, because there is no you to be enlightened in the first place. We are like an illusion chasing another illusion. And since we live in a dream world where everything is transitory psychologically we cannot be affected by too many things, that is the Practical side of spiritual life. If you're called names are treated on fairly it is people who are delusional who do this. Life is a game and you play it and then one day the game ends. Then what makes your head explode. there was no game to be played in the first place because the game didn't exist.
@founderofself 2 года назад
Of course it exists. Yes, it's temporary, but that doesn't mean ur not experiencing it and it doesnt exist. Because it sure as hell does in this moment and u sure are experiencing it
@moniquederksen1902 2 года назад
There is only enlightened activity.
@founderofself 2 года назад
@@moniquederksen1902 there is too much talking n thinking. Shhh
@easylife6348 2 года назад
Enlightenment is oneness itself, which is not an illusion.
@moniquederksen1902 2 года назад
When the joke is on us, I hope to die laughing🤣🤣
@PowerofPlacebo 2 года назад
Remember words from humans. It is only Vocabulary spoken. Energy is felt by the soul & heart. For NONE of this matters, if all stays the same. We don’t die, we go from the cocoon to the butterfly 🦋. Until the humans make a global change. One that consists more of cooperation & less COMPETITION.. If one’s loves thyself 1st & foremost. All else will fall into place accordingly. Society is hindered severely due to the lack of. That’s why people get together have a kid or multiple. And cannot give the attention that kid needs. Making it so others raise your kid. All while you & your significant other. Did not learn thyself first, thus passing down to your children. IF YOU DO NOT LOVE YOURSELF FIRST……. All else will FAIL in your life…… 🙌🏽♒️💯❤️🫡
@vinitkumar8990 2 года назад
@pareshprajapati7916 2 года назад
Mind is chaitanya concious clouds of thoughts. Thank you.
@King_of_humanity 5 месяцев назад
Thank you...
@Wesssss84 Год назад
@AnmigaBharatham Год назад
ThiruAnnamalai 🙏 ThiruAnnamalai 🙏
@Darksagan 2 года назад
Great upload.
@vivekbhange7150 2 года назад
wow i never know that. thanks for sharing. it was exciting to see.
@DPLS77 2 года назад
@dougmurray3692 2 года назад
When you reach a certain position in your growth, you will Occupy a space, that is no space, and Truth will run through you. But "run" isn't quite the right word. I try to explain but in this space, there is no need for words. Words explain when you aim at 'explain-ing'. It is Thought, in the Truest Form, while also maintaining itself without form. It is Comprehension without the body so comprehension becomes Comprehension, due to the fact that comprehension is OF the body. But Comprehension is the knowingness without thought in a human way of function. The True Function rises, evolves through your own justification that reality is as you saw it through your human eyes. Comprehension, with a capital 'C' is after you leave your human eyes, to get your Eyes, to See, what was there all along but you now actually See it, rather than see it. See what I'm saying? Words are restricting in this Realm to come back into the earth dimension to try to explain what you now Know and what you thought you knew, I'm the old view. So now, you have your new View. But you must come from "there", which is "here" right now, to move to "there" ahead. And once you are "there" ahead, through your own movement "in the Way", you will Occupy what is only 'Here'. Now, time is no more for you, due to this same Process, and what emerges is Comprehension of 'Now'; both Infinity and this very Moment fuse through you. You are that place where time and space is born and where it dissolves. They are One. YOU ARE the interlacing of the fingers between each of the hands; infinite the left hand, time-less, the right. Allow yourself to Be in that Alignment. This is your Key. It is through realization - AND THE SUSPENSION OF IT SIMULTANEOUSLY, that Realization Occurs. Now, read that again. And if you're serious, watch the video again. Off you go, Little One. You are Loved, not just loved. Thanks for the video as well.
@lucasdesiqueira6122 2 года назад
Very well explained ty for your words :)
@dougmurray3692 2 года назад
@@lucasdesiqueira6122 Thank you for taking the time to read my reply. You can't find it with the "click, click, now" search one might find to "Google it." It takes time even after that "aha" moment. It is not a finish line to cross, or a fact to research. It is with 'in', coupled in the ever-expanse of Now But...words.
@lucasdesiqueira6122 2 года назад
@@dougmurray3692 1 time I remember being watching the Sky and I Saw god on all space, that state of mind ended when I tried to label with words, never Saw that "thing" again, you look like someone Who had a similar experience
@dougmurray3692 2 года назад
@@lucasdesiqueira6122 Ah, yes. The 'Grasping'. I have. But because what we call "God" is different than religions authorize the appearance, we don't really See. This is kind of strange because God has many views, and most people never get taught this. So if the view fails, we think we do too, and in our search to get it back, we over-look other ways of See-ing. It's our priority to have that view. We have to detach from that.need because that's attachment. You seem to be kind of a bit sad that you lost something due not being able to go back there. Hmm... Let's see if I can help. Go into meditation and get into that"zone". Once you are 'in', and non-feel it, begin looking out. Direct the flow you feel like a curve rather than a solid bar. This is Key. You know when you drive a little faster and you sort of tilt your head to be 'in' that curve? That's how you meditate and direct the curve. But if it's intended as a rigid bar, you are forcing it to pivot instead of easing it into what opens the door. What we call God isn't physical. So when you tried to express, even you experience, into words, it was like you are dragging the All into the confining of the physical realm. You can't do that without consequence, but it doesn't have to be permanent. You can do it. God Loves you, within you. So when you go within, you be with 'in'. Your 'in' matches the 'Here and Now'. So, it's you that is like it, and therefore it becomes like you. Understand? Now, once you are 'Here and Now', you Align to be 'with'. So you are 'with-ing'. But that's not a word, right?? Sure it is. I just wrote it. The rules be damned, and evolved our of. However, as this Magic works within you, know that God is more than we can handle and more than we can grasp. So meditation has you kind of "leave" your body, but not really "leave". You leave but you enter 'in'. You don't really "leave"... but you do. See?? Words. All of this is an end for some. They get their big Grasp and think that's it. But it not an end. It's the beginning. There is much MUCH more. But the danglers get only what they earn. See? There is more than one way to do anything. So when you meditate, some say be empty. That's only one way, and does take you to a result, but the only result. Look at an emerald-cut diamond. Does it only have one facet? Or can you look 'in' from several positions? Meditate with Love in your heart and you See from High. Add forbearance, and patience, a little more honesty, and empathy, and touch of Beauty, delivering it to yourself as a dance with a dancer, you get another result, another view, another way 'in'. Start with that. You will find it. Keep it private unless you are able to endure the consequence of trying to make the non-physical physical. I don't mean you don't talk about it. You do. But doing it without adding the corrective measure, effects you and stays like that unless you evolve out of it through the flow. With great power comes great responsibility, even of you don't know you're responsible, those are the rules. So once you figure out the rules on your own, you have been beat up by consequence you didn't know about. And this pain takes you through the Fire of Growth. So take this and begin when you will. When I began to repeat these things, I never went so far as to glaze over my eyes and stay there. I have one foot here and one foot 'Here', there and 'There'. So the way I teach is different. Keep my name. You'll see me out there.
@lucasdesiqueira6122 2 года назад
@@dougmurray3692 This is the best comment I have seen in my Life, Im kinda busy right now but I Will read It again trust me, thank you and sorry for not have a perfect english to say how much This mean to me, I understand all you are sayin and Hope to see you again
@siva2076 Год назад
@youarelife3437 2 года назад
Why have you removed many of your videos friend? they are so helpful
@Asangoham 2 года назад
We had to delete our quotes videos to re-enable monetization! But we've a LOT of good stuff coming up, stay tuned! :)
@Seanthedon7 2 года назад
Great keep these videos coming I love this.
@PrasangiDilisha-xr6vb Год назад
@codehereonly Год назад
What was the background music? So soothing 😍😍🤗❤️😌 Please tell
@arleenshamon9685 Год назад
@andreyyyy4197 2 года назад
This chanell is dope
@emojiking8580 Год назад
👈I gut this
@kuldeepsinghchauhan8699 Год назад
Atleast dont put adds in midst of these
@ull893 Год назад
@sahajasound 2 года назад
Could you spell the name of the scripture you reference in the intro at 0:53?
@galamboszsolt5654 2 года назад
I think it's Vigyan Bhairav Tantra
@abhishekghosh4384 2 года назад
Watch the Sanskrit Channel's video on Vigyan Bhairava Tantra.
@Thunderbolt-0 Год назад
In which chapter of VBT to find that technique? Can u mention the number?
@humblegrenade118 Год назад
On the one hand we have the enlightened One’s, and on the other we have the everyday do’ers, if too many do’ers were to become enlightened like Ramana who would become the do’ers that has to get everything done cause too many many people would be hanging out in Nirvana just wearing a handkerchief, or is that the way it’s supposed to be, and where is the balance
@edoardodardi57 2 года назад
Wasnt the Gurus Name Maharshi?🙏
@edoardodardi57 Год назад
@@Saurabh-iw5gk Oh thank you so much🙏i did not have this precious Information.🙏
@edoardodardi57 Год назад
@Vipin Kumar Thank you that you took the Time to send me such an extensive and precise Answer🙏i understand better different things i read or saw.Thank you🙏
@Chrisbi-Wan 2 года назад
What's the point of even continuing in the flesh then?
@begleysbeatbakery 2 года назад
There isn't really, other than to help others. I think it's similar to musicians who play just for the sake of music, I suppose Bhagvan lived the rest of his life for the sake of living.
@Yogis_BitterTruth_Nirvan Год назад
social service. he solved physical, psychological, spiritual and other types of social and individual issues. so he dedicated his whole remaining life for total selfless servive. just read his books who he is what he teach and how it evolved lives of others in his presence.
@anatureperson5551 Год назад
@@Yogis_BitterTruth_Nirvan That's right. Here's a quote taken from a recent video uploaded from Michael James' Sri Ramana Teaching youtube channel. (31) 2023-02-04a Sri Ramana Center, Houston: Michael James discusses Uḷḷadu Nāṟpadu verse 11 - RU-vid Sri Ramana Teachings 37:04 ...so that means, that explains why Bhagwan is not a psychologist, right? But is it fair to say that the best psychologist can go to Bhagwan for advice and he will give of the best advice? Michael James: Bhagavan is not a psychologist but there's no better psychologist than Bhagavan. He knows the underlying reality of the mind. He knows what the Mind actually is. So the psychologist knows the mind superficially-they only know the surface of the mind. But the underlying reality of the mind is is known only to Bhagavan. So he is at the same time not a psychologist and the greatest of all psychologists. So yes, psychologists obviously can learn a lot from Bhagavan but what they will ultimately learn about is not about the mind but about the underlying reality of mind and when we know the underlying reality of the mind the mind ceases to exist.
@MrBojangles788 2 года назад
So he pretty much gave up what little he'd had, decided he didn't need to do anything any became a nomad type guy
@sidhantsharma9961 2 года назад
From the outside. But inside he was whole, complete. He dedicated his life to teaching and serving others. No accepting any money, feeding whoever came to him. He became totally selfless.
@MrBojangles788 2 года назад
@@sidhantsharma9961 well how the heck did he have food if he didn't have any money
@sidhantsharma9961 2 года назад
@@MrBojangles788He would either beg or his devotees would keep simple food. He never accepted money or lavish gifts. Just took simple food and things to maintain his body.
@MrBojangles788 2 года назад
@@sidhantsharma9961 word up, makes sense. Nice man I mean pretty much like the Buddha, I don't know too much about him but he seems chill
@sidhantsharma9961 2 года назад
@@MrBojangles788 Absolutely! You should read his biography. :)
@JSTNtheWZRD 2 года назад
Thanks for nothing - get it.
@6oognish Год назад
Excuse my disrespect but isn’t losing interest in the body and outside world “depression” ?
@LNVACVAC 2 года назад
Remember Meditation is not meant or supposed to put in harmony with society or instincts. Meditation done correctly and worse incorrectly will always be degenerative from a vulgar perspective, will make you disfunctional socially and bodily, the second case (done incorrectly) most often catastrophic.
@theusbadenhorst1848 2 года назад
I painted that blue frame as a child and got into trouble. I was enlightened and got beaten out of it . Bwahahaha
@MrTetsukobu 2 года назад
You do not attain enlightment, enlightment finds you or not. As desperate and chocking as the statment may sound. In other words, Espiritual Enlightment depends on your luck in the Spiritual Lotery. Written by a 70 years old man that doesn´t know anymore were his feet or head are.
@littlewillowlinda 2 года назад
The people who reach enlightenment are those who are ready to receive the idea after Faith, knowledge, discipline, and adversity. Not much luck to it :) there’s a process. Just keep seeking and you will find. those who do not seek were not meant to achieve it in this lifetime.
@JakeTheSnake509 2 года назад
I feel they miss the point of life, to spend your days laying around offers no growth.
@Asangoham 2 года назад
How can you grow after completion? That's what enlightenment offers. You've to be in their shoes to understand that's its not really lying around but complete and absolute awareness.
@JakeTheSnake509 2 года назад
​@@Asangoham you can be enlightened and not spend your days lying around a temple or field, its taking it too far, its abuse of the gift of life. Go, explore, build, love, do, this world has teachings to offer, and your soul will only learn and experience by doing. If time is circular and I will repeat this life forever, I'm not spending it meditating into eternity.
@TheBuddyShowWorldwide 2 года назад
@@JakeTheSnake509 Judgemental much?
@JakeTheSnake509 2 года назад
@@TheBuddyShowWorldwide are you not passing judgement on me, now? also ha, what kind of man talks like this. see the duality? He's been given the gift of mortal life and how does he use it?, lying around on his couch taking naps. mystics and intellectuals who are do nothings are weak and pathetic. I would rather hear the thoughts of a farmer who works 12hrs a day.
@Asangoham 2 года назад
@jake sheehan And that's your desire, and not his. When one feels complete inside, they may or may not "explore" the world. Infact many seekers came to Ramana, and he helped thousands if not millions. We still talking about him is proof. Not everybody wants to live the life you want to life. People find their happiness in different things. For you working 12hrs a day is work, can you make your mind stop 12 hrs a day? That requires more work than physical labour. The "gift" of life, you say? This gift is given to us to realize the ultimate. After that, whatever they wish to do is up to them. Live and let live, buddy.
@thecryptooptimist3479 2 года назад
Those of who have attained enlightenement can leave the video 🤣 Like Enlightened beings are watching you tube for education
@AJWRAJWR Год назад
This is a description of psychosis. This is not a self actualised individual. Do not be so naive/lost/despairing as to take this tragic person as a role model.
@nikolanesovic1329 Год назад
Perfect tehnik
@bjsmith5444 2 года назад
it all sounds a bit shit to me. Still they've got to keep the racket going.
@founderofself 2 года назад
@neelkantgajhbiye4482 2 года назад
You're beautiful.
@critter5248 Год назад
I think you have some issues with not understanding different accents from other cultural backgrounds. The only "voice" you hear that doesn't sound poorly is your own, or a submissive feminine voice in your own accent. In a desperate bid to understand though, the mind resorts to saying things like "racket," that allow you to go back to thoughts of playing games with your friends when you were a child.
@Taldaran 2 года назад
Enlightenment is not something you "achieve". It's an inherent state, as you were when you were very young, before you weighted yourself down with years learning the rules to play this game based on delusions. When you realize that the ego is a construct and you are able to be the watcher who sees the ego self and it's programming, that is the first step of your "original self" reclaiming it's sovereignty and beginning the process of unloading those delusions. You likely won't find it in one source of mythology or religion, but like the story of Osiris, pieces of truth are scattered waiting for us to collect them and in doing so, bring our original selves back to life.
@hafunland894 Год назад
Beautifully said!
@Puuws 8 месяцев назад
its not a state, states come and go, it is what is always here, even when you are not. Our original self isnt dead right now, it exactly what cannot die or even altered in any way, its unmoving
@SRMthy Год назад
@TheurbanCookie 2 года назад
I feel like this was an extreme way of reaching enlightenment. Not very practical in todays times. I think with constant meditation being eventually you make the brake through. Realizing nothingness allows you to love life without attachments. Ultimately brings you to the realization there was never a person to become enlightened or a person separate from everything else. With more mediation after these realizations the ego slowly loses power and one can reach higher degrees of enlightenment
@zootsoot2006 2 года назад
Who is reaching higher levels of enlightenment?
@TheurbanCookie 2 года назад
@@zootsoot2006 no doer. Yet things still happen
@TheurbanCookie 2 года назад
@@zootsoot2006 kinda hard to explain oneness using language, you can’t avoid duality.
@zootsoot2006 2 года назад
@@TheurbanCookie I personally think the idea or metaphor of higher levels of enlightenment isn't particularly helpful. There is enlightenment that is always already the case. All we need to do is get rid of what's in the way, i.e. the 'polishing the mirror' metaphor. .
@TheurbanCookie 2 года назад
@@zootsoot2006 hehe in that there still a mirror and a person polishing the mirror. How clean can he get the mirror? Sure you can be enlightenment but enlightenment has many facets. Just because you’ve seen one doesn’t mean that’s the only one
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