
The Chaldean Oracles 

The Modern Hermeticist
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The Chaldean Oracles
Translated by Thomas Taylor
Read by Dan Attrell
Text: amzn.to/2Bux64i
For another reading of a different translation, see: • The Chaldaick Oracles ...
[From Wikipedia:] The Chaldean Oracles are a set of spiritual and philosophical texts widely used by neoplatonist philosophers from the 3rd to the 6th century CE. While the original texts have been lost, they have survived in the form of fragments consisting mainly of quotes and commentary by neoplatonist writers. They were likely to have originally formed a single mystery-poem, which may have been in part compiled, in part received via trance, by Julian the Chaldean, or more likely, his son, Julian the Theurgist in the 2nd century CE. Later neoplatonists, such as Iamblichus and Proclus, rated them highly. The 4th-century Emperor Julian (not to be confused with Julian the Chaldean or Julian the Theurgist) suggests in his Hymn to the Magna Mater that he was an initiate of the God of the Seven Rays, and was an adept of its teachings. When Christian Church Fathers or other Late Antiquity writers credit "the Chaldeans", they are probably referring to this tradition.
An analysis of the Chaldean Oracles demonstrates an inspiration for contemporary gnostic teachings: fiery emanations initiate from the transcendental First Paternal Intellect, from whom the Second Intellect, the Demiurge comprehends the cosmos as well as himself. Within the First Intellect, a female Power, designated Hecate, is, like Sophia, the mediating World-Soul. At the base of all exists created Matter, made by the Demiurgic Intellect. The matter farthest from the Highest God (First Father / Intellect) was considered a dense shell from which the enlightened soul must emerge, shedding its bodily garments. A combination of ascetic conduct and correct ritual are recommended to free the soul from the confines of matter and limitations, and to defend it against the demonic powers lurking in some of the realms between Gods and mortals.
The Chaldean Oracles were considered to be a central text by many of the later neoplatonist philosophers, nearly equal in importance to Plato's Timaeus. This has led some scholars, beginning with Franz Cumont, to declare the Oracles "The Bible of the Neoplatonists".
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@TheModernHermeticist 4 года назад
If you're looking for some exegesis on these texts, check out shwep.net/podcast/the-chaldaean-oracles/
@ForeverConsciousResearch 4 года назад
Hello Dan, I really enjoyed this and it resonates heavily. Do you mind if I share this on my channel? I'll of course be sure to leave you the proper credit with a link to your channel & video. Keep up the good work and thank you for your efforts. Blessings 🙏 -FC
@lennygreco3411 6 месяцев назад
The shwep is brilliant. So thankful for it ❤
@TheModernHermeticist 4 года назад
"The following remains of Chaldean theology are not only venerable for their antiquity, but inestimably valuable for the unequalled sublimity of the doctrines they contain. They will, doubtless, too, be held in the highest estimation by every liberal mind, when it is considered that some of them are the sources whence the sublime conceptions of Plato flowed; that others are perfectly comforbable to his most abstruse dogmas; and that the most important part of them was corrupted by the Gnostics, and, in this polluted state, became the fountains of barbarous and gigantically daring impiety. That they are of Chaldaic origin, and were not forged by Christians of any denominations, as has been asserted by some superficial writers, is demonstrably evident from the following considerations: In the first place, John Picus, earl of Mirandula, in a letter to Ficinus, informs him that he was in possession of the Oracles of Zoroaster in the Chaldean tongue, with a commentary on them, by certain Chaldean wise men. And that he did not speak this from mere conjecture (as Fabricius thinks he did) is evident from his expressly asserting, in a letter to Urbinatus (p. 256 of his works), that, after much labour, he had at length learned the Chaldean language. And still farther, as we shall see, he has inserted in his works fifteen conclusions, founded on this very Chaldean manuscript. That this circumstance should have escaped the notice of mere verbalists, is not surprising; but it is singular that it should not have been attended to by a man of such uncommon erudition, and extensive reading, as Fabricius. In the next place, as Porphyry, Iamblichus, and Proclus, wrote large commentaries on these oracles, and are well known to have ranked amongst the greatest enemies of the Christian religion; there is not even poetical probability, that men of such great learning and sagacity should have been duped by the shallow artifice of some heretical Christian knave. To which we may add, that Porphyry, in his life of Plotinus, expressly mentions, that certain revelations ascribed to Zoroaster, were circulated, in his time, by many Christians and heretics who had abandoned the ancient philosophy, and that he showed, by many arguments, these revelations were spurious; from which it is evident, that the oracles commented on by him, were not those forged by the heretics of his time. In the third place, Proclus in his MS. Scholia on the Cratylus of Plato, says, that the Oracles respecting the intelligible and intellectual orders were derived by Theurgists, under the reign of Marcus Antonisus.1 It is clear, therefore, that the following oracles, which are collected from the writings of the Platonists, are of Chaldean, and not of Christian origin; not to mention that the dogmas they contain are totally dissonant from those of the Christian faith. It is likewise evident, that some of these oracles may, with great confidence, be ascribed tot he Chaldean Zoroaster. This appears from the Chaldean manuscript of Picus, in which those oracles were denominated Zoroastrian, which exist at present, with the Scholia of Psellus, under the title of The Magic Oracles of Zoroaster. In consequence of this, I have distributed these oracles into four parts. The first division I denominate The Oracles of Zoroaster; the second, Oracles delivered by Theurgists, under the reign of Marcus Antoninus; because the oracles in this division relate to the intelligible and intellectual orders. The third division I call, Oracles which were either delivered by Theurgists, under Marcus Antoninus, or by Zoroaster; because the collection of Pselllus is far from being complete, as we shall see from the conclusions of Picus, and the oracles in this division do not immediately relate to the intelligible and intellectual orders. The fourth division contains a few oracles of uncertain, or imperfect meaning, which I have thus denominated, from not having the MSS. In my possession, from which they were collected. The learned reader will easily perceive that my labour, in forming this collection, must have been great, as I have accurately arranged each oracle under its proper head, and have given the authors and places where each (a few only excepted) may be found. He will likewise find, that I have added fifty Chaldean oracles, and fragments of oracles, to the collection of Patricius; and that I have given a far more correct edition of the text, than that of Le Clerc. Short notes are added, by way of comment, on the most obscure of these oracles, and the exposition of Psellus is prefixed as containing the best account of the Chaldaic dogmas that can, at present, be obtained." Manor-Place, Walworth. T. Taylor
@TheModernHermeticist 4 года назад
“They assert that there are seven corporeal worlds, one Empyrean and the first; after this, three etherial, and then three material worlds, the last of which is said to be terrestrial, and the hater of life: and this is the sublunary place, containing likewise in itself matter, which they call a profundity. They are of opinion, that there is one principle of things; and this they celebrate as the one, and the good. After this, they venerate a certain paternal profundity,4 consisting of three triads; but each triad contains, father, power, and intellect. After this is the intelligible Iynx, then the Synoches, of which one is empyrean, the other etherial, and the third material. The Teletarchæ follow the Synoches. After these succeed the fontal fathers,6 who are also called Cosmagogi, or leaders of the world. Of these, the first is called once beyond, the second is Hecate, and the third is twice beyond. After these are the three Amilicti; and, last of all, the Upezokus. They likewise venerate a fontal triad of faith, truth, and love. They asserts that there is a ruling sun from a solar fountain, and an archangelic sun; that there is a fountain of sense, a fontal judgment, a thundering fountain, a dioptric fountain, and a fountain of characters, seated in unknown impressions. And, again, that there are fontal summits of Apollo, Osiris, and Hermes. They likewise assert that there are material fountains of centers and elements; that there is a zone of dreams, and a fontal soul. “After the fountains, they say, the principles8 succeed: for fountains are superior to principles. But of the vivific9 principles, the summit is called Hecate, the middle ruling soul, and the extremity ruling virtue. They have likewise azonic Hecatæ, such as the Chaldaic Triecdotis, Comas, and Ecklustike. But the azonic gods, according to them, are Serapis, Bacchus, the series of Osiris, and of Apollo. These gods are called azonic, because they rule without restraint over the zones, and are established above the apparent gods. But he zonic gods are those which revolve round the celestial zones, and rule over sublunary affairs, but not with the same unrestrained energy, as the azonic. For the Chaldeans consider the zonic order as divine; as distributing the parts of the sensible world; and as begirding the allotments about the material region. “The inerratic circle succeeds the zones, and comprehends the seven spheres in which the stars are placed. According to them, likewise, there are two solar worlds; one, which is subservient to the etherial profundity; the other zonaic, being one of the seven spheres. “Of human souls they establish a twofold fontal cause, viz. The paternal intellect, and the fontal soul; and they consider partial13 souls, as proceeding from the fontal, according to the will of the father. Souls of this kind, however, possess a self-begotten, and self-vital essence: for they are not like alter-motive natures. Indeed, since according to the Oracle, a partial soul is a portion of divine fire, a splendid fire, and a paternal conception, it must be an immaterial and self-subsistent essence; for every thing divine is of this kind; and of this the soul is a portion. They assert too, that all things are contained in each soul; but that in each there is an unknown characteristic of an effable and ineffable impression. They are of opinion, that the soul often descends into the world, through many causes; either through the defluxion of its wings,14 or through the paternal will. They believe the world to be eternal, as likewise the periods of the stars. They multifariously distribute Hades, at one time calling it the leader of a terrene allotment, and at another the sublunary region. Sometimes they denominate it, the most inward of the etherial and material worlds; at another time, irrational15 soul. In this, they place the rational soul, not essentially, but according to habitude, when it sympathises with it, and energises according to partial reason. “They consider ideas, at one time, as the conceptions of the father;16 at another time, as universal reasons, viz. physical, psychical, and intelligible; and again, as the exempt hyparxes (or summits) of beings. They assert that magical operations are accomplished through the intervention of the highest powers, and terrene substances; and that superior natures sympathise with inferior, and especially with those in the sublunary region. They consider souls, as restored after death to their pristine perfection, in the wholes of the universe, according to the measures of their peculiar purifications; but some souls are raised by them to a supermundane condition of being. They likewise define souls to be media between impartible and partible natures. With respect to these dogmas, many of them are adopted by Plato and Aristotle: but Plotinus, Porphyry, Jamblichus, Proclus, and their disciples, adopt the whole of them, and admit them without hesitation, as doctrines of a divine origin.” Thus far Psellus: I add, tor the sake of those readers that are unacquainted with the scientific theology of the ancients, that as the highest principle of things is a nature truly ineffable and unknown, it is impossible that this visible world could have been produced by him without media; and this not through any impotency, but, on the contrary, through transcendency of power. For if he had produced all things without the agency of intermediate beings, all things must have been like himself, ineffable and unknown. It is necessary, therefore, that there should be certain mighty powers between the supreme principle of things and us: for we, in reality, are nothing more than the dregs of the universe. These mighty powers, from their surpassing similitude to the first God, were very properly called by the ancients gods; and were considered by them as perpetually subsisting in the most admirable and profound union with each other, and the first cause; yet so as amidst this union to preserve their own energy distinct from that of the highest god. For it would be absurd in the extreme, to allow, that man has a peculiar energy of his own, and to deny that this is the case with the most exalted beings. Hence, as Proclus beautifully observes, the gods may be compared to trees rooted in the earth: for as these, by their roots, are united with the earth, and become earthly in an eminent degree, without being earth itself; so the gods, by their summits, are profoundly united to the first cause, and by this mean are transcendently similar to, without being, the first cause. Lines too, emanating from the centre of a circle, afford us a conspicuous image of the manner in which these mighty powers proceed from, and subsist in, the ineffable principle of things. For here, the lines are evidently things different from the centre, to which, at the same time, by their summits, they are exquisitely allied. All these summits too, which are indescribably absorbed in centre, are yet no parts (i.e. powers) of it; for the centre has a subsistence prior to them, as being their cause." Michael Psellos
@anthonyspencer766 4 года назад
Dan, thank you for this reading. Also, I believe you have to be in the running for longest youtube comment ever with this entry to which I am replying :). I have been catching up on Encyclopedia Hermetica and I just wanted to voice my opinion on something that has doubtlessly occured to you: you should consider turning the Big History into a book. I realize there are other sorts of sprawling histories out there. But yours is unique. There is none as sprawling as yours, nor any which really situate the alchemical and hermetic traditions in their places as both naturalistic and mystical evolutions in the capacity that yours does. The unique insight you offer as commentary in this series is fantastic. I know it would be a massive project turning it into a book. But I, for one, would happily purchase two of them if you ever did the deed. I know of others who would also be very interested in such a book. Perhaps it is something to consider as a project over the coming years. It is important I think for the reason that your treatment of mysticism is very rational and humanistic; you don't cheapen its relevance to modern thought and modern science by attempting to exaggerate the mythical or "spooky" attributes or by unnecessarily mythologizing the historical figures. It makes all of the mysticism so much more relevant to our modern predicament. Thanks.
@stampatron 4 года назад
These audiobooks are fantastic Dan, thank you for taking the time and effort to undertake such a monumental task.
@TheModernHermeticist 4 года назад
Thanks Ollie, hope all is well with you.
@stampatron 4 года назад
​@@TheModernHermeticist I am well thanks mate, how are you? Please may i have your permission to use some of the audio as a vocal sample in a piece of music? 7:30 "All things are the progeny of one fire" would work really well in some moody electronica!
@TheModernHermeticist 4 года назад
@@stampatron Just saw this now - I'm well, just knee deep in school work and happy to be going into some time off with the Christmas season. You are most certainly welcome to use whatever you'd like for musical purposes!
@monkeytail1968 4 года назад
You are a true blessing, friend. Thank you for all the brilliant work you do and the treasures you share.
@lennygreco3411 6 месяцев назад
I am, and shall always be in awe of this. What is death? The fire endures. And all things are seen in thunder...❤
@jennywilloughby3236 3 года назад
This channel is like finding an enormous about of treasure. I cannot put into words how grateful I am.
@carlmorrison9789 4 года назад
Thanks for taking the time to do these.
@PhosphorusThoth 4 года назад
Thank you for doing a reading of this
@Survivethejive 4 года назад
Well read. A helpful resource
@davidbrant390 4 года назад
Wow amazing to see you here bro :))
@normannovakhill3042 4 года назад
@survivethejive What are you up to over this way bro?
@jared3370 Год назад
I can't stand reading but I love this kind of study so content like this is greatly appreciated. Thank you so much
@kwestwick6065 4 года назад
Love your reading voice and style.
@stampatron 4 года назад
Dropping by again to send greetings and thanks; i listen to this quite a lot, its incredibly soothing and insightful. Also I did include that spoken word 'one fire' sample and am releasing the track on my own record label that i have launched in memory of my now late Mother. Thanks for allowing me to use the sample i will send a link once the track is in the shops. Godspeed.
@paisleypeacock 4 года назад
*Absolutely Divine Dan!* - *Very educationally stimulating - Thank you!*
@MontyCraig 4 года назад
Great work Dan!
@DarkMoonDroid 4 года назад
0:14 The Oracles of Zoroaster 9:13 Part 2 --- 16:47 18:49 Part 3
@DarkMoonDroid 4 года назад
Listening again.... Followed your link to Earl Fontainelle and WOW! Thank you!!
@DarkMoonDroid 4 года назад
45:55 Inanna
@JEKAZOL 4 года назад
Most welcome post.
@TheModernHermeticist 4 года назад
Thanks, as always.
@Crystalwitch1 3 года назад
Loved this! Thank you so much
@TheModernHermeticist 3 года назад
Glad you enjoyed it, thanks for listening.
@amitspecially 5 месяцев назад
WTeF? If the distance to the planet, if the stars, the plants are not for us to explore, then why did the Chaldean God gave us the intelect and showed us these things? What are we supposed to do? I am still at 1:30 and the question arose. BTW good work with the narration and the video. Will hear it completely.
@MartinFaulks 2 года назад
This is fantastic.
@dante6039 4 года назад
i love your work
@ericthorsfeldt3030 6 месяцев назад
Thank you🙏🙏🙏🐶
@TheModernHermeticist 6 месяцев назад
If you enjoyed this one, I also have a more recent recording of the Chaldean Oracles from a different translation 🙏
@colinthomson5358 4 года назад
Do you have a video about how certain Greek and Latin (Any ancient material really) books made their way into Western Europe? Am I *roughly* correct thinking 1. Majority came around the collapse of the Byzantine Empire. Scholars went searching for books before the empire fell, some looted books came after the fall. This is how the majority of Plato and the words of Thrice Great Hermes came into The West. Rich Italians during the Renaissance were responsible. 2. During a crusade the Western armies headed for the Holy Land, stopped off at Constantinople, then sacked the city, stealing many great artworks and books which were then translated into Latin. 3. Arabic/Muslim sources. They won many treasures, included literature, with the destruction of Byzantine. These works made their way into The West through Muslim controlled Spain.
@christinaphillips5933 2 месяца назад
Thank you 😊
@robertpaulcorless7949 4 года назад
Ta Dan wonderful x
Orpheus may be the most interesting one. Seems to be near the center of things, not as much as Hekate though
@Cholatemilk1 4 года назад
Yay go Dan!
@andytuesday500 4 года назад
Thank you 🙏
@ethanjames1316 3 года назад
Great audio but this translation is all over the place. Would you ever do Wescott’s translation? It’s definitely more organized
@TheModernHermeticist 3 года назад
Unfortunately I can only upload public domain stuff from long dead guys, so generally the audiobooks I do aren't the best translations available (and that's definitely the case for this, dionysius the areopagite, secret of secrets, pico della mirandola, etc.)
@TheModernHermeticist 3 года назад
Ah, I see you meant W.W. Wescott who is indeed an old dead guy whose work falls in the pub domain. I may consider it actually, but for now I'm working on a piece by Thomas Taylor on Orpheus that should be out next week.
@Kutale 4 года назад
Thank you.
@carlmorrison9789 4 года назад
I think I'm going to need the cliffnotes on this one.
@TheModernHermeticist 4 года назад
They kind of already are in cliffnote form - they're mostly fragments of bits and pieces of various authors citing what they believe to be extremely ancient and authoritative texts. They were a perennial favourite from Late Antiquity on into the Renaissance, and they continued to be referred to from then on into the modern period. If they seem a bit disjointed, or if some sentences don't seem complete, it's because they are independent fragments strung together. I was debating on reading the Greek in its metrical rhythm along with the English, but I felt it would be too cumbersome to the average listener and take too long.
@TheModernHermeticist 4 года назад
Also, Thomas Taylor's footnotes are here: universaltheosophy.com/articles/taylor/collection-of-the-chaldean-oracles/#sdfootnote19sym
@carlmorrison9789 4 года назад
Thank you
@zack9679 Год назад
Groovey! 😁👍
@gnosis_5 Год назад
Wich are the origins of this knowledge? The Chaldeans ? I see very platonic and gnostic influences
@WhenceRed 3 года назад
the crux of 5000 yrs of the West appears to meet here. (almost) speechless
@Dame28 3 года назад
Am i the only chaldean here😭
@familyshare3724 9 месяцев назад
Not by birth but in spirit
@øðæñæł.æþęñąþęñ 7 месяцев назад
I am The Mega Archon
@sarahk3053 5 месяцев назад
nope I'm Chaldean too
@nico9428 5 месяцев назад
@Dame28 5 месяцев назад
@@nico9428 kalet gowad
@poemanderpoemander3007 3 года назад
@RADAR_365 Месяц назад
I am he. Julianus Nova
@RADAR_365 Месяц назад
The alien of pheonix
@adocentyn9028 3 года назад
@ptcosmos 10 месяцев назад
0:00 48:14 You will never see a channel like mine! I go LIVE everyday and you can ask me anything you like, I answer all questions with no filters. I am looking for people to discuss everything with, come hang out with me and discover something about yourself.
@post-ironicgarbageig2345 4 года назад
@TheModernHermeticist 4 года назад
Yep, you even beat me in putting up the notes.
@JohnGino820 3 года назад
You know chaldean people still exsist. Im chaldean.
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