I knew you started your channel first with your family, then they followed you and had their own, but you still helped your family, and thats why God is blessing you abundantly. Watching 🇵🇭 ❤
Ali, sigue adelante.. no dejes que afecten los mensajes, eso es así, a la gente le gusta comentar negativo. Que no te afecte y que bueno la explicación
Ali y Fátima ustedes no tienen que hacer caso a comentarios negativos y no tienen porque estar dándole explicaciones a nadie las personas que no les gusta su contenido que no los vean meda gusto ver a Fátima sonriendo ya está un poco mejor cuídense mucho ❤💐🙏
Умница Али,так тепло относится к жене,учитывает настроение каждого,не стесняется показать свои чувства перед мамой Очень позитивный и добрый парень.❤😊❤
What wonderful little family. Ali and Fatima have always been my favorite by far, and today's video definitely reinforced that. I've always felt bad how mean some of the commenters are.. keyboard warriors they are . They like to insult this wonderful little family for no reason.. so I guess Ali had to "straighten" some things out because the comments were getting out of hand..just so mean.. even towards their sweet little boy.. Fatima, you're gorgeous! Then and now! What sweet pictures Ali showed us.. thank you 💙 You two truly look happy. It's fun to watch. Thank you for sharing a small portion of your lives with us...
Gracias Ali 🤩 muy interesante la reunión virtual con tod@s tus espectadores, siempre se como eres 🤝🤜🤛💪👏👏👏👏👏❤Nunca cambies, Dios bendiga esta hermosa familia 👨👩👧 👏👏🤱🧑🍼❤❤❤🙏
Chavil admiro vc e sua família, de todos que vejo vc é realmente que ajuda financeiramente o seu povo,esqueça a crítica vc arrasa siga sempre assim daqui a pouco 5 milhões de seguidores será pouco para vc e sua linda família fique em paz😊❤
❤❤❤ me encanta este canal cavil ali sigue asia delante ustedes son buenos trabajadores y sam es bello DLB..no agas caso a los comentarios negativos...❤❤❤
This channel really deserves my respect. This very hard working Ali and strong Fatima makes me really understand that no matter how hard life is, we have to keep going. Ali was really giving people a great help and he is not greedy. He wants everyone to be happy. Fatima in return is so supportive wife. May Allah continue to bless you with more graces and blessings.
Спасибо, за то что наконец Вы всё объяснили. Это нужно было сделать давно, потому что у людей возникало много вопросов, на которые Вы не давали ответов. Будьте проще и люди к Вам потянутся. Будьте искренними. Людей интересует культура других стран, народностей, привычки, традиции, увлечения Но не скандалы, ругань и другая грязь.
Desde que los empece a ver me gusto mucho tu canal y por ustedes empece a ver otros. Son una Buena Familia y deseo que sigan unidos, como los conocí. SOMOS MUCHO MAS LOS QUE LOS QUEREMOS JUNTOS Y QUERIENDOSE COMO FAMILIA GRANDE. Sigan visitandose y ayudandose entre hermanos y eso los hara FELICES Y FUERTES.❤️🇲🇽❤️
It was so nice to see Fatimas smile,just don't be shy ,show what you can,you are so beautiful to be shy.,you're smile while you are dancing makes us happy,thanks for you're effort.God bless CHAVIL Xlog.❤❤
Veo muchos canales y en ninguno veo que le muestren el cariño hacia su esposa, solamente tu. Se ven tan hermosos, sigue como hasta ahora y que Dios los siga bendiciendo. Desde Puerto Rico 🇵🇷 😂😂😂❤
صباح الخير للجميع في قناة شافيل، أنا برازيلية، أعيش في شمال شرق البرازيل، تابعتكم منذ البداية، أشاهد كل فيديوهاتكم، بالنسبة لي، أنت أفضل قناة، أنت أصيل، أنت تظهر حقًا كيف يكون يومك يا علي، أنت رجل وشاب وسيم جدًا ولديك قلب جميل، أنت نعمة في حياة عائلتك وأصدقائك، أنا معجب بك كثيرًا وآمل أن أنك زوجتك الجميلة فاطمة وأطفالك مباركون وسعيدين جدًا، تهانينا على القناة الجميلة، استمر في إنشاء مقاطع الفيديو الخاصة بك، أنت الأفضل، أنتم أشخاص رائعون ومميزون جدًا، أحبكم جميعًا، أحضن فاطمة، أنتم الزوجة رائعة وجميلة جداً، أدام الله عليك كل أنواع النعم ❤🥰
Ali prietene este foarte bine pentru explicațiile pe cate le ai dat poate acum oameni nu te vor mai judeca si cine vrea sa plece de pe canalul tău poate sa o faca asa nu vor mai comenta urât de tine in rest toate cele bune va consider ca si familia mea ❤❤Va inbratisejcu drag din ROMANIA o tara binecuvântată ❤❤❤
Liebe Familie chavil , danke für die heutige Erklärung, ich finde es toll. Schaue euch jeden Tag zu und es gefällt mir sehr. Bleibt wie ihr seit. Für euch alle viel Gesundheit . Bitte weitermachen ❤
Hola Chaviles 🖐️❤️ este fue un vídeo muy interesante, pues nos mostraste todo lo que haces atrás de camaras... Y que así como te ayudaron tus familiares y amigos para que creciera tu canal así mismo los haz ayudado con el pago ya sea económico o con obsequios o con algun problema...eso demuestra que eres agradecido y generoso... fue interesante que nos dieras a conocer a tus familiares ... cuidense mucho toda la familia CHAVIL... Bendiciones 🙏🙏❤️❤️
Oh, meu Deus. Que família, linda. Podem, falar o que quiseram. Mas, esse é o melhor canal pra assistir. Chego do meu trabalho e corro pra ver os vídeos.A Fatimeh e Ali, foram feitos um pro outro. Que Deus vos abençoe grandemente em nome de Jesus Cristo! 🙏❤💃
Господин Али! Ни перед кем не отчитывайтесь,не объясняйтесь и тем более не оправдывайтесь-Вы живете своей жизнью и Вы никому ничего не должны и не обязаны! Счастья Вам и Вашей семье!
А кто писал, что он должен отчитываться. Он держит канал, блогер, деньги сами капают... ему родственники помогают строить то дом, то сарай, его обязанность помогать своим родственникам. Странные вы люди. Мне никто не помогает, но я сама помогаю и поддерживаю своих родственников. Потому что финансово я намного лучше, чем они. Это наша миссия помогать близким!!!✊🤝💐🙏🇷🇺
Вы хороший человек,конечно,но мои родственники намного богаче меня,но мне и в голову не приходило,что их миссия помогать мне материально-да и их помощь тяготила бы меня.Одно дело прийти навестить в больнице и другое,что бы мне помогали материально,нет уж,не хочу.Мне моё,им ихнее@@ОльгаКортнова
ALI, there will always be someone judging or giving an opinion. You don't need to justify yourself, but I understand your desire to do so. I admire your strength, courage, love, and kindness. Thank you for sharing your life with the world. Keep up the hard work.
Querida familia de Ali,me da pesar de ver tanto que hablaste y solo dos o tres frases se tradujeron al español que es mi idioma,me hubiera gustado saber más de tu familia y tu entrno. No creo que sea necesario dar explicación de tu trabajo y como lo inviertes,quienes te seguimos desde el principio sabemos perfectamente quien eres y nos gusta tu trabajo y toda remuneración es para vivir mejor y evolucionar . Sólo las personas envidiosas juzgan por,no ser ellos los triunfadores . No te enfoques tanto en los comentarios negativos que son nada,sigue triunfado y generando contenido muy real. DIOS contigo siempre y con toda tu familia. Los saludo desde México
Hola familia !!un saludo desde mi Colombia 🇨🇴 hermosa!! Quiero felicitarlos ustedes son una familia increíble!! Son muy trabadores !! Me encanta Ali cómo trata asu esposa de amoroso y comprensivo !! Ali eres una gran persona no prestes atención alas palabras negativas que escribe en tu chat, reciba todas la positivas !! Bendii celos !! Que las negativas se las , lleva el viento,,se les quiere familia 🙌🙌🙌🙌
Admiro este canal, nao6 perco suas postagens, principalmente pela admiração que tenho por essa família. Melhor agora, que nos explicou um pouco de sua trajetória . Parabéns, por isso é um vencedor, esforçado e lutador, nestas montanhas do Irã. GASTEI da explicação sobre as constantes mudanças. Confesso que isto me intrigava um pouco, portanto posso ver com outros olhos esse seu deslocamento, principalmente pelo pastoreo e mudanças climáticas. Achei muito bom também saber um pouco sobre o seu parentesco com outros canais. Foi muito bom este conteúdo que fez pra gente saber mais dessa gente brava e que ainda sobrevive nesta cultura milenar. Obrigada Ali, vc é grande e competente. Por isso é líder. Amei!.❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Sen iyi ve yardimsever bir arkadassin seni bir yildir seyrediyorum.ailene yardim ediyorsun ben bir Türküm kültürümüz cok benziyor bu yüzden sizi severek izliyorum..basarilar diliyorum.selameti
❤ Ali, Fatima,Sam, Abu, and family you are wonderful. Thank you for speaking to us of your family! The history you tell is fantastic! My wife and I enjoy your channel every day. Please do not listen to bad people. We hope and pray that you and your family will always be safe and healthy, and your channel live forever. Our hearts are with you! Long Live Chavil! 🙏❤️❤️❤️
Zdravím, Ali nic si nedělej že zlých lidí! Já tě sleduji ,a vím jak lidem pomahaš. Je to tvoje věc Komu, nikomu do toho nic není. Ať se starají o sebe. Mějte se krásně Ty i Fatma, jste krásný pár ❤
Ali thank you for talking to us-your viewers/subscribers. You explained a lot which solidifies for me that you are honest and good. There will always be people who are skeptical of what you may say and do; but you must always strive to be transparent to us as we support you and your family. Your cousin Muslem talks to the viewers every day and that makes me feel more connected to his family. You should do the same more often and Fatima too! I simply adore Fatima she is a stunning beauty…so demure and sweet I hope she feels better real soon. Does she have pregnancy induced diabetes? Much love and continued support from Richmond, Virginia USA ❤❤❤❤
Good morning my beautiful family. Thank you Ali for your side of the story. I always knew you are a good man. Omg! Fatima you are beautiful and Ali is handsome. You two make a beautiful couple. Your children will be beautiful. I knew it you paid everyone who help you. BIG THANK YOU FOR STEPPING UP AND TELLING THE TRUE STORY.
Please don’t bring Mohammad back! You don’t need the bad vibes from bad people comments. They are doing find where they are. Besides FATIMA is pregnant she need peace and calmness. Fatima does all her work on her own she does need help. More people there the more she has to work. PLEASE DONT BRING MOHAMMAD BACK. You had help him enough. I know you are still helping him financially, it’s ok as long as you don’t bring him back…Ali your uncle haves a channel can Mohammad and Soghari be in there videos. I know there are senior citizens who enjoy see them. It will help ease there mind because Soghari is pregnant.
Wow Ali, you are also responsible to your sister Azam dowry? Your whole family is your responsibility. I love Azam. Why doesn’t your father help or pay for her dowry. You have a lot responsibility on your shoulders. That is why you come with ideas to keep your channel going. Without you your whole family will be starved with no money. Many blessings upon you ALI AND FATIMA because of you two your family and many others benefit from your hard work. GOD BLESSED YOU ALI, FATIMA, AND ADORABLE, SMART, AND HANDSOME SAM.
Hermoso ver de parte de Ali su positivismo su bondad y su amor x la familia gracias x mostrar su familia y usted y Su esposa bien jóvenes y bien guapos los dos felicidades y bendiciones saludos desde Monterrey.NL
Don't be discouraged by those that are assuming and judging you.Just do you and be you....Fatima you look beautiful...Ali you are doing amazing. Much love to your family
Buenos dias Familia me alegra de que estén todos reunidos compartiendo . El compartir con Sam es maravilloso porque así el niño van evolucionado en sus vivencias de vida.
Получается, что Али фактический глава семейства Чавил и все заботы о сестрах лежат на нем . И о семье Мухаммеда он заботится . Крепкого здоровья Али, Фатиме и остальным членам семьи . Семейного благополучия и финансового достатка !❤😊 Привет из России .👍
@@НаиляБекбулатова-п1о Me alegro mucho por la explicación de Ali.👏👏👏. A ver si ahora todos los suscriptores que los mordieron tanto tiempo . Con sus mensajes tan ofensivos . Dejan de ofenderlos .
Amei o video...obrigada por nós mostrar a familha ...belas fotos , Ali muito lindo Fatima uma Princesa ...Sam que fufura ! Seu irmão sempre demostrando amor pelo Sam. 👋👋🎉🎉👋👋
Ali não de importância para comentários críticos. Vs é uma pessoa boa. Ajuda tdos, é um marido maravilhoso! Um pai excelente. continue sempre assim. Que Deus te abençoe grandemente! 😘
Ali you are a warrior and have alot on plate to deal with being the head of the family..Don't let negativity bring you down because you know your worth and Gods knows what your heart is going thru!❤
Thank you Ali for telling us about your family and showing us the pictures. It was extremely interesting and I am glad that you and Fatimeh are doing well
Hello Chavil family ❤Fatimah looks gorgeous in that purple dress❤ Sam is cute as usual❤ and Abufazl the sweetest kid❤ Ali dont despair. You are the only person in Nomad channel who helped so many people and generous to everyone. Viewers acknowledge that. Keep up the good work and be happy and be kind no matter what. Thank you for the good show❤❤❤
Ассалому алейкум, Али! Вы сегодня от души вёл, переговоры, я имею ввиду ответили подписчиком, это ваше работа, мы же подписан на вас, лайк , ставим, это время, смотрим значит❤интересно, так что отвечаете на вопросы. ❤😂
I love the beautiful affection you show each other. Your family's joy, laughter, and smiles. Show the love this family has for each other . Many blessings be upon you. Looking forward to the next video.
Ευχαριστώ που μας μίλησες για την οικογένειά σου είσαι ένα πολύ καλό παλικάρι φροντίζεις όλους συνέχισε να κάνεις αυτό που κάνεις γιατί θέλουμε να σε βλέπουμε εσένα και την οικογένειά σου❤❤
It's great that you interacted with viewers, I like that you talked more about your life, culture, tradition, why they put so much oil in rice and why they don't eat beef or beans. Fatima is so beautiful and shy, she looks like a doll with beautiful eyes
@@s.s.shilewant6452 I asked a question, not what they said, but they didn't answer I would like to know because they don't eat beef or beans and they put a lot of oil in the rice, that's what I wanted to know, that's not what he said
Que bom Ali você ter respondido tantas perguntas. Faça isso sempre e se puderem coloquem as traduções. Foi lindo ver Ali demonstrando todo afeto e carinho pela Fátima, maravilhoso ver ela sorrir e dançar. Que esse amor continue crescendo e multiplique cada vez mais com as bênçãos de nosso Deus. Amo vocês ❤. De Sinop/Mato Grosso/BRASIL
Im glad you expressed yourself today. God is your witness that you started for yourself and your family to make earnings. And some succeeded and some did not. And for those who did not , you continue to help. I dont know you personally but i listen and watch carefully without judgement . You have inspired me to work harder and appreciate things more. Thankyou Chavil family , you are all good and kind people. God bless you
Very good explanations you have given to viewers regarding your immense sacrifices,tru sweat & tears...you had helped people around you who are in financial difficulties. I believe what you have said. Its loud and clear.I'm in tears listening to your explanation.May Allah have mercy & His blessings upon you and your family.
Boa noite família chavali eu amo esse canal, vejo os seus vídeos todos os dias,por mas que você faz o melhor nuca vai agradar todos, da um beijo em San que Deus continue abençoando vocês que seu canal continua crescendo
Hermoso video ,las fotos explicaciones gracias ,son una pareja bella ,hace tiempo los sigo,cuando vivian en las montañas y todos disfrutaban juntos ,bendiciones ❤❤❤❤🙏🙏🙏🙏
Ali & Fathima are good & passitive couple. other nomade channel, they make drama what ever they want. and also begging & always tragedy drama. but Ali is a good person he spread passitve energy thats why i watch this channel keep it up❤😂🎉😅
Well done Ali, Fatema, Sam and mum for yet another amazing video...from all you videos I enjoyed this one the most. Thank you for explaining all that because some of us has figured out for ourselves who is who but there are certainly many people who were still in doubt. Dancing with Fatima and sam was so magically normal and beautiful...Fatema's sweet smile and humility is priceless. What a memorable picture of you and your ever wonderful brother Mohamed...both of you are extremely handsome and yet so down to earth. There's a common saying that goes this way "He who does much for others, much more will be demanded of him" You really go out of your way helping the families and I am sure they all appreciate it very much even though they don't always show it. You are blessed coming from a humble and decent family and also with a little family of your own. My son and I visited Iran in 2019 ...his name is Shiraaz so we had to visit Shiraz and also stayed in the popular hotel called Shiraz...we also visited Tehran and loved Darmaband so much. It was at a very difficult time during the political conflict and we could not land in Tehran but fortunately and finally landed safely. What an amazing country with it's wonderful and friendly people. Please take care and do not be put off by the comments of some of the viewers.
Hermoso video gracias por compartir tus cosas con los suscriptores para que no te Jusgen tan duro, eres un ser hermoso y tu alegría la pasas al que te mira gracias ♥️
You are a good person Ali. You have helped so many people. You paid so much for David's wedding. Thank you for explaining your family genealogy and how you are all related. I want to say. Don't listen to the negative comments. You don't have to explain anything about what you do to anyone but those close to you and depend on you. Much love to your family
ALI TELLS IT AS IT IS. You must know that some people doesn't recognize your generosity and kindness. I can assure you that we your viewers do. According to your explanation you have a lot on your shoulders. But seeing how happy you are always nothing brings you down. I look at all your videos with your family. Fatimah nice to see you yourself again. But tomorrow is another day. Sam you had me laughing when you danced . Tell Abu he needs to continue school for his future. How is Mohammed doing? Did he get his speech back? Mohammed has been with the channel since it started . I wish him well. Just like Nemath is the life of the party in the village Ali you are the life of the party at your home. Love you all. Mashallah.
Olá chavil que Deus o abençoe sempre, você é uma benção em sua família. Não se preocupe com os comentários que não acrescenta nada para seu canal, você é um exemplo pra todos nós, te admiro muito amo seus vídeos um grande abraço pra você e sua família 😇🙌❤️❤️❤️
Bravo Alì, hai fatto bene a parlare e chiarire un po' di cose, in più finalmente ti sei tolto qualche sassolino dalle scarpe. Continua così e fai quello che ritieni giusto per la tua vita...un abbraccio a te, a Fathima, al piccolo Sam e a tutta la tua famiglia, un saluto dall'Italia.
خيلى خيلى ممنون از توضيحات و از اينكه زندگى قشنگتون رو با ما تقسيم كرديد. چه خانواده قشنگ و پر مهرى. تو خونه هايى كه اينقدر صفا، صميميت و مهر و محبت هست بركت و نعمت خدا هم چند برابر هست. انشالله كه هميشه سالم، پر انرژى و خندان باشين. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Thank You for the look into your life, I have watched you from the beginning and I'm glad that you shared your thoughts and emotions with us, It's good to see the Ali back the we all love.
English sub titles would have been good , but I got the gist of the conversation - Ali looked at the good comments, not the bad. Sam is a toddler - he will be cheeky and mischievous as all toddlers should be. Abulfazl (I hope this is right) is always smiling,laughing, and helping out. He's a great kid. First 3 months of pregnancy can be hard - Fatima, you did really well to continue to look after your family even if the smell of food was enough to send you running 🏃♀️ . Finally- you have no reason to explain yourself and from what I can gather Ali you are a credit to your family and the community at large, continue your great work, keep smiling 😊
Я думаю, Али, тебе многие завидуют : красавица жена, красивый сынишка, да и сам ты "не промах", а ещё ты энергичный, весёлый и добрый, в общем - успешный мэн!
Ali you remind me so much of my brother (who has since passed 2 years ago), it is your kind and unselfish behavior that is remarkable, you and Fatima are your own people and do what is right for others.
Ali,quanta admiração temos por vc, não deixe comentaritarios amargos e negativos, te desanimar,vc é um homem bom trabalhador,carrega quase toda a família nas costas,ajuda demais,mesmo não tendo essa obrigação,muitas lutas vc já enfrentou,para chegar até onde chegou, é só o telespectadores,assistir seus primeiros vídeos,e agora mais do que merecido,vc colhe bons frutos,siga em frente, Fátima, agradeça sempre a DEUS por além de ter um homem muito bonito como esposo ❤vc também é linda!! e desejo tudo de melhor para vcs, saudações aqui do Brasil 🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷
The last thing I could think of to thank God for was my beauty and my handsome husband! Of course their health, a great family would only come after that! You need to rethink it or at least not make a public fool out of yourself. Oh I forgot your beautiful self?
Али,Фатима,вы сегодня молодцы..Фатима улыбается,приятно смотреть...дали ребёнку игрушки. Али,спасибо за фото и за то,что про всех рассказал.. Очень приятно на вас смотреть.. А Абульфазл всегда улыбается,у него добрая душа.. Берегите себя,а Фатима пусть почаще улыбается,ей идёт улыбка..Счастья вам,удачи и добра.
Desde que asusto você que sei que você é um bom ser humano que quer tydi de bim pra sua familha e seu povo. Agora chegou a hora de você cuidar da sua familha da conforto e qualidade de vida da a sya familha o melhor pois é muito importante viverem maus pra vocês
@@paulaaraujo1143 Many viewers pointed out this fact Ali in today's video says that this boy is not interested in studies But. Ali reaches him to school which is five kilometer away from. Ali's farm but this boy loves. Sam do much that he comes back Their culture us such that the families always stay together very firmly They take care of each other in all situations From the viewers point viewers are right but now it is at their family's discretion the boy's future