
The Chilling Legacy Of Frost In Warframe 

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27 сен 2024




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@Avoidthevoidx 8 месяцев назад
Frost is and forever will be my favorite frame. My step brother who was 11 years older than me introduced me to the game at the lowest point of my life. He mainly plays frost to keep me safe during missions. And i decided to have him as my first prime frame in honor of my step brother. We had a lot of fun playing double frost and modding for either the smallest/largest globe we can make. I still remember those days fondly. My step brother sadly lost his life 4 years ago due to drunk driving. Still to this day i cant believe that he's gone.
@NovaUmbral 8 месяцев назад
I'm very sorry for your loss, hopefully he is in a better place, and hopefully this video brings you back some good memories about him
@Avoidthevoidx 8 месяцев назад
@@NovaUmbral it did. and thank you for your kind words.
@chucktownattack 8 месяцев назад
Rest in peace. 🙏
@michaelgrindy6913 8 месяцев назад
Didn’t think that story would take a turn, I’m sorry for your loss. keep frost strong my guy 🙏
@ender7910 8 месяцев назад
@@michaelgrindy6913 I second this. The good times are the best times, glad you can think of those the most when you see things that remind you. Frosty together strong✊
@DragonxFlutter Месяц назад
Post-Jade Shadows Viewer! Frost got a slight rework! Cold Procs as a whole got a buff! Now you can apply a tenth proc for a solid freeze! Frost’s Passive was changed! Now, similar to Ember, the more enemies suffering from Cold Procs in close proximity to Frost, the higher his armor goes! Snow Globe finally allows allied fire in both directions! And all Frost’s Abilities are better at spreading Cold Procs, but Ice Wave is still a Helminth Slot.
@galappy 8 месяцев назад
Oh man nothing beat loading into a defense mission and seeing a frost on your team. Felt unstoppable.
@hydropotato6937 22 дня назад
hats off to every Frost I met while farming for Citrine, they took the pressure off the missions so much
@MstrChief-ch2hl 8 месяцев назад
Frost was the first warframe i built starting out, he hold a VERY special place in my heart.
@Anonymus_M8 8 месяцев назад
I wanted the Prime varriant for so long, and I still play him today
@varlak9061 8 месяцев назад
Same he was the reason I even got into Warframe when I saw their trailer when I saw him i immediately fell in love with them and he's been my main ever since I almost literally can't play a different Warframe
@thebagel_lord 8 месяцев назад
First Prime I built, during the void key era
@michaelgagarin5458 4 дня назад
i remember frost being the first warframe I built, with the help of a more experienced tenno at that time which was 3 years ago
@NathanTruby 8 месяцев назад
As a Gara/Rev enjoyer, I've come around to Frost. He's a chill guy who makes Warframe a breeze. Whispers and Dagath's update just made him even more of a beast.
@FTGN7 8 месяцев назад
Frosty jokes incoming
@udaysharma3951 8 месяцев назад
Yeah his abilities are cold as ice.
@varlak9061 8 месяцев назад
Wait ehat did davath's update do?
@PaleVelvet 7 месяцев назад
@@varlak9061 got ur answer somewhere else?
@Blakebutthole 7 месяцев назад
​@@varlak9061 might've been over guard to his avalanche augment
@cattunger 8 месяцев назад
Frost is an enigma when it comes to the original Warframes, considering that a good number of them have had a good chunk of their original kits gutted, abilities reworked so heavily that they literally only share the name, or just completely reworked.
@ShangusKhan 8 месяцев назад
It’s either him or Rhino that stayed consistent throughout the times
@kennethsatria6607 8 месяцев назад
Did Rhino ever go through something like that? I feel like he's always just been as he is
@kennethsatria6607 8 месяцев назад
@@ShangusKhan Oh question answered
@BladeBloodTear 8 месяцев назад
@@kennethsatria6607 most changes that have really happened to Rhino was his iron skin going from duration based to having hp just like snow globe and some stomp changes and that's about it. I think Rhino holds the title of least touched frame ever. Only other frame I can think of would be Nova since she only ever really had 2 changes. Her mprime going from an instant debuff to a moving wave, and her damage on her antimatter drop being capped instead of having infinite scaling. Besides that she also has never really been changed in any way
@KarltheBarl 8 месяцев назад
@haydencox8006 8 месяцев назад
As a starter frost enjoyer to a revenant main I literally remember running frost through most content before plains real fun glad he has some love still
@CG-_- 8 месяцев назад
Frost needs a signature aura mod /passive change called cold aura that does radial cold procs does no damage and range can't be changed but it would be a nice change
@RossKyle95 8 месяцев назад
Or they can also give him hydroid treatment but for cold procs where on 10 procs he freezes , maybe even add % shatter dmg too
@nbassasin8092 8 месяцев назад
make his passive like embers, but instead of power strenght, give him energy siphon like effect for each enemy in affinity range that has cold proc on them, thus fixing his energy economy while staying true to his vibe make his 1 cone instead of single target, and if you want give it the same thing as harrow but instead of shield buff let it give him some armor buff, making him even tankier, or give him some other form of buff for each enemy hit, but make it both a cheap way to proc his passive and also something useful to use to mantain certain buff make his 3 hold to cast that you can move with it, and make it proc 1 cold for each enemy that it touches aaand change his 2 into something more useful, if you want to be lazy make it the same as hydroids 3 where it gives him some buffs for each enemy affected with cold, while also making the cold procs permanent, or just make it radial coverage and give him like status immunit while standing on it or something like that he is such an easy fix but would be sooo good
@CG-_- 8 месяцев назад
@@nbassasin8092 I'd agree if not for 2 things his whole thing is more cold for more overall damage and if you need energy siphon or something like it in 2024 you may need to look at your build again
@nbassasin8092 8 месяцев назад
@@CG-_- brother, it would be stack of energy siphon per enemie affected, do you not know what embers passive does? in steel path it would result in something like 20-50 eneryg per second regen, i just used energy siphon for comparison not for the actual aura you would use, take styanaxs rally point instead if that part confuses you
@CG-_- 8 месяцев назад
@@nbassasin8092 there are sooo soo sooo many ways to go from 0 energy to full in one action I don't want frosts already bad passive to be energy recharge when it could be something that benefits his entire kit like passive cold stacks which btw fits his lore
@theflyingtoaster7414 8 месяцев назад
Argument for Biting Frost. Arca Titron + Gas procs. When new gas came out. I experimented deeply with it, learning it was the only status effect in Warframe that benefited from overkill damage, and melee's have the highest status duration Mods, and highest overkill potential with combo, heavy attack, and stealth bonuses available. I haven't played since. Veilbreaker and usually used Baruuk, but the redundant overkill of frost's passive mod made me remember my beloved Overkill hammer that made instakill AOE fields for 12 seconds.
@Forsakenruler 8 месяцев назад
Do one on how over your Many years on warframe you are still incapable of getting a girl Edit after 7 months thx for the 800 likes 😃
@nev546 8 месяцев назад
@davidsterling7570 8 месяцев назад
For real, I've been grinding since 2017 and I still can't get Khora to fuckin' drop
@Paiitt 8 месяцев назад
this is why you pick khora for circuit reward@@davidsterling7570
@tekkadawn6685 8 месяцев назад
As long as you take care of yourself like you do your frames youll be straight tenno
@genmaicha_ 8 месяцев назад
​@@tekkadawn6685or even gay tenno
@nebulastar3087 8 месяцев назад
Wow, there was a lot of history in this one. Mad props for all the work that went into it. Stay frosty! ❄️
@Jdude2552 8 месяцев назад
I’ve been a frost main for the 6 years I’ve been playing and I still spend time perfecting my frost build
@ilhanthediamondcrafter9767 8 месяцев назад
Frost is the main reason I play Warframe. I remember around 7 years ago that I really love his design and ice power. He looks so cool! He reminds me of Vergil's DMC 3 devil trigger somehow with that waist coat of his. Here I am now still maining Frost. Gotta love how he has overguard and armor strip. It makes me so happy to play him
@ballom101 8 месяцев назад
Frost main since I started the game years ago. I gravitate to other frames, run around with Nidus, Titania, Sevagoth, and many more. But I will always come back around to my Frost Prime. I try to do all story content with it so it shows up in the cutscenes. Just, he's fun and always has been. Glad my boy is on the upswing.
@biggycheese431 8 месяцев назад
Frost was my first main, then wukong, then it was sevagoth and now it's frost again. He is overall insanely good.
@RBRSC 8 месяцев назад
Gauss uses two casts of a 50 energy ability to freeze enemies in an AoE, applying 2 cold procs Frost uses 1 cast of either a 50 energy ability or 100 energy ability to freeze enemies in AoE + defend/slow an area or strip armor and apply 6 cold procs (or his 1 for a much smaller AoE) Giving Frost the Hydroid treatment and having a special version of the status (well, until green shards undid that) might be an idea, but Frost is definitely not getting pushed out of the freezing game by Gauss.
@Sal-fg3rs 8 месяцев назад
If his one spread it's status like Banshee does with her Sonar Augment Frost would be amazing. If maybe that were his passive it would be amazing.
@blademaster2390 8 месяцев назад
Frost has been my main frame since shortly after I started the game back in early 2018. The main thng that drew me to him was the frame reveal video, stating that he was an adaptable tank, capable of both offense and defense, depending on your needs. The funny thing is that…it wasn’t wrong then, and it still isn’t today. Most people only see him for his snow globe and avalanche, and thus completely ignore his other abilities. Sure, freeze and ice wave look bad on paper, but used in the right situations, they _can_ be pretty strong. Early on, I used freeze to make tankier enemies like Nox a slab of ice for me to dump bullets into with impunity, and I’ve used ice wave to lock enemies in place for my allies to melt with their dps, even in present day. Heck, Frost’s status abilities are really good when combined with a teammate playing Citrine, seeing as her turret ability targets enemies effected by status effects, and said turret’s damage stacks with the number of status effects, which _appears_ to include slow. With the right team, and the right use of his abilities, Frost can dominate even in higher levels. The main thing holding him back, in my opinion, is the majority of the community refusing to accept that Frost is more than just a defense frame. Sure, it’s something he does well, but thats not the only thing he can do well. He can strip armor from enemies, freeze them solid so they cant fight back, he can lock down choke points, and he can defend. Sure, there are other frames that can do all these, and can do them far better, but there arent many frames that can do them all at once like Frost can. He’s a jack of all trades, master of none. Other options may be more specialized, but what happens if the situation changes? Hyper-specialized frames can’t really adapt well outside their intended role, whereas a jack of all trades, like Frost, can. A jack of all trades has no intended role, because they can do everything equally well. In situations requiring a certain role, of course something that specializes in that role would have a jack of all trades beat, but that specialization means they can _only_ do that one thing well. If a situation arises where said specialized frame needs to do something outside its specialization, it…kinda cant. That’s why I’ve mained Frost as long as I have, and why I will continue to main him until the day Warframe dies - because few others accept that Frost’s strong point is his adaptability.
@icelightning12 8 месяцев назад
As a frost main thats been playing since 2015 i thank you for this video. It was really cool to not only see what someone else thoughts on a rework for frost but to see history of the frame that i didnr even know. I love how in depth you went with tha patch history and everything. Hopefully my boi finally gets some at the very lesst ice wave chances and qol stuff for snow globe. That or we get a ice based frame that is like frost but kit is more build for the current state of the game / more then just defense. Imo while frost needs some changes over all he is a good frame that is just more focused on one type of gameplay and nothing else but he so good at it would hate to see a massive rework
@01000011C 8 месяцев назад
Finally someone making a Frost video! It is my main and I can take him to every mission, but I prefer to use better frames for specific missions.
@pedrosantos3800 8 месяцев назад
Nev is truly an insane gamer and mentally ill as well, i love him so much
@megiddragon 8 месяцев назад
As a FROST main; you have MADE MY DAY! Thank you good sir 🫡
@technoviking2415 8 месяцев назад
Ive never really watched a video like this, you've definitely earned a sub.
@beej4392 8 месяцев назад
Sounds like DE should hire this Nev guy… Frost needs a rework so bad. One of my top frames that I wanna see reworked.
@elijoki99 8 месяцев назад
Frost is my old love. He carried me through the starchart when I was just a beginner. I moved to Inaros later when I got him, but Frost was, is and forever will be, my one true love as a nordic person.
@IsfetSolaris 8 месяцев назад
One change I wish frost got is an ice rink mechanic. Make it so that the ground impacted by Ice Wave/avalanche and the area inside Snow Globe is 50% lower friction. It would just be fun.
@Dusk-meme 7 месяцев назад
I still give any frost players the respect.
@nbassasin8092 8 месяцев назад
Passive: Like Embers, but instead of power strenght give him energy siphon like effect for each enemy affected by cold proc in affinity range (or ceratin range if thats too big, you can also give him the cap if it turns out its too much in the testing but with how many other broken energy economy crap we have I doubt it would). This alone greatly fixes eneryg economy on him, even to the degree of not needing flow or efficiency (with better base energy poool ofc, that one is a given fix that he needs) 1st: just ake it cone shape and make it proc cold to work with his new passive, while also having harrow like effect of giving him armor buff for each enemy hit, or some other buff, but make it cheap quick form of buffing him and utilising his passive 2nd: either make it a plunder like ability or make it AOE coverage and give him status immunity while standing on it or something of the sort 3rd: just give it hold to cast to walk with it, and make it proc cold whenever enemies touch it 4th: stays the same this is the hydroid treatment of making him almost the same while giving him some chunky lifts to abilities, making it very easy for devs while making frost a fun ability caster that still can do the exact same thing he has been doing, while also having other things Edit: I really like the augment for his 3rd that allies could pick up the globe and get armour buff, that sounds very unique and fun and Im even up for making that part of his 3rd and not the augment
@rebelblade7159 8 месяцев назад
Even before Frost got overguard upgrade, I loved running my max efficiency build using Avalanche and Gloom. It was fun bringing enemy movement to a standstill while stripping their armor and gaining extra layer of protection that I can keep replenishing due to my Avalanche spam. Overguard just gave my Frost another extra damage gate. That and Gloom active with my color combination looks cool. Its like having a snowstorm swirling around Frost.
@otroweonllamadoseba 6 месяцев назад
I still remember when i was starting and fell in love with his concept of being a big strong wall of ice that could freeze anything. I used him a lot and after some time i found out there was a prime version and for months farmed and buyed his different pieces except his Systems if i'm not wrong, one day a good guy just found out the reason i was trying to sell anything was trying to get that one last piece so he said something like "hey, if you want we can try to get it, for free" he was just being nice for no reason, just being a good person and a big reason to love the game, the people is usually nice to you, so we went for it and in the first try we failed and the second was the last try since he didn't have more relics but right there the miracle happened, his systems were there to pick them, i had finally obtained my favourite frame till this day. I think i have spent more plat than any other frame just to Fashion frame on him and i don't regret doing it.
@QuiteSpiffing 8 месяцев назад
You can definitely tell there was a definite shift in the design philosophy of Warframe, how a lot of the early warframes are fairly simple with few if any synergistic effects and abilities or forego that entirely with plain utility skills like Valkyr's ripline, and how the modern warframes all synergize with/around a core mechanic of the frame. Gauss' Redline, Wisp's motes and wisps, Sevagoth's gloom and exalted shadow. It really does make these older warframes feel incredibly dated and in dire need of some TLC.
@tenalpoen 8 месяцев назад
I'd like to see an augment or rework to change snowglobe into an ironskin-style overguard for everything in range. No more blocking your own team's shots.
@seifer447 8 месяцев назад
Honestly, if snow globe didn't stop team shots, it would make the game so much more fun.
@ignaciofarias2494 8 месяцев назад
Frost it’s my favorite warframe, I remember that I wanted to get the prime in the times it was pretty Expensive (2014-2015?), I remember to farm platinum to buy every part, but the systems if i remember correctly were like 150+ platinum. One day in the trade chat I saw someone selling it for 30p, I messaged him to ask if the price was right because I’ve never saw it so cheap, I thanked that guy so much, he was confused xD. That Frost became my most used warframe and still my favorite :D
@th3rush 8 месяцев назад
Frost Prime was my first frame, I started playing when he was free for some reason. While he might not be "meta" he is still one of my favourites, he also has some great fashion! Took a few years before he fell from my most played frame❤
@KalleVonEi 8 месяцев назад
" How loki vanished "
@izanagisburden9465 8 месяцев назад
@kinsan89 8 месяцев назад
"How Loki turned the community on itself"
@kinsan89 8 месяцев назад
Wait shit, that would be with the Disarm augment lol
@SwedetasticGames 8 месяцев назад
For Nev's concept, I'd make the Snowglobe only get 4x instead of 5x Armor Multiplier as Health, BUT make it gain a flat 3x Overguard to Health conversion each time YOUR abilities generate Overguard while inside of it. This way it avoids having to be recast as often but also isn't completely passive, requiring you to use your other abilities to keep building it up.
@Yewrenegade 8 месяцев назад
I love a new Ubral Video to start the new year. Also I actually enjoyed frost chill playstyle even it's niche. Been building my parkour frost for the event and actually speedrun with him for 9 mins if I skip the angel in Effervo. I wish he needed some adjustments, number tweaks and change onto his 1,2 and passive because he has been getting small buffs on his cold, overguard augment and ease of use
@FluffieMichi 8 месяцев назад
That music intro is a vibe
@idkwhattotype4704 4 месяца назад
I've started seeing a sort of revival of Frost. I'm now seeing him frequently in relays and lobbies. Good to see them rocking epic fashion frames lol
@xnbk-yotiex5247 8 месяцев назад
So happy that one person isn’t working on warframe and has moved onto a different game. Imo the game has been thriving and doing so much better in every way.
@justink2426 8 месяцев назад
I've been thoroughly enjoying his overguard augment. He's currently one of my favorite sp endurance frames and makes it so easy xD
@1980Shadowwolf 8 месяцев назад
Im a frost main when i started warframe was a rhino main then i tried frost. Last week i bought Frost Prime which i dont regret. I just hope my ice box gets more love soon lol. I was born christmas eve and always loved sub zero as a kid in mortal kombat. To me frost just screams my style.
@KyrosQuickfist 8 месяцев назад
For someone who played Warframe in 2014-2015, it was nice to hear about the history of the frame up to 2023. I remember using Rhino, Trinity and Nekros for farming survival and Frost mainly for excavation/defense, but remember not using it when snowglobe had Health.
@holyblade2 8 месяцев назад
Another W for gauss
@zenraloc 8 месяцев назад
Alot of these clips are such throwbacks. The regular frost skin with the original amphis. My two very first crafting goals in warframe. I remember saving the frost release wallpaper to my Pc
@YouLackSelfAwareness 8 месяцев назад
My rework idea: Passive - Freezing enemies is possible with all sources of cold procs. - Enemies killed with Cold DMG will drop a pillar of Ice that counts as a fragment of a wall that makes up a Cube, lasts until shattered. Once shattered it releases Cold aoe that builds up Cold procs. Those close to a pillar of ice are passively slowed down with cold procs until frozen. - Also the Ice drops HP and AMMO when shattered by any source. Puncture Procs also Procs Cold status. 1 STASIS Blast - throw a Hammer of Ice that bounces once and then detonates. Like a bouncy grenade. Deals IPS, Blast and Cold. - Hold down to shoot like a projectile (like it does rn). This version deals pure Cold. - On a surface except for walls and ceilings, it will create a wall of 3 pillars of ice. Enemies near the Ice Slow down but take no dmg only Cold Procs. - Any of the two will freeze instantly if aimed well. Using the Hold Fire increases the Ice Pillars reach as it adds more Pillars to the point of creating a Cube of Ice. 2 Stasis Wave - Swing your Ice Hammer from side to side hitting targets like Gara's 1st, freezing them instantly and as a bonus a wave of ice Pillars will grow from the hammers trajectory traveling through the floor. - The amount of ice created will negate movement and enemy flow on the map. But players can walkthrough it. Bosses (except minibosses) are immune to the ice and breaks it instantly by simply walking over it. - Holddown to control how far the ice wall/wave should travel, release it to spawn. Very similar to Zelda TOTK Yiga clan secret ability. - The Hammer will work like a pseudo Exalted weapon like Khoras 1st, scales off of Cold, IPS and Blast. 3 Stasis Globe - Same but can be carried if held when casting. AND ALLIES CAN SHOOT from any direction no matter. Shooting from inside imbues weapona with Cold, Blast and Puncture to all weapons, amps and abilities. - If you break the Ice Globe it will drop ammo and Health. 4 Stasis Storm - Slam a heavy Ice Hammer into the grown to spawn a Cube of Ice from which a Vortex of cold energy will violently trash enemies if close. - Allies gain Overguard if close as the buff starts to decay once you leave the area. - It strips armor. Enemies killed by the storm Drop extra Health and ammo. If active while near a pillar of ice it will become a large cube - Ice cube deals tripple the effect of a base Ice Pillar when stading near it and when shattering it. - The AOE does Deal heavy IPS, Blast and Cold DMG unlike a Pillar of ice. - Basically you can create a field of Ice cubes that negates enemy advances but mind you, the cubes arent immortal. - Use your Hammer abilities to Push the Cube but mind you if it doesnt hit a wall (only walls ) it will crash and break on contact.
@saswatadms 3 месяца назад
Commenting after Jade Shadows update. Frost is extremely OP with his augments. Red crits everywhere. I dare say meta too.
@DirtyDan1203 8 месяцев назад
Just got into your channel, and looked through your videos to be surprised that there wasn't anything about frost. Thanks for this
@zhnigo 8 месяцев назад
I really like the idea of Frost getting raised maximum for cold procs, both gameplay-wise and and presentation-wise really makes him look as a master of his element
@darrincheng771 13 дней назад
and now, frost is a complete monster
@xXSonyKilerXx 4 месяца назад
The suggested rework is amazing ! I sure hope he will get SOMETHIG direct to him
@mcake310 8 месяцев назад
Frost is honestly pretty good nowadays. It's just one ability that carries him, but daaaaaamn that AOE armor strip+cc+overguard is juicy.
@MrRobot-0 8 месяцев назад
If i change anything about frost i would let others people shoot trough the snow globe. One of the most frustrating things i had to deal with my time was a bad frost that did not let me use weapons. It was up there with syndoid mirages and pre turbo fucking world on fire ember.
@nev546 8 месяцев назад
As the Guy who wrote a 9 page essay on frost, you have no idea how much willpower it took to not add 3 extra pages complaining and falling apart over the fact that the frost bubble blocks friendly damage. Even worse, its bugged to not block railgun moas. 🥴 I have no enemies
@OliChanUwU 8 месяцев назад
"How Titania flew through Warframe"
@nulls5408 8 месяцев назад
I don’t really play frost that much, but if I were to suggest a change to his kit it would be: On cast of snowglobe - all allies and defense targets gain a flat rate of overgaurd, its stackable per cast and its amount can be increased via power strength. While snowglobe is active, shooting the snowglobe sends out a wave of ice procs - slowing enemies. Freeze - depending on the total amount of overgaurd of teammates and allies frost freeze removes a percentage of overgaurd of a hit eximus and gives a portion of said overgaurd to frost, going over the cap to a extent. With an augmented allowing the given overgaurd to be split between allies. With enough overgaurd this can fully strip a eximus. Avalanche - on hold of the cast all procs of cold are removed from enemies and pulled back to frost, pulling enemies in and making them more susceptible to cold procs for a time. Frost, his globe, and allies are given overgaurd for the amount of cold procs returned. Then given a period of time of damage invulnerability depending on the total teams overgaurd due to being fully incased in a sheild of ice.
@changsiah2 3 месяца назад
Jade Shadows: guess who's going to get some changes alongside the faction weakness changes
@elysian3623 8 месяцев назад
Can we somehow wave this rework concept at Pablo? Although Frost is in an ok place with the balance, changes and arcanes like primary frostbite he's very one note and repetitive, especially with his 3 becoming essentially useless in the high mobility meta that's coming in with the whispers tile sets, 1 and 2 are a waste of energy so we use him to abuse his all in one ability and occasionally check DMs, the change in playstyle to more of a tank, cc, weapon platform would make him very unique with how he would achieve that, like rhino but with a very different way to play is a great thing for variety.
@ender7910 8 месяцев назад
Firstly, I am a Frost main myself, so the idea that a lack of stand-out tuning to his kit is depressing I will certainly agree (Honestly anyone will). But, I think the reason why they haven't given any special care to ~the boy~, is that they see how specialized his kit is and don't want to repeat that. Metas change through updates, and they don't want to leave him in a similar situation as he started but even more topsy turny. But what do I know, and to be frank it has been nearly 11 years, he needs *something.* Thanks for the content sir. (I think it'd be funny if there was a snowglobe augment that you just pick it up like Volt, literally just like Volt and ram into enemies and make them fall flat on the ground frozen. Affected by range, albeit to a lesser degree than normal globe, lord know that'd change his whole meta to just run around with a 35 meter glode around you lmfao. (Edit; nevermind that's almost exactly what Mr. Pro did. lol. (Also it's not like the devs have so much free time they can just change Frost's kit whenever now, the issue was mothballed and now it's like cleaning a house that nobody has been to in years... kind of literally.
@Frostman1255 8 месяцев назад
Frost has been one of my favorites since day one (if you couldn't tell). So this one was quite nice to watch
@zlipus 8 месяцев назад
Holy shit, i actually forgot snowglobe used to have a duration. And this is a guy who did 160 waves in the old infested mission to farm trinity prime.
@mickael5270 7 месяцев назад
Thank you, now I have to remove the dust from my frost and play him
@nikoazure5235 3 месяца назад
his back, my man his baaaaaack
@WillowLawson-k3e 8 месяцев назад
I really struggled my first two days on so, this is my 4th. I died constantly to base so eximus leech etc. frost has helped me so so much just modding for efficiency strength and stretch has made me able to strip armor very easily. Thank you frost I was about to give up.
@TheBojangles09 8 месяцев назад
Seeing the oldest game play is so nostalgic 😢 i miss those times
@Duo_Strikes 8 месяцев назад
1. i learned stuff i didn't know about frost before so thanks 2. i agree with the idea of reworked 1 and 2 but not the 3 and 4, mainly the hold ability for his 3 and discount world of fire for his 4.
@pawesomegaming 8 месяцев назад
Frost was op in closed beta. He was able to wipe out the hardest missions waves with ease and collect level 30 mods in the hundreds. Xini was the hardest on closed beta.
@josequiles7430 8 месяцев назад
Ice wave is good for slowing enemies with overguard, where avalanche's freeze doesn't work
@thomasjenkins5727 6 месяцев назад
I remember Frost back in 2014. When I came back to the game years later and he wasn't as awesome, I wondered if I was playing him wrong. Guess this answers that.
@ZectorV1 8 месяцев назад
Frost prime vaulting is why i still have tens of thousands of platinum to this day
@kirbo-exe8472 7 месяцев назад
If I could ask for anything its that DE looks at Nev's proposal and really consider it
@deputydumpling7499 8 месяцев назад
Cool Frost ideas, I replace his 1 with Vial Rush to boost his mobility or replace it with Thermal Sunder so I can "shatter" stripped enemies from Avalanched. I would like it if Frost was able to "shatter" frozen enemies or benefit against enemies affected by cold.
@KhristianM. 8 месяцев назад
Same except I put vial rush over his 2nd , good AOE cold until he gets rework
@Purturtur 8 месяцев назад
Wouldnt it be better to swap his 2 since his 1 can pop the globes if theyre in a bad spot?
@xDidddle 8 месяцев назад
Nevs rework idea is very similar to what i thought of when i was brainstorming a frost rework. so i hope DE will go in that direction as well when they eventually rework him
@h4ven01de4 8 месяцев назад
Ash video when. This is not a request, this is a threat. Me and all my fellas will steal your polymers under smoke screens augment effect
@NovaUmbral 8 месяцев назад
Shit listen... we can work something out, hear me out.
@h4ven01de4 8 месяцев назад
@@NovaUmbral you heard me. Polymers or ash video. Your choice lad
@kinsan89 8 месяцев назад
@@h4ven01de4 go for the Oxium too
@h4ven01de4 8 месяцев назад
@@NovaUmbral hmu if you decide to make it tho. I've played ash for almost 11 years by now, if i can be of help
@NovaUmbral 8 месяцев назад
join the disc
@joshuathomasverghese1341 8 месяцев назад
One thing you can't take away from Frost : He has THE BEST SKIN in The Heirloom in game.
@varlak9061 8 месяцев назад
Nev's idea on a frost rework sounds amazing i would hope they atleast do something similar
@elementall3623 8 месяцев назад
Idea: Make Frost Freezing with cold stacks a passive. Frost: Shivering Cold: damaging an enemy at 10 stacks of cold freezes them solid. Also, Cold gets 10 stacks of effect, amounting to a total of 95% slow.
@AnThodd 8 месяцев назад
As the video ended, i have finished leveling up my frost in SO, poetic.
@filanfyretracker 8 месяцев назад
on a fun note "marked for death" can allow for some group vaporizing shenanigans with a gas nataruk when mixed with biting frost and avalanche.
@Sphynx_ 8 месяцев назад
I’ve been waiting so long for this video 🎉
@danielnolan8848 8 месяцев назад
The game modes he is good at are close to being removed
@artificialintelligence0101 8 месяцев назад
Bro has to narrative and write for the Warframe Movie. These breakdowns are legendary
@Darthmufin 8 месяцев назад
Also if you asked me for info on frost, i could have told you that the augment mod for frost's freeze, freeze force, would "stick" to enemies and for the entire duration of the cold damage boost they would emit cold damage and procs in an aoe around them due to a bug. DE fixed this bug at least 3 times, but it kept coming back. I used this to make a meme build where i used a roller to defeat 5 waves of infested defense by just it having those cold procs on it. This was finally fixed by DE changing the augment to give cold damage as an aoe on hold, rather than using the freeze projectile to do it.
@NovaUmbral 8 месяцев назад
Oh wow... I had no idea, what the hell. well will do on other beta frames when I get around to them.
@Darthmufin 8 месяцев назад
I made 5 videos at least on it at the time pretty sure if you want to check that out in action, just look up freeze force @@NovaUmbral
@Darthmufin 8 месяцев назад
I made a reply but it likely got put in your spam filter@@NovaUmbral
@NovaUmbral 8 месяцев назад
Gotcha, was a bit silly on me for not checking but thanks for the further info
@Darthmufin 8 месяцев назад
Frost become meta in my eyes when the helminth option for adding dispensary on him, giving him infinite energy to allow him to spam his 4th ability. You would have to build for a lot of strength to fully strip but this didn't really matter with dispensary. The augment now is identical to how it functioned before the health type just changed, so while it was (and is) extremely minor even on steel path it now also gives him a free gate in addition to his shield gate. Overall his only issue is single enemies like acolytes if they are not surrounded by enemies for frost to overguard steal from.
@werefox85 8 месяцев назад
I enjoy the history of each frame you focus on in each video and look forward to every video from NovaUmbral. I started playing during Echos of Zaramin/Khora Prime Access so I find the history lesson and recap enjoyable info. I learned more on how to actually play and utilize Harrow from your video than any other WF streamer/content creator shared. Because of NovaUmbral and The Kengineer I now use Lavos as my secondary main because Lavos just fits and just works for me and how I play WF. Not saying this to be toxic or to troll, you sound bitterly cold in the first 35mins of the video while going over the history of the Game Updates and how the updates apply to one of the oldest frames. It sounds personal, as in NovaUmbral is fed up and wants Frost to be the SubZero of WF again and is tired of the short stick. I agree, Frost should be Bihan of WF. Frost should outclass glass and chains, Frost and cold can be better and should be. Sorry I lost interest during the player Nev rework section after like 3mins and fast forwarded to the closing thoughts.The technical talk made me glassy eyed and was just over my head. I'm not into theory crafting or game development, I just play to be a bad ass space wizard powered cyber ninja taking. Otherwise I loved the video like all the content I've seen from NovaUmbral.
@NovaUmbral 8 месяцев назад
Let's just say.. there was a chilling wind for the first 15-25 min...
@AlexandraSpeaks 8 месяцев назад
frost is an evergreen warframe, honestly such a well designed warframe, i dont know if a rework would do him justice if they do one i really hope they make him seriously powerful anything less would be insulting for a frame of his stature
@subzero200 8 месяцев назад
The frost skin you have is sick!
@NovaUmbral 8 месяцев назад
I had no intentions of actually getting it until the holidays where a family member who watches my videos gifted it to me, it is nice despite the hefty price tag
@subzero200 8 месяцев назад
@NovaUmbral I couldn't even see it in the store I was looking though 🤣
@nev546 8 месяцев назад
Yo that nev guy really b yappin tho
@NovaUmbral 8 месяцев назад
Yeah he really do, ngl
@Xenoxic 8 месяцев назад
Calm down inaros main SantaPepe
@Cloakdasasin0 5 месяцев назад
Picking up Frost after years of neglect I found him surprisingly fun and powerful, but I quickly got bored with just pressing 4 over & over again.
@Me_Myself_Maly 8 месяцев назад
Do not take getting this frame into high levels lightly! It took me days of leveling, researching, build testing, and arcane switching to get this frame in a respectable state where he’s actually kinda disgusting in high levels. Where I’m running high range, armor strip/overguard build with Ensnare and max arcane’s. Your mileage may vary from mine. But just know, if you want Frost to be good, you gotta commit!
@masterice4464 5 месяцев назад
I’ll always be a frost main
@EmissaryVoid 8 месяцев назад
FINALLY SOMEONE SEE THE GOOD THINGS OF FROST!!!!! My boi needs a massive rework that passive needs a replacement
@Lordbobomb 8 месяцев назад
The proposed rework does make Frost sound a bit too much like Volt but far more defensive, Still i love Volt and i certainly won't mind it too much.
@xXSonyKilerXx 4 месяца назад
Ever since hydroid's update i couldn't understand why frost can't have a unique extra stack for Perma freeze. Thank god DE is adding freeze procs on cold status on Jade's Update in June.
@durandus676 8 месяцев назад
Ahhhh, you are as beautiful as the day they changed your snow globe.
@BARogueAssassin 8 месяцев назад
Honestly, Frost has always been "good" in my opinion, having played for roughly 6 years and not even seeing his earliest power spikes. He's always been "good," and that's why he was forgotten/underused. He was never great in the latter half of the game's lifespan, just "good." But even if he's not something absolutely crazy and insane like newer frames that have been released since then, I'll still recommend him to people without a second thought. He's an extremely solid choice, especially with armor strip changes and the overguard augment, and to this day he shows that just because damage is king right now, he can still pull his weight.
@kena6812 8 месяцев назад
the issue with frost is that no matter what you want to do there's always a better pick.
@xuanhiepluong4798 8 месяцев назад
The only warframe have a prime look like a normal version, The first frame have exclusive shoulder armor, And the only frame look old just by the design
@csabaszucs1589 8 месяцев назад
Well first of all as a frost main from the start of the game when i started to play with him i didnt noticed that how he is fall off to other warframes but not long time ago i started to feel Frost weakness dont get me wrong i still Love my Frost he is close to my heart and its always gonna be there is nothing in the game which can change that but i cannot close my eyes and say everything is fine with my favorite frame and i like the video presentation but i think this frost rework which we can see around the end of the video all i can say i would be the most happyest player in the game to get my hands on a Frost like this but i think this would be too overtuned and Digital Extreme never gonna do this and the only thing i can do is praying that one day Pablo will bless My Frost Pablo if you read this or see this Please help out Our Frosty Boy Thanks for the video keep up the Work and everybody have a nice new year and wish the Best for all of us Peace
@whaleborne1308 8 месяцев назад
With a lot of the recent changes, I smell a rework coming. They gave Hydroid unnerfed Corrosive, so it wouldn't surprise me if the next major rework is Frost and him getting some crazy Cold benefits. Please DE 🙏
@FullCaber 8 месяцев назад
there are so many old passives they need to update and some frames i really wish they dint sweep this stuff under a rug
@IRMentat 7 месяцев назад
He's a tanky armour stripping point-defence frame with a decent look and some super reliable build options. the 2 is a natural subsume option and TBH i wouldn't change a thing on him unless it was a tweak to his 1 & 2 powers (which helminth already covers in so many interesting ways). oh his passive, his passive is total junk, that could easily be swapped for almost anything else and it would be better. personally i run Spectro syphon on him as the helminth as anything that reduces the enemies targeting the bubble is good and it always provides more energy than i put into casting it (i use the mod for it). he's useful from level 1 to endgame, not many frames can brag about that, let alone a defensive specialist in game since launch.
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