
The Common Sense Golf Swing of Moe Norman 

Todd Graves
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#TheSinglePlaneGolfSwing #SinglePlane #MoeNorman
PGA Tour Players have complicated Golf Swings and their coaches teach a difficult way to plane the club. Years ago, I tried everything to become a better ball striker - to the point of exhaustion. I wanted to quit until I saw a video that changed my life - and it made so much sense. It's common sense.
This video describes my discovery and shows the video of Moe Norman swinging on a Single Plane - this is the video that simplified my golf swing forever.
About the Single Plane Golf Swing
The Single Plane golf swing is not a quick fix golf technique. It is a system, beginning at address, that simplifies the most important moment of the golf swing - impact.
Starting at address on two planes where the arms hang straight down at address, the Conventional golf swing is complicated. Because the arms are hanging straight down, a conventional golfer must lift the body into impact creating stress on the back.
This upward movement to accommodate the two planes is unnecessary.
The Single Plane Golf swing simplifies the golf swing by eliminating the need for the upward movement by starting and impacting on the same plane.
To purchase my best-selling book, The Single Plane Golf Swing, Play Better Golf the Moe Norman Way, you can go to amazon here:



9 сен 2024




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@bluegrass_lee8863 Год назад
I'm about 10 years into the single plane swing now. Went from 20+ handicap to as low as a 3, now am at 9, but I'm getting older. It works for me and the big bonus is NO back pain !
@TheDeliveryDoctor 2 года назад
Over the years I’ve switched from conventional to stack & tilt, mostly to save back. Last summer had to find something else for pain free golf (separated rib injury 20 yrs ago and wrist tendinitis). Found your videos part way through last summer Todd and worked on it for remainder of the season. No range available but a net out back was. This year, after 6 month off season, I got back into it but was hitting a lot of toe shot irons. Weak and to the right. This video is excellent and sums up a lot of your other videos, but it was a recent video dealing with bend of the lead leg that really made a difference. I had been locking my left leg up too early and casting across the ball (old habit). Bracing into my left leg started to make an immediate difference to all shots! Played 9 hole mixed league scramble and on fourth hole, into a stiff wind I hit my longest drive - ever. But. On the 9th hole, and after getting more confident throughout the round with my irons, I hit a 7 iron - and felt nothing - pured it. Landed 6’ in front of pin - 2 short hops - and rolled last 4’ - slowly dying into the cup! 🕺 First hole in one! Yeah! The a Single Plain Swing just plain works. Your videos rock - so well thought out and explained.
@paulbocking3397 Год назад
Stick with your mission Todd I believe eventually all golfers will play this way Ive just come back into the game after a six year lay off at the age of 72 .... and I am determined to master this way of playing golf and I feel reasonably confident that I will play better than I ever have
@scottthompson9220 15 дней назад
I was about to give up golf the more I played the worse I got so I have just started the single plain swing and as little as 2 weeks of following the technique I am amazed how well I am consistently hitting the fairways and approach shots to the greens am definitely staying with it
@paulsimonds4691 Год назад
That address position gets you in such a good position to maintain your posture and get you back to a great impact position. Simplifies the swing!
@srvafool 2 года назад
I bought the book and have been practicing the SPS since April and I've never hit so many straight, solid shots in my back pasture into such a small area in my life as I have in the last month. I joined the "Purify your swing Masterclass" yesterday and found out I still don't have all the address positions correct ( I was standing too tall). I just ordered a set of irons from Tim and am really excited to hit some shots with a set that actually fits. I'm planning on going to a 3 day Premier class in OKC in August and I can't wait. Thank you so much Todd for breaking down Moe's swing and presenting it in such a simple, common sense manner. I was out hitting today (in the brutal Oklahoma heat) and got into a groove just by thinking "feel impact at address". When the only difference between impact and address is a little more shaft lean and more open hips, it can't get much simpler. I pured the last 15 balls I hit with only that thought. Feeling of greatness. Thanks again Todd.
@marybetheby5184 2 года назад
Good stuff!😎🤙
@raybowles8587 2 года назад
I have a success report. I fixed my left hand grip (right handed) and I finally started hitting the ball consistently straight. I went to the driving range to try it out, and hit every ball solid. Hit a few 5 yards to right and left, but most down the middle. I took my son, and he said he never seen me hit the ball so well. I even had another guy hitting balls ask me if I was a golf instructor. I have been working on my single plane swing for about a year. Every time I thought I made strives, I wasn't consistent. But realizing my grip was wrong on my left hand, was major. I actually was feeling confident. Before, I also had problems hitting the ball off tight lies. Now for the first time in 30yrs, I was hitting the ball off the ground with hardly no grass underneath. I am excited. Thank you so much for all your great instructions.
@odiswilliams3391 2 года назад
This worked for me until I started introducing “my own” style, then everything went downhill. It’s a system for a reason. We have to stick to all components in the system. Good stuff thanks!
@A.Man.. 2 года назад
I took the idea of baseball swing and implemented my own into it. I swing way wider and shift my weight much more, but it works. moe implemented his own, and perfected it over the years. my ball flight is a bit strange, it goes straight, but kinda corrects mid flight. I.e starts to fade then weirdly straightens. I need to video it to show you. but by all means tweak and make it your own. my long game is great. my short game im struggling with though, I'm struggling to implement consistent 60yards or less with high ball flight. that feel of the club falling back works, but my timing and where I strike the ball/ground is not too good. hope it works out for you. good golf and God bless
@rushfanjames2112 2 года назад
I use a little bit of my own preferences in the single plane swing. Everyone is built differently, use what works for you. Just learn the fundamentals, then go from there. 👍🏽
@martinzacarias9791 2 года назад
Impeccable as always. Cartesian logic demolishing the myth of classic swing superiority. People refuse to change solely because this is a country club game and they don't want to look different. Nothing else.
@atfinthehouse8631 Год назад
Thank you. I knew and felt what I was doing wrong. Just couldn’t identify the terminology and simplify the swing. To much up and down motion with classic swing. Single plane is only thing that makes sense. Getting club back to correct starting point on backswing. Practice, practice, practice.
@down-n-outinNC 2 года назад
I got this to work for 4 rounds in one weekend. Best weekend of golf i ever had. Came home played a round following weekend and played like i normally do
@marybetheby5184 2 года назад
Great video!My straightest,longest drives ever come from using this swing.Keep the back foot planted and letting the club swing in front of me without opening the hips has helped a ton!Bubba and Lexi definitely "jump" in their swings.Thanks Todd!😎🤙
@sfuller94 2 года назад
With every video Todd posts, I realize why I sucked at golf. I rarely shoot outside of the 80’s now. Maybe it’s time to go see Tim as it’s all short game issues. By the way, with the conventional golf swing and all of the lifting, bending and contortions I hurt my back, multiple times. That is no longer a problem with the bio mechanically correct Moe Norman swing. At 57, I routinely play 36 holes on the weekend. I’m not paid, just here to say how I wished that Todd would have had all of this understood and available in the early 90’s when I started playing!
@gordenscottfan3107 2 года назад
They did it was called Natural Golf, very similar, same model Moe Norman...Little Moe Todd Graves also....
@jimrothery1289 Год назад
Very complete explanation thank you
@dscwac396 2 года назад
I'm so glad that you actually stuck with it showing people this way because like you said with the other swing that they've been trying to keep there so much biomechanically wrong with the traditional two plane type swing their teaching yeah it works for a very small percentage of players so my question is why would we be trying to learn something that only works for a very very small percentage of players? I think in general of people just understanding how the single plane swing works they could probably drop 10 shots off their score easy just simply making better contact and hitting the ball straighter isn't that the whole point of golf
@Moswing 2 года назад
⛳Très belle façon d'expliquer, j'adore et je m'entraine à balancer le poids du club dans seul plan comme vous, hier pour la premiere fois depuis longtemps lors d'un tournoi séniors( j'ai 62 ans) au troisième tour au départ du trou 17 j'avais un score de +5 et fini avec à 81 sans effort et aucune douleur, je dois faire encore des efforts avec mon cerveau et anéantir les possibles grossières erreurs, je dois améliorer mon backswing qui me pose encore quelques problèmes, je pense que je ne travaille pas bien ce coté des choses. Merci Todd, je visionne toutes vos vidéos et mes progrès sont cohérents. --- Very nice way to explain, I love it and I practice to swing the weight of the club in only one shot like you, yesterday for the first time in a long time during a senior tournament (I'm 62 years old) at the start of the third round on hole 17 I had a score of +5 and finished with 81 without effort and no pain, I have to make more efforts with my brain and annihilate the possible big mistakes, I have to improve my backswing which still poses me some problems, I think that I don't work well on this side of things. Thanks Todd, I watch all your videos and my progress is consistent.
@deanw0rmer 2 года назад
You made a good point about practicing. I’m nearly 57 and I can’t hit balls all day. With the single plane I rarely hit more than 4 or 5 full shots before I play. I mostly practice chipping and putting and maybe 2 or 3 irons and a driver or two
@bullion87 2 года назад
Single plane swing is the best thing happened to my golf game and my back
@ToddGravesGolf 2 года назад
Great to hear.
@c5jp904 2 года назад
Going to my first SPE in the Chicago area this Friday. Very excited! I have managed to work my way to a 10.6 but hoping this will get my over the hump to really feel confident in my technique.
@ToddGravesGolf 2 года назад
Great. Work in progress. Keep going.
@jc238 2 года назад
I love the concept. I think Moe was extraordinary. My question though is why do I find single-plane so difficult to hit repeatably especially the irons? I understand now why Moe hit tens of thousands of practice balls, you really have to groove that swing and imbed that muscle memory.
@ToddGravesGolf 2 года назад
All I can say is that you might be doing something incorrectly. Have you considered sending a video to our coaches for a Single Plane Review?
@VegasMoe Год назад
Thank you
@cousinvinny7990 2 года назад
one word AWESOME!
@enkilugal3282 Год назад
So for a RH golfer, the right arm does help (a lot) in producing speed. I've heard Moe and you state that the right arm is 'just along for the ride'. But that's not true.
@jimrothery1289 2 года назад
Excellent explanation.
@ToddGravesGolf 2 года назад
Glad it was helpful!
@davidmudry5622 2 года назад
Put your 2 hands in front of yourself palms up. Lay a club's shaft across your palms and notice how the club's head will always point down to the ground. This reaction of the club head cannot happen by itself, only an ever present FORCE causes the club head to resist that force and point down. It's the same way a hockey puck for a moment stays on the blade of a hockey stick, or how you're pushed back into your seat while accelerating down the track in a dragster. Now when you swing a golf club you are adding even more forces to that golf club. Having a single plane swing thus logically reduces the challenging forces to a minimum. The conventional dual plane swing will always have more forces to contend with..
@Chris-il6yh Год назад
Thinking of sharing this video with a few friends, all keen golfers and the things I notice is they all seem to tinker with their swing, stance, grip to the point that it's detrimental. They all hate that me as the type that only plays a few times a season can just show up and play. I think golf fundamentally is a simple game, you see the flag hit towards it, then chip towards it, then putt towards it, that's how I play that's what I tell them.
@brianadderson8062 2 года назад
Great lesson got it thanks so much .
@ToddGravesGolf 2 года назад
You're very welcome!
@rudigayleschannel9829 Год назад
Do I look at the ball or where the club head is(a few inches behind the ball) when I'm swinging?
@howbow47 Год назад
I have a question about the pointing of the stick at the ball. We can’t really do that when the clubhead is on the end of the stick, because the club face doesn’t line up with the shaft. We are pointing the shaft at a spot underneath the ball at address. With the SPS, if we used a driver that has the sweet spot directly in line with the shaft, would it not be easier to hit the sweet spot? Is this worth experimenting with?
@jakealberda4487 2 года назад
Just trying to learn here. Recently purchased the DVDs and training aids. Very excited to dive right in. Question: Does he not take the club back below his impact plane? Or does it just appear that way because of the torso rotation? Thanks for any help!
@robertbowen4019 2 года назад
Excellent and all true. It seems so friggin' obvious; it reminds me again of the population driving wagons around with square-like wheels until someone comes along, looks at the situation and says, "this would be easier if the wheels were round." In this swing you start the swing plane and end (at contact with the ball) in the same place...it is that simple. I've been a single plane golfer since I saw the Golf Digest 1995 December issue and the 1994/95? issue of Outside Magazine which featured an article on Moe Norman ("the wonderous Moe Norman with the Popeye forearms"). Follow Grave's Golf/Todd-Tim Graves and you can attain 'MoeVana.' Good stuff. And no, I have no connection with Graves aside from being a disciple of the SP Swing & their teaching program.
@michaelowen326 2 года назад
MoeVana!!! Bravo!!!
@kenjones480 2 года назад
They must have been playing alternate shot, because there’s no way Moe hit his drive in the trees.😁
@MrBubukittyfuk 2 года назад
Great video!
@ToddGravesGolf 2 года назад
@larrys9879 2 года назад
The so called “conventional” 2 plane swing requires superior athleticism and timing skill which few people possess. Whether intentional or not most typical weekend golfers are using some sort of manufactured single plane combined with a 2 plane swing. The result is that the average golfer struggles to break a hundred and eventually gives the game up. A single plane is obviously the easiest way to hit a golf ball. There are several good instructional single plane golf videos on RU-vid. There are some good variations of Moe Normans single plane swing. I prefer Ben Hogans single plane mechanics, but that’s just my personal preference. Any single plane swing mechanics is an easier and simpler way to hit a golf ball.
@dscwac396 2 года назад
And like you said anyone that claims that they're hitting the ball shorter is not doing it right because consistently now I hit the same distance or a hair farther than I was with their other swing and that's just overall consistency on the yardage and dispersion like if you consistently make better contact and put better swings on the ball you're efficiency goes up therefore you gain yardage from hitting the middle of the face and being set up to be on a good swing path automatically instead of trying to force it so much and the other swing where you have to kind of stand up and jump yourself out of the way and stuff like that
@NG-tz8wo 2 года назад
Great video Todd. Where can I get a graves golf visor?
@philipmeme2214 2 года назад
I would love to get this swing to work after years of playing inconsistent golf. I’m 68. I could get the swing to work with short irons longer irons and woods I keep topping my shots and or big hooks. Any advice for this beginner on this swing? Thanks
@fredfrank3347 Год назад
I played with high hands at address a few times, and I always played better. I’m going to stick with this.
@pdub2762 2 года назад
It works y'all 💪
@flatearthvegans9446 2 года назад
@balance3201 2 года назад
Should stick to a flat swing
@patrickmccarthy8599 2 года назад
Great for the driver but the irons I use my own single plane technique I am only five feet seven and this stretch just does not get it. .
@ToddGravesGolf 2 года назад
Moe was 5’7”
@dougpeterson9705 2 года назад
ok, Todd,; tell me your theory of why I am hitting the ground first before I strike the ball, or "toe" the ball to a really bad slice of "heel" the ball going to far left? . . .I know I am really deviating badly in my swing path, and I think I am doing a proper "set up". What did you do , yourself, to get comfortable with the single-plane swing?
@ToddGravesGolf 2 года назад
I don’t have a theory for you but I can give You the exact answer if I had a video of your swing.
@dereksullivan2232 Год назад
Is it the same swing for irons
@ToddGravesGolf Год назад
@alanscott8067 2 года назад
If one’s goal is long drive or to maximize club head speed is it possible to use a single plane swing? From what I can tell eventually one has to leave/adapt a single plane swing to reach for more range of motion for the club head to travel on the backswing or at minimum find an additional way to increase the speed from the top of the swing. Of course before impact the club must return on plane to reap the benefits hoped for but from observation of your swing it appears your sacrificing maximum distance for maximum consistency at impact. (Not that golf is about maximum distance🙃) nor do I believe your goal is to mix the two different objectives. The real question I have is how transferable or modifiable is the single plane swing to reach one’s potential for higher club head speeds? Usually one must sacrifice accuracy at impact while training to improve their top speed level and then once top speed is consistent this raises the average speed one can swing consistently at within that new level speed level. With the Austin swing the goal is to throw the club head from the top and increase the weight shift speed without over rotation on the backswing to manage head position. Arguably one can measure the efficiency/quality of a players swing by how much of their club head speed is converted to distance and dispersion management. From observation of Mike Austin’s swing he was or was very close to a single plane as well, yet with far more freedom of movement than the wide stance of Moe. Both Moe and Mike were huge examples of two very different set of fundamentals yet at impact they were only noticeable separated by the distance they struck the ball. Unfortunately Austin’s putting was pathetic☹️ so he’s only known for his GBWW drive and his classic swing lessons💩. I’m a huge fan of Both players and I enjoy your very knowledgeable explanation of Moe’s swing.
@joakimnicander3763 2 года назад
The answer is Bryson Dechambeau, single plane swing.
@alanscott8067 2 года назад
@@joakimnicander3763 ru-vid.comXAuYqhqmWYY?feature=share I’d say this is the best of both worlds, more freedom of the Austin Swing with approximately single plane the shaft travels on. Should be noted that Bryson’s head is moving quite dramatically during the backswing and down into impact. His lead leg is actually straight at impact because his foot is more square to the line forcing early extension, perhaps to accommodate the long drive shaft. However most long drive competitors are on their toes at impact where he’s closer to flat footed from a much better setup. He gets taller on his backswing and drops into his lead leg then snaps his lead leg straight which is a power move but eventually will hurt that knee with a closed foot line. Anyway it’s not Moe’s swing, nor Mike Austin’s swing it’s Bryson’s swing. No one can argue that he’s had success with it. He what I’d describe as a happy medium between the two greats. Probably the best example of that. I’d be curious how well he could hit old equipment that Moe and Mike used. I’d wager he’d have to choose a side rather than be a Switter of the two. Any way I knew ppl would use Bryson’s swing as an example so that’s why I didn’t mention him in my first post. He’s a modern power swinger who swings the shaft almost perfect on the shaft plane which matches his turned shoulder plane. One thing to remember from all this is until you own your own swing, have an elite level short game, can putt for doe, get up and down for par consistency, avoid OB, the water, and the shank your game will always be Over Par. It’s a game requiring years of year round play and practice to master. Moe said unless you hit at least 300 balls a day or more you won’t be any good. He said ppl try to hit the ball 250 yards in play but they can’t even hit a ball into a designated area 50 yards away. You can teach basic fundamentals for a full swing but you need to earn the feel for everything in between just to get on to the green. After that half of the battle is over you get the luxury of scoring well or not just by a 3 ft putt🫵💩. The game within a game is no body’s slave🫠 Good golf to everyone, for the love of the game the pleasure of nature, friendships and health. Golf is truly happiness it humbles the soul but makes boys into men, it’s prices are high but is rewards are higher, for those who know and truly love the game🫵😊👍
@alanscott8067 2 года назад
@@joakimnicander3763 One other awesome video 😎👍 ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-sVtxrt8NTo0.html
@msherer260 2 года назад
Easy is better...bet Inbee Parks swing would drive you nuts, does me....
@jerryupchurch1131 2 года назад
Why do these people talk and talk without saying anything?
@ToddGravesGolf 2 года назад
Are you talking about me…the guy talking?
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