
The COMPLETE Beginner's Guide to ADC in SEASON 14 - League of Legends 

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@skillcapped 8 месяцев назад
Take the ADC journey with Skill-Capped by your side! skill-capped.com/lol 👍👍👍👍
@Rurukuken 8 месяцев назад
Step one. Change your monitor to display greyscale. You’ll be seeing that a lot, may as well get used to it now.
@FightinCheesy 7 месяцев назад
Its a joke about how youll die alot as ADC since when you die the screen turns greyscale@@rabidwolf2349
@ArthurSouz4 7 месяцев назад
​@@rabidwolf2349 Imao He is just kiding man 🤣🤣 just ignore it
@g.u.y332 Месяц назад
As a adc should i play with locked or unlocked cam i am new to league
@taylorsindall5661 Месяц назад
@@g.u.y332unlocked u will get used to it
@gioogioo2271 Месяц назад
⁠@@g.u.y332I do use both but 90% unlocked.When i started using unlocked it was hard for several games but it’s going to change everything,cause you will be able to see everything and change your play style
@ChiickyNuggies 3 месяца назад
I just started playing league and when you said "another role will simple breathe on you and you will collapse and die" resonates with me
@LordTim07 8 месяцев назад
"You have complete control over minion waves as an ADC." is what keeps replaying in my head as I look at my support damaging the enemy minions for the 100th time in a row in a desperate bid to land his skill-shots, but ultimately failing in that reckless endeavor.
@vukvidanovic8276 8 месяцев назад
"You have complete control over minion waves" as I watch my adc tilt and go afk because I farmed while he was dead. Must've took this quote too seriously
@Junglej0hn 8 месяцев назад
@@vukvidanovic8276 Really depends on how you do it. Pretty sure no adc will tilt because you last hit minions, hold the wave or crash a pushing wave to tower. But if you e.g. turn a freeze into a slow-push while they are dead, then realize that you actually needed to back because you actually only have half health after the last fight and now have money because you farmed those minions... then you are actually reportable and you are the problem.
@vukvidanovic8276 8 месяцев назад
@@Junglej0hn This is bronze Im talking about. They have no idea what wave management is. All they say is stealing farm
@LegionofKyle 8 месяцев назад
@@vukvidanovic8276 If your in bronze your definitley not holding the waves correctly, you should not let it hit your turret, but staying in lane to push solo as support it bad bad bad. Or going to any random lane and farming it instead of being with team.
@SMSAceofSpades 8 месяцев назад
​@vukvidanovic8276 by that logic, neither do you. Don't hit the wave for no reason. Take your recall, get your item, sync with adc
@DzinkyDzink 8 месяцев назад
Rule #1 Ban Fizz. It's better to lose lane to a Blitzcrank when to lose game.
@gioogioo2271 Месяц назад
I ban zed or kayn every time.N1 enemies to adc
@AshKethun1 8 месяцев назад
Playing ADC in this meta is a hell, everyone can burst you and the sups aren't playing with peel champions, but, it's fun playing Ashe
@zxr250 8 месяцев назад
This is why I play tank DPS Kai'Sa, and it's been working pretty well for me. My current build is: Kraken Slayer Boots (typically zerkers) Terminus Jak'Sho Rageblade Situational tank item I find that I get enough damage from procing passive a ton and stacking the Kraken Slayer because I stay alive so long. Late game you have 3000+ HP, 200 armour, and 200 magic resist when Terminus is stacked. I like this build because Terminus and Jak'Sho synergize very well. Once your Terminus is fully stacked, so is your Jak'Sho, they both give armour and MR, and both items get boosted by Jak'Sho's passive.
@AshKethun1 8 месяцев назад
​@@zxr250i will try to do it with another adc, maybe the last item being a tank item
@zxr250 8 месяцев назад
@@AshKethun1 I've done it on Samira too, I built core crit items then Jak'Sho and Deaths Dance. Worked pretty well too.
@wallachia4797 8 месяцев назад
Tell me about it. I'm a Leona main and can't wait for Riot to stop adding these pussy enchanter-damage "supports" and just give us an engage vanguard support already. I hate it so much how ADC is weak this season (has always been a weak role ever since forever ago) and Riot just compounds this issue by promoting braindead gameplay for "supports" to just sit behind the ADC all game and press 2 buttons (or sit outright afk in Yuumi's case).
@justthunderbolt40 8 месяцев назад
​@@wallachia4797The problem is not the champion, it's the people who play it. An enchanter like Janna or Nami, or a mage like Lux or Zyra, can peel and stand in front of the adc and give him a few seconds to deal more damage... If the player understand that that's his role, rather than using the adc as meatshield and spam abilities from 1 screen away.
@emijfa 8 месяцев назад
make a guide on how not to die in a fight in less than 1 second in season 14
@supersonicgamerguru 8 месяцев назад
Wait for storm surge nerfs lol
@Sxndri 8 месяцев назад
@@supersonicgamerguruthat’s what I was thinking but 10 ap changes nothing, that passive is still gonna one shot us over and over
@Photik 8 месяцев назад
Spacing... From all champions
@TGRoko 8 месяцев назад
They did. They said play safe and space until the enemy mage or assassin has used their abilities. When they have, you can play forward and be aggressive. Early game that window of opportunity is about 8-12 seconds, and later on it's 4-6 seconds. Play around the mid lane after lane phase to be close to objectives and have the highest likelihood that your teammates can react to fights in your lane. Try not to linger to far forward in a lane to you don't get ganked or collapsed on. Stay behind your front line or near your disengage team mates and wait for the enemy to press their buttons. Get better with your internal clock so that you can track cds better and you'll be a far better player.
@ZealousSpark 8 месяцев назад
12:10 they thought they be sneaky about it, but we did notice the missed cannon
@kenmante 8 месяцев назад
Please take note this is season 14, what makes it so different is the fact that the jungle path to bot is more accessible. As a bot laner learning where and what the jungler is essential. 1. if you're leashing (helping damage monsters) for your jungler, go back to lane at 1:36. Missing Xp would be bad especially if its just one minion. 2. lv2 power spike comes in second wave, it's the first 3 "melee" minions. Why is this important? if you're lucian, Draven, Samira or any good early lane champs, watching closely to position of the enemy laners or vice versa during the "3 melee minions" could be helpful for level lead all-ins and potential snowball. 3. Usually, the jungler would finish one side of the map at 2:10-2:35 but if you're against early jungle champions like Nunu, Jarvan or any other early lv2 spike champions be careful of shoving early on. Also, at 3:30 the scuttle crab spawns into river. Usually at that time, junglers take it then see for a good possible gank. 4. You don't really need to be an "AD" carry, you can be an "AP" carry as well. Depending on Team comp. 5. If you want to "split-push" please ward and ask yourself "Can I 1v1 any of them?" then split-push. Don't rely on your support and if the support isn't there. You get more XP for yourself which is great.
@briancitob 8 месяцев назад
Best ADC guide for s14: don't play adc.
@SanguineThor 8 месяцев назад
Play a mage and spam spells at the enemy. Congratulations, you just won lane!
@lycorisaylla758 8 месяцев назад
Best ADC guide for s14: pick Miss fortune, play lethality and win
@Thecoomzoom 8 месяцев назад
Best ADC tip for s14: build tank
@kylleconsing7096 8 месяцев назад
@SanguineThor 8 месяцев назад
@@Thecoomzoom lol literally play tank Lux bot lane and you'll be shooting through low ELO in no time
@skylarmorgan7249 8 месяцев назад
ADC guide: play two screens away from all other enemy champions so you dont get 100-0 before you can do one auto
@MrElgate 8 месяцев назад
I still got PTSD from facing a talon while playing a fed Miss fortune. Every time he went over a wall toward me, he died... And so did I. I was so far ahead that I could burst him during his Q animation, but the damage still went through and bursted me after.
@assassindancer914 8 месяцев назад
@@MrElgate 200 years of Rito game design.
@kawaiisnake8201 8 месяцев назад
Love playing ADC when burst runs rampant.
@djjazzyjeff1232 8 месяцев назад
I've learned that you CAN steer your team, to a degree. If you're ahead, just ping them and they'll listen (sometimes). If you're behind, ping them with just G so they don't know who did it, if it's a good idea they'll listen too (sometimes). BUT If you ping them or try to type to them when you're 1/4 on Vayne, even if it's the best possible play they'll actively defy you because you have a "bad" score, so keep that in mind.
@Cavalier_1 8 месяцев назад
7:34 damn, that lb dmg even hurt me irl xd
@absolutetrash7880 4 месяца назад
ADC has been the hardest role to learn as a newbie, the issue I have is the 0 agency in a game, I don't have the ability to rotate top to ensure we get grubs, I can't fight around Herald easily, I can't gank the top laner when they're up 8 kills in 4 minutes (somehow), so many of my ADC games feel like it's just a team coin flip, I ALWAYS have highest freaking vision score on my team in all my roles BC people just don't place wards, and in SOOOO many games my team won't rotate for Dragon, or Baron, or Grubs or whatever BC they can't be bother or "it's not important" (actually quote from a teammate or two or three. ) I play so freaking well in most my games especially considering I'm a newbie, I tend to consistently be far ahead of my role opponent in most games (obv not all BC I am new) but 1/2 the time it just doesn't matter BC my team doesn't ward, and doesn't show up at the Elder Dragon I've been pinging and warding for the last 3 minutes. My issue with ADC is I'm so squishy and so vulnerable to enemy characters that if the game gets out of my hands there's not really anything I can do, I can;t make a bit play and steal dragon BC I'm an ADC whose lower lvl than 1/2 the enemy team and needs 3 items to function. Anyways, I get annoyed sometimes, I've moved to Mid as my primary role and like it better BC I can rotate and win the map practically solo I've had many games on Akali, Nafiri, Lux, Velkoz, etc... where I end up getting 20+ kills and practically solo the game and my winrate is MUCH MUCH higher in mid, albeit this season started out rough with 12 games in a row with AFK players, griefers, and bots
@djborkata1153 8 месяцев назад
For all newbies: THIS IS THE BEST ROLE TO PLAY(it's not, we are just done being autofilled as adc)
@Knight0wI 8 месяцев назад
Im diamond sp main, here is one tip I wanna share, if possible let your sp do the counter pick. If your sp got countered, you are going to have a very hard laning phrase and even teamfight some time. And if you are not confident on your team picks, just dodge, lp is not important, you want to have a good win rate and not wasting time playing bad games.
@christianfernandez6999 8 месяцев назад
Step 1: pray that your support isn't a bot Step 2: you're entire laning phase is dependent on your support and pray that your team comes when you get 4 man dove on Step 3: if you aren't 0-5 from getting dived on and with some items you're still going to be killed by enemy support by 15 minutes Step 4: Quit adc cause it is not a fun role.
@yoyo80s41 8 месяцев назад
I kinda prey that my sup is a bot. Minimum inconvenience
@missscammer1990 4 месяца назад
No matter how low i get i dont die to support in 15 mins
@Kilesfactor 8 месяцев назад
Watches this video, loads into game, look at enemy bot lane and it's a morgana blitzcrank.Turn computer off, go to sleep.
@LinguistBro 8 месяцев назад
Great guide! But I find it hard to do when my supports constantly pick Shaco or Heim or something like that and stay behind me semi-afk all laning phase :(
@johnnistelkas1583 2 месяца назад
that helped so much now i always win early laning phase even with a bad support ty
@snoopfrogg1039 7 дней назад
hard push is difficult into an natilus who just flashes on me, even if i react with my flash i pushed the wave already and they freeze and its gg for me
@quasar4072 2 месяца назад
In low elo bot lane has huge impact if they get fed they get double fed. if they feed they double feed so going 0/4 in bot will make game unplayable as enemy is 8/0 which is at least one more iteam but going 0/4 in jungle can be playable going 0/2 in mid/top if you outscale it is playable you can roam and flip the game too. but you can't with adc. So four death in bot is 2000 gold diff adding minions that you prob lost it means enemy is full iteam ahead.
@gigaknight9485 8 месяцев назад
@asull06 8 месяцев назад
they charge you for that, this is just an ad.
@gigaknight9485 8 месяцев назад
Oh that makes sense@@asull06
@larryblankenship8202 8 месяцев назад
Tbh, it's worth it. My consistency and win rate went up massively after I watched and practiced the support/adc/trading/botlane courses. If you don't feel like your benefiting, refunding is ezpz
@DraxTheDestroyer 7 месяцев назад
advanced adc guide: actually play the game instead of binge watching youtube tutorials. there, free, quick and easy to follow advanced guide. (you don't have to pay me either)
@malisalvatore 7 месяцев назад
Super helpful won a game just now playing adc :)
@1909Fredde 8 месяцев назад
@skillcapped video idea: Can you win a match without ever entering a bush? Could teach us about vision
@vinifox91 8 месяцев назад
I have another suggestion/guide: chose another lane and keep ur cortisol controled. Thx for reading.
@yorgosgousios3155 24 дня назад
hello are you using any app to track the qwe that are being spelled from enemies? or it is just an edit for the video?
@Icon1306 8 месяцев назад
Me managing wave: LUX JUST STOP PUSHING AND TOUCHING THE MINIONS AND BACK, YOURE 1 Hp and no mana. Lux: I'm inting the next 10 minutes
@mariohumbertomorfinmarin5173 8 месяцев назад
Adc is my favourite role, bu jesus in this season is IMPOSSIBLE, no matter what i do in TF my performance is practically is non-existent, even if i go well in early or mid game, in mid game the enemy mage and Tank are already a head of you, in TF is worts, as an adc you have maintain your distance so the enemy casts dangerous CC or any damage for you to fight with no problem, but you can't do that either.
@EmmanuelGrance 8 месяцев назад
I love ur videos! One question about the payment on skill capped: is the annual plan charged in full upfront, or can I pay it monthly?
@amyfalls 2 месяца назад
thank youuuu!!!
@Raysureeea 5 месяцев назад
Attack move on leftclick is very underrated. Made me like twice as good at ADC
@jojotv9383 7 месяцев назад
How I play adc: -Picking a hyperscaling adc -Dont do anything all lane except crashing wave after wave -Dont do anything mid game except splitpush (whatever which lane) -Destroy lategame teamfights This usually works really well because I dont lose the lane due to not interacting with my supp or the enemy duo on bot. My supp cant do anything stupid if the wave is under their turret, I dont need to fear ganks because the window I could be threatened is pretty small due to pushing waves fast. And when Im not losing, Im winning due to outscaling my opponents (My picks are Jinx, Kogmaw and Zeri, the adcs with the highest aa range) And then lategame is just a formality to take care of.
@technofreak39 8 месяцев назад
Can you make a warding guide for the new map?
@wildfire6727 7 месяцев назад
Okay got everything but what if your support is nowhere near you and the enemy team is very aggressive that you can't even farm properly? One wrong move and the 2 enemy players end up killing you?
@thedarkold 8 месяцев назад
Best guide for ADCs: Don't fall in this trap like me and play that role
@giedriusbruzas6542 2 месяца назад
Is there really a range advantage when enemy has a 10 second cooldown dash? Sometimes two dashes, sometimes, long range dashes?
@mohamadalnator2340 2 месяца назад
@astrograph7875 5 месяцев назад
How much of this vid applies to mage champs(Veigar, Hwei, Ziggs, etc.) in bot lane? Is there anything different then what's in the vid?
@king_kunta_0 8 месяцев назад
My biggest question is, don't mages want mid as well? How are the lane assignments after laning phase if you have an immobile mage midlane like syndra or viktor?
@swolegolisopod7340 8 месяцев назад
Mages do want mid but a syndra or viktor are still going to be safer in a side lane since they can one shot the wave from further range and back off and have better tools to disengage solo. Adc 99% of the time needs to be in mid not just for safety but to also have quick access to baron+drag, and the support will be able to ward around the map easier or rotate to side lanes while still being able to get back to the adc
@boxbird5723 8 месяцев назад
Mid to late game it is better for ADC to be mid lane so they can help out with taking objectives. ADC’s don’t typically have good burst damage, but they will have very high damage over time, so they’re particularly important for taking objectives such as dragon and baron quickly.
@Rickkhry 8 месяцев назад
Adc guide: play mages on bot lane and have fun 😊
@mariohumbertomorfinmarin5173 8 месяцев назад
Yep, I've been playing only Ziggs in botlane and: 1) is fun 2) I CAN help my teammates 3) I have damage
@edoardopitaccio427 7 месяцев назад
Is having those setting really that important? Genuine question, I just started playing adc and looking for ways to improve
@qlutch2998 4 месяца назад
big tip below like diamond:dont take jg camps too much your jg will ragexd
@giorgospap5705 8 месяцев назад
Guide for adc: play support
@jakinbakin6588 8 месяцев назад
As an ADC main who peaked this season: Don't play it this season AT ALL. It's not worth it, too much burst damage. Enemy Jungler can 1v9 if you're ahead by just ganking you 20 times in the multiple different paths to bot since now it's basically more gank routes than all other lanes combined. Just play another role. Do yourself the biggest favor. And play mid or Jungle.
@Fr1sen0 5 месяцев назад
My biggest pet peeve playing ADC is a support that is never in poking range while CSing...
@technofreak39 8 месяцев назад
I always wondered why people do not use shift+rightclick instead of A-click
@freddy154 5 месяцев назад
1) watching this video 2) playing league 3) managed wave 4) Jax support is pushing my lane 5) losing game
@harukamui 5 месяцев назад
I used to be a support main until I started dating since my bf is a support main as well (he plays JG too) and I've been focusing on mid/top and now I'm trying to play adc it's a blast when I play with my bf! but then playing with randos that scares me af
@TheTarek1993 8 месяцев назад
this guide was "to be a good adc you need to embrace being a minion"
@icsgg3607 6 месяцев назад
I just love when my support pick Kayle or first time Hwei or and they think they are in LCK and lets not forget peeling, its like they dont know what is that, oh and vision. I am high gold and supports still dont buy vision wards??!!?
@aminubk 7 месяцев назад
7:32 "just play safe"
@giorgospap5705 8 месяцев назад
I had enemy ap nautilus each hook almost one shot me
@BornHitman27 8 месяцев назад
Step 1: is your support human?
@jayz9019 4 месяца назад
yeah but that range is useless when every champion has a leap attack, add a small combo and you're dead. so even when ranged you still need to keep a fair distance
@teimursobczak9557 5 месяцев назад
The jgl main in me gets mad af when adc are stealing my jgl camps effectly nerfing my own xp and gold
@iratevagabond204 8 месяцев назад
Support main, but something I see happen a lot is my ADCs either counterpicking themselves or picking bad blind picks. Also, not reading bans; reading bans can give you an idea of what kind of champions they're gonna play.
@jokerfever2590 8 месяцев назад
Adc counteracting themselves is not something that really happens often. There are some not so good adc matchups like ez into kalista but it is still playable. What makes or breaks the lane is the support pick, support pick dictates how the lane plays and even if you say your adc "counterpicked themselves" as support you have the ability to turn that into a winning matchup. An ez yuumi is most likely going to lose to a kalista naut lane, but if you switch supports now ezreal has the advantage. This is just an example to get my point across, but there are many situations that support pick holds a higher value than adc in bot lane
@iratevagabond204 8 месяцев назад
@@jokerfever2590 In the overwhelming majority of games I'm blind picking, as I give up my pick position to top/mid/jungle. I usually end up in an unfavorable matchup myself. My last game saw the enemy ban senna and nautilus. My partner banned Vayne, and I banned Brand - I always ban Brand as in my elo he just seems to steam roll in team fights mid/late game. Having first pick, with literally no one on my team having pre-selected, I chose Xerath. Enemy bot locked in Caitlyn and Morgana. Our top and jungle chose Darius and Teemo. Their jungle and Mid chose Renekton and Zed. Our mid chose yone, and my partner hovered Kogmaw, to which I quickly typed out "not sure if kog is a good pick into this comp", and he responded with "I think I got it". At the end of the game (28mins) he went 1/3/5, 8.9k gold, 5.8k damage. I went 5/2/11, 10.7k gold, 22.9k damage. As I suspected, he was poked right out of lane, and it was entirely up to me to hold our lane. Thankfully our Yone got strong and I was able to play around him to take the game and win. It happens like that so often, it's hard to be confident in ADCs. They either pick really dumb champs for the match up, or just thirst for kills and die right off the bat and end up (un?)intentionally feeding.
@alanhassen2928 8 месяцев назад
@Skillcapped you really messed up, you had a perfect opportunity to use the acronym MILTS...
@escapegrass 8 месяцев назад
If you’re filled as adc just play sivir and perma shove and get 10 cs p min and it’s easy
@Pettymo 6 месяцев назад
As a bronze3 adc my biggest issue where to even look at...
@juriszalite1168 8 месяцев назад
Am I the only one that has to work twice as hard to win a game than any other season.
@javierrodrigueznoguera8611 8 месяцев назад
I only play lethality mf or jhin no way I'm playing a crit ADC this season until they nerf all that burst. Nocturne fizz kata and ap nunu every Esmerald game
@Dazulolwarrior 8 месяцев назад
You forgot this tip 1. Have such an over-inflated ego everything must revolve around you or you will throw the game, after all "Carry" is in the role name. 2. Pay someone to do it for you.
@jessetatum6757 8 месяцев назад
Don't forget target chamption only!
@Seven646 8 месяцев назад
0:21 Because, its true, it's esencially all comes down to who have better support, this is how this role works and everyone who plays at the top lvl or is a coach will say you that.
@babalawohrg 8 месяцев назад
Sure, but if you have a shitty support, you sit back and just focus on farm. Eventually the enemy ADC will run off wasting time chasing kills, which is when you solo farm and win anyway.
@Seven646 8 месяцев назад
@@babalawohrg if his team is ahead and he gets the kills you will never outfarm him in gold and you will be behind anyway, when they start snowball you will have less comfortable ways to farm as going into sides will be sucide since they control entire map, your only option is mid but let's be honest you are going to share exp between 3 people since always there is someone on mid on soloq, there is never a situation where both players farms sidelanes and you as the adc can take mid waves alone. Especially that you can't take them alone you need cover from your support or jungler from the river.
@babalawohrg 8 месяцев назад
As this "guide" describes, you farm sidelanes instead of sacrificing gold by teamfighting in mid like everyone else in low elo. @@Seven646
@wallachia4797 8 месяцев назад
Yes, but you're not at top lvl, nor a coach. Until you get to top level where everyone on the team is equally good, the botlane will 90% of the time depend on which jungler has more pressure, and which adc farms better. Because of the difficulty (or lack thereof) of playing support, there's a very small gap between a good and a bad one up until Masters and up. The sad reality is that unless you're high-elo, the bot depends on you or the jungler.
@Seven646 8 месяцев назад
@@wallachia4797 no, you got it all wrong. The sup difference is the biggest in lowest ranks. Why you would ask. Well the reason is that supp skill ceiling is so low that there isnt much difference between one or other support in high elo, ofc you one perform better in one game, other in other but generally speaking they are playing on the same level as thier role is so skillless compared to the others. Also on high elo most of the supports tries to actually play for you and tries to pick matching champions on lane so it will work. In low elo however you are stuck with the "supports". Half of the supports you get are either autofills or poke support players with their champion pool consisting of Xerath, Zyra, Vel Koz, Heimerdinger, Lux, Karma, Swain, Hwei or Senna.
@TheAquamuffin 7 месяцев назад
so i went from right clicking to using a key bind to then having toreput my mouse over my my target again which was the first problem?
@Deophobic101 7 месяцев назад
The difference is if you right click you have to click exactly on them if you 'a click' then you just have to be near them
@alexp4849 Месяц назад
I think the problem with these guides is mmr ratings. Sure these challenger smurfs showing how to win low elo do it easily, but i feel their matchs would be high elo mmr in general playing against and with other smurfs, so most likely these challenger skill capped players are actually playing with high gold - masters smurfs that are just currently in bronze, silver, gold etc...
@liamjones246 8 месяцев назад
Bold to assume supports are the problem, it infuriates me how much adcs don’t know anything about control
@TheReyGz 8 месяцев назад
Too much damage in the game this season… the role is in the dumps especially with this upcoming patch. Zero nerfs to op mage and lethality items and they are removing defensive runes that help you survive early burst.
@Marko-rn3mx 8 месяцев назад
i still bottomfragg in an iron match help me
@itzxile1383 8 месяцев назад
Swain, Ziggs, or Seraphine bot lane and collect that LP.
@hettiechristine99 8 месяцев назад
you have seraphine consistantly for about a year or longer now- as an s tier ad/pc why is she NEVER not once mentioned as a bot lane carry? she's one of the best especially rn with the burst meta but not a soul on this channel shows her as such its demeanng at this point, it's her best role and she's excluded every single time
@creativeexperience6388 5 дней назад
All I play is adc
@tecktoced 4 месяца назад
step unclear i took 1 camp of my jungler at 17min and he left the game
@gbec295 8 месяцев назад
Beginners guide to playing adc.. DON'T. Simple and plain. The video only proves how bad and non impactful the adc role is. and when it is impactful its only 20% of the game. sooo youre not even having fun for 80% of all games. Please for the love of god do not play adc
@Swooze 8 месяцев назад
The moment you said ADCs have complete control over their lane, while just mentioning prior that they are at the mercy of their support players, just goes to show you how out of touch this video is for lower elos.
@Nilllan 8 месяцев назад
If you are a new player, dont start playing adc in season 14. I’m saving your mental by saying this.
@julianpufel-kc1zf 6 месяцев назад
I play an unhealthy amount of Osu! so i have no problem with the attack move click thing since i always hit my right clicks on champs. I've tried using the setting before for a few weeks and I've gotten worse because of it. Idk it just seems way easier for me to right click to auto attack since I've never had problems with missclicking or something xD
@33kars74 7 месяцев назад
That's all assuming noone is making the game hard for you, every single tip was if the game goes as planned
@ehhhhhhhh2233 8 месяцев назад
Bot lane main here, i hate this season. Good time to quit the game.
@lastplace2905 6 месяцев назад
Bro I feel like these guides never work lol
@andya8090 8 месяцев назад
this is like the worst season for adc and ur making this guide?
@jtcye1162 8 месяцев назад
here's my adc guide for s14: don't play adc
@PumaPants248 7 месяцев назад
Step one: Ban Lux
@jayz689 8 месяцев назад
I love how the top comment on every skill capped ADC vid is “don’t play ADC”, shows you how weak people’s mentals are
@djdanid6239 8 месяцев назад
i just play aphelios mid bottom is trash dont do it
@jacktracy6247 8 месяцев назад
You make it sound so easy shoving enemy under tower but you don’t actually say anything about how to deal with enemies shoving you under tower. Majority of time in low elo when you do get a shit support you are going to be held off your own wave and bullied under tower till you have to back and miss waves. This guide actually has nothing to help with the defensive
@Jinmeiko 8 месяцев назад
Greatest tip for adc: don’t go play adc trust us
@julianlau4293 8 месяцев назад
the guide have almost nothing related to the season
@dernormalejannick9827 8 месяцев назад
@Kev-O33 5 месяцев назад
game isnt what it was 10 years ago.
@TheRalphbitch 8 месяцев назад
He said 3v3 😂 u mean 2v4
@joeblondie9663 8 месяцев назад
2020-2021-2022-2023-2024 Beginers Guide for ADC: DON'T PLAY IT, learn another role, if you want to have fun playing game.
@azogara4329 8 месяцев назад
@zyadwahied4178 8 месяцев назад
Why am i watching this? I have been an ADC main since season 4
@marderprod 8 месяцев назад
If you take my jungle camps while I'm in the area, I will run it down on you.
@Photik 8 месяцев назад
Farm all the jungle.. *junglers crying **
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