
The Coxeter Classification 1/2: Combinatorics is hard 

Joseph Newton
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26 сен 2024




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@MrSamwise25 Год назад
This is a BRILLIANT video. It's well motivated, with the classification of finite simple groups lurking in the background, and with the tangible examples. It's complete and cohesive, making the general classification argument visual and crystal clear while sweeping the finicky details under the rug. And it motivates you to understand the higher math of representation theory to have a better insight into the whole problem. As a math PhD student who has taken a graduate course in representation theory, this is the most fun I've had with groups in a while, maybe ever!!
@lexinwonderland5741 Год назад
This was a wonderful dive into a specific part of group theory that'd always gone over my head -- I am THRILLED for the representation theory!! I'm impressed at how well you described this with such accessible mathematics/simple tools!!
@silentobserver3433 Год назад
One of the most interesting math videos I've seen lately! Also your presentation of these is basically perfect, both the sterile LaTeX graphics and the cardboard cutouts. (Also have to applaud your comedy, that last "try to figure it out tune" at 30:27 got me laughing) Looking forward to the second part!
@StylishHobo Год назад
I've seen a lot of group theory videos over the years while never actually trying to study it. This is by far the most digestible explanation I've seen. Well done.
@Macieks300 Год назад
What a journey this video was. I had to pause multiple times and ponder about what's being said because it was going a bit fast but in the end I did end up with a nice overviewing understanding of the topic. I always was fascinated by the classification of finite simple groups but never had the time and energy to study it properly so this was a nice taste of what that's like. The introduction reminded me strongly of when I studied formal grammars and the Chomsky hierarchy at the university. I guess Coxeter systems can be thought of as a type of a context-free grammar.
@toxicore1190 Год назад
9:10 the name "Word Property" totally makes sense as the construction of representatives reminded me immediately of minimal automata and the Myhill-Nerode theorem, and I guess the minimal automaton is nothing else but the Cayley graph
@sichel94sam Год назад
Very good video. Never thought group theory could be visually explained so appealing!
@tanchienhao Год назад
The best video I’ve seen on coxeter graphs! Short and to the point. Can’t wait for the rep theory one
@aadenboy Год назад
baba is you!!!!!
@maxqutekerman907 Год назад
This is the most coherent introduction to group classification I've seen so far.
@WildStar2002 Год назад
Absolutely fantastic video! I loved it! 🤩 I am coming at Coxeter Groups from the geometric side, being interested in higher dimensional geometry. i *almost* understand most of these groups and how Coxeter-Dynkin diagrams work, but the branching groups have always blown my mind. It is really interesting and very informative to hear an explanation from a group theory perspective. The reason that the Demicube Group is Group D is because Groups B and C are dual to one another. Group B (The Cubic Group or Measure Polytope Group) is dual to Group C (The Octahedral Group or the Orthoplex Group). They are the same with the edge labels in reverse order. So a Cube is (*)4()-() or ()-()4(*) while an Octahedron is (*)-()4() or ()4()-(*). Since they are just the reverse of each other, Group C is a bit redundant. The F4 Group is my favorite for just the reason you mentioned - that there are no analogous shapes in higher or in lower dimensions! There's just somethin' special about 4D, I suppose. Gosset Polytopes, the E6-8 Group, just blows my mind. I cannot really conceptualize what these beasties must look like. I really like how you can use these Coxeter-Dynkin Diagrams to figure out the properties of polyhedra and higher dimensional polytopes! If you think of the nodes as "activating" the mirrors that each one represents, then reflections of a point across those mirrors results in (for example): the cube (*)4()-(), truncated cube (*)4(*)-(), cuboctahedron ()4(*)-(), small rhombicuboctahedron (*)4()-(*), great rhombicubactahedron (*)4(*)-(*), truncated ocatehedron ()4(*)-(*), and finally the octahedron ()4()-(*)! Anyway, thanks so much for your video - it helped to clarify a lot of things for me! 😁
@nice3294 Год назад
I actually wanted to see the combinatorial side of these coxeter stuff and this video was great. Can't wait for the representation theory side. (Also that music 0_0)
@JediJerry630 Год назад
It’s amazing how just the right use of music is able to get me to burst into laughter in a video about combinatorics. Excellent video.
@smiley_1000 Год назад
The president of the university I attend (Free University of Berlin) recently held a talk on the 24-cell and one of its interesting properties is that it has the same number of 0-dimensional faces (vertices) as 3-dimensional faces and the same number of 1-dimensional faces as 2-dimensional faces.
@hdbrot Месяц назад
And when you compute # 0-dim faces - # 1-dim faces + # 2-dim faces - # 3-dim faces you get 0 - as is the case for all 4-dim polygons and moreover for all even-dimensional ones. And the odd dimensional polygons give you 2 as alternating sum. These facts can be proven using the notion of the so-called "Euler characteristic".
@Number_Cruncher 2 месяца назад
This is greatly done. I wouldn't have thought that you can rule out almost all inifinite diagrams by just looking at ways to construct infinite sequences. I'm also relieved that this method was not feasible for E8. Otherwise, it would have been possible to distinguish with a human brain by the help of combinatorics between roughly 600 million words and infinitely many.
@username-714 Год назад
I love that, great work and effort. I love your thought process and I wouldn't mind a video on All 5 platonic solids! Thanks so much
@Nathan-cz8uk Год назад
really nice video, i like the setup of doing it the 'inelegant' way first, then revisiting it from a cleaner perspective. looking forward to part 2
@HactarCE Год назад
I've been working with Coxeter groups for months as part of writing the higher-dimensional twisty puzzle software Hyperspeedcube but never really understood the full picture. This video finally made it all click! Thank you so much!
@Toby-ve6gp 10 месяцев назад
I love your videos, but I'll have to come back after high school because I am completlly lost.
@terdragontra8900 3 месяца назад
28:45 I have some understanding of the 24 cell’s amazingness. You can construct it by attaching hyperpyramids to the cells of a tesseract; if you do the analogous thing in 3d, you get a rhombic dodecahedron, which is not completely regular but a very cool shape. It turns out to be more regular than you expect in 4D, ultimately because the vector (1, 1, 1, 1) has length 2.
@matematicke_morce Год назад
Great video! I know these diagrams from Wikipedia articles about polytopes and have always wondered what exactly they mean
@PeacefulMaelstrom Год назад
I miss learning math. Real analysis was my fav college course and i miss it (math ba, tripped into hr work)
@poke7661 Год назад
as someone who has only been using these diagrams as a system to classify all those high dimensional symmetries and shapes it's nice to see some of the connections it has with less horrific things like Words
@Bilbi6943 Год назад
Thank you for an amazing video! Looking forward to the next one!
@strangeWaters 10 месяцев назад
Another way to get simplifies from the cube (coordinates [0,1]^3) is slice it up into coordinate inequalities x ≤ y ≤ z, y ≤ x ≤ z etc. These form funny simplices of which there are 6 inside the cube. It's like cutting through the cube along the planes x=y, y=z, ... I think. Intersections / unions of the inequalities take faces / unions of the simplices. I believe this is directly connected to the general cube-simplex thing. The funny simplices you get this way are also related to associahedra: take one of them and label its 3 length-one edges a,b,c. Then the diagonal edges are ab, bc, abc, and the faces correspond to a*b=ab, a*bc=abc, a*b*c=abc etc.
@strangeWaters 10 месяцев назад
Ah, the last equality is actually the interior of the simplex now that I think about it.
@stevenglowacki8576 Год назад
I had come into this video thinking it might be about one thing I had done some work on as an amateur based on those graphs (I don't know what it's called, but they are graphs related to endgames in dots and boxes that can be manipulated in ways I forget to determine which player has a surefire winning strategy), but it ended up being about something that was related to another area of study I had done amateur work on, namely the group of permutations of doubly-magic squares of rank 4. It turns out that I was able to generate that group by four order 2 elements, though I think there were relations other than braid relations, so it wasn't actually a Coxeter system. But it was the same kind of thing. In those relational systems where there might be relations with 3 elements, it was a lot harder to determine when a relation was reducible, and it generally meant going back to the definition of the permutation and seeing if it equaled a simpler one once you actually rearranged the elements.
@soninhodev7851 Год назад
hah! i'm just learning calc 1, and this video really inspires me... i hope video 2 is as good as this!
@henrikljungstrand2036 8 месяцев назад
There are similar properties that make Coxeter diagrams containing the E7~ and E8~ represent infinite Coxeter groups. And similar things for the BDn and CDn diagrams. It all has to do with the distinction between spherical/finite Coxeter groups on the one hand, and the affine and hyperbolic Coxeter groups on the other hand. An important generalization is the compact Coxeter groups, that are "locally" spherical/finite, which roughly means all Coxeter subdiagrams of their diagram are spherical (in reality we should have sub Coxeter groups, which are sometimes "hidden" when looking at diagrams). These are either affine or compact hyperbolic. The affine ones are all classified. So are the compact hyperbolic ones nowadays.
@mathematicskid Год назад
4:39 YESS
@agargamer6759 3 месяца назад
Fantastic video!
@gavintillman1884 Год назад
Very pleased to see this video. Takes me tight back to my postgrad year. It was only a few weeks ago I stumbled across another video covering Hilary code and the Leech lattice.
@raimondomancinelli2654 Год назад
Well done, really enjoyed it!
@JakeHebbert Год назад
This helps so much. Thank you!
@jem5636 3 месяца назад
I very much enjoyed this video. I also had no clue what was happening, ha. Any chance you could give, like. A middle school understanding of group theory? I'm missing a lot of background already...
@Jaylooker Год назад
Coxeter groups are useful for homotopy theory such as with n-simplexes (simplicial homotopy) and n-cubes because they are Salvetti complexes (CW complexes). Weyl groups are coxeter groups which at least suggestion a relation to the classification of finite simple groups like with the Weyl group of the infinite dimensional Kac-Moody algebra of the monster group.
@AkamiChannel 6 месяцев назад
That's actually part of why I'm here!
@SirTalksALot0 Месяц назад
I'm currently doing a project classifying high-dimensional polytopes, and after watching this video I almost wanna kiss my man Joseph. How do you only have 57.9k subs?
@damonpalovaara4211 Год назад
33:58 I was wondering why those graphs looked familiar. I watched a lecture on lie algebra my professor recorded for his graduate algebra class
@kaanbilge5779 Год назад
Why is it that t cannot be turned into s in the very first example of the video? Really awesome video by the way!
@kaanbilge5779 Год назад
I am commenting as I am watching the video, didn't notice the triangle group explanation, thanks!
@ProofNotFound 2 месяца назад
Wonderful video! However, how could the word property be proved without representation theory?
@PaPa-kr5yt 8 месяцев назад
Is this an extremely sophisticated hyperdo commercial? Now I gets why lego nerds exist. This is an absolute bangers for math nerds. Is there a real E8 model? Take my $1000. For real.
@tetronym4549 10 месяцев назад
Jesus man, 22:14 smacked me in the face at 1 in the morning, that is the LAST sound I expected lmfao Maybe I should have though, considering the baba from earlier in the video
@javius7821 9 месяцев назад
Love the baba is you reference
@coulliebleu3422 Год назад
lesgoo based based compleee
@josephnewton Год назад
I don’t know what this means, but I appreciate it nonetheless
@matj12 3 месяца назад
So these are the weird diagrams on Wikipedia on pages about geometric solids.
baba is YOU!
at 04:38
@imperfect_analysis Год назад
A month or two? A MONTH OR TWO?!! Please I need to see part 2 :(((((( I'd pay for a part 2 (4 dollars tbh but still!)
@Spicy_Coconut 11 месяцев назад
Not that far into the video yet, really appreciate the baba is you reference though
@omerd602 8 месяцев назад
31:25 if you label the nodes in the straight part xabcdefg from right to left, and then say h is the node above the e, would the sequence xabcdefghefdcedhefgbcdefhedcbabcdefghedcfedhefgbcdefhedcba, applied repeatedly, work? To be fair, I haven't checked it yet, I got this sequence by messing around with the coordinates of the actual root system but I'm not at all confident in my technique haha
@josephnewton 8 месяцев назад
I have no idea how to check that, but I’m impressed nonetheless! If everything after the x is the longest element in E8 then I think it should work; in the description of affine systems I give in the 2nd video I’m pretty sure the extra root for which you shift the reflection plane is always the lowest root of the corresponding finite root system, meaning its plane is the longest element of the finite Coxeter group. In this case that’s x and the finite system is E8, so if you start with that root then the longest element in E8 flips it to its negative, and then x flips it again but sends it further out, and then repeating sends it out infinitely in a straight line.
@omerd602 8 месяцев назад
@@josephnewton That's pretty much what I tried to do, although my idea was to "recreate" the root x using the other roots (I'm not aware of much of the theory behind this, it just seemed like it would work)
@apia46 Год назад
@Archimedes115 Год назад
In the graphic at the end, it shows the D family being connected to A, but not B? Even though in the example it was generated from B?
@josephnewton Год назад
Yep, that graph only shows the ‘parabolic’ subgroups which means they’re generated by the generators of the containing group. The Bn->Dn subgroup doesn’t fall into that category because one of the generators is aba, which isn’t a generator of Bn. Finding all the subgroup relations between finite Coxeter groups is much more complicated
@thephysicistcuber175 8 месяцев назад
9:08 where can I find a proof of the word property? The book by Humphreys doesn't seem to have one.
@josephnewton 8 месяцев назад
It’s in chapter 3 of Combinatorics of Coxeter Groups by Björner and Brenti; that book goes into more detail on the generator description of Coxeter groups than the Humphreys one
@cheshire1 Год назад
baba is love
@AceTeaaa 11 месяцев назад
math xencemico quand il recommande une vidéo de maths sur discord :
@05degrees 8 месяцев назад
@megaclpb2623 Год назад
baba is you spotted
@ramuk1933 Год назад
Heptagons and octagons can tile a plane... just not in euclidean geometry.
@MichaelAutism Год назад
the babber
@mathematerials Год назад
@AkamiChannel 6 месяцев назад
Mother 2 (Earthbound) fan?
@1.4142 11 месяцев назад
da ba dee
@paschalcharles6097 4 месяца назад
Symmetry is hard and classification of it is like trying to imagine how many thoughts does God have
@A_literal_cube 6 месяцев назад
Is baba you?
@voliol8070 Год назад
Oof, that's heavy after some years of not really doing math. Very fun though.
@TheOneMaddin Год назад
What's the problem with prisms? I think the number of generators of its Coxeter symmetry group still equals the dimension. For example the triangular prism has diagram o-o o, so three nodes = three dimensions.
@josephnewton Год назад
That's right, my mistake. The real problem would be pyramids (or prisms with some asymmetry that prevents reflecting them across their length), where the reflection group is nothing more than the reflection group of the base.
@TheOneMaddin Год назад
Here is my favorite related open problem: try to classify the inscribed polyhedra in dimension 3 all of which have all faces centrally symmetric (that is, they are zonotopes). As far as this is knows, there are 17, and they have a classification quite parallel to the Coxeter groups because they emerge from projections of root systems. That is, you are in dimension 3, but you are witnessing the FULL ADE-classification from all dimensions! Well, the conjecture is, that these 17 are all of them, but that is open, and probably very hard.
@faktablad Год назад
It feels like every math video in this format goes too fast for me
@charlievane 6 месяцев назад
26:35 ❤
@LunizIsGlacey Год назад
Lovely video! Packed full of fun references and jokes too. I've been fascinated by group theory for a long time but never really could get my head around the Coxeter groups (and Dynkin diagrams which I believe are related? Hopefully this can kickstart further exploration haha!). This is a really great introductory video and has demystified a lot of it! Definitely subscribing for the next one.
@SerkanSonel Год назад
Brilliant! Should it be noted that 1) vertices i and j are adjacent if and only if m_ij ≥3 2) An edge is labelled with the value of m_{ij} whenever the value is m_{ij} ≥ 4.
@columbus8myhw Год назад
I think he _did_ say this
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