
The Customer Is NOT Always Right 

On Tap Studios
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@82dorrin Год назад
Anyone who unironically says "The customer is always right!" needs to be ejected from the business.
@kristinwiebold2433 2 года назад
100% agree customers shouldn't be rewarded when they are wrong, throw tantrums, or throw things at the workers. They need to listen to the workers.
@Flufferz626 3 года назад
I worked for Starbucks a few years back. I had hot coffee thrown at me more than once. Was encouraged to give the "disgruntled" customer a recovery gift card for $5 every time. No wonder these fast food chains can't find workers right now. We all found better places to work without the terrible entitled customers. Customers are some of the worst parts of retail and restaurants.
@markedwards3647 2 года назад
And most businesses don't allow you to shoot customers. Lots of extra expenses: sealed 5 gal buckets, a sawzall, a good Weston meat grinder, a freezer, bleach to denature the blood residue, food to entice scavengers, The Sawzall and meat grinder, and freezer are capital costs, the bleach and buckets, are expenses. May or may not be economical. Definitely could generate unfavorable publicity.
@captainvimes6079 2 года назад
Yeah I applied for a place called King Management. Not only were there 0 male employees but they misspelled management on the fucking website. They also asked me who my favorite rapper was during the interview (I'm black) The only hiring review was "no wonder they can't keep anyone working for them, its a bunch of entitled white women" but yeah women are suffering and can't find work.
@politicallyambiguous8424 2 года назад
In ideal world, that "disgruntled customer" would be arrested for assault and battery.
@kingdionysus1867 2 года назад
They fucking take us for granted.
@albertocabezas282 3 года назад
I once told (screamed, in fact) to an idiot at my pharmacy that "customers are never right in a pharmacy" all remarked on a fake German accent. The look in his face was absolutely priceless. That's one of my pleasant and rewarding moments in my life.
@jasdanvm3845 3 года назад
How would the customer even be right most of the time? They don't work there they don't have experience, they don't know how the product/service even works, they don't determine the price, etc. How could they be in the right?
@kaitlyn3168 3 года назад
Because "the customer is always right." The crappy customers generally pull this card when they didn't get their way. They think its a trump card so to speak
@kacbcd 3 года назад
Fun fact, it's an old customer service phrase, the full thing being "the customer is always right in matters of taste". Meaning that if they want their house painted in a godawful color, go ahead and paint it that color. It DOES NOT mean that the customer is always right regardless of store policy/sense/facts to the contrary.
@jasdanvm3845 3 года назад
@@kacbcd Well, the famous quote ends in "The customer is Always right" Without the aclaration of it being about taste.
@rohalexander1283 2 года назад
It is about: MONEY!
@captainvimes6079 2 года назад
No but see I'm angry and have children so now I run this Sizzler because goddess
@mandi8345 3 года назад
That saying is often misquoted by Karens and Kevins. The full phrase is.... "The customer is always right about what they want, not what they can have." Funny how the part that completely puts them in the wrong is never brought up by Karen/Kevin.
@CrimsonWalter9092 2 года назад
That's the whole line? I'm remembering that, it'll come in handy
@UnknownUser-xk5rr Год назад
Pride is one hell of a drug.
@milescoburn1845 Год назад
It also is meant to be viewed not on the individual, or micro level. The phrase refers to the macro level of if a business doesn't provide a product or service customers want then the business must change in order to survive. In those instances, the customer BASE is always right.
@melaniemills4505 2 года назад
I want to personally apologize to every person who works in retail or any other job where they work with the public...I'm so sorry that people are so stupid, mean and ignorant. Whatever you get paid it's not nearly enough. ☹️
@Crypted542 Год назад
I'm living on a third world country and remotely working on an airline on america and I gotta say karens are the bane of my existence the only thing you can do with those assholes with my line of work is basically hope and prayers.
@the_timinator77 Год назад
I've been in retail for over 10 years now, and I think the saying should be, "Helping the customer is the #1 priority." Even when they're disappointed, they can at least know we did our best. Obviously, not everyone will fit this mold, but that's the best any retail outlet can do.
@laurenj432 2 года назад
I’m a hostess at a restaurant, and I’ve had someone get upset because when they called earlier on the phone, they were told there was no wait but then about an hour later we have a 20 minute wait and they wanted to know why we ‘lied’. We didn’t lie, we just weren’t busy...now we are so it’s not a lie, it’s a change in circumstances🌸
@bowmaj8666 Год назад
I've had crap like that where I used to work. We'd constantly tell people "unless you pre-book, we can't guarantee you entry on a busy day!" Seems simple enough, but then you will always get the angry people who haven't pre-booked giving you this almost rehearsed speech about how they've driven 7 hours to be here (I swear to god, it was always "7 hours"; surely if you're driving that far you'd be better prepared), how they've been here years ago and they didn't have to pre-book, and how *you* have somehow completely ruined their day!
@Chuckf66 7 месяцев назад
Oh, yeah. Nothing better than a quiet night in a restaurant that suddenly gets thrown when 43 wall-ins decide to rock up after you've just sent your staff home & told the phone enquiry that "Absolutely we can fit you & your 13 friends in! It's not very busy tonight!". 🙄
@plastiqueneurosis 3 года назад
I worked 12 hour shifts once, well over halfway through one of those shifts a very disheveled young lady wearing pajamas and a loose fitting top who looked 43 even though she was supposed to be late 20s ( alcohol and cigarettes can age you like crazy) went up to the window to buy cigarettes. She asked how much x brand cost and told her “ $x.xx before tax” After I got her ID it told me how much they were after tax and she made an angry comment about how she thought I told her a different price. She couldn’t comprehend that cigarettes have a tobacco tax on top of actual tax and sometimes have sales tax applied to them if the cigarette company is doing a buy two offer. She paid and stormed off swearing under her breath. But it occurred soon after that I had two options, either scan her ID first and then tell her or assume she was of age and enter my own birthday so I could tell her. She apparently didn’t hear the “before tax” part because this was a service station right beside a loud highway with a booth and a very small slide window to speak and hear through. So it’s actually very hard to hear on either end of the window. I tend to irritate my clients by confirming their order several times because it’s impossible to hear people from my end and especially hard to hear them if they mumble or are wearing a mask. Sometimes the customers thrust their money through the window and walk off. Usually I just look at where they walk to so I can avoid confrontation, but if it’s busy and I can’t see where they disappear off to I put their money to the side and wait until they angrily stomp back up to my window and demand why I haven’t paid their gas. I usually tell them why and ask them what pump their at which pisses them off even more. I once had an old lady who asked me to pump her gas for her. I told her no because we aren’t supposed to pump gas for people and the people we do pump gas for clearly aren’t able to walk. Only one or two gas stations in my state pay someone to pump gas for people, our station wasn’t one of them. This woman’s problem? She got dizzy when she smelled gas. I clearly saw right through her lies because I worked soo often and so late that I haven’t taken a shower in a week and didn’t brush my teeth and I had a bad case of swamp butt going on. If she wasn’t able to smell me, then she most certainly didn’t have the super sniffer she claimed to have. She wanted my bosses number which I’m not able to give out because of it being a personal number , and her calling the store would be a problem for her because our boss quit a month before this happened. We still don’t have a boss 6 months later, and the other boss who’s been helping out from the service station right across the highway quit a few weeks ago.
@brettlarch8050 3 года назад
THIS STORY IS LONG BUT HERE I GO I work at a hardware store. A woman was in the grocery isle because we sell groceries too. I was walking by and she asked if we had k-cups. I politely said no. She had a cart full of drinks, chips, and many other foods and drinks. She took all her foods and drinks, threw them all on the ground, made a huge mess, face was red and was up in my face screaming at me about how we need to sell coffee and our store should be closed down. I pushed her away from my face because that’s threatening and I was defending myself. I stood there shocked for a second and then told her “You’re lucky I’m on the clock.” I went and got my manager. She was asked to leave and banned from the store. She refused to leave, and made a scene by just sitting in the middle of the store. Police were called and she resisted arrest. She was drug tested and tested negative. We had to clean up a huge pile of food and drinks. It looked like smurf puke. All this over k cups. Something is mentally wrong with this woman.
@variouspeople6196 3 года назад
Damn... Wonder she ever got the the k cups tho
@D64nz 3 года назад
wtf are K cups?
@variouspeople6196 3 года назад
Have you ever been to a public place with a coffee maker for use? If you then you've seen the small little cups about 1-2 inches tall and that's a K cup. I suggest you look it up on Google cause I don't drink coffee
@PinkAgaricus 3 года назад
@@D64nz Preportioned coffee in cups designed to be used by a Keurig coffee machine or anything else like it.
@davidlium9338 9 месяцев назад
@@D64nz Kurieg (spelling?) coffee comes in a box with maybe a dozen single serving cups. Insert the cup into K cup into a Kuerig coffee maker and put a cup under the outlet and then turn it on.
@Stussmeister Год назад
I believe that anyone who works in a customer-facing position is more than deserving of every ounce of respect and politeness I can muster, because a) They're helping me out by doing their job, and b) Goodness knows I don't have the training or experience to do what they do. I will say, though, that when I'm interacting with such employees, my brain is usually screaming, "Don't do anything stupid!!" at me.
@Darkwolfhellhound 3 года назад
"Is the salad bar still free?" "Why do you care? You don't look like you've ever had a salad in your whole life" -Larry the Cable Guy I would have said this to the guy who bitched about cabbage.
@jacobgilmore3121 3 года назад
Delta farce
@ccggenius 3 года назад
Nonsense, cabbage is a perfectly adequate butter delivery system.
@Darkwolfhellhound 3 года назад
@@YukaRunningNorth He doesn't hit everyone's funny bone, true. Who is your favorite comedian? Jeff Dunnham? george carlin?
@freecat1278 3 года назад
That would be cool if you could stop a storm with a line of properly oriented grills.
@gloopin9748 3 года назад
Either customers are dumb or can't read price signs
@rohalexander1283 2 года назад
@TheBlindPhotographer Год назад
I live in Idaho. The stores in my town employees won't just go get stuff for you.😂 If you ask nicely they'll tell you where it is, if you are rude...🤣 They'll tell you where it isn't.
@bowmaj8666 Год назад
I used to work at a bar for a while. I'm not sure if all bars do this but if someone asked for a lager shandy we'd fill up a pint glass and top it off with lemonade at no extra cost. One day this woman asks me to fill up a glass half with lager and half with lemonade. I do so, hand her the drink and tell her the price. She then says "no, I said half a lager!" I thought that I'd misunderstood her so I take back the pint and start filling up a half pint. She then says "no, I asked for half a lager and half lemonade in a pint glass!" I'm confused at this point and show her the first glass and say " that's what that is!" She then starts getting short with me, but eventually pays for her pint, but not before walking away with her friend saying (just loud enough that I overhear it) "Urgh, I'm so sick of pubs doing that! It's just taking the piss!" I wish that I'd had the balls to say "Lady, I'm not going to give you a pint and then just charge you for a half! The lemonade isn't free! You want a pint, you pay for a pint!"
@bumblebee949 3 года назад
I work in a restaurant that serves drinks outside, and is well known for their good coffee. Lady came up to me yesterday as I was manning the outdoor shack, like 'Where do you order?' so, for me to clarify, I asked her 'Are you drinking in or taking away?' Cue me having to explain to a woman in her 40's what that very simple sentence means, to which she replied 'Well if you'd just said that it would have been much clearer.' She then asked if we had a list of drinks we served, and I pointed behind me to the shack which was covered in chalkboards with our drinks on. 'No, I don't want alcohol, do you serve coffee?' I point around the corner, to a specific board with our coffees on. 'Do you have any different milks?' 'Sure, we can do full fat, semi-skimmed, oat-' 'WHAT?! I'M NOT PAYING AN EXTRA 30 PENCE FOR OAT MILK!' Lady then went on to rant about how 'everywhere else doesn't charge for oat milk' apparently. I just kept repeating 'Sorry, I don't make the prices' at her until she got the hint and buggered off. Rude cow.
@RikuxRoxi 3 года назад
I had a customer at my grocery store call me illiterate the other day because she was trying to buy a a king size snickers for the price of a Reese’s cup (someone moved the snickers box above the Reese’s sticker) made me call me manager who gave it to her to go away. And she called me stupid at the end. Remember kids! We are all a pandemic away from feeling the wrath of a Karen for no fucking reason.
@bowmaj8666 Год назад
People moving stuff next to the wrong price tag was always the bane of my existence! Even if the price tag clearly states what's on it, but people just read the price, then get mad at you that it isn't clear enough. It's not my fault if you misread something, and I can't change the price just because you throw a hissy fit! Where I used to work, we had an offer on certain items; 3 for 2. Clearly it means buy 2 and get the third one for free, but you would not believe the amount of people who thought that it was 3 for $2.00, and then start yelling when you explain that they're wrong!
@WayWardWonderer 3 года назад
Do people honestly think that "cheeseburgers" are giant grilled slabs of cheese betwixt two buns? (I had an opportunity use correctly use "betwixt" and I took it. Fight me!)
@MissBuyNLarge 3 года назад
your superior word choice has been acknowledged tbh I wouldn't pass up an opportunity like that either
@ScaryMannJK 3 года назад
I do not miss working in customer service.
@rohalexander1283 2 года назад
I put 5 years in working retail; 3 years selling and 2 year customer service. I paid for my sins!!! Got an office job and never looked back!!!
@CmdrVoltaire 3 года назад
I live my life by three simple words: Stupid should hurt.
@rexgrl3 3 года назад
The problem is that corporations don't have to deal with these AH daily and they don't understand that when they let these entitled asshats get what they want they are creating monsters that will torment retail employees everywhere.
@xtoxic.venomx 3 года назад
That burger with cheese vs cheeseburger thing really struck a nerve with me..
@Nirvana24826 3 года назад
Being in food service, the amount of times I hear this shit makes me roll my eyes whenever customers do it. Clearly I don't know the menu like they do 🙄 Probably the one that annoys me the most is when someone orders a #2 off the breakfast menu (Sausage Egg McMuffin meal) and I read it back to them at the pay window (I say "did you order the Sausage Egg McMuffin meal), they're like "nO i oRdErEd a nUmBeR tWo". It makes me die a little inside every time because it's like, how fucking stupid are you to forget what you saw not even a minute after you ordered it. Some of these people get it every single day too. I cannot wait to get out of the fast food/retail industry. TL;DR customers are fucking dumb as hell with 5 second memories.
@ZoeMuller80 Год назад
2:19 "we ran out of coke and the fryer caught fire" sound like final destination plot
@Mitzthatonekid 3 года назад
*"I want ice tea but I'm allergic to ice!"* *WOMEN WHAT DO YOU THINK IS IN ICE TEA!? ICE IS FROZEN FUCKING WATER*
@roxcyn 2 года назад
How can you be allergic to it?
@Doublemonk0506 2 года назад
There is a thing called cold urticaria that causes an allergic reaction of sorts
@princessmarlena1359 3 года назад
I worked as a showgirl on a cruise ship. This big fat guy climbed up on stage while me and the other showgirls were performing. We told him to get off of the stage, as did the rest of the theater staff. He said “But I’m a ‘First Class Passenger’!”. We told him it didn’t matter, stage was for cast and crew only. He was kicked out of the theater. He also held up the ship because he was late to get back, we almost left him behind twice (we should have).
@br5092 2 года назад
customers constantly try to say signs are misleading when the issue is actually that they failed to read it
@angelblue1527 2 года назад
Work in a small local pharmacy. Our prices are more expensive than the big corporations because we need to at least make some money, and since its around a "development" area, we have the risk of people stealing. Anyways one day a guy came over, asking for a refund on medication he didn't need. His wife picked up the medication and paid for it, about $75, and he only needed one medication, so I was returning $50. I said sure, and begin giving him a refund. He then went on a rant, asking why are we giving him medications he don't need, and that we are trying to scam him. He then began to yell, saying why are we scaming him. He started calm, asking for a refund, then starts yelling about us trying to scam him as I am giving him said refund. The yelling got so loud that the head pharmacist stepped out to see what was going on, the cashier next to me looking a bit nervous. I continue to calmly give him a refund as the guy begin to swear and insult the pharmacist, saying things like "You're ruining the pharmacy" and stuff. they both got heated and my pharmacist threaten to call the police. I gave the guy card back as he storms out, swearing he will no longer use this pharmacy. everyone was asking if I was okay, which I respond with "what was his deal? I was giving him his refund." I have a code where I will not get aggressive with anyone, unless they try to throw a punch at me (Try Jesus, not me) So I was only confused and kinda feel guilty we lost a customer, thinking it was my fault.
@tutin4090 2 года назад
The amount of times someone will book parking that is "Saver", which is non-refundable for just £3 cheaper or so. (only able to rebook in case of cancelling) They think they're the one swindling the company. But as soon as something happens they panic and will berate the online live chat waving their fists at it, with nothing short of futility. Oh now it's illegal is it 'Graham'? When booking over the phone you insisted you want the Saver option. You get nothing! You lose! - oh and I've been called a cunt for not refunding the non-refundable reservation. I laughed and he was blacklisted so he lost the right to rebook it too
@AliceinOverwatch 3 года назад
The Canada one, I’m surprised they don’t offer a credit option for customers. Pay $21 a month the previous year and use those credits at the start of each new year til the funds run out
@deettekearns9092 3 года назад
The second to last story. There are so many stories on Reddit where people will walk up to a store worker whether at a big box store or grocery store and hand them their shopping list. There isn't a personal shopper at these types of stores. What the hell.
@erincarr9411 3 года назад
People loose their shit over cake, can confirm. I was also called racist once. I was trying to help this women design a birthday cake for her kid. She didn't wanna pay $100+ for a high-end kids cake. (I totally get it, I would never pay that much for a 2 year old. And you're gonna poop this cake put in a few hours) She couldn't tell me what she likes, only what she didn't like. She started to get sassy, I unfortunately reflected it back a bit. I tried to explain that since she didn't wanna pay high end prices that these are her opinions. She got pissed and called me racist. Said that I thought that bc she was black that I thought she couldn't afford it. She then threatened to have her husband come in and beat the shit out of me.
@violetlyttle4494 3 года назад
"i love annoying people who are on their phones the whole times" honestly same. i work in a cafe so there's a slew of questions to ask and i love firing them off back to back customer: *on phone* hold on a sec- yeah hi i want (drink) *goes back to call* okay what size? *puts down phone* "(size)" *gets back to phone* do you want whipped cream? *puts down phone* "(yes/no)" *gets back to call* okay great can i get your name? i live for it
@Aleksandar6ix Год назад
Omg, it's so hard sometimes. My store doesn't normally get angry customers, but this past week I had 3. My anxiety was through the roof.
@michaelmoffat2296 Год назад
Aww I'm sorry about that.
@michaelmoffat2296 Год назад
I love you and believe in you!
@mermaid_m0tel 5 месяцев назад
The only thing annoying about a customer being on the phone during a transaction with a cashier is if the customer isn’t paying attention or makes constant mistakes, holds up the line, etc. I worked retail for quite a few years before landing my dream career, and couldn’t care any less if those customers talked to me while I rang them up or not. As long as the transactions went along smoothly, not having a conversation with strangers who were on the phone didn’t offend me in the slightest🤷🏽‍♀️
@D64nz 3 года назад
@2:45 That's a pro service worker right there. Yes, it's dumb, but you push through the stupid and get the results. Obviously, the customer is almost never right, but you need to make the illusion that they have some control.
@milescoburn1845 Год назад
So many people, either lazily or willfully, misinterpret "The Customer is always right." It's not about the individual, or micro level. The phrase refers to the macro level of if a business doesn't provide a product or service customers want then the business must change in order to survive. In those instances, the customer BASE is always right.
@trenkarainly8761 3 года назад
I work at a gas station. Guy came in and prepaid for gas. It started leaking from the tank as he didn't read his gas gauge and he was over filling it. So I shut it off. He started yelling at me and my boss to come out and pump his gas because he was the customer. I immediate thought was 'dude, you are not a customer. You are a liability.' My boss said later that we should have called the police for a wellness check.
@EndlessSummer888 Год назад
The customer is not always wrong. But the customer is never right.
@MrMan-sy4ev Год назад
It is unbelievably rare, but an allergy to ice/cold things is a clinically proven condition. It's called "cold urticaria". That lady was probably just trying to be a nuisance though.
@samuelbarber6177 3 года назад
The worst part is that all these people seem to bitch at the low level cashier staff and not the Manager. They’re literally just doing what they’re told to!
@nerfer200 3 месяца назад
I once had a man nearly jump my counter because I told him I had to get more meat for his sandwich, which I had sitting the back cooler and that I would just be a second. I ran in the back, took the plastic wrapping off the container and walked back up front. Whole process took 30 seconds, tops. He was gone. I looked around the corner, as people tend to sit in what I call the Time Out corner, he wasn't there either. So I was just standing there with half a sandwich and no customer so I did the only logical thing: wasted it and tossed it out. About an hour later while I was in the middle of paperwork, someone starts banging on my counter. It's the dude, I was surprised and I said "Oh! There you are, you just up and disappeared on me. So, did you still want those sandwiches?" And I was fully ready to make them their food. He then starts leaning over the counter, damn near just about jumping it, and proceeded to yell and scream in my face about how I disrespected him and his sister (to be fair, they looked inbred so it was a bit hard to tell) and how I disappeared for over an hour and that insulted them. Now, to clarify I am very expressive, my eyes, face, head and hands are almost constantly moving and shifting depending on the mood of the current situation. I know every bit of movement I commit. So hearing him claim I did things I never did got me angry. I told him that I am friendly with every single custom that walks into my store and that I never insult them, directly or indirectly. He didn't know it at the time, but I had the knife sitting next to me so I was genuinely hoping he was going to do something stupid. He called me a punk, and all sorts of other insulting names and that I don't deserve to work at any store if I was going to treat people like him. He said he was going to call the owner of the store since he knew him personally. I said "Alright then. Call him. Right now." He said that he didn't have Jeremy's number. Jeremy is not the owners name, but I still played along. I began to call out that if he didn't have his number on his cell phone, as he claimed to be close friends with him then why bother bringing him up all. His face got red, and he yelled at me again saying that I would never work ever again. All I said in the heat of the moment was "Promise?" He then got flustered and walked out of the store
@liammyers367 2 года назад
To quote a story I once saw on Pinterest: “But here’s the thing: The customer may be the biggest (insert list of expletives that I’m not going to repeat here) idiot out there, but we want to take his money from him. So we let him THINK he’s right.”
@chrisjankay2488 2 года назад
(0:30) it’s like the new dare to be stupid
@chelseajacques_ 6 месяцев назад
The first story sounds something that my Karen-like mother would do.
@Nerdlord14 2 года назад
18:20 Dude was grilling for female Trump "wE nEeD a WaLl AnD yOuR CoMpAnY ShOuLd PaY fOr It!"
@chrisjankay2488 2 года назад
(0:30) it’s like the new date to be stupid
@LC-uh8if Год назад
30:15 120 Pills a day. She wasn't taking them, she was Breaking Bad if you know what I mean.
@Karomix3 Месяц назад
I work in a grocery store at the self-service checkout and have to check 6 at the same time and this one dude seems to always hate having a cashier actually trying to be helpful, like he wants to do his stuff alone and if I make a mistake outright screams at me, like yesterday I just asked if he wanted help with one thing and he answered me, problem is the dude next to him who was behnd me from where I was positioned just realised that he forgot his wallet in his car and told me he was going to fetch it, so unfortunatly that means I didn't hear the answer of the first guy, so I accidently grab the scanner by reflex and he outright starts screaming at me about how I don't listen to my customers and how invasive I am, like if he had paid attention he would have realised that I was unable to follow 2 conversations at the same time but he legit didn't and just screamed like I had insulted his grandmother, like I barely told him 2 lines, yet I'm invasive, like some of my coworkers don't really care about trying their best for our customers but I care but this guy just wants to be left alone and not being talked to but he is so obnoxious about it I swear he holds it over my head everytime we meet, keep in mind he comes once a week every saturdays for 5 minutes that he spent at my workplace yet he treats me as if he has spent 1 hour arguing with me or something, he even doesn't like when I check why his checkout calls me and I just check if he put something in it without scanning it, like it's literally my job to check what's the problem and I can check if people scanned all their articles because a lot of the time they do it too fast that the machine doesn't scan the item, or they are so distracted that they do it by accident (you'd be surprised at how much people really have their heads in the clouds when they come, they tend to forget their groceries, their wallets, their phones, their keys), so I need to check but the guy is just so insulted by it, like dude we do not care if you're a regular, we have regulars that steal from us and still come buy at our store so nobody is trustworthy in my eyes, and given how we legit barely see each other for 5 minutes once a week I really don't have the chance to memorize your face to remember to not talk to you until I need to help you. But for that accusation of yesterday, the guy was being so ridiculous about it that I didn't bother answering him, guy seems aggressively paranoid everytime he arrives, he just holds onto grudges and keeps piling them up, it's kind of pathetic of him though.
@OcusticClear92 2 месяца назад
9:40 Did this lady leave the keys to her car with the document so he could move for car? Obviously not.
@jamesnorman9160 3 года назад
The quote isn't even the full one, it's something like 'The customer is always right, in matter of taste', or something like that. It's not an exuse for them to get away with treating the staff like idiot peons put on this planet to exclusively serve them.
@bone-thief 3 года назад
I don't like that certain sentances somehow suddenly lose the other half of it. Ex: blood is thicker than water was actually 'the blood of the covenent is thicker than the waters of the womb'. Or jack of all trades, master of none was actually 'jack of all trades, master of none, though oftentimes better than master of one'. Or curiosity killed the cat was actually 'curiosity killed the cat but satisfaction brought it back'. Like why did we cut these sentences short? They have a drastically different meaning behind them without the rest of the sentence
@PinkAgaricus 3 года назад
@@bone-thief Oversimplification at it's worst. It's a good idea to learn the whole phrase rather than a saying that's been nuked from that original form to satisfy people who only can read short sentences.
@bone-thief 3 года назад
@@PinkAgaricus very true. I find it kind of sad though because the meaning gets altered so much from being shortened. I make it a point whenever I can to look up the full saying when I bump into ones I haven't already so I can see the original context and meaning behind the saying. I find it interesting
@MrsJohnsonListing 2 года назад
I read somewhere that the saying is being misinterpreted. It's supposed to be connected to supply and demand or something like that, if I remember correctly. It's more like "if there is something we don't have that the customer actually needs, we need to start selling that item"
@Chuckf66 7 месяцев назад
I wonder how "car name nutcase" would cope if he knew about the Mitsubishi Lettuce or the Daihatsu Naked?
@Chuckf66 7 месяцев назад
The ACTUAL quote is: "The customer is always right IN MATTERS OF TASTE". It means that if they want to pair a baby shit yellow lounge suite with puce pink walls, all power to them. It does NOT mean that the customer is CORRECT.
@tOSdude 3 года назад
I'm impressed by the can of lysol from the 70's
@garystewart2355 Год назад
@dottiesullivan6410 Месяц назад
Cheeseburger cheeseburger cheeseburger Pepsi, Pepsi, Pepsi😂
@Chuckf66 7 месяцев назад
The number of people who don't understand that DE-CAFFEINATED means "NO caffeine" (yes, I know there's a small amount of caffeine left in the beans) does my head in.
@rattywoof5259 24 дня назад
6:00 - 'ark' I think.
@jayusher576 Год назад
There's a difference a lol.. a cheese burger, the cheese is put on the burger and melted on the grill., A burger with cheese the cheese is put on after the burger is cooked and it rests for a minute or so. 👍✌️
@alphared4671 3 года назад
Yo i'm actually early
@LarryLooseman 3 года назад
@amberwilson5769 3 года назад
Hey! Same!
@dadladtv8321 3 года назад
Yo. So?
@randomizedperson1414 3 года назад
@@YukaRunningNorth yo, who asked to know who asked?
@fasdfdsdfs 2 года назад
Some of these stories make me think a quote from Mrs. Doubtfire was right. Robin Williams' character(in a high-pitched voice) said "We came to this planet in search of intelligent life. OOPS! We made a mistake."
@user-ve8ct9qd1u 3 года назад
Clicked on this solely for the fantastic thumbnail
@Roler42 3 года назад
The most obnoxious customer I've had didn't do anything harsh, but she annoyed me because of this: Customer: I want to make a return, these shoes are damaged... I have a receipt... Me: Oh, I am sorry to hear that, if you let me see them and your receipt... -The shoes look like they were shredded, the receipt is from last month- Me: I am sorry to say ma'am, but I cannot return these, our policy says returns are only effective in the first two weeks Customer: I know, but I went on a vacation and did not get a chance to come until now -Cue a back and forth about how I should be more understanding and make an exception for her- Few minutes later I have to get my manager to explain the policy to her... She finally leaves, dissapointed that we wouldn't make an exception for her because she chose to go on a vacation over making sure she got a proper return...
@markedwards3647 2 года назад
When someone demands Tylenol, not Acetaminophen, get a bottle of Tylenol and read out the ingredients. Tell her that McNeil decided use 100% Aceteminophen and call it Tylenol. If she wanted the original Tylenol, she could order paracetamol from Canada, Mexico, or Europe.
@THEEND4444 Год назад
The amount of times I’ve had to ask for a cheeseburger without cheese because they were out of “hamburgers” is way too high. Or asking for a Hamburger and they say “with or without cheese”, so I say without and they still give me cheese and then give me attitude when I say my order is wrong that I asked for no cheese.
@SiegeTF Год назад
I've have to order a coke and double shot of rum because nowhere will refil the coke portion of a rum and coke. I don't mind though, if the computer can't stomach it then that's that.
@MandieKearns-Moore 3 месяца назад
The hamburger cheeseburger thing that's a bit from Saturday night live in the 70s come on
@spqcebvnz Год назад
@16:19 uh- who tf gave the reddit AI voice the pass? 💀💀
@keybored67 3 года назад
29:25 finish ringing up whats there and tell her load up her car and then come back in
@kendrawalton4621 3 года назад
So there’s this one lady that comes in all the time to the bar I work at and it’s a small town of 350 people so everybody knows everybody and she has come in while I’ve been working at least 7 times and every time she has forgotten my name and introduced herself every time. So the last time she called me my mom names because we look alike and people mix us up a lot so no big deal but then I thought it would be funny to correct her and say nope my name is Chloe. That’s my younger sisters name and she went oh that’s right. But that’s not the worst part I just wanted to show how stupid she is. So her bill was like $45 and she said what how I said you had 3 drinks and ordered a lot of food. So she said can I see the ticket so I gave it to her and she then did all the math on the side and said I only got $31 I think you did it wrong then she said do you charge for breaded mushrooms and I said yes they are $4 she said oh then I only got $35. This lady didn’t include tax or the three donuts she bought I was right she was not. This is an every time occurrence she does it every time she doesn’t want to overpay by a single penny. Her dad is so annoyed with her he bought her a house and pays for it two towns away.
@D64nz 3 года назад
Drove for uber. Had a pickup. Guy was annoyed that I didn't come to his driveway. Guy had no driveway. I was directly across the road at an actual driveway. Was early in my career or I'd have given him so much shit and 1 starred him outta the system as well.
@blakemilton6566 3 года назад
What country was the codine in?
@FirstLast-qf1df 2 года назад
12:11 WTF is gammastop?
@NASCAR_Diecast_Addict 19 дней назад
That saying needs to be finished. The customer is always right…………when they’re about to say something stupid/unreasonable. So my best story, I’m a technician at an airport, working on trains and the doors. Keep in mind we have announcements that will tell you the trains are out of service and signs point that out when we do maintenance. This guy come up the escalators and asks why the trains aren’t running, I tell him as I’m having a door open working on it. He asked me “I’m leaving through that door”, the door I’m working on, if you walk through that door, you drop 6 ft onto the guideway which is energized with 750VDC of electricity. I tell him you can’t do that. He then says “then I want a train here to take me to baggage claim”. Done with his obnoxious shit, I say “sorry sir I don’t know where baggage claim is” he then tries to berate me. I take out my badge, airport ID, and say “buddy I’m a technician, not customer service, now fuck off downstairs out of my work area or I’ll have to call security” he huffs and walks away. You’d be surprise how stupid people are, then working in retail, you realize people are much more stupid than that.
@PinkAgaricus 3 года назад
Australian gas station story guy (not the attendant, the customer) sounds like he came from the U.S. where we don't have a mandated law that requires this. [s]YAAAAAAY MURICA!!!![/s] Seriously though, I wonder if he was expecting a second attendant to be servicing the station.
@AngelWJedi 3 года назад
I remember working in tickets at a park and had people bitch because I wouldn't let them use their So's credit card. Or would get mad if when I wouldn't give them a rain day discount
@jackermis3104 3 года назад
Yes I'm here
@kellyalves756 3 года назад
Thumbnail looks like a blonde Miranda Sings.
@righty-o3585 2 года назад
There was this one time I had a customer. They were not right. The end
@doll9340 2 года назад
I can testify to the stupid rule. Especially since people are lazy and stupid. One of my regulars at a gas station actually keep misreading labels. He thinks the 12 pack beer applies to his 9 pack beer lol
@skyraze8254 3 года назад
@hoshiworks_aster 3 года назад
@consciouspi 3 года назад
The problem is, the dark state taught later generations to be better than your customer. Customers who are not fair, (not so common): don't spite as a clerk; it's not personal and you know it. Let boss talk to him. (As a clerk, I was always for fair, even if company has bad rule. So customer is annoyed with company only even.)... I asked recently, in kind voice, when are rulers coming in. Young clerk took offense, and said if it's not there it isn't, in rude voice. No when. .. as a customer for now on I will say I'm indifferent to where I leave the basket, if clerks response is stuff it, indifference with a piss, indeed.
@cirrusstorms Год назад
I genuinely don't understand why people are so fussy over it not being a "cheeseburger" but a "burger with cheese". Like am I missing something? I genuinely don't understand why people get so heated over that. Am I just missing something???
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