
The Dark Reality Of Celebrity Endorsed Mega-Churches | State Of Grace | Refinery29 

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@refinery29 5 лет назад
What do you think the solution to this issue is? Share your ideas with us below!
@Nixxy.Bunnie 5 лет назад
Try to make it less extremely and more religious.
@JenCruz. 5 лет назад
Science and freethinking are welcoming to everyone.
@VenusVoice 5 лет назад
I think it's important to keep having this discussion. LGBTQ gets persecuted and flogged out of synagogues as Jesus said would happen. I still believe it is a sin because the Lord said so but I too have sins and that's why love covers all and deliverance and sanctification is a long and tough process. I believe deeply that so many Christians who are gay are ordained by God Himself in an undeliverable state for the moment because perhaps the Lord is truly shedding light on the Pharisees and evil tax collectors in corrupted churches. God sometimes allows certain seeds of the devil to get the bigger picture finished like in the book of Job. I believe most churches are indoctrinated today and most spiritual leaders lack the child-like faith and true humility to be able to decipher the parables that require holy understanding. Many churches seem to be seeds falling off of hardened rock hearts and people forgot that God is Love. It is wise to stand on the narrow path and not to err on either side but to see the bigger picture. Do not condemn others unless you have already made yourself self righteous before God by your own delusions and arrogance. Many LGBTQ people today are truly walking the walk of discipleship but don't fall too deeply into its trap by overidentifying to the point it becomes sin. Remain humble and constantly question who you are to the Lord and He will deliver wonderful answers in time. It's a tightrope.
@sms5879 5 лет назад
You guys, even if you don't like gays, I don't think that you should judge them for only God is worthy to judge. We all have sins and we all come from God. Though you don't like someone, you must learn to accept them.
@anthonyman8008 5 лет назад
*Real satanism is the "church" system(s)!!!* Everything else is just a diversion, each created to give "church" goers a false sense of security! The Lord's prayer, _On Earth as it is in Heaven_ and Acts 2:41-47 Then they that gladly received his word were baptized: and the same day there were added unto them about three thousand souls. And they continued stedfastly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers. And fear came upon every soul: and many wonders and signs were done by the apostles. And all that believed were together, and had all things common; And sold their possessions and goods, and parted them to all men, as every man had need. And they, continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart, Praising God, and having favour with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved. Christianity as a service and church as something to go to is of doctrines of devils and seducing spirits. Parable of the sheep and goats, the rich man and the beggar Lazarus. Ezekiel 16:49 Daniel 4:27 Job 29(why he is called perfect and upright) Isaiah 1&58 Zechariah 7
@nmikloiche 5 лет назад
A true enemy is better than a false friend.
@tommer5696 5 лет назад
@Mama_Mia84 4 года назад
Better the devil you know🤷🏽‍♀️
@nprvictim2951 4 года назад
Wat dat mean??
@josephinemateo2553 4 года назад
Dang you hit the mark on that one 👏🏽
@Hamm8999 4 года назад
A true enemy is more clear than a false friend.
@Uriel-Septim. 3 года назад
“Of all the bad men, religious bad men are the worst.” --C.S. Lewis.
@Kens1966 3 года назад
Not all Christian men are bad. All have sinned. No one is any better then the whole
@Uriel-Septim. 3 года назад
@@Kens1966 I agree with you, maybe you just interpret the C.S. Lewis quote wrong ? the way I interpret it, is as follow: some men are bad and some are good, of all the bad once, the worst are the religious once, as they are hypocrites as they don´t do as they preach, much worse then an honest crook.
@archer1949 3 года назад
@@Kens1966 #notallchristians. Spare me. The American Evangelical movement is a cancer. Kill it with fire.
@tiffany1849 3 года назад
Ken P. I think you may have interpreted the quote wrongly. It states '...the BAD men' not of all the good men or of all the men. Religious BAD MEN... I hope you understood that statement the right way
@mikefanofmovies 2 года назад
"6/26/08 From The Lord, Our God and Savior The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear This question was asked of The Lord: Lord, what do you think of Todd Bentley and all these megachurches? Thus says The Lord: No more shall My people call out My name, and then run after men in authority, seeking after the vain glory wrought within the churches of men! No more shall they run greedily after vain glory, or heap up vanities to themselves, in MY name! For they have done a detestable thing in My sight! Lo, I have beheld their hearts, and within them I have seen their vanity, vanities on top of vanities and many vain deceits!... Woe to the churches of men who seek after vain glories, and build themselves up by vanity and greed! Woe to them! For they shall be the first to be thrown down! They shall be brought down to the ground, they shall no more stand! Look, My sons and daughters, look at all these detestable things wrought within the churches of men, and tell Me, what do you see? What do you see, beloved? What have they done to My name?!... Woe to these people of excess! Woe to all these churches of men, who pollute My name and steal from My glory! For they build great churches of brick and wood, magnificent buildings of concrete and steel, yet the poor cry at the doors! Yes, they build great and extravagant houses, They amplify their voices like the wind, Yet the cause of the widow and The fatherless goes unheard!... Shall I not recompense them for all these things?! Shall I not abase all these self-appointed leaders, These charlatans, in front of many witnesses?!... Shall I not come upon them quickly And strip them of all their clothes, Leaving them naked and desolate?! Behold, I shall be terrible to them, yes, I shall be a terror unto them, when I sweep across the land and destroy all these houses which bear My name! For My anger is kindled, and My face is set hard against them! No more shall they seduce My bride and rape My daughters! No more shall they cause My children to sin! FOR I, MYSELF, HAVE SEEN IT! My sons and daughters, listen to My voice and give heed to My spirit. For I tell you the truth, if these great and extravagant churches were to call for the Holy Spirit in truth, and I did send it in the fullness of My strength, none would stand, all would fall down. Thus I did not send it, nor has My presence been among them, for I do not know them. All is vanity and vain glory, corruption by flattery, filthy pretense for evil gain. For in My presence all fall down and give Me glory; from the righteous to the wicked, all shall fall down and give Me glory. For who can stand before The Lord Most High? Who?! Not this man! For he has lifted up his head, and taken it upon himself to speak in My name, though I have not sent him. Therefore I shall surely humble him, and he shall be severely abased in the sight of many witnesses. For I alone uplift, and I alone abase, says The Lord. Thus says The Lord: The light has gone out of the churches of men, and My hand is removed. Therefore what remains, and what spirit dwells there? Deceptions clothed in falsehoods, whitewashed and covered over in purple and scarlet, doctrines of demons! Therefore prepare, all you who remain in My love,[1] for the time is at hand; the Trumpet is blowing and the warning is sent down. Yet those in your land cover their ears and will not listen; indeed, they hate the sound of this Trumpet and refuse to give heed! Thus I shall be terrible to them, and nature shall rise up in its fury and fight against them! Yet The Lord is not without mercy, for all these things are but a call to awake. For your land and its people sleep; behold, they lie down in beds of wickedness, embracing sins of every kind. And those among the churches slumber also, with all these self-appointed prophets, pastors and preachers lulling them to sleep, though the storm rages. Behold, sin inundates the streets and alleyways, even to the broadways, a great deluge of wickedness; the surge of which has come and shall not be turned back, until its pinnacle is reached and that written is accomplished. And behold, the eyes of many shall be opened in that day, and they shall see. Yes, they shall call out and choose Righteousness, and I Myself will save them out of all their troubles; I shall surely deliver them from the mouth of the dragon.[2] Then they will know, I AM THE LORD. Therefore, My servants, again I say to you, Turn away from this world and prepare!... Call out to your beloved And speak to them My name, Give a shout to your kindred and countrymen; Blow the Trumpet and sound the alarm!... For the Days of Sorrow are here And the Day of The Lord is upon you; Behold, it waits at the door And is about to come in... Says The Lord." www.thevolumesoftruth.com/Woe_to_the_Megachurches_of_Men
@codyjohnson8385 5 лет назад
A welcoming church is not an accepting church. And we all should know the difference.
@daniby9894 5 лет назад
Cody Johnson I totaly agree with you that a welcoming church isn't necessarily accepting of homosexuality, instead knows well the difference between the sin and the sinner so they don't cast him/her aside along with what they did or going through. Welcoming churches should acknowledge clearly that there is no progressiveness in the law, but there is a law of progressiveness, that is people who progressively learn to abide by it. But they are talking about another problem here regarding misleading advertisement and the lack of teaching and guidance since there are people in this video who spent a whole year going to Church and found out about non acceptance of the homosexuality not through a sermon, a reading or counciling, but through a testimony of a pearson who used to struggle and overcame same sex attraction. What about the guy who was told he was a good Christian and then was denied a leading position?! Those aren't welcoming churches, but misleading and heart breaking churches!
@daniby9894 5 лет назад
A G No one spoke about casting out anybody in this video: people just left at the faintest hint that living in a gay relationship or practicing homosexuality isn't something a cristian should do and so is sex outside the mariage, but do people whine about it over and over or do they wonder arround from church to church looking for acceptance and trying to change it!?! I really don't get it! Why on earth are they so aproval thirsty and can't stand even a bit of disapproval that they just evaporate at the minimum of it? Gay or non gay, but from psycological point of view that's the index of an imature human personality. No body kicked them out and ofcourse you can't give to people that are living in irregular situations leading positions and it's been like that since forever, but there's so much else that they can do! Any place you go, there are rules you may like or not and decide freely wether to abide by them or not or even move on.
@cnashford2 5 лет назад
Good point.
@codyjohnson8385 5 лет назад
Dani By It took me a moment to get what you were feeling. The problem isn’t that they want to be praised, but that they treated homosexuality as a sin that “needs to be changed” or “can be changed.” And left a church they thought was safe for them (because religion and lgbt is known to be violent towards one another), disappointed in that home they loved. Loving god and being gay should be hand and hand. It’s not a sin what they are doing in my eyes, the context was taken out of those verses. But, that’s another topic. They want to feel loved for who they are and not see it as a big deal. They want to praise god and get the same treatment as any other REGARDLESS of their sexuality. It’s not a case of “why do you always need approval” and more a case of “why do these churches care if they love god and lead their life following him.” More so of “why does it matter?”
@lalakuma9 5 лет назад
This is why I still have a problem with the Pope.
@prihaps 4 года назад
“We do not reject people for their orientation or any OTHER ISSUE...” Like period that says it all
@wxnnie3728 3 года назад
How is your sexual orientation an issue like-
@ChloeE623 4 года назад
I started crying when he said that drag would be a place where Jesus would be, and when that girl said she couldn’t be loved. No one should feel that way.
@markreilly52 3 года назад
Totally agree. Jesus himself would probably not be welcome.
@Winter78ful 3 года назад
Have you seen the part of the Bible where Jesus cleared out the temple because He said it was being used inappropriately? He made a whip - I can tell you I wouldn’t want to be touch by a whip made by The Son of God. “May Christ establish His Throne upon the ruins of our self-love” Francois Fenelon
@Heinsalu 3 года назад
@@markreilly52 you are right Jesus would not be welcome there! Because those people dont know Jesus. The world has lost its face. End is near
@williamoarlock8634 Год назад
I'll never be loved, being worthless garbage myself.
@williamoarlock8634 Год назад
@@Winter78ful There is no love there's only pain and hatred and death.
@avag8242 5 лет назад
Every mega church I’ve ever been to has been cultish and exploitative
@lindsaysmart7966 5 лет назад
Ava Beck key word - exploitative 👌🏻
@christelringelmann 5 лет назад
Also, if we look at the biblical model of the early church, people met inside houses on a small and intimate scale. I think there is no way to truly do community in a mega church.
5 лет назад
That's part of their purpose.
@teresapham4088 5 лет назад
Christel 스텔 yes completely agree. A church big enough to call mega only leaves a false sense of community and a fat amount of money that could have gone to help people in need but didn’t
@necropasta 5 лет назад
every church I've ever been to has been cultish and exploitative
@gracelessnesss 5 лет назад
It's important to know the difference between MEGAchurches and churches. Megachurches are cultish, watered-down Christianity, have pastors that don't practice what they preach, and usually take obscene amounts of money from attendees for their own personal gain. Churches are usually welcoming, have concrete beliefs that they stand by and practice, and use donated money for helping people throughout the world.
@LeCheckmate 5 лет назад
In that case the Catholic Church is a Megachurch?
@BernicePanders 5 лет назад
Not the 4 churches I've been to, one of which was running underground crime & another where the youth pastor was molesting kids. Both smalltown 'churches' BTW...
@LeCheckmate 5 лет назад
@@BernicePanders I'm not talking about individual catholic churches. I'm talking about THE Catholic Church. The one that supported the Nazis and actively supports and covers child raping priests on six continents.
@lisamartin3734 5 лет назад
I also see them as borderline cult status. Do your homework and listen to your heart.
@marginelouis6674 5 лет назад
@@LeCheckmate how did they support the Nazis? They tried to be diplomatic but at the end a lot of priests ended up at concentration camps and they saved a bunch of Jews. Protestant Church played an almost equal role in National-socialism than the Catholics on the whole, even within the leadership ranks of the Nazis. And while Hitler himself came from a catholic background, his views on Jews were pretty much a modernized copypasta of what Martin Luther (who was as much of an anti-Semite as the later Nazis) wrote about them before. And Hitler openly credits Luther for that.
@ToriUptown 5 лет назад
no offense to anyone: I live in LA & I can’t stand these types of churches. i don’t want my pastor looking like he just stepped out of All Saints. and the theatrics are tooooo much. there are some great churches out there, but these types of churches ain’t it.
@jessicaellis7903 5 лет назад
Totally agree with u
@oplkij 5 лет назад
I was just talking about this. I agree with you.
@jenniferdever9840 5 лет назад
Yes! Check out preachersnsneakers on Instagram, it’s all the designer clothes these mega church pastors where, the complete opposite of what serving the poor should be 👎
@a.krishna3924 5 лет назад
Just out of curiosity, when you say there are some great churches, what is your definition of "great"?
@MatrixDownload5150 5 лет назад
These aren’t churches this is theatrical spectacle that hides corruption like paint on rotten wood!!!
@norashaaban3536 4 года назад
I’m a straight Muslim what am I doing here? Oh yeah! I’m educating myself about other religions, cultures, and different topics!
@debragafford4850 4 года назад
Yes, my friend, you are a student of all things. Curiosity is the beginning of understanding and empathy. Blessings
@ngufanikojo6430 4 года назад
This is NOT Christianity. This is people taking liberty for licence. Our God is NOT pro homosexuality
@spiritof6986 4 года назад
@@ngufanikojo6430 Who am i, or you to call anything unclean that our Lord has made clean? He forgave all of us on the cross. No matter straight, gay or Martian. In the Kingdom, none of us will have sexuality. There will be neither man nor woman. We'll be genderless. Remember this my brother /sister ; Our Lord came to save, not judge and he hung out with a lot of very messed up people, drunks, users, homeless, straight, gay... The lot. One of his most beloved disciples was a prostitute, right? He heals and says not to harm ourselves again (sin). Any brother or sister in this community unforgiven because the world sees them as different? The world has no say in the matter in the eyes of the King. Only the King. For God so loved the world (all of us. Straight, gay or whatever) that he sent his only begotten son that WHOEVER so shall believe in him shall be saved. Jesus Christ is the saviour of ALL mankind, especially those believing. All. He turned nobody away. The workers of iniquity are something entirely different. They speak in his name, preach in his name, but it's all for filthy lucre. Most probably don't even believe. Just ponder this for a while and know that I'm not saying this to you with any unkindness intented. Your a good soul who loves our Lord. But just consider the matter. All is backed up in scripture. 🙏😇❤️
@CytherX 3 года назад
Watch The Bible Project on RU-vid, this video is actually misrepresenting the church.
@CytherX 3 года назад
@@spiritof6986 God loves everyone yes, but he also calls for repentance. Its about honoring the image of God that we are made in. He doesn't want anyone to sin. It does not justify what God deems sin. He died for it, he didn't die so we could continue to sin. We must continually grow in Christ and cut off our old selves to serve his will.
@bemnetgebreyesus6595 5 лет назад
“Stromie is a wife, dogmom, and a Christian.” Man, How does she do it?
@ro143cky 5 лет назад
B. Belai hahahah
@tryphineshumba8158 4 года назад
@ingridgallagher1029 4 года назад
Yeah, I thought that too.
@TabithaElkins 4 года назад
How did she become a dog's mom? Was she artificially inseminated with a puppy fetus?
@recklessmermaid 4 года назад
@@TabithaElkins dont make it weird
@itsthatocean 5 лет назад
State of Grace is quickly becoming one of my favorite series on this channel. I've always been curious about those types of churches as a non-Christian , what a great video
@SemlerMusic 5 лет назад
GONETOMARS Thanks for watching!
@refinery29 5 лет назад
+onetomars Thanks for being here!
@thehippiecatholic 5 лет назад
Yes, I’m obsessed with this segment! It’s so important
@s204lp 5 лет назад
Seriously agree. Grace is exceptional and I appreciate her interest in religion.
@user-gj9mi8ic6d 5 лет назад
This are not real church of God
@a1stbornunicorn 5 лет назад
This was a lot like a *good* Vice report. Nice to see Refinery 29 taking on serious topics in an investigative format.
@cnashford2 5 лет назад
bolding the word "good" => 😂
@cherrychocolate18 5 лет назад
Check out ‚shady‘ by refinery29 if you haven’t yet, it’s amazing!
@Ali-yu7qz 4 года назад
What bothered me is their use of biased prompts when they were interviewing the ex-mosaic community members. "Why do you think that Mosaic is NOT transparent on the issue of LGBTQ inclusion?" It just irks me because as much as I want to believe that this is a fair representation; this is definitely a very biased way of reporting...
@MeanwhileElsewhere 4 года назад
Vice owns Refinery29 now actually
@a1stbornunicorn 4 года назад
@@Ali-yu7qz maybe the questions resulted from conversations not aired and for the sake of brevity they seem prompted? But great point.
@booklover78910 3 года назад
“Is it really a home if the welcome is conditional?” - Grace via Refinery29, 2019
@dandygirl6 5 лет назад
Grace Baldrige is a fantastic documentary presenter! She should and could be on prime-time, she presents issues for LGBTQIA people with candor and compassion, whilst also being dead serious, it's great!
@alextrundy8429 4 года назад
I’m so glad I found this video. Yesterday, I drove past mosaic. It caught my eye. I thought it looked so trendy and certainly I belonged there. Today (Sunday) I started researching mosaic with intentions to attend a service. I went to their website where everything sounded great, inclusive, and again, like I belonged there. Then, I came to RU-vid and looked up mosaic, I wanted to watch their videos and a service. This video was right under mosaics video. I’m so grateful to have found this and know that I definitely don’t belong there. Thank you.
@Girlforaction 5 лет назад
The churches need to be upfront and honest. The fact they aren't doing this is very sneaky.
@MaayanLovesUnicorns1 5 лет назад
Girlforaction exactly! Some friends asked my husband and I if we wanted to join them for a Sunday at church. I didn’t really want to go because I didn’t grow up Christian and I am very non-religious and have my own different beliefs. I said “I’m sorry, but I’m not interested in going somewhere that doesn’t support others and judges them for who they love” and they told me “our church is VERY accepting. The people are really nice. You should come!” So I decided to come along thinking nothing of it, until they started talking about how they “accept everyone they are scared for them and understand they are sinning and those who do not follow the church will go to hell”. They were talking about how pro-choice people are demons (I’m pro-choice) and how homosexuality is a sin and that they “love” homosexuals but want them to change so they don’t go to hell. As soon as I got into the car I told my husband “I NEVER want to go to a place like that again. They are hateful and full of shit”. When I told our friends I do not wish to go back there because they are in fact not accepting or loving at all, our friends looked at me like I was crazy and than continued to tell me “you should come to church” for another 2 months until I flat out said “I don’t believe in those things and never will”.
@Girlforaction 5 лет назад
I'm so sorry you had to go through that experience.
@MaayanLovesUnicorns1 5 лет назад
Girlforaction it’s ok. I didn’t think they would be any different to be honest. I just wanted to be nice to our friends but I know that I will never go back to a place like that again. I didn’t care for church in the past and I certainly don’t care for it now. The friends tell can me all day how if I don’t believe what they believe in, than I’m wrong and will go to hell. But the only thing they’re doing is pushing me farther away.
@daniby9894 5 лет назад
Maayan Foster I'm a European who grew up in an atheist home and became christian later on in life and while reading your coments I wasn't sure wether to laugh or cry and whom to pitty first you or your friends. In Europe we basicly have catholics, orthodox and the protestant churches of the first and the second reform and some of those embraced pentecostalism, but they're are well organized and totaly transparent and yes there are some sneaky new churches from U.S. trying to root in every now and then, but they're often very much critisized by their local protestant brethren while catholics and orthodox seem to ignore them, or at least they do in public. On the other hand the situation of the protestant churches in the U.S. is a TOTAL humongous mess: they have over 30.000 different denominations and many of those are diy churches started by people whose personal strival to prosper wasn't satisfied in the place where they belonged, so they started their own church and doctrine to fit them better! Honestly, I'm convinced that most of those denominations are just plain cults that have very little to do with religion. The sad part is that we totaly lack the descernement in the western world (including Europe) and we let the cults freely prosper and call them religion to begin with. In some parts of the world, like India, the government grants freedom to cults, yet recognizes them as cults and keeps them listed and under observation instead of embracing them and promoting them under the name and the benefits of religion. One of the reasons of the fall of the Roman Empire were to many cults with a political agenda and the main reason why the christianity became promoted as the religion of the state was that they didn't identify with a political party and they had the ability to unite people from every social extraction and grant stability and common values. Christianity is about encountering that crucified Jesus that has risen and establishing a personal every day relationship with him through the Holy Spirit. I never met anyone who was motivated to convert through the fear of hell. I guess you bumped into one of many autoreferential "churches". If you ever feel like setting a foot in a real church, check out first that it's denomination history doesn't interrupts for 18, 19 or 20 centuries straight after the Acts of the Apostols (first century) and reemerges only with the birth of its founding pastor and I guarantee you won't have any disastrous first experience impacts. You might even like it enough to show up a second time and the time after that, and never stop, like it happened to me. Honestly, for me the religious experience became as exciting and over whelming and sides along with the most beautiful moments of my life like falling on love or having kids. The only regret my dad had on his death bed was due to his full self awerness that he never gave God a chance in his life and he was really sorry for that but it was too late. I'm not trying to proselitys you, but inspite lowsy belivers and bad representatives religion is not just for the weak or the total failure like the current secularism is yelling it out while it punctually omits that they're doing it becouse they know well that true religion is actually capable of shaping strong individuals and societies inspite all their flaws and contribute to the progress of human kind and their civilization since the beginning of times. We make all sorts of life experiences, then why not the expilerience the religion which can be one of the most powerful ones?
@mayam1918 5 лет назад
Maayan Foster Christians aren’t hateful or full of shit. It’s funny how you seem to have this narrow minded stereotypical view of us and yet expect Christians to be liberal in their thinking. We don’t have to support the killing of innocent children in the womb. That doesn’t make you a demon. I would say you’re misinformed- since I used to be pro choice too but a demon?Really? Also, we don’t have to accept homosexuality. It’s a sin like many other sins we are against. Also, we don’t believe in 'changing' homosexuals- whatever that means. The clear Christian message is to walk with Christ your saviour. This was a wonderful article written by Jackie Hill Perry, who was a lesbian. Hopefully she enlightens you on how Christians should approach the issue of homosexuality. www.desiringgod.org/articles/the-heterosexual-gospel
@ImAlexBlueNow 5 лет назад
Thank you for telling our stories and for bringing this abuse to light. Those of us who attended and gave time & money to Mosaic never thought we’d see accountability. Thank you for helping us to finally get that. It has been so healing. Y’all are HEROES!!!
@MM-yj9dr 5 лет назад
Alex G, Sorry you had to experience that at Mosaic. I think I understand what you mean by "abuse" but I would just say to be careful with the use of the word. It's unfortunate but abuse has very specific connotations. Hope you find a true home.
@ImAlexBlueNow 5 лет назад
@@MM-yj9dr What we experienced was abuse. I do not use that word lightly. Thank you!
@enlightenedbeauty4128 4 года назад
It's God's word not abuse.
@suzweinstein 3 года назад
Im with you. I was an intern there for quite some time, and damage was done. I’m so grateful to see these conversations being held publicly and unapologetically.
@saramarierod5234 3 года назад
@@suzweinstein I can only imagine! Can you explain?
@siohead9021 5 лет назад
Yeah, I'll always have my faith (Christian), but I am fully aware that the organised church has some serious issues.
@nellymusical 5 лет назад
Sio Head the Bible?
@dani-fg3lx 5 лет назад
nellymusical What is that supposed to mean?
@augustine.c8204 5 лет назад
it's not the organized church, just the ones that have strayed away. Many churches are still faithful to God's word regardless of how many other churches have fallen and compromised to fit in with the world.
@augustine.c8204 5 лет назад
@@Elizabeth.Holiday the word of God is not subjective, that's clearly refuted in 2 Peter 1:19-21 "no prophecy of Scripture came about by the prophet’s own interpretation of things. 21 For prophecy never had its origin in the human will", so scripture is not up to human bias but up to God's purposed meaning. Christianity upholds belief of objective truth, so the true meaning of text isn't up to the interpreter but rather is determined by the author. Humans however, may distort scripture and read it with bias, like the warnings of 2 Peter 3:16. Slight differences in between translations are barely noticeable, if you go on Bible hub you can search up a verse and read across 30 translations on the same page. Compare them for yourself and see exactly how similar they are. What you may be referring to, "one man's empathy and kindness becoming supporting sin", that's a confusion of doctrine. The Bible is black and white on the issue of homosexuality being sin, true empathy and kindness is respectfully but truthfully telling someone they're in sin but still loving them, just as Jesus did. Jesus was in the company of sinners, loving them and getting to know them, but always telling them like it is. Sin is sin. We all need salvation, else we will be lost and eventually eternally separated from God. Worldly "tolerance/empathy/kindness" doesn't factor in the end result of someone's soul, since the world doesn't know God.
@biggtk 5 лет назад
@@augustine.c8204 You mean 'contested', not refuted. Refutation generally requires proof/evidence. At the end of the day, the only thing we have proof of is that human beings wrote the bible based on each writer/editor's own human experiences. This is the epitome of subjectivity.
@PrincessKLS 5 лет назад
From the little bit I've seen of Kanye's church. I have to say, it wasn't a church, it was just excuse to make an album.
@BMF604 5 лет назад
PrincessKLS actually what his church and many many many of these so called mega churches are actually are part of Satan’s master plan to introduce the ‘New Age’ which claims there are ‘many’ ways to God and heaven when the bible clearly says the opposite. Through Jesus Christ alone is the only way to the Father. These churches are paving the way for the arrival of the antichrist (Satan) who will deceive many many many people who haven’t actually read the bible into thinking he’s the messiah and he will force every human to worship him and who ever does not will be killed. After the 7 years of his terror on the earth called the tribulation period the ‘Apocalypse’ comes and Jesus second coming will once and for all banish Satan to the depths of Hell. God Bless y’all
@andiincali.4663 4 года назад
It's a tax write off.
@aa.4639 4 года назад
@@andiincali.4663 Preach
@daegumaa 4 года назад
I honestly believe Kanye is a true Christian. It’s just the church is not what you’re used to seeing. It’s like Christian churches in California are different from what the world knows as Christian churches. Is like mega church pastors are getting paid to preach where as real pastors they have an actual job on the side and they’re not using the church’s money for their personal needs. I do agree that mega churches are somewhat Satanic.
@HandMadeByKristen 4 года назад
Hey has said it is not church, just a ministry.
@monseboomt 5 лет назад
As atheist I find this very interesting how everyone thinks their way is the right way
@rachelgpryor 5 лет назад
Well, as an atheist, don't you also think your way is the right way? I think most beliefs are like that.
@shampaugs6409 5 лет назад
I was an atheist until I realized that believing in something really adds to your life
@Anonymous-eo2er 5 лет назад
Shadi Alaha, well, being an atheist is a belief. It’s a belief of not believing in religion
@shampaugs6409 5 лет назад
Anonymous [26490] believing in nothing is not the same as believing in something spiritual, either way I still support your views of course I am just speaking from my experience xx
@akirebara 5 лет назад
@@shampaugs6409 you can be spiritual without believing in a specific god/belonging to a certain religion. I'm an atheist but I get my spirituality from meditation and volunteering in non-profit organizations. Spirituality literally means "the quality of being concerned with the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things". I guess in the end, I just BELIEVE that you don't need to belong to a certain religion to be a kind person.
@Drarjunmenon 5 лет назад
Americans: *Laugh at Western religions and faith systems for having myriads of deities and rituals* Also Americans: *We have 700 hundred megachurches who aren't taxed or monitored, some of them even refuse to provide shelters to others during thunderstorms and floods. Our churches systematically discriminate against anyone they see as a threat to their doctrines and we have pastors who own multiple private jets and mansions while preaching a life of simplicity and truthfulness.* *Oh yes, totally forgot to mention that we also have Westboro Baptist Church and Church of Scientology- two premier institutions of superstition, misinformation, pseudoscience and hatred, leading the nation forward on a path of self destruction -one celebrity at a time.* *'Murica, f@**#k** yeah!*
@lucybonilla1797 5 лет назад
Dr. Arjun Menon i agree but the reason why Churches cant provide shelter are for legal reason :/
@angelkingsley5299 5 лет назад
Dr. Arjun Menon he says while judging.
@83croissant 5 лет назад
The Westboro Baptists are literally just one extended family that formed a church and are more notorious than influential really .
@OddWeird461 5 лет назад
Well said.
@prettyflygamer 5 лет назад
Dr. Arjun Menon you forgot the biggest problem, pastor pedophilia. They have immunity because they are perceived as “saintly good” and are not regulated and the laws aren’t forced on them. They have a crime ring, they create a list of boys that are easy to silence.
@libbymiller7406 5 лет назад
I used to go to a small Episcopal church in middle of nowhere Wyoming. The town has less than 1,000 people. The congregation is only about 30 people max. And this church is the most accepting and loving church I have ever been to. The pastors, members, congregation everyone was supportive, accepting, kind, true Christians. They love and support the LGBTQ+ community (there are a couple of church members that are part of the community even). To these wonderful people no matter your status, sexuality, race, life circumstance, ect. you are a person who deserves to be loved and supported. If a small church in one of the most conservative "red blooded" areas of the country can do this, why can't others? I am far from religious but I know that Jesus would not be ok with how so many of these "Christians" act in his name.
@urielstjohn 4 года назад
That's great to hear! (I'm an Anglican btw) Can you tell me where exactly this church is? And its name?
@ngufanikojo6430 4 года назад
Try to read your bible once in a while o?
@kimberlywiederhold627 4 года назад
True love means telling the truth. True Christians will warn people that there is a cliff at the end of the trail they're on.
@politicalpartyagnostic268 3 года назад
That is a Church I would Love to attend. I am Straight but I Love people so Long as they Love God are not psychopaths, pedo’s or satanic.
@rssvvp4447 3 года назад
I'm an Episcopalian too!
@beyond0077 4 года назад
“I don’t need a church to tell me I’m right, I need a church to tell me when I’m wrong”. Father Mike Schmitz
@draculawolfman1502 4 года назад
Wouldn't be Christianity without making people feel guilty and ashamed. Original sin. It's abusive to raise children in that. One thing about trauma is that people keep inflicting their own traumas on their children. People think they've chosen a faith, that they've discovered a revelation.
@Lucifermits1092 4 года назад
Why would I trust an institution that has committed SO much wrongdoing over the last 1000 years, to tell me that I'm in the wrong? My moral compass as an atheist is far superior to that of oh so many so called Christians these days (at least in America). If they won't stand up and admit their own wrongdoing, they have forfeited their authority.
@Lucifermits1092 4 года назад
@@draculawolfman1502 The whole system is abusive and brainwashing. Implanting the notion of some otherworldly being that will smite you or cat you into eternal damnation for your actions, yep, that's a CULT.
@beyond0077 4 года назад
DJM-anon ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-XzkwdSsfV8U.html
@vlra2021 4 года назад
DJM-anon nobody is obligating you
@Future-zx9ts 5 лет назад
As a CHURCH, they should not be ashamed or hiding their stance on anything, regardless of what it is.
@monalisa9636 4 года назад
If a church has no real belief system them what’s the point of going? Is a church has no meaning then why are these people fighting to get in?
@lindseystein9676 5 лет назад
I’ve been an atheist for as long as I can remember, so this is fascinating to me. The Mormon church is doing this as well- saying they accept gay people, but that’s not quite the case... they all know they’re loosing members, so they want to expand their membership and hopefully get them “straight again.” as always, another detailed and interesting video by Grace!
@taliasclafani9509 5 лет назад
The state of grace series is one of my favorites on this channel, because not only does she bring such awareness to an lgbt topic, but she truly deep dives into it!!!!
@refinery29 5 лет назад
+taliasclafani So glad you're enjoying it! :)
@taliasclafani9509 5 лет назад
Refinery29 😊
@karenwichmann7986 5 лет назад
I went to church until I was eighteen and hated every minute of it. It always shocks me that church has such a powerful hold on people. I was raised mormon and church was three hours long plus you went to activities on tuesday. I also had seminary during regular school hours. There is nothing that could ever tempt me back to church.
@Adventist02 5 лет назад
latter day saints of Jesus Christ is not Christianity.
@hellokittylovesyou 5 лет назад
Same! I hated seminary so much.
@83croissant 5 лет назад
People are often raised to believe that every good thing that happens to them is because of their faith in god, and every bad thing is a test or proof that your faith isn’t strong enough. It really messes a person up. It’s hard to unlearn that. I know grown adults who are afraid of demonic possession type horror movies...they KNOW it’s not real but it just FEELS real and reminds them of emotional trauma . They can’t watch it
@karenwichmann7986 5 лет назад
@@xianism Here's the thing nothing bad happened to me I simply hated the culture. In my opinion the mormon church has very hateful views towards people, i'm not gay but the suicide rate among gay teens in mormonism is high. You said some very kind things and I hope people that go to church meet more people like you.
@Alexandriafrancescakiel 5 лет назад
I’m sorry you had such bad experiences. Sometimes it takes time for people to change. People make up the culture that you’ve experienced. My experience living in Detroit and being a member of the Church was nothing like what I experienced once I moved to Utah. It’s not perfect by far, but changing for the better in multiple ways including shorter services and streamlined seminary. I hope you find yourself willing to try again one day. 😊
@Hollyhock7 5 лет назад
Churches don't have to pay taxes. Imagine being able to start a business and not ever be taxed... that'd be amazing, right??!!
@mosesking2923 4 года назад
@Maddie Rowe actually there are PLENTY of businesses that don't get taxed. A 501C3 is pretty easy to obtain.
@Preservestlandry 4 года назад
@@mosesking2923 not if you want to make a profit. But a megachurch makes huge profits.
@jameschio756 3 года назад
The biggest cons are the clergymen. Religious organizations bring in millions of dollars and pay little or tax. They invite you to part of them and keep promoting. If you really want to be part of a legalized scan. Holy shitballs. Why? They want money!!! The more the better.
@Bear-bp3bc 5 лет назад
Grace is the type of person I want to be: willing to have discussions with those who disagree with who I am. Her series is so interesting and give me so much more insight into things I don’t know much about. I can not wait for another episode
@constadinaxo 5 лет назад
Yes, come as you are but be renewed by the Holy Spirit. Sad these churches are watering down the gospel 😔... “For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.” ‭‭2 Timothy‬ ‭4:3‬ ‭
@brandibreen8260 5 лет назад
Agreed :) Jesus welcome sinners to forgive them and make them brand new, in His image.
@alzbetaponkova1383 5 лет назад
We are all born with DNA with sind and we chose with help of God to not do them
@doryb.9749 5 лет назад
@@brandibreen8260 the church is not Jesus. That said, then maybe the LGBTQ+ community is seeking inclusion in the wrong place. If they have received acceptance from Christ, who cares whether or not churches include them?
@JP-hz5zb 5 лет назад
The church is the body of Christ.
@gabrielas3793 5 лет назад
Come on, yes!
@JuriAmari 5 лет назад
State of Grace is an amazing series. Thank you Refinery29 for keeping this going! I feel like I come away more enlightened every time I watch an episode.
@mscleary781 5 лет назад
“We are the church and you are welcome here.” 😭❤️
@SemlerMusic 5 лет назад
@monalisa9636 4 года назад
The Church is ran by Jesus Christ.
@Alexandra_K_ 5 лет назад
When my brother and I were in high school he came out. It was the year of our Catholic confirmation sacrament and I was very protective of my brother and wanted everyone to accept him the way I did. He was not open at church. The second to last Sunday school class before confirmation this guest priest came in from another diocese (I should add we lived in Italy, I know people have different experiences different places) and he basically told the class "ask me any question about the scriptures and I will know the answer." And I asked him "what did Jesus say about being gay" and he really didn't answer my question. He quoted Paul he quoted some other stuff but I kept asking "no I want to know what JESUS and GOD said." It Got tense because he didn't have an answer and eventually we were all dismissed. A couple days later the priest at our church called my mom and told her about the confrontation and wanted to question me AND me brother separately. He told my mom we could not be confirmed Catholic if our beliefs and practices did not line up with those of the Catholic church (won't confirm my brother if he is gay and won't confirm me if I support him). They tried to out my brother and my VERY Catholic mother told my brother that the priest could go f**k himself if he calls himself a man of God but won't welcome him with open arms. But my brother decided the confirmation was a sacrament between him and God and we all lied and put on a smile for our last days at that church. I really struggled with my faith and didn't understand why my brother would do that, but I understand now. Being religious is bigger than the church you pray in and the priest at the altar. That priest is a man who sins. He didn't let that priest take away his identity as a Catholic. And in the end my brother won. We are CATHOLICS who do not believe God sees being LGBTQ+ as a sin!!! Now we have a pope who openly accepts the gay community and says it is not a sin. Times change slowly but surely. Soon all churches will perform gay marriage ceremonies and everyone will feel welcome. Have faith. Don't let anyone take that away from you
@enlightenedbeauty4128 3 года назад
Read the second book of corinthians and u will see exactly what God says about the gay lifestyle. Cool story tho
@enlightenedbeauty4128 3 года назад
The chirch was right to Go with Gods words and not bend for ur brother. They are here to spread Gids word not change Gods word to suit individuals and their lifestyles. The Lord made it clear.
@AlleenLoveHope 3 года назад
@@enlightenedbeauty4128 Too bad your own leader doesnt agree with you....and the Lord did make it clear; its man who messed up the translations
@Emma-iy8nn 5 лет назад
“You know it’s like real church when they bring out the tambourines” lol so true
@gloritessier7855 5 лет назад
This is definitely one of the main reasons I left my church. My old church is considered a mega church. I’ve caught a pastor telling a leader not to lead a student just because he was gay.
@lara-ce2kg 5 лет назад
One of the main reason I'm no longer a Christian is because how I would see churchgoers and how other people that claim to be Christians pick and choose what parts of the Bible they wanted to follow and what part of the faith was convenient for them. also how most of all the Christians I have ever met in my life are two-faced they are nice up front but they are a whole other person when you turn your back.
@SamMKKK 5 лет назад
laura cee I’m so sorry you had this experience with Christianity and Christians. I know exactly what you mean, and we absolutely need to do better. This makes me so sad. I’m so sorry. 😞
@iwrotethis4712 5 лет назад
@@SamMKKK Get rid of religion already.
@SamMKKK 5 лет назад
steeve steeve No. You can have your feelings about religion, and I can have mine.
@meh8650 5 лет назад
Picking and choosing is such a huge issue, as well as hypocrisy (both which are actually huge factors that need to be considered in this topic). I'm so sorry to hear that you experienced this laura cee. People, don't let christians turn you away from Christ. Please ask God to help you read your Bibles, because without Him it's basically just reading words on a page without spiritual revelation.
@refinery29 5 лет назад
+lauracee Wow, that's crazy. Thanks for sharing with us!
@jadekrahn8171 5 лет назад
I've really been enjoying these State of Grace videos! Grace has such a calm and understanding demeanor and has an incredibly soothing voice! I could watch these all day! Thank you Grace and Refinery29 for these interesting and informative stories!
@refinery29 5 лет назад
+jadekrahn So glad you're enjoying!!
@JenniferTrika 5 лет назад
I served at Mosaic for 3 years, from 2015 to 2018 (I've served with some of the people in the video). I was so hype in the beginning because I feel like I belong. People were so welcoming and the messages by Pastor Erwin really led me to know who God really is and it’s beyond wonderful. There are a lot of amazing selfless people there but there are also a lot of hurting people. Hurt people hurt other people. And I was one of many who also got hurt. Honestly, Pastor Erwin is one of the most kind real people I’ve ever met. But unfortunately, the attendees and even the leadership is not so nice. I don’t think Pastor Erwin really know how to deal with that. Even I don’t really know what the solution is too. People who are hurting, they gossiped, and they are mean. I’ve seen a lot of people got hurt and the multiple dramas were overwhelming to me that I have to leave. I’ve found another church that I love now but I still listen to Pastor Erwin’s messages.
@isabellamarin161 5 лет назад
Maybe we should look at what God says instead of what the physical church will say
@laurakosch 5 лет назад
Queen Isabella amen and amen 💕
@synthstatic9889 4 года назад
Which god? Where? Look, if God has something to say, why doesn't God just get on the horn and say it to everyone instead of just revealing it to certain people at certain times and in certain places?
@donnavaughn9409 4 года назад
@Tiayra It's called virtue and yes He did speak on it
@KD-ou2np 4 года назад
@Natalie Arlene how do you decide whether one religion is right or wrong. If you think there is a god that interacts with the world in a specific way, or should be worshipped in a specific way, how do you decide between religions that claim different things are true?
@KD-ou2np 4 года назад
@Natalie Arlene I'm asking you, I want to know about what you think specifically
@loralubimaia2783 5 лет назад
could these churches' stance be "accept the sinner but not the sin" and that's why they're "welcoming" to everyone?
@autumxxleaves4186 5 лет назад
laura kopylov yes it is, there is no missed message. The Bible talks about it!?
@ashleynikolenko 4 года назад
Yeah and that’s the Christian way
@GalaxyGal- 4 года назад
It’s not hard to see what the churchgoers are asking of the church, and the churches are not being transparent about their beliefs. I left Christianity a while back. The politics are fucking ridiculous, the fact that I’m trans and bi shouldn’t have anything to do with my character as a person, and I was getting tired of the mental gymnastics with reconciling the Bible with physical reality.
@ctgottapee 4 года назад
good point, BUT they are deceptive in their welcoming message.
@laurent1144 4 года назад
There's a difference in the way they treat LBGTQI people. Someone who is divorced and remarried (like Chris Pratt) would not be barred from leadership but an LGBTQI person would.
@quaintleaf1208 5 лет назад
Very interesting. As a human and Christian, I have always been curious about mega churches. Thank you for your hard work!
@sandrawatkin2043 5 лет назад
It is frightening that these mega churches exist at all, but it’s all about the money. This outright homophobia being preached or insinuated by so many (Americans) is appalling. Not just homophobia - blatant racism and intolerance of minority groups. I’m English and Atheist. I have no need of religion, but understand why many people do. I now live and run a Charity on a small Caribbean island which too is homophobic, caused by religion and ignorance. I mentor many children, do not tolerate any kind of intolerance and one of my proudest successes is one of “my” girls giving a speech in her school asking others to be accepting of homosexuality as we can’t help who we love, and how it has nothing to do with pedophilia (common misconception).
@refinery29 5 лет назад
+sandrawatkin It's really sad. Thanks for taking the time to watch!
@Cragrockformations 5 лет назад
Please don't ever end this series!! I always enjoy watching Grace and her chaotic gay energy 🏳️‍🌈👌
@Mr.Anugraha 5 лет назад
Church belongs to Christ. It should not be based on my or your ideas of what a church should be or should not be.
@niffellbique3744 5 лет назад
But your belief in chris is a book written by the understanding of men????
@Mr.Anugraha 5 лет назад
@@niffellbique3744 Yes, Of course! So, what's your point?
@KarenJoyceN 5 лет назад
@@niffellbique3744 it wasnt the understanding of men. IT WAS GOD/CHRIST's law that made men wrote about it.
@blackorchid8278 5 лет назад
For real
@jesusislord9080 4 года назад
@Templar without question
@Liliana-qi8rw 5 лет назад
Hey Refinery29, great episode. Can you also make on on Mosques/Islam and LBGTQ+? Thank you ♡
@monalisa9636 4 года назад
I’ll hold my breathe for this one.
@vampiraJ 4 года назад
There’s a mosque in DC with a gay imam. I wanted to go there but my in laws weren’t down with that.
@missmelodies52 5 лет назад
Church was so harmful to me as a woman. So many sexist attitudes. I'm so grateful to be out, because i cared so much about it at the time and i was certain i would be a Christian forever.
@asdfghjkl-oo7lv 5 лет назад
Yes very true. I feel like some churches dont even put women in leadership positions when they are capable. I'm still trying to navigate this world and I'm in between if I should still have faith (in jesus and god) or if I should become atheist. I hate the bible and its stories (very misogynistic) except the stories of jesus.
@august21xp 5 лет назад
I agree so much as a single mom, they would shun me as a home-wrecker and the wives would warn their husbands or not allow me to stay over in their home because they were married. The church only accepts married couples .
@missmelodies52 5 лет назад
@@asdfghjkl-oo7lv i can definitely relate! I think youre strong for pursuing what you can really believe in fully. For me the tipping point was when i realized that i could trust my self and my feelings more than what was expected of me, and then i knew deep down what i really believed. Theres a podcast called The Life After Podcast that really helped me also :) good luck on your exploring!
@missmelodies52 5 лет назад
@@august21xp amen, i totally recognize those attitudes. When really they should be celebrating single parents for being strong af.
@asdfghjkl-oo7lv 5 лет назад
@@missmelodies52 thanks a lot!
@Sarah-ty5ev 5 лет назад
No matter what side of this debate you are on, I think we can all agree that churches should be open and clear about policies. I love Grace, and everything she is doing for this series.
@monalisa9636 4 года назад
If a church isn’t following the Bible or at least teaching it in full, then don’t call it a church. Church is a Christian term. Anyone can make up a worship center and had at it. But for some reason, particular groups of people are obsessed with Christianity and churches. I wouldn’t even care if the LGBT attacked the Christian church if they put the same amount of energy attacking Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism and Jewish centers. But they don’t! They NEVER do.
@Sarah-ty5ev 4 года назад
Mona Lisa cool
@madisonb6594 5 лет назад
Here is the bottom line: The church is about service to God. The church is about spreading the gospel to the lost. The church is about being a living, physical example of the love of Christ. The church functioning as it is supposed to is not always glamorous, it is not always show-worthy, it is not always earthly-rewarding. The church is made up of people, believers, who still struggle with sin (whatever sins they may be). Christ dined with thieves and He befriended a traitor and He saved a murderer from Hell and gave him new life and a mission. That is what Christ is about. The perversion of that by believers, by mega-churches and local churches alike, by nonbelievers--is dangerous and harmful and it is simply not what how we are taught to live in Scripture. Do not deny churches the right to preach the Bible--all of it. The honest, rough, heartbreaking, encouraging, terrifying, and redeeming parts of it alike. Because it is the truth. Because that is a full representation of Christ. Because LOVE without Truth isn't love.
@Alexandriafrancescakiel 5 лет назад
Madison B amen 🙏🏽
@Flustered_Potato 5 лет назад
@Ang3lBag3l 5 лет назад
Madison B alright Madison we get it you believe in Jesus.
@secretly679 5 лет назад
Yes I agree. It is stated that everyone who is in Christ is a new creation, the old is gone.
@mitch6366 5 лет назад
Amen..... Lead everyone to the Lord and He will do the rest 😊😊
@brianparent4882 4 года назад
I’ve been ostracized from my childhood church. I was invited along with my husband by a church. We poured our heart and souls in there for a year. We were told our 20 year union was a problem it we wanted to continue to be welcomed, we needed to “change”. Apparently the holy ghost had made us blind to our sin but folks sitting in the next pews were uncomfortable. So we left and were broken hearted. We found another church within the UCC but money is mismanaged and we recently decided to leave. At 45 I’ve decided to stop trying with organized religion and for the first time in my life I feel free, I don’t feel guilt or dirty. I’ll never go back to church. This is it for me.
@flayful 4 года назад
I wish State of Grace was available 10 years ago when I was still volunteering in a local Christian radio station. I was such a confused kid back then, had so many questions but often didn't raise them because we'd get raised eyebrows from our fellow volunteers, hence we often discussed it secretly among my trusted also-confused friends. This series would have been a great help in addressing a lot of those confusing issues often prevalent in Christian communities.. Sadly, I left that community because of those issues...
@chiloveisintheair 5 лет назад
Grace, I love your content. This video was so incredibly moving and such a good conversation starter. You are doing fantastic work and its incredible to see. Thank you so much for your work.
@itsaaronlolz 5 лет назад
Why would they want to go to a Christian church and then complain about them not being accepting? That’s like me bringing ham to a synagogue and then getting upset when they don’t eat it? 🤔
@LeCheckmate 5 лет назад
People choose to bring ham. People don't choose their sexuality. Are you saying that only straight people are allowed to exercise their faith within a community of people that share their faith? Do you want to segregate all religious gatherings by sexuality?
@itsaaronlolz 5 лет назад
LeCheckmate I said nothing about segregation. If you go to gay church the Bible still going to be the same.🤦🏽‍♂️
@LeCheckmate 5 лет назад
@@itsaaronlolz You said nothing about segregation yet write 'gay church' instead of church. Would you like to elaborate?
@itsaaronlolz 5 лет назад
LeCheckmate if you go to a gay church or an LGBT friendly church or any church the Bible doesn’t change. I’m not religious and I am gay and I wouldn’t want to be part of an organization that considers me an abomination. If you are okay with being an abomination go right ahead, preach.
@asdfghjkl-oo7lv 5 лет назад
@@itsaaronlolz hey I'm actually in your position (I'm not gay tho). Like the bible is very misogynistic and homophobic (I remember I read somewhere that God burned a city because it was turning gay? It was in the old testament.). I'm on the verge of becoming atheist but in the new testament it says that jesus and God love everyone and is accepting. Did God change his views on people? Did he change what is sinful and what is not. Do gay Christian's only follow the new testament. I'm so curious and I would like to know other's opinions.
@Dianeediegoo 5 лет назад
“Dragcon is a place where Jesus would be” - hahah I love that 😭💕
@erenjinchuriki 5 лет назад
He would, but I don’t think that’s the same as condoning it. He ate with Zaccheus the tax collector (tax collecting being viewed as a negative profession as it enriched Roman colonizers at the expense of Jews), but the outcome of that meeting was Zaccheus returning the money he collected; only then did Jesus proclaim him saved. In christianity, Jesus did die on the cross and everyone who believed gets autosaved regardless of “sin”, but it doesn’t change that sins are still sins (though the understanding of what people consider “sin” may change through time and societies). I’m pretty whatever on any organized religion and believe anyone should do whatever they want as long aa it doesn’t hurt people, but this view of Jesus as a party animal is kind of a misrepresentation of the historical figure.
@marriage4life893 5 лет назад
@뽀동이 proper exegesis of scripture makes it plain that when Jesus was around anyone, many of them were never the same again. The practice of sin in their lives was over, as he said to the woman in John 8, "Go, and sin no more." Or in John 5:14, he tells the paralytic he healed to stop sinning or something worse will happen. Though not everyone recieved Jesus, he was always present for people to come as they are with the hope of freedom from who they thought they were. So, yes, Jesus could be present at a drag show even if only one soul is changed for the better. Scripture makes that plain. Be blessed
@leenycallahankhan6966 5 лет назад
@@erenjinchuriki But Jesus preached about economic sin. He didn't speak on sexual matters. He never ever said anything about being gay, or trans, or a man who enjoys wearing dresses and makeup. Not once.
@hibye-by3yb 5 лет назад
@@leenycallahankhan6966 God made them man and woman, it is written in the scriptures multiple times. A man parts from his mother and father to unite with a woman and become one flesh in service to God. I think it's pretty clear.
@rache5149 5 лет назад
@@leenycallahankhan6966 God did speak on it and, John 10:30 (KJV) I and my Father are one.John 14:9 (KJV) Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, Shew us the Father?
@yokes1648 4 года назад
"Being trusting is not a fault." I felt that. My heart goes out to anyone who has been betrayed, outcasted and denied the love they deserve. I'm not Christain and I live in a conservation Asian country, where conversations like these are not encouraged. I hope you keep spreading the good word, Refinery29!
@tuongvan9147 4 года назад
🙂 they always preach about God’s love but remove the part of fearing God and obeying his will.
@carebearboo4247 4 года назад
Proverbs 9:10 "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding." God is all holy and righteous, and judges righteously. Thankfully and only by His grace and through faith in Christ we are no longer separated from His love!!
@jesusislord9080 4 года назад
@@carebearboo4247 love proverbs and psalms 😃
@utubepunk 4 года назад
@@carebearboo4247 Rather twisted isn't it? You must fear something to begin to understand it? I guess one should be afraid of a god who sends everyone to hell by default. If god didn't want us separated, he would have created sinless beings. Why would a perfect god create imperfect beings & punish them for not being perfect?
@carebearboo4247 4 года назад
@@utubepunk well in the beginning of the world there was no sin. But there was free will of man, which is why we are in a fallen world now. If you want to be convinced to believe in God, I cant do it myself. Only He can. I encourage you to ask Him to reveal Himself to you. I was agnostic about 5 years ago and now I'm a believer. I think its important to question who God is and if He is real, it's how I became a true born again believer. Not a fake Christian like I was before.
@Aging_Casually_Late_Gamer 4 года назад
Love doesnt come out of fear. You might get obedience, but you wont get love or respect.
@tisjoanna5647 5 лет назад
Church is a place where you can meet Jesus, learn about God's Word, and be renewed. The Bible is clear about what constitutes sin, so when a church supports the Bible... even at the expense of criticism... I'd still want to go to that church. For anyone who is a Christian, we must put our pride aside because it's God's perfect principles over our personal opinions. The truth hurts, but so does living a life of sin that further separates us from God.
@TheNarrowBoatDungeonMaster 5 лет назад
The Bible was put down on paper by man. A council called the Niecene council decided how the Bible should read and what should be in there. It is not a book direct from the mouth of God as he would have it. It is doctored abs changed to fit man's views and as such it can not be taken as literal fact. God did not drop a manuscript in front of man and say this is it. Man put down what he wanted abs turned to to god's word. Take for example the old testament. Liviticus lists page after page of things that are considered unclean. Women on their period. Man who have touched a women on her period. Shellfish. If you take one part literally you have to take the rest. You can not pick and choose.
@caitlin1767 4 года назад
That's easy for you to say because you're not the one being shunned in the Bible and by people like you. God did not write the Bible, it was just a bunch of men. If you know something is wrong but do it and support it anyway then you're exactly why Christianity has the reputation it has. Truth hurts
@MusicLover-ti6zo 4 года назад
Bible cannon was voted by men. And the only voice that can judge the issue of homosexuality is Jesus and he never once mentioned homosexuality. It was Paul who mentioned homosexuality. If you study him he was a know anrisemite and unfamiliar with the practices of Greek and Roman society and thought it was wrong. So it was his opinion and not mentioned by Jesus.
@elijahjames8837 4 года назад
The Kingdom of Heaven is within you to look anywhere else is idolitry. The Temple of the Lord is your physical body because that is where your Eternal Soul resides.
@KamikoAi 5 лет назад
Isn't all those flashy stuffs the exact opposite of what Jesus what promoting?
@lonblauser8436 3 года назад
“I don’t need a church to tell me I’m right, I need a church to tell me when I’m wrong”. Father Mike Schmitz
@janelleudoh6436 3 года назад
i was confused for a second when I heard Elliot page's deadname
@furpiginfidel7681 4 года назад
I'm a heterosexual male atheist but I'm really truly impressed with what you are doing and helping it's people who of faith who also identify with the LGBT community, and I'm sure many atheists would also agree with me Major respect and keep it up
@shhhh1652 5 лет назад
As a non-Christian im not trying to be funny but in the new testament it says "...just as Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding cities, which likewise indulged in sexual immorality and pursued unnatural desire, serve as an example by undergoing a punishment of eternal fire. (Jude 7)." So obviously homosexuality isn't permitted in that religion. Why do people keep pushing this notion that Christianity allows same sex relationships when it clearly doesn't. If the need for spirituality is so strong, why not make your own religion?
@shhhh1652 5 лет назад
More examples: You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination. (Leviticus 18:22) If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them. (Leviticus 20:13)
@sarahhollins9201 5 лет назад
sodom and gomorrah is in the old testament, not the new testament as jude is considered widely disputed in regards to its late addition to the canon. technically, anyone who is a christian believes that jesus's resurrection fulfilled the prophecy and negated all of the rules of the old testament. so that's a double whammy of no to your biblical information. there's a lot of dispute and biblical debate happening within the christian community in regards to what the bible actually does say about homosexuality. also, it's fine for a church to believe that same sex relationships aren't allowed, it's another thing for a church to pretend they are, get your tithes and volunteer hours, profit off of your worshipping and serving there, and then bait and switch you and say that you actually aren't welcome, can't be on paid staff, and can't be married by them. that's what we're talking about here.
@redeemed7300 5 лет назад
​@@sarahhollins9201 You are wrong. The New Testament CLEARLY speaks about homosexuality, and that homosexuals - among other sins described in the Bible will not inherit the Kingdom of God. "Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor [b]homosexuals, nor [c]sodomites, 10 nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God. 11 And such were some of you. But you were washed, but you were [d]sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God." 2 Corinthians 6:9-11. Another very clear ver in the New Testament: "For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their [i]women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. 27 Likewise also the [j]men, leaving the natural use of the [k]woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due." Romans 1:26-27. Besides this, You are also wrong to say, that Jesus negated all the rules of the Old Testament! He said the exact opposite, and even warned us NOT to change anything about these laws! "Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. 18 For truly, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the Law until all is accomplished. 19 Therefore whoever relaxes one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever does them and teaches them will be called great in the kingdom of heaven." Matthew 5:17-19. The church is open to EVERYONE but does not expect Christians to disobey what the Bible so clearly says about sin, just to satisfy, please people. Homosexuality or any sexual choice outside what God said is acceptable is not the only sin that is condemned by God. Fornication, drunkenness, adultery, taking greed, gossip, and many many other sins which are listed in the Bible. Christians do not hate anyone, but Christians follow Jesus Christ, not LGBT! A group of people cannot dictate what religion has done for thousands of years. If you want to continue to live the way you live - as a member of the LGBT community, that's your choice, and no one has the right to stop you, but you cannot dictate what is permitted in Christianity. No one has forced anyone to go to church. This is a free country, and you can do whatever you want,, including not go to church that follows the Bible and rejects sin.
@omololabotsane5795 5 лет назад
When a non-Christian has a better grasp of the Bible Scary times
@shhhh1652 5 лет назад
@@redeemed7300 Exactly, thank you
@SerenityPassion 4 года назад
This is why watering down the word is very problematic Gods word is very upfront..
@monalisa9636 4 года назад
Yes it is.
@f.k6920 4 года назад
You actually think the the un-watered down version of Christianity is better?
@itzystreamingplaylistsonch5471 4 года назад
@@f.k6920 The unwatered AND the correctly translated.
@ari9525 4 года назад
@lrbatiste 4 года назад
Florence Katanha you question obviously went over their head.
@kaelak1226 4 года назад
I appreciate these videos so much and cannot express how deeply I was touched by that last sentiment: "we are the church, and you are welcome here." What I would not give to hear that from my own former church community.
@refinery29 4 года назад
+kaelak We're so glad this meant something to you! ❤️ Thank you for being here!
@Mylove_94 2 года назад
Evil and hate in churches needs to stop. Period. God bless us all.
@paddynoble 5 лет назад
I'm so familiar with this. I'm Anglican in NZ and still there are struggles about inclusion. And I don't even know why I go to church. My dream is to have an inclusive ministry outside of institutional church.
@jordans8277 5 лет назад
yeah no fan of organized churches I have my faith and it’s my own
@angelkingsley5299 5 лет назад
Jordan S same
@naomi-art-stuff 4 года назад
same. but i do long for community and someone to just worship with :(
@monalisa9636 4 года назад
I actually respect people who make up their own faith over people in keep harassing an existing faith to change. This is not okay in any major religion. But everyone has the right to worship whatever.
@monalisa9636 4 года назад
Naomi N. You need to find a group to belong too. All I ask is that people leave all major religion alone and stop asking them to change. Just start your own church
@vlra2021 4 года назад
Well said , its a personal relationship
@danielled8779 5 лет назад
More Grace please! I’ve watched her since she was on Pop Trigger, so happy to see her here!
@sarazapp936 5 лет назад
“We are the church and you are welcome here” that made me bawl holy shit
@refinery29 5 лет назад
+saraqz Same!
@Jaykoito 4 года назад
I’ve been so homophobic almost all of my life. I can’t believe it took so long for me to even realize it. I realized I was gay just last year and I have been pushing aside my feelings for years. I had many sleepless nights and times cried to God and asked Him to change me and to make me straight. I have hated myself because I hated being gay. As time has passed, I realize that God loves me and accepts everyone. God made me gay and He loves me. When I realized this, I felt nothing but peace from the Holy Spirit.
@dirtyicontarot 4 года назад
Jess Koito u shouldnt be christian. U should just believe in God then.
@busylivingnotdying 3 года назад
I want you to be who you are. If Jesus has a problem with you, I''d rather defend you than Jesus! (Of course I would never speak for God OR Jesus). But we have each other! I will accept you.
@karen1blaine2 4 года назад
My church makes the distinction between "welcoming" and "affirming" - we are affirming of the preciousness of EVERYONE which gives all people equal status and ability to serve or be served. Period. I am so very sorry for the pain each of you has experienced at this deception/bait and switch tactic. It is supremely unchristlike.
@jojuna99 5 лет назад
“We are the church. And you are welcome here.” Beautiful
@allykholodov 5 лет назад
The only thing that is inherently wrong is hurting people, in any way, shape, or form. With that principle in mind, being LGBTQ+ isn't wrong. Excluding LGBTQ+ people because of their differences that make them unique is wrong.
@sms5879 5 лет назад
I agree. People shouldn't be judged by other people who have sins as well.Only God can judge us so we should all live and accept ourselves/each other.😊
@asdfghjkl-oo7lv 5 лет назад
Ok I know God and jesus love everyone but what about the old testimate being homophobic? Do LGBTQ+ Christian's only believe in the new testament and not the old one?
@asdfghjkl-oo7lv 5 лет назад
I am so confused. I dont go to church anymore because I feel like the bible is very misogynistic (except for the new testament). I just believe in God and Jesus but I dont really follow the bible teachings. But I really would like to hear some opinions from others.
@allykholodov 5 лет назад
@@asdfghjkl-oo7lv The old testament has a lot of questionable ideals, and many intolerant Christians like to pick and chose the sections they preach. Some examples of excerpts that would no longer apply today are listed in these links: www.biblestudytools.com/nlt/leviticus/passage/?q=leviticus+15:19-33; www.biblestudytools.com/ezekiel/44-20.html; That being said, in my opinion, since the old testament has been written years ago, you can label some of its teachings as not applicable in our day and age, including homophobia. However, everyone's version of faith is a personal and unique decision, so every LGBTQ+ Christian has their own way of balancing faith and identity or individuality. Therefore, it is safe to say that you can decide what and what not to believe from the Bible, as long as it is true to yourself and does not directly harm anyone else.
@Cherubebo 5 лет назад
But the Bible is very clear in indicating that homosexuality is a sin, so why are you going to complain about a church that teaches it? Love the sinner, hate the sin, yes... and of course the church will accept you... but it comes with the hope and “expectation” (for lack of a better word) that you will try to stop sinning (stop being gay basically) as God transforms your life.
@christinawarfield7112 5 лет назад
Did you watch the video? These churches bend over backwards to NOT teach it until they get asked point-blank (and even then Mosaic refuses to respond). Nobody is asking them to officiate gay weddings or hire gay pastors. We're just asking them to be honest about their beliefs.
@Cherubebo 5 лет назад
Christina Warfield right. Most mainstream religions are against homosexuality though so if a church is really a Bible following church... I don’t get the point of trying to find a church that “accepts” it. Church isn’t a social club.
@christinawarfield7112 5 лет назад
@@Cherubebo Different people interpret the Bible differently. And there are a lot of churches out there that ARE fully affirming, hence the confusion when churches like Mosaic intentionally present themselves that way but then tell people they aren't accepted as they are AFTER those people have already given massive amounts of time and money. Clarity is reasonable regardless of your stance on homosexuality.
@brynna8792 5 лет назад
I attend Hillsong church and also am a student at Hillsong College. This video is really eye opening and I am glad that this issue is being brought to light. It saddens me that so many people have been turned away from the church because of their sexuality, when all Christians are called to love one another and spread the gospel. No church is perfect because no person is perfect, but I hope to see more and more inclusive and accepting churches within this world. And bringing attention to this issue will definitely help us get there. And I love what the reverend said at DragCon. “This is where Jesus would be.” He totally is.
@brandibreen8260 5 лет назад
Yes, Jesus welcomes all sinners. And He also offers forgiveness and a brand NEW life. Never ever, whether alcoholic or homosexual, does He leave you in your sin.
@gigieyre 4 года назад
Just because someone doesn't agree with your lifestyle doesn't mean that they hate you. This is their faith. They believe that it is against the laws of God. They still love you and care for you. Your so caught up in accept me or you're against me that you can't see that they do care. They just don't accept the lifestyle. There's a difference in accepting and hating.
@adelined 4 года назад
"we are the church and you are welcome here." goddamn. I'm an atheist and that hit me hard. church is everywhere and the people who believe in god. thank you for this amazing series.
@youmothershouldknow4905 3 года назад
Mosaic is all atmospherics and optics. Reality is that it’s all about rejection.
@iheartigloos 5 лет назад
This is so powerful. Good for you for digging into this! 🙌
@skyary9771 Год назад
Watching these videos makes me so validated that I'm not the only queer christian out there. I feel like God sends me these videos whenever I'm doubting my faith. He puts these videos in my recommended page. And thank you for helping me and probably many others know that we aren't alone
@CuddlePhantom 2 года назад
10:00 This is so eloquent. "Being trusting is not a fault". I got chills.
@gcsusetyo 5 лет назад
Thank you for making this exposé. Although I am not a queer Christian myself, I have once left a church for the unkind outing of a pair of good friends of mine who were secretly a gay couple. That incident has since changed my mind on how the church should embrace inclusion. I recently learned that I have a gay Christian cousin too, and I hope he's found a church that accepts him and his partner just the way Jesus would. If Jesus were living as a man today, I totally believe he would be at that Queer Con Sunday service rather than at the one at Oasis or Mosaic. Just read the Bible, Jesus is always present and kind to those that mainstream society has rejected, and stern to religious people who think they're nailing this God thing (whoops!)
@gdavis2020 4 года назад
Anyone that reads her/his bible wouldn’t feel like they are being lied to . Simple as that.
@niematansolamenteazucaralg2259 4 года назад
@YouAreNotCool it really is not
@wavybxby0 4 года назад
YouAreNotCool your comment wasn’t necessary ❤️
@lilianhaggland2031 4 года назад
True read your BIble and you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.
@ameliac2540 4 года назад
@YouAreNotCool so is every single religious text. at the end of the day, you can't tell someone not to practice their faith and read their religious texts, regardless if its full of contradictions. just let them be and leave them alone
@lyannastarkweather 5 лет назад
State of Grace has been so informative for me as a queer person. I have never been a part of *any* organized religion and was raised with a certain level of suspicion towards it. This video touched on many of the reasons behind that suspicion. So, my own relationship to the topic is very different from the people featured here. However, I greatly appreciate hearing the perspectives of people who did have to wrestle with accepting themselves and maintaining a relationship to their faith communities.
@lenslife23 5 лет назад
You are 100% right, we are the church. We can gather and worship wherever and whenever. A building, stage, music and lights are not necessary. 💙
@Shalomjoyyy 3 года назад
I don’t know about a long term solution, but for me, leaving “the church” was the best thing I’ve ever done. Now I’m the church, I’m more challenged to live up to jesus’ example. My actions are intentional. Thanks for making this video! It gives me all the warm feels!
@bebeenderson7863 5 лет назад
I feel like people need to be upfront and honest with THEMSELVES, not these churches...you're searching far and wide for a version of Christianity that tells you that it's okay to stay as you are although church should be accepting of all sinners the whole point of it is to get you to live by the Bible... Im agnostic and don't believe in any of this but people shouldn't be outraged at the rules of a religion lol. Either follow them or don't.
@limacnaughton3352 4 года назад
The Bible says very, very little about homosexuality and most of that, if looked at in its linguistics and historical context can be interpreted in a very different way. It says, in a extremely clear and direct way, FAR more about the essential core of the faith being helping the poor and marginalised. I find it really weird that so many churches focus so much on homosexuality.
@KD-ou2np 4 года назад
@@limacnaughton3352 what about what the bible says extensively about slavery? About women? This is not an exaggeration, the bible explicitly condones slavery. There are rules for owning slaves outlined in Leviticus that include that you can beat your slave and you will not be punished unless they die within 2-3 days.
@annarocha3254 4 года назад
@@KD-ou2np Frederick Douglas once said "between the Christianity of this land (American slaveholding South) and the Christianity of Christ, I recognize the widest possible difference". It is unwise to look at the slavery of the Bible without looking at the context of the time. Slaves referenced in those passages of the Bible were-based on historical study-not chattel slaves. They often sold themselves to someone to whom they owed a debt, and then had the option to leave after seven years or stay in the house of the person they served if they so chose. After fifty years, if the slave had a family, the entire family must be released. The Bible also states in the old testament that it was illegal to return a fugitive slave. Many southern slave owners didn't let the people they enslaved read the old testament. They picked select verses about bondservants obeying their Masters -which again in Biblical context were often people who had voluntarily entered unpaid servitude to pay off debt and not people who had been stolen from their land and had no hope of freedom.
@ajcrawshaw 4 года назад
Thanks heaps for this, you’ve raised some really challenging (for me) points about how we are all one in Christ, and how inclusion is belonging.
@themurge 5 лет назад
I love Grace, awesome host. Please do more with her :)
@keishajaquay8461 4 года назад
As someone who loves Jesus very much, I have prayed and ask for revelation on this matter. I see how much deception has infected the church all through history, and recognize that our era is just as prone to deception no matter what side of the debate we are on. I strongly believe that it is imperative to examine the fruit of our own hearts before judging anyone, and also very important to examine the fruit of a leaders life before trusting them to guide us on our journey. This means digging deep and spending quality time with Jesus, learning about who I am in Christ, and spending time in relationship with those who feel they are qualified to teach and guide others. Is there love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, and self control being revealed to a healthy degree? This is how to discern the wolves in sheep's clothing; By the fruit they bear. This is non applicable in a mega church setting and on social media outlets, so in my heart I feel that we cannot rely on this as a true gauge of Jesus and what He desires for us as followers. God bless
@Dave-Gerhart 3 года назад
So good! I’ve served as a worship pastor in several mega churches and have seen how they really fumble this issue...
@EMMINREALLIFE 5 лет назад
Thank you so much for posting
@aarondrury1846 5 лет назад
Being in a church is easy. Saying your a Christian easier still. Being a follower of Jesus is much harder. The real Jesus welcomes all who trust on Him but is not and will never be tolerant of sin. So how do we know what sin is? 1 John 3:4 says Sin is transgression of God's Law. So if sin is transgression of God's law and we are to sin no more than what does God's law say on this topic? Leviticus 18 is pretty easy to understand on sexual immorality and what it includes. A follower of the Biblical Jesus would learn what sin is, repent from it and work towards living a life of obedience and a striving towards holiness. The false Jesus is the one who ignores God's law, tolerates sin and allows people to come and stay as they are. This video is correct on one thing..... These mega churches should be honest about their theology. The people who reject God's commandments and have no interest in repentance and working towards holiness in the image of God's should maybe consider if they really are followers of the True biblical Jesus or actually worshiping their own man-made image of jesus. Jesus died to save his followers from sin.... Not so that people could sin....
@gracemutomba4036 5 лет назад
Well said!
@pressia07 5 лет назад
@windowsopenpeter 5 лет назад
I enjoy this series so much! Keep up the good work!!:)
@odonata9838 4 года назад
Awesome video! Thanks to the brave and wise people who shared their stories. The only thing worse than hatred is conditional love. Every time I was failed by a church, I realized how deeply I was loved by God.
@atcarlson96 5 лет назад
State of Grace is one of the best journalistic channels on RU-vid. Would love to see a higher volume of videos or even podcasts.
@MagnificentHealingCreations 5 лет назад
Christianity is about Love period. Love doesn't see race, religion, gender, or sexuality.
@laurenbradford6673 5 лет назад
JJ Magnificent Thats a lie from satan and modern « love everyone » mantra, that is not Jesus’ words. The Holy Spirit convicts us of sin if we are listening, and not so caught up in the selfish « me » culture. Yes we should love and forgive, but God’s word IS clear about sin, repentance and judgement, I’m grateful He doesn’t sugarcoat anything! We need to wake up as Christians. “If ye love me, keep my commandments.” ‭‭John‬ ‭14:15‬ ‭KJV “For if ye love them which love you, what thank have ye? for sinners also love those that love them.” ‭‭Luke‬ ‭6:32‬ ‭KJV‬‬ “For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;” ‭‭Romans‬ ‭1:26-28‬ ‭KJV‬‬
@briarrose653 5 лет назад
Sin means to miss the mark - what is the mark? The mark is to be in total fellowship with God. God is holy, and I’m not using the word holy as an adjective but as a noun. He is so holy that he literally cannot associate Himself with anything unholy. So why is homosexuality considered sinful and unholy? That’s a hard question - one that even the most dedicated Christian or studious theologian has trouble answering because at the end of the day, it’s two consenting adults loving each other right? What I think of is how God created a man and woman to compliment each other, to procreate, but more importantly as a “type”. Jesus is described as the husband and His church the bride. This analogy is meant to show how close in fellowship we are to be with Him, how we need Him to lead and protect us. And while many may argue that you can very well have this type of relationship in a homosexual one, it truly isn’t the same. The things that make men and women unique are what strengthen this relationship between two people. I know that there are manyyyyyy heterosexual relationships that fall short of this as well. The point is, when a man and a woman are one and dedicate themselves to each other and God, it is the closest understanding of what we have to Jesus and His church. I think, at the end of the day that’s why this is such a pressing topic; God just wants us to truly understand His love and devotion for us through Jesus Christ and this is the design He set up for us to at least somewhat understand it!
@Alifestyle2016 5 лет назад
Maria Protomanni wow ❤️
@refinery29 5 лет назад
+mariaprotomanni Thanks for leaving a positive message!
@sopranophantomista 4 года назад
Watching this almost at the 1 year mark of this video being uploaded on RU-vid. I think that with the environment we're in, we're not much better, and that really, really hurts.
@Soltice-ty2nf 3 года назад
Wow. This is the second video I see from you. I am straight single mom. I used to be christian till 5 years ago when I had a deep spiritual awakening. I remember when I used to hate gay people because this is what they teach you in church. Today I am free of this sentiment. I do believe 3there is a God but I believe that the bible is an ancient book that needs to be put in a balance. Not everything that you read is correct neither should be follow. I am glad you came out. I am glad that you are a leader. I am happy for all of you. The abuse by religious groups needs to stop. You guys were born free!! Be free!!
@wirehanga3966 5 лет назад
Can we just take a second to fully appreciate Ellen Page
@TheSomeawesome 3 года назад
Elliot Page now! :)
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