
The Delight of the Sabbath (Part 2 of 2) - 10/15/22 

Alistair Begg
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The Sabbath wasn’t meant for the enforcement of endless rules. It was, and is, intended to draw people closer to God. So how do we take the Sabbath seriously without becoming legalistic or self-righteous? Hear the answer on Truth For Life with Alistair Begg.
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@beckyhofer4328 Год назад
Good morning believers! This is the day that the lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it❤
@patriciavarga4084 Год назад
Thank you Alistair and Bob! I have heard that we are under grace on this sabbath issue. Well, for me, what Alistair teaches, just sits right with my spirit. For me, I will set the sabbath apart to sit with Jesus. Good morning to all the fellow listeners! Cling to Jesus.❤
@ros1424 Год назад
Hello to you been waiting for this one
@deemeadows4784 Год назад
This has been a much needed study. Thank you. From Athens GA
@alandhopewell Год назад
0200, Hello, everyone!
@bettyh3747 Год назад
@NatapixAS Год назад
As a believer having grown up in Israel among Sabbath keeping Jews, this means so much to me. Being now in the US and seeing how people have turned their back on the appointed times, and sabbaths and the learning and studying of the word, is hard to watch...
@islewait6107 Год назад
🙏 ⚓️ 📖
@tjh4619 Год назад
Amen pastor
@danv4046 Год назад
You can disagree and interpret the bible upside down and side ways!! God has his own truth that stands outside of you agreeing or not!!
@teegee3691 Год назад
Very much like the old bumper sticker ' God said it, I believe it and that settles it' when the actuality is God said it and that settles it.🙂
@chrisby777 Год назад
Wow! Thank goodness for a man with some guts to tell it like it is. Christ fulfilled the law. So you seventh day Adventist, learn something about the Sabbath!
@Berean_with_a_BTh 11 месяцев назад
Stronger arguments can be made regarding Romans 14:5, Galatians 4:9-10 and Colossians 2:16-17, to demonstrate that the sabbath-observing Paul(Acts 25:8) was not referring to sabbath observance in either of the first two passages and that, in the last, it's doubtful the weekly sabbath was meant: • *Romans 14:5-6* concerns only whether one should fast on certain days, not whether one should observe the sabbath; • *Galatians 4:9-10* concerns only the observance of 'days, and months, and seasons, and years' associated with 'elemental spirits', which has nothing to do with the sabbath; • *Colossians 2:16-17* - which contains the only sabbath reference in the entire Pauline corpus - and doesn't refer to _the_ sabbath - concerns human traditions that are "not according to Christ" (cf. Colossians 2:8), which clearly does not apply to the institution of the sabbath in Genesis 2:3. What Colossians 2:8, 16-17 tells Christians is that they can safely ignore non-biblical sabbaths and (if one admits there is a reference to the weekly sabbath) extra-biblical sabbath rules.
@FrankPCarpi Год назад
I'm not judging, but the Sabbath day is always Saturday, and if the church wants to gather on Sunday, so be it, but it never becomes the Sabbath just because that's the day that the Lord rose from the dead.
Even secular people keep laws. Yeshua will say He warned on that day, "Depart from Me, you workers of LAWLESSNESS." ("I NEVER KNEW YOU!") That's to religious who cast out demons in His Name etc. Most Christians openly practice LAW-LESS-NESS as they do not keep God's Law. Being unable to keep it fully through human weakness is different than refusing to keep it. 🙃
@danv4046 Год назад
You work out what he is workes in!! You are not working out your salvation on bases of your performance... Salvation is restoration of the holly spirit which was absent from adam when adam died spiritually! Salvation is made possible on bases of forgiveness Jessus gave the whole earth.. Forgiveness is not salvation Roman 5:6-10 Redemption forgiveness is the blood dealing with sins But salvation is through faith by resurection 1 peter 3:21 what saves is the resurection not the death of Jesus The death paid for the sins And hence made salvation through faith possible!! Salvation is Restoration of the spirit of Life forever regardless what you do or how you live in your body because the only thing that could kill a beliver again as it did Adam is " sin" the law of sin and death!! Romans 8:2 we are who in Jesus are freed from the power of the " Law of sin causing death as payment for our sins" because Jesus took all the payment on Him self for sins of whole earth believers or not believers allike.... He was enough... and the law of Spirit giving life is what now saves us and keeeps us saved forever because there remains no more sin left unforgiven unpaid by Jesus... Unless ofcourse you deny reject the Gospel then you are left Forgiven Dead person and you will go to hell not because of magnatitude of your sins but because you are DEAD spieitually !!! Yoy lack what it takes to enter Heaven!! It is the spirit of the Son!! Only sons enter the House of the Lord!!
@L.Fontein7 Год назад
Bye, Dan V!
@sandraaguirre6241 Год назад
Saturday is The Sabbath Rome changed it to Sunday law
@alandhopewell Год назад
Ellen G. White was not a Christian.
@Berean_with_a_BTh 11 месяцев назад
Conspiracists - especially from the SDA - love to blame Constantine and the Roman Catholic Church for changing the sabbath from Saturday to Sunday when, in fact, the change from sabbath observance to Sunday worship began centuries before either existed. Although Constantine made Sunday the official Roman day of rest (in 321AD), doing so merely facilitated what was by then a widespread, centuries-old, majority Christian preference in the western Roman Empire for worshiping on Sundays. Sunday 'sabbath' observance was formally adopted by the Council of Laodicea in 363-4 (again, long before the RCC came into existence) - in the eastern part of the church (not Rome) - and is even today the practice of all the 'Orthodox' churches (Greek, Russian, Coptic, etc.). The earliest _clear_ reference to Sunday worship is found in the _Epistle of Barnabas_ (c.120), I which the writer says: “Your present sabbaths are not acceptable to Me… we keep the eighth day with joyfulness, the day also on which Jesus rose again from the dead”. Note the antisemitism already creeping into the church. Justin Martyr (c.140) wrote of “memoirs of the apostles” being read on “the day called that of the sun” alongside the “writings of the prophets” ( _First Apology_ 67). Many others also wrote of Christian worship on Sundays well before the 4th century; and of other Christians who continued to worship on Saturdays.
@danv4046 Год назад
Jesus is our sabbath! Sabbath was a foreshadowing of Rest from all your works! When you become a believer you surrender to an idea that all your work is filthy rags and all your works are attempts at self rightousness dead works of a spiritually dead person!! So you give them up and you enter Rest sabbath you rest trusting in HiS 6 days works which allow you to also enter His own rest of all works!! It is finished!! Being in Christ is the true Sabaath Rest from all your own attempts to be forgiven, be sanctified, become obidient, liked , loved, you Enter His own Rest and He becomes yours and you become His.... He now is able to love you, serve your spirit from with in!!! Rest is To Trust rest His finished work!! And Rejoice In what inheritence you now have in the Spirit of God dwelling in you!! Your whole life becomes shabat! A restored New Creation!! Shadows types are only mere markers but the significance is in what Jesus accomplished and He is the true Sabbath!!
@314god-pispeaksjesusislord Год назад
Exactly, sounds like your familiar with Hebrews 4. I don't think Alistair has put himself in the context of the first century. What day do you agree on? There were two Roman calendars in competition, the Etruscans 9 day and the Julian 7 day and the jews particularly essenes against pharisees with a solar against a lunar calendar. Polycarp opposed the bishop of Rome over the practice of the day of the Passover for easter in the quartodeciman controversy. Constantine attempts to make the Julian calendar official and replace 9 day Etruscan calendar with the 7 day, and this puts easter so far off the mark that Gregory has to reset the whole thing with the Gregorian calendar. A larger problem is that on the missions field the outlying tribes used different calendars if they used any at all and then as we go global because of the Earth's rotation no one celebrated anything at the same time. Can you imagine going to primitive tribe with no calendar and and telling them they must circumcise their reckoning of time to honor the resurrection on the day after the Jewish Sabbath? I don't want to insult Alistair I generally like his preaching but both he the catholics and the adventists are becoming more absurd. Keep talking sense to them 🙂
@danv4046 Год назад
There is two ways of reading and interpreting the Bible From the lense of law- flesh judgement Lense of new covenent where the issue of sin is delt with hense no need for the law for thosw who died to it through agreeing with it that flesh and blood cAnnot be Gods!!! The reason people want to keep what was given until the comming of the seed alive, is because they do not understand the Ramifications of the Gospel!!! " if you are under the law sin is your master""to put an end to the sin issue the law had to be set aside so that there would not be any brakining of the law Sin is there if the law defining sin is there If there is no law there is no sin Get away from law of condemnation and become free as a spiritual new creation in Jesus as He is the only means who has freed all his pisteriry from the curse of the law " do nit battle sin" do not fight flesh die die die agree with law that you cant be Gods through the knowledge of good and evil reject the tree of knowing and become resurected in to a tree of life Law has no jurisdiction any law on those who are not Flesh and blood!!! And if you are in Jesus you are no longer Flesh!! But a super natural creation dwelling in rhe mortal physical shell.....
@kingPerry34 Год назад
There is no such thing as a Jewish Sabbath, it is the Sabbath of the Holy GOD himself and there is no such thing as first day of the week lord’s day To say the first day of the week is the Sabbath is a contradiction to the word of GOD and blasphemous.
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