
The Devil's Pleasure Palace: The Cult of Critical Theory and the Subversion of the West 

The Institute of World Politics
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On January 28, 2016, Michael A. Walsh, former associate editor of TIME magazine, gave a lecture about his book, "The Devil's Pleasure Palace: The Cult of Critical Theory and the Subversion of the West " at The Institute of World Politics.
About the book: In the aftermath of World War II, America stood alone as the world's premier military power. Yet its martial confidence contrasted vividly with its sense of cultural inferiority. Still looking to a defeated and dispirited Europe for intellectual and artistic guidance, burgeoning trans-national elite in New York and Washington embraced not only the war's refugees, but many of their ideas as well, and nothing has proven more pernicious than those of the Frankfurt School and its reactionary philosophy of "critical theory." At once overly intellectualized and emotionally juvenile, Critical Theory - like Pandora's Box - released a horde of demons into the American psyche. When everything could be questioned, nothing could be real, and the muscular, confident empiricism that had just won the war gave way, in less than a generation, to a central-European nihilism celebrated on college campuses across the United States. Seizing the high ground of academe and the arts, the New Nihilists set about dissolving the bedrock of the country, from patriotism to marriage to the family to military service; they have sown (as Cardinal Bergoglio - now Pope Francis - once wrote of the Devil) "destruction, division, hatred, and calumny" - and all disguised as the search for truth. In The Devil's Pleasure Palace we will look at the ways Critical Theory took root in America and, once established and gestated, has affected nearly every aspect of American life and society - and what can be done to stop it.
About the author: Michael Walsh, a former associate editor of TIME magazine, is the author of six novels and six works of nonfiction, as well as a columnist for the New York Post and a contributor to National Review and PJ Media. He was a winner of the 2004 American Book Awards for his novel, And All the Saints.



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@bobkat8765 Год назад
“We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented.” Eli Wiesel "Tolerance of intolerance is cowardice.” Ayaan Hirsi Ali “There is a huge difference between being tolerant and tolerating intolerance.” (Avaan Hirsi Ali) “I have seen great intolerance on the name of tolerance” Samuel Taylor Coleridge “The Paradox of Tolerance Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them. We should therefore claim, in the name of tolerance, the right not to tolerate the intolerant.” Karl Popper “The real point is that you cannot harbor malice toward others and then cry foul when someone displays intolerance against you. Prejudice tolerated is intolerance encouraged. Rise up in righteousness when you witness the words and deeds of hate, but only if you are willing to rise up against them all, including your own. Otherwise suffer the slings and arrows of disrespect silently.” Harvey Fierstein
@Austria88586 2 года назад
More Curriculum Vitae than Critical Theory from this guy.
@fr397 5 лет назад
Critical Theory is, indeed, the pestilence of our time
@charliewatts6007 3 года назад
-- The Anti-CRT movement was started by White Supremacists. You know that, right?
@fr397 3 года назад
Many of the most articulate anti-CRT voices are black; racial categories and stereotyping are false and destructive, aren’t they?
@charliewatts6007 3 года назад
-- The Critical Race Theory movement, known as (CRT) or (Crits), teaches kids that race is not biologically real, it is a social construct. Therefore, there is no reason to hate members of another race. Christopher Rufo is one of the disgusting despicable leaders of the Anti-Critical Race Theory movement, known as (Anti-CRT) or (Anti-Crits), seeking to revive and reinstate Nazi ideology. The Anti-Crits wants K-12 students to be taught that race is biologically real and that the Western European race is superior to the other races.
@charliewatts6007 3 года назад
-- The Critical Race Theory movement, known as (CRT) or (Crits), teaches kids that race is not biologically real, it is a social construct. Therefore, there is no reason to hate members of another race. Christopher Rufo is one of the disgusting despicable leaders of the Anti-Critical Race Theory movement, known as (Anti-CRT) or (Anti-Crits), seeking to revive and reinstate Nazi ideology. The Anti-Crits wants K-12 students to be taught that race is biologically real and that the Western European race is superior to the other races.
@charliewatts6007 3 года назад
@@fr397 -- The Critical Race Theory movement, known as (CRT) or (Crits), teaches kids that race is not biologically real, it is a social construct. Therefore, there is no reason to hate members of another race. Christopher Rufo is one of the disgusting despicable leaders of the Anti-Critical Race Theory movement, known as (Anti-CRT) or (Anti-Crits), seeking to revive and reinstate Nazi ideology. The Anti-Crits wants K-12 students to be taught that race is biologically real and that the Western European race is superior to the other races.
@angelescresthwy 7 лет назад
I was interested in him saying that collectivism is like the saying "the nail that sticks up gets hammered down." I have noticed this tendency more among women than men. Women don't like it when a member of their own gaggle excels, and they try to take her down. It is therefore no coincidence that women are more likely to be leftists, at least in the United States.
@ChrisOrillia 6 лет назад
You're constructing narratives to fit your world view. One will do, but here's two proofs: IT'S POSSIBLE TO SUCCEED IN ANY SOCIAL GROUP--in liberal groups and even local "gaggles." They are powerful enough to annoy you, success isn't only valid if it's yours. The logic falls just like that--undeniably. Second, that "gangle," compared to certain native european leftist demographics--half of which are men--would see most of their views as laughably tame. Femininity =/= toxic emotion, and masculinity =/= toxic logic. Hmm, I wonder why most of the far right will rarely ever miss a chance to fantasize about scenarios where they help other manly. men--like themselves, I'm sure--be men. No women there either to ruin the fun, just going, "blah blah wah wah; give me a at least one orgasm." None of that, so... might as well get those clumbersom shirts off too--just hanging out with the guys, nothing wrong with a little cuddle.
@bademoxy 6 лет назад
merry-that's like muslims trying to criticize mohammad or leave islam.
@EmilyAE19 5 лет назад
this is potentially the most retarded thing i’ve ever read
@4_times_college_dropout_tr24 4 года назад
Just be honest. Its easier for you to agree with the ideology supported by most politically active women, than is to disagree and lose access to friendship with the majority of them who will demonise you, attack you using emotional manipulation and have to deal with that on a daily basis. That would suck and be difficult to adjust to. Making friends would be harder, and with most of these type of ideologue driven women celebrated, media filled with that ideology, the music industry, Netflix, tv and journalism its going to take a lot of willpower and bravery being called paraoid, mentally ill, and social media beating you down if you wanted to rise up in these communities. Also the sadness realising women are being targeted to empower themselves into an ideological echo chamber where critics are disempowered and modern therapist will call your critical beliefs lies and patriarchal denial.
@charliewatts6007 3 года назад
-- The Anti-CRT movement was started by White Supremacists. You know that, right?
@resonanceliteracy 3 года назад
There is no critical theory presented in this video.
@charliewatts6007 3 года назад
-- The Anti-CRT movement was started by White Supremacists. You know that, right?
@williamf.buckleyjr3227 7 лет назад
DEFINITELY, one of the top 10 most important books of this still young 21st century.
@charliewatts6007 3 года назад
-- The Anti-CRT movement was started by White Supremacists. You know that, right?
@charliewatts6007 3 года назад
-- The Critical Race Theory movement, known as (CRT) or (Crits), teaches kids that race is not biologically real, it is a social construct. Therefore, there is no reason to hate members of another race. Christopher Rufo is one of the disgusting despicable leaders of the Anti-Critical Race Theory movement, known as (Anti-CRT) or (Anti-Crits), seeking to revive and reinstate Nazi ideology. The Anti-Crits wants K-12 students to be taught that race is biologically real and that the Western European race is superior to the other races.
@aaronhorner186 3 года назад
Is there anything that actually argues against, or for, critical theory in this lecture? Or is it more of a religious speech? I find quite a bit of holes in these arguments he makes as there is not one thing USSR, or Germany, did that the United States didn’t do and isn’t still doing. I’m fact Germany came over here to study our legislation of the division of races (fact). The constitution clearly negated the African communities as they only added to 3/5 of a person, as well as completely left out the indigenous, but also anyone who wasn’t a land owner. I actually have read it, sorry. If you like I can quote what I’m talking about. So to point out the cruelty and situations of Russia, or Germany, during the Cold War while leaving out the genocide of the indigenous here is pretty hypocritical. I’m not sure what the argument of critical theory is considering it was never truly approached. It’s just a school of thought that wishes to expand society by not being contained by a power structure which only allows certain criteria to be taught and neglects any other. If a society cannot question itself then it is a prison, much like the Communist structure of the communist USSR, and has no ability to grow into a better one. 🤷‍♂️ The ideas that there is only right and wrong, good and evil, is complete lunacy. There is a huge grey area we all can learn from. I do agree with the arguments with political correctness. just because it is political doesn’t make it correct. We were once called Indians, still actually, even though we are no where near India, and I am by no means native to America any more than I’m Cherokee. We were here before it was called America and Cherokee has no meaning in our language what so ever so I do agree with that but I was watching this for a view of the other side of critical theory. When does that lecture begin? Or was that the part where the foreign language of English should only be accepted on this portion of the continent in which it didn’t originate from 🤔 In fact Spanish and Portuguese was here a whole lot longer. Just saying🤷‍♂️
@shannonm.townsend1232 9 месяцев назад
Have you listened to Gabriel Rockhill's lectures on Critical Theory
@michaelledner8560 7 лет назад
Great book - I'm reading it now. This guy is the real deal. 42:35 - 59:55 kind of sums it up for me: it's up to you and me - don't wait for the government or some great leader to pave the way and push back the darkness - you and I are the heroes - each person was designed to be the hero and God will give each one that opportunity (or opportunities) for heroism. The hero is the latent power in each one of us. Each person must think, "I will be the one who tips the scale for restoration of of sanity to our country, our world. I am called for such a time as this." And, as most heroes didn't want to step into that role (i.e. Ulysses, Aeneas...), yet, they did; and it will be like that for each of us. Don't look to another. It's you. It's me. We are the answer. Be courageous! Be the hero you were created to be! And if you're down for the count - life has you reeling, remember the famous words spoken to Rocky when he was down for the count (Rocky V), "Get up you son of a bitch. Mickey loves ya!"
@DouglasHPlumb 6 лет назад
See my movie "Dialectic"
@Desertduleler_88 6 лет назад
Absolutely, I couldn't agree more that the average Joe will be responsible whether or not we prevail against the forces of genocide.
@dharmicpath5140 5 лет назад
Read BhagwadGita by gita press translations. I grew up as a left leaning athiest, eventually Gita, Upanishad, puranas got me out of the left and put some perspective.
@charliewatts6007 3 года назад
-- The Anti-CRT movement was started by White Supremacists. You know that, right?
@jamesmcmann8536 Год назад
@ParaSniper2504 7 лет назад
Of course Jesus answered Pilate's question "What is Truth?" Jesus said I am the Truth....
@auroraorha 6 лет назад
Rich Chel that's why Jesus was crucified
@SBecktacular 5 лет назад
This guy is soo educated but didn’t know that?.....BS
@paulheinrichdietrich9518 5 лет назад
How can a man be "Truth"? Besides aren't there different kinds of truths, mathematical, economic, linguistic, historical?
@jeffsatterthwaite3167 5 лет назад
Jesus claimed to be God the creator and sustainer of all things. The bible affirms this claim (1 Col 15-17 below). So from a Christian worldview there is nothing that exists that Jesus did not create. Not only in form (cats, dogs, humans, trees, planets, molecules, stars, etc.) but in actuality (this cat, this person, this planet, this molecule, etc.). To determine if something is true or not one must compare it to some objective standard which, in our case, is reality itself. Jesus is the creative and sustaining source of all reality. Therefore Jesus statement that he is the truth is not an extraordinary claim if you accept the premise that he is who he claimed to be, the creator and sustainer of all things, God himself. 1 Collossians 15-1715 The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. 16 For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him. 17 He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.
@jeffsatterthwaite3167 5 лет назад
You make a pretty outrageous claim that Jesus was not God and was not the Creator. Do you have an alternate explanation for the existence of the universe? I personally think there is ample evidence (philosophic, scientific, historical and experiential) that supports the claim that there is a God and Jesus Christ is he. So far I have not found another explanation that explains the evidence (reality) better than Christianity. Interested in your alternative explanation if you care to share.
@unfgreen 4 года назад
Is the book any good? I'm disappointed in this video. He touched on many familiar concepts as he bounced around seemingly randomly from topic to topic. I don't recommend this particular video.
@donaldkoester9096 3 года назад
The book analyzes the degradation of Western values and his book FIERY ANGEL expands on that theme!
@charliewatts6007 3 года назад
@@donaldkoester9096 -- The Anti-CRT movement was started by White Supremacists. You know that, right?
@charliewatts6007 3 года назад
-- The Anti-CRT movement was started by White Supremacists. You know that, right?
@arthurfiorillo8591 7 лет назад
Won't Alex Jones info wars won't touch a story about the Frankfurt school?
@MayneDeWayne 5 лет назад
Why would he? He “snuck” into Bohemian Grove but didn’t take video of the sex orgies happening there, just some crappy video of nutty stage performance where it was hard to tell what was really going on, and a little video of himself to prove he was there. There’s only one way to get into the events at Bohemian Grove, and that’s by being a member. He’s just a disinformation plant, that deals in half truths and pushes half cocked conspiracy theories so the people that buy into everything he spews will be discredited in public. He does shed some light on some real issues, but only because that’s how the Illuminati operate....by thumbing their nose at society out in the open but never giving the full scope of the picture, just one glimpse at a time and expecting no one (or hardly anyone) can put it all together.
@joedoe-sedoe7977 4 года назад
Doug West yes my conclusion too
@franbatista9062 4 года назад
Frankfurt School, Cultural Marxism and Critical Theory was a Jewish Movement, all the intelectuals were and the ideas are based upon Judaism itself, where everything shall be questioned and destroyed regarding Western values and Christianity, but never their own values and "religion".
@greenrots 4 года назад
@@franbatista9062 Finally, someone with the balls to say it. Thank you.
@22lbhammer1 4 года назад
Alex jones is profiting off of casting doubt on all the real crazy shit that is going on.
@AleadaA 7 лет назад
It was great to listen to you but several reasons you leave out in your analysis as to why people move toward the left. In the 60's and 70's it was the draft and the Vietnam War which radicalized people. Also follow the money, our industry with it's jobs in this country started leaving our country in the 60's and 70's. It continued to this day; Donald Trump is trying to correct this but it took decades of deconstruction and will take years to correct. So people turn to socialism because they have little prospects of having a home and family or health care and people are working in low level jobs even with a college degree which straps them with massive debt. Yes many people are wealthy and feel they are better than than the majority of people. You made it so who cares about the rest of us. As wrong as Marxism and communism is the right Ayn Rand views and with its selfishness is a large part to blame. It is easy to attack the church when it protects pedophiles. Winner take all, well how do you like it now?
@bademoxy 6 лет назад
aleada-since when does the catholic church represent all christianity? the vietnam draft (which was an unnecessary and corporatist move by LBJ and his pentagon cronies )was a factor in the protests, but did you know that british intelligence discovered that the KGB funneled 2 billions dollars to those protest organizers? did you also know that in spite of nixon's brilliant Machiavellian strategies- recognizing china to split them away from the soviet empire and reduce their military aid to north vietnam while bombing the commie vietcong supply lines AFTER the tet offensive bled the commies dry for months -netting the u.s. JFK's original goal of STOPPING the north from spreading communism into the south -pushed the north into finally signing a peace treaty and stop it's agressions- this american VICTORY betrayed by a democrat congress when the north (rearmed by soviets) renewed it's attacks/violated its peace agreement after nixon departed. the betrayal was democrats cutting off of promised munition resupply to the south should the north renege on the peace agreement. our allies lost because they ran out of ammunition which u.s. promised to replace. those democrats shit on the 50,000 american casualties-many GIs who had volunteered to fight communism.
@charliewatts6007 3 года назад
@@bademoxy -- The Anti-CRT movement was started by White Supremacists. You know that, right?
@charliewatts6007 3 года назад
-- The Anti-CRT movement was started by White Supremacists. You know that, right?
@SheriffLobo89 2 года назад
He even screwed the meaning of the parable he uses for the title. The resistance to the external presented pleasures that causes the illusion to vanish: this is way more accurately the description and critic the frankfurt school / critical theory itself gives for the actual capitalist society - than it is its very opposite, which he suggests. The point here is, that our desire for the goods, that advertisement, mass media and our cultural perceptions of prestige and status (symbols) impose to us, makes us eager to partake in the reproductive system of the illusion with the investment of more time and personal suffering, than would be needed in a system without these kinds of desires. (And the given perspective: ) Only the latter would indeed give the freedom of time, space and choice, that could fullfill the true (non-occupied) desires - and do so (in potential) for everyone. (Sorry if this may be no perfect english - I'm a german graduate of political science, theory of society and philosophy - Have a nice day fellows :) )
@alohawg 5 лет назад
This guy sounds like Phil Donohue.
@charliewatts6007 3 года назад
-- The Anti-CRT movement was started by White Supremacists. You know that, right?
@MRSBRHODES1 7 лет назад
terrible sound quality
@unfgreen 4 года назад
The audio is fine after the speaker is introduced.
@charliewatts6007 3 года назад
-- The Anti-CRT movement was started by White Supremacists. You know that, right?
@randysperger6886 5 лет назад
It is a great a terrible error to make the true wellsprings of our culture only the Greeks. A very bad idea! We could say however that the real tragedy of the West is it´s insistence on a syncretism of Christianity with Plato and Aristotle, the Greeks. The Greeks gods were never big enough to provide a true referent and to explain the one and the many. That´s why their system of thought collapsed. Only the biblical and Christian doctrine of the trinity can explain unity and diversity and provide a Concrete universal and a true referent. All humanist and false religions try to provide a "totalizing" idol as a referent. Until Christianity realizes that it can stand up on it´s own hind legs without any syncretistic dependence of myths, it will never provide that basis for humanity to truly beat it´s swords into plowshares and their spears into pruninghooks... nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more. Only then will the true libertarian glory of "every man under his vine and under his fig tree; and none shall make them afraid: for the mouth of the LORD of hosts hath spoken it", come to fruition. Micah 4:4 Classical Liberalism couldn´t do it, Unitarian Judaism couldn´t do it, certainly absolutist statist Marxism nor cultural Marxism can´t do it. Only a truly Biblical Worldview can provide the true freedom (one and many) with minimal form (no heavy yokes) that weigh down men and women and destroy human flourishing. But freedom cannot be "liberation" from all law and order because we live in God´s world within His covenantal law and order. Like it or not! True liberty only comes in God´s terms, not mans!
@charliewatts6007 3 года назад
-- The Anti-CRT movement was started by White Supremacists. You know that, right?
@13eugubino459 6 лет назад
I enjoyed this Lecture , irony is he resembles Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev
@charliewatts6007 3 года назад
-- The Anti-CRT movement was started by White Supremacists. You know that, right?
@charliewatts6007 3 года назад
-- The Critical Race Theory movement, known as (CRT) or (Crits), teaches kids that race is not biologically real, it is a social construct. Therefore, there is no reason to hate members of another race. Christopher Rufo is one of the disgusting despicable leaders of the Anti-Critical Race Theory movement, known as (Anti-CRT) or (Anti-Crits), seeking to revive and reinstate Nazi ideology. The Anti-Crits wants K-12 students to be taught that race is biologically real and that the Western European race is superior to the other races.
@tommym321 Год назад
Audio is horrible
@resonanceliteracy 3 года назад
@charliewatts6007 3 года назад
-- The Anti-CRT movement was started by White Supremacists. You know that, right?
@understandeverything8475 6 лет назад
@ubergenie6041 2 года назад
I am excited to get this book, but Jesus got just what he came to get! He inaugurated his mission with a baptism…the baptist/prophet upon being surprised by Jesus’ appearance says, “Behold the lamb of God who comes to take away the sins of the world.” So the Pulitzer Prize-winning novel will not be on my list.
@thallesvinicius2729 2 года назад
@listener523 5 лет назад
It's really great that he kept in contact with his Stasi handler. I didn't maintain contact with the young lady intourist sent to watch us and now I'm wondering how she's doing.
@charliewatts6007 3 года назад
-- The Anti-CRT movement was started by White Supremacists. You know that, right?
@listener523 3 года назад
@@charliewatts6007 You're not the sharpest nor the brightest crayon in the box....
@derrickbell24 3 года назад
@@listener523 -- Judging from your last comment, you don't have a very good understanding of critical race theory. What Is Critical Race Theory? The critical race theory (CRT) movement is a collection of activists and scholars interested in studying and transforming the relationship among race, racism, and power. How Did Critical Race Theory Originate? Critical race theory sprang up in the mid-1970s, as a number of lawyers, activists, and legal scholars across the United States realized that the heady advances of the civil rights era of the 1960s had stalled and, in many respects, were being rolled back. Realizing that new theories and strategies were needed to combat the subtler forms of racism that were gaining ground, early writers such as Derrick Bell, Alan Freeman and Richard Delgado put their minds to the task. They were soon joined by others, and the group held its first conference at a convent outside Madison, Wisconsin, in the summer of 1989. What Is The Goal Of Critical Race Theory? Critical Race Theory seeks to transform the relationship among race, racism, and power, for the better. What Are The Basic Tenets of Critical Race Theory? Racism is ordinary, not aberrational-“normal science,” the usual way society does business, the common, everyday experience of most people of color in this country. The American system of white-over-color ascendancy serves important purposes, both psychic and material. Racism is difficult to cure or address. Color-blind, or “formal,” conceptions of equality, expressed in rules that insist only on treatment that is the same across the board, can thus remedy only the most blatant forms of discrimination. Because racism advances the interests of both white elites (materially) and working-class people (psychically), large segments of society have little incentive to eradicate it. Race and races are products of social thought and relations. Not objective, inherent, or fixed, they correspond to no biological or genetic reality; rather, races are categories that society invents, manipulates, or retires when convenient. The dominant White American society racializes different minority groups at different times, in response to shifting needs such as the labor market. No person has a single, easily stated, unitary identity. Everyone has potentially conflicting, overlapping identities, loyalties, and allegiances. Because of their different histories and experiences with oppression, black, Indian, Asian, and Latino/a writers and thinkers may be able to communicate to their white counterparts matters that the whites are unlikely to know. Minority status brings with it a presumed competence to speak about race and racism. Black and brown writers are urged to recount their experiences with racism and the legal system and to apply their own unique perspectives to assess law’s master narratives. For a more detained explanation of these basic tenets, the the book linked to below under the heading "Basic Tenets of Critical Race Theory." uniteyouthdublin.files.wordpress.com/2015/01/richard_delgado_jean_stefancic_critical_race_thbookfi-org-1.pdf
@aedressler 3 года назад
There's another Michael Walsh who wrote "Megacaust." These two guys should have a beer together.
@johnstewart7025 3 года назад
There are universal truths but they sit next to the truths of race, gender, age, etc.
@charliewatts6007 3 года назад
-- The Anti-CRT movement was started by White Supremacists. You know that, right?
@stevenjones7202 3 года назад
The lady in the audience who begins speaking at 1:10:22 just nails it, and make important points about the distinction b/t CT and critical thinking, and "power" versus authority and the social compact that Michael Walsh sort of blows by. Still, Walsh's presentation here is just outstanding!
@charliewatts6007 3 года назад
-- The Anti-CRT movement was started by White Supremacists. You know that, right?
@stevenjones7202 3 года назад
@@charliewatts6007 No, and you don't know it either, since it's not true, but you may be ignorant enough to believe it, or a liar. Anyone who understands and subscribes to the liberal principles of the Enlightenment is anti CRT.
@kamilziemian995 5 лет назад
At some deep level this talk is not only anti-christian, is just against Christ.
@kellyespinosacuriel8624 5 лет назад
He is controled oposition, he will never point the finger at the actual root of the problem, just to the branches.
@samuelreiter6412 3 года назад
The speaker spoke of Good and Evil.
@kamilziemian995 3 года назад
@@samuelreiter6412 The way he speaks undermine this premise.
@oldwest517 6 лет назад
I would love to have listened to this, but in the modern day and age, the sound quality is inexcusable.
@charliewatts6007 3 года назад
-- The Anti-CRT movement was started by White Supremacists. You know that, right?
@taolex77814 6 лет назад
This guy has very clearly never picked up and read Erich Fromm's remarkably clear and insightful writing. While I agree that the Frankfurt schools has it's problems, it does have a lot to offer too.
@cynthiablack6426 5 лет назад
Alex Miller Perhaps you haven’t read the book? Michael Walsh does indeed address Erich Fromm (a particularly articulate Frankfort School adherent). While this is an excellent lecture, it is no replacement for reading the book.
@premodernprejudices3027 2 года назад
Notice that he spoke of spending time with his family in Notre Dame Cathedral, when his daughters were young? However, during the latter half of his talk he clearly presents an obvious bias against the historicity of Jesus and the Gospels, right? What happened, some of you might ask? Tragically, his daughter passed away in her twenties. In my estimation, the explanation for his now apparent distaste for religious belief is his grief over the untimely passing of his child and the subsequent anger toward God that comes with such a loss. That’s understandable, of course, but he’s completely and thoroughly undermining his whose mission. No amount of mythologizing the gospels is going to be sufficient for achieving what he clearly and justifiably wants to combat in the Left. Conservative literary criticism is not enough to defeat the Left; sorry, Michael.
@tommym321 Год назад
Religion is a ridiculous concept and needs to be outgrown, like we outgrew Santa Claus and the tooth fairy.
@sweetpeabrown261 7 лет назад
This poor man is a stultifying speaker.
@charliewatts6007 3 года назад
-- The Anti-CRT movement was started by White Supremacists. You know that, right?
@davidl2662 3 года назад
22:25 weird reaction..
@Enrico_Palazzo_opera_singer 4 года назад
satan didn`t father sin!...seduction sprang from his headache ridden skull (simelar to athena rising from zeus`s skull) he then raped seduction, which then became sin, which then bore him death!
@blakerotti1540 5 лет назад
This video is incredibly stupid, the Frankfurt Schools theory is considered highly influential to modern sociology and continental philosophy in Europe as well. I doubt this guy has ever read a single book from any of them.
@markeggins890 5 лет назад
Just because something is 'influential' doesn't make it good.
@Project-Masculinity 5 лет назад
Research the term “Useful Idiot”
@ZekeMan62 5 лет назад
@Mark Kenny No he won't. He'll just double down like all leftists cucks do.
@YO3A007 3 года назад
So you are THE Useful Idiot.
@shannonm.townsend1232 5 месяцев назад
Some say it's anti-communist in essence, and funding from the CIA does complicate things when assessing the Frankfurt School's utility.
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