
The Division 2 DESCENT: Difficulty, Time Investment, & More 

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@RogueGold Год назад
What's your biggest point of feedback with the Descent mode?
@anthonyciaravino5936 Год назад
I feel like the nemesis boss fight is really unbalanced…i got one-shot from full armor and health…i poked my head out for half a second and got pulverized lol
@AgentGhostReal Год назад
IMO the nemesis hits as hard as Hunters. They look like the Rogue manhunt main targets but damage wise hit like hunters. If you ever see them use a decoy, the decoy will be a Hunter so it’s not really unbalanced. They’re meant to be a challenge. This is coming from someone with multiple (9+) nemesis clears. You just have to find ways to counter the nemesis and gun them down. Think of it like trying to solo a hunter on heroic. If you go and try to fight a hunter in the open world on heroic difficulty, they hit just as hard. That’s how they’re coded and scaled. So I wouldn’t call for a nerf to the nemesis. People have killed them easily. Just gotta do better bro
@anthonyciaravino5936 Год назад
@@AgentGhostReal lol wow, i normally play on challenging, and can handle a hunter…with a scorpio lol! Looks like I got a LOT of hunter practice to do!
@brianyoung6355 Год назад
Save and return! Yes! Each run takes 1 to 2 hours to get to Nemesis. Being able to take a break and come back would be awesome.
@Drizzy-pk4tz Год назад
Can't equip 2 skills
@socialwill Год назад
Here are some thoughts on what Decent needs: 1) The ability to save. It could be at the Nemesis encounter or after a certain number of loops, but you should be able to come back. This would reset on the weekly reset like other items do. 2) Purple weapons. Once you get past a certain loop the guns are between just between Green and Blue. After a certain Loop we should start to get better gear. 3) More Nemesis type encounters. After you beat the one, there is nothing else just loops on loops. Having some boss encounters or something like it would be a good milestone. 4) Better rewards. After you beat the Nemesis you get an Exotic crate. This should happen every so often after this and even bring in the RAID Exotics, even if it is a 1% chance but make Decent worth it to keep going. 5) FIX THE EXPLOITS! Seeing players now with level 15000 or even 25000 because they farmed an exploit is a mess and needs to be fixed. It now makes Conflict and DMZ impossible based on balancing. 6) Allow a member to join after a whole loop is completed. They would start with basic gear, in a harder level, but allow people that drop or are late to join at certain points. Just a few items.
@RogueGold Год назад
Those all sound cool! I will note however that late joins is what caused the XP exploit, so not sure if that would work in a proper way.
@mckrackin5324 Год назад
@@RogueGold It's easy. They only get XP for what they participate in. XP would have to be earned individually.
@deathringer1003 Год назад
​@@mckrackin5324agreed,xp should start being given to the player or friend the moment they join at any point, anything before they join will not count to them, it'll upset some obvious because they want all that xp but to bad,you didn't work for that xp so why be given it? Also if its still early i wouldn't mind of they also get to choose one an only one exotic and stat upgrade just to help them out a bit
@socialwill Год назад
@@mckrackin5324 Exactly. If you join at the start of loop 4, you would start with grey guns and zero XP and zero funds. It would be harder, but if you have a good team that pulls you along for a little while you could level up pretty quickly.
@freedarknight6010 Год назад
Don’t worry about the exploit there looking into it. Not good for the one’s using it. Good ideas all around 👍. I agree on them
@lurchusa1299 Год назад
The Nemesis is all but impossible to beat. The rewards you get for the time spent within the Descent is woefully inadequate, compared to what you get for the same time spent in Countdown, missions or open world events.
@d15p4tch6 Год назад
Are you talking in a group or solo? Solo he can be almost impossible or super easy, depending on what skills he is running and what your build is. For example, foaming/breathe free/agonizing/plague/entrench are really good against him. If your exotic talent is sandman and your blue talent is preservation, you're gonna have a bad time.
@joseanrodriguez2005 Год назад
i dont know if i get it wrong but dont you get past season bluepring when u beat it?Added Named Item blueprints from Seasons 1, 2, 3 and 4 to the Reconstructed caches
@RogueGold Год назад
@joseanrodriguez2005 That is what was pitched for the Reconstructed Cache contents, yes
@framed_mcrib3412 Год назад
impossible lol. I beat it with 3 randoms
@ilaril Год назад
​@@framed_mcrib3412Yea surprise, not everyone is a gaming god as you seem to be.
@noskillszgamingdad4915 Год назад
I totally agree with you on being able to save your progress. I like the game mode but I don't have the time to play that many hours. I have a family to take care of and other responsibilities that would not allow for me to be playing that many hours in one run.
@AgentGhostReal Год назад
There definitely needs an save and return for sure. I mean if you die when you return then oh well but if you say… hit loop 15 and wanna check out and come back, that option should be there. A loop 31 run I did, took me 6+ hours. That’s a major time commitment. I love the mode but I wanna go for high loop runs with my skill in the mode. Talent wise, the mode should add more defensive talents. Utility and offense are in a good spot and they are in fact pretty balanced. If you use unhinged, you HAVE to use steady handed. If you use obliterate, you have to spec into surgical and/or trauma and vindictive. If the devs listen to the players and implement a few small changes regarding some of these things we discuss, it’ll benefit the modes longevity. We don’t want it to turn into a Kenley College. It has potential. Just needs to be ironed out a bit. ALSO the group scaling beyond 2 man squads is outrageous. The enemy health pool for 3+ groups is too much. That needs to be scaled down by atleast 15%-25%. There’s no reason why you should get gunned down on loop 1 by a red bar enemy when playing in a 3-4 man group. Devs if you’re reading this, please take this in and make some of these changes. I’d appreciate it - Agent Ghost
@KarlDelaney99 Год назад
I'd like a checkpoint you can set if you ever get bored with it. I made it to loop 16 and got bored but would've liked to continue it later until I die
@RedShadowOfSaturn Год назад
Yeah, all these comments and critiques are completely valid. In addition/alternatively to a "save and return" feature, maybe a second Descent version where it expedites your run to a Nemesis, and then when defeated, you exit to start a new one? For the sake of shorter runs when lacking in available time? Warframe's rogue-lite open world mode does have a degree of "save and return," however it also has both a shorter focused version with no side activities (so either one person or a group can essentially speed run the main objectives, beat the boss at the end...takes maybe 15-20 minutes), but also a longer, more open ended version where players can wander, explore, do side objectives, and spend as much time as they want to gather as many rewards as they want, before hitting the boss at the end and completing the run. With Descent being a "simulation," it 100% leaves room open for it to be a stoppable activity where an Agent who goes in should, conceivably, be able to leave the simulation in an emergency. Why you can't, seems like a weird choice, especially if runs can take upwards of an hour to finish.
@RogueGold Год назад
That's an interesting idea! I haven't seen Warframe's implementation. How do you think a shorter version would work with obtaining talents and all that?
@RedShadowOfSaturn Год назад
@@RogueGold Well...they could probably shorten the time to reach a Nemesis (so at least a full "run" could conceivably be completed quicker...and talents would mean a lot more and have more impact for that encounter to go smoothly). If they were able to throw out (more) mini-bosses, they could drop additional talents or abilities or perks to bolster players for the Nemesis fight a bit more as well. I do agree that if longer runs are the devs' vision (similar to how Summit is 100 floors, but clearly you're not supposed to do 100 floors in a single sitting), then some type of checkpoint or save state is needed as people shouldn't be spending 1 hour on a single activity that isn't even finished.
@jonbellamy Год назад
Save and return is a MUST. I got to loop 32 on xbox. 12.5 hours in the session, about 8-9 hours of actual playtime and then, while trying to do other things, having to wiggle the controller just to not get kicked automatically!!! The difficulty should NOT be changed. It's perfect as it is. People need to spend the time to learn it and the talents, as well as earning the permanent upgrades from the NSA station.
@marcelstrkrdelamotte3903 Год назад
They absolutely need to fix the crashing in this game. Right now, you will load up a run and after 45 minutes, one of your friends will crash, and will not be able to rejoin. Ruins the fun for everyone
@imonyourside8376 Год назад
Same my best 2 runs ended on a crash, it's really annoying and makes it unplayable on PC.
@ipstriderlord Год назад
100% agree on the save feature, I have left lot of runs just because my eyes and fingers cannot keep on anymore...
@lucassilverblade913 Год назад
100% agree RG that we need a save option exactly how you've described it. Here's hoping the devs listen and make it so 👍
@RogueGold Год назад
Glad you agree!
@johnbrennan2989 Год назад
I personally dont have the kind of time required to devote to Decent. Dabbled in it and only managed a few rooms then die so would like to see an easier and harder mode
@joseanrodriguez2005 Год назад
and when u die bring you all the way back to main map and have to load all the way back to ii and even the animation is to much time consuming not to mention you have to run to selection and door if it a sumulator should just pop on your screen and pick from there
@d15p4tch6 Год назад
Yes, RIKERs are the biggest PITA, BTSU are IMO harder but neither are pleasant. I agree with pretty much everything you said.
@itsTanabe Год назад
Yeah, a save progress after completing a loop would be great. I just exited at loop 27. After 5 hours I just wanted to run some open world stuff. I want to go for that Tier 1 patch, but I'm not willing to invest that much time into a single play session.
@RogueGold Год назад
@gibbybessa3711 Год назад
The ability to re roll weapon and skill choices, weapon attachments, ability to see the builds of your teammates, have factions set by room instead of by loop.
@grumpyoldman6503 Год назад
Add in reroll exotic talents in there too. Already rng enough if they spawn at the end of any given loop. The balance is off on them too. Sandman, blind justuce, and Dr Home are gimped compared to breathe free, bullet hell, or plague.
@shutchyomouf4407 Год назад
I absolutely agree there needs to be a save function. No checkpoints though. If you die you start over, but can come back if you have other obligations. Not to mention, if you get disconnected, you lose your progress… I work two jobs and play when I can, I definitely don’t have enough time to dump into this mode.
@imonyourside8376 Год назад
The singular most important change they need is to let us rejoin after a crash OR save the entire group and kick everyone so you can continue. IT IS LITERALLY UNPLAYABLE right now if you know you're going to crash at some point. I'm on PC where the crash bug is back in full force.
@Princesskenny004 Год назад
I agree with the save and exit. Times I want to play I can’t because of how long each run has to be. My furthest solo run I still never died, but it’s gone bc I can’t save and go to bed
@lanman4394 Год назад
I agree with you regarding saving progress, but that is a little bit more difficult. I think the most urgent thing they need is when that game blue screens or just it glitches out… there should be a way to respawn right back to the session Where you crashed just like in SURVIVAL in Division. Many times we spend many hours and efforts trying to reach high loops just to have the game crash and lose everything
@spookster2507 Год назад
I love the points you made in this video and I do agree but i also would love a buy station cause I saved up over 2k credits for outside and would love to spend them somehow Like extra loot boxes or something like countdowns vender.
@RogueGold Год назад
Absolutely agree
@socialwill Год назад
Here is an idea. Maybe for a high number of credits you can always start with 4 gun choices or a separate purchase would be a 4th skill option. They let you do this in game, let us do it outside with NSA tokens.
@JohnSmith-im1md Год назад
Same, I enjoy the mode but work 12 hour shifts so definitely can't play during the week, but then to spend 3 hours on a run and die and still wanna play but know you can't make use of your time
@smoovejags9202 Год назад
Totally agree on your first point, topic. Why I still play countdown for gear, only roughly 15mins & if I’ve had enough I can cut it.
@darviswhitehead9483 Год назад
I agree with you on a feature in place to come back to where you left off from. And they need to fix the start up cause when you fast travel to the spot it just start out of nowhere. And also when everyone dies at the end you are stuck and can’t leave.
@raki2794 Год назад
I agree with you a save progress for later option is needed. I die quite alot so I would also love a retry button, so I can get back faster into the mode. About checkpoints they could make several "difficulty mode" like easy where you can retry as many times as you want and if you want to quite just do so at the lobby, where you can choose to either save the progress or start fresh. Heroic would then be your no-checkpoint option just like in these lengthy missions.
@crasylucasbr Год назад
I think it could have more weapons and talents variety, and somewhere where we can see what's actually possible and available on the mode. Thinking about evolution on the mode, maybe the NSA station instead of selling bonuses like crit chance, hazpro, etc.. we could have like four "brand" slots, and just like talents we could assign the brand bonuses to that slots, that would show us randomly throughout the gameplay.
@imonyourside8376 Год назад
I agree things like Skill repair and shield mods are very abundant and mostly useless and please add in more variety.
@johnjudge9533 Год назад
I agree, with save points
@my0866 Год назад
All your points are good points. I like to play Descent in a group, after all it is an on line multiplayer. I have loads of single player games. Group scaling deffinately needs to be looked at, nothing worse than reaching the Nemesis's in a group and having to deal with two Sniper Turrets and Bombardier Drones, to make you feel that you have just wasted loads of your free time.
@TheKT415 Год назад
The scaling def needs looking at. I did read somewhere they are aware of the double sniper turrets and it’s a bug.
@ronaldmelo1775 Год назад
That's just the reason I played only one time this mode. There aren't save points and you have to start from zero every time you die.
@ROPUTO Год назад
As always, I agree with you in all points. Saves need to happen. And about difficulty, we can't just expect enter for the first time and make it to like 15-20 loops (and of course beating the Nemesis). It took me like 3-4 solid runs to get comfy about the mode. In the end, it's a rogue-lite experience: every player has his own better talents combination, weapons to use, skills...
@Bluejohn Год назад
The amount of time required to get anywhere and the lack of some sort of save option is the main reason I rarely play descent. I also believe that unless this changes the number of agents playing this mode will decrease dramatically once the novelty value has worn off.
@gamemaster27 Год назад
1). They need to put more nemesis' in the mode. After killing the 1st Nemesis, we're at 100%. The percentage should continue onwards. (For Example, 2nd Nemesis at 200%.. etc.. etc..). 2). Change the difficulty based on how powerful the agent is. (For Example, lets you have all tiers. have been paid with NSA Tech. Once the agent enters the mode, the difficulty should be adjusted.) (Tiers = Yellow, Red, and Blue) (Armor On Kill, Crit Chance, Status Effect... 10/10... Etc.. Etc...). 2a). The change will take effect also when in a group setting. (For Example, I am the group leader, the difficulty will be scaled based on my agent. 3). For other changes. They should have the Comms active. There are 16 comms, you get one per week or day.. They should leave that project active and close it when we get all 16 comms. P.S. After defeating the Nemesis.. I did a boss fight.. I died from getting shocked from the floor.. too much dmg, not enough armor.. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@cliff8680 Год назад
Made it to loop 12 after several hours. 2 players had to exit. Right there a save would have been nice.
@terrynichols4509 Год назад
I feel like the bug with getting shot through cover has gotten worse since last season because I have died too many times while in cover. There's even a spot in one of the missions where both the enemy and I could shoot each other through the floor
@farenhitegr6493 Год назад
The red barrels and other explosive elements need to go. They kill me faster than it kills the enemy, so I don't really see why it needs to be included outside of being turned into a hazard modifier like chem vapor or EMP. Also, we need more NSA Tech upgrades inspired from the SHD watch, and gear perks: armor regeneration, total armor and health, total damage, skill damage, and so on.
@wilbertb1929 Год назад
I agree with difficulty being in a good place. Once you learn the safer places in rooms and spawn points its fine.
@sparky19lb93 Год назад
Yeah! I think (maybe) that can be a work-around or can address the pc crashing issue at least we will be able to be back in the most recent game saved (not checkpoint).
@ragingmonkey4592 Год назад
Save and return is for sure the #1 thing. I don't have more than 2 contiguous hours to spend, and the rest of the game is really well designed to account for that lifestyle. This alone kills the mode for me most times. Also, people need to be able to reconnect after crash or internet failure. The bugs obviously need to be fixed because their impact in a rougelike setting makes them 10x more frustrating than in the main game. The group scaling is super ridiculous. Lets all be honest, getting to loop 4 in a group is like picking random talents the whole time and going to loop 7 or 8 in solo. I know there's a lot of talk about the Nemesis and while I mostly agree with the "git gud" crowd, there are some RNG factors that can allow them to straight up destroy you in seconds, especially in groups. They definitely need to be tuned down in groups as having 4 high dmg super soldiers that can nearly 1 shot you unless you've chosen armor core the whole way (you get 2 shots) and allowing them to focus and wipe out your group in seconds is not balanced/fair/fun. I feel their damage level in general is way too high, which leads to everyone just crowd controlling them, not getting hit and saying "easy game, idk why you can't do it." For reference, I killed the Nemesis my first run solo, but in general my experience has been that a Nemesis with shotgun/sniper can take you to critical health in 1 shot which makes them an incredibly oppressive presence and I feel it kills build diversity.
@kingslayerz1874 Год назад
I originally thought it was overturned, but got the flow down and now I only think they need to limit the amount of Black Tusk Dogs, and Wally bots per spawn. I wish they would allow for a reset at the beginning so you don't have to continuously quit,leave and go back in until you get a weapon or skill you want to start with. And I also agree a continue spot would be awesome
@vonwalker7442 Год назад
It’s a Roguelike mode so I understand the not saving or checkpoints. Just put the time down to 5 seconds when you enter a room or immediately start it when you enter. But There Are Also Other Things I Would Like To Done.
@shanky.y Год назад
save and return with a weekly reset , (for the project) this way you have a week to try get high as you can in ur own time. i got to loop 21 and i just exit . its to much time and i dont think i ever gonna do it again.
@kdgaminginc4700 Год назад
I agree I made it to loop 28 and got so sleepy mistakes were made that if I had a save feature this may have not happen needed for solo at the least
@squad51_kmg365 Год назад
Agree on the rewards. Having the reconfigure caches be random and then having it be random that you get a blueprint needs to change. Had someone that has been in Decent since he first day and spent multiple hours and beat the Nemesis several times to bring a first timer with who gets a cache and a blueprint and they have yet I get their first is not ok
@ShiftNova Год назад
I totally agree. Also there needs to be more rewards when getting blueprints. They should have never put blueprints behind this mode. It was a slimy way on getting players with a bad collection need to play this mode. The clan I mostly don't care for in this mode is the Black tusk. When you have shotgunners running straight at you, dogs running around the room shooting you, and enemy ai spamming drones your way. Things start to get too heated.
@clgaines2006 Год назад
I agree with the progression save.
@RogueGold Год назад
@davidsanremo Год назад
It took me some run to understand how Descent works, at first I was very dissapointed but now I pretty love this new game mode but it need the possibility to "freeze" or save the session because it cannot be done in one straight run. At least for people like me who have limited time to invest everyday. For example the other day I was at loop 7, after Nemesis, and I pretty enjoyed that kind of build I created during the run but I had to quit due to family issue (that case was preparing dinner); and something to protect the session if internet (or Ubi servers) crash; Yesterday I lost one hour because of that. I like how it's balanced in solo but it's terrible in group! I do think they scaled mobs and Nemesis too high. Another things aside of the bugs that cannot let you to complete the weekly project (took me 3 times defeating Nemesis this week) is time invested/rewards; I mean give us those caches with named blueprints inside (I think they are called Reconstructed Caches), I haven't see a single one in many runs and Simulation Caches gives the common yellow loot that you can get outside Descent (pretty more easy and fast). Now I like very much this new game mode and also I like the Devs efforts but it need a rework.
@cjpsmachado Год назад
Totally agree with the save and return option. I play a lot of this game but my time isn't as free as to be able to play 3 or 4 hours with no interruptions. I tried the mode and really after a while just had to let myself dye because I just had to leave, so this option would be great.
@ericzavala1311 Год назад
We need a stats screen like in the normal game so that we can see where we are at with all our stats during decent
@lord7eventh1 Год назад
Amazing video brother I had no idea the Descent mode came out a little Lol
@justinbridgman2364 Год назад
I agree with your save feature also a locker system (COD ZOMBIES style fridge deal)where when you max out a talent and u feel like putting it in locker you Can weapons also then continue Playing without the talent get a new one ect .then die , then in ur next session you get to the locker after x amount of loops make it coast credits to input and take out talents and guns
@justinbridgman2364 Год назад
It would allow for harder nemesis fights and more power sooner after grinding to do so
@imonyourside8376 Год назад
Difficuly ramps up ten fold about mid round 4, my 2 best runs crashed as well. They need to put a rejoin feature into it, I don't even want to play it now.
@Libertarian1776 Год назад
I agree it needs a save and continue mode. Like I mentioned in your live vid the other day i'd also like to see the Nemesis appear from time to time to re-challenge you as your toon gets better, kinda like Rogues randomly appear in the open world. Lastly I'd like to add that I'm not a real fan of the mode, I find it boring and I don't care with getting stuck with random gear I never play with, I get that is the point of the mode but it's not really in tune with how I like to play, I'd LOVE to bring my main toon in with his build and get challenged that way, It would be a blast having a Nemesis fight me with my current build.
@jlaw3504 Год назад
I think the average time to get to the Nem needs to be decreased have the base door percent be 5% and have some 10% ones.
@PsYcO9iKiLl9YaH Год назад
the reason for low heat $ is so you can get perks,weapons,skills etc, if you make it higher all the cringe crybabies will cry even more if they cant kill him with how its now they will never kill him if they get half the upgrades. if you want to get nemesis quicker just do the easy rooms....
@MountainHigh1984 Год назад
Yes the burn sticky bomb just stuck on me and alot of place going in and out cover bugs about. I think it's brilliant but I personally don't care for it until I'm well past loop 10 at least . Saveing would be a great feature tho. This is my thought
@krackd-tv1364 Год назад
i fully agree yeah both time and save feature very much needs
@lunamaria1048 Год назад
I love the mode, but hate not being able to return to continue a solo run, after it gets late... So as you said on that. However I think continuing should be for solo only, I guess
@jeffm7201 Год назад
for me personally, i like that they force you to use skills/weapons that you wouldnt normally use. I like that often times its advantageous to use the handgun. descent is frustrating and difficult at times, which it should be. however, as with much of the divisions new content, its fun for a few weeks and then once you finish it, theres no reason to ever play it again. I found it addictive for about 2 weeks, but then once i beat the nemesis, I didnt see any reason to ever play again. The rewards simply dont justify the time investment.
@socialwill Год назад
Agreed. They need to up the reward options and give you a reason to play longer. It is almost a game in itself, and rightfully so, but the rewards are very basic. Also some of the skills need to be tweaked. Glass cannon should not be an exotic lvl reward IMO. Unbreakable maybe, but not glass cannon.
@1017LTDUB Год назад
I received Delta 3 error and lost connection on Loop 9. I had the perfect setup for that run. Haven’t had the motivation to play again since I was booted from disconnect instead of death
@pelesiren4959 Год назад
Descent needs more talents. They should bring back all of the year one talents at least. After putting in about 12 hours to descent and only defeating nemesis once I'm tempted to cry about difficulty but even more I want more talent combinations
@rjwanamaker5077 Год назад
I find it more once I hit a certain loop the npcs just rush you and overwhelm you and your team. If you drive the one or two rooms it does it then your golden
@imonyourside8376 Год назад
@@rjwanamaker5077 Yup about round 4 and I'm usually the only left standing and don't have enough firepower to have any sort of chance.
@IzThatit Год назад
Some of the strongest talents require being in cover. This doesn't mesh well with the enemy AI. Cleaners & Black Tusk for example have units that will hide and bombard you in cover. I would love to see OG Clutch, In Sync, Creeping Death, bring Bloodsucker back to normal talent pool. Make exotic talents out of 4pc Gear Set talents. Hunters Fury, Hostile Negotiations, Full Flag...etc. as exotic talents would be cool to see.
@grumpyoldman6503 Год назад
Agree. Would like to see some gear 4p bonus in the mix. Eclipse, Strikers, Hunters, Foundry, etc. that would be lit. 1000% needs a leave and return at some point that resets each server maintenance. Damn thing takes way too long and I'm always afraid I'm going to delta.
@MarkReading Год назад
Well, my previous hgh level was in a group format at Lv17 before a powercut forced me offline. To get there was a bit of a slog and grind. Fast forward to last night and I thought I'd grab another single exotic cache, kill the nemesis and look at getting close to Lv17. Well 7 hours later, hit Lv30 and had to just die by my own choice not by being overrun by NPC's as it was due to the time of the night - close to 1am for me. If there was a save at specific levels then that would've been great. What did I get for that - a frackin' stupid arm patch called Broken Wings: Tier3. Nothing great, no extra exotic caches at Lv20, Lv25 or Lv30. There wasn't even better guns at higher levels, I used the same 2 basically from Lv22 till the end. From Lv25, all that I noticed was on each loop, I had at least 1 room with Rogues (Harder to kill than those inthe openworld but not by much) and the Black Tusk room sfilled with dogs, lots of dogs. Replayability needs to have the follwoing - way better loot as you progress, way better weapons as you progress, the ability to have specific save points from their side so that you can return and carry on so for solo that is a choice of starting from zero or carrying on from last save and for Group, it is a weekly save a bit like the old raids used to have. Will I want to go back and do another time grind for nothing - nope not at all. I'm happy to have got the Lv30 and that's a wrap for me.
@hubertf4467 Год назад
Hello Rogue, as a skillbased player in the standard-game I was already skeptical on Decent. I did play it once in a group of for and can agree with you regarding the difficulty until Nemesis. But before Nemesis, and only there, there should be a Checkpoint, as I won’t continue playing for two or more hours just to get kicked there. For me it’s similar to the Keener-Mission that is fine until Keener himself...
@danaxl05 Год назад
Today I got to loop 23 just to die because I was too tired to even pay attention on what I was doing after playing for 7 hours in a row. I closed the game with the feeling that I will ever play descent again until some kind of save or checkpoint is implemented.
@Malacite Год назад
Would love to see quite a number of things; - More stuff to spend credits on like mods (Snipers don't have scopes wtf...) - an option to spend currency to negate a negative room effect (with increasing costs as you progress so you can't just do it every time) - an option to re-roll weapon and skill choices (seriously WHY is that not already in?) - purchase guns and skills from the shop kiosk - either additional exotic talent slots every 10-15 loops, or the ability to level them up the same as regular talents (cap of 3 maybe?) - re-roll.exotic talents (should be expensive but at least available) - remove shock ammo from Named Enemies/Bosses. Seriously it's just cheap. So is having the Nemesis hack your skills - skill selection needs a dramatic overhaul. I frequently see the same 3-5 skills every loop, and the shields and healing ones almost never show up. - enemy scaling is wonky AF. The game seems to balance according to what stats you pick rather than a set amount per loop which is dumb and can make your choices feel invalidated. Also, Firearms and Armor scale infinitely but Skill Tier is capped at 6. Maybe give 5% skill efficiency per choice after 6?
@bevelirius Год назад
I think it should be able to inspect our allies loadout (weapons, skills, talents, attributes), and also it should be able to change weapons/skills from slot 1 to slot 2.
@RogueGold Год назад
Those would both be nice!
@tineye5100 Год назад
Needs a save and return. Needs a larger amount of talents - feel like I'm always seeing the same ones. Nemesis is too high-variance in terms of difficulty. It either blows over or two-taps you - unless you’re in a group, where it’s just straight broken. Black Tusk rooms are a pain; Dogs are a high difficulty spike vs. other faction rooms and just eat ammo. Also - EMPs are WAY too visually obtrusive. You simply can’t see through them at all.
@bigmanbedda Год назад
A save function, maybe add the gearset talents too just without the piece requirement, i honestly hooe they have ideas to improve and build on the mode in future not just drop it in and keave it at what it is now u til the end
@alistermunro7090 Год назад
The Underground was a fantastic addition within Division 1. I feel Decent was a very poor attempt at adding the same type of content to Division 2, the big problem being that it's simply boring to play.
@VivianDaHusky Год назад
My main issue I keep running into is The Outcast floors, I absolutely HATE them and wish it wasn't a part of the mode. They are always the ones that end my run too early. sometimes they spawn with 2-3 Controllers which then stun lock me until I die either from bleed or 2 other enemies shoot me. Other than that I'm fine with this mode
@jockeivanhoe Год назад
Finally someone that thinks like I do! Would love to run for leaderboard but got kids so dont have time, so love the idea of save and return! And the NSA tab is a must and I would like to see it in my runs because now I have 20% prot from elites and 20% havard but it dosent feel like its any difference so im woundering if they are active on my runs.
@jdslipknot Год назад
my wishlist: more locations more guns more skills nemesis repeats more things to buy with NSA credits loops with mixed enemy faction more xp and rewards those are the ones on top of my head
@Rulez7 Год назад
I used to feel that it was too hard, but now that I’ve played a bit and used the NSA credits to upgrade stats (crit chance, AOK, status effects), I feel it is not too bad. I think that might have been the devs idea from the get go; it’s going to be hard until you invest some time and boost your character attributes. I do think it desperately needs a save function as you described though.
@RogueGold Год назад
It definitely gets "easier" the better of an understanding you have of it 👍
@freedarknight6010 Год назад
That save point idea would be awesome. In a good run for me I can get to the nemesis in about an hour hour and half loop 6-7. Depends on how safe I’m playing. By that point I’m kinda done going higher mainly bc it took me almost 4 hours to get to loop 17 solo and only died bc I got sloppy. My very thought was oh well I was going to quit anyways. So yea that would be nice to have. If u die after the save oh well. But the real ? Is what If u delta or game crash. That should be only time to have checkpoint like a one time only thing just so ur not riped off.
@MsDocLynn Год назад
I would definitely like a save or checkpoint. Too much time to invest for so little incentive. Would like exotic components to be earned on the way also
@aaronrunyon9959 Год назад
How do you view your stats? It'd be helpful when choosing talents purchasing mods. IE crit chance, dmg, headshot, hazpro, skill haste
@RogueGold Год назад
You currently cannot, unfortunately
@gamerdudie22 Год назад
Another great video RG. I'm with you on the save feature. Don't even want to start unless you've got 8 hours to set aside to play. Really limiting its playability
@RogueGold Год назад
Glad you agree 👍 thanks for watching!
@hanvangoro2724 Год назад
Im agree with you @roguegold, if you aim arm patch tier 1 which means loop 41... it takes 6-10 hour depending on your build, its very bad tto your health.. really.. yes being able to resume is great! Secondly... reconstruction cache... very rng, at least you definetely get 1 reconstructed cache after finishing weekly project descent. And the last.. nsa currency is useless after you bought all upgrade, at least make someting purchaseable item like exotic/reconstructed/material cache
@denzlemurphy1736 Год назад
The save mode is a great idea, but I think it should only be for solo runs... I like the hardness level the way it is. The time to play 8 to 10 hours straight is the issue...
@MortarMike Год назад
Honestly the game mode feels really balanced. It DOES take a long time at times, especially if you're all going for the hardest rooms (as I usually do), and I feel like the Nemesis attack is very balanced..... if you want a leg up on the Nemesis, make sure someone on your team is playing on a Current Gen console lmao.... we went to fight nemesis, and by the time my game (current gen) loaded in, they had run up to high ground, taken cover, AND activated Overwatch perk before the timer started lmao.... we beat the living brakes off of them too lol
@gtodad7311 Год назад
It is the lack consistency is horrible....one room is super tankie while I can pistol my way through the next with a default M9. And cover in some rooms just sucks. Also, outcast rushers' explosion radius needs adjustment because some rooms are just too small to escape.
@gtodad7311 Год назад
Furthermore they need adjust the repeat rate of already equiped talents.....having 5-6 different talents is nice but I rarely get a stack past 2 on two or maybe three of them.....and it will usually spams me useless talents when I dont need them..(i.e. only utility and defense only rooms when I need offensive).
@marcusehlig5569 Год назад
Agree, safe and return, difficulty works fine for only played until 52% and has to leave, real life and things
@buddzilla187 Год назад
It's hard to say. I need to buy all the upgrades before knowing how difficult it is. I'm enjoying the challenge.
@RogueGold Год назад
It definitely takes adjusting compared to the main game
@johanvandenberg3861 Год назад
My experience so far. Very do-able solo I completed it there. But not choosing hard rooms beyond 50%. In group... 100% fail, and I do about 5 runs a day so far - how long has it been out? So rougly 40 "group" runs - every single one failed. On a hard room just after reaching 50%. And to put myself into perspective div2 skill wise well over 2000+ hours played. All legendaries completed. All of summit completed. All raids completed well over 100 times each. 99% of the time best player by stats at the end of a heroic or lego mission. I am not the type to keep my head up when getting hurt. Those rooms I just get pushed into a corner and shot in the back. Not enough armour or dmg output to protect myself and/or position. I know my gear and tallents. And I dont agree that people can be pulled into decent to skip rooms. No checkpoints. But like the save idea.
@maverick_cw Год назад
Agree with a "pause to leave" option at the beginning of a new loop... but how could also something like that work to for disconnects? Having just moved to a new area, I'm stuck, currently, with subpar internet that randomly crashes without warning at the drop of a hat. It's not fair for players in those situations to be thrown out of a game mode they've struggled for literal hours to achieve some measure of success with...only to have your services collapse (or you're idle kicked cause you had to feed your baby or get dinner off the stove before it burned, ect) and you're forced back to the start. This has been a huge source of frustrations for me when dumping several hours into the mode on a day off work - one time JUST loading into the Nemesis room - only to have my net drop and be standing outside the simulation on re-log. Some form of save point (that perhaps holds your most recent Loop and Room for, example, 15 minutes) to allow you a grace period for your service to be restored (or whatever other situation to be resolved) and you to resume to the session - an inability or lack of wanting to return to that session in the given time would wipe the session on your next log in. It just feels like, at times, that the game mode is a tease and torture - tease in being the new shiny everyone wants to experience and torture in that we're punished for having this nasty little reality called "real life". Survival in Div1 had a "disconnect grace period" - granted though I think it was only for like 5 minutes. Sorry for the mini-rant; I'll show myself out.
@RogueGold Год назад
Having that recovery option would certainly be nice- for crashes as well since it's entirely uncontrollable. I have a feeling that it's not within the Devs capabilities though, unfortunately, as back during the PTS they said they made the system to secure your earned rewards if you crash/disconnect, but nothing on saving your progress and position within the mode
@MatthiasPowerbomb Год назад
The checkpoints sound like a good idea. As for difficulty, I thought I was a good Division 2 player, but I'm learning that I'm not because I have yet to even make it to Nemesis, let alone beat it. The first couple of loops are ridiculously easy, but then you hit a difficulty spike that wipes us every time. BTW, I've only played in match-made groups - I don't enjoy playing solo.
@Banksy1186 Год назад
I’ve not made it either highest loop solo 4
@MatthiasPowerbomb Год назад
@@Banksy1186 I've made it to loop 6, but only once. Aside from that one run, I've only made it to loop 4.
@RogueGold Год назад
Group runs definitely feel wrongly tuned at the moment, so I think when/if they readjust you'll likely have better luck
@SageKing09816 Год назад
I would love to have nemesis only one per week so once i have killed the nemesis fter that i can play whole week and just focus on enjoying and going to higher loops And about the save function just make it so that it only works in solo
@robracer97 Год назад
I know I'm not a great player, but I've been able to get to the Nemesis 3 times. One Solo and 2 matchmade lobbies. Then the Nemesis' would then proceed to melt us within a minute or so. I bet I could probably figure it out eventually but the hour+ long journey to the boss is just too tedious and repetitive to make it worth while.
@RogueGold Год назад
Yeah I think it's a tough point to balance, since it's meant to be a challenging fight, but there is that long build-up to it
@gregc.5684 Год назад
Excellent analysis. RG
@RogueGold Год назад
Thank you! 🙏
@theparoynormalexperience Год назад
once i get to the nemesis, i never have a chance to do anything.
@518blvd3 Год назад
Maybe not a save and return but a rework where the mode can be finished in at least an hour. Also matchmaking, in the current state of the mode, almost impossible to matchmake a group without people dropping out a Couple hrs in. We have to be able to call in for help during actual play.
@RogueGold Год назад
The issue is there is no "finishing" Descent, it's an endless mode. You go as far as you're able to and that's tracked on the leaderboards
@angelobronte6029 Год назад
I would like some balacing on the tech side of builds
@jd75droid33 Год назад
All the other NSA options had rank 10 of 10 mimits, but the currency gain one doesn't show that for me. Is that a per run buff or permanent? Sucks that we can't see what buffs we're getting from the NSA store...
@RogueGold Год назад
The buffs are permanent, but unfortunately we can't see the NSA buffs we've purchased right now
@MoRpHiNe_NPC Год назад
I strongly agree with the save feature
@MoRpHiNe_NPC Год назад
And no checkpoints, just save so you can actually have a life besides doing a loop run
@RogueGold Год назад
@areianos Год назад
Not very good at it - but love the difficulty. Rarely make it to Nemesis... but the bugs are insane. Sticky animation gets stuck, hit registration with hand gun in poor., getting melted when behind cover is nuts and so many more bugs.
@molimits2 Год назад
Fully agree on a save feature. Maybe a one time save so it's not abused (save after every loop?) , Because the mode plays well as is just too long on one sit down I was very frustrated early on but with time you learn how to play this mode and the difficulty level is challenging but fun I do hate cleaners most after black tusk . Rikers are easy for me. The cleaners has the worst combo of them all in this mode Didn't you say you reach 17? The footage shows 20 😊
@RogueGold Год назад
I did one run after recording the vid and beat my record 😄 great thoughts, thanks for sharing!
@shanky.y Год назад
i dont get the people who say that its not hard. it is an endless after all so its gonna be ok if they make it a bit easy. if it easy for you we good, nothing bad gonna happen if it gonna be a bit more easy, then it get harder the more you go. its w win win 4every1
@dh1380 Год назад
They need to start making pvp rewards really really good. Pvp is fun. The reward system doesn't entice people to play. Pvp rewards are way too Conservative. To get people in there they need better drops to counter all the social media pve only players who would do fine if they just dipped a toe for more than five minutes
@XerroMedia Год назад
While I do like the idea of a "Save and Return" option, think that there should be a time limit on it, say like 24 hours. As for feedback, what I've noticed is that, (at least on Playstation) the matchmaking is garbage, most times I end up waiting a good 30 to 45 minutes just to get matched up with someone. As for difficulty, I'm mostly fine with it the way it is. Only issue I have with it is when running solo, by like loop 4 or 5 I end up getting swarmed by purple enemies. I do think that skills need to be looked, I've had multiple times where I've deployed a decoy and the NPC's straight up ignore it, that and skills like the sticky bomb and chem launcher tend to (for lack of a better word) "glitch out" where I'll fire said skill, then be stuck in the animation when I try to switch back to my weapon. I think an option similar to Countdown would be great.
@whiskeytangotv1758 Год назад
I thought about the ability to save when you showed the pre release run of descent. I mean i love tje game and the mode but i dont have time to do that much at 1 sitting, real life sucks sometimes.
@mikesmurawski3331 Год назад
It's definitely too difficult and I'm a veteran player. Got the nemesis 4 times and still haven't killed him. That needs adjusting. Also, it takes way too long to get to that point. I don't want to play the same mode for 90 minutes just to TRY to kill the annoying nemesis
@PsYcO9iKiLl9YaH Год назад
if you cant kill him once in 4 runs how do you manage to kill him if you get to him even faster? lol the faster you go the weaker you are. im pretty sure most people pick the wrong weapons,talents and core upgrades. i have like 10+ nemesis kills and only failed once because of the double sniper turret bug and i was unlucky to not got a reviver hive. solo all my runs and highest loop was 27.
@MountainHigh1984 Год назад
Yes save and return would help takes very long time and patience. I. Gonna be honest I don't even play it anymore . It's fun but I personally just don't care for this mode of gameplay .
@self_immolation Год назад
Save and return feature is a great idea, more so the fact that once you die it ends you run. I do think Nemesis is far too difficult atm. Investing at minimum an hour to be 2 shot is beyond frustrating. It's ability to self heal seems very excessive. Also... I thought the whole point was to have an enemy that mirrored you. SO why am I being constantly bombarded with weapon and more so skills which I do not have? The run, that I finally beat Nemesis, I used all my armour packs within the 1st minute (of a 5 min to take him down), yet it was healing constantly throughout. He was attacking me with a MR, I had an AR, used stinger hive/airburst seeker mine whilst I had a revive hive and decoy. His aim is like a laser beam, no matter how you try to shield yourself behind cover he inevitable will just hit you. The difficulty vs reward, or rather lack of if you don't kill Nemesis, is just not worth it to me.
@PsYcO9iKiLl9YaH Год назад
you just have to burst the nemesis down! shotgun,decoy,pesti exo and dont let him do anything! i have like 10 clears and only failed 1 because he dropped 2 sniper turrets at the same time and they both shot me at the same time before i could destroy them. always pick hardest rooms to get less heat and more currency. the nemesis is insanely easy tbh. the rogues every 2 or 3 rooms after nemesis are way harder lol^^
@scottakabuster8075 Год назад
All you need is special ammo in your pistol, shoot him with it then switch to your gun and blast him. Continue until he is dead. He can’t move. Works every time.
@G3NXer Год назад
Question about the raid. I still don't have Eagle Bearer, ran a couple of raids only to find out matchmaking won't let you run on normal. What a disappointment. Is there a reason for matchmaking only on discovery? I just can never find people unless matchmaking to run the raid. Really want the EB.
@RogueGold Год назад
The Devs explanation over the years is that it would be virtually impossible to complete these Raids with a random/non-communicative team (Discovery mode significantly reduces the fight mechanics), so they don't want to host a matchmaking system that promises to have such a low success rate. In Season 11 they did add the Eagle Bearer to the DZ loot pool, albeit with a very low drop rate. So particularly on a day where you see Targeted AR's in the DZ, you could try your luck there!
@G3NXer Год назад
@@RogueGold Thanks. much appreciated. But I have tried the DZ when loot is AR but never drops for me and a little rough trying to extract with so many pvp players just waiting for extraction calls to go rogue... Lol
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