
The Dylan Mulvaney Hate Train 

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28 сен 2024




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@rachael8646 Год назад
There is some really insane misinformation spread about Dylan and trans people in general. The reason that Dylan's brand is linked to feminine products is because early on as a creator, she shared a story about being asked for a tampon in the women's restroom and the way that it made her feel. She decided to carry tampons Incase someone needs them in the future as an act of sisterhood and community. That became kind of part of her brand. But people will share screenshots of her holding tampons and be like "crazy trans people spread lies about needing tampons."
@zyexio Год назад
We now live in a society where men are better at being women than women. Doesn’t that make you mad? And all the feminists and the Left are eating it up. These companies do this to appear “inclusive”. I can’t believe this has to be explained to people. Men can’t be women and women can’t be men.
@sircuntsalot2881 Год назад
It’s retarded regardless & absolutely strange. Also it’s a he
@justhearmeout3959 Год назад
Oof. Thank you for this clarification. It's so sorely needed ❤❤❤
@zyexio Год назад
@@justhearmeout3959 Some people make use of their common sense quicker than others. That’s all!
@kinkyxkitten666 Год назад
As a Trans man thank you for saying "people needing tampons"remember not only women get periods.
@animatedawesome5550 Год назад
It makes me physically sick to hear that loser actively trying to get Dylan to commit suicide. Like the language he was using wasn't meant to make her feel bad. It was literally to tell her to give up and die cuz nobody loves her and nobody could love her. That wasn't a personal attack that was a monster admitting that if he could, he would happily hang her by the neck and use her as an example.
@LivyRivy Год назад
It's true. What other outcome could he be hoping for speaking about someone like that?
@animatedawesome5550 Год назад
@Olivia Rivera exactly, ignoring the fact that trans people are at a high risk for suicide. His language boiled down to "I hate you, everyone hates you. You shouldn't exist and if you continue to exist we will continue to hate you because you existing is the problem"
@nkemnoraulmanfredini7286 Год назад
@hyxng6829 Год назад
totally... so much second hand pain thinking about dylan having to hear that shit. no one deserves that, especially not her :(
@bryangeorge6770 Год назад
Dylan is a corporatist clown show. N He is actively promoting authoritarianism, and just a couple years after the left was calling for defending the police. You people don't understand the plot.
@emilyward4388 Год назад
I think Dylan was offered a sponsorship with tampax because she was handing out tampons to women on the street.. lol she would walk to women walking down the sidewalk and say “hey would you like some free tampons?” So that’s more than likely why that offer was given.
@genevievec.8002 Год назад
I looked into it the other day, all Tampax did was send Dylan a few boxes of tampons to give out (though, some may argue anyone going out of their way in public to offer women they don't know tampons is a bit... Weird). Tampax has confirmed they have no sponsorship and Dylan confirmed that she never made any money off of it. She also acknowledged she doesn't have a uterus and they weren't for her. If Tampax has done a full sponsorship though, I personally would've considered it inappropriate. I've never seen a man sponsor a period product, not to women, and not to men on behalf of women they may know. I'd also say, if they had, I'd be more upset with Tampax than Dylan. While I'd hope she'd see why women might not be alright with it, I also understand money is a good motivator. Tampax would fully deserve whatever backlash they got in that case in my opinion though.
@jerm-gv9rv Год назад
@@genevievec.8002 why does it matter if they sponsor her… Not every woman necessarily uses tampons…why does it matter what this companies doing with a positive figure that isn’t hurting people Like I get that you’re transphobic of whatever Seems like the only issue here is that she’s trans I’m not sure what else to call it other than people upset at a Trans person getting public attention No one is concerned about if whatever spokes person is actually using said products in their free time They only care because they KNOW she’s trans and that they can use it as ammunition against her Kinda disproves that myth that no one has an issue with adults being trans It’s anytime they aren’t treated in a way that alienates them for their identity that’s where the issue is And that’s just transphobia
@msrainbowbrite Год назад
After people were outraged by the tampax sponsorship, thats when dylan twisted the narrative and gave them to people on the street
@jerm-gv9rv Год назад
@@msrainbowbrite she always said that and regardless the only issue people has was her being trans No one would care if a cis women who didn’t use the product was PROMOTING it Which is another thing. Most of those WERENT EVEN COMPENSATED but of course that “trans women gets a few one off unpaid promotions” Won’t have the same outrage and effect as “someone we are supposed to see as “not a Woman” is getting PAID to sponser women’s products”
@msrainbowbrite Год назад
@@jerm-gv9rv People have a problem with DYLAN. DYLAN is the issue. A transfemale had no reason to get that sponsorship and even the skit Dylan did asking how it works was insulting. No one would know if the BIOLOGICAL woman wouldn't use the product, it would be assumed.
@intricatic Год назад
Meanwhile, in France, a huge mass of the population is rioting and demanding Macron stop trying to increase the retirement age. But us in America, we got trans panic. God, it's great to be American.
@Superunknown190 Год назад
WheRe aT LeAsT I KnOW iM FrEe!
@v8ali8 Год назад
@@Superunknown190 *Limited conditions apply. American freedom does not protect against oppression from corporations, capitalism, or conservatism.
@Superunknown190 Год назад
@@v8ali8 😂 I read that in the sped-up disclaimer voice.
@j.goggels9115 Год назад
Because we French have been there! We have lived what you Americans are living now. From 1870 to 1945, whenever improving the living condition of the general population was on the line, the Far-Right would always throw some moral outrage to avoid discussing the matter in a democratic way. Stirring anger is their playbook. And it ended up very very badly for us. We disappeared as a country. And it took us a lot to overcome the evil, together as a nation with no sympathy for the traitors and a little bit of help from you Americans.
@pinkerino123 Год назад
They even sent bomb threats to Anheuser Busch just for sponsoring Dylan
@lapatti Год назад
As a non smoker I often carry a lighter in case someone needs it, I hope no one gets offended
@lynlynnielyn9188 Год назад
That is not the same thing at all, man carrying tampons is weird and crazy
@vikkistar3104 10 месяцев назад
It's not for herself she has it to give to women
@Hiiiiiiiiieeee Год назад
I will truly never understand why so many people care how others choose to live their lives. As long as someone is not actively hurting you or an innocent thing like a child, or an animal, leave them alone, and let them be. I swear, humans are deplorable sometimes.
@JustThePR Год назад
Yes I agree. People should be able to live without the criticism of others, but unfortunately that isn't the case. When it comes to influencing children though, that's where a line has to be drawn. For example, when I was a child, I grew up around extreme violence that I won't detail. As a child my brain was sponge-like and I absorbed my environment. Fast forward a bit and now I'm fighting my family constantly. I had learned to believe that the only way to react to someone disagreeing was by getting angry. My point is, when children are hearing that they can decide what gender they want to be, it's a massive issue. They instantly begin to absorb those words and become confused. I personally have a 3 year old son and if I ever find that a teacher of his is pushing gender identity into his head, I will more than likely remove him from said teachers class and possibly the school as a whole. Do you understand what I'm saying?
@hyxng6829 Год назад
@@JustThePR Even if your son did become "confused" about gender, is that such a dangerous thing? (socially, not talking medically) I know plenty of people who explored their gender identities at a young age and came out being cis. Of course I don't think that anyone should try to influence children into being one way or another, but they will find themselves in the end. It's up to you how you treat them during that delicate time
@Hiiiiiiiiieeee Год назад
@@JustThePR so, I have been gay since the moment I can remember. All the way back to three or four I can remember thinking boys were cute. I pose the question to you, did anyone influence me to be gay when I was clearly born with a same-sex attraction? I grew up, not knowing any other homosexuals until I was an adult. So clearly, that did not influence me whatsoever. Because if I was influenced by the things I saw, I would have been/would be straight. Also, being brought up around violence, and growing to think that that is normal is a completely different thing than seeing people who happen to be transgender. In fact, comparing the two is pretty awful when you really stop and think about it. A group of people just living their lives happily, unashamed, is the same as watching people, commit violence towards each other on a daily basis in your own home? You really need to think about that comparison again before you stand as firm as you seem to be. And even if your child did consider the fact that they may be transgender one day, is that gonna make you love them any less? Are you going to be the kind of parent who wants to change your child because it doesn’t suit your narrative? Might want to look yourself in the mirror before you answer that.
@Hiiiiiiiiieeee Год назад
@@hyxng6829 YUP. And this fear that acknowledging different people in life is going to automatically make a child want to be that way is asinine.
@JustThePR Год назад
@@hyxng6829 It's my job as a parent to guide my son. Not another adults. If my son comes to me and says on his own accord, "Dad, I might like men." or "Dad, I think I'm a girl." I would sit down with him and tell him I will love you regardless. My point is just like religion isn't taught in schools, neither should gender identity.
@belzeebubbubbachunks Год назад
I have had a hard time taking Dylan Mulvaney seriously. Is Dylan actually "trans" ? Or is this some sort of publicity stunt? It all seems very theatrical. Regarding gender-affirming care---it's not the medically "correct" thing to do to a growing child and can pose many health risks later down the line. Anything regarding hormone therapy and surgical transitions should only be allowed after 18.
@shiningskies47 4 месяца назад
two things, dylan has always been theatrical, she is literally a theatre star, two, there is simply not any hormonal treatment or surgery happening to minors, never has been.
@belzeebubbubbachunks 3 месяца назад
@@shiningskies47 jazz Jennings went through it
@aliciasimmons4591 Год назад
In most states the anti-gender affirming care legislation only targets minors, but in Missouri the attourney general issued an energency rule that also attacks access to gender affirming care for adults. Crazy and scary that it's gotten this far.
@TheObviouslyObvious Год назад
That is definitely not okay, once your an adult you should get to make your own decisions about your body. But I guess they started with abortions so this must be the next "logical" step 😓
@bobdonda Год назад
It wouldn't have, if activist parents and teachers weren't trying to trans the children
@ireallyreallyhategoogle Год назад
Quick, leave while you still can. The Handmaid's Tale is not too far.
@thorium3737 Год назад
They went too far. What did they expect?
@ireallyreallyhategoogle Год назад
@@thorium3737 Who went too far, the conservatives?
@shgysk8zer0 Год назад
I think I'm "moderate" on Dylan. If it weren't for the backlash and hate and slander, I'd be pretty much apathetic about all this. I am *strongly* opposed to the disgusting hate and hypocrisy about the whole thing. And I've been very vocal in the hypocrisy from conservatives, using terms like "snowflake" and "cancel culture" and such to point this out.
@busterofcoviddeniers Год назад
Well said
@ashleyjohansson230 Год назад
The conservative response is typical but what annoys me even more is how people are claiming dylan is bad because of all the jokes they make about women and transgenders. So are people now saying transgenders shouldn't be allowed to be comedians? Whenever people like dave chappelle made fun of transgenders and women also, everyone was taking his side saying "its just a joke"
@shgysk8zer0 Год назад
@@ashleyjohansson230 what annoys me most is all of the RU-vid/Tik-Tok/etc sponsorships from any and every company, and *this* is the one a company is *cancelled* over. And the weak accusation behind it. No version of this can be fair and honest and consistent.
@nicksworld8940 Год назад
It’s not only conservatives that want her canceled.. it seems like everyone hates her.
@shgysk8zer0 Год назад
@@nicksworld8940 I don't doubt that there's backlash from others, but... By far both the majority and the worst that I've seen has been from conservative evangelicals and the like. Also some "Gays against Groomers" or something, whom I'm convinced are just pretenders and run a dishonest account that only aims to equate being trans with being a pedophile, and will even use a study showing an increase in LGBTQ rates in schools (mostly in bi and questioning) as a means of condemning being trans - something very wrong there.
@NeuroticWolf13 Год назад
Matt "What I’m saying is that the problem is not, per se, teenage pregnancy, it’s unwed pregnancy" Walsh should really look in a mirror before attacking someone else's looks.
@crystalskylight9327 Год назад
Jaclyn, you did not address any of Matt Walsh's points. Instead, you baciclly just called him a meanie and moved on. Address his points.
@swiftcastholy9034 Год назад
Candace and Matt are so wildly hateful. Like I'm all for having friends and family with varied political beliefs, I think that's a good thing, but I could never trust people so just... deeply hateful.
@chadplack9912 Год назад
Him in the bathtub wearing a sports bra is very uncalled and just weird and grosss!
@jonathanstern5537 Год назад
Up until the controversy, I didn't know who Dylan was. My first thought on hearing the whole thing was... "Wait, people are pissed because a trans woman is advertising a beer?"
@neeren777 Год назад
I have seen people shooting beer cans and going into stores to throw budlight cans to the floor and ruin it, it's literal insanity
@kichiguy3827 Год назад
I mean . It’s not as simple as “we don’t like him cuz he’s trans” tho…..
@jerm-gv9rv Год назад
@@kichiguy3827 it’s that why you felt the need to misgender them It really is that simple SO much of Dylan’s prominence online is because right wingers and transphobes LOSE it as trans women Especially one that to them seems unbothered or phased by the transphobia directed at them
@andreaxxxedge Год назад
@@kichiguy3827 *her *she
@bigcreator2084 Год назад
The problem is that Dylan Mulvaney has presented a lot of negative stereotypes of women and has been glamorized with visits to the White House or the sponsorships despite their low popularity and relative previous obscurity. I don't know. I suspect that the promotion of Dylan may be disingenuous due to how it has created more polarized discussions about transgenderism. Why was that person of all things chosen to represent trans people in the White House and in businesses?
@jonathanstern5537 Год назад
3 things about the woman from Daily Wire's comment. 1. There likely aren't any gods, so Dylan shouldn't worry about that. 2. Dylan trying to be male was making her more miserable (at least from what I've seen) than struggling with the idea of god she was brought up with is. 3. It's not obvious that Dylan's family have empathy and want what's best for her. If they were obvious about it then they would have appeared in her videos. They would have also supported Dylan's transition, because, as stated before, she seems happier now than she did when she was trying to live as a man.
@truthmatters6719 Год назад
So nothing created everything? Did you know that a single cell of you out of the trillions you have is more complex than the space shuttle? A drawing can't draw itself friend, a building can't itself and your shoes can't create themselves. Ask Lord Jesus to save you do not rebel against the one who gave you life.
@Emillion Год назад
i think the reason people are really defensive about trans healthcare is that it's really badly under attack right now. i'm trans and im hurriedly getting what healthcare i can because i don't know if it'll be available to me in the future. it's scary as someone who has different needs than a lot of the population, living in a world where most don't understand. even as an adult, i have to jump through several hoops to get the healthcare i need. it's not a decision i get to make alone. teens don't just get to say "i want this" and immediately get the healthcare either, and i think a lot of people are under the misconception that's the case, when teens have even more hoops to jump through
@ireallyreallyhategoogle Год назад
Some teens in some places have more hoops to jump through, and for some it is even impossible now, but there has been many trans men teens detransitioning after realizing they had body dysmorphia and not gender dysphoria, but having been on blockers they are now experiencing gender dysphoria. I'm not sure if that's at all clear. Some errors were made, and now the bigots are using those mistakes to attack everything else.
@Sunlight91 Год назад
You shouldn't get any healthcare. There is a limit to what mental illness a society can sustain without collapsing. You clearly crosses it.
@BEEDRILL303 Год назад
Dylan has always acted like this, she’s always been flamboyant, even before she started her transition. She was a flamboyant gay before and she still probably got hate.
@zestzonertheoblivious5828 Год назад
Dyan reminds me of an old lady who's in her 60s or 70s coming to her adult childrens house to visit for the holidays but she's very annoying to her daughter in law or something.
@CrystalNibarger Год назад
23:08 the only thing I will say is you did have a roach in your video and her name is Candace Owens.
@bicuriousdirtbikeboi2594 Год назад
I get so much joy watching Candace and Matt getting dunked on by the entire commentary community. They both need to be humbled. What horrible examples these people give to their children on how to act. I can only pray that their children grow up to hate the way the people that their parents have becomes.
@thinkingallowed7042 Год назад
Bud Light is what has been getting dunked. Thanks to a dude called Dylan.
@bicuriousdirtbikeboi2594 Год назад
@@thinkingallowed7042 don’t talk to me lol
@sircuntsalot2881 Год назад
@@bicuriousdirtbikeboi2594 you sound like one of those m.a.p people talking about kids
@bicuriousdirtbikeboi2594 Год назад
@@sircuntsalot2881 I must be a white screen cause that’s a lot of projection
@teamtundra2619 Год назад
@@thinkingallowed7042 why
@sparrowt4082 Год назад
Oh gosh -- I saw you recently in old music video you were in and then saw you comment on it, so clicked on your profile to your channel be ause you looked familiar? I thought i recognized you and after scrolling for SOME time on your videos I realized I DID! I saw you in a Ray Comfort movie I believe called The Fool?? What a strange way I refound you and recognized you. I have been praying for you -- I have not watched your channel or content, but just wanted to comment and let you know that, even after these years. ❤
@justingreen8572 Год назад
Nothing better than defending a man who makes a mockery of women.
@friedfrog5447 Год назад
And yet you haven't refuted anything she said
@AnOkayDogDad Год назад
Like you cared about women in the first place. So fake
@friedfrog5447 Год назад
@@AnOkayDogDad Exactly. I feel like a lot of these conservatives are just gay/trans people-hating but are just using "protecting children and women" as a guise.
@Dannosuke25 Год назад
why does kid rock look like a geriatric Macaulay Culkin?
@samanthagwynne Год назад
Finally some reason on this topic. Like have these people never met theater kids? Dylan is obviously into acting and performing and super extroverted. Not my cup of tea, but it's also not my business to make assumptions about her gender identity. I think it's interesting how moderate conservatives will support trans folks who share their same politics, but misgender and hate on trans folks with different political beliefs. What gives you the power to decide other people's identities? Dylan definitely does make a lot of stereotypical videos, but as you said, so do so many other tik tok creators! It's generally meant to be funny. As an introvert I'm not a fan of Dylan's personality, but I would absolutely never hate on her. There's a block button, people.
@aestevalis0 Год назад
Right? Why does Blaire White get a pass with the Red Hats while Dylan doesn't?
@jaxandcoke9107 Год назад
Well, when you said you should just end the video here a bud light ad played for me and I found that hysterical. 😂
@biblereadingoutreach2284 Год назад
Ecclesiastes 10:13 The beginning of the words of his mouth is foolishness: and the end of his talk is mischievous madness.
@maestop9262 Год назад
I wonder what you think on how Blaire thinks about Dylan.
@MadMax-dp2bb Год назад
What does that have to do with anything? Blaire is wrong. Just because she is trans too doesn't change that fact.
@salemcorriea5157 Год назад
Blaire's wrong on everything, her opinion doesn't matter.
@chelsgo8675 Год назад
Because Jaclyn is besties with Blaire. She'll call out the Daily Wire, but not Blaire for saying more or less the same things.
@Carriesue1982 Год назад
I don’t care what adults do but pushing for CHILDREN to be put on puberty blockers and to remove their sex organs is literal insanity to me. I was a huge tomboy, still pretty much am.. I didn’t like girly things, I hated feminine clothing and don’t know what to do with make up growing up. Now at 40 I have no inclination for wanting to be male, I’m completely comfortable in my femininity. You can be a women who’s more masculine and a man who’s more feminine, it doesn’t make you trans. If I was born now, someone might be pushing the idea on me that I was a transgender and I might have had my life ruined. Someone somewhere said it’s the sterilization of gay kids and that was a heavy hitter for me. Why can so many not see it. The trans movement is becoming very culty imo.
@maegangershon1711 Год назад
Its wild that people can hate on such a harmless person. Dylan's content (most of it at least) itsnt really for me but I think shes funny and sweet. I love seeing womanhood through her eyes. It as actually made me value some things about being a woman I didnt even think of. Like why do people care so much to hate her?
@jojohns1949 Год назад
Dylan is a slap I the face to females worldwide
@aprilsummers6447 Год назад
Because these people hate trans people and Dylan is femme so she's "approprating womanhood".
@GemnEyes Год назад
I admit I do roll my eyes when a trans woman gets a tampax sponsorship, but the budlight and Nike thing it's just...well anyone can wear and drink that. I'm sorry but I don't agree with children physically transitioning, especially under puberty age, there health ramifications NEEDS to be listened to and not just thrown off as some transphobic rhetoric, it IS a real thing. And yes I do also believe that some people do try to transition their kid or someone's kid at a VERY young age when all it was was simply being interested in the opposite sex's toy, or being a bit silly and dressing up in different gender clothes. There have been stories of teachers insisting that someone's child is now going by different pronouns and these kids are as young as 3, without discussing it with the parents. That's not to say that kids CAN'T feel as if they're in the wrong body, but us grown adults mustn't jump the gun and immediately assume that's what it is all the time, it's so important to wait til their older, without any influence, to see if they still feel the same, because their lives can be seriously messed up, I mean even some adults have regretted transitioning, and there's another thing, no one listens to de-transitioners, they're written off as transphobic, and it's heartbreaking because their stories are so important and what they've been through is horrendous.
@duckysguidetoshipping8930 Год назад
I honestly don't understand all the hate she gets She's just being herself , hurting no one , and making fun of no one!! If she wants to be hyperfeminine let her be! She’s exploring what she did not have as a child in her girl hood! It’s normal!!
@missNekolover91 Год назад
who in the world calls vagina as barbie pockets and making fun of women?
@duckysguidetoshipping8930 Год назад
@@missNekolover91 I mean it’s a little weird but dosent deseve hate
@dirtydan2955 Год назад
​@@missNekolover91 as if women dont make fun of their own genitals
@mathieuleader8601 Год назад
@@missNekolover91 females can be comedian too
@01SaltyWitch Год назад
@@missNekolover91 women come up with all kinds of names for their vaginas. It’s in no way making fun of women
@TheKendylDiaries101 Год назад
It’s not that deep😂 People really need to chill out. As a cisgender woman I am not angry and I don’t feel attacked by Dylan. She’s fine with being herself❤
@amantedelcane420 Год назад
Oh, and for how long have you referred to yourself as "cis"?
@almond3066 Год назад
​​@@amantedelcane420 the issue is a transgender argument, so of course she's going to point out wether or not she's not trans lmao stop getting pressed over someone pointing out that they're cis, you'd think the people calling everyone else snowflakes wouldn't be so sensitive about a word
@jerm-gv9rv Год назад
@@amantedelcane420 how long have you used all the words in your vocab… Better not have ever updated or change your language for any reason You’d better still use all the vocab from adolescence without any variation
@amantedelcane420 Год назад
@@jerm-gv9rv So, I need to permit people to refer to me in any way they wish, yet I'm expected to refer to others in the way in which they demand? Only 2SLGBTQIA+ people are allowed to demand the ways to which they'd like to be referred?
@almond3066 Год назад
​@@amantedelcane420 literally nobody said that, your persecution complex is ridiculous Someone was talking about trans issues and pointed out they were cis and you just had a meltdown over someone else using a word lol
@M1SST3DD3RS Год назад
The reason I don’t like is Dylan is because her tiktok videos make me uncomfortable and the reason is because she feels like she is being passive aggressive, even in the first video. I’m absolutely terrified of people being passive aggressive and of being perceived as passive aggressive due to my childhood I also don’t feel that mtf trans people should buy period products, when is she going to get the opportunity to give someone a tampon who needs one? It’s going to be very rare because I as a biological woman has never had someone ask for a pad or a tampon because they sell them in restrooms
@badatpseudoscience Год назад
Does anyone else see a problem in someone that is unstable engulf to be escorted out of multiple establishments being able to own a fully automatic weapon?????
@Sunlight91 Год назад
I agree the government shouldn't control any weapons.
@badatpseudoscience Год назад
@@Sunlight91 I just want to understand your comment. You believe that people who have a mental illness that causes them to become valent should be allowed to carry fully automatic weapons. Is that correct?
@Sunlight91 Год назад
@@badatpseudoscience The government is full of people with mental illnesses so they shouldn't be allowed any weapons. The only people with weapons should be families with children, because they are the future of society.
@busterofcoviddeniers Год назад
9:15 that’s the commercial everyone’s upset about? Ok sure it’s cringy but it’s not boycott worthy 😂
@PhillipJohnsonphiljo Год назад
The massive boycott reality would appear to render your opinion false, apparently it's extremely boycott worthy given the gigantic boycott
@busterofcoviddeniers Год назад
@@PhillipJohnsonphiljo lol ok I can see your perspective but that’s like telling a child her 30 minute tantrum because she was told no ice cream until after dinner was perfectly warranted. My perspective is not a matter of if it occurs but should it have.
@bobdonda Год назад
It's not just that, for some people this was just the final straw for them. They're tired of trans ideology and the harm that it causes, they're tired of the lies and the demands, and they're tired of corporations and the media supporting it. And this was the first time a product they commonly use can be boycotted (Republicans boycotting Olay doesn't make the same impact).
@PhillipJohnsonphiljo Год назад
@@busterofcoviddeniers it's long overdue, society at large has been insanely patient about this particular cult and it's narcissists, no wonder they've had enough. Society have been the parents to the screaming entitled cult of tantrum, and now comes the timeout
When it comes to gender affirming care, particularly chemical or surgical care, I feel we need a degree of caution. There is too often a rush to diagnosis, a rush to treatment without due diligence. The two major trans RU-vidrs I watch, Blaire White and Samantha Lux, have addressed this from both sides of the political aisle. These treatments are life altering, and often irreversible. So, yes, they are absolutely beneficial to those who have been properly diagnosed, counselled, and informed but they are devastating to those given these treatments in error and everything happening with bans today is grown out of the stories of those harms and out of one side pretending they never happen while the other side pretends they are all that happens.
@Marbledesertproductions Год назад
That is actually a reasonable comment.
@Superunknown190 Год назад
I would’ve agreed with your take a few months ago. After doing some of my own research, I disagree. There’s roughy 1% of teens who regret their decision. A 99% success rate I think is a pretty damn good system. The you’re never 100% going to get it right, and it would do far more harm to prevent teens being able to fully transition and face being in the wrong body until they’re 18 or 19.
@@Superunknown190 ah but remember what covid taught us about small percentages of increasing numbers. 1% of 100 is one person. 1% of 10,000 is 100. More and more young people are identifying as trans. That's good that they feel more welcome and understand what they're going through but it also means more misdiagnosis. Which is not to say "stop" just "proceed with caution."
@ingweking8748 Год назад
Very good and legit points
@Superunknown190 Год назад
@@OMEGATHENIETZCHIAN Every surgery or procedure is going to have a group that regrets it. You’re never going to hit 100% success rate. It’s unfortunate but more people benefit from these treatments than if they didn’t exist. Also the amount of trans kids/people will level off at some point the same way that people identify as left-handed did as it became socially acceptable.
@Bozemannn Год назад
I am insulted by the conservative transphobia being centered around women’s rights while simultaneously making laws to take women’s rights away.
@Elgatoconbolso Год назад
oof honestly the Kid Rock bit looks AWFUL as a non American. the implicit violence in that clip, it's like symbolizing how he would actually shoot Dylan if he could :(
@randallmartin9684 Год назад
As a person of the lgbtq community i personally feel that kids under 18 shouldn’t receive gender affirming surgery which I don’t think is happening anyway. At a young age your Brain is not fully devolved and you may end up changing your mind later. Id say let them dress and present as the gender they feel and when they become an adult where they can sign their own forms and waivers over surgical procedures then they can transition surgically. There is a lot of work that comes with especially having a male to female surgery that I personally don’t think that a young child would be able to keep up with and its a life long upkeep.
@maiarustad5062 Год назад
Agreed! I think meds (and especially puberty blockers) are a different story, but I absolutely agree that surgery shouldn't be accessible to children unless as a last resort.
@jacobs9955 Год назад
I think it’s funny how Dylan just does goofy, cringy shit, and how these conservatives are just seething about it. I’m just like dude… It’s not that serious. Leave her alone and let her do her goofy TikTok stuff.
@CatzMarina Год назад
While I agree with you that there is ways for people to share their opinion without being disrespectful and I don't sympathize with Candace Owens or Matt Walsh, I also have to say that I don't believe for a second in Dylan's act. Dylan looks like a poorly developed character to say the least, looks and sounds fake through and through. And those acting skills...they are so poor I find it actually surprising how many people actually believe that this character is real. Most likely than not, Dylan is just a smart person that understood there was a way to *highly* profit from the current transgender movement going on. And there's probably a whole team behind this, profiting alongside Dylan, I don't think this is a one-person show. If my suspicions are true, which I don't have any way to confirm of course, it's just sad and it mocks the actually transgender people that have gone through I don't even know how much, to find their place within themselves and in this World. ** As for your video on gender affirming care and my views on the topic, I would just quote people like Blaire White and Jordan Peterson on this one. They have articulated their opinion on this topic very well, much better than I could ever do and they actually know what their talking about - 2 very different backgrounds of course with Blaire mostly based on her personal experience as a trans-woman and further investigation she conducted and Jordan Peterson as a highly experienced clinical psychologist. Just to add, for context, that I am not from the US and I am not a conservative or a liberal. I live in a way that I look at all topics separately, case by case. I would never fit myself in a box. I can support LGBTQI+ people and disagree with some of the ideas they, as a community, defend. The same way I can be pro-choice, for example, and disagree with some of the arguments from other pro-choices. I can remain pro-choice and still respect some pro-lifers and their arguments, you know? The World is not black and white, it is not formed by heroes and villains. A lot of the times there's a lot of grey to consider and it scares me to see the World so divided, where you're either this or that, no in-between. That mentality won't take us far, in my opinion. I have been following you for yeeeaaars, I respect you, your rationality and your capacity of respecting people - and even befriend people - with different points of view than your own. I think we're very similar in that sense and so I thought I'd leave here my 2 cents today :) have a nice weekend Jaclyn, I'll be sure to watch your next videos!
@shawnalston2155 Год назад
If I say I am a robot from Mars are people going to believe me? Or are they going to be considered a Marsrobotphobe?
@silvanvanderhorst7366 Год назад
18:47 he is reading here from his laptop. So not only did he decide to drag her through the mud and call her ugly, but he had written down this entire statement with ad hominems and insults, had the chance to overthink it, and maybe decide that it was too harsh. But no, he stell went through with this abhorent speech of hate and disgust
@TheAtheistlock Год назад
I don't know how you can say on one hand that gender dysphoria which is in the mind never goes away, but on the other hand, people want to cringe and act offended when we talk about transgenderism as a mental disorder. When we don't treat it as mental illness, we can't begin to help people with these issues. I understand the cruelty being unnecessary, but not talking about things truthfully through the lens of science, doesn't improve anyone's lives. Children should not have life altering procedures before they are old enough to vote. Been watching you for years, I appreciate that you recognize that this isn't a cut and dry from one extreme to the next. I think any reasonable person would suggest that adults should be able to live their lives and be accepted in society. "live and let live" However, when we talk about children, women's rights, sports, and changing our fundamental understanding and teaching of Biology in favor of feelings, there needs to be serious discussion about how that impacts society.
@Dyslexiella Год назад
@bethanythatsme Год назад
@blondienewton4669 Год назад
My daughter is Trans. I respect those who are honestly Trans. But just my opinion, I don't think Dylan is really Trans. I think they are doing this for money and popularity. I do think the way they act is too much, but other than that, I don't care who sponsors them and who doesn't. People take shit too far anymore.
@bethanythatsme Год назад
That doesn't make sense at all.
@unironicallydel7527 Год назад
as much as I respect you, you really should do your research. Dylan is not a woman. He's an actor. He's been jumping on different trends to see what works. He's tried being nonbinary, but that didnt work. But all of a sudden he calls himself trans, he blows up (bc we have to respect anyone who says, without any inkling of evidence, that they're trans), he does this gross mockery of women with female stereotypes, he thinks you should 'normalize the bulge' (which, if you werent aware, ACTUAL trans women dont WANT a penis, thats the whole reason they're trans to begin with, even if they dont want the surgery due to health concerns with it, they dont FLAUNT that they have one.), he advocates for the sterilization of children (puberty blockers quite literally do this), he is NOT a good person.
@SmurfDelux Год назад
an "actor" that gets surgery as part of her transition? Dylan didnt rlly blow up until all the conservatives gave her fame lmao, u can blame urself
@unironicallydel7527 Год назад
@@youyeedyourlasthaw He got 'feminization' surgery for the illusion. He hasnt, nor ever plans to, get anything other than that. He is very much a 'grifter' and an actor. You are so brainwashed you'll call a fully bearded man a lesbian if he chooses to identify as one. Thats not how it works.
@KrowwJaeger Год назад
Even if that were true, conservatives are attacking her for being trans, not because she's who she is.
@unironicallydel7527 Год назад
@@KrowwJaeger Dylan isn't trans. I believe you can call out bullshit while still supporting actual Trans people. People like Matt Walsh just dont like trans people in general.
@ingweking8748 Год назад
Yeah I don't agree on sterilization of children
@nicolefroehlich1286 Год назад
It’s weird that you say that about Kid Rock because I worked with her multiple times and she was always super nice and called my grandma grandma and treated my family like a Zona and just really nice guy and I’m just kind of shy actually so it’s weird to hear you say that because it’s definitely part of his persona and reputation that he puts out there, but it’s not what I’ve experienced with him on his own.
@Willia_MayB1 Год назад
We have a lot to lose if we get cancel because women today don’t help other women when their being attacked Fact Men stick together Women generally don’t
@lapatti Год назад
Fun fact: in Italy we have a sweet red wine that's called "sangue di Giuda" that's Judas' blood.
@pri.sci.lla. Год назад
I don’t hate Dylan I just don’t like that she is getting attention from media outlets with all of this “first day as a woman” stuff. I understand she is trans but fact is it seems like she’s making fun of what it is to be a woman. She will never feel period pains or how it felt to be a teenage girl. It seems she’s making a mockery of women and I thinks that’s where a lot of anger is coming from. These companies should first interview cis women (those who have lived and identified as women our entire lives, not people who have only been doing it for less than a year for attention).
@dirtydan2955 Год назад
So women are limited to menstrual cycles and birth? What about women who can't experience that? If a man said this then all hell would break loose.
@ashleychaplin5855 Год назад
So... Cis women who don't experience periods aren't 'real' women too? Or you're just using it as an excuse to be transphobic. Dylan is a woman. That's all there is to it.
@dirtydan2955 Год назад
Dylan has also acknowledged that she will never get to experience periods. She's said that. She just wants to talk about her transition into a woman. She should be able to do that without cis women criticizing her.
@pri.sci.lla. Год назад
@@dirtydan2955 I can criticize whoever I want. Being trans doesn’t absolve her from criticism. Now being hateful is another thing entirely. I don’t follow her so I didn’t hear about that. But my comment still stands.
@dirtydan2955 Год назад
​@@pri.sci.lla. if you are criticizing someone because of a factor they cannot control then you are a shallow person with no morals.
@alishapennington5711 Год назад
We shouldn't be transitioning kids but let adults live their own lives.
@SirLavaLamp Год назад
Dylan is not a female he is literally just a narcissist
@nicolekalasuva9812 Год назад
Maybe people are mad because he’s making a mockery of real women 🤷‍♀️
@thinkingallowed7042 Год назад
Exactly. He is a performer who wanted fame. He hasn't had any surgery to transition. He's a misogynistic dude and the patriarchy has put him to good use.
@coolm3th Год назад
@@thinkingallowed7042 She has had FFS done, and someone's identity as a woman is still valid without any surgery. There is also a huge financial barrier to getting any kind of gender-affirming surgery done and not every trans human can do it, so it's rather unfair to validate or invalidate someone's gender identity on the basis of something they can or cannot afford. I truly don't see how Dylan is a misogynist when she's just being herself. Her personality is bubbly and goofy and fun.... That can be a lot for some people, I get it. I've met so many people like Dylan whether it be a woman or a man or something else. She's not mocking anyone, she's just a girlie trying to live her dang life.
@alexanderdesade8554 Год назад
@@coolm3th preach, these dummies will never understand lmao
@kloe6095 Год назад
Nah that’s bs I’ve seen cis women do exactly what Dylan has done it’s not that it’s the fact that she trans if your gonna hate atleast be honest
@JulietteVeronica1201 Год назад
She’s literally being herself, you wouldn’t be saying that if a cisgender woman was hyper feminine
@kenharrison4704 Год назад
When Dylan acted and dressed like a 6 year old girl that was perverted since Dylan is an adult male.
@kenharrison4704 Год назад
When you say anti- trans laws I am not sure what that means, no twig and berries in female locker rooms, no males in female sports ?
@bobdonda Год назад
Of course. There are no anti-trans laws in the US, only laws to protect women. Not a single law proposed by Republicans discriminates against trans people, it just prevents men from being in women's spaces.
@brotherjohnnyxXxX Год назад
No trans healthcare
@brotherjohnnyxXxX Год назад
@@NateO123 fearmongering and misinformation
@sirensong237 Год назад
@@brotherjohnnyxXxX no trans people in public spaces, no trans people having jobs, homes, families, etc.. they don’t want trans people to exist, as a whole… Trans children in lgbtq-friendly families will be taken away, non-trans kids with trans parents will be taken away, barring ALL gender-affirming healthcare for trans people, as a whole, such as regular healthcare and even hormone therapy, trying to force trans people to go back into the closet, including forcing trans people to de-transition without their consent, hotlines being set up to “report on trans activity”, to force trans people to be placed in prisons.. they are trying to eradicate trans people, and on ALL fronts, setting up mass genocide..
@jerm-gv9rv Год назад
So yeah “anti trans” means nothing when you’re transphobic Congratulations you figured it out It’s about as meaningful as a racist person trying to point out racism
@wannabehuman Год назад
My problem isn’t with Dylan, it’s with trans ideology and its impacts on women’s rights and medical care & terminology. I don’t care if Dylan wants to wear a dress and be feminine. But these conversations never seem to get to the core of the real problems. Many conservatives AND trans activists are wrong.
@vanellopevonschweetz9791 Год назад
It’s about grooming children. People are mad for good reason. How can a man who hasn’t got his bits chopped gonna advocate for children to go through that themselves? I’m for mental therapy before life altering surgeries especially for children.
@tiffanymorgan228 Год назад
Dylan is an offensive mockery of womanhood. And sorry, but he did Days of Girlhood, not womanhood. It's not offensive because he's trans. It's offensive because it's calculated to be. I'll give Dylan this much, he is genius level smart. That he's using it for bad, and no one has to forgive that, is entirely on him. The cash seems to be keeping him happy...
@Marbledesertproductions Год назад
Every trans woman is a mockery to biological women to you.
@ingweking8748 Год назад
I agree with you
@LivyRivy Год назад
What mockery? You say that as if there aren't millions of cis women that behave the exact same way.
@tiffanymorgan228 Год назад
@@LivyRivy You are right, I will never deny that some people, be they men or women, have it in them to behave as if they are brainless. But to be a man with pretenses to womanhood and pretend all that nonsense IS femininity...well, that's not just wrong, it's offensive to rational, thinking humans. And that is regardless of gender.
@a-ms9760 Год назад
You feel offended by someone you don't know; content that's not aimed at you or harming anyone. What does that say about you? Dig deep and do a self-assessment.
@pandora4037 Год назад
I just think Dylan is not genuine especially about transitioning from male to female. It all seems like one big performance and just a way to make money. This whole act takes away from genuine trans people.
@cmdrezeri Год назад
I just- I’m transfemme, AMAB but born unknowingly intersex as well. In fact, I only found out after I was assessed by the VA. This all culminates in exactly the concerns trans persons face on, in not a daily basis then a fairly regular basis nevertheless. This idea that a diagnosis, medication, a single session of therapy, one person being accepting, basically anything unfathomably minimalistic would be enough to resolve the issue, or to even CURE the person, is long since overdue its moratorium. Using the same talking point for a moment that so many people use to parallel against mental health, addiction especially it seems, I don’t know ANYONE who would honestly believe receiving one injection (just one no more) of insulin would be enough to resolve current or any future health issues for diabetes. First of all, that would be absolutely amazing! But we’re not at that point. Some people are able to have pumps but nothing like a single, one-and-done that’s it shot to cure the disease. However, this is entirely accurate an analogy to use for any such problem of a non “physical” issue. Invisible disabilities are extremely prevalent among the general population. It’s almost ironic, but personally, my dysphoria has seemingly only worsened since I was diagnosed, but that’s not because of any sense of regret rather the backlash. The hate, discrimination, the segregation, the ostracization, it all adds up and although I’m happier than ever with my identity, I’m miserable for the loss of so many otherwise extremely beloved and supportive friends. It hurts more than words can properly describe and ended up leading to some serious mental health detriment. I’m keeping a subsequent event to myself solely for how triggering it would be but I’m sure anyone is capable of calculating. So. Thank you. Seriously. For addressing this, just such an issue that I know damn well I’m not the only one facing and that will continue to be an issue until activism and awareness make any real, pragmatic headway. -Zeri
@-NewDay- Год назад
I still don’t know who this person is. I’ve never heard of Dylan. 😂😂😂
@kathycoleman4648 Год назад
Also, the face on a can for Dylan is kinda like RU-vid giving people play buttons for a milestone. It's not like dudes are gonna have to worry about going in to get their next case of beer and have her on the can when they bring it to a party.
@tianamaycry Год назад
Even if they did... Who cares? This is such a non-issue and if these people weren't biggoted they wouldn't care.
@rs72098 Год назад
​@@tianamaycry Bigoted? This is a guy dressing up in "woman-face", it's not different than black-face, and you far left liberals are condoning it.
@bobdonda Год назад
RU-vid gives those to everyone equally, they're earned on merit. Budweiser chose to publicly support a man in womanface, which is almost as bad as supporting a white person in blackface. They deserve the backlash.
@bobdonda Год назад
@@tianamaycry It's not bigoted to support facts and reject men who wear womanface and campaign to take away women's rights.
@tianamaycry Год назад
@@bobdonda To take away women's rights? Seems like the Republican party is going to do that. Not to mention the people I've met who are most fervent about womens' rights are trans women. You probably vote for the people who actually are trying to restrict womens' rights.
@xxxcrazyducksxxx Год назад
Omg i had no idea the bud light can was not commercially sold!!! With how people were responding and boycotting I was just assuming her face was on the cans being sold in stores!! Wowww
@rosiellagrace Год назад
Same, and that's somehow just been glossed over. 🙄🙄
@hsfan876 Год назад
“why couldn’t we see a cis woman instead? dylan is taking places from cis women.” cis women aren’t automatically entitled to those sponsorships. your cis-ness doesn’t make you more deserving of a role than a trans person
@manugsantos9 Год назад
About those 3 commentators what I find interesting is that the youngest of three, being Brett is the most mild with her comments. I do think Matt and Candace are like two versions of the same thing, but Brett has some shorts where she says that when she sees Dylan's videos she feels conflicted cause she doesn't like the content, but she enjoys the joyful and likes to see how Dylan seems so happy. So I believe there's still hope for her, because she also says that she doesn't have a problem with trans people, just with the trans kids issues. I really enjoyed your video, going for the next ahah
@Krysten_now Год назад
I'll reserve judgment on the thoughts on debating gender affirming care when I see the future videos. The extent of debate needs to be only if individuals providers cut corners on care and assessment. Government regulation should never happen when almost every professional organization relevant supports it. I do appreciate this video on Dylan.
@vaishnavigosain7197 11 месяцев назад
I honestly don't like Dylan and i infact do believe that his presentation of himself as a woman is mockery of real women but honestly Matt Walsh has some issues of his own man! he goes above and beyond to show his disdain for people and idealogies he doesn't support.
@ZeppelinPietrPryor Год назад
I am in general all for trans rights. With children there is and should remain a strict process of transitioning. Ongoing therapy, to determine if this is the right path for them, Social (changing name, clothes, haircut) followed by hormone blockers if they apply, hormone therapy (these are all reversable) are there instances of misdiagnosis? Yes. Are there instances of over/under dosing hormones? Yes. But medical malpractice happens in every field. And it absolutely sucks for the people who experience it. They have my full sympathy. But we are fortunate this happens to only 1% of an already very small population. In general I’m against any sort of cosmetic surgery on someone under 18. Including intersex surgery, circumcision, really anything other than cosmetic procedures the child would physically be unable to live without, or reconstruction after a freak accident. But is really refreshing to hear someone completely on the middle of the road on this. Not speaking about her gender, just reporting on how ridiculously cruel Dylan’s being treated. I do somewhat understand how people see her and think she’s doing it for attention or money. The reason I think she is genuine is that I’ve seen a couple videos of her pre transition and her personality is completely the same. I think as a theatre person who is always around theatre people, her dressing as Elouise is totally normal. I hear grown men all the time saying how their dream role is Matilda, I would’ve loved to have played Chip or Gavroche, it’s not uncommon for people to cosplay as roles that would love to play but wouldn’t or missed the opportunity to be cast as. She missed her opportunity to live life as a little girl, so it’s not surprising she may be trying to fulfill that now.
@mandyb2245 Год назад
I find it hilarious that people like Kid Rock actually go out and paid for their Bud Light only to destroy it. And they think they're sticking it to Bud Light? They paid for it. They gave them their money, so what do they care what they do with the product? I just find it hilarious....in the way that I roll my eyes at this behavior. Also...does Candace think she's attractive calling Dylann all these awful names? Well, she wasn't attractive when she was making fun of Harry Styles wearing a dress, and she's not attractive bashing Dylann either. Also also..."Woman face"??? Whatever, Matt...
@vickit8743 Год назад
My complete thought on all of this is that it's just freaking wild because a ton of cis women (especially cis black women, as a bullying tactic, I usually get it as, when it happens, at least) are made fun of, if any of us have any type of "masculine" traits. All of this attacking of transwomen is just making life that much more dangerous for women, especially cuz a few overly insecure people feel the need to "call out" someone else that is literally not hurting anyone and just wanting to live their life as their true self in peace. And their mentalities make men (specifically, but not solely) feel like it's okay to treat cis and trans women like freaking punching bags because "oh I think you're a guy cuz I think you have a penis and therefore my masculinity is threatened". Like, it is not as big of a deal as they're making it out to be. Trans people have always existed. Get used to it. People just need to mind their own business. I feel like I spoke in circles a little, but everything holds true to my opinion, here.
@thefreebabe Год назад
BW are not masculine. It's a trope. A racial one, at that.
@busterofcoviddeniers Год назад
Why say cis woman? Isn’t that just woman?
@vickit8743 Год назад
@@busterofcoviddeniers yes, but I wanted it to be clear when I was talking about cis women and I was talking about transwomen. I see transwomen as women, so when I want to make sure I'm completely understood and no one feels left out from me just saying "women" (which I know I did on one occasion in my comment, but I did mean it in general for cis and trans women).
@busterofcoviddeniers Год назад
@@vickit8743 huh, feels like cis is the default woman thus no need for further adjectives in general discourse. Feels like if trans women were women we wouldn’t specify trans unless specifically needed for context but I don’t see that much either. No real point here just musing
@BeastiezCyZ Год назад
@@busterofcoviddeniers How are cis women the default? Do you consider white people to be the default or something? What is the basis of considering a group the "default"? To me, there's is no default women, because every women is different and fits normally into the category. Seperating Cis and Trans women like makes me believe you don't consider trans women on the same level as a cis women which they are.
@amexred Год назад
The real question is are you for males who identify as female competing with bio females ?
@jerm-gv9rv Год назад
There is a bit of an issue acting as if most of these people have valid reasons to oppose any trans person’s existence Like we’re talking about Dylan for instance and what could a right winger possibly “criticize” about her or her life… SHES NOT A COMMENTATOR Nor is she really an activist…she’s JUST an influencer that’s trans and talks about it Cis people are allowed to live their lives publicly without being harassed for it or needing to justify their existence Why would anyone even speak about affirmative care for children in this discussion Dylan isn’t a representative of trans people she doesn’t define or talk about their issues But I think it’s telling that the mere site of her is enough to warrant a discussion of trans peoples validity as people she’s A trans person who’s famous
@nicolekalasuva9812 Год назад
In my pregnancy I was on the floor screaming bloody murder from gallbladder attacks for hours at a time sometimes all night, the absolute worst pain of my life. And they couldn’t pump me full of pain meds cause of the baby. I just don’t think it’s fair he can call himself a woman without actually having to go through the hard things women do.
@marismondria Год назад
so women who don’t have/want kids aren’t women either? idk bro, weird ass take.
@nicolekalasuva9812 Год назад
@@marismondria I’m not saying that pregnancy is the ONLY hard thing women have to go through. There is a variety of things. I’m just saying that’s ONE of them. And no it’s not a weird take 🤷‍♀️
@marismondria Год назад
@@nicolekalasuva9812 Gatekeeping womanhood is a weird ass take. So is misgendering someone who explicitly told you their pronouns. Have some human decency to respect that, it's not that hard :)
@gabriellebraswell3306 Год назад
Thank you for using her correct pronouns 😻🏳️‍⚧️. Also your rocking that purple hair 💜💜💜💜💜.
@Sunlight91 Год назад
Dylan's pronoun is WTF.
@lapatti Год назад
I find Dylan cringy at times but the more hate she gets the more I support her. She surely doesn't deserve all the criticism
@deeocdismay7657 Год назад
I really love Jaclyn for her empathy and her heart here. I'm so pleased.
@Superunknown190 Год назад
So when you had your polls I said yes to gender affirming care but I was iffy on the surgeries. After listening to Zoe Zephyr and doing some of my own research I changed my mind. It can be a nightmare for someone under 18 to live out their teen years, even with puberty blockers, in a body they don’t feel comfortable in. As long as they’re is a proper process in place, kid is comfortable, parents and doctors give it an OK, I think it’s fine.
@busterofcoviddeniers Год назад
A body they are not comfortable in. So would you be ok with plastic surgery for someone with a large nose at say 12? Liposuction at 11? Boob job at 13? Being overweight or small breasted make many uncomfortable.
@Superunknown190 Год назад
@@busterofcoviddeniers That’s a straw man argument. Psychological checks aren’t put in place for those types of surgeries. Gender affirming care prevents suicide rates among transgender teens. It saves lives. But funny you mention that because I did have friends who got nose jobs while still being teens. They weren’t happy with the way they looked, and they felt better afterward. So yeah, if they’re comfortable with it, parents, doctors, then yes.
@busterofcoviddeniers Год назад
@@Superunknown190 it’s not any kind of argument straw man or otherwise. You said comfortable with their bodies so I asked a question. The things you said like psych test are not particularly relevant to your original comment either.
@nameTBA Год назад
So, instead of trying to find ways to have people accept the body they have now, it is better to do plastic surgery, hormonal therapy (which in many cases leaves the person sterile), and force other individuals to treat these people in an specific manner, allowing special concessions due to their feelings in regard to their body? This not counting all the people who want to make gender-affirming care something included in public healthcare programs, making the taxpayer have to pay for all this. Sorry, but no. You don't get to demand how society ought to treat you.
@busterofcoviddeniers Год назад
@@Superunknown190 also it prevents suicide for transexuals. What’s the data on transgender teens without sexual dysphoria who will not be transitioning
@mathieuleader8601 Год назад
you might say these people angry at Bud Light have errupted into beverage!
@brandoniswhoiam Год назад
Over 1 can.
@danielbutler8103 Год назад
14:00 John Oliver showed he didn’t shoot it, The shots that hit them came from the other side someone else had to shot it because Kid Rock can’t.
@midwestmasocist Год назад
Lets not make this political, Dylan just tries way too hard
@cantmakethisup36 Год назад
It’s days of girlhood it probably would land better if it were days of womanhood. Even with that said I still don’t understand why some get so upset by something that has zero bearing on their existence.
@kaileerenae9719 Год назад
I am not a fan of Dylan’s and I do actually find her social media content offensive as it does feel like she is mocking women, whether she is doing it intentionally or unintentionally. So therefore I just don’t watch her content. It is literally so easy and I don’t understand why people who disagree with her would intentionally seek out her videos when they know it’s just going to get them riled up. Any press is good press so the ones making commentaries are not helping their side as much as they think they are by being so hateful and vile. It’s just so unnecessary.
@thatnerdykid1 Год назад
i stay out of stuff like this for a reason its so bad
@AMD1 4 месяца назад
I know this is an old video but i came back to it little over a year since this outrage took place, and where did the outrage go? It is almost like people do not even remember Dylan and went back to buying Bud light. Odd.
@TaraTara-ld2xb 3 месяца назад
Nah. I'll still not buy it. Not that good, anyways.
@gushutchinson8758 3 месяца назад
I was really pissed off when the wealthy wine snobs in government turned their sites onto my beer of choice... Carlsberg special brew... That was great tasting good value non fizzy, long lasting (it honestly tasted just as good in the morning) it was a sipping beer.. Great for painting along with , playing music to... A cheap night in... 2 or 4 cans kept me happy Friday night in.. A strong still larger.. Beautiful stuff.. The media started to demonise it... Calling it TRAMPAGNE just because street drinkers enjoyed a cheaper buzz... .. At 9.5%i it was one of the most affordable way yo get drunk... But in parallel guess what, in Britain, the middle class white wine birds were definitely on the rise too as wine started being sold in bigger and bigger glasses more than half going on for whole pint servings and getting much stronger in alcohol... Like 14% plus!! These people turned on our simple pleasure we got from special brew so in order to satisfy their craving for our health and them feeling holier than thou . Guess what?? The government more than Doubled the price-, changed the classic, beloved look of the tins, added FIZZ!!! and reduced the Alcohol from 9. 5. down to 8.percent.. Now it's nearly 3 quid a can and the beautiful flavour isn't the same as it was... A good clean, full flavoured larger that had very little fizz do didn't get that old flat taste after 20 minutes!! .. You didn't HAVE to drink It ice cold and fast like every other canned larger.. It really was special Jaclyn.. I really DO miss it..AND it was vegan!!!... WHY did they have to ruin supposedly for OUR benefit. It was too rasty top strong and too cheap for the discerning poor and the artists and sculptors (like the brilliant Maggie Hambling who was a great fan who used it like me, sipping along as we create...) it's the very worst thing about politicians... When they pass laws that piss on our chips with the pretence they are acting for the publics health... Such a hypocritical low blow when THEIR favourite drinks like white wine are getting cheaper, stronger and in bigger glasses... And nobody is dreaming of reducing the alcohol percentage in their stuff like cognac, whisky gin, sherry .. Etc... Not that I want any such nonsense.. It's their snobbery and double standards that irks.. Plus they ruined one of the few reassuring pleasures in life!!!! As for bud lite... It was always piss poor as I recall,... Not worth a tit in a trance.. Even to a tranny..?! ..
@bluemoon4944 Год назад
He mocks real women every day, he deserves the hate.
@lilkitty2396 Год назад
im a woman and im not offended by dylan in the slightest lmaooo 😂😂 come on dude, how fragile and insecure in ur femininity and womanhood do you have to be to feel attacked by one transwoman just existing??? 💀
@bethanythatsme Год назад
​@@lilkitty2396 💯 agreed with you here
@lilkitty2396 Год назад
@@bethanythatsme right??? 🤝🏻 thousands of women rock the bimbo aesthetic everyday and nobody says anything but one trans woman takes on the same aesthetic and all hell breaks loose?? Give me a break 💀🙄
@RiffGawd Год назад
@jaclynglenn, curious about your thoughts. Honestly I’m not bothered by the whole trans movement. Be who you want to be. But, if you claim to be a woman, and you’ve still got penis, you will not be using the same restroom as my daughter. Nope, ain’t happening!
@mina6mina Год назад
I'm done with America 🙄
@Persephoneswitchery Год назад
I do not understand the hate she gets. I do not care what gender you identify as I care about who you are on the inside and how you treat others around you. I don’t feel like I would vibe with her personally not because of her gender but I’m very introverted and she seems like a lot of fun but a lot of extroverted energy lol but she seems nice enough I don’t get hate.
@bobdonda Год назад
He actively campaigns against women's rights. He met with the President, who then tried to throw out Title IX and declare women aren't entitled to be protected from sex-based discrimination like a lack of women's sports leagues. He's a piece of shit misogynist who will take away people's rights to benefit men's feelings.
@jaxvlogsfailflicks9253 Год назад
I believe everyone lives once you should be happy I don't care if you're gay straight trans it doesn't matter to me. However I do think there needs to be a little separation between the sexes I'm a little annoyed a whole train situation right now because men I'm sorry trans women keep going into female sports and dominating and I see Dylan as part of that I have a wife and I have a daughter I don't know why Nike decided to partner with a trans person that doesn't really have boobs for sports bras why didn't Bud light partner with a woman why are they choosing such a controversial figure at the end of the day doesn't really matter to me I just hope it doesn't get to a point where my daughter is a teenager playing in a woman's league and gets her dreams crushed by a man masquerading as a woman not every trans person is doing it for the wrong reasons but there certainly are some that are doing it for the wrong reasons and I just get that vibe from Dylan
@josiea.3855 Год назад
Matt Walsh saying he's a gentle soul at heart is the funniest thing I've ever heard
@TaraTara-ld2xb 3 месяца назад
He doesn't ever yell or scream or even get too enthusiastic over anything.
@shawnalston2155 Год назад
Being trans is just a temporary fad. Wonder what the next one will be? Maybe people will say they’re Martians and everybody will try to be a Martian.
@bloo9699 Год назад
I never really had any strong opinions about trans stuff, freedom and all that. But now that almost every conservative I know hasn't shut up about it for the longest time, you can consider me 100% an ally, simply just to spite the annoying conservatives.
@darrel7493 Год назад
It is preciesly because of this that I am against current attitudes of the 'progressive' trans. It has caused more division then anything else in society, as they have been trying to bully everyone into accepting them.. We have important things to deal with such as climate change, and economic unfairiness., And we can't deal with that, because progressive's are essentially pointing guns to everyones heads, and saying use peoples pronouns, or else. You cannot force acceptance. And gay rites are being lost around the world, because gay people are lumped in with that mess. If people want to transition I will support their rite to a safe space where they can live out the gender they need. But expecting everyone, every where to agree with them, is un unrealistic expection. They can have a rite to safe spaces, such as certain bars, and online communities etc. But they also don't have the right to make others use their pronouns.
@annastasiakohen Год назад
My take on gender-affirming care, if you aren't a medical doctor with a specialization in trans-relative care or a transgender person, your opinion doesn’t matter. People are really coming out of pocket with their Dylan and Bud Light hate. Transphobia is the real sickness, imo.
@michaelrobinson300 Год назад
Well that's a dumb ass take.
@Draconas Год назад
"Transphobia" hahaha. I'm sick of how the mental illness that it is gets treated positively. Do you want biological men with penises in the same bathroom as your daughter? Do you want your daughter facing biological men in sports thus being at a huge disadvantage? I didn't think so.
@burndgie Год назад
Hey Jaclyn, trans person here. I know it's just a small detail, but I don't think we should call being trans "transgender ideology". It's not an ideology. People just want to live their lives openly and get the healthcare they need. There's no bigger idea behind it, unlike some media make it seem, and at least for me, the term ideology suggests some sort of planned spreading of an idea with a motive or person behind it, which is just... not true. We just want to live openly and be respected, which is a basic human right
@bobdonda Год назад
It is absolutely an ideology. It is a belief system that includes the ideas that men can transform into women, or at least that the words man and woman have no meaning and can be used by anyone. It also includes the belief that men should be allowed into women's sports, that male sex offenders should be allowed to choose to go to a women's prison if they want, and that people should be forced to agree a man is a woman when it isn't true (the whole pronouns issue). And just like religious used to do, it insists that everyone must hold these beliefs and speak according to those beliefs, or else they're a heretic (I mean, transphobe) and deserve punishment. Maybe YOU just want to live openly and be respected, and you deserve to be able to do that. You and other trans people just trying to live your life without being attacked are not the problem. The problem is the activists (many of whom are not trans, and whose ideas are opposed by some trans people) who fight to take away women's rights and freedom of speech.
@burndgie Год назад
@@bobdonda Well, that also counts as respect and being able to live openly, no? Using a person's correct pronouns is not an issue of "belief", it's basic human decency. And because you mentioned sports: until trans women are allowed to compete in women's sports as well, they can't truly live an open and respected life. It's not about if you "believe in trans people", it's trans people's human right to participate in society and not just live quietly alongside everyone. Trans women should absolutely be allowed to pursue their passion in sports, for example. And I doubt many trans women would feel comfortable competing in men's sports. So it is important that these issues are discussed, and that it's not a solution to "just shut up and live your life quietly". Has nothing to do with ideology if you just want to be part of society.
@bobdonda Год назад
@@burndgie The correct pronouns for a man like Dylan are he and him. The words he and him designate a male human being, which Dylan is. You're free to believe otherwise, and to speak otherwise. But neither of us gets to demand that the other person speak the way that we prefer, and accuse the other person of indecency or disrespect if they don't obey the demand. (I mean, you -can- demand and accuse because you have freedom of speech, but there's no moral or logical justification for it.) Trans people are free to compete in sports, but they have to compete in the league for their biological sex just like everyone else. You don't get to choose which one, because it's based on your biological reality - just the same as how grown adults can't choose to play on a basketball team for 10 year old children. If that were allowed it would be unfair to the children, and it's unfair to the female athletes when they have to compete against men like Lia Thomas.
@burndgie Год назад
@@bobdonda welp, gonna stop arguing with a transphobe now, leads to nothing anyways
@BeastiezCyZ Год назад
@@bobdonda This idiot wants a trans man competing with women.
@Kiyoko191290 Год назад
Do you know why the bath video offends me? The background music. My husband and I call it the clappy music and it drives me nuts because a lot of my hospitals and government services use it as their hold music and it drives me crazy because it’s the same 3 to 5 second loop and it’s somehow playing through a fisher price phone into my phone 😳
@cinnamon8884 Год назад
well, maybe he shouldn`t make a mockery out of women for a start.
@acewingate6993 Год назад
Your best friend is blaire white…
@Ray-yh7ve Год назад
Dylan said, "Normalize the bulge." I don't think any real trans women wants to show off their bulge.
@liamo.1451 Год назад
And the concept of irony/trolling eludes you.... So sad
@Ray-yh7ve Год назад
@Liam O. if you have gender dysphoria, then would talking about your buldge makes you dysphoric?
@jerm-gv9rv Год назад
@@Ray-yh7ve it depends because not everyone deals with trauma the same way it also Common for people to joke about and make light of said trauma as their means of coping Especially when said trauma is most likely presented to them as something to be ashamed of and worthy of ridicule Also not every trans person feels the same way about their genitalia Some trans people are okay with it as is and don’t need to change it others do need and we should respect them both It’s not the most important part of transition and it’s relevance depends on the person in question
@Ray-yh7ve Год назад
@jerm5336 Honestly, that might be true, but I just can't take them seriously. If everyone else on the internet has to take them as a serious woman, why shouldn't they have to for themselves.
@jerm-gv9rv Год назад
@@Ray-yh7ve but how is joking about their gender and experiences “mocking” their own experience I mean technically but that’s EXTREMELY common in comedy And why do you see this as a justification to dismiss them as people Cis people are allowed to make light of their experiences and no one uses that to question them as people, it’s not fair that trans people are required to essentially fit a specific mold of their life and out look in order for cis communities to treat them as humans Trans people DONT transition to pass or to prove to society their personhood It’s healthcare meant to improve their lives by allowing them to physically present more closely in line with their identity it’s not to make cis people take their identity seriously (At least it’s not supposed to though with as harsh as the standards are among cis people this can happen as a result) That should be done regardless because it’s just the right thing to do if you aren’t transphobic Just like the reason you shouldn’t be racist is because it’s the right thing to do (Both of those things cause great harm and trauma as well that’s the other reason of course)
@bat-elmiller4285 Год назад
I do feel that Dylan does not represent all the trans community and they do make a mockery of stereotypical qualities associated with women. Like the video "this is my X day of being a woman, I cried, did my nail, etc." like that doesn't make you a woman...but again this does not mean that ALL trans people are making a mockery of the process, it's just Dylan.
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