If you have echo sabre and cast Q as Dawn it will go on cool down. So always hit first when possible to deal the most damage (the slow sets up for Q) and especially remember this when farming
@@cebseaserver313 I'm aware, it's not optimal ofc. It's just not the end of the world if it happens. Especially if the debuff immunity from the shard is needed on engage
I’ve been spamming Don for a couple months now, think I’m up around 1000 MMR. Depending on the lane matchup, I like to start with a blood grenade, axe, tango,mango, two gauntlets. Rush bottle and then get sol ring. The soul ring will be with you most of the game, it’s free farm every time it comes off cool down throw your hammer at a camp or 2/stack at the same time I know they Nerfed it a while ago but I think soaring is still an amazing item on a hero like Dan that can heal back up naturally. Also, I’ve been getting harpoon lately, that way you can counter heroes like tackies as he uses his suicide, or someone that has a forced staff. It’s not that much more to complete it and it adds a lot of combo potential, especially with her shard.
Well played. Skywrath with ethereal blade and silence + concussive shot rush. With max silence and e blade plus concussive shot they are slowed by 100% and take 85% more magic Damage essentially doubling your ulty and making it almost impossible to move 😂
@@PewDota2 I look forward to it! I’ve gotten around 7 or 8 MVPs out of about 15 matches with him and I always play from support position. If you play off of mid I can only imagine it’s so much stronger.
As beginner in dota 2 in my first week I have played dawn the most and I love it, iam not a good player yet so I farm and wait the team fights to start then ult and profit from there I cannot play that aggressive or I lose a lot
It's not always going well. I'm a core dawn enjoyer and most of my games are going to down for late game. We have to snowball them even harder from the 1st min and end the game as early as we can. Dawn is a good core to set up clash for early to mid game.
The damage is too good to pass. wiping supports like nothing when you ult in or pull with harpoon. get 2 or 3, watch them get deleted bro. aside from harpoon, pretty pretty standard in most games since release of this hero.
@@marcodavila2949 sumail,micke try this hero at tournament and it prove this hero is good but the thing is he use it on low rank enemies so we cant analize properly what pros and con if this hero, also i feel bad for those low rank guy at lower mmr..