
The Endless Riddle of JonBenét Ramsey 

Matt Orchard - Crime and Society
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The killing of JonBenét Ramsey remains one of the most infamous unsolved crimes of the past century. This video unpacks some of the most popular theories of who the culprit was. Namely: The Parents (RDI - Ramseys Did It), The Brother (BDI - Burke Did It), or an Intruder (IDI - Intruder Did It)
TWITTER: / realmattorchard | PATREON: / mattorchard | REDDIT: / mattorchard | Paypal/Contact: MOCrimeAndSociety@gmail.com
Thumbnail Credit:
Alex - Channel here: / frankrandom
Ransom note read by Bonniekiwi: www.fiverr.com...
For further reading there are a virtually endless amount of resources on the case, but this video was mainly informed by the following books:
JonBenet: Inside the Ramsey Murder Investigation by Steve Thomas (RDI - Patsy) - www.amazon.com...
Foreign Faction by James Kolar (BDI) - www.amazon.com...
We Have Your Daughter by Paula Woodward (IDI) - www.amazon.com...
Injustice: Why JonBenet Ramsey Was Murdered By A Sadistic Psychopath - Not Her Parents by Robert A. Whitson (IDI) - www.amazon.com...
Ruled IN: Solving the JonBenet Ramsey Case by DocG (RDI - John) - www.amazon.com...
Special Thanks:
Michael A.
Becky Davenport
searchinGirl (website: searchingirl.com)
Darlene Rowlands
The Reddit communities of r/JonBenetRamsey and r/JonBenet



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Комментарии : 15 тыс.   
@MattOrchardCrimeandSociety 2 года назад
TWITTER: twitter.com/RealMattOrchard | PATREON: www.patreon.com/MattOrchard | REDDIT: www.reddit.com/r/MattOrchard/ | Paypal/Contact: MOCrimeAndSociety@gmail.com Season's greetings everyone! Hope you’ve all had a merry Christmas and will be having a banger of a New Year! Thumbnail Credit: Alex - Channel here: ru-vid.comvideos Additional thanks, credits and resources can be found in the description.
@mattgreek1066 2 года назад
Another quality trip home from the football because of Matt Orchard... cheers mate!
@wtfgarbage 2 года назад
Your channel is going to explode if you keep pumping out bangers like this. So many JCS wannabes, many of which are totally cringe, yet you go and get arguably better. Really great work, homie.
@DSPHistoricalSociety 2 года назад
Was hoping you'd do Rittenhouse case next but I'm not disappointed Merry Christmas Happy New Year!
@alhal8024 2 года назад
Mate, You blow JCS out of the water. Keep it up and thank you!
@DaveSCameron 2 года назад
At 1:06:20 definitely not a 9yr old child, it was a ropey cassette tape and is not even suggestable but beyond reason. Best wishes to you and your family there Sir and A Happy New Year 🎁
@penelope9788 2 года назад
the one detail that sticks out more than any other is that patsy had not gone to bed. same clothes, same hair, same makeup as the night before. this feels like such a strong piece of evidence that i can't look past it, regardless of what it means.
@dietdrpepper15 2 года назад
Agreed. This lady, don't wear the same clothes after going to sleep.
@TheBwaap 2 года назад
what really stands out the mans head nodding, whenever he talks he nods a lot, he nods yes and no at times he should have switched it around, he clearly knows more. but the oddity with the dna is hard to explain away, but knowing the police really botched it, i would not be surprised if one of them touched the spots to point it out, imagine cop/detective being really focused with a finger in his mouth/on the lips then when he noticed the spots he touches it to point them out to a college . this way a minute amount of saliva dna is transferred . . my take on it is the mother cracked her head. than the dad took control of the situation (telling her to stay away while he fixes it) he brings her to the basement, he then takes advantage of the situation and plays out a horrific sexual fantasy and strangles her in the strange way, while he is almost done preparing the string the girl wakes up and starts to fight back, he keeps on with what he started. than binds her hands, and a bit later puts some ductape on the mouth. . he knows of the tell tale way mom writes certain letters and he wrote the note (mom may have helped to come up with the strange story on it) than dad places the suitcase puts the ductape on her mouth, than places the rope in the room and opens some drawers. . the rope the string and the ductape could have been stuf the man had in the garage or wherever its not strange for the boy and mom to not know he had those items .
@syrianadaich 2 года назад
The only explanation I can think of is that she quickly threw on the most accessible clothes she had when the police were on the way. She seems like someone who wanted to present herself as put together, so she wouldn't want to be caught in her pajamas. But beyond that, it doesn't make sense.
@bellyfulochelly4222 2 года назад
@@TheBwaap Oh no.... That's a horrific theory... But that is probably exactly what happened. It just makes sense and fits. :(
@fleiteae 2 года назад
@@syrianadaich no sane person would care what they looked like if they just found out their child had been kidnapped.
@jcumps 2 года назад
Maybe I'm missing something here but I would love to hear someone's theory on why a person would enter a home to kidnap somebody and then not kidnap somebody.
@fullchoke01 2 года назад
They wouldn't, no matter how you look at the intruder theory it makes no sense, not even insanity can answer it as there are facts dismissing that, all the evidence points inwards
@bethryan9077 2 года назад
This is the problem for the general public - you don't know anything about the crime, the case Or about what was Actually perpetrated Upon This Poor Child. The Authorities Plus Forensic Scientists, Proved Intruders Were in That house. The public are still back in the Old Days, you all need to Catch Up, it is Not still 1996, 1997, 1998. Expert investigators Continued Working This Case. Soo many in the public domain are stuck in a friggin Time Warp. The False & misleading information that is Still being portrayed on Most of the vids on Utube, is the Same False & Misleading information that media & books put out from Way Back Then. Wake Up America! Go do some Actual Research. Learn about the Actual evidence. You people have seen a few photos - pineapple in a bowl, flashlight on a bench, cord on a stick, writing on some pages. That is Not Evidence & most certainly Nothing to do with Evidence of Murder. Thank goodness you people didn't get to see More photos. LOL. FYI - there were Hundreds. Someone made a TV 'show' & told you all those items were evidence about the Ramseys & Burke, they Were Not. You have All been Hoodwinked. The ONLY piece that you people know about that Can be classed as evidence, is the notepad. THAT Was Used to Commit this crime. That Did come from the house. There is No Other Evidence From That House, that was Used To Commit This Crime. So what have you people got? Never ending stupid Crap that you all post, that Also has Nothing to do with the Murder of This Child. Access the autopsy photos that are online, they are shoulders up only. Have a good look at the burn on this child's cheek & the cord left embedded in her neck. There were also abrasions at the base of her neck from that cord, from earlier vile acts with that Bondage Device. That was Not a garrotte. Some Idiot thought that Word looked good for a Headline & in a Book, because of that One Photo. A garrotte has Two handles to work, Not One. Source the Photo of the Whole thing. What I have Already told you about That, is the True Facts. The Authentic autopsy report States about the rust coloured marks at each temple & the same rust coloured marks on the back of one leg. Crime scene photos Show the rusty log grabber in the Cellar. The authentic autopsy report can be found online, the 1st page has the symbol/emblem for Boulder County- That flashlight was Not a weapon used & that did Not belong to the Ramseys. The authentic autopsy report Proves JB did Not eat Any of that pineapple, Forensics Proved That. Patsy did Not write that note, the Experts Proved That & the Writing was Not the Only factor that Proved That, She Did NOT. Glenn Meyer took the notepad when he invited himself to their Xmas party on the 23rd, Simple as That. He organised this crime for Money, his 3 cohorts turned into something else. This was a very, Very well Planned crime for money & revenge. There are Many reasons why kidnapping has always been a rare crime. One has to take the time to Think about Why that is a Fact. The plan - JB was Never to be taken from that basement. It was always going to be 50/50 if the cops were called & they didn’t get that quick cash. They sure didn’t go to so much trouble & such high risk for Nothing. The taking of photos was their back-up for money. True Crime for a great many, is way too much to Fathom when you don’t know about the True Facts. The Ramseys were Officially Exonerated a Long time ago with a mountain of Actual Evidence & by Real experts, including Forensic Scientists. Just because you don’t Know about that evidence, does Not Mean that it doesn’t exist. The DNA from an unknown male has been in CODIS since 2003. Give the FBI a call. Clearly you people need to Learn what DNA is About. You have been watching TV for over 25 Years & you Choose to believe it All, as long as it’s Against - the Ramseys. You don’t care which one, Or, you decide on all 3. Yet, you don’t even know about ANY Actual Evidence. Shame on every one of You. This case - Has Never Been To Trial & so, You have Never Seen the Case Evidence. What sort of people say all they do about this Very Kind family, when you have Never even Seen Any of the Evidence about the Crime? Loads of you even Demean this murdered little girl also & since 2016, her 9 year old brother too, because of a Bogus TV ‘show’ that was put out by a pack of Con Artists. Burke was Never even a suspect & was interviewed That afternoon when he was still at the Whites by detective Patterson, Neither parent was present, Nor did they know that was happening. Patterson spoke Publicly after that BS ‘show’ & said Burke knew Nothing & was Very worried that his sister was still missing. None of you even Know what was Actually perpetrated upon JonBenet, nor do you Care to Find Out, because you’re all too busy spouting all your hateful Garbage about a case that You Know Nothing About & At a fine Upstanding family who Didn’t Do A Damn Thing & who, In Fact, were Victims.. Soo many down these threads, all sites, are an Absolute Disgrace & that’s just another True Fact. A great many people say that 'it doesn't add up'. But, soo many people, Don't Know Any True Facts about - Anything & so, you are Not in the position to say - that it doesn't add up. All Ramseys were Proven Innocent with a mountain of Actual evidence & eventually by a bunch of Seasoned Experts, including Forensic Scientists. All those under the umbrella of Law Enforcement who Saw 'Facts In Evidence' which Included the autopsy photos, the photo of the skull & the Authentic autopsy report. . . Until this case is brought to trial for criminal proceedings, the general public will Never get to know the True Facts about this case. Unless you start some Actual Research online, but that takes a whole lot of hard slog & one needs some experience just to tell the difference between a fake document & an authentic one. The vids are Still full of False & Misleading information whether old TV programmes or new Utube 'shows' & both show Fake pages put up on the screen As If from police files, the Same False & misleading information in soo many books. All of this BS has been going around for Over 25 years & counting. People need to wake up to themselves. Obviously too many in the public domain believe all that they read in trashy magazines too.
@bethryan9077 2 года назад
The BPD took the note to the Secret Service & they also hired 2 Renowned private experts, all 4 said No Ramsey wrote the note. **From the 1st week of 1997 til 2008, DNA testing was done at 3 separate labs. Within the 1st Two Weeks, the results of DNA testing were back - from under JB’s fingernails - unknown male DNA, mixed with JonBenet’s DNA. Steve Thomas kept this vital result from the DA for 7 months. Two spots of blood were in the underpants but Never tested. Steve Thomas constantly talked about the book he was going to write. It wasn’t until the grand jury was to convene that more DNA tests were ordered. The blood was JBs & Same unknown male DNA - saliva mixed in a spot of her blood in the underpants. This DNA from an unknown male wasn’t developed enough for CODIS at that stage. The BPD & Steve Thomas, who had Never worked a murder case Before, were ‘leaking’ false & misleading information to the media & the frenzy continued. Eventually the BPD were made to Publicly apologise for doing this to the family but This Fact has been forgotten/not known about by the general public. The BPD, whose officers Should have found JB early that morning though a Search for her was never carried out as it was a Ransom note. Three officers were tasked with checking entry & exit points, yet failed to pull open the cellar door & go in there & they Failed to go through the train room door also, thinking it was a cupboard door, they by-passed it. The broken window was Not where the perps got in the house, but That is Not the point. Only America & one other country still has a stupid grand jury system. It is unfair, unjust & doesn't work. The jurors only hear from the prosecution, who get to pick & choose what evidence is presented & which witnesses appear. There is no judge, no defence lawyers & No experts to rebut Whatever is presented. As a consequence, the jury vote on the side of the prosecution 98.6% of the time. And Steve Thomas withheld a great deal of vital evidence. The vote was never for murder. Unlike the jury, the general public & the media, the DA Saw all the evidence known about at that time as did Lou Smit, one of the best investigators in the country. The DNA alone Proved just how Wrong the jury Were. Steve Thomas illegally took evidence material from the BPD & resigned on national TV, an act that was unheard of in law enforcement history. Of course, that was the precursor for his book of BS, blaming Patsy because of a notepad & he commenced book tours. He was promptly sued for that book of lies, but soo many have forgotten about or don’t know about That also. He garnered money from the public for his defence but come time for court, he refused to get on the stand to back his Story. The case was settled out of court & he lost every cent. The investigation Continued along with a bevy of private investigators who had full integrity & worked tirelessly Unpaid to catch the highly sadistic killers of this child & at the same time, they hoped to save another. What guilty person, let alone Two, would subject themselves to soo many interviews with soo many reporters on national TV & for Years? NONE. The Ramseys continued that til Patsy died in 2006 & John continued the same & does to this day. Very few know about a libel case in 2003 - Wolfe vs Ramsey, where Federal Court Judge Carne got to go over the evidence known about at that stage. Carne declared the Ramseys factually innocent due to the 'Abundance of evidence that pointed to an intruder'. All can read that 93 page document online. She also had quite a bit to say about Steve Thomas in relation to his integrity as a police officer & all his BS in that book. She was particularly incensed about him stating a time of death for JB when he was not a doctor nor a pathologist. He did That to suit his own agenda & for that book, being for, his own financial gain. Carne was also quite scathing in relation to Cina Wong who tried to present evidence about that note when Wong had no qualifications to call herself a writing analyst let alone an expert & she never had the original copy of the note. Pages showing fake writing As If Patsy’s writing ‘samples’ & As If from police files, continue to appear on vids about this case. The pages are all Fake. Wong put out a video of course, showing a whiteboard with writing ‘samples’ As If Patsy’s, it’s all Fake. The public have Never seen Patsy’s writing. The Ramseys & Loads of others. who included known pedos, were Cleared by the DNA a Long time ago. The DNA from that unknown male was developed & has been in CODIS since 2003. The FBI’s national database only accepts Qualified DNA. Further testing in 2007 - Same unknown male DNA at 2 places on the waistband of the long-johns, on the inside & the outside there. The Ramseys were finally Exonerated publicly in 2008 due to All the evidence that Showed someone Was in the house, over 200 pieces of Plus the DNA from the unknown male, that had also cleared John Mark Karr who said he did it. Next testing in 2016 with Advanced forensics - 2 male DNA on the long-johns, one is hispanic. The other is a white guy, Seen crossing the Ramsey’s backyard after they left for the Whites Xmas dinner. This was reported & newsworthy at the time. All the false & misleading information given to the media by the BPD did push This vital piece of Evidence under the rug. Then all the books of BS with all the versions of Whatever, took the case into a whole new level & the BS continues. N.B. Who would Write a ransom note on their Own notepad & use their Own marker & then put both of those items near the phone For The Cops? There is something seriously Wrong with all those who believe Patsy did That! The public need to understand that this case hasn’t been to Trial yet & so - You Know Nothing About This Crime, The Case Or About What Was Actually Perpetrated Upon This Poor Child. BTW - Burke, Was Never Even A Suspect. The Bits You Think You Know About this Crime - Are NOT True. *You all need to get this Very Clear - You Do Not Know Better than some of the Best investigators in the country or the Expert crime scene techs or the Top forensic scientists or the FBI or the Secret Service or the DAs or the Federal Court Judge or the Boulder PD, who, for Many Years have Also stated that the Ramseys - Are Innocent. It’s 2022 & All is now Known - the 4 involved have been identified, 2 are dead, the BPD are holding things up. **The BPD have issued a statement via the media - 1st May, 2022
@fullchoke01 2 года назад
@@bethryan9077 you literally are doing nothing except contradicting yourself, who would use their own pad and pen??? People who are in a situation where they can't exactly run out and buy something new, the better question is who breaks into a house to sit and write a ransom note like that- nobody! As for the dna that is all you people hold onto, patsy and john's fibers and dna are present everywhere- but a miniscule trace dna sample which by many accounts is cross contamination of 2 profiles is what makes them innocent, yet somehow nobody has ever been found using this dna- 🤣🤣 Every piece of evidence starts and ends in that house, you just cannot accept that people like you are deluded to think an intruder did this. The case files and autopsy reports are easily sourced, The 911 call is the most pathetic overacting anyone has ever done, The comical note, Johns knowledge of knots and garrote use, the only issue here is the American way of life and protecting the wealthy upstanding citizens yet again, People like you are unhinged its beyond obvious
@katiewest3415 2 года назад
Something went wrong maybe she screamed and they chocked her and she died or suffocated her or hit her in the head and they knocked her put thinking she was dead so no point to take her just make sure she is dead and still left the note to buy time . They wouldn't look for her in the house immediately bc they would think she was gone.
@lindseyormsbee Год назад
I love how the "terrorists" take the time to tell Jon that they respect his business. That reeks of self flattery. For me the ransom note is damning. No signs of forced entry, her body being found in the house when the note says she's been abducted, and the similarities in writing between Patsy and the "abductor."
@bethryan9077 Год назад
The Boulder PD took the note to the Secret Service & they also hired 2 Renowned private experts, all 4 said No Ramsey wrote the note. The Ramsey’s attorneys also hired 2 of the best in the country & both said the same. **From the 1st week of 1997 til 2007, DNA testing was done at 3 separate labs. Within the 1st Two Weeks, the results of DNA testing were back - from under JB’s fingernails - Unknown male DNA, mixed with JonBenet’s DNA. Steve Thomas & his cronies kept this vital result from the DA for 7 months. The same Steve Thomas who later went on to Pretend that he was lead detective & he still does. Two spots of blood were in the underpants but were Never tested. Steve Thomas constantly talked about the book he was going to write. It wasn’t until the grand jury were to convene that more DNA tests were ordered. The blood was JBs & Same unknown male DNA - saliva mixed in a spot of her blood in the underpants. This DNA from an unknown male wasn’t developed enough for CODIS at that stage. Desperate Thomas worked Very hard to keep the Fact that there was Unknown male DNA evidence, from the public’s consumption. The BPD were ‘leaking’ false & misleading information to the media & the frenzy continued. Eventually the BPD were made to Publicly apologise for doing this to the family but This Fact has been forgotten/not known about by the general public. The BPD’s cops Should have found JB early that morning, though a Search for her was never carried out as it was a Ransom note. Three officers were tasked with checking entry & exit points, yet failed to pull open the cellar door & go in there & they Failed to go through the train room door also, thinking it was a cupboard door, they by-passed it. The broken window was Not where the perps got in the house, but That is Not the point. The investigators Present refused to target the Ramseys but Unfortunately Steve Thomas was brought into the case 3 days later & his goal was to make a name for himself. 18 months later he illegally took evidence material from the BPD, snuck off on a ruse & then resigned on national TV, an act that was unheard of in law enforcement history. Of course, that was his marketing Ploy for his book of BS, blaming Patsy because of a notepad & he commenced book tours. He was promptly sued for that book of lies, but soo many have forgotten about or don’t know about That, also. He garnered money from the public for his defence but come time for court, he refused to get on the stand to back his Story. The case was settled out of court & he lost every cent of the hundreds of thousands of dollars he made from that book. The investigation Continued with a bevy of actual Seasoned private investigators who had full integrity & worked tirelessly Unpaid to catch the highly sadistic killers of this child & at the same time, they hoped to save another. What guilty person, let alone Two, would subject themselves to soo many interviews with soo many reporters on national TV & for Years? NONE. The Ramseys continued that til Patsy died in 2006 & John continued the same & does to this day. Very few know about a libel case in 2003 - Wolfe vs Ramsey, where Federal Court Judge Carne got to go over the evidence known about at that stage. Carne declared the Ramseys factually innocent due to the 'Abundance of evidence that pointed to an intruder'. All can read that 93 page document online. She also had quite a bit to say about Steve Thomas in relation to his role as a police officer & about some of the BS in his book. She was particularly incensed about him stating a time of death for JB when he was not a doctor nor a pathologist. He did That to suit his own agenda & for that book, being for, his own financial gain. Carne was also quite scathing in relation to Cina Wong who tried to present evidence about that note when Wong had no qualifications to call herself a writing analyst let alone an expert & she never had the original copy of the note. Pages showing fake writing As If Patsy’s writing ‘samples’ & As If from police files, continue to appear on vids about this case. The pages are all Fake. Wong put out a video of course, showing a whiteboard with writing ‘samples’ As If Patsy’s, it’s all Fake. The public have Never seen Patsy’s writing. The Ramseys & Loads of others, including known pedos, were Cleared by the DNA a Long time ago. The DNA from unknown male was developed & has been in CODIS since 2003. The FBI’s national database only accepts Qualified DNA. Further testing in 2007 - same unknown male DNA at 2 places on the waistband of the long-johns, on the inside & the outside there. The Ramseys were finally Exonerated publicly in 2008 due to All the evidence that Showed someone Was in the house, over 200 pieces of, Plus the DNA from the unknown male, that had also cleared John Mark Karr who said he did it. Next testing in 2016 with Advanced forensics - 2 male DNA on the long-johns, one is hispanic. The other is a white guy, Seen crossing the Ramsey’s backyard after they left for the White’s Xmas dinner. This was reported & newsworthy at the time. All the false & misleading information given to the media by the BPD did push this vital piece of Evidence under the rug. Then all the books of BS with all the versions of Whatever, took the case into a whole new level & the BS continues. James Kolar was in the office of the DA, Mary Lacy, for a very short time & was Fired. He also ran off to write His book of BS & blamed Burke because he needed new fodder. His ‘Story’ was so ludicrous, no publisher would touch it. He had to pay to self-publish & to very poor sales. He was & still is, just Another con artist & Proven Liar. Then CBS heard the sound of Kerching & that Bogus ‘show’ was aired in 2016, predominately blaming Burke & that’s why Kolar was on there like a Snake in the grass. N.B. *Who would Write a ransom note on their Own notepad & use their Own marker & then put both of those items near the phone For The Cops? There is something seriously Wrong with all those who believe Patsy did That!* Mark Beckner eventually found some integrity & publicly stated “when the owner of the DNA is found, there’s your killer”. The public need to understand that this case hasn’t been to Trial yet & so - You Know Nothing True About This Crime, the Case Or about what was Actually perpetrated upon this 6 year old Child. *YOU need to get this Very Clear - You Do NOT Know Better than some of the Best investigators in the country or the Expert crime scene techs or the Top forensic scientists or the FBI or the Secret Service or the DAs or the Federal Court Judge or the Boulder PD, who, for Many Years have Also stated that the Ramseys - Are Innocent. **The Boulder PD have issued a statement via the media - 1st May, 2022.
@bethryan9077 Год назад
You kids can't possibly Fathom what happened at Any stage because this very Very well Planned crime for money & revenge hasn't been a script for your one hour made up TV shows, that tell ya the ending. BTW - the note did Not say that JB was abducted & that was Never the plan. JB was Never to be taken from the basement, In Fact. BTW - you have Never SEEN Patsy's writing.
@jailepouvoir1990 Год назад
Speaking of self-flattery, how about the fact that the weird-ass name "JonBenét" is just a bastardization of "John Bennet", so, despite the father already having a kid, John Andrew from his previous marriage, named after him, he felt compelled to change a boy's name to a made-up girl's name just to once again feed his narcissism. That said, I guess the family's overall weirdness and obsession with self-aggrandizement aren't necessarily incriminating ...
@bethryan9077 Год назад
@@jailepouvoir1990 Only the lowest of the Low would say what you have about a little girl's name. Shame on you. It would be Very interesting to conduct a survey in the U.S., to find out the percentage of the Ramsey bashers who Do NOT Have - a Four storey 7,000 square foot Mansion - nor 2 private planes, a designer built yacht, a centrefold holiday house & money to Burn. Envy is a Sin you know.
@6lacksappho456 Год назад
​​@@jailepouvoir1990 What has led you to believe he's a narcissist? By clinical definition, specifically.
@diadem03destiny29 8 месяцев назад
I know one thing for sure. If my daughter was missing, I would have searched the ENTIRE house before anything else.
@somekindofbox264 7 месяцев назад
Why would you do that? You've been told that your daughter has been abducted. Your letter claims that she is in the hands of your abductor. That is a definite clue that she is not anywhere near your house. It would be an unreasonable thing to do, given that information, to search your house. It is common knowledge at this point that the hours, sometimes even the minutes, after an abduction are critical. In searching your house, there is an embedded assumption that your child is dead. But police focus their time on finding the victim of an abduction alive, not dead. Searching your house would likely waste time that is better spent searching for a live victim than a dead victim.
@TobyLerone76 6 месяцев назад
​@@somekindofbox264on what planet would you not search your house after that. I'd scour every inch to see what on earth is going on INSTANTLY
@somekindofbox264 6 месяцев назад
@@TobyLerone76Again, why? Just saying that you'd do it doesn't explain anything.
@angel-xi6ie 6 месяцев назад
@@somekindofbox264not everyone would immediately trust that the kidnapper* had actually taken the child away. So they’d check. There’s no downside to checking
@trialerrorsharer9398 6 месяцев назад
​@@somekindofbox264the letters so badly written I'd think it's a fucking joke one of my kids are pulling and they need to stop watching adult stuff on TV.
@sillyd0g 2 года назад
i can't rule out the bdi theory but it really bugs me how people scrutinize him for being ""weird"" on camera. if i were a sheltered rich kid whose entire life was traumatically upended at 9 years old by my baby sister's murder and the media circus that followed, i wouldn't grow up to be particularly normal or well adjusted either
@colleenwhitman9040 2 года назад
Well said! I’m not sure how people think a young boy is supposed to act under the circumstances. I do not think Burke had anything to do with his sisters murder.. A noted forensic pathologist stated that there’s no way a 9 year old boy, caused the 8 inch skull fracture that Jon Benet had. He said the force needed to basically cave in her skull with one blow, had to come from an adult a relatively strong one! Have you ever watched the videos done by Peter Hyatt?? He’s a world renowned statement analyst and he’s done several videos on this case and the Madeleine McCann case. His YT channel is not only fascinating but extremely educational. Martin Decoders YT channel is really good too. You seem to have a natural insight, I think if you haven’t already seen the channels you’ll really enjoy them! Take care and a Happy New Year to you!
@JordanWilliams-ix2td 2 года назад
bullshit..who the fuck smiles like that when talking about the murder of your own sister? Theres also a video of the funeral, he's literally the only one laughing & smiling like he's at Islands of adventure..stop the bullshit
@Cynis001 2 года назад
@@JordanWilliams-ix2td What's your point though? If the boy murdered his own sister, the smiling would only be more confusing (assuming he's not one of the coldest psychopaths on this planet). And if he's innocent it's still confusing. And yet, he did react like this. For neutral observers, a reaction of a person going through immense stress + trauma can easily be conceived as weird.
@tonypepperoni3679 2 года назад
@@Cynis001 that Burke kid/guy isn't a well adjusted seeming individual.
@robertm3561 2 года назад
@@Cynis001 Just a regular psychopath could easily act like him.
@AlwaysM0ndayy 2 года назад
Thank you for not dwelling on the “child beauty pageant” aspect. Keeping focus away from that and using pictures that show her as a dressed down kid remind of us of what she was- a kindergartener. Much better than the morbid sensationalism tabloids have been churning out for 25 years
@roboCL0WN 2 года назад
If the worst theories are to be believed maybe it is relevant, these pageants can't be healthy maybe they should be banned in their current form.
@officialconch 2 года назад
I’m glad I had no prior knowledge of this case.
@stellviahohenheim 2 года назад
That is why i don't watch tv
@strattical4532 2 года назад
I think it's dwelled on because there's so many theories involving horrible people seeing her in these pagents (I can't imagine they're attended by the most savory crowd) and then killing her. But like you said, I think it's good it wasn't a focus in this video. It's a good break from sensationalized media.
@jintarokensei3308 2 года назад
What's so sensational about pedophiles attending an underdeveloped human exposition? It's just lame.
@jpatton5567 Год назад
Patsy saying "there are 2 people on this earth that know who did this" while her and her husband are literally the only people on camera is the best irony
@cheechalker8430 Год назад
Great catch! I never noticed that
@wcolautti Год назад
@@cheechalker8430 I didn’t notice that either. Wow.
@bethryan9077 Год назад
Deary, you know Nothing about this case & the Point she was making about Two people was due to the Fact that it was Very evident that 2 people were in the house to pull off everything that they Did. The Ramseys were in talks with Expert Seasoned investigators lovey, not the likes of the friggin Keystone Cops that were being paid to twiddle their thumbs. You kids Really need to stick to your one hour made up simple plot TV crime shows, that tell ya the ending, True crime is Way over your heads.
@bethryan9077 Год назад
@@cheechalker8430 omg you people are off your heads. Just go back to Sleep.
@rightweaponry908 Год назад
I notice this struggle between a narcissist's need to to be charming and their attempt to display emotions that appropriately match the tone of the situation. I feel like in that press conference you can see them both trying to tow the line between their need to come off as a sweet charming couple while being bereaved parents. I get wanting to present themselves in a good light to have the public on their side, but the priorities seem odd. I'm not saying they did it but i just kept getting that uncomfortable feeling when there is a clear dissonance between the emotions and the optics. The same with the brothers interview, the tone of his mood doesn't seem to match the subject at hand. His consistent smiling feels like his need to charm overriding his ability to mimic the appropriate seeming emotions. Again, i'm not saying it was any of them but i just find it interesting that all 3 of them had a similar dissonance.
@S-CCCC 11 месяцев назад
The fact that the deadline for the ransom passed without either parent really noticing it has always seemed weird to me. I'd be obsessively checking the time and annoying everyone around me the closer it got to the deadline. Even though they went against the letter and contacted police, I still can't believe the deadline became such a forgettable thing to the parents
@plantgirl146 11 месяцев назад
100%... VERY telling!!
@bethryan9077 11 месяцев назад
@@plantgirl146 Read the narrative I posted, the note Stated that the call would between 8 & 10 Tomorrow.
@KingUsyk 9 месяцев назад
@bethryan9077 9 месяцев назад
@@KingUsyk I am just someone else who knows pretty much Everything about this case & I tell the True Facts & so, I am Educating the public. It is Not my problem that You & soo many like you, Don't Know ANY. I am Not intimidated by the hate-filled Mob like Yourself, posting your never ending Gobshite about every member of this poor family & who also live under the Delusion, that you Own the comment sections. It is Not my fault that there are soo many highly ignorant Ramsey Bashers running around with your heads up your own a##es & then there’s all the brainwashed zombies who also Can’t Stand to be shown you are Wwwrong. FYI - there are millions of Normal people in this world who are actually Interested in getting to the Truth about this case, the fact that You get off on deriding Me for No reason at all just points to Your abysmal Character deary. I am Proud to defend this Innocent family & at the same time, I am advocating for JB herself. “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing”.
@nbenefiel 9 месяцев назад
You weren’t there. You have no idea how they were reacting. I read Patsy was so hysterical that John called her doctor and he sedated her.
@charlessalvia7176 Год назад
One thing I know for sure: whoever did this was not very smart. They were just incredibly LUCKY the Colorado police were also so grossly incompetent.
@kellyharkin3275 8 месяцев назад
Agreed and or well compensated by this wealthy family.
@TheBency 6 месяцев назад
I always figured that they were smart enough to know the cops were so incompetent. Maybe that person did it because they knew they would get away with it because of Incompetent cops.
@suzimonkey345 4 месяца назад
Have they tested the dna through hereditary, ancestor analysis yet? How do you explain-away the dna in her panties that doesn’t match the family…if you think that the family did it?
@GIBBO4182 4 месяца назад
It’s not what you know…
@isabellind1292 3 месяца назад
@@TheBency I didn't think the family had anything to do w/Jon Benet's demise and I'll never forget Patsy's frantic call to 911 but what disturbed me so (and I still can't get the image of the smirk on her face) was the female officer who said in an interview that as they brought Jon Benet's body upstairs, she thought her father (John) was responsible like she was the smartest one in the room. It was completely inappropriate. This entire case was a disaster!
@renendell 2 года назад
The dramatic reading of the ransom note really drives home the absurdity of that whole aspect 😅
@TheWolvesinthewoods 2 года назад
Never knew there was a ransom note.
@oldmandoinghighkicksonlyin1368 2 года назад
LISTEN UP! ((starts reading))
@m2heavyindustries378 2 года назад
Accent was a lovely touch too, well done.
@dennistrull1475 2 года назад
@@m2heavyindustries378 on another site, the note is read in Patsy's voice. Hair raising.
@DeadBeatShitHead 2 года назад
I found this wildly racist, I’m disgusted on behalf of all virtuous people
@dragdive 2 года назад
I would like to know how their wealth and status affected the way this case was handled, because I am 100% sure that if I called the police saying my son was kidnapped, only for them to show up to my crappy 2bd apartment and find a bonkers note written on my paper and then find my son dead in the apartment using implements that also originated in my home with no signs of a break in I wouldn't have been able to avoid interrogation or go to Atlanta because I would have been taken out of the house in handcuffs immediately.
@ItsMcGeeGents 2 года назад
yeah i didnt know you could just be like "no 😌" when the cops want to interrogate u for murder....
@MediumDSpeaks 2 года назад
Well you wouldn't have $118,000 to give kidnappers in the first place so you wouldn't be targeted thankfully Did they ever check if he did have $118,000?
@wanderinghistorian 2 года назад
@@MediumDSpeaks Have you watched the video yet?
@synesthesia.aesthetic 2 года назад
@@MediumDSpeaks that was the amount of a bonus he had just received at work
@synesthesia.aesthetic 2 года назад
Saying though
@mewling_mooncalf 8 месяцев назад
massive props to the VA for the ransom note with just the right slightly ambiguous sounding accent for a small foreign faction.
@jordanhayley 7 месяцев назад
My thoughts exactly 😅
@k.o.h3599 7 месяцев назад
It sounds like an IRA member trying to hide their Irish accent
@dennistrull1475 6 месяцев назад
Now a reading in Patsy's voice for comparison is in order, and while we're at it another in John's voice?
@R0KURU 6 месяцев назад
Hahaha, I liked that as well!
@n8bayonet 5 месяцев назад
​@@k.o.h3599 Irish ? It sounded ruski too me.
@naluzoniro 2 года назад
There is ONE undisputable fact in this case, and it's that the initial investigation was botched to hell and back, oh my god ! How could they have handled it any worse ??
@MeredithBryant487 2 года назад
@juniorjohnson5961 2 года назад
What a mess
@DarkKnight-np6nw Год назад
It was likely due to the inexperience of the homicide unit in Boulder at the time. It's notoriously a very safe area with very low crime, so some of the practices and procedures that an otherwise experienced unit would undertake would have been overlooked by a crime unit that does not deal with too many situations like that.
@Juhani139 Год назад
Don't be too hard on them. Yes, it's frustrating, but they were inexperienced and they left a single officer to try to corral a lot of people. While that is concerning, a bigger problem I think is the money and influence the family had.
@TimApple. Год назад
I believe it was the mom. Irrational nutty. That note was complete fantasy. No one would leave such a long ransom, honing in on 1 individual to retaliate against the government. Demanding his bonus he just got that month? C'mon
@NateMac434 2 года назад
The cops botched this one so badly I’m surprised there isn’t a “CDI” theory
@billhart3728 2 года назад
The “cops did it” is a corollary to the ramesy did it. In that the police gave prominent citizens too much leeway because they’re intimidated and clearly out of their depth
@phillipgalan660 2 года назад
@@billhart3728 ...or police were customers
@TropicalPriest 2 года назад
Boulder cops are notorious screw ups. It's typically where other precincts send their lowest performers.
@a_lucientes 2 года назад
The DA's did the most damage by far.
@RealButcher 2 года назад
@ Nate, That's not very nice to say.
@stan8479 2 года назад
Thank you for humanising JonBenét. I think many of us, in our pursuit of the truth, forget that she was more than just a victim. She was a little girl that loved and was loved in return, who could've grown up to be a fantastic human being.
@roosahatinen 2 года назад
I think it's something that all true crime videos should do. It really helps to comprehend that a real person with feelings, ambitions and memories was murdered.
@stan8479 2 года назад
@@roosahatinen It's why I really love Brooke Makenna. She always takes the time to talk about who the victims were as people.
@cristobalbalenciaga7295 2 года назад
Pretty sure that everyone sees her as a little girl that loved and was loved in return and could’ve grown in to a fantastic human being. And BECAUSE of that this is one of those cases that just sticks with people. So stop with those confusing comments just to garner some likes
@Ethan2Tone 2 года назад
@@cristobalbalenciaga7295 yes, thank you. I don't see how anyone can see her as anything less.
@stan8479 2 года назад
@@cristobalbalenciaga7295 That wasn't the intention of my comment at all. I was commenting on the fact that a lot of people become desensitised to horrific crimes like these, and start focusing more on the perpetrators and the suspects rather than the people who suffered the most as a result. People tend to discuss them as victims, rather than people, whether consciously or not. I care about the people that were lost, too, but know that some people forget to reflect on that. Instead of getting angry about me feeling grateful for the humanisation that has become lost in the discussion of true crime and making blatantly false assumptions, how about you take the time to be nice to someone today?
@bucksdiaryfan Год назад
"Don't try to grow a brain" is a phrase from the movie Speed, adding to the theatrical nature of the bogus ransom note. Also, no one has mentioned this, but the scenario the note tries to set up is somewhat similar to the Patty Hearst kidnapping, another example of a rich girl kidnapped by a "faction" and an event both of the Ramseys would have been familiar with
@bethryan9077 Год назад
BTW deary, there were 5 quotes from 5 movies about violent kidnapping scenarios.
@MM-ig1iv Год назад
That's exactly what I thought about when I heard that.. "Speed" and wasn't that movie just out around that time? I think it was...
@vernonfrance2974 11 месяцев назад
@@MM-ig1iv The movie "Ransom" was also showing.
@micenabled9418 8 месяцев назад
Not to mention if you look at the train room you see movie posters everywhere so it’s safe to assume they were big movie watchers.
@mariawhite7337 7 месяцев назад
Hot take. But the lawyer friend could have done it. Keep in mind the concept of "conflict of interest" why would their dear friend want to help them in their case?
@Person01234 2 года назад
"We feel like there are at least 2 people on the face of this earth that know who did this" I agree Mrs. Ramsey.
@PRubin-rh4sr 2 года назад
Yeah lmao I thought she was confessing
@comparedtowhat2719 2 года назад
4 people know: Burke, John, Patsy and Jon Benet who can't speak.
@IAMMARTICUS1470 2 года назад
@@comparedtowhat2719 completely reasonable to think that Burke doesn't know anything. In most RDI scenarios, Burke is asleep throughout. He also did not crack in police interrogation, imo any guilty 9 year old would not be able to withstand that kind of pressure.
@WobblesandBean 2 года назад
@@IAMMARTICUS1470 I disagree. The cops proved themselves to be wholly incompetent in this case. They probably went easy on him, and he would have never said he murdered his sister, especially if his parents told him they'd cover it up. Look at him in that interview clip, he couldn't care less!
@Larry_Stylinson 2 года назад
@@IAMMARTICUS1470 We are talking about a child that nearly killed another child the year prior with a baseball bat (if I remember correctly)! Burke was anything but an innocent child. He was known to be violent. It's absolutely not far fetched to believe that he has done it. I have seen some of the footage of him talking with police and they weren't exactly hard on him by any means... I'm sure he's either a sociopath or a psychopath. Guilt is not something he would feel if that's the case. In my opinion he seemed rather happy and relieved about his sister not being around anymore...
@Exsugarbabe1 2 года назад
The letter is ridiculous, why would kidnapperss hang around writing an essay while commiting a crime?
@joeking6972 2 года назад
The letter itself could have served as a Red Herring. As stated in the video they could have written the letter before the murder while lurking in the house waiting for them to return. Perhaps it was something they came up with as a way to pass the time and inject a bit more misdirection into the case. They could have figured out the bonus pay the father had due to rummaging through their things. All things aside, the fact that DNA was found on her body from an unidentified male not belonging to the family is the single strongest piece of evidence in this entire case. Nothing else holds a candle to that detail.
@Feroal2 2 года назад
@@joeking6972 the letter is way too long to have been written by an intruder. I just cannot believe patsy, who was wearing the same clothes from the night before, wouldn’t have heard an intruder take jonbenet to the basement. Why was she in the same clothes and makeup as the night before? Such a furious case.
@joeking6972 2 года назад
@Johan Liebert the author of this video also said that "handwriting experts" are contentious at best because people can tend to have very similar handwriting. It's not an entirely useless science but there's much to be desired. Keep in mind the letter wasn't an exact match to her writing either. I find it interesting that people will simply dismiss the DNA("doesn't prove anything") in favor of all of the circumstantial "evidence" that could in fact be entirely irrelevant.
@joeking6972 2 года назад
@@Feroal2 "the letter is way too long to have been written by an intruder." That's not true. If the intruder was waiting for them to return he could have spent some of that time writing the letter as a red herring. Her wearing the same clothes is cause for suspicion, but could very well be benign considering the stress she was under as she could have simply put on whatever clothes she saw in her immediate environment. It's entirely possible she didn't hear anyone, nothing about what you have stated is by any means concrete, but the DNA is the hardest piece of evidence. Something I'm noticing here is that most people I see commenting on this case are falling prey to the natural human tendency to eradicate doubt from their minds by insisting that the parents or brother did it. They'll outright ignore the DNA in favor of a more convenient conclusion. I've seen people outright comment "The brother did it" and get plenty of likes without having to actually provide concrete evidence. It's really quite annoying. I suppose this isn't entirely their fault as social media rewards such behavior. And just to be clear, I'm not saying that the parents are innocent, but the dna absolutely drives a wedge in the theory that they're guilty. It's silly to me to dismiss the dna as circumstantial but then believe that her similar handwriting or the fact that she's wearing the same clothes is evidence of her guilt.
@Feroal2 2 года назад
@@joeking6972 fair point. It’s just so hard to believe that note wasn’t written by one of them. It would make it the first letter of its kind considering the length.
@shadstout6387 2 года назад
My man is out here making documentaries that put big-budget nationally-aired TV shows to shame. Kudos.
@bethryan9077 Год назад
He's repeating the same old BS that's been going around for over 25 years.
@skelter1153 Год назад
YOUR Man?! What are you, a fairy?
@It-is-me...Melsie Год назад
@@skelter1153 Are you confused by that term? I'm assuming English is not your first language.
@dachsrottweiler Год назад
@micenabled9418 Год назад
@@It-is-me...Melsie English is definitely not their first language if that’s how they react to that phrase lol
@katsukibakugan9490 Месяц назад
"frankly we're not talking to police because we're insulted we're even considered suspects" my brother in christ, she was "kidnapped" to your basement
@bethryan9077 Месяц назад
The Ramseys gave the cops free reign to their house from the minute officer French walked in the door because they had Nothing to hide. They spoke separately to the cops & detectives in total, for Hours that morning & after JB was found. Burke was interviewed when still at the Whites at 2 p.m. by detective Patterson, Neither parent was present, nor did they know that was happening. John spoke with the Ds that night, Patsy was bedridden by then. Arndt asked John for them to go to the PD on the 28th. The Ramseys had already witnessed how inept the cops Were & John hired a private investigator straight away. All Ramseys gave the required samples & John spoke to the Ds for 2 hours again that day. They did Everything the cops asked them to do. John asked Eller to speak to Patsy at the house where they were staying because she was so ill & medicated, Eller refused to do that. Steve Thomas was brought in because the Present investigators refused to target the Ramseys. Thomas was an ex-narcotics officer & had No experience with Any murder case before & thought he would make a name for himself from this high profile crime. His partner was an auto-theft officer. Thomas constantly talked about the Book he was going to write & if anyone went against His theory, they were ridiculed & ostracized. The BPD rarely had a murder & this was the first for '96. The next 2 up the ladder had No experience with homicide Either. The BPD refused help from the FBI, the CBI & the Denver PD. The Present investigators had No concerns about deception but Then the body was found in the house. False & misleading information was being leaked to the media. The cops were made to publicly Apologise later for saying there were no footprints in the snow, but the damage was done. It didn’t even snow that night & old snow at the front Only. The Ramseys were told they were being targeted & advised to get lawyers. Very sound advice & the Right of All citizens. The talk was through the lawyers then, That's how it Goes. The Ramseys organised to do the Formal interview for when they returned from Atlanta burying their daughter, the cops cancelled that interview as they did more than once. It didn’t go ahead til April, big Deal. Loads of people don’t do formal interviews At All & lots don’t speak to the cops Ever. The Ramseys still had Nothing to Hide & they went on national TV soo many times, nobody can count the number up right. Being interviewed by all & sundry & being asked about the same Hurtful aspects over & over again whilst being Accused & being open to the scrutiny of all the loons to squawk about every blink of an eye, while the ever accusing keystone cops were doing Jackshit trying to find the sadistic murderer of their child. John went on to hire 3 more private investigators. The Ramseys went broke trying to find who murdered their child & hoped to Save another. When the money ran out, many Seasoned investigators continued the search Unpaid. Not one of them have written a Book. What guilty person, let alone Two, would subject themselves to soo many interviews with soo many reporters on National TV & for Years? NONE. And John continued that after Patsy died. He & John Andrew continue to this day. One needs to think about the Major Players behind this made up Saga of who did what - Steve Thomas put it all on Patsy, Linda Arndt decided Later that she’d blame John & James Kolar chose Burke - neither of these so-called 'police' had Ever worked a murder case before or after but, they were all about writing a Book. Each one put their mugs on National TV, trying for fame & fortune, they Failed at that job also. All 3 are such an Embarrassment for law enforcement around the world & then there’s the Fact that they’re all Proven LIARS.
@rebeccakinney6357 24 дня назад
The “ransom note” was written on paper from your house- the pad/book used to write the note with were found, the pen was yours and the ransom was the exact amount of the dads bonus. If these had been poor or middle class people they would’ve been jailed that day. The idea that someone else did this is just not feasible to me.
@arostwocents 21 день назад
​@@rebeccakinney6357makes it sound like it was someone known to them from his work who wanted his bonus, someone who felt unfairly slighted that they received a small or no bonus
@skydream25 Год назад
The police department will NEVER admit they completely botched this case in so many ways.
@Burialofagod Год назад
Hey pregabalin!
@Xpwnxage Год назад
@@Burialofagod okay, that's funny
@bethryan9077 Год назад
@@Cassandra-jy1gd No cops Ever pulled open that door. It was Fleet White who opened the door, couldn't find the light switch, shut the door & walked away. No cop went through the train room door either & neither did Fleet. The perps put gear up against that door to block it, 2 different times, the cops & Fleet thought it was a cupboard door & walked on by. The BPD worked Very hard to keep those aspects a big secret as well.
@fladagreat Год назад
​@@bethryan9077the cops should have though... I've never heard of a kidnapping/disappearance/ murder scene where the suspects do the search and not the cops.... Doesn't really make them look good whether they went in the room or not.
@myroselle6987 Год назад
Well Det. Arndt looked across the body of Jonbenet’ and SAW that John Ramsey was the murderer. What more proof did they need? OMG!!! Boulder police had no clue. They botched it from the beginning.
@zachmorgan6982 Год назад
The fact John found her after all the other police left the house blows my mind
@DreamsOfFinland Год назад
It's like OJ walking out of courtroom gut reaction. The guy leaves house to go to airport to reschedule earlier departure, comes back to house and reads newspaper. No police question his/her innocence cause rich people protection. When will the pedophile parties become part of the "what really happened" story?
@bethryan9077 Год назад
Umm, detective Arndt was still there deary. Why don't you go ask the Boulder PD why the Cops there that morning failed to pull open the cellar door & find this child? 8 cops & detectives arrived at various times that morning, except for Arndt they were all gone by about 10.30 a.m.
@Xpwnxage Год назад
​@@bethryan9077I enjoy coming to back this video months later and finding you still ardently defending the Ramsey's. I'm not hating on it, just respect it.
@linusp9316 Год назад
@@Xpwnxage Illness of that kind shouldn't be encouraged, really
@ivycarrano8207 Год назад
Police were there they told him to go look around the house. The cops were incompetent.
@923shelby Год назад
Crazy that these “normal” photos of her have rarely been seen. In all 26 years it’s only been the pageant photos and tabloid covers
@sandtats Год назад
And SO much prettier sans the over the top pageant costuming and clownish makeup. Such beautiful girl.
@simonw1313 Год назад
Yeah I noted that and appreciated that part of the case being pushed to one side.
@heezypeasy8611 Год назад
​@sandtats I agree. She was an absolute beauty without all that makeup. It also makes me cringe that Patsy bleached JonBenets hair. Poor little girl.
@nbenefiel 10 месяцев назад
There are hundreds of photos and videos of her just being a normal kid. My favouriite is the video taken of her that Christmas Day. She was trying to ride the bike she got for Christmas, the day before she died. She’d go a little way, fall over and try again. She was laughing like mad. There are all kinds of photos from the time she was very little. I imagine her parents were not keen on giving her photos to the media.
@nbenefiel 10 месяцев назад
@@heezypeasy8611Where did you get that idea? I’ve seen photos of her from the time she was about two.Her hair didn’t change colour.
@josephmatthews7698 8 месяцев назад
I hate when people say "their state of mind clearly precludes x action." During an emergency I become laser focused like the world slows down as my adrenaline pumps I get more focused and driven. My mom breaks down. My sister goes to a loved one for comfort. My father gets angry and anxious. My brother freezes. My point is everyone reacts to stimuli differently and there is no way to rule anything out.
@BlisaBLisa 7 месяцев назад
yeah i feel like people underestimate how irrational someone can be in a crisis. weve seen cases where innocent people act weirdly under stress, its such a heightened emotional state you cant really predict how you'd act if it were you. and the situations these people are in, dealing with the shock and trauma of a loved one being murdered, are not something most people will ever expirience. you have no idea how you would act in that situation.
@myosotis4507 3 месяца назад
I was rolling my eyes at a lot of the accusations surrounding the Ramsey's changing story, because forgetting or getting important details about a stressful event out of order is something I do consistently. I figure everything that made them look guilty in that regard is something I could easily have done in the same situation.
@chrisnoneyabiz4072 Месяц назад
True bc someone that has anxiety may react differently in a very stressful situation than others would expect them to react
@Witchygirl22 2 года назад
This was quite literally the BEST, most in-depth, detailed video I've ever seen on this case. Both mainstream media and independent media. You're truly a remarkable story teller. Thank you for this.
@fighttheevilrobots3417 2 года назад
Check out Stephanie Harlowe's video series on this. It's hours and hours of details.
@bimbowithanuzi3606 2 года назад
@@fighttheevilrobots3417 if only her voice wasn’t nails on a chalkboard.
@Witchygirl22 2 года назад
@@fighttheevilrobots3417 I'm an avid Stephanie fan. I've seen all her videos. Only she compares to this guy. She's amazing and has long time been my favorite. 🤩
@Witchygirl22 2 года назад
That's not very nice.. lol I guess you are entitled to that opinion though.
@owl.feathers 2 года назад
@@fighttheevilrobots3417 I watched her series on this case and I think I enjoyed it (to the extent that one can enjoy hearing about a tragic murder), but honestly, I had to unsubscribe from her several months ago. I don't trust her research (I've gotten the distinct impression more than once that she's being very biased; also, English-language info on the Leonarda Cianciulli case is very questionable and she seems to have taken it at face value), and her community is toxic imo. I really noticed it after she covered the Tristyn Bailey case and there were a bunch of people in the comments claiming that the (alleged) killer, who was 14 at the time, was "not a child," deserved to be tried as an adult, and was fully capable of understanding the consequences of his actions. I had some truly bizarre exchanges in that comment section, and imo, Stephanie brings it out in her audience.
@TheJynx2011 2 года назад
"There are at least two people in this case who know who did this" Nice choice of words lady..
@atomicace42 2 года назад
IKR?? I was like "yeah, they're sitting right here"
@tabascosauce3972 2 года назад
Yup when she said that it really stood out to me
@teaspoonsofpeanutbutter6425 2 года назад
Yeah, that got my attention too.
@maggiedk 2 года назад
I mean... I've heard that said in regards to other unsolved cases, too, especially when trying to get people to come forward with information. Investigators will say things like "although only one person may have been there when this crime occurred, we believe that there must be one other person out there who knows what happened, and all it takes is that one other person to come forward." I'm not saying that Patsy is necessarily innocent but reading that much into her wordings, especially when she was heavily medicated, is a stretch.
@florafox3414 2 года назад
I screamed self report!
@thesilverbrow2382 2 года назад
The only part of the 'Patsy killed her and Patsy wrote the note and Patsy called the cops' section that I disagree with is the idea that Patsy wouldn't call the cops when she told herself not to contact the cops in her own fake random note. She could have just written that part thinking that it would make the note more believable.
@bryantndongmo4780 2 года назад
my thoughts exactly
@lukamagicc 2 года назад
Which adds just another reason of if not direct culpability, at bare minimum strong reasonable doubt
@itsMoirrey 2 года назад
@Lassi Kinnunen 81 exactly, she wanted them to think that JB was killed because she called them, when any investigator would be able to see that JB had been dead for at least a few hours at that point (since rigor mortis had set in). Her lack of knowledge of the decomposition process is why she thought this was a good course of action
@bendietrees 2 года назад
I doubt it. The author of the ransom note spent a sizable portion of the letter detailing how important it was for the Ramsey's to not say anything to anyone and saying if they even looked at a stray dog jonbenet would be killed. The author was emphasising her potential death over and over and over as a consequence of the Ramsey's breaking their rules so this was very important for them to get across. If it was just something designed to make the letter look more authentic a simple line would have sufficed. The entire letter is an exercise in distraction and I would lean towards that portion being emphasised and designed so that when patsy called the police it would be understandable when Jonbenet turned up dead.
@thesilverbrow2382 2 года назад
@@bendietrees which part do you doubt? Everything you just said was consistent with Patsy writing the note.
@JM06261996 10 месяцев назад
I am 100% totally convinced that Patsy at LEAST wrote the note based on that handwriting.
@nbenefiel 9 месяцев назад
The actual experts issued sworn testimony that, in their educated opinions, Patsy did not write the note.
@jewelscheffer-oi2ct 9 месяцев назад
It's been proven no Ramsey wrote the letter and DNA cleared the family. That poor family will never be able to heal with idiotic comments still all these years later
@nbenefiel 9 месяцев назад
@@jewelscheffer-oi2ct nice to see someone familiar with the actual evidence
@nbenefiel 8 месяцев назад
Are you an accredited forensic handwriting expert?
@ChristenHall-dd9tz 8 месяцев назад
Yes. It is obvious - not an expert but, I have two eyes.
@gangstagarf 2 года назад
That epilogue talking about jonbenet was a nice touch. This case is so notorious it makes it easy to forget she was a human, taken from the world far too early. Great vid
@christiancline5167 2 года назад
For real. Almost made me cry. Great inclusion.
@tomstokoe5660 2 года назад
I didn't like that part it made me sad, I came here to be angry!
@gangstagarf 2 года назад
@@tomstokoe5660 tommy you got some issues mate
@speedracer1945 2 года назад
I remember some people think it was the son who was jealous of her since she got fame and he didnt so the parents protected him which gave them the odd behavior. 🤔
@bethryan9077 2 года назад
@@speedracer1945 This is the problem for the general public - you don't know Anything about the crime, the case Or about what was Actually perpetrated upon this poor Child. At the very beginning, the media put out that JB was strangled to death & that was the Medical Examiner’s Report which was Correct. The blows to this child’s head were just After that. Who did the old switcheroo & for what reason? You have No idea what was going on behind the scenes with those lousy & ever deceitful Cops. The Authorities Plus Forensic Scientists, Proved Intruders Were In That House. One half of the public are still back in the Old Days, you all need to Catch Up, it is Not still 1996, 1997, 1998. Expert investigators Continued Working This Case. Soo many in the public domain are stuck in a friggin Time Warp. The other half watched that Bogus CBS TV Show & believed it all & now it’s the Kid brother Burke who bonked his little sister on the head over a piece of pineapple. LOL. The False & misleading information that is Still being portrayed on Most of the vids on Utube, is the Same False & Misleading information that media & books put out from Way Back Then. Wake Up America! Go do some Actual Research. Learn about the Actual evidence. You people have seen a few photos - pineapple in a bowl, flashlight on a bench, cord on a stick, writing on some pages. That is Not Evidence & most certainly Nothing to do with Evidence of Murder. Thank goodness you people didn't get to see More photos. LOL. FYI - there were Hundreds. Someone made a TV 'show' & told you all those items were evidence about the Ramseys & Burke, they Were Not. You have All been Hoodwinked. The ONLY piece that you people know about that Can be classed as evidence, is the notepad. THAT Was Used to Commit this crime. That Did come from the house. There is No Other Evidence From That House, that was Used To Commit This Crime. So what have you people got? Never ending stupid Crap that you all post, that Also has Nothing to do with the Murder of This Child. Access the autopsy photos that are online, they are shoulders up only. Have a good look at the burn on this child's cheek & the cord left embedded in her neck. There were also abrasions at the base of her neck from that cord, from earlier vile acts with that Bondage Device. That was Not a garrotte. Some Idiot thought that Word looked good for a Headline & in a Book, because of that One Photo. A garrotte has Two handles to work, Not One. Source the Photo of the Whole thing. What I have Already told about That, is the True Facts. The Authentic autopsy report States about the rust coloured marks at each temple & the same rust coloured marks on the back of one leg. Crime scene photos Show the rusty log grabber in the Cellar. The authentic autopsy report can be found online, the 1st page has the symbol/emblem for Boulder County- That flashlight was Not a weapon used & that did Not belong to the Ramseys. The authentic autopsy report Proves JB did Not eat Any of that pineapple, Forensics Proved That. Patsy did Not write that note, the Experts Proved That & the Writing was Not the Only factor that Proved That, She Did NOT. Glenn Meyer took the notepad when he invited himself to their Xmas party on the 23rd, Simple as That. He organised this crime for Money, his 3 cohorts had their Own Ideas for Money. This was a very, Very well Planned crime for money & revenge. There are Many reasons why kidnapping has always been a rare crime. One has to take the time to Think about Why that is a Fact. The plan - JB was Never to be taken from that basement. It was always going to be 50/50 if the cops were called & they didn’t get that quick cash. They sure didn’t go to so much trouble & such high risk for Nothing. The taking of photos was their back-up for money. True Crime for a great many, is way too much to Fathom when you don’t know about the True Facts. The Ramseys were Officially Exonerated a Long time ago with a mountain of Actual Evidence & by Real experts, including Forensic Scientists. Just because you don’t Know about that evidence, does Not Mean that it doesn’t exist. The DNA from an unknown male has been in CODIS since 2003. Give the FBI a call. Clearly you people need to Learn what DNA is About. You have been watching TV for over 25 Years & you Choose to believe it All, as long as it’s Against - the Ramseys. You don’t care which one, Or, you decide on all 3. Yet, you don’t even know about ANY Actual Evidence. Shame on every one of You. This case - Has Never Been To Trial & so, You have Never Seen the Case Evidence. What sort of people say all they do about this Very Kind family, when you have Never even Seen Any of the Evidence about the Crime? Loads of you even Demean this murdered little girl also & since 2016, her 9 year old brother too, because of a Bogus TV ‘show’ that was put out by a pack of Con Artists. Burke was Never even a suspect & was interviewed That afternoon when he was still at the Whites by detective Patterson, Neither parent was present, Nor did they know that was happening. Patterson spoke Publicly after that Bogus CBS ‘show’ & said Burke knew Nothing & was Very worried that his sister was still missing. None of you even Know what was Actually perpetrated upon JonBenet, nor do you Care to Find Out, because you’re all too busy spouting all your hateful Garbage about a case that You Know Nothing About & At a fine Upstanding family who Didn’t Do A Damn Thing & who, In Fact, were Victims.. Soo many down the threads, all sites, are an Absolute Disgrace & that’s just another True Fact. A great many people say that 'it doesn't add up'. But, soo many people, Don't Know Any True Facts about - Anything & so, you are Not in the position to say - that it doesn't add up. All Ramseys were Proven Innocent with a mountain of Actual evidence & eventually by a bunch of Seasoned Experts, including Forensic Scientists. All those under the umbrella of Law Enforcement who Saw 'Facts In Evidence' which Included the autopsy photos, the photo of the skull & the Authentic autopsy report & Loads of other items - that Are In Evidence. . . Until this case is brought to trial for criminal proceedings, the general public will Never get to know the True Facts about this case. Unless you start some Actual Research online, but that takes a whole lot of hard slog & one needs some experience just to tell the difference between a fake document & an authentic one. The vids are Still full of False & Misleading information whether old TV programmes or new Utube 'shows' & both show Fake pages put up on the screen As If from police files, the Same False & misleading information in soo many books. All of this BS has been going around for Over 25 years & counting. People need to wake up to themselves. Obviously too many in the public domain believe all that they read in trashy magazines too. Soo many so-called ‘experts’ jumped on the bandwagon to find their version of fame & to make Money from - all those who are Highly Gullible & all those who are - Particularly Hateful.
@calyxxx Год назад
The ransom note is SO ridiculous and deserves a whole documentary itself. It’s chilling when you think the parents wrote that out whilst their daughter laid dead, most likely in the next room.
@gutgunstig7061 Год назад
@bethryan9077 Год назад
@@gutgunstig7061 There is No 'allegedly' deary, the Ramseys were Proven Innocent a Long time ago.
@linusp9316 Год назад
@@bethryan9077 You are incorrect. Delusional, actually, as you have demonstrated many times in this comment section. Don't bother spamming another ten paragraphs of gibberish either
@FionaAdoreRose Год назад
@@bethryan9077 Deary, have you ever heard of Oak Island, well it's very similar to that. 🙄
@bethryan9077 Год назад
@@FionaAdoreRose I don’t see Anyone railing against all those who Make Up from their sick Heads, all the despicable garbage, which is them Accusing JonBenet Herself, of all the Vile incest & paedophile acts that they conjure up with Glee & post proudly. Of the Hundreds of such comments & Stories that I’ve read from these abhorrent so-called human beings, Nobody says a friggin Thing to them. What a National Disgrace. Hang on that’s right, Lots of Other so-called human beings Do say certain things to them, they Agree with them. And because they’re of the Same Ilk, they’re Bolstered to post Their sick thought processes about the same Vile acts, incest & paedophilia, all about this Child, including 9 year old Burke sometimes & no-one rebukes them in Any way. There was never one Skerrick of evidence that JB was previously sexually molested Nor one Skerrick of evidence that JB was previously sexually abused. Not one Skerrick about Burke either. Yet the Ramseys & their Kids are very cruelly subjected to a round-robin of particularly grotesque accusations that include - child sacrifice, satanic worship scenarios, pedos at the garden parties, selling their child, their friends being Allowed to abuse their child, society members being Allowed to abuse their child including Of Course, Epstein & so on & so on - on it goes, Incessantly. According to the same so-called human beings, because the Ramseys were wealthy at the time, all of the above is what they did with their spare time. Nobody Ever mentions that the Ramseys had deep faith in God & were avid church goers. One can pop over to the many videos about the Chris Watt’s murder case. Let me know when you find Anyone who has posted Any comment about Him sexually abusing his little girls Or any other comment about a gang of his friends who did the same & worse. Of all the Hundreds of videos about same subject & victimology, Nobody talks about Any of Those kids as soo many do about This, highly intelligent 6 year old murdered little girl. Shame on you all. BTW - what part of Exonerated do you Not understand? 🙄
@VoodooAngel63 2 года назад
I was struck by the comments about her brother having a strange smile while on camera. Well, he was raised by a pageant mom who probably always coached him on smiling a certain way in front of a camera. When you're nervous, you fall back into old familiar behaviors. So whether or not he has anything to do with it, he' probably going to have a strange smile on his face.
@elliebellie1127 2 года назад
I agree I feel like he’s just anxious with all these people accusing him and his family, and uncomfortable causing the awkward smiles.
@w.k.astrolabe280 2 года назад
You are 100% right; that's not a genuine smile. It's an "I'm uncomfortable, but still trying to be polite" smile.
@blazingstar9638 2 года назад
Yea fr
@suzanneloftis894 2 года назад
@MissJensk1 2 года назад
@Renee Hansen He wasn't coached by his mother on how to act in pageants, it was only JonBenet that was involved in that
@ukcurlygrl1 8 месяцев назад
The fact that mother was still wearing the same clothing and makeup. She was up all night. Therefore I can rule out the intruder.
@kelliannavan 7 месяцев назад
Exactly...also, they were planning a trip to fly out that particular morning on their private plane...she definitely would have taken a shower, changed her clothes and put on fresh makeup!!!
@yattanicole479 5 месяцев назад
She was up all night, she killed her daughter, cleaned up and wrote the note
@feeblezak 4 месяца назад
@oren1305 4 месяца назад
While I still have deep suspicion of the family, (or a close friend), as someone who has fallen asleep in her makeup and old clothes on late nights, I can't call her a child killer based solely on that. Maybe, in her panic, she threw on the outfit she wore the day before? The hair and makeup is a little odd.
@donut_life12 4 месяца назад
That and the neighbors hearing a scream at midnight. They didn't sleep Through it.
@ellieblack8028 2 года назад
I'd love to see a Madeline McCann documentary like this... this was immense!
@whitedragoness23 2 года назад
This comment has my vote! I want too want to see you make one. I’ll subscribe now in hopes you will do so
@moominesque6081 2 года назад
Strangely similar cases, although few similarities. Both middle class families is what strikes me.
@aequoria2949 2 года назад
The Ramseys were wealthy. John owned a large company.
@humankaleidoscope4989 2 года назад
@@aequoria2949 Really they were both wealthy, though to different extents. the McCanns were both physicians, which would make them pretty well off, while as you said John Ramsey owned a large company and made quite a lot from it. Just his bonus was as much as many people make in a year; many don't make even half of his bonus in a year!
@rebekkad.2092 2 года назад
Me too. And also Kyron Horman in Oregon.
@deadlimerence Год назад
I just find it so funny to contend that an intruder planning to hold a girl for ransom by leaving a ransom note would not bring a pen and paper, and would just use one they'd have to search for in the home. especially if I'm to believe a supposed "small foreign faction that seems to take itself so seriously would come so woefully unprepared lol
@simonw1313 Год назад
I dunno but if I was planning a kidnapping I'd be doing the - here's one I made earlier - thing with the ransome note. That is bring one ready made. I'd also take the kidnaped with me and not leave her in a place she should have been found in shortly after the cops arrived.
@bethryan9077 Год назад
@@simonw1313 There are Many reasons why kidnapping has Always been a rare crime. One has to take the time to Think about Why. This was a very, Very well Planned crime for quick Available cash & with others, that plan turned into a crime about revenge against John. This highly insidious set up was to implicate all Ramseys plus others around them, for good measure. The research began quite some before & that included - the Ramsey’s whole family, friends, associates & neighbours of course & then the study about well known violent movies about kidnapping plots & so the 5 movie quotes within the note. They were also in tune with previous famous kidnapping cases & famous sadistic murders. This Plan, JB was Never going to be taken from the basement. It was always going to be 50/50 if the cops were called. They sure didn’t go to soo much trouble & take such high risks for nothing. The taking of photos was their back-up for money. From footage of the front of the house, it looks like a double storey Tudor style home. From the Ramsey’s extensive renovations, that was a Huge 3 storey mansion - plus the basement that had multiple rooms & heating, many big cupboards, water, a bathroom, a phone & 2 separate window exit points if needed. The butler’s kitchen was another level again, stairs either end to go down there but ground level, with the glass exit door. This section was situated along the side part of the house that was isolated & ran down the side of the garage. Unlike the other 3 sections that were basically all windows & glass doors, all 3 storeys. The cement rendered room where JB was found, used to be a coal bin as the house before renovations down the years, was from the 1920s. Basically that ‘cellar’ room was under the sunroom, front left corner if standing looking at the front of the house. That cellar was used for storage & along with some other things, the Xmas trees were kept in there. That was the only room in that whole house that Didn’t have a Window. Due to changes over the years & then the Ramsey’s renovations, as there was no window, that room wasn’t visible from the outside. To get to that room, one went down the basement to the bottom of the stairs & straight down the hall where the door to that room was Clearly visible, as seen in the cops’ walk-thru videos. The stories about that as a hidden room are Not true. The stories about that room being known only to the family are Not true. Soo much BS still going around about this case, for 26 years & counting. Being from back in the day, the light switch for that room was situated at an odd place, one had to step inside, take x many steps to the left & the light switch fixture was hanging from a cord on the other side of the beam, about halfway into the room. There was a doorknob on that door but no lock. To Pull the door open, one had to firstly reach up to the top & flip the wooden latch up then pull on the doorknob. The basement was painted about 1 year prior. The palm print on the inside of that cellar door was never identified. There were many items of evidence in that room besides the Hi-Tec Shoeprint, that was Not a boot. There was also another different partial shoeprint on the other side. The perps were listening to Patsy call 911 on another phone. The laundry room was situated at the stair end of the basement, with the big washing machine plus the big clothes dryer. A black phone was on the end of the bench near the doorway opposite the washing machine. The perps put that black & white photo of when Patsy won Miss West Virginia, stuck to the wall above that phone. A second washer & dryer were upstairs near JB’s room then an ironing/work room with a sink. The boiler room in the basement had the window with the bars on it, front of the house. The rest of the wall to the right, most of the cellar was on the other side. There was a pipe vent that went out the top of the boiler room window. The short shrill scream from JB was heard by a neighbour at about 1.30 a.m., because she lived directly across the road & had her bedroom window open a bit. The scream was from JB when first taken to the boiler room, as the cord was quickly released from her neck. A test was carried out & it was proven that no scream could be heard upstairs from the basement. The perps went out of the house for a while because of that scream then went back in. From the very top of the steep hill at the end of the street, one could see the whole area. These 2 vicious perps had 2 cohorts as look-outs. The parent’s bedroom suite was the whole of the top storey. Burke’s room was at the front & basically under their bed. JB’s bedroom was 70 metres down from Burkes, through the playroom first & a couple of turns. The spiral staircase was across from but just near JB’s bedroom. That back spiral staircase went down to the main living areas & the quickest route to the kitchen. The basement door was on that level & the entry to get there was near that staircase but up a hall that was separate to those living areas. The main staircase was near the front door. The slot for the mail was to the side of that door with a box to catch it underneath. The Ramseys would enter & exit the house through the garage & the mudroom was near that internal door. Visitors would use the front door or the back patio door that Patsy called the kitchen door. That door was 2 glass doors actually, as seen in photos, the door near that grate. The window for the alcove was next to that door, the alcove where the wall phone was situated that Patsy used to call 911. That wall phone had a good length cord & the cradle for the handset was metal. The note was moved to & spread out on the floor just by that alcove doorway, John was on his knees by the door reading it over & over. When the operator asked Patsy who sent it (lol), Patsy leant out the doorway a bit & could See the Big writing at the bottom of the 3rd page. Because it was Last as a signage, the S.B.T.C caught her attention First, then she saw the word Victory. They were up so early that morning when still Dark, because they were to go to their holiday house in Charlevoix, on their private plane & so, the pilot had that plane ready. JB was found after 1 p.m. & John was told they had to leave as the house was then a Crime Scene. In Front of a cop, John called his pilot wanting to get to some sort of Safety & to Family in Atlanta, two perfectly Normal things to want to do. That cop relayed what he heard to the PD & John was told they couldn’t leave so they stayed with friends in Boulder with police around them 24/7. Those various police officers were around the family & visitors for a week & officially stated that the Ramseys were deeply grieving parents & there was nothing adverse to report.
@pmshea63 Год назад
You mean ransom essay.
@KatieLamb Год назад
you wouldnt hand write a ransom note either. Typed or they cut words out of magazines ect. anything that makes it harder to link back to the perp
@mrblonde609 Год назад
I doubt that too. An intruder with the intention to kill pretty much would've brought his own weapon, his own rope etc. since he wants to be in total control. He just doesn't enter a house and takes a random object like a flashlight to kill and use a rope that is randomly available in the house... A killer this stupid and this unprepared would've been cought days later.
@Randomuser6683 2 года назад
Ending on "sleep in heavenly peace" was honestly quite lovely, she never deserved what happened to her.
@robink.9966 2 года назад
No shit..
@alex-qd6of 2 года назад
Yeah, that last bit made me tear up.
@mysticdragon111 2 года назад
😔this case was huge when I was a kid. May she rest in paradise
@ffnovice7 2 года назад
I don't like being the edgy atheist role here, but being serious for a moment: What kind of loving god allows innocent children to be raped, tortured, then murdered, and worst of all, lets the murderer to get away with it?
@pieswimmer1 2 года назад
@@ffnovice7 I feel like you could spend hours in a debate about free will versus omnipotence of a loving God. I've always felt like God had a very laissez-faire attitude on this world.
@bucksdiaryfan Год назад
The one word that is particularly damning is "attache" -- written with an accent mark. First, what kind of kidnapper would use such a word in a freaking ransom note? Second, its funny how they are using a foo foo French word when they gave her daughter a foo foo French sounding name complete with a pretentious accent mark in its spelling!
@MM-ig1iv Год назад
yep... good one.
@Madghi14 Год назад
It was her handwriting...her tablet...I guess kidnappers practice while sitting in the house and write a ransom letter, pages long..how dare that "fat cat"...🤨
@bucksdiaryfan Год назад
@@Madghi14 Exactly. Also, if you look at a sample of her handwriting as a whole, and put it next to the "ransom" note, they look quite similar
@Madghi14 Год назад
@@bucksdiaryfan ur right...so many inconsistencies...maybe their $ and status..or the ability to feather a few pockets...or a evil Santa...we may never know...
@bucksdiaryfan Год назад
@@Madghi14 I buy the theory that she was accidentally killed, except for one detail. She was strangled after she was hit on the head. Who could be so heartless to strangle a baby even if she is dead?
@LelaPettis 2 года назад
It's the little things for me, referring to her as "that child" instead of "my daughter, my child, our child, our angel, etc" The no head shake when saying yes. The fact the father found her, when a plethora of people had nearly paraded through the house. A three page, nonsensical letter, stating exactly the amount he had received. The lie about reading a book, saying she was asleep, it just all adds up. So much of the intruder theory can be made improbable due to not containing the crime scene initially. The reason it is not solved is the ineptitude of the original officers not FULLY securing the scene on arrival and immediately taking them for INDIVIDUAL interviews before they had time to lawyer up and discuss a plan.
@RR-bd4jp 2 года назад
An not only found her we are led to believe he went directly to the basement room without looking elsewhere like really
@GrimmShadowsII 2 года назад
I'm not going to claim to be any kind of expert on police procedure but it does seem like a lot of what seems like would be standard police procedure wasn't done, letting so many people enter the house and move around it so freely especially. I'm not some conspiracy nut that thinks everything is a conspiracy but there just so much the police seemed to do wrong that I can't help but wonder if they were involved or paid off. If they were paid off that could still lead to an intruder, maybe even one of the many people who came by and was allowed to go almost anywhere they wanted. But I will say pretty much everything and everyone with this case is suspicious.
@garyphisher7375 2 года назад
There seemed to be duper's delight with the father. Plus he didn't think to mention the suitcase. Plus your daughter is missing but you don't check the basement properly. "That child" seems to put some emotional distance between mum and daughter. The ransom was the exact amount as his bonus. The Pineapple in her system. Have any experts looked to see if her vaginal injuries were caused by sexual abuse - and if so, to what extent?
@BornNoU 2 года назад
@@garyphisher7375 they have, but it’s still debated; some people say they likened her injuries to that type of abuse, but some say there’s no reason to. I for one don’t see how evidence of repeated inflammation of a child’s genitals can be looked past, but I didn’t do the autopsy so i don’t have room to talk
@pyroshayniac1090 2 года назад
Chris Watts did that same thing. “I loved those girls. I would never hurt these girls.” Blah blah blah. Never “my daughters”. He distanced himself from them.
@honkeykong4049 Год назад
"Why would Mrs Ramsey call the police?" Two simple reasons. First of all, it distances her from the crime itself. Second of all, it gives her an explanation as to why her daughter was murdered instead of being ransomed back alive.
@innocentnemesis3519 9 месяцев назад
Third reason: you can only go so long *not* calling the police if you know you’ve got a dead child in your basement and need to initiate the cover up charade.
@bsmith7 7 месяцев назад
Also, in the scenario that she knew and the husband didn't, the situation could have played out where he made her call the police or she couldn't not without seeming guilty, although I think I'm of the belief that they both played a role
@dennistrull1475 6 месяцев назад
​@@innocentnemesis3519Excellent question. Brings to mind..what time is best to call..to sit and consider calling the police and when. Versus calling immediately without thought.
@Aa-_-Zz 6 месяцев назад
Holy shit man i think you are actually onto something, you are genius , they definitely planned to explain why she was dead by using the police phone call as a justification for the "kidnappers" to kill the child . Cause of course they will call the police if they faked the note , the whole note idea was to cover up the murder not the disappearance of their child , so they needed to disobey the note's rule , so the kidnappers could punish them , i wonder if they have had a second note planned...something along the lines of "you alerted the police, you will never see your daughter again" for after when they dispose of their childs body
@SKane-of1zx 6 месяцев назад
@packletackle9047 2 года назад
Are we supposed to believe that an intruder felt so comfortable committing this crime that they searched for the note pad and marker before writing a 2.5 page ransom note knowing the poor child was already dead
@kurkuruza 2 года назад
It easily makes sense in one of the scenarious the video lists, the one where the intruder entered the house before the family returned home and hid in the guestroom. That would give him plenty of time to use the notepad and write the note, long before the actual murder and in a yet calmer state of mind.
@bethryan9077 2 года назад
The BPD took the note to the Secret Service & they also hired 2 Renowned private experts, all 4 said No Ramsey wrote the note. The Ramsey’s attorneys also hired 2 of the best in the country & both said the same. **From the 1st week of 1997 til 2007, DNA testing was done at 3 separate labs. Within the 1st Two Weeks, the results of DNA testing were back - from under JB’s fingernails - unknown male DNA, mixed with JonBenet’s DNA. Steve Thomas & his cronies kept this vital result from the DA for 7 months. The same Steve Thomas who later went on to Pretend that he was lead detective & he still does. Two spots of blood were in the underpants but Never tested. Steve Thomas constantly talked about the book he was going to write. It wasn’t until the grand jury was to convene that more DNA tests were ordered. The blood was JBs & Same unknown male DNA - saliva mixed in a spot of her blood in the underpants. This DNA from an unknown male wasn’t developed enough for CODIS at that stage. The BPD were ‘leaking’ false & misleading information to the media & the frenzy continued. Eventually the BPD were made to Publicly apologise for doing this to the family but This Fact has been forgotten/not known about by the general public. The BPD, whose officers Should have found JB early that morning though a Search for her was never carried out as it was a Ransom note. Three officers were tasked with checking entry & exit points, yet failed to pull open the cellar door & go in there & they Failed to go through the train room door also, thinking it was a cupboard door, they by-passed it. The broken window was Not where the perps got in the house, but That is Not the point. Only America & one other country still has a stupid grand jury system. It is unfair, unjust & doesn't work. The jurors only hear from the prosecution, who get to pick & choose what evidence is presented & which witnesses appear. There is no judge, no defence lawyers & unless subpoenaed by the prosecution - No experts to rebut Whatever is presented. As a consequence, the jury vote on the side of the prosecution 98.6% of the time. And the BPD withheld a great deal of vital evidence. The vote was never for murder. John & Patsy never received subpoenas to appear & so they were prevented from testifying. They wrote to Governor Owens about this & he didn’t even reply. Unlike the jury, the general public & the media, the DA Saw all the evidence known about at that time as did Lou Smit, one of the best investigators in the country. Less than half the States, still have this abysmal grand jury system. The DNA alone Proved just how Wrong the jury Were. The investigators Present refused to target the Ramseys but Unfortunately Steve Thomas was brought into the case 3 days later & his goal was to make a name for himself. 18 months later he illegally took evidence material from the BPD & resigned on national TV, an act that was unheard of in law enforcement history. Of course, that was the precursor for his book of BS, blaming Patsy because of a notepad & he commenced book tours. He was promptly sued for that book of lies, but soo many have forgotten about or don’t know about That also. He garnered money from the public for his defence but come time for court, he refused to get on the stand to back his Story. The case was settled out of court & he lost every cent of the hundreds of thousands of dollars he made from that book. The investigation Continued along with a bevy of private investigators who had full integrity & worked tirelessly Unpaid to catch the highly sadistic killers of this child & at the same time, they hoped to save another. What guilty person, let alone Two, would subject themselves to soo many interviews with soo many reporters on national TV & for Years? NONE. The Ramseys continued that til Patsy died in 2006 & John continued the same & does to this day. Very few know about a libel case in 2003 - Wolfe vs Ramsey, where Federal Court Judge Carne got to go over the evidence known about at that stage. Carne declared the Ramseys factually innocent due to the 'Abundance of evidence that pointed to an intruder'. All can read that 93 page document online. She also had quite a bit to say about Steve Thomas in relation to his integrity as a police officer & all his BS in that book. She was particularly incensed about him stating a time of death for JB when he was not a doctor nor a pathologist. He did That to suit his own agenda & for that book, being for, his own financial gain. Carne was also quite scathing in relation to Cina Wong who tried to present evidence about that note when Wong had no qualifications to call herself a writing analyst let alone an expert & she never had the original copy of the note. Pages showing fake writing As If Patsy’s writing ‘samples’ & As If from police files, continue to appear on vids about this case. The pages are all Fake. Wong put out a video of course, showing a whiteboard with writing ‘samples’ As If Patsy’s, it’s all Fake. The public have Never seen Patsy’s writing. The Ramseys & Loads of others. who included known pedos, were Cleared by the DNA a Long time ago. The DNA from that unknown male was developed & has been in CODIS since 2003. The FBI’s national database only accepts Qualified DNA. Further testing in 2007 - Same unknown male DNA at 2 places on the waistband of the long-johns, on the inside & the outside there. The Ramseys were finally Exonerated publicly in 2008 due to All the evidence that Showed someone Was in the house, over 200 pieces of Plus the DNA from the unknown male, that had also cleared John Mark Karr who said he did it. Next testing in 2016 with Advanced forensics - 2 male DNA on the long-johns, one is hispanic. The other is a white guy, Seen crossing the Ramsey’s backyard after they left for the White’s Xmas dinner. This was reported & newsworthy at the time. All the false & misleading information given to the media by the BPD did push This vital piece of Evidence under the rug. Then all the books of BS with all the versions of Whatever, took the case into a whole new level & the BS continues. James Kolar was in the office of the DA, Mary Lacy, for a very short time & was Fired. He also ran off to write His book of BS & blamed Burke because he needed new fodder. His ‘Story’ was so ludicrous, no publisher would touch it. He had to pay to self-publish & to very poor sales. He was & still is, just Another con artist & Proven Liar. Then CBS heard the sound of Kerching. N.B. Who would Write a ransom note on their Own notepad & use their Own marker & then put both of those items near the phone For The Cops? There is something seriously Wrong with all those who believe Patsy did That! Mark Beckner eventually found some integrity & publicly stated “when the owner of the DNA is found, there’s your killer”. The public need to understand that this case hasn’t been to Trial yet & so - You Know Nothing True About This Crime, The Case Or About What Was Actually Perpetrated Upon This Poor Child. BTW - Burke, Was Never Even A Suspect. The bits you Think You Know about this crime - Are NOT True. *You all need to get this Very Clear - You Do Not Know Better than some of the Best investigators in the country or the Expert crime scene techs or the Top forensic scientists or the FBI or the Secret Service or the DAs or the Federal Court Judge or the Boulder PD, who, for Many Years have Also stated that the Ramseys - Are Innocent. It’s 2022 & All is now Known - the 4 involved have been identified, 2 are dead, the BPD are holding things up. **The BPD have issued a statement via the media - 1st May, 2022.
@bethryan9077 Год назад
Basic Known Facts - Patsy was dressed & ready to go, found the note, read a few lines, raced upstairs, found JB gone & screamed for John. She could only say about a note & JB gone, he told her to call the police. 2 males had got in the kitchen door when the Ramseys went to the White’s Xmas dinner. They had broken in before & that’s why they knew where everything was & exactly what they were going to do. About 1.30 a.m. JB was choked with the cord, tasered on her back, wrapped in 2 white blankets & carried to the boiler room. When the cord was quickly released she screamed, a neighbour heard that because of the vent in the boiler room that was at the front of the house. Fibres from the cord were found on JBs sheet & are in evidence. They ran out a dickie door through the garage, down to the back, waited under a pine tree then went back in. They had ran into the metal ladder & it hit the cement as they ran out. That was the 'crash' noise the neighbour's husband heard. Fresh pine needles came off one of their jackets & were found in the cellar & are in evidence. JB was given a lot of water in the early hours, tasered & vile acts occurred. That was Not a garrotte, it was a complex bondage device & made by the 17 year old who was into causing fear & used electricity. Due to this & positioning, plus JB was given a lot of water over this period of Hours, is why there is so much pee staining on the front of both undergarments & near to the waistbands. A square of carpet & underlay at the boiler room was cut out due to the pee stain & that’s in evidence. The nylon cord was bought as it had to be a bit slippery for the purpose. The knots were intricate & specific, then a certain number of ties on the wood & then the 3 loops. When that was done the rest of the cord was JB's Exact height. The end of the paintbrush that was used at her privates was cut off & never found because some deviants keep trophies. That was Not a paintbrush of Patsy’s. JB was given pineapple fruitcake earlier & at 5.30 a.m. She did Not eat Any fresh pineapple that was in the bowl, that was part of the staging, one of many. ‘The Stomach contains a small amount (8-10cc) of viscous to green to tan coloured thick material of no particulate matter identified’. ‘The Proximal Portion (top) of the Small Intestine contains fragmented pieces of yellow to light green-tan apparent vegetable or fruit material which may represent fragments of pineapple’. Arndt was there & told the ME pineapple was in a bowl. It takes 2 hours for stomach contents to go to the top of the small intestine. In Patsy’s recorded police statement of ’98, Thomas Haney told her the tiny bits of pineapple in the top of the small Intestine was Different to the pineapple in the bowl. When Patsy called 911 on the wall phone near the kitchen, JB was strangled to death in a rage on top of the dryer in the basement laundry. Cops coming meant no money. *There was a phone in that laundry. The one piece of tape was put over her mouth to stop fluids getting on their clothes & she was carried to the cellar. Then quick blows to the head, 3 weapons & each is in evidence. The 1st - a brick on the top of the head that caused the huge open fracture down nearly the length of the skull. The 2nd - a utility knife & small stabs to the skull in a shape. The tool used was broken off & not found. The 3rd - was the rounded handle end of the black steel kid's ball bat & that caused the hole that the stabs started. They had planned if the cops were called, they didn't plan that Patsy would still be on the phone. That phone was in the alcove near to where they had to get out the basement door & then their exit, the butler’s kitchen door. Glenn Meyer was the author of the note & he organised it all for money with 3 from the house on the corner. One had a huge grudge against John in relation to a family business in Michigan. All was set up to incriminate all Ramseys if no cash was paid. Their back-up for money was the taking of photos. Many items were brought into the house & staged. Many items were taken from cupboards & drawers & staged all over the house, basement & a few things outside. Meyer was secretly living in the Barnhill's basement across the road. He got to know a great deal about the Ramseys. JB's dog was mostly kept there & the kids & Patsy were over there often. Patsy gave the Barnhills many cards, letters & notes in her print writing over the years. It's easy to copy print writing & he only had to do Some letters like hers into the note as it was Supposed to look like she was trying to disguise her writing which is Impossible to do for near 3 pages & the Real experts know that fact. From his vantage point Meyer could see through both staircase windows & knew Patsy & John came down the back stairs each morning to make coffee. The note was spread out so all 3 pages would be seen, they wanted their money. The notepad was taken at the Xmas party on the 23rd. Meyer went over saying he was looking for the Barnhills worried about them ensuring he was let in. John took him to where they were sitting & he stayed. The Ramseys didn't even know who he was. The plan, JB was Never to be taken from the basement. SBTC & Victory is about a plane. Joe Barnhill was a radial gunner in WW2 & flew on the SB2C, Two - T, so SBTC. That was a famous bomber plane & lauded for bringing the war to victory. Meyer had a poster of that plane on a wall in his room, Victory was on the side of the plane. There is a photo of Barnhill holding a framed picture of that plane. From the advanced forensics, the private investigators who never gave up & as happens with lots of crimes, people talk eventually & that’s why so much is now known - Plus, due to the crime scene techs who did an excellent job in taking all the photos, videos & collecting the DNA. The Ramseys never put one foot back in that house ever again from after JB was found & they left. The trauma was way too much, but if they Had been able to, this case would have been a Very different matter for all involved. The discoveries were everywhere if the family would have seen it all with very astute investigators. But Steve Thomas was brought into the case 3 days later because the investigators Present, refused to target the Ramseys. He later went on to Pretend that he was the lead detective. He was an ex-narcotics officer who had Zero experience with Any murder before let alone a Ransom, which Was the First crime. He thought he would make a name for himself from this high profile case. His partner was an auto-theft officer. The BPD spent their time covering up their total incompetence. They rarely had a murder & this was their first for '96. They refused help from the FBI & the CBI. They put about False & Misleading information to the media. That amount of money was near John's bonus for '95 & was paid to him in March '96. The amount was on his pay stubs each month of '96 that were in his office. The suitcase was already placed under the window & the window opened for the 2nd time after the cops left. Both done as subterfuge. Same with the fresh green leaves that were dumped at the grate & some 'caught' under it. Early that morning, separately, 3 officers failed to go in the train room door & so through to the windows & 2 failed to pull open that cellar door. There is soo much more to this case that the public don't know about. The type of air taser used has been identified. The burns on JBs back & face are from same taser. The 2nd point was under JB's ear. The burn on her face was bigger because the point was placed there more than once - control. Google the murder of Gerald Boggs ‘93 Colorado. His autopsy photo shows the Exact same burns on his face, the 2nd point was on his earlobe. The big underpants JB was found in were put on her in the early hours. Patsy, her sister, their mother & JB went to New York Xmas shopping. Patsy bought her niece a pack of 7 underpants from Bloomingdales that were called Bloomies. They were size 12-14 & had the weekdays on the waistbands. Patsy also bought from there 2 special Barbie dolls for JB. One had her own pair of underpants also called Bloomies. JB begged her mother for the pack of 7 so she had some like her doll. Patsy gave in & they were put away for JB til she would fit into them, about 8 years away. They were put in the back of a drawer in JB's bathroom. When they got home JB went to see her dog at the Barnhills & told them about her special presents. Meyer was ever listening. JB was found in the ones that had Wednesday on the waistband. It was a Wednesday that year for Xmas Day. Access the photo or the cops’ walk-thru video & see the paint tray on the carpet. Look to the left a bit at the tray & up a bit, you will see a drawing of a sinister smirking cat's face/head on the carpet, as on the note - fat cat. That bowl (with pineapple) was used at the Xmas party on the 23rd & had the icing for the gingerbread houses that all the kids were given & they decorated themselves. That was a heavy bowl & that was icing not milk. There were No fingerprints on that bowl. The silver ladle in the bowl came from a cupboard near the spiral staircase & was from a boxed set of 2 that the Ramseys received as a wedding present & had never been opened. That was chosen & placed because of the filigree on the handle that was like the filigree on some of JB's crowns. The Ramseys were finally exonerated in 2008 due to All the evidence that showed someone was in the house, over 200 pieces of Plus the DNA that had already cleared them & lots of others including known pedos & then John Mark Karr who said he did it. It is 2022, all is known & 4 involved have been identified, 2 are dead. The BPD are holding things up. *I have left out the vile acts perpetrated upon this poor child as a bit sensitive for the page.
@bethryan9077 Год назад
The Present officers had No problems believing the Ramseys were genuine & Linda Arndt wrote a Favourable report about the Ramseys & said their behaviour was appropriate to the circumstances. The media went into a frenzy because the body was found in the house & they considered that to have been on Arndt's watch. She arrived at 8.10 a.m. with detective Patterson. It was actually Her who moved the body to the living room after 1 p.m. . Eight cops & detectives arrived at various times that morning, Nobody was looking for JB, it was a Ransom Note. It was the Cops who should have found JB early that morning, Not her poor father that afternoon. The BPD then went into damage control to save their Own asses & so the BS began. Arndt was put on desk duties, didn’t like what was going on in the office & was gone by May. Her next job was as a tree lopper. Many today still believe that Arndt was the only officer at the house all day when That is not true either, she was on her own from 10.30 a.m. Next - she had great acting lessons for that Performance on national TV because she was after a book deal Too. Next - she tried to sue the BPD for Money, but lost the case. Her report to the BPD was in the public domain & so, she was Caught as a Liar & later retracted all she said in that abysmal interview. Somewhere along the line she had Regret at least & when Patsy was dying, Arndt went to see her & apologised for all she had said for the TV audience & vowed to help find the killer. BTW - Lying loon Arndt knew Full Well the note said Tomorrow but deliberately didn’t mention That for her acting debut on national TV - where she Thought she was Clarice but looked like Hannibal Lecter. The Ramseys gave the cops free reign to their house from the minute officer French walked in the door just before 6 a.m. because they had Nothing To Hide. They spoke to the cops & detectives in total, for Hours that morning & after JB was found. Burke was interviewed when still at the Whites at 2 p.m. by detective Patterson, Neither parent was present, nor did they know that was happening. John spoke with the Ds that night, Patsy was bedridden by then. Arndt asked John for them to go to the PD on the 28th. The Ramseys had already witnessed how inept the cops Were & John hired a private investigator straight away. All Ramseys gave the required samples & John spoke to the Ds for 2 hours again that day. He asked Eller to speak to Patsy at the house where they were staying because she was so ill & medicated, Eller refused to do that. Steve Thomas was brought in because the Present investigators refused to target the Ramseys. Thomas had Zero experience with Any murder case before & thought he would make a name for himself from this high profile crime & later dubbed himself as lead detective when he was Not. His partner was an auto-theft officer. The BPD rarely had a murder & this was the first for '96. The next 2 up the ladder had No experience with homicide Either. The BPD refused help from the FBI, the CBI & the Denver PD. The present investigators had no concerns about deception but Then the body was found in the house when the Cops should have found her early that morning & the BPD went into damage control & so, the BS Began. False & misleading information was already being leaked to the media. The Ramseys were told they were being targeted & advised to get lawyers. Very sound advice & the Right of All citizens. The talk was through the lawyers then, That's how it Goes. John went on to hire 3 more private investigators. What guilty person, let alone Two, would subject themselves to soo many interviews with soo many reporters on national TV & for Years? NONE. And John continued that after Patsy died. He & John Andrew continue Still. The general public know Nothing about this crime & know nothing True about this case. Most don't even Know what Actually happened to JB. The Ramseys were Proven Innocent a long time ago, it is way over time to leave the family In Peace. Patsy liked to wear red for Xmas & had bought a new red sweater that had baubles on it. She wore that to the White’s Xmas dinner & a pair of black pants. On the 26th, they were to meet John Andrew, Melinda & her boyfriend at Minneapolis airport & all flying on to their Charlevoix house for a 2nd Xmas gift-giving. No doubt Patsy wanted to show off her Xmassy sweater again. On the morning of the 26th, she threw that on with the same pants, re-did her make-up & was ready to go when she went down the stairs. She planned on having a bath when they got to their holiday house, after the long flight. Patsy was using the Wall phone that was near the kitchen. In the Real recording of that call, Patsy hanging up the handset on the cradle is Clearly heard - CLICK. IF the cops Actually had Any Ramseys in the background because Patsy didn’t hang up, the recording would have been played til the end & all would have heard CLICK. And, Steve Thomas refused to have that call forensically sound tested. Funny that. It was before 6 a.m., pitch dark outside, no-one around & they were terrified. Who would know how long the cops would take to get there. After that Desperate 911 call, Patsy called the Whites & the Fernies - for Help. Mrs Stine too but she couldn’t come. John Fernie later called their pastor for prayers & comfort, it was going to be a long wait, the note said Tomorrow. The cops called 2 victim’s advocates to come. 8 cops & detectives arrived at various times that morning, Nobody was looking for JB, it was a Ransom note. John did Not go straight to the cellar. He & Fleet White were checking out the broken window, looking for any glass at all. They had checked the 2 cupboards in that co-joined room first. The cellar was the next room at that end of the basement, that’s all. John had Presumed the cops down the basement that morning had checked out that broken window early that morning. He was to find out later that the cops hadn't gone through the train room door & so to those windows. The cops didn't know about that broken window til they went back that evening. That's Why the 'famous' photo of the open window was taken in the Night. The cops have always kept That info Hidden from the public As Well The same cops, also failed to flip the latch down on the top of door jamb of the cellar door & pull that door open, they just walked away. Officer Veitch went around the exterior when still dark that morning with his flashlight, he failed to see those same windows that could be accessed under the grate. Reichenbach went around the exterior also, he too failed to see those windows. He reported to the 2 detectives, when all 3 were sitting in the car at the supermarket carpark, that there was no forced entry yet he hadn’t checked the Double door near the kitchen either. That broken window is Not where the perps got into the house, but That is Not the point. Steve Thomas & the other keystone cops continually said that John had lied about getting in that window when he locked himself out of the house in the summer, even though the housekeeper had vacuumed up the broken glass there 2 times. Thomas nor any other cop Ever tried to climb in there. Down the track, it took Lou Smit to Demonstrate, that John Could fit through there & so what he said about that was Also True. There were Fresh green leaves dumped at that grate & some ‘caught’ under the edge of it that was farthest from the window side, as If someone had lifted the grate & then when putting it back down, leaves were caught under there. Thomas the Twit said in his book of BS, that the greenery was Foliage & what was Under the Edge of the grate that Sat on the brickwork, had Grown Under It. Jeeez. One just needs to see the crime scene Photos taken of that area & all around the exterior, to See that there is No Other Leaves Or ‘Foliage’, let alone Green & the gardener had been recently & everything was Clear & Cleaned Up. That will give the people some idea of the level of the Intellect of just one of the so-called ‘investigators’ that the BPD put on this case. Lou was Not brought in by the BPD, they were too busy playing salacious Games with the Ramseys. Lou had retired & due to the Fact that he was one of the best investigators in the country, helping Solve over 200 murders alone, his services were desperately needed. Unfortunately, by the time he arrived, the 2 perps who carried out sadistic acts upon this little girl & who then brutally murdered her, were long gone & Glenn Meyer was getting out of town too.
@matj3296 Год назад
You forgot that the "intruder" also used paint brushes and rope for the weapon from the house too...
@sarahweber3836 10 месяцев назад
Thank you for pointing out that people will often smile or make weird facial expressions while they're nervous. And yeah, Burke's description of the funeral seems odd... but he's being asked to describe his six-year-old sister's funeral that happened twenty years before. Grown adults will focus on minute and seemingly unimportant details during traumatic events, and memories warp over time. Combine that with him going on national television to discuss his sister's highly sensationalized murder *after being publicly accused of being her murderer*, and I don't know if there's any way he could have acted that wouldn't have people using that as evidence that he did it.
@isaiahromero9861 9 месяцев назад
Burke also had a history of smearing feces on walls, jonbenets bed, and even hitting jon benet with a golf club a year before her death. Even if he somehow didn't do it, that dude has serious issues
@themapoe 7 месяцев назад
I’ve always felt really bad for Burke. His baby sister was brutally murdered when he was nine and a large chunk of the internet thinks he did it. Then his mom had multiple bouts of cancer and died when he was like 19. Like I get that he’s rich but damn.
@jaynestrange 7 месяцев назад
The section shown here of him talking about the funeral doesn't even seem that weird to me? It seems reasonable that his dead sister would be the main thing he remembers. The smiling, also, might seem odd but I know I also have a tendency to smile & laugh when I'm really anxious, especially around authority figures.
@sarahweber3836 7 месяцев назад
The smiling didn't seem weird to me at all. My brother will smile or laugh when he's nervous or uncomfortable, to me it's a pretty normal reaction.
@narelleedwards6587 7 месяцев назад
Get the best psychics onto solving it for god's sake
@tiffaninichole 2 года назад
Richard D. has pointed out that it’s odd that the note says they would call at 10 AM, and neither of the Ramseys freaked out when 10 AM came and went without a call.. excellent point
@glamdolly30 2 года назад
I agree, the Ramsey's indifference over the kidnappers' 10am deadline is a HUGE smoking gun to their guilt. I also feel the handwriting is far too similar to Patsy's, for her not to have written it. The question is - why would the Ramsey's organise such an elaborate hoax crime? Logic tells us the truth of what happened to JonBenet that night, had to be far worse than even the fake crime the Ramsey's staged to disguise it. In my mind I have no doubt both parents are behind this cover up - my only question is whether John, Patsy or both killed their daughter, and if it was accidental or a murder. That poor little girl didn't get justice, because her killers were wealthy and could buy their way out of consequences. Poor JonBenet!
@bethryan9077 2 года назад
The note said Tomorrow
@bethryan9077 2 года назад
@@glamdolly30 The BPD took the note to the Secret Service & they also hired 2 Renowned private experts, all 4 said No Ramsey wrote the note. From the 1st week of 1997 til 2008, DNA testing was done at 3 separate labs. Within the 1st Two Weeks, the results of DNA testing were back - from under JB’s fingernails - unknown male DNA, mixed with hers. Steve Thomas kept this vital result from the DA for 7 months. Two spots of blood were in the underpants but Never tested. Steve Thomas constantly talked about the book he was going to write. It wasn’t until the grand jury was to convene that more DNA tests were ordered. The blood was JBs & Same unknown male DNA - saliva mixed in a spot of her blood in the underpants. This DNA from an unknown male wasn’t developed enough for CODIS at that stage. The BPD & Steve Thomas, who had Never worked a murder case Before, were ‘leaking’ false & misleading information to the media & the frenzy continued. Eventually the BPD were made to Publicly apologise for doing this to the family but This Fact has been forgotten/not known about by the general public. The BPD, whose officers Should have found JB early that morning though a Search for her was never carried out as it was a Ransom note. Three officers were tasked with checking entry & exit points, yet failed to pull open the cellar door & go in there & they Failed to go through the train room door also, thinking it was a cupboard door, they by-passed it. The broken window was Not where the perps got in the house, but That is Not the point. Only America & one other country still has a stupid grand jury system. It is unfair, unjust & doesn't work. The jurors only hear from the prosecution, who get to pick & choose what evidence is presented & which witnesses appear. There is no judge, no defence lawyers & No experts to rebut Whatever is presented. As a consequence, the jury vote on the side of the prosecution 98.6% of the time. And Steve Thomas withheld a great deal of vital evidence. The vote was never for murder. Unlike the jury, the general public & the media, the DA Saw all the evidence known about at that time as did Lou Smit, one of the best investigators in the country. The DNA alone Proved just how Wrong the jury Were. Steve Thomas illegally took evidence material from the BPD & resigned on national TV, an act that was unheard of in law enforcement history. Of course, that was the precursor for his book of BS, blaming Patsy because of a notepad & he commenced book tours. He was promptly sued for that book of lies, but soo many have forgotten about or don’t know about That also. He garnered money from the public for his defence but come time for court, he refused to get on the stand to back his Story. The case was settled out of court & he lost every cent. The investigation Continued along with a bevy of private investigators who had full integrity & worked tirelessly Unpaid to catch the highly sadistic killers of this child & at the same time, they hoped to save another. What guilty person, let alone Two, would subject themselves to soo many interviews with soo many reporters on national TV & for Years? NONE. The Ramseys continued that til Patsy died in 2006 & John continued the same & does to this day. Very few know about a libel case in 2003 - Wolfe vs Ramsey, where Federal Court Judge Carne got to go over the evidence known about at that stage. Carne declared the Ramseys factually innocent due to the 'Abundance of evidence that pointed to an intruder'. All can read that 93 page document online. She also had quite a bit to say about Steve Thomas in relation to his integrity as a police officer & all his BS in that book. She was particularly incensed about him stating a time of death for JB when he was not a doctor nor a pathologist. He did That to suit his own agenda & for that book, being for, his own financial gain. Carne was also quite scathing in relation to Cina Wong who tried to present evidence about that note when Wong had no qualifications to call herself a writing analyst let alone an expert & she never had the original copy of the note. Pages showing fake writing As If Patsy’s writing ‘samples’ & As If from police files, continue to appear on vids about this case. The pages are all Fake. Wong put out a video of course, showing a whiteboard with writing ‘samples’ As If Patsy’s, it’s all Fake. The public have Never seen Patsy’s writing. The Ramseys & Loads of others who included known pedos, were Cleared by the DNA a Long time ago. The DNA from that unknown male was developed & has been in CODIS since 2003. The FBI’s national database only accepts Qualified DNA. Further testing in 2007 - Same unknown male DNA at 2 places on the waistband of the long-johns, on the inside & the outside there. The Ramseys were finally Exonerated publicly in 2008 due to All the evidence that Showed someone Was in the house, over 200 pieces of Plus the DNA from the unknown male that had also cleared John Mark Karr who said he did it. Next testing in 2016 with Advanced forensics - 2 male DNA on the long-johns, one is hispanic. The other is a white guy, Seen crossing the Ramsey’s backyard after they left for the Whites Xmas dinner. This was reported & newsworthy at the time. All the false & misleading information given to the media by the BPD did push This vital piece of Evidence under the rug. Then all the books of BS with all the versions of Whatever, took the case into a whole new level & the BS continues. N.B. Who would Write a ransom note on their Own notepad & use their Own marker & then put both of those items near the phone For The Cops? There is something seriously Wrong with all those who believe Patsy did That! The public need to understand that this case hasn’t been to Trial yet & so - You Know Nothing About This Crime, The Case Or About What Was Actually Perpetrated Upon This Poor Child. BTW - Burke, Was Never Even A Suspect. The Bits You Think You Know - Are NOT True. *You all need to get this Very Clear - You Do Not Know Better than some of the Best investigators in the country or the Expert crime scene techs or the Top forensic scientists or the FBI or the Secret Service or the DAs or the Federal Court Judge or the Boulder PD, who, for Many Years have Also stated that the Ramseys - Are Innocent. It’s 2022 & All is now Known - the 4 involved have been identified, 2 are dead, the BPD are holding things up.
@bethryan9077 2 года назад
@@glamdolly30 So, according to Your thought process - John paid off about 20 police & detectives, 3 DAs & assistant DAs from more than one jurisdiction, multiple investigators, at least one Federal Court Judge, many top forensic scientists from several labs over a span of 25 years, many crime scene techs, top forensic pathologists, JB's paediatrician, FBI agents in charge of the national database, John Douglass, Lou Smit, Paula Woodward, lots of friends & acquaintances including neighbours, work colleagues, at least 2 Secret Service agents, 4 renowned private writing analysts, multiple investigative reporters, both of their pilots, plus the innumerable high cost attorneys in charge of multiple litigation cases as well as all the representations for himself & Patsy & many of the family in relation to a number of reasons & that's just off the top of my head. REALLY? The Ramseys were Proven Innocent a Long time ago with a mountain of Actual Evidence & eventually by Real experts, including Forensic Scientists. Just because you don’t Know about that evidence, does Not Mean that it doesn’t exist. The DNA from an unknown male has been in CODIS since 2003. Clearly you people need to Learn what DNA is About. You people have been watching TV for over 25 Years & you Choose to believe it All, as long as it’s Against - the Ramseys. You don’t care which one, Or, you decide on all 3. Yet, you don’t know about Any evidence. Shame on every one of You. This case Has Never Been To Trial & so, you have Never Seen the Case Evidence. What sort of people say all they do about Victims, when y’all have Never Seen Any of the Evidence about the case? Loads of you even Demean this murdered little girl & her 9 year old brother too. None of you even Know what was Actually perpetrated upon JonBenet, nor do you Care to Find Out. Soo many of you are an Absolute Disgrace & that’s just another True Fact.
@bethryan9077 2 года назад
@@glamdolly30 The Present officers had No problems believing the Ramseys were genuine & Linda Arndt wrote a favourable report about the Ramseys to the BPD & said their behaviour was appropriate to the circumstances. The media went into a frenzy because the body was found in the house & they considered that to have been on Arndt's watch. She arrived at 8.10 a.m. with detective Patterson. It was actually Her who moved the body to the living room. Eight cops & detectives arrived at various times that morning. It was the Cops who should have found JB early that morning, Not her poor father that afternoon. The BPD then went into damage control to save their Own asses & so the BS began. Arndt was put on desk duties, didn’t like what was going on in the office & was gone by May. Her next job was as a tree lopper. Many today believe Arndt was the only officer at the house all day when That is not true either. Next - she had great acting lessons for that Performance on national TV because she was after a book deal Too. She tried to sue the BPD for Money, but lost the case. Her report to the BPD was in the public domain & so, she was Caught as a Liar & later retracted all she said in that abysmal interview. Somewhere along the line she had Regret at least & when Patsy was dying, Arndt went to see her & apologised for all she had said for the TV audience & vowed to help find the killer. Lying loon Arndt knew Full Well the note said Tomorrow. The Ramseys gave the cops free reign to their house from the minute officer French walked in the door because they had Nothing To Hide. They spoke to the cops & detectives in total for Hours that morning & after JB was found. Burke was interviewed when still at the Whites at 2 p.m. by detective Patterson, Neither parent was present, nor did they know that was happening. John spoke with the Ds that night, Patsy was bedridden by then. Arndt asked John for them to go to the PD on the 28th. The Ramseys had already witnessed how inept the cops Were & John hired a private investigator straight away. They gave the required samples & John spoke to the Ds for 2 hours again that day. Steve Thomas was brought in because the present investigators refused to target the Ramseys. Thomas had Zero experience with Any murder case before & thought he would make a name for himself from the high profile crime. His partner was an auto-theft officer. The BPD rarely had a murder & this was the first for '96. The next 2 up the ladder had No experience with homicide Either. The BPD refused help from the FBI & the CBI. The present investigators had No problems believing the Ramseys were genuine that day. Then the body was found in the house when the Cops should have found her early that morning & the BPD went into damage control & so, the BS Began. False & misleading information was already being leaked to the media. The Ramseys were told they were being targeted & advised to get lawyers. Very sound advice & the Right of All citizens. The talk was through the lawyers then, That's how it Goes. John went on to hire 3 more private investigators. What guilty person, let alone Two, would subject themselves to soo many interviews with soo many reporters on national TV & for Years? NONE. And John continued that after Patsy died. He & John Andrew continue Still. You people know Nothing about this crime & know nothing True about this case. Most of you don't even Know what Actually happened to JB. The Ramseys were Proven Innocent a long time ago, it is way over time to leave the family In Peace.. Patsy was using the Wall phone that was near the kitchen. In the Real recording of that call, Patsy hanging up the handset on the cradle is Clearly heard - CLICK. IF the cops Actually had Any Ramseys in the background because Patsy didn’t hang up, the recording would have been played til the end & all would have heard CLICK. And, Steve Thomas refused to have that call forensically sound tested. Funny that. It was before 6 a.m., pitch dark outside, no-one around & they were terrified. Who would know how long the cops would take to get there. After that Desperate 911 call, Patsy called the Whites, the Fernies & Mrs Stine - For Help. Mrs Stine couldn’t come. Mr Fernie later called their pastor for prayers & comfort, it was going to be a long wait, the note said Tomorrow. The cops called 2 victim’s advocates to come. 8 cops & detectives arrived at various times that morning, Nobody was looking for JB, it was a Ransom note. Except for Arndt, all cops were gone by 10.30 a.m. John did Not go straight to the cellar. He & Fleet White were checking out the broken window, looking for any glass at all. They had checked the 2 cupboards in that co-joined room first. The cellar was the next room at that end of the basement. John had Presumed the cops down the basement that morning had checked out that broken window early that morning. He was to find out later that the cops hadn't gone through the train room door & so to those windows. The cops didn't know about that broken window til they went back that evening. That's Why the 'famous' photo of the opened window was taken in the Night. The cops have always kept That info from the public. The same cops, also failed to flip the latch down on the top of door jamb of the cellar door & pull that door open, they just walked away. Officer Veitch went around the exterior when still dark that morning with his flashlight, he failed to those same windows under the grate. Reichenbach went around the exterior later when light, he too failed to see those windows. That broken window is Not where the perps got into the house, but That is Not the point. Steve Thomas continually said that John had lied about getting in that window when he locked himself out of the house, even though the housekeeper had vacuumed up the broken glass there 2 times. Thomas nor any other cop Ever tried to climb in there. Months later, it took Lou Smit to Demonstrate, that was True
@MrCrimsonbolt Год назад
Patsy saying there was no point in talking to the police because she didn't think anyone she knew would do something like that is weird. That's the whole point of an investigation, to look into everything and find out what happened, not wanting to look into what might have happened makes it look like she already knew what had happened
@bethryan9077 11 месяцев назад
You have No Idea what Patsy was getting at because clearly you too know Nothing about this case. You are also Ignorant to the fact that TV producers Edit interviews for their Own agendas, so, Patsy may have said much more.
@vernonfrance2974 11 месяцев назад
@MrCrimsonbolt The Ramsey's were asked the very first day if there was anyone who had been acting oddly and they reluctantly gave Linda Pugh's name although they thought she was a good person. (How wrong they were!) So the very first afternoon they went over to Ms. Pugh's and lo and behold, the BPD found IDENTICAL Pads of Paper and Pens as Patsy's. This became more significant when later when Pugh wrote a "book" called "The Death of an Innocent." It showed how Pugh knew a lot more about Patsy's handwriting than she should have admitted. That is if Boulder had a bit more discerning police department. As shown in housekeeper Linda Pugh's "book" she made special note of the word "attaché," and the expression "and hence" showing she too was aware of the distinct way Patsy wrote it and therefore it would be excellent to use in the RN to pin it on Patsy. In this way Pugh pulled the wool over the investigators' eyes who saw attaché and said AHAH! More on that later but first who had handwriting more like the ransom note's than Patsy's? kgov.com/jonbenet-ramsey-murder-clue-that-breaks... At the Wolf v Ramsey Trial "The Ransom Note, according to six experts hired by the BPD, they placed Mrs. Ramsey at a 4.5 or a 4.0. (SMF ¶ 203; PSMF ¶ 203.) The experts *1335 described the chance of Mrs. Ramsey being the author of the Ransom Note as "very low." (SMF ¶ 204; PSMF ¶ 204.) law.justia.com/cases/federal/district-courts/FSupp2/253/1323/2567726/ There was a suspect whose handwriting was very like that of the Ransom Note. Chris Wolf. See for yourself: imgur.com/r/JonBenet/8Ha6H4C "Forensic document examiner Lloyd Cunningham cannot eliminate plaintiff(Wolf) as the author of the Ransom Note. (SMF ¶ 279; PSMF ¶ 279.) Plaintiff's ex-girlfriend has also testified she believes that he is the note's author. (J. Brungardt Aff. ¶ 43.) Carnes Report So how could the Ransom Note look a lot like Patsy's handwriting and use her expressions and not be written by Patsy? The BPD went to Linda's the same day they'd found poor JonBenet. There they found identical pads and pens as Patsy's. Turns out Pugh had "borrowed them." Wouldn't they be a nice place to compose and prepare a nice ransom note? One that could be quickly copied on Patsy's phone pad? Linda Pugh squealed on herself like the pig she was in her attempt at a book called "The Death of an Innocent." Here is Pugh's comment explaining how well she knew Patsy's writing and expressions: "One of the ways in which Patsy Ramsey would communicate with me was through handwritten notes, which she would leave for me with instructions for various duties around the house that needed my attention. In the fourteen month period that I worked for the Ramseys, I was left several dozen handwritten notes by Patsy Ramsey. I am quite familiar with her handwriting, and I believe I can recognize it with very little difficulty. By way of example, Patsy made her letter "a" s very distinctively, and she would use accents over words like JonBenet and attaché, and often used initialing of words in combination, to name just a few of her many unique handwriting characteristics. Because I once felt very close to Patsy Ramsey, and regarded her with almost as much affection as a member of my immediate family, it has been hard for me to admit that I am now certain that the handwriting in the ransom note looks to me as if it was made by one and the same person. The handwriting and language of the note were all yours. I can hear your "voice" in the note. The word "hence," for example, was in your Christmas cards and letters and a word you liked to use in conversation. The phrase "use that good Southern common sense" is what you kidded John about, since he was anything but Southern, having been born and raised in Michigan; the phrase "fat cat" is what your mother, Nedra, used to call you after you and John became rich. The ransom demand asked that the money be put in an attaché, with a proper accent mark over the last e in attaché. I remember how careful you always were to put the proper accent mark over the e in the second syllable of JonBenet's name. The ransom note even ended with the initials SBTC. Do you remember how fond you were of using initials as abbreviations for all sorts of expressions?'" www.reddit.com/.../linda_hoffmanpugh_started_to.../ But the sample above which showed handwriting more like the ransom note's than Patsy's was from Chris Wolf NOT Linda Pugh. This points to the probability that they were CO-CONSPIRATORS. What points to that? They both knew Santa Bill - Pugh through Patsy's Christmas Parties for Children she attended with Ariana, her daughter, and Wolf through the fact that Santa Bill AKA Professor William McReynolds was his faculty advisor in journalism at the U of Colo Master's Degree Program. Once Wolf and Pugh knew they had a certain job to do, how hard would it have been for the journalistic giant (NOT!) to set about practicing Patsy's penmanship performance? And wouldn't it be convenient to use a felt tip since it is much harder for graphologists to de-cipher differences that way than with a ballpoint. Santa Bill was involved in the plot to the degree that is shown by the fact that Jonbenet told her friend Meghan's mother that Santa had told her that he was coming AFTER Christmas. A note to that effect was found by Prosecutor Trip DeMuth in JB's trash basket. Santa's own daughter and a friend had been kidnapped 22 years earlier TO THE DAY and only the friend was sexually molested. Santa was so enamored of JB that he wanted his ashes and her gift of gold glitter to be intermingled and cast to the winds. He said something rather odd too. "Looking back, I always thought that if anybody wanted to do major damage to this family, they could do it at Christmas, because they all adored Christmas. -Bill McReynolds" (PM,PT) P 292 www.acandyrose.com/s-neighbors-barbara-kostanick.htm Here's the documentation on Santa's secret to JB. 00. 1996-12-24: The day before Christmas, JonBenet was at Megan's house playing (Perfect Murder Perfect Town PMPT Pg50sb) 00. 1996-12-24: JBR: "Santa Claus promised that he would make a secret visit after Christmas" (PMPT Pg50sb) 00. 1996-12-24: JonBenet insisted. "He said this would be after Christmas. And it's a secret." (PMPT Pg50sb)
@bethryan9077 10 месяцев назад
Go back & actually Watch from 39.50 to 40.56, very Obviously EDITED & more than once. It is Not my fault that soo many of you Ramsey bashing dolts can't figure out 1 + 1 = fkn Two. . @FAKOKTA
@bethryan9077 8 месяцев назад
@@Sunflower-ug3eh It's very amusing to note that you have the Hide to tell Me that I'm 'defending killers' who I never knew but here you are like a two headed snake, accusing people of being killers, who YOU Never Knew. LMAO. You're just not very bright are you & the level of your lowly Intellect is Appalling indeed. BTW deary, the Ramseys were finally officially Exonerated & Very publicly in 2008 with a mountain of Actual evidence & by a whole bunch of Actual experts under the umbrella of Law Enforcement, who included expert Seasoned investigators who had to be brought into this case, expert Crime Scene techs & expert DNA & forensic Scientists. You can be reminded that You're an absolute Nobody. All you Highly ignorant hate-filled Ramsey bashers need to get this Very Clear - You Do NOT Know Better than some of the Best investigators in the country or the Expert crime scene techs or the Top forensic scientists or the FBI or the Secret Service or the DAs or the Federal Court Judge or John Douglas or Lou Smit OR the Boulder PD, who, for Many Years & to this day Also state that the Ramseys - ARE Innocent. The Boulder PD issued a statement via the media - 1st May, 2022. Go get an Adult to find that online & have that adult read it aloud for ya, Slowly. Recently a cold case team were put together & are on the job. They also have the go-ahead to have the DNA samples from both perps to be reanalysed with the advanced technology & are submitting more evidence items for Advanced DNA & forensic analysis. The saliva from one has been in CODIS since 2003. The FBI are finally involved in the investigation also. The government are Not spending Loads of $$ going after the Proven INNOCENT Ramseys. Doh. Now, just go back to Sleep.
@bethryan9077 8 месяцев назад
@@Sunflower-ug3eh I am just someone else who knows pretty much Everything about this case & I tell the True Facts & so, I am Educating the public. It is Not my problem that You & soo many like you, Don't Know ANY. I am Not intimidated by the hate-filled Mob like Yourself, posting your never ending Gobshite about every member of this poor family & who also live under the Delusion, that you Own the comment sections. It is Not my fault that there are soo many highly ignorant Ramsey Bashers running around with your heads up your own a##es & then there’s all the brainwashed zombies who also Can’t Stand to be shown you are Wwwrong. FYI - there are millions of Normal people in this world who are actually Interested in getting to the Truth about this case, the fact that You get off on deriding Me for No reason at all just points to Your abysmal Character deary. I am Proud to defend this Innocent family & at the same time, I am advocating for JB herself. “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing”.
@ThatRedHusky 2 года назад
Burke being a little odd is probably because he's been living as the brother of jonbenet. Can you imagine having grown up as a family under the scrutiny of the entire nation? Much less *yourself* under scrutiny? That'll fuck up a kid. 100%
@MARYWTHER 2 года назад
Except Burke was odd during the investigation too. There are videos of his interviews with the police and he's... weird.
@MJW238 2 года назад
I mean, if you were guilty, you’d at least try to put on a show in the TV interview about being sad and solemn.
@jediping 2 года назад
@@MARYWTHER He wasn’t sad his sister was gone. His mom clearly doted on JonBenet. His dad is clearly an emotionally-stunted rage machine. If he was normal, THAT would be weird.
@thelittleredhairedgirlfrom6527 2 года назад
@@MARYWTHER Weird doesn’t equate to being guilty.
@keaton_ 2 года назад
I feel like the “weirdness” is due to the fact that Burke is autistic and wasn’t diagnosed until later in life. His behavior being viewed through a neurotypical lense might seem suspicious, but through a neurodivergent lense isn’t abnormal at all for someone on the spectrum.
@breezuhs Год назад
The smile from Burke is definitely just nerves/awkward social patterns…you can tell watching him speak
@mechengr1731 21 день назад
I felt the same. "Oh sweetie, whoever let you give this interview is not on your side. I know its just nerves, but the wider public is going to eat you alive"
@angellane1848 2 года назад
No matter how you look at this case, one thing is constant: an innocent child had her life and future violently stolen away. Extremely upsetting.
@BlowinFree 2 года назад
@🌬Population*_*420🌳 fuk the pope?
@Cellatu 2 года назад
@@BlowinFree yeah him too
@MissJensk1 2 года назад
@Angel Lane Totally agree
@MissJensk1 2 года назад
@@Maya33777 Quite possibly. Many very serious crimes are triggered by the smallest thing.
@nickrustyson8124 2 года назад
It's even more tragic if you believe the Ramseys didn't kill her and the BPD ruined the whole case, because now they not only lost a family member, the police fucked the whole thing up, and now they have endless amount of people believing they're the killer because of how fucking dumb BPD is
@FireOpal. 2 года назад
“WE have a kidnapping”. “I’m THE mother”, “I loved THAT child”, “This CASE” (not ‘crime’ or ‘murder’) have always been major red flags to me. Especially when said without a single tear or quiver. That’s not how any parent I know would refer to their living child, let alone their ‘missing’ or ‘murdered’ child. No way.
@memetherapy 2 года назад
Those are giveaways that she's attempting to distance herself from the thought of her daughter, probably because of guilt and shame.
@orangeblossom3665 2 года назад
Yes exactly. Det. Arndt seems more emotionally affected when talking about the crime scene than JonBenet's own mother. That always stood out to me too.
@TenSish 2 года назад
The way Patsy said that gave me Bill Clinton vibes. “I did not have sexual relations with THAT woman” And we all know how that turned out.
@FireOpal. 2 года назад
@@TenSish Yes! I thought of that exact same quote!
@MissJensk1 2 года назад
@FireOpal She Did say "crime" in some interviews I've seen, but yes, on the whole she used a lot of what analysts would call distancing language
@Thebigbluemeany 2 года назад
Thank you for treating JonBenet Ramset with dignity and like the actual little girl she was, robbed of a life and a future where she could have been anything. It often seems to get lost in media reporting and true crime documentaries about this case.
@free_gold4467 2 года назад
That's always worth repeating.
@michelleper5065 2 года назад
sadly the elite had other plans... you need to understand this is how it works.. and i will be honest with you there is MUCH worse out there, the intruder was an insider and vise versa... the elite has their own ceremonial initiative rules about things, santa did come that night and it was a familiar face.. only extremely powerful in the community with reach way above and beyond the community. this family had all the money in the world to save the boy if he mistakenly hurt his sister.... this was NOT the case here
@__SummerRose Год назад
Makes me sad that JonBenét has never had justice 💜
@scottwarren4998 Год назад
The DNA could have been planted there on purpose by the parents, from someone's spit, or from a trash-can. i personally believe the father is the killer, her autopsy shows she was raped bu a huge dik. and who the fk would spend time writing 3 letters inside a house, and make the murder-weapon inside the house? someone in the family killed her, most likely the father. Listen closely now. the father either killed his own daughter, or ordered someone to kill her. He should be sentenced. What purpetrator would write 3 letters inside the house while risking getting caught? and why would you risk getting caught maKING A WEPON INSIDE THE HOUSE WHEN YOU CAN BRING A SMALL KNIFE?. .
@KT27RN 9 месяцев назад
I find it weird how Patsy calls Jon Benet “that child”… “I loved that child…” Not “I love my daughter to the core of my being”. It may be that she was highly medicated, however I can’t imagine using that verbiage in their circumstances.
@danbackslide2957 8 месяцев назад
Tbh that is kind of a southern thing to refer to children as “that child” as sort of a term of endearment
@psyche100 8 месяцев назад
This a cultural thing in southern states. Its a normal way to address one's own child that way here.
@haleyguthrie3113 8 месяцев назад
It's a southern thing
@mariawhite7337 7 месяцев назад
​@haleyguthrie3113 is it also a southern thing to always introduce yourself first before your murdered daughter? Cause that is what she does ALL THE TIME.
@haleyguthrie3113 7 месяцев назад
@mariawhite7337 what? First off, Patsy has been dead for YEARS now. But also...what does that have to do with saying, "that child"?? Also, yes...its suitable to identify herself as JonBenets mother. Name whom she is.
@DarranKern 2 года назад
Every theory has plausibility. The one thing I cant get past is how extremely similar the handwriting of the ransom note is to Patsy’s handwriting, and the source of the note was from inside the home.
@MsNooneinparticular 2 года назад
If it seems too obvious and blatant, it's probably what it looks like. Patsy did it. The only physical evidence we have points to her. The only thing we don't have is motive, and it will forever drive us crazy because she took it to the grave. As soon as she died the Burke theories started getting loud because there was nowhere else to go.
@whitedragoness23 2 года назад
Plus they said the window was already broken, and Jon benet was found in the house and located. I go back and fourth and right now I think they did it. Or one of them did it. I just don’t get WHY.
@KD-xb5np 2 года назад
@@MsNooneinparticular There wasn't brain hemorrhaging though, so whoever killed her likely strangled her. She would have had to hate her daughter to kill her that way.
@KD-xb5np 2 года назад
It's so similar! But it's also similar to that one font; I don't find it too implausible for the killer to have traced a typed letter written in that font. I can't imagine why she'd be wearing the same clothes the next day, but I also can't imagine why she'd call the cops either. The whole thing is so strange, and yeah, all theories have really good points.
@seanomalleygoatmmafighter2182 2 года назад
Patsys handwriting and and unknown males DNA are the two things that stuck out to me the most
@jp-wc4ce 2 года назад
honestly the police misconduct was so bad I don't think we can even trust the 'facts' from the investigation, which makes this case all the more frustrating and tragic. great video, I know I'll be thinking about it for a long time.
@JasonFlorida 2 года назад
It sure seems like the police were well paid off by the Ramsey's
@BurrosSWE 2 года назад
A police killed JonBenet. A k9 cop who is namned, and its hes prints outside the window. So the bad police investigation got its reasons.
@jaredrice4612 2 года назад
@@BurrosSWE wtf?
@BurrosSWE 2 года назад
@@jaredrice4612 Yes. The print outside the broken window comes from a k9 police in Boulder. He has since then been fired for misconduct against more little girls. If the police wanted to solved this it would not have been that hard but the boys in blue dont snitch on other blues.
@RR-bd4jp 2 года назад
The DA was the worst on this case period. Even with sufficient evidence did nothing for over a decade. Alex Hunter is to blame even more than BPD.
@andrejsasd8904 2 года назад
Both, this case and the case of Caylee Anthony, are SOOOOOO frustrating knowing that the people responsible for murders are just walking free.
@daveb7532 2 года назад
thats the case with thousands of murders. what don't you tell it how it is and say how frustating it is that in both cases the parents are responsible.
@feralon9570 2 года назад
The biggest issue with this case is, we DON'T actually know who did it. Caylee was a miscarriage of justice and there is no doubt who did that. This case isn't so slam dunk, there are so many pieces that just don't fit.. Just enough doubt that no one could be convicted or ruled out.
@belladonna5904 2 года назад
It was John and Patsy. I figured it out..
@nicoleackerman205 2 года назад
@@feralon9570 With her case the death penalty should not have been on the table that is why Casey is walking free.
@ozmaozmaozmaozma 2 года назад
@@belladonna5904 I think *you* did it. *I* figured it out.
@Ett.Gammalt.Bergtroll Год назад
Actually, Patsy authoring the note AND disobeying it by calling the cop makes perfect sense should she have accidentally killed her daughter and wanted to cover it up. Her being found dead could then be assumed to have been caused by this contact with the authorities.
@Yodeller1917 Год назад
Yeah but if they killed her when Patsy called the cops that meant the killer would still have been in the house with her since she was found in the basement (and she was hours dead) If she was really taken she would have been killed elsewhere and she wasn’t beheaded like the note said. So that’s why I think the John did it theory is right, it doesn’t make sense for patsy to call the cops if she did it
@haleyguthrie3113 Год назад
I thought this at one time. Until I realized that the 1st reaction would be to remove the body before writing a note.
@bethryan9077 11 месяцев назад
@@Yodeller1917 There are Many reasons why kidnapping has Always been a rare crime. One has to take the time to Think about Why. This was a very, Very well Planned crime for quick Available cash & with others, that plan turned into a crime about revenge against John. This highly insidious set up was to implicate all Ramseys plus others around them, for good measure. The research began quite some before & that included - the Ramsey’s whole family, friends, associates & neighbours of course & then the study about well known violent movies about kidnapping plots & so the 5 movie quotes within the note. They were also in tune with previous famous kidnapping cases & famous sadistic murders. This Plan, JB was Never going to be taken from the basement. It was always going to be 50/50 if the cops were called. They sure didn’t go to soo much trouble & take such high risks for nothing. The taking of photos was their back-up for money. From footage of the front of the house, it looks like a double storey Tudor style home. From the Ramsey’s extensive renovations, that was a Huge 3 storey mansion - plus the basement that had multiple rooms & heating, many big cupboards, water, a bathroom, a phone & 2 separate window exit points if needed. The butler’s kitchen was another level again, stairs either end to go down there but ground level, with the glass exit door. This section was situated along the side part of the house that was isolated & ran down the side of the garage. Unlike the other 3 sections that were basically all windows & glass doors, all 3 storeys. The cement rendered room where JB was found, used to be a coal bin as the house before renovations down the years, was from the 1920s. Basically that ‘cellar’ room was under the sunroom, front left corner if standing looking at the front of the house. That cellar was used for storage & along with some other things, the Xmas trees were kept in there. That was the only room in that whole house that Didn’t have a Window. Due to changes over the years & then the Ramsey’s renovations, as there was no window, that room wasn’t visible from the outside. To get to that room, one went down the basement to the bottom of the stairs & straight down the hall where the door to that room was Clearly visible, as seen in the cops’ walk-thru videos. The stories about that as a hidden room are Not true. The stories about that room being known only to the family are Not true. Soo much BS still going around about this case, for 26 years & counting. Being from back in the day, the light switch for that room was situated at an odd place, one had to step inside, take x many steps to the left & the light switch fixture was hanging from a cord on the other side of the beam, about halfway into the room. There was a doorknob on that door but no lock. To Pull the door open, one had to firstly reach up to the top & flip the wooden latch up then pull on the doorknob. The basement was painted about 1 year prior. The palm print on the inside of that cellar door was never identified. There were many items of evidence in that room besides the Hi-Tec Shoeprint, that was Not a boot. There was also another different partial shoeprint on the other side. The perps were listening to Patsy call 911 on another phone. The laundry room was situated at the stair end of the basement, with the big washing machine plus the big clothes dryer. A black phone was on the end of the bench near the doorway opposite the washing machine. The perps put that black & white photo of when Patsy won Miss West Virginia, stuck to the wall above that phone. A second washer & dryer were upstairs near JB’s room then an ironing/work room with a sink. The boiler room in the basement had the window with the bars on it, front of the house. The rest of the wall to the right, most of the cellar was on the other side. There was a pipe vent that went out the top of the boiler room window. The short shrill scream from JB was heard by a neighbour at about 1.30 a.m., because she lived directly across the road & had her bedroom window open a bit. The scream was from JB when first taken to the boiler room, as the cord was quickly released from her neck. A test was carried out & it was proven that no scream could be heard upstairs from the basement. The perps went out of the house for a while because of that scream then went back in. From the very top of the steep hill at the end of the street, one could see the whole area. These 2 vicious perps had 2 cohorts as look-outs. The parent’s bedroom suite was the whole of the top storey. Burke’s room was at the front & basically under their bed. JB’s bedroom was 70 metres down from Burkes, through the playroom first & a couple of turns. The spiral staircase was across from but just near JB’s bedroom. That back spiral staircase went down to the main living areas & the quickest route to the kitchen. The basement door was on that level & the entry to get there was near that staircase but up a hall that was separate to those living areas. The main staircase was near the front door. The slot for the mail was to the side of that door with a box to catch it underneath. The Ramseys would enter & exit the house through the garage & the mudroom was near that internal door. Visitors would use the front door or the back patio door that Patsy called the kitchen door. That door was 2 glass doors actually, as seen in photos, the door near that grate. The window for the alcove was next to that door, the alcove where the wall phone was situated that Patsy used to call 911. That wall phone had a good length cord & the cradle for the handset was metal. The note was moved to & spread out on the floor just by that alcove doorway, John was on his knees by the door reading it over & over. When the operator asked Patsy who sent it (lol), Patsy leant out the doorway a bit & could See the Big writing at the bottom of the 3rd page. Because it was Last as a signage, the S.B.T.C caught her attention First, then she saw the word Victory. They were up so early that morning when still Dark, because they were to go to their holiday house in Charlevoix, on their private plane & so, the pilot had that plane ready. JB was found after 1 p.m. & John was told they had to leave as the house was then a Crime Scene. In Front of a cop, John called his pilot wanting to get to some sort of Safety & to Family in Atlanta, two perfectly Normal things to want to do. That cop relayed what he heard to the PD & John was told they couldn’t leave so they stayed with friends in Boulder with police around them 24/7. Those various police officers were around the family & visitors for a week & officially stated that the Ramseys were deeply grieving parents & there was nothing adverse to report. Here’s your issue, you can’t possibly Fathom what happened at Any stage because this crime hasn’t been a script for your one hour made up simpleton TV crime shows, that tell ya the ending. Then there’s the Fact that, like for soo many other Ignorant Ramsey bashers, True crime is clearly Way over your head. You watch a TV interview here & there &/or a Biased TV show or two & for some bizarre reason, you actually believe that You know Everything. People like You are the bane of society, make sure you’re Never on a jury.
@bethryan9077 11 месяцев назад
Patsy read to about - 'we have your daughter' & raced back upstairs to find her gone & screamed for John. She could only say about a note & JB gone, he told her to call the police. She had to race back downstairs again which was quite far away from where she met John near Burke's room & she was using the wall phone in the alcove near the kitchen & the back door. John was on his knees reading the note over & over Then. If You 'accidentally' killed your child, would You handwrite a 3 page ransom note & use your Own notepad plus your Own marker & Then put those items near the phone for the Cops? Would you then put the note on a step of the back staircase? Could You come up with 5 quotes from 5 violent movies about kidnapping Scenarios, at the Same time? Would You do all that to your little girl Knowing that her 9 year old brother is going to Find Out? Would You then call 4 of your best friends to Witness you being questioned by cops & detectives whilst watching your every move? Would You then go on national TV over & over for Years to be Questioned again, Over & Over for Years with the cops & detectives & the FBI listening to every word? You kids Really need to stick to the one hour made up TV shows, that tell ya the ending.
@bethryan9077 11 месяцев назад
Exactly, common sense hey. And stage a break-in first too.@@haleyguthrie3113
@yourpalfred 2 года назад
It's already been said but this is the most respectful breakdown of this case I've ever seen. I hate how true crime leers at JonBenet, even after all this time. Seeing the pics of her and hearing she would have been in her thirties was absolutely heartbreaking, probably because this is the first reporting I've seen that insisted on treating her 100% as an ordinary kindergartener.
@BandlerChing 2 года назад
She was only a couple months younger than me, and I remember her being all over the tabloids as a kid. I think that’s why this particular case has always struck such a chord with me. It was the first time I had really heard of a child being murdered, and how she would be my age now. I also have a kindergartener now, and so the whole thing is extra horrifying.
@phillipgalan660 2 года назад
But she wasn't an ordinary kindergartener. Ordinary kindergarteners don't need to visit their pediatrician 27 times in a 6 year Olds life. It's more like how legal sex workers have 2 get checked out between Johns
@wickjezek1101 2 года назад
@@phillipgalan660 Do you have any children? In the USA children go to the pediatrician around a dozen times in the first year of their life for vaccinations and well checks alone. Add in sick visits and another 5 years of life and 27 visits for a 6 year old isn't abnormal.
@phillipgalan660 2 года назад
@@wickjezek1101 27 visits for vaginal issues at 6 years old. My understanding is that the 27 visits were only during the 3 years jonbenet was enrolled in pageants . That's definitely not normal. I still maintain 27 visits to a pediatrician for a 6 year old is beyond suspicious..
@phillipgalan660 2 года назад
@@wickjezek1101 something is wrong to visit a doctor 12 times in a year Malpractice or abusive parent
@ellrig 2 года назад
one aspect that continues to baffle me is, if it were an intruder, why would they kill someone, leave them in the basement of their own house, and then proceed to leave a ransom note? I just don't find that plausible whatsoever
@supastar25 Год назад
It makes no sense
@bethryan9077 Год назад
This is the problem for all those like yourself - you don't know Anything about the crime, the case Or about what was Actually perpetrated upon this poor Child nor do you Care to Find Out what Really happened to JonBenet, because you're all too busy bangin on with a load of Endless Rubbish about her whole family. The same menagerie of people who are Misinformed, Naive, Ignorant, Rude, Aggressive, Abusive, Despicable & downright Stupid. The Same people who denigrate the Ramseys for a blink of an eye & accuse them of abuse for No sound reason as well as the accusations of vile acts against Both Kids plus the sadistic Murder of their adored 6 year old little girl. Then there's all those who are even Worse & say the Same about JB's 9 year old Kid brother. You all post your crap about this fine upstanding family who were In Fact - All Proven Innocent a Long Long time ago. BTW - who would Write a ransom note & on their Own notepad & use their Own marker & then put both of those items near the phone For The Cops! Only morons believe Patsy did That! Loads of you Make Up more stupid Shite & post about your ‘observations’ as if you are seasoned investigators working the case that Must Have happened Recently. LOL. Comment pages full of never ending mindless thought processes due to your severe Lack of Knowledge, Hateful hearts & then there's all the Envy going on. The Ramseys were Proven Innocent, due to a mountain of something called Evidence & by a bunch of Real experts under the umbrella of Law Enforcement, who included Forensic Scientists. Just because You Don't Know about that evidence, Does NOT Mean that it doesn't Exist. The Exoneration of all the Ramseys in 2008 was just from evidence that was known about way back at that time. FYI - the investigation Continued. All of you brainwashed zombies are running around trying to feel all important & so smart yet don't even have 3 brain cells left to realise that - this case hasn't been to trial & so, the Actual Evidence about the case was Not released to the media & So, not on your TV. Loads of unscrupulous people have made loads of Dollars from people like You. Doh. Then there's the Industry of so-called 'experts' who say Whatever & you all lap it up with fervent Glee. You watch TV, pick out what you Choose to believe, then post that on these sites As If facts whilst at the same time dreaming up more BS & posting that As If factual too. Yawn. Some people have done actual Research, isn't that Shocking. You & your like watch TV shows full of False & misleading information & read books of BS & then repeat it all like well trained monkeys at a Zoo. Go Learn what DNA is for a Start. The DNA that was Collected, several places on JB’s person. The DNA from an Unknown Male, that has been in CODIS since 2003 & which Means - NO Ramseys At All. You all need to get this Very Clear - You Do Not Know Better than some of the Best investigators in the country or the Expert crime scene techs or the Top forensic scientists or the FBI or the Secret Service or the DAs or the Federal Court Judge or the Boulder PD, who, for Many Years have Also stated that the Ramseys - Are Innocent. **The Boulder PD have issued a statement via the media - 1st May, 2022
@bethryan9077 Год назад
The Boulder PD took the note to the Secret Service & they also hired 2 Renowned private experts, all 4 said No Ramsey wrote the note. The Ramsey’s attorneys also hired 2 of the best in the country & both said the same. **From the 1st week of 1997 til 2007, DNA testing was done at 3 separate labs. Within the 1st Two Weeks, the results of DNA testing were back - from under JB’s fingernails - Unknown male DNA, mixed with JonBenet’s DNA. Steve Thomas & his cronies kept this vital result from the DA for 7 months. The same Steve Thomas who later went on to Pretend that he was lead detective & he still does. Two spots of blood were in the underpants but were Never tested. Steve Thomas constantly talked about the book he was going to write. It wasn’t until the grand jury were to convene that more DNA tests were ordered. The blood was JBs & Same unknown male DNA - saliva mixed in a spot of her blood in the underpants. This DNA from an unknown male wasn’t developed enough for CODIS at that stage. Desperate Thomas worked Very hard to keep the Fact that there was Unknown male DNA evidence, from the public’s consumption. The BPD were ‘leaking’ false & misleading information to the media & the frenzy continued. Eventually the BPD were made to Publicly apologise for doing this to the family but This Fact has been forgotten/not known about by the general public. The BPD’s cops Should have found JB early that morning, though a Search for her was never carried out as it was a Ransom note. Three officers were tasked with checking entry & exit points, yet failed to pull open the cellar door & go in there & they Failed to go through the train room door also, thinking it was a cupboard door, they by-passed it. The broken window was Not where the perps got in the house, but That is Not the point. Only America & one other country still has a stupid grand jury system. It is unfair, unjust & doesn't work. The jurors only hear from the prosecution, who get to pick & choose what evidence is presented & which witnesses appear. There is no judge, no defence lawyers & unless subpoenaed by the prosecution - No experts to rebut Whatever is presented. As a consequence, the jury vote on the side of the prosecution 98.6% of the time. And the BPD withheld a great deal of vital evidence. The vote was never for murder. John & Patsy never received subpoenas to appear & so they were prevented from testifying. They wrote to Governor Owens about this & he didn’t even reply. Unlike the jury, the general public & the media, the DA Saw all the evidence known about at that time as did Lou Smit, one of the best investigators in the country. Less than half the States, still have this abysmal grand jury system. The DNA alone Proved just how Wrong the jury Were. The investigators Present refused to target the Ramseys but Unfortunately Steve Thomas was brought into the case 3 days later & his goal was to make a name for himself. 18 months later he illegally took evidence material from the BPD, snuck off on a ruse & then resigned on national TV, an act that was unheard of in law enforcement history. Of course, that was his marketing Ploy for his book of BS, blaming Patsy because of a notepad & he commenced book tours. He was promptly sued for that book of lies, but soo many have forgotten about or don’t know about That, also. He garnered money from the public for his defence but come time for court, he refused to get on the stand to back his Story. The case was settled out of court & he lost every cent of the hundreds of thousands of dollars he made from that book. The investigation Continued with a bevy of actual Seasoned private investigators who had full integrity & worked tirelessly Unpaid to catch the highly sadistic killers of this child & at the same time, they hoped to save another. What guilty person, let alone Two, would subject themselves to soo many interviews with soo many reporters on national TV & for Years? NONE. The Ramseys continued that til Patsy died in 2006 & John continued the same & does to this day. Very few know about a libel case in 2003 - Wolfe vs Ramsey, where Federal Court Judge Carne got to go over the evidence known about at that stage. Carne declared the Ramseys factually innocent due to the 'Abundance of evidence that pointed to an intruder'. All can read that 93 page document online. She also had quite a bit to say about Steve Thomas in relation to his role as a police officer & about some of the BS in his book. She was particularly incensed about him stating a time of death for JB when he was not a doctor nor a pathologist. He did That to suit his own agenda & for that book, being for, his own financial gain. Carne was also quite scathing in relation to Cina Wong who tried to present evidence about that note when Wong had no qualifications to call herself a writing analyst let alone an expert & she never had the original copy of the note. Pages showing fake writing As If Patsy’s writing ‘samples’ & As If from police files, continue to appear on vids about this case. The pages are all Fake. Wong put out a video of course, showing a whiteboard with writing ‘samples’ As If Patsy’s, it’s all Fake. The public have Never seen Patsy’s writing. The Ramseys & Loads of others, including known pedos, were Cleared by the DNA a Long time ago. The DNA from unknown male was developed & has been in CODIS since 2003. The FBI’s national database only accepts Qualified DNA. Further testing in 2007 - Same unknown male DNA at 2 places on the waistband of the long-johns, on the inside & the outside there. The Ramseys were finally Exonerated publicly in 2008 due to All the evidence that Showed someone Was in the house, over 200 pieces of, Plus the DNA from the unknown male, that had also cleared John Mark Karr who said he did it. Next testing in 2016 with Advanced forensics - 2 male DNA on the long-johns, one is hispanic. The other is a white guy, Seen crossing the Ramsey’s backyard after they left for the White’s Xmas dinner. This was reported & newsworthy at the time. All the false & misleading information given to the media by the BPD did push this vital piece of Evidence under the rug. Then all the books of BS with all the versions of Whatever, took the case into a whole new level & the BS continues. James Kolar was in the office of the DA, Mary Lacy, for a very short time & was Fired. He also ran off to write His book of BS & blamed Burke because he needed new fodder. His ‘Story’ was so ludicrous, no publisher would touch it. He had to pay to self-publish & to very poor sales. He was & still is, just Another con artist & Proven Liar. Then CBS heard the sound of Kerching & that Bogus ‘show’ was aired in 2016, predominately blaming Burke & that’s why Kolar was on there like a Snake in the grass. N.B. Who would Write a ransom note on their Own notepad & use their Own marker & then put both of those items near the phone For The Cops? There is something seriously Wrong with all those who believe Patsy did That! Mark Beckner eventually found some integrity & publicly stated “when the owner of the DNA is found, there’s your killer”. The public need to understand that this case hasn’t been to Trial yet & so - You Know Nothing True About This Crime, The Case Or About What Was Actually Perpetrated Upon This Poor Child. BTW - Burke, Was Never Even A Suspect. The bits you Think you know about this case - Are NOT True. *You all need to get this Very Clear - You Do Not Know Better than some of the Best investigators in the country or the Expert crime scene techs or the Top forensic scientists or the FBI or the Secret Service or the DAs or the Federal Court Judge or the Boulder PD, who, for Many Years have Also stated that the Ramseys - Are Innocent.
@bethryan9077 Год назад
The Present officers had No problems believing the Ramseys were genuine & Linda Arndt wrote a Favourable report about the Ramseys & said their behaviour was appropriate to the circumstances. The media went into a frenzy because the body was found in the house & they considered that to have been on Arndt's watch. She arrived at 8.10 a.m. with detective Patterson. It was actually Her who moved the body to the living room after 1 p.m. . Eight cops & detectives arrived at various times that morning, Nobody was looking for JB, it was a Ransom Note. It was the Cops who should have found JB early that morning, Not her poor father that afternoon. The BPD then went into damage control to save their Own asses & so the BS began. Arndt was put on desk duties, didn’t like what was going on in the office & was gone by May. Her next job was as a tree lopper. Many today still believe that Arndt was the only officer at the house all day when That is not true either, she was on her own from 10.30 a.m. Next - she had great acting lessons for that Performance on national TV because she was after a book deal Too. Next - she tried to sue the BPD for Money, but lost the case. Her report to the BPD was in the public domain & so, she was Caught as a Liar & later retracted all she said in that abysmal interview. Somewhere along the line she had Regret at least & when Patsy was dying, Arndt went to see her & apologised for all she had said for the TV audience & vowed to help find the killer. BTW - Lying loon Arndt knew Full Well the note said Tomorrow but deliberately didn’t mention That for her acting debut on national TV - where she Thought she was Clarice but looked like Hannibal Lecter. The Ramseys gave the cops free reign to their house from the minute officer French walked in the door just before 6 a.m. because they had Nothing To Hide. They spoke to the cops & detectives in total, for Hours that morning & after JB was found. Burke was interviewed when still at the Whites at 2 p.m. by detective Patterson, Neither parent was present, nor did they know that was happening. John spoke with the Ds that night, Patsy was bedridden by then. Arndt asked John for them to go to the PD on the 28th. The Ramseys had already witnessed how inept the cops Were & John hired a private investigator straight away. All Ramseys gave the required samples & John spoke to the Ds for 2 hours again that day. He asked Eller to speak to Patsy at the house where they were staying because she was so ill & medicated, Eller refused to do that. Steve Thomas was brought in because the Present investigators refused to target the Ramseys. Thomas had Zero experience with Any murder case before & thought he would make a name for himself from this high profile crime & later dubbed himself as lead detective when he was Not. His partner was an auto-theft officer. The BPD rarely had a murder & this was the first for '96. The next 2 up the ladder had No experience with homicide Either. The BPD refused help from the FBI, the CBI & the Denver PD. The present investigators had no concerns about deception but Then the body was found in the house when the Cops should have found her early that morning & the BPD went into damage control & so, the BS Began. False & misleading information was already being leaked to the media. The Ramseys were told they were being targeted & advised to get lawyers. Very sound advice & the Right of All citizens. The talk was through the lawyers then, That's how it Goes. John went on to hire 3 more private investigators. What guilty person, let alone Two, would subject themselves to soo many interviews with soo many reporters on national TV & for Years? NONE. And John continued that after Patsy died. He & John Andrew continue Still. The general public know Nothing about this crime & know nothing True about this case. Most don't even Know what Actually happened to JB. The Ramseys were Proven Innocent a long time ago, it is way over time to leave the family In Peace. Patsy liked to wear red for Xmas & had bought a new red sweater that had baubles on it. She wore that to the White’s Xmas dinner & a pair of black pants. On the 26th, they were to meet John Andrew, Melinda & her boyfriend at Minneapolis airport & all flying on to their Charlevoix house for a 2nd Xmas gift-giving. No doubt Patsy wanted to show off her Xmassy sweater again. On the morning of the 26th, she threw that on with the same pants, re-did her make-up & was ready to go when she went down the stairs. She planned on having a bath when they got to their holiday house, after the long flight. Patsy was using the Wall phone that was near the kitchen. In the Real recording of that call, Patsy hanging up the handset on the cradle is Clearly heard - CLICK. IF the cops Actually had Any Ramseys in the background because Patsy didn’t hang up, the recording would have been played til the end & all would have heard CLICK. And, Steve Thomas refused to have that call forensically sound tested. Funny that. It was before 6 a.m., pitch dark outside, no-one around & they were terrified. Who would know how long the cops would take to get there. After that Desperate 911 call, Patsy called the Whites & the Fernies - for Help. Mrs Stine too but she couldn’t come. John Fernie later called their pastor for prayers & comfort, it was going to be a long wait, the note said Tomorrow. The cops called 2 victim’s advocates to come. 8 cops & detectives arrived at various times that morning, Nobody was looking for JB, it was a Ransom note. John did Not go straight to the cellar. He & Fleet White were checking out the broken window, looking for any glass at all. They had checked the 2 cupboards in that co-joined room first. The cellar was the next room at that end of the basement, that’s all. John had Presumed the cops down the basement that morning had checked out that broken window early that morning. He was to find out later that the cops hadn't gone through the train room door & so to those windows. The cops didn't know about that broken window til they went back that evening. That's Why the 'famous' photo of the open window was taken in the Night. The cops have always kept That info Hidden from the public As Well The same cops, also failed to flip the latch down on the top of door jamb of the cellar door & pull that door open, they just walked away. Officer Veitch went around the exterior when still dark that morning with his flashlight, he failed to see those same windows that could be accessed under the grate. Reichenbach went around the exterior also, he too failed to see those windows. He reported to the 2 detectives, when all 3 were sitting in the car at the supermarket carpark, that there was no forced entry yet he hadn’t checked the Double door near the kitchen either. That broken window is Not where the perps got into the house, but That is Not the point. Steve Thomas & the other keystone cops continually said that John had lied about getting in that window when he locked himself out of the house in the summer, even though the housekeeper had vacuumed up the broken glass there 2 times. Thomas nor any other cop Ever tried to climb in there. Down the track, it took Lou Smit to Demonstrate, that John Could fit through there & so what he said about that was Also True. There were Fresh green leaves dumped at that grate & some ‘caught’ under the edge of it that was farthest from the window side, as If someone had lifted the grate & then when putting it back down, leaves were caught under there. Thomas the Twit said in his book of BS, that the greenery was Foliage & what was Under the Edge of the grate that Sat on the brickwork, had Grown Under It. Jeeez. One just needs to see the crime scene Photos taken of that area & all around the exterior, to See that there is No Other Leaves Or ‘Foliage’, let alone Green & the gardener had been recently & everything was Clear & Cleaned Up. That will give the people some idea of the level of the Intellect of just one of the so-called ‘investigators’ that the BPD put on this case. Lou was Not brought in by the BPD, they were too busy playing salacious Games with the Ramseys. Lou had retired & due to the Fact that he was one of the best investigators in the country, helping Solve over 200 murders alone, his services were desperately needed. Unfortunately, by the time he arrived, the 2 perps who carried out sadistic acts upon this little girl & who then brutally murdered her, were long gone & Glenn Meyer was getting out of town too.
@bethryan9077 Год назад
Basic Known Facts - Patsy was dressed & ready to go, found the note, read a few lines, raced upstairs, found JB gone & screamed for John. She could only say about a note & JB gone, he told her to call the police. 2 males had got in the kitchen door when the Ramseys went to the White’s Xmas dinner. They had broken in before & that’s why they knew where everything was & exactly what they were going to do. About 1.30 a.m. JB was choked with the cord, tasered on her back, wrapped in 2 white blankets & carried to the boiler room. When the cord was quickly released she screamed, a neighbour heard that because of the vent in the boiler room that was at the front of the house. Fibres from the cord were found on JBs sheet & are in evidence. They ran out a dickie door through the garage, down to the back, waited under a pine tree then went back in. They had ran into the metal ladder & it hit the cement as they ran out. That was the 'crash' noise the neighbour's husband heard. Fresh pine needles came off one of their jackets & were found in the cellar & are in evidence. JB was given a lot of water in the early hours, tasered & vile acts occurred. That was Not a garrotte, it was a complex bondage device & made by the 17 year old who was into causing fear & used electricity. Due to this & positioning, plus JB was given a lot of water over this period of Hours, is why there is so much pee staining on the front of both undergarments & near to the waistbands. A square of carpet & underlay at the boiler room was cut out due to the pee stain & that’s in evidence. The nylon cord was bought as it had to be a bit slippery for the purpose. The knots were intricate & specific, then a certain number of ties on the wood & then the 3 loops. When that was done the rest of the cord was JB's Exact height. The end of the paintbrush that was used at her privates was cut off & never found because some deviants keep trophies. That was Not a paintbrush of Patsy’s. JB was given pineapple fruitcake earlier & at 5.30 a.m. She did Not eat Any fresh pineapple that was in the bowl, that was part of the staging, one of many. ‘The Stomach contains a small amount (8-10cc) of viscous to green to tan coloured thick material of no particulate matter identified’. ‘The Proximal Portion (top) of the Small Intestine contains fragmented pieces of yellow to light green-tan apparent vegetable or fruit material which may represent fragments of pineapple’. Arndt was there & told the ME pineapple was in a bowl. It takes 2 hours for stomach contents to go to the top of the small intestine. In Patsy’s recorded police statement of ’98, Thomas Haney told her the tiny bits of pineapple in the top of the small Intestine was Different to the pineapple in the bowl. When Patsy called 911 on the wall phone near the kitchen, JB was strangled to death in a rage on top of the dryer in the basement laundry. Cops coming meant no money. *There was a phone in that laundry. The one piece of tape was put over her mouth to stop fluids getting on their clothes & she was carried to the cellar. Then quick blows to the head, 3 weapons & each is in evidence. The 1st - a brick on the top of the head that caused the huge open fracture down nearly the length of the skull. The 2nd - a utility knife & small stabs to the skull in a shape. The tool used was broken off & not found. The 3rd - was the rounded handle end of the black steel kid's ball bat & that caused the hole that the stabs started. They had planned if the cops were called, they didn't plan that Patsy would still be on the phone. That phone was in the alcove near to where they had to get out the basement door & then their exit, the butler’s kitchen door. Glenn Meyer was the author of the note & he organised it all for money with 3 from the house on the corner. One had a huge grudge against John in relation to a family business in Michigan. All was set up to incriminate all Ramseys if no cash was paid. Their back-up for money was the taking of photos. Many items were brought into the house & staged. Many items were taken from cupboards & drawers & staged all over the house, basement & a few things outside. Meyer was secretly living in the Barnhill's basement across the road. He got to know a great deal about the Ramseys. JB's dog was mostly kept there & the kids & Patsy were over there often. Patsy gave the Barnhills many cards, letters & notes in her print writing over the years. It's easy to copy print writing & he only had to do Some letters like hers into the note as it was Supposed to look like she was trying to disguise her writing which is Impossible to do for near 3 pages & the Real experts know that fact. From his vantage point Meyer could see through both staircase windows & knew Patsy & John came down the back stairs each morning to make coffee. The note was spread out so all 3 pages would be seen, they wanted their money. The notepad was taken at the Xmas party on the 23rd. Meyer went over saying he was looking for the Barnhills worried about them ensuring he was let in. John took him to where they were sitting & he stayed. The Ramseys didn't even know who he was. The plan, JB was Never to be taken from the basement. SBTC & Victory is about a plane. Joe Barnhill was a radial gunner in WW2 & flew on the SB2C, Two - T, so SBTC. That was a famous bomber plane & lauded for bringing the war to victory. Meyer had a poster of that plane on a wall in his room, Victory was on the side of the plane. There is a photo of Barnhill holding a framed picture of that plane. From the advanced forensics, the private investigators who never gave up & as happens with lots of crimes, people talk eventually & that’s why so much is now known - Plus, due to the crime scene techs who did an excellent job in taking all the photos, videos & collecting the DNA. The Ramseys never put one foot back in that house ever again from after JB was found & they left. The trauma was way too much, but if they Had been able to, this case would have been a Very different matter for all involved. The discoveries were everywhere if the family would have seen it all with very astute investigators. But Steve Thomas was brought into the case 3 days later because the investigators Present, refused to target the Ramseys. He later went on to Pretend that he was the lead detective. He was an ex-narcotics officer who had Zero experience with Any murder before let alone a Ransom, which Was the First crime. He thought he would make a name for himself from this high profile case. His partner was an auto-theft officer. The BPD spent their time covering up their total incompetence. They rarely had a murder & this was their first for '96. They refused help from the FBI & the CBI. They put about False & Misleading information to the media. That amount of money was near John's bonus for '95 & was paid to him in March '96. The amount was on his pay stubs each month of '96 that were in his office. The suitcase was already placed under the window & the window opened for the 2nd time after the cops left. Both done as subterfuge. Same with the fresh green leaves that were dumped at the grate & some 'caught' under it. Early that morning, separately, 3 officers failed to go in the train room door & so through to the windows & 2 failed to pull open that cellar door. There is soo much more to this case that the public don't know about. The type of air taser used has been identified. The burns on JBs back & face are from same taser. The 2nd point was under JB's ear. The burn on her face was bigger because the point was placed there more than once - control. Google the murder of Gerald Boggs ‘93 Colorado. His autopsy photo shows the Exact same burns on his face, the 2nd point was on his earlobe. The big underpants JB was found in were put on her in the early hours. Patsy, her sister, their mother & JB went to New York Xmas shopping. Patsy bought her niece a pack of 7 underpants from Bloomingdales that were called Bloomies. They were size 12-14 & had the weekdays on the waistbands. Patsy also bought from there 2 special Barbie dolls for JB. One had her own pair of underpants also called Bloomies. JB begged her mother for the pack of 7 so she had some like her doll. Patsy gave in & they were put away for JB til she would fit into them, about 8 years away. They were put in the back of a drawer in JB's bathroom. When they got home JB went to see her dog at the Barnhills & told them about her special presents. Meyer was ever listening. JB was found in the ones that had Wednesday on the waistband. It was a Wednesday that year for Xmas Day. Access the photo or the cops’ walk-thru video & see the paint tray on the carpet. Look to the left a bit at the tray & up a bit, you will see a drawing of a sinister smirking cat's face/head on the carpet, as on the note - fat cat. That bowl (with pineapple) was used at the Xmas party on the 23rd & had the icing for the gingerbread houses that all the kids were given & they decorated themselves. That was a heavy bowl & that was icing not milk. There were No fingerprints on that bowl. The silver ladle in the bowl came from a cupboard near the spiral staircase & was from a boxed set of 2 that the Ramseys received as a wedding present & had never been opened. That was chosen & placed because of the filigree on the handle that was like the filigree on some of JB's crowns. The Ramseys were finally exonerated in 2008 due to All the evidence that showed someone was in the house, over 200 pieces of Plus the DNA that had already cleared them & lots of others including known pedos & then John Mark Karr who said he did it. It is 2022, all is known & 4 involved have been identified, 2 are dead. The BPD are holding things up. *I have left out the vile acts perpetrated upon this poor child as a bit sensitive for the page.
@ceegee5724 2 года назад
This case has always disturbed me . How can a little girl be murdered in her own home, found in the basement of her home by her father and 26 years later it is still unsolved . I honestly feel like if this were a child from a "low class" family it would have been pinned on the family from the get go
@jamescorlett5272 2 года назад
To be sure though im certain a Solicitor / Barrister picked by the plod would do all they possibly could - for who though ?
@Chikitew 2 года назад
Exactly. Anyone who defends the Ramseys so hard confuse me. Is it possible that there was an intruder? Absolutely. But it’s now known that a grand jury voted to indict the Ramseys & the DA went against their wishes. There was clearly evidence there to suggest their involvement. They were given much more leniency in their questioning than I think any other parent would in the situation.
@shadetreader 2 года назад
Indeed, the Ramseys have gotten away with murder because they're rich.
@thomaspalazzi7795 2 года назад
Like OJ! Never found the killers!!
@KingSlayer_. 2 года назад
@@thomaspalazzi7795 Killer. And yes they did.
@gabriellenojaim261 Год назад
The very ending of this video with the choir singing Silent Night and little Jonbenet's face taking up the screen filled me with a sadness so profound that I found myself weeping for not only that little girl....but for the world and the ugliness that people can do to each other.
@elleruach2301 Месяц назад
"Sleep in heavenly peace." 😞🕊
@skatingsarah1996 2 года назад
That detective’s eyes are absolutely haunting when she’s talking about John bringing up the body….chills
@SpykersB 2 года назад
She was clearly re-living her sense of fear as she was speaking about the eye contact made with John while leaning over Jonbennet. Her facial expression screamed terror. After John brought up Jonbenet’s body she said everything made sense now. I would like to know what were those things that didn’t make sense until then. I find the detectives reactions most compelling of who killed Jonbenet. The fact she physically touched her gun holster, and consciously thought how much amo she had on hand, in those seconds. As well, said without a doubt she knew what had happened, and has never doubted her conclusion. If you listened to your sense of fear, you would learn your true reactions and sense at that moment is never wrong. Patsy writing the ransom note, and being the one making the 911 call collaborates this detectives conclusion imo.
@luxeternal1258 2 года назад
@@SpykersB That's what you call crazy eyes. She is a terrible detective. It's like saying so and so looks like a murderer so they must be the murderer! You have to use facts and not feelings when solving crimes. It's more proof at how inept the police were and how badly they screwed up the investigation. She let everyone walk around the crime scene for Christ's sake!
@SpykersB 2 года назад
@@luxeternal1258 Oh gee thanks for explaining 101, how crimes are solved. You attack and insult this detective who I highly doubt you know on a personal level. You weren’t there, you don’t know who was in charge when she arrived! Secondly, instincts can save your life, only a stupid would discount them. Please don’t start listening to yours on my account. This detective’s reaction is real. She stated that interaction with him explained things that were not making sense. Do you know what they were?
@luxeternal1258 2 года назад
@@SpykersB I'm sorry if you think I was attacking you, I wasn't. I was attacking the detective because she was a shitty detective. No, I wasn't there, but I do know she was the first detective to arrive and the one in charge of the crime scene at that time. She was removed from the case a year later because she screwed up so badly. It's the fact that she made up her mind right then and there that he did it but couldn't provide actual evidence as to why she thought it was him, except that she felt it was him because of what she interpreted from a glance. All I can say to that is thank God they can't convict someone based on what someone thinks they see in someone's eyes. I will agree that instincts can help you, but only if you have good instincts. I don't agree however, that you need to know someone on a personal level to know whether or not they did a shitty job.
@LoudounDemocrat 2 года назад
@@luxeternal1258 There is absolutely NO denying that the detective was pure shit. She screwed up pretty much everything that could possibly be screwed up.
@panman2568 Год назад
The cops literally gave the parents an entire 4 months before they questioned them! Gave them 4 whole months to smooth out their story and straighten out all inconsistencies they had in the beginning! Unreal man! To me, it’s absolutely the parents that are involved in this crime
@bethryan9077 Год назад
This is part of the problem for all those like Yourself - you don't know A Damn Thing about the crime, the case Or about what was Actually perpetrated upon this poor child. Nor do you Care to Find Out, what Really happened to JonBenet Ramsey because y’all too busy bangin on with a load of Garbage about every member of JonBenet’s family instead & all because you watch TV shows & pick out whatever suits your hateful agenda & repeat that as if all true. There most certainly are plenty of posters who have Intelligence, common sense & logical thought processes, who can work out sensible scenarios of what may have happened But, few dare to venture onto these hate-filled pages. . The Ramseys were officially & publicly Exonerated with an Abundance of Real evidence. Just because You Don’t Know about that evidence, does Not Mean that it doesn’t exist. All those under the umbrella of Law Enforcement - Did deal with Case Evidence, law enforcement including - expert Seasoned investigators, forensic DNA Scientists & expert Crime Scene techs. That Case Evidence included - the autopsy photos, the X-ray photo of the skull, the Authentic autopsy report, hundreds of crime scene photos, cops’ walk-thru videos, police reports, affidavits, depositions, evidence lists, witness statements, videos & Full transcripts of John & Patsy’s police interviews of ’97, ’98 & 2000, other recorded interviews, over 200 evidence items, forensic items, the full layout of the Whole 7,000 sq ft mansion - being all 4 storeys & also, what was Out of Place & what was Missing. All is in Evidence & a great deal is online for all to source. Until this case is brought to trial for criminal proceedings, the general public will Never get to know the True Facts about this case, nor the ins & outs or the bits & pieces that, Make Up the Puzzle. Unless you start some Actual Research online, but that takes a whole lot of hard slog & one needs some experience just to tell the difference between a fake document & an Authentic one. Reddit for example & the proliferation of videos on YT are Still full of False & Misleading information whether old TV programmes or new Utube 'shows' & both put Fake pages on the screen As If from police files, including Fake writing ‘samples’ & Fake individual ‘letter’ samples as if Patsy did that too. Producers through the years have always edited their programmes to suit Their agendas & flash photos & pages on the screen in the middle of whatever dialogue, whether these were the Ramseys TV interviews or parts of their police interviews. All of the Same misleading & False information that’s been going around for 26 years & counting. You people need to wake up to yourselves. Obviously too many in the public domain believe all that they read in trashy magazines as well & whatever is on the back of your cereal boxes. As long as it’s Against this fine upstanding family, Anything goes & it all must be true. * BTW - who would WRITE a ransom note & on their Own notepad & use their Own marker & then put both of those items near the phone For The COPS? There is something seriously very Wrong with all those who believe Patsy did That!. Why would she say the note was found on the Back Staircase for Heaven’s Sake? One would have said it was found on the child’s Pillow! And woops the body is still in the house. Why write a 3 Page ridiculous note anyway? One would stage a break in & call the cops. SIMPLE. I pity all those who can’t even figure out the Basics of this heinous crime, which was In Fact very, Very well Planned. Way too many so-called ‘experts’ & so-called ‘authors’ jumped on the bandwagon to find their version of fame & to make Money from this high profile crime & they Keep At It because of - all those who are naïve, ignorant, highly gullible, hateful, brainwashed & cruel. Then there’s all those who are just plain Stupid. There’s such an abundance of Ramsey bashers, the never-ending ‘shows’ full of the same old BS will, never end. One would say - feeding the beast.
@clifbro1260 Год назад
@@bethryan9077 Ha Ha 😆Ha😆Ha Ha Ha 😂😆😆😂😂😂😂 Ha Ha 😆HaHaHaHa Ha 😆Ha😆Ha Ha HaHa Ha 😆Ha😆Ha
@abc-wv4in Год назад
I don't think they killed her but probably covered for the person who did. Not an intruder.
@bethryan9077 11 месяцев назад
@@abc-wv4in To save him from the Trauma going on downstairs, Burke was taken to the Whites at 7.15 a.m., where their kids were present & some adult relatives. Burke was actually interviewed that very afternoon there at about 2 p.m., by detective Patterson who was at the Ramsey's house that morning. Neither of his parents were present for that interview that was recorded, nor did they know that was happening. Burke was taken to where the parents were at their friend's house & John told him then that JB was deceased. After that interview with Dr Phil & then the abysmal fall-out after that despicable Bogus CBS show was aired after that also in 2016, Patterson publicly defended Burke & stated on national TV that he’d conducted an interview with 9 year old Burke & he didn't know Anything at all & he’d been very worried that his little sister was still missing. Burke was interviewed again 10 days later by a police child service's officer, that took Hours. No lawyer or parents were with him & his parents had Allowed that interview to take place. The public have seen a few snippets of that interview, from shows on utube, the 'bits' that suit the agenda of the channels. Same in relation to the interview with a detective when Burke was 11. That went on over 2 days, no lawyer nor his parents were with him & again, his parents Allowed that interview to take place. Then, the poor Kid received a Subpoena to appear before the grand jury & off he went to do that Also, neither parent present & NO Lawyer there Either. N.B. - that was a black & white photo at the bottom of the page, Nobody could tell what the hell that was. Burke tried very hard to work out what he was supposed to see, eventually he said about a glass. That idiot detective kept saying pineapple, pineapple, pineapple. LOL. Burke thought that what was in the bowl may have been cereal because it looked like muck, in that photo. All items on that table were Staged by the perps, as were Lots of items all over the house. There were 18 Chunks of pineapple in that bowl. There were more than one 18s within this crime. Meyer's lucky number was 18. That bowl had the leftover icing from the kids & friends Xmas party on the 23rd, the bowl was with other bowls & containers on the table that had the lollies for the decorating of the gingerbread houses. In photos from that party, the bowl can be seen. Patsy bought a large bag of icing. That big heavy bowl was kept in a top cupboard in the kitchen. From whatever tabloid, book or utube show, people now say that pineapple & milk was Burke & JB's favourite. LOL. It was Not. Forensic science Proved that JB did Not eat Any of that pineapple. BTW - pineapple is Acidic, it would Curdle friggin Milk. They had all been up since 6 - 6.30 a.m. that Xmas Day morning & the kids played all day & with friends that afternoon & then again for half the night at the White's Xmas dinner party til about 9 p.m. JB fell into an Exhausted sleep when they got in the car to go home, making 2 stops on the way to drop off presents. JB was only 6 years old, she Did NOT Wake Up After That. Burke did Not say on the Dr Phil interview that he ‘woke up & went downstairs’ to play with a toy. He walked in the door & went straight to his multi-storey car garage that he was given for Xmas. His father went downstairs, helped him put that together for 15-20 minutes then took him up to his room & helped him get ready for bed. The kids Never went downstairs on their own at night. Burke had just turned 7 when he Accidentally hit JB with a toy golf club from a Backswing, it clocked her on the top of the cheekbone, he cried about it for a week. Nothing Else. The ever changing faeces Stories are Not true. He was Asked what he thought happened to his little sister in that interview 10 days later. He was friends with the White’s kids & the Stine’s kids who obviously were Not told the Details about all that happened to their little friend. As Kids, just like adults, they Speculate & they Overhear adults talking. The announcement through the media at the time was the True cause of death, Asphyxiation. The family were later told there was damage to the child’s skull. Both gross & Separate fractures were just After her death. As per, the hierarchy within the police do Not release all information, even to their own cops. The Fact is that the 1st fracture was Open front to back & nearly the length of the skull, the 2nd was a hole, the skull piece being split in 2 & inside. This total BS about a ‘bonk on the head’ grew legs because of Steve Thomas & his loon book of BS, that’s Why he was sued & then James Kolar did one better & said Burke did the head bonk. Thomas the twit was about to be fired for his despicable scenario & Kolar the clown Was fired for his rot with the added on BS coming from Jim Clemente in 2016 & so that farcical CBS show. One needs to Think about WHY that police Evidence of the 911 recording was put on a TV programme After the Ramsey’s book was released & they had appeared on the Larry King show in March 2000 where they spoke publicly about some of the cops’ failings. One needs to find out about Steve Thomas first though, the former narcotics officer, including that he constantly talked about the book he was going to write when supposedly working this case of a Child’s brutal murder. He said that Patsy hadn't hung up the phone properly & he said Burke could be heard saying something in the background. He accused the Ramseys of lying in saying Burke was asleep when that call was made. They were Incensed about that Next accusation & wanted to Hear what the cops were talking about. And, Thomas said Burke Only. The cops refused to let the Ramseys hear that recording. John & Patsy were So upset, they went on national TV & told the World what they had just been accused of & challenged the cops to cough-up with the tape. All went quiet. Please note, all this was After the grand jury hearing that took 13 months & where Burke was again questioned for a long time by the Special Prosecutor this time, Michael Kane. Next thing, a TV Show has the recording, Words are put on screen & suddenly it's supposedly All 3 Ramseys in the background. How amusing but typical form from that scumbag Steve Thomas who’s nothing but a Proven Liar, who’s only accolade before this murder case was busting a bike theft ring. He released his childish book, was promptly sued for all the Lies & lost every cent that he made from the public’s purse strings. He had then moved overseas with his tail firmly planted between his legs. When calling 911 Patsy was using the Wall phone in the alcove that was near that door by the grate that she called the kitchen door. John was reading the note over & over by her Then. In the Authentic recording of that call, Patsy hanging up the handset on the metal cradle that was at the side of that phone is Clearly heard, CLICK. IF the cops Actually had Any Ramseys in the background because Patsy didn’t hang up, the recording would have been played til the end & all would have heard CLICK. Under that phone on the wall, was a cupboard. If Patsy had put the handset down, all would have heard CLUNK. Here’s the thing, why would they lie about Burke being downstairs? He was Allowed downstairs! Yawn. And then there’s the Fact that the closeted 9 year old Kid, would have coughed up in a nanosecond that he was there when his mother made that 911 call. Why do tabloids print sensational headlines whether true or false? $$$. Why do 'authors' put a book together based on the same information from the magazines & TV shows? $$$. In the U.S., for the past 2 years, newscasts & talk shows have been getting out the info about the DNA again but they don't go into enough detail, too scared to be mobbed I presume. I see on utube, an explosion of podcasters pumping out shows since that time frame. They pump out the Same false & misleading information over & over again like well trained monkeys & many make up more garbage to keep all the Ramsey bashers entertained & Excited to be fired up. DNA is Science & science doesn’t lie. What I notice, is that only the Ramsey bashers Ignore that Scientific evidence. Of course, like soo much of the other Truth around this case, people have cherry picked what they choose to believe but at the same time, the Facts about the DNA are not detailed enough, thorough - being from the 1st week, unknown male DNA mixed with JB's DNA, under both of her pinkie fingernails. That was just the First results & it’s Known - Two unknown male DNA, several places on JB’s person. The DNA from one has been in CODIS since 2003. People don't realise that the cops do Not release the Case Evidence to the media & so, the public have No Idea what the Actual evidence of perpetrators in the house Is, nor do the public know all that Really happened to JB. People need to understand that this crime for money & revenge was very, Very well Planned. Everything was set up to incriminate all Ramseys if they called the cops. Just to clarify, there were Two severe skull fractures that occurred just after JB was strangled to death. Both were Precise & also pre-planned if the cops were called & so, all 3 weapons were at hand. That flashlight was Never a weapon used & did Not belong to the Ramseys. All the Stories about Burke, pineapple & the flashlight grew legs After that Bogus CBS show went to air in 2016. Lots of people Chose to believe that utter Nonsense because they’re not very Bright. FYI - Burke was Never even a suspect & that’s Why, within the Multitude of TV shows before 2016, he was never mentioned because the journos & presenters had No reason/cause to talk about him.
@ritaeichler2066 11 месяцев назад
Everyone here who speculates as to a theory is not evidence to indict or convict in a court of law. Parents have no past record that would even cast suspicion that they would kill or cover up with the way jb was killed. It was not an ' stranger intruder' it had to be some sick pedophile who knew her & Mr. Ramsey.
@zachmorgan6982 Год назад
The fact they did all this shit with the media while not being there to talk and help police speaks volumes. Not necessarily of their guilt but of their personalities and egos.
@earth0128 Год назад
They were beyond uncooperative from beginning
@nbenefiel 11 месяцев назад
They talked to the police many times. There are tapes you can watch. They got thoroughly sick of the accusatory attitude of the cops.
@nbenefiel 9 месяцев назад
@@earth0128That is simply not true.
@isaiahromero9861 9 месяцев назад
Yep. Even if none of the family members have anything to do with it, they're all awful people
@dawnedwards2320 8 месяцев назад
@@nbenefiel Months after the fact they sat down with police. They hit CNN and other media outlets before speaking with police
@johnmarsh8159 9 месяцев назад
Light Defense of Burke: If I knew how infamous the death of my sister was from the my childhood all the way through adulthood, I would also think I’d be a bit awkward/off/odd when asked about it. Being scrutinized your entire life would definitely do that
@thelittleredhairedgirlfrom6527 8 месяцев назад
@andstajacvaris1918 2 года назад
I think Burke Ramsey is so conditioned to hide his feelings, that his smiling is covering his crying. He for sure had a life changing tragedy. He's been in the spotlight for most of his life. His little sister is murdered. His mom died of cancer. His smile is keeping him crying.
@veronicachestnut4263 2 года назад
HE IS ON THE SPECTRUM TOO... a 9 yr old bashing his sisters skull in and molesting her with another male's unknown DNA is preposterous... Im glad someone is sticking up for him bc he won that defamation suit against DR quack ass Phil for insinuating his smile was 'weird' or incriminating ! 👏
@Savannah-qj2mc 2 года назад
@@veronicachestnut4263 absolutely!
@JustMe-qo7yw 2 года назад
@@veronicachestnut4263 I’m going to try & see if any partial segments can be found of the show. Doubtful though being a lawsuit ensued . I always believed he was adhd spectrum and highly intelligent but kept out of the per say limelight, due this . Oft times there is 1 parent that will dote more and use materialistic and be on the defensive for a child for example such as school behaviors and etc . I studied and sought my own therapy for my own step son , when he chose his dad to live with at 12years old . His jealousy over his mother and anyone over his dad created many issues . The bio mom & I became good friends , we had only one another in the end . As I was living with an 18year old that was doing calculus yet dad would prepare hamburgerhelper , tacos and mashed potatoes as he refused any all foods made by me. I found a horrid note well written about a little boy playing in the yard and how the author kicked the youngsters ball into the woods and then presided to bash his skull in. I’m replying because of mine and other family experiences . The chilling ending was written about having a remorseful feeling begin , but the sides of the lips curled up in a smile of victory at the task being successful, in last of this paper. I should add that during the younger years, I washed my hair with NAIR , had a few sips of vinegar tea and many personal items destroyed . Also as he hit puberty, he would self pleasure but his choice of continuing to do so on the living couch in front of me when I walked through , kept me out of the living room . Having a young grandchild that did play in the yard , (I was previously married )& my grands called my husband Papaw , had me packing up while trying to grieve both my parents deaths , renting storages for care of inherited items not to be destroyed. Add that to self pleasure and absolutely no discipline from his dad that continued to buy a young adult blue ray , games & STILL ran his bath . My gastroenterologist informed me Id be soon wearing a colostomy bag from ulcers . I remember picking up a cell phone on my last day there and seeing part of a video of him and his 16 year old wife . He had been in trouble 3 times prior for underage . Again dad paid flight for this child to come be married to his son whom stayed in bed playing video games while this other child& wife worked to buy games and cigarettes for him. Last of few words I’d said to her that 1 day she’d tire of such life and realize her marriage was only to remove her husband from heavy supervision and clear his record. (She did leave about 6months after I moved out) I felt the need to share my side of life with a child on the spectrum and omitted many other happenings such as my dog being hit with a field rock, my tires on car no air . The little boy I’ll always believe to be the subject of that letter , Is also a child on the spectrum . He’s a literal persona , does excellent in some academic areas and needs modified educational reds for other subjects . His persona is a loyal protective and would volunteer himself the one that broke a glass or such in order that the younger siblings wouldn’t get in trouble. Being on a spectrum has variables and harsh as may sound Ive lived with one that makes the characters of Damien and The good son look like alter boys and another , well 2 others actually that have characters of well like the nephew of the movie The good son . My therapy in conjunction with my stepsons mother whom became a loving friend revealed much how she lived while he was with her . She never took my then husband to court over the full custody but I wouldn’t have either, if I’d been subject to being in a small bathroom and on the other side an 11 yr old stabbing a butcher knife into the door and she had found evidence of stuffed animals used instead of “ a sock” no pun intended on the visits he had with her. Sadly she died alone with over 25 unanswered phone calls to her son as he was playing his game . I’ve been gone now 11 years and never felt better and heard the son well over legal age remains active gamer , dad still cooking and supporting .
@JustMe-qo7yw 2 года назад
Just doing the math , I’ve realized he is now early 30’s . The other just turned 20 & still remains faithful to a 1st puppy love from jr high though she’s now living with someone else . They don’t talk nor see one another but when I ask if dating someone I’m always told I’ll always just love that one & not ready to give up. I’ll wait forever . The 3rd spectrum child is graduating and if there is 1 iota of a hat bill turned he will correct immediately. I suppose the word Spectrum is used as I imagine a prism that emits different shades and some may see a haze of purple while someone else sees a shade of green .
@tinataylor3758 2 года назад
@@veronicachestnut4263 Dr. Phil interviewed Burke and said that he thought he was innocent. Burke sued CBS and won for their show that pointed to him as the killer. I agree, I don't think he could have done it. The unknown DNA is a big clue in this mess and I don't know why it's often overlooked.
@colonelreb1014 2 года назад
It's glaringly obvious these 2 parents know what happened. Surprised they didn't offer a $118,000 reward for the killer.
@julief634 2 года назад
They did actually! Patsy had said $100,000 would be given if killer was found. That's almost the amount in the ransom which I also thought was odd.
@MikeyLopez 2 года назад
@@julief634 well she knew the killer would never be found
@SummerSwan50 2 года назад
@@MikeyLopez Interesting and possible. But if that is the case, why didn't she offer a larger reward? According to the video, the $118,000 ransom request was absurdly low considering John's wealth, so it seems this reward is also, therefore, low.
@JackReacheround 2 года назад
@@SummerSwan50 It could have been seen as an easier amount to get. ask for millions and chances are they go to the police, ask for an amount that he can easily obtain and not really miss in comparison to his daughter and it seems like that would yield a better outcome for the kidnappers.
@CityBohoGirl 2 года назад
I had thought that was the exact amount of his bonus. Poor baby ;/
@revol113 2 года назад
i haven't read all the comments so this has probably been said 100 times or more. But you are an extremely gifted youtuber and documentarian. And you absolutely blew me away by ending the video focusing on who JonBenét was, and who she could have been, and the tragedy of losing her. Well done and thank you.
@Maxmaxmax63 2 года назад
So true, I agree with every word you said. Bravo Matt! Keep up the great work.
@Tom_Lube 2 года назад
I came here to type this. Incredibly beautiful and empathetic storytelling to leave us with the picture of who she was and who she could have been, instead of just fetishising her as some incredible epic unsolvable mystery, but rather as an actual human being who lived and was taken from us. Thank you Matt.
@deepg9120 2 года назад
Ur right, it has been said 100 times and more
@MrBrad12435 2 года назад
It's been great seeing his evolution from JCS style content to Matt Orchard style content. I hope soon we'll see offshoots of this channel as well!
@syrianadaich 2 года назад
Exactly what I wanted to say too. So much respect shown towards JonBenet.
@bingbong9076 3 месяца назад
They expected him to pick up $100,000 from the bank, on Christmas Day, when the bank is closed???
@maxhydekyle2425 2 года назад
You handled this story better than any of the mainstream media outlets, authors, or journalists that have covered this story over the years.
@LaurenGrz 2 года назад
Fr! and not many youtubers have covered this story. I was trying to look for a good one and just found some okay ones then he dropped this.
@maxhydekyle2425 2 года назад
@@LaurenGrz I understand why there aren't many RU-vidrs that have covered this story. It's been covered so heavily by the mainstream media that it's pointless for a RU-vidr to cover it unless they can be as quality as Matt.
@RR-bd4jp 2 года назад
One of the best If not best I have seen
@peterbaker1879 2 года назад
@@LaurenGrz iuouuuuiiuuuu7uuuuuuuu7u7u77
@Dublin-s9f 2 года назад
Not really: nobody can identify the Footprint left by the killer. Or match the DNA that was found in three different locations in the house including on the underwear and fingernails of the child???🚩
@ianm1462 2 года назад
Every scenario presented here (less IDI than the others) has a ‘of course that’s what happened’ quality about them. Still can’t get over the note. Probably the most confounding element of this crime
@caffeinatednews7801 2 года назад
Yes! that's the second biggest part of the case if the LONG note came from the house who was so comfortable to sit at the counter and write a note, with little mistakes that took time‽ The killer had to be someone she trusted. And if noone remembered her eating pineapples who knew where the pineapples where? was there a can or pineapple husk in the trash? The pineapples had to have come from the outside. The killer was comfortable in that house.
@CE000 2 года назад
and the fact that they didnt mention to police at 10 that kidnappers didnt do anything
@caffeinatednews7801 2 года назад
@@CE000 I feel they knew they owed someone (something) and was hoping they could negotiate before 10 that's why he was comfortable waiting around and past 10
@Sebb747 2 года назад
@@CE000 Neither did the police pay attention to it, obviously. I'm not surprised that they weren't watching the clock in the chaos of searching their missing child.
@bbasil1312 2 года назад
I don't know, from this video IDI seems like a very likely scenario, especially because of the dna and the order of injuries occuring
@thekingofcheese9005 2 года назад
The note really rules out an intruder to me. Written in Patsy's handwriting, with materials from the house. And even without those, the text on it is so laughably goofy that the idea that it's a real random note is absurd. Patsy wrote the note, and had to have known what happened. Past that point though, it's **really** hard to come to any real conclusions.
@abrahamames911 2 года назад
I agree, but the one possible explanation for the note is that it was an amateur kidnapper, maybe someone local who knew about the $118k bonus, who tried to cover their tracks by making the note sound like what they thought big time kidnappers would say.
@a65gful 2 года назад
we know someone else was involved, why would there be a unidentified male DNA from saliva in her longjohns and panties?
@Mr-gg8ek 2 года назад
It was not written in her hand writing. Many people heard “Patsy’s handwriting matched the ransom note” when the evaluation actually said “Patsy’s handwriting cannot be excluded”. But it also said the strength of of the consistency was less than 10% - the lowest possible level - per the scale used by handwriting experts. It also went on to say “a large portion of the general population could not be excluded” because it was written on poor paper in marker.
@veronicachestnut4263 2 года назад
ehhhhhh wrong! didnt match her handwriting.. has to be a 5.0 on the scale to even be considered a close match... Patsy's was 4.3 ... chk your facts dummy before you write bull shit...
@grumpfrog8602 2 года назад
@@a65gful there was a cbs documentary about this case that sought to answer that question. They tested for dna on freshly opened underwear from the store, and discovered dna from 2 unknown individuals. Long story short, dna evidence on those clothes could easily have been from manufacturing and the dna expert conducting the experiment concluded that the dna evidence on her clothes should be ignored because you can't actually verify where the dna transfer came from
@cloudfaulk4640 11 месяцев назад
If she wrote the ransom note (which I believe she did), wouldn’t Patsy be more inclined to call the police already knowing that there would be no repercussions of doing so?
@bethryan9077 11 месяцев назад
Obviously there's a shit load of you people who would torture & murder your child then you would sit down to Write a ransom note using your Own notepad to do that & you'd use a marker from the pen cup, Then you would put the 3 pages of 365 words & numbers note on the rung of the back stairs & you would Never expect to be an obvious child killer. Really? Steve Thomas & his sidekicks sure showed the whole world what a pack of Idiots looks like.
@chantelletrembath3345 9 месяцев назад
Yes, and offering a $100, 000 reward, knowing she will never have to pay it
@innocentnemesis3519 9 месяцев назад
Ding ding ding. She overlooked the demands in the note because she knew there was a dead kid in her basement and that they’d have to call the police anyway in order to cover it up.
@bethryan9077 9 месяцев назад
@@innocentnemesis3519 Ding ding ding, Patsy had only read to about - 'we have your daughter' & raced back upstairs to find her gone & screamed for John. She could only say about a note & JB gone, he told her to call the police. She had to race back 70 metres to the spiral staircase & down to the wall phone that was in the alcove near the back/kitchen door. John was on the floor by her with the 3 pages spread out reading it over & over Then. Lovey, the Ramseys were Proven Innocent a Long time ago, these full of the same old False information shows keep coming for the Entertainment of all you Highly ignorant Ramsey bashers, to get off on.
@maxwellsdemon10 9 месяцев назад
But why not wait, get rid of the body and then call tge police after the "kidnappers" don't call? This gives you a much better story than having the ransom note and the dead child still being in the house...
@beardedshadow Год назад
Interesting that the mother, in one of the press conferences, referred to her daughter as ‘that child.’ Chris Watts did, too, about his children. It’s no sign of guilt but very interesting.
@earth0128 Год назад
Distancing language
@hennieleroux9409 9 месяцев назад
I wonder if there deep pocket s has something to do with the outcome of this case
@krumplethemal8831 8 месяцев назад
Actually it's called distancing statements. They are unconsciously spoken as the mind tries to escape involvement with the victim. Saying "my daughter" is too linking of a statement that would generate an emotional connection. So the person accidently uses the phrase no loving parent would ever use when mentioning their child.
@beardedshadow 8 месяцев назад
It's similar to what I've experienced working in a hospital, where I encountered a man that stopped calling his wife by her name and instead called her by her diagnosis, because her illness had changed her so completely, that she wasn't his wife any more. @@krumplethemal8831
@haleyguthrie3113 8 месяцев назад
It's a cultural southern thing to do. Honestly
@sanderdeboer6034 2 года назад
One thing I never understood is why he didn’t fix that windows for months! He is a millionaire, so he could have easily asked a company to fix it for a couple of hundred dollars maximum. Especially when his kids are playing in that basement, for security reasons and because of the cold weather. Plus wildlife could get into the basement and the house this way. Really strange!
@tinataylor3758 2 года назад
That's a good point. The broken window always bothered me too. It doesn't add up. I always thought an intruder killed her. But some experts think that John never seemed as distraught as Patsy. Could just be a personality thing, or maybe he is guilty. Some say the truth will come out when he passes, he is in his 70s now. I don't know, the more I read about this the more confused I am. I wouldn't bet on anyone in this case. In my opinion, any of the theories are possible, except I don't think Patsy killed her.
@sanderdeboer6034 2 года назад
@@tinataylor3758 John was a CEO, and they score the highest in the number of psychopaths among that group. Not saying he is, or that he killed his daughter. But it could explain a lot. On the other hand why would he have done it when his entire family was present around Christmas? This is such a sad and complex case. I feel we will probably never know what happened. But I do have the most problems with an intruder as the murderer. Why for example would he not have used the broken window as an entry point? And why leave so many evidence behind, like the note and murder weapons. Most of all the body, why not take that and dump it somewhere. (Sorry for the language) And how did the intruder even get her from her bed to the basement without any noise? Plus why even take the risk? An intruder could have chosen another moment when John was away on a business trip. That would have decreased the risk factor significantly. If the intruder was able to get her down the stairs he could also have taken her outside. Plus why leave the note if she was obviously not kidnapped? So many questions…
@magpie467 2 года назад
was thinking about this too. way to out yourself! "i havent gotten it fixed", couldve easily played it as an intruder, but he didnt. its a straight shot that he or both of them did it, its just a case of neglect among the system. cant even lie about the damn window.
@magpie467 2 года назад
and then not saying anything about closing the window. i would be jumping for joy, that would be it. even if i was the one who did open it to play as the intruder, i would play it as a miracle that ive found an entry point. i have no clue what compelled him to close it.
@sanderdeboer6034 2 года назад
@@magpie467 Fair point, not sure if he knew about the spiderwebs being there, and perhaps he knew it was hard to explain the absence of any footsteps in the snow to that part of the house. But yes, he could have used that as you described. And why indeed close it, especially if that could mean losing fingerprints of the intruder or contaminate any other evidence. On the other hand he didn’t really seem to care about that anyway.
@MoralMaze163 Год назад
I actually wrote the whole ransom note out last night. It took 21 minutes and I knew exactly what to write. While I was writing it, it became so clear that no intruder wrote that note.
@bethryan9077 Год назад
The Boulder PD took the note to the Secret Service & they also hired 2 Renowned private experts, all 4 said No Ramsey wrote the note. The Ramsey’s attorneys also hired 2 of the best in the country & both said the same. **From the 1st week of 1997 til 2007, DNA testing was done at 3 separate labs. Within the 1st Two Weeks, the results of DNA testing were back - from under JB’s fingernails - Unknown male DNA, mixed with JonBenet’s DNA. Steve Thomas & his cronies kept this vital result from the DA for 7 months. The same Steve Thomas who later went on to Pretend that he was lead detective & he still does. Two spots of blood were in the underpants but were Never tested. Steve Thomas constantly talked about the book he was going to write. It wasn’t until the grand jury were to convene that more DNA tests were ordered. The blood was JBs & Same unknown male DNA - saliva mixed in a spot of her blood in the underpants. This DNA from an unknown male wasn’t developed enough for CODIS at that stage. Desperate Thomas worked Very hard to keep the Fact that there was Unknown male DNA evidence, from the public’s consumption. The BPD were ‘leaking’ false & misleading information to the media & the frenzy continued. Eventually the BPD were made to Publicly apologise for doing this to the family but This Fact has been forgotten/not known about by the general public. The BPD’s cops Should have found JB early that morning, though a Search for her was never carried out as it was a Ransom note. Three officers were tasked with checking entry & exit points, yet failed to pull open the cellar door & go in there & they Failed to go through the train room door also, thinking it was a cupboard door, they by-passed it. The broken window was Not where the perps got in the house, but That is Not the point. The investigators Present refused to target the Ramseys but Unfortunately Steve Thomas was brought into the case 3 days later & his goal was to make a name for himself. 18 months later he illegally took evidence material from the BPD, snuck off on a ruse & then resigned on national TV, an act that was unheard of in law enforcement history. Of course, that was his marketing Ploy for his book of BS, blaming Patsy because of a notepad & he commenced book tours. He was promptly sued for that book of lies, but soo many have forgotten about or don’t know about That, also. He garnered money from the public for his defence but come time for court, he refused to get on the stand to back his Story. The case was settled out of court & he lost every cent of the hundreds of thousands of dollars he made from that book. The investigation Continued with a bevy of actual Seasoned private investigators who had full integrity & worked tirelessly Unpaid to catch the highly sadistic killers of this child & at the same time, they hoped to save another. What guilty person, let alone Two, would subject themselves to soo many interviews with soo many reporters on national TV & for Years? NONE. The Ramseys continued that til Patsy died in 2006 & John continued the same & does to this day. Very few know about a libel case in 2003 - Wolfe vs Ramsey, where Federal Court Judge Carne got to go over the evidence known about at that stage. Carne declared the Ramseys factually innocent due to the 'Abundance of evidence that pointed to an intruder'. All can read that 93 page document online. She also had quite a bit to say about Steve Thomas in relation to his role as a police officer & about some of the BS in his book. She was particularly incensed about him stating a time of death for JB when he was not a doctor nor a pathologist. He did That to suit his own agenda & for that book, being for, his own financial gain. Carne was also quite scathing in relation to Cina Wong who tried to present evidence about that note when Wong had no qualifications to call herself a writing analyst let alone an expert & she never had the original copy of the note. Pages showing fake writing As If Patsy’s writing ‘samples’ & As If from police files, continue to appear on vids about this case. The pages are all Fake. Wong put out a video of course, showing a whiteboard with writing ‘samples’ As If Patsy’s, it’s all Fake. The public have Never seen Patsy’s writing. The Ramseys & Loads of others, including known pedos, were Cleared by the DNA a Long time ago. The DNA from unknown male was developed & has been in CODIS since 2003. The FBI’s national database only accepts Qualified DNA. Further testing in 2007 - same unknown male DNA at 2 places on the waistband of the long-johns, on the inside & the outside there. The Ramseys were finally Exonerated publicly in 2008 due to All the evidence that Showed someone Was in the house, over 200 pieces of, Plus the DNA from the unknown male, that had also cleared John Mark Karr who said he did it. Next testing in 2016 with Advanced forensics - 2 male DNA on the long-johns, one is hispanic. The other is a white guy, Seen crossing the Ramsey’s backyard after they left for the White’s Xmas dinner. This was reported & newsworthy at the time. All the false & misleading information given to the media by the BPD did push this vital piece of Evidence under the rug. Then all the books of BS with all the versions of Whatever, took the case into a whole new level & the BS continues. James Kolar was in the office of the DA, Mary Lacy, for a very short time & was Fired. He also ran off to write His book of BS & blamed Burke because he needed new fodder. His ‘Story’ was so ludicrous, no publisher would touch it. He had to pay to self-publish & to very poor sales. He was & still is, just Another con artist & Proven Liar. Then CBS heard the sound of Kerching & that Bogus ‘show’ was aired in 2016, predominately blaming Burke & that’s why Kolar was on there like a Snake in the grass. N.B. *Who would Write a ransom note on their Own notepad & use their Own marker & then put both of those items near the phone For The Cops? There is something seriously Wrong with all those who believe Patsy did That!* Mark Beckner eventually found some integrity & publicly stated “when the owner of the DNA is found, there’s your killer”. The public need to understand that this case hasn’t been to Trial yet & so - You Know Nothing True About This Crime, the Case Or about what was Actually perpetrated upon this 6 year old Child. *YOU need to get this Very Clear - You Do NOT Know Better than some of the Best investigators in the country or the Expert crime scene techs or the Top forensic scientists or the FBI or the Secret Service or the DAs or the Federal Court Judge or the Boulder PD, who, for Many Years have Also stated that the Ramseys - Are Innocent. **The Boulder PD have issued a statement via the media - 1st May, 2022.
@clifbro1260 Год назад
@@bethryan9077 You are paid by John.
@bethryan9077 Год назад
@@clifbro1260 You should get a job & pay someone to teach you how to GTFU.
@williampowell15 Год назад
That is WEIRD
@bethryan9077 Год назад
That note would have taken a whole lot longer just to Think about what was going to be included deary. You copying it out means jackshit in relation to Who. Jeez. BTW - there were 5 quotes from 5 movies about violent kidnapping scenarios. One of those was Ransom which had just started playing at the local theatre. This is part of the problem for all you Ramsey bashers, you don't Think. FYI - Steve Thomas started all this garbage about poor Patsy writing the note. He was an ex-narcotics officer before this, had Zero experience with Any murder case before, let alone a very well Planned crime with a ransom note. He went around the office constantly talking about the book he was going to write. The book he Did write with another Idiot & Thomas was Sued for all his Garbage & lost every Cent of the hundreds of thousands of dollars that he made from the naive public. The print writing was not the only aspect that told the Real experts that no Ramsey wrote that ridiculous note.
@beardlessodin945 11 месяцев назад
This is the very best JonBenet Ramsey documentary I have ever seen. I was only 8 when this happened but I remember watching plenty of specials and documentaries about the case as a youth. Then I forgot about it and only ever remembered the case when a new special got released or when new developments arose... like that crazy guy who said he killed JBR but turned out to jut be an attention seeker... or when Patsy Ramsey died... things like this. I enjoyed this video so much (as I do all Matt Orchard vids, but this one is special - it’s just SO well done) that I went into the back catalogue of documentaries, films, news specials, etc.and combed through each one to see if I could find anything as in depth and enlightening as this video. I couldn’t even find anything close. This has to be the finest, most detailed, well-paced, information packed, fact infused, perfectly told version of the story of the mystery of who killed JBR that I have ever seen or ever will see. The only thing that can top this would be a part 2 if the case were to be finally solved. Only Marcus beats Marcus! Now to settle in for my 20th viewing! Hehe.😊 Take care and thanks again for this masterpiece! Kind Regards, -Beardless Odin
@bethryan9077 11 месяцев назад
Nah, he's just spouting the same old same old BS like soo many others before, who also know Nothing about this case. He too needs to stick to the one hour made up simple plot TV crime shows, that tell him the beginning, the middle & the ending. Clearly, so do You.
@beardlessodin945 11 месяцев назад
@@bethryan9077 you’re certainly entitled to your opinion.
@bethryan9077 11 месяцев назад
@@beardlessodin945 The Boulder PD hired 2 private handwriting analysts & they also took the note to the Secret Service for 2 of Their experts, all 4 said NO Ramsey wrote the note. The Ramsey’s attorneys also hired 2 of the best in the country & both said the same. A few of the letters had the formation Similar to the formation of Some of Patsy’s letters because that’s how it was SET UP To BE. The letter formations were Not the only aspect that told the Real experts that NO Ramsey was involved in the writing of that Ridiculous note. And, the public have Never SEEN Patsy’s actual writing. From the 1st week of 1997 til 2007, DNA testing was done at 3 separate labs. Within the 1st Two Weeks, the results of DNA testing were back - from under both of JB’s pinkie fingernails - Unknown male DNA, mixed with JonBenet’s DNA. Steve Thomas & his cronies kept this vital result from the DA for 7 months & so of course, the public too. The same Steve Thomas who had Never worked a murder case before but later went on to Pretend that he was lead detective & he still does. Two spots of blood were in the underpants but that was Never tested. Steve Thomas got around the office constantly talking about the book he was going to write. It wasn’t until the grand jury were to convene when the Ramsey’s attorneys found out about the 2 spots of blood & the DA finally ordered that to be tested. The blood was JBs plus Unknown male DNA being saliva mixed in one spot of the blood. This DNA from an unknown male wasn’t developed enough for CODIS at that stage. Desperate Thomas worked Very hard to keep the Fact that there was now Two lots of Unknown male DNA evidence, from the media & so from the public domain. The BPD were ‘leaking’ false & misleading information to the media from the very beginning & the frenzy continued. Eventually the BPD were made to Publicly apologise for doing this to the family but This Fact has been forgotten/not known about by the general public. The BPD’s cops Should have found JB early that morning, though a Search for her was never carried out as it was a Ransom note. Three officers were tasked with checking entry & exit points, yet failed to pull open the cellar door & go in there & they failed to go through the train room door also, thinking it was a cupboard door, they by-passed it. Two of them went around the exterior at separate times early that morning, one with a flashlight. Both failed to see those windows under the grate where one was clearly broken at the top section, being a gaping hole. That broken window was Not where the perps got in the house, but That is Not the point. *Only America & one other country still has a stupid grand jury system. It is unfair, unjust & doesn't work. The jurors only hear from the prosecution, who get to pick & choose what evidence is presented & which witnesses appear. There is no judge, no defence lawyers & unless subpoenaed by the prosecution - No experts to rebut Whatever is presented. As a consequence, the jury vote on the side of the prosecution 98.6% of the time. And the BPD withheld a great deal of vital evidence. FYI - the vote was Not for murder. Unlike the jury, the general public & the media, the DA actually Saw all the evidence known about at that time as did Lou Smit, one of the best investigators in the country. Less than half the States, still have this abysmal grand jury system. The DNA alone Proved just how Wrong the jury Were. The jurors were Conned into believing Patsy wrote that Ridiculous note, that’s All.* The investigators Present refused to target the Ramseys but unfortunately Steve Thomas was brought into the case 3 days later & his goal was to make a name for himself. 18 months later he illegally took evidence material from the BPD, snuck off on a ruse & then resigned on national TV, an act that was unheard of in law enforcement history. Of course, the reading of his Pathetic letter blaming the DA for his Own failings, was his Marketing Ploy for his book of BS, blaming Patsy because of a notepad & he commenced book tours. He was promptly sued for that book of Lies, but soo many have forgotten about or don’t know about That, either. He garnered money from the public for his defence but come time for court, he refused to get on the stand to back his ‘Story’. The case was settled out of court & he lost every cent of the hundreds of thousands of dollars he made from that book. The investigation Continued with a bevy of actual Seasoned private investigators who had full integrity & worked tirelessly Unpaid to catch the highly sadistic killers of this child & at the same time, they hoped to save another. What guilty person, let alone Two, would subject themselves to soo many interviews with soo many reporters on national TV & for Years? NONE. The Ramseys continued that til Patsy died in 2006 & John continued the same & does to this day. Very few know about a libel case in 2003 - Wolf vs Ramsey, where Federal Court Judge Carnes got to go over the evidence known about at that stage. Carnes declared the Ramseys factually innocent due to the 'Abundance of evidence that pointed to an intruder'. All can read that 93 page document online. She also had quite a bit to say about Steve Thomas in relation to his role as a police officer & about some of the BS in his book. She was particularly incensed about him stating a time of death for JB when he was not a doctor nor a pathologist. He made up a time of death to suit his own agenda & for that book, being for, his own financial gain. Carnes was also quite scathing in relation to Cina Wong who tried to present evidence about that note when Wong had no qualifications to call herself a writing analyst let alone an expert & she never had the original copy of the note. There was No basis for that case to go forward to trial so Wolf lost. Pages showing fake writing As If Patsy’s writing ‘samples’ & As If from police files, continue to appear on vids about this case. The pages are all Fake. Wong put out a video of course, showing a whiteboard with samples of the letters from the note down columns & letters Next to those, exactly the same, As If Patsy wrote those letters, it’s all Fake. Every man & his dog has been out to make Money off the back of this high profile crime. The Ramseys & Loads of others, including known pedos, were Cleared by the DNA a Long time ago. The DNA from one of the unknown males was developed & has been in CODIS since 2003. The FBI’s national database only accepts Qualified DNA. Further testing in 2007 - same unknown male DNA as from the underpants at 2 places on the waistband of the long-johns, on the inside & the outside there. The Ramseys were finally Exonerated publicly & Officially in 2008 due to All the evidence that Showed someone Was in the house, over 200 pieces of, Plus the DNA from the unknown male, that had also cleared John Mark Karr in 2006, who said he did it. Next testing in 2016 with Advanced forensics - 2 male DNA on the long-johns, one is hispanic. The other is a white guy, Seen crossing the Ramsey’s backyard after they left for the White’s Xmas dinner. This was reported & newsworthy at the time. All the false & misleading information given to the media by the BPD did push this vital piece of Evidence under the rug. Then all the books of BS with all the versions of Whatever, took the case into a whole new level & the never ending same old same old False information continues with many making up New false information for the titillation factor. Years down the track James Kolar was in the office of the DA, Mary Lacy, for a very short time & was Fired. He also ran off to write His book of BS & blamed Burke because he needed new fodder. Like Steve Thomas, Kolar had Never worked a murder case either. His ‘Story’ was so ludicrous, no publisher would touch it. He had to pay to self-publish & to very poor sales. He was & still is, just Another con artist & Proven Liar. Then CBS heard the sound of Kerching & that Bogus ‘show’ was aired in 2016, predominately blaming Burke & that’s why Kolar was on there like a Snake in the grass. *NOBODY would Write 3 pages of 365 words & numbers as a ransom note plus use their Own notepad & use their Own marker & then put both of those items near the phone For The COPS. There is something seriously Wrong with all those who believe Patsy did That!* The next Commander in charge by the name of Mark Beckner, was put in place in December 1997. He eventually found some integrity & publicly stated in 2015, words to the effect - “when the owner of the DNA is found, there’s your killer”. *All highly ignorant Ramsey bashers need to get this Very Clear - You Do NOT Know Better than some of the Best investigators in the country or the Expert crime scene techs or the Top forensic scientists or the FBI or the Secret Service or the DAs or the Federal Court Judge or John Douglas or Lou Smit OR the Boulder PD, who, for Many Years & to this day Also state that the Ramseys - ARE Innocent. **The Boulder PD issued a statement via the media - 1st May, 2022. Recently a cold case team were put together & have now started working this case. The government are Not spending Loads of $$ going after the Proven INNOCENT Ramseys.
@randolphtimm6031 10 месяцев назад
I don't think there's enough room between the tallboy and the bed for one adult guy to fit through, let alone two. 18" maybe, if that. But I'll measure it sometime when I have some time. A lot of dimensions in this room are going to be out of whack because John and Patsy had customized for JonBenét and she was pretty short at the time. The closet shelf that the TV is on is about 4' off the floor and is not the top shelf that a lot of folks think from a couple of the photos. I wouldn't be surprised if that room was off limits to LHP for a couple of reasons, although I can't say that for sure. Wouldn't surprise me. JonBenét probably vacuumed it herself. Anyway, those bedsheets preclude anyone dragging JBR out of that bed, unless they were arranged that way by CSI. She'd have screamed her head off before they could have gotten a stungun anywhere near enough to apply it. That bag purse on the door probably has six cowbells in it 🙄.
@bethryan9077 10 месяцев назад
I don't know why I have to Explain this again. Jeez. Find the cops' walk-thru video footage of her room at 'Radar online' & stare Hard at that corner area, that's a Big space between the wall & the pillow end of her bed. There is room for a rhinoceros on the other side, Two of them. Doh. I sure have Never said JB was dragged out of her bed & why the hell you can envisage only That is beyond My comprehension actually. I have already set out the events of what happened in her bed with my standard narrative of the Basic Known Facts that is on This thread. What I stated is Not an Idea I had & then said, "this is what happened folks". Expert Seasoned investigators were brought into this case & Continued doing something called an - Active Investigation. It is a very well known Fact that JB was in her bed when in an Instant at about 1.30 a.m., she was choked with the cord to Stop any scream. Then an Air Taser was used on her lower back to incapacitate her & she was wrapped in the Two white blankets & carried down the spiral staircase. Green tinsel from the banister railings was in her hair. Fibres from the Frayed ends of the nylon cord were on her sheet & pillow & are in evidence. They had to move Fast, they had to release the very tight cord. They went to the boiler room & did that, Then she got to let out One shrill scream which, the neighbour Heard from across the road because her bedroom window was open a bit. There was a vent at the boiler room window that went out Through the top part of that window which was along the Front of the Ramsey's house. So, a friggin Foghorn was Not something these mongrels Thought Of but that Was the Affect of that pipe. They thought of Everything Else & then some. So they then had to Bolt outside to near the back fence in case they had to hop over. Good chance they stayed under the pine tree that had the letter M carved into it. The pine tree that was cut down & taken into Evidence. There was no chance of being seen out there, they had already taken care of the outdoor light that was Always left on as stated by a neighbour but he'd noticed it was Off that night. That light did not work & was taken into evidence. They had also taken care of the lamp in the sunroom that was Always left on & noticed to be Off for the first time since the next door neighbour had moved in, about 4 years previous. The lamp that was taken into evidence also, because it too did Not work. The 2 Burns on her back from the air taser are the same width apart as the Burns on her cheek & behind her ear. The one on the cheek is bigger due to the point being placed there more than once. The shapes of the burns are Rectangles & very obviously seen as rectangles with an enhanced photo under your Nose. So, according to Your brain cells, an Exhausted 6 year old little girl would have woken up Immediately when someone went near her bed & When, she had only been asleep for about 4 hours. Really? Patsy did Not recognise that small backpack on the door & the evidence of That fact is in the transcript of her interview with Haney for '97. No doubt that bag held the items that were on the floor by the door which included a sippy cup & a small container that had more pineapple chunks plus a few other things I can't remember at the mo - To, make Patsy an even bigger liar when she told the cops she had no idea where Those items came from either Or the pink bag. Imagine being shown photos of your own house & the photos are of Everything in your house & you're telling homicide detectives - don't know, don't know, no, don't know, haven't seen that before, don't know Where that came from, I Didn't write on those 3 photos only in that One album Only by the way pal, I did Not start to get diapers out of that upstairs utility room cupboard, that cupboard door was Not open when I went in there that morning or I would have Closed the fkn thing, that is Not a book I bought or Ever read - look dopey that book is in the language of Danish, no I do Not speak or Read Danish, no I do Not know where that John Douglas book came from, I did Not buy it & had Never heard of him Before this & Patsy said She did not buy it. I did Not move that bar chair to the hallway in the basement, I did Not buy that box of Romeo & Julieta cigars & I did Not put Those in the cellar, but, the Cubans that I Did buy & keep in the cellar are gone & no, I don't know Why the empty box would be on the floor in there, no, I did Not stick that black & white photo of Patsy when she won Miss Virginia on the wall in the basement laundry & Patsy would Not have done that either, no I have never seen that Xmas card & don't know what adult wrote that on the inside, No, I Don't know why it would be torn up & in JB's bathroom bin, nope I did Not rip up that New Year's Eve invitation & throw it out on the patio tiles, No I do Not know why her new Xmas bike is around that side of the garage Nobody ever went around there, I did Not put the auto garage key under the BBQ cover when the BBQ is Outside near the kitchen door, that paintbrush is Not one of mine, I wouldn't have bought a tiny tube of green paint, No, for the hundredth time, I did Not draw a love heart in red marker on the palm of JB's hand & hey buddy, that doesn't look like a friggin Heart to ME. Well, here's how Normal people see it - only the Braindead would believe that someone would Handwrite a 365 words & numbers ransom note & use their Own notepad to do that plus their Own sharpie & then go & spread the 3 pages across one of the rungs of the back staircase, plop the sharpie in the pen cup & put the notepad on the hall table near the phone For you keystone Cops, but Obviously there's a whole lot of Imbeciles that Would do exactly all of that & You're sharing donuts with them ffs And - btw Mr Dopey over there with a Stupid look on your face, it is Not my fault that YOU too RandolphDimmTinn, do NOT Know better than ME. FYI - all of the above is - just the Basics. Got it Now cow boy? @@randolphtimm6031​
@debbienotdeborah 2 года назад
You're epilogue made me cry. Sadly I've become desensitized to this case. Your words were actually jarring. They made me remember that we are talking about a real little girl here. Well done Matt.
@dominicwaghorn6459 2 года назад
I’m bawling my eyes out lol
@BLACKDOTSx 2 года назад
Same. I think every American has heard the story of her murder a million times, but how many of us have legitimately heard about her as a person? That in itself is so tragic.
@Woobeee Год назад
Thank you so much for the tribute to her at the end. Through all of this since it happened, in various news reports and documentaries, I feel as if no one truly honoured her. I understand that finding out what happened is important but so many have lost sight of who she was and what she represented before her death.
@lisetteeliseparis7070 2 года назад
This is a case none of us can shake. Rest in Peace, JonBenet. Everyone take care. ps. Matt, thank you so much for your hard work.
@limitbreak2966 2 года назад
They 100% did it, John did it patsy covered it up.
@tysparks598 2 года назад
@@limitbreak2966 there's a writer I know who thinks another serial killer did it... Ed Edwards. The writer is named John Cameron & the book is called "It's Me: Ed Edwards, the Serial Killer You Never Heard Of".
@lucybullwhip8103 2 года назад
"None of us" Excuse me, please don't make assumptions or put words in people's mouths. A lot of people had nothing to "shake" about this case in the first place.
@tehtonym 2 года назад
@@lucybullwhip8103 wtf are you mad about? Lmao
@lucybullwhip8103 2 года назад
@@tehtonym Lisette over here, made a blockhead comment.
@NEDD70 11 месяцев назад
How do you not replace a broken window? It’s Colorado. It’s freezing in the winter
@jnicole6266 2 месяца назад
Plus all the mice, rats and other critters that can come in!
@milo_is_gone День назад
the basement "getting hot during the winter" is such an odd lie
@Psyopcyclops 2 года назад
This is one of those cases where everything and nothing makes sense, depending on who is looking at it, through which lens. Someone can lay out the RDI theory and you go “of course!” and then minutes later the IDI theory has you saying the same thing. It’s infuriating that there’s a dead child in the middle of it.
@trickortrump3292 2 года назад
lol so true!! I could staunchly argue against John doing it and mean every word and then I could argue he did and I’d still mean everything I said!! That’s effed up!
@aprilpuglia7967 2 года назад
I 100% agree!!!
@jakestroll6518 2 года назад
I think that's because the theories all have something right. I think that Jon Bennett was molested by a party-goer, hence the foreign DNA traces. They get home and she's given some pineapple. She mentions what happened to her mum, who calls her a liar and sends her to bed. Her mum was a major status climber, no way she wants her kid accusing someone in her husband's circle of this. JonBennet being upset and traumatized pees the bed. She calls for her mum, who then bashes her head in the bathroom. She then stages the ransom note. Her husband pieces it together, maybe even as she's making the 911 call. She makes the call because he was going to and she figured that she better start playing this new game. He decides to avoid the scandal of a murderous mother either because he's also image conscious and because his narcissistic wife is his female equivalent. He's the more calculating of the two and once he's on board, he does everything he can to muddy the investigation. Burke is then raised by a narcissistic mother and a semi-sociopathic father and thus ends up a little weirdo. The end.
@trickortrump3292 2 года назад
@@jakestroll6518 Very well thought out and articulated. I’ve wondered too about the DNA being linked to the party but I’ve been wondering if the kids were off in another room playing doctor. It would make sense for there to be multiple profiles and if there were male siblings playing, that could make a partial match seem like the same profile when it isn’t.
@reannabaker4 2 года назад
I can't get over the autopsy. JonBenet had vaginal trauma that had healed. She exhibited behavior associated with child sexual abuse victims. This makes the pageantry all the more disturbing. Patsy was okay with makeup and sexualized dance routines for the public to see. What was going on inside that house would probably disturb and break our hearts. I have a little girl so I understand dress up and playing with makeup. JonBenet was a victim of more than my mind can handle thinking about.
@milenadocic 2 года назад
Quote from John:" I've often told friends that if I were trying to stage this, as the police contend, ai could have done a much more convincing job " How many times we heard a murderer using exactly this a their favourite defence evidence? Saying that it's most definitely not them because they would do much better job?
@sarasthoughts 2 года назад
Not to mention how messed up it is to imply you could do a "better job" at MURDERING YOUR CHILD.
@pinkpugginz 2 года назад
john already lost one child to a car crash. idk if he wanted to lose another.
@alanmoore2897 2 года назад
​@@sarasthoughts Remember OJ Simpson came out with a book titled *If I Did It: Confessions of the Killer* And he's still searching for the killers.
@cupcakeluvbug 2 года назад
Remember ol Jodi "would've used gloves, I think, or something...?" Ha
@guntguardian3771 2 года назад
Done a better job of getting away with it and making it impossible for anyone to pursue a conviction?
@sAINTDeVille 2 года назад
*THIS* my friend is the most in-depth, cohesive and by far the most insightful analysis of the JonBenet murder investigation I have ever seen! Fantastic job! Looking forward to your future videos!
@semperinfidel2115 2 года назад
The garrote and the photos of Miss JonBennet's neck, more than one strangulation mark, completely confused me.
@Witchygirl22 2 года назад
It really is the best video I've seen on this case.
@John_Notmylastname Год назад
That damn ransom note is the biggest monkey wrench in murder investigation history imo. Because you can soundly follow all the other evidence in a single direction until that note is put back in.
@bethryan9077 11 месяцев назад
While the keystone were reading the very long winded note over & over again day after day, Arguing about it, instead of doing something like canvassing the Neighbours, 2 of those neighbours had plenty of time to get out of town.
@yellowelmo1474 2 года назад
I always assumed JonBenét was a famous child star in America before her murder, based on how many times I've heard about her.
@TheKillingJoker1980 2 года назад
She was on the child modelling scene so had some fame I guess
@haileyshannon7548 2 года назад
She was more or less just a pageant kid, which are a dime a dozen. She didn’t become famous until she was murdered.
@micenabled9418 2 года назад
Yeah she was just a regular kid it was when they started releasing her model pics it started to look more sensational
@louisemanney5036 2 года назад
Maybe your mind associated her with Judith Barsi an actual child star murdered by her father in 88
@FixedFace 2 года назад
@@haileyshannon7548 "pageant kids are a dime a dozen" says the guy badmouthing children
@erinc9391 2 года назад
The urine stains on her clothes just broke my heart. This case is so frustrating but you covered it beautifully and respectfully.
@debrak8521 2 года назад
Erin C She probably urinated after death, that's what happens when the muscles relax after death.
@debrak8521 2 года назад
@@vicksta8875 Maybe she didn't have any in her body. She may have defecated earlier in the day.
@debrak8521 2 года назад
@@vicksta8875 No her Mother didn't clean her up. Ramseys are innocent All of them Soz 😥
@debrak8521 2 года назад
@@vicksta8875 Just looked at JonBenet Ramseys autopsy report. It states she had fecal material in her large intestine.
@peterjongsma2779 2 года назад
@@debrak8521 What does Soz mean?
@AustinHansen 2 года назад
“We respect your business, but not the country that it serves” strikes me as something John deliberately wrote to pad his own ego.
@bethryan9077 2 года назад
The BPD took the note to the Secret Service & they also hired 2 Renowned private experts, all 4 said No Ramsey wrote the note. **From the 1st week of 1997 til 2008, DNA testing was done at 3 separate labs. Within the 1st Two Weeks, the results of DNA testing were back - from under JB’s fingernails - unknown male DNA, mixed with JonBenet’s DNA. Steve Thomas kept this vital result from the DA for 7 months. Two spots of blood were in the underpants but Never tested. Steve Thomas constantly talked about the book he was going to write. It wasn’t until the grand jury was to convene that more DNA tests were ordered. The blood was JBs & Same unknown male DNA - saliva mixed in a spot of her blood in the underpants. This DNA from an unknown male wasn’t developed enough for CODIS at that stage. The BPD & Steve Thomas, who had Never worked a murder case Before, were ‘leaking’ false & misleading information to the media & the frenzy continued. Eventually the BPD were made to Publicly apologise for doing this to the family but This Fact has been forgotten/not known about by the general public. The BPD, whose officers Should have found JB early that morning though a Search for her was never carried out as it was a Ransom note. Three officers were tasked with checking entry & exit points, yet failed to pull open the cellar door & go in there & they Failed to go through the train room door also, thinking it was a cupboard door, they by-passed it. The broken window was Not where the perps got in the house, but That is Not the point. Only America & one other country still has a stupid grand jury system. It is unfair, unjust & doesn't work. The jurors only hear from the prosecution, who get to pick & choose what evidence is presented & which witnesses appear. There is no judge, no defence lawyers & No experts to rebut Whatever is presented. As a consequence, the jury vote on the side of the prosecution 98.6% of the time. And Steve Thomas withheld a great deal of vital evidence. The vote was never for murder. Unlike the jury, the general public & the media, the DA Saw all the evidence known about at that time as did Lou Smit, one of the best investigators in the country. The DNA alone Proved just how Wrong the jury Were. Steve Thomas illegally took evidence material from the BPD & resigned on national TV, an act that was unheard of in law enforcement history. Of course, that was the precursor for his book of BS, blaming Patsy because of a notepad & he commenced book tours. He was promptly sued for that book of lies, but soo many have forgotten about or don’t know about That also. He garnered money from the public for his defence but come time for court, he refused to get on the stand to back his Story. The case was settled out of court & he lost every cent. The investigation Continued along with a bevy of private investigators who had full integrity & worked tirelessly Unpaid to catch the highly sadistic killers of this child & at the same time, they hoped to save another. What guilty person, let alone Two, would subject themselves to soo many interviews with soo many reporters on national TV & for Years? NONE. The Ramseys continued that til Patsy died in 2006 & John continued the same & does to this day. Very few know about a libel case in 2003 - Wolfe vs Ramsey, where Federal Court Judge Carne got to go over the evidence known about at that stage. Carne declared the Ramseys factually innocent due to the 'Abundance of evidence that pointed to an intruder'. All can read that 93 page document online. She also had quite a bit to say about Steve Thomas in relation to his integrity as a police officer & all his BS in that book. She was particularly incensed about him stating a time of death for JB when he was not a doctor nor a pathologist. He did That to suit his own agenda & for that book, being for, his own financial gain. Carne was also quite scathing in relation to Cina Wong who tried to present evidence about that note when Wong had no qualifications to call herself a writing analyst let alone an expert & she never had the original copy of the note. Pages showing fake writing As If Patsy’s writing ‘samples’ & As If from police files, continue to appear on vids about this case. The pages are all Fake. Wong put out a video of course, showing a whiteboard with writing ‘samples’ As If Patsy’s, it’s all Fake. The public have Never seen Patsy’s writing. The Ramseys & Loads of others. who included known pedos, were Cleared by the DNA a Long time ago. The DNA from that unknown male was developed & has been in CODIS since 2003. The FBI’s national database only accepts Qualified DNA. Further testing in 2007 - Same unknown male DNA at 2 places on the waistband of the long-johns, on the inside & the outside there. The Ramseys were finally Exonerated publicly in 2008 due to All the evidence that Showed someone Was in the house, over 200 pieces of Plus the DNA from the unknown male, that had also cleared John Mark Karr who said he did it. Next testing in 2016 with Advanced forensics - 2 male DNA on the long-johns, one is hispanic. The other is a white guy, Seen crossing the Ramsey’s backyard after they left for the Whites Xmas dinner. This was reported & newsworthy at the time. All the false & misleading information given to the media by the BPD did push This vital piece of Evidence under the rug. Then all the books of BS with all the versions of Whatever, took the case into a whole new level & the BS continues. N.B. Who would Write a ransom note on their Own notepad & use their Own marker & then put both of those items near the phone For The Cops? There is something seriously Wrong with all those who believe Patsy did That! The public need to understand that this case hasn’t been to Trial yet & so - You Know Nothing About This Crime, The Case Or About What Was Actually Perpetrated Upon This Poor Child. BTW - Burke, Was Never Even A Suspect. The Bits You Think You Know About this Crime - Are NOT True. *You all need to get this Very Clear - You Do Not Know Better than some of the Best investigators in the country or the Expert crime scene techs or the Top forensic scientists or the FBI or the Secret Service or the DAs or the Federal Court Judge or the Boulder PD, who, for Many Years have Also stated that the Ramseys - Are Innocent. It’s 2022 & All is now Known - the 4 involved have been identified, 2 are dead, the BPD are holding things up. **The BPD have issued a statement via the media - 1st May, 2022
@bethryan9077 2 года назад
This is the problem for all those like yourself - you don't know anything about the crime, the case Or about what was Actually perpetrated Upon This Poor Child. The Authorities Plus Forensic Scientists, Proved Intruders Were in That house. The public are still back in the Old Days, you all need to Catch Up, it is Not still 1996, 1997, 1998. Expert investigators Continued Working This Case. Soo many in the public domain are stuck in a friggin Time Warp. The False & misleading information that is Still being portrayed on Most of the vids on Utube, is the Same False & Misleading information that media & books put out from Way Back Then. Wake Up America! Go do some Actual Research. Learn about the Actual evidence. You people have seen a few photos - pineapple in a bowl, flashlight on a bench, cord on a stick, writing on some pages. That is Not Evidence & most certainly Nothing to do with Evidence of Murder. Thank goodness you people didn't get to see More photos. LOL. FYI - there were Hundreds. Someone made a TV 'show' & told you all those items were evidence about the Ramseys & Burke, they Were Not. You have All been Hoodwinked. The ONLY piece that you people know about that Can be classed as evidence, is the notepad. THAT Was Used to Commit this crime. That Did come from the house. There is No Other Evidence From That House, that was Used To Commit This Crime. So what have you people got? Never ending stupid Crap that you all post, that Also has Nothing to do with the Murder of This Child. Access the autopsy photos that are online, they are shoulders up only. Have a good look at the burn on this child's cheek & the cord left embedded in her neck. There were also abrasions at the base of her neck from that cord, from earlier vile acts with that Bondage Device. That was Not a garrotte. Some Idiot thought that Word looked good for a Headline & in a Book, because of that One Photo. A garrotte has Two handles to work, Not One. Source the Photo of the Whole thing. What I have Already told you about That, is the True Facts. The Authentic autopsy report States about the rust coloured marks at each temple & the same rust coloured marks on the back of one leg. Crime scene photos Show the rusty log grabber in the Cellar. The authentic autopsy report can be found online, the 1st page has the symbol/emblem for Boulder County- That flashlight was Not a weapon used & that did Not belong to the Ramseys. The authentic autopsy report Proves JB did Not eat Any of that pineapple, Forensics Proved That. Patsy did Not write that note, the Experts Proved That & the Writing was Not the Only factor that Proved That, She Did NOT. Glenn Meyer took the notepad when he invited himself to their Xmas party on the 23rd, Simple as That. He organised this crime for Money, his 3 cohorts turned into something else. This was a very, Very well Planned crime for money & revenge. There are Many reasons why kidnapping has always been a rare crime. One has to take the time to Think about Why that is a Fact. The plan - JB was Never to be taken from that basement. It was always going to be 50/50 if the cops were called & they didn’t get that quick cash. They sure didn’t go to so much trouble & such high risk for Nothing. The taking of photos was their back-up for money. True Crime for a great many, is way too much to Fathom when you don’t know about the True Facts. The Ramseys were Officially Exonerated a Long time ago with a mountain of Actual Evidence & by Real experts, including Forensic Scientists. Just because you don’t Know about that evidence, does Not Mean that it doesn’t exist. The DNA from an unknown male has been in CODIS since 2003. Give the FBI a call. Clearly you people need to Learn what DNA is About. You have been watching TV for over 25 Years & you Choose to believe it All, as long as it’s Against - the Ramseys. You don’t care which one, Or, you decide on all 3. Yet, you don’t even know about ANY Actual Evidence. Shame on every one of You. This case - Has Never Been To Trial & so, You have Never Seen the Case Evidence. What sort of people say all they do about this Very Kind family, when you have Never even Seen Any of the Evidence about the Crime? Loads of you even Demean this murdered little girl also & since 2016, her 9 year old brother too, because of a Bogus TV ‘show’ that was put out by a pack of Con Artists. Burke was Never even a suspect & was interviewed That afternoon when he was still at the Whites by detective Patterson, Neither parent was present, Nor did they know that was happening. Patterson spoke Publicly after that BS ‘show’ & said Burke knew Nothing & was Very worried that his sister was still missing. None of you even Know what was Actually perpetrated upon JonBenet, nor do you Care to Find Out, because you’re all too busy spouting all your hateful Garbage about a case that You Know Nothing About & At a fine Upstanding family who Didn’t Do A Damn Thing & who, In Fact, were Victims.. Soo many down these threads, all sites, are an Absolute Disgrace & that’s just another True Fact. A great many people say that 'it doesn't add up'. But, soo many people, Don't Know Any True Facts about - Anything & so, you are Not in the position to say - that it doesn't add up. All Ramseys were Proven Innocent with a mountain of Actual evidence & eventually by a bunch of Seasoned Experts, including Forensic Scientists. All those under the umbrella of Law Enforcement who Saw 'Facts In Evidence' which Included the autopsy photos, the photo of the skull & the Authentic autopsy report. . . Until this case is brought to trial for criminal proceedings, the general public will Never get to know the True Facts about this case. Unless you start some Actual Research online, but that takes a whole lot of hard slog & one needs some experience just to tell the difference between a fake document & an authentic one. The vids are Still full of False & Misleading information whether old TV programmes or new Utube 'shows' & both show Fake pages put up on the screen As If from police files, the Same False & misleading information in soo many books. All of this BS has been going around for Over 25 years & counting. People need to wake up to themselves. Obviously too many in the public domain believe all that they read in trashy magazines too.
@michelleper5065 2 года назад
you cant have this type operation in the 1990's without inside participation, simply cant, anyone who lived in the 70's 80's 90s and even 2000's first decade can tell you that.
@castricv 2 года назад
100% this. I can hear a pampered beauty queen oblivious to normal appearances not being able to resist still pumping up their own image. That coupled with a need to shift blame onto coworkers etc. This case is not hard. The note itself is damming to me
@bethryan9077 2 года назад
@@castricv I hear a load of stupid crap from absolute twits who are obviously Jealous of fine upstanding people who they Never Even Knew.
@vialogan 11 месяцев назад
How did the killer know to leave the ransom note specifically on the back staircase, where Patsy said she always came down in the morning? Why was Patsy still dressed and in full makeup from the night before? Why would an intruder target and kill JB but never ever commit another crime that would add their DNA to Codis? Why leave a ransom note for a child you don't kidnap? Why ask for a ransom in the exact amount of John's bonus? What kidnapper or murderer, ever in the history of mankind, has taken time to sit at the mother's desk, use her pen and paper, and write out, not a note but a 3 page letter, and not once but in several versions, AND throw the "bad" versions into the trash at the desk? I don't think this case is complicated at all. I think the Ramseys conducted a clever PR campaign, starting with immediately impugning the police. Applying the principle of Occam's Razor, it's all very clear. One of 3 people got away with murder.
@bethryan9077 11 месяцев назад
The Boulder PD hired 2 private handwriting analysts & they also took the note to the Secret Service for 2 of Their experts, all 4 said NO Ramsey wrote the note. The Ramsey’s attorneys also hired 2 of the best in the country & both said the same. A few of the letters had the formation Similar to the formation of Some of Patsy’s letters because that’s how it was SET UP To BE. The letter formations were Not the only aspect that told the Real experts that NO Ramsey was involved in the writing of that Ridiculous note. And, the public have Never SEEN Patsy’s actual writing. From the 1st week of 1997 til 2007, DNA testing was done at 3 separate labs. Within the 1st Two Weeks, the results of DNA testing were back - from under both of JB’s pinkie fingernails - Unknown male DNA, mixed with JonBenet’s DNA. Steve Thomas & his cronies kept this vital result from the DA for 7 months & so of course, the public too. The same Steve Thomas who had Never worked a murder case before but later went on to Pretend that he was lead detective & he still does. Two spots of blood were in the underpants but that was Never tested. Steve Thomas got around the office constantly talking about the book he was going to write. It wasn’t until the grand jury were to convene when the Ramsey’s attorneys found out about the 2 spots of blood & the DA finally ordered that to be tested. The blood was JBs plus Unknown male DNA being saliva mixed in one spot of the blood. This DNA from an unknown male wasn’t developed enough for CODIS at that stage. Desperate Thomas worked Very hard to keep the Fact that there was now Two lots of Unknown male DNA evidence, from the media & so from the public domain. The BPD were ‘leaking’ false & misleading information to the media from the very beginning & the frenzy continued. Eventually the BPD were made to Publicly apologise for doing this to the family but This Fact has been forgotten/not known about by the general public. The BPD’s cops Should have found JB early that morning, though a Search for her was never carried out as it was a Ransom note. Three officers were tasked with checking entry & exit points, yet failed to pull open the cellar door & go in there & they failed to go through the train room door also, thinking it was a cupboard door, they by-passed it. Two of them went around the exterior at separate times early that morning, one with a flashlight. Both failed to see those windows under the grate where one was clearly broken at the top section, being a gaping hole. That broken window was Not where the perps got in the house, but That is Not the point. *Only America & one other country still has a stupid grand jury system. It is unfair, unjust & doesn't work. The jurors only hear from the prosecution, who get to pick & choose what evidence is presented & which witnesses appear. There is no judge, no defence lawyers & unless subpoenaed by the prosecution - No experts to rebut Whatever is presented. As a consequence, the jury vote on the side of the prosecution 98.6% of the time. And the BPD withheld a great deal of vital evidence. FYI - the vote was Not for murder. Unlike the jury, the general public & the media, the DA actually Saw all the evidence known about at that time as did Lou Smit, one of the best investigators in the country. Less than half the States, still have this abysmal grand jury system. The DNA alone Proved just how Wrong the jury Were. The jurors were Conned into believing Patsy wrote that Ridiculous note, that’s All.* The investigators Present refused to target the Ramseys but unfortunately Steve Thomas was brought into the case 3 days later & his goal was to make a name for himself. 18 months later he illegally took evidence material from the BPD, snuck off on a ruse & then resigned on national TV, an act that was unheard of in law enforcement history. Of course, the reading of his Pathetic letter blaming the DA for his Own failings, was his Marketing Ploy for his book of BS, blaming Patsy because of a notepad & he commenced book tours. He was promptly sued for that book of Lies, but soo many have forgotten about or don’t know about That, either. He garnered money from the public for his defence but come time for court, he refused to get on the stand to back his ‘Story’. The case was settled out of court & he lost every cent of the hundreds of thousands of dollars he made from that book. The investigation Continued with a bevy of actual Seasoned private investigators who had full integrity & worked tirelessly Unpaid to catch the highly sadistic killers of this child & at the same time, they hoped to save another. What guilty person, let alone Two, would subject themselves to soo many interviews with soo many reporters on national TV & for Years? NONE. The Ramseys continued that til Patsy died in 2006 & John continued the same & does to this day. Very few know about a libel case in 2003 - Wolf vs Ramsey, where Federal Court Judge Carnes got to go over the evidence known about at that stage. Carnes declared the Ramseys factually innocent due to the 'Abundance of evidence that pointed to an intruder'. All can read that 93 page document online. She also had quite a bit to say about Steve Thomas in relation to his role as a police officer & about some of the BS in his book. She was particularly incensed about him stating a time of death for JB when he was not a doctor nor a pathologist. He made up a time of death to suit his own agenda & for that book, being for, his own financial gain. Carnes was also quite scathing in relation to Cina Wong who tried to present evidence about that note when Wong had no qualifications to call herself a writing analyst let alone an expert & she never had the original copy of the note. There was No basis for that case to go forward to trial so Wolf lost. Pages showing fake writing As If Patsy’s writing ‘samples’ & As If from police files, continue to appear on vids about this case. The pages are all Fake. Wong put out a video of course, showing a whiteboard with samples of the letters from the note down columns & letters Next to those, exactly the same, As If Patsy wrote those letters, it’s all Fake. Every man & his dog has been out to make Money off the back of this high profile crime. The Ramseys & Loads of others, including known pedos, were Cleared by the DNA a Long time ago. The DNA from one of the unknown males was developed & has been in CODIS since 2003. The FBI’s national database only accepts Qualified DNA. Further testing in 2007 - same unknown male DNA as from the underpants at 2 places on the waistband of the long-johns, on the inside & the outside there. The Ramseys were finally Exonerated publicly & Officially in 2008 due to All the evidence that Showed someone Was in the house, over 200 pieces of, Plus the DNA from the unknown male, that had also cleared John Mark Karr in 2006, who said he did it. Next testing in 2016 with Advanced forensics - 2 male DNA on the long-johns, one is hispanic. The other is a white guy, Seen crossing the Ramsey’s backyard after they left for the White’s Xmas dinner. This was reported & newsworthy at the time. All the false & misleading information given to the media by the BPD did push this vital piece of Evidence under the rug. Then all the books of BS with all the versions of Whatever, took the case into a whole new level & the never ending same old same old False information continues with many making up New false information for the titillation factor. Years down the track James Kolar was in the office of the DA, Mary Lacy, for a very short time & was Fired. He also ran off to write His book of BS & blamed Burke because he needed new fodder. Like Steve Thomas, Kolar had Never worked a murder case either. His ‘Story’ was so ludicrous, no publisher would touch it. He had to pay to self-publish & to very poor sales. He was & still is, just Another con artist & Proven Liar. Then CBS heard the sound of Kerching & that Bogus ‘show’ was aired in 2016, predominately blaming Burke & that’s why Kolar was on there like a Snake in the grass. *NOBODY would Write 3 pages of 365 words & numbers as a ransom note plus use their Own notepad & use their Own marker & then put both of those items near the phone For The COPS. There is something seriously Wrong with all those who believe Patsy did That!* The next Commander in charge by the name of Mark Beckner, was put in place in December 1997. He eventually found some integrity & publicly stated in 2015, words to the effect - “when the owner of the DNA is found, there’s your killer”. *All highly ignorant Ramsey bashers need to get this Very Clear - You Do NOT Know Better than some of the Best investigators in the country or the Expert crime scene techs or the Top forensic scientists or the FBI or the Secret Service or the DAs or the Federal Court Judge or John Douglas or Lou Smit OR the Boulder PD, who, for Many Years & to this day Also state that the Ramseys - ARE Innocent. **The Boulder PD issued a statement via the media - 1st May, 2022. Recently a cold case team were put together & have now started working this case. The government are Not spending Loads of $$ going after the Proven INNOCENT Ramseys.
@innocentnemesis3519 9 месяцев назад
And the other two helped them get away with it.
@krumplethemal8831 8 месяцев назад
You ask great questions. You make good points. However; guessing one of the three is guilty is hardly good enough. Surely Occams razor can do better.
@vialogan 8 месяцев назад
@@krumplethemal8831 Absolutely! I was trying to be brief:) I have my theory but have been strongly criticized by those who disagree so I no longer share it openly. Happy New Year!
@bethryan9077 8 месяцев назад
@@vialogan Oh pleease LOL, you have jackshit to back up your mouth, That's why you Can't elaborate. BTW deary, what part of Exonerated do you Not understand?
@NoName-cp4ct 2 года назад
About the note dissuading readers from calling the police, it might have been done, because it is a cliché of ransom notes. After that, Patsy might have thought: "Now, to look less suspicious, I should be the one who called 911". I don't think that the discrepancy between the note and the actions of Patsy (supposing she is the killer) is necessarily a contradiction.
@IamtheBalan 2 года назад
exactly! the mere fact that it seems to be exonerating is damning
@TaylorC1624 2 года назад
I think that was his point like why not even consider not calling police of note threatened murder
@dominicwalker1899 2 года назад
100%. The mother calling the police actually helps a guilty party because it serves as reason for the daughter to be found dead. Not a contradiction at all. I'm almost certain it was simply the mother and father colluding. Too many circumstances point to it being the case
@DonnaLena1 2 года назад
The likenesses between Patsy’s handwriting and that found in the note is impossible to overlook, unless you have a motive, like the wealth of John and Patsy. Besides, why would anyone murder a child, leave a ransom note, yet leave her body in the house? You can’t ignore the note and still have your opinion taken seriously.
@tedros6917 2 года назад
i agree that someone writing "don't call the police" in a ransom note and then proceeding to call the police isn't an immediate contradiction to them being culpable, but for this specific instance, i think it is, for the simple reason that the body was still in the house. what kind of idiot would call the police before she even got rid of the body? she called at 6 in the morning, she certainly had time to at least attempt to get rid of it. especially because the body being found in the house basically renders the kidnapper/ransom story completely illogical
@scottpowers9367 2 года назад
This is probably the most in depth breakdown of this case I’ve ever seen. Kudos for the easy to follow format for each angle. (and Dracula reading the ransom note was a nice touch too)
@realhousewifeoftransylvania1.0 2 года назад
@jezebulls 2 года назад
Lmao. Such a nice touch. “And you shall give up your first born on the fourth night of the new moon!” 🦇🩸
@jacquelinea3358 2 года назад
Yes! That accent was too much.
@SqualingtonConstantine 2 года назад
It's so eerie to know that this "kidnapper" didn't just leave the house with JonBenét. They just took her to the wine cellar in the basement. Definitely get how that female officer felt when she watched John carrying JonBenét's body up the stairs. The killer was still in the house.
@kcal12 2 года назад
Yeah but how unprofessional was it from the Detective to be swayed by emotions and not facts, on television. Idk, that's all nice and good that she had some internal gut feeling, but it means nothing.
@SuCKeRPunCH187 2 года назад
if it was a kidnapping, why go out through the basement. Why not leave through the front door. If she died accidently take the letter back, that is evidence that could lead back to you.
@bethryan9077 2 года назад
Linda Arndt wrote a favourable report about the Ramseys to the BPD & said their behaviour was appropriate to the circumstances. The media went into a frenzy because the body was found in the house & they considered that to have been on Arndt's watch & it was actually Her who moved the body to the living room. It was the BPD's Cops, at the house early that morning Who Should Have Found JB, Not her poor father that afternoon. The BPD went into damage control to save their Own asses & so the BS began. Arndt was put on desk duties, didn’t like what was going on in the office & was gone by May. Her next job was as a tree lopper. Many today believe Arndt was the only officer at the house all day when That is not true. She later tried to sue the BPD for Money but lost the case. Next - she had great acting lessons for that Performance on national TV because she was after a book deal Too. Her report to the BPD was in the public domain & so, she was Caught as a Liar & later retracted all she said in that abysmal interview. BTW - she knew Full Well the note said Tomorrow. When Patsy was dying, Arndt went to see her & apologised for all she had said for the TV audience & vowed to help find the killer of their child BTW - Arndt didn't see John carrying his child up the stairs. She started towards the basement door just as he rushed out & she told him to put the body on the floor, which was the foyer.
@bethryan9077 2 года назад
From the 1st week of 1997 til 2008, the DNA testing was done at 3 separate labs - unknown male DNA & Matching from - under JB's fingernails, saliva mixed in a spot of her blood in the underpants, touch DNA at 2 places on the waistband of the long-johns, on the inside & outside there. The DNA has been in CODIS since 2003. The Ramseys were finally Exonerated publicly in 2008 due to All the evidence that Showed someone Was in the house, over 200 pieces of plus the DNA that had already Cleared them All including known pedos & John Mark Karr who said he did it. That DNA continued to Clear people & Still. Further testing in 2016 with Advanced forensics - 2 male DNA on the long-johns, one is Hispanic.
@shadetreader 2 года назад
The fact that they have a wine cellar shows that they're probably guilty. #EatTheRich
@ginafitzpatrick5083 8 месяцев назад
I find it suspicious that the notepad and pen were returned to the hall table and that a practice note was found in the kitchen drawer.
@bethryan9077 4 месяца назад
This case is The biggest Chinese Whisper game in history.
@brittanyhyatt3407 4 месяца назад
@@bethryan9077 just curious are you a member of the Ramsay family or just highly obsessed with this case? I’ve seen hundreds of comments from you from all the way back to when this video was first uploaded til just 5 days ago. If you’re not a family friend or related to the Ramsays you need serious help.
@bethryan9077 4 месяца назад
@@brittanyhyatt3407 I am someone who knows pretty much Everything about this case & I tell the True Facts & so, I am Educating the public. It is Not my problem that You & soo many like you, Don't Know ANY. I am Not intimidated by the hate-filled Mob like Yourself, posting your never ending Gobshite about every member of this poor family including this Little Girl. You also live under the Delusion, that you Own the comment sections. You do Not. It is Not my fault that there are soo many highly ignorant Ramsey Bashers running around with your heads firmly planted up your own a##es & then there’s all the brainwashed zombies who also Can’t Stand to be shown you are Wwwrong. FYI - there are millions of Normal people in this world who are actually Interested in getting to the Truth about this case. You can get off on deriding me for No reason at all but that also just points to Your abysmal Character deary. I am Proud to defend these Proven innocent people & at the same time, I am advocating for JB herself. “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing”. People in your country just Love to hate on their betters, that's why the tabloid magazines still proliferate. The never ending Fooltube shows about this poor little girl’s murder - one big fat tabloid magazine. One would think that you people would have wised up by now but No, it's too much fun to run every member of this fine upstanding family right down to the ground hey. Shame on you all.
@ZijnShayatanica 2 месяца назад
​@@brittanyhyatt3407Someone in another comment said that account reeked of a Ramsey family burner account & I noticed the amusing parallel that "Beth Ryan" has the same initials as "Burke Ramsey", lolol But I agree - regardless of if they're involved or not, it definitely seems unhealthy.
@jimmyzhao2673 2 года назад
These child 'beauty pageants' are freaky and should be banned.
@ransakreject5221 2 года назад
They are freaky yeah. But if someone wants to make their kid up and put em on a stage it’s their business. Not yours. Your kid is your business.
@whitedragoness23 2 года назад
@@ransakreject5221 even abuse, and being taken advantage of? No kid should be paraded around like a full grown woman in adult clothes. Some kids I see wear clothes parents force them to wear skimpy clothes with explicit words which is offensive to women.
@ransakreject5221 2 года назад
@@whitedragoness23 I agree that it’s weird
@agoo7581 2 года назад
@@ransakreject5221 Child abuse is the business of the community, not the parents. Your take is fucking horrible.
@ransakreject5221 2 года назад
@@WrathofFenrir99 quibbles
@phffffbt 2 года назад
I feel like the only thing I'm confident in is that Patsy wrote the note.
@ZimtPorridge 2 года назад
The comparison of "electronic" had me shook. No way that was written by two different people.
@juanantonio5319 2 года назад
Who the hell spells "Ramsey" the proper way on their first try, and how many people do any of you know that write their lowercase A's like "a".
@chellefell1331 2 года назад
one word. attaché.
@observant6953 2 года назад
I was laughing so hard when they read that ransom note. It's so ridiculous from top to bottom :-D
@dennistrull1475 2 года назад
If Patsy wrote the note, that narrows the perp list considerably.
@iulia.bianca.b 2 года назад
Wanted to add that JonBenett's life was "worth" 118K, and it sounds ridiculous that she was killed in a panic, inside the house, WITH A GARROTTE, that was made with materials found around the house. Whaaaa? How does that even make sense? It's so illogical that it is baffling.
@truth4004 2 года назад
not if the son did. it he could have written the letter beforehand pre planning.
@iulia.bianca.b 2 года назад
@@truth4004 That's a whole another theory. I still to this day believe Burke killed her because he was jealous and struck her with a blunt object in a moment of anger. But I was referring to the intruder theory. It's so illogical that it is mind blowing. No intruder would have killed the kid that was worth the ransom money in a panic, much less with a weapon crafted inside the house the kid is being kidnapped off from. Such a nonsensical sequence of events. It's hard to understand how some people still believe the intruder theory.
@Tradeofjane 2 года назад
Not entirely correct. Tools of control, like the duck tape, and a possible stun gun were never found. It's believed that the killer brought it with him and that he may have hid under the bed in the guest bedroom on the second floor.
@christinafidance340 2 года назад
@@iulia.bianca.b Because it was NEVER about money. Not if it was a sexual predator. In that case, the ransom note was a red herring (or maybe they actually wanted to take her, but got too excited in the moment. I think the guy had plenty of time to write that note cuz he snuck in when they were out of the house all day since it WAS Christmas Day and that is to be expected.
@lindseykathryn5746 2 года назад
@@truth4004 Not likely, he was eight years old, there's no way possible for him to have split her skull like that without many, many, many blows being involved no matter what object was involved. As far as I'm aware it was a single blow. Also Burk is definitely on the spectrum for autism, you can tell that from the interview he did, to think that Burk with his mental struggles plus only his young age could have the mental where withal to mastermind this whole thing good enough to confound the cops is a bit of a stretch.
@JuniperArtemis16 4 месяца назад
Very late commenting on this video as I just found your channel, but I want to thank you for including pictures of JonBenet that aren’t her pageant pictures. Showing her as a student in her kindergarten class, riding her bike, eating snacks at home, I can’t believe I’ve never seen some of these photos depicting her as she was. Not just a pageant princess with wigs and lipstick and tiaras, but a normal kid.
@gordoncrawford6300 2 года назад
you're one of the few youtubers i will literally drop everything to watch when you release a video
@AllisonMarieArmstrong 2 года назад
@TheVeryAngryShrimp 2 года назад
What's the country your ball icon's from?
@gordoncrawford6300 Год назад
@@TheVeryAngryShrimp Sorry I didn't see this until now, it's the flag of the county I'm from that I designed
@MitchellWiggs 2 года назад
Eventually it starts to look less like a crime scene and more like a dinner party with half the city walking all over the house
@bethryan9077 2 года назад
Mr & Mrs White, Mr & Mrs Fernie & their pastor = 5 Only. . The Cops called 2 victim's advocates to come. 8 cops & detectives arrived at various times that morning & walked around all over. Give the lousy Cops a call & have a big Whinge To Them.
@cupcakeluvbug 2 года назад
Can someone quickly explain to me why you would write a ransom note, and then leave the individual in the house, with the note?
@jonseon5952 2 года назад
Because you're not really a hostage taker, but you want to make the crime scene look like a botched kidnapping, but you're also a wealthy parent who doesn't know what a botched kidnapping should really look like so you're making it up on the spot.
@tonymaiorano2749 2 года назад
@kvol1668 2 года назад
It's staging after the murder by the responsible to misdirect police. Kr it was left with the intention of kidnapping but something about that plan went extremely wrong in implementation.
@cupcakeluvbug 2 года назад
@@tonymaiorano2749 yeah tbh that makes sense! But one has to then ask, where was that panic during the drafting of the note? Maybe it was written prior to the attack, and after they panicked during the act. Maybe.
@eliseintheattic9697 2 года назад
It's one of the bizarre elements of this case. I think there may have been a kidnapping planned and something went wrong.
@Mad_Leroy 9 месяцев назад
55:54 No, that doesn’t disprove the “Patsy did it” theory. That’s just an easy way for her to give the “kidnappers” a reason to kill Jon Benét. If she’d already killed her at this time, she needed a reason for Jon Benét to be dead.
@MCDreng 5 месяцев назад
The entire note is meant to give the parents an alibi for dumping the body imo. John was to go out in the morning after reading the note with a big suitcase, ostensibly to pick up money from the bank for the kidnappers, and then come back at which point they call the police, where they can then say "well, she's dead because we called you." I think the stress of the situation got to Patsy and she called the police early.
@strictlycam 2 месяца назад
In regards to the DNA I will never believe it was significant...even if it was in multiple places. Think of the places it was found. Left and right side of the waist band, and on the panties. Well what do you do with the left and right side of your waist band? You pull it up while holding both sides. You also use those same hands when handling your underwear. The idea that it's saliva is laughable. Why? Because it was so miniscule that it doesn't make sense to be saliva. That would mean the killer licked or spit on the waistband of her long Johns, and also licked or spit in the seat of her undies, but managed to deposit such a small amount of saliva that it couldn't even be properly tested. A full lick or spit should have rendered a solid complete profile. It is assumed that it was spit, but what was found is amylase. Amylase is found in spit, blood, urine, and SWEAT. Is it not probable that perhaps while interacting that night with a bunch of people..shaking hands etc that the sweat/skin cells of someone transferred to someone else? Whoever dressed Jonbenet that night and pulled up her undies and pulled up her long Johns, couldn't have transferred those skin cells on to those areas? I would be more inclined to believe it if it was a substantial amount of transfer because if it was the killer the transfer is coming directly from the source. A small amount tell me it was transferred from sources.
@ginger7344 2 года назад
To think she should be 31 years old is mind boggling
@AndHence 2 года назад
2 reasons to claim that Jonbenet was immediately put in bed without waking up: 1. To minimize the possiblity of interactions between her and the rest of the family before her death. 2. To maximize the time available for an imaginary intruder to work his magic.
@bethryan9077 Год назад
This is the problem for all those like Yourself - you don't know Anything about the crime, the case Or about what was Actually perpetrated upon this poor Child nor do you Care to Find Out what Really happened to JonBenet, because you're all too busy bangin on with a load of Endless Rubbish about her whole family. The same menagerie of people who are Misinformed, Naive, Ignorant, Rude, Aggressive, Abusive, Despicable & downright Stupid. The Same people who denigrate the Ramseys for a blink of an eye & accuse them of abuse for No sound reason as well as the accusations of vile acts against Both Kids plus the sadistic Murder of their adored 6 year old little girl. Then there's all those who are even Worse & say the Same about JB's 9 year old Kid brother. You all post your crap about this fine upstanding family who were In Fact - All Proven Innocent a Long Long time ago. BTW - who would Write a ransom note & on their Own notepad & use their Own marker & then put both of those items near the phone For The Cops! Only morons believe Patsy did That! Loads of you Make Up more stupid Shite & post about your ‘observations’ as if you are seasoned investigators working the case that Must Have happened Recently. LOL. Comment pages full of never ending mindless thought processes due to your severe Lack of Knowledge, Hateful hearts & then there's all the Envy going on. The Ramseys were Proven Innocent, due to a mountain of something called Evidence & by a bunch of Real experts under the umbrella of Law Enforcement, who included Forensic Scientists. Just because You Don't Know about that evidence, Does NOT Mean that it doesn't Exist. The Exoneration of all the Ramseys in 2008 was just from evidence that was known about way back at that time. FYI - the investigation Continued. All of you brainwashed zombies are running around trying to feel all important & so smart yet don't even have 3 brain cells left to realise that - this case hasn't been to trial & so, the Actual Evidence about the case was Not released to the media & So, not on your TV. Loads of unscrupulous people have made loads of Dollars from people like You. Doh. Then there's the Industry of so-called 'experts' who say Whatever & you all lap it up with fervent Glee. You watch TV, pick out what you Choose to believe, then post that on these sites As If facts whilst at the same time dreaming up more BS & posting that As If factual too. Yawn. Some people have done actual Research, isn't that Shocking. You & your like watch TV shows full of False & misleading information & read books of BS & then repeat it all like well trained monkeys at a Zoo. Go Learn what DNA is for a Start. The DNA that was Collected, several places on JB’s person. The DNA from an Unknown Male, that has been in CODIS since 2003 & which Means - NO Ramseys At All. You all need to get this Very Clear - You Do Not Know Better than some of the Best investigators in the country or the Expert crime scene techs or the Top forensic scientists or the FBI or the Secret Service or the DAs or the Federal Court Judge or the Boulder PD, who, for Many Years have Also stated that the Ramseys - Are Innocent. **The Boulder PD have issued a statement via the media - 1st May, 2022
@bethryan9077 Год назад
The kids had been up since 6 a.m. that Xmas Day morning, playing all day & with friends & Again for half the night at the White's Xmas dinner party. JB fell into an Exhausted sleep when they got in the car at about 9.30 p.m. to go home. She was Only 6 years old. She did Not wake up after that. The 'imaginings' - are from all those like Yourself who can't possibly Fathom what happened at any stage because of the lack of brain cells & Common Sense.
@vicksta8875 Год назад
@zeppelin_7245 Год назад
@AndHence I love your username
@AndHence Год назад
@@zeppelin_7245 Thank you 🙂
@lexxluthor2166 2 года назад
Obviously an intruder would have to know this house, where her bedroom is, the dark room in the basement, the notepad, taking the time to write 3 pages, and leave that note on the rear stairs knowing that stairs is used instead of the others? Why not just leave it on the counter?! The Ramsey family know what happened to her!
@Lynx112 2 года назад
They were well knowing for giving tours to show off their home, and quite a crowd a few times, one man could have slipped away for 2/3 mins or as I believe he was already in the home, he entered while they were out, as he had done before to a family close by.
@veronicachestnut4263 2 года назад
uhhh unless it was a kidnapping gone wrong... the neighbors heard her scream bc the pipe in the room she was killed went outside to where the neighbors heard a scream so loud.they tested it and u couldn't hear anything in the upstairs 2-3 floors- across the street though it was blaring when they forensically tested that!Also, the notepad was next to her body and the paint brushes bc tht is where pasty stored her art supplies... also whose unknown male DNA was found on the band of her long johns and underwear? stop ✋ u are talking rumors not facts. this is why this case wasn't and hasn't been solved.. bc of uneducated ppl blaming the wrong CLEARED PPL! John Ramsey lost everything .. his daughter, wife to cancer, his reputation, his business and money! stop blaming innocent ppl with false fake narratives! this is why this case wasn't,isn't, and who knows now if it will EVER BE solved 🙄 so 👏 round of applause for all of you conspiracy theorists and rumor based people! bravo! good job! 🙄
@nickrustyson8124 2 года назад
@@Lynx112 Or got in by the broken window
@teresafarrell6457 2 года назад
Pimped her out to fellow Freemason.
@nickrustyson8124 2 года назад
@@veronicachestnut4263 Also the BPD is at fault too, given how they allowed the public in, didn't have a flashlight for somereason, and how emotional some detectives were during interviews
Jonbenet Ramsey
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The murder mystery of JonBenet Ramsey (2016)
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The Scott Peterson Affair
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The Weird World of Cults
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Narcissist tries to be a Serial Killer, Fails
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EXCLUSIVE: New Letter in JonBenét Ramsey Case Revealed
The Coldest Case Ever Solved
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