
The Esoteric Path Very Few Walk On: Mysticism Part 1 

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Mysticism transcends the boundaries of culture, history, and whichever religious tradition that it appears within.
Whether it is Christian mystics seeking union with God, Hindu mystics striving for realisation of the Atman, or Sufi mystics aiming for a direct
experience of Allah, the underlying human longing for a deeper connection with the divine is the universal thread that unites all mystical traditions.
Despite the diversity of cultural or religious contexts, mystical experiences often share common features.
Mystics from different cultures and religions report very similar encounters with the ineffable, as well as an overwhelming sense of unity and interconnectedness and a dissolution of the sense of separate self.
These experiences of oneness with the divine or ultimate reality are described using different cultural and religious symbols, yet they point to a shared human capacity to transcend the ordinary.
The methods and practices employed in mysticism also exhibit cross-cultural similarities.
Whether it is meditation in Buddhism, contemplative prayer in Christianity, or Sufi rituals of zikr in Islam, mystics engage in various contemplative and devotional practices to still the mind, open the heart, and create a conducive space for a direct experience of the divine.
#mysticism #kundalini #spirituality
Script: Matt Mackane
Voiceover: Matt Mackane
Edit: Medo
Score: Epidemic Music x Original Score
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29 авг 2023




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@Asangoham 10 месяцев назад
“A person has only one will and if that is encumbered or occupied by anything, the person will not possess the freedom, solitude, and purity requisite for divine transformation.” - St John of the cross Stay tuned for part 2 and 3!
@sayantanmitra7405 10 месяцев назад
Stop relataing or comparing Hindu mistic with any other mistic
@nicolasnicolas3889 10 месяцев назад
@@sayantanmitra7405 There's no religion with Mysticism, just the journey to the true self and God.....
@humanzord9397 10 месяцев назад
Great video! Looking forward to the next parts!
@karmapeople1735 10 месяцев назад
@@buffortj Stop laying out God's rules. Most sages talk about the same experience, now you can seek a "different" set of experiences, but I'll be satisfied with the ones they talk about.
@m.scottmcgahan9900 9 месяцев назад
Did you even listen to what he was saying? He specifically cited Ramakrishna saying: "He believed that all religions were valid paths to the same ultimate truths and encouraged his disciples to embrace their own faith while respecting and understanding other religious traditions." How is this saying in any way that whatever experience they have is the only way absolute truth? Stop throwing your own personal prejudices up in front of whatever you look at and actually listen to what is being said.@@buffortj
@project-unifiedfreepeoples 10 месяцев назад
Lose yourself in silence. Find yourself in silence. Liberate yourself in silence. Find a profound peace in silence. If you can not find silence, then you are ready to lose yourself in silence.
@Firsowoq 10 месяцев назад
This reminds me of Ramana Maharshi 🙏
@project-unifiedfreepeoples 10 месяцев назад
@TruthisfoundinGod you truly are amazing and I am sincerely grateful to have had the opportunity to learn from you. May peace and prosperity be upon you always.
@SelfAugment 9 месяцев назад
I can personally vouch for the power of silence. The most profound spiritual moments of my life have been conducted in silence, affirmation, and prayer. God bless you. 🙏
@project-unifiedfreepeoples 9 месяцев назад
@SelfAugment I stand with you proudly. I started my practices in a dark place underground, in pure silence. After a couple of years, silencing the mind was difficult but accomplishable. When the Sun and Moon were as Shiva and Shakti, the energy serpent did flower, and the great silence was broken. All the chakras move as one, and all the senses became heightened. The self i was died that day. Now I am but a tree, a stone, water ever moving. Pure awareness, consciousness and nothing more. You are me, and we are one, within Prajapati. May peace, love, and prosperity be with you always, my dear one! Aum Shanti Shanti Shanti
@KitSouther 9 месяцев назад
Beautifully said 🙏🫶
@cecilcharlesofficial 8 месяцев назад
It's like this: "We don't choose our thoughts. We don't choose our feelings." ~ Alan Watts. The purpose of meditation is two-fold. The looking itself is all that's required. But the looking, especially at one's thoughts and feelings, reveals that one never chooses one's thoughts. Nor one's feelings. Even the rational ones just appear in your awareness, either as ideas in your head or sensations somewhere in your body. In any given moment your thoughts and feelings may be the obvious consequence of your environment (something you see, for ex), or maybe they're what we'd call 'inspiration'... the secret is "It doesn't matter - you don't choose any of them." And when you realize that your thoughts and your body sensations make up the entirety of what we call 'experience,' then we start to realize "Oh, we're not in control at all." This doesn't imply determinism, since who knows where thoughts come from. Mathematicians are realizing there's randomness in electron position, which means determinism is bunk anyway. But what it stlll means is that there's no such thing as control. There never was. You've lived your whole life this way, feeling mostly in control, but actually not being in control at all. And whether this idea resonates with you is not up to you. However, if you're honest, you'll see: thoughts just appear. Even the logical ones. You don't choose what you desire. You don't choose what other thoughts arise to argue with yourself about what you just thought. It means you can't escape your conscience either. It's always there. But it changes when you realize you're not the chooser. Because when you're the chooser, you have to defend your thoughts. You have to justify them. Except some of our thoughts are bad. When we see we're not the chooser, we can admit to ourselves that a) we didn't choose XYZ bad thought, but also that it's still bad. That's honesty. That's therapy. And when you start to admit you're not driving (because how can a conscious awareness that doesn't choose its own thoughts or its own preferences - how would that ever be driving?) you start to watch yourself in the detached state that Lord Krishna describes. But 'selfless' doesn't mean 'egalitarian.' It's the feeling of not driving. Which, when you start to be totally honest with yourself IS the feeling you've had this whole time. Except, in your not driving up until now, you've been (without choosing) believing yourself to be the chooser. You weren't, but you thought you were. Any time control got wrested away (when your temper gets up, or life throws you a wrench) you get resentful because it feels like control was taken away. This version of you clenches inside at anxiety in an effort to keep your fear at bay. But perhaps you can see, intellectually, what I'm talking about. And then all you have to do is start to watch. And admit you're not in control. Of anything. Again, there are always consequences. And our conscience - we will always feel things are right or wrong. But now we can judge our selves dispassionately, and admit our faults, at least just to ourselves. And we can take time to put our mind's focus on the anxiety we feel at all times. Because we must give it its due for it to go away. We must willingly feel it. Breath work works because it forces you to feel the stitches of anxiety in your abdomen. Exercise works because it forces you to feel your body. The secret: feel. Sensation. Feel it. Focus on it. Accept the SENSATION of whatever it is in the moment and the SENSATION of however you react to it, and you learn it's your habitual unwillingness to feel (fear, anxiety, embarrassment) that makes us lash out when we perceive an emotional threat. So that's it. We're not in control of anything, but that's always how it's been and things still matter. But we can be honest when we see we're not the chooser. And learning to feel fear and anxiety - like, with your mind, focused on the icky feeling in your body, at every moment you can remember to, is how your body begins to open and accept grace. It's faith.
@SlushBoxJunikee 6 месяцев назад
I agree with you ,still i dont get the point of realizing , It gives some peace of mind as It takes away all that matters too , leaving you in meaningless live , at least its been that way to me since i had the realization
@cecilcharlesofficial 5 месяцев назад
@@SlushBoxJunikee The more I remember to play the game with myself of “I really have no clue what I’m going to think of next. I’m not doing this,” the more I feel little glimpses of flow, of peace. It’s a sensation (even just for little moments) that feels very different than the rest of life, which seems normally to be filled with anxieties we don’t even know we have till we start to dive down into our bodies and find them. Now I almost revel in finding little clenched spots because I know I have to go endure what they feel like, since that’s the only way through. As for meaning, the brain can’t help but make meaning in every moment (aka it thinks, in every moment, some condensed version of, “I’m a human being (that will die and I’m not sure what happens after) but I have desires (even just to eat and survive) and this moment (where I am, what I’m doing, what’s happening) has implications about my desires - whether I’ll get them or not, etc.” That’s meaning in every moment. You can’t help but feeling some version of that, and the fact that you can’t get out of your brain concluding “I like this situation” or “I don’t like this situation,” (even if it’s wrong or might change its mind) means you’re stuck. Which is freedom. You can’t force your mind to think or feel anything. I don’t know if that’s the answer you want. I guess I take a little issue with your phrase “meaningless” only because I catch myself tearing up at life a lot now, because of its beauty and mystery, and that’s the feeling I want (the happy years). It’s not precisely because everything “means” something and now I get it, it’s more that my mind and body are building trust in whatever this all is, and each moment becomes prettier the more you trust. And you can’t make yourself trust either. So you can (in the back of your mind) trust even when you’re not trusting, if that makes sense.
@zt6309 4 месяца назад
@cincocentcc7280 4 месяца назад
Wow thank you
@samartman3395 10 месяцев назад
I have been searching for 50 years for truth and bliss and have found that the greatest wisdom is in advaita Vedanta non duality... it's possible to actually experience and be infinite Divine peace and love and bliss....seek deep inside and find the truth 🙏🕉️☮️🥰
@lukec3905 9 месяцев назад
The chase of bliss is in itself non divine and selfish. Surrender all to Gods will, ask for wisdom, search for truth with the tools God gave you. Act never in self interest but in the interest of God and you will find Him. God still exists in the absence of self.
@Di_yay 8 месяцев назад
@@lukec3905not willing to give up on myself.
@mlg1279 7 месяцев назад
​​@@lukec3905These ideas were first mentioned in the Upanishads. Read Vedanta to have a better understanding of the Brahman.
@mariner1358 6 месяцев назад
I am committed to semen retention for the rest of my life. Ive seen it all. had all, done it all. There is nothing left to explore except for this semen retention stuff. It is working. I am expecting that I will turn into a ball of light. I am 53 and free. I was very Americanized. That has all washed away. This is not a religious thing for me. It is a fact. If I release my semen ever again, I feel that I will lose my progress. It is an easy choice. The words of Ghandi affected me greatly. He said that his life would have been better if he had been practicing his entire life.
@TAGtalkinaboutGod 4 месяца назад
No religion has found God, ever!! Only the Mystic has Realized God/Immortality because the Mystic knows where not to look! Religion, Philosophy, and Science seek God in the Material World of Illusion, hoping for a glimpse of Truth/God where no Truth/God of any kind Exists. The Mystic knows God is the Realization of Immortality that is the True Essence of Being. The Mystic Discerns the Reality of Spirit through the Unreality of Matter, thereby knowing to see a "Sin or Sinner" is to be the both the Sin and the Sinner. The Mystic knows Our True and Only State of Being is Incorporeal, Infinite, and Omnipresent. Therefore, the Mystic reaches not for God or Truth, the Mystic Rests in the Realization of it!! I and My Father are One!! The Mystic allows Infinity to be his Thought through Conscious Awareness of Spirit as the Only Presence!! The Mystic doesn't accept Love as a Sensual Emotion. The Mystic Knows Love is a State of Spiritual Integrity! I, Spirit, can only be Spiritually Discerned, and it is through this Discerning I will lift you from the human senses to your True State of Being..... The Kingdom of Heaven Within! Surrender to the Force of Immortality/Christ Within You!!! The Christ we are doesn't walk in the world of matter, form, physicality, iniquity, mortality..... The Christ we are walks in the Kingdom of Heaven right here, where no mortal being or carnal mind can reach it!! The Christ we are is Untouchable, and only sees that which is the Kingdom of Spirit/God!! The Christ we are sees Only The Presence of God where the human sees judgement, hatred, separation, bigotry, trauma, evil, illness....because the Mystic knows Iniquity is not of God, therefore not a reality. The Mystic knows if it is happening in Time and Space it is Never Taking Place! I Love You Dear Friend!!
@TheDeepening718 10 месяцев назад
Mysticism is the view that the ordinary is an illusion.
@max_the_mantis5173 10 месяцев назад
We love this, may we share this quote?
@J-maddz 9 месяцев назад
Through my own quest for spiritual knowledge, I’ve come to realize that the connective web of all religion stems in its mystic teachings, and surrendering the ego to the higher self. This videos are amazing at capturing the history and knowledge that connects all of human kind through the Devine. Keep up the amazing work 🙏
@thijsmallekote1977 9 месяцев назад
Same here brother. I realized it as well and was talking about this with my nephews
@cherylbenton7107 10 месяцев назад
This path beckoned me, I walk it, fly it, stumble along it, flow along it, love it.❤
@sriramkumar9534 9 месяцев назад
Same for me i love and want to be a mystic
@Dz-go3gu 9 месяцев назад
hey, i love that.
@cherylbenton7107 9 месяцев назад
@@Dz-go3gu Thank you. I appreciate your kind words 💜
@peaceofpiety 10 месяцев назад
Thank you, I appreciate the energy that went into making this. I chose the path of the Mystic and have seen it is indeed a road less traveled, yet I've gained insight and wisdom on things that I could have only obtained through the experience of doing the inner work. Most don't understand my perspective, but that doesn't steer me off the path. Interesting that I've actually met a man who was named after Saint John. He's is kind, well spoken, detached from materialism, and is unlike anyone else I've yet to meet thus far.
@xymoriintus 7 месяцев назад
The great mystic replying to RU-vid comments lol 😣 stfu you sound silly. Have some self awareness
@damanij9747 7 месяцев назад
How did you start?
@loudvisions9156 9 месяцев назад
As someone who has experienced mystical things a hand full of times, it’s crazy how the mind or spirit or whatever forces you to forget. Nothing would get done if we knew we had it all.
@loudvisions9156 9 месяцев назад
It’s like waking from a very intense dream and only remembering a flash. But you feel it. You know it, inside.
@1MNUTZ 9 месяцев назад
@@loudvisions9156 well sometimes you get an affliction and that affliction is a reminder to never forget. Satan wants to put you right back to sleep.
@AdoraVivos 7 месяцев назад
​@DeepState-nf4bc Because you are delusional and seem to have already made up your mind about what is inherently good and bad. How did you come to that conclusion? I feel you are confusing the actions of blinded and often ignorant followers of a bygone era for the true underlying idea of faith.
@AdoraVivos 7 месяцев назад
@@1MNUTZ Seems more fitting to attribute such experiences of spiritual forgetfulness or 'sleep' to the influence of Yaldabaoth, the Demiurge in Gnostic thought, rather than Satan. Yaldabaoth symbolizes the force that binds us to material illusions and spiritual ignorance. As for Satan, perhaps it's time to reconsider his role, especially considering the distortion and oversimplification of his image in pop culture and certain forms of 'Satanism' that arose more from conservative propaganda of the era than from any profound theological understanding. His role, especially in early religious texts, is primarily as 'the accuser' or 'the adversary.' Let's cut Satan some slack, shall we?
@1MNUTZ 7 месяцев назад
@@AdoraVivos there is no such thing as yaldabaoth. It's Satan and Satan is the ruler of this earth. Its not complicated like you are trying to make it. The most brilliant minds simplify the most confusing of ideas not overcomplicate them. If you think can outsmart satan by yourself you are in for a rude awakening.
@Lexthebarbarian 9 месяцев назад
I am very grateful for this channel and the work you put in. All the images you use make you concentrate better and get a deeper experience.
@raahulr963 10 месяцев назад
One of the greatest channels on the internet and this video is the epitome of it.
@roberthubbard3302 9 месяцев назад
Mysticism is one of the most difficult subjects to define. The variety of expression in different traditions around the world is probably as important as the similarities.
@orangemanbad 9 месяцев назад
Yes because god can be found through all mystic traditions.
@roberthubbard3302 9 месяцев назад
Mysticism can also be found in atheistic contexts. For example, in the philosophy of Schopenhauer. It's kind of all-embracing.
@UnknownUser-nz3io 9 месяцев назад
It's just different descriptions of the same thing. We have the capacity for Self reflection, and therefore the potential for Self transcendence (englightenment). All paths are fundamentally the same, but not all are equal.
@TerribleShmeltingAccident 6 месяцев назад
Sounds like you managed to define it fairly easily
@aumperialism 6 месяцев назад
What's difficult? it's just personal religiosity that later self-simulates itself into culture as other people start asking "hey what are you doing" 😂
@ancientwatchmanTV 9 месяцев назад
Everything you have touched in this video is what I’ve experienced during my mysticism journey. Thank you for this video! 🌬️💨🌪️🌊🔱🧿🍄🖖🏻
@paldenngodup8238 10 месяцев назад
What a different way of pointing to the ultimate truth! ❤️🙏
@raycedano 9 месяцев назад
@G00DBL00MS 9 месяцев назад
Incredible! Thank you for taking the time to make these videos! Extremely helpful in connecting some specific dots. Mahalo 🌺💌😊
@laineymckenzie660 10 месяцев назад
12 disciples 12 states of conciousness . The 7 eyes of god . All amazing when you love god ,you feel he loves you back .
@lunam7249 9 месяцев назад
12 disciples is 12 signs of the zodiac
@SPACESHARK420 10 месяцев назад
very nicely presented information and teachings. thanks a lot. we need part two as soon as possible. ✊🏽🧙🏼‍♂🌌 blessings for you and the whole humanity.
@vincentlattuca3763 10 месяцев назад
A candle in the middle of the room can be seen from infinite points which encircle it. People along the circle can each truthfully "see the light" denying that others can see it is a problem. God is real. Find a path to God. Nice video. Thanks.
@michaeldillon3113 10 месяцев назад
God being omnipresent is Here-and-Now . Hence we are already united with God . By an illusory process - Maya - we forget this and think that union with God is something to be attained . In reality the mystic process is about giving up the false impression that we are not already One with God .Sri Ramana Maharshi 🙏 said that infinity does nit allow for finite parts within it 🙏. ✝️☸️🔯🕉️.
@max_the_mantis5173 10 месяцев назад
@user-qj2en9od5s 9 месяцев назад
@codeinepizza 8 месяцев назад
exactly. we are god expressed through the human experience
@here_now_I 8 месяцев назад
Yes. However the difficulty is to realize it, not mentally, but with direct experience.
@codeinepizza 8 месяцев назад
@@here_now_I just meditate and experience reality objectively
@_icscata_ 9 месяцев назад
I am grateful for your wisdom that you share. Thank you! ☀️
@zeltzintlachinolli2806 9 месяцев назад
Thank you for this beautiful documentary and time you put into this.
@I-QUAN 9 месяцев назад
One can be led to the door of mysticism via religion, however, i believe mystical experiences are naturally occuring phenomena which ironically, gave birth to the very religions they seem to stem from. 25 years ago i wrote my university dissertation based on a comparative study of the world's various creation myths. One night during my studies I was sat in my friend's room reading the introduction of Juan Mascaro's translation of the Bhagavad-Gita. In it, he states that the vision of the Bhagavad-Gita is no less than the vision of 'God in everything and everything in God' I stopped reading at this point and contemplated by way of creative imagination. I imagined a cirlce (God) in everything. Every human, every animal, every rock, every blade of grass, every cloud and so on and so on. So this is the 'God in everything' part. Then I imagined all these various and seemingly separate entities in which I had placed the 'God-circle' as containing everything else within that circle; the 'everything in God' part. What followed was an experience which I have never had before or since. I had a 'vision' ; not quite a thought but more a 'presentation' of the entirety of existence as being interconnected. I couldn't accurately say how long it lasted, probably a few seconds but the experience was 'out of time' somehow. I was amazed, stunned and delighted in equal measure and I was left with the sense that I had witnessed something very real and true. As for my dissertation; I had later (after my experience) come across the words of Shankarcharya somewhere : 'the existence of creation myths is to show man that he can turn around on the path which appears to lead from unity to diversity and return back to it' (paraphrased slightly no doubt, I no longer have a copy of those words.) I was satisfied with this thought as a conclusion for my paper. For context, I am a white British man and I was studying Art in Southampton at the time. My girlfriend back then was a British born 2nd generation Indian (Hindu) immigrant with whom I discussed religion and philosophy and who introduced me to her religious texts. I never actually read the Gita all the way through, however I was very fond of the Upanisads. I was brought up in a secular, somewhat anti-clerical household but attended a 'Church of England' infant school from ages 5-7. I remember feeling quite unsatisfied with the bible stories we were told as children and pretty much discarded the idea of Christianity as holding anything of value as a young child. (A view I no longer hold I should add)
@TheSatanist13 9 месяцев назад
we could be spiritual without the belief in any kind of deities, we could be spiritual within ourselves as our divine self which is our thoughts, minds, feelings, emotions, actions. To understand the existence of our bodies is to also understand everything attached to our existence.
@rogerrousco2921 10 месяцев назад
This channel is all one needs on RU-vid
@TheSanityMachine33 9 месяцев назад
how so? one perspective only?
@rogerrousco2921 9 месяцев назад
That's the point one can research and have debate on it, in the spirit of dialectic discussions
@radioactive3684 9 месяцев назад
as an aetheist this really intrigues me , i obviously respect every religion and culture ,although i havent taken part in any
@Kosovar_Chicken 9 месяцев назад
I practice a mixture of Catholic and Hindu mysticism. I had a near death experience in river rapids following a night of chanting the names of god. When I climbed out of the water my shoulder was hanging very low and I heard the voice of Mary tell me I was saved. I don’t see a boundary between Hinduism and Catholicism. My relationship to Mary is the same as it is to Kali, my relationship to Shiva as it is to Jesus. To me they are the same.
@areyoutheregoditsmedave 8 месяцев назад
@hans5500 7 месяцев назад
I understand what you mean. What texts have you read so far may I ask?
@mariner1358 6 месяцев назад
I am committed to semen retention for the rest of my life. Ive seen it all. had all, done it all. There is nothing left to explore except for this semen retention stuff. It is working. I am expecting that I will turn into a ball of light. I am 53 and free. I was very Americanized. That has all washed away. This is not a religious thing for me. It is a fact. If I release my semen ever again, I feel that I will lose my progress. It is an easy choice. The words of Ghandi affected me greatly. He said that his life would have been better if he had been practicing his entire life.
@kkoreander6941 10 месяцев назад
Thank you. This is beautifully presented.
@adonaimakhofola2696 9 месяцев назад
I am a Christian mystic, and I greatly admire and take wisdom from the other mystic traditions. Thank you so much for this video. Mirabai is my favorite Hindu mystic, so I am overjoyed to find that she is included in this masterpiece.
@deepnofin 9 месяцев назад
Hello ! If I may ask you this, can you tell me what experiences you lived, what made you become a mystic ?
@adonaimakhofola2696 9 месяцев назад
@@deepnofin this is a great question, I would be happy to reply! I could say I've always been a very spiritual person, even from my toddler years. I would have outer body experiences as a child that were so vivid, I know now that they couldn't have been dreams. I would hear spirits talking to one another in unintelligible language, often repeating the things they say over and over. Experiences like this made me ask questions to my parents, and my mother realized I have a gift. She went on to teach my siblings and I about God. God became my Best Friend. Even to this day, (I'll be turning 21 in 3 months) my family still calls me "Yeshua's friend." My hunger for God and to take on His nature has been the main thing that has placed me on the path of a mystic. God living on earth as me, the mystical union, is what I want the most out of this life. The innate ability to be so "spiritual" is just a boon God has granted me to walk in this way much more smoothly. I don't know if I was blabbering on, but I hope that answers your question.
@Kvurim 9 месяцев назад
One opinion, We only have only One Religion, be we Abrahamic, Hindu, Buddhist etc. One Luv
@Dungeonsynth 9 месяцев назад
@@Kvurimwe have many religions only one true god. The others are imitations created to deceive.
@deepnofin 9 месяцев назад
@@Dungeonsynth Or maybe, it's your ego, your illusory separation from the All, that makes you believe that "others are imitations created to deceive"... I'm not speaking about sects or cults deliberately manipulating people for money and making them do crazy sh*t, but what if every spiritual courants which are really attracting people, are all both right and wrong, like everyone of us... Because we all experiment one Truth, with our separated minds... So we're experiencing the truth, but we understand and transmit it with our mind and words... So, there's right and wrong, for everyone, everywhere amongst all our individual and shared knowledges... And the purpose of all these separations, are to multiply points of view, to let us finally understand the true nature of the universe & ourselves...
@hidden.wisdom 10 месяцев назад
Great content, I really remembered things that once there were no more memories.
@xer314 9 месяцев назад
let us all take a moment of pray that all those who watch this video and walk this path ascend to higher states of awareness and conscious being.
@AtlantisWisdom 9 месяцев назад
@roselotusmystic 6 месяцев назад
@TC.._ 5 месяцев назад
Many People, One Love.
@ilmariforsnas 10 месяцев назад
_There is a deeper Mind within you... It represents the part of you that has never left God. It is not religious because when you are connected to God, there is no need for religion. Religion does not make any sense. There is just reality. But this is a deeper and greater reality than the reality that you experience in your worldly mind._ - from book The Journey to a New Life, by MV Summers
@andrewcanady6644 10 месяцев назад
Indeed. The Void. Maha Sunn. Or what I call, “walking in Eternity.” It used to scare me, and I’d try to snap myself out of that uncomfortable feeling of not knowing who I am, where I am, how this all got here, what it all is, who put this all here…. the emptiness of that space. I’d try to snap out of it by thinking of a concern of mine, something I had to do… you know? Now, I walk in this feeling almost always. It’s the most amazing part of my life, the most incredible experience I can claim to have had. It breaks me utterly down to nothing. Very strange. Not many people I’ve met get this. And it’s funny because there’s nothing more mysterious and exhilarating to me. 🤙🏽
@patsiebentley111 9 месяцев назад
Ain't that the truth !
@isaacakers9347 9 месяцев назад
Loved this video. Thank you for your efforts! Be blessed
@paulriggall8370 9 месяцев назад
Well put together, looking forward to the second part.
@russtaylor2122 9 месяцев назад
Thank you for your research and insight. I find myself attracted to Taoism as a philosophy for my journey. One of the most profound aspects of it is the phrase 'not for passive consumption'. I understand this to mean, don't just read it and do the opposite, as very many 'religious' people could be accused of, but be selfless, be helpful, reduce ego, increase humility, avoid confrontation, erase entitlement. Slow down, meditate, and realise that you are god. Yes, i am god. But only of myself. I answer to me. We all do. No deity, no altar, no offerings, no one else to pray to or blame or ask for help. Community and selflessness, that'll do.
@mattmackane 9 месяцев назад
IMHO - the core of Taoism is summed up in the phrase "Don't try." Don't be God. Be something greater. Nothing is greater than God.
@dpvalentine 9 месяцев назад
Need that part 2. Amazing video
@DrewJ.VogtCoaching 4 месяца назад
Love this video! Looking forward to part 2 !! Take the narrow path, not the left or right. Let all those who know remain silent
@citizenenak 9 месяцев назад
Another glorious video. Thank you again.
@fransiscomonarrez2019 9 месяцев назад
I love this I’ve been needing this knowledge
@bigwillypersson 8 месяцев назад
Thank you for making this video!
@Dz-go3gu 9 месяцев назад
very much looking forward to Part 2
@altacostura00 10 месяцев назад
Part 2?? ... YES Please!!
@LAQ24 9 месяцев назад
I like the effect of radiant light that you put in the image of saints. It's very conducive
@marcosrissi 8 месяцев назад
What a beautiful and well done documentary. I am inspired. Thanks
@stephenrane 10 месяцев назад
I feel I am a Mystic , and right now I am on stage where I am experiencing something big
@razony 10 месяцев назад
You are. Your life.
@alivatansever1281 9 месяцев назад
What do you mean?? What kind of being
@razony 9 месяцев назад
I too, think something big is already happening. An awakening and awareness. Humanity is seeing what religion truly is. It separates humanity more than brings us together. Mysticism is making a Renaissance of sorts. Past lives, NDE's, Paranormal... we're waking up.
@stephenrane 9 месяцев назад
@@razony yes i have been a yoga teacher for sometime and ever since childhood I was attracted towards religion and their gods .but most of all i encountered perfect masters coming in my life and teaching me some secrets which I feel now is the time I should come out openly and declare my avataric position after which I have decided to live a life full of astecism and live only on minimum things .as I don't have any desire except one to eat food and serve my old mother and uncle and my brother once I feel there is no need of me I willeither drop my body or if the masters give me a duty I will serve mother Earth planting trees or healing people but in silence that means I would prefer to talk only through minimum sound
@razony 9 месяцев назад
@@stephenrane Good luck with that. That's not my path.
@dmystfy 9 месяцев назад
The 4 min introduction is excellent!!
@Rybot9000 9 месяцев назад
Excellent video. The Theologia Germanica is another influential Christian Mystic text, and one that Martin Luther said was the next best thing to the Bible. My favorite quote from this text is "Behold I, poor fool that I was, believed it was I, but it is and was, of a truth, God."
@suzannecarter445 10 месяцев назад
This was an excellent recap of Christian and Hindu mysticism. I am looking forward to Part II!
@Religionisfoolish 10 месяцев назад
I belong to the same family of VivekAnanda
@awakenedsoul9672 9 месяцев назад
@@Religionisfoolish are you vivek's son?
@Religionisfoolish 9 месяцев назад
@@awakenedsoul9672 Relative family
@awakenedsoul9672 9 месяцев назад
@@Religionisfoolish bro is it true that he had unusual power with which he could read books after books just by turning the pages?
@Religionisfoolish 9 месяцев назад
@@awakenedsoul9672 Well people born near his house still achieved miracles and were scholars They say Ramakrishna came to these places and blessed the region and the durga puja at the Vivekananda house temple is still miraculous and energetic
@roselotusmystic 6 месяцев назад
Blessings & Gratitude 🙏 WonderFull Wisdom 😻
@jon5981 9 месяцев назад
I believe i had esoteric awakening, little scary at times,yet the most exillerating magical and yes incredibly mystical even mysterious most amazing journey of my life id do it again in a second.
@cowel8734 9 месяцев назад
I am a Christian and always will be, but I also love the gnostic texts which have an element of mysticism. To me the Bible is the truth, but mysticism is a way of stimulating new ideas that'll help you further your understanding of the truth and yourself.
@LUCIOdaMayTricks 8 месяцев назад
Yeah but Christ isnt a book so you might wanna check your truth basis
@humanjustbeing_ 9 месяцев назад
If we are not experiencing it all first hand, there is a window or a middle-man inbetween us and it. Either we are following a teacher or scriptures, we are following just another feeling towards the same thing that we are experiencing ourselves right here in this now, in our slightly different but still same imperfect now. Life is live and learn and the life that we live is the teacher itself,, and by living it we grow into living "bibles" or books of knowledge, if we actually live it for ourselves. We are both the teacher and the student, as we are both the obselver and the projecter of the whole moving picture that we see infront of us and dive into each new day when we open our eyes and the camera is rolling. all we truly have is our energy and together with our energy all we truly need in this life is good health, good morals and a fine-tuned instrument to express ourselves properly with in order to free our minds. Let the caged bird fly. Follow no one who wishes followers but the one's who encourage you to live your life for you and to walk your own path. Only by doing so we'll truly know who we are and what we are truly here for. Do not fall for false light and do not get anyone to trick you into "silencing your mind" or into "ego death" as we can never ever delete ourselves. Our ego is our whole persona and all that we are. It is our whole imaginative mind and in it all is included. All the lessons learned and all false information that we all have been force fed. Nothing good nothing bad as it is all teaching & we can not escape what we are not first aware of. Without the ego there is no us and by silencing our minds without knowing what we are doing and perhaps we're even following tecniques taught by "gatekeepers" or unknowing and misled gurus, we ourselves become easy targets for all sort of manipulation. We need only ourselves and we need no middle-men to stay connected to source. We are all born out of it and were given a slightly different perspective to take in the experience of it all with. We are all god's until it finds a way to change our minds. Take good care and all well.
@catherineharber6514 9 месяцев назад
Outstanding video 💫. I was in a cycle of temporarily losing faith. But this just reminded my why I chose the mystic path 🌿.
@kathrynalexander2235 8 месяцев назад
Much love respect for this one ❤
@UndercoverNormie 9 месяцев назад
Very well explained video, thank you. Good stuff.
@sacredmetaphics 10 месяцев назад
@JCURRrotmg 10 месяцев назад
Thank you very much 🙏❤️‍🔥
@RebelJones-wg7vz 10 месяцев назад
This is incredible ty
@ericgouw 10 месяцев назад
Thank you, from 🇧🇷
@jeanhelms2621 9 месяцев назад
I’d say mysticism is not the PURSUIT of direct spiritual experience; It’s INTUITION. A spontaneous gift. Then one may choose to try to cultivate that connection or find the source. I think it’s good not to complicate this process nor to assign it practices or names of gods. It’s simple. Even children are capable. Especially children.
@AnyaLightHealing 10 месяцев назад
fantastic video!! Thank you so much :)
@contemplativepursuits 8 месяцев назад
Thanks for this blessed information.
@sirgeoh 9 месяцев назад
Such a great explanation of the many paths to God. Choose your own adventure. Thank you.
@benediktotto6191 10 месяцев назад
Thank You🙏
@OrthoNepali 9 месяцев назад
Thank you for this
@nubetta7806 10 месяцев назад
I’m glad you finally mentioned Sufism. You should do a whole video on Sufism.
@neilyoung490 10 месяцев назад
Oh I read between the lines there.
@stefanschleps8758 10 месяцев назад
That will take more than one video! There are at least a dozen different schools of Sufi thought and practice. Each fakir has his own path for his students.
@nubetta7806 10 месяцев назад
@@stefanschleps8758 That’s good, and inshallah, I will be here every one of those videos.
@ARS-fn6px 10 месяцев назад
Islam doesnt accept Sufism, though.
@robertmitchell8630 10 месяцев назад
Many Sufi we're very extremist and harsh towards the disbelievers
@Servant_of_1111 8 месяцев назад
Excellent documentary, thank you 🪔🥰🙏
@ethan46199 4 месяца назад
Asceticism and repetitive prayer/meditation are two mystical universals that I can identify. Every mysticism from every religion I've come across seems to converge on these two practices, typically in the form of fasting and the repetition of a mantra/prayer/attentive focus. Struggling against one's carnal nature, and using the power of focused, attentive repetition, it seems one can begin to experience the divine. But there's also a convergence on the idea that it cannot be attained without God's grace. That's really important.
@Bjorn_Algiz 10 месяцев назад
Very interesting 😊
@larrywright4728 6 месяцев назад
I'm a Spiritualist Priest (representative) and I gotta tell you, Spirituality has been a Wild Ass Ride! I'm doing Shadow work everyday because I'm not perfect. Keep a Digital Recorder handy and when you feel those Energies coming, push Record. Namaste
@joshstolzenberg 9 месяцев назад
Looking forward to part 2
@OrderedEntropy 9 месяцев назад
My idol is uncertainty, my identity is exploration, my spirit IS curiosity in love.
@poetryjones7946 10 месяцев назад
Is there a Part 2 to this? 🙏🏼❤️
@AdiShaktiDakini 9 месяцев назад
Thank you 🙏
@Haromusic 6 месяцев назад
Amazing video 🙏🏻
@NaturalPsycle 9 месяцев назад
@rajeshsarkar6071 9 месяцев назад
Nature is universal Nature has no religion জয় মা কালী
@caminoalavirtud 10 месяцев назад
My only path 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
@rahulpathak6190 10 месяцев назад
Good introduction. The Hindu mysticism has a western touch, though. I would encourage conferring with someone who speaks Hindi and follows Hinduism to refine your understanding. E.g. at <a href="#" class="seekto" data-time="1224">20:24</a>, you mention 'Mirabai's poetry, known as bhajans...' - this gives the viewer an impression that all bhajans are Mirabai's poetry. This is incorrect. Sanskrit roots aside, an everyday understanding of the word Bhajan is 'singing the glory of God (in any name or form)'. Sanskrit root 'bhaj' means to revere.
@PwnyboyGolden 9 месяцев назад
Waiting for part 2 my friend.
@khalifaal-islam5729 9 месяцев назад
❤❤❤❤❤my fellow creation.
@snur5446 9 месяцев назад
Demystify your life & tap into your own soul or the spirit of divine which we all possess just by sitting comfortably for 1 hour and do nothing...Is the best practice to tame your mind.
@LumenSeeker 8 месяцев назад
Very interesting!
@mariner1358 6 месяцев назад
I am committed to semen retention for the rest of my life. Ive seen it all. had all, done it all. There is nothing left to explore except for this semen retention stuff. It is working. I am expecting that I will turn into a ball of light. I am 53 and free. I was very Americanized. That has all washed away. This is not a religious thing for me. It is a fact. If I release my semen ever again, I feel that I will lose my progress. It is an easy choice. The words of Ghandi affected me greatly. He said that his life would have been better if he had been practicing his entire life.
@SHANNELable 9 месяцев назад
Where is part 2? thankyou for thi video. super grateful
@Jakob.Hamburg 9 месяцев назад
Well done, well talked. : )
@dendennis9060 9 месяцев назад
Thank U, Infinite Intelligence 😇
@OneChance9942 9 месяцев назад
@GVM27 10 месяцев назад
What happened to the 'mound of stones' that Buddha sat above during his last teachings?
@Arcticstar69 7 месяцев назад
I am a gnostic christian, and I feel a deep connection to sufi and many more.
@be12sogreat 10 месяцев назад
Blessed❤ to find your channel plz keep on uploading lots and lots of love thankyou so much ❤
@EthanNoble 9 месяцев назад
Reminds me of certain things I learned about reading Max Stirner
@happykitten5695 9 месяцев назад
@WMA31780 10 месяцев назад
Om Mahadeva Parmatma Karmatma Shanti Shanti Shanti
@DefeatLust 10 месяцев назад
Yup, i'm watching the fuk out of this. I can already tell this is art
@tusharsachdeva8810 10 месяцев назад
Om namah shivay 🕉️
@captainalex157 4 месяца назад
shivaya ;D the eternal dialect discussion haha. I think Aum namah shivaya feels better, more complete somehow.
@crystalclear5397 9 месяцев назад
Had to watch this as the image of that guy you see that gets your attention Anyone can do if they are in good shape. Listening though, it on;y reminds me of what I have been looking into my whole life. It's all the same but under different names in our human terminology. Took years but in do time I came to realize that 'spirituality' is just another word for a Religion, just in a different concept. They all mean the same thing, just respect and love one another.
@SelfRealizationtalks 9 месяцев назад
I have been spending my last 14 years with my Beloved Master who is a mystic. The very first glance of His love to me awakened my being in a sublime state where this world and everything in it - it’s interest and desire vanished and only God essence, bliss of the divine wine 🍷 remained 🌹
@user-ru1vs7cs9w 5 месяцев назад
@DaRealHolyShmokes 6 месяцев назад
Where did you get that image of the guy opening his third eye?
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