
The Extension of Mind Through Space and the Sense of Being Stared At. With Rupert Sheldrake 

Mark Vernon
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Do our minds reside solely inside our heads, or perhaps bodies? Or do they extend into the wider world, perhaps even reaching to the stars?
In this episode of the Sheldrake-Vernon Dialogues, Rupert Sheldrake and Mark Vernon discuss the extended mind theory, taking a lead from recent work of Rupert’s on the sense of being stared at, and also the problems that contemporary science has with understanding vision.
The discussion considers new research carried out by Rupert and others, as well as the theories of A.N. Whitehead. The way in which science since Maxwell has considered light as moving backwards as well as forwards in time is explored, alongside the way that William Blake described how we see, which itself fits the ancient understanding, that seeing is an active process of engagement, not a passive mode of reception.
Rupert references two published papers.
One is on the nature of visual perception, co-written with Alex Gomez-Marin, online here - www.sheldrake.....
The other is on directional scopaesthesia, co-written with Pamela Smart, online here - www.sheldrake.....
For more dialogues between Rupert and Mark see www.sheldrake.... and www.markvernon...



26 сен 2024




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@cuddywifter8386 10 месяцев назад
Ask not what's inside your head, but what your head is inside of? ~William Mace
@yoeyyoey8937 10 месяцев назад
Yee 😎
@blackbird365 10 месяцев назад
Emily Bronte: 'Thought followed thought, star followed star, Through boundless regions, on; While one sweet influence, near and far, Thrilled through, and proved us one!'
@undefined7222 10 месяцев назад
reminds me of a talk Arnold Mindell gave about this idea which he called "flirts" that "flirting" goes both ways, they attract each other. He was not speaking of people flirting, per se, but this idea that things flirt with us and we them which is how we perceive. We perceive because we are perceived by that which we perceive. This reflects the idea of a dynamic living universe.
@exquofonte 10 месяцев назад
Mark, do you consider writing a book on Blake, especially in regards to his theory of imagination? Been really enjoying all your videos on the subject. Cheers
@MrHwaynefair 10 месяцев назад
❤️ Loved this provocative discussion- thank you both!
@kristijohansen5874 10 месяцев назад
This was a sublime synchronistic experience for me having been reading on this topic from two very different sources . I find it very exciting. And what if our senses are limited by our compartmentalisation of them? What if like some who experience synethesis they merge one with the other?
@anyakukureka3595 10 месяцев назад
I've always equated Light with Mind / Consciousness Itself ... or rather, Amself. Decades ago, I was fascinated & hugely influenced by Arthur Zajonc's book: 'Catching the Light: an entwined history of Light & Mind.'
@danieljenson2346 4 месяца назад
Thank you for saying "Amself"
@anyakukureka3595 4 месяца назад
@@danieljenson2346 Thank you for understanding this!
@danieljenson2346 4 месяца назад
@@anyakukureka3595 "In him was life; and The Life was The Light of the Men. And The Light shines in the darkness; and The Darkness comprehended him not." John1:4,5 Anya, this is from the Greek.
@jessev2197 10 месяцев назад
What about staring at a sleeping person and it makes them wake up? They say they felt the stare. The more familiar between the two people, the better it works.
@denniswinters3096 10 месяцев назад
I'm short-sighted and I've always been puzzled why when I look in a mirror the things I see at a distance are still blurred. An optician tried to explain it to me once, but without much success !
@ifyougrewupinbrightsgrove4840 4 месяца назад
You are thinking of a mirror, as if it were a still picture. What you see is a reflection, so distance is still an issue for you seeing clearly. A mirror does not remove this simple fact from your puzzlement, al
@kokolanza7543 10 месяцев назад
Uh oh, I'm going to have to watch this one at least one more time.
@ognjenkabogdan8787 10 месяцев назад
💜💜💜 i send you milion kisses from Serbia!!! ... and thank you bouth 💜☀🌟⭐ all the way to the stars and back!!! 💛
@marcusOreallyUs1 10 месяцев назад
Extraordinary conversation. Thank you.
@antonart2.0 5 месяцев назад
Another example of extension can be use of any tool or instrument. Particularly easy to illustrate the extension effect with something requiring delicate motor skills, something like pencil or a scalpel, although it spans across anything. Once learned to a certain level ones perception extends outside to a tip of a tool being used
@geegee3318 4 месяца назад
This was very interesting to listen to, you've got a new sub
@smde1 10 месяцев назад
This leads inexorably to the statement: You precede yourself spiritually. If you are uncomfortable sitting alone in your home or apartment...... are you, yet, unaware THAT THE SILENCE IS LISTENING AND WATCHING.
@glenrobinson916 10 месяцев назад
Wow, very profound! But how little does humankind, our leaders and thinkers get any of this, limitless mind, our true self? If the senses are controlled hallucinations then knowing this is waking up but most see our perceptions as an external and absolute reality which is ignorance and a dream. But this discussion gives hope that humanity will eventually wake up.
@TheExceptionalState 10 месяцев назад
Great conversation. Just to add a complementary perspective: „The next sense is the sense of sight. Here it is that what now works the etheric body and pours into it is the sentient soul. What happens here is of a thought-like nature. A thought principle is at work here. The sentient soul already has within itself what becomes conscious in the consciousness soul; however, the thought is still subconscious in it. It is thought in the sentient soul that flows out through the eyes. Here, then, real thought-substance flows out. It has a far greater elasticity than the other two substances which flow out through the senses of smell and taste, and it therefore reaches much further. It is so that astral matter really flows out of the human being and flows towards things. It is not etheric waves of light that enter the eye and then project the received image outwards!
@Jacobk-g7r 10 месяцев назад
5:13 he said something on projecting the image but idk if that’s it. I think quantum entanglement might occur through the light bouncing off someone and our eyes ride sense the difference which subconsciously we could detect minute changes but not really notice and we right it as if it was nothing but it’s like a trained muscle and needs to be trained the right way which isn’t even found but the cia has tried and got great results. The quantum fluctuations with the data we connect to may send signals the other direction since it’s sharing energy. Just a thought. Like this, our body is bathed in light bouncing off in all directions and when something looks at us it makes a small change since our sensors are taking in some that’s reflected off and that reflected energy that is now not emitting a force back on the body or it’s been changed through looking. Kinda like if a bathtub was full and the drain was the eye and when the eye syncs then the flow is altered. Not the same as a bath but a small analogy to help think about it. It’s like a field put off the body by the reflected energy and if that energy is altered by something then it’s detected subconsciously.
@the_artisan 10 месяцев назад
Is Rupert aware of Marsilio Ficino's theory of vision? It sounds very similar to what he is describing.
@simeonbanner6204 10 месяцев назад
Top men!! Excellent point about the perception, say a stick at night on a road. I've often thought the same with the escalators, when I lived in London, using the tube. My legs, feet would anticipate or feel that the track was moving, even when it wasn't. The feeling had become habitual that would happen.
@jorgesoto-andrade1796 10 месяцев назад
Yes, it is a most awkward somatic feeling you have when going down on a frozen escalator. We commented on that at Berthoz seminar, on anticipation, in Paris...
@mattbutler6742 2 месяца назад
As soon as you look at a star you are there I believe
@sheilaeisele8490 10 месяцев назад
This was remarkably interesting. How might you explain the experiments in which people are able to read books and navigate obstacle courses whilst blindfolded since no light is involved in that act of seeing?
@susanfay2213 10 месяцев назад
Wonderful, mind stretching talk! These two are so great together! I found a second listen from start to finish as fruitful as the first, and I may venture a third one!
@johnhale1466 10 месяцев назад
The medium that we instinctively use is “ Chi “ energy that is projected and received by the person of interest ..
@thomassoliton1482 3 месяца назад
Sheldrake, speaking as a plant biologist, clearly does not understand the last 60 years of neurophysiology of vision. When you hear Beethoven’s 9th, you recognize it, although you NEVER hear the entire symphony at once. The sound is registered as individual frequencies and amplitudes, and the brain records temporal associations between that information. Thus a short segment of any music piece is quickly recognized, and you can play the rest back in your mind. Same with vision. A visual image is broken down into lines, angles, grids, colors, and so on, and stored not as an “image” but as associated fragments of the image. That is how you can recognize the general concept of “tree” without having to remember every tree you have ever seen. We have a peripheral field of vision of about 120 deg around us, and are acutely aware of movement within that field, and orient toward the origin of movement - for example seeing a rabbit skitter off to your right. Now if RS could show that you could detect someone behind you staring at you, outside your peripheral field of vision, that would be interesting.
@mykrahmaan3408 25 дней назад
The only PHYSICAL property associable with any particle is its SIZE. Once a word is assigned to characterize that property of a particle (MASS at present), any other property one assigns to particles must be a function (multiple of a unique initial SIZE) of this single property (MASS in current case). But MASS only represents the SIZE "at rest", hence inevitably demands a non - material (= non- particle) entity (force, energy, charge, potential,...) to initiate motion. This problem does't arise if the SIZE of a particle implies MOBILITY (magnitude and direction of motion) instead of MASS. For then even MASS (in addition to all other properties: charge, force, energy, ....) can be derived as one of its (of the MOBILITY of any particle) many functions depending only on the MOBILITIES of the other particles with which it interacts. Rest can only occur as a dynamically balanced state of several interacting particles. And the current planetary model of atom MUST be discarded in favour of a modified Plum - Raisin - Pudding model as there must exist 3 different SIZE RANGES with vast difference among them to account for the different functions of the 3 main mezo entities on the surface of the earth: PLANTS, ANIMALS and HUMANS. Note: separation of entities as micro-, mezo- and macro- (as well as infra-, intra- ultra/ special - particular - general/ private- public- universal/ etc.) MUST also be clearly specified. In the above use of the word "mezo" the separation is: "micro" for interactions inside any of the 3 main entities. Restricting also infra-, intra- altra- to "micro" only. "mezo" for interaction among individuals of the 3 entites. "macro" for interactions among collections of the 3 enties (planets, moons, stars) Similar definitions can also be provided for other comparative adjectives, rendering terminology precise and clearly unique. Unless there correspond C² = 300 000 × 300 000 = 90 000 000 000 particles of energy to every particle of mass the famous formula lacks any PHYSICAL meaning ~ just another WORD JUGGLERY. Practical applicability is no proof of the structural accuracy of the visualized model. Ptolemean astronomy was practically applied for well over 2000 years before Copernicus. Newtonian machanics for almost 300 years before Einstein. Cartesian system of coordinates with 3 totally arbitrary directions each for positive and negative also lacks any PHYSICAL meaning. Space cannot be divided that way, without any physical meaning whatsoever. Unless we rectify such absurdities in our fundamentals without delay, all our efforts to represent phenomena with mathematical formulae would prove to be miserable failures.
@blackhole77 10 месяцев назад
I love this :)
@Jacobk-g7r 10 месяцев назад
18:26 time can flow backwards but it’s not time it’s things that make up time that flow in all directions and not just backwards. Like light being reflected off the body and a field of difference coming forth like little lasers that sense disruptions because the energy pushback when going into the field or when a disturbance occurs. The small things we don’t actively sense could signal the rest of the body and we aren’t trained in our body so it’s subconscious.
@Michaeldiamondmd 10 месяцев назад
Sheepherders know that there are hard-eyed versus soft-eyed dogs. The soft-eyed dogs have to nip at the heels of sheep to herd them. The hard-eyed merely have to stare meaningfully and the sheep move where they're supposed to.
@bendrover 10 месяцев назад
Were looking at eachother with our minds eye when that happens.
@NGC-catseye 10 месяцев назад
An alternative for the bigbang or gravity could be a spiral 🌀 just a continuous roll on a donut 🍩 we ride the electric field round and round 😵‍💫 Great chat guys💖 So much to think about 👍
@FrogmortonHotchkiss 8 месяцев назад
How do predators ever manage to stalk and catch prey if their quarry can sense them looking at them? Not dead against the idea, but it raises questions for me.
@keyanj.3583 3 месяца назад
What if light is not moving forward or backwards…. Consciousness or the observance of the light is what is actually moving forward and backwards simultaneously across time.
@rajkapoor490 10 месяцев назад
Hope you extend your mind on israel aggression and British colonial mistakes
@cosmicman621 10 месяцев назад
...a sceptic and Deepak Chopra walked into a bar
@j-psavoie8173 3 месяца назад
There was in fact a word for bleu in Ancient Greek : κύανος. I like these talks, but they sometimes are poorly thought out (the one about the speed of gravity comes to mind).
@alexwelts2553 10 месяцев назад
"the Stars are shining like rebel diamonds cut out from the sun, can you read my mind"🤔😉🤯🤷🏻‍♀️🥯
@ZeroManO3 10 месяцев назад
What you water in your garden will grow What you look at will show What you see Is what you get
@bendrover 10 месяцев назад
Im a inner space man
@wildwoodskimberlynewworldd5282 10 месяцев назад
Thank you interesting podcast but I still don't get it🎉
@thegeneralist7527 10 месяцев назад
The real question should be when are you not being looked at.
@jami8884 10 месяцев назад
@dadsonworldwide3238 10 месяцев назад
Its even easier if you don't treat time as the fingertips of God but rather as a man made notion of time inspired by God as a finger print. Then in the image of a feild or membrane its a layered connection. We definitely graph things naturally in this way as far as brains way of rationalizing things. The prescription ancient chaldeans had is more like actual God woven into and maths are treated this way by metarialist even most athiest are physical lawism oneness this way.
@dadsonworldwide3238 10 месяцев назад
Distance still is there but if its dementionally moving you can thought experiment this to be faster than light. Imagine a slice of toast circling clockwise you drop off data outside then the opposite side of toast moves into it not across the toast. So as a continuous Higgs feild like layer you could hypothetically transfer data very uniquely. Bryan greene tells it much better more complex analogy of sending a signal and receiving it but his class found it would never return faster than you sent it but could be seconds after mathematically.
@thombales1299 10 месяцев назад
I believe process philosophers speak of the lure of God.
@stoppernz229 10 месяцев назад
this guy sounds like a flat earther trying to prove the earth is flat but in this case not with canals but with mirrors
@TokyoShemp 10 месяцев назад
scripted cowards
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