
This Experiment Proved Quantum Mechanics 

Dr Ben Miles
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28 сен 2024




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@DrBenMiles 3 месяца назад
I'm 100% embarrassed to say I knew very little about this experiment until starting researching it 😅 I'd always assumed something like the double slit experiment was our big break. Awesome experiment - let me know what you think! Also - go to www.piavpn.com/drbenmiles to get 83% off Private Internet Access with 4 months free!
@SherlandShrouht-esse 3 месяца назад
What if I you that reality around you was not quite expect?
@DerAusdauersportler 3 месяца назад
Learned about the Stern-Gerlach-Experiment more than 40 years ago in school and in little later in the only university with a walkable Hilbert Space (Hilbert Raum). I cannot believe this is called an forgotten experiment at all. Even Sean Caroll is using it to motivate the quantum nature of spin these days. BTW: Breslau was not located in Poland in these days in between 1900 and 1945.
@disgruntledwookie369 3 месяца назад
I thought the same for many years but have since realised that the Stern-Gerlach experiment (and all its variants) is the most valuable experiment ever designed. It is a gift that just keeps giving. It goes way beyond what you covered in this video too. The really fascinating part is how is shines a light on the concept of superposition. MIT has an excellent QM lecture series that begins with an abstract description of the experimental results in terms of made up electron properties which really highlights just how weird and counterintuitive this behaviour is.
@Shadow_B4nned 3 месяца назад
The double slit experiment was more of a mystery than a break. The quantum mechanical interpretation is largely incorrect and many people have misconceptions behind it. Namely there's no "collapse of the wave function". Light waves are partially absorbed by the target particles in what's called a phase kick and sometimes it emits light, that's it. There's no need for "observers" in quantum mechanics either. There's actually a whole list debunked theories. So yea, if you like confusing yourself for no reason, study the double slit experiment on the internet. If you have questions lmk. I can readily debunk the nonsense.
@TheSavageGent 3 месяца назад
QM was a big break in the sense of seeing the world more clearly, but it also told us that it’s actually a lot weirder than we’d like to believe. I personally think this was pushed heavily in spite of religion, but somewhere along the lines we grouped philosophy in there too and science just doesn’t work without philosophy as the foundation lol
@philipsamways562 2 месяца назад
A great video, and sensibly humorous loved the " not a brothel" sign behind him when drinking his coffee. Master stroke
@cyrilio 3 месяца назад
OMG, seeing people smoke cigars while doing lab work is so crazy.
@MrKotBonifacy 3 месяца назад
Nicotine is the only drug that both stimulates your mind into fast thinking AND calming it at the same time.
@WJV9 2 месяца назад
@@MrKotBonifacy - Yes, we need more study on the positive effects of nicotine, I know my brother had a mental schizophrenic condition that nicotine solved better than any other medication he took and still let him excel as a musician and creator. Unfortunately smoking eventually took its toll on his lungs and heart so he died long before he should have. It's too bad he could not have found a safer substitute medication. Nicotine patches didn't work, don't know why but I think the skin absorption is unlike the lung absorption in significant ways to the effects of nicotine on brain function.
@MrKotBonifacy 2 месяца назад
@@WJV9 _"Unfortunately smoking eventually took its toll on his lungs and heart"_ - I guess it was before the "vaping" and "heet" things... As one physician said when responding to journalist's question _"so, nicotine is bad drug?"_ (after the said physician listed all bad effects of smoking) - _"No, it's a very good drug - but this is a very lousy system of delivery"_ And while at, smoking also saved countless numbers of lives - few puffs and a shell-shocked piece of trembling jelly (aka GI Joe under heavy fire) would gather himself back, calmed down and started to think clearly. Which, during the "action", may be the difference between life and death - and that's why smoking was so common among them and why there were so many smokers in post war years.
@solconcordia4315 2 месяца назад
@MrKotBonifacy Yeah, that was probably why the Native Americans (i.e. the Original Columbians) smoked their *peace* pipes. Creating peace via concessions and negotiations requires some fast thinking and calm minds working together. Smoking may not have been the revenge of the Original Columbians upon the European colonists but an age-old chemotherapy ritual to assist the making of peace.
@MrKotBonifacy 2 месяца назад
@@solconcordia4315 "Peace pipe" - yeah, might be. But then AFAIK (and I AM NOT an expert on the matter), it looks more to me like a "deal seal" thing (or a final handshake) - from what I know they used to smoke the peace pipe at the end of the talks, AFTER the talks, so to me it appears as something akin to our "so now that we have reached the agreement let us open the bottle and celebrate it!".
@karhukivi 3 месяца назад
The earliest evidence for quantised electron energy levels in atoms were the narrow bands in the visible (and later IR and UV) emission spectra. The names given to the lines were "strong", "principal", "diffuse" and "fundamental" as scientists like Rydberg and Balmer tried to understand their significance. Those names live on as s, p, d and f sub-quantum levels for the orbitals. Bohr used the spectrum of hydrogen as the basis for his atomic model and realised the electrons could only have certain specified energy levels. Quantum physics was built up on a variety of observations from spectroscopy and mathematical models of radiation, etc., not just the work of one person or one particular experiment.
@rtoralga 3 месяца назад
Sharp, principal, diffuse, fundamental.
@karhukivi 3 месяца назад
@@rtoralga Sharp, that's it!
@OpieJohansen 3 месяца назад
Didn't hear a word of Dr. Miles for the first two minutes because I was waiting for the two pictures on the wall behind him to move on their own again!
@PQcoyote67 3 месяца назад
Same here, I had to rewatch it just to see it moved on it’s own. Ghost?
@dogcarman 3 месяца назад
And watching for more pillows to change color. 😉
@jonathonjubb6626 3 месяца назад
​@@PQcoyote67Schrödinger 's cat?
@nengyang1895 3 месяца назад
​​@jonathonjubb6626 A floating cat? Edit: I also noticed the cracks. So it look like he is using a green screen background or some kind of cgi.
@gerhardris 2 месяца назад
I didn't know this experiment other than the later double slit experiment. The interpretation is however stil wrong. Einstein, Schrdinger and Lewis Carroll were all correct in dismissing the spooky actions at a distance. Elementary as most fundamental in the everything of the cosmos not matter with gravity but classicle mechanicle inert mass described in classicle geometric terms is correct because only that is consistent with the absolute proof of Descartes something not nothing. Yes the quantum world is a reality given certain axiomatic assumptions. It should however be an infinite topology truths as in one law of everything as one law of nature from which one law of hjman nature as the instruction manual of the collective instrument brain of homo sapiens is derived. Only people who pass the improved elementary scientist exam are reliable sources on elementary meaning most fundamental in the cosmos issues. A PhD only proves a basic scientist. I passed that exam. The something of the cosmos is on the elementary level split in part someting as the physics of one infinite ether of absolute nothing continiously invaded by infinite elements of small inert mass that builds the curved space of moving mass as the Higvsfield dynamic matrix. These elements are most probably 1-neutrinos that act like snowflakes that can build temlorary snowballs and Icy hexagon pressure vessels as a beehive of a multiverse of such hives. Simple reverse engineering on a testable artistic guess by a DNA talented composer. CM string law. Everything that is faster than c or slower than 824,000 km/h or too big or to small can't be directly but only indirectly observed. Everything we observe exists as a possible scenario that repeats itself an infinite amount of times as it always has done an infinite amount of times in the unsplittable continious timelines in the infinite past. As it will do in the future. Every 1-neutrino is probably formed out of 500 identical rings that can move like a chain mail in 4 connetions. The Lego Velcro concept. Akin to solving a murder case any scenario must be evidence based taking all data into evidence. The reliability becomes less the more the model is worked out more. Yet absolute proof that Mother Natures fingerprint shows on the elementary mass murder weapon. John Bells theorem proves QM unsolvable. Thus the anti thesis is disproven in overkill because of cheating not having written down all used instrument brains 15:09
@normanstewart7130 3 месяца назад
2:02: Breslau in 1912 was in the German (previously Prussian) province of Upper Silesia. It became part of Poland in 1945 (as Wrocław).
@robertkugel4570 2 месяца назад
I'm seeing this every now and then. Where is it coming from? The first time was about 10 years ago on a BBC series called Global Trekker. Someone interviewed in Gdansk (Danzig) described the Germans in Silesia in 1939 as "occupiers." Well, yes, since 1740, when Prussia took it from Austria before the Duke of Saxony could. Before WW2, people in cities and towns in Upper Silesia spoke German, but in the countryside they mainly spoke Polish.
@harrybarrow6222 3 месяца назад
This is a really good video. My first degree is in physics and maths, and I remember learning about the Stern-Gerlach experiment 60 years ago. Nevertheless you really held my attention and I learned about the personalities involved in determining the physics, Although it is almost 4 am, you kept me interested. 🙂
@solconcordia4315 2 месяца назад
At 1:18, it's actually a lunatic penguin working hard on ambient-pressure near-22C superconductivity.
@jpdemer5 2 месяца назад
The quantum understanding is that the particles entering the apparatus aren't 50% spinning one way, and 50% the other, but in a superposition of both states. The measurement collapses the superposition in a statistical 50-50 manner. Stern and Gerlach assumed that they were separating atoms on the basis of their pre-existing magnetic moment vectors.
@nickharrison3748 3 месяца назад
Good. Nicely explained. this is more intuitive and you hsve explained it with history, so we get more understanding.
@joevostoch8768 2 месяца назад
I believe the best way to teach is with a historical approach. Understanding all the steps taken to get from point A to B is key.
@JustinLe 2 месяца назад
I'll admit I am embarrassed I just now realized that Stern-Gerlach was two names instead of a single person
@user-gr5tx6rd4h 2 месяца назад
They often come in pairs: Lummer - Pringsheim, Franck - Hertz, Stern - Gerlach, Stark - Zeeman, Heitler - London, Dicke - Wittke etc. (if I remember correctly 50 years back...)
@typograf62 3 месяца назад
I do not think that "neutral particles" in the nucleus 2:40 was known in 1904, just a feeling that something might be missing.
@jamesraymond1158 2 месяца назад
Excellent. My 1960s physics text left out all these fascinating details.
@kaustubhpandey1395 3 месяца назад
I've read about this experiment in my textbook but it was embarrassingly undetailed and unexplanatory; as always doc, great work!
@drbonesshow1 2 месяца назад
I wrote Stern and his famous stoogies (cigars) into a lyric for my song King Quantum Node.
@AlexPortRacing 3 месяца назад
Very interesting. It makes me wonder how many ground breaking discoveries were down to serendipitious events. Like here, looking for one thing finding another, that still gave the result to take a field forward. What if they had smoked pipes instead.... the CRB discovery, a overheard conversation linking an annoying spurious signal in telescope to the theory looking for a way to detect it . Kip Thorn reviewing Carl Sagan Contact manuscript and coming up with a theorical foundation for worm holes. Just a few that spring to mind.
@stvp68 2 месяца назад
I like your comment about the importance of rereading
@EndingSimple 3 месяца назад
My eyes usually glaze over at this kind of stuff, but you made it funny and biographical, so I'm still here.
@TheRealInscrutable 3 месяца назад
In order to get those two bands to show up you have to control the orientation of the atom at launch. How in the heck do you do that?????
@John-wd5cb Месяц назад
13:29 Sheer Luck Holmes
@kennetheaton1728 3 месяца назад
When I saw the title, I thought this was about the Michelson-Morley experiment.
@TheMangoMussolini 2 месяца назад
Great video, way over my head, but interesting. Now this might be slightly off topic, but if anyone remembers Aram in Blacklist.... you're a dead ringer for him.
@NickFrom1228 2 месяца назад
"Not a brothel" Thats golden.
@gnosticbrian3980 2 месяца назад
Wasn't Breslau in Germany when Stern studied there?
@rogerdudra178 3 месяца назад
Greetings from the BIG SKY of Montana. Bismuth to you!
@keyrtan 2 месяца назад
The reason we seem to have so long between periods of growth is because the existing intellectuals call everyone else’s ideas rubbish.
@bentationfunkiloglio 3 месяца назад
Wonderful discussion!
@Hanking-Warry 3 месяца назад
I wonder by how much current theories will have been disproven in a hundred years time.
@alikaperdue 3 месяца назад
I disagree that Sterns goal was to disprove QM. There is no way to disprove a result that looks the same as bad data. It seems that the only two results would be confirmation of QM by seeing a slit... or confirmation of nothing when the data doesn't reveal whether there is no slit at all or whether the equipment isn't precise enough to show it.
@gf1227 2 месяца назад
First 30 seconds of ben’s talk and all I can think of the concept of “Maya” in Hinduism. maybe with quantum theory science and philosophy can be much closer🤯
@irgendwieanders2121 2 месяца назад
0:07 - daily live experience...
@restcure 2 месяца назад
Something I never noticed before: Niels Bohr looked quite a bit like Adam Carolla.
@zenokarlsbach4292 2 месяца назад
I do wonder what 'during' looked like.
@MrKotBonifacy 3 месяца назад
_"...a cafe attached to a brothel, bringing together three of the most powerful forces in the universe"_ - OK, got it - "eat, drink, and be messy", right?
@coodudeman 3 месяца назад
What is the thud gas that was made?
@deepdrag8131 2 месяца назад
Madness, or revelation … hmmmm. Give me a few days to think it over and then get back to me.
@voidisyinyangvoidisyinyang885 3 месяца назад
I guessed it was going to be the Stern-Gerlach Experiment! score!!
@londomolari5715 3 месяца назад
Sometimes the is revelation and madness--check Kurt Goedel,
@Sumpydumpert 3 месяца назад
Great video! Doesn’t everything start as a thought experiment tho?
@smorrow 3 месяца назад
Thermodynamics started as a steam engine.
@DFivril 3 месяца назад
Is it forgotten if every introductory quantum physics textbook ever has included it as an introduction to intrinsic spin?
@worldnotworld 3 месяца назад
Small (?) historical detail: Breslau was in Germany, not Poland, where it is now...
@augustinenayagam3840 3 месяца назад
1st standard students said about 2nd standard students that THEY broke their physics. 2nd standard students said about 3rd standard students that THEY broke their physics. 3rd standard students said about 4th standard students that THEY broke their physics. 🐼 standard students said about 👽 standard students that THEY broke their physics.
@najawin8348 3 месяца назад
This is literally the first experiment covered in Sakurai, what are you talking about?
@cidercreekranch 3 месяца назад
We would have gotten kicked out of the lab if any of us were smoking a cigar while conducting an experiment!
@ericreiter1 2 месяца назад
Your child's swing analogy misses the point. Try pushing the swing at the frequency of the swing. Resonance is not about how hard to push; it is about when to push. Also, Rutherford did not know about neutrons. I am working on my mustache toward resurrecting the mustache theory. Many good parts of your video, however. Please see my physics videos also.
@Wizardess 3 месяца назад
Dr. Ben Miles - velcro rating 9 (Needs more curl) {O,o}
@JeremyHelm 2 месяца назад
0:26 can't we, maybe not stare, but listen(?), into the something else of the universe? The wholeness?
@JeremyHelm 2 месяца назад
2:09, 2:21 brothel workers with taste - these theorists were sure to whip up adequate motivation?
@JeremyHelm 2 месяца назад
3:07 3:13 why such discreet regularities, instead of some relative mishmash?
@JeremyHelm 2 месяца назад
Here's part of the issue of why I think politics persists, people think of it as a mishmash, instead of something with regularities that you can have insights about and turnover new paradigms with regard to your relation to the subject
@JeremyHelm 2 месяца назад
3:33 ah, and then you can know phenomena. Exactly the same with understanding communication...
@JeremyHelm 2 месяца назад
Is this analogy helpful at all though? What would be the atomic theory of meaning? Communication? Context?
@manmohanmehta5697 3 месяца назад
I am so confused . Why the universe had to be that. Nost space is empty. Electron and nucleus arrangement. Wave or solid . How the spectrum lines are formed .How the Einstein law of universal speed of light not consistent with quantum theory .I am man so very little time. But I have to understand. God help me . Thanks great video. Best wishes to me.
@P-G-77 2 месяца назад
Probably we know 5% of all connections... from vibrations, gravity, magnetism, quanta ecc... one day in future for sure our understanding... call Universe is wrong, the best is understanding of all we have around, permeate any thing, create link to any thing... at this time for sure we have anyway many things to find... many many....
@lady_draguliana784 3 месяца назад
I've been watching This Old Tony long enough to know Nothing Is Real, Everything Is, Everything Isn't, thank you! 🤣
@room5245 3 месяца назад
You're totally in love with Einstein, just admit it!
@DrBenMiles 3 месяца назад
@@room5245 I can't be the only one 😅
@dogcarman 3 месяца назад
@room5245 3 месяца назад
@@DrBenMiles Great vids mate, peak youtube content! thx, been watched a lot of them
@williamwalker39 2 месяца назад
@@DrBenMiles Please address my comment at the top of these comments where I present extensive evidence that light does not propagate at a constant speed c. If this is true then Relativity and any theory based on it is wrong, which includes much of modern physics. I am a fellow PhD physicist educated at ETH Zurich. This is too important to ignore!
@u.koenig 3 месяца назад
Breslau is not Poland
@anthonydentice8180 3 месяца назад
When someone finds out theres something wrong with the universe he either is getting into science or dmt lol😅
@carly09et 3 месяца назад
Ah, the fundamental failure of Mathematics - ( the nature of 'number') - the continuum.
@KurtRichterCISSP 3 месяца назад
"It is correct, rudely and glibly correct, regardless of my plainly stated objections." 😅 I love scientists! Where the common sense of pride runs headlong into a desperate grasp for truth.
@PanglossDr 3 месяца назад
Correction: Homogenous is pronounced ho-mo-gen-ous.
@christophas 3 месяца назад
Sorry for being that guy, but you've some errors in the introduction. First, Stern was German and Breslau a German city back then. That changed in 1945. Secondly, the 19th century refers to 1801 till 1900. 1901 till 2000 is 20th century.
@DrBenMiles 3 месяца назад
@@christophas uhhhh there's always that guy... 😅 thanks for the catches. Much appreciated 👏
@MrKotBonifacy 3 месяца назад
@@DrBenMiles _Verily I say unto ye, the universe is full of knockers laying in wait behind their keyboards and waiting for the opportune moment to strike - watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein their wrath cometh upon ye_ , says the Scripture... ;-)
@tulliusexmisc2191 3 месяца назад
To be even more precise, people living today count the 21st century as starting at the start of 2000, the 20th in 1900 and so on,. But people living in 1900 regarded their year as part of the 19th century, and in 1800 people considered themselves to be in the 18th. I don't know what covnentions if any were popular before that.
@WJV9 2 месяца назад
@@MrKotBonifacy - LOL
@CrispyCircuits 2 месяца назад
​Consider the fact that 1AD has the day before as 1 BCE. Do the math, yesterday was two days ago!
@alext8828 2 месяца назад
"Man with watch always know exact time. Man with two watches never sure."
@RGF19651 3 месяца назад
I remember the Stern-Gerlach experiment being presented in my undergrad QM and Atomic Physics courses as the experiment that verified electron spin. Thanks for the real “back story”. Interesting how when one sets out to prove or disprove something, the results turn out to verify something different.
@WJV9 2 месяца назад
Yes, I remember reading about those experiments but only as they pertained to Electronics Engineering and semiconductor design along with other theories & experiments by Bohr, Dirac, Schrödinger, Heisenberg, etc.
@DrDeuteron 3 месяца назад
they were also lucky that a 19th C mathematician named Sophus Lie worked an useless abstract realm that turned out to be not so useless, otherwise this two component spin thing would have never made any sense.
@clmasse 3 месяца назад
Élie Cartan.
@clifsportland 3 месяца назад
This happens over and over again. Mathematicians exploring useless concepts that are only later understood to perfectly describe some aspect or our universe. Knot theory is the example I always give.
@oceannuclear 3 месяца назад
@@clifsportland What did Knot theory end up being useful in experimental physics for?
@theultimatereductionist7592 3 месяца назад
Meaningless to say some thing X is "useless" or "useful" unless you specify what X is useless or useful for. Lie algebras was a joy unto themselves, just like any other form of mental enjoyment. I think chess is absolutely useless. Worthless. Never liked its stupid arbitrary rules. But some people enjoy it for some reason. And Sophus Lie's work was poor choice anyway. It was originally created for figuring out how to solve certain classes of differential equations. So, it absolutely WAS useful TO OTHER areas of mathematics.
@theultimatereductionist7592 3 месяца назад
@@clifsportland Meaningless to say some thing X is "useless" or "useful" unless you specify what X is useless or useful for. Lie algebras was a joy unto themselves, just like any other form of mental enjoyment. I think chess is absolutely useless. Worthless. Never liked its stupid arbitrary rules. But some people enjoy it for some reason. And Sophus Lie's work was poor choice anyway. It was originally created for figuring out how to solve certain classes of differential equations. So, it absolutely WAS useful TO OTHER areas of mathematics.
@n-da-bunka2650 3 месяца назад
Thanks for the "new" presentation of this scenario. I learned about the second-hand cigar smoke being a KEY to the success of this experiment but did not realize that it wasn't originally designed to identify spin.
@theophrastus3.056 2 месяца назад
I got married. After that, I knew the reality around me was fundamentally different from what I thought I understood.
@mavelous1763 2 месяца назад
You fell into a black hole?
@karankakkar3999 3 месяца назад
Literally all quantum textbooks start with explaining the significance of these experiments
@wondledonkey 3 месяца назад
Lol right. I thought he was gonna talk about Aharonov-Bohm or something... Stern Gerlach is like, day one hour one of every QM curriculum I've ever seen
@felixmoore6781 3 месяца назад
Literally not quite literally all.
@davidwright5719 3 месяца назад
Stern-Gerlach experiment is hardly forgotten; it’s covered in every QM class. Also, it was nowhere near first experiment to show quantum effects: blackbody radiation, hydrogen spectrum, etc. came first.
@voidisyinyangvoidisyinyang885 3 месяца назад
see the Bohmian explanation of Stern-Gerlach also. thanks
@mickwilson99 3 месяца назад
Einstein's explanation in 1995 of the observed quantized photoelectric effect won him his first Nobel Prize in 1922.
@RuinerWonkel 3 месяца назад
@davidwright5719 absolutely correct. i'm repeating and looking over the stuff for my masters right now. As you said, from blackbody radiation came planck spectrum and the ultraviolett catastrophy with planck introducing the helping parameter h, which is now known as plancks constant. Einstein used this constant in Lenards experiment with the photoelectric effect, basically connecting everything together. Stern Gerlach was important for understanding properties like the spin which happened way later.
@PMA65537 3 месяца назад
@@mickwilson99 1905, he was 40 years dead by 1995
@mickwilson99 3 месяца назад
Typo - 1905, as ought have been apparent, but thanks for spotting this minor error.
@charbeleid193 3 месяца назад
In which fking world is the Stern-Gerlach experiment forgotten 😂😂😂😂
@waltertoki1 3 месяца назад
This explanation on Bohr’s model missed a key part. Bohr used Planck’s constant h, that was used to explain Black Body radiation, in his model of the Hydrogen spectrum. This constant h divided by 2pi is the quantum unit of angular momentum that the electron can have when it orbits the nucleus. This was a revolutionary step in modern physics.
@johnclawed 3 месяца назад
Yet ANOTHER reason why pi should be 6.28.
@Scotty-vs4lf 3 месяца назад
@@johnclawed well pi is 3.14 because historically it was used with diameter rather than radius, so the reason we use 2pi so much is because we use radius more often
@RedstonekPL 3 месяца назад
​@@johnclawed ppl use tau for 2pi
@solconcordia4315 2 месяца назад
What's the *CORRECT* formula for the angular momentum of a harmonic oscillator ? Is the factor before h_bar really √l(l+1) or for the case of the lone ground-state electron in a hydrogen atom √(1/2)(1/2 + 1) = √3 ÷ 2 or √(-1/2)(-1/2 + 1) = √-1 ÷ 2 ? Can angular momentum really be imaginary ? Maybe *ALL* imaginary numbers can be purged from Quantum Theory.
@solconcordia4315 2 месяца назад
2×2 Pauli's spin matrices can be replaced by 3×3 matrices with all real numbers in them. Then there's no more imaginary number where spin appears. The spin of the ground-state line electron in a hydrogen atom should have magnitude of 1/2 or √3/2 or √-1/2 computed from the √s(s+1) formula modeled after the √l(l+1) one.
@shantanusapru 3 месяца назад
So how *did* other scientists discover that they were wrong, and that what the two had discovered was actually electron spin? Maybe make a video on/explaining that?!! That'd be cool!
@Julian.u7 3 месяца назад
Stop using the word “proved” for Physics. Have you heard of Popper?
@DJF1947 2 месяца назад
Why do you posit 'wanting to impress girls' in regard to proximity to a brothel? That is not how brothels work.
@lady_draguliana784 3 месяца назад
Newtonian Physics is like watching a sunrise, Quantum physics is like watching a madman's Fireworks display...
@higztv1166 3 месяца назад
I don't get how orientation can even be quantized don't we have a rotational symmetry of space, that says that no direction in space is any more special than the other?
@maconcamp472 3 месяца назад
Mercury Rising!!! 🌡️💕💕💕💕🤒 It’s getting hot in here!! 👙Global warming is the planet warming up to each other!! 🐨🐨 The Big Bang Theory!! Gravity is memory!!🐘 🐾 🥁 We’re each a particle, photon or star; cosmic surfing!!!🏄‍♂️ 🏄‍♀️ When this wave collapses seems to depend on us. The physics!! 👩‍🔬 We’re all fizzicists!! 🥤 Mount Shasta is the root!! ⛰️ Root beer!! 🍺 🐻 Big bear!!! Big bear chase me!!! The Great Outdoors!!🐾 🌲 🐾🌲🐾🌲🐾🌲 The 7 goddesses of the Pleiades!! 💎💎💎💎💎💎💎 After I personally tie the knot with them, we’ll create the figure 8 and become infinite!! Astronauts and cosmonauts!! Naughty!! 🪢 🧑‍🚀🎱😂 My Russian nesting dolls!! 🪺 My fine China!!! 🍽️ Each thought represents a bang❗️Higher vibrational thoughts 🐝🐝🐝 will create bigger bangs‼️ Pebbles And Bam Bam!! 🧊 🦕 🧊 🦖 🧊 🦣 🧊 Each grain of sand or pebble, a building block for planets or dark matter!! 🪨 Dark energy aka consciousness, creates the bang!! Supernovae!! 💥 Super Moons!! Flowery moons!! 🌹 Saturn a flowery moon!! Representing the 6th dimension!! More energy!!🪐 🛸 We control it!! 🧞 We’re stars!!✨ Hi, Hey, Hello!!🦜 The more G’s, the better!! They’ll reflect our minds, technology and more!! G strings!! 👙 👙👙👙 Our brains look like gum!! 🧠 Juicier the better!!!🍏🍋‍🟩🫐🍍🍎🍌🍈🥥🍐🍉🍒🥝🍊🍇🍑🍋🍓🥭 Love everything until it loves you back!! Mosquitos too!!🦟 ❤ Love cancer!! The Crab Nebula!! 🎇 Don’t be crabby!!🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀 Nothing transcends space and time more than love!! 💗 Love is a spaceship!! Taking us higher!!✈️ 🚀 🛸 The greatest attraction in the universe!! 🎪 Each of us and each galaxy would represent a cell!! 🦠 We’re stars putting ourselves back together again!! Like Humpty Dumpty!! 🥚 🐓 The sky is blue because we’re meant to imagine it as a diamond!! The auroras then create the rest of the spectrum!! 🌈 💎 A purple sky would reflect the heart of the ocean!! An opened mind!! 🤯 The earth purring more!! Purrrrrple rain!!☔️ 🐈‍⬛ 🧶 Each thought to me is a solar flare, which shifts us into parallel worlds!! It’s hard here!!! I’m a peaceful dude, yet my life here has been super difficult!!🥹 Alpha Centauri represents a shift in consciousness!! Dog planet!! We’re riding the alpha waves!! Woof woof!!🐶 🐾 This is our world peace and enlightenment for the world and universe!! All is one!!😇🥳🥰🤩 We’re each a mini universe!!🌌 The 3 Body Problem represents our gut brain, 🍱 heart,❤️ and mind!! 🧠 Connecting mind, body, soul, and spirit!! The Holy Spirit becomes whole!! A glory hole!!! 🔆 The moon is a black hole!! 🕳️ A neutrino!! The planet is a colonized moon!!😇🌍👽 The sun is a shapeshifter!! 🌞 Are you and I sculpting together as a team or as individuals??? 🧑‍🎨 Using the moon as a tool!!! 🪨 The Sun is the eye!!👁️ I love the tool/word grinder!!!😮 We’d be Bumping and Grinding!!😂 The Earth is like a refrigerator and the atmospheric pressure is melting or defrosting the stars above, as if they’ve been in the freezer!! 🥶 It would also reflect us krystalyzing and becoming diamonds in the sky!! 💎 💎💎 Lucy becomes Maisie!! 🐒 👽 We could be stars from above aka heaven, melting everything from above, as well! Like a River Running Through It!!! 🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊 Gravitational waves or our thoughts raining down on us through higher dimensions!!! 🌧️ Pass the doobie to the left hand side!!🇯🇲🍍 Unlocking a Secret Garden within and outside of us!!🤫 An Oasis!!!🏝️ 🏝️🏝️🏝️🏝️ Flowing!!! It helps a lot to flow!!!🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊 Letting go, so we can concentrate more and work on our project!! Heaven On Earth!!🌍 👼 Flowers!! 🌺 🌸 💐 and Flow-Ers!!🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊 I know energy is still impurrtant!! 😻 And of course imagination!!! Love!!!💗 🐶 🎾 🧶 🐈‍⬛ To create heaven On Earth, the galaxies collide!! 🌌 Twin flames connect!! 🔥 🔥 We’re creating quantum entanglement!! Ghost particles merging, becoming more like the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man!!👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻 The universe is still the Earth!!⭐️🌍⭐️ We’re seeing it from the insides!! 🕵️ Like we’re inside a volcano 🌋 or wishing well!! The stars and galaxies are like coins!!🪙 The Goonies vibes!! 💀 We’re treasure!! Antarctica is treasure island!! 🐧🇦🇶 Unlocking antimatter!! 🐜 Booby and booty traps exposed!! Planet X!! Hubba Hubba!!🥰 Everything and everyone has been our teacher!!👩‍🏫 3D is like the murky bottom of a bong or volcano!!🌋 The fourth dimension, representing Mars is like the stem of the bong or the volcanos vent!! 👽 Experiencing higher dimensions is like the smoke or magma reaching our mouths 😋 and then circulating through our bodies!! We are the Earth!!🌍 👼 The road less traveled!!!🧳 🌹 Straight up!! 🎈 🎈🎈🎈🎈We’d be super condensed or extremely packed neutron stars!! Like Rigel!! Blueberries!! Antioxidants!! Betelgeuse has evolved into a neutron star!! 🍊🫐 Our long winding road, exploring different dimensions, finally straightening out!! I’m getting Pee Wee vibes!! Large Marge sent me!!🚴😂 We’re vaporized, as if we’ve been smoked or roasted!! 💨 The smoke representing again those compressed neutron stars climbing the higher dimensions of the universe like a chimney!! I’m Mary Poppins, y’all !! ☂️ 🧞‍♀️ It would also represent us as a comet traveling through a wormhole!! 💫 Who me, I’m just a worm!!🐛 🫖 Solving a labyrinth!! 🦉 Solving amaze!!! 🦋 Different energies tell a different story!! 📚 We’re storytellers!! Artists!!🧑‍🎨 We’re energy first!! 🐝 A 12 inch boner is like receiving a foot of snow!!⛄️ 😂 When powered by neutrons and a magnetar energy field, one is like the energizer bunny!!🐰 They’ll keep going and going and going!! 🐇 🐇🐇🐇🐇 If you’re destined to have more than one twin flame, you’re like Frogger, playing leap frog!! Lucy is a sucker for Lillies!! 🐸 🍀 🐸 🍀 🐸🍀🐸🍀🐸 G Force!!!🥳👙🥳👙🥳👙🥳👙🥳 Dorothy’s Ruby red slippers!! ❤❤ Something here in 3D land has to change, yes, mmmmm! Dark Crystal Series!!😍 🧚🏼 We need to get this show rolling!! 🎥 We need our second moon!! Two moons!!! Two Mercurys!! Two black holes!!🕳️ 🕳️ They’ll need some color!! 🌈 Two blood moons!! 🩸 🩸 Two Ruby red slippers!!🥿 🥿 We have to die and become reborn!! Dye!! Dye those slippers red!!😮❤❤😂 Makes complete sense!! 🤯 There’s no place like home!! Home is where the heart is!! Jupiter and the 5th dimension!! 🐸 🍀 Clover Field!!👽 🛸 Time speeds up real fast once we’re there because seeing is definitely believing!! We get excited, hearts start pumping!! 💕 Minds start to open up!! 💜 Oxytocin pumping through our blood!! A love signature!! ✍️ Removing our writers block!! We’re storytellers!! 📚 The two blood moons also like draculas fangs!! Or the fangs of a snake and spider!! A kundalini experience!!!🐍💜 An anti venom!! 🐜 A love bite!! I’m nibbling your ear!! Ringing your ears like church bells!! A liberty bell! 🔔 Heightening your spidey senses!!!🕷️😳🩸🩸 My story just gets juicier!! 🍇 Sticky icky!! 🎄When is it juicy enough for you, I guess, is the question!! Strawberry Hill!! Cherry Blossoms!!🍒🍓We even got hills named after chocolate!!🍫 Purrthquakes instead of Earthquakes!! 😻 A Never Ending Story!! 🐺 ☁️ 🐌 ☁️ 📖 “Still in love! Still in love with that dream!! 🏔️ 🏔️ 🦌 “ Super Earth!! ⭐️ Superheroes!! ⭐️ Super pets!! ⭐️ Super foods!!⭐️ A place where everything is awesome!!🤩 A place where everyone is adorable!!🥰 I’m a sighentist!!🙄 A souldier!!😇 A Glad I Ate Hers!!😋🥧 And most of all a Roarier for the universe!!🦁 The Great Lakes represent the heart of the ocean coming together!! 🫀🌊 A huge manifestation!! 🐰 ⏰ 🍄 A microcosm of our oceans, which will someday become fresh!! 🔬 We’re sky people!! The planet our backyard!! An aquarium!! 🐠 An octopuses garden!!🪴 🐙 Dinosaurs have played the role of our bacteria!! 🦠 They’re back!!! 🦕 🦟 Hold on to your butts!!! Everything is getting supersized!!🧑🏿‍🍳🍟🍔🥤 When the Earth gets it two blood moons 🩸 🩸, it will represent us!!! Mostly centered around twin flames!!🥰🥰 Like we’re children of the universe!! We’ll be cells too and it will be like we’re watching each other grow and evolve!!🦥🐾🦥🐾 Our stars bursting here and there!! 💥 🎇 🎆 My cosmic perspective!! 🐼 🧪 ⚛️
@shibhanlalpandita6975 2 месяца назад
Sir, all this is guess work. I can tell you electricity is already loaded on metals. But it's in a cloud formation. Max entropy. Rotating magnetic field orients this cloud you have electricity. Induction is not correct. Maxwell equations don't generate electricity.
@johnrains8409 3 месяца назад
Hate the term "broke physics." No one in history has ever broken physics. It has been whole and there all along.They just extend our understanding of it.
@DavidSmelik 2 месяца назад
Exactly!! Clickbate..
@itsathingy1321 2 месяца назад
Absolutely. Using this term is just one way how we avoid to admit in front of ourselves that we were wrong and do not really know a certain thing about how the frogg all of us, this and that did get here and now at all... and not even what existence actually is or how it works before and after all. It's a shame. But also kinda funny, us human folks...
@helenamcginty4920 2 месяца назад
Where does it say Broke physics? Did he change his title? I never click on titles like X has broken physics.😅
@helenamcginty4920 2 месяца назад
Ah. On the photo. Glad I missed it.
@Shaun-rv7un Месяц назад
If I start acting and break into Hollywood do you think I'm literally going to break Hollywood??? 😂😂😂😂😂 Just wondering 😂😂😂😂😂
@MrEolicus 2 месяца назад
Nothing like putting a good word for cheap cigars... or brothels, for that concern...
@rudycramer225 2 месяца назад
Looks like that moment of clarity passed me by. Never understood a thing.
@robertthomas5196 2 месяца назад
I try. And fail.
@FritsKist 2 месяца назад
how smart do i have to be to realize how stupid i am?
@mathieuleblanc2068 2 месяца назад
"Not a brothel", sure.
@drbonesshow1 2 месяца назад
I'll give this guy credit he smoothly introduced his sponsor into the discussion. I'm a physics professor, I appreciate skillfulness even when it involves advertising. Better than the getting hit in the puss with a pie approach. Blueberry is my favorite.
@Finkelthusiast 3 месяца назад
I've heard abou this experiment for years and I am so glad to hear the story of the hurdles and insights that we needed to attain the result. Great video!
@johnpayne7873 3 месяца назад
Nicely done Once again a triumph of the saying: “I was right but for the wrong reason”
@ytashu33 2 месяца назад
Stern-Gerlach experiment is not forgotten, if mere amatures like myself, born long after that era, have some (small) understanding of it. Gotta say the last point you made about what they thought they were measuring vs what they actually measured, was something i hadn't really appreciated. Thanks for telling the tale in a fun and engaging way!
@AmolRathod-wj7el 3 месяца назад
Please tell us which book you get all knowledge about story and quantum mechanics.
@AlfredKriman 3 месяца назад
FCOL, the Stern-Gerlach experiment is standard fare in second-year physics curricula.
@hansmuller23 2 месяца назад
Forgotten? 100 years of Stern-Gerlach has been celebrated in Germany in February 2022 in Frankfurt, and Otto Stern's microscope with which he observed the splitting, was also present.
@j3i2i2yl7 3 месяца назад
I am always amused when the popular media describes a new discovery using the phrase "Scientists Baffled!" in the title. Can you imagine if every scientist only found what they already expected to find? Imagine an article saying "Theists Baffled!"
@marc-andredesrosiers523 3 месяца назад
Good job 🙂
@burrahobbithalf 2 месяца назад
Forgotten? All physics majors know the Stern-Gerlach experiment. What they don't know is that Stern didn't expect to see quantized angular momentum.
@theultimatereductionist7592 3 месяца назад
Meaningless to say some thing X is "useless" or "useful" unless you specify what X is useless or useful for. Lie algebras was a joy unto themselves, just like any other form of mental enjoyment. I think chess is absolutely useless. Worthless. Never liked its stupid arbitrary rules. But some people enjoy it for some reason. And Sophus Lie's work was poor choice anyway. It was originally created for figuring out how to solve certain classes of differential equations. So, it absolutely WAS useful TO OTHER areas of mathematics.
@CindySantiago-b6j 3 месяца назад
Блин, поделись своей удачей) я тоже хочу такие замесы устраивать)))
@bhut1571 3 месяца назад
I recall being lectured about the Stern-Gerlach Exp during 1st year, in the late 60's. Thanks, from a stern geezer. This was well presented but definitely not a "forgotten experiment."
@midorihafu 2 месяца назад
Unfortunately, Netflix no longer allows us to connect via a VPN server. We get error messages and are disconnected from Netflix until I disconnect the 😒VPN.
@coodudeman 3 месяца назад
wow... of this 15 min video, 1.5 minutes are a commercial... definitely not subscribing... ok byeeeee!!!!!!!!
@PedroFigueiredo-q9x 2 месяца назад
The discovery is based on the fact that Stern s cigars were cheap and hence emitted hydrogen sulfide, which turns silver brown.
@WJV9 2 месяца назад
I love the element of 'chance' playing into important discoveries in science. I recall Curie's radiation being discovered by a chance exposure of photographic film in a desk drawer or Fermi wondering why the neutron production was increased by a wooden tabletop over the marble tabletop. That led Fermi to put some paraffin wax in the neutron path which greatly increased the neutron collisions with atoms and that led to the production of nuclear fission using thermal neutrons.
@PedroFigueiredo-q9x 2 месяца назад
@@WJV9 Thanks
@davelordy 2 месяца назад
Not really a 'forgotten experiment', it's common knowledge.
@luudest 19 дней назад
The experiment was conducted in inhomogeneous magnet field. How would the results had turned out if the magnet filed was homogeneous?
@vishalpamulapati2253 3 месяца назад
anyone notice the two posters in the background moving in the beginning of the video
@MrKotBonifacy 3 месяца назад
2:02 - strictly speaking, the town of Breslau in 1912 was thoroughly a German city, through and through, as (firstly) Poland hasn't reappeared on Europe maps until 1918 (after 123 years of non-existence as a state), and (secondly) even then (i.e. AFTER 1918) Breslau was still a German city, well within German borders, and (thirdly), unlike Poznań (or other "eastern" towns in pre-WWI Germany) it was never a Polish city before - that is, before 1945, when that commotion commonly referred to as WWII finally ended and Germans were made, by Allied states, to pay for it with portions of their land, and it was only THEN when Breslau - and Stettin, and other places - became Polish towns - and changed their names to Wrocław and Szczecin respectively. And yes, I know this is not a history video, but still... ;-) PS: Others have pointed it out already, which I noticed AFTER posting this comment, and yes, I have this habit of commenting "on my feet" so to speak...
@stephenconnolly1830 2 месяца назад
Qur'an - chapter 69, The Reality: 1. The Reality. 2. What is the Reality? 3. What will make you understand what the Reality is? ... 16 And the heaven will crack; so on that Day it will be frail. Physics came late to the debate - the nature of reality will be revealed to humans on the day of judgment, however, it is clear that our perception of reality is partial and both the Qur'an and physics alludes to this fact.
@RadicalCaveman 2 месяца назад
Cafes, brothels, and moustaches... it's a toxic combination. Almost as bad as bars, beards, and massage parlors.
@jnhrtmn 3 месяца назад
You mix concepts that people understand into situations where they don't fit. Electrons don't spin, so there is no angular momentum. Angular momentum DOES NOT even exist in the gyroscopic effect, and this is physics large and in your face, and YOU MISSED IT. Look at my gyro effect explanation based in CAUSAL accelerations that are PERPENDICULAR to spin velocity, so using angular momentum anywhere becomes a joke. The Stern-Gerlach experiment was definitely a turning point into a possible understanding, but I think the wrong road was chosen. Now it's a paradigm or a crowd on a bandwagon that shares rote memory jargon.
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