
The game is over. Americans "no longer support" Zelensky's request. 

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Russia claims to have shot down 125 Ukraine "drones" without casualties!
Russian Ministry of Defense: Air defense systems destroyed and intercepted 125 Ukrainian "fixed-wing drones"!
The Russian army is advancing step by step, and Kupyansk, an important city in Ukraine, may fall again
The Russian army is advancing towards the city of Kupyansk in Kharkiv It is approaching less than 10 kilometers
The 72nd Brigade was asked to defend Uugledar Russian soldiers in New Ukraine
Ukraine media: "Brigade commander" of the Ukrainian army stationed in Ugledar was "removed"
Battlefield Russian marines recaptured "October Town" The 72nd Brigade of the Ukrainian Army is in a desperate situation!
Advance French source statistics: Russian troops "newly occupied" 5.22 square kilometers of land!
Red Army Village. In the direction of Kurakhovo, the Russian army is on the offensive and the Ukrainian army is facing a severe challenge
The Russian army is advancing strongly, and the issue of the "withdrawal" of the Ukraine army has become the focus of attention from the outside world
The "weights" in Zelensky's hands will determine the final direction of the Battle of Ugledar
To Biden. He Jinli urgently requested that the Ukrainian president visit the United States and seize the last opportunity
Dare to say that Ukraine has been erased and cannot be rebuilt Trump will meet Zelensky!
The most blunt criticism of Trump's refusal to "reach an agreement" to end the Russia-Ukraine war
Trump criticizes Ukraine for "refusing territory for peace" Sour Zelensky "salesman"
Yield the vote, Trump sees Zelensky, He Jinli says she is proud to stand shoulder to shoulder with Ukraine!
At the meeting, Trump said that he had a very good relationship with Zelensky, and so did Putin!
Trump will meet Zelensky to mediate the "Russia-Ukraine cessation of war" Zonze is a piece of "steel"!
Meeting with Zelensky, He Jinli will secretly criticize "Trump" for forcing the signing of the "surrender agreement"
Unswervingly, He Jinli met Zelensky and sarcastically forced Trump to cut the ground like Putin!
Development China-led "peace plan" supported by "Switzerland" Kyiv is disappointed!
Russia-Ukraine war Switzerland expresses its support for China's version of the peace initiative Kyiv expresses regret!
"Friends of peace" voice objective rational "political settlement" of the Ukraine issue
Zelensky is questioning. Pakistan's push for "peace in Ukraine" behind the "real interests"
Wang Yi meets with Ukraine's foreign minister, China does not seek selfish interests, actively persuades peace talks!
UN Security Council high-level meeting on Ukraine Wang Yi put forward China's 3 proposals!
Meeting Ukraine Foreign Minister Sibiha Wang Yi: China continues to do what it thinks is right!
Beware Assistant to the Prime Minister of Hungary "direct surrender" by Russia violations!
Assistant to the Prime Minister of Hungary: "Be careful" with the precious "life" of Hungary
Assistant Prime Minister of Hungary: The Russian-Ukrainian war has caused 100,000 "senseless" deaths
United States provides Ukraine with 253 billion yuan in "military aid" Kim Yo-jong: Wrong and stupid!
North Korea is accused of illegally supplying weapons to Russia Kim Yo-jong: The United States aided Ukraine with 253 billion is a mistake!
Kim Jong-un: United States and the West should not ignore or underestimate Russia's "serious" warnings
Kim Yo Jong: The United States is "escalating" the Russian-Ukrainian war and pushing Europe to the brink of "nuclear war"!
Russia-North Korea alliance North Korea sent at least 16,500 containers of weapons, but Russia denied it
NATO will set up a headquarters in Mikkeli next year in Finland Only 140 kilometers from Russia!
Commander of the Finland Army: The new command will be responsible for land force operations in the Nordic region
In response to the Nordic North



29 сен 2024




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@weihuasung7015 3 часа назад
@globalnewstw 9 часов назад
@november9700 8 часов назад
@michelwong1 3 часа назад
为什么只是 敏敏好! 别人不好吗 ?。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@簡志峰-b3y 52 минуты назад
@michelwong1 3 часа назад
👍👍👍👍👍👍 乌克兰, 【没有38 线】,也没有【17度线】 有的是 :东北 - 西南斜斜的线。 斜的线怎样划停火线 ?。。。。。。。。。。。🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@jeffren5607 2 часа назад
哈爾科夫 到 敖德薩 是基輔司機的勝利線 也是普金的勝利線 win - win ✌️✌️ 🤣🤣
@yilongwang171 3 часа назад
@尤坤盟 5 часов назад
@Tom-sr3fc 8 часов назад
5:45 覺得沒用 拜登會放任烏克蘭在選前潰敗嗎 我猜會再挑戰普丁紅線 美國利益不重要 重要的是不讓川普當選
@tuansiuang7772 7 часов назад
@lutmingtsoi8460 4 часа назад
@linoqli5564 4 часа назад
@jasonlokchan6015 4 часа назад
@jasonlokchan6015 4 часа назад
用用腦子都清楚誰勝誰負 烏軍在俄羅斯境內只有等死的份😂😂
@surper164 3 часа назад
中國會這樣講 當然 就是標題黨 有認知的人都知道 烏克蘭根本打不贏 光武器都需要別國提供怎麼打 而且現在提供武器的國家經濟普遍都很差 拿自己國家實力去救人把自己國人置於何地
@nathan8348 Час назад
自媒体?? 那种东西你能信?
@feifei7540 Час назад
@ytlim5819 8 часов назад
@SophieMire-ek1fn 8 часов назад
88 我中毒了, 脑部中毒, 太复杂的事不能思考
@kaiwengwong5192 8 часов назад
當年蘇聯也退出阿富汗, 也是吃到嘴內的肉吐出來. 沒什麼事是不可能
@熊大-d6d 8 часов назад
當年.... 阿富汗離穌聯遠,補給不易 戰略價值,和安全重要性也低於烏克蘭 阿富汗幾乎都是山區,游擊戰好打 烏克蘭是一馬平川,能守的就城市 當年的美國如日方中,戰力,經濟,工業,國際影響力都處於巔峰 那時的穌聯和一眾小弟都是強弩之末,俄羅斯居民連生活用品都快買不起了.... 現在....嗯!人要想信奇蹟...
@kaiwengwong5192 8 часов назад
@@熊大-d6d 你有讀地理嗎?蘇聯與阿富汗是鄰國。
@熊大-d6d 8 часов назад
@@kaiwengwong5192 雖然蘇聯時代哈薩克以南三小國都還是蘇聯成員 你打開地圖看看 全都是山區 當時蘇聯的工業重心 基本都在莫斯科到烏東一帶 就算現代 那一區的交通都還算相對落後 你說把陸軍物資大量調往那一邊 既遠,還可能置首都區防守進入危機 就像印度跟中國關係一樣,既是隣國....但真要過去補給線超長的....
@湖叼台灣 7 часов назад
烏克蘭好打??? 都2年多了 說好的3天呢? 😅😅😅😅
@湖叼台灣 7 часов назад
烏東,就是烏克蘭國民黨的大本營,還打不下來,快笑死了 😅😅😅
@小李-f1k 5 часов назад
@Djhdjeejekeeke-s9v 5 часов назад
@玄乎-mnb 8 часов назад
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