
The Glowing Crystals Behind a PET Scan 

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27 сен 2024




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@Muonium1 Год назад
Interestingly just within the past few years, a few small scale gem cutters and dealers have realized that the companies making this material have failed boules and offcuts that they will sell very cheaply which can be turned into highly unique jewelry with stupendous qualities of ultra bright fluorescence, extreme color play due to high index of refraction, and incredibly long lived (many hours) phosphorescence. Specifically House of sylas and Angry Turtle Jewelry in the US are essentially creating a whole new market around synthetic crystal jewelry usually involving things like BGO, lutetium-yttrium oxyorthosilicate, and lutetium aluminum garnet. If you search for these terms or their names on social media you can see examples of some really fantastic material they're making.
@gus473 Год назад
My wife has a set of earrings made of less-than-perfect ruled diffraction gratings, which have drawn many compliments over the years. Not commercially available, sadly.... 😎✌️
@gree9963 Год назад
@williamchamberlain2263 Год назад
@liesdamnlies3372 Год назад
So…some day one could have a gemstone on a necklace or bracelet or something as a crude radiation detector…
@Peter_S_ Год назад
@@liesdamnlies3372 Yes, think of that item as an oven thermometer to tell you when your goose has already been cooked. The photomultipliers they're typically attached to have an amplification factor of something huge like 100,000 and they are looking for single photons so don't expect your eyes to have similar sensitivity. Side note: if you power up a photomultiplier tube in room-light, you'll cook it.
@fredinit Год назад
From Wagyu beef to scintillation crystals for PET scanners. Jon, you never fail to amaze. Thanks for the video.
@fredfred2363 Год назад
Yep. 100% agreed. 👍🏻😀🇬🇧
@zorintoto1167 Год назад
Thank you for reminding me I need to buy steak for today
@Tuttle9955i Год назад
It's worth mentioning that a pair of photons emitted during during a positron/electron annihilation travel away from the point of the annihilation at exactly 180 degrees. The system detects each pair of photons as a 'coincidence', allowing the system to reconstruct a straight line between the two scintillations that were detected. More advanced systems also process 'time of flight', whereby a tiny delay between the detected scintillations indicates the position along the straight line that the annihilation took place. Sorry if I'm boring you, but I found this relevant since other nuclear medicine tracers such as TC99m or I131 don't exhibit this unique property.
@mvadu Год назад
You are not boring, but adding very important additional information to the topic covered in the video.
@luipaardprint Год назад
Yes, you actually answered the one question I was still wondering about.
@chalkchalkson5639 Год назад
aktschualllllly it's not exactly 180° since the position is usually moving during annihilation, lorentz transforming back gives you slightly less than 180° and introduces an error source
@Tuttle9955i Год назад
@@chalkchalkson5639 very hiiinterestin' thanks 👍
@lukecampbell6647 Год назад
A couple minor details to note. When one of those 511 keV gamma rays undergoes photoelectric absorption in the crystal, the gamma ray disappears and all of its energy gets put into the photo-electron. On the other hand, you have another phenomenon that can occur called Compton scatter, where the gamma ray does bounce off with lower energy, but having given some of its energy to an electron. Both of these processes occur in scintillators, with Compton scatter becoming more important for lighter elements and higher energy gamma rays. Second, the valence band of a scintillator is all full up of electrons. When an electron is excited out of the valence band, it leaves behind a missing electron (called a "hole") in the valence band. The hole acts like a particle, in that it can move around and carry charge (although as you might expect from something that is a missing electron, it carries positive, not negative, charge). In order to generate scintillation light, the conduction electron can't just fall back to the valence band anywhere, because as mentioned the valence band is all filled up and there's nowhere for the electron to go. Instead, the conduction electron needs to find a valence hole, so there is a place for it to fall down in to. When it does encounter a hole, it can emit a scintillation photon as the conduction electron and valence hole recombine.
@chalkchalkson5639 Год назад
also: you often get multiple excitations per photons, that's why some systems even add additional WLS crystals to convert the blue LYSO light to green for better detection (eg that insane CERN ToF PET project using axial instead of radial scintilators)
@janami-dharmam Год назад
what is the band gap for these crystals? Recombination need not be slow but the shape of the fermi band is going to be critical. What are the crystal structures of these compounds?
@coffeeaddict8972 Год назад
Also I think there is one more condition a scintillation crystal has to fulfill and that is high light transmission. It needs to be as transparent as possible basically so the light can get to the PMT or Si detector without much attenuation or scattering.
@TheRadconranger Год назад
same theory on why scintillation detectors work...Are you a Health Physics Tech or specialist by any chance? You sound like a bored HP tech explaining detector theory to a junior....;-)
@lukecampbell6647 Год назад
@@TheRadconranger I'm a physicist that has worked for more than a decade now in the field of radiation detection and material science (usually material science as applies to the electronic excitations from radiation detection). My thesis work was looking at the electronic excitations in condensed matter which you get from x-ray absorption. I work at a U.S. national lab (PNNL) where we worry about things like detecting smuggled nuclear material, scanning spent nuclear fuel, building new x-ray machines for emergency response or airline security, and other stuff where detecting high energy radiation is rather useful. Obligatory disclaimer - in this reply, I am speaking as a private citizen and not in any official capacity on behalf of PNNL.
@michaelvilain8457 Год назад
I was disappointed to learn that if I undergo a PET scan or radiation for cancer treatment, I don't get a t-shirt saying "I've been irradiated. Where's my superpower?"
@monad_tcp Год назад
that's because you were already irradiated and are being irradiated always everywhere all the time
@thomasfrach413 Год назад
One driver for fast and bright scintillators is time-of-flight PET with coincidence time resolutions below 500ps. This was what LSO/LYSO scintillator made possible, as they produce enough photons in the beginning of the light pulse to enable this time resolution (LaBr would be another candidate, albeit with higher scatter fraction). It would be a topic on its own, but it may be interesting to mention the recent transition from photomultiplier tubes to silicon photomultipliers, and the "10ps PET challenge".
@crackwitz Год назад
since 500 ns at light speed (time of flight) is 150 meters, I'm guessing you meant to write "500 ps", which means 0.15 meters. 10 ps give 3 millimeters.
@thomasfrach413 Год назад
@@crackwitz yes, I meant 500ps not ns 🙂 CRT of 10ps would potentially eliminate the need for reconstruction as the voxel size is in the order of 3mm, though that depends on system setting and application.
@Fulcanelli88 Год назад
La Br ? No endeed
@xsk8rat Год назад
Our engineers were so excited by the availability of LSO:CE and LYSO:CE for the SPECT cameras we made. Giddy is the word.
@KomradZX1989 Год назад
You should do CT scanners and MRIs next! I was born with Osteogenesis Imperfecta or brittle bones and I can’t tell you how many countless MRIs and CTs I’ve had in my day. Super interesting 10/10 as always buddy ❤
@fwixgamer4796 Год назад
damn son i gotta give it to you , you got a big nation level of motivation to make complex video in a short time , hat off brother :d .
@hmbro3236 Год назад
You can also find scintillation crystals in xray equipment. Some facilities that are older or in poorer areas use computed radiography, which was developed due to its ability to easily obtain a digital image with minimal changes to a older traditional film systems making it a cheap upgrade. You fire the x ray beam through a target and when the beam reaches a phosphor layer to store some of the energy. They the shine a laser on it one row at a time which releases the stored energy as visible light. They then have a photodetector to read the signal and construct the image. You also see it in some fully digital xray radiography systems and CT scanners. Where the xrays are converted into visible light and the signal is captured with photodiode on an amorphous selenium or silicon layer. There is also direct detection as well there they measure liberated charge inside a substance but could require higher radiation dose because of the weaker signal from this method.
@benmcreynolds8581 Год назад
That's the method they used when they diagnosed me with Gastroparesis and imaged my digestion after I ate a meal of radioactive scrambled eggs and slice of bread.
@chalkchalkson5639 Год назад
Other neat applications: detectors in astronomy and particle physics and for tissue equivalent dosimeters. PMMA is a scinitlator (though a bad one) and happens to interact with xrays very similarly to water. So you can readings for radiation doses that require a little less guesswork/conversion to convert them to the dose which tissue would receive.
@41chemist19 Год назад
Great video! Small correction, your images of yttrium lutetium and cerium say they have a melting point of 2,400c while you say they have a melting point of 24,000c. This might be confusing for people who are only listening to the video.
@41chemist19 Год назад
@Bigga Nigga I'm not making fun of him. I really do appreciate his work but if there're informational inaccuracies it's worth mentioning.
@htomerif Год назад
@@41chemist19 I was gonna mention it if you didn't. People get stuff like this wrong all the time in presentations and generally you want to hear about it sooner rather than later. I corrected a professional chemist who kept mistakenly saying "glyphosphate" instead of "glyphosate" and that kind of correction is just a matter of professional courtesy. Letting it go without commenting on it would be disrespectful. Letting it go is basically saying "you're not smart enough to ever get this right so why bother correcting you?"
@ericcarabetta1161 Год назад
Nah, pretty sure it's 24,000℉. 😏
@ricktao8 Год назад
According to wiki lutetium oxide, the melting point is 2,400c as shown in photo. So when in doubt, check google wiki.
@htomerif Год назад
@@ricktao8 Nothing has a melting point above 10kC, so you really don't have to bother checking.
@DrDeuteron Год назад
FYI: if you want to see scintillation (and check the UV absorption of your windows), get a gatorade bottle safely plastic seal: in sunlight it will emit bright violet light out of the sides: that is UV converted to visible via scintillation. Works best on a low-cloud day. You can also put tonic water in a black light, it will glow blue...same color as Froto's sword.
@karhukivi Год назад
That is fluorescence, not scintillation. If you want to see scintillation, look at the luminous hands of an old radioactive watch with a strong lens, you will see the individual scintillations of the alpha particles striking the phosphor.
@DrDeuteron Год назад
@@karhukivi where I’m from scintillation is fluorescence, and phosphorescence is delayed fluorescence, unless it is microwaves, then scintillation is speckle noise
@karhukivi Год назад
@@DrDeuteron Most scintillators will also fluoresce . But if for example you have a ZnS screen and bombard it with alpha particles, there will be a succession of flashes which translate into pulses in a PMT. I would not consider that as fluorescence. A bit like the distinctions between killing, murder and dying, it depends on the circumstances!
@christopherleubner6633 Год назад
Yup the dye us the same one used for scintillating plastic, but it is generally used with acrylic for purpose made scintillating wands.
@VerilyRude Год назад
This deer knows so much about everything.
@Gameboygenius Год назад
11:41 perks of playing Geoguessr: seeing that black/yellow spiral warning pattern on a utility pole and immediately thinking that's Taiwan! (If the lines were straight vertical, it would be Japan. If spiral but positioned over the ground, South Korea. If no warning pattern but pictures of the Dear Leader everywhere, North Korea.)
@AngryTurtleGems Год назад
It is super cool to hear someone else talking about these things! Really nice coverage too--I only get to make ultra short videos but there is so much more to tell about these things. I feel like the story of having to develop an entire market and processing pipeline for lutetium so they could make enough LSO could make its own miniseries.
@mrvietdao Год назад
Wow this is insane. I'm a researcher for PET and at 7.53 seconds, this PET scanner is the JPET. It is design as plastic scintillators rather than crystal (reduce cost and easier to work with) and because of that the dominant interaction is Compton scatter, at the density for plastic, and so they needed multiple layers of the plastic scintillators for it to increase the sensitivity (fraction of gamma photon detected to gamma photon emitted). The image shown at 7.53 s is of the first generation prototype where it is using the photomultiplier tubes with lots of gaps between scintillators while the second generation has less and smaller gaps and uses SiPM modules. The most insane part is that I was there for a conference meeting in Krakow at the end of April and they showed everyone around the labs and of these prototype scanners. Now I see it on a video of someone I subscribed to on YT.
@rollinwithunclepete824 Год назад
I didn't know that I would find PET Scanners so interesting, Jon. Thanks!
@francescozani9488 Год назад
I wasn't aware of the need of a glowing crystal to scan my pet.
@mastsh12 Год назад
Just one quick comment, the term "aromatic" when talking about organic scintillator crystals doesn't mean they're smelly. It's a chemical property involving the electrons in certain ring structures (pi electrons in resonance). Admittedly, many of the first studied aromatic compounds (benzene for example) did have distinct odors, but as a general term its not a requirement.
@christopherleubner6633 Год назад
Remember finding a PET scanner at s junk yard that had the 4 section square PMT tubes and the BGO scintillating crystals. You can change the resistors on the end and make a position sensitive radiation detector with one.
@yiman1196 6 месяцев назад
Great video! I’m an EE student at Stanford, and your interesting content really complement my courses :)
@testboga5991 Год назад
you overlooked a major problem in PET scanners: higher resolution sensors don't create higher resolution images. the resolution is already now limited by the random time the positron takes to recombine with an electron!
@jacobtrapp3772 Год назад
Making the most boring sounding topics sound interesting is a unique specialty of yours isn't it?
@TimPerfetto Год назад
Ohh yes I appreciate you saying so
@answerman9933 Год назад
I am always surprised when I actually finding interests in some of the eclectic topics.
@Shinzon23 Год назад
Because nothing ever went wrong with ominously glowing crystals
@Sazoji Год назад
You can get some of those crystals as jewlery, combine it with a UV laser, and it'll glow for a while. Wish they were resistant to wear...
@AngryTurtleGems Год назад
LYSO/LSO are definitely on the soft side, but fortunately other scintillators like Ce:YAG, GAGG and LuAG are all pretty durable and can even work as ring stones.
@WolfmanDude Год назад
I have a gigantic version of those crystals sitting on my desk right now. Found the whole detector in the trash a few years ago. The PM tube is also still somewhere downstairs in my workshop
@fjs1111 Год назад
Those crystals come in handy and are fairly expensive.. Don't lose it! :-)
@Muonium1 Год назад
Do you know the exact crystal composition?
@gus473 Год назад
Betting that it's a Hamamatsu PMT! 😎✌️
@fjs1111 Год назад
@@gus473 Yes! They make the best PMs, Scintillators and Scintillator based detectors. I think they have silicon detectors too. They used gallium a lot I think.
@Danji_Coppersmoke Год назад
Will be handy when Orcs invade your house.
@defeatSpace Год назад
I don't like the idea of positrons annihilating my electrons.
@ЛюбомирДинков Год назад
If you must have a PET scan made this is the least of your problems...
@chalkchalkson5639 Год назад
Very happy the topic ended up working out for a video! After your polite email response and no content on it for so long I assumed it was deemed not a good fit :D 6:59 3D PET is probably supposed to refer to ToF PET here? PET is pretty much always reconstructed in 3D, that's why you typically limit yourself to coincidence measurements where both 511keV photons are detected.
@badxxxmonkey5541 Год назад
Your work here on explaining crystals is unparalleled.
@aldriech.wilhem Год назад
I don't know how you do it but you make topics that I found boring interesting
@jannegrey593 Год назад
So.... due to TSA's involvement we have better scanners? Talk about under funding medicine.
@ssl3546 Год назад
well with Japan's declining population there are fewer and fewer Tomokos around, hence less need for tomographs
@monad_tcp Год назад
didn't you see what happened in 2020 just because 5% of the population had to go to the hospital at the same time ? imagine if it was higher than that, under funded is selling it short, its way more underfunded than that
@ericmoeller3634 Год назад
this just made me not to want to get that pet scan on my gallbladder more
@johngeber1806 Год назад
I love your stuff. I work in semis so got drawn in for that but lately i enjoy the other topics.
@monad_tcp Год назад
Its called pet scanner, but it is HUGE
@Dmayrion2 Год назад
To get a higher spatial resolution, SiPMs are the way to go. They're very cheap compared to regular PMTs, but the measurement equipment to get a signal out of a large array is very expensive. My lab wanted a 12" diameter array of SiPMs but the cost would be at least in the tens of thousands of dollars.
@valeriopreite7573 Год назад
Well, literally scintillation means sparkling, because in Latin and then Italian "scintilla" means spark. It seems that it has a common etymology with shine.
@PackthatcameBack Год назад
So basically we've figured out a way to scan human tissue using antimatter.
@hellboystein2926 Год назад
I have the second sight i know excatly what next weeks topic will be: 'The failure of the terranian lightsabre-industry and why corrosant is dominating the market'
@SF-fb6lv Год назад
BTW, using E=MC^2 works well to calculate the energies of those two anti-parallel gamma photos. It's a good exercise. There are TWO photos created because the net momentum must also be brought to zero by two photos moving in opposite directions.
@DrDeuteron Год назад
don't forget ortho-positronium's 3-gamma decay.
@SF-fb6lv Год назад
@@DrDeuteron So for 3 gamma photons, each gamma photon energy is 1022 KeV/3 and 120 degrees apart?
@DrDeuteron Год назад
@@SF-fb6lv no, it’s all about phase space, like in beta decay.
@SF-fb6lv Год назад
@@DrDeuteronNow I get what you mean by your very compact response. But I had to research it a little...
@EyesOfByes Год назад
10:16 I though that was *the matrix* method... Oh... wrong -skis
@BradBo1140 Год назад
I am endlessly fascinated with MRI machines. I’ve had a dozen or more MRI scans due to my arthritis. I had NO idea that a PET scanner was that different! That was a fascinating episode, thanks so much. It is wild to me that chemical scientists can create so many different compounds of materials.
@RonJohn63 Год назад
Did gamma rays turn Bruce Banner into the Hulk?
@johnmanderson2060 Год назад
Very interesting subject ! Thanks a lot. 👍🏻🙏🏻
@karhukivi Год назад
A bit nit-picking I know, but 511 KeV radiation is not "high-energy" gamma radiation, rather it is on the low end of the gamma radiation range of 300 to 3000 KeV.
@crackwitz Год назад
the future, literally, *glows in the dark*
@ciaranalex21 Год назад
It's the day of exams for me and part of it is based on gamma scintillators and PET scans so this video couldn't have come out at a better time.
@AntonioNoack Год назад
@11:59 That is (like you said it 😄) a controversial statement, as the temperate scale doesn't start at 0°C. It's about 3.5x starting from 0K.
@DrDeuteron Год назад
or 0 degrees R
@Sondergarden Год назад
Wizards LOVE collecting crystals 😎🔮🔮🔮🪄
@fredfred2363 Год назад
Enlightening. Exellent informative video plugging a hole in my knowledge. Thank you! 👍🏻😀🇬🇧
@Me-ld8bt Год назад
Did you say iridium metal crucibles? No wonder these crystals are so expensive.
@Donnirononon Год назад
I have worked in medical image (DICOM) processing software for years but i did not know about PET, only the calssical modalites like CT or MRT. So this machine is basically an Antimatter-Gun firing anti-electrons?
@MrKotBonifacy Год назад
11:49 - "Three of them .... melt at TWENTY FOUR THOUSAND DEGREES OF CELSIUS" - ??! Rather, "24 HUNDRED °C" or 2400°C (as CC reads).
@DG-mk7kd Год назад
These complex crystals sound like a prime candidate for zero G manufacture One more reason to get into space
@supercompooper Год назад
One also must smudge them with sage 😅
@thomasschulz3442 Год назад
I've never heard vrom something like this. Thank you for giving me a look inside a, otherwise undetectable, world of technology. Thank you! (not native speaker, sorry)
@trolly4233 Год назад
Shadow wizard money gang crystals
@dilipdas5777 Год назад
Now make a video about BAK4 prism and ED glass
@liupeyhwa Год назад
10:53 Why can't I summon corpeal Patronus with that spell ? professor
@RooMan93 Год назад
So a PET scanner is just a backwards diodes pumped laser?
@Peter_S_ Год назад
Interesting perspective. As with the comparison between a Vidicon camera tube and a CRT, many converse analogies do apply.
@uppstufur Год назад
I know it's going to be good 👍
@OpinionatedMatt Год назад
Colontown University, where all the best students from Buttville High go for more in depth education.
@qwerty123443wifi Год назад
Could you do a video on EELS? Or perhaps on TEM in general
@jjones503 Год назад
I've never scanned my pet. Should i?
@Nicolas-uu3jr Год назад
i want a lighsaber, it's an elegant weapon, for an elegant age 😀
@TheGreatAtario Год назад
Vay-lence, not vaa-lence
@vera9230 Год назад
you dont miss
@johnmijo Год назад
Anytime there is a DBZ reference is a WIN ;)
@yeshwantpande2238 Год назад
Have you missed or ignored GE(Li) and pure Germanium detectors or you were specifically dealing with PET ?
@hgbugalou Год назад
I just got some scintillation crystals from china to make an xray spectrometer. How timely.
@aristeidislykas7163 Год назад
Minute 11:55 "24 thousand degrees Celsius"... Did you mean "24 hundred degrees Celsius"?
@carldalsasso8603 6 месяцев назад
😅 I know just enough to now have a new fear of/reason to avoid this procedure 😆 no desire to inject myself with anything, let alone something radioactive 😂
@nurlanusubaliev2696 Год назад
Company from Russia makes good ingots and sensors
@InfoSopher Год назад
Why would I do a pet scan? I'm not a pet!
@Eupolemos Год назад
11:54 - I think you meant 24-hundred degrees. Can I email you about it 😁
@j.h.jun.2214 Год назад
I saw this very interesting and informative video (thanks!) and ordered some raw materials from turtle hoard (angry turtle). But I must say they are now far away from cheap, especially for the european customers. (the cheap samples are out of stock) Nevertheless the have very rare materials and I hardly can't await my order 😊
@BrainierMocha Год назад
We can make Spider-Man?
@misewixe2777 Год назад
It's all about crystals. Always has, been, always will be. 😉
@mikehughesdesigns Год назад
Colontown University. I'll bet they're the butt of a lot of jokes...
@diraziz396 Год назад
@dlvivlviv Год назад
Btw, I just a large pizza
@TimPerfetto Год назад
24000 degrees? Woah no wonder the oxygen wants to leave
@pierrefaucon2875 Год назад
How disgusting.
@TimPerfetto Год назад
@@pierrefaucon2875 Ohh yes god bless you for saying so because without saying so what would you be saying so god bless saying things and being able to speak and god bless god for making vocal chords and god bless propagation mediums and god bless ear drums because without them all we would perceive is whatever rattles around in our sinuses so god bless sinuses and epithelial tissue
@ЛюбомирДинков Год назад
I see that You successfully use Artificial Inteligence in Your scripts. Its opinion of us disgusting organics scintilates through... Organics smell, right? 😂 Great Matrix reference, threw me for a loop for a second... 😅
@mastsh12 Год назад
I kinda assumed the smell comment was about how the crystals are mostly comprised of aromatic hydrocarbons (aromatic here referring to a chemical feature, not smelliness)
@salvadorcidadealta Год назад
@foodmeet3723 Год назад
Question: What about rose quartz or diamond or lab diamond or gem stones or geodes? Can that technically work?
@canadiangemstones7636 Год назад
@guygadbois1068 Год назад
You said 24 thousand degrees celcius but the video shows 2,400 degrees :) It's not that much higher than platinum or titanium. Not sure why the surface of venus is a good thing to compare it to. Tungsten's melting point is 3400celcius
@uppstufur Год назад
@wumboism Год назад
ai genned
@SpaceCakeism Год назад
11:53 I think you meant twenty four hundred,, a.k.a. 2,4k, not 24000...
@tHebUm18 Год назад
11:53 Gotta bust your chops--the visuals are right, but the words say 24,000+ degrees C which is closer to the surface of a white dwarf. 😛
@Palmit_ Год назад
Jon is amazing. but we can see/realise, he's itching to do new ground. I reckon, Jon, just to stretch your brain legs.. do an ANTI series... "this fake chip maker claims this but in truth it's more like ...." use your research skills for investigating DARK purposes. "Asianometry DARK" channel .. i'd subscribe in a blink.:) Thanks. As always.
@alc5653 Год назад
small correction: you said 24000 °C instead of 2400 °C. that would be an impressive melting point. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-XpYYGiUX0x0.html
@scottstensland Год назад
your visuals show 24 hundred not 24 thousand degrees C ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-XpYYGiUX0x0.html
@ipdavid1043 Год назад
PET scan is one of most deadliest and unnecessary procedure for anyone
@kakistocracyusa Год назад
When you are largely ignorant of a subject, why not bring in an actual expert???
@saltyballs1041 Год назад
Spooder man 👉 👈
@saltyballs1041 Год назад
@Tential1 Год назад
"a long decay time is like a slow refresh time on a TV." wow.... You really had faith in how nerdy we are with that analogy....
@byronwatkins2565 Год назад
At 4:30, "visible" is irrelevant since photomultiplier tubes (and NOT our eyes) detect the flashes. However, the photon given off by electron-hole recombination has enough energy to excite another valence electron into the conduction band. Thus, the scintillator crystal is opaque to these photons and that is why we dope the crystal with thallium. Eventually, a conduction band electron will excite a thallium atom. Since thallium emits at a slightly lower energy, these photons can no longer excite the crystal and the crystal is transparent to them allowing these photons to reach the photomultiplier tube.
@michaelmoorrees3585 Год назад
Photomultiplier tubes, CHEAP !? Boy, times have changed !
@phodopus42 Год назад
I went to a factory in the US that grew them. Two independent power companies supplied the site, and they had this ginormous UPS. Why? Because an interruption to the power would interrupt the crystal growth and would ruin a whole batch. The guy handed me a crystal - it looked like glass but weighed like steel. "Careful! That's worth like a BMW." You should also see the wiring inside a PET scanner. Truly amazing technology.
@codyhufstetler643 Год назад
I work in scintillator manufacturing. Not sure if that was our facility, though, our power flickers far too often 🙄 we do have a gigantic UPS and a massive natural gas generator though to keep the furnaces running for that reason. I heard once of a research facility that was growing extremely sensitive crystals that would be ruined by even the brief interruption before the generator kicked in, and it had a giant flywheel that would keep everything running just long enough to bridge the gap until the generator kicked in.
@xbzq Год назад
So at 11:57 you said 24000°C but the screen says 2400°C. That's obvious. But then you say it's five times the temperature on Venus. If you measure it in Celsius, it seems correct. But absolute Celsius cannot meaningfully be multiplied because its zero point is arbitrary. So better to use Kelvin then in which case is about 3.5 times, not 5. To be clear, when using Fahrenheit you get a different multiplier than Celsius because its zero point is just as arbitrary as Celsius. Five times as hot only has meaning when measured from zero heat. It's like saying a 6 foot table is twice as long as a 5 foot one, but you don't measure the first 4 feet. A table that's twice as long as another is that in any measurement, feet, thumbs, arms-lengths, miles, etc. In Celsius you don't measure the first 273°C (which is °K, when used relatively, since one °C is as big as one °K).
@jurian0101 Год назад
↑ This (One does not simply divide or multiply degrees °C. ) However.... if it happens we're talking about the temperature for nuclear fusion, some millions of *degrees* the units don't matter very much, since 273.15 is rounding error here, while Celsius and Fahrenheit differ by 9/5 which is less than an order of magnitude. 😛
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