
The God Who Speaks | Brad Jersak | All About The Holy Spirit 

The Meeting Place
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Jesus promised us that the Holy Spirit will “speak to us” and “guide us into all truth”. (Jn 16:13) But how exactly does this work? There are some who believe that Jesus is only talking about the formation of the Bible- after that, it is said that God ceases to speak. Curiously, the Bible itself never tells us that the Triune God’s speaking is limited to the Bible-rather the promise is that Jesus- by the Holy Spirit- is with us until the end of the age. What we find in Scripture is a way of living that is dependant on the Holy Spirit speaking to us, leading us, and guiding us. Jesus expects that his “sheep will hear his voice”. This promise is for everyone, and not just special people. So, how do we hear the voice of the Holy Spirit today?



11 сен 2024




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@TSis76 2 месяца назад
LOVE the intro❤
@ryanfassett6816 4 месяца назад
So good
@brotherjoeradosti 2 года назад
Hey Brad, I'm reading "Beautiful Sayings, Beatitudes of Grace," by Greg Albrecht. Thanks for sharing the good news!
@2True2Blue71 Год назад
40:00 come on! thanks Brad
@WakingReality Год назад
So many ways to say so much. The way I understand it or my line of thinking may be complicated but it’s something like this: Christ is the epitome of the divine (the King on the throne) The heir to the throne and all creation as one, in him. The ONLY begotten and first born of ALL creation. The culmination, the medium between combines flesh/Holy Spirit/Breath. Seen in the inner man and outer man and the outer man is sacrificed and the spirit is eternal, making all things new. (Age without end). That YAWEH “I AM, I Exist” may be all in all. God is one. There is none besides him. All of the Kingdom of Heaven/God is seen within our inner being (Holy Spirit) which also consists of all actuality in all true existence, the logos or image of the divine, or logic of Gods expression. This is Christ. The inner and the outer. The “inner” breath, substance or material moves or transforms the outer substance, material or breath. Just using different man made words here to try to articulate the heavenly which is not conceived by the mind of humanity. We truly don’t have words that do justice. It is experienced and is the epitome of all things. This is omniscience. The “tree of life.” And we consume it. Spirit is to the cosmos, kind of like the “0’s” and “1’s” is to the matrix. It’s how they are arranged that formulate the image. Ultimately, when all (truth) is culminated there is no distinction or division and this is why we say “God is one”. In the eternal age perspective, all is very good and this is how we see God and his omniscience. Still needs lots of work to make it flow better. There are so many symbols throughout the Bible that are referred to as “shadows of things to come”
@serendipity6044 2 года назад
Where does it say He's going to meet us at the gates of heaven?
@2True2Blue71 Год назад
it’s written in my heart for sure
@claudiozanella256 2 года назад
“guide us into all truth”......WHY TO STOP? Please GO ON....."because He will NOT speak on His own, but whatever He hears [from the Father]...". In other words the "alleged Holy Spirit" IS HELPED as Jesus is helped ! But the Holy Spirit is supposed to help NEVER TO BE HELPED ! The Comforter is not the Holy Spirit, is not more important than Jesus (see the two blasphemies). The Comforter never had to do anything with Jesus, he will come LATER to replace Him. The Holy Spirit is THE FATHER WHO IS A SPIRIT, not a third divine person. You can see that Jesus speaks about TWO divine Persons over and over again : Father and Son, Son and Father... But when He comes to the well-known "discussion on the two blasphemies" something happens: you have TWO divine Persons again, but the Father has been REPLACED by the Holy Spirit. Well, it's actually by this statement that Jesus MAKES KNOWN that the HOLY SPIRIT IS THE FATHER! It would have been IMPOSSIBLE that Jesus had forgotten the Father in that speech. It is clear that Jesus cannot forget the Father, the swapping of names simply shows you that the name "Holy Spirit" is just ANOTHER WAY by which the Father can be called. That is, Jesus has the Father who is a spirit "God is a spirit.", where that "Father who is a spirit" is called "FATHER" by Jesus. But inversely the "Spirit who is the Father" is called "HOLY SPIRIT" by Jesus, you can figure it out from the speech on the two blasphemies. Indeed, Jesus had to give a "personal name" to the "Spirit who is the Father" in order to distinguish Him from other spirits (e.g., the Spirit of truth). Therefore "HOLY SPIRIT" is simply a SECOND EQUIVALENT NAME of "FATHER," NOT a third divine person. The two EQUIVALENT NAMES are used interchangeably in the various events disclosed by the gospels (Mary's pregnancy, Jesus' baptism (the Father speaks and takes actions in heaven), help given to Jesus in his journey into the wilderness and in speaking, the 2 blasphemies...). You also have proof that the name "Holy Spirit" identifies the Father: the Holy Spirit is with Jesus, but you know that THE FATHER is the ONLY ONE Person with Jesus "I am not alone because the Father is with me" (reiterated many times in all different ways). Therefore, the Holy Spirit with Jesus can only be the Father, the ONLY PERSON who is there with Him. The Father is merely present here by his words and actions, but in reality NOBODY is here: this is why we say He is a spirit.The Father who is a spirit comes from the "normal Father" whom no one has ever seen or known. Only Jesus did it.
@bradvincent2586 Год назад
I mean that’s a cool theory
@WithoutGodYouCantDoDiddlySquat 7 месяцев назад
Amen, Amen, Claudio! Jesus spoke “in the third person” consistently (i.e. John 3:16; Matt 25:31), “never “about a third person”, especially when referring to the holy Spirit. The Godhead is not one because three co-equal persons are all one person, known as God. The Godhead is two separate persons who are within ONE SPIRIT, and that one Spirit is the one God and Father (1Cor 8:6). The two who are one - Father and Son - in the holy union of the Spirit, is confirmed in God's image, Adam, two who are one - male and female - in the holy union of the flesh. If you have three distinctly different persons who are all God, and neither of them is the other, and two of them are spirits, you won't have only one Spirit who is God, but two spirits who are gods, and that is polytheism, not monotheism. That's one too many spirits in the Godhead, which is limited to one Spirit. This union of two separate persons, within one Spirit (which is the Father), also explains why Jesus, the Risen Son, is God with the Father, because He was with God in His Spirit (John 1:1-2) while in His preexistent form, the invisible Word of God (Gen 1:2; Php 2:6). The Son is eternal, because the Word is eternal, and when the Son was begotten in the flesh, “life in Himself” (John 5:26) was passed on to Him by His Father. Ephesians 4:4-6 KJV There is … one Spirit, … [5] One Lord, … [6] *_One God and Father_* … who is … *_in you all._* Revelation 19:13 KJV And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: *_and his name is called The Word of God._* No one knows, or has seen the Father, but the Son. If true, no third person has ever seen or known the Father. Luke 10:22 KJV … and no man knoweth … *_who the Father is, but the Son,_* and he to whom the Son will reveal him. John 6:46 NASB95 Not that anyone has seen the Father, *_except the One who is from God; He has seen the Father._* Why did Jesus say it was better for the Disciples that He went to be with the Father and they see Him no more, and yet they will see Him? Because though they would see Him no more in the flesh, “at that Day” (Pentecost) He would manifest “Himself” in the Spirit to live inside of them. Not only He, but the Father also lives inside the Believer, because they are two who are one inseparable Spirit (John 17:5; Acts 2:32-33). John 14:19-20 KJV Yet a little while, and the world seeth me no more; *_but ye see me:_* because I live, ye shall live also. [20] *_At that day_* ye shall know that I am in my Father, *_and ye in me, and I in you._* (John 14:21) … *_he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, *_and will manifest MYSELF to him._* John 14:23 NASB95 Jesus answered and said to him, "If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, *_and WE will come to him and make OUR abode with him._* Jesus, and Apostle John, tell us who the true God and eternal life is - the Father and the Son ONLY, otherwise they would have stated three. John 10:30 KJV *_I and my Father are one._* 1 John 5:20 KJV And we know that the Son of God is come, and hath given us an understanding, that we may know him that is true, and *_we are in him that is true, even in his Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God, and eternal life._* The holy Spirit is the Spirit of the Lord God, through Jesus Christ, Old Testament (God and Word of God) and New Testament (Father and Son). Flowing from the Father, the Spirit of Christ is the holy Spirit, the gift of God (John 4:10; 2Tim 1:6) living within the Children of God, not a third person. 2 Corinthians 13:5 KJV Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. *_Know ye not your own selves, how that JESUS CHRIST IS IN YOU,_* except ye be reprobates? Revelation 22:6,16 KJV … *_the Lord God of the holy prophets sent his angel to shew unto his servants_* … [16] *_I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you_* 1 Corinthians 6:17 KJV But *_he that is joined unto the Lord is one spirit._* 2 Corinthians 3:17 KJV *_Now the Lord is that Spirit:_* …
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