
THE IMPACT OF MICROPLASTIC // and 8 ways to avoid it 

Gittemary Johansen
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28 сен 2024




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@EvatheVegan 2 года назад
loved this video! Also just wanted to add, not advocating for flying but fun fact, plane tires are almost completly natural rubber, so much so that commercial plane tires are retreaded 7-8 times in their lifetime before being recycled, unlike car, bus tires etc that are all mostly synthetic. Plane tires are only black because carbon black is added to help strengthen and imporve the conductivity of the tires :)
@carolbradley7815 2 года назад
Have you considered doing the impact of cards ( birthday, Xmas.) I unfortunately work in a card shop, did you know they destroy of the unsold cards when a season is finished? The vast majority of them have glitter on them and or a piece of ribbon, plastic buttons, stars, hearts. When they are thrown out so are all the unused envelopes. At least half of these cards come in a plastic sheath. I was told that they are recycled, but when I pointed out that most of them couldn't be and that those that could wouldn't be because they were mixed, I was informed that the company new what it was doing. So things remain the same. And let's not not forget once a card is received it is normally discarded after a few days.
@annebator950 2 года назад
Oh my goodness. I had no idea. I have limited my use of cards tremendously. I don’t want you to be jobless! I now call or text people on their birthdays. I will now avoid the glitter and fancy bits when I absolutely need a card. I separate the front from the back and reuse the back as paper for notes to self and book marks. I’m feeling encouraged by the number of people that are watching this kind of video. I feel very alone sometimes in my efforts. This kind of content has given me hope. BTW…I’m almost 70!
@carolbradley7815 2 года назад
@@annebator950 most people don't give it a thought. We're taught that it is nice to send a card. You can now get cards for Happy Devorce, to or from the cat/dog/pet. Then there are the balloons, glitter packs, plastic ba ners, badges ect. And its my job to encourage people to buy as many as possible. And then I put it all in a plastic bag for them. We need a big shift in the way the average person thinks. I'm 59 by way. Worrying and getting depressed was my first choice, but these wonderful people have made me realise what we need to do is help to change people's attitudes by leading by example. It takes time and many want listen for a long time but every little bad habit they improve on or stop does make a difference. Not only to their impact but also the way they see things.
@ankaro4719 2 года назад
@@carolbradley7815 its so sad that we as consumers do our best to avoid these things and recycle etc, but the company that could obviously change this or at least save those for the next year (how on earth is it cheaper to produce and destroy rather than store?!) is having all the power to do so .. :( made me really sad to read this and obviously it would be the same with almost any other company. :/ I guess just keep doinog your best in talking to management (or become the manager?:D) and changing little things. If all the staff see it like you, maybe they listen?
@carolbradley7815 2 года назад
@@ankaro4719 to store them they would need bigger or more storage spaces that cost money. As they sell some of these cards for as little as 29p I can only assume that they use cheap labour abroad like the fashion industry, which would make it cheaper for them to "pay" these people than to pay for storage in the west. But I will do my best. 😊
@ankaro4719 2 года назад
@@carolbradley7815 Omg it keeps getting worse lol 29p wow. How about producing less and only selling what people actually buy. oh so sad :/ i dont think I could work there long term!
@shaunaburton7136 2 года назад
It’s scary. I work in the medical field and we need plastic but it’s scary how people use so much plastic for things that have an alternative like clothes, makeup, shampoo etc……
@jessicaroes1612 2 года назад
Love the video! Do you have any recommendations concerning a waterfilter to lessen microplastic in drinking water? Not gonna lie, I'm a bit wary now
@יולהוייסבלך 2 года назад
Can you please put a link to the article? I would love to read it. And push in the face of anyone who thinks plastic is not a big deal...
@Gittemary 2 года назад
All sources are linked in the description ☺️✨
@יולהוייסבלך 2 года назад
Of course they are, just need to make an effort and press another button... Sorry 🤦‍♀️
@tuanoini 2 года назад
What about microfiber cloths, those that are used for cleaning? I find them superior to other kinds of rags in terms of cleaning results, but do they release microplastic? 🤔
@ktm9292 2 года назад
I also use microfiber cloths but I have purchased a special filter from planet care to prevent the microplastics going down the drain. Alternatively, plenty of companies make microfiber from natural materials. Air dry after washing.
@serevaetse 2 года назад
How come they don’t put tiny filters to catch more of the micro plastics that are obviously being constantly flushed into the water systems? If we can buy filters for our washing machines why don’t they make those same types of filters built into washing machines or sinks or whatever?
@darkserenity19 2 года назад
I'm really scared... How to stay positive with all this shit going on? Thanks for your video as usual Gittemary, was really informative💚
@lukeshepherd9529 2 года назад
Scary thing in the UK. Councils keep trying to push plastic roads touting the eco benefits of using up this waste plastic whilst ignoring the increase in lung cancers in areas with these roads currently installed. Artificial pitches, leukemia and lymphoma already being heavily linked. You have tyres breaking down against plastic road also breaking down. Utter madness.
@babysaffron8839 2 года назад
Hi...I'm from Philippines...and I love your channel. Eventhough it is very hard for me to do the zero-waste thing.... and sometimes, its a failure. But your channel inspires me alot not to give up and keep on trying. Little way is better than none. We cannot eliminate plastic here but i make sure to bring it to a recycle center. We have people here accept single used plastic and other plastic and others. People think i'm crazy that i refuse some of the plastic. People here are stubborn and dont care??? BTW, i love using glass jars and bottles....Thank you for your channel and inspiration. Thank you.
@marycharlebois6627 2 года назад
YoWzA!! I guess we might just as well enjoy all the stars in our galaxy… yes… I am overcompensating with a lighthearted approach. I don’t know what else to say or do except to keep on living our sustainable low waste lifestyle, use less plastics in our home, and educating anybody who wants to listen and join the movement. Mega-informative video Gittemary, thank-you very much. 🌎💦Ⓜ️ary🌸 PS - crafty gal here who repurposes and upcycles and fervently says “Down with glitter and balloons!!!
@christina2023 2 года назад
Thank you so much for all the information and ideas! I think you mentioned a lot of options for reducing micro plastic. If everyone just picks up one idea which works for them the overall impact would be huge :)
@greenknitter 2 года назад
Is there any particular tap water filtration system you can recommend? Is there any that don't need expensive replacement filters every few months? The ones I find where I live are like this and also made of... plastic 🙄
@deluca9805 2 года назад
None that are decent, you'll always have to replace the filter, if you live in a city there's a chance your city may already be filtering them out, for well systems you probably won't have any
@patriciamarino4418 2 года назад
I hate plastic and polyester. I try to use glass and natural fibers whenever possible. I feel bottled water is one the worst inventions of the 20th centuary. Thank you for raising our awareness of what we take for granted.
@myslowslayings 2 года назад
What you need to speak about is nanoplastics. The plastic degradation process doesn’t stop in micro-meter. Check out the publication Nanoplastics: size and numbers. I wish people get aware of the fact nanoplastics are more hazardous than the micron sized one.
@LadyVrunck 2 года назад
Also get rid of the products containing synthetic glitters or physical exfoliant safely! Don't flush it down the drain for example !
@emmak4938 2 года назад
Microplastics are definitely a concern but a sample size of 22 is not representative of the population.
@Gittemary 2 года назад
No definitely not - it further support that way more research is needed in this field
@Eucis93 2 года назад
I think it would be nice to add or ”shoutout” eco-friendly alternatives, I’m wondering if there are eco-friendly car tyres? My brother buys recycled or second hand tyres, but I haven’t actually heard of tyres made from natural rubber or non-plastic materials here in Finland. I don’t drive or have a car so I don’t know much about it, but if there are options out there I’d love to hear about some better companies to tell friends about 😊
@wildflowersandwonderment 2 года назад
I buy my son and husband flip flops made from old tires, but I’d love to find a way to purchase a better option in the first place too!
@andreiadetavora8471 2 года назад
I'm reducing plastic as hell. I dont wear shampoo, i make mine with rye and oat flour. I dont use tooth paste , i use coconut oil and arrow root powder. I dont use body things: lotions , etc. (only oils for all that, that i buy in glass bottles). I buy my vegetables in a local farm. I'm trying to reduce plastic, but.... its hard. So many stores that clamed to be plastic free are not. They receive their products in plastic wrapps :( I live in a place that doenst have many alternatives. I just try to cut out some things (that i think are... dispensable and that i can substitute)... Try to use product until they're old (reaaaally old) and reuse other. Oh... and i dry my clothes in the sun (air dry)
@allmy4gems533 2 года назад
Everyone should watch the movie Seaspiracy!! More 40% of plastic waste is caused by the commercial fishing industry!! They dispose of 100% plastic fishing nets buy dumping them in the ocean!!
@carlalaatje Год назад
Hi! it's great to find your channel! Thank you for making all this information accessible. I really like that it's backed up with scientific articles. I noticed you are also into art making. Would you consider making an episode about the harmfulness of acrylic paints? As many art makers, I've used a lot of acrylic paint, until I found out how much microplastics these contain! This is the reason I switched to oil paints (not using solvents) and gouache. Unfortunately so many artists don't know about this. Companies sell their acrylic paints as eco friendly, because you can dilute them with water.... Thank you for what you do :) and keep inspiring and informing us!
@user-ct3hw4dt1u 2 года назад
I was thinking... If there are special filters on taps, and dedicated bags to put the loundry in, which are protecting from microplastic release to the water, why there aren't (or maybe there are?) filtrating solutions for the water systems? I'm not sure, if It's really that the water from my shower goes directly to the sea? There are local water filtering facilities, do we know why they are not filtering water from microplastic?
@Gittemary 2 года назад
I think one of the major issues here is funding, it would be my guess that a filter on a household tap is a lot less complicated to install than it is to install a similar mechanism in the size required at a water facility (I know for recycling, many places don't accept certain materials even though we have the technology to recycle them - it it would requires a completely rebuild of the facility - I think there might be similar issues here - so political inaction and funding definitely plays a part).
@user-ct3hw4dt1u 2 года назад
@@Gittemary when you don't know what is it all about, It's usually about the money... Thanks for your the comment! I appreciate your work very much! 🌱💚
@diegonicolasvacagarcia9962 Год назад
Thank you for your content, guys I'd like to recommend you a documentary called ¨plastic Ocean ¨ which talks more about microplastics =)
@trudie5284 2 года назад
Try my best, I tend to blame big companies for wrapping goods in plastic , I look for plastic free when I can. & Also recycled &/ plastic free clothing
@W_Sushi 2 года назад
They're everywhere. I bought some garden soil and compost in costco, and it's full of small plastic pieces.
@Lauriah7 Год назад
We need more awareness on this topic so thank you for making this video. I have ditched my fleece blanket (for on the couch) and bought a wool one but it's not warm enough. It's even thick wool. Do you happen to have any ideas on an alternative?
@sharonbryce7724 5 месяцев назад
❤ This was well summarised. Thx for the effort you went to get this info and for presenting it in as light and non sensationalist way as is possible given the seriousness of the issue. Interesting that in looking after our planet well we look after ourselves well
@serevaetse 2 года назад
I wish all schools and businesses forced their students/employees to watch your educational videos weekly. It breaks my heart that everyone treats the worlds pollution like customer service handles customer complaints - by passing it off to someone else. 😭😭😭
@emdavis 2 года назад
Gittemary, thank you so much for your informative videos. Not gonna lie though-I'm so disheartened. While I know my small efforts to use less plastic and be more sustainable IS valuable, it still feels like a losing battle until we can dismantle plastic manufacturing at its source. Do you have any advice for how we can also start to address the countless mega-companies that have a vested interest in continuing to make and use plastic products? How can we make it harder for everyday humans to use plastic in general?
@miriuzi 2 года назад
I love this video! Great insights, it's crazy how microplastic is everywhere! Very informative 💗
@josefagomezschmeisser8356 2 года назад
Thank you so much for the info and the ways to avoid releasing more, I know all of this is scary but your channel gives me hope that we can change and do better 💚
@cowz1812 Год назад
hate the modern world bc of stuff like this
@karobythell4425 2 года назад
Incredibly enlightening video . Thank you for researching this . Its so frightening ! So we must do everything to follow your guidelines for lessening its presence in our bodies ( or animals / birds/ fish bodies etc )
@luriglilleskutt 2 года назад
This micoplastic information is craaaazy! Wtf kinda... And it's REALLY hard to avoid plastic in everyday life... we had reusable things instead of single-use-plastic when I was a kid. And not all vegetables were wrapped up in plastic. Wtf happend? XD
@louisehendrickx1671 2 года назад
Thank you for yet another awesome video! It still gives me panic vibes - as does any other impact video :D - but as I work good under stress they always motivate me to keep doing the things we need to! And also, you look absolutely gorgeous!! the jewelry, your hair, the soft makeup, the color of your sweater,.. radiant!
@samtalksaboutlife464 2 года назад
And Last in lungs of living Human
@cherryjuice9705 2 года назад
There is actually a new technique, which can catch micro plastic, so it doesn't go into our water system. They can be even added in sewage treatment plants, however (at least in my country) we don't build them, because money :)
@vivianebrodeur6687 2 года назад
Thank you so much for this video! For clearer awareness and accountability that we all deserve to face.. let’s hope more people realize the reality of this problem and make changes !
@micivalantincic8227 2 года назад
How people still decide to reproduce despite all this is mind boggling
@Gittemary 2 года назад
I don’t think we should ever judge someone and their choice to have kids tho
@micivalantincic8227 2 года назад
@@GittemaryI know you want kids and so you are buiest about the topic. But if we look at the facts having kids is not smart. Food resources is gonna run out. The pollution and the melting of the ice is worst then ever. There is a war ragging. And every kid produces even more waste and demand for food. My friend who is a vegan and said she will make sure her kid makes no carbon foot print threw all that out the window in a month and incomes Pampers and other plastic shit. So I know my view may not be a popular one. But it is the one that makes sence. Having a kid is wastefull and no amount of vegan food can offset that. And having it knowing there will be microplastic in placenta and the kid is scary. We don't know the impact of micropalstick but I am betting it is not good. So better safe then sorry. You can totally delet this. I am a fan of your chanel but also antinatalist.
@Gittemary 2 года назад
@@micivalantincic8227 if we look at the facts, it’s a lot more complicated than “not smart” 😅 and yeah it is scary, but so many things are scary, doesn’t mean they’re not worth doing - as I see it, it is looking pretty grim if everyone who cares about the planet stops having kids, that’s not gonna fix anything ✨
@funnypeopleswim 2 года назад
I don't know if you have already done this subject but if you are looking for ideas I was wondering if you could cover the effects of coal energy and consumption?
@LennyKJ1 2 года назад
💩 can we get tires made of some other materials. Appreciate they are a blend of different materials but I'd be keen if there was an alternative...
@cristinaflores6667 2 года назад
Thanks G! 🫶 really great job! I recommend watching the doc. WHY PLASTIC. I hope you can find it. Kisses from 🇪🇸
@thesmallstepper8740 2 года назад
Mam please make a vedio on ecosia it is a browser which plants trees and has already planted over 146 million trees 🙏🙏🙏
@ankaro4719 2 года назад
Wow, I didnt even think about uthe car bus and bike tyres.. Maybe we should go back to the wooden wheel :D Thank you for all your research time and giving us this intake, so interesting!
@charlescayton8901 2 года назад
I really enjoyed your video today when you get to it can you send another video talking about zero waste makeup the videos of zero waste makeup is more my favorite I think zero waste makeup is interesting I think it's fun I like to hear about skin care thanks 😏
@stevensvapes4217 2 года назад
Ι thing if we use lees plastic , polutions and microplastics would be 3% smaller problem do deal with.
@v.v.8153 2 года назад
Thank you for your videos 😊 What kind of water filter do you mean?
@charlescayton8901 2 года назад
Thank you so much for your video I greatly appreciate it I hope you're having an awesome day 🤍🤗
@almamater489 2 года назад
Probably a topic that made me the most uncomfortable inside
@pauladelauder638 2 года назад
Thank you for your content! I learn so much from you!
@lilynoir3939 2 года назад
Even worse: many older shipping containers are painted with lead paint
@charlescayton8901 2 года назад
In our world is filled with plastic our world looks stupid lol
@juziajuzia1234 2 года назад
The first one thing to advoid it is not buy.
@tikimoonbeam 2 года назад
I don't know if they do this where you are, but over here in America, people release balloons in the air when someone dies...it drives me crazy!! 🤬
@melaniebrooks6071 2 года назад
They do that here in the UK too... It's terrible.
@mariadesantiago8696 2 года назад
Love your videos!
@caitybland6101 2 года назад
I love your videos
@melaniebrooks6071 2 года назад
I would love to hear your take on ecobricks... I am an avid eco Bricker myself and have several drop off points in my city... Obviously I am as zero waste as society will allow and it can take me months to fill a bottle full of single use plastics, but it's what I do with my unavoidable bits. I'd love to hear your take on this as you always get me thinking. Love your channel and positive attitude... Thank you for all you do. 😘
@deluca9805 2 года назад
Unfortunately they still make microplastics, we're (science) is getting close to develop organisms to eat these plastics
@melaniebrooks6071 2 года назад
I figured it would, I guess I just reasoned out that it would make less as the one bottle holds hundreds of bits of single use plastics that would otherwise be distributed goodness knows where... My reasoning here is at least many bits are contained in one large bit.
@deluca9805 2 года назад
@@melaniebrooks6071 honestly the best way to dispose of plastic is to use it as fuel and have a really good carbon capture device, unfortunately oil is way cheaper than that and most cities hate incinerators
@ivanastevulova5109 2 года назад
where can i buy the bags to wash my synthetic clothes in?? btw i love this content I learn so much from these types of videos
@melaniebrooks6071 2 года назад
I recently bought one... It's called guppyfriend and I bought mine from a company called... Biggreensmile. All one word. 🤗
@Viktor47917 2 года назад
I already know I've been consuming microplastic in my water not only from data of research, but I can also kind of taste it slightly in my tap water. Probably consuming it taking my medication lol. Here's, a question: can the body even recognize it has it? Most likely not but I don't know. Can it bring harm? It's a tricky one, but like all pollution does to people, most likely a silent threat that is causing major health problems we didn't realize microplastic is some of the root to them. Pollution is pollution. Regardless of what it is, whether it is Carbon Dioxide or Monoxide, trash, plastic, or whatever, the consequences are simple: harmful effects that isn't noticable until it shows the more dire effects we didn't know till too late.
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