
The New Extensions EVERYTHING Feature of C# 13! 

Nick Chapsas
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Hello, everybody, I'm Nick, and in this video I will talk about a brand new feature coming in C# 13, called Extensions. This isn't to be confused with extension methods. Instead we can now have extension everything!
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@pfili9306 4 месяца назад
The one time when clickbait title isn't actually clickbait at all. The hype IS justified.
@zwatotem 4 месяца назад
Thank you for the heads up
@KarmCraft 4 месяца назад
It is indeed
@2099EK 4 месяца назад
Use the DeArrow extension and you will get non-clickbait titles.
@Saleca 4 месяца назад
So it's not clickbait... Lol clickbait is only when it is not justified, if you give worms to fish without fishing them, then its not bait is food
@nattyg078 4 месяца назад
If this is "changing everything", your code base has bigger problems.
@BrendonParker 4 месяца назад
Wow. So many questions. How does serialization play into these extension types? What if you JSON serialize Person? Can extension types have their own private fields/state? Could FavoriteDrink pull from a field that isn’t on Person, but is on Adult.
@pfili9306 4 месяца назад
They can't own state. They are meant to add different behaviors to already existing data based on context in which it is used. I think the better example would be extending some PropertyBag types like ClaimsPrincipal or other Dictionaries with type safe properties.
@sunefred 4 месяца назад
I don't know, but given that Serialization usually is performed on the instance type using reflection I doubt that these extension methods will be included in the output. They are not really instances, i.e. they don't hold state. As a counter example, assume serialization _does_ work. What would you then expect de-serialization to look like? You can't populate Age with a value since it does not have a backing field to store it. So serialization is bust I am pretty sure.
@Archfile375 4 месяца назад
@@sunefred Very interesting observations, I'd like to try this out and see
@AndrewBreiner 4 месяца назад
What about sealed classes? I'm assuming this would be disallowed but didn't know.
@normalmighty 4 месяца назад
@@pfili9306 I'm not so sure about that. Check out the example in the official announcement docs. They show an example where classes Person and Organization are pulled in, and each Person object needs an Organization property passed in, but in this example scenario there is only one Organization object for the whole application, making the extra property for Person tedious to assigns. So they make an implicit extension for Organization, add a private static Organization ourOrganization = new Organization("C# Design");, and then add a CreatePerson function that always assigns the new Person object with ourOrganization as the Organization property. The property is static in this case, but I don't see anything mentioning that as a restriction rather than what happened to make sense in the scenario.
@billy65bob 4 месяца назад
Being able to add properties now is a huge deal. What I still sorely miss is being able to take someone's class and say, "Um, actually, this Type DOES Implement this Interface! Here's how!" Struggling to think of examples, but for some older code, it'd be nice to not need to use .Cast to get the correct type all the time, maybe?
@zachemny 4 месяца назад
You would be able to implement interfaces with extensions. It's the second purpose of extensions
@sinan720 4 месяца назад
You would probably like rust's traits
@BittermanAndy 4 месяца назад
@@zachemny How does that work? Do you have a link to where it's described?
@kostasgkoutis8534 4 месяца назад
Adapter pattern
@mb7604-g9v 4 месяца назад
@@zachemny That would mean I could mock dependencies that I don't own and don't have an interface, awesome
@StereoBucket 4 месяца назад
This is looking pretty clean. Unsure if I'll use it anytime soon, but it sounds cool. Unrelated, I really hope they add readonly to the Primary Constructors. Bit annoying that it was pushed to replace those assignment only constructors, but didn't cover the common readonly usecase.
@Bliss467 4 месяца назад
they could add the val keyword and copy kotlin syntax
@Matt23488 4 месяца назад
After all these years, I can't believe they're finally giving us extension properties. This is pretty hype as it's more than that as well. Although I have to say I'm a bit disappointed in the explicit extension. Don't get me wrong, it's a great feature. But in your example you check for their age, then inside the conditional branch you do the explicit conversion. The problem with this is that there is nothing tying the age check to the conversion. This relies on the developer to know when such extensions are valid or intended to be used. It would be nice if they added the ability to provide like a where clause on the extension declaration to define when it's valid. Then maybe you could simply do something like `if (person is Adult adult)`. This way you can make extensions only valid in certain contexts, and also be coupled to those contexts. But I mostly work in TypeScript these days and I'm pretty spoiled on the powerful type system there. This is already an absolute game changer as it is and I'm not trying to complain.
@MrEnvisioner 4 месяца назад
I wouldn't be surprised if they build up to something of that nature in a later release after they get feedback on this initial C# 13 implementation of it. I doubt they would put a boolean condition on the ability to cast to the explicit extension type itself. There isn't really a precedent for that, even with generic constraints. Doing so would hide the boolean condition from the calling code entirely (abstracted behind the cast operation). However, I could see there being a "best practice" of defining, in such explicit extension scenarios, a `TryCreateAdult(out Adult adult)` kind of method that does the boolean check and sets `adult` to `this` when true. That way people would be able to leverage pattern matching and naming conventions to achieve that goal. IF that became so commonplace as to be annoying, then they might discuss potential strategies for optimizing the syntax or at least standardizing it. Perhaps with a `TryExtend` magic method, similar to what they do for TryParse and Deconstruct, etc.
@JackTheSpades 4 месяца назад
I so desperately want to be able to attach an interface to an existing class using extensions. So many times I wished for the convenience of having a method that takes an interface and passing some 3rd party object along except it, of course, doesn't implement my interface. So instead I have to write stupid wrapper classes all the time. Just pretend it has the interface if it already offers all the methods and properties!
@sodreigor 4 месяца назад
This. You hit the nail in the head
@ryan-heath 4 месяца назад
Yes, C# lang team calls it "shapes" AKA duck-typing
@chrisnuk 4 месяца назад
Great use case.
@chastriq 4 месяца назад
​@@ryan-heath Is there a proposal for this somewhere?
@fsharplove 4 месяца назад
Just use functions. Life will be easier. No more class, static, interface, wrapper etc... (ps: it's good to use Interfaces in OOP or code that interact with OOP)
@ecpcorran 4 месяца назад
The biggest pain point I previously had with extension methods has been with unit testing + Moq. I’m curious how mocking extended types would work with this new feature.
@frossen123 4 месяца назад
Can't wait for this feature. I hope the IDE will help make it obvious where code is comming from, is some property from third-party library, is it from your own extension or from some other third-party extension library. Otherwise it would be a very confusing trying to some out where some random property is from. 🫠
@IanGratton 4 месяца назад
Its been on the cards for a while so I'm glad its almost here. The fact you can now introduce properties is really nice - great way to shape something you don't own or control.
@SysyTube 4 месяца назад
I feel like inheritance is cleaner than explicit extensions? A video comparing pros and cons of both would be interesting.
@thef9313 4 месяца назад
Well, MS decided on many classes to be sealed, so extensions it is. Hopefully we can extend static classes like Math.
@dguisinger 3 месяца назад
Yeah, I don't understand why explicit is needed... then again, I have questioned a lot of c# changes the past few years.... IMO they keep borrowing good ideas with poor implementations.... (primary constructors for example)
@ChamiCh 3 месяца назад
Keep in mind that explicit extensions are competing with inheritance exactly as much as old-style extension methods already were, which really is not at all. If you already have inheritance as an option, then all types of extensions become unnecessary, except when you want to add functionality to e.g. an interface or base class you don't control (or where it would be inconvenient to do so e.g. identical functionality for many implementations of an interface where you can't add a class to hold said functionality). If you can add the functionality directly to the class you're working with, you don't need extensions. If you don't have control of the class, you can't add to it without extending or inheriting. And if you don't control how you get *instances* of the class, then extending is the only way. The real comparison is implicit extensions/extension methods vs explicit extensions, and at this stage it seems to be simply an organizational mechanism, but also there may be instances where a particular set of extension methods/properties would only make sense to be applied to objects in certain states.
@dance1211rec 4 месяца назад
The one feature I would find really good is a way to extend interfaces to these types. If you have an interface like IAge { int Age {get;} }, it would be super cool if you could extend Person so it implicitly implements that interface so you can pass it directly into methods or constructors without having to create a new wrapper around them.
@zachemny 4 месяца назад
You would be able to implement interfaces with extensions, according to the initial proposal
@michaeldevlieger4693 3 месяца назад
So many questions here. 1. What about sealed classes 2. Is an extended property a real extention or is it added to the class itself on runtime and will it add to the PropertyList in reflection (I can see ORM frameworks fail there big time) 3. Because you can use this, does that mean you can invoke events (which can only be invoked privately) 4. Because you can use this, can you call private fields and methods in the class 5. Can you extend enums as well and add values 6. Is it just like an ordinary extention, and namespace based, or will the compiler do this during begin of runtime and extend the class itself. 7. Can the implicit extention also create custom constructors. 8. Can you override virtual methods A lot to be exited about, but it is also a bit scary with this kind of questions. O lot of finding out
@viniciusvbf22 2 месяца назад
Fun fact: since the `Age` member can return different values by the time you call it, the Framework Design Guidelines book defines as a good practice to keep it as a method instead of a property. They even give the example of something that they consider broken in .NET which is the `DateTime.Now` property - which, according to the authors, should be a method, but it was too late to change by the time they noticed it.
@OiskiPoiskiDK Месяц назад
Wouldn't that be most properties then? In reality properties are just sugar for a field with Get and Set methods 🤷‍♂️
@viniciusvbf22 Месяц назад
Not really. Most properties don't change value each time you get them. Those who do more often than not, should be methods, according to the Framework Design Guidelines.
@OiskiPoiskiDK Месяц назад
@@viniciusvbf22 aah, I misunderstood you. I thought you meant "can change" not "changes every time". Edit: But in this case the Age property wouldn't change every time you called it 🤷‍♂️
@cdoubleplusgood 4 месяца назад
Extension properties at last! I've been waiting for this since 2007.
@BittermanAndy 4 месяца назад
@diadetediotedio6918 4 месяца назад
Yeah, this is for me in this update.
@dcuccia 4 месяца назад
Seems like the WPF team could have used this. Oh wait.
@McZsh 4 месяца назад
If, and that's a big if, you also get the ability to have fields to store.
@diadetediotedio6918 4 месяца назад
@@McZsh This would not make any sense, so I don't think it is a possibility to consider.
@aabdis 4 месяца назад
I've been waiting for this forever! Next question.... in these extension "classes", can you also define extension operators??
@diadetediotedio6918 4 месяца назад
For anyone here confused with extension methods, I will ask you to search about a thing called 'universal function calling syntax', and then to experiment a bit with C# actual extension methods. They don't do anything that is not already possible, but make the code cleaner and more sequential. It is the reason you can write: var arr = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ]; var even = arr.Where(x => x % 2 == 0).Select(x => x * 3).Select(x => $"Result is: {x}"); Instead of writting: var even = Select(Select(Where(arr, x => x % 2 == 0), x => x * 3), x => $"Result is {x}"); Both things are literally possible to do, but one of them is clearly more annoying, noisy and requires more cursor movimentation (if you don't want to store everything in a local temporary variable, which is also annoying).
@NickSteffen 4 месяца назад
To be fair even with the extensions, you would probably write it in a way that is on multiple lines i.e var even = arr .Where(x => x % 2 == 0) .Select(x => x * 3) .Select(x => $"Result is: {x}"); and you would probably write the latter as: var a= arr.Where( x=> x%2 ==0); var b = a.Select(x => x * 3); var even = b.Select(x => $"Result is {x}); The syntax is a bit more concise and readable. But I think the game changer is it makes writing more readable code the easier default. Whereas before it was kind of up to one programmers interpretation, with extensions you are pushed in the direction of writing good code. The only part that is a bit harder to read is that all of the lines eventually return a value that is stored in the variable at the top of the operation. I think if you wanted to go to the full 9s you could have a .StoreAs extension that you wrote at the end. That would make it read better in a left to write fashion, but would likely require more in depth changes to the language so it would become arr .Where(x => x % 2 == 0) .Select(x => x * 3) .Select(x => $"Result is: {x}") .StoreAs(IEnumerable even);
@diadetediotedio6918 4 месяца назад
@@NickSteffen No? I don't often find people that would write the version with extensions using intermediate variables, this don't make any sense unless you are doing something very fishy. Also, I'm considering multiple lines, I generally use them as well and with extension methods it feels much natural, sequential and direct. And for the storage part, I think you are just not used to how programming languages work, I really don't think this is a problem per se and I recommend delving into studies to get better at it over time. With time you will be able to see how this all works. But for a brief explanation here, functions return values, and values in C# can be objects that have methods OR extension methods. When you write: var even = ar.Where(x => x % 2 == 0).Select(x => x * 3)...; You are just saying::: take this array, filter all the elements where 'element % 2 == 0'; then take the returned result and map each element on it as 'element * 3'; then take the returned result and map each element on it as 'Result is {element}'; then let the result be returned into the variable attribution. You can write the same thing without extension methods (althought it would take much more work to do so), take a look at the builder pattern and how it is implemented and I think it will be clearer for you how this generally works.
@NickSteffen 4 месяца назад
@@diadetediotedio6918 I think you completely misunderstood my answer… The example with intermediate variables with describing was you would do if extensions didn’t exist. It was a counterpoint to your second example on how unreadable it would be. A good programmer would never write it in that unreadable way. My last point was a completely theoretical what if, yes I understand program languages don’t work that way. They also didn’t work “that way” before extension methods were a thing. Fluent/ universal method style is just changing how programming languages work to bend the syntax to how human language works. So the fact that they don’t work that way now is irrelevant to the point. Also C# can in fact work this way in some very limited cases though, since you can declare variables in a dictionary’s TryGetValue method. So for example you can: arr .Where(x => x % 2 == 0) .Select(x => x * 3) .ToDictionary( ( x => x),(x => $“Result is {x}”)) .TryGetValue(6, out int result) Notice how at the end I’m both declaring a value and saving the result into it. You can do the is in some other places like type checks in if statements ex: if( x is string y) Console.WriteLine(y); This type of style is more easily readable for humans as we read continuously in one direction. You don’t have to jump back to the top to see where the variable is being saved. You could absolutely change c# to do this in more cases fairly easily. Now would it be a good idea to do that… I’m not sure, it would at least be interesting.
@diadetediotedio6918 4 месяца назад
@@NickSteffen My second point was to highlight that writing in the same way you would write using extension methods would be uglier, I'm not saying that necessarily you would do that (althought I'm pretty sure many people would do). If this was your objection then read again my note on storing things as intermediate variables to improve clarity (implied from context). Next, it is not irrelevant. The fact that we can write fluent functions in that manner is precisely because they work in that way, it does not "change how programming languages work" even if it is to align it better with 'how human language works" (which I can partially concede). Your example with dictionary don't make sense as well, it is a very bizarre way of writting what would be much better written as just .First(...) or .FirstOrDefault(...), to create a dictionary you would already need to iterate through all items so there is no advantage on using it. Also, this works that way in this specific case because then you are fundamentally dealing with another resource of the language, a similar result could be achieved using 'ref' and the semantics are not the same, TryGetValue returns something (a boolean confirming the existence of the item) and it stores the result in the out pointer (because at the time C# had not fast and reliable booleans, many languages nowadays don't have an 'out' thing for example). As for the 'x is string y' example, it is another completely different mechanics of the language again, there is nothing to do with how 'out' works. The convenient 'x is string y' is a modern construct (in early C# versions you had to type manually 'x is string' and then '(string)x' or do 'x as string' and then 'x != null'). As of your question about this being more "easily readable" because it reads continuously in one direction, I don't think I necessarily agree with you absolutely on this. I can buy the point that this is better , but I wont that this is the step to follow for many reasons. I know you are not sure about if this is a good idea, but I'll argue as you held that position (so I can focus on responding anyone who is willing to defend it): First of all, because it is untrue, humans also write things in a name -> description fashion, for example when we respond to someone we can do: A. (responds to point A) B. (responds to point B) And when we want to describe something we have a resource in language that is ':', so we can say: something: this is something (explains) Even when I'm writting this response, and when you did wrote your response, you used attribution in this same sense (for example when giving the example, you said 'ex: (code)'). So it is untrue that this is a direction that should be followed by readability. Second, programming is for humans the same way mathematics is also for humans, the same way everything humans do is ultimately for humans, and in mathematics nobody is arguing of how f(x) = y is a terrible syntax and nobody understands it, you are removing the formal aspect of programming which is that makes it easily readable and generally predictable (human language is inherently noisy and ambiguous, this is why even when programming languages try to approximate to human language they keep a safe distance to what is actually reasonable). Third, because this would make a radical rupture between every single language out there that don't work that way. When you make a change that affects the entire way we reason about programs in a specific language, this should be EXTREMELY more justified than that, because then someone writing C# will arrive in another language (like C, C++, Rust, Go, Kotlin, etc) and suddenly everything he knew will not be valid here, this is one of the reasons of why even arguable that indexes in programming languages should start with 1 (because we usually start counting with 1 in human language) this is not necessarily a good idea as it would break many assumptions when moving from one language to another. As for the end, you can also use extension methods to achieve what you want, you can for example write a: public static void StoreAs(this T self, out T @in) => @in = self; And it would work like you wish.
@logank.70 4 месяца назад
I know this shouldn't bother me as much as it does...BUT...why do we use the "int" type to refer to things that should never be negative? I know Microsoft does it quite a bit too (I'm looking at you Count property) but why not let the compiler enforce as many rules as we can? It's impossible for a person to be negative years old so why not use an unsigned type? It might be nitpicky but still bugs me in an irrational way.
@BittermanAndy 4 месяца назад
Eh, yeah, I sorta agree, but I don't feel as strongly about it as I used to. You're right that a person can't be -1 years old, but they're extremely unlikely to be uint.MaxValue years old (or even (uint)int.MaxValue + 1 years old) either, so...?
@diadetediotedio6918 4 месяца назад
It is because unsigned int is not CLS compliant, I think this had some influence.
@logank.70 4 месяца назад
@@diadetediotedio6918 Yeah I can see that. Some of the things I was reading was "why force a language that wants to run on the CLR to implement unsigned types if it doesn't have that concept?" Assuming it's a type-safe language why wouldn't you support unsigned types? I try to delegate as many decisions on what is correct to the compiler as I can. Supporting unsigned types seems like a good idea because you can express your intent a bit clearer (and not have to constantly check for < 0). Could be a phase I'm going through at the moment though too.
@evancombs5159 4 месяца назад
@@logank.70 I'm on board with you, and honestly surprised I've never considered this before.
@phizc 4 месяца назад
I may be misunderstanding, but C# has unsigned int, but it's a bit cumbersome since C# defaults to signed integers, and you need to explicitly cast between int and uint.
@Jallenbah 4 месяца назад
This looks really good, though I am somewhat sceptical of the practical benefits of explicit extensions. I just can't see them actually being used but I might be wrong. Most wanted feature: anonymous object spread operator like in js/ts e.g. var shirt = { Name = "Shirt", Size = 20 }; var shirtWithDescription = { ...shirt, Description = "A red T-Shirt" } // { Name = "Shirt", Size = 20, Description = "A red T-Shirt" }
@diadetediotedio6918 4 месяца назад
I would see the benefits of explicit extensions if they were not tied to a specific type, like for example public explicit extension Named { public string Name { get; } } So you would be able to do structural typing and this would be extremely useful. But I'm not sure if this syntax allows it, as I didn't readed the docs of this yet.
@normalmighty 4 месяца назад
I feel like explicit extensions are really missing some way to enforce whether it can be casted. Like in the example Nick gave, I'd want to actually be able to ensure that person is only an adult if person.Age >= 18.
@diadetediotedio6918 4 месяца назад
@@normalmighty Well, for this you can use a new type pattern, I don't think this is the role of extensions on themselves.
@mbpoblet 4 месяца назад
I just don't see what's the supposed benefit of explicit extensions over simply encapsulating the type...
@diadetediotedio6918 4 месяца назад
@@mbpoblet A. It is more ergonomic as "encapsulating the type" would require you to make a wrapping method for each property/method of that same type OR expose it through a property. B. You can use it over generics easily without needing to cast in some specific circumstances (which would allocate memory / this is solvable with wrappers but the friction would be even bigger).
@ciberman 4 месяца назад
I don't quite understand the difference between "explicit extension" and classic OOP class inheritance
@Vastlee 4 месяца назад
I've been waiting for extendable properties for like a decade. So excited! C# just keeps getting better!
@Gabriel-kl6bt 3 месяца назад
That is why I chose .NET over any other language for API (and others) development. C# is constantly on the move to become better and not becoming complacent and releasing updates every 300 years, unlike a certain cup of coffee, until it had a new competition.
@SamFerree 4 месяца назад
It's half baked until I can gate keep the conversion to the explicit extensions. If there's now way to do something like this 'if (person is Adult adult)' where I can define the code that succeeds or fails that pattern match, then I don't see any real value other than syntactic sugar.
@BittermanAndy 4 месяца назад
Syntactic sugar is all it is (but, I like sugar, it's sweet). The Adult example is not a good one, precisely because not all Persons are Adults, so it's a bit misleading.
@SamFerree 4 месяца назад
@@BittermanAndy Yes, but a way to define a compile time check to see if an instance of A is in fact, a specific subset, B would be super useful, and write now we have to write wrapper types, which means we need to manually expose A's original functionality. I want a way to say "In all ways, Adult is a Person, but in some cases, Person is Adult, and if we're in such a case (via branch analysis) you can call the Adult methods/properties"
@diadetediotedio6918 4 месяца назад
Well, we use languages because they are literally pure syntatic sugar on top of something else (like MLIR or machine code), so I don't get it. But I also think they would be more useful with this kind of possibility, and in generic constraints as well.
@evancombs5159 4 месяца назад
@@SamFerree this sounds like a great idea to me. Maybe write up a proposal for the C# team?
@SamFerree 4 месяца назад
@@diadetediotedio6918 languages aren't just syntactic sugar. Compile time checking is a very real, and very useful thing.
@Neonalig 4 месяца назад
That explicit extension use case is actually interesting. What it almost lets you do (or what that syntax almost seems to let you do on the surface) is have a class more or less inherit from multiple classes at the same time, not just interfaces. Like if there was some sealed class from a third-party library that I wanted to add support for say a custom serialiser system I was making, I could add an extension to that class which defines the serialise and deserialise methods, even though I can't edit that class directly.
@MrEnvisioner 4 месяца назад
Hmmm. Yeah, I'd be interested to know how that works with reflection APIs. In order to REALLY be useful for dynamic situations, you'd need `typeof(Person).GetProperties()` to include stuff like `Age`, etc.
@antonmartyniuk 4 месяца назад
I absolutely like this feature. I'll want Smart Enums to be in C# like the Java language has
@warny1978 4 месяца назад
Everytime I wanted to create a smart enum, I ended creating a class with some default values and a parser. Every time I used it, I always figured out that I may need something more flexible than a fixed list of values, not mentionning that a bunch of procedures should be handled by a factory. I really think that there is fewer use cases for smart enums than originaly expected.
@diadetediotedio6918 4 месяца назад
Bro finally C# is getting some good stuff
@EdKolis 4 месяца назад
Records make a decent replacement for smart enums, right?
@SuperWarZoid 4 месяца назад
explicit one just seems like an other synthax for a derived class
@rogeriobarretto 4 месяца назад
I wonder if this will be the case for sealed classes from other libraries and how the polymorphism would play in our own library would an adult be a person?
@metaltyphoon 4 месяца назад
But its not. See Rust trait system to understand this much better.
@ЕгорФедоренко-с2щ 4 месяца назад
@@rogeriobarretto but sealed classes are sealed for a reason. It's just stupid to provide a feature (inheritance), to provide the tools to control this feature (sealed classes), and then to provide ANOTHER feature to ignore the restrictions (explicit extensions). I believe explicit extensions were invented for anything else except inheriting sealed classes.
@modernkennnern 4 месяца назад
​@@rogeriobarrettoin terms of serialization, `Adult` does not exist.
@diadetediotedio6918 4 месяца назад
@@ЕгорФедоренко-с2щ The problem of ignorance is that it is impossible to beat without the person wanting to learn. Try to understand first what is an extension method and what it solves before arguing on internet.
@CarlosMay-t8h 3 месяца назад
I used to work in js, and this sounds like a mixin... I love it!
@obinnaokafor6252 4 месяца назад
some of these features are building blocks for Descriminated Union ❤. I love Extensions everything
@Bliss467 4 месяца назад
In kotlin, it’s common to write extension methods for types within your own code base because it allows for utilities that don’t clutter up the code of the class itself. Now take val and var from kotlin, too.
@rupenanjaria 2 месяца назад
Great video. You should have included how to try this in VS Code briefly.
@dmitrypereverzev9884 4 месяца назад
C# is on the right way from inheritance to composition
@jonas9 4 месяца назад
Why has it become cool to hate on inheritance now...
@md.redwanhossain6288 4 месяца назад
​​@@jonas9 code becomes non testable because of inheritance in most cases.
@TheOnlyDominik 4 месяца назад
@@jonas9 I've hated inheritance since it was invented! ;-)
@Shazam999 4 месяца назад
@@jonas9because when you change the parent you change all its children. This is very problematic.
@testales 4 месяца назад
@@jonas9 I don't get it either. If an existing class doesn't have all features you like, just make a new one that inherits from it. Why are there new fancy features required?
@Tsunami14 4 месяца назад
Definitely like the extension properties. Though I'm not sold on explicit extensions since it seems to leave us with 2 overlapping definitions for polymorphism. What's the use case for this?
@ER-vh6vc 4 месяца назад
Interesting path... It seems not only me is using Downloads as a Temp folder :D
@JohannesAthmer 4 месяца назад
This Is the Way
@MaxxDelusional 4 месяца назад
Would these extension properties work for model binding in Maui? They could be useful for adding properties to a model that would previously require a converter.
@AmateurSpecialist 4 месяца назад
One weird feature I'd like is something like `foreach { ... } empty { ... }` (also for `for`) Where if it doesn't go into the foreach (or for) body because the enumerable is empty or what have you, it will execute the content in the empty body.
@theMagos 4 месяца назад
Well, you can write an extension: IEnumerable.ForEachOrEmpty(Action itemAction, Action emptyAction)
@AmateurSpecialist 4 месяца назад
@@theMagos Yeah, but I want syntactic sugar.
@jaymartinez311 4 месяца назад
It looks like swift extensions that rust borrowed from (and have stated it in the passed with traits) which is awesome. It would be better if you can just inline extend it like in javascript with prototype i think it is. The implicit to explicit is a cool feature too, to define a custom type and type the variables. All in all great feature.
@woocaschnowak 4 месяца назад
Feature looks great if you use it with some consideration. It can also be abused in new unexpected ways by devs that think they're smart, when they aren't 🙂
@ralbeAlexby 4 месяца назад
Very good video and in terms of functionality it reminds me of my rust trains
@TheOneAndOnlySecrest 4 месяца назад
I wonder how this compares to sth like Traits in Rust. Would it be possible to use extensions as generic type constraints? Sth like Add(T value, T other) where T has extension AddOperatorExtensions. Or would it be possible to completely omit the generic one and use a similar approach to the dyn keyword of rust? Sth like Log(LoggableExtension value) => value.Log() This would make C# much more powerful
@phizc 4 месяца назад
I'm not 100% sure, but I don't think you cane use extensions as type constraints, but you will be able to extend a type to implement an interface, so while the syntax in your example might not work, you will be able to do effectively the same.
@ShaezoNai 4 месяца назад
As someone who loves extension methods: The implicit variation sounds fantastic and I am also fairly certain that this will replace the existing extension methods in almost all scenarios in which they are used today. The explicit variation I'll need more time to warm up to, though. Right now this mainly seems useful when there are classes out of your hand that are sealed, but I'd worry that this is going to be misused in other scenarios where inheritance would be the "correct" answer. There's a potential for messy and inconsistent code bases here. There is always a certain risk when features are introduced that can potentially achieve the same thing as something that already exists, and it makes it harder to understand for new devs what to use when. Still, a very exciting and welcome change!
@BittermanAndy 4 месяца назад
Yeah... I can see why they wanted to add the explicit approach (to get around naming conflicts and complaints about polluting the namespace), but pretty sure I'll basically always use the implicit approach.
@diadetediotedio6918 4 месяца назад
@@BittermanAndy I also plan to use the implicit one, because the explicit seems rather completely useless if it is targetted to a specific type, but I'll try it when it becomes ready.
@whatizzydoin 4 месяца назад
Would be cool if they could add a ‘when (Age >= 18)’ and allow an ‘if (person is Adult adult) …’ pattern. 😊
@Kingside88 4 месяца назад
Nice Video but leaves many questions for more. What about Enumerables? Extension methods are the way to go if you want to give them some logic. And struct, generic classes, records, interfaces (shouldn't work) ? But very interesting
@phizc 4 месяца назад
There's going to be a presentation about extensions at Build on the 23rd (tomorrow at time of writing)
@nocturne6320 4 месяца назад
Very cool, but I really do hope they also add support for adding interface implementations AND for adding interface implementations to structs, both for static members (eg. operator overloads) as well as instanced. This would be huge, because it could introduce very simple ways of making an external library compatible with your system. One video I'd really like to see from you once this gets implemented is the performance comparison. Does having these types of extensions allocate extra memory? And is invoking the Age property trough an extension slower than if it was a property on the Person object? I know that even if it was slower, the difference would probably be small, but if you were to use this in a more performance critical scenario, that small difference would add up quickly
@socar-pl 4 месяца назад
Does new extension approach work for sealed classes ? Because it seems it's only scenario where you cant inherit class and want to extend it with this approach. Making a new type with extension looks wrong to me, but it seems noone really care about clean code anymore
@evancombs5159 4 месяца назад
These are still just extension methods with a new syntax. The whole point is to allow for cleaner code.
@Palladin007 4 месяца назад
Will it also be possible to implement an interface as an extension?
@chris-pee 4 месяца назад
I really like this, hopefully they finish it in time for C# 13. Explicit extensions gives me an idea. I often create records to strongly type primitive types (because I don't like primitive obsession). For example "public record UserId(Guid Value);". Could we instead do "public explicit extension UserId for Guid"? Would that make sense?
@tonypeguero3407 4 месяца назад
I was wondering the exact same thing. It looks like it gets pretty close to a C-style typedef, but I suspect you couldn't actually use it as a type. Like, you couldn't write a method with a UserId argument. That would be my number 1 wished-for feature.
@rmcgraw7943 3 месяца назад
This makes the reference to this a bit vague, but I like it. I wish they’d added another keyword than ‘this’ though. I do like the implict and explicit pattern that is used for casting operators now being added to extension methods.
@MarcJennings 4 месяца назад
Interesting. Does this work with data binding, eg in a WPF app?
@marklord7614 4 месяца назад
Now this is how C# should be extended...pun intended.
@DJReRun 4 месяца назад
Yay! Looking forward to this new feature. Extensions that were essentially properties but addressed as methods always felt a little weird. This in addition to the explicit functionality is a welcome add.
@timseguine2 4 месяца назад
I can already say I am going to use this all the time. I would like it if they made it slightly more like Rust's trait impls than it already is, and let you implement interfaces as an extension.
@victorgarcia3526 4 месяца назад
This feels like Typescript and that's very cool, it literally solves the problems with inheritance, so cool!
@nicholaspreston9586 4 месяца назад
Finally, some love for extension methods! Extensions methods are bae and now much better!
@KonradGM 4 месяца назад
reminds me of traits in rust
@noctavel 4 месяца назад
Exactly! but maybe a bit more flexible.. as it seems you could extend a class without needing a interface as the conttract...
@mzg147 4 месяца назад
@@noctavel well, using blanket implementation you can implement a trait in Rust for a bunch of types at once, so I wouldn't call C# more flexible
@metaltyphoon 4 месяца назад
Wonder if they will have “orphan rules” here too
@modernkennnern 4 месяца назад
​@@noctavelthis is definitely less flexible than Rust traits, but it's a very good start. Implementing interfaces on behalf of other types - which is a part of the proposal, but is not coming in C# 13 ( and probably not 14, or even 15) - will make it much more flexible
@MarvijoSoftware 4 месяца назад
This gives us a lot more power. It might be an anti-pattern for 'closed'/sealed classes
@spacepigs 4 месяца назад
I'm very happy about this, I've been asking for this feature for years and it seems to really deliver.😉
@janwalewski1997 4 месяца назад
I don't know. I think this can get messy super fast. You don't really have to design your classes in a good way because other people can just bolt on their own stuff if it's not completely right. This just doesn't feel right and with features like that I'm certain discriminated unions will be even harder to do. I just want exhaustive type matching and pipe operators pretty please.
@alexpelorios9671 4 месяца назад
Thanks for the heads up and the interesting intro, Nick! Would you mind clafirying why we need to consider leap years to find the age? Am I missing something really obvious? 🙂
@gbjbaanb 4 месяца назад
He means birthday. Taking year - year gives the wrong answer by 1 after your birthday.
@alexpelorios9671 4 месяца назад
@@gbjbaanb thank you, that's what I thought it may be the case but better to be safe than sorry. Essentially the year subtraction could make you older by 1 year, if you haven't reached your birthday month yet, if I understand correctly.
@gurge4429 3 месяца назад
The stuff you care about starts at 6:00 You're welcome
@joepurdom2528 4 месяца назад
Implicit extension seems incredibly useful and should produce cleaner/more readable code. However, very curious about the explicit extension and how it differs from using inheritance or explicit cast operators. Also feels like this will allow developers to circumvent sealed classes which seems dangerous. Looking forward to in-depth video once this all solidifies.
@verbedr 4 месяца назад
I hope they add something like a filter expression to the explicit variant and that we can do ```if (Person is Adult adult) { adult.FavouriteDrink; }``` and the cast is only valid if the filter can be applied.
@MaxxDelusional 4 месяца назад
It would be nice if it could work with pattern matching syntax. public explicit extension PersonExtensions for Person p when p.Age > 18 { }
@diadetediotedio6918 4 месяца назад
@@MaxxDelusional Uh, this I think would be very bizarre to support, it is encoding runtime behavior into the type system which generally don't go well.
@DaveNatalieTripArc 4 месяца назад
@@diadetediotedio6918 Ya, I thought about it more after I wrote my comment. It couldn't be a compile time error, so the best it could do is just not call the method if the condition is not met at runtime.
@diadetediotedio6918 4 месяца назад
@@DaveNatalieTripArc I think this would need to be a different part of the language instead of being bundled here, like a 'precondition' system or something like this. I envisioned some ways this could work in the past, but not with this tight integration with extensions.
@verbedr 4 месяца назад
@@diadetediotedio6918 I don't think so. It only doubles the functionality of the 'is' keyword (or any other cast action). When applied to an explicit extension, it just performs the pattern matching. So instead adding an if check whenever you need to call one of those explicit extension methods if (person.Age >= 18) { Adult adult = person; var drink = adult.FavouritDrink(); } You write if (person is Adult adult) { var drink = adult.FavouritDrink(); } When the explicit extension looks like this so that the check is only written once. public explicit extension Adult for Person p when p.Age >= 18 { ... } When no pattern is defined, the is will always be true and can be compiled out. The advantage is that the precondition for the explicit extensions (a reason to make them explicit) is part of the definition of the explicit extension.
@kinsondigital 4 месяца назад
omg yes!! I am super excited about this for sure.
@tosunabi1664 4 месяца назад
Nice feature, can you test it with JSON serialization and deserialization, does it include the extension properties in json string? Can you add Json attributes (such as name) to the extensions properties?
@Petoj87 4 месяца назад
In your example what does PersonExtension indicate in your implicit example? Is it just a name like the class that contains your extension methods?
@BittermanAndy 4 месяца назад
Yes, it's just a name for the extension (which is not a class any more, it's another "thing").
@wknight8111 4 месяца назад
Discriminated Unions is interesting because I suspect (and some of the polling the .NET Devs have done seems to support this) that most users who want it are basically looking for the compiler to notify us when we don't account for both cases of Nullable, or to give us a Result built-in where the compiler will notify us when we don't account for the fail option. The full power of general, user-defined descriminated unions doesn't seem to be what people are actually needing (and I suspect a lot of C# coders won't use it anyway)
@sinan720 4 месяца назад
The compiler is already notifying you to account for both cases of Nullable if you use "#nullable enable"
@lordmetzgermeister 4 месяца назад
Yes, basically. Also for devs who dabble in functional programming there's the ability to easily combine types into DUs which adds sort of virtual marker interfaces to the types. The need for this, most of the time, is negated by the design according to OOP principles though.
@derangedftw 3 месяца назад
This is quite an exciting new feature. Feels clean.
@StephenLautier 4 месяца назад
Return type: this .. similar to typescript, works really nice for fluent api builders, when extending, returns the type correctly
@moe4b 4 месяца назад
Amazing feature, can't wait to use it in 2040 when Unity finally implements C# 13
@Greedygoblingames 4 месяца назад
Wait a minute... the explicit version is basically inheritance. You could just create a class called Adult that inherits from Person and do exactly the same thing. Would be nice to see a genuine example of where explicit becomes useful and something new.
@SergiobgEngineer 3 месяца назад
TypeState pattern is going to become a reality for c# as well. I don't need to miss rust typing so hard any more after this becomes a reality.
@miroslavmakhruk4102 4 месяца назад
Well, I definitely have use cases where implicit extensions will come in handy. Like, I need them already yesterday. 🙂
@AntoineBriseboisRoy 4 месяца назад
It is very great that they finally did something with that! However, my main struggle, and the main reason why I rarely use extension methods, is because it is impossible to mock it during testing. With this new way of doing thing, will we be able to mock this for testing purposes?
@danielm5710 4 месяца назад
Cool! Will fields be allowed too? The way you example-property worked it's basically still a method, with the syntactic sugar of a C# Property which is nice. But i wonder if i also can hold extra state-information about that Person-class. Can protected members be accessed from the extension, or still public only as before? Thanks for your education-work :)
@curious-academy 3 месяца назад
finally !! finally ! waiting for a long timmme long time ! :D Huray ! :)
@MattSitton 4 месяца назад
I've been waiting for this for 4 years!
@TheOnlyDominik 4 месяца назад
@diadetediotedio6918 4 месяца назад
@@TheOnlyDominik Cause it is amazing for structural parametric polymorphism
@TheOnlyDominik 4 месяца назад
@@diadetediotedio6918 ok. I don't need any unnecessary theoretical features.
@TheOnlyDominik 4 месяца назад
@@diadetediotedio6918 I only have 30 years of experience in software development, it's too complicated for me.
@discipuloschristi6787 4 месяца назад
Bro some of us have been waiting since 2008
@EivindGussiasLkseth 4 месяца назад
How does explicit extension improve C# compared to inheritance? It looks like an Adult is almost exactly like a new class inheriting Person and extending it with a new property. And in which namespace do these new extensions live? Normally extension methods would live in a different namespace than the classes they extend, like all those Add... and Use... methods used in Program.cs or Startup.cs.
@JacobNax 4 месяца назад
I wonder how the explicit extension works under the hood.... It would seem as it would allocate a new region in memory. How this is done is important for game dev for example because if the memory region of the extended type is scattered, it can cause a bunch of cache misses.
@CharlesBurnsPrime 4 месяца назад
The future I would most like in C# is the ability to make subset types easily from another type, like we get in typescript.
@joga_bonito_aro 4 месяца назад
The implicit extension, yeah, I can feel it. The explicit extension, I can't feel it yet... need to see how it would integrate in a more complicated project to see how return values are handled... still seems like inheriting from Person to the Adult class would be a better way to go... just a gut feeling though.
@evancombs5159 4 месяца назад
Explicit is kind of just a wrapper class with less formality.
@joga_bonito_aro 4 месяца назад
@@evancombs5159 kind of... but is it really? I would think that you can't really do pattern matching on this
@JoeIrizarry88 4 месяца назад
This is pretty great. Discriminated unions is THE feature to fix exception nonsense in enterprise code or OneOf nonsense in smaller personal projects.
@michelclaassen1958 4 месяца назад
Might also be the way to get the last persistence concern (i.e. the Id property) out of my DDD core... 🙌
@KimichisxD 4 месяца назад
I like it, but I can't imagine use-case for the explicit extension. I always thought that the extensions classes are being used to extend existing types that I cannot control well (so I think the implicit extension is absolutely awesome), but the explicit one feels to me like it creates a new type derived from the type you are trying to extend. Now I wonder if it's a really new type (so it will shown differently in Reflection, etc) or if it is still the same old type, just with some kind of an alias or something.
@theMagos 4 месяца назад
Wait. Wait. Wait. After all these years, "extension everything" is finally coming? I wonder if you can extend static classes too, to add static functions like Math.Max()
@mortenthomas3881 4 месяца назад
Clear and clean. Goes for feature and explanation both
@TomWacaster 4 месяца назад
Great content as always, Nick. As you were discussing the explicit extension, I couldn't help but wonder how this is different than a subclass. Then that made me wonder if the implicit extension is different from the static extension method in that the implicit extension is actually just a subclass where the base class can be implicitly converted. So if I have an implicit extension method, is the the runtime actually implicitly coercing the base class to the subclass then calling the extension method? If so, are there any performance considerations there?
@sevensolutions77 4 месяца назад
Wow i really like how they solved the problem of adding extension properties. 👍
@QuestionCrafter 4 месяца назад
This is going to confuse so many people when they switch from project to project and be like i thought this was default c# but actually some developer was like i want this and just created it
@normalmighty 4 месяца назад
That's already been true for extension classes, and I feel like the clear majority of people consider that potential for confusion to be worth it for the flexibility it provides.
@ShawnFeatherly 4 месяца назад
For this level of customization why not use class inheritance? I feel like I'm missing something. There's got to be more of a reason for C#13 extensions than an inheritance workaround for `sealed` classes.
@ToJak91 3 месяца назад
Two questions.. 1. Does this enable us to access private fields? 2. Is every person then instantiated as an adult, with hidden fields, memory wise? Or does assigning it to adult make a new copy?
@AlexBroitman 4 месяца назад
Love it! Now I'm curios - will it be possible to mock such extended methods and properties? One of the disadvantages of current extension is that it is a static methods and we can't mock them.
@phizc 4 месяца назад
In some sense. You can have an extension that inherits another extension and use the new keyword to shadow the base extension's member.
@wayneseguin 4 месяца назад
100% agree "implicit" extension is a game changer. However, how is "explicit" extension different from regular inheritence (i.e. "public Person : Adult")?
@KCAbramson 4 месяца назад
Extension methods completely changed my life as a programmer. Looking forward to this!!
@josef2577 4 месяца назад
This introduces unneeded complexity, but whatever C# is already spread out way too thin now that it doesn't matter how much you add to it. You'll have your type everywhere instead of one place and it's considered 'cool' just because it's a new feature. I fail to see where this is useful. Imagine combining this with inheritance.
@the-niker 4 месяца назад
This is useful when you use code that you don't own (libraries) and inheritance is impractical (having to re-implement functionality) or forbidden (sealed). In those cases you can act as if the code was yours within reason.
@Folderq 4 месяца назад
Indeed this feature brings a lot of values, however there are 2 red flags here: 1) If you have your model somewhere, now you might have some extension to it, in entirely not related place (unnotified) and on top of it, some other dev can create another implicit that extends it even further? It sound like a mess. 2) What you showed with adult and drinking could be easily solved with polymorphism or just inheritance. "Explicit" extension might blur flow clarity here. I'm prety sceptical to tools that allow for so much, beacause C# was so sealed/protected/limited for a good reason. Yes experienced devs will know what to do with such language feature, unfortunately less experienced people will use it to make spaghetti code.
@pagorbunov 4 месяца назад
Regarding second red flag, the whole idea is that you don't own the type, so it can be sealed.
@vonn9737 4 месяца назад
I agree. It looks like it's going to be a mess to me. Extension methods already solve 99% of use cases, and you can always write a helper or a proxy otherwise.
@Velociapcior 4 месяца назад
@@pagorbunov if something is sealed, then why introducing a way to circumvent that?
@pagorbunov 4 месяца назад
@@Velociapcior you do not circumvent anything as you do not introduce a new type. You just use someone's type and make the using of it more comfortable for you without breaking anything.
@mistalan 4 месяца назад
1) can happen with current extensions too. It's the fault of the developer, not C#. 2) The whole idea of extensions is to get rid of inheritance and use composition instead.
@Maxim.Shiryaev 4 месяца назад
Towards type classes. In Scala 2 it used to be called "implicit" and now "given". But in Scala it can be parametrized like for ex ToStringable { string ToString() }. Can we now define such a crosscut concept and implement it for neccessary types?
@MrEnvisioner 4 месяца назад
Do you know if there is any information on how these additional members appear in reflection APIs when using implicit extensions? Like, if I do `typeof(Person).GetProperties()`, would I be able to see `Age` in some capacity?
@AkariTheImmortal 4 месяца назад
I like that feature, but I don't like the syntax. It makes sense, but it's so long and so many keywords for it. But oh well, I'll get used to it, when I start using that feature.
@KieranFoot 4 месяца назад
Can we now extend static classes?
@modernkennnern 4 месяца назад
Not sure, but since you can add extension static methods, I'd be surprised if you couldn't. `Person.Create` could be created in terms of implicit extensions as of C# 13(.. maybe 14; unsure whether statics are coming in 13)
@keyser456 4 месяца назад
Amazing feature, but I must say I'm so glad I don't work on a team anymore! This is going to be abused and misused all to hell and back, but that's par for the course anymore... I'm done fighting that fight.
@SlackwareNVM 4 месяца назад
I've been waiting for this feature for years. This and DUs, but I think I need this one more.
@LordErnie 4 месяца назад
This feels a bit like discriminated unions. Define an alias for a type that represents a general entity, but one that adheres certain business rules. Why would you do this instead of wrapping the thing? And what if you import a library that explicitly extends a type like List, where you also want to do so? Do I have to pick a different method name? Or are the extensions only valid within a certain scope? They are injected into the type itself, so that does raise some interesting edgecases to the surface.
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