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The Jerusalem Council (Acts 15:1-21) 

Stillwater Bible Church
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Recording Date: 2014-01-12
Speaker: JB Bond, Th.M (Senior Pastor)
Topic of Study: The Book of Acts
Description: The Jerusalem Council convened to address an issue that arose in the early church. Some Jewish believers were teaching Gentile believers that unless they were circumcised according to the Mosaic Law they could not be saved. Paul, Barnabas, Peter, James, John, and others were present for the Council. It was concluded that the Jewish believers were saved in the same manner as the Gentile believers, simply by faith in Jesus Christ.



13 янв 2014




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@kbuilt1633 4 года назад
No one ever covers that we are after were saved we do the law out of love for our God if you love me you keep my commandments being saved by our Lord is God's love for us keeping the commandments is our love for him
@mkl62 8 лет назад
I am an ELCA Lutheran from South Carolina. Today (November 8), Acts 15:1-12 was the basis for our Sunday School Lesson for the Day. It was entitled "God Makes No Distinction." The hymn, "The Church of Christ, in Every Age," written by Fred Pratt Green, is a good hymn to compliment this Scripture, regardless of denomination.
@Robert_L_Peters Год назад
How would the Jews be a light unto the nations if they did not follow the law? How are we today supposed to do the same, without some standard of ethics? What is that standard? How do we demonstrate our belief? Thoughts, words, and actions should line up...
@duffgordon9005 4 месяца назад
THE LAW NEVER WAS SALVIFIC!! THe foirst person called "Justified" was Abraham awarded to Him by God because he believed. Abram was the first Jew!
@Robert_L_Peters 4 месяца назад
@@duffgordon9005 maybe
@papabear887 Год назад
(6) Obeying the Laws of Moses as prescribed by James in Acts 15:20 for the Gentile believer in Jesus does not make him under the Law but under the Grace of God who then will teach/train him to say no to ungodliness (Titus 2:11-12.
@schachmatt1581 3 года назад
@zilladthrilla 8 лет назад
Men and brethren, harken unto me ... James was in charge of the church at Jerusalem at that point. Peter is afraid of him too, per Galatians 2.
@Robert_L_Peters Год назад
I'm not sure people are looking to 'add works,' but rather to know what they are to do or not to do. How does one live as a believer? It's hard to refer back to the 10 commandments while also saying that the old covenant does not apply. Similarly, it's hard to tell people that God gave the Jews 613 ways to please him, while he gave us 2, or none...
@duffgordon9005 4 месяца назад
We ALL know what to do, we just don't do [it.. It is NOT FROM a lack of info!!
@duffgordon9005 4 месяца назад
THE WORDS OF PETER CONCERNING THE (APOSTLES) INABILITY TO CARRY THE YOKE of the LAW!! But JAMES, the law lover, SHUT PETER DOWN, and ALL THE APOSTLES, AS they were silently agreeing !! IT I(S OBVIOUS... !!!! W/o James, It seems clear, Paul and Peter were ready to officially be free of the Yoke. Thank you PASTOR!!!!!
@Robert_L_Peters Год назад
The new testament says that both Paul and the rich young ruler kept the law perfectly. And if you're a Catholic, I suppose you would say that Mary did too...
@briano7053 6 лет назад
You ask,,,,did any Jewish person ever keep the law,,,no!....did Jesus not fulfil the law?
@clarkewi 4 года назад
This minister has missed a very important point in Acts 19-21. James was one of the "Pillars" of the Nazarenes along with John and Peter. The Pillars instruct Paul to require that gentiles become Noahides in order to hear Moses' teaching in the Temple. Because gentles would be killed if they entered the Temple were they not Noahides.
@papabear887 Год назад
(8) King Hezekiah (2 Kings 18) and King Josiah (2 Kings 22) have pleased God in all their lives as kings of Judah. Thus when the speaker says that no one was able to follow the Laws of God has spoken erroneously. Other kings have pleased God (2 Kings 12, 14, 15). ADONAI said in Deuteronomy 10:10-14, “when you listen to the voice of ADONAI, to keep His commandments and statutes in the scroll of the Law...for this commandments that I am commanding you today is not too difficult for you, nor is it far off...no the WORD is very near to you- in your mouth and in your heart to do it.”
@lansan3430 3 года назад
We are saved by faith, but.... we will be burned if we disobeyed the law of Moses! (Adultery, fornication, murder, theft, etc...). On the other hand, if we disobeyed laws that doesn't lead to death, we lose rewards when we get to His kingdom. Just a reminder!
@duffgordon9005 4 месяца назад
FORNICATION is MOSAIC. James writes, if you break one law, you have broken all. I think this is James' way of keeping Gentiles under "A LAW" . How did Adam and Eve do with "ONE LAW" ? according to Paul- the law WAS GIVEN TO TEACH US WE NEED A SAVIOR, not, to increase in righteousness, WE HAVE GRADUATED TO GRACE!! (GIFT) QUESTION: Did James command increase or decrease those sins?? PAUL AND PETER CALL THEM A YOKE!! SIN WILL INCREASE. Paul had spent an entire year in Antioch and had no doubt 'tenderly taught them- "better if you not do that"
@ronevartt7537 3 года назад
Acts 15 starts with the reason for the letter. Act 15:1 And certain men which came down from Judaea taught the brethren, and said, Except ye be circumcised after the manner of Moses, ye cannot be saved. So immediately we see that they were teaching a false gospel, by relating circumcision to salvation. Salvation is only through the righteousness of Jesus Christ, but that doesn’t void God’s perfect and eternal laws. This teaching is about how the law of God means nothing until your heart is properly circumcised, thus salvation doesn’t come by the law, but by the One who perfectly fulfilled it, to the point of death on the cross! God puts no difference between Jew and Gentile and never has. Anyone can look back at Israel (the Nation) and see even the twelve tribes were not of a pure race. God has always had one way to the Father of us all. Genetics has nothing to do with the Jews or the Gentiles; it has always been a matter of the heart. The Law of God is for HIS people who love HIM! True Israel explained: Gal 3:28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. Gal 3:29 And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed (True Israel), and heirs according to the promise. Act 15:9 And put no difference between us and them, purifying their hearts by faith. In the past they looked to the cross, and for us we are looking back at the cross. Tit 2:11 For the grace of God that brings salvation hath appeared to all men, Tit 2:12 Teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world; Tit 2:13 Looking for that blessed hope (His return), and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Savior Jesus Christ; Tit 2:14 Who gave himself for us, that He might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works. Tit 2:15 These things speak, and exhort, and rebuke with all authority. Let no man despise thee. Verse 5 is referring to verse 1. Circumcision = Salvation (Wrong) Act 15:5 But there rose up certain of the sect of the Pharisees which believed, saying, That it was needful to circumcise them, and to command them to keep the law of Moses. Does anyone think that you can “go into the entire world, and preach the gospel…” by trying to first start by saying salvation comes through circumcision? Who would listen to you? You must always start with the milk of the Word before you can try to have them eat meat, also that our salvation is through Jesus by our faith that accesses His grace (Rom. 5:2, Eph. 2:8). Nowhere in Acts or elsewhere does it say God’s eternal and perfect law has been abolished or that it is just for the Jewish race, in fact Jesus and Paul, along with others teach the opposite. The doctrines of men have led many into a false understanding, and because most don’t thoroughly study His Word ever to discover Truth. Many Bible translations came from Hort and Wescott, who greatly perverted the Hebrew and Greek definitions, and they were “anti-Christ”! Today’s teachings in the church are fairly new, and began around 150 years ago. One thing you can always trust is the Words of Jesus to give you the Truth by what He said! Understand that they are “writing unto them” in this next verse (20). That they first leave their religious practices (…pollutions of idols, and from fornication, and from things strangled, and from blood.) Then they will learn the law of God (Torah) on every Sabbath Day, where the law of God is taught in the synagogues. Besides, so then is murder, adultery, drunkenness… now OK? Act 15:20 But that we write unto them, that (The starting point) they abstain from pollutions of idols, and from fornication, and from things strangled, and from blood. Act 15:21 For Moses of old time hath in every city them that preach him, being read in the synagogues every Sabbath day. Jesus teaching the same thing! Mat 23:1 Then spake Jesus to the multitude, and to his disciples, Mat 23:2 Saying, The scribes and the Pharisees sit in Moses' seat (the reading of the Torah/Law every Sabbath in the synagogues): Mat 23:3 All therefore whatsoever they bid you observe, that observe and do; but do not ye after their works: for they say, and do not.
@papabear887 Год назад
(5) Continuing the assertions in number 4, a Jew who believes in Jesus and who obeys Moses Laws is not under the Law but is under the Grace of God and is led by His Spirit. The Gentile who believes in Jesus and practices the Laws of Moses is not under the law Law but is under the grace of God and is led by His Spirit. The Jews who have the Law of Moses and practices them diligently but does not believe in Jesus is the one under the Law. The Gentile who is outside of the Law but does good deeds but does not believe in Jesus is the one under the Law. Jesus was born under the Law to free those under the Law so they might receive adoption as sons (Galatians 4:4).
@frankjackson9821 5 лет назад
You’re kinda off there sir.
@steveellis7174 4 года назад
Nonsense. He's right on target. Galatians 3:11 But that no one is justified by the law in the sight of God is evident, for "the just shall live by faith".
@lansan3430 3 года назад
@@steveellis7174 Yup, though we are not justified just to break the law!
@larryeby8640 4 года назад
1.) So then, sexual immorality is not considered a sin or a problem as long as we don't offend any Jews when we're doing it? Um, where is sexual immorality defined, anyway? 2.) Paul was making the point that Conversion to Judaism, or being born Jewish, was not the vehicle to salvation. His message to the Romans was "Look, you're not 'in' just because you're a Jew (Similarly today Catholic, Baptist, Evangelical, etc.), and forcing conversions doesn't get people 'saved'. It comes through repentance and faith." So in that regard everyone (Jew, Gentile, male, female, rich, poor, slave, free) is on equal footing. However, the whole Messiah, Jesus, sin, salvation, forgiveness, Apostles, New Testament is a Jewish thing and Gentiles, by the grace of God, are joined together with the established Mosaic/Jewish system, not Jews coming to Christianity. Jesus wasn't a Christian, he was Jewish. And yes, if you did keep the Mosaic Law perfectly you would earn salvation, but who ever did that? Jesus did. But yet he suffered and died anyway. Through His unjust suffering and by our repentance, faith, and association in Jesus it will be counted as righteousness and we will enter the Kingdom of God. In the meantime, we are to be Holy to God by keeping his commandments. I believe God's commandments are listed at the beginning of the Old Testament.
@carlosdickens3671 3 года назад
Conveniently left out verse 23 everyone does
@lansan3430 3 года назад
@papabear887 Год назад
(3) The Laws of Moses are not a property of the Jews. The Laws of God are His property. Those who obey them He says are “Mine” (Exodus 19:5-6, Leviticus 20:26, etc). (4) ‘Under The Law’ means a state of being under the control/guardianship/tutorship of the Law. Galatians 3:24-25 says “therefore the Law became our guardian/tutor to lead us to Christ so that we might be made right based on trusting. But now that faith has come, we are no longer under a guardian”. In addition, Romans 10:4 reveals that “Christ is the end/goal/purpose of the Law”. Then Galatians 5:18 further explains “but if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the Law”. Thus Romans 8:1-8 says “ therefore there is now no condemnationfor those who are in Christ Jesus. For the Law of Spirit of Life in Christ has set you free from the law of sin and death. For what was impossible for the Law- since it was WEAKENED on account of the flesh- God has done by sending His Son in the likeness of sin so that the REQUIREMENT of the Law might be fulfilled in us who do not walk in the flesh but according to His Spirit...for the mindset of the flesh is death but the mindset of the Spirit is life and peace. For the mindset of the flesh is hostile toward God, for it does not submit itself to the Law-for it can not”. Therefore, a Jew who believes in Jesus is no longer under the law because he is under the Grace of God and is led by His Spirit. The Gentile believer in Jesus is no longer under the Law (outside of the Law but does by nature things of the Law and thus is Law unto itself-Romans 2:14) but is under the Grace of God and is led by His Spirit. The Jew who does not believe in Jesus is under the Law. The Gentile who does good deeds but does not believe in Jesus is under the Law (for even when he is outside of the Law but by nature does things of the Law and thus is Law unto him). The believer in Jesus who then sins or continually sins is under the Law , he is not under Grace as he is not led by His Spirit. 1 John 1:6 says, “if we say we have fellowship with Him and keep walking in the darkness, we are lying and do not practice the truth.” Titus 2:11-12 says, “for the grace of God has appeared...training/teaching us to deny ungodliness and worldly desires and to live in a manner that is self controlled and righteous and godly in the present age.” Thus a believer who sins continually is jot under Grace, the truth is not in him.
@papabear887 Год назад
Soooo many erroneous teachings: (1) The debate was physical circumcision as a requirement for salvation in addition to faith by grace alone in Jesus and by extension the Law of Moses. The Jewish believers of Jesus in the camp of circumcision simply misapply Genesis 17 like almost all christian leaders of today. The burden that Peter refers to as “a yoke” was physical circumcision because James then decided in v20 these 4 Laws of Moses (as acts of obedience to righteousness and as being set apart from the world) for the entering Gentile believer in Jesus. So if these were a burden why give 4 (5 including Sabbath) and then v21 says the reason “for Moses from ancient generations has had in every city those who proclaim him, since he is read in all synagogues every Sabbath”. This means that they will hear more about these laws as Moses will be read every Sabbath when they gather. Sabbath is also another Law of Moses. James who made the decision wrote in his letter in James 1:25 which says, “ but the one who looks intently into the perfect Law, the Law that gives FREEDOM, and continues in it, not becoming a hearer who forgets but a doer who acts-he shall be blessed.” So how does the Law of Moses become a burden? It doesn’t. The 613 laws are not just the ten commandments but Leviticus names these laws such as laws against man/woman sleeping with animals, man taking his father’s wife, his aunt, his mother, his brother’s wife, against man laying with another man or woman to a woman, or in matter to a soldier who is engaged to marry must return to marry her and stay with her for a year lest he dies in battle, to keep guard rails on his roof so the blood of the one who falls will not be on him, to love God with all his mind , strength and soul, to love his neighbor, to not charge his brother interest excessively, to cancel a debt of his brother at the 7th year, not to hate a brother , curse the deaf or put stumbling block on a blind, to rise up in the presence of the grey-haired and honor the presence of the elderly, not to be disonest, not oppress the neighbor, not to eat an animal that dies naturally or torn by animals, not to turn to mediums or soothsayers, curse his father or mother, not to undress your mother’s sister, or lie with a woman who is in her monthly period, not to blaspheme the name of God, profane His sanctuary, not to do regualr work on Sabbath including your animals and people dwelling in your gates, etc. There are laws on how to take care of the land, proper offering and sacrifices, proper quarantining steps of homes or if someone is sick, Temple ordinances and Feasts days. (2) These Jewish believers in Jesus are not suggesting for ‘the Gentiles to be Jewish to be saved’ but understood God’s Laws and thus the council decided to start with the 5 Laws of Moses not for salvation but for righteousness sake. Paul said in Galtians 5:19-21 that those who practice sexual immorality and idolatry will not inherit the kingdom of God. Jesus said in Revelation chaoters 2-3 said that those who eat foods sacrificed to idols and practice sexual immorality will face His wrath and warns that if they do not repent their names will be removed from the Book of Life.
@goldenarm2118 Год назад
(1) You assert that the "yoke" that Peter is referring to is physical circumcision. Peter goes on to say this "yoke" is something "which neither our fathers nor we are able to bear." (Acts 15:10b). Are you asserting that Peter and his contemporaries and their fathers were NOT circumcised?
@papabear887 Год назад
@@goldenarm2118 Hi there. Thanks for your well thought out question. The simple answer is: context. Let me qualify that answer. Peter when he stated that passage, he meant that including Moses when he went to Pharaoh in his first journey after God told him to go, had Zipporah circumcise their son otherwise the Lord was going to kill him (Exodus 4:24-26). In Joshua 5:2, YeHoVah (God) told Joshua to circumcise the Israelites a second time before entering Canaan. These two text references indicate that historically, they have not been able to follow this physical circumcision as timely as God commanded. At the time of Peter in stating what he described that even their forefathers were not able to follow meant specifically the circumcision and generally the entire Law of Moses. Therefore, given their ancient history in Moses’ time and Joshua’s time, the circumcision issue in Acts 15 was clear based solely in Scripture. But if the question involves Peter’s contemporaries, that is a great question and we could look at how the Jewish people were like living among gentiles under Roman rule extra biblically. Contemporary Jewish cultures in the 21st century lived the same way as they did in Jesus’ time per Jewish rabbis and Scripture ( you will see Timothy as an example in Acts 16) . There were orthodox Jews then as there are now, there were secular jews then as there are now. There were somewhere in between then as there are now. So based solely on Peter’s statement, there were those circumcised as there were not in his time. The yoke referred in Acts 15 was singularly referred to by using the article “a” in verse 10. The yoke was not about the rest of Moses Laws as James required the turning Gentiles to observe 4 of them to begin with as the rest will be known when they are in synagogues on Sabbath (verses 20-21). In fact James said that obedience to the Laws of Moses will do them well or they will be blessed (Acts 15:29 and James 1:25). Abraham was not circumcised until he was 99-100 years old (Genesis 17) clearly emphasizing that circumcision was not a requirement for salvation but is a requirement for acts of righteousness or obedience. Abraham believed God at age 75 as he departed from his father taking his wife Sarai and nephew Lot (Genesis 12) when God told him to. Thus in Acts 16:3 Paul had Timothy (half Jew and Greek- indicating again that there are jews who were not curcumcised among them) circumcised as all the Jewish believers in Yeshua (Jesus) and the non believeing orthodox Jews were circumcised knowing that it was their God specified law given to Abraham. But Paul did not require Titus (a gentile) to be circumcised as a requirement of salvation as it was not a requirement for salvation (Genesis 12) but may be applied in the future as an act of obedience just as Abraham had his circumcion 25 years later or Moses’ son was not circumcised until God met him to kill him nor the Israelites (who were born in the wilderness in the 40 years they were there) were entering Canaan as none were circumcised. Further, Paul warned the gentile believers to not be physically circumcised but for those who were contemplating he said he wished that they emasculate themselves (Galatians 5:12)!! Why... because the Galatian gentile believers in Jesus decided to “quickly turn away from the One who called them by grace (Gal 1:6)” and resorted to skirting the work of the Holy Spirit by abandoning it and instead follow the Laws of Moses (Gal 3:1-4) as Paul says that those who “RELY on the deeds of Law are under curse (Gal 3:10)” and that “no one is set right by Law but the righteousness is by faith (in Jesus) (Gal 3:12). Galatians 5 explains the whole thing. The gentile Galatian believers in Jesus skirted the work of the Spirit by abandoning the Spirit altogether to pursue righteousness by observing the Laws of Moses. Paul is simply emphasizing what the more important matters are which was to remove the sinful flesh desires like sexual immorality, impurity, indecency, etc (verse 19) which can only be removed by the work of the Holy Spirit thus appealing to the need for heart circumcision first and above all before any of the Laws of Moses or physical circumcision. Paul thus warned them TWICE in Galatiand 5:19-21 that those who do sinful flesh or heart sins like sexual immorality, impurity, indecency, etc, etc will not inherit the kingdom of God. Therefore, Paul emphasized to the gentile believers in Jesus to continue to have the Holy Spirit work in them by faith to remove their heart sins above all else because if they continue in their sins, they will not enter God’s kingdom even if they observe all the Laws of Moses. Who better to explain that but Paul as he himself had these problems despite being perfect in the Laws of Moses and yet he struggled (“ I end up doing what I do not want to do” Romans 7). Then in 1 Thesalonians 2:10 is the passage that shows the finish product of the Holy Spirit in Paul’s life when he said “you are witnesses, along with God, of how righteous, holy, and blameless we behaved among you”. Either that is a self grandiose statement, hyperbole or his true testimony.
@papabear887 Год назад
(7) Moses, Caleb, Joshua and Sons of Israel whom God allowed to enter the promised land Canaan OBEYED all God’s Laws. Read book of Joshua. On Joshua chapter 7, Achan violated a ban that God commanded and Israel suffered as a consequence but the people stoned him and his family and possessions to death and fire as they were zealous of obeying God’s Laws. Then Joshua spoke to them on chapter 24:23 to get rid of foreign gods in their midst and to inclune their hearts to God and they replied “we will worship none but God and we will obey none but His Voice”. And verse 31 says, “ Israel worshipped ADONAI all the days of Joshua and all the days of the elders that outlived Joshua and had known ALL the work of ADONAI that He had done for Israel.” On Joshua chapter 22, the rest of the tribes of Israel gathered to go up to wage war against their own brothers Gad, Reuben and half-tribe of Manasseh who helped them destroy 31 kings and peoples in Canaan (Joshua 12) because they thought that they have built an unprescribed altar on Jordan. But then it was found to be simply a “witness between us and you and between generations after us...” to ensure that they will be allowed to cross into Jerusalem to offer their sacrifices and offerings. Their zealousness for God’s Laws were understandably at the highest order that they were willing to kill each other for the things of ADONAI. Thus ADONAI blessed them on all sides.
@Ratonc2 8 лет назад
another seminary taught (mis)understanding of Acts 15
@steveellis7174 4 года назад
More nonsense. Know your Scriptures sir. When you can show us he's wrong, get back to us.
@Robert_L_Peters Год назад
How can you say that old testament figures were 'saved by faith?' faith in what/whom? Not Jesus/the Messiah... They received forgiveness because they asked, and repented. No Jesus required.
@stwbible Год назад
Anyone who put their trust in God was saved. His promise in Genesis 3:15 of the Messiah follows through the entire Old Testament. Even Abraham was saved by faith. “Then he believed in the LORD; and He reckoned it to him as righteousness.” -Genesis 15:6
@Robert_L_Peters Год назад
@@stwbible in Genesis 15:6, are we so sure who is meant by 'he' and 'him?' Couldn't it be Abraham reckoning it to God as righteousness?
@stwbible Год назад
@@Robert_L_Peters Yes, it’s referenced in James 2:23 as well. Abraham believed God and as a result, was righteous before God. Why make it more difficult when the Scripture is clear on what it “costs” to be saved? Faith. Not works. Ephesians 2:8-9 also makes it clear: For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, so that no one may boast. If we had to do something to be saved, we could boast about it.
@Robert_L_Peters Год назад
@@stwbible yes, I see that the verse is MISquoted in Romans 4, Galatians 3, and James 2. Maybe the authors were referring to the Septuagint for some reason, despite both being Jews? If faith in God is all that is required, then why Jesus? And if that logic holds, then Muslims are 'saved'...
@stwbible Год назад
@@Robert_L_Peters Scripture never is misquoted within itself since it’s inspired by God. Why Jesus? He is the ultimate payment for sin. 1 John 2:2 Faith in God that he would provide a Messiah to pay for sin is how the Old Testament saints were saved and faith in God for the Messiah who paid for sin is how New Testament saints are saved.
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