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The Kinetic Energy Storage 

Bo Huang
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Everyday we waste a precious energy - kinetic energy.So,to save kinetic energy is to save oil.The working functions of the machine is like the F1 of KERS system.
The structure is compact and easy to operate.It's more compact and efficient.Conversion efficiency around 99%.
Dou you whant know more?



6 сен 2024




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@39ChrisCole 4 года назад
A wheel has to be as light as possible so that it can hug the road when going over a bump. That's why wheels are made of magnesium alloy.
@nimaargavan156 2 года назад
this mechanism can also be outside wheels!
@am74343 12 лет назад
This is an absolutely fascinating concept! I think it would be wonderful for use in all sorts of vehicles. Probably the best application of this would be in railroad locomotives, where space constraints are not an issue. If coupled with the regenerative braking system, this could eek out a few more megawatts here and there, in order to put less of a strain on electrification systems, or in the case of diesel engines, consume just a bit less fuel when starting from zero MPH.
@HUANGHAWAII 13 лет назад
The idea of converting braking power into kinetic energy is easy to conceive, but to actually materialize the idea in a working model takes a genius. I would like to know if this design already has a real world application? Put this thing in a bicycle, it will be phenomenal.
@MustafaHammood 10 лет назад
I imagine such a system, maybe a lighter version of a flywheel would be quite efficient on a bicycle wouldn't it? I'm guessing a cyclist would be doing a lot of breaking throughout his course and that's just wasted energy.
@erikhendrych190 9 лет назад
I'm not sure if I get the PRINCIPLE. This how I think it might work (PLEASE DO CORRECT ME): 1. This device rotates with the wheel and the axle is stationary to the car. It is installed in the pair of wheels which is not propelled. 2. Instead of using normal breaks you stop the planet carier (relatively to the wheel) and break with the spring. During this process the spring is locked so it can only be pulled and cannot push. 3. You've brought the car to the full stop. If you want to go back you just release the spring. If you want to go forward you bypass the planet wheel and then release the spring. 4. The spring can only be pulled back and push forward (just as the pullback motor toys). 5. Depressing the break pedal stops the planet carrier. Pressing the gas pedal will release the spring. 6. I guess (non)bypassing the planet wheel is decided by the current gear. When the gas pedal is pressed you use reverse bypass setings than for breaking. When breaking with pedal you shouldn't touch the gas pedal. The handbrake is separate (so you can start uphill). Here is what I think may be problems of this conception: 1. If you brake smoothly (you don't completely stop the planet carrier) you probably still waste a lot of energy by friction. 2. If you want max. efficiency you should just step on the break and break using the spring only. If you break with spring only, you can't control the force and you should stop on relatively short distance (let the diameter of the wheel be 0.5m and the spring's capacity 20 turns - then you have about 30 metres to stop). 3. The breaking force increases as the spring streches.¨ 4. For emergency braking you probably need normal brakes (or you use super stiff spring for emergency braking and you never reach the maximum efficiency) 5. It might cause problems at higher speeds. One formal thing: It is "Mechanical energy storage" because the energy is stored as potential not kinetic.
@sriram7845 9 лет назад
WoW !! "AWEsome" Well Said!!
@Sharpened_Spoon 9 лет назад
Erik Hendrych The other main issue is how large are the planetary brake and energy transfer clutch going to be?? The enormity of energy potentially being stored would be so massive, given the weight of an entire vehicle and it's load, it doesn't seem likely that it would be practical in any sense; either through the system being so small that the benefits are negligible, or the system being large enough to store reasonable energy but weigh far too much that again, the system cancels itself out. Great ideas to draw from, just as a package it doesn't add up to a whole lot. It would more likely be easier, simpler, lighter, and far more efficient, to run some sort of regenerative drive system using a large flywheel attached to the drive system at the gearbox. It would allow for storage of energy very easily but as a centralised unit rather than impeding on unsprung weight. The use of a simple clutch and even the implementation of a scroll spring between the clutch and flywheel would allow for more efficient storage, through minimising slip, leading to energy loss through friction.
@SIMKINETICS 11 лет назад
I only now see your comment, which is false. Note this: a very modest FES with a 100 pound flywheel rotating at 10,000 rpm ( or 50# at 14,000 rpm) stores enough energy to accelerate a typical car from zero to 60 mph! The main problem with flywheels is not weight, but rather windage losses, negligible in short-term braking/acceleration events typical of city traffic driving where it would be most advantageous. Gyroscopic effects are also negligible. As an ME, I've studied this.
@ignasanchezl 9 лет назад
Well an energetically similar concept is used on Formula one cars to store the braking energy on capacitators, this is alot simpler but might need mantainance
@obsidian9998 5 лет назад
Would springs be cheaper to install?
@PraphakornK 10 лет назад
Finally, I understand how KERS work. Thank you.
@dlwatib 10 лет назад
No you don't. It's a lie that this works like F1 KERS.
@flatearth2561 10 лет назад
I don't understand this system can anyone help me please thnx
@johnnyg632 6 лет назад
Uhg!! I thought I had an original idea. And then I researched and found this. From seven years ago! I would like to know how much work was ever done with working prototypes to test the efficiency and increase of MPG of a vehicle by utilizing the harvested energy during acceleration? As I said in a reply to a post below, I'm not imagining this as a 100 mpg car, but if by providing a torsion-energy assist during acceleration (which would only be effective in heavy urban driving) could it boost the city MPG of a car by 10 MPG? Because that's basically all expensive hybrid cars do. If the same could be accomplished with torsion spring assemblies rather than the expensive electric motors and energy-transfer transmission, and very expensive banks of lithium-ion cells, then why not?
@dlwatib 10 лет назад
Actually, the "working functions" of this machine aren't anything like a F1 KERS system. F1 KERS systems use either flywheels or batteries to store energy. This uses neither. This system won't work. Why? Because when a disc brake caliper grabs a disc, the disc doesn't immediately stop turning. Instead the caliper increases the friction and the disc gradually slows and then stops the vehicle. Therefore your planetary gear never gets a chance to move the ring gear. By the time the planetary carrier is stopped, so is the vehicle also stopped and there is no more kinetic energy left to be stored.
@matthewmurphy2631 10 лет назад
That is a fairly good point... However, what if instead of using normal breaks we could just let it use the planetary gear system? After there is so much tension built up (In the form of kinetic force) That vehicle would stop moving due to the springs inability to strech / expand anymore... Yes?
@tuga2112 8 лет назад
+Matthew Murphy that would be extremely dangerous as the wheels would lock completely after a prefdefined amount of rotations while braking. IMy understanding is that as the wheels stay in motion the planetary gear picks up speed, when the axle slows down, the planetary gear instead of slowing down from the axle gear stopping to spin, does slow down due to the kinetic energy being stored into the spring. When the axle speed then increases over the planetary gear speed, the spring would have to be released, which under normal conditions would cause juttering accelaration after any time you brake. Its a good animation but the system must be more complex than what we see, as theres a lot of gaps to be explained as to how this system can be used without causing any negative side effects in the normal running of a road car.
@amardeepbhurji6961 7 лет назад
hammer machines
@fazilozmen5982 7 лет назад
There should be 2 discs for each wheels, one for Kinetic storage and the other for normal braking. A computer can count the pressure on the spring disc to release the wast if enough energy stored. At the same time computer can calculate the wheel rotations in balance with pressure on brake pedal and can release the energy stored by using second KERS disc in balance for the next acceleration.
@brandonmiller9155 7 лет назад
Actually F1 uses supercapacitors or flywheels. This is essentially using the inertia of the planetary gear from the motion of the driving wheel to store energy, in much the same way that the flywheel would. This isn't efficient or reliable source of energy recovery. As there are too many moving parts. Modern KERS or the HY-KERS used in the LaFerrari use a generator, like an alternator to build initial boost and then use the kinetic energy gathered by the electric motor connected to the drive gear to then power the drive gear, much like in a F1 car, the only difference is it is also a hybrid.
@rokag3332 5 лет назад
You increase the weight of the wheel and therefor you will have to absorb a greater amount of energy when bumping this will imply a bigger shock absorber stronger attachment end so....! much more interesting to use a flywheel alternator/motor the mass is attached to the motor not the wheel
@crapisnice 4 года назад
quite the contrary, bc if you have an in wherl electric motor attached to the car but connected to a wheel with suspension in the frames, all the system is lighter and you dont need to add suspension. so if you use this flywheel together with that motor you save overall transmission and overall vehicle weight, i mean adding flywheels with incorporated electric motors is inefficient while converting electric energy to mechanical and also increases weight because the flywheel motor
@drbreitling4833 3 года назад
most importantly you loose efficiency at static velocity because the planetary gearset is spinning all the time even when not needed eg on the highway
@SIMKINETICS 11 лет назад
Note my first objection. Even if the braking mechanism is isolated from the suspension, a clutch is only a brake operating in reverse, defeating the purpose of conserving energy because it turns kinetic energy into heat. I offer a practical alternative in my video. Flywheel Energy Storage (FES) has great potential for rapid transient braking & acceleration efficiency without using dynamic friction that wastes kinetic energy. Such FES systems are the most energy dense & efficient systems.
@G33RTJEH 11 лет назад
In electric trains they use the motor to decelerate and recuperate a decent amount of energy by re-injecting it on the powerlines. Other trains consume this electricity, while the generator shifts more or less to idle
@bkam351 11 лет назад
Actually, many F1 cars use some sort of composite material flywheel that spins at 30-40k RPM until it needs to be used. At that point, it charges an ultracapacitor which powers an electric motor. Somehow, the flywheel remains spinning due to some fancy ceramic bearings and doesn't slow down an appreciable amount when not in use... somehow.
@Hizone1 6 лет назад
great idea but must need an improved design to work with. vehicle's linear momentum would be different at many times, so how a spring will be calibrated in different situations.
@ezhil182020 10 лет назад
Hey when the Clutch is released, the spring rotates the ring gear in opposite direction making the car's wheel to be rotated in reverse. So the car would get a rapid boost in torque to move backwards and not forward. I am sure this is how it will work..Car will not move front.
@erikhendrych190 9 лет назад
The planet wheel is then bypassed so you can go forward.
@BELKOchannel 13 лет назад
If we wanted to store energy in springs, that would need very heavy springs. Just a simple formula: 500 Joule/kg is the maximum storable energy in steel springs.
@kemirockarfett 12 лет назад
@ctoon6 it explains how to put kinetic enery as potential in a spring.
@GoldenSim27 7 лет назад
like these good old toy cars you crank and let go , same spring in there .. your system seem awfully complex for such a simple task , non of the less its a pretty good idea
@shaunavisser1427 10 лет назад
What about using weights to increase the amount of kinetic energy output? Just like a watch. Any movement by the vehicle would then cause a surge of energy that could be stored. Also a way to store the energy into the axil itself would be ideal, because the axil would be heavy enough and large enough. Perhaps inverting your coil through the axil as apposed to around the gears. Weights connected to the pistons of a motor could also increase the amount of output. As the gears turn the pistons turn too, the more movement you can capture the more energy you can build.
@kandysman86 10 лет назад
didnt u read the description? the system is supposedly 99% efficient. if so,there wouldn't be much braking energy left to harvest.
@zeryphex 11 лет назад
At a green light, it would be easier to just ease-off the brake pedal (and cover the brake pedal) while the spring un-wound to propel the car forward. The driver could just monitor the speedometer for decreasing speed...at which point, s/he would step on the gas pedal (inducing the main energy system of the vehicle such as gasoline or electric batteries).
@obsidian9998 5 лет назад
So a cheaper recovery break system. Nice. May you make it please for used vehicles. Maybe a Kickstarter? Performace versions can be the most expensive carbon fiber, yet this idea needs to be for the public.
@msgcheckout 7 лет назад
This kind of KERS systems is only useful for low speed vehicles, since a car travelling at say 70MPH would need longer to stop, and the yellow spring would wind up far more quickly and bring the car to a far too quick stop that can lock the wheels and cause instability, and if you allow a small amount of slip so that the wheels don't lock up, when the spring is fully charged , then the rest of the kinetic energy has gone down the pan.
@12vLife 4 года назад
But will the technology ever fully replace old braking systems with their pads, discs and drums? I mean regen braking at 80mph to a full stop comparable to modern ICE cars ABS? If so if we ever see an EV conversion kit that can also replace transmissions, gear boxes and braking systems that would be a major game changer.
@curtis133 11 лет назад
seems workable in theory, lets see a working prototype, might be some issues with oscillation of the spring, wear and tear with he parts , not to mention all the extra un-sprung weight, but it would still be interesting to see it running in the real world, its how advancements are made after all, try it out and see what happens! good luck.
@215alessio 11 лет назад
i would prefer an electric generator bult in the flyweel: saves space saves weight (that you can use for extra batteries) and saves starter/dynamo = last longer. saves belts = less friction losses but i would add this system on top of it anyhow
@andrewmenendez9922 11 лет назад
100 lbs is less than a hybrid battery back. then a small clutch and CVT (basically a scooter drivetrain in weight) attatched to an axle would still weigh less than any hybrid set up while not needing any electronics.
@burnerjack01 9 лет назад
Seems to be bad for unsprung weight ratio therefore a reduction in both the ability for the wheel assembly to follow rough terrain and the ability to provide acceptable ride quality. Would be much better if the mechanism were incorporated into the center section of an independent suspension system. Am I wrong?
@JSprayaEntertainment 9 лет назад
+john hanrahan ... True , like mechanical hybrid flywheels ...
@JSprayaEntertainment 8 лет назад
Michael Hitchen if thats you in the picture , things like your comment is why people think big guys are dumb , he said " Would be much better if the mechanism were incorporated into the center section of an independent suspension system. Am I wrong? " today we can make motors / generators in wheels , like electric bikes do sometimes ... or the motor can be in the center like in Tesla's... and like he said going over rough terrain seems like it could break it , if its in the wheel and hits a pot hole on the freeway ect ....
@burnerjack01 8 лет назад
Michael Hitchen I suspect you don't understand physics and most importantly, you don't have a clue as to how much you DIN'T know. So, I suggest to you that instead of lashing out so quickly, maybe you should consider things for a few moments before you respond. It may help you in life.
@JSprayaEntertainment 8 лет назад
john hanrahan your out there bro , he was screaming and cursing at some one , i simply told him how he was wrong and it give people like him a bad wrap .... i think you should read everything again carefully .... and im the person that discovered black holes dont exist , there actually just super massive lagrangian points , or , Galaxian Lagrangian points ... my 8th grade science teacher moved to the high to teach just to follow me and a few bright students he liked .... ( a few bright students and i ) (( but i don't talk like that even thou i know the correct way )) would you like to discuss more ? on why black holes don't exist so things like hawking radiation cant exist ...
@burnerjack01 8 лет назад
J-N-H-M I'm out there? I suspect we have a disconnect here. I posed a question concerning unsprung weight ratio. Then someone berated me because he does not understand the implications of unsprung weight (at least, that's what I surmised ). Now , I get the impression that you somehow think I insulted your intelligence (?!). I don't know how you arrived at your last comment. I really don't. How you arrive at a gravitational point of equilibrium able to manifest itself as a gravity well is intriguing to say the least. If you can give an explanation "in a nutshell", I will read it and consider it carefully. Seems most illogical, but I will wait until I hear from you before I discard your hypothesis out of hand.
@00708046 6 лет назад
You could also use a weighted gyro in the same manner instead of the spring.
@danube466 2 года назад
I started thinking about kinetic energy mechanism whenever I put the car into neutral and noticed the car runs on kinetic energy where wheel moves the axil and axil moves the wheel. I thought whenever you brake, you are wasting valuable energy that could be transferred and stored.. I had no idea how to do it... but I knew it involved a clutch and gears... and for that I am proud of myself..
@feszni 12 лет назад
Spinning flywheel in each wheel would have serious gyroscopic effect on the steering, or not?
@G33RTJEH 11 лет назад
I'm afraid the few joules they can save on a spring aren't worth the trouble and failure prone technology. The industry pushes customers to buy light-alloy rims to improve the handling and now this? The F1 solution with the Electric KERS would be a better solution if combined with further streamlining of the starting equipement and alternator. 3kg for an alternator, 5kg for a starting motor and 15kg for the classic lead-acid battery. Only problem: Energy recup should be on the front wheels
@marcotuliooficial8843 6 лет назад
Uma forma bem inteligente de canalizar a energia desperdiçada na frenagem...parabens
@AdamsAppleseed 5 лет назад
Hm pretty cool how those windeup spring powered toys can be useful in Kers for cars!
@odirex 10 лет назад
there's gotta be some way to make a KERS system like this completely self-contained inside a wheel, so it could be retrofitted on any car for +MPG just by replacing the wheels.
@EnergyReturnWheel 8 лет назад
Seen ERW? Perhaps our in wheel suspension would be helpful. 50% r/r above 65 mph.
@BELKOchannel 12 лет назад
@TheMadninjamike You got the idea: Do think in flywheel energy storage :) 500 kJ/kg. Tousand times more efficient than springs. A 1 pound flywheel could store the whole energy of 1 braking.
@volocat 7 лет назад
So you've invented a wind-up toy car. Cool! Feel free to try friction motor approach, though it's been already tried - it's called Gyrobus.
@Floppy_Sock 12 лет назад
No. KERS flywheels weigh nothing in comparison to a hybrid's battery pack for example. I think porsche's flywheel assembly weighs roughly 35 lbs and provides a 160 lbs boost for 8 seconds per lap. Vehicles undergoing constant acceleration and de-acceleration could easily and effectively use a flywheel as form of energy storage.
@DarrenVozar 10 лет назад
Very good vid you obviously put a lot of time on this idea! We need more people finding and exploring new ideas to solve are very real problems. I am sorry to say I can see several potential problems with this design. First I do not believe you will be able to store enough energy in the spring to move the car and the weight would reduce the efficiency of the existing system. Also your spring will have a lot of force on it over and over and I do belive the connection point of the spring will break or at least not be reliable. At least this is where small sizes of this spring break. The mass of the planetary gear will have to be very large to wind the spring as well. But what do I know do the math maybe im wrong because im guessing... build a small size and see if it has legs.
@robertoortizespinoza795 2 года назад
I thing this idea is possible in motorcycles and remember me the spiral spring of the clock and toy's mechanism. All the energy of these vehicles are dispel in the disc brakes and the weight of the motorcycles are more light than automobiles. In cars, this idea could be in combination with other techniques, for example, supercapacitors and little flyweels. The problem with this type of solutions is the cost.
@reasoningtruth Год назад
Reclining chair naysayers are the worst. That can stop progress just sitting and getting fat and toxic eating popcorn.
@mc2engineeringprof 6 лет назад
So, you store the energy in a torsional spring instead of converting it to heat. Isn't generative braking equally efficient?
@obsidian9998 5 лет назад
Electrical system would greater then springs, yet cheaper solution saving money maybe worth it.
@sayedissaelkhoury5323 4 года назад
Hi will system work with existing drive system such as 4 matic
@CSLFiero 4 года назад
@@obsidian9998 an electromagnetic drive rotor would do this equally efficiently but you could store the energy in a battery any place in the car instead on a delicate wheel limited in size. Nevertheless, a battery has a lifespan and is not especially light in weight. And so you can see kinetic systems have their place, but moreso in very light vehicles which experience very heavy loads, rapidly charging and discharging their system all the time, like a racing car.
@deeya 12 лет назад
I'm thinking that a flywheel would be too heavy, at least heavier than a spring, thus preventing any significant fuel savings.
@MrBrycepower1 12 лет назад
because the energy would be coming from your motor which would use up more fuel, and because perfect energy conservation doesn't exist you would end up with a lot energy less than you put into it
@SilentMover95 7 лет назад
Hi, can please you tell me why would the ring go into a negative spin when the planet carrier is locked
@drbreitling4833 3 года назад
sungear spins positiv planet gear spins negativ. When the planet carrier gets locket ring gear is forced to spin negativ aswell as long as the sungear spins positiv
@Bo2038 11 лет назад
it would work if all 4 the planet gears/wheels are perfectly Syncronized. The planet gear needs to be wider and heavier to store enough kinetic energy. Why dont you use a clutch?
@EnergyReturnWheel 11 лет назад
ERW More utility patents and claims than any wheel in recorded history. Negative pressure kinetic reservoir captures and returns forces that are capable of displacing hoop suspended from wheel hub. Pull of gravity, screw force from throttle and brake force, lateral displacement, impacts all are represented as hoop displacement and returned as hub rotation/lift driving quantum levering action. Superior to hard wheel.
@Vanish_DL 9 лет назад
I'm playing f1 for xbox 360 and I didn't realy understand what the ker acualy was, thanks for the info! :-)
@TheMadninjamike 13 лет назад
I am with tf73ky on this. it seems that the springs are only a piece of the equation. I don't believe our energy demands can be met by any one means alone. Throw some flywheels in there.
@bsrcat1 12 лет назад
Hahaha could u imagine trying to balance that wheel? Or here is a good one, anyone ever drive through the mountains,....what happens when you run out of spring an its sprung? Nothing like a car flying down a steep grade with bands of steel flaying about. It would look like the "Shreaders" out of the new Battle Ship movie. This is better for light weight commuter cars (like electric or gas powered golf carts), light mass and speeds under 25mph.
@BELKOchannel 13 лет назад
Do you think that a spring is capable of capturing that much amount of energy?
@kemirockarfett 12 лет назад
why not just charge a fly wheel ? anyhow innovative design and construction, good work !
@740GLSilver 11 лет назад
What happens if you need to step on the brake when it's in the middle of unwinding? Would put a lot of stress on components.
@saud080 12 лет назад
I wounder,, why such system isn't installed on now day cars ?? At least charging the springs is a good idea !!.. It might be heaps of friction though,, that could burn the whole thing up
@zolitakacs6306 7 лет назад
It's not a bad idea. But! What happens, if some cusual user step on gas and break at the same time ? Can it store more power than the same engine with electromagnatic forces ?
@RAJESHKUMAR-xw5ed 4 года назад
Is it being used any where... In automobile or train anywhere ? Perhaps not..... why ????
@MauryMMarques 10 лет назад
It is a non-functional idea yet. Woud the car move when the brake was disengaged? What would you do to give reverse gear after braking?
@loooopeytunes 6 лет назад
Maury M. Marques it's used in F1 cars and hypercars so it's functional
@RB-gv5xh 6 лет назад
Aristyo Rahardiyan Formula cars don’t go in reverse after breaking
@crackedemerald4930 6 лет назад
They actually use springs? That's quite quirky
@nightmareinaction629 5 лет назад
they dont use springs its electric
@grahamflowers 2 года назад
There is no kinetic energy in a moving mass there is force Mv squared kinetic energy is the energy of consistent work from a consistent force regards Graham Flowers
@Krynul 4 года назад
Thats cool but if you dont want break to zero, just slow down to fifty, suddenly if you push down break pedal your car will be going faster because the system still work, correct me when im wrong
@nimaargavan156 2 года назад
could be controlled by an ECU!
@roserecruitments6762 9 лет назад
Thinking is not bad but rotating planetary gears itself waste energy.So 1-1 equals 0. Just wishful thinking if I am not wrong and if you don,t mind it.
@aceofspades02 11 лет назад
Cool, but: HOw much extra weight is added to the car due to this system? The system save some energy waste at the same time it wasyes energy to carry itself.
@MrBrycepower1 12 лет назад
its cool but it feels like their are too many moving parts for it to work effectively over a prolonged period of time
@Drpepperman1885 12 лет назад
Very creative!! and maybe one day a reality!! alot of fine tuning before that though. =)
@McGuireMechanism 9 лет назад
Thanks for the video! Is this technology being used by any organization. If so, can you please direct me to their website? I've seen flywheel and direct-drive motor kinetic energy storage, but never spring.
@cgcow1 8 лет назад
This technology never used by any organization.
@howardmassicotte4115 8 лет назад
it has been used for the crash tests in Fiat 126p by polish providor Lucjan Lagiewka who is creator of the thing called 'Lagiewka's bumper'
@007JAKICA 5 лет назад
spring as storage of kinetic energy is used in mechanical and automatic watches, I am also in concstruction such a device that could store kinetic energy and multible it of powering a generator, that it could be placed everywhere.
@victormt3510 9 лет назад
pretty smart but better put it before the diferential so it doesnt add unsprung weigth to the car
@TheMadninjamike 13 лет назад
@SuperBashory dood you have the energy stored in a much more efficient medium where it is all ready...Chemical batteries are far less capable of efficiently storing and releasing energy in both life cycle and charge and discharge rates. This says nothing for the bi-products of both producing and disposing of said chemical batteries. Flywheel systems...this is where folks need to start paying attention. You can still pull out electricity on demand if you are capable of a perspective change
@davidnunes299 7 лет назад
Someone should make a prototype of that. Maybe one button to trigger the process of storage...
@obsidian9998 5 лет назад
Associated with the breaks mounts. Maybe as different kits for drum versuses disk breaks.
@obsidian9998 5 лет назад
8 years old, and we still need need it.
@KRIZINKGRIN 3 года назад
Amazing concept.
@arun900246 12 лет назад
Too good a video to be rated by me!!! HANDS UPP!!!!
@voiceoftheclan8087 2 года назад
Quick question, what happens if the car is driven by an idiot thief, going far to fast and far to hard breaking does the spring lock up by going far to tight, or is there a safety clutch for the spring ?
@nimaargavan156 2 года назад
the spring comes to its max and then the clutch engaging the green ring gear will work as a normal break, that's simple!
@nicodobarro 11 лет назад
i think the same thing but in a bicycle, you thinks this could be possible?
@scifidesign2 6 лет назад
I see this as a way forward for the electric car. No need to plug in. The Kinetic energy motor can store enough energy to charge the battery to get the car moving again when its been parked up.
@SpotTiger 8 лет назад
Yeah, it won't work... in an ideal world, yes, but in a world where traction is a thing? No. I'm sorry, I know it's quite a mechanism, but it won't do. Imagine a situation where one side gets less traction, either during braking or accelerating. That great power imbalance would make this into a torque steer device, or worse, a dangerous "fling me at a wall"-o-matic. And traction controlling the thing would make it just pointless. Releasing or storing energy in such fashion is too unpredictable to be independently mounted on multiple wheels. Plus, different sized wheels and braking systems, as well as suspension configurations, would make retrofitting a nightmare or a pointless endeavour. Some of them won't be even able to counteract their own weight, let alone aid acceleration. What we need is a system that can be retrofitted into oil powered cars, that isn't complex, overly intrusive, expensive, or unstable. This isn't it. Keep trying! Rome wasn't built in one day!
@TommiNummelin 7 лет назад
rayman1113 You could just mount it behind a differential then.
@SpotTiger 7 лет назад
Tommi Nummelin And how would you control that energy, in case of failure, at a busy parking lot? Suddenly, a silver BMW shoots off the top of a multistorey carpark, James Bond style, cause the spring snapped and burned out the handbrake! Explain that to Avis! 😝
@TommiNummelin 7 лет назад
Well in any reasonable size, a spring like this couldn't store a lot of energy. Which would make it rather safe, but also...quite useless.
@briliankamil4594 7 лет назад
it looks too complicated, why dont make the spring spinning generator instead? oh nevermind, that system is already exist and more simple..
@loveuaniqa 9 лет назад
hello. i am seeking some guidance regarding an upcoming project of mine. i need to make a prototype design of a push pull trolley but i can't use any batteries or engines to power it . i was thinking of using some spring power but i am a bit confused that how would i be able to use the springs for breaking and also for power of the wheels when carrying load and moving a up a ramp.
@polygamous1 6 лет назад
but this of course can only store a small amount of energy n only for a set time b4 the spring is worn out gradually if it can be made really light it may be a good option for Cycles but that will depend a lot of the weight n price its also the cost to gas saved on cars too a good idea yes but nothing exceptionally brilliant, charging batteries on a hybrid car looks a much better option
@MrBrycepower1 12 лет назад
you could but that would take energy, where as this saves your momentum you lost while braking
@tech99070 9 лет назад
Why wouldn't you just put a motor on the wheels that could apply or generate an electrical current through acceleration or braking?
@JohnDoe-wx1jf 9 лет назад
What year do you live in?
@JohnDoe-wx1jf 9 лет назад
***** That's how hybrid cars work. They charge the battery when you brake, go down hill or slow down. When the engine is working harder then it should be all the extra power goes to the battery.
@100wolwerin 10 лет назад
what program used to create the videos?
@omg101man 12 лет назад
why would it take energy if your constantly recharging as you go.
@dridley11 12 лет назад
It would have to be a massive spring.
@templarsforever 12 лет назад
So how would you start it turning initially?
@denyhermawan9767 4 года назад
Good inovation 👍👍👍👍👍👍
@gudipatijayesh2341 8 лет назад
can you give any website link or Facebook page to know about your latest technology please
@markjohnabian6591 4 года назад
Can i have your idea about my thesis proposal? About free electric energy street light from kinetic energy along the way
@joelc9439 Год назад
So....like a flywheel..
@lionelricky 12 лет назад
too many parts=too many things to go wrong. For the average Joe this is way too costly, you'd be better off with a flywheel that engages and disengages, but then you'd have the issue of increased weight when the flywheel is disengaged, thus the reduction in oil savings would not be viable.
@AndreiMikhailovich 12 лет назад
@arkadyaminev вот как раз балоны под давлением и относятся к обьектам повышеной опасности, а пружины нет.
@vishva8kumara 12 лет назад
@peterweetbeter This is much more efficient than electricity :-)
@acheng458 12 лет назад
Cool vid.
@harinaryanthakur480 6 лет назад
Great Idea
@sckryde 11 лет назад
i can imagine that on California roads. my Wheels are cracked and my suspension is shot.
@omg101man 12 лет назад
why can't you just charge it while accelerating aswell. infinite recharge.
@tony22745 4 года назад
Has anybody actually fabricated this yet? Could be easily trialled on a motorbike if there was a working prototype.
@Slapbladder 12 лет назад
Its the sprung weight of the hub that will make that car drive like crap lol
@hesaidthefollowing 12 лет назад
@karvakferenc 5 лет назад
this is good to simulate Tesla acceleration
@prabhathkirankm 8 лет назад
what abt cost factors
@MrPattern 13 лет назад
Why arent we actively doing this!?
@spillo98 11 лет назад
Appare abbastanza semplice ed efficace.
@MiranPayman 9 лет назад
This system is replaced with much cheaper and more practical electric hybrid car it converts kienetic energy into electricity in battery then use it back to move the care or assist the engine
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