
The Lady of Shalott ~ poem with text 

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The Lady of Shalott is a Victorian ballad by the English poet Alfred, Lord Tennyson
Like his other early poems -- "Sir Lancelot and Queen Guinevere" and "Galahad" -- the poem recasts Arthurian subject matter loosely based on medieval sources.



10 сен 2024




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@emilyv2791 10 лет назад
So many people have to do this for an assignment and I'm over here like I actually brought myself here willingly
@fadumoguled8897 5 лет назад
L get test of that's
@sophiarose03 5 лет назад
Me too, wish my class would analyze this. :/
@spawnofithao5218 5 лет назад
Brought myself here too.
@slancer25 4 года назад
The poem mf slaps.
@the.only.yorkshirepudding2376 3 года назад
My teacher used to read this to us when I was 8-10 years old I'm now 26 still enjoying it's beauty, it just doesn't have my teachers expression
@hilarywyllie2983 3 года назад
The Lady of Shallot is so brave, it is as if she says to the world, she would rather look once at reality and chance certain death, than live the rest of her days watching shadows and reflections of the real world.
@Chillmax 2 года назад
An elderly lady neighbour of mine, who was all alone, so I adopted her & called her Granny, learnt this as a child & would often happily recite it to me & did so until her dying day, that being 99. Granny Marjorie, RIP x.
@Telssa1 4 года назад
In my primary school classroom (1958) we had a copy of the painting, and we were read the poem. As a 10 year old, I found it magical. Later on it was one of the poems I did for English Literature O level, and decades later I enjoyed and studied the Pre Raphaelites and Arthurian legend. It's been the poem of my lifetime, I am happy to say.
@ichimonjiguy 9 лет назад
Anne of Green Gables (1985 movie) opening. Thanks for the reading.
@7tracey7 8 лет назад
Who's reading this poem? The best version I've found so far. Have loved this poem since school but the other versions I've found on here are read in such a durgy way and this is alive :)
@xxdemongirlxx362 7 лет назад
I'm reading it
@BeatlePicker 7 лет назад
Pretty sure its Siobhan Redmond. She did the BBC Nations Greatest Poems reading of it.
@BrettHull88 7 лет назад
its not her its me
@Telssa1 4 года назад
Try the sung version by Loreena McKennett. Slighly shortened, but done in the right way.
@zepjr 2 года назад
when i was little my dad memorized the entire poem and would sing it to me every night. nostalgia
@dinehclah2502 3 года назад
Awe this reminds me of Anne of Green Gables. It’s been a long time since I have heard this. I love The Lady of Shallot.
@GlenysCalder 4 года назад
Loreena Mckennitt sing this poem - absolutely magical!
@VicvicW 12 лет назад
Thumbs up if you are doing this in school!! I have to write an essay on Lancelot from this poem. Using the second part.
@BrettHull88 7 лет назад
i just have to answer questions about it
@soursan2017 6 лет назад
@lillithegreat8648 3 года назад
@@BrettHull88 same
@BrettHull88 3 года назад
@@lillithegreat8648 damn i forgot about this crap lol
@HPfrk321 11 лет назад
OMG for any other bibliophiles into poetry that love this tragic poem should consider playing this video simultaneously, but play it 2 full seconds after this one starts. The music matches PERFECTLY! Down to the last second. It's titled "Lars Von Trier Meloncholia Soundtrack - Richard Wagner - Tristan und Isolde Prelude (Abridged) HQ"... make sure this video's volume is louder than the music though.
@Rewovir 10 лет назад
По обе стороны реки Long fields of barley and of rye, Бескрайние бегут поля, что ржи и ячменя полны That clothe the wold and meet the sky; Низиной стелятся они и убегают к кромке неба; And trho' the field the road run by И через те поля дорога пролегает напрямик To many-towered Camelot; К многоголовым башням Камелота; And up and down the people go, И люди ходят беспрестанно Gazing where the lilies blow Смотреть, где ветер в лилиях играет, Round an island there below, На круглом острове, что островом The island of Shalott. Шалот зовут. Willows whiten, aspens quiver, Белым белы там ивы, и мелкой дрожью вспугнуты осины Little breezes dusk and shiver И утка быстро проплывает и привольно бьет крылом, Thro' the wave that runs for ever На волне что не стихает, By the island in the river Мимо острова рекой несет, Flowing down to Camelot. По теченью к Камелоту. Four grey walls, and four grey towers, Там четыре серы башни и четыре там стены Overlook a space of flowers, C них обзор на долы, полные цветов, And the silent isle embowers Тихий остров укрывает The Lady of Shalott. Волшебницу Шалот. Only reapers, reaping early, И жнецам лишь, что спозаранку на уборку In among the beared barley Налитого ячменя идут, посчастливилось Hear a song that echoes cheerly Услышать песнь, что эхо донесет From the river winding clearly, От реки, что мирно свой держит путь Down to tower'd Camelot; По течению, к многоглавым башням Камелота. And by the moon the reaper weary, А когда луна царица, то усталые жнецы Piling sheaves in uplands airy, Под холмистым небом, за вязанием снопов, Listing, whispers "'tis the fairy Тихо вдруг прошепчут: The Lady of Shalott." "О, волшебница Шалот" There she weaves by night and day Она день на пролет всё ткет A magic web with colours gay. Магическое полотно, оттенков всех известных, She has heard a whisper say, Ей глас таинственный пророчил как-то раз, A curse is on her if she stay Что оживит проклятие она, коль остановится, To look down to Camelot. И взор свой к Камелоту устремит. She knows not what the curse may be, Она не знает, что за проклятие на ней лежит, And so she weaveth steadily, И потому упорно ткет то полотно, And little other care hath she, И ряд других забот у ней, конечно тоже, The Lady of Shalott. У леди Шалот. And moving through a mirror clear Лишь зеркало, отрада для нее That hangs before her all the year, Пред ней стоящее день изо дня, Shadows of the world appear. Видения из мира ей визит наносят, отражаясь в нем, There she sees the highway near Она дорогу видит близко там, Winding down to Camelot; Что вьется прямиком до Камелота, And sometimes thro' the mirror blue И в глади зеркала подчас The Knights come riding two and two. Попарно рыцари по той дороге едут, She hath no loyal Knight and true, Но нету доблестного друга у нее, The Lady of Shalott. У леди, у Шалот. But in her web she still delights И всё же полотно её отрада небольшая, To weave the mirror's magic sights, Она сплетает то, что видела в зеркальной глади, For often thro' the silent nights Нередко в тишине ночи, она плетет. A funeral, with plumes and with lights Процессии за гробом что идут гурьбой, And music, went to Camelot; С огнями, музыкой до Камелота, Or when the Moon was overhead, Или когда луна полна и светит свысока, Came two young lovers lately wed. Явились двое молодых, что тайно обвенчались "I am, half sick of shadow," she said, "Мне дурно от теней", промолвила она, The Lady of Shalott. О, Леди, о Шалот. A bow-shot from her bower-eaves, На расстоянии стрелы полета, He rode between the barley sheaves, Он мчался меж снопов в полях The sun came dazzling thro' the leaves, И солнце сквозь листы свои лучи на мир кидало And flamed upon the brazen greaves, А бронза лат его играла в тех лучах, Of bold Sir Lancelot. Он - смелый рыцарь Ланселот, A red-cross knight for ever kneel'd Он у врага пощады не просил, колено раз лишь преклонил To a lady in his shield, Пред той, чьё имя на щите, That sparkled on the yellow field, Горит огнем в злотых полях, Beside remote Shalott. Он к отдаленному владению Шалот, нежданно близко подошел His broad clear brow in sunlight glow'd; Поводьев блеск слепил в лучах On burnish'd hooves his war-horse trode; Конь боевой подковой с каждым шагом блещет From underneath his helmet flow'd Его кудрей невольно прядь из-под забрала His coal-black curls as on he rode, С быстрым скачем показалась As he rode down to Camelot. Так мчался рыцарь в Камелот. And from the bank and from the river Промчался вдоль реки по отмели, и в зеркале He flashed into the crystal mirror, Его доспехи отразились ярким светом "Tirra lirra," by the river А он всё напевал Sang Sir Lancelot. Мелодию любимую свою. She left the web, she left the loom, Уж полотно оставила она, уж больше не прядет She made three paces thro' the room, Три шага - комнату она пересекла She saw the water-lily bloom, И лилии в пруду её глазам явились She saw the helmet and the plume, А вместе с ними блеск доспехов с колыханием пера She look'd down to Camelot. И взгляд её упал на Камелот. Out flew the web and floated wide; Тяжелый вытканный узор из рук её упал, The mirror crack'd from side to side; И зеркало на пополам разбилось сей же час. "The curse is come upon me," cried "О, быть мне проклятой" - заплакала она The Lady of Shalott. О Леди, о Шалот In the stormy east-wind straining, И с запада гроза пришла The pale yellow woods were waning, Завыли с горестью леса, тряся желтеющей листвой, The broad stream in his banks complaining. И с жалобой бежал ручей по руслу своему, в него Heavily the low sky raining С небес струился дождь, Over tower'd Camelot; И в Камелот пришла гроза. Down she cam and found a boat Она спустилась вниз, нашла в кустах припрятанную лодку, Beneath a willow left afloat, Под ивы плачущей листвой, она готова, на плаву And round the prow she wrote И повернула нос её кругом, The Lady of Shalott. О леди, о Шалот Down the river's dim expanse Вниз по течению реки, Like some bold seer in a trance, Подобно видящему сны, в забенье что Seeing all his own mischance - И в том, к своим несчастьям обращен With a glassy countenance С застывшей грустью на лице She looked to Camelot. Смотрела вдаль, на Камелот And at the closing of the day И вечер лишь багрянцем занялся She loosed the chain, and shown she lay; Она сняла с причала цепь, она позволила нести The broad stream bore her far away, Потоку быстрому суденышко своё The Lady of Shalott. Несчастная моя Шалот Heard a carol, mournful, holy, Песнь её была печальна, но с смиреньем Chanted loudly, chanted slowly, В отдалении звуча, мирно дальше уносилась, Till her blood was frozen slowly, До того, как кровь в ней замерла, And her eyes were darkened wholly, И глаза её застыли, затуманен был их взор, Turn'd to tower'd Camelot. К многоглавым башням был он обращен. For ere she reach'd upon the tide Смерть явилась в миг как только The first house by the water-side, Взгляду девы Камелота первый дом предстал Singing in her song she died, Вместе с песней жизнь затихла, The Lady of Shalott О леди, о Шалот Under tower and balcony, Под сводом башни, под балконом By garden-wall and gallery, И под садов его стеной A gleaming shape she floated by, Очертание в свеченье, тихо на волнах она Dead-pale between the houses high, Мимо зданий проплывала, мертвенно бледна. Silent into Camelot. Тихо было в Камелоте, Out upon the wharfs they came, На причал сбегался люд, Knight and Burgher, Lord and Dame, Рыцари, дворяне, дамы и простой народ And round the prow they read her name, На челне владельца имя - The Lady of Shalott. Леди, о Шалот... Who is this? And what is here? Кто такая? Что случилось? And in the lighted palace near В отдаленье в замке светлом Died the sound of royal cheer; Стих приветственный напев, And they crossed themselves for fear, Страх сковал всех Камелота All the Knights at Camelot; Доблестных людей. But Lancelot mused a little space Ланселот стоял задумчив, He said, "She has a lovely face; А потом сказал он вдруг: "Она милее всех была, God in his mercy lend her grace, О Боже, снизойди, даруй покой ей, The Lady of Shalott." Леди, о Шалот..." Перевод Ольга Шумская из Зеленограда
@mystichorses14 2 года назад
It is one of my favourite poems of all time. was wonderful to hear in it's entirety, with no missing words or sentences. Thank you.
@spawnofithao5218 5 лет назад
I've read few years back that the song "if I die young" was loosely based on this poem.
@katherinemoone4155 Год назад
What a beautiful rendition. Thank you.
@bananaz3379 4 года назад
this is definetly the best thing i have been set to do in quarentine *sighs sarcasticly*
@aletheabell2374 8 лет назад
I have this painting I'm so glad I found its meaning
@plasticdan 13 лет назад
Lovely stuff. I had forgotten just how much I like this poem.
@MEMORYO 2 года назад
@FabiWe91 4 года назад
Miss Marple and Miss Bantry brought me here :D
@user-vq2ic2nu4k 6 лет назад
Love it Thank you /Iraq العراق
@maryeverett8708 2 года назад
Magnificent. Thank you so much. Never heard it read so well.
@cipriani959 8 лет назад
I do miss the name of the professional female speaker/reader of this poem. A beautiful English, a beautiful voice
@reasonrestored9116 3 года назад
I had this on cassette read by an actress from the early 1920s called Constance Cummings. I’ve never heard it bettered. This sounds like Penelope Wilton who is a very good actress, but the modern style isn’t a patch on the truly affecting theatrical reading that CC gave it.
@abarre6 12 лет назад
*sighs* i love all of this kind of stuff, poems, history. Just love it
@anascoon-heisenberg3940 6 лет назад
abarre6 same!!
@0532phillipjoy 2 года назад
AMAZING! No cause and effect, it defies analysis, since this is the premise of a unbegotten curse.
@curiositycloset2359 2 года назад
Don't miss the fact that Lancelot already loves someone.
@curiositycloset2359 2 года назад
Tragically so, perhaps if he had seen the lady, the entire grail story would be different.
@19111960able 10 лет назад
@ESLandPopularCulture 10 лет назад
Thank you, yes it is beautiful, best wishes
@juniourst3ven596 7 лет назад
My three years young daughter has just watched this on Magic Hands
@n_d_napillai8050 7 лет назад
How mny of u like this poem??
@BrettHull88 7 лет назад
im supposed to be listening to this for school its sooo boring so im jamming in 3rd and 4th im in 4th right now
@anascoon-heisenberg3940 6 лет назад
Reeja Sajeev Pillai I do or else I wouldn't be here
@Timque 6 лет назад
I just came here for sir Lancelot!! Shallott is gone time for me to SWOOP IN AND STEAL! Jk it’s for school ;-;
@victoriasaper1625 6 лет назад
+Ana Scoon-Heisenberg I love this poem. My mum could recite the whole poem!!
@n_d_napillai8050 6 лет назад
Pidgey Pidge 😃
@blackmonster4708 Год назад
who is still rocking this in 2022? a classic jam.
@Devna- Месяц назад
Nah.. 2024 mate.❤
@shalapan 9 лет назад
I have been looking for this poem is just marvellous I really like it thanks to share...
@ESLandPopularCulture 9 лет назад
Genevi Avalon so pleased it is of use, beautiful poem, best wishes
@xXHeyItsLivXx 11 лет назад
The song "If I Die Young" by "The Band Perry" reminds me of this poem
@n_d_napillai8050 7 лет назад
xXHeyItsLivXx I didnt get it
@ananaiahms855 8 лет назад
This poem is so good and I love very much
@xxdemongirlxx362 7 лет назад
You mean it's amazing I had to watch this because I missed school
@huang4923 3 года назад
1:48 Part II 3:30 Part III 5:42 Part IV
@purplenymphe2572 4 года назад
Still searching for someone that reads as beautifully as Jean Brodie...
@ellenmorse8559 3 года назад
@Grannis Avenue Maggie Smith played the part of Jean Brodie in the film ‘The prime of Miss Jean Brodie.’ In it, she gives a partial recitation of this poem which is the most beautiful and spellbinding version I have ever heard. This film and, ‘How green was my valley,’ are my top favourites!
@marioriospinot 7 лет назад
@xwiirastusx 5 лет назад
Beauty beyond comparison.
@bahaykubo8582 3 года назад
When I heard this, I think Of Megan Follow Of Anne Of Green Gables 1985 Movies hahaha...
@cipriani959 8 лет назад
It`s not my language, but i am just learning it by heard ( the half is already done)
@anascoon-heisenberg3940 6 лет назад
Europa zuerst what do you SPK?
@fabianolimadinatale8194 6 лет назад
E um lindo poema sem dúvida.... gostei muito
@ellenmorse8559 3 года назад
@Purple Nymphe- I would love to find a complete recitation of ; The Lady of Shalott ‘ by Maggie Smith. Does it exist?
@RobertDress-dq9pc 10 месяцев назад
She is dead to the way she saw the world. Through her self was her prison point of view. Her body. Her external vessel to which all who looked upon her was struck with awe, is no longer needed. She died to her self in persute of a man. She had to escape her castle in order to see perhaps for the first time another world deep beyond her self.
@MsMoem 12 лет назад
I remember reading this in school, many moons ago!
@BrettHull88 7 лет назад
@thepinkspidercompany 8 месяцев назад
I do so wish you hadn't enunciated this in the style of Rupert the Bear. It's not supposed to be declaimed quite like that. It's a tricky poem to read aloud; not all the stanzas read in similar fashion. Well done for having a go though. 💐
@Ifuloyg 8 лет назад
@Darkssmile 12 лет назад
With what program did you do it? for the voice, please
@timaaplays4790 3 года назад
Only doing This for homework. In quarantine
@charlychips 2 года назад
Fantastic reading thanks
@4EyedAnimation 7 лет назад
I am assuming we all know the Loreena McKennitt version set to music.
@bluekav6909 8 лет назад
love it
@dismith73 2 года назад
Alfred Tennyson 6 August 1809 - 6 October 1892
@katebrown222 5 лет назад
I have never read this before it's incredible very well write English teacher should teach this
@borisbalkan707 2 года назад
It's probably taught in every high school textbook in America.
@DGraham-i3y 7 месяцев назад
You like Tennyson? I cry at Charge of the Light Brigade.
@moneynews4333 2 года назад
Two things I would like to say. The first is I believe this is a true story (a dream about Charlotte/Shallott and the water). Second of all, was she told there was a curse so she would be good, but in her defiance and womanhood, it came to be true? Was there any other detail to the tale left out? A great piece of history/literature/art.
@jnrajneesh 11 лет назад
@foogirlie85 12 лет назад
@borisbalkan707 4 месяца назад
Not perfect but the best reading of the poem on youtube
@watch-Dominion-2018 2 месяца назад
Loreena McKennitt
@borisbalkan707 2 месяца назад
@@watch-Dominion-2018 lol absolute garbage
@watch-Dominion-2018 9 дней назад
@@borisbalkan707 yes there is. Go back to mummy
@JoachimderZweite 6 лет назад
The voice is at war with the poem and it is being recited like a bus schedule.
@anascoon-heisenberg3940 6 лет назад
JoachimderZweite ikr. it sounds like a robot or siri
@curiositycloset2359 2 года назад
Seriously, you need to get your ears checked
@janabil03 8 лет назад
there is a part missing other than that it is amazing
@victoriasaper1625 6 лет назад
+Jojo Nabil I believe you are thinking of Tennyson’s first edition of the poem, which does have less verses. This is his second and final revision
@slancer25 4 года назад
Got here from the song She's Leaving by Rob Dougan
@richellelocloc8310 6 лет назад
I am listening to a song called "If I die young" by The Band Perry.
@joejones1145 2 года назад
Part iv, verse 2, line 3, (6:16) should read, "Seeing all his own mischance", not "Seeking..."
@19111960able 8 лет назад
@storyshown 3 года назад
This my subject :-
@gemd198 7 лет назад
Anyone else here was Emilie Autumn?
@BrettHull88 7 лет назад
me what class were you
@jennywalton3366 8 лет назад
Is that Dame Judy Dench?
@anascoon-heisenberg3940 6 лет назад
Jenny Galt no wtf its a robot spking yknow
@n_d_napillai8050 6 лет назад
Can anyone give nice introduction for recitation?
@joelcrofts 11 лет назад
Sean Bean
@fatima_922 8 лет назад
@shanicesoobroyen3864 11 лет назад
I reac this in yr5
@BrettHull88 7 лет назад
no you dont i do
@Devna- Месяц назад
1:47 2:14
@rifanasherina.rrazik826 5 лет назад
Can anyone please tell who is the poet ?
@lof4540 Год назад
Alfred Tennyson
@monikaaszklar4953 3 года назад
We are working on poems:( :)
@monikaaszklar4953 3 года назад
I have the link for school work
@a2oo3n 2 года назад
وين طلاب الرابع😬🇮🇶
@Samia-ek3mf 3 года назад
We watch this nearly everyday at school and it’s irritating
@borisbalkan707 2 года назад
You should be thanking that teacher who's trying to give you a modicum of culture
@t.doggerx9547 5 лет назад
Doing this at school my theory is the king killed someone and she saw and he doesn't want her to tell anyone. He didn't kill her coz she is his sister
@sophieadlington3962 6 лет назад
Anyone else here for an assignment?
@phebe8435 6 лет назад
i have to write a monologue from her point of view
@karenfromfinasse8430 3 года назад
Agatha Christie brought me here!
@rawk2hard 12 лет назад
Does pausing after line breaks bother anybody else? Must be because I'm an English major.
@BrettHull88 7 лет назад
and im the king of canada
@anascoon-heisenberg3940 6 лет назад
beautiful poem but y does a robot have to read it?
@sally-ig2fy 2 года назад
منو من مدرسه ث دجله للبنات 😂😂
@Buffyhitz 12 лет назад
Totally bugged me, ruined the flow.
@AWCY 11 лет назад
i feel like pulling my hair out it so boring
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Lady of Shalott - explanation/summary
Просмотров 17 тыс.
The Lady of Shallot | Alfred Lord Tennyson
The Lady of Shalott (2004 Remaster HD) (Remastered)
Просмотров 152 тыс.
Просмотров 84 тыс.