
The Line in the Sand: The Gospel and Adventism, by Mark Martin 

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(FAF 2010) J. Mark Martin is the Senior Pastor of Calvary Community Church, a grace oriented fellowship of over 12,000 believers located in Phoenix, Arizona. Pastor Mark grew up in Medford, Oregon, and later attended college in Northern California at Adventism's Pacific Union College where he graduated with a B.A. in theology. While attending college, he met his wife to be, Leslie, and they now have three children. Pastor Mark has been teaching God's grace for over 25 years. Pastor Mark was raised a Seventh-day Adventist, a legalistic denomination that emphasizes salvation by works and absolute adherence to the doctrines of their false prophetess. Mark started pastoring during college and was forced to resign when he began to teach the grace of God. Mark's experience under legalism gives his ministry a unique emphasis on the love and grace of God, which is demonstrated by Jesus' death on the cross for our sins.



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@darlenehintz1222 9 лет назад
Thank you..I am a former SDA. Actually transitioning out as I write this. Have to admit, there is a bit of uncertainty, not about the false teachings of the SDA church, but starting over. As you are very aware Adventism is a lifestyle and now what I have known is gone. Just a little lost right now. But, I have been freed from bondage and for that I offer all praise and glory to God. Blessings
@ThisBloke760 8 лет назад
Leaving is hard but we, my wife and I, found that Jesus is with us all the way, His presence always encourages and comforts us. We didn't learn the true gospel till we left, taught to us by Holy Spirit through the scriptures. Hang in there and take lots of time to seek His face.
@darlenehintz1222 8 лет назад
Amen. You are blessed , you have your wife, you can encourage and support each other in the days ahead. It is very difficult when you are alone and no one to speak with, because your circle of friends are SDA's and they want you back in the church. Thanks for the words of encouragement and may God Bless you both. My eyes are focused on Jesus..and no other .
@abapple2 8 лет назад
+Darlene Hintz God restores and makes better ! Trust Jesus !
@genesiskeglar6372 8 лет назад
God bless you, I'm sure what you're going through is tough. I never was officially an Adventist, but I was acquainted with Adventism long enough to discover that it is indeed a lifestyle, as you say. It's a good lifestyle in a lot of ways, but it's roots are in bad doctrine which causes a major separation between Adventists and the body of Christ as a whole. I pray the Lord leads you to a solid gathering of Christians that love and understand you, if He hasn't already. Again, my heart goes out to you for your loss, but the Lord knows and cares for His sheep, so keep looking to Him and know that He and His body love you! Blessings
@frotown178 7 лет назад
Darlene Hintz Praying for you. I almost lost my life in this church and I too was afraid to step out but by Gods grace I know that nothing can separate me from Gods love as long as I believe and accept the free gift of salvation.
@lornaharth7045 4 года назад
I live in Brisbane Queensland Australia and was reared a SDA and I left after questioning some of Allen G Whites writings and how SDA put her on a par with God. I was also upset because the church stood with my abuser and condemned me the victim; I was sexually abused as a child. I was told if I continue to question I would be defellowshiped so I left myself. I have suffered so much guilt from leaving the SDA church that I developed Major Depression and attempted suicide several times. I believed that I was lost anyway so killing myself was not going to be any worse. I truly believed that I was a lost sinner and so for a time I gave up on everything. After some time I finally started to move forward without feeling guilty for believing the truth of the gospel and Bible while letting go of the teachings of the SDA church and Ellen G White. It has taken many years for me to get to this point in my life; I am now 52 years old. So while I still feel guilt over letting go of certain beliefs I am able to deal with it with the help of God and the comfort and guidance of the Holy Spirit while seeking out the truth. I firmly believe that Ellen G White is a false prophet and that in many areas she goes against the true doctrine gospel and word of God. Thankyou so much for this, may God continue to bless you and your work.
@alisalauzon9291 6 лет назад
Im alone here on comments cuz others were 2 years ago. So ive jusf wrote whaf CAME to me and in Realizations. Its helping me to express it . And also reading coments from others that speak to my heart and know it wasnt just all in my head.... makes me tear up. Deep THINGS in me are healing. Now Thank you everyone !!! I hope soon i can be around believers!!!
@alisalauzon9291 6 лет назад
I was all backwards. The spirit telling me i had to do this acomplish that overcome . Before Jesus could accept me. Somehow i picked up this lying spirit. Truth is to go to JESUS and he helps us grow.!!!
@selanakao4059 4 года назад
Amen! I am saved by the blood of Jesus!
@johncourt3451 7 лет назад
For decades virtually no one bothered to tackle SDA's about their cultic status. Thankfully many bible teachers are taking time to show us that all is not what it seems. The tragedy is that SDA's have been so spiritually abused that when they become disillusioned with their denomination they abandon the LORD, as if it were HIS fault. I can testify that there is real life with THE LORD after SDAism,Bless GOD.
@alisalauzon9291 6 лет назад
That is tragic hopeless State ment.??? I have seen some on you tube that claim atheism, yet Jesus does not GIVE up I hope ones more skilled and grown in their walk will reach out. To them.... a ministry could be surviving adventisim with God! INSTEAD of Empty ... it's so sad. I grew up on and off in this churcb.Just GETTING where thru HOLY spirit guiding to UNDER STAND the depth of who Jesus is and WHAT he accomplished.
@donnaroberts4513 5 лет назад
How is following the Bible Spiritual abuse.? We don't force anyone to do anything. You are free to leave SDA and follow the Sunday Religion any time. No one put a gun to your head to join us.
@Mizz_JON Год назад
You are right John. Your comment is so accurate.
@leahingraham4092 8 лет назад
I engaged with some SDA's and could no longer continue the conversation. It was so upsetting.. They in their arrogance told me I wasn't really saved and denied my testimony of how Christ radically changed my life, which HE DID!!! I don't understand their pride and really unkind spirit. I'm not a true sheep because I don't keep the Sabbath.
@abapple2 8 лет назад
+Leah Ingraham You are a sheep and they are the goats !
@leahingraham4092 8 лет назад
Thank you.. I pray there eyes would be opened...
@mrskitkatlady 8 лет назад
I have one that has told me, numerous times, that she never, ever sins, but she is prone to lying about people. Her latest thing is that I have a demon, because I tell her that no one can snatch me from Jesus' hand. She has no clue that I am quoting the Bible.
@abapple2 8 лет назад
Mrs. Lady Kat I know a SDA member who tells me shell fish is forbidden because of the dietary laws of Israel. I chuckle as I look at the spare tyre around his waist !!!
@mrskitkatlady 8 лет назад
anthony barnes Seen those too. This one is constantly talking about food. She seems obsessed with things she is not "allowed" to eat. lol
@theresaflynn4282 5 лет назад
Thank you for confirming what I thought of the sda church I'm finally free and hidden in Christ Jesus. Praise God.
@johncourt3451 7 лет назад
In dealing with SDA's , sweet and lovely doesn't cut it. They have gotten away with all sorts of theological nonsense which few could be bothered to challenge. As an ex SDA of some 25 years standing and now in my 80 th year let me say thank you to so many now who are not allowing them to get away with the sneaky theology which was not ever delivered to the saints but has been cobbled together to assuage the pride of those made to look foolish in 1844.
@EricSaavy 7 лет назад
Yes, according to Ellen G. White, and the SDA the Lord revealed to her the that Christ was resurrected on " *Satan's Day* ". and that Christ was resurrected on the day that is *The MARK OF THE BEAST* . MORE BRILLIANT REVELATIONS FROM EG WHITE AND THE 7TH DAY WACKOS To the Doug Batchelor and the Adventist's, AND THE JW'S ETERNAL PUNISHMENT = ETERNAL DEATH. And, to Doug and the Adventist's " ETERNAL death equals ETERNAL annihilation" . That's absolute proof, the JW'S Adventist's and Doug Batchelor teach that when a goldfish or your pet dies, it is sent to "ETERNAL PUNISHMENT". *ISN'T THAT JUST BRILLIANT THEOLOGY BY ADVENTISM AND THE JW'S* !!!!
@7lembahpujian747 4 года назад
After struggling for more than 25 years or more, with many people and not letting them (Adventism) with their theology, is their situation more difficult (backward) or more advanced? What have you got from the effort, is it advancing God's work or vice versa? Does it glorify God or vice versa?
@liepa7768 Год назад
​@@EricSaavy hello. It's been some years ago you wrote a comment about sda tha they think Jesus rose on satans day. Do you know where exactly egw writes this?
@tehuingamamaeroajoseph1822 4 года назад
Praise God for men who stand for the truth, authority, sufficiency, inerrancy and infallible word of God.
@777Chargerfan 5 лет назад
I would LOVE to see Mark Martin debate Doug Bachelor ! I don't think Doug would have the guts to come to the table!
@alisalauzon9291 6 лет назад
Even though i wasnt out RIGHT Aware of all these teachings my spirit picked up something was missing. Even THOUGH I lived in the false spirit of not feeling like JESUS would accept me.
@LoCoWi 6 лет назад
This 1:21:24 presentation by Pastor Martin is essential viewing by those who are considering joining the SDA church. Every minute of it is valuable!
@ThisBloke760 9 лет назад
The gospel is so beautiful, so simple, why do religions stuff it up so badly.
@abapple2 8 лет назад
+Peter Read 66 BOOKS IN THE BIBLE , all leading to faith in Jesus , not works ! 66 books and still false religions abuse it.
@ThisBloke760 8 лет назад
+anthony barnes yes it's hard to understand why folk want to twist things so. If you rest in Jesus and let the Holy Spirit teach you through the scriptures it's not so hard. With SDA's their early leaders were full of pride and needed an excuse for their errors and that pride continues today. The last time I visited an SDA church the lady leading out made the old statement about them having the truth. Big joke if it didn't have such eternal consequences.
@jackiejohnson7886 4 года назад
Doug bachelor needs prayer. He is deceiving people to hell knowingly. He knows there is a person of worship not a day of worship. I was born in Adventist and from i was very young the holy spirit told me Adventist don't do the bible they walk with it but fail to know it. Pray for my entire family in Jamaica. They are lost in Adventist occult.
@Mizz_JON Год назад
@cindiloowhoo1166 Год назад
I believe The Investigative Judgement/Sanctuary fable was contrived to cover for the disaster of October 22, 1844 and its repercussions…
@solascriptura9546 5 лет назад
A friend of mine told me that it wasn’t ok for me to listen to Carter Colton because he is not a SDA, because he worships on Sunday🤔
@liepa7768 Год назад
Same here. Anything that comes from somewhere else than present sda is forbidden to listen to because they consider it from satan. Also betyer not to talk with christians.
@evangelistbettybailey6484 5 лет назад
Pastor Martin thank you for expounding on the word of God and bringing clarity to the scriptures so that we can so easily grasp it's truth. God bless you from your sister in Christ in Hammond, LA.
@g188les 9 лет назад
Great message
@AcademyApologia 6 лет назад
The SDA have a different Gospel than the Gospel presented in the Bible. They are under the condemnation of Galatians 1:1-8
@carmensiekierke3579 5 лет назад
The Hebrew Roots Movement is filled with 80% Gentiles and very much like the SDA.
@donnaroberts4513 5 лет назад
How we have a different gospel when we believe in all of Bible.
@shadylite Год назад
@@donnaroberts4513 so in believing all of the bible, do you believe Romans 14 where Paul says that food or drink or the observance of specific days (sabbatarianism) don't matter? In believing all of the bible, do you believe Colossians 2 where Paul said to not let anyone judge you based on food or drink or the observance of new moons, festivals, or SABBATHS because these things are but a shadow of what was to come whereas Christ is the essence? Do you believe in all of the bible hebrews 1 where it started that whereas God formerly spoke to man through prophets that he has now spoken to us through the word of his son? (So no need for new prophets like Ms. white purported to be.) In your belief of all of the bible do you believe in Hebrews 3 and 4 which plainly makes the case that the Christian has entered into God's rest TODAY as opposed to the Israelites (Jews) and their sabbatarianism with a seventh day Sabbath? Ellen White was a false prophet who not only predicted Christ's return before her death (didn't happen) but also predicted that England would attack the US during the civil war bringing it to it's knees (didn't happen). Do you believe in all your belief of all of the bible, God's declaration in Deuteronomy that if a proclaimed prophets predictions do not come true that they are a false prophet? Even worse than being a false prophet she is a Blaspheming heretic who in chapter 28 of her book the Great Controversy replaced Christ as the ultimate bearer of the guilt of our sin with Lucifer. So if you believe the Bible how are you replacing the grace of God with legalism that applied only to the Jews and converting God's saving grace into works based salvation? I'll wait.
@YuShudNoe Год назад
@@shadyliteStill waiting I see …. 😅
@johncourt3451 7 лет назад
I speak with some authority in that I was an SDA for some 50 years. The wonder of the GOSPEL is that it is efficacious to some extent no matter how flawed is the theology. SDA's desperately want to be regarded as a bonanza fide Christian denomination and will go to any lengths to achieve this. The whole denomination is overshadowed by a spirit of spiritual schizophrenia . Sad, really.
@EricSaavy 7 лет назад
To the Doug Batchelor and the Adventist's, AND THE JW'S ETERNAL PUNISHMENT = ETERNAL DEATH. And, to Doug and the Adventist's " ETERNAL death equals ETERNAL annihilation" . That's absolute proof, the JW'S Adventist's and Doug Batchelor teach that when a goldfish or your pet dies, it is sent to "ETERNAL PUNISHMENT". *ISN'T THAT JUST BRILLIANT THEOLOGY BY ADVENTISM AND THE JW'S* !!!! Yes, according to Ellen G. White, and the SDA the Lord revealed to her the that Christ was resurrected on " *Satan's Day* ". and that Christ was resurrected on the day that is *The MARK OF THE BEAST* . MORE BRILLIANT REVELATIONS FROM EG WHITE AND THE 7TH DAY WACKOS
@alisalauzon9291 6 лет назад
Spiritual scitzophz. Sadly yes.. I hope at least they will start preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ!! As villegently as sabbath and E.G.
@rejielinaqarau2894 5 лет назад
I'm a born again Christian...lm' married to a 7day Adventist....lm' so grateful to my Lord for giving me the strength and the wisdom to be an overcomer living with someone who was ALWAYS JUDGING.... I was ALWAYS WRONG....I was NOTHING...And the TRUTH was he had no idea...that every negative words.. hateful words that was spoken to me did not line up with what my loving Saviour words that he promised me in the INFALLIBLE WORDS in SCRIPTURE,S I've never seen a person who boasts about His religion as being .. THE ONE true church of God....BUT.. always gloomy.. changing mood swings always angry.... The list go on Nd on......l have come to a conclusion....If this is the true religion as perfect as they process to be... Please LORD l have NOTHING to do with them.
@joselopez8265 Год назад
@@rejielinaqarau2894 my friend, please pray about your situation. Do not become bitter with them. I was also in the same spot you are in. The Lord gave me wisdom to effectively preach the gospel to my wife and are now happily serving The Lord. I recommend Ray Comfort to learn how to witness.
@CAmom75 Год назад
Having grown up in the SDA church, I feel like the whole theology of EGW, is there to intentionally make things confusing. Who can read all of her books and the Bible? So we grow up listening to our leaders and listening to the sermons. And now as a middle-aged woman, i realise how much false teaching is being snuck in.
@JoseAguilar-lv6kb 6 лет назад
God bless you kip telling the truth
@nursingninja 10 лет назад
Wow! Excellent I want more!!
@nursingninja 9 лет назад
Right.... Well most SDA I have met either believe in the bible or at least claim to. You can send them to my blog. www.armchairtheologian.info
@KarlsKronicles 9 лет назад
nursingninja Check out the stuff on Adventism by Walter Martin (the original Bible Answer Man and founder of CRI) in his book Kingdom of the Cults. Very interesting stuff.
@ColleenTinker 9 лет назад
Karl Wagner The five-part interview on the John Ankerberg Show featuring Walter Martin and then-Adventist Review Editor William Johnsson is very revealing. It occurred shortly before Martin died, and it shows that Martin was changing his mind about Adventism. You can watch the five installments of this week-long program by scrolling down to them at this link: exadventist.com/Home/Video/tabid/502/Default.aspx Also, here is an article that examines the fact that the Adventists lied to Walter Martin in order to prevent him from labelling Adventism a cult, and also to hide what Adventism actually believes: www.lifeassuranceministries.org/proclamation/2010/3/waltermartin.html
@KarlsKronicles 9 лет назад
Colleen Tinker I have all the Proclamations and am very familiar with Pitcher's article. The church had been on path to correct certain things such as the section corrected circa 1949 in Bible Readings regarding Jesus' nature and the work done to expunge Smith's Arianism from Daniel and Revelation because it was still popular and sold by colportures. But even back in Australia in the time just Ellen White went down, W W Prescott bemoaned the selling of Smith's book which was so full of errors. Regarding the Ankerberg Show, what wasn't revealed was how they set up the poor Review editor William Johnsson. I have the program DVD and saw it shortly after it came out. John, who should have moderated, instead joins in the attack with Martin and of course are simply singing to choir because the audience was mostly on their side if not completely including the former Adventist who clearly didn't understand that no doctrine the Christian church has, not even the understanding of the gospel came to the church fully formed on a silver platter let alone the sanctuary doctrine. Took the church nearly 1500 years to come to a rich understanding of substitutionary atonement and still wrestles with its understanding of the meaning of propitiation. The meeting Johnsson was to have with Martin and Ankerberg was cancelled and didn't meet John or Walter until just before he went on the show. John and Walter had done their research and they had their papers to quote from and all their questions all lined up and Johnsson, alone in the den of wolves was left to wing it alone. That's the kind of fair play you're talking about? It was a sin and I was embarrassed for Walter Martin whom I still hold in high esteem. After the first segment when the producer yells "Cut," Johnsson asks the producer, "What is going on? Martin gets 10 minutes to make his charges, and I get only two minutes to reply?" As he wrote later, "I knew it was going to be a long night. And it was." Yes Colleen, the show was indeed very, very, revealing.
@ColleenTinker 9 лет назад
Karl Wagner Karl, let's be honest about this. Martin kept pressing Johnsson for his response as to whether or not sins were completely forgiven at the cross, or whether they would be revisited later [in the supposed investigative judgment]. Johnson refused, over and over again, to give a straight answer-because to give a straight answer would mean he would have to admit the Adventist doctrine that sins are "pardoned" but not totally washed away until after the IJ. There should have been no need for Johnsson to have time to prepare his answers in advance. A biblically-grounded Christian can answer these tenets of the faith without taking time to figure out what to say. Johnson wanted time in order to carefully word his answers so Martin wouldn't know what he really believed under the surface. In fact, this very issue was what drove the talks between Martin and the Adventists in 1957. They were careful with their words, and the 1957 Questions on Doctrine was written very carefully to hide the true Adventist teaching on the nature of Christ and the completed atonement. The SDAs used words they knew would mislead Martin and make him think they believed as he did, when in reality they did NOT mean what Martin meant. Moreover, (as I'm sure you know), Q on D upset the SDA laity and created a schism in the church that has never gone away. The "word parsing" the authors did deceived Martin and confused the SDA members. George Knight reveals these facts in his annotations in the 2003 heritage edition of Q on D published by Andrews University (a "non-official" republishing of the book). Moreover, on the Ankerberg Show, Martin kept asking Johnsson why Q on D had gone out of print and why it had not been reprinted. Johnsson refused to answer. No, Johnsson would not have needed "time" to prepare his answers if his answers could have been given honestly. He wanted time so he could disguise the bottom line by careful word-smithing...as the authors of Q on D had done before him. Johnson had things to hide. He would have needed to time if he had answered honestly...but to answer honestly would have removed all Martin's doubt about whether or not Adventism was Christian or a cult. In fact, that was one of the things Martin said...if Q on D could not be officially republished, he questioned if the label "cult" should not be reapplied to Adventism...if, he said, it should ever have been removed in the first place.
@TheLakingc 6 лет назад
Think i have watched your video 3x. Send some of those thousands to Kettle Falls and Colville! Tiny place, but SDAs are turning the area into an SDA settlement. These are the hardliners like the ones who put us out...or tried to. I told them i was not in Soviet Russia. I was blessed to have been born again before entering the SDA church but knew nothing about theology, but kept asking questions that could not be answered. Yup, a lot of cognitive dissonance! Nearly to a breakdown. But, yes, i so loved the church and people. There was so much to love and appreciate, but it also gave me a better understanding of the plight of the Jews. We never understood there was a real theological difference until we had just become entrenched. And, i fell for tne EGW story. That is when i became a slave to a lie. So sad. But God brought me back as i realized she and the church were unscriptural! Praise Him. But i was still caught by the sabbath snare subconsciously until i found you guys! Now, i finally understand the Gospel in its fullest. Thank you!
@anaanguiano6658 5 лет назад
Lenore what was the teaching or doctrine that made you realize that preach another gospel and another Jesus ? I'm sohaopy that you re out, that you had the humility to search the truth as the Bereans did
@felixotoo100 6 лет назад
14:24 "you have to take the text out of context and make it a proof text". Very true. This the fundamental issue with all the pseudo-christian sects I have interacted with. They never take the text in context. They always need to impose their meaning on it. God bless you
@solascriptura9546 5 лет назад
Amen!!! Thank you!!
@TheKing-qz9wd 5 лет назад
They editted the very curse of Revelation. To hell with the fools who thought to edit the Holy Scripture.
@anthonywells1800 Год назад
I have 2 sister and a cousin and a nephew in the SDA I need material to help me get them out can you help me
@benjaminparadise6397 Год назад
ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-7EsY1srHYJc.html This is Dale Ratzlaff who was studying theology at Andrews University and realized Adventist doctrine is not biblical.
@alisalauzon9291 6 лет назад
Pastor is speaking of atonement... sadly i dont even KNOW whaf that means YET... .... BASIC GOOD NEWS OF JESUS. I GREW UP IN THIS CHURCH.
@iotianooroa812 4 года назад
@vernon361970 11 лет назад
true adventist look for cleaned up christians
@budekins542 9 лет назад
Alarm bells started ringing for me when I came across the SDA's deadly misunderstanding of the prophecy in Daniel 8 about the 2300 days - which they claim represents 2300 "years". A look at Jewish history will show that Antiochus Epiphanes IV stopped the animal sacrifices in the Jewish Temple for 2300 mornings and evenings during the 2nd century BC. So much for the SDA and their 2300 "years". SDAs' sense of superiority are the same vibes I get from that other cult - the JWs. And - surprise surprise - in true cultish fashion the JWs have also mixed up days and years in another spectacular blunder on Bible prophecy. Nice video by the way.
@KarlsKronicles 9 лет назад
bud ekins Whatever you think of William Miller's and SDAs interpretation of Daniel 8, you might want to check out of real history books the actual "days" Antiochus stopped the animal sacrifices. Its not just Dan 8, the sanctuary doctrine is Daniel 7 thru 9. Three visions over about 13 years. Actually the last 6 chapters is really one unit. But Mark's most important and profound statements begin just before 8 minutes regarding the gospel. I resonate with him on that. And remember, as in ALL faith groups and denominations, Adventism is not monolithic. I know a lot of Adventists, and many know Adventism, but don't know Jesus. I also know many Adventists who know Jesus and have a relationship with Him. In fact, a professor from Andrews University (where the seminary is) used to preach a sermon, "Why I Don't Like Adventists". Without Christ it doesn't matter what people call themselves.
@ColleenTinker 9 лет назад
Karl Wagner The problem is, no matter what a person professes about Christ, unless he or she has actually been born again of the Spirit and transferred out of the domain of darkness into the kingdom of the Beloved Son (Eph. 1:13-14, Col 1:13), he remains dead in sin. If someone has actually heard and received the gospel, God will nudge them out of Adventism. As long as a person remains Adventist...especially if they receive their paycheck from Adventism...they endorse the entire system and its hermeneutic and its false prophet. Adventism is at odds with the gospel. Adventism's Jesus was fallible, and example who showed us we can avoid sin, and died to uphold the law. This Adventist Jesus is not the Jesus of Scripture who came as our Substitute, could not have failed, and fulfilled the law by taking its curse onto Himself for the entire human race. This Jesus opened a new and living way to the Father through His own body which was symbolized by the curtain that was torn when He died (Heb. 10:20). Here's an article that examines and contrasts the Adventist Jesus with the Jesus of Scripture. It begins on page 10 of this PDF: www.lifeassuranceministries.org/Proclamation2007_MayJun.pdf
@shellyblanchard5788 5 лет назад
Actually a happy Sabbath day should be everyday with Christ, not one day a week.
@cindiloowhoo1166 Год назад
So, who did put that tripe together? There seems to be an “updated date;” just saw it this week: “around 2027.”
@ericataylor1160 2 года назад
I'm listening to the sermon and I'm actually kind of confused because when I joined the Seventh-day Adventist Church I did feel love they taught saved by grace through faith alone they taught the trinity I've heard a lot of testimonies of people coming out of the Seventh-day Adventist Church and the majority of things I've heard make it sound like seventh day Adventists think they are better than everyone else and like they don't believe in the trinity and that they didn't feel loved there like they just had to follow a bunch of rules and that was not the experience I've had in the Seven Day Adventist Church that's why I'm so confused and that's only a few reasons
@Mizz_JON Год назад
I'm a 3rd generation Adventist. They are exceptionally good at pulling the wool over peoples eyes. Their true doctrine is salvation by works and that is a perversion of the Gospel. Their teachings condition you to become agnostic if you ever leave them. I lost my way when I left, I thought I was doomed. But thanks be to God, I discovered the true Gospel, its so simple and liberating, it set me free from my ungodly lifestyle and addictions. Pls read the Bible without their interpretations of it and ask for the Holy Spirit to guide you into the truth and He will❤
@benjaminparadise6397 Год назад
The investigative judgment undermines the work of the cross. The Bible says Christ entered once and for all into the holy place for our eternal redemption (Hebrews 9:12). He said "It Is Finished" (John 19:30). This completely did away with the old covenant of the animal sacrificial system that was followed for thousands of years. But according to the investigative judgment, it wasn't finished because he had extra work in 1844 into the most holy place. This is not biblical. There are very few curses in the new testament, but one of them is adding to the word of God. And Ellen White claimed that her entire health message (which would include not eating fish) was not only added to the Angel's messages of revelation, but she called it the right arm of their messages. Another big curse in the new testament is preaching a false gospel (Galatians 1:8-9). They will teach new members that they are just another denomination that started after the great disappointment, but in their educational system they teach that William Miller is their pioneer, like George Washington or Abraham Lincoln. You won't see The Clear Word Bible at church, but inner circles of the members call it their beloved. Ephesians 4:5,6... There is one Lord, one faith, one Baptism. But adventists must accept Ellen White when getting prepared for baptism. Christ died for Adventists just as much as he did for the whole world, but the foundations are not biblical. In fact, 1 Timothy 4:3 calls Ellen White's forbidding meats a doctrine of demons.
@shellyblanchard5788 5 лет назад
What is the obsertity over meat? Didn't everyone know they ate meat all the time in the old testament? Paul was talking about meat offered to idols. There was nothing wrong with eating meat. It doesn't defile.
@DennisTotman 7 лет назад
a legalistic denomination that emphasizes salvation by works and absolute adherence to the doctrines of their false prophetess? What a crock. You have no clue of the truth of Adventism.
@shellyblanchard5788 5 лет назад
We are to have the mind of Christ not the mind of the old covenant law. The old covenant is passed, so are the food laws of the old covenant. If we have the mind of Christ we won't worry about it food laws. Why Jesus said it is not what we put in our mouth that defiles you but what comes out of the heart. We shouldn't put boundries on other people if they if they want to eat meat, but people do. There is nothing wrong with eating beef or types unless you just don't want it. People make too much out of it.
@cindiloowhoo1166 Год назад
Yes, you most certainly be sarcastic about a “health prophet” who snuck off to eat oysters in vinegar (ie wine).
@cindiloowhoo1166 Год назад
The powers that be know what “the truth” really is. Yet, they perpetuate The Lie. Hey, I hear they have a good retirement plan…
@SuperKingston77 8 лет назад
The Clear Word Bible is not produced, nor endorsed by the Seventh-day Adventist Church, but is the private enterprise of an individual. The Adventist Church does not use the Clear Word edition, which includes passages from Ellen G. White’s writings, for its worship services and Bible studies around the world, but quotes from well known and well accepted Bible translations in the various languages. In the English language for example, the church uses the King James Version, the Revised Standard Version, the New American Bible, [sic] [recte New American Standard Bible] the New International Version, and others
@FormerAdventist 8 лет назад
+Pat Nicolello The Clear Word IS produced and endorsed by the Adventist organization. Adventist owned and operated Review and Herald Publishing Association owns the copyright of the current editions being sold, and The Clear Word is advertised in official Adventist web sites and publications, like the Sabbath School quarterly, official magazines, and prominently displayed and sold in Adventist owned book stores.Check out Amazon where you can view the copyright page and see who owns the copyright. By the way, many former Adventists will tell you that they sat in Adventist services where The Clear Word was the only "Bible" used as a reference during sermons and Sabbath school lessons. Your statement is the typical defense we hear from Adventists, but our experience, and the way Adventist organizations promote, sell, and use The Clear Word shows that you are incorrect.
@alisalauzon9291 6 лет назад
Wake up. Review and Herald published it. Adventist book stores sale it. Youth are being indoctrinated by it as well as others. Its laced with E.G. white.... she is adventist claimed prophet. Wake up. If Adventists see THIS as a dangerous BIBLE. Then better take responsibility for warning others. All thru every adventisf pulpit. Get it OUT of ur bookstore s.. etc. Nope it is not happeninh its in to stay since 93. Awwarg THIS is madning. That this is so wrong.
@alisalauzon9291 6 лет назад
And u guys were warning me ABOUT THE Catholics.???? THIS so called Bible is the most arrogant. Sad but true.
@HJKelley47 5 лет назад
For Dr. Grudem to make those very strong remarks about the Clear Word translation says quite a bit. Avoid that translation of Scripture at all cost. Dr. Grudem is a Hebrew and Greek scholar. For those who can't read Hebrew, purchase yourself a real Jewish Tanakh (English), and read how the Old Testament is truly translated. For any SDA, this request is not complex. Do not put your salvation on the line for Ellen G. White or any other foolishness. For God so loved you that He gave His Son. If you believe in Christ Jesus, you shall have eternal life. Do not allow your sentimentality to allow this awful translation to hinder your real understanding of the Word of God. (Rev. 22:18 - altering the core meaning of Scripture is a big NO NO)
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