
The Lord’s Day Part 2: Sabbath and Sunday in History - 119 Ministries 

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@WanieB 3 года назад
And people say history is not important, I beg to differ. Another great teaching. Thank you so much for all the information. Shalom and Blessings. Praise Yahweh for making a way through his Son Yeshua.
@adrianz8132 3 года назад
Shalom. Wow! Very powerful and educational. Praise Adonai. Thank you 119 ministries for interpreting Scripture with Scripture. Let's us grow together. Gentiles grafted into the Olive tree. 🫒 and pray for one another. Jew and Gentile. Thank you Yeshua Hamashiach.
@martimeighan 3 года назад
I am so thankful I found our 119 congregation Natsarim and 119 ministries as I have been searching 41 years for an assembly that followed the entire Torah. My first pastor was not a dispentstionslst just followed the entire Word of Yah! Praise Yah!
@LittleFlockOfJesus Год назад
Enlightening, thank you and Shalom!
@brianlapoint545 3 года назад
Very well done and thorough
@johnalbano9595 3 года назад
Praise Yahovah's name.. This teaching history for me proves that the true battle of truth is a spiritual battle. Which started in the Garden of Eden and continues until the return of Yeshua Ha Mashiah.. Lord and Savior of humanity.. MARANATHA YESHUA!!! Shalom brothers and sisters.
@shabbatsongs4801 3 года назад
Amen...the spiritual battle is whether we follow God’s Word or man’s...🙏 Shabbat Shalom Y’all
@johnalbano9595 3 года назад
@@shabbatsongs4801 which comes from the evil one through his minions.. Creating false doctrine and teaching, worship.. Lost souls to face the 2nd death. Read 2 Peter 3:9 is our hope to minister Yeshua Ha Mashiah..etc.etc Shalom brother.
@jmeh20 3 года назад
Thank you, I would also like to point out that blessing come by obedience to GOD instructions, since the beginning of times we (humans) have always been trying to please GOD our way and know the way ELOHIM have demanded it to do it. Revelation 14: endurance of the saints (God’s people), those who habitually keep God’s commandments and their faith in Jesus.
@closerlookatprophecy6078 Год назад
So many people have issues with keeping the Sabbath, i don't understand why. It's supposed to be a blessing for us.
@beeinthebodytorahclass2002 3 года назад
God bless you, brothers! Shabbat shalom
@papabear4040 3 года назад
@speemonkipgen4925 3 года назад
Wow thanks🙏🙏
@2aA2aA2a 3 года назад
Great teaching very well said Many are blinded in the their tradition faith that they don’t seek truth and won’t seek truth. You all are blessed
@deanmartinpaller4762 3 года назад
@colbullsigh6823 3 года назад
Actually, Paul's special service was on Saturday evening (evening of the first day, which started at sundown Saturday) for the journey he was to make on the first day, Sunday (a regular WORK DAY)!
@OCNAJ 3 года назад
I love this teaching, this was the first time that Christians weren't demonized or associated with worshipers of demons because they do not observe the sabbath day. As a pastor of a Christian community of Baptist, I really believe that both Jews and Christians need to dialogue more listening to each other patiently without the arrogant feeling that one or the other part is the owner of Almighty God. I'm examening my best ever commentary of the bible in my channel and I intend to clarify some of those things in order to help Christians and Jews love each other much more.
@NobleStranger69 3 года назад
Because the love we have for One Another....shalom.
@linda.brotherton1689 3 года назад
Awesome teaching ty. Maybe I'll worship Sunday as well. Because Sabbath is just not enough for me.
@carlhawkins6429 3 года назад
By all means, worship every day! Rest on Sabbath.
@MaryJ0 3 года назад
Can't wait!!!!
@smoothluke76 3 года назад
I believe the true sabbath is from first light to first light
@119Ministries 3 года назад
Shalom Lucas, For what its worth, you may be interested in watching and testing our Time Series titled "Evening and Morning". You can find part 1 here: www.119ministries.com/teachings/video-teachings/detail/time-evening-and-morning-part-1/ Blessings to you and yours...
@Sarah-mr3wd 3 года назад
Very informative! Thank you! I think it was the insidious effort of the Roman Empire to impose their sun god onto Christianity -- to worship the sun god on Sunday. They had worshiped Apollo/Mithra/Sol Invictus -- all different names of the sun, which they also identified with Lucifer in Christianity.
@eastofeden1108 3 года назад
You seem to leave out the most important factor in your program. The Gregorian calendar is what put this whole Sunday worship in motion and was done in order to hid the true sabbath.
@troybear01 3 года назад
We don't have the authority to change anything in Yah/Gods word.
@kevinhullinger8743 2 года назад
Following the Jewish (Gods) calendar each day starts at sunset until next sunset following the moon. Study man’s Gregorian Calendar was created totally opposite of Gods calendar. Mind blowing
@YayaJ4579 3 года назад
Yahusha was on a stauro...not a cross...the Most High Yahuah never changes He is the same yesterday...today and forever...forevermore...i look sooo forward to Shabbat...it is one of the most joyous appt...the Sabbath was made for man...not man made for Sabbath..Natsarim here...thank you for sharing...i will be going back over so i may be able to explain...it all comes down to you loving Elohim of Israel (YHWH)..."If you love Me, keep My commandments"...Shalom!
@TimothyChapman 3 года назад
It makes no difference what Yeshua was crucified on. "Yahusha" is *NOT* his name. Neither is "Yahuah" (which is not grammatically correct).
@YayaJ4579 3 года назад
@@TimothyChapman ok???!!!
@YayaJ4579 3 года назад
yeah! Oh! Ok???!!!...get it...
@TimothyChapman 3 года назад
@Desire Of All Nations "False" - And the only reason it's claimed to be false is because *one* of the definitions of "stauro" is "steak".
@NobleStranger69 3 года назад
A tree...simple...shalom
@davidaldis2441 2 года назад
So after watching all of this, amazing! Thank you so much! So Friday evening unto Saturday evening is the sabbath we shall observe. But what I've been struggling with is... would sunday worship be considered a man made tradition? It's how it feels to me, just the design, structure, self edifying worship, the lyrics to the "music", the asking for more n more money, and unbiblical tithe... am I wrong? I'd really like to gather with trie believers in Christ on Saturday but they all go Sunday. I don't want to go Sunday at all..how do u believe I should handle this. Thank you!
@119Ministries 2 года назад
Shalom David, The best way to contact us with these types of questions are on our contact us page on our website. You can find that here: www.119ministries.com/about-us/contact-us/ Blessings to you and yours..
@Thoreseus_ 3 года назад
Lot's of good points. Might also consider the late 4th century writing, The Apostolic Constitutions. It talks about fasting only on one Sabbath day before Resurrection Day, but no other Sabbath because it is a feast day to celebrate creation. I think the document is self-contradicting on some points, though. So, when is the 119 video discussing the Trinity coming out?
@119Ministries 3 года назад
Shalom B Price, We are still testing out the Trinity. We have spent years attempting to formulate an understandable conclusion and presentation on the subject, and while we have ideas of how the mechanics of it all works, we are not able to fully present on the subject just yet. Someday we do expect to release a series that is expected to be about 6-10 hours in length, but until we have a concrete position that is fully presentable and understandable, it will have to wait until then. We take positions on matters and present them publicly once we have fully studied them out and can afford a testable public teaching on the matter. Unfortunately, in the “Hebrew Roots” doctrinal box, this subject is a mixed bag. It would not be fair to you or us to provide you a conclusion that we may not be able to fully back up in the scriptures. It is our goal to do that someday. We have ideas on the subject, but as teachers, we are held accountable to what we teach, and if we are going to be held accountable, then we need to be ready with a full presentation on any subject, especially controversial ones. Until then, it is premature, and we wish you the best in studying this subject out. We expect that such a response is understandable and can be respected. May YHWH bless you and yours...
@Thoreseus_ 3 года назад
@@119Ministries That sounds epic! I'm looking forward to it even more now. I respect the work and research y'all engage in. It's definitely something I'm studying out, especially after listening to different views and justifications. Michael Heiser's presentation on the Two Powers in Heaven softened me to consider other nontrinitarian views, especially binitarianism and subordinationism. I guess for me, there are two big issues: 1) is the pre-existence of the Son an eternal pre-existence and 2) is the Holy Spirit a person or power&presence? It's difficult for me because I know so many people and organizations emphasize the Doctrine of the Trinity as a primary, essential doctrine. But I feel like I agree more with the 2nd Creed of Sirmium, 357 that we can't express the relationship of Father and Son through words like substance and ousios. Or Articles 3 through 7 of Propositions and Conclusions, 1612.
@icedragon1000 2 года назад
do you have the transcript
@troybear01 3 года назад
Something sounds like the golden calf incident here.
@OneHighwayWalker 2 года назад
If the commandment is to keep the Sabbath holy (i.e., set apart, different), then it would seem that keeping Sabbath and saying that Sunday worship is acceptable is contradictory. How is the Sabbath a separate, set apart, different day if there are now two days? The Sabbath is the Sabbath, and Sunday is just one of the six-day work week. Man's solutions are always problematic. Just something to consider when trying to make everyone happy.
@OneHighwayWalker 2 года назад
@Меѳодїи There is no Scripture mandating these changes, and there is Scripture showing that man making up what he wants to do can have deadly results (e.g., Nadab and Abihu). I understand that man makes excuses for what he does instead of taking a stand for Scripture and suffering the consequences when necessary. There will always be persecution in the believer's life. If there isn't some suffering for the Biblical faith, then one should question if they are on the right path.
@OneHighwayWalker 2 года назад
@Меѳодїи God's people (the assembly; "church") had a written record (Torah) more than a thousand years before Messiah and a complete Scripture more than four hundred years before the apostolic writings.
@ReginaKayMcBride 3 года назад
@troybear01 3 года назад
Do not add or take away from scripture.
@unleavenedkaraiteplus3412 3 года назад
Complete BritHaDasha-(New Testament texts have now been recovered. (The BritHaDasha is the Hebrew text of the New Testament) So then why use the Didache as your basis for interpretation of the "The ... Didache Bible presents commentaries on every book of the Bible that are based primarily on the Catechism of the Catholic Church." The Didache "uses the Revised Standard Version, Second Catholic Edition translation..." If anything, the Didache could be used as contradictory evidence of their change from Sabbath to Sunday as admittedly portrayed in their Cateshism.
@PilgrimsHope Год назад
The quotes from Sozomen and Socrates of Constantinople, (which came from the 4th century) were not talking about the seventh-day sabbath, the people that write these quotes as supporting seventh-day sabbath keeping makes me really think they are genuinely deceived or something worse, deceiving. For if you read the context of the quotes those manipulative people put in their blogs, books, and videos you will see a different picture than what they say! Here is the quote they always, I mean ALWAYS use, it makes me sick and tired! "The people of Constantinople, and almost everywhere, assemble together on the Sabbath, as well as on the first day of the week, which custom is never observed at Rome or at Alexandria." -Sozomen, "Ecclesiastical History of Sozomen" Book 7, chap.19 and “For although almost all churches throughout The World celebrated the sacred mysteries (the Lord’s Supper) on the Sabbath of every week, yet the Christians of Alexandria and at Rome, on account of some ancient tradition, refuse to do this.” - Socrates, “Ecclestical History of Socrates Scholasticus” Book 5, chap. 22, p. 289. WOW this is a nail in the coffin of all Sunday observers, ugh.....their guile and deceitfulness I cannot bear. For the context of the quotes is plainly given if they just search for it. The Sozomen quote in context is this: Again, there are even now but seven deacons at Rome, answering precisely to the number ordained by the apostles, of whom Stephen was the first martyr; whereas, in other churches, the number of deacons is a matter of indifference. At Rome hallelujah is sung once annually, namely, on the first day of the festival of the Passover; so that it is a common thing among the Romans to swear by the fact of hearing or singing this hymn. In that city the people are not taught by the bishop, nor by any one in the Church. At Alexandria the bishop of the city alone teaches the people, and it is said that this custom has prevailed there ever since the days of Arius, who, though but a presbyter, broached a new doctrine. Another strange custom also prevails at Alexandria which I have never witnessed nor heard of elsewhere, and this is, that when the Gospel is read the bishop does not rise from his seat. The archdeacon alone reads the Gospel in this city, whereas in some places it is read by the deacons, and in many churches only by the priests; while on noted days it is read by the bishops, as, for instance, at Constantinople, on the first day of the festival of the resurrection. In some churches the interval called Quadragesima, which occurs before this festival, and is devoted by the people to fasting, is made to consist of six weeks; and this is the case in Illyria and the Western regions, in Libya, throughout Egypt, and in Palestine; whereas it is made to comprise seven weeks at Constantinople, and in the neighboring provinces as far as Phœnicia. In some churches the people fast three alternate weeks, during the space of six or seven weeks, whereas in others they fast continuously during the three weeks immediately preceding the festival. Some people, as the Montanists, only fast two weeks. Assemblies are not held in all churches on the same time or manner. The people of Constantinople, and almost everywhere, assemble together on the Sabbath, as well as on the first day of the week, which custom is never observed at Rome or at Alexandria. There are several cities and villages in Egypt where, contrary to the usage established elsewhere, the people meet together on Sabbath evenings, and, although they have dined previously, partake of the mysteries. *They were talking about the sabbath before Easter Sunday, not a weekly Sabbath LOL!* And to put the last nail in the coffin of their deceit I shall quote the first few sentences of Book 7 chapter 19 of the "Ecclesiastical History of Sozomen". "For as the bishops of the West did not deem it necessary to dishonor the tradition handed down to them by Peter and by Paul, and as, on the other hand, the Asiatic bishops persisted in following the rules laid down by John the evangelist, they unanimously agreed to continue in the observance of the festival according to their respective customs, without separation from communion with each other. They faithfully and justly assumed, that those who accorded in the essentials of worship ought not to separate from one another on account of customs. For exactly similar traditions on every point are to be found in all the churches, even though they hold the same opinions." This is the controversy they were talking about, not weekly sabbath keeping! HOW IGNORANT OR DECEITFUL PEOPLE ARE! Socrates quote, but with context: "And among various nations there are other usages, for which innumerable reasons are assigned. Since however no one can produce a written command as an authority, it is evident that the *APOSTLES LEFT EACH ONE TO HIS OWN FREE WILL* in the matter, to the end that each might perform what is good not by constraint or necessity. Such is the difference in the churches on the subject of fasts. Nor is there less variation in regard to religious assemblies. For although almost all churches throughout the world celebrate the sacred mysteries on the sabbath of every week, yet the Christians of Alexandria and at Rome, on account of some ancient tradition, have ceased to do this. The Egyptians in the neighborhood of Alexandria, and the inhabitants of Thebaïs, hold their religious assemblies on the sabbath, but do not participate of the mysteries in the manner usual among Christians in general: for after having eaten and satisfied themselves with food of all kinds, in the evening making their offerings they partake of the mysteries." *This is saying that the Alexandrians and Roman Christians didn't eat communion (called mysteries) on the sabbath probably choosing to eat it on Sunday, the day Jesus rose itself, because normally Christians fasted on Saturday and eat the communion, but for some tradition, the Alexandrians and Romans fasted without eating communion* And in the same chapter it says this in Book 5 chapter 22: "As we have touched the subject I deem it not unreasonable to say a few words concerning Easter. … But that the time of keeping Easter in various places is dependent on usage, I infer from this, that those who agree in faith, differ among themselves on questions of usage. And it will not perhaps be unseasonable to notice here the diversity of customs in the churches. The fasts before Easter will be found to be differently observed among different people. Those at Rome fast three successive weeks before Easter, excepting Saturdays and Sundays.…" and another from the same chapter: … At Alexandria again, on the Wednesday in Passion week and on Good Friday, the scriptures are read … I have also known of another peculiarity in Thessaly, which is, that they baptize there on the days of Easter only … The Novatians, as I have stated, were divided among themselves on account of the feast of Easter … And if these is not enough to convince you right in thebegging of Book 5 Chapter 22 it says this: "As we have touched the subject I deem it not unreasonable to say a few words concerning Easter. It appears to me that neither the ancients nor moderns who have affected to follow the Jews, have had any rational foundation for contending so obstinately about it. For they have not taken into consideration the fact that when Judaism was changed into Christianity, the obligation to observe the Mosaic law and the ceremonial types ceased. And the proof of the matter is plain; for no law of Christ permits Christians to imitate the Jews. On the contrary the apostle expressly forbids it; not only rejecting circumcision, but also deprecating contention about festival days. In his epistle to the Galatians he writes, ‘Tell me ye that desire to be under the law, do ye not hear the law?’ And continuing his train of argument, he demonstrates that the Jews were in bondage as servants, but that those who have come to Christ are ‘called into the liberty of sons.’ Moreover he exhorts them in no way to regard ‘days, and months, and years.’ Again in his epistle to the Colossians he distinctly declares, that such observances are merely shadows: wherefore he says, ‘Let no man judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of any holy-day, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath-days; which are a shadow of things to come.’ The same truths are also confirmed by him in the epistle to the Hebrews in these words: ‘For the priesthood being changed, there is made of necessity a change also of the law.’ Neither the apostles, therefore, nor the Gospels, have anywhere imposed the ‘yoke of servitude’ on those who have embraced the truth; but have left Easter and every other feast to be honored by the gratitude of the recipients of grace. Wherefore, inasmuch as men love festivals, because they afford them cessation from labor: each individual in every place, according to his own pleasure, has by a prevalent custom celebrated the memory of the saving passion. The Saviour and his apostles have enjoined us by no law to keep this feast: nor do the Gospels and apostles threaten us with any penalty, punishment, or curse for the neglect of it, as the Mosaic law does the Jews." *They were talking about the Saturday sabbath before Jesus' resurrection, different churches have different traditions to do on the sabbath (Saturday) when Jesus is in the tomb before Easter Sunday, they were disputing on how to keep Easter sunday and the days and weeks before it LOL!* Hope this blesses you! Please don't get duped with their "facts" and "proofs" for context and truth shall expose them as willfully deceived or deceivers!
@colbullsigh6823 3 года назад
If Yeshua rose on Sunday, He is not our Messiah, according to His own words. Matt 12.38-40
@shabbatsongs4801 3 года назад
I’m not following how you took this: “But He replied and said to them, “An evil and adulterous generation [that is morally unfaithful to God] craves and demands a [miraculous] sign; but no sign will be given to it except the sign of the prophet Jonah; for just as J ONAH WAS THREE DAYS AND THREE NIGHTS IN THE BELLY OF THE SEA MONSTER, so will the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. The men of Nineveh will stand up [as witnesses] at the judgment against this generation, and will condemn it because they repented at the preaching of Jonah; and now, something greater than Jonah is here.” ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭12:39-41‬ ‭AMP‬‬ And ended up with Yeshua is NOT Messiah?!?! If Jonah was a prophet (which is pretty well accepted) and Yeshua says that He is ‘Greater’, where would you put Him in the hierarchy of Heaven? (In light of the facts which follow...He died for our sins, was buried, resurrected, and ascended into Heaven.)
@colbullsigh6823 3 года назад
@Zoe Grace Who the heck is jehovah and jeshuwushawashi? By what authority do you rename the Creators?
@shabbatsongs4801 3 года назад
@@colbullsigh6823 - there are many misinterpretations of the Holy Names; however, Hebrew is the correct language for them both. These are decent transliterations of the Name God gave Himself: “And Elohim said unto Moshe, Eh-heh-yeh ashair Ehheh- yeh (I AM WHO I AM); and He said, Thus shalt thou say unto the Bnei Yisroel, EHHEH-YEH (I AM) hath sent me unto you.” ‭‭Shemot‬ ‭3:14‬ ‭OJB‬‬ The YHVH or YHWH represents the above in Hebrew. The vowels are debated; however, I believe them to be YeHoVaH due to evidence from the earliest vowel marked scrolls. The Son’s Name was given by the Father through a messenger to His earthly parents as ‘Salvation’ or ‘God’s Salvation’: Yeho-Shuah or YeHoVaH’s Salvation, which became Yeshua and then Iesus in Greek, and the Jesus in English. There is no disrespect in attempting to call on the Father or the Son using their given Names. Belief in them both doesn’t require a perfect usage of their Names. We must be tolerant of each other, because we are commanded to help each other stay on the Way...🙏
@polkadots716 3 года назад
He likely rose at the end of the seventh-day Sabbath. The Preparation mentioned in John 19:31 and Luke 23:54-56 would be a reference to preparation for the Passover observance and the Feast of Unleavened Bread. The first day of Unleavened Bread was a Sabbath, so the Jews were in a hurry to remove Yahshua from the stake before sunset. So, there was a High Sabbath and another preparation day (Friday) before the weekly Sabbath. This would fulfill Yahshua's timeline of three nights and three days in the heart of the earth. The women went to the tomb very early on the first of the week (possibly just after sunset on the Sabbath when the new day, according to the Hebrew calendar, was beginning) and Yahshua had already risen. The first day of the week after Passover is the Feast of Firstfruits. The risen Messiah is the firstfruits of the dead (1 Corinthians 15:20-23), so it is a day of triumph over the grave.
@billyhw5492 3 года назад
It is insane to observe the prefigurement of a thing, rather than the fulfillment.
@garyvail1426 3 года назад
If you have never observed the Sabbath, how do you know this? I have been a serious Christian for 47 years and started observing sabbaths and feasts over a year ago. It truly is a delight!
@rogerelie1651 3 года назад
@Billy HW So, you worship the act not the deed? Christ lead a sinless life, died and was resurrected, that was the deed. Should we not worship His life? Was not that, that what made His death and resurrection complete? All three is what gave Him the power and authority to forgive us of our sins. Without the His life without sin His death and resurrection would have been meaningless. One last point how can we go against what He wanted, what He said outright. John 14:15
@garyvail1426 3 года назад
@@rogerelie1651 not sure what you are talking about. Walking like He walked is not worshipping his deeds. It’s just doing what he said to do, and being obedient is a form of worship-Psa 119:165 Great peace have those who love your law; nothing can make them stumble.
@draconicsoulvampire 3 года назад
If you are an orthodox please accept that pascha is not pagan is the cross is not a bad thing. the cross made by orthodox people is right not by roman-chatolics that is inverted
@shabbatsongs4801 3 года назад
Please show me in scripture where these ideas are written...🙏
@davejordan1458 3 года назад
None of this has any relevancy to the New Covenant. That's why you sound confusing.
@shabbatsongs4801 3 года назад
Since you make the delineation between an ‘Old’ and ‘New’, it’s clear that you haven’t come to the true battle. The battle is: will we follow God’s Word for His people, or will we follow man’s word...selah Shabbat Shalom Y’all
@davejordan1458 3 года назад
@@shabbatsongs4801 What was the intent of the Sabbath? Do you want to be stuck in the past or move forward in Christ?
@childofelohim9375 3 года назад
@@davejordan1458 What do you mean by move forward with Christ brother? Stop keeping his commandments?
@shabbatsongs4801 3 года назад
@@davejordan1458 - when you say ‘move forward,’ do you mean leave the Father behind? Of course not! Yeshua/Jesus came to draw us all back to the Father’s Will through His Word. The folks moving away from the Father’s Word are leaving their True Salvation through Yeshua (God’s Salvation)...🙏
@shabbatsongs4801 3 года назад
@@childofelohim9375 - right?!?! Even Saul/Paul said, ‘Heaven Forbid.’