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The Mormon Plan of Salvation 

Tim Martin
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Mormons claim that they are Christians. This has been a polarizing subject in our culture over the last several years. Evangelicals have argued on both sides of the issue. There is no doubt that these are wonderful people who lead exemplary lives. But, do their beliefs reflect biblical teaching? This lecture will reveal the belief system that Mormon adheres to: a system that is radically different than Biblical teaching.



6 сен 2024




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@TimMartin 7 лет назад
I need to apologize for one mistake in the video. At 49 minutes 34 seconds, I say that the information on LDS baptism I present is LDS folk doctrine, and not from their Apostles and Prophets. I was recently corrected by a Mormon that this information is in fact from their leadership. In Duties and Blessings of the Priesthood, it says 2 priests much watch to make sure all parts of the body and clothing are fully immersed. If not, the baptism must be repeated. www.lds.org/manual/duties-and-blessings-of-the-priesthood-basic-manual-for-priesthood-holders-part-b/priesthood-and-church-government/lesson-5-performing-priesthood-ordinances?lang=eng Tim
@jsmith591991 6 лет назад
Tim Martin - I want to commend you on your presentation about LDS (Mormon) beliefs. As a Latter Day Saint, I found your presentation to be very well informed and free from the self-righteous indignation against Mormons that other well meaning Evangelicals often present. While many of the teachings of the LDS church differ from “traditional” Christian churches, I believe there is more we share in common than divides us. Two quick corrections: Mormons do not believe American Indians are Jews, but rather Israelites or Hebrews that descend from a different tribe than Judah. Lehi was a descendent of Joseph. Regarding the birth of Christ, Mormons do not get specific about the process of conception because nothing has been revealed, but rather state that the laws of nature were followed. This does not imply that the mortal process of conception was followed, but rather that a virgin of nobility was able to conceive and give birth to the Son of Heavenly Father through means we do not understand, nor do we need to understand. This is one of those subjects that is so sacred to Mormons that we do not speculate about the process, but rather focus on the outcome: the Divine Sonship and His miraculous birth as prophesied in the Old Testament. May you find peace and joy in your worship of God.
@raysalmon6566 5 лет назад
I would really not know the difference...
@raysalmon6566 5 лет назад
Well mormon baptism has more to do with your statis in the church more than your status with God
@robertblackmon1 2 года назад
🤔...Dosen't matter. If your not baptized by the Holy Spirit (w/fire as God said thru john the baptist) the only thing you'll get is wet. COMPLETELY wet by mormon standards😔 😇
@carlosbyu100 10 месяцев назад
Tim, you made several mistakes in your interpretation of water baptism in the LDS Church. It is true that there MUST be full immersion and for that reason to make sure it happens that way we require 2 witnesses. It is also true that this is not folk stuff, but official doctrine. However, what is not correct in your interpretation is that if by any circumstances there is no full immersion and the witnesses did not realize it, such baptism will not be considered valid. If the witnesses say the baptism was well performed and it is recorded in the Church records, it is and it will be a valid baptism here and in eternity, regardless if full immersion did happen or not. Therefore, comparing the exactness of water baptism details with Pharisees' styles is not correct either. We have the duty to perform water baptisms exactly as it has been revealed by God, but when that does not happen, still water baptism can be considered to be valid and recorded as such if the persons in charge of performing and supervising the ordinance determine it was good enough to be considered valid. The validity and effectiveness of such baptism will last for eternity. Your interpretation of the LDS water baptism is faulty due to your ignorance of the matter. Please, get informed better before teaching things or trying to teach things you don't know well.
@deehee7380 8 лет назад
Brigham Young said that you are damned if you deny polygamy. "Now if any of you will deny the plurality of wives, and continue to do so, I promise that you will be damned," (Journal of Discourses, vol. 3, p. 266)
@deehee7380 8 лет назад
Brigham Young said that you can't get to the highest heaven without Joseph Smith's consent. " . . . no man or woman in this dispensation will ever enter into the celestial kingdom of God without the consent of Joseph Smith," (Journal of Discourses, vol. 7, p. 289).
@carlosbyu100 7 лет назад
Journal of Discourses is NOT part of the Official Mormon Canon and therefore it does not set up official doctrine for the LDS Church. Therefore Young's statements in Journal of Discourses if they were recorded accurately, only reflect Young's personal opinions.
@johnrowley310 10 месяцев назад
@@carlosbyu100 So a prophet speaks and it is his personal opinion. Does that go for Smith also????
@carlosbyu100 10 месяцев назад
@@johnrowley310, Absolutely, for that same reason, the book "Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith" is not part of the Official Canon of the LDS Church and therefore does not set up official doctrine for the Church. You should know Johnrowley, that even prophets are human beings with their own mind and personality and with every right to have their own personal opinions in any matter either religious or not. Also, in the realm of their personal opinions, they can be either right or wrong like any other human being. Remember, only the pope is infallible (lol). We as latter-day saints, may agree or disagree with the prophet´s personal opinions in any matter, and still be in good standing with the Church. We know when the prophet is talking about his personal opinions or when he is talking as a prophet of God for the whole Church.
@nortondone5311 8 лет назад
I am in utter Shock!!! I had No idea this is what is taught in Mormonism!! How could anyone actually believe all of this?? This 14/15 year old kids experience with this supposed angel etc..is quiet similar to the experience of Mohammad when he created Islam.
@jamesmccluskey70 7 лет назад
First, how did Joseph Smith know to restore the doctrines and ordinances from the Bible, such as the doctrine of the premortal existence, the true nature of God, the gospel being preached to the dead, baptism for the dead, and many others when such doctrines and ordinances were not being taught by other contemporary churches of his time? Why was Joseph Smith the only one to discover them and restore them? Even if he is considered a theological genius, were there no other such geniuses in the 1,800 years following the Savior’s ministry who could do likewise? Second, if this Church is not Christ’s Church, then why does this Church have the same fruits as Christ’s original Church, namely, miracles and gifts of the Spirit, current revelation from apostles and prophets, angels and visions, a healthy people, a moral people, a missionary-minded people, and a people who are intensely family centered? Did not the Savior give the test for truth?-“By their fruits ye shall know them” (Matthew 7:20). Certainly, many more questions on cross-examination could be asked.
@marioskitchen7130 8 лет назад
Joseph Smith did not record the ‘official version’ of his ‘First Vision’, as now used by the Mormon Church, until the year 1838, and it wasn’t even published until 1842, some twenty-two years after his supposed experience.
@fuhlman6849 5 лет назад
As a non practicing Mormon I am impressed by your description of Mormon beliefs. You are a class act sir.
@VideoHostSite 5 лет назад
This was amazing Tim. I'm a Mormon, and you did this without being snarky or condescending. Thank you.
@TimMartin 5 лет назад
Thanks for your feedback! Very encouraging.
@richardtaylor8067 8 лет назад
I know you are not a Mormon but I want to commend you for the job you did on this video. You were very respectful of the church and are a great open minded and critical thinker.
@ipaporod 5 лет назад
There are 2 Martins I love to listen to when exposing cults such as SDA, Mormons, JW, Oneness Pentecostal, ect.Dr.Walter Martin and Tim Martin.They 100% spot on when describing these cults false teachings and their make believe counterfeit gospel.
@merrickward5546 4 года назад
I ask that you refrain from calling our church a cult, as it is a word with a negative denotation. If we are a cult for following God the father then would that not include everyone? A cult follows an object or person and we follow God, yes we have a prophet, but he is a servant like the rest of us. We do not call our church the church of president Neilson. It is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
@cratz1 7 лет назад
I disagree with all the commenters who have commended you for a fair presentation on Mormon beliefs. While you may have said things which you probably didn't intentionally mean to be deceptive, your understanding of Mormon beliefs is cursory at best, erroneous at many times, and clearly antagonistic at worst. It is clear that you have spoken with some Mormon people, at least a little bit. That hardly makes you an expert, and I wish you were not so ready to host lectures where you profess to have some insight on these beliefs. You have made several false claims about what you think Mormons believe, and then you openly deride these beliefs, at times with laughter and even participatory laughter from your audience. This is truly a work of Anti-Mormon proselytizing posing as an educational lecture. If anyone is curious about what Mormons really believe, please do not put much stock in what this guy has to say. His primary motive is, first, to ensure that you don't believe anything that Mormons believe. This is not unbiased, and it clearly colors the entire remarks with negative, derisive tones. That correct way to learn about this church is to go to mormon.org and request a Book of Mormon. Yes, missionaries will contact you. That's fine. They will meet with you a few times, give you hours out of their lives, and they will answer all your questions. They will ask you to be baptized and join their church, but why wouldn't they? You can also just say no. Most people do. You will still get the Book of Mormon to read for yourself, and you can get any information directly from someone who actually knows. They're nice people anyway, and might even help you weed your garden or shovel your snow or whatever, just to show how nice they are.
@TimMartin 7 лет назад
Where am I wrong?
@cratz1 7 лет назад
I stumbled on your video while I was preparing a lesson this week, and it was a bit of a sidetrack, since what I really needed was doctrinal references regarding the three degrees of glory. However, I ended up listening to the entirety today while I was engaged in other tasks. I don't intend to get into a long back-and-forth, because I'm really just commenting in between work and family and my other responsibilities. I'm not the type to engage with anti-Mormon arguments. You have clearly spent significant time in conversation with Mormons, especially for a non-Mormon, and that is commendable as an attempt to understand. It's only that you would turn around and try to teach these things that I object to. You must have noticed at some point that truly informed Mormons are not the ones who will engage you. The ones who will engage are only semi-informed or have a half-understanding of many key doctrines. This is fine, as we will not all achieve the same level of understanding in this short life. I will pick one point that will be easy to address in a short paragraph: your point about baptism, and that full immersion is a folk idea, rather than official doctrine. It may be a little pedantic to harp on this point, but the fact is that the complete immersion, including head, hair, fingers, and feet, is 100% central and core doctrine, and it definitely comes from the prophet and apostles. Present at every baptism is the Priest who performs the ordinance, and 2 witnesses. The Priest instructs the baptized to calmly let him submerge them in the water without flailing their feet. He supports their body weight so that this is possible. He speaks the baptismal prayer. He ensures that the body is fully submerged. The job of the witnesses is to ensure that the prayer is spoken clearly and correctly, without mispronouncing any words, and then to ensure that the immersion was performed correctly, including a total covering of the body by water. If a hair or toe sticks up out of the water, the ordinance is repeated. The witnesses go on record as having witnessed the ordinance. My main objection to an error like this, is that your comment seemed to come with some derision. You called it "folk Mormonism", and you implied that you would have to have "fear to come up with systems like this." This is simply not the case. No Mormon has fear that a baptism won't be performed correctly. We are simply careful. We believe that if you are to do something truly important, you just do it right. We don't believe that the specific molecules of water literally wash the sins off your hairs and toes. If a toe breaches the water, but the Priest didn't notice, and the witnesses didn't see it, and noone present noticed, and every possible effort was made to ensure the ordinance was performed correctly, then there isn't a Mormon in the world who believes that the baptism "doesn't count". We believe in a just God. The performance of the ordinance is about obedience to his commandments. People are not perfect, but we are expected to strive to obey his commandments, even if we fall short due to our human failings.
@TimMartin 7 лет назад
Cratz1, if you knew the reason I made the point the way I did, I think you would respect it. I made the point of "folk doctrine" is because I have never seen this written by a prophet of apostle of your church. Unless I can verify it from official sources, I will not portray it as official church doctrine. If you could supply me with official references, I would be deeply grateful. Seriously. I find it interesting that you call this a 100% core doctrine when I have never seen it in print. Normally, Mormons tell me that if it does not come from the scriptures, then is is not part of their official beliefs. If I were to repeat your words to another Mormon, they will react the same way you did, by saying that this other Mormon is obviously not as educated in Mormon beliefs that he/she is. I met 7 mission presidents in the SLC airport once. I asked them where I would find "official church teaching" since most Mormons will tell me any doctrine I discuss "is not official church teaching". They all agreed that church curriculum is official church teaching. So if you can show me anything in curriculum or scripture to back up your point, I would appreciate it. Until then, you are espousing folk doctrine like the rest. BTW: do you realize that you under minded your point in your last paragraph? You can't say that 100% immersion is completely required, then say that if it isn't performed that way, God will forgive. The best you can say is that God wants 100% immersion, but will look the other way if it does not happen. So, God not have a standard, but looks at each baptism on a case to case basis. Tim
@cratz1 7 лет назад
This is expressly written in a manual called "Duties and Blessings of the Priesthood: Basic Manual for Priesthood Holders, Part B". Freely available for the public to read on lds.org, as this information is intended for every Priesthood holder or prospective Priesthood holder to learn. You are looking for "Lesson 5: Performing Priesthood Ordinances", How to Perform Ordinances - Baptism. Pages 42-47. Here's the link: www.lds.org/manual/duties-and-blessings-of-the-priesthood-basic-manual-for-priesthood-holders-part-b/priesthood-and-church-government/lesson-5-performing-priesthood-ordinances?lang=eng I would encourage you to not just jump to page 42 and read the nitty-gritty about the physical performance of ordinances. More important are the things detailed in the Introduction and lessons on the other 300 pages of the manual. Lesson 5, on the specific physical performance of the ordinances, is arguably the least important section of the entire book. In fact, there is a whole other manual (Part A), entailing another 275 pages of teachings, which all lead up to the physical ordinances in a fundamental way. A man who follows or performs the physical ordinance correctly, but misses all the rest, does not have Priesthood power. This is taught in the following scripture: D&C 121:34-37 "Behold, there are many called, but few are chosen. And why are they not chosen? Because their hearts are set so much upon the things of this world, and aspire to the honors of men, that they do not learn this one lesson-That the rights of the priesthood are inseparably connected with the powers of heaven, and that the powers of heaven cannot be controlled nor handled only upon the principles of righteousness. That they may be conferred upon us, it is true; but when we undertake to cover our sins, or to gratify our pride, our vain ambition, or to exercise control or dominion or compulsion upon the souls of the children of men, in any degree of unrighteousness, behold, the heavens withdraw themselves; the Spirit of the Lord is grieved; and when it is withdrawn, Amen to the priesthood or the authority of that man."
@TimMartin 7 лет назад
Cratz1, you are one of the few people who have given me constructive criticism. I thank you for this. I will look into that book soon. Though I might not read every page, I will, as usual, make sure I understand the context of all that is being said. Take care, Tim
The world is rife with spirits of contention. Since joining the Restored Church the heavens have opened and have experienced inexplicable seta of miracles. This is, a Great and Marvellous Set of Works.
@NauvooExpositor Год назад
No unhallowed hand can stop the restored gospel
@Hundmist 2 года назад
We have an unofficial saying in The Church - every nonmember a missionary. For those who might be searching or who may have questions, do as Jesus said “come and see” for yourself.
@TimMartin 2 года назад
I have not heard that one before.
@507dannyfe 5 лет назад
I'll stick to believing in God and his son Jesus.
@johnwerahiko6226 2 года назад
Why do you carry this type of spirit. Even if it was any other culture or religion as a Christian we carry a spirit of love not to criticize or put down
@Mrs.T305 2 года назад
The truth is hard to accept. This type of content is solely to spread awareness about false teachings, not to "put down."
@ivanovlopez3605 5 лет назад
Hey! Guys You have to study by yourselves. I am studying for 47 years and I found many mistakes.
@raysalmon6566 5 лет назад
Well what are those many mistakes Or did you play hop scotch and found differences?
@mysticalglowtv1796 3 года назад
All mistakes in the bible that you have discovered are.............. YOURS
@NauvooExpositor Год назад
What a beautiful presentation of Gods love and plan for us. This has inspired me to seek out the Mormon missionaries and join their church.
@TimMartin Год назад
You deserve what you will get.
Hallelujah Siri ! The Blessinga abound from On High once you recieve Baptism from the Restored Church which holds the Priesthood Authority ! Have you met with the missionaries and been baptised ?
@NauvooExpositor Год назад
@@GrassrootsLibertyBillFoster yes I’ve seen the light and I’ve been baptised, all thanks to this foolish video
@NauvooExpositor Год назад
@@TimMartin calm down bigot
@carlosbyu100 8 лет назад
Mr. Martin, I have been a Mormon for over 35 years and this is so far the best presentation I have heard from a non-Mormon lecturer about the Mormon Plan of Salvation. It is not 100% accurate, but I may dare to say it has about a 95% of accuracy. Still it is an excellent presentation in spite of a little bit of bias, which is understandable since you do not agree with Mormon theology. You were most of the time (not always) very respectful of what we believe and think. Your presentation needs a little bit of input from an insider to put some points of Mormon doctrine in real Mormon perspective. Anyways, it was a good job, congratulations on this dissertation!
@TimMartin 8 лет назад
+carlosbyu100 Thanks for your input! I would be willing to listen to any feedback on where you believe I misrepresented something. I assure you that if I did misrepresent something, it was not intentional misleading. Take care, Tim
@Azriel640 8 лет назад
Well for starters in regards to the Nephites and Lamanites being depicted as "savages" compared to "royalty" I suppose. If you've actually read through the entire Book of Mormon you'd understand why. Laman and Lemuel (Lehi's sons) were slow to obey God's commands even after they've had numerous miracles they still went against Nephi and God eventuallly they Laman and Lemuel separated from Nephi and became their own nation that were sinful and following their own traditions and teaching their children to hate the Nephites. The Lamanites were always (generally) depicted as savages because they were savages. Always interested in warfare and bloodshed whereas the Nephites being a righteough people, (until the end of the book) were a people a God and were blessed because of their obedience
@Azriel640 8 лет назад
I'm not trying to be hostile, I enjoyed this presentation and you did get most of it right! But another two thing I also need to point out about our beliefs is that 1st: Heavenly Father did "come down" from heaven and had a literal intimate relationship with Mary even it it was shown in that manual -.- we all know that in the Bible it was through the Holy Ghost that overshadowed Mary that allowed Jesus to be conceived. It's not wrong for the church to put Heavenly Father+Mary=Jesus because either say the Holy Ghost comes from God, it is the spirit of God. We don't entirely understand how the process works but just accept it as a miracle and a glorious work of the Father. Secondly about the premarital existence there is more to prove that we did exist before we were born on earth. Unfortunately the church didn't put this reference from Job, when God confronted him and asked him where he (Job) was when God laid the foundation of the earth? He said he was with the morning stars shouting for joy at the creation of the world. "Before thou wast in thy mother's belly I knew thee" it's all there.
@idk-jg3jq 8 лет назад
+Olipop Olives isn't it so amazing that after so many miracles they still didn't believe their father
@richardholmes7199 8 лет назад
+Tim Martin Joseph Smith didn't say anything about creeds, the Lord did, I thought that the Lord was trying to wake up the churches, they speak with their tongues, but not their heart. I learned this when I was young.
@deehee7380 8 лет назад
"For it is my will, that in time, ye should take unto you wives of the Lamanites and Nephites, that their posterity may become white, delightsome and Just, for even now their females are more virtuous than the gentiles." Prophet Joseph Smith, The Joseph Smith Revelations Text and Commentary, p. 374-376
@madmanmanx Год назад
Wow. I am 16 minutes in and have found this man to be respectful and accurate, at least in his analysis of the playing field. Only the most minor of flaws in some things but they probably just boil down to semantics. Alright… I run a podcast called Midnight Mormons and would love to get you on the program to talk! Evangelize away baby! Sounds like it could be a fun conversation :)
That, and Pastor Jeff, Cardon !
@jerryjamify 2 года назад
Theres cults everywhere..The Mormon cult, the Jahovahs witnes cult, the seventh day Adventist cult and....the Tim Martin cult
@TimMartin 2 года назад
I have a cult? Interesting. You have a rather loose definition of cult.
@jerryjamify 2 года назад
not really...a system of religious veneration and devotion directed toward a particular figure or object.
@charlesmendeley9823 Год назад
@@jerryjamify He is just a random internet dude. I watched his video and move on. I doubt anyone venerates him beyond thanking him for a solid Christian video.
@JediMormon 8 лет назад
Nice to see someone attempting to honestly outline the beliefs of the LDS church. A few minor erroneous statements are to be expected. This is certainly a far cry from the "Mormons are going to hell" accusations I respond to on a frequent basis on RU-vid. Mr. Martin is to be commended.
@ipaporod 4 года назад
You see folks I am a follower of Christ (a born again CHRISTIAN) and NOT a follower of men.I am NOT a Paulist (apostle Paul), an Apollonite (Apollos), a Thompsonite (pastor Kevin Thompson), a Ruckmanite (P.Ruckmam) , a Papist (The Pope), a Russellist (C.T.Russell) , a Lutheran (M.Luther) , a Wesleyan (J.Wesley) , an Arminian, an Arian, a Calvinist (Johnny Calvin) ,ect. People who CHOOSE to follow 7th day Adventism, Mormonism, Oneness Pentecostalism, or any other man centered religion/church out there are following men made religious systems and NOT Jehovah God TRUE religion!.Calvinists are followers of Calvin and his teachings and personal interpretations and they believe the Bible as long as it does not contradicts what Johnny Calvin wrote and taught!!!. That is why I am NON DENOMINATIONAl (although my believes aligns more with those of NON Arminian and NON Calvinist Orthodox Christian denominations).I am Christ-centric and I believe and read ONLY the Bible.I am a born again Christian who believe of been saved by Grace through Faith ONLY. I am my own man and I don't allow myself to be influnced by anyone's ideas and theologies (specially when I come to the conclusion that those ideas and theologies don't align with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and that they actually contradicts it). Just give me a KJV Bible or Reina de Valera Bible and I will be fully equipped and prepared to follow Jesus Christ and believe in his Gospel of salvation. No writings of Johnny Calvin, Charles T. Russell, E. G. White, Dr.James White, Joseph Smith, Augustine of Hippo, M.E.Baker, J.Piper, The Pope and John MacArthur for me. Thanks but NO thanks , you can keep the writings /books/ideologies/ theologies from ALL these people for yourself!!!!. Their writings, Biblical interpretations, opinions, philosophical ideas and theologies are THEIR OWN (NOT MINE) and are NOT relevant nor IMPORTANT to my salvation, what Jesus Christ said and what Paul and the rest of the apostles wrote concerning soteriology is what is relevant to my salvation . Their writings (when they contradicts the Holy Word of Jehovah God) is what I consider JUNK "spiritual" food but the Holy Bible KJV has REAL Spiritual FOOD, FREE of any human ADDITIVES and 100% WHOLESOME Spiritual nourishment for our soul!!!. I don't need a college degree or any other book besides the Holy Bible KJV to understand what Jesus Christ said and to study by myself and understand the apostles teachings concerning salvation and the Gospel.I just LOVE the SIMPLICITY of Jesus Christ Gospel. EASY to understand , 100% PERFECT/CLEAR and DIRECT!!!!.
@ipaporod 4 года назад
@Jeffrey Stern ; Exactly, that is why I am a Non denominational Christian which means I don't belong to any of the 30000 denominations you just mentioned, given your numbers are accurate!. Although I share my believes with some of them which I consider true Christians and brothers in the faith!.
@ipaporod 4 года назад
@Jeffrey Stern Looool!.
@aardvark1956 5 лет назад
If temple marriage keeps your family together for eternity, doesn’t that mean that your sons don’t get to be gods on their own planets? 😬
@megward8020 4 года назад
And what happens if your eternal spouse ends up in a different Kingdom than you? 🤔
@merrickward5546 4 года назад
@@megward8020 first off, awesome last name :) Second, I will be sure to state that I am not perfect and my logic and mind are also not perfect, but I aim to share my beliefs as a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints to answer your question. We are promised to become like onto God according to our faith, if our faith is different than that of your spouse as in your example, they will be given a degree of glory according to their respective faith. This does not limit us from having eternal families as we will still be able to, in mortal terms, visit one another without having to sacrifice any of that glory. We will all be together with loved ones, and still have our promised blessings from God.
@megward8020 4 года назад
@@merrickward5546 thank you for explaining in more detail! However, this raises a problem... if you can visit one another, how can God allow those allocated a lesser degree of glory to visit family members/spouses who have ended up in a greater degree of glory? What's stopping them from just 'upgrading' their position by visiting loved ones?
@hunterraven250 4 года назад
@@megward8020 Hey Meg, let me tell you about what I've studied, after we die, we will be able to know almost pretty much everything, this way all people can accept the Gospel. Becuase of this, most people will go to the Celestial Kingdom, however, those who reject the Gospel may end up in a lesser Kingdom. However, since we'll be able to know truth, nobody should reject the Gospel. So, the way I see it, is it's kinda like a catch all. Sorry, I can't really explain more, I'm still learning myself, but I do hope this helps to awnser your question.
@beavispdx 4 года назад
A missionary told me that those in lower kingdoms cannot visit higher kingdoms, but ones higher can visit the lower ones
@kculi7778 7 лет назад
This man was completely on point with his video. Everything as I remember growing up but this religion is completely False. The doctrine the prophets are occult related. Wake up, do your research. Knowledge and understanding of the Word of God (The Bible) will set you free. I pray the lord opens your morman eyes to the truth. All Praise and Glory to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and Gods Unconditional Mercy and Grace.
@hunterraven250 4 года назад
You do understand that many symbols of Christ, ie. the pentagram, have been morphed into symbols of evil, right? "Woe unto them that call good evil, and evil good." (Isaih 5:20)
@cdowis 6 лет назад
"God is spirit" The Bible also says that He is a door, a loaf of bread, the truth, a fountain of water, a vine, a narrow path. After His resurrection, Christ made a point that he had a body of flesh and bones, not a spirit. Luke 24 [39] Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I myself: handle me, and see; for a *spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see me have* Christ said "he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, Shew us the Father?" If Christ and the Father are ONE, the Bible tells us that they have a body of flesh and bones, that God truly created man in the Image of God. Stephen saw Christ standing on the right hand of God. You can deny it, but the Bible teaches it, and we believe it.
@beckyzplace 9 лет назад
I happened onto your site while researching something else on the internet. As I watched I noticed that technically the information you gave is mostly correct and I enjoyed your style of speech. I personally do not have a great talent of talking in front of others.You are correct that members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints feel worship of God the Father and his son Jesus Christ is a spiritual thing. We totally believe in the power of the Holy Spirit/Ghost and in the personal inspirations we receive. Just ask one of us and we would be glad to share experiences of how the Holy Spirit affected our lives.Yes, the prophet of our church also has the power of the Holy spirit to receive inspiration or revelations not only for himself but also for the whole church. This does NOT mean that there is any change in the gospel of Jesus Christ. Each time the Lord has called a prophet to lead the people during different eras of time. We believe the gospel has been the same from the time of Adam throughout the history of mankind. The gospel doesn't change; people change. People stopped worshipping and honoring God and so He sent messenger (prophets) to call them to repentance. The times of Abraham were different than the times of Adam, the times of Noah were different than the times of Abraham, the times of Moses were different than the times of Noah, and so on throughout history. Our times are different than any of the previous periods of time.We are taught to prayerfully read and study the scriptures; this includes the Old and New Testaments of the Bible. This is where the gospel of Jesus Christ can be learned, along with the history of God's people. With their history we learn what they did right and the mistakes they made. We learn how God blesses those that live righteously and how God turns from those who weren't righteous and allowed them to fail. History helps us to make better choices in how we choose to live our lives. All scripture is inspired by God for the benefit of the people.A quote by one of our prophets, President John Taylor said, "Adam's revelation did not instruct Noah to build his ark; nor did Noah's revelation tell Lot to forsake Sodom; nor did either of these speak of the departure of the children of Israel from Egypt. These all had revelations for themselves and so had Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Jesus, Peter, Paul, John and Joseph. And so must we."A prophet, both those of ancient times and our living prophets were given to lead God's church. We believe that we are headed to the second coming of Christ (whether it be in a year, ten years, one hundred years we do not claim to know). We do claim that our living prophet gets his inspiration form God to lead this church to that time coming. Many members, including some close to him, thought President Hinkley was a little crazy for his plan to have 100 temples working or in progress by the year 2000 but I believe the last count was now over 150 to date. President Hinkley wasn't called as a prophet to change the gospel of Jesus Christ (nor were any of the other prophets called by God). He was called to lead the people of Christ's church to doing the Lord's work here on earth. This is true of each of the prophets of ancient times AND in our own time. This is the reason for the comment by President Benson that you mentioned in your video. The gospel of Jesus Christ will always be the same yesterday, today and forever. It will never change. But our times are different that those in the past and we need leadership and guidance from God just as much, if not more, in these times. How grateful I am for a prophet today and know that God will never allow him to lead us contrary to the will of the Father and our Savior, Jesus Christ. How grateful I am for the personal inspiration of the Holy Spirit in my life to help me live a life worthy to return to God the Father.I admire the time you took to research the facts for this video and you were entertaining to listen to. I just felt you might want to know and understand our take on the prophet of God in these times and why his words are so important to not only church members but should be important to all man.
@jamesmccluskey70 7 лет назад
First, how did Joseph Smith know to restore the doctrines and ordinances from the Bible, such as the doctrine of the premortal existence, the true nature of God, the gospel being preached to the dead, baptism for the dead, and many others when such doctrines and ordinances were not being taught by other contemporary churches of his time? Why was Joseph Smith the only one to discover them and restore them? Even if he is considered a theological genius, were there no other such geniuses in the 1,800 years following the Savior’s ministry who could do likewise? Second, if this Church is not Christ’s Church, then why does this Church have the same fruits as Christ’s original Church, namely, miracles and gifts of the Spirit, current revelation from apostles and prophets, angels and visions, a healthy people, a moral people, a missionary-minded people, and a people who are intensely family centered? Did not the Savior give the test for truth?-“By their fruits ye shall know them” (Matthew 7:20). Certainly, many more questions on cross-examination could be asked.
Now that I have finished watching the entire video, I wonder -- and I have before wondered this as well -- what a sincere and honest discussion would be between the people who were presented this information. Were they impressed spiritually by the "added" revelation that the Saints claim to have of these things? Did they FEEL a familiarity to this Plan? Do they feel, torn between, or any degree of conflict between these things and the source of doctrines that they currently subscribe to? What questions arose in their minds and hearts, and how did they feel about the "answers" that were offered in response, from a "Biblical Christianity" doctrinal approach? Can they honestly feel, after being presented the doctrines of the Saints, that the doctrines taught by "Biblical Christianity" are complete as the system in place claims? This follow up could be very revealing, I think.
@andykeri8370 5 лет назад
Tim , you seem to burn all the small denominations ,so called Sects. How about the Roman Catholic Church ? Should you say that ,they are not Christian ?
@TheGelilaTesfu Год назад
You’re a great teacher. Thank you for your videos!
@letmejustdoit 8 лет назад
Can you tell where exactly you found the answers for those two questions, one about becoming gods, and the second about owning your own planet? I'm at the website but can't find it. Thank you.
@johnpfmcguire 4 года назад
Celestial means heavenly, hence only the celestial kingdom can literally be called heaven
@fayelewis5476 4 года назад
Jesus spoke of heaven or hell, not three levels of heaven. Jesus said very few people would get into heaven.
@johnpfmcguire 4 года назад
@@fayelewis5476 clearly Mormon eschatology has nothing to do with the Bible or the proper use of language
@Hundmist 2 года назад
Speaking of the Priesthood - Who’s Priesthood is it? I seem to recall from Sunday school lessons in my youth that not everyone had the right to be ordained to the priesthood as mentioned in the Old Testament. How many sons of Father Jacob (Israel) were there? And how many of his sons received the Priesthood? I’ll wait for an answer…
@TimMartin 2 года назад
There are two directions you might mean by your question. If you mean "who can recieve the priesthood in the Old Testament," it would be only the lineage of Levi. If you mean "who can recieve the priesthood today," it would be "nobody." The priesthood existed to maintain the sacrificial system (and other things) in the Old Testament. The preisthood ended with Jesus who fulfilled the aspects of the law and the sacrifical system.
@charlesmendeley9823 Год назад
@@TimMartin The Mormon priesthood is a wrong reading of the old testament. All men, if they are worthy enough and donate enough tithing, becomes an Aaronic priest (inspite of not being a Levite or Jewish at all) and then a Melchesidek priest (although Hebrews clearly teaches that this role is taken by Jesus Christ only), plus, their priesthood has a completely different function (no animal sacrifices, etc.), So in the end, they basically do what new testament elders do.
@loudogg73 Год назад
And yet, Christ gave the priesthood to his apostles with the commission to heal the sick and cast our devils in His name. How do you square that with the "no more priesthood" perspective?
@charlesmendeley9823 Год назад
1:05:00 Note that "telestial" is a non-existing word. Celestial (from Latin caelum=heaven), terrestrial (from Latin terra=earth), telestial (hogwash word, probably a mixture of both previous words).
@nute742 Год назад
The word Tele (like as in telephone, telegram, etc) means distance. I assume in the first context would mean some distance (from God)? You'd have to call vs being within talking or face to bac distance. Terrestrial (earth) - Celestial (heavenly).
@charlesmendeley9823 Год назад
@@nute742 Sure, so the levels of heaven switch from Latin to Greek?
@loudogg73 Год назад
Yeah, the English language probably didn't have an appropriate word to describe the idea so one was developed in this case.
@hammerhead7344 10 месяцев назад
Nice 1 Tim. Say how can i find a true church to join?
@TimMartin 10 месяцев назад
You are asking the wrong question.
@scotthilt2087 Год назад
Beautiful truth of plan salvation we all get a chance at the celestial kingdom
@cratz1 7 лет назад
Between 27:00-37:45 and you have built a whole argument that the church is whitewashing the issue of men of African descent getting the Priesthood. You state explicitly at 29:12 that "they changed the doctrine for the African men. Now they get the Priesthood." The problem is that you have built your premise based on mis-quotations from Brigham Young. At 30:10 - Brigham Young, "The Lord told Cain that he should not receive the blessings of the Priesthood nor his seed, until the redemption of the Earth..." Here is the complete quotation: "The Lord told Cain that he should not receive the blessings of the Priesthood nor his seed, until the last of the posterity of Abel had received the Priesthood, until the redemption of the Earth..." When you cut out "[until the last of the posterity of Abel had received the Priesthood]", you gloss over the complete teaching, that Brigham Young always taught that someday men of African descent WOULD receive the blessings of the Priesthood. They would just have to wait until the fulfillment of the curse, when all of the posterity of Abel would receive the Priesthood. Again you cut short a quote from Brigham Young at 30:35 - "...a man who has the African blood in him cannot hold one jot nor tittle of the Priesthood. Why? Because they are the true eternal principles the Lord Almighty has ordained." Later in that very same paragraph, he continues "not one particle of power can that posterity of Cain have, until the time comes the [Lord] says He will have it taken away. That time will come, when they will have the privilege of all we have the privilege of, and more." He also says, in the same lecture, "Then Cain's seed will be had in remembrance and the time come when that curse should be wiped off." Brigham Young taught this consistently and repeatedly over the years. Here's another quote from October 9, 1959: "How long is that race to endure the dreadful curse that is upon them? That curse will remain upon them, and they never can hold the Priesthood or share in it until all the other descendants of Adam have received the promises and enjoyed the blessings of the Priesthood and the keys thereof. Until the last ones of the residue of Adam's children are brought up to that favourable position, the children of Cain cannot receive the first ordinances of the Priesthood." And here is one from August 19, 1866: "Why are so many of the inhabitants of the earth cursed with a sin of blackness? It comes in consequence of their fathers rejecting the power of the Holy Priesthood, and the law of God. They will go down to death. And when all the rest of the children have received their blessings in the Holy Priesthood, then that curse will be removed from the seed of Cain, and they will then come up and possess the priesthood, and receive all the blessings which we now are entitled to." Each time this is mentioned, is it taught with the understanding that the blessings of the Priesthood will be forthcoming in the fulness of times, even to the seed of Cain, once the Priesthood is available to all men, "the last ones of the residue of Adam's children", as Brigham Young taught. Even to imply that the church had to "whitewash" history, or doctrine, is to willfully misrepresent the words of the very man you are quoting as a source. The correct and accurate doctrine that represents the beliefs of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is found in Doctrine and Covenants Official Declaration 2: "a revelation had been received by President Spencer W. Kimball extending priesthood and temple blessings to all worthy male members of the Church." We have seen a fulfillment of Brigham Young's words, "the time comes the [Lord] says He will have it taken away", as the Gospel has been spread to the corners of the Earth, and all men can now share in the blessings of the Priesthood.
@hunterraven250 4 года назад
This deserves to be at the top of the comments section.
@Scripture-Man 9 лет назад
Mr Martin, I love you! I have watched a few of your videos now and they are simply a pleasure to watch. The information you give (both factual and experiential) is _extremely_ helpful to me in the ministries our Lord has called me to (I'm involved in a mixture of teaching, evangelism and apologetics). I can't thank you enough for these videos and will keep an eye on this channel for more. I really like your spirit, your sense of humor, and your style of presentation, and the new graphics are truly excellent. Our only difference of opinion is Ravi Zacharias, whom you obviously think highly of. With respect, I do not see Christ in that man at all, and I have heard things about him which confirm what I perceived. I was very troubled with what I saw. The things he said may have been true, but what about the Holy Spirit of God in him!? Like you, I place very high importance on correct doctrine, and seek to defend these truths about the faith, though I would say that the only way someone can really come into the truth is by the Gospel of Christ. All the correct doctrine in the world cannot bring a person into the Kingdom, because salvation is a work effected in the heart of a sinner who is brought to repent of their ways and call out for mercy through Jesus. Thus such a person is transformed, crucified to the flesh and born of the Holy Spirit-the very same Spirit of God who wrote the Bible, and thus that person's doctrine will naturally come into line with the Truth of Scripture as a _result_ of the spiritual change, because that person truly belongs to God. When I was born again, I instantly found myself agreeing with Scripture and understanding it a whole lot better. No longer tossed to and fro by every human teaching! :)
@TimMartin 9 лет назад
Lee Bee Thanks for your kind and thoughtful response! I totally agree that someone in a false religion will not embrace true doctrine until they are saved. My teaching is to help people defend their faith (1 Peter 3:15). God bless.
@Scripture-Man 9 лет назад
Tim Martin The Joseph Smith look-alike humor really made me laugh! :) Did you ever think about appearing at a Mormon convention dressed as Joseph Smith and denouncing your own prophecies? LOL :D Humor aside, it would make a clever publicity stunt and you would be the man to do it! Maybe you could do some videos as Joseph Smith, quoting your own failed prophecies? Well, I don't know about Joseph Smith but personally you kinda remind me of Harry Shearer from the Simpsons, perhaps it's more the voice than the look? I could believe you were brothers.
@thesacredcowtipper 9 лет назад
Lee Bee I rarely listen to Ravi Zacharias. Is there a reason why you say you don't see the Holy Spirit of God in him? Does he leave out the gospel and only use apologetics? God Bless!
@karincampbell9289 5 лет назад
Looking for the video of Mormans creation. So great to share
@keithburritt1570 8 лет назад
In regard to the authority of the prophet, it depends on who publishes it. If it is published by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, then it becomes "binding" as you said. If it is published any other way, it is their opinion. At least that is how I understand it to be.
@JediMormon 8 лет назад
+Keith Burritt You understand correctly. 99 percent of those who attempt to argue against the church are very poorly prepared to do so because they have no understanding of what constitutes official LDS doctrine and what does not. Because of that, they pull quotes from LDS sources that are not official doctrine of the church and claim that they are. When LDS correct them, we are accused of lying about our own beliefs. It's a real merry-go-round.
@keithburritt1570 8 лет назад
Apologetics is a huge fallacy anyway. Its basis is in supremacy of one point of view to begin with. After all, you are only human as well. Just let it go. But it is interesting to see others points of view from the outside.
@timbrandt4171 8 лет назад
I am a Mormon and Joseph Smith was actually 14 years old in 1820 when he had his first vision of GOD and JESUS.
@Geoffr524 8 лет назад
Really good summation of the topic.
@Jere616 10 месяцев назад
@ 1:02:50 B Hinn, K Copeland, and J Duplantis have this prophet beat, we're ALREADY gods! Take that Mormons!
@charlesmendeley9823 Год назад
44:00 1. Cor 11:4 Sorry, but it's 2. Cor 11:4.
@calliopivogiatzis2235 Год назад
Joseph Smith and guys likel L. Ron Hubbard were true manipulators of the truth!
@martinandersen9810 5 лет назад
There are so many Martin's mentioned on here. Do you have room for a Martin who knows the The Church of Jesus Christ of latter-day Saints both inside and out and who is believing member of that faith? That would be me. I love this Christian faith, and it is a Christian faith by the way. It has been a terrific faith to be a part of, and to worship with. We love the Lord. Jesus is our Redeemer, and we need His grace as much as anyone. But yes, this faith teaches the disciple of Christ how to live a more Christlike life, and I do appreciate that.
@thenowchurch6419 5 лет назад
Martin. The L.D.S. is a high control group. It has authoritarian control over the minds of the members.
@martinandersen9810 5 лет назад
thenowchurch - The gospel of Jesus Christ is like that. Jesus asks us to give ourselves to Him fully. It is a blessing, not a fearful demise.
@thenowchurch6419 5 лет назад
@@martinandersen9810 . With all due respect, sir, you are conflating giving yourself to Jesus Christ fully, with giving yourself to the L.D.S. organization fully. It may seem like a blessing to you, but to many, especially in Utah, which has the highest rates of depression and suicide in the country, it is more like a tragic demise.
@martinandersen9810 5 лет назад
@@thenowchurch6419 - You have never been a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, so I forgive your lack of understanding. I have lived in Utah in the past and the people there who are members of the prominent religion are among the best people I have come across in any of the 50 states, and I have lived in several. It is a true Christian mecca. There are several things you would like about living there yourself, but the altitude does effect some. There are also those in the state who are on the fringes who are as John says, are neither cold nor hot, (Rev 3:15-16) who do not come to Jesus Christ with full purpose of heart. It is all about becoming more Christlike, more faithful to His commandments, and to simply become better people. You would love it if coming to Christ appeals to you. I encourage you to find out more about us from a study of The Book of Mormon, for instance. Have you ever read much of the Book of Mormon? We use it with the Bible just as you would use Matthew right along with Mark, Luke and John. It is a Second Witness of Jesus Christ.
@thenowchurch6419 5 лет назад
@@martinandersen9810 . I appreciate your enthusiasm and friendliness but I have checked into the Book of Mormon and the history of your church and I know it is not for me. I already know Jesus Christ and am one of his disciples. If you ever have doubts and seek for truth elsewhere, I would suggest looking into True Christian Religion by Emanuel Swedenborg, some of whose ideas were borrowed by Joseph Smith and Sydney Rigdon in forming the L.D.S. doctrines. Peace and blessings.
@Dreammaster695 4 года назад
It doesn’t say in any scripture that we are born on a planet called kolob it is another name for a star “13 And he said unto me: This is Shinehah, which is the sun. And he said unto me: kolob, which is star. And he said unto me: Olea, which is the moon. And he said unto me: Kokaubeam, which signifies stars, or all the great lights, which were in the firmament of heaven.” They are billions of stars out there as well as planets, we don’t call the moon olea.. you clearly don’t understand the scripture
@TimMartin 4 года назад
I didn't say that anybody was born on a planet called Kolob. If you look at time 20 minutes 20 seconds, I say the star is Kolob, and LDs doctrine says we were born as spirit children on a planet near it.
@henochparks Год назад
I thought this was about The LDS Plan of Salvation. This was just a veiled attack.
@knowlittle65 4 года назад
Good explanation of the plan.
@shawnajohnson6655 5 лет назад
Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints go to the direct source Himself- the Lord with faith and sincere real intent in their heart to know if the Book of Mormon and Bible are the word of the Lord. Millions if not billions by now across the globe share the same loving warm conviction of The fullness of the gospel. The love remains daily. Each member receives their own INDIVIDUAL witness. ChurchofJesusChrist.org I testify with every part of my heart and being that Jesus is the Christ and He and the Lord Live. ComeUntoChrist.org
@fayelewis5476 5 лет назад
God has already said that He is the only God there is. Isaiah 43:10 “You are My witnesses,” declares the Lord, “And My servant whom I have chosen, That you may know and believe Me And understand that I am He. Before Me there was no God formed, And there will be none after Me. Isaiah 44:6 “For the Lord, the King of Israel and his Redeemer, the Lord of hosts says this, ‘I am the First and I am the Last; And there is no God besides Me. Isaiah 45:5 “I am the Lord, and there is no one else; There is no God except Me. Isaiah 46 “To whom would you liken Me And make Me equal and compare Me, That we may be alike? “Remember [carefully] the former things [which I did] from ages past; For I am God, and there is no one else; I am God, and there is no one like Me,
@merrickward5546 4 года назад
@@fayelewis5476 we are promised the power of God, meaning his eternal love for all, not to be taken literally as having the exact power of God, though we will have power to create our own worlds according to our faith. I am flawed and can't answer all of your questions in regards to our faith, but thank you for having a stalwart heart and a good mind.
@alanam9103 4 года назад
Billions? Try 4 million
@jamesmccluskey70 7 лет назад
First, how did Joseph Smith know to restore the doctrines and ordinances from the Bible, such as the doctrine of the premortal existence, the true nature of God, the gospel being preached to the dead, baptism for the dead, and many others when such doctrines and ordinances were not being taught by other contemporary churches of his time? Why was Joseph Smith the only one to discover them and restore them? Even if he is considered a theological genius, were there no other such geniuses in the 1,800 years following the Savior’s ministry who could do likewise? Second, if this Church is not Christ’s Church, then why does this Church have the same fruits as Christ’s original Church, namely, miracles and gifts of the Spirit, current revelation from apostles and prophets, angels and visions, a healthy people, a moral people, a missionary-minded people, and a people who are intensely family centered? Did not the Savior give the test for truth?-“By their fruits ye shall know them” (Matthew 7:20). Certainly, many more questions on cross-examination could be asked.
@thenowchurch6419 5 лет назад
James Mccluskey. Are you serious ? You call all the lies, prevarications and contradictions among Joseph Smith and the later "prophets" of the L.D.S., revelation ? What about Brigham Young's revelation that blacks shall not have access to the priesthood till complete redemption ? That was reversed in 1978 and redemption is not yet complete. What about 3 or 4 years ago the First Presidency had a revelation banning baptism for children of gays, but which has been recently reversed ? You seem to have some very effective blinders on that prevent you from seeing clear signs of fraud and shenanigans. As for the "restored" doctrines, you know that the one or two verses used by the L.D.S. as evidence for the pre-existence, for example, in the bible are a stretch at best. Joseph was a clever guy with a very fervent imagination and collaborated with many other mystic minded people, like Sydney Rigdon, who brought in ideas and doctrines from the Christian mystic Emanuel Swedenborg (1688-1772), who was a real Seer and Prophet, with none of the sexual , polygamy or financial fraud scandals which Smith was involved in. Do a little more research brother.
@hunterraven250 4 года назад
@@thenowchurch6419 Hi, have you search the scriptures, like really hard? And then done this crazy thing, like, prayed? It's like so cool, but I hear if you don't pray, the Russians and Ukraines will hack your children and give a vaccine!
@thenowchurch6419 4 года назад
@@hunterraven250 Actually, I have , so , no problems with Russians and Ukraines doing any hacking here.
@Dreammaster695 4 года назад
If there skin was black then turned white then wouldn’t the Indians still be white?
@douglasmunden1849 2 года назад
Pm to
@gedeonsousa7611 8 лет назад
very good discursion! very explained!!
@carlosbyu100 7 лет назад
gedeon sousa, yes, very explained but not 100% accurate.
1. The Saints do not *"claim to be Christians, the same as us."* The Plan of Salvation is represented differently between Christians and Saints. One source is based on truths. The other source is based on the learning of men mingled with truths, and often misses the mark entirely. 2. James 1:5 does not apply to anybody. James wrote the letter, as read in his opening verse, to the "twelve tribes of Israel who are scattered abroad." He did not write this letter to the Gentile nations, nor to the heathen, but to the covenant people of God. Too often Biblical Christians fraudulently assume to be recipients of the teachings of the Saints, without entering into the esoteric membership of the Saints through covenants. While it is entirely possible for a person to be drawn to the writings of the Saints, and apply the teachings in their own lives, since they have not entered into a covenant relationship with the Father through the Order of the Son (his priesthood authority), there is no promise that the Father will bless them according to the promises attached to those things as they exist among the Saints. In the case of Joseph Smith, were it not that he had been fore-ordained before the foundation of the world to be the first prophet in the Dispensation of the Fulness of Times, he more than likely would have not have had the experience he did. The Restoration is the stone cut out of the mountain without hands, meaning in God's own work and process did these things come to pass, regardless of the scripture Smith had read. 3. Authority. *"Its not JUST the standard works that they are looking to."* No volume of scripture possess "authority" to administer the Church. This is a "Biblical Christian" concept, since the Bible is the only thing that the Biblical Christians possess to determine the doctrines. The Saints do not use ANY scripture to establish authority. Scriptures are used to document the dealings of God to his Saints. A record of the gospel is not the gospel itself. 4. A comparison between what the modern prophet "says" and what scripture "says" is offered by the speaker suggesting that "if" there were ever a discrepancy between the two, that the words of modern prophet would take precedence. This is true in the context that the scriptures are NOT for private interpretation but are correct when interpreted by the prophets of God and then that understanding is passed on to the Saints. The discrepancy, then, is not between the modern prophet and the scriptures, but rather between the private interpretation of scripture and the prophet's interpretation. The presenter then suggests that "a lot of what we're going to be going over here is based on what the modern prophets say and not what is written in the scriptures." This is false. Again, it is not the living prophets against the scriptures (including previous prophets), but rather the living prophets interpretation of the scriptures against private interpretation of the scriptures (or previous prophets). A reasonable example could be thus: Surely in Abraham's day, it was widely known that murder was against the will of God. Yet God commanded Abraham to offer his son as a sacrifice. Under such a circumstance, the Lord's will manifested through his servant and prophet Abraham, took precedence over the widely accepted concept to not murder. Abraham, conflicted as he was at the command of God, was duty bound to obey God, not from previous revelations from previous prophets but because of the command of the living God. Thus, the prophet will never lead the church astray, because the prophet is the ordained source of authority and the interpretation of previous revelations will always be superior by that prophet than by any unauthorized source of private interpretation of scripture or private interpretation of the will of God. So, here we see a little deception and spin starting to be built by this presenter. 5. *"We were born in this place as spirit children to God."* The Father CREATED the spirits of all things that exist before they were formed physically. There is not revelation that says the spirits of all things, before they were formed physically by the Son, were 'born.' 6. *"Pre-Existence or First Estate"* There is no such thing as a pre-existence. Nothing exists before it begins existing... The First Estate refers to the status of the spirits of Heavenly Father's spirit children prior to coming to mortality. Part of this status involved the War in Heaven, when Lucifer, who once was a son of God comparable to Jehovah, presented a plan to execute the Plan of the Father. Lucifer's plan was rejected, which caused a war in heaven between the followers of Lucifer and the followers of Jehovah, and a "third part" of the heavens were cast out of heaven, losing their "First Estate." 7. *Jesus and Lucifer* Prior to falling from Heaven, all the spirit creation of the Father were bound Eternally to Him. In this sense, all of the creation of the Father can be characterized as brothers and sisters of the same Eternal family. However, after Lucifer and the third part of the heavens that followed him were removed from the heavens, those spirits lost all binding and Eternal status as belonging to the family of the Father. Without the preservation of this binding status, neither Lucifer nor those who are with him are part of the family of God, and because of the conceptual nature of Eternity, it is important to understand that Lucifer who became Satan, NEVER belonged to the Eternal status of the Father. These souls lost their first estate, and for the sake of mortal man, limited to a linear understanding of things, the simplest way to describe what happened in the Eternities is to paint the picture that Lucifer once part of the family of the Father. 8. *"One-third"* Not one-third, but "a third part," meaning there were three parts in the war in Heaven, and of the three parts, which were not necessarily of equal sizes, one of those parts was removed from heaven. 9. *"The American Indians are Jewish"* The Nephite, Lamanite, and Mulekite nations in the Book of Mormon records were of the House of Israel, specifically of the House of Joseph, who is represented in the House of Israel by his sons, Ephraim and Manasseh. While the Jews of the House of Judah were a large group of the House of Israel, it is wrong to say the seed of Joseph through his sons Ephraim and Manasseh, who the Book of Mormon nations were, are Jewish. Often because of the size of the House of Judah, the entire House of Israel were called "the Jews," but they all were not Jewish! 10. *"We are not here for our purpose. We are here for his purpose."* The work and glory of God is to bring to pass the immortality and Eternal Life of man. The "work" of God is to bring to pass the immortality of man. The "Glory" of God is to bring to pass the Eternal Life of man. How do we bring glory to God? By becoming like him, as the Son's Plan so directs us to become, in fulfillment to the Plan of the Father. 11. *"If Adam didn't do what he did, you would be born here..."* Incorrect. If Adam didn't do what he did, mankind would not exist on Earth, and Adam and Eve would have remained in the Garden of Eden until they partook of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge. It is speculation unfounded to assume that had Adam and Eve not partook of the fruit that mankind would exist. Adam and Eve knew not that they were naked, and all things were in a state of paradise and Eternal existence, lacking the power to procreate until mortality commenced. Mortality could not commence until the fruit was partaken. 12. *"Since Adam sinned..."* Adam did not sin. He transgressed against the Father's command. "Sin" cannot happen without accountability. Accountability cannot be without opposition. Opposition cannot be without the existence of good and evil. Adam and Eve did not "know" opposition, good and evil, until AFTER they partook of the fruit. They did not have power to sin until after they received the knowledge of good and evil. They could transgress but they could not sin. Little children, not knowing the law, might transgress the law but are not accountable to the law by virtue of their innocence and lack of accountability. Adam and Eve lacked accountability to their transgressions until AFTER they partook of the Tree of Knowledge. 13. *"Intimate relationship with Mary?"* What kind of "intimate relationship" is committed by planting the seed of the God Almighty into a mortal, virgin woman? This is ridiculous. How do the Biblical Christians explain the conception of Mary? Magic? Witchcraft? Just how was it accomplished? More to come if I get any replies with any reasonable substance...
@TimMartin 8 лет назад
+Biblical Fraud Christianity You raise so many points, I cannot respond to all of them. Care to narrow this down to things you think are more important? For now, just a couple of comments: 1. I have been doing outreach to Mormon people for 25 years, and yes, they often say, "we are Christians just like you." 2. You say "There is no such thing as a pre-existence. Nothing exists before it begins existing." I am using terminology from the LDS Church. If LDS prophets, apostles and church curriculum call it pre-existence (or preexistence), then I have an obligation to use the same terminology as they do. To verify if LDS Prophets, apostles and church curriculum use this term to refer to the First Estate, go to lds.org and do a word search. Or here, I did it for you: www.lds.org/search?lang=eng&query=pre-existence. Point number one you can blow off because it is based on my experience of Mormon people. But, if you cannot back down and admit your error on point 2, then there is no use continuing this conversation.
+Tim Martin Thanks for the reply. Yes, many in the Church have chosen to adopt the misnomer of "Christians" to identify the Saints, but it isn't correct. I personally cringe at the perpetuation of incorrect use of language and am ashamed that the Saints do not take more care over this issue. Oliver Cowdery published a wonderful two-part article about using the name Christians as opposed to using the word Saints to refer to the people of God. His point, as is mine, is that the term Christian is wrong to refer to the Saints and covenant people of God. Here is an extract from his article: == The Saints., Evening and Morning Star, vol. 2 (June 1833-September 1834), Vol. Ii. May, 1834. No. 20., p.159 If it shall be further urged, that among all these are to be found the children of the kingdom of God, because each profess to believe the bible, we again ask for a sample in the sacred record where he ever took from Pharisees, Sadducees, Essenes, Herodians, Samaritans, and of the other different sects, and called them the children of his kingdom? We admit, that from each of these, *such as would repent and be baptized* , were permitted to enter his kingdom, and were then recognized as his children; but all were one, professors of the *same faith* , members of the *same body* , and followers of the *same Lord* . They had *no distinction of sects* , this was lost when they obeyed the commandment, and were admitted into the church. They all followed *one form of teaching*, and each observed *the same ordinances* ; and if a difference of opinion arose, the matter was decided *by revelation* . Thus they all walked the same road, were members of the same family, partakers of the same joys, and heirs to the same incorruptible inheritance-In short, they were the church of God, *they were his SAINTS* . == Additionally, the Church's name ought to be sufficient for outsiders with any respect to us to acknowledge that members of the Church are Saints, not Christians: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, not The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Christians. That, however, becomes difficult when the same misunderstanding is perpetuated by the Saints themselves, in claiming and in using the word "Christians" to identify themselves. Using the label Christians by the Saints should be corrected by all. Unfortunately, the word has been adapted so universally to refer to people who "follow the teachings of Christ" that even some Apostles today occasionally even say it over the pulpit during General Conference. It should be understood that the use of this term by the Saints does not constitute any attempt to affiliate with the doctrines, customs, and errors that are committed by "Biblical Christianity" that is so widely preached today by the rest of Christendom who are not members of the Church (meaning, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints), however. And so, the Saints in their folly and fallen nature perpetuate the same ignorance, albeit innocently, of this matter. This phenomenon does not excuse the error and need of the Saints to identify themselves differently than the philosophies of men mingled with scripture that is so prevalent in this fallen world.
+Tim Martin Thanks for addressing another "point," on the use of the term "pre-existence." Again, this is a common error that needs correcting, both inside and outside the Church membership. As I noted before, nothing can pre-exist before it exists. Seriously, stop for a moment and think about it. The correct term is "pre-mortality" not pre-existence. A careful following of the official teachings of the Saints will reveal that the term "pre-existence" is not used, only in slang reference to pre-mortal realms. Again, this is a corruption of language that ought not exist among the Saints, and if it does it should not. If we lose the language, we lose the argument... Obviously one of Satan's tools to get men to fall into apostasy. you wrote: *"if you cannot back down and admit your error on point 2, then there is no use continuing this conversation."* you also wrote: *"+carlosbyu100 Thanks for your input! I would be willing to listen to any feedback on where you believe I misrepresented something. I assure you that if I did misrepresent something, it was not intentional misleading."* == I offered my response as correction to what I found incorrect in your presentation. I do not mean to offend you or your own religious beliefs, although it is inevitable that the differences in doctrinal teachings between "Biblical Christianity" and Revealed Religion of the Saints will cause some discord between us. I would very much enjoy "continuing this conversation" if you feel interested. I hope you do! I apologize for replying with such an long original response. My posts are often quite long due to the nature involved in establishing doctrinal understanding.
@TimMartin 8 лет назад
+Biblical Fraud Christianity Detector Sorry for such a long delay. Poison ivy on my son, a kidney stone, and a trip to Arizona got in my way! Okay, so this puts me in a weird position. To respond about the pre-existence, I will have to argue for your church. True, you cannot exist before you exist. But that is not what LDS leaders mean by pre-existence. The "existence" refers to mortality, "pre" refers to the existence before mortality. Some LDS leader use the qualifier "pre-mortal existence." My guess is you would have less problem with that. My guess is LDS general authorities shortened it because it is a common used phrase, and their audience knows what they are talking about. Your beef is with them, not me. I am using terminology that authoritative LDS sources and mainstream LDS people believe. As a researcher, to do otherwise would be wrong. Since you believe so strongly about this, have you brought it to the attention of your bishop, or better yet your Stake President? Maybe he can channel your observation upstream to get the correction to your general authorities? Until then, I stand my use of the term.
@TimMartin 8 лет назад
+Biblical Fraud Christianity Detector One third or a third part? I am not sure what you mean by a third part. I assume you get it from D&C 29:36. But when I look at how LDS leaders use the term "a third part," they mean it exactly the way I used the more common term "one third." For instance, Norman Gardner said in "Seminaries and Institutes:" "Division among spirits caused a war in heaven. A third part of God’s children turned away from Him and followed Satan (see D&C 29:36-37). These rebellious spirits were denied physical bodies, were cast down to the earth." If you have a problem with what I said, you have a problem with LDS teaching. If I miss your point (which is possible), please clarify.
@johnrowley310 10 месяцев назад
Mormonism, Its not a lie if you believe it...
@TimMartin 10 месяцев назад
If you believe a lie, then you are decieved. It is still a lie.
@ericpurkey7502 6 лет назад
Moroni is a fallen angel and Joseph Smith did see Moroni but Moroni is a a fallen angel and fell for his lies because he did not test the spirits as the bible says if you think you have heard from God test the spirits Which Joseph Smith did not do and was deceived documentation 1John4:1.
@shellback1984 6 лет назад
A fallen angle wouldn't be resurrected as Moroni was for Moroni held the plates as well as knocked Joseph back when he was not ready to receive them.
@Minister_teach_preach_Jesus 6 лет назад
Go back and test your revelations, just as ya say God has a body john 4:24 saya God is Spirit, just like article of faith say ya believe in the Bible in so far as ita translated correct, since Hebrew and Greek were the 1st language and the Bible is written in those languages, if you can't read and interpret it don't say that about the Bible, taking the word of God and changing it to dit what you want it to say ya bunch of FRAUD
@shellback1984 6 лет назад
Many of you are claiming that Jesus is God in the flesh so does he not now have a immortal exalted glorified body or is that a fraud. If Christ says he is like the Father I would assume that the Father also has a immortal exalted glorified body.
@cdowis 6 лет назад
"God is spirit" The Bible also says that He is a door, a loaf of bread, the truth, a fountain of water, a vine, a narrow path. After His resurrection, Christ made a point that he had a body of flesh and bones, not a spirit. Luke 24 [39] Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I myself: handle me, and see; for a **spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see me have** Christ said "he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, Shew us the Father?" If Christ and the Father are ONE, the Bible tells us that they have a body of flesh and bones, that God truly created man in the Image of God. Stephen saw Christ standing on the right hand of God. You can deny it, but the Bible teaches it, and we believe it.
@fayelewis5476 5 лет назад
@@shellback1984 If God has a body, who created His body?
@shellyblanchard5788 5 лет назад
This is worse than Ellen g. White.
@knowlittle65 4 года назад
Great job.
@roboburr 7 лет назад
my mother is Indonesian, my father is dutch. therefore I am half of both. am I right or am I right? I am light brown
@TimMartin 7 лет назад
Sounds right to me. However, Austronesian people like the Indonesians would not necessarily be classified as those who were on Lucifer's side in the pre-existence. Only the Africans. I don't know why. I have been to Indonesia and saw people with much darker skin than any African I have met (which I have been in Africa also, just got back 3 days ago). Still, your dark skin color would be indicative of sin either now or in the pre-existence (according to classic Mormonism...I am sure your skin is beautiful). Brigham Young (2nd president of the Mormon Church) pointed out that nobody's skin is perfectly white.
@Dreammaster695 4 года назад
Jesus never talks about being god in the bible he says he’s the son of god and son of man.. back then he wasn’t known as god the father either the idea devolved over time.. he is god but so is the Holy Ghost the three are one god but are separate beings
@TBCProductions 2 года назад
Sure He does: John 8:58 "Jesus answered, "I tell you the truth, before Abraham was even born, I Am!"
@TBCProductions 2 года назад
Yes He is God. John 1:1, Paul (Col 1:15), and the writer of Hebrews (Hebr. 1:3) all say that Jesus is God. Jesus claimed to be God, (John 10:30) telling the disciples that having seen Him, they had seen the Father (John 14:9). Even God called Jesus God in Psalm 45:6 which is repeated in Hebr. 1:8. The first chapter of Hebrews is devoted to this issue. These claims can not be refuted. If Jesus isn’t God in the flesh then the Bible can’t be trusted.
@cdowis 6 лет назад
min 17 CORRCTION >using food as a "hook" for converts You need to check your facts. Food is given in disaster areas, both Mormon and nonMormon, but it is temporary. No one is expected to go to church, etc, just that it is only a limited supply for the entire disaster area. There IS a separate welfare program for members but usually a short term basis to help you to find employment, etc, not a welfare program. We refuse to baptize anyone who is just in it for food.
@cratz1 7 лет назад
Following my previous comment about the divine nature of Christ, I would like to address another misrepresentation from the video: that we don't believe in the same Jesus as the bible. These statements from the video are not representative of the doctrines of this church: 43:55 - Do they have the same Jesus that we have? No. 44:11 - Jesus is not God, in the sense that the Bible talks about him being God. This is the most egregious slander, and for years this lie has been the greatest source of contention towards The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints from those whom we consider our fellow Christians. If there were one thing, and one thing only, that you could erase from your lectures, it should, and must be, this one. I have included verses from Old Testament, New Testament, Book of Mormon, and Doctrine & Covenants (written by Joseph Smith), to demonstrate our belief in the divine Jesus Christ, and how it is harmonious with biblical teachings, as well as testimony from our living prophets and apostles. Exodus 3:14 And God said unto Moses, I Am That I Am: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I Am hath sent me unto you. Isaiah 9:6 For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. John 8:58 Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am. 2 Nephi 25:26 And we talk of Christ, we rejoice in Christ, we preach of Christ, we prophesy of Christ, and we write according to our prophecies, that our children may know to what source they may look for a remission of their sins. Alma 11:39-40 And Amulek said unto him: Yea, he is the very Eternal Father of heaven and of earth, and all things which in them are; he is the beginning and the end, the first and the last; And he shall come into the world to redeem his people; and he shall take upon him the transgressions of those who believe on his name; and these are they that shall have eternal life, and salvation cometh to none else. D&C 109:68 O Lord, remember thy servant, Joseph Smith, Jun., and all his afflictions and persecutions-how he has covenanted with Jehovah, and vowed to thee, O Mighty God of Jacob-and the commandments which thou hast given unto him, and that he hath sincerely striven to do thy will. From "The Living Christ: THE TESTIMONY OF THE APOSTLES" - "We bear testimony, as His duly ordained Apostles-that Jesus is the Living Christ, the immortal Son of God. He is the great King Immanuel, who stands today on the right hand of His Father. He is the light, the life, and the hope of the world. His way is the path that leads to happiness in this life and eternal life in the world to come. God be thanked for the matchless gift of His divine Son."
you wrote: *"However, it is not Heaven in the presence of God."* (referring to the Telestial Glory of Heaven) == The presence of Jesus Christ is the presence of God. Those who are capable of enduring the glory of the Terrestrial kingdom will be privileged to enjoy the visitation of Jesus Christ, who is God. They will also be privileged to enjoy the visitation of the Holy Ghost, who is God. Those who are capable of enduring the glory of the Telestial Kingom will be privileged to enjoy the visitation of the Holy Ghost, who is God. So to suggest that the Celestial glory is the only place in heaven where the visitation of God is experienced is misleading. Only those who are capable of enduring Celestial glory will be capable of enduring the glory of the Father. Notice how this is worded, that "those who are capable of enduring" will be able to experience "God" in any part of the kingdom of heaven? The glories of heaven are experienced according to the capacities of men to be able to endure it, not a process of condemnation but a process of perfect evaluation of the capacity of the patron. Outer darkness signifies a complete banishment from the Kingdom of Heaven, such as is experienced by Satan and those who were defeated in the War in Heaven and are no longer capable to endure, if they ever did, any glory of heaven because of their infinite rejection of God. Because of the eternal nature of outer darkness, I don't believe we can fully comprehend the limitations and reaches of what this means and what it would take for a soul that kept his first estate, came to Earth and received a physical body, experienced a resurrection with that body, likely would not have ever accepted Jesus' atonement in the flesh or the spirit. I would think that this type of soul would have initially joined with Lucifer in the War in Heaven, and would have been cast out in the Eternities with them all, prior to any mortal probation. I can't see how anything done in mortality would cause a soul to be cast out from the heavens in any glory. Because of this, I think that speculation on outer darkness is totally pointless and even a bit superstitious in line with Biblical Christianity's theories of "heaven" and "hell."
@TimMartin 8 лет назад
+Biblical Fraud Christianity Detector If you look at the larger context of what I am saying, you would understand that by "God," I mean heavenly father. When I ask Mormons if they desire to be with God after this life, they know full well I am talking about the father. I have never had anyone suggest that, "well Tim, yes I want to be with God, but I know I will be with God in any of the kingdoms." No! They know God the Father will only be in the Celestial Kingdom, and that is the thrust of my question. You are trying to find problems with my teaching that just are not there.
+Tim Martin not even the Biblical Christians think they will experience glory in heaven that surpasses that of the Telestial kingdom, Tim, which of itself is far more glorious than what we experience in mortality. Does it really matter to the Christians , then, what the Saints preach of higher heavens? What do you preach Paul was referring to when he knew a man caught up in the third heaven? Do the Biblical Christians even care about the third heaven? They don't. If there exists a third heaven, there must exist a first and a second heaven, surely.
+Tim Martin The faulty understanding of the scriptures which comes because of the lack of priesthood authority to receive light and the key of knowledhe to interpretating the scriptures, these things remain mysteries to the Biblical Christians.
@TimMartin 8 лет назад
+Biblical Fraud Christianity Detector The heaven I am going to has the presence of Heavenly Father...yes, the third heaven.
@adamberkey8880 8 лет назад
+Tim Martin so you acknowledge at least three "heavens?"
@Dreammaster695 4 года назад
No that’s not true about skin colour
@TimMartin 4 года назад
Thank you for your replay. Would you have time to show me where I misspoke and provide information that shows the problem? I will correct something if I can be shown where and how. Thanks! Tim
@Dreammaster695 4 года назад
Tim Martin 8 And when it was evening Laman went to the guards who were over the Nephites, and behold, they saw him coming and they hailed him; but he saith unto them: Fear not; behold, I am a Lamanite. Behold, we have escaped from the Nephites, and they sleep; and behold we have taken of their wine and brought with us. 9 Now when the Lamanites heard these words they received him with joy; and they said unto him: Give us of your wine, that we may drink; we are glad that ye have thus taken wine with you for we are weary. If he was a different colour then they would have known he was a Lamanite
@TimMartin 4 года назад
You raise a valid point. If his skin was black, they would have known. But, how do you harmonize this with 2 Nephi 5:21? The verse says, "the Lord God did cause a skin of blackness to come upon them." Do you reject this verse because of the one you quoted? If you accept both, and cannot harmonize them, then you have raised an internal inconsistency. Tim
@Dreammaster695 4 года назад
Tim Martin www.fairmormon.org/archive/publications/what-does-the-book-of-mormon-mean-by-skin-of-blackness this is a good article about that whole verse
@raddiemutto7934 3 года назад
ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-TLi8PBIb8us.html Check it out, a much more complete understanding on this subject.
@serenellahiggleton5421 5 лет назад
Hi Joseph
@cratz1 7 лет назад
Thank you for being so receptive regarding my previous comments. I would like to take another moment and address one of the more nuanced, though arguably more important errors from the commentary video. In summary, the precise teaching is this and no more: that Mary was carried away in the Spirit, conceived by the power of the Holy Ghost, and begat the Son of God. There is a blatantly false statement at 45:07 - "this is talking about His physical body here on Earth. Where did it come about? It came about by an intimate relationship between Heavenly Father and Mary." Interestingly, you almost acknowledge the mistake, because you also said at 46:47 - "Whenever I've been in a conversation and it comes up, and we have to deal with it, almost all the time this is new to Mormons. They reject it...it's vile to them." We reject this notion, and believe it vile, because Mormons believe in the virgin birth, as taught in the bible, modern scripture, and also the words of our modern prophets. I get the sense that you believe to have uncovered some grand, revelatory, embarrassing doctrine. And if only all Mormons could come to know the true teachings of our church, we would immediately see the light, rebel, and leave the church and its false teachings. In reality, though, this does not represent our doctrine. Here are some examples from the Old Testament, New Testament, and the Book of Mormon that teach what we believe: Isaiah 7:14 Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel. Matthew 1:20 But while he thought on these things, behold, the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a dream, saying, Joseph, thou son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife: for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost. Alma 7:10 And behold, he shall be born of Mary, at Jerusalem which is the land of our forefathers, she being a virgin, a precious and chosen vessel, who shall be overshadowed and conceive by the power of the Holy Ghost, and bring forth a son, yea, even the Son of God. 1 Nephi 11:18-19 Behold, the virgin whom thou seest is the mother of the Son of God, after the manner of the flesh. And it came to pass that I beheld that she was carried away in the Spirit; And finally, probably the most concise denouncement of this ugly lie, from Bruce R. McConkie's Mormon Doctrine: "Modernistic teachings denying the virgin birth are utterly and completely apostate and false." The passages cited from "The Life and Teachings of Jesus and his Apostles" (a quote from James Talmage's Jesus the Christ) and "Family Home Evening" do not teach that there was an intimate relationship between Heavenly Father and Mary. These passages have a purpose, and what they are teaching is the heredity of nature that Christ enjoyed. As son of a mortal mother, he had the weakness of the flesh and could die. As son of an immortal Father he had the power to overcome death. The instruction goes on at length to teach the concept that Christ's divine nature allowed him to suffer infinite suffering and bear the weight of the sins of the world. His mortal nature then permitted his body to die. His divine nature, again, gave him power over death to resurrect on the third day. Since so much of this instruction focuses on Christ's divine nature, I cannot believe that the intent is to contradict the Bible by teaching that Mary had relations with Heavenly Father. Any reading that leaves a person with that false conclusion is not done in humility, and should be corrected through earnest scripture study, fasting, and prayer.
@TimMartin 7 лет назад
Your comments about your church manual do not line up with what it says. First of all, I don't even know what you mean by "heredity of nature that Christ enjoyed." My guess is you are saying he inherited Elohim's nature? Well, that certainly would be the case if Elohim had sex with Mary, which is exactly what the quote says: "Jesus was begotten of by Elohim." You showed me many verses from the standard works that say Mary was a virgin, and Jesus was begotten by the Holy Ghost. You have only begged the question. How do you reconcile what your leaders have said (many times) compared to the scriptures? For instance, in the same manual, a few lines up, it quotes: “The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God.” (Luke 1:35.) This statement, clear enough as it stands, does not say Jesus was the son of the Holy Ghost, but he was the Son of God the Father. As Elder Bruce R. McConkie has explained, Jesus was the “‘Son of the Highest’ (Luke 1:32), and ‘the Highest’ is the first member of the godhead, not the third.” (DNTC, 1:83.) Just in case you missed the important part of the quote, "...Jesus was NOT the son of the Holy ghost...he was the Son of God the Father. That should be clear enough. You would have to twist quite hard to get this to say anything else but what it says. For the Mormons I have talked to that believe what the church manuals are saying, they reconcile these with the scriptures by saying Mary was a virgin in the sense that she did not have sex with a mortal man. That is why Talmage says this did not violate the law, but it was a higher manifestation of it. If you stand firm that the father did not have sex with Mary, then please explain how the standard works can be reconciled with these quotations. And if you think Talmage, McConkie and others were wrong, then would you have the integrity to take these manuals to your stake president and show him that the church curriculum is wrong?
@cratz1 7 лет назад
It is pretty clear, from Alma 7:10, the doctrine that Mary "shall be overshadowed and conceive by the power of the Holy Ghost". One word that is frequently overlooked is "overshadowed". I believe this means that what occured is not known to us. And yet, the scripture in Luke 1:30-35 is also true. Jesus was the Son of God, and this is confirmed by Bruce R. McConkie and hundreds of others. In Luke 1:35, again, "the power of the highest shall overshadow thee". We know nothing more than that she was overshadowed by the power of God, or the power of the Holy Ghost. Exactly what happened next? We just simply don't know what happened. This is why we don't teach what happened. Some things still have not been revealed, and we don't teach what we don't know. ...Not officially, anyway. I can't speak for every single member of the church at large, of course, because amongst millions of people you will find a variety of opinions, and also a variety of apostate teachings, especially when you encounter something that simply has never been taught by any prophet or scripture. This will explain some of the coversations you have likely had in the past with members of the congregations. You can certainly find members of the church who will believe anything you can come up with, but that doesn't mean it represents doctrine. You misunderstood the "natural law" that James Talmage was talking about. He did not mean, as you say (at 45:38), "natural law would say it would be wrong for a father to have this intimate relationship with his daughter." The natural law he was talking about was heredity. I know that, because that's the context Talmage used, and it's what he spends the rest of the section talking about. To clarify for you what heredity is, I just looked ahead a little in Jesus the Christ, page 81. This was quoted in "The Life and Teachings of Christ and his Apostles", but you have to go directly to Talmage to get the rest of the paragraph. Here's the rest of the paragraph: "In His nature would be combined the powers of Godhood with the capacity and possibilities of mortality; and this through the ordinary operation of the fundamental law of heredity, declared of God, demonstrated by science, and admitted by philosophy, that living beings shall propagate - after their kind. The Child Jesus was to inherit the physical, mental, and spiritual traits, tendencies, and powers that characterized His parents - one immortal and glorified - God, the other human - woman." (Talmage, Jesus the Christ, p. 81. 1915.) Basically, we believe that you get a little from Mom and a little from Dad. That's all I meant by heredity of nature. And I believe that's what James Talmage was explaining as well. That's also what the old Family Home Evening manual was trying to get across, too. But if you notice what is missing in every single one of these sources? The audacity, crassness, and vulgarity to presume to understand the mechanics of the conception event, to draw a conclusion, and then to pass on teachings that are only the result of human conclusions. You used this technique when you were showing the FHE page (at 47:35). "It's pretty clear what they're talking about, isn't it?" This, immediately after presenting something that, at best, was just not that clear. "Fair Mormon" is an organization which I believe does an extremely good job of explaining what the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints believes, by using only quality sources and without making extraneous or speculatory comments. This is the document from Fair Mormon dealing with this topic: www.fairmormon.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/Did_God_have_Sex_with_Mary.pdf Honestly, I'm not trying to win some huge argument here. I just came back to the video because there were a few errors about LDS beliefs I thought I could clarify. These things had been weighing on my mind. There's no reason to go about spreading falsehoods about what other people believe. If you're going to teach what Mormons believe, then I hope you will be humble enough to accept help to correct errors in your understanding that do not represent Mormon doctrines. We really, for reals, do not believe God had sex with Mary. I can't imagine any point in teaching otherwise.
@cdowis 7 лет назад
"For the Mormons I have talked to " You already know how silly to reference "Mormons whom I have spoken to" as an authoratative source of doctrine. Look to your OWN video. "If you stand firm that the father did not have sex with Mary, then please explain how the standard works can be reconciled with these quotations. " You tell me why you accept the Nicene doctrine of the one substance entity, when Christ himself refuted it CRITIC Do you believe in the God of the bible or the God of the book of Mormon. RESPONSE We believe in ONE God, the Trinity as Christ taught in the Bible John 17: [20] Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word; [21] **That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us** that the world may believe that thou hast sent me. [22] **And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one** We reject the "one substance entity" doctrine of the Nicene Creed. Christ Himself refutes the "one substance entity" doctrine: --Not my will, but thine be done -- Touch me not; for I am not yet ascended to my Father (after the resurrection) -- The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise. -- John 7 [16] Jesus answered them, and said, My doctrine is not mine, but his that sent me.[17] If any man will do his will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God, or whether I speak of myself. Are these the words of a one substance entity? Think about it. Christ explains the "ONE God" doctrine in John 17:19-23. It just does not make sense == such a strange, nonsense concept which had some of the bishops vote AGAINST it at the Council of Nicea. It was passed by a majority vote!!!!! Under the threat of banishment by Constantine, as he did to those who voted against it. How do you reconcile the heresy of the homoousia doctrine with the scriptures? CRITIC Do you believe in the God of the bible or the God of the book of Mormon. We believe in ONE God, the Trinity as Christ taught in the Bible John 17: [20] Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word; [21] **That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us** that the world may believe that thou hast sent me. [22] **And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one** We reject the "one substance entity" doctrine of the Nicene Creed.
@cdowis 7 лет назад
"Your comments about your church manual do not line up with what it says." Is this a joke? You are the interpreter of what is in our scriptures and manuals.
@babybearsporridge 3 года назад
Joseph Smith: The greatest con-man of all time!
@WonderfulAkari 8 лет назад
Please don't infer that we believe black people are less righteous in the premortal life or that they cannot make it into spirit paradise.
@victorialynnwitbeck 6 лет назад
My understanding as a member of the church is that if a latter day Prophet speaks it, it is doctrine. We should not question it. So when I read these words from a prophet, it was gut wrenching. The quote I'm sharing affects 3 of my children. "This privilege of obtaining a mortal body on this earth is seemingly so priceless that those in the spirit world, even though unfaithful or not valiant, were undoubtedly permitted to take mortal bodies although under penalty of racial or physical or nationalistic limitations." Harold B. Lee (Decisions for Successful Living pp 164-65) So to wish that our leaders didn't infer that we believe the unfaithful in the preexistence were not only punished for their non-valiant behavior, they actually chose it, just to get a body...
@ricardogarcia3444 5 лет назад
Bro i another study u illustrate a triangle with God in the center A minister came to the churchand tried to do that ilustration and the pastor stop no dont even teach that causr "WE " didn't believe im that lol lol lol
@hunterraven250 4 года назад
@timbrandt4171 8 лет назад
we believe what the prophet says is scripter
@WonderfulAkari 8 лет назад
Noseph Smith
@timbrandt4171 8 лет назад
the sex thing is a lie
@raysalmon6566 5 лет назад
Its easier than all that just tithe
@all4jesus594 5 лет назад
Ray, the law cannot save you. We must have a change of heart, we must be reborn.
@cdowis 7 лет назад
Tim, It's been three weeks for you to check out your facts. Now what?
@TimMartin 7 лет назад
First, I don't know why, but youtube keeps flagging your posts. When this happens, they are set aside for me to review later, then I can accept them or not. Sometimes they are flagged as possible spam, or other unknown reasons. I don't know why you are being flagged, but if you try to post again, and you don't see your post, I did not delete it. I might see it someday and accept it, but I am not deleting them. I assume you are referring to my conversation with cratz1 below? I just got back from New Jersey, and am planning another trip while writing/researching on a Korean cult. At most, I will probably provide a link to the article that cratz1 presented so people will know I learned that this is not folk doctrine. The problem that you don't realize is, this will make the LDS beliefs look less credible than more credible.
@TimMartin 7 лет назад
RU-vid used to allow me to put comments in the videos. It appears they no longer do. Hence, the most I can do is create a message and put it at the top of the screen. If this point was a major issue, I would correct the video and upload it. But, I assure you, this point will make your church look worse, not better. So BTW: do think that it is official Mormon teaching because it was in a church published curriculum? Are you willing to say that everything published in church curriculum is official Mormon doctrine? If not, then why are you concerned about this? If so, let me know what else you disagree with and I will show you from your church's manuals where it says it.
@cdowis 7 лет назад
If a link is included within a post, it is automatically flagged as possible spam. You then have to approve or reject it.
@TimMartin 7 лет назад
Yes, usually that is the case. But sometimes posts with links go through fine, and sometimes posts with no links gets flagged.
@hunterraven250 4 года назад
@@TimMartin Actually, it makes it look more credible because we're standing up for what's right. Can you do the same?
@dannymirano3680 3 года назад
We do not convince all of what you disscus its only your personal opinion no biblical truth even J smith can not prove that his statements are true
@TimMartin 3 года назад
I am not sure what you are referring to. You don't believe that church curriculum teaches LDS people what they believe the truth is?
@dannymirano3680 3 года назад
@@TimMartin lds is unscriptural even the book of mormon is not mention in the bible so its has no cridibility to be followed.
@TimMartin 3 года назад
@@dannymirano3680 There is some confusion here. Do you think I am a Mormon, and am presenting it as truth? If so, you are mistaken. I agree, the BoM should not be followed.
@raddiemutto7934 3 года назад
ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-TLi8PBIb8us.html Tim I invite you to watch this RU-vid video - you misunderstand 2 Nephi 5:21, and 3 Nephi 2:14-15. Those scriptures are not talking about a persons epidermis. Another point of correction - minute 42:30 you are talking about Adam and Eve. If Adam had not partaken of the fruit, he would not have had children. We would have not been born. You also misinterpret the quote at minute 46:15. Violation of natural law, is not referring to a father/daughter relationship. Violation of natural law is conceiving a child, and still remaining a virgin after. Another example would be Christ walked on water, not in violation of natural law, but a higher law. Members of the Church of Jesus Christ do not believe that miracles are unnatural events, or in contradiction to the laws of nature. At minute 52:00 about bishops wanting to see W2s is not true and ridiculous. 1:03 to 1:04 we do believe we can inherit all that God has, and participate in His glory, and yes become Gods ourselves. However this does not mean we will supplant God, or that he will cease to be our God. This idea of getting our own planet(s) is speculative, you can tell in the video quote of President Kimball, even he is speculating. As a sinner, it does feel a bit sacrilegious to talk about it - we will have nothing without Christ. At minute 1:04:36 why do you think most people will go to the Terrestrial Glory? At 1:07:21 about outer darkness. This is not for general apostates. Those who go there, is not those that REALLY believed. It is those that really KNEW, and still turned their back. Judas Iscariot comes to mind, he walked and talked with Christ, and knew he was God.
@readyourbible1829 7 лет назад
mr. bean
@jonnygotz2343 8 лет назад
False. standard works always superced a prophet
@timbrandt4171 8 лет назад
the sex thing is a lie
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