
The Most Dangerous of all Apostates? Social Media Influencers who PRETEND to be 'FAITHFUL' LDSaints! 

David Alexander
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The Most Dangerous of all Apostates? Social Media Influencers who PRETEND to be 'FAITHFUL' Latter Day Saints! A Discussion with Brother Brian Stutzman! Much love, David



10 сен 2024




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@nayman57 3 месяца назад
My method to avoid bad websites that fight against the Brethren is to not open any message that uses the word "Mormon" in the author or title.
@jennieball7751 3 месяца назад
I loved when our leaders made that change.
@RealLadyG 3 месяца назад
I do not miss any opportunity to remind especially members to avoid saying “we are Mormons” and some will attack me. Eg. Ward Radio. It’s really sad that so-called members do not want to adhere to the counsel of God. It’s been 5 years and we can’t expect unbelievers/apostates/non-members not to use the nick name when we as members continue to do so.
@vendingdudes 3 месяца назад
That will work for a while until "they" change tactics
@rutht2023 3 месяца назад
I am always cautious when something says "Mormon". Not that it is a bad thing, but because I know the direction our Prophet has given us, to us the name of the church and not the nick name. If someone isn't willing to follow the Prophet, he or she isn't really a faithful member. Also, the nickname Mormon often includes all the break off churches, at least in many nonmember's views. It is important for us to be clear who we are and that the other breakoff churches are not us.
@KBColeLong 3 месяца назад
I do the same!
@Debbie62 3 месяца назад
We love David and his channel. This entire conversation is why many are called and few are chosen. As far as standing for President Nelson to show respect, we also stand when a judge enters the room because it is respectful. I also have no doubt that the early Saints also stood when Bro. Joseph entered the room out of their respect for who and what he represented. The same way we react to our current prophet. It's respectful and he deserves it! The poor man carries the weight of the world on his shoulders, 24 hours a day and he never gets a break. Moreover, our Father and His Son also expect us to show loving respect because President Nelson has earned it! We can only thank the heavens for President Russell who is leading and guiding us in these latter days as we preparation for the second coming.
@phalenkell8762 3 месяца назад
This is the method I use. If you hear any influencer say “trust not in the arm of flesh” when referring to the brethren or “I don’t follow the Brethren, I follow Christ” Even though they sound good, these are just statements designed to justify your disagreement with those the Lord has called to Lead the Church in this most pivotal and difficult time in the history of the world prior to the 2nd coming. I often hear the admonition to have faith as a child be replaced with “if you don’t study Isaiah, you are not going to make it” too many people like to think of Isaiah and Joseph Smith as Prophets with a capital P and today’s Prophets and apostles as prophets with a little p. Of course we should follow Christ, of course we should read Isaiah and seek revelation for ourselves through the spirit but Trust not in the arm of flesh is not referring to those whom god sends who if we don’t accept we don’t accept God. I’m sorry but if you’re personal revelation is telling you to do that which is contrary to what the Prophet is telling you to do then that revelation probably isn’t from the Holy Ghost. This is why we have Prophets, this is what sets our Church apart from all of the others. What is so hard to understand about this. This attitude of doubt and dissidence in the Brethren is just pride and “Pride cometh before the Fall”
@scottmuir6127 3 месяца назад
We are lucky to have David Alexander in our church because of his unique experiences and his dynamic teaching ability. He is sincere and has a special gift of expression. Apostates are motivated by the flattery and attention they get as they use preistcraft to get gain financially or esteem from others. They enjoy mocking religious people and leaders but they may also do it as therapy. They may have sincere intent to help others with their bad experiences with religion. Most of what I see is using more opinion than facts and make it hard to convince those of us that are knowledgeable about our churches history.
@establishingzion688 3 месяца назад
"Speculation seems more fun than consecration, and so is trying to soften the hard doctrines instead of submitting to them. Worse still, by not obeying, these few members lack real knowing. (See John 7:17 Lacking real knowing, they cannot defend their faith and may become critics instead of defenders!" - Neal A. Maxwell Oct '92
@vendingdudes 3 месяца назад
Wow! What a quote!
@ChasteintheLatter-Days 3 месяца назад
I just happened to read that talk this morning....
@flutedspires 3 месяца назад
@kplessl3 3 месяца назад
Is this what Pres Nelson was talking about when he said, "You won't be able to survive spiritually if you can't hear the voice of the Spirit?" I hear the Spirit telling me to follow the Prophet. I hear the Spirit telling me the Savior is the one to follow. When the Prophet tells me the Temple will draw me closer to the Savior, I believe him. I want to be closer to the Savior. So I go. To the Temple. To my knees to pray. I didn't believe the "sisters" who when a few years ago, wanted the "Brethren" to give women the priesthood. Where are they now? Outside the church. I'm just saying! The distinction is so subtle the way they spin and spew their lies and vitriole. Beware?! Yes! They really are like a fox in sheeps clothing!
@lemjwp1756 3 месяца назад
Who I avoid: Michelle Stone, Conner Boyack, Latter-day Disciple, Julie Hanks. May be adding Watcher Palmer to the list.
@rebeccabradyaycock267 3 месяца назад
@lemjwp1756 Has Watcher Palmer said something recently that's concerning?
@katelynmoreno1804 3 месяца назад
The only one I’ve heard of from this list is Julie Hanks. What a hot mess she is 😫 avoid at all costs ha ha complete joke of a “member”. total wolf no question.
@tanyarobinson1146 3 месяца назад
I stopped watching Palmer a while back. He was getting way to critical.
@rebeccabradyaycock267 3 месяца назад
@lemjwp1756, curious about Latter-day disciples. I was totally taken aback when she had Michelle Stone on. Is that when you stopped listening or was it before?
@rconger24 3 месяца назад
Wow David - _Brian Stutzman_ . What a great guest ! 1828/29 There are elements of *The Endowment* in Ether chapter 3 some twelve years before! I refuse to listen to anyone who will _not_ pray for The Leaders of The Church or that actively pray _against_ them.
@benjaminstutzman3171 3 месяца назад
I agree in seeing the Temple saga, kingdom restored, in the Book of Mormon. See definition of the society that's a seedbed for this in Jacob 5:74, and that condition met in Alma 16:15-16, 4 Ne 1:3, and Acts 4:31-37. What happened during the 180-ish years between 4 Ne and kingdom lost? See Mormon 5:17 just after Doc. & Cov. 107:18-19. They made it! For a time.
@janinecreager9418 3 месяца назад
And this is why we need to have the power of the spirit and discernment to survive in the latter days. We need to know by the spirit who to listen to, and who would lead us in the wrong direction. Thank you, David for this video!
@stevenodell7662 3 месяца назад
Im so grateful youve come to the Lord with your unique viewpoints. At one time my father proclaimed "There MUST be something to it or they wouldn't fight it so hard." He was absolutely correct. The whole family was baptized.
@stevenodell7662 3 месяца назад
Laman and Lemuel were Deuteronomists and thought their father was a crazy visionary. Sadly, we have members who cling to the lower law as well.
@stevenodell7662 3 месяца назад
"Whether by mine own voice or by the voice of my servants, it is the same." Yes, God wants us all to be prophets in tune with the spirit of God, but not all are the eye, nor the ear of the body.
@Sirwilliamf 3 месяца назад
I can feel the spirit testify the veracity of you words. Thank you for your testimonies. Hurah for Israel!
@davidbenkert1062 3 месяца назад
Recently i watched part of a Connor Boyack video about what the first presidency and 12 should apologize for. To me, telling members what the brethren should be doing was way off the path. I'm not watching any of his stuff ever again.
@777johbro 3 месяца назад
He’s an insufferable nitpicker
@noahriding5780 3 месяца назад
He is very clever. And I think he and MS are part of why we're visiting this topic. Some people are very clever. But better than being clever is being a childlike innocence and the stalwart faithfulness of enduring to the end. These are better than being seen as some kind of genius.
@michaelreighley61 3 месяца назад
I feel information is always a good thing so we can make rational decisions . WE can never learn and know too much
@Jeanie-nv7lo 3 месяца назад
Every prophet down the ages looked forward to and prophesied of the coming of Joseph Smith and the Lord fulfilling his covenant to His people through the restoration of the priesthood. There is more prophesy about the last days, the restoration of the covenant and the gathering of Israel than of Christ's Atonement. Christ is the centre of our life, and he fulfills his promises. We are a part of Christ fulfilling his promises right now!
@Nikkiotero 3 месяца назад
You can see when those who leave The Church leave The Church, even if they haven't officially left The Church. The companionship of The Holy Ghost is very real and when someone loses it, you can see it in their countenance. They may look the same, and even at some points sound the same....but they are no longer the same, they are different. The Holy Ghost is now replaced with the spirit of strife and contention. Their mantra is deny, deflect, accuse....and destroy.
@SarahFearnley958 3 месяца назад
Yep. Once you have accepted God and made covenants with Him there is no longer neutral ground for you to stand on. You have chosen to reject God and are following Satan, and the deeper you go in that direction, the more you become like him and take on his characteristics.
@katelynmoreno1804 3 месяца назад
I had to stop and comment after minute 42- “It’s an absolute lie from the pit. of. hell.” 😂 I seriously love this phrase that you use. It describes what people are saying so accurately. Thank you for your rock solid testimony and for always sharing your knowledge of scripture!
@Nikkiotero 3 месяца назад
We stand when President Nelson enters, as a show of respect, but when Jesus Christ returns, we will all bow down to Him. Bowing down and worshipping the Savior is quite different than standing and showing respect to The Lord's appointed. If President Nelson or any of the past prophets thought that we were worshipping them - i.e. prophet worshipping, I'm pretty confident that they would address it and they would have none of it whatsoever. I love our leaders so much, but they aren't my Savior, Jesus Christ is. They are His mouthpiece, I dont worship them.
@flutedspires 3 месяца назад
I would like to hear more discussions with Bishop Brian Stutzman. All the topics he suggested as follow-ups, I would be interested in, and his research is very hands-on, personal, and faithfilled.
@brianstutzman5037 3 месяца назад
Thanks you...more have been recorded and will be posted soon.
@topazblahblah 3 месяца назад
Joseph Smith was/is an authorized, anointed prophet of God who practiced the celestial order of plural marriage. I'll go to the grave with that knowledge and testimony.
@maryannstout7600 3 месяца назад
I have come across some of these podcasts by accident and a minutes into them I was thinking “whoa, this isn’t good “. I immediately clicked on to something else. There are more than one or two or even three podcasts out there. I’m glad you are addressing this. It definitely NEEDS to be addressed. They begin with the attitude of humility and sincerity. Then they say they have “special communication from God to call the prophet and apostles to repentance. They have books and pamphlets they have written. All I/we need to do is order copies of them,which they will happily send me what they have written. Their numbers are growing. As members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints who want to follow Christ and his chosen leadership, we must be mindful of the wolves in sheep’s clothing among us. Thanks for your podcast. God bless you for your service.
@noahriding5780 3 месяца назад
The real voices will not rebel against authority, and will have peaceful voices and childlike humble hearts.
@SarahFearnley958 3 месяца назад
Sherem thought the same thing and approached Jacob. It didn’t end well for him.
@GravityFalloutPines 3 месяца назад
Yes!! Thank you for everything David
@gemelindacjp7976 3 месяца назад
I love David! But I had to laugh when he said he was going to be quiet. :) Thank you for this podcast, brothers.😊
@patriciadumont2940 3 месяца назад
He has so much to share! I could listen all day.
@ClintK. 3 месяца назад
Amen. Lots of Priestcraft out there!
@BTGordon 3 месяца назад
I think you mean amortal. 😆
@ClintK. 3 месяца назад
@@BTGordon I stand corrected you are right "amortal". 👊
@ClintK. 3 месяца назад
@@BTGordonglad to see you over here too 😂
@vendingdudes 3 месяца назад
Amoral perhaps?
@ClintK. 3 месяца назад
@@vendingdudes 😆
@honeybear717 2 месяца назад
Thank you for your words, the Church is true.
@sarahbean6170 3 месяца назад
I haven’t listened to this clear through yet. I’m about to. I really am glad you’re doing this video. President Nelson has warned us about influencers. I see why. Study the scriptures and the words of the prophets before you listen to influencers. Maybe this is the warning of many false prophets in the last days.
@krmerback 3 месяца назад
The wolves use being a mental health professional as knowing the real truth and pointing out the errors of the doctrine
@SarahFearnley958 3 месяца назад
Modern day Sherems, Korihors, and Nehors. People who have been deceived by Satan that they have been called of God to “teach” or “straighten out” His prophets. These critics are also known as anti-Christs.
@bartonbagnes4605 3 месяца назад
Those who deny polygamy, current Prophets or Priesthood Authority, usually have no problem with D&C 28 or D&C 43 as being from the Prophet Joseph Smith Jr., and they both make it clear that there will be another chosen as the only Anointed to receive commandments and revelations for God's Church in the stead of Joseph Smith Jr., and D&C 28 makes it absolutely certain that the Apostles will only have power to choose that successor, and they chose Brigham Young. So even if Brigham Young had been the first to teach polygamy, Temple ordinances ect., as the one chosen by the Apostle he has authority to make those changes in God's name. To deny this is to call God a liar, making all scriptures false, and unusable to denounce polygamy, or is calling D&C 28 and D&C 43 false prophecies, making Joseph Smith Jr. a false prophet, and The Book Of Mormon false, meaning they still can't use The Book Of Mormon to renounce polygamy. That leaves only the Bible, which doesn't denounce polygamy, except for certain individuals under very specific conditions, gives conditions. So they have no grounds for renouncing the polygamy of Brigham Young or this Church. They cannot denounce Brigham Young without pulling the ground out from under themselves.
@benjaminstutzman3171 3 месяца назад
The admonition of David and Solomon is because they took wives to themselves. When the prophet Nathan brought Saul's wives (2 Sam 12:8), to David, it _was_ approved.
@ChadSolberg 3 месяца назад
Wolves in sheeps clothing....
@jasonrobinson8912 3 месяца назад
The prophet did not tell us to vax.. he said PRAY AND ASK GOD.. hear him… we are at war.. the spirit is communicating for those who prayed and asked god about it and studied it… for us was a for sure “NO”!! If your answer was yes then obey it we all have different purposes.. I don’t worship the prophet I follow him but pray and confirm with god. He canceled us to pray and seek our own answers.
@marlenebowers7181 3 месяца назад
Yes. President Nelson’s talk in 2018 on personal revelation people have seemed to forget it.
@alanspedding1062 3 месяца назад
The ex mormons who fight against the Church are all in the Book of Mormon i.e. Nehor, Amlici, Korihor etc.etc. For example, Sherem comes on the scene in Jacob chapter 7 and denies Christ, flatters the people and labours diligently, leading away many hearts in the process. He sought out Jacob specifically (the Prophet of the time) looking for every opportunity he could find to attack the faith. He was learned, and had a perfect knowledge of the language, and much power of speech, according to the power of the devil. He had hope to shake Jacob from the faith. He taught that the Church perverts the truth. I could go on (read Jacob 7 for yourself). Who does this describe? John Dehlin comes to mind. He does not believe in Christ according to his own definition of "god". He flatters his followers with sympathy. He certainly labours diligently. He leads many away from the Church and from their belief in Christ. He seeks every opportunity to attack the faith and the Prophets. He is learned. he has a perfect understanding of the language i.e. Church terminology, having been a member. He understands our culture, which helps him convince the unlearned. Whether he speaks by the power of the devil is a matter of opinion. I have my opinion on that. He cannot shake converted members from the faith, just like Sherem could not shake Jacob. He teaches that the Church perverts the truth. John is a prime candidate according to the scriptures. He is a modern day Sherem, as are many other ex mormons who dedicate their lives to destroy the Church and some of them make a substantial living in the process. I believe the scriptures call this priestcraft. I would encourage those members who may be struggling with their faith to seek out honest men like Jared Halverson and others, and study the Book of Mormon more, rather than listen to people like John Dehlin. Imagine if John were to return and repent as did Alma the Younger and Paul. He could become another wonderful leader just like Alma or Paul. And God would welcome him back like the Prodigal son, as would members of the Church. They would hold no animosity toward him. Jesus taught us not to do that. Or he can carry on in the ranks of the anti-mormons who fight against God and see where that path leads. Sherem suffered an ignominious end as do all who fight against God. Well done, David. I believe the Lord has allowed you to go through your 47 years in the wilderness in order to reach out to those who are sincerely searching for truth, particularly evangelicals. The Church is True! I have been a member of the true Church for 46 years, A Moroni's Promise convert at the age of 29. Best thing I ever did - But that's a Mormon story you won't hear on John's channel.
@paullegler36 3 месяца назад
Agency is an interesting thing. The Lord has gone out of His way to ensure we all have the opportunity to choose. I believe we are in a “wheat and tares” circumstance at present. The tares are certainly growing and choking off much of the wheat. We certainly have cause to be concerned. President Nelson’s warning about not surviving spiritually without the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost is reaching the level of prophecy. All of this stuff takes our eye off of what is most important: the Savior, His atoning sacrifice and our personal covenants. Hold to the rod.
@marketingunscrambled 3 месяца назад
In the book of Mormon we see this many times with korahor/ nehor and even Alma the younger before he saw an angel. These are what Jesus call the wheat and the tares. They are the tares that we have to deal with. As long as we see them for what they are we will not be taken with them.
@genekuhnsjr.5245 3 месяца назад
Deception is going to be a thing in these last days. It’s going to get stronger and stronger. If hearts are not soft, they will be molded to where Satan wants to take them We need to fill our hearts in our minds with light to not be filed in these last days, but to be sanctified and come closer to Christ.
@Nikkiotero 3 месяца назад
I was in the temple this morning and was deep in thought about the apostates who are still in the church yet preaching against The Church, our doctrines and beliefs, and our beloved leaders. It bothers me that some still have temple recommends and are still attending the temple. How can this be? Then it occurred to me that those apostates dont want to give up the temple. They want church doctrine changed to suit them, and they still want to go to the temple. Many of them rationalize and fool themselves into thinking they are worthy to be there, and many are just plain defiant. They think they can have their cake and eat it too. Do they really believe that they can go against The Church and still be able to have it both ways do you think????🤔☹️
@davidmalvinalexander 3 месяца назад
Yes they really do, I think. They act like they do.
@Nikkiotero 3 месяца назад
It's a level of deceit just so hard to fathom. I truly appreciate that temple recommends have an expiration date and must be renewed through both the Bishop(ric) and Stake Presiden(cies).
@SarahFearnley958 3 месяца назад
I had someone tell me a long time ago that when we rationalize something we are telling ourselves rational lies and it has stuck with me. It is a common human tendency to try to recreate God in our own image. It is why the first of the Ten Commandments is Thou shalt have no other gods before me. We must always remember that God is God and we are not!
@burlingtonbill1 3 месяца назад
Thank tou for this! Part 2 was even better (saw it first!)
@barbarabilbrey-tillman869 3 месяца назад
Hello from Texas
@HelamansArmy 3 месяца назад
Hello! Also from Texas!
@rconger24 3 месяца назад
"The stars at night are big and bright..."
@Nikkiotero 3 месяца назад
Hello! ❤
@godsoffspring4195 3 месяца назад
Today's Freemen. We should put Captain Moroni on their tails. :>)
@kayemerrill7011 3 месяца назад
Please do more podcasts together. This was great!
@andrewolsen2711 3 месяца назад
D&C 124:45-46 45 And if my people will hearken unto my voice, and unto the voice of my servants whom I have appointed to lead my people, behold, verily I say unto you, they shall not be moved out of their place. 46 But if they will not hearken to my voice, nor unto the voice of these men whom I have appointed, they shall not be blest, because they pollute mine holy grounds, and mine holy ordinances, and charters, and my holy words which I give unto them.
@lpmerritt1 3 месяца назад
Please do a podcast with Bishop Stutzman on the accusations of Brigham killing Joseph. I'm interested in what Bishop Stutzman knows.
@brianstutzman5037 3 месяца назад
Just filmed this! Will be up soon!
@RealLadyG 3 месяца назад
WORDS OF JESUS CHRIST. JOHN 15:18 If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you. MATTHEW 10:22 “And ye shall be hated of all men for my name’s sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved.” MATTHEW 5:11 “Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake.” 12 Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.” The Apostates and Unbelievers are only fulfilling God’s warnings and Prophecies.
@rconger24 3 месяца назад
Yes, as you are quoting Matthew 5: 12 , Our Brethren are in good company !
@lorawhitfield6995 2 месяца назад
You do realize that these scriptures are referring to followers of Christ. There are many followers that are not members of the LDS church. Mormons do a great job discounting the sincerity of Christians. I have felt the spirit very strongly in other denominations worship services. If you use your critical thinking do you really think and believe in a God that reserves his most favored blessings for less than 1% of his children?
@RealLadyG 2 месяца назад
@@lorawhitfield6995 You do realize there are those who claim to follow Christ, but in words only and not in deeds. MATTHEW 15:8 This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me. 9 But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. However, true believers follow everything Jesus taught and therefore referred throughout the Bible as his SAINTS. Latter-Day Saints are the only believers that are under the true and everlasting covenant by authority and power of the Priesthood. Jesus did not organize many different churches. He only organized 1, which bears his name. THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST. EPHESIANS 4:5 One Lord, one faith, one baptism,”. God operates in unity and order. He’s the same yesterday, today and forever. The evidenced is overwhelming of those who are true believers being hated, mocked, attacked, lies being spread and persecution galore. Sadly, God’s prophecies must be fulfilled. Joseph Smith, his brother, many women, men and children were so hated that they lost their lives by the evildoers because they refuse to deny the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ. The state government took out an extermination order against them. Mobs and vigilantes carried out a massacre. They stole, robbed, pilfer, burnt and destroy their property and many had to run to escape from being killed. Please share with me how your denomination measures up to what the scriptures say as those who are hated and persecuted as was done first to Jesus, his original Apostles and his Saints in these last days?
@RealLadyG 2 месяца назад
@@lorawhitfield6995 Furthermore, I cannot attest to you or affirm what spirit you felt in many other denominations. Many blaspheme against the Holy Spirit claiming his participation where he was never present. It’s important to also recognize that there are also counterfeit spirits. Nobody ever speaks about that Truth. Which is indicative of the many false churches out there. Everybody claiming to feel the spirit and then they called themselves with Godly titles and start up their own churches which bear the man made name given by themselves, and not after Jesus Christ. That is evidence that their churches do not belong to Jesus Christ. What belongs to Jesus bears his name and no other name. In a teaching, Jesus referenced what is Caesar’s belong to Caesar. MATTHEW 22:21…….”Render therefore unto Cæsar the things which are Cæsar’s; and unto God the things that are God’s” KJV. I cannot name your house after me as it does not belong to me. Your house is your house, just like Jesus house is his house. Catholic Church was created by And belong to the Romans. A Lutheran church belongs to Luther who created it. The name of other Protestant churches, Baptist, Presbyterian, Pentecostal, Anglican and the like indicates whose house it is by the name they gave it. Nowhere is it stating Jesus Christ church by their name. They may preach about Jesus Christ, but their churches belong to man. So, it’s important what belong’s to God (his true church) is named after him. You get my point. 👍🏾 So my dear sis, please seek correct understanding and guidance directly from God through study, ponder and prayer as it’s the only way the true Holy Spirit will teach you and bear witness of ALL GOD’s TRUTH. Please don’t forget that satan is cunning and crafty and he lies in wait to steal, k!ll and destroy us. We cannot rely on our own carnal understanding. Spiritual blindness will keep us deceived by the devil. Blessings to you🙏🏽
@lorawhitfield6995 2 месяца назад
@@RealLadyG I’m not about getting into arguments because this could just go back and forth forever. I know what I know, and I have prayed and studied and received clear personal revelation that I am on the right path. Who are you or anyone else to say that my feeling of the spirit is not of the Holy Spirit but yours is? I do believe that the most important thing is to accept Christ as my lord and savior, and because of that I want to follow his example. I wish you peace and joy.
@Jeanie-nv7lo 3 месяца назад
Some good content to build your faith - obviously scriptures and prophets, obedience and prayer. Alma: 32. Some groups... you mentioned FAIR... also The Firm Foundation (Book of Mormon Evidence), The Joseph Smith Foundation, Jonathon Neville, Wayne May. The universal model (understanding that the earth is only as old as Joseph Smith revealed in section 77.
@noahriding5780 3 месяца назад
I also like some of the J.Smith Foundation stuff. They are also warning against wolves in sheeps clothing now. No surprise there.
@andrewandstacieweller1927 3 месяца назад
You mentioned being so crazy busy. I so get that. I have a tough time keeping up here. I think Jacob, the brother of Nephi said it best. Stop looking past the mark! Use the Chad Daybell murder trial as a case study! He looked past the mark. “He knew more”. It begins with fault finding or interpretation of an alleged events. Brian and David I think what you talked about was right on target. Thank you both.
@marthadullaghan4616 3 месяца назад
I love David but he is so excited he can not shut up long enough for his guest to comment.😅
@MissMay282 3 месяца назад
All good points!❤
@user-vv7er6qu3p 3 месяца назад
David, love ya! But please when you are interviewing a guest allow them to talk!! Don't be offended please! You have a wonderful program and I am perfectly happy to hear you without any guests but again when you have one online with you ...let them talk!!!
@charleskester9699 3 месяца назад
I wonder what makes other cristian faiths think that the word of God ended with the bible, never to continue. Isnt it writen that God is always the same.
@lorawhitfield6995 2 месяца назад
Jesus fulfilled the law and gave us the ultimate commandments: to love God and love others. God is the same as stated in Hebrews 13:8. So why does the LDS church continue to add and change things?
@bishdizzle67 3 месяца назад
I think overall this was an amazing podcast. Constructive criticism: the guest seemed overanxious to be in charge of the video. Ultimately, it's still David's channel and if he feels he needs to diverge, it should be fine. He kept trying to finish his presentation and overtalk. It wasn't terrible. No bad feelings. It just comes across that the guest was a little on the control side. Again, not bad. But enough to notice it. God bless you both. Just an observation.
@birdlyword2 3 месяца назад
We need to give this guy a break. He signed up for a 15 minute video that went on almost an hour. Plus he said he had a grandchild born last night. I'm sure he has a lot going on.
@Carnie-jl1rg 3 месяца назад
I think when a host has an invited guest presenting information and opinion on their podcast, the invited guest should speak most of the time. The host's job is to listen, ask questions and give the guest the floor. When the host has a presentation they want to give, they should not invite a guest. A guest isn't there to listen to the host.
@bishdizzle67 3 месяца назад
@@Carnie-jl1rg it's a podcast. It is not a monopoly presentation. It's David's channel, so there needs to be a little more decorum.
@MikolDawn 3 месяца назад
@devtinagub 3 месяца назад
Another thing I really find crazy is why would I think anything except that those with an agenda obviously don't even watch videos that are trying to share the actual truth but are immediately there just to spout their lies in the comment section. That they pretend to be active members is not new, I myself found such things 2 decades ago would say they were currently actively the teacher in the elders quorum and trying to help them see the things they are just a tiny bit off and he has been called specifically to guide them back on the true path and then proceeded to share where the church is wrong and with a link to his website with all the corrections. It got me for a second because it starts with tiny changes to the truth and would gradually get farther from the doctrine.
@lemjwp1756 3 месяца назад
The New Testament speaks of the church elders being worthy of "double honor". Respecting their office isn't anything close to worship!
@johncato4412 3 месяца назад
I would avoid defining apostate by quoting use of the handbook like in your opening statement. Quote scripture that applies.
@brianstutzman5037 3 месяца назад
Many consider the Handbook, which is instruction on how to guide the church as an institution, on the same level as scripture which is instruction on how to guide us personally
@milesmoore8705 3 месяца назад
Need to record with better audio... Louder.
@vonsowards1297 3 месяца назад
51:30 I want names
@darthbanana7 3 месяца назад
David can I take you out to lunch sometime?
@jasonrobinson8912 3 месяца назад
Silence comments??? Come on bro really ??! Can’t believe you said that.. SILENCE THEM ALL !! I don’t agree with you on that man your fellow brother from Rigby/idaho falls area you want to silence.
@davidmalvinalexander 3 месяца назад
What....are you talking about?
@jasonrobinson8912 3 месяца назад
@@davidmalvinalexander hi David, I thought I heard your guest at the end say to “turn off the comment section “ if i misheard (listening while working) apologies but just didn’t agree with that. :)
@davidmalvinalexander 3 месяца назад
He did say something to that effect....but what he has been has been comment sections that are destructive....where people are left free to spew lies.....and they are not a positive thing....he has never seen a comment section like ours, I don't think...where it is kept quite clean of lies...and where it is a context for us all to share what we have with each other...and encourage one another daily, and actually even befriend one another. This comment section...is uncommon, so please don't judge Brian for not having experienced what we have here. Much love, David
@jilldowding-walker8066 3 месяца назад
You didn't mean us, did you, David? Just those who are apostate and trying to tear down the Church, it's history, amd leaders. We worship our Heavenly Father through our Redeemer Jesus Christ to feel the stirring of the Holy Ghost in our hearts. We can, therefore, claim our own personal revelation. If we lead in an auxiliary of the Church, we have power and authority to receive revelation for those under our care and righteous authority. I'm glad to see your eyes look much better, David! Take care, from Jill in the UK 🇬🇧 😊
@davidmalvinalexander 3 месяца назад
exactly. I didn't mean those who seek personal revelation...that is within the boundaries of what our Leaders teach us....not going dead-set against it. Of course.
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