
The Name of God, Why is the world so determined to hide it? What is God's real name? 

John Wyatt
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This is a film documentary produced by a German film Group featuring well known Hebrew and Greek scholars who are not Jehovah's Witnesses. This video is NOT a product of Jehovah's Witnesses. It is not my own work. I am uploading it back to youtube as it seems to have disappeared from the ranks of videos on this subject.



7 сен 2024




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@cait1162 2 года назад
I too am one of Jehovah's Witnesses. I am so moved by this documentary. I rewound so many parts so as not to miss a single word, lol. I got my husband, who is not one of Jehovah's Witnesses to watch this with me. I'm going to watch this video a few more times, as I want to absorb everything I can. What a shout of praise to the great name of Jehovah, the Most High over all the earth!
@johncooper9727 2 года назад
Jehovah in English translated Yahweh in Hebrew is the one true God. Jesus is the Messiah and our redeemer being we have all fallen short. As it turns out Constantine was attempting to merge with church and state. Removal of Gods personal name was a defilement to Gods name. John 3:16, How could one not see it? For God so loved the world that HE SENT His only begotten SON. To send anything is to separate yourself from that which you are sending. Jesus was sent to this world because Jehovah Loves us but hates our sins that have separated us from Him. Jesus is in Union with Jehovah and for us to be in union with anything we must love that whom we desire to be in union with. To be in union with Jehovah is to love and obey Gods commandments, this is a requirement not an option. Jesus is in union with Jehovah as Jehovah is in Union with Jesus. Jesus never sinned against Jehovah, and this is important to know. Satan could not convince Jesus to sin no matter how he attempted to do so. When we love Jehovah, we love his laws/commandments. Jehovah desires for us to Love Him back by obeying Him. If only we were to quit breaking His commandments in order to show Jehovah that we care about His laws in which he has set in place for us to obey. Jesus came to this world so as to teach us how to worship his Father, how to pray to His Father, and most of all how to forgive others under even the worst of circumstances we may find ourselves facing. Jehovah is Love and Jesus is Jehovah's expression of that Love. It is through Yeshua, that is the Hebrew translation of Jesus, we have the potential to be forgiven of our sins, which are the results of breaking Jehovah's commandments. Amidst being tortured, Jesus spoke to his Father, asking for Jehovah to, "Forgive them for they know not what they do". Forgiveness is of God, even amidst being tortured, Jesus forgave and asked His Father to not hold their ignorance against them, for they knew not know what they were doing. This is among the greatest of examples we have to learn from, as this act represents the importance of forgiving others. Is there anyone in the world you have become so upset with that you cannot seem to forgive them? Or that you tell yourself you have forgiven, but deep inside of your heart of hearts you know you haven't or seemingly cannot? Literally send this individual or group of people a message and do no not prolong this. Let them know you have forgiven them for x, y, and z... then forgive them! Whatever it was that the person did to you or someone that you loved, you want them to know you have forgiven them! Wish them well and thank them for making you a closer person with God in the end. You will feel better in no time at all, and a darkness will fade from you. Once you truly reach out to this person who may have been cut out of your life, you will feel that not only did you forgive them by letting them know you have forgiven them, but you will also feel a lightness in your heart, the nightmares will end, the heaviness you hold will dissipate. You will then see that by choosing to forgive those who have trespassed against you, as a result you have also become forgiven yourself. Praise to the one true God Jehovah. I sanctify your name Jehovah, and I thank you for your Love, mercy, and patience you have shown us, most of all thank you Jehovah for your son Jesus. He will be coming soon back like a thief in the night. Through obeying your commandments and knowing your only begotten son Jesus as the Savior and Messiah. Through Him has the world been forgiven, and through Him only are the depths of perfect forgiveness known to us here on earth. There could not have been a better world one could have been born into Jehovah for you are far greater than any word I can think of to describe you. I Love you Jehovah, thank you for Jesus, I cannot say it enough! Your kingdom is on its way, and I desire nothing more than to please you in everything I do. Amen
@steveshelton3081 2 года назад
@@johncooper9727 Jesus was God in the flesh. God is omnipresent. You are right but also wrong. Jesus referred to himself as I AM. So did God. Also Jesus called himself the alpha and omega. There are many references to Jesus being God in the flesh.
@johncooper9727 2 года назад
@Steve Shelton Alpha and Omega are the names of the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet and are used as a title three times in the book of Revelation. The occurrence of this phrase in the Authorized Version rendering of Revelation 1:11, however, does not receive support from some of the oldest Greek manuscripts, including the Alexandrine, Sinaitic and Codex Ephraemi, Rescriptus. It is, therefore, omitted in many modern translations. While many commentators apply this title both to God and to Christ, a more careful examination of its use restricts its application to the supreme God. The first verse of Revelation shows that the revelation was given originally by God and through Jesus Christ, hence the one speaking (through an angelic representative) at times is God himself and at other times Christ Jesus. (Rev. 22:8) Thus Revelation 1:8, says: “‘I am the Alpha and the Omega,’ says the Lord God; “Jehovah God,”, who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.” God created Jesus before creating Adam. In fact, God created Jesus and then used him to make everything else, including the angels. That is why the Bible calls Jesus “the firstborn of all creation” by God. Colossians 1:14-15... 14) by means of whom we have our release by ransom, the forgiveness of our sins. 15) He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. Although Jesus, is said to have been involved in the creation of all things, the Scriptures do not call him the Creator. The preceding verse says that he is “the firstborn of all creation,” and at Revelations 3:14, he is called “the beginning of the creation by God.” 1 Colossians 1:16 16) because by means of him all other things were created in the heavens and on the earth, the things visible and the things invisible, whether they are thrones or lordships or governments or authorities. All other things have been created through Him and for Him. "All other things": This is a literal rendering of the Greek text would be “all things.” However, such a rendering could give the impression that Jesus was not created but was the Creator himself. And that idea would not agree with the rest of the Bible, including the preceding verse, which calls Jesus “the firstborn of all creation.” (Col 1:15; compare Revelations 3:14, where Jesus is called “the beginning of the creation by God.”) Does the title “Alpha and the Omega” apply exclusively to Jesus? To answer this question, we must examine the context in which this designation appears. Many translations of Revelation into Hebrew recognize that the one described in verse 8 is Jehovah, and so they restore the personal name of God there. (3) Revelation 21:6, 7 indicates that Christians who are spiritual conquerors are to be ‘sons’ of the one known as the Alpha and the Omega. That is never said of the relationship of spirit-anointed Christians to Jesus Christ. Jesus spoke of them as his ‘brothers.’ (Heb. 2:11; Matt. 12:50; 25:40) But those ‘brothers’ of Jesus are referred to as “sons of God.” (Gal. 3:26; 4:6) (4) At Revelation 22:12, TEV inserts the name Jesus, so the reference to Alpha and Omega in verse 13 is made to appear to apply to him. But the name Jesus does not appear there in Greek, and other translations do not include it. (5) At Revelation 22:13, the Alpha and Omega is also said to be “the first and the last,” which expression is applied to Jesus at Revelation 1:17, 18. Similarly, the expression “apostle” is applied both to Jesus Christ and to certain ones of his followers. But that does not prove that they are the same person or are of equal rank, does it? (Heb. 3:1) So the evidence points to the conclusion that the title “Alpha and Omega” applies to Almighty God, the Father, not to the Son. Based on what is revealed in the Hebrew Scriptures, the title “the Alpha and the Omega” would certainly fit Jehovah God. At Isaiah 55:10, 11, for example, we are told: “Just as the pouring rain descends, and the snow, from the heavens and does not return to that place, unless it actually saturates the earth and makes it produce and sprout, and seed is actually given to the Sower and bread to the eater, so my word that goes forth from my mouth will prove to be. It will not return to me without results, but it will certainly do that in which I have delighted, and it will have certain success in that for which I have sent it.”
@steveshelton3081 2 года назад
@@johncooper9727 I know. He was still God in flesh
@johncooper9727 2 года назад
@@steveshelton3081 ​Jesus was and still is Gods only begotten Son in the flesh. John 3:16.
@Miss.eXentric 3 года назад
Jehovah God can even make the stones shout, nobody can keep the truth coming out, NOBODY!!! My deepest respect for those who made this video and to those who put it here on RU-vid 💜💜💜
@misterwakeupcall 3 года назад
Jehovah God will make you dead, so you never come back. I know that.
@mikefanofmovies 2 года назад
"Thus says The Lord God: Whom shall I send? Who will go for Me? There is no more time to tarry. The day is far spent, and the sun is setting upon this age of men. Husbandmen, go out and gather. For the wheat is already bundled, and who is able to loose it? Neither man nor beast is able; behold, nothing in all creation is able to separate that which The Lord has bound together. Therefore, My sons, go out and gather up the remnant, even every last grain which has fallen to the ground. Gather it up quickly before the storm comes, where the winds shall blow, the hail shall beat down, and the rains shall overflow, erode and wash away. Behold, the field shall be left in ruins, in much disarray, unrecognizable to those who look upon it. And what of that which is left? Will not the birds of the air come and consume, and the beasts of the field devour, until nothing of the crop remains? For the time has indeed come for The Lord to stretch out His hand against the wicked, for The God of Heaven to visit the earth. Behold, I shall visit in My wrath and come like a storm! And as a great whirlwind of fire, I shall consume all this wickedness from the face of the earth! For the nations have raged against Me, and the people refuse to give glory to My name. Yet of sin, this they uphold! Thus they shall perish with much shouting, when I cause the earth to rise up and fight against them, until deep and heavy silence covers them and their wickedness is no more before My face! Behold, even in these lands, you call California and Nevada, shall it begin. For they have become as a great river, A RIVER OF SIN, an unending source of abominations, murder and licentiousness! Even that which Sodom and Gomorrah had done pales compared with that brought forth of them! Therefore, My servants, BLOW THIS TRUMPET!... Shout to the masses, by all Manner of speaking and devices!... For you hold The Key to Salvation in your hearts, And there He is within your understanding... SHOUT HIS NAME!" ~ "LIFE HAS A NAME! The Beginning and The End has walked among you! The Source and The Reason is here, and shall also come in great power and glory! From Him did you come forth, and to Him must you return, all you, His beloved. Behold, His names are many and wonderful![1] That which He is has no end, for as I AM so also is He! The Father and The Son are one, and our name, one - YAHUSHUA-YAHUWAH! In the beginning was The Word, and The Word Was with God, and The Word was God; The same was in the beginning with God... Through Him all things came into being, And nothing in all creation was made apart from Him... In Him was life, and The Life was the light of men; The Light shines in the darkness, And the darkness shall not overcome it... And behold, The Word became flesh... Immanu El!" ~ "Behold, even the whole of creation shouts, “YAHUSHUA is YAHUWAH!” For it is He by whom all things consist, It is He who causes to be... For The Lord our God is One!" trumpetcallofgodonline.com/index.php5?title=Shout_His_Name
@bryantperez1559 2 года назад
Jehovah ❤️
@markgarner878 6 лет назад
I am one of Jehovah's' Witnesses, and this video TOUCHED MY HEART. Thank you for presenting it. This video should have 8 million views + because every person who is one of Jehovah's Witnesses should watch. Its the truth! Co-oberating what Jehovah's Witnesses have taught for years. THANKS AGAIN!
@melodyneibert1424 6 лет назад
Mark Garner Mark you need to show this video to your elders. There is something wrong or illegal about it. I brought it to my elders attention. I will find out more tonight at the meeting. I thought it was great too but I was counseled not to get too excited, there might be copywriter problems and we always obey Jehovah and he says obey the law of the lands we live in .
@ralphgoreham3516 6 лет назад
and it continues
@joehawk98 4 года назад
What I found disconcerting about it was yes, his name is in the Hebrew texts over 6k times. But it's 1k times over 6k times in the Hebrew texts. I just felt that left 1k times others can claim it is not in those Scripitures. I know JW's know this fact but the rest of the world doesn't. But over all on the positive side. JW's can be proud that they have the Truth and are teaching others the Truth. They are a people for his name! Praise be to our Grand Creator, & Heavenly Father Jehovah God!
@unclesalty7778 4 года назад
It’s scary because the org has used this name in their prophecies that failed and have made him an undecided liar that can’t give accurate directions! 1914,1918,1925,1975 Beth sarim, generation that would not die off , over lapping generation and now new light? The light came here already to give us truth and quidance his light never changes!! John 8: 12 NKJV 12Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, “I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.”
@vidapour3687 3 года назад
I was an atihas my years ago,and search and search to know truth about ,if existing ALMIGHTY. The I got to know JEHOVAH (یهوه ) in my own language. Then I became Jehovah witness now .
@46reno Год назад
Over 50 yrs ago, someone showed me God’s name Jehovah at Ps 83:18. I was stunned. I was also angry that I had never heard God’s name in the church I was raised in. I felt betrayed and never went back. I love the name Jehovah, and thank Him for his Son Jesus. Shame on churches that hide God’s name.
@JesseLinkes Месяц назад
There's no j in Hebrew
@ianharper3213 29 дней назад
jehovah is a fake name, the vowls of adonai and yhwh.
@staceygrove7295 2 года назад
All this is exactly what Jehovah's Witnesses have been teaching all along. It is lovely to have such expert backing from a secular source.
@Vukf1 Год назад
too bad bible doesnt teach what you guys teach.
@Hikariett Год назад
@@Vukf1 see Greg Stafford & Edgar Foster
@sackedbysapp7879 3 месяца назад
@@Vukf1 if you know better, tell us? Go to peoples homes and teach…..but you don’t!
@rosierose2276 6 лет назад
This film brought tears to my eyes! Blessed be the name of Jehovah/Yehovah!!! Let his name be praised Ps 113:3
@vidapour3687 3 года назад
Agree with you Praise only JEHOVAH
@hwpotter 2 года назад
Greetings from the Raymundus Martini (remember me?) I know I should be sleeping but all this "noise" just "woke" me up. All because I made a blunder and invented a new name for God "Jehovah" c 1270. And you guys blindly followed and used the name for 800 years! Sorry for the bother, I messed up with the vowels. Now the so-called Jehovah’s witnesses thank me for their "unique" name. Imagine that! I'm Catholic, you know. Dei Beneficia - Raymond
@collettejazaerli9811 2 года назад
Thank you for uploading this film again . It truly has been a blessing in my life - at the perfect time in my life today.Jehovah bless you .
@collettejazaerli9811 2 года назад
Amein !!!
@ArunKumar-nu7jv 6 лет назад
Jehovah. Our creator , most high. only one true god. Ps83:18
@hempleafcar1 3 года назад
12 2020 VISIT suggested sites to benefit others maybe you examples read reread at following ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-pIB67TfXRpw.html ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-IkEnHE0fOBI.html ru-vid.com oahspe.org you have been are blessed to be a blessing reinstate Compulsory Mandatory grow laws at ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE--zeeO-yna1I.html hemp123.org hempabcdeals.biz ru-vid.com ru-vid.com ru-vid.com eckcancar.org Click HU? fhu.com universal-spirit.org Order Will Wisdom Justice Patience Love Mercy yahweh.com ask for newsletter ask for the book at Y N K P O Box 12949 Prescott AZ 86304 yahwehsnewkingdom.com Y N K = Yahweh'sNewKingdom if you wish to write it out also VISIT twitter.com/indmedhemp2 facebook.com/hempsmale pinterest.com/hempsmale
@evnstvn58 Год назад
Nobody has knocked door to door, face to face, person to person, like the Witnesses! The oldest form of communication there is: face to face! All my life I have seen this! It truly makes you wonder, why JESUS/YESHUA started his disciples out in this very manner! Mostly on RU-vid, I see negativity, when it comes the the name "JEHOVAH"...it's always something! I looked at this because, I couldn't believe the straight forwardness continuing throughout this program! I was waiting for something twisted but, it never came! This was very, very...very good!
@heathermariehouston3085 6 лет назад
Love this song! "Jehovah is your name"
@melodyneibert1424 6 лет назад
Heather Avila Gonzalez My favorite of all the new songs!! I love in the second verse it says "you cause us to become whatever you desire" ohhh it gets me every time!!
@leonoraenglish4179 4 года назад
So do I, so beautiful.
@hempleafcar1 3 года назад
@@melodyneibert1424 FYI perhaps TMI change J to Y here 12 2020 VISIT suggested sites to benefit others maybe you examples read reread at following ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-pIB67TfXRpw.html ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-IkEnHE0fOBI.html ru-vid.com oahspe.org you have been are blessed to be a blessing reinstate Compulsory Mandatory grow laws at ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE--zeeO-yna1I.html hemp123.org hempabcdeals.biz ru-vid.com ru-vid.com ru-vid.com eckcancar.org Click HU? fhu.com universal-spirit.org Order Will Wisdom Justice Patience Love Mercy yahweh.com ask for newsletter ask for the book at Y N K P O Box 12949 Prescott AZ 86304 yahwehsnewkingdom.com Y N K = Yahweh'sNewKingdom if you wish to write it out also VISIT twitter.com/indmedhemp2 facebook.com/hempsmale pinterest.com/hempsmale
@shanincoffer6455 3 года назад
Me too
@josamsofilm4528 3 года назад
Praise Almighty God JEHOVAH! Let your name be sanctified!
@r.e.4640 6 лет назад
Man!!! I knew those Jehovah's Witnesses were RIGHT!!! 😃
@melodyneibert1424 6 лет назад
E. R. It's still not too late!! jw.org find your nearest Kingdom Hall and ask for a Bible study!!!
@massilezcano6258 6 лет назад
It's about God making things clear for people that are looking for him. Satan's lies are exposed. God is glorifying his name.
@vinzhel9358 6 лет назад
Guys who seek truth like you will be help by god to have a strong bond ....
@demetriusdion286 4 года назад
R.E., RU-vid the video "Jehovah's Witnesses Don't Know God's Name: by Leader Jackson." This is their Governing Body saying this.
@lillyd5826 4 года назад
Demetrius Dion no doubt dubbed...
@christuttle3980 6 лет назад
Proverbs 15:29 Jehovah is far away from the wicked,But he hears the prayer of the righteous
@michellewright4660 6 лет назад
“Every breathing thing​-let it praise Jah.”​-PSALM 150:6.
@george-gh8nj 4 года назад
No doubt .Thank you Jehovah for opening the eyes of my heart.
@calichica6196 3 года назад
😘😘... Truth
@guerdiethomas8298 3 года назад
Guys i have faith the real name of God is Jehovah because anytime i have to pray i said Jehovah and he listen to me and no matter what.
@calichica6196 3 года назад
@@guerdiethomas8298 ...yes that's his name
@xflora-chanx 2 года назад
@@guerdiethomas8298 same here I pray to Jehovah and he listens to me
@JesseLinkes Месяц назад
There's no j in Hebrew nonsense
@patriciadyer5166 Год назад
" My name is Jehovah and you are my witneses."
@gabrielegermaine2337 Месяц назад
Yes and I am one of His witness. From Germany ❤️🙋 hello sister
@antiqueoftheweek5032 2 года назад
Jehovah said.... All be be revealed in the last day's. This video is the beginning of a time in history that can clarify that knowledge has been released. Thank you so much Top link ❤
@kuzinvknee3318 6 лет назад
Accurate and informative. Who comes to your home, your worksite, and informally to publish the name of GOD?? Yes you know us, Jehovah Witnesses. We volunteer and try repeatedly to help you truly understand the scriptures and call upon the name of God, Jehovah. Make time please to listen or have an interchange of thought with us. Mat 24: 14 says, This good news of the kingdom God, will be preached in all the inhabited earth, for a witness to all the nations,---and Then the End will come. Please find out for yourselves exactly what this verse is saying or means. Take Life's Water Free.
@jessiewharepapa4026 Год назад
psalms 83:18 That people may know that you whose name is Jehovah, you alone are the most high over all the earth. ❤❤❤ Thank you Jehovah for making your name known.
@GoodScienceForYou 2 года назад
How I know that Jehovah is God's Name, is when I started praying to Jehovah as Jesus commanded in the "Lord's prayer" . Then blessings came to me like "gangbusters". Undeniable blessings and answers to prayers that I could not even ever conceive of. The solution to every problem in life I had was solved and in miraculous ways.
@user-js1wb7vy7e 6 месяцев назад
So god was born after 1500s. The letter j did not exist until 1520s
@kingyatzir7232 3 года назад
Rev 4:11 you are truly worthy JEHOVAH the almighty to be honored and worshiped ..
@theburningelement.6447 Год назад
@anne-mariest-pierre9363 2 года назад
All praise and honor belong to Jehovah. May we forever sing his praises.
@AAvfx 4 года назад
Who's here 2020?🙏✨🙏
@ShotlikeJelly 3 года назад
@jryanpimentel4550 3 года назад
Love you guys i pray for all of us 🙏😊
@hempleafcar1 3 года назад
12 2020 VISIT suggested sites to benefit others maybe you examples read reread at following ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-pIB67TfXRpw.html ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-IkEnHE0fOBI.html ru-vid.com oahspe.org you have been are blessed to be a blessing reinstate Compulsory Mandatory grow laws at ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE--zeeO-yna1I.html hemp123.org hempabcdeals.biz ru-vid.com ru-vid.com ru-vid.com eckcancar.org Click HU? fhu.com universal-spirit.org Order Will Wisdom Justice Patience Love Mercy yahweh.com ask for newsletter ask for the book at Y N K P O Box 12949 Prescott AZ 86304 yahwehsnewkingdom.com Y N K = Yahweh'sNewKingdom if you wish to write it out also VISIT twitter.com/indmedhemp2 facebook.com/hempsmale pinterest.com/hempsmale
@hempleafcar1 3 года назад
was AM again 12-20-2020 NO J'j'S in Hebrew Arimeric Greek also NOT in Old English until 1500'S do own RESEARCH also VISIT yahwehsnewkingdom.com ASK 4 BOOk ASK 4 Newsletter AT yahweh.com 12 2020 VISIT suggested sites to benefit others maybe you examples read reread at following ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-pIB67TfXRpw.html ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-IkEnHE0fOBI.html ru-vid.com oahspe.org you have been are blessed to be a blessing reinstate Compulsory Mandatory grow laws at ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE--zeeO-yna1I.html hemp123.org hempabcdeals.biz ru-vid.com ru-vid.com ru-vid.com eckcancar.org Click HU? fhu.com universal-spirit.org Order Will Wisdom Justice Patience Love Mercy yahweh.com ask for newsletter ask for the book at Y N K P O Box 12949 Prescott AZ 86304 yahwehsnewkingdom.com Y N K = Yahweh'sNewKingdom if you wish to write it out also VISIT twitter.com/indmedhemp2 facebook.com/hempsmale pinterest.com/hempsmale
@benedictepatahini5844 3 года назад
@paulchilds9813 Год назад
"This is my name forever and this is how I am to be remembered from generation to generation". Thank you for the clear presentation of these wonderful truths. I have watched this video a number of times and sadly have to agree with the evidence that strong attempts have been made to obscure God's holy name Jehovah. Brought up in a different faith I was told that God's name and indeed those called by that name should be avoided. How pleased I am today that my Heavenly Father Jehovah revealed the truth to me. Thank you for your hard work.
@MissMelinka 6 лет назад
Jehovah God Almighty what a privilege it is to know your Name and be one of your witnesses
@salah777 2 года назад
who told you that it's pronounced like this you're a pagan
@STROND Год назад
@@salah777 You need to get up to scratch as Yehovah with the full vowel points is coming up in the most important manuscripts.
@yavonae 6 лет назад
John 17:26... Jesus said to his Father in prayer, "I have made your NAME known and will make it known..." Psalm 83:18, "May people know that you, whose name is JEHOVAH, You alone are the Most High over all the earth." Acts 15:14, "Symʹe·on has related thoroughly how God for the first time turned his attention to the nations to take out of them A PEOPLE FOR HIS NAME." John 17:6, "I have MADE YOUR NAME MANIFEST to the men whom you gave me out of the world. They were yours, and you gave them to me, and they have observed your word." Malachi 3:16, "And a book of remembrance was written before him for those fearing Jehovah and for those meditating on HIS NAME."
@vidapour3687 3 года назад
@hempleafcar1 3 года назад
NO J'j'S in Hebrew Arimeric Greek RESEARCH VISIT yahwehsnewkingdom.com ASK 4 BOOk ASK 4 Newsletter AT yahweh.com 12 2020 VISIT suggested sites to benefit others maybe you examples read reread at following ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-pIB67TfXRpw.html ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-IkEnHE0fOBI.html ru-vid.com oahspe.org you have been are blessed to be a blessing reinstate Compulsory Mandatory grow laws at ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE--zeeO-yna1I.html hemp123.org hempabcdeals.biz ru-vid.com ru-vid.com ru-vid.com eckcancar.org Click HU? fhu.com universal-spirit.org Order Will Wisdom Justice Patience Love Mercy yahweh.com ask for newsletter ask for the book at Y N K P O Box 12949 Prescott AZ 86304 yahwehsnewkingdom.com Y N K = Yahweh'sNewKingdom if you wish to write it out also VISIT twitter.com/indmedhemp2 facebook.com/hempsmale pinterest.com/hempsmale
@yavonae 3 года назад
Thanks for writing. There are many variations of the spelling of God's name within the hundreds of languages on the earth. "Jehovah" is the widely accepted English rendering. To not address Him with His proper name would fail to distinguish Him from the false gods in this world.. And using "Lord" and "God" are titles only.
@hempleafcar1 3 года назад
@@yavonae NO J'j'S in Hebrew Arimeric Greek also NOT in Old English until 1500'S do own RESEARCH also VISIT yahwehsnewkingdom.com ASK 4 BOOk ASK 4 Newsletter AT yahweh.com 12 2020 VISIT suggested sites to benefit others maybe you examples read reread at following ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-pIB67TfXRpw.html ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-IkEnHE0fOBI.html ru-vid.com oahspe.org you have been are blessed to be a blessing reinstate Compulsory Mandatory grow laws at ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE--zeeO-yna1I.html hemp123.org hempabcdeals.biz ru-vid.com ru-vid.com ru-vid.com eckcancar.org Click HU? fhu.com universal-spirit.org Order Will Wisdom Justice Patience Love Mercy yahweh.com ask for newsletter ask for the book at Y N K P O Box 12949 Prescott AZ 86304 yahwehsnewkingdom.com Y N K = Yahweh'sNewKingdom if you wish to write it out also VISIT twitter.com/indmedhemp2 facebook.com/hempsmale pinterest.com/hempsmale
@STROND 2 года назад
@@hempleafcar1 If there is no J, then why do you say Jesus.....Most non English speaking people say Yehovah !
@ruffstarfamily6556 3 года назад
Love JEHOVAH your God with all your might, all your strenght and mind. Blessed are those who Walk in the light of the allmighty JEHOVAH and the one hé send for salvation Jesus our saviour . AMEN
@flamingpieherman9822 6 лет назад
I find it amazing that people will pronounce yeshua and josiah and jehu but not Jehovah?? This is such a great video!!
@flamingpieherman9822 6 лет назад
And it makes complete sense to me now that Satan keeps God's name from being used...he does that in revenge as Jehovah made his name unusable...and instead he is known by Satan and devil...titles not his name.
@ralphgoreham3516 6 лет назад
Its not by chance Satan never mentions the NAME in his words to Eve, to God about Job, and Jesus. Even the demons avoided it when encountering Jesus during his ministry. So we would not be surprised that his human "seed" avoid, ignore or try to suppress it. Gen 3:15, John 8:44. And, persecute, ridicule and on rare occasion kill those who uphold it. E.G Hitler, and Malawi's Banda.
@flamingpieherman9822 6 лет назад
Ralph Goreham yes that's completely true!
@flamingpieherman9822 6 лет назад
roger schmidt let him without sin be the first to cast the stone...I am assuming you are perfect?
@flamingpieherman9822 6 лет назад
roger schmidt and yet Jehovah's witnesses are the only ones fulling the command to preach earthwide...only a few small Cong of Baptist dare do it...and not earthwide. No one openly acknowledges God's name except in hushed tones, only his son(and the spirit has no name given). And yet the whole world believes in Trinity...even non Christian's. Who is really blinded? We must all choose for ourselves who we shall serve. Jesus chose Jehovah. Otherwise Satan would not have tempted him with some mere kingdoms of earth...and so do we. You have free will to choose as well. But if you keep spending your time here, we will begin to think you have nothing better to do, and actually like watching any videos we have. I'm sure you have much better things to spend time on...maybe preaching from door to door as Jesus did??
@yavonae 6 лет назад
All of the following names beginning with "Jeho" are in the King James Bible and they all mean something about Jehovah, such as "Jehovah is merciful." If you accept a bible that translates these names from Hebrew, there is no reason to not accept the translation from Hebrew of the Almighty's name "Jehovah." Look them up. Jehoaddan Jehovahnissi Jehoahaz Jehohanan Jehoiachin Jehoiakim Jehoiada Jehoiakim Jehoiarib Jehonadab Jehonathan Jehovahshalom Jehoshua Jehoshaphat Jehoram Jehoash Jehozabad Jehozadak Jehoadah Jehoshabeath
@johnfromflorida9441 4 года назад
Yes absolutely!
@gabrielegermaine2337 Месяц назад
Thanks for writing the names Out👍 your sister from Germany ❤️🙋
@r.e.4640 6 лет назад
JEHOVAH, is the ORIGINAL MODERN ENGLISH name for the Almighty God of the universe!!! 👍👍👍👍👍😀
@gildagarbuttwyer4534 2 года назад
I would like to say a big thank you to all the people that put this documentary together. Also to my brothers earth wide. But then also to thank paster Charles Russell. For starting off our global worship . Judge Rutherford. All the 144,000 , that are working with Christ Jesus in his kingdom government. All our spiritual angels . Then it could not be possible if Christ Jesus hadn’t have give his life to save us . But one more wonderful Almighty person to say THANK YOU IS OUR FATHER JEHOVAH
@Skiskiski 6 лет назад
Jehovah is an English translation for the Most High God!
@aleksandramirowska2518 2 года назад
Beautiful video made me cry . Jehova is the only God 🙏
@Man-of-Earth. 6 лет назад
'Satan uses the term GOD even though the name JEHOVAH is found in the text, for example when Jesus has a discussion with Satan Jesus solely uses JEHOVAH but Satan solely uses the title GOD and never uses the name even though he knows it. So the act of using the name of God is strongly bound to our relationship with God if I love someone I use that person's name. If I love God I use his name, that is something Satan does not want.
@karinesmith164 6 лет назад
not one single name jehova is ever found in bible manuscripts
@Man-of-Earth. 6 лет назад
It is not difficult to understand from your statement that you did not fully understand this video or did not understand it's language. In particular, you do not have minimum knowledge of Bible and history of Bible. Whatever, Know the Bible and history of Bible. However, for this, you can find more information on the internet. If you want to know about of Bible and deep knowledge of Bible, then you may check this site - JW.Org. or link - www.jw.org/en/, you may research it also in your own language on this site.
@josealqueriavieja2950 3 года назад
Praise be Jehovah's
@josealqueriavieja2950 3 года назад
By any means, are you from India?
@Man-of-Earth. 3 года назад
Your regarding?
@adeleletford7832 6 лет назад
Tears swelled up in my eyes listening to this. I feel knowing and using God's name Jehovah is the greatest privilege anyone can have. Jesus said "I have come to make your name known". Not that they did not know his name but they did not have a close relationship with him. We need to be like Job not just recognising this divine name Jehovah but know him. (Job 42 :1-6) Then Job said in reply to Jehovah: 2 “Now I know that you are able to do all things And that nothing you have in mind to do is impossible for you. 3 You said, ‘Who is this who is obscuring my counsel without knowledge?’Therefore I spoke, but without understanding About things too wonderful for me, which I do not know. 4 You said, ‘Please listen, and I will speak.I will question you, and you inform me.’ 5 My ears have heard about you, But now I do see you with my eyes. 6 That is why I take back what I said,And I repent in dust and ashes.
@adeleletford7832 6 лет назад
What about when he responded to Devil Matthew 4:4, 7, 10
@ralphgoreham3516 6 лет назад
He did to the devil and when he quoted from the shema to the scribe at Mark 12 :29-31. most modern translations put Lord but when Jesus quoted directly from the Hebrew scriptures he did. See deut 6:4 American Standard Version, Jerusalem Bible and Strongs Greek interlinear. If he uttered the NAME in public he would have been killed before his due time. To do so was blasphemy and was punishable with death. The N.T. bible writers and disciples in Judea risked the same and had to be careful. Jesus said much more about his Father than he did about salvation. His Fathers praise and honor was of prime importance. "Our Father in heaven, let your name be sanctified or "held holy" as another version puts it. JWs are acutely aware of this.
@ralphgoreham3516 6 лет назад
Roger, 1) why do you think he told a number of times to ones he healed early on to keep quiet about it, and even told the demons the same. 2) why did he wait until a few days before his Death denouncing the Pharasees and scribes such as at Matt 23, Luke 20: 9-19. Why did he avoid his ministry in Jerusalem on a number of occasions. What about his disciples? they were under a similar threat not to speak the name and associate with Him if he went around saying the name in public.4) Jesus had perfect timing to say and be where he wisely should; in his 3 and a half year ministry.5) Yes, of course God could have stepped in at any time by means of His angels, but the Jews were seeking a" sign" and He told them "No sign will be given except...6).." If you think I sound "carnal", ie fleshly its probably because with certain kinds of people who dont listen to reason need a bit more oompth to get reasonable. There are on occasion some Jesus said to avoid. The Jewish clergy and their treatment of Jehovah's beautiful illustrious NAME has to be one the greatest sins in history, if not the greatest. Much bloodshed through history has resulted from it E.G. fights about the trinity, even in this century since WW1. Christendom has been at the forefront on this, egging on states like Germany, USA, Australia, Canada ,Spain, Russia, Korea, Africa and some European states to imprison and kill us. We expect that as Jesus foretold his true disciples would be "objects of hatred by ALL THE NATIONS on account of his name" Matt 24:9. But Jehovah is "guarding" his people as a w.wide unified congregation, and we are going from strength to strength. OK?
@markgarner878 6 лет назад
Adele, thank you. I also welled up with tears overflowing. It is very faith strengthening to know (and I am guessing your one of Jehovah's witnesses) that over the many, many years to be part of an organization (in spite of mistakes) has always taught the truth, to the best of its ability.
@ralphgoreham3516 6 лет назад
And to the scribe. Adele he and his disciples were under threat of Blasphemy and the death penalty, and Jesus had 3 and a half years to finish his work before paying the ransom. Also as Jews they did not want to be seen as flouting the law to be imprisoned or worse. Even so perhaps due to habit of not using the name, they ,during his ministry may be didnt appreciate the need for it. If you look under appendix 5A of our new Bible you will see evidence the early Christians DID USE the NAME thus YHWH in their letters, especially in the 230 times the NAME was in verses quoted directly from the Hebrew Scriptures. Yes some of what Jesus said was about our salvation, but He said much more about his Father, and about how to LIVE true Christianity
@pumpupjam54 6 лет назад
Truth will become abundant during the time of the end. And we are nearing the end of this system of things.
@leticiaarrabis9227 6 лет назад
Alla Bord Time of the end means Judgment Day but times of the end means when Christ is at the doors and is about to return! Don't be a confused Jehovah Witness or just get out from your cult for that is not the Church built by Christ and sacrificed His blood for it! Christ mentioned "My Church" or His Church, thus, the name of the true Church built by Christ is the Church of Christ (Iglesia Ni Cristo)!
@Ilidio007 6 лет назад
It amazes me the things people believe
@RavenWolfDrum69 6 лет назад
Leticia Arrabis you are wrong
@karinesmith164 6 лет назад
that video is anything but the truth
@Ilidio007 6 лет назад
a thousand years from now people will still be claiming the end is near and jesus is coming...you are all crazy......is jesus coming by airplane, by train, in a flying white horse????/
@G.S.Holland 8 месяцев назад
This documentary clears so much up for me. I have seen people of the Hebrew Roots Movement who absolutely despise the name of Jesus. They use names like Yahuah and Yashusa. Nevermind "yashua" is never used as a name in the Bible, but only as a general word for deliverance of salvation and is certainly not a name, let alone the name above every other name. I started to dig through various archived ancient Bibles, any I could find online in any language. Much to my surprise, I saw time and time again Jehovah was used. Many of them still used LORD, LORDE, or HEERE (also LORD), but also used Jehovah many times as well. I couldn't find any of them that used Yahweh. Nor Yahuah, I don't even know where that name originates. As far as I can see, it only sprang up with this Hebrew Roots deception in the last several years. The Hebrew Roots people can't even agree on the spelling of their "sacred" names. Or on the pronunciation. They are just united on their hate of Jesus Christ. This simplifies it and makes it so clear, thank you.
@RavenWolfDrum69 6 лет назад
JEHOVAH!!! GOD'S DEVINE NAME. use HIS name Everytime you pray.
@theburningelement.6447 4 года назад
In English yes in Hebrew no
@tamitatangotoo6319 3 года назад
@@theburningelement.6447 If you get on the website jw.org and look at all of the different countries that have the spelling of God's name Jehovah, but in their language, it is in Hebrew and all of the languages of the world. I would suggest you take a look at this and then you just might change your mind about your statement above.
@theburningelement.6447 3 года назад
@@tamitatangotoo6319 in Hebrew its Yehovah your correct
@dbeast808 4 года назад
Thank you for making this wonderful documentation. It is truly eye opening to know the real God's name.
@demetriusdion286 4 года назад
RU-vid: "The Jehovah's Don't Know God's Name: By leader Jackson."
@johnfromflorida9441 4 года назад
Yes, praise Jehovah...and the Name Yehowah, Jehovah, Yehovah has been used by scholars in those modern forms in manuscripts since 1270 a.d. or even earlier, but the most common pronounciation worldwide is Jehovah.
@demetriusdion286 4 года назад
@@johnfromflorida9441 , There no such word as "Jehovah," it's an idol, but that's your prerogative. I myself is a Servant of my Lord Yeshua Christos and his Father: Yahweh of hosts. Amen.
@STROND Год назад
@@demetriusdion286 You need to get up to scratch as Yehovah with the full vowel points is coming up in the most important manuscripts.
@demetriusdion3804 Год назад
@@STROND , The Tetragrammaton in the Oldest Holy Scrolls were the four letters of the Hebrew alphabet: YHWH. Now, how many extra letters are needed to make up the word "Yehovah?" three Vowels "e," "o," and "a," and the Consonant "v?" The Alphabet "v" like "j" were added to the English language about 500 years ago, the Holy Scroll is over 2000 years old. The letter "V" wasn't even discovered yet. By adding two Vowel letters "a" and "e," you will come up with the name "YAHWEH."
@RavenWolfDrum69 6 лет назад
I'm American and when I pray .. I pray to JEHOVAH in Jesus's name
@RavenWolfDrum69 6 лет назад
roger schmidt this is what Satan wants you to believe do you not have faith . I pray everyday. His name means he caused to become ....
@RavenWolfDrum69 6 лет назад
roger schmidt and in every Bible Psalms 83:18
@shanincoffer6455 3 года назад
I love you Jehovah God over every thing created.
@NicklausArnold 6 лет назад
What an exceptional film! Jesus said: "The true worshippers will worship the Father with spirit and truth, for indeed, the Father is looking for ones like these to worship him." (John 4:23) Yes, Jesus directed all worship to his Father. But how can you worship someone you do not even know by name? Jesus also said in prayer to his heavenly Father: "This means everlasting life, their coming to know you, the only true God, and the one whom you sent, Jesus Christ." Yes, Jesus clearly viewed his Father as the only true God. He directed all worship to this Father. (Compare Matthew 4:1, 8-10) He also knew that the time would come when people would claim to do powerful works in his own name, rather than his Father's name. But, identifying Christ as one's Lord is not enough, if we do not do the will of the God and Father of Jesus Christ. (Compare Matthew 7:21-23) Jesus understood the importance of God's personal name. He made God's name known to his disciples. (John 17:6) He taught people to pray to the Father that His name to be would be sanctified or held as holy. (Matthew 6:9) Clearly, since God's personal name, Jehovah, appears thousands of times in the original manuscripts of the Bible, He intended for us to know and use his name! The prophet Ezekiel recorded this pointed promise by God Himself: "And I will certainly magnify myself and sanctify myself and make myself known before the eyes of many nations; and they will have to know that I am Jehovah." (Ezekiel 38:23) The Christian disciple James stated at Acts 15:14-17 that God had turned his attention to the Gentiles (non-Jewish nations) to take out of them a people for his name. What international religious organization, made up of both Jews and Gentiles (people of all the nations) is called by the Divine Name? Perhaps you should investigate what they believe and how they worship? After all, your life depends on making sure you know the truth about God and his requirements. Only then can you be sure you are on the road that leads to everlasting life. (Compare Matthew 7:13, 14) Feel free to contact me directly as realbiblefacts@gmail.com or by visiting JW.org.
@gracecare846 6 лет назад
Nicklaus Arnold Excellent post, Brother!! :)
@loganginger 6 лет назад
One question I have is how do we know that the name of God is pronounced in a somewhat modern Germanic tongue when the pronouncing was lost at the time of Jesus? They refused to speak his name for fear of blasphemy and it was recorded without vowel sounds. No one spoke it. It could just as likely be Yeshua as Jesus had Yehua as father. Can't say with authority one way or the other. As for worshipping a God whose name you don't know - all the biblical fathers did. Abraham, Isaac, Jacob etc. Gods name was not revealed until Moses. So I am guessing God doesn't have a problem with it. Even those who call him Jehovah can still be saved.
@gracecare846 6 лет назад
Logan Ginger Not in our time, God's. Name.was revealed and.must be.sanctified. For he alone is worthy of it.
@UJB123 6 лет назад
Logan Ginger You are correct. God's name is actually all vowels and not some Germanic pronunciation consenental construct. The problem was as with all things Biblical , those Europeans had no clue about Hebrew and their Koine Greek knowledge was just as bad. Anyhow, YHWH isn't the name given for everyone to be saved. We already know what that name is. So in order for the Father's will to be done which is for people to have faith in the Son's name, everyone has been given the Son's name. God wants to be called Father, that should be sufficient for everyone. It's really quite simple. Also too Jesus name literally means "Yah saves". So if you have faith in Jesus name, you have faith that Yah saves. Too simple for some it seems.
@loganginger 6 лет назад
Grace Hong Kong thank you for attempting to answer the question. I note you avoided the first part of the argument. I am guessing you're just dismissing it considering there was no attempt to respond to it. That aside, In response to your claim, i am sure you can produce scriptures where we are commanded to have the right pronounciation, and where the right pronounciation is given. Scriptures. From the bible.
@guerdiethomas8298 3 года назад
And thank you so much and God bless you all just because you're make me believe the real name of God is Jehovah.
@theburningelement.6447 2 года назад
No it isn't
@cameronfawcett4788 2 года назад
I to am a Jehovah's witnesses may father Jehovah god bless All of you
@Markver1 4 года назад
This documentary is available for rental or purchase in HD over at VIMEO.
@takirid 3 года назад
Jehovah God himself inspired Bible writers to use his name thousands of times, and he also directs those who worship him to use his name. (Romans 10: 13; Joel 2:32; Zephaniah 3: 9; Isaiah 42: 8; Genesis 4: 26) In fact, in Jeremiah 23: 27 Jehovah God condemned false prophets who tried to make the people forget his name. Just like it's modern-day counterpart of false religion Christendom.
@jeanniecole614 6 лет назад
Nehemia Gordon has found the correct pronunciation of the name of Yehovah in over 1000 Hebrew manuscripts, which have ALL 3 Hebrew Letters, along with their proniunciation "dots" or tittles. Check out Michael Rood's videos.
@jeanniecole614 6 лет назад
I meant to say "syllables," not "letters!"
@juanitobarcelona7050 2 года назад
Can you please give the link of that videos?
@Bimfirestarter Год назад
Nehzmia Gordon's research and teachings are rather biased. He ignores evidence that contradicts his views, evidence contemporary with Bible times rather than medieval Masoretic texts. All the same, it's not far off. Yahowah is closer to the pronunciation in Biblical times. The 6th letter of the Hebrew alphabet being a W not a V sound, just like all the other Semitic languages of the time.
@Bimfirestarter Год назад
@@juanitobarcelona7050 I'd avoid Nehemia Gordon's teachings. He bases his views medieval texts from several centuries after the Bible was written and seems to me to be sensationalizing information I knew about since childhood in the 80s as if it was new discoveries. Greek and Aramaic inscriptions from Hebrew-speaking bilingual Israelites and Jewish Christians from the 1st century CE back to the 500s BCE all indicate that Yahowah was the common pronunciation in those times. Spelled in Egyptian the indication is that the final syllable was indeed YahoWAH back in the Judges period. What do you think? - that the Rabbinical scribes living in Medieval times centuries after the Bible was written knew better about the pronunciation than the Israelites etc who wrote these inscriptions in the Biblical period? The fact they wrote in Greek helps determine, since Greek has actual vowels.
@LisaT2000 2 года назад
Thanks for sharing this. I wondered why I felt so uncomfortable when some ministers seemed to be putting Jesus on an pedestal that belongs Only to JEHOVAH.
@lyricaltraveller 2 года назад
John 8:19 Then they said to him: “Where is your Father?” Jesus answered: “You know neither me nor my Father. If you did know me, you would know my Father also.”
@Alex-sw9iw 5 месяцев назад
​@@lyricaltraveller regarding this video you said" featuring scholars who are not Jehovah's witnesses ". That is not correct. Rolf Furuli, one the scholars in the video was a Jehovah's witness for 56 years. Could you please correct or remove that sentence because it's misleading.
@lyricaltraveller 5 месяцев назад
@@Alex-sw9iw At the time this video was produced, Rolf Furuli was not one of Jehovah's Witnesses. He left the organization some years before. So, my statement is factual. Although I have to admit that I didn't learn of his formerly being one of Jehovah's Witnesses until quite some time after uploading this video.
@Alex-sw9iw 4 месяца назад
​@@lyricaltravellerI am sorry if I come across as a bit argumentative but I don't like watching people been deceived especially by an organisation that claims to be "the truth", but I have to correct you again as Rolf Furuli was a JW at the time this video was produced as I found reviews dated 2017 and he was disfellowshipped in 2020 after 56 years of service. Also I did a bit more digging and I thought you should know that also Gérard Gertoux , the second expert, is an academic with JWs associations. Furthermore the "indipendent" Stoops Manufacturing Company is run by two JWs , Carl and Betha Stoops. And the company that produced the film Drei Linden Film is owned by Fritz Poppenberg who has been involved in making many films for and about Jehovah’s Witnesses. Now that you know all this let's see if you do the honorable thing of removing this video from the Internet or, at the very least, change the subheadings explaining the truth. A word of advice: next time you post something of such importance on the Internet , make sure you do your research first as people eternal lives are at stake here because as Jesus said " unless you believe that I am, you will die in your sins.
@modestos75 6 лет назад
I just ate a good meal,,,,it's a wonderful feeling to know who I can thank for that meal... to the 1/3 who are going hungry around the planet my heart goes out to you all...May the seat of true power remove our shame and sin ..not soon enough
@jesusrodriguera6039 6 лет назад
WOW, WOW this is an extraordinary video, it really opens up our eyes, Thank you.
@nonnalovepriceless 6 лет назад
Beautiful documentary ..... The churches have removed god holy name Jehovah . In the Bible it appears 7000 times in the original text of the Hebrew Scriptures. However many did not appear in the original text ,of the Christian Greek scriptures . For this reason most modern English bibles do not use the name Jehovah when translating , The so called New testament .even when translating quotations from the Hebrew Scriptures in which the Tetragrammaton Appears ,most translators ,use lord ,rather that gods personal name ... Jesus plainly stated : I have come in the name of my father He also stressed that his works were done in his father name . Deautoronomy 6:4 Nash papyrus Jehovah name Second century BCE So many of this manuscripts have been found ... it’s does not matter how gods name is pronounced . Yahweh Jehovah so many languages It is pronounced all differently ... Example In the language chin it’s pronounced ,,,, zahova . In English Jehovah In French IHVH You see the point hear ... I do like the the Hebrew version is YAHWEH .... Which translated is Jehovah ..... Basically the definition .. The personal name of the holy true god ,his own self designation Jehovah is the creator and ,rightfully ,the sovereign ruler of the universe . Jehovah is translated from the Hebrew Tetragrammaition. YHWH. Which means He causes to become ... these four Hebrew letters are represented in many languages by the letters JHVH,,,, YHWH ... This name appears in the Bible at Exodus 3:15 6:3 Genesis 22:14. Exodus 17:15 Judges 6:24. Ezekiel 48:35. So really no human can be certain how it’s pronounced in Hebrew why not ?.. you may ask Well Biblical Hebrew was originally written with only consonants ,no vowels ,when the language was in everyday readers easily provided the proper vowels .. in time however the Jews came to have the superstitious idea that it was wrong to say gods personal name Out loud ,so they us3 to substitute expressions .. centuries later Jewish scholers developed a system of points by which to indicate Which vowels which vowels to use when reading ancient . Hebrew . But they put the vowels from the substitutes expressions around the four consonants representing The divine name ...thus the original pronunciation of the divine name was lost . Many scholers favour the spelling Yahweh . But it is uncertain and there is not agreement amount them . On the other hand Jehovah is the form of the name that is most readily recognized because it has been used in English for centuries And preserves ,equally with other forms the four consonants The Hebrew Tetragrammation ... Why is it important to know and use gods name ?. Well example : Do you have a close relationship with anyone who’s personal name you do not know ? For people to whom god is nameless he is often merely an impersonal force ,not a real person ,not someone that they know And love and to whom they can speak from the heart in prayer If they do pray their prayers are merely a ritual ,a formalistic repetition of memorized expressions ... But true Christians hav3 a commission from jesus to make disciples of people of all nations . When teaching how would it be possible to identify the true god as different from false gods of the nations ? Only by using his personal name as the Bible itself does .matthew 28:19. 20. 1corinthians. 8:5,6 Please read exodus 3:15 Isaiah 12:4 Malachi 3:16 I am a Jehovah’s Witness and have done lots of study of the Bible But it is fascinating as when we dig into the scriptures we are learning every day about Jehovah his son Jesus . As a Jehovah witness I believe the entire bible I worship only Jehovah god . I believe threw the scriptures that Jesus Christ is not a part of a trinity . I believe in gods kingdom This is the only hope for mankind ,that it is a real government that it will soon destroy the present wicked system of things Including all human governments.. I believe That there is a heavenly life That 144000 spirit anointed Christians will share with Christ in the heavenly kingdom ruling as kings . With him we believe threw the scriptures The earth That gods original purpose for the earth will be fulfilled , Also death . The dead are conscious of nothing . Now we experience pain suffering death . But Jehovah has promised a resurrection . We are in the last days yes ... we believe that we are living in the last days since 1914 We are separate from the world . Jesus sd his true followers would be no part of the world but we show genuine love for our neighbour But we do not share in politics , or go to wars. We provide for our families. We do not pursue material things And we try our best to apply bible council . It’s so important to apply the council of Jehovah ,in every day life . Weather at home work school , in business in the congregation . We apply bible council , but if anyone practices adultery fornication homosexuality drug abuse drunkenness lying steeling He or she will be disfelowshiped .. it’s to keep the congregation clean and so that time away the person can think of what they have done .. We welcome them back with open arms if they are sorry .. It’s just a little of what we believe ... I love Jehovah I thank him with all my heart ❤️ for helping me threw all my triels .... Interesting documentary thank you .... Agape love Shalom ...
@lalo2641 6 лет назад
Have no fear Jesus is here
@lalo2641 6 лет назад
What do you want. Consonants or vowels ?
@turkirelle1512 6 лет назад
new world shortly pure language...
@lalo2641 6 лет назад
Turki Relle Zepheniah
@melodyneibert1424 6 лет назад
new world shortly I pray everyday for our new world shortly, I thought it would be here but I do see things speeding up! Just pray for endurance.
@addmalingaralnisoriano7408 6 лет назад
@miningmonkey760 2 года назад
Documentary was very well done, but the comments should be turned off. The thought of these people making such derogatory comments in a video that highlights the divine name is totally counter intuitive to it's message. End credits were given to the proper sources but not sure if it was used by special permissions.
@milenakrcmar706 3 года назад
Thank you very much! Let Jehovah bless you 💜
@janeerobinson6303 11 месяцев назад
I too agree that if the Jewish priests hv been told DO NOT use the Divine Name, they should obey. Should Jehovah not be the one to choose which organization he permits to carry his Divine Name? In this sense, should one not consider which side to be on? No matter where HE is, I will follow! If I were once an Israelite, I would become a Jew if HE is there. If I were once a Jew, I would become a Jehovah Witness if HE is there! Wherever he is, I will follow! His choice! I am a JW. This is where he has placed his Holy, Holy, Holy Name!
@martaranson5199 6 лет назад
This is a brilliant film so clear and undeniably Jehovah
@thatgodstuff9178 6 лет назад
If I could have liked this more than once.....I would have......nicely done!!!!!
@daykay2231 6 лет назад
there are many Gods but only one Jehovah
@ralphgoreham3516 6 лет назад
Many gods I think you mean Day Kay, sorry about being pedantic sister.
@gavinreid8351 6 лет назад
Yes, many hence the need for a name. Think about that..
@aliceprado4072 6 лет назад
Ralph Goreham r
@Alex-sw9iw 5 месяцев назад
Furuli was a Jehovah's Witness and served as an elder for 56 years, also holding positions as a circuit overseer and a district overseer.[9][10] In 2020, Furuli published a book entitled My Beloved Religion-and the Governing Body in which he maintains that the denomination's core doctrines and interpretations of biblical chronology are correct, but challenges the authority of the Jehovah's Witnesses' leadership.[10] Subsequently, on June 17, 2020 he was disfellowshipped from the denomination.[11]
@dailybiblequotes1414 2 года назад
Amazing video Almighty Jehovah ❤️
@jhansigunasekaran1731 6 лет назад
Am I the only one who is humming that original song of that behind music.. 'Jehovah.. Jehovah. There is no God like you ' ....
@genegene1682 2 года назад
Jehovah is his Name!
@johnfromflorida9441 2 года назад
We all know the account where Jesus read aloud from The Scroll of Isaiah... and we all know whose Name was in those verses....YeHoWaH, pronounced YeHoVaH, pronounced by most of the modern western world as JEHOVAH.... and the evidence is absolutely indisputable! Praise Almighty god Yehovah and His Son Yeshua, Yes praise Jehovah and praise his son Christ Jesus too 🙏🔆
@bergadochristopher4416 4 года назад
I have Faith in God Jehovah...
@calichica6196 3 года назад
@STROND 6 лет назад
Great film....just goes to show how Gods name WILL be made known and that he gives HIS name to HIS people as foretold!
@ralphgoreham3516 6 лет назад
the"weeping and gnashing of teeth" continues
@suzyalex183 6 лет назад
Jehovah, Jehova (spanish), Ehoba (Japanese).. etc. He is Almighty God, he know who worships in spirit and truth. He know who calls on him in faith. He who walking in the way in which he requires according to the scriptures and the example his Son, Jesus Christ set. Cool video. Jehovah will make himself known Ezekial 38:23.
@michellestephens7225 2 месяца назад
Jesus himself prayed to God and asked Him for His holy name, Jehovah, to be known and sanctified. JOHN 12:28 And Jehovah answered Jesus’ request and He will do declare His name. This video is an extension of Jehovah’s response to Jesus’ prayer about 2,000 years ago…that Jehovah’s holy name be known. Jesus then taught his followers how to pray to Jehovah. Jesus taught them to also pray for Jehovah’s name to be hallowed and glorified first, before they pray for anything else. LUKE 11:1-2 Jesus also said that “those exercising faith in him must also do the works that he do.” JOHN 14:12 Who is following Jesus? Who is declaring the name of God?
@gerato 6 лет назад
Jehoiakim Jehoiarib Jehonadab Jehonathan Jehoram Jehoshabeath Jehoshapath Jehosheba Jehoshua names with an origin... obviously, JEHOVAH!!!
@len2842 2 года назад
Very well done.. an honest presentation that carries gives over a sense like no other' Jesus' at Matthew 7:13-23; and his last recorded prayer to his God before being murdered for teaching the truth shows stark contrast to what those traveling on the broad and spacious road teach and do' -John 17:1-26; many ignore Jesus words -Mark 12:28-34; and claim to be true Christian -Mt 24:4-14;
@coral4874 3 года назад
When my fiance has his NDE during cabg surgery, he met God. God told him he is every name we call him. As long as you call on God....however you interpret the higher source..God realizes you are calling on him.
@hivodaddy 2 года назад
Pardon my words but of truth , your fiancé met the devil and has been deceived! sorry.
@hivodaddy 2 года назад
who try to make My people forget My name by their dreams which everyone tells his neighbor, as their fathers forgot My name for Baal. [Jeremiah 23:27]
@theburningelement.6447 2 года назад
Wrong, Yud-hei-vav-hei is his name
@46reno Год назад
He had his name put in his written word over 6000 times. It is obvious he wants us to use his name…not just the title God.
@coral4874 Год назад
I can agree to disagree with ya'll but thank you for posting an opinion.
@YahwehsRestorationMinistry 6 лет назад
Another strike against the “Yeh” prefix in Yehovah is that we find many Jewish names with the theophoric element “Yah” and “Yahu” dating to 572-477 BCE in Akkadian cuneiform tablets, a language cognate to Hebrew. Examples of such names include: Yahadil, Yahitu, Yahmuzu, Yahuazar, Yahuazza, and Yahuhin. We recently contacted several professors through email inquiring about these names and received the following responses. Professor Ran Zadok from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem who specializes in Mesopotamian, Iranian and Judaic Studies, confirmed, “It seems to me that the cuneiform spellings render approximately *Ya(h)w” (see similar rendering on the Dead Sea Scroll fragment below). Professor Martin Worthington from Cambridge who specializes in Mesopotamian languages and literature, states, “…scholarly consensus has it that Yahwistic names are well attested in first-millennium Babylonia. As several scholars have observed, there is a strong tendency (though not an absolute rule) for the form to be yahu at the beginning of the name, and yama at the end of the name (though yama is actually yawa, since in this period intervocalic m is usually pronounced w). The cuneiform script does include vowels. The sign IA is a bit of a special case, since it can represent ia, ii, iu or ie. But in this case we also have spellings such as ia-a-hu, showing that the vowel is indeed ‘a’.” For additional study, refer to Documents of Judean Exiles and West Semites in Babylonia in the Collection of David Sofer by Laurie E. Pearce and Cornelia Wunsch. In addition to these sources confirming the short form “Yahw” or “Yaho,” they also suggest that a shift occurred between “Yah” to “Ye” within the prefixes of Jewish names between the Neo-Babylonian and Achaemenid (572-477 BCE) and the Masoretic (6-10 century CE) periods. These names also offer indirect evidence for the prefix “Yah” within the Tetragrammaton and therefore casting doubt on the “Ye” within Yehovah.
@JT-ue5on 4 года назад
how is this not produced by the watchtower the song at 1:58 belongs to them and Rolf Furuli was a JW until this year 2020 now DF song is number 28 in their song book Gaining Jehovah’s Friendship is what its called.
@STROND 2 года назад
I spoke to the makers of this documentary and they said that the person who uploaded the video ADDED the JW song at the end. He was not very happy !
@Anonymous-ik5fh 2 года назад
We have produced many literatures and lectures on this subject
@rebeccaabel4589 Месяц назад
Regardless the producers are Not Jehovah's witnesses or they are . Jehovah is God's name.
@veomamaples6189 3 года назад
Those Whom Hid The Name Of The Creator Was Because They Are Haters~ Of God~ True Facts💯 & Continue On In Hiding The Name Of God~ Because They Want Those Whom Are In Thee Earth With Wool Hair~ 2 Serve Them~ & All Those Whoms Hair Isn't Wool~ Have Always Been Enemies Into God~ & The Real Name Of The Creator Is God~ Holy One ~ Master~ Giver Of Life~ & Thee Magnificent One~ Thee Only One~ & Their Is Nothing Nor Anyone Greater ~ Whom Can Compare Unto~ The Most High God~ 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 🦁🐑🌳🕯️👆
@whadeffa 3 года назад
His name is "Hayah" said Moses. "Aleph Hay Yod Hay" Strong's Concordance G1961. Exodus 3:14. The aleph is silent in the pronunciation. "Hayah" pronounced "Eye-Yah" Just like all the names of His children. Numbers 6:27 . Hezek-iah. Zecha-riah. Zephan-iah . . . ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-reeyWaQSAq4.html
@juneruff1136 Год назад
Veoma spoken truth👍
@naguilar65 6 лет назад
Nehemia Gordon has found the book of Mathew and two others of the new testament written in Hebrew.
@tallmikbcroft6937 6 лет назад
nancy aguilar that's awesome ... I guess I shouldn't be surprised since Yeshua and His disiples were Jewish. It makes sense that they would write in Hebrew. I'm excited that there are copies found in Hebrew. Thanks for sharing that.
@berniehelsby3302 Месяц назад
The most Beautiful person in existence JEHOVAH!
@jeremiahjr69 3 года назад
I knew the witnesses were right....
@whatwillbem6825 2 месяца назад
Me too…
@pandabear7426 6 лет назад
The world is going to end so soon. I'm so happy.. all in the World will acknowledge him as stated in the table.
@ralphgoreham3516 6 лет назад
See my earlier reply to you. If I had read this earlier I probably wouldnt have bothered. BTW JWS do NOT believe only JWS will survive Armageddon. There are a number of factors impinging on this for which we dont have the answer The last time we commented on the basis for Judgment was in the June 1, 1976 W.T. If you think we are going to change our teaching on the EXTENT of that Judgment, think again. Matt 24:30, Jer 25:31-33, Rev 19:11-21. that should be enough, but there are scores more. If you dont change that attitude You wont be in the "picnic park".
@triisthelatinfor3.godisonl209 6 лет назад
THE GENEVA BIBLE ( 1560 ) PSALM chapter 83 verse 18: " That they maie knowe that thou , which art called Iehoua'h art alone......" KING JAMES BIBLE- Psalm chapter 83 verse 18: " That men may know that thou, whose name alone is JEHOVAH, art the Most High over all the earth. ENGLISH REVISED BIBLE: "That they may know that thou alone, whose name is JEHOVAH, art the Most High over all the earth. " YOUNG'S LITERAL TRANSLATION: " And they know that Thou-( Thu name is Jehovah-by Thyself,) Art the Most High over all the earth! THE WEBSTER BIBLE: " That ( men) may know that thou, whose name alone (is) JEHOVAH, (art) the most high over all the earth. "AMERICAN STANDARD VERSION: " That they may know that thou alone, whose name is Jehovah, Art the Most High over all the earth. "
@lyricaltraveller 6 лет назад
What a great comment this is. It really shows a good example of how English has evolved over the centuries. The 1560 version of the Geneva bible, shows how God's name was pronounced in English at that time. Notice there is no Yahweh. By starting the name off with an "I-eho" they were preserving the pronunciation of "Yeho". Not Yah.
@triisthelatinfor3.godisonl209 6 лет назад
John Wyatt Thank you. Another English translation which came out prior to the Geneva was of course the 1530 translation by William Tyndale, ( persecuted and convicted of heresy and ended up being strangled and burned at the stake ) He was responsible for introducing God's personal name into English. He rendered the divine name as Iehovah and used it more than twenty times in his Old Testament translations. In his foreword to this edition he wrote: " Iehovah is God's name....Moreover, as oft as thou seeist LORD in great letters it is in Hebrew Iehovah. "
@redsaucetriple9578 4 года назад
My Love, I’ve Asked our Prime Creator, when He Our Most High King came for me in 2018, what is you’re name, He lead me thru old Aramaic scriptures, where I found YE HO VAH means I AM LOVE. I have always called YEHOVAH since childhood. But after severe brain damage i had no clue anymore. The devil lucifer who i known to be jesuschrist killed me in the flesh. Our messiah Yehoshua took me to see our Almighty God Abba and King up in Heaven, He took me just like Enoch to the 10th dimension. I was given knowledge of the Tree of Life. I Am sealed & secured with His Majesty’s name YEHOVAH on my forehead, in my Heart, Eyes, Ears and Tongue. He gave me a new name after being judged up in Heaven. I received the crown of eternal life in the Holy Spirit of Holy New Jerusalem🔥 There will be a time soon, the entire Earth shall roar His Majesty Name YEHOVAH GOD ALMIGHTY🔥 To Him We All Belong, HE MADE All things for Himself With His Love in His Love. Life is all about LOVE for He is GOD ALMIGHTY🔥 only obey and worship YEHOVAH with All of you’re lifespower in Heart Spirit and Body in One🔥 Love you’re neighbor as yourself, this is the Law of Love and Life given to Moses by YEHOVAH GOD ALMIGHTY🔥
@IslandMystic111 6 лет назад
NEITHER! It is Yahuah! Yod Hey Vav Hey. Yah is short form of his name. The VAV has a U sound not a W or a English V sound, YahU and the missing vowel is A and H : YAHUAH. Both Yahweh and Jehovah are man made names for God.
@lyricaltraveller 6 лет назад
Every thing you have stated as already been debunked many times over.
@IslandMystic111 6 лет назад
+John Wyatt, Oh Yeah?! How is that? Since the Sacred Tetragrammaton is the Hebrew letters of the name of God minus the 2 vowels which are A's?! The Jews have known the name of God since the time of Abraham! Jehovah was invented by Gallantinus and Yahweh by a German theologian named Heinrich Friedrich Wilhelm Giensenius. You need debunking, you are full of it!
@ralphgoreham3516 6 лет назад
Nobody REALLY knows the exact form of the divine name including the Jews today, that is not the point. What is Gods requirement is stated in the first words of the" Lords Prayer". We should praise the NAME in line with what God said to Moses, thus "this is my name FOREVER" Exod 3:15.
@abdulabdullah3679 6 лет назад
When Jesus prayed he said ,Abba father out of reverence not a first name.Christ is our exemplar.
@jimmyknox3342 6 лет назад
Abdul Abdullah, Abba is equal to dad or daddy.
@ralphgoreham3516 6 лет назад
Exemplar: correct, and your point being?
@ralphgoreham3516 6 лет назад
Yes Abdul, Jesus is our exemplar, but his God and Father taught him what to do and say and agreed to be "sent" for such. And of course to provide a "ransom" so we can be "reconciled" to God.
@CADSMITH-jimpac 2 года назад
thanks for a wonderful documentary...i love it
@alabado-sea-jehova7945 6 лет назад
The truth always prevail!
@whadeffa 3 года назад
Jehovah or Yahweh ??? His name is "Hayah" said Moses. "Aleph Hay Yod Hay" Strong's Concordance H1961. Exodus 3:14. The aleph is silent in the pronunciation. "Hayah" pronounced "Eye-Yah" Just like all the names of His children. Numbers 6:27 Hezek-iah. Zecha-riah. Zephan-iah etc.
@LuxxVeritas 3 года назад
Hayah is the verb - of which YHVH is derived from
@whadeffa 3 года назад
@@LuxxVeritas But YHVH was not the Name Moses recorded as the Name he was told to say to the Children of Israel in Egypt. AHYH, Hayah, H1961 recorded in the Masoretc text and in The Dead Sea Scrolls is the Name. YHVH is a Title, The Lord. His Title is Not His Name.
@DVLTuber 4 года назад
But you have a song in this clip done by the witnesses :)
@tamitatangotoo6319 3 года назад
It is obvious that they are using the Jehovah's Witnesses as an example of who uses God's name in modern times regularly around the entire world, and in their worldwide organization! JW.ORG
@DVLTuber 3 года назад
@@tamitatangotoo6319 and why is that ?
@tamitatangotoo6319 3 года назад
@@DVLTuber I'm surprised at your question. I think the video and what I said explains why that is. Other people are starting to use God's name. But are they representing it the way He wants them to, that's the question!
@DVLTuber 3 года назад
@@tamitatangotoo6319 are you by any chance one of the Witnesses ?
@xflora-chanx 2 года назад
@@DVLTuber I am a Jehovah's witness
@joehawk98 3 года назад
I share this video all the time. Why? Because it proves who is the True Christain Faith that uses God's English name on English Bibles and are true Witnesses to all of creations Grand Creator, and Heavenly Father, Jehovah God. That mankind will know his name and fear it. Many already do love him and his name as he loves all mankind enough to give his only-begotten son, Jesus Christ as a perpetual sacrifice for all of our sin's. One point I really enjoyed hearing. The name of God was found in fragments of 1st Century Christain's Greek Scriptures. Papal Rome tried to completely hide his name by killing true Christian's and setting up the Apostate Papal Rome as the true Christian Faith yet they adapted false pagan practices of false gods acts of worship and rebranded and renamed those pagan practices as Christian practices. Birthdays, which are mentioned in the Bible. Valentine's Day, Christmas etc. All pagan of origin. Jesus denounced the scribes and pharasees because of their traditions of men that invalidated the Bible of that time. One was what lead to the removal of God's name in Jesus time. The ceremony they did when copying each letter of Jehovah God's name. There tradition slowed down the copying of the Bible, they decided to remove Jehovah's name and replace it with a title, God or LORD. Based on there tradition they created. God's name was around 7k times in the Hebrew Scriptures alone. In 1611 the King James Version only had Jehovah a few places. Now in the New King James Version it is completely removed. Joel 2:32 says only those calling on Jehovah's name, not title will be saved and it is quoted at Acts 2:21 & Romans 10;13. So you know from those quotes alone it was in the 1st Century Christian Greek Scriptures. As the fragments in Cairo showed it was known. John 17:25, 26
@rodriguenzambet9448 6 лет назад
Well done!
@venice1115 Год назад
The Translater who's Norwegian Rolf Furuli, is definitely a Jehovah's Witness and they're using Kingdom melodies in this video too, praise Jah
@daphsteve 4 года назад
Love this😍😍❤❤
@KING777E 6 лет назад
Please JEHOVAH! forgive me? make me conform to your will before Armageddon. You are who you are and I am so humbled to know of you. Only the real GOD could make his name JEHOVAH endure forever. Help me JEHOVAH! please?
@melodyneibert1424 6 лет назад
KING777E jw.org find a Kingdom Hall near you ask for a Bible study! It's free nothing to loose but everlasting life!!
@massilezcano6258 6 лет назад
Let jehovah help us all. Bible tells that everybody has to know that my name is jehovah the most high.
@TJDefendidas 6 лет назад
Salmos 83:18
@reslight 2 года назад
Much of what is presented in the video is similar to the research I have presented on my own websites. See the link in the description area of my video: Is God's Holy Name "The Lord"?
@HASIJOMAGNETON 3 года назад
The Hebrew language does not have a J sound, therefore, it is impossible for יהוה to be pronounced as Jehovah. Also, Iehova/Jehovah first appears in the 13th century and was first used in a bible in the 16th century in William Tyndale’s translation. It is unlikely that persons that are of the body of false worship, would know the true Name. Jehovah Witnesses claim to proclaim the true name of the “true God” but how can that be, when neither the name Jehovah is true or their religion -for truly, the Jehovah Witnesses are also a false religion being misled by false prophets.
@anitaharrington1141 2 года назад
It seem that only the Hebrew Israelites know that the true Father's name is YHWH/YAHWEH The Father. The Son Yahshua People need to do deep research . They know they have a name and know it they should know HIS! Their Creator! Ps 68:4
@thambone30 Год назад
@@anitaharrington1141 not true. From a Jewish scholar ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-lnSeMeqDy8E.html
@thambone30 Год назад
Scholar John Hinton, Ph.D wrote: "There is vast historical evidence showing that the pronunciation of Jehova/Yehova goes back thousands of years. In the 18th century John Gill outlined examples of the Jehovah pronunciation going back before the time of Christ. The following examples of its use appear in Gill's work and are listed In Awe of Thy Word: "An occurrence from 277 B.C. (p. 249), Josephus in 70 A.D. (pp. 219, 221), the Zohar from 120 AD, A copy of Lamentations from 200 AD, Origen in Psalm 250 quotes Psalm 118:25 where Jehovah is mentioned three times, Jerome in 380 AD, and the grammarian Saadiah Gaon's book on Hebrew diacritics cited the vowels of Jehovah." [Gill, quoted in Riplinger, p.425] He continues: Y to J Issue The final issue that must be addressed concerns the conversion of Y to J. This is such an utterly silly and ignorant criticism that I find it embarrassing that there are actually Christians that present it as an argument. I already dealt with the issue in my article on the name of Jesus, but I will restate some of it here with some additional historical linguistic information provided by Dr. Riplinger. Y becomes a J in every name in English, French, and Spanish. In English the J is pronounced like J in Japan, while in French it is pronounced like S in pleasure, in Spanish it is pronounced like an H, in German it is pronounced like Y. This is a phonological and orthographical issue, not a theological one. There is no theological issue at stake in how one language interprets a certain phoneme. In every case of a name in Hebrew that begins with a yod (Y) it is pronounced with the appropriate phoneme for that language. This came about through phonological and orthographical changes in the developments of those languages. Even Hebrew itself went through huge phonological and orthographical changes in its long history. God's name is not a magic word to be chanted for power as the name cult seems to suggest for both the names of God and Jesus. My name comes from a Hebrew word meaning given by God, which begins with a Y in Hebrew. It is Jean (zhan) in French, Juan (hwan) in Spanish, Giovanni in Italian, Hans in German, Yani in modern Greek, Ivan (eevan) in Russian, Yahya or Hanna (with a heavy H) in Arabic, and other variations exist in other languages. They all translate as John and I have no trouble adapting to any of them within the respective cultures and there is no reason for me to be insulted by any of these names. On the other hand, being addressed by a made up name based on a pagan deity would insult me. If these name cultists find the J so objectionable, why don't they refer to Elijah as Elaiyah, Jeramiah as Yeramaiyah, Jacob as Yakov, Jonathan as Yanatan, Jerusalem as Yerushaleem, and so forth. For that matter why don't they use the Hebrew pronunciation for all of the names in the Bible, such as Dahveed, Moshe (Moses), Shmu'el (Samuel), Sha'ul (Saul), Shlomo (Solomon), and so forth, if they consider the issue to be so important. Since those who call God by a name that is not even Hebrew at all, and since they do so without a scrap of evidence to override the very solid evidence to the contrary, why do they have any constraints at all about inventing whimsical pointings for other names in the Bible? Why not call David Dahwid, Duwad, Diwad, or Deewud. Or how about Da'ud as Arabic pronounces it? Since Yahwe sounds like an Arabic word (except for the long A) this should go over well. Better yet, why not Dood. After all, as I have already pointed out, the vav is read as a long U when there is a dot in the middle of it. The modern translations that want to relate to the modern youth could spell him Dude. Think of the great "Christian" rock lyrics that could come from that. While we are at it why not call Moses Mose instead of Moshe so it fits the atheist scholars view that his name is related to an Egyptian pharaoh with a similar name. Moshe could also be Masih (Arabic for Messiah), Shlomo could be Sulemaw, and Shmu'el could be Smiwal? For those who still who are still confused about the phonological issue of sound changes between and within languages, the following historical-linguistic summary from the World Book Encyclopedia concerning the Y to J conversion as it relates to English should be helpful. "The sound of the Hebrew letter jod came into English as the letter 'I,' used as a consonant and having the soft 'g' sound, like today's 'j.' In the past the letter 'I' was used as both a vowel (i) sound and as the consonant 'j' sound. The OED says that the sound of 'j,' though originally printed as 'I,' was pronounced as a soft 'g' (Oxford English Dictionary, Unabridged, 2nd Edition, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1991, s.v. J). The 'JE' sound in JEHOVAH was spelled 'IE' and pronounced as 'JE.' To distinguish the consonant sound (soft 'g') of the letter 'I' from the vowel sound of 'I,' many scribes in the 1200s began putting a tail on the soft 'g' 'I',' making it look like our modern 'J.' The Spanish, in the 1500s, were the first to more consistently try to distinguish the consonant I (soft 'g') sound as the shape of a 'J.' At that same time English printers used 'J' and 'I' fonts interchangeably (as documented elsewhere in this book). During the 1600s, most languages began consistently using the extended 'I' form, now called a 'J,' to represent the 'j' (soft 'g') sound." [quoted in Riplinger, p. 418] av1611.com/kjbp/ridiculous-kjv-bible-corrections/Yahweh-Jehova-YHVH.html
@46reno Год назад
Then you had better stop using the name Jesus, Jeremiah, Joshua, and other J names.
@charlesmorris6476 4 года назад
Who is behind The production of this video?
@adreish 6 лет назад
@queruvim 6 лет назад
Bible Scholar reveals "Yehováh" as the ORIGINAL PRONUNCIATION of God´s Name ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-jYw0oEnKPgY.html
@ralphgoreham3516 6 лет назад
To "Cheers", no one is saying it is the correct one, Its simply the Latin equivalent of the very possible YEHOWAH according to Josephus. JWs pronounce and write it in a number of ways in non-English countries. What is important is spelled out at Exod 3:15." ....... my name FOREVER. See my comments above for more detail.
@NicklausArnold 6 лет назад
It was likely pronounced Yehowah in ancient Hebrew. This video is in English and in English it is Jehovah. When English was first forming from German the "J" was pronounced like a "Y" just as it is in German today. So in Olde English it would have been pronounced Yehovah. Since different languages have different alphabets and different pronunciations for different consonants and vowels, the name is pronounced differently in different parts of the world. This is true of other names and words. It is a normal result of differences in language.
@jamescabug7091 6 лет назад
Jehovah is the real god because he helps many people by praying. He's helping us to be strong
@kuzinvknee3318 6 лет назад
I guess all the issues and opinions will either be debunked or verified at Armageddon for certain. Joshua 24:15 "Now if it seems bad to you to serve JEHOVAH, choose for yourselves today whom you will serve.........But as for me and my household, WE will serve JEHOVAH."
@jamescabug7091 6 лет назад
KUZIN V KNEE ! ! Your right
@rmc2094 6 лет назад
Pronounced Yehovah, not Jehovah
@lyricaltraveller 6 лет назад
It is Yehovah in Hebrew. This video is in English and in English it is Jehovah. Funny thing is, When English was first forming from German the "J" was pronounced like a "Y" just as it is in German today. So in old English, it would have been pronounced Yehovah.
@rmc2094 6 лет назад
There's only one correct pronunciation of the true name, the spelling really doesn't matter, we should spell it as Yehovah though, so it would lead to correct pronunciation. In Spain they pronounce it Heo-vah, because J is like H and H is silent, but that is wrong. Every tongue and language should call upon the same name - Yehovah.
@LPerezDancer 6 лет назад
it's mind boggling when people get bogged down on the "J" when Christ's real name while he was on earth is Yehoshua or Yeshua for short, yet they have no problem using a "J" for God's Son.
@JakHorn 6 лет назад
It's amazing how God's Name was hidden by the Jewish people 'till the point where most of them almost forgot it. It's amazing how God himself is revealing again his true Name to the world in this day and time. And it's mind boggling how Russelians can copy and paste inside this "documentary" Nehemia Gordon, (probably the top researcher on this matter) and yet change what he actually says... to what they wish he said. It would be funny to ask him if he endorses this nonsense. I bet he doesn't know he's been used here. The other half of the problem is the way Jehovah's Witnesses try to sell this as an "independent investigation"
@lyricaltraveller 6 лет назад
Let me ask you this. Do you think God cares about whether we pronounce it exactly as it was in Hebrew? Or do you even take the time to care about what God thinks? It was Jehovah who confused the languages in ancient Babylon, creating all the different ways it's pronounced. Do you think he was stupid enough not to realize that as the languages evolved and progressed, that the pronunciation would change over time? Especially when there have been so many haters of that name under Satan's control, doing all they could to hide and make people forget his name. 1 John 5:19 "We know that we originate with God, but the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one." Jeremiah 23:27 "They intend to make my people forget my name by the dreams they relate to one another, just as their fathers forgot my name because of Baʹal." 1 Timothy 6:4 "he is puffed up with pride and does not understand anything. He is obsessed with arguments and debates about words. These things give rise to envy, strife, slander, wicked suspicions,"
@FOULPLAYGS Месяц назад
All praises to Jehovah ❤
@lunausafer2337 6 лет назад
Great video! I trust the original version ! Someone already went through all these studies and got it right. Yhaovah
@tamitatangotoo6319 3 года назад
@demarcjw 4 года назад
Why are they using a kingdom song as background music?
@sharongamble7373 3 года назад
If I'm doubt study it. Talk to Jehovah he hears u
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