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We discuss the name(s) of Moshiach, and why that matters.
#Mashiach #Talmud #History #Name #AniMaamin #WorldHistory #Purpose #Moshiach #Messiah #Gemoro #Sanhedrin #PerekChelek #Shiloh #Yannay #Rebbi



15 окт 2024




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Комментарии : 255   
@sergiomolinesaez 3 года назад
The difference between knowing something and not knowing it is immense. This guy took 20 minutes to tell us the name of the Messiah. If he knew it would have only taken him a couple of seconds. So after 20 minutes we still know nothing, what’s the point?
@Katebrown273 4 года назад
The angel spoke to her, “Do not be afraid, Miryam (Mary) for you have found favor with God. Behold, you will become pregnant and give birth to a son, and you shall call His name Yeshua . He will be great and will be called Ben-Elyon . Adonai Elohim will give Him the throne of David, His father. He shall reign over the house of Jacob for all eternity, and His kingdom will be without end.” Luke 1:30‭-‬33 She will give birth to a son; and you shall call His name Yeshua , for He will save His people from their sins.” Matthew 1:21 Mochiachs name is Yeshua meaning Yahweh saves.
@findgodnotreligion 4 года назад
He is a living, breathing man, with a normal name like everyone else. 👑♾❤
@moshiachbendovid1751 4 года назад
His name is Reuven
@findgodnotreligion 4 года назад
@westlisbon6307 4 года назад
The Mashiach (Jewish) and Mahdi (Arab) are the same man. Both mean Guided, Chosen, or Annointed
@westlisbon6307 4 года назад
What Mashiachs name?
@JohnSmith-uu5ov 4 года назад
@@moshiachbendovid1751 His name is "Bob" Bob the Moshiach
@SamuelAbelow 3 года назад
At 14:30 when you discuss the questionable or dubious lineage. What are the sources for this?
@03poppa 4 года назад
Some of these comments in the comment section are really gross and disrespectful. Thank you for this video rabbi, it's always nice that rabbis put the lectures online
@findgodnotreligion 4 года назад
@wimneschatology 2 года назад
“the seed” (Isaiah 11:1), the “peaceable or prosperous one
@bintarosector9 2 года назад
I have read Isaiah Chapter 7 Verse 14, the God the creator prophecied it as Immanuel means God with us. And its fullfilled in Matthew Chapter 1 verse 22 or 23 says Immanuel in there, any clarification in this? Thanks.
@melvincaramba2942 3 года назад
Isaiah 7:14 ; 9:6 - 7 and Isaiah 53 The Suffering Servant. The Moschiach was concealed in our Holy Tanach and Moschiach clearly been revealed in the Holy Brit Hadasha. Todah rabah Ruach HaKodesh. Todah rabah ABBA YHWH. HALLELU YAH AMEN AMEN
@AdamDylanMajor 3 года назад
I discovered my spiritual name through revelation. I didn't know what it meant, but once I knew I liked it. My spiritual name is עט חיי
Interesting. Will you bring in Tanach in future discussion of the name of Moshiach? There are a few there you left out. 😇
@moshiachbendovid1751 4 года назад
The name of The Moshiach is REUVEN
@wimneschatology 2 года назад
who will build the 3rd temple? answer Bible zechariah › 6-12 “Then say to him, 'Thus says the LORD of hosts, “Behold, a man whose name is Branch, for He will branch out from where He is; and He will build the temple of ...
@leroyharrison802 3 года назад
This is the new creation year 16 in September 20 of 2021
@uzmaali2304 3 года назад
'he is changing his bandages at Rome' the interesting name for MOSHIACH in this statement how do you interpret Rome is it Rome capital of Italy
@tripsixentertainment9603 3 года назад
Not from Rome, I guarantee that 😂🤣 Eeeek! It's looking really bad out there. Would you like to trade jobs😂🤣 I will set up in my city 1st ASAP. Ince my cuty is on it's way in a more positive direction? My "system" can be initiated almost anywhere I want. Yes, it will look easy to people that sat & sit waiting. Just over a decade ago I KNEW there was zero hope from any goverments or religions for my family & friends. ONLY the worst possible future to look forward to. Most of them wouldn't accept that, they just wanted to "live their lives", "too busy", "it's just life", "I'm tough, I will survive Doomsday!", "You make a million 💰, then you come fix our problems.", "Why bother?", "You didn't do it YET!", "It's the goverment's problem, not mine."& my personal favorite, "Jesus will come along & fix everything over night, with magic & miracles." How's EVERYONE ELSE'S "strategies & plans" going? If I took a self educated guess? I think the whole world is going backwards fast, to certain doom without 1 person 😂🤣😂🤣 1/2 the world population in 3 major faiths, spreading nasty lies about me, "praying" for my destruction, might as well say murder treating me like a Super Villain😂🤣 3 major faiths treating me like a Super Hero, thanks, you all have no idea how much it helped, & helps. If I don't set up soon, things will keep getting worse. Most people get the luxury of waiting for ANYONE ELSE. I know generations will be lost & doomed, if I wait for ANYONE ELSE. It's a prieces, a few pieces of the puzzle are missing, won't take much longer. Shouldn't be more than 2 months before I am set up in my city. Should be sooner. We'll see😂🤣
@firebars3182 4 года назад
Lord Jesus Christ our Messiah. Forgive them for they not knoweth what they are doing. Foolishly/intentionally overlooking the truth is their downfall .
@wimneschatology 2 года назад
Jeremiah prophesies that the Righteous Branch will reign as king and that king will be called the LORD our Righteousness (Jeremiah 23:5-6; 33:14-17).
@popcorn1239 4 года назад
Gen 22:8 And Abraham said, My son, God will provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering: so they went both of them together. Jhn 1:29 The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith, Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world. Isa 53:7 He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth: he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so he openeth not his mouth.
@melvincaramba2942 3 года назад
Baruch HaShem. The Mysterious Prophecy of Isaiah 53.
@melvincaramba2942 3 года назад
@AgentSynthetic 5 лет назад
Nice video Rabbi!
@findgodnotreligion 4 года назад
@SamuelAbelow 4 года назад
This video is very helpful! Thanks for your work.
@Katebrown273 4 года назад
The angel spoke to her, “Do not be afraid, Miryam (Mary) for you have found favor with God. Behold, you will become pregnant and give birth to a son, and you shall call His name Yeshua . He will be great and will be called Ben-Elyon . Adonai Elohim will give Him the throne of David, His father. He shall reign over the house of Jacob for all eternity, and His kingdom will be without end.” Luke 1:30‭-‬33 She will give birth to a son; and you shall call His name Yeshua , for He will save His people from their sins.” Matthew 1:21 Mochiachs name is Yeshua meaning Yahweh saves.
@jonnathan9034 3 года назад
@@Katebrown273 absolute bullshit jesus cross is not the son of david but your about to meet the real Messiah ben david
@malekdavid132 10 месяцев назад
My mom name is Marie her father name is David his father name is Jacob
@christopherw...7970 2 года назад
Is there a ritual That IAM can do to hasten the process? Asking for a friend ... or is the process done through feeling the pain and exile with the people to which IAM is able to become uplifted and rise above through the refinement of " Suffering " ? ... its all taking to dang long lol ... Light needs to shine through all man's darkness to Free man's suffering ...
@johnhenryruminski8662 2 года назад
👆❤🙏❤☝🐦!!!! TY JOHN !!!!
@TheHolyBibleKingJamesVersion 3 года назад
If the soul is not restored the body will decade. As long the body is physically attached to this world it can not make a safe passover.
@mdevorah6833 2 года назад
The "name" seems to be more of "aspects" of what moshiach is or does
@josephsonoftheuniverse5541 3 года назад
He will add Breath in. Breath out
@antonellabaluganti8109 3 года назад
Siamo d accordo che nella bibbia che penso anche nella torà non c'è la data precisa di quando verrà il messia io he ho la bibbia viene detto che prima deve essere ricostruito il tempio e non credo che a isdraele possa interessare cosa dice questo vangelo io nata sul monte sion che è in Toscana Italia l ho l letto e lo dichiara se vi interessasse.che ve lo scrivo fatemelo sapere ma senza tempio come si fa ad adempiere la profezia in tanti aspettano la ricostruzione del tempio
@scottsteelman658 2 года назад
I am Scott William Steelman great grand son of King David Shalom
@isaiah30v8 3 года назад
Shiloh ----> The one to whom it belongs . Genesis 49:10 The scepter will not turn aside from Judah, neither the commander’s staff from between his feet, until Shi´loh comes; and to him the obedience of the peoples will belong. . The commanders staff (Iron Rod) transfers from Judah, the King of The Jews to Joseph. . Joseph becomes the King of The Nations (Gentiles) . This complies with what Jesus Christ said while also quoting Psalm 2 about someone other than himself: . Revelation 2:26-27 And to him that conquers and observes my deeds down to the end I will give authority over the nations, 27 and he shall shepherd the people WITH AN IRON ROD so that they will be broken to pieces like clay vessels, the same as I have received from my Father . Joseph is THE STONE . Genesis 49:24-25 From the hands of the powerful one of Jacob, from there is the shepherd ** THE STONE ** of Israel. 25 He is from the God of your father, and he will help you; and he is with the Almighty, . Daniel 2:34 You kept on looking until a stone was cut out not by hands, and it struck the image on its feet of iron and of molded clay and crushed them. . .
@jfmudey 2 года назад
You are wise. Then you understand what the Two Lamp Stands are and know that Genesis 38 is TRUTH of the Messiah, for they are Twins. The First was the Light, but was taken back the Second came, but was First. Then the Light returned and they came from Judah. Isaiah 42 was the First Slain Lamb, and Isaiah 49 is the Second Lamb, the One that Lives and the Last Servant who is here today and calls on our Father to send the First. The hidden Servant in the Last Generation Walks with the Iron Rod given to him by our Father. He readies the World for the Light to emerge, his brother.
@isaiah30v8 2 года назад
@@jfmudey --- There is one lamp stand but, two bunches of branches. . The lamp stand is a timeline for Christian denominations. Much the same as Daniel Chapter 8. . There is a bunch of branches at the beginning and a bunch of branches at the end. . Beginning: . Ezekiel 37:16 ‘For Judah and for the sons of Israel his partners.’ . End: . Ezekiel 37:16 ‘For Joseph, the stick of E´phra·im, and all the house of Israel his partners.’ . Ezekiel 37:19 and I shall actually make them one stick, and they must become one in my hand.”’ . and they must become one
@jfmudey 2 года назад
@@isaiah30v8 I will tell you as gently as possible for you are a Man in search of TRUTH and are closer to the path than the billions that are not. Understand that Judaism and Christianity are the falsities of this World that keep Man unclean. For the First Messiah came to Atone for the Spirit and he came from Judah in the Time of Judah and he was the First Olive Branch and First Lamp Stand. He is the Lion that is King in the Kingdom of the Spirit. 2000 years later, the Last Servant comes to the World and fulfills the Last Portion of Yom Kippur and he was born in the land of the Gentiles. He is the Second Olive Branch and Second Lamp Stand that was written about by the prophets. He is the Bear of the Wilderness and King in the Kingdom of Earth. The Two Sons of God are Twin Spirits that were given the Kingdoms to replace their Single brother that transgressed our Father. After his betrayal, my Father commanded the Kingdoms to be led by Two. Genesis 38 is the Word of their coming and how they came from the children of Judah. Judah's first born were evil and eradicated. Then Twins were born in Righteousness and the First shown himself, but then went away. The Second was born, but lived and then the First emerged. The Jew waits for the Second and the Christian waits for the First. But, they do not understand that they will be eradicated by the Twins. For the Twins came with TRUTH, but the people remained stuck in Religion. The Twins came and preached to come out of Religion and into TRUTH by way of the Spirit. The people were to become clean by the Baptism of the Spirit and this cannot and will not happen to anyone in Religion. My Father despises the stench of Religion for people worship Religion, which makes it a false idol and making people with Religion, idolators. This is adultery against my Father. My Father's Will for the Twins have been fulfilled and the New King of Earth was Crowned and the reason why society and the Earth is collapsing. My brother in Heaven is preparing the Spirit World for the same judgement. That is why it is written, "On Earth as it is in Heaven." The Angels are in fear at that moment and are quiet, but that Time comes on our Father's Great Day. That Day, the Twins reunited to complete our Father's Will for Heaven and Earth.
@jfmudey 2 года назад
@@isaiah30v8 The Second Atoned for Man by living 40 years in the wild and in the most evil of times. Moses is the example of the timeline that was needed for the Scapegoat and sacrificial lamb of Yom Kippur that lives as it was written in Leviticus, to show the World how my Father would Atone for the World by his hands. The TRUTH I have given you can only come from the Spirit and the Son of Man in the Time of Gentiles, do you understand?
@jfmudey 2 года назад
@@isaiah30v8 Amos 5 The Day of the Lord 18 Woe to you who long for the day of the Lord! Why do you long for the day of the Lord. That day will be darkness, not light. 19 It will be as though a man fled from a lion only to meet a bear, as though he entered his house and rested his hand on the wall only to have a snake bite him. 20 Will not the day of the Lord be darkness, not light-pitch-dark, without a ray of brightness? 21 “I hate, I despise your religious festivals; your assemblies are a stench to me. 22 Even though you bring me burnt offerings and grain offerings, I will not accept them. Though you bring choice fellowship offerings, I will have no regard for them. 23 Away with the noise of your songs! I will not listen to the music of your harps. 24 But let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream! 25 “Did you bring me sacrifices and offerings forty years in the wilderness, people of Israel? 26 You have lifted up the shrine of your king, the pedestal of your idols, the star of your god-which you made for yourselves. 27 Therefore I will send you into exile beyond Damascus,”says the Lord, whose name is God Almighty.
@skullnationgaming8258 4 года назад
Maybe he is nameless.. Can a person be born without a name..
@Paul-hw7kc 4 года назад
Can a person be born without a spirit?
@Katebrown273 4 года назад
Aren't we all born without a name?
@jeremymetcalf2502 3 года назад
It’s really happening. I hope it’s not too late to do teshuva.
@Qrayon 2 года назад
It's not too late. Go for it.
@jeramyeswan4014 4 года назад
Yes, he works just like any average American. Lives a humble non spoil life. He has at least one boss in his lifetime that is Jewish. Nothing supernatural about him. He bleeds and can die. His soul is trouble and seeks answers in life concerning the struggles of the world. When he finally finds the solutions and answers. He is satisfied and he stop asking anymore heavenly answers.
@jonnathan9034 3 года назад
Mashiach cant die jewish law
@antonellabaluganti8109 3 года назад
Mi dispiace se ho scritto questo lo dovevo dire in privato lo so dovevo aspettare finché non ci si parlava in privato scusate non scrivo più nulla scusatemi di nuovo
@goodmorning6827 4 года назад
Absolute silliness.
@wimneschatology 2 года назад
The name of moshiach is Shiloh evidence “the sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh come; and unto him shall the gathering of the people be.” (Gen 49:10 [KJV]).
@sheep_thief100 Год назад
Nop his name is : זכריה אותבונת
@jfmudey 2 года назад
The Last Servant will be hidden and won't be revealed until our Father says it to be so, which means he is already here. Genesis 38 reveals the Twins, which are the Messiahs, and they came just as it was written. The First went back, but Perez came out Second, but First. Do you understand what the Two Lamp Stands are? Then you will know TRUTH of Genesis 38.
@joannmarie1971 5 месяцев назад
Genesis 38 feels very important to me. Also what judah says about tamar at the end of the chapter... tamar and david seem to be connected thematically due to saul saying the same thing about david that judah said about tamar... also david had a daughter with that name... tamar feels an important clue. Plus the symbolism of her name.
@josboersema1352 3 года назад
About western idolatry (Yoshke the Bastard, or how thought to call: Grebus Gribus, pronunced in Dutch with a hard 'g', and “gribus” meaning something scary, chaotic like a dangerous dirty back alley), wouldn't you agree that HaShem has put this plight of the Grebus Gribus on the Jewish people, for reason of a certain punishment, to then hope for the understanding and return of His people to His Torah. I mean, you _have_ to believe that, or you can basically not even be a believing Jew, can you ? Everything that HaShem is doing, is for His (favorite) people, the Jewish people, this is literally in the Torah or the Prophets (I think possibly in Isaiah, even regarding the final Redemption). Everything is happening for you, and some of it is in the form of blessings, and other things in the form of punishment, which all together is the greater blessing of creation of course. The punishment is here to help. So how about this theory, but first you have to look up the “Lamp of Helena” and the Temple Institute in Yerushalayim, to know that it exists and what it was/is. Also look up their Menorah, and who funded it (it seems to be funded by a Ukranian criminal (!)). This shows the kind of people they are. I urge you to keep them away from the Temple Mount, and if you want to be religious about it: at all cost (that means, including death). The point is: this is idolatry, sun idol worship. They apparently did this just before the 2nd Temple fell down. That makes perfect sense, doesn't it. Can God not defend his own Temple ? (That is a rhetorical question.) If He can not, than the whole Torah is false. It looks to me that this happened: the Jewish people re-dedicated the 2nd Temple to the sun. You seem to be a smart person, I won't belabor the point. What we then get, is Titus Flavian (IIRC) conquers Israel, who has done away with their God. This means HaShem cannot defend his own people anymore, because the credit for the victory will go to the sundisk idol, and associated idolatry. He has to come out against Israel, right ? The Romans take possession of what already became _their_ Temple, by Jewish choice, dedicated to the gentile idols. Titus Flavian declares himself the top titles of the conquered tribe(s), by Roman military tradition. In this case: the messiah. Please if you can, look up: “Ceasar's Messiah”, it is a stunning work of research (just ignore their New Agery at the end, that's irrelevant). I think they did a masterpiece of history scholarship (they are not Jewish, but their evidence I find convincing). More or less, what I see in the broad strokes of history: the Jewish people fell into idolatry (again a golden idol by the way, just as the golden calf, this one could be called the “golden sun” i guess, the aforementioned Lamp of Helena), and this idolatry came straight from the Temple Mount, done by Jewish people themselves, with apparently the full force of the Jewish culture and law enforcement behind it. This had the potential of absolutely wrecking Jewish culture, especially in the long run. You can see the damage the Zionist State has done to Judaism, for example, to get an idea of the power of coercion which a State - together with the usual suspects of the super rich - have. This Sovereignty was then destroyed, and rather from the _inside out,_ the idolatry came from the _outside in,_ in the form of Roman repression. It later morphed into the cursed Grebus Gribus “church” (aka _circus),_ and all that brainless nonsense what they did. Incidentally they call their key idol worship day “Sun-day”, so again the sun, which is a favorite idol among the gentiles. Because this idol came from the outside, it was clearly understood as an enemy, and would elicit no or few following from the Jewish people, thus protecting them from idolatry. So it was actually the madness and violence of the Grebus Gribus “church” from Rome, which _protects_ the Jewish people from (their own) idolatry. Then of course we get that those who weren't strong enough to resist, where absorbed within the gentiles, and no longer posed a threat of corruption to the remaining Jewish people. In that way, the Grebus Gribus idolatry, became a punishment on the Jewish people, so that they could return to the truth or at least slow down their own corruption. There is more which can be said about all this, of course, but I thought it was an interesting point to make. What do you think ? P.S. If you think the Nazi holocaust was the last punishment cycle, you are making a big mistake. It is going to get 7 times worse. You have to come back to the Torah, the Rabbis have to come back to the Torah, and stop lying with things like the prosbul. Where is the Jubilee on land in Eretz Yisroel ? Israel is _not_ taking the Torah seriously, not even the so-called Ultra-Orthodox, who are _not_ Orthodox, they are _not_ Orthodox ! Hillel is _not_ Orthodox, he is a traitor, just like Rambam with his _heter iska._ This is going to be so difficult for you all, because what you _think_ is very orthodox, is just the opposite. You have your goals too low, and you don't take it serious. Why is the Temple Institute able to operate in Yerushalayim ? Aren't you supposed to be a holy people ? You don't take it serious. Heaven however, takes it very serious (or at least, that is what I believe). Things don't seem serious when on Earth, because we are confused here, and left to our own choices, but there is a right and a wrong and this is extremely serious. If you come out the end, without the right choices, it is going to be painful. 7 holocausts rolled into one are coming for Israel. You had been warned. I'm sorry I have to do this. Feel free to try to debate me, you won't win it but you can try, I welcome it. Give it your best shot. ;-) Literally, I laugh at 2000 years of Rabbinical nonsense on economics. Stop lying about your Torah ! I think this will happen: ²/₃ died in the Nazi holocaust, therefore perhaps (²/₃)⁷ will die in the next cycle, which means about 600 000 will survive (!). They in turn will go through hell, because they are _not_ repenting, they are _not_ believers in the Torah. If you believe in Hillel the Elder (Rabbinical Judaism), for all the good it has, it is not good enough. You will go through “hell on Earth”, with 19 out of 20 Jews dead; that's your family, friends, everyone. Perhaps you will even go through hell in hell too. Hopefully some won't have to suffer as badly or at all, but I suspect that is really a few only, because if there where 600 000 believing Jews, Israel would be Redeemed right now. It could be small, but it would live. So … 95% of you all will die this time, and those are just taken out of the picture, gone and dead. The remainder will be severely punished, like 7 times worse than people suffered under the Nazis. Hell on Earth, until you do Teshuvah and stop lying. Because … what is the next cycle ? You _all_ die, except for the Patriarch, only Moshe Rabbeinu and other extremely great people survive, and hopefully repopulate Israel. If that is the next cycle, it makes sense that this punishment cycle will be measured according to the next, and that is: _everyone is dead_ except a hand full. You see that it is worth a lot, to make you repent now, because after this if you still fail, you are all dead. No more 12 tribes. Gone. A few families survive, with heaven's mercy perhaps tens of thousands still, who knows. You are going to be stretched like a rubber band and perhaps beyond the breaking point, until you snap, but still just not die. Like an all out suffering fest to the absolute maximum, just short of the point of being wiped out, to see if _any amount of suffering_ any amount at all, will be able to make you repent. Because if you don't, the next cycle is: gone, just all dead, all in the toilet. The whole Nation of Israel, in the toilet, and only the greatest live. Then they rebuild and Israel lives again, but from a new beginning. Can't happen ? You know it already would have, HKB'H already saw that it was necessary, but Moshe Rabbeinu stopped it. Why did HKB'H wanted to do it ? I think - speculation - that HaShem already saw the suffering that was to be, because of the wayward nature of so much of Israel. Isn't all that God does, for the good of Israel ? This whole thing is so close, it has always been close, like right around the corner, the complete annihilation of all of Israel, except a few families, to rebuild and do away with the issues Israel has. With that being so close, and we are now at the brink of the punishment cycle just before that ultimate thing would happen, you can understand how deep the suffering is going to be this time. Do you understand the logic of what I'm writing ? I'm not saying this out of my own fantasy, it is the Torah: law, punishment and blessings, clear as day, simple and logical. I think it already started too. Do not get the fake vaccines for the fake Corona, very dangerous ! Resist the evil goyim. Sorry to go on about it. If you think I'm crazy, maybe I am, or you will see afterwards that you had been warned, and now you can't blame me for not trying, right ? All I say, after all, is: come back to your Torah. Cancel the loan in the 7th year, stop lying about the Torah. May heaven bless Israel, and give her the peace she wants, forever, and I hope you will all be part of the Redemption. Leave the UsA, they are going absolutely bonkers over there, and it is far away from Eretz; not a good place to be ! They are going Nazi, their culture is gone, look at so many factors, the civility is gone, it is like Soddom and Gemorah. So much violence they spread around the world. Don't believe their phoney propaganda, lying is their top expertise. Have a great day; sorry to feel to have to write this.
@lioritzhacki1016 2 года назад
Hi, where do you get this information from? Are u a profet?
@josboersema1352 2 года назад
@@lioritzhacki1016 Everything is just simply either from history or the Torah. No, I am not “a prophet”. Nobody needs any special words from heaven to know the obvious, such as that Israel is lying about the Torah (especially its economic system). This is perfectly obvious, and even admitted by Israel herself (by calling the prozbul a “loophole”). They know they are lying. This is not the problem. It's not a problem of logic or knowing. It is a problem of wanting to do what is wrong, it is a problem of wanting to knowingly go against the Torah, and for those who don't want to remain completely ignorant (about economics), it is also a matter of wanting to be evil (if you understand all the consequences of the centralization of economic power, through lending games, debt slavery, landlessnes and the eternal passive ownership of all the land). It is then perfectly obvious what the Torah says about Israel, if Israel behaves in the way they have been behaving (since Hillel and even before). The Torah has laws about this. I don't even have to repeat it. Every time the punishment gets 7 times worse. The last major punishment was the Nazi Holocaust, however this has not lead to an adequate level of return to the Torah. They still keep their lies going with Hillel the Elder and Maimonides, both of whom have made obvious fake law (prozbul, heter iska). This means the next cycle of punishment upon Israel is going to be 7 Nazi holocausts, rolled into one event. Israel can thank Chabad and the Rabbis for this. The fact that I write so insufferably long about all this, and irritatingly often (although I gave up on it already), is that I have thought a fair amount about economics in particular. Then I wrote a lather thick book about it, and I discovered the Torah is the truth. The Torah of Israel is the truth. Humanity is mostly a troll idiot, but the Torah is the truth. I also see that “the heroes” of the gentile Nations, are typically men of evil and war, and if they are not they are often the spreaders of decadence such as bad music (and morals), and if not they may be fools worshiped as wise men. Sometimes there is a great historical hero, like for Israel it is Moshe Rabbeinu. However broadly within Israel, the legal scholars are thought of as the best of the best. I think this is … special and unusual, in the Earth. Therefore Israel is still the greatest Nation, and even though they lie about the Torah, they still faithfully copy the Torah correctly letter by letter, and the whole Tanach as well. One side of their mouth is lying, and the other side is the truth, but this is better than most other Nations, who speak lies with one side, and foolishness with the other, with precious little truth, peace and love in between, or at least not on the grand level of the Torah. Hopefully once Israel is almost entirely destroyed, the remainder will return to the Torah. Hopefully they will distribute the land among themselves and follow the truth, which they have refused to do for thousands of years. If they will, they could live forever. If they won't, they will be wiped out as well - this is what the Torah says. I also think, that although the Torah is “merely written ink of leather”, and as such it is powerless on Earth, it is known perfectly clear in heaven how important it is, and therefore the Torah has a great power, and it is made to come true what it says. Perhaps humanity will then stop lying. If not, they face extinction, or going back to the stone age (which implies near extinction). it could well be, that between this and the next Shmittah year (7th year rest year and debt nullification), the whole second holocaust will happen. This is merely my personal guess, based on the level of anxiousness of the economists who criticize the western insane debt levels, and the way the ruling class is stoking war and evil all around as a cover for their centralization and limitless money printing. Other people will potentially make better guesses. However it's rather odd, come to think of it, and this surprises me just as much as it might you (although I assume you won't believe it, which is fine with me and I think you even shouldn't believe it because you should be critical and not believe whatever someone says) … I had a little bet with my brother, saying that World War 3 would start on 22 Februari 2022, 22:22:22 hour, defined as hundreds of dead Russian versus Americans, and a clear path to escalation. Even days before I thought, I am loosing this bet, although we cancelled the debt because I realized you should not bet on the death of people (and not even bet at all anyway, to be honest). I always warn people of World War 3, because this is what history shows is going to happen when you save the banks and start printing money. So people never believe it, and eventually I just said, let's bet on it. I always guessed that it would start between 2018 and 2023, so I figured, this exact date is near the end so I probably win. I don't have an explanation for why it seems to come true so exactly. You should realize the law of Moshe Rabbeinu (of heaven for Israel, the Torah) has specific laws about who is or isn't a prophet. The person much *claim* to be a prophet, and everything they say must come true, and he must also keep to the Torah and be a good general example of moral behavior. It is specific and clear. For the very reason that I do *not* claim to be “a prophet”, this is enough to *not be* a prophet, okay ? I'm not too keen on this question anyway. We can all use our heads and read the Torah. It is clear and in our hands. We don't need to go over the sea or into heaven to have it explained to us, we do not need (lying) Chabad Rabbis, who might otherwise be great people but they confuse themselves, are indoctrinated or whatever is going on with them I don't know. Most of them are probably great people, but they need to stop lying and fight for the Torah. Thy need to fight against the prozbul, against the heter iska, and demand the land is distributed, and eventually they will have to go to war over it. They don't even think about this, and therefore I call them liars, which makes me sad as well. Have a great day. Buy dry rice, it will probably be horrific. I don't expect full scale nuclear bombing of humanity by itself to start very soon, though. The evil people have still too many games to play with their Corona dictatorship and milking the war for tyranny as well. They have humanity scared and hysterical, so they don't seem to have an urgent need to bomb everything (well, a lot) to hell yet, which I think they eventually will do. Sorry to go on about it. I know I could probably not even read such an amount of text myself. I try to tell you the truth, so you can save yourself. I call the Chabad Rabbis liars, because they refuse to repent from the obvious, but I only do it so they will hopefully repent quicker and save themselves. That's all. Humanity is insane and stupid, but we cannot be insane and stupid anymore with the technology we have. It's over. By the way, I heard it is a bylaw in Israel to give note of any sort of miracle, so this is how you can see this story about the date 2022 Feb 22. I didn't do anything and don't know anything. I wondered if it was just some numerology games played by the crazy people in power. I chose numbers 2 because it was easy to remember, and this bet was really quite old and a long way in the future back when we made it, probably well before 2014.
@lauras2519 5 лет назад
We know who the Messiah is. It's not Yoshke. The Talmud describes the Messiah as a person suffering similar to the person described in Isaiah 53. He's the real Messiah. He's over 2000 years old. Born long before Yoshke. He's still among us ALIVE. The Gemara in the Talmud of Treatse Sanhedrin 98b. "The Messiah --what is his name?...The Rabbis say, The Leper Scholar, as it is said, `surely he has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him a leper, smitten of G-d and afflicted...'" (Sanhedrin 98b) 1. Yoshke was never a leper (the word is not really leper, but Yoshke was never afflicted with a debilitating illness which is the point). In this discussion in Sanhedrin the sages never say "the messiah's name was Yoshke." Ergo why the missionaries use it at all one would have to ask one of them. . . the reason appears to be because a sentence from Isaiah 53 is attached to the "leper scholar." Aha! Goes the missionary -- the sages of the Talmud tied Isaiah 53 to the name of the messiah in the Talmud! Not really. Remember the out of context bit? This passage is detailing a conversation of our sages sitting together and making a joke of the fact that it is impossible to know the name of the messiah let alone when he will come. One says "he already came." Others give potential names tied to their own names to make a joke. . .
@ISAIAHTheBook 4 года назад
Yehoushua Yeshua Jesus Is the Messiah. He suffered for our trangression, he had nails through him, he was also pierced
@lauras2519 4 года назад
@@ISAIAHTheBook Only in the yoshke bible and never in Hebrew.
@ISAIAHTheBook 4 года назад
laura s Old Testament was written in Hebrew. New Testament was written in Greek. Book of Isaiah chapter 53 (describes Jesus) Who else matches this?
@lauras2519 4 года назад
@@ISAIAHTheBook Why would a Jew care what a word means in a foreign language? Secondly, your reply doesn't negate what I posted.
@lauras2519 4 года назад
@@3ranma Everything I need to know.
@maryalicehelmuth8293 3 года назад
His name is Jesus Christ and he was here you guys killed him
@ISAiah.42 3 года назад
@eu3145 3 года назад
@wimneschatology 2 года назад
Another name of moshiach is the branch evidence Isaiah 11:1 - GOD’S WORD Translation (GW) 1 Then a shoot will come out from the stump of Jesse, and a branch from its roots will bear fruit.
@kevinrosenberg5458 4 года назад
i believe Jonathan Pollard is moshiach ben josef ,hes born on Tisha bav, coded in the Torah next to Joseph in prison,released from prison right after the 4th blood moon,and the rabbi who passed wrote in his letter he has the spark of joseph and the redemption begins when jonathan is released from his prison ,he now is called johanaton pollard and there is more but i dont need any ,this cant be coincidence , after all he was in prison for trying to help jews , he was born august 8th which was the 8th of AVE but if after nightfall it was the 9th of AVE , remember ben Joseph looks like a regular Joe and he supposed to be known then disappear for a long time then come back again, he disappeard for 30 years .
@yerossyle 3 года назад
We already know the name of the Messiah. His name is Jesus. Why do the Jews still deny that he is the Messiah???
@עםישראלחי-ת7נ 3 года назад
You worship your own anti christ/ false messiah. A man who claims to be God. A religion that says you will burn forever in hell for not believing like me is certainly from evil. You want a god who will serve you. We are here to serve God for his needs. Moshiach must fulfill all prophesies therefore it’s based on objective facts not what a people has created to fit their personal version of truth.
@yerossyle 3 года назад
Isn't that what your religion is doing?
@therollingreviewer6379 3 года назад
@@yerossyle oh that is rich. Christianity the whole religion is based on lies. Extrodinary evidence is required for these claims except you cant meet that criteria because there is no baby in the bathwater.
@yerossyle 3 года назад
@@therollingreviewer6379 Lmao what? I‘m having a hard time processing your answer/question.
@regimentseraphim5531 3 года назад
@@עםישראלחי-ת7נ yes, as it says in Jer 23:5-6. The Messiah is YHVH
@magdalenaglas7790 2 года назад
MAGDALENA My name is Magdalena. Now you know the name that was before me...
@PODJAH254 4 года назад
Mashiach ‘s name is Yausha his father is Yauh the criator
@wimneschatology 2 года назад
So children of israel wait and be patiece until your moshiach come and don't start to build the temple until he come
@headdragondavidaustinsimmo4025 4 года назад
Im David Austin Simmons
@tripsixentertainment9603 3 года назад
You'll know my name very soon. It's almost time to set up in my city 1st. Once I do what the goverment & religions can't do together for my city? My system can be initiated almost anywhere I want. NOBODY wants my job, you can see how daddy's boy Trump looked "trying hard" to be me😂🤣 Uh, it's suppose to look easy daddy's boy Trump 😂🤣😂🤣 In daddy's boy Trump's own words, "I thought this job was going to be easier, uh, DUH?"😂🤣 That's president of 1 country, & he couldn't get his own country on 1 side, or fix it😂🤣 Last I checked, there millions of people suffering in America the not so Great Again, while the Trump's don't starve, have, many homes, can travel, & have safe havens if the worst happens. Great work daddy's boy Trump 😂🤣 He makes me laugh so much, & I planned for him to eventually be president, & fail😂🤣
@antonellabaluganti8109 3 года назад
Datemi un numero di telefono quelli che ho preso risultano inesistenti
@rebeccaqallaboutthefeminin1794 2 года назад
You are telling us that a man can feel everyone's pain. A man needs a pain simulator to feel a woman's menstrual pain and can't take even the lowest levels so is this man planning to give birth. Just saying
@jamesbenchimol1537 3 года назад
funny this video is published oct 23 my b day
@alanmorrismarzilli7448 2 года назад
illizram sirrom nala. or Alan Morris Marzilli. Morris changed from Moshe. ill is Ram sorrow Rome annihilate. El is Ram M between 2 M's is sir or Seir, irromn or Hermon, Sina or Sinai, irro or Horeb. All or El in name orr rise Marshall Light/ Life. Heal land Moriah's Mazel Eye, Matter, soul, light. Electron atom mass charge rotation magnet all law
@alejoblanco1867 3 года назад
I wonder what my name is.
@TheRealMoshiach 4 года назад
or samir ,or shamir
@skullnationgaming8258 4 года назад
Emanuel... The Lord is with him
@malekdavid132 10 месяцев назад
Shamir=Shamari= precious stone
@headdragondavidaustinsimmo4025 4 года назад
Gold beach Oregon
@hughloftus91 4 года назад
Was Bill Haley the Moshiach?
@moshiachbendovid1751 4 года назад
@TheHolyBibleKingJamesVersion 3 года назад
@PODJAH254 4 года назад
Cientific study’s Show the truth
@jackwilliamatkins5602 2 года назад
I'm casting all humanity into a permanent state of insanity as a punishment from God.
@sheep_thief100 Год назад
צפף מטתו שגע כל אבל לא אתה הוא
@leroyharrison802 4 года назад
I'm not son of man for my maker be my husband the Lord Almighty God the Redeemer of the world the holy one of israel
@leroyharrison802 4 года назад
My name is Kodie means God's will
@JASON_CAMPEAU 5 лет назад
(Isaiah 51) My name was given when I was 4 days old by a respected Elder, my name is "Kawe peo twao tung Benisi which means: First Thunderbird Flies West Praying". Notice the initials "JC", could that be a clue to who he really is? (no relation to my name, that is coincidental) Jesus or Yason YAH SON, (Jason in Greek means Healer, ACTS 17) was foretelling his coming, but unfortunately, Christians have him confused, because his name was changed from Jason to Jesus, (years of brainwashing) or what is Paul's (Saul) aka Anti-Christ plan to divert God's Holy People to Christianity? Matthew 24:27 For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. Zechariah 12:10 And I will pour upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and of supplications: and they shall look upon me whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn for him, as one mourneth for his only son, and shall be in bitterness for him, as one that is in bitterness for his firstborn. I currenly do dialysis 3x a week, and you can consider my arm as a "holy arm" which is "pierced" and "wash" my blood for the Sin of the world. I also died in 2016, in a routine parathyroidectomy, this is when I seen...what I interpret as "a flame white bird", "Holy Spirit of God". Psalm 98:1 O sing unto the Lord a new song; for he hath done marvellous things: his right hand, and his holy arm, hath gotten him the victory. Revelations 1:5 And from Jesus Christ, [who is] the faithful witness, [and] the first begotten of the dead, and the prince of the kings of the earth. Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood,
@lauras2519 5 лет назад
Dude, do yourself a favor. Next time you get your oil changed make sure that they are adding enough sodium bicarb, fluids, dry weight, phosphorus levels. You are suffering from extreme brain fog.
@sarahjohns5277 4 года назад
Yes Jesus Christ is THE only Messiah.
@sarajka59 3 года назад
@darkg4merz142 3 года назад
Moshiach already here!!!!His RU-vid channel is: Black Thunder Bird
@captiveamerica669 3 года назад
You want more people to listen maybe speak a little English! I am learning Hebrew yet, I feel left out, so leave me out! Bye!
@ministryofyahushua3065 3 года назад
Look to ABADDON. YahuSeph
@TheRealMoshiach 4 года назад
yes his name is sammy
@luciferlucero 8 месяцев назад
Lucifer. ⚡⚡
@NinaOvadia Месяц назад
Women can have male names too.
@TheWhyisthatso 3 года назад
His "name" is "DAVID" ( BeLoved ).
@sheep_thief100 Год назад
זכריה אותבונת
@jonnathan9034 3 года назад
Its clearly made self evident none of you wackos no who the Messiah is anyone claiming to know is automatically discredited n if claiming to be him clearly in need of psychiatric services get well shalom
@burongaroso2538 3 года назад
All Glory to Yahuah Yahusha yasha
@corneliuscornia4436 2 года назад
Is it Zelensky?!?😀😀
@sheep_thief100 Год назад
Is'nt zelensky but putin he is the Antichrist
@armyofthelamb4822 4 года назад
Jesus Christ(Yahushua) is the Mashiach!
@baruchya 4 года назад
Yes. You are so right. 😘😘
@christy9450 4 года назад
@baruchya 4 года назад
@@christy9450 sure, a dirty freemason is.
@christy9450 4 года назад
@@baruchya there are more Rabbi's out here that also say Jesus is not God or the Messiah. Also if you dingdongs looked and studied their original texts you would notice huge difference. Our Christian bible is the tainted bible we were warned about. They have more pagan views and celebrations than Jewish ones. Jesus was supposedly a Jew so why aren't Christian's keeping Jewish traditions and values?
@christy9450 4 года назад
@@baruchya also why would God contradict himself? In the old testament he told you that you do not need a man to save you from your sin. Only to turn around later to turn a man into a God and save you from your sin? Makes zero sense. Study it for yourself. It is there all in black and white.
@leroyharrison802 4 года назад
I'm the wife of the Lord thy God of israel
@bassboostbeats9392 3 года назад
No you are not!
@leroyharrison802 3 года назад
Yes I am the Lord told all who was witnesses when the Lord brought me down here I'm the wife
@bassboostbeats9392 3 года назад
@@leroyharrison802 You are a dreamer
@leroyharrison802 3 года назад
@@bassboostbeats9392 I do day dream alot
@bassboostbeats9392 3 года назад
@@leroyharrison802 Not surprised
@Dangurt 5 лет назад
Heckin slow down your speak brother.
@Spark_Iskra_z_Polski 3 года назад
Learn to use the utube options
@odinanu7647 3 года назад
@prayercodes 5 месяцев назад
@lemnisgate8809 3 года назад
Yeshua Hamashiach, Jesus is Messiah end of story. There is no other Moshiach candidate you are ever learning and never coming to the knowledge of the truth. This people rejected the Messiah during the time of their visitation you will not rest because rest is found in no other name but Jesus Yeshua Hamashiach.
@followerofjesuschrist5297 4 года назад
Philippians 2:9-11 (KJV) Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
@3ranma 4 года назад
@PODJAH254 4 года назад
All of you have to study the biblical arqueology to know the truth the name is Yausha
@jwolf4523 5 лет назад
The Moshiach presently resides in Nova Scotia, contemplating and enjoying the beauty of life.
@findgodnotreligion 4 года назад
Why isn't he ushering in World Peace? 👑♾❤
@jwolf4523 4 года назад
@@findgodnotreligion well it hasn't been so easy. All the sabotage has prevented anyone from taking what happened serious. The sabotage has specifically targeted any such faith any such story. I will be amazed myself to see how it plays out under what seems like ridiculous circumstances.
@findgodnotreligion 4 года назад
@@jwolf4523 👑♾❤
@playstation3dunivers 4 года назад
The name of the moshiah is Hamada ... jest read haggy
@moshiachbendovid1751 4 года назад
The Moshiac's name is Reuven
@moshiachbendovid1751 4 года назад
The first name of The Moshiach is REUVEN
@3ranma 4 года назад
@hughloftus91 4 года назад
You guys drive me nuts with all this Moshiach business.
@findgodnotreligion 4 года назад
Do we fancy the idea of peace on Earth? Let's try loving each other. Every emotional reaction is either a manifestation of fear or love. If we are not loving each other than we are fearing each other. 👑♾❤
@findgodnotreligion 4 года назад
@Unknown Jewish Soul how can you have Justice without first having love and compassion? An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. 👑♾❤
@findgodnotreligion 4 года назад
@Unknown Jewish Soul this is the way of redemption 👑♾❤
@findgodnotreligion 4 года назад
@Unknown Jewish Soul Moshiach is strict love 👑♾❤
@findgodnotreligion 4 года назад
@Unknown Jewish Soul and justice I will not deny that these are one of his traits. He has an unparalleled sense of morality and justice.
@someguy7829 4 года назад
Stick to your Torah. Talmud is definitely more from Aryan Hindu mythology. Next thing you know Hinduism is jewish somehow.
@simongeorge2376 3 года назад
Simon G Nehme Jr is the legal name of your moshiach JAY-Z IS GOD IN REVELATION / APOCALYPSE 11:4 AND MORE. I know this because I have had JESUS tattooed on my thigh since BEFORE I read Revelation 19:16 which says, “ On His thigh is a name written: KING OF KINGS LORD OF LORDS “
@hardmist2941 4 года назад
The Most Frequently Asked Questions About Moshiach
Outsmarted 😂
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