
The Natural Order of Money | Roy Sebag | EP 330 

Jordan B Peterson
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23 сен 2024




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@AnnEve-mi5zv 7 месяцев назад
First money mistake to avoid is feeling the need to solve everything and be there for everyone, you have to invest in yourself before investing in others
@ArdenAspen35 7 месяцев назад
You live and learn. I blew two funded $50K accounts with Karen L Nancy mentorship program. It's really making me self reflect and be able to see my trading mistakes even more. I got caught up in revenge trading and not walking away when I should have.
@BrooklynHarlow21 7 месяцев назад
You live and learn. I blew two funded $50K accounts with Karen L Nancy mentorship program. It's really making me self reflect and be able to see my trading mistakes even more. I got caught up in revenge trading and not walking away when I should have.
@BrittanyDoris 7 месяцев назад
Our issue stems from the prevalent belief held by the majority that "having a good job is all it takes to become wealthy." Many people are unaware that these billionaires are using a different set of rules when conducting business.
@AylaAzalea8 7 месяцев назад
That's very practical and smart goal, a wise man once said do everything you can to get outta debt, one of his tips to get rich.
@BrianShannon241 7 месяцев назад
The best approach for novices is to trade under the supervision of an expert, trust me you will be debt free.
@KingDavid-jj7tk Год назад
These same hands will now earn a fortune in the greatest transfer of wealth in human history by shorting the financial system on the way down. The financial system has been artificially pumped for more than a decade to ensure that rich pockets were lined. I'm still debating whether to sell my $338k worth of stocks; what's the best way to profit from this bear market? While inflation does play a role, it primarily serves to keep everyone in a panic and preoccupied with paying their bills and expenses.
@stevensmiddlemass2072 Год назад
@patriciamartin10 I need a guide so i can salvage my port-folio due to the massive dips and come up with better strategies. How can one reach this advisor?
@stevensmiddlemass2072 Год назад
@patriciamartin10 Thank you for this amazing tip. I just looked the name up, wrote her and scheduled a call.
@clarksbackup Год назад
Perhaps you should read Adam Smith Wealth of Nations. Spoiler alert the Americas transfer gold to Spain
@jordanlang2 4 месяца назад
Buy puts. Or short shares
@samuelhipple923 18 дней назад
Sell it, buy gold.
@BlameJason Год назад
Dr Jordan Peterson is helping correct the course of humanity in a way that I don’t think anyone else is currently. Thank you Dr Peterson. God bless.
@小雪はなこ Год назад
yes! and on so many different aspects.
@anthonybrett Год назад
@DukeofLancaster About the only courage Rodger's ever showed was when he pulled the trigger on the gun aimed at his own head. He died as he lived...like a coward. Weak and pathetic to the end. Peterson has one thing over him at least...Peterson has had sex before lol
@anthonybrett Год назад
@DukeofLancaster Dude, are we talking about the incel bag of puke that blew his brains out cause he was a coward? Or is there another Elliot Rodger's that I dont know about?
@mariosauceda6833 Год назад
I was thinking the but by interjecting. He is trying to have a Conversation. And do you remember that podcast about bitcoin. Every body with some Assertive voices dont know were im going with this one.but i like this video on Precious metals 😫 bit long on 50 or 100 years. For my investment 🤔
@samilucille1 Год назад
I'm in full agreement isn't these discussions fantastic!!!!!
@vincea5276 Год назад
Jordan has an innate intelligence and is clearly in the zone on the subject matter, but there were so many times that he did not allow his guest to finish his sentences. He needs to allow his guests to finish the point for the themselves before he adds his complimentary contribution in conversation. This conversation was very interesting and informative. Thank you Jordan & Roy.
@samilucille1 Год назад
I noticed this too! Yes agreed
@StaalBurgher0 Год назад
@lorddale1579 Год назад
Agreed, I missed out on a few points of interest because of the constant interruptions.
@FrankRem Год назад
Very good point indeed. “The fool speaks, the wise man listens.”
@luzfelipe2964 Год назад
@thomasashcroft2758 Год назад
Roy presents his arguments so clear that it is hard for his ideas to be misunderstood. I’m buying your book. This was an incredible discussion as always Jordan. Thank you both for your hard work.
@liberty1981 Год назад
Check out his debates on gold vs bitcoin. The dude is a heavy hitter ⚡️
@darcyrezac Год назад
Good comments
@SeanSchwifty Год назад
@@darcyrezac meow meow meeeoooow! 🙀
@TastyTrees916 Год назад
Peterson is like the father many of us never had. What an amazing soul. We love you!
@WhitneyDahlin Год назад
Omg I literally came down here to say this! It's really sad how many of us have parents who are failures.
@DioBrandoWRYYYYYY Год назад
how embarrassing.
@DioBrandoWRYYYYYY Год назад
@Duke of Lancaster the man was addicted to benzos and his daughter is a three-holer who grifts off his name, and he's Ben Shapiro's mouthpiece and footstool. JBP is both a moral coward and a failure in many ways.
@koenv.i.9188 Год назад
the man's a nervous wreck with a god complex.
@JesusisGod-yk4th Год назад
Repent. Believe in Jesus Christ. John 3:16 KJV - For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. Luke 13:3 KJV - I tell you nay: but except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish. John 3:3 KJV - “Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.”
@dougmoesizlack9807 Год назад
Dr. Peterson engages in some of the most interesting conversations I've had the privilege of listening/watching and I will continue to say the man needs to be celebrated and his works need to be spread to as many people as possible, man or woman, anyone can benefit.
@mrme3717 Год назад
Our world has 4 fundamental practices that are problematic. If we dont understand the causes we will address the symptoms or actors, not the causes. 1st. Large private & Central banks have obtained the Exclusive franchise to create ALL new Currency as Debt, at interest. An increasing population needs an increase in currency, but it is ALL created as debt bearing interest. This indebts the whole world, every person, every government, in totally unpayable debts, enslaving us all to bankers through personal debt or ever increasing oppressive and unjust taxation, permits, licences, rates, registrations, regulations, duties, fees, fines, levies, surcharges, adinfinitum, of which an increasing volume goes straight to the debt creators, who created it for free. (At zero cost to themselves.) 2nd. Virtually no limitation plus fractional and recirculating fiat currency allows banks to effectively create massive new Currency volumes as DEBT, blowing massive bubbles (in housing/stocks) which devalues everyone's wages, savings & pension by raising all prices. We call this inflation, but it's really devaluation. (Shrinkflation adds to our reduction and desolation. ) The fix ? Go back to Sound Metalic Money and stop all banks and financial institutions loaning out more than they have on deposit, but further, DO NOT ALLOW ANYTHING BUT Metalic Money TO BE CALLED AN ASSET OR COLATERAL. Real Estate loans have been classified as collateral. This allows the bank to call the loan an asset, and sell it, or loan against it, which blows real estate bubbles. Today >80% of Bank loans are for Real Estate, 50 years ago > 80% was for industry. Return currency creation to national treasury departments with a zero Inflation policy and set % levels for industry loans v home loans. This will not create inflation like some bankers/economists would have you think. It is not WHO creates currency that drives the constant devaluation of your work & money, it is THE VOLUME per population/ productivity. The banks increased the base currency supply by over 65 % since March 2020 & 300% since 2008. This is multiplied as real estate bubbles lever up equity to underwrite new loans. You can't spend it off planet, and we've had no increase in population or productivity. How can this not devalue all our savings, wages and retirement funds by a similar % as it enters the economy ? 3rd. Fiat currency whether paper OR DIGITAL has no intrinsic value, thus it cannot be used as a long term store of value, particularly in an ever expanding fiat system and it is really only taxation and the 'legal currency' label attached that creates only (artificial) demand for fiat currency. The fix ? Return to Silver, Gold, Copper & Nickel currency, designated by weight, not cents/dollars. These will find their own local value. These can't be printed to oblivion, have intrinsic value, and are a safeguard against bankers counterfeit loans. Continue to keep the manufacture of Gold & Silver rounds by private mints & foundries to help keep the government mints honest. Do not allow bankers and economists of the current system to con you into believing there isn't enough Metalic Money. There is a lot of the peoples Gold sitting in every Central Bank doing nothing. Monetise it now. You mix 1% gold, 99% copper or Nickle and you have Gold backed currency. Same with Silver & Nickle. Mint 10th ounce, 2 10ths, 5 10ths and 1 ounce. Or grams in similar increments. Never give it a 'value number,' which is a lie. Give it its weight & purity, and let the market decide what it will buy. Call it 'slow money," like 'slow food.' It's slower for sure, but it's 10 times better for you. We don't need a faster 'speed of money' if we aren't racing against inflation and unpayable debts & interest, and we dont need to live at 100 mph. Probably necessary to nationalise mines & pay shareholders out in metals. We are aiming at a more just, more perfect union, and that requires we treat shareholders justly and make them whole while preserving a mining and exploration industry. So gently, thoughtfully, carefully on this one. 4th The World Bank and IMF are your friendly international arms of the Federal Reserve, who loan worthless US currency invented at zero cost to enslaved nations of people to purchase necessities, when their own commodities or worthless currency would do just as well. This ensures the indebtedness of nation's simply to survive. Correct these 4 Principles and >80 % of a nation's problems would disappear. Do not allow your masters the Debt slave creator's to tell you it can't be done. They are not seeking your best interests, but theirs. It is easily done within 3 years if a Global effort was made. Beware. The FED, IMF, WEF wants you totally enslaved with Digital currency. Convert your garbage fiat currency into Gold and Silver or prepare for destruction. Come to think of it, you better prepare for destruction anyway. The bankers motto is : 'Preserve your Capital at all costs.' The bankers are buying Gold. We the people can afford Silver.
@alohi79 Год назад
As someone who has been reading and studying (when possible) macro trends and not only their obvious economic, but also existential correlations for years... this is one of the most incredible podcast episode I've ever listened to. No surprise, it's with JBP. If Jordon ever interviews Paul Laviolette, I will have a transcendent experience.
@mrme3717 Год назад
Our world has 4 fundamental practices that are problematic. If we dont understand the causes we will address the symptoms or actors, not the causes. 1st. Large private & Central banks have obtained the Exclusive franchise to create ALL new Currency as Debt, at interest. An increasing population needs an increase in currency, but it is ALL created as debt bearing interest. This indebts the whole world, every person, every government, in totally unpayable debts, enslaving us all to bankers through personal debt or ever increasing oppressive and unjust taxation, permits, licences, rates, registrations, regulations, duties, fees, fines, levies, surcharges, adinfinitum, of which an increasing volume goes straight to the debt creators, who created it for free. (At zero cost to themselves.) 2nd. Virtually no limitation plus fractional and recirculating fiat currency allows banks to effectively create massive new Currency volumes as DEBT, blowing massive bubbles (in housing/stocks) which devalues everyone's wages, savings & pension by raising all prices. We call this inflation, but it's really devaluation. (Shrinkflation adds to our reduction and desolation. ) The fix ? Go back to Sound Metalic Money and stop all banks and financial institutions loaning out more than they have on deposit, but further, DO NOT ALLOW ANYTHING BUT Metalic Money TO BE CALLED AN ASSET OR COLATERAL. Real Estate loans have been classified as collateral. This allows the bank to call the loan an asset, and sell it, or loan against it, which blows real estate bubbles. Today >80% of Bank loans are for Real Estate, 50 years ago > 80% was for industry. Return currency creation to national treasury departments with a zero Inflation policy and set % levels for industry loans v home loans. This will not create inflation like some bankers/economists would have you think. It is not WHO creates currency that drives the constant devaluation of your work & money, it is THE VOLUME per population/ productivity. The banks increased the base currency supply by over 65 % since March 2020 & 300% since 2008. This is multiplied as real estate bubbles lever up equity to underwrite new loans. You can't spend it off planet, and we've had no increase in population or productivity. How can this not devalue all our savings, wages and retirement funds by a similar % as it enters the economy ? 3rd. Fiat currency whether paper OR DIGITAL has no intrinsic value, thus it cannot be used as a long term store of value, particularly in an ever expanding fiat system and it is really only taxation and the 'legal currency' label attached that creates only (artificial) demand for fiat currency. The fix ? Return to Silver, Gold, Copper & Nickel currency, designated by weight, not cents/dollars. These will find their own local value. These can't be printed to oblivion, have intrinsic value, and are a safeguard against bankers counterfeit loans. Continue to keep the manufacture of Gold & Silver rounds by private mints & foundries to help keep the government mints honest. Do not allow bankers and economists of the current system to con you into believing there isn't enough Metalic Money. There is a lot of the peoples Gold sitting in every Central Bank doing nothing. Monetise it now. You mix 1% gold, 99% copper or Nickle and you have Gold backed currency. Same with Silver & Nickle. Mint 10th ounce, 2 10ths, 5 10ths and 1 ounce. Or grams in similar increments. Never give it a 'value number,' which is a lie. Give it its weight & purity, and let the market decide what it will buy. Call it 'slow money," like 'slow food.' It's slower for sure, but it's 10 times better for you. We don't need a faster 'speed of money' if we aren't racing against inflation and unpayable debts & interest, and we dont need to live at 100 mph. Probably necessary to nationalise mines & pay shareholders out in metals. We are aiming at a more just, more perfect union, and that requires we treat shareholders justly and make them whole while preserving a mining and exploration industry. So gently, thoughtfully, carefully on this one. 4th The World Bank and IMF are your friendly international arms of the Federal Reserve, who loan worthless US currency invented at zero cost to enslaved nations of people to purchase necessities, when their own commodities or worthless currency would do just as well. This ensures the indebtedness of nation's simply to survive. Correct these 4 Principles and >80 % of a nation's problems would disappear. Do not allow your masters the Debt slave creator's to tell you it can't be done. They are not seeking your best interests, but theirs. It is easily done within 3 years if a Global effort was made. Beware. The FED, IMF, WEF wants you totally enslaved with Digital currency. Convert your garbage fiat currency into Gold and Silver or prepare for destruction. Come to think of it, you better prepare for destruction anyway. The bankers motto is : 'Preserve your Capital at all costs.' The bankers are buying Gold. We the people can afford Silver.
@phoenixrising4762 Год назад
What's so incredible about it?
@alohi79 Год назад
@phoenixRising47 That's a very vague question that would require an obtuse explanation to even attempt to answer... Im not trying to write a synopsis of the entire interview, but if you have a more specific question, I'd be happy to express what I personally found insightful.
@alohi79 Год назад
@phoenixRising47 broadly speaking tho, while he touched on things that other macro investors like Ray Falio and Jim Rogers have said, he got more in-depth with things like the dynamic between the natural economy and inflated service sector. JBP's questions took it even further by taking the conversation into an area that could be considered behavioral economics, even if it wasn't intentional... all of which, if you're into macro patterns between different fields, is extremely interesting.
@ChaoticNeutralMatt Год назад
@@alohi79 and I'm fascinated by this layer of intelligence and pattern seeking myself.
@devdaniel3225 Год назад
Does anyone have any idea which stocks may be experiencing major growth this new year season? A lot of people have been talking about a July bounce. I recently sold my Boca Grande, Florida, house, and I want to invest a lump sum before equities recover in the stock market. Is now a good time to buy or not?
@danieljamal3709 Год назад
I'll suggest you find a mentor or someone with experience to guide you, especially in this recession. especially for your 401K, IRA and portfolio diversification.
@veramonique1724 Год назад
I was left holding worthless positions in the market in 2020 because of these market uncertainties, which is why I don't base my market assessments and decisions on rumours and hearsay. Before I started noticing any noticeable improvements in my portfolio, I had to fully redesign it with the assistance of an advisor; I've been working with the same advisor and have scaled up to 750k
@devdaniel3225 Год назад
True, we’re only just a piece of information away from amassing wealth, I know a lot of folks that made fortunes from the Dotcom crash as well as the 08’ crash and I’ve been looking into similar opportunities in this present market, could this coach that guides you help?
@veramonique1724 Год назад
Yes, My mentor *MARTHA ALONSO HARA* has extensive training and knowledge in the financial industry. She is regarded as an authority in the field and has an in-depth understanding of portfolio diversification. I advise doing more study on her credentials. She is a great resource for anyone looking to understand the financial market because of her extensive experience.
@devdaniel3225 Год назад
Thanks for the advice. The search for your coach was simple. and before contacting her, I did extensive research on her credentials. She seems to have a high degree of skill based on her resume, and I appreciate the chance to chat with her
@durbinpoison775 Год назад
This is more of a discussion between two highly intelligent men. Many people are leaving comments believing it is an interview. I feel that it is not an interview but a discussion. Both of these men are great...and I enjoyed this video. Thank you!! 🌞
@newfreenayshaun6651 Год назад
We will all be OK because of your work, thank you, Dr. Peterson! May your health continue to be such a tremendous gift to this world!
@melissasmomglam Год назад
We will only all be okay if we do the right thing when faced with the difficult decisions of the times. When we individually ALL (or at least mostly) stand up and say no when something isn’t right, then we will be okay. No one man can change the course of the world by himself. If one wants to change the world, it takes influencing others to say no to bad ideas, but it’s a start to steer people to good ideas and what evil looks like.
@ScottlandShaffner0423 Год назад
You & your guests are helping many people immeasurably with your unrelenting pursuit of truth in ALL spheres, including me! Thank you!
@nawafnawaf2538 Год назад
Dr.Peterson; do not stop; I’ve seen really bad people with really bad thoughts and I am sure they know they are bad but never stop they keep trying; you sir are good and good intentions and your goal much higher. Do not stop you’ve helped many and still helping; I wish I can help by anything but I pray that god show you the right path and continue on it .thank you you really showed that your time and effort you spent resulted a great help to people who honestly looking for truth for meaningful life🌹
@mistacrust Год назад
As someone who knows absolutely nothing about money and especially how the order of values are determined I found this podcast one of my favourite to date. Incredible and thought provoking. Thank you, Roy and as always Dr. Perterson.
@hellogoodbye4728 Год назад
Dr. Peterson, This is among the best of your podcasts to date. I was totally engaged with the concepts of monetary policy, economics, and commodities. I am an investor so I definitely got something out of this. Keep more of these coming!
@kelleylahner9503 Год назад
Brilliant conversation and education! Mr. Sebag reminds me of a modern Francisco d'Anconia, from Atlas Shrugged. Dr. Peterson is enjoying himself. Thank you!
@sickboy4029 Год назад
@Spit823 Год назад
As someone who has 12 dollars in my bank account. I found this episode fascinating
@johnzielinski9951 Год назад
Hey friend, can I borrow 12 dollars?
@barbaraherda9212 Год назад
You may know, but that’s not your $12. You loaned it to whatever bank/credit union it’s in. Yes, it’s in the fine print. It’s called “deposit reclassification” and is why next crisis they’ll be doing bail ins.
@jorgenascimento9710 Год назад
Damn it's a sad day to be an American or living in th USA, I live in Europe and I have plenty on my savings account, plus shares of AMD. And I work medium income job. Muricans....
@PeterChorao Год назад
You now owe money to your bank if under their minimum balance and f penalty probably well over 12bucks
@lessimcdowell9897 Год назад
Neoliberalism In the early 1970s, a group of democrats and republicans formed a whole new type of American conservatism and social engineering and that type of engineering has been coined, neoliberalism. The concept of neoliberalism started in post ww2 europe when the western business leaders decided that since they are already the masters of industry they might as well be entitled to managing governments as well. The mission objective of neoliberalism in america was an ambitious one and can be confirmed by reading the powell memo from 1971 but much of what I have written here came during the Reagan administration. The plan: 1) talk the fortune 500 companies into pitching 10% of quarterly earnings into buying off all the American politicians of both parties, all government officials in every agency, all the media outlets and the anchors they pay and all the judges and courts. 2)pay the media to stop criticizing the private sector so car manufacturers can ship all jobs overseas and effectively turn America into a service economy instead of a production economy. 3)Pay government / cia to plan coups in oil rich nations so that an American / British oil oligopoly can control production / price of all global oil. 4)Pay the politicians of both parties to never pass working class legislation and only pass corporate laws and gerrymander districts so the corporate candidates always win. 5)Pay the courts and judges to hurt enemies and protect corporations. 6)social engineer wedge issues. the main objective here is a way to drive a wedge straight through the working class and get half of them to vote pro corporate without even realizing it, the Republican Party is built to constantly pass corporate law. (All mainstream media including msnbc steer viewers to the right, all social media is also meant to attract left leaning people and steer them to the right. Fox is the status quo, it keeps all republican voters from becoming too anti establishment while making their audience feel like a counter culture. The Democratic Party is historically for working class so when democrats win majority, the donors can only pay them to create “do nothing caucuses” and that’s exactly what they do. If dems were paid to pass corporate laws like republicans, they would face uncertain primaries much like Kristen sinema.) 7)platform evangelicals to get Christians to ignore pro abortion biblical texts (numbers 5 11 22) and become anti abortionist cafeteria Christians so they vote Republican. 8)Adopt a southern strategy that gives a black welfare queen scapegoat to all the southerners that used to vote democrat before the civil rights movement so they now vote Republican. 9)establish trickle down economics so that all mothers and housewives in lower and middle class households have to enter the workforce and much like abortion, feminism can become a huge wedge issue that helps more American vote republican, while at the same time the low labor market value will benefit the owners. (ironically enough, it was Reagan and the “conservatives” that promoted the nuclear family but ultimately pushed through these anti family policies with reaganomics and forced all low skilled conservative mothers and housewives into the workforce, it was not a surprise that crime exploded because no parents were at home anymore) 10)implement financialization: deregulate wallstreet to the point where corporations and the oligarchs that own them will never lose power. have the fed quantitatively ease gambling losses of those oligarchs and corporations so they never financially lose by printing more money. 11)Never allow competition in the market or an end to planned obsolescence by merging in new and successful companies into existing conglomerates that essentially function as oligopolies. 12)Make sure only laborers are taxed and never shareholders and owners. 13)when quantitative easement causes the inflation rate and interest rates to rise, sacrifice labor by laying off millions of corporate workers and kick them out of economy so they stop spending and it will ease interest rates and borrowing for corporations will become affordable again and gambling and quantitative easement can continue. 14)make certain lower class families never organize worker cooperatives and become financially independent of employers and government by simply adding a few positions to college campuses and firing leftist economic professors. Blacklist anyone from media that promotes worker cooperatives and make sure the narrative is always off economics and on trans people turning children trans or something and if economics are the topic make sure it’s capitalism vs the Soviet planned economy or capitalism vs social welfare programs and never capitalism vs worker cooperatives. After reading the memo, nixon made powell a Supreme Court justice just two weeks later. There were a few snags in this plan though, in 1973, Nixon and the neoliberal front which by this point probably included the cia, had access to opposition research on republican politicians that would never accept dark money so they could defeat them in primaries in 74 but they didn’t have any research on dems and had to break into offices to retrieve them. This came to be known as the watergate scandal. Carter getting elected in 76 also slowed down the movement. In 79, the neolibs and cia got the Iranian hostages(something caused by one of those oil coups) released but they decided to keep them held by their Iranian captors for 100+ more days than they were negotiated free so that carter would be hurt in the ‘80 election. Reagan was elected and was far more successful than nixon at implementing powells plan. Today we are living in powells neoliberal america where the donor class wants you to think they only donate to one party but even trump has admitted to donating to democrats because the system is entirely corrupt. The post 80s neoliberal infrastructure mostly works by main stream media making dem voters think everything is gops fault and republican voters think everything is dems fault. It’s called divide and conquer. There’s no such thing as Republican and democratic fighting, theres just one group that has both parties in their pocket. If there are any policies in this country you do not like, blame the people that own the politicians and courts and media and government. They are the fortune 88. They are an oligarchy. The oligarchy’s main motivation is to keep ALEC going as much as possible. ALEC is a corporate think tank that passes corporate legislation. This type of legislation and social policies like anti gay or anti abortion laws actually kills local economies. the neoliberal deep state dont care about red state economies though because they live in nyc and San Francisco where those social policies don’t reach them but all the corporate laws that kill small businesses do reach them in blue states. Anyone that gets in the way of ALEC has to be removed from the equation. Donald trump can’t win general (electoral) elections anymore because his personality motivates people that don’t even vote to get registered and vote against the gop. this hurts ALEC and ALEC is all that matters to the people who actually own everything in this country. They don’t care about aborted fetuses, they’ve owned the Supreme Court for 30 years and have allowed 30 years of fetal murder and only now shot down roe only to hurt trump and maga for a few election cycles so they can retake the Republican Party which they see as there’s.
@Argamemond10k Год назад
This will be an episode I will listen to many times. A "goldmine" of understanding of the modern and classical world. Thank you for your allowing me and millions of others to follow your pursuit of understanding and knowledge of the world.
@larrythelobster2474 Год назад
Please have Roy back. Probably my favourite guest to date.
@nebojsavlahovic8214 Год назад
It's the first time I've heard of this gentleman and he quite impressed me with his knowledge of balance. I think he is still investigating it, but you can see that he dug deep. It can also be seen that he carefully selected the literature, which is very important in my opinion. He is certainly on the threshold of reaching high consciousness if he continues on that path, no doubt about it.
@mariussavatier4155 Год назад
I'm doing my PhD in Finance about the efficiency market hypothesis. This conversation was amazing !
@ciniss Год назад
Sounds intresting, can you give more info what your work will be about? :D
@JalalKZulfiqar Год назад
Would love to know where you are doing your PhD from and what sort of research you’ve come across
@timrichardson518 Год назад
@@opinion4755 money is credit
@tallswede80 Год назад
@@timrichardson518 Wrong. Fiat currency is credit. Money is Gold, and the value of Gold is not based on a counterparty.
@tallswede80 Год назад
@@opinion4755 Wrong. Productivity is what "lifts".
@clarenceweaver6681 Год назад
I am a gold bug but never heard such an in depth exploration why gold is money. Thank you Jordan for interviewing Mr Sebag. I intuitively accept his thesis by my Judeo- Christian beliefs.
@xxrngxx5 Год назад
@DanielK1213th Год назад
@@xxrngxx5 oh shut up
@xxrngxx5 Год назад
@@DanielK1213th Is that the best you can do? It's obvious you don't have the intellectual horsepower to formulate a coherent argument. Maybe you're just mad at the world or don't like yourself so you resort to an ad hominem? Pathetic.
@achillesegaruoc1807 Год назад
As a market analyst, this interview is extremely fascinating. Thank you for sharing, Dr. Peterson!
@phoenixrising4762 Год назад
As an accountant, I can't listen without frustration. Glad some enjoy it but I just cant
@alohi79 Год назад
@@phoenixrising4762 That's very common when Micro focused ppl listen to macro investors. 🤷‍♂️
@flowstateentertainment8395 Год назад
@@alohi79 or it might be because “finance” and “market analyst” are closer to scam jobs than a profession such as accounting
@alohi79 Год назад
@Flow State Entertainment I agree. Financial analysts, in general, are as compromised as movie critics, but this guy is a macro investor, so (thankfully) that doesn't apply. Interesting strawman/ ad-hominem argument, tho. 👍
@patrickterry4134 Год назад
This interview was his only flop in my opinion. All these "analysts" are crap shoots. Who actually makes investments based on quarterly reports - those things are marketing scams thought up by dirty CFO's - I know, I've owned several publicly traded companies and lived in that world for 20 years - all a giant scam.
@marcinmorun Год назад
This video inspired me a couple of points: #1 If you're selling without profit, it's a gift. #2 Intrinsic value have no numbers; it cannot be measured; it's a "feeling" a person has towards "something" that this individual portraits "it" as desirable. Without desire, there can't be no value. #3 No ownership, no trade. #4 Statistics do not predict a future outcome; statistics, when done "correctly", is a "review" of a "future's past". #5 The cost of any production is almost proportional to "energy" spent; Nothing in "existence" is perfectly equal, otherwise there would be no "motion" (no space, no time) #6 What is "rare" is not "scarce". Even if there were only one (insert name), "its" "value" is as high and low to infinity. #7 What is money!? Everything and Nothing, Full and Empty, In and Out. #8 There is no "growth", strictly speaking. It's just an impression you get when comparing (any) moving "masses". #9 Measurements (weight, length) of any masses are a combination perception, perspective and proportion; All things are "equal" to themselves. #10 God is indefinable. How dare we speak of... ...without definition! #11 If money is gold, knowing that there is not enough gold for everyone to trade, what will others use to trade if gold (as money) would be the only "acceptable" tool to use for trade, by law?
@Aquestfortruth Год назад
I have always liked pretty much all of his podcasts, lectures, and interviews. I think he really shines when talking with intellectuals such as Roy Sebag, he seems positively giddy talking with him.
@LikeTearsInTheRain Год назад
You are absolutely right, I was just thinking that he seems pretty excited talking to him.
@Valerieunchained Год назад
I was thinking that myself. 🤔 LOL 😆
@l_alvarez_1k Год назад
I'm in love with the mind of this man. His natural instinct to seek out truth and the use of trial and error is lost in the most recent generation. He literally was able to aquire a "gold" mind in his quest for a more valuable life.
@re2399 Год назад
Oh, oh we have a "gold.digger" 🙄😆
@durtisdanger Год назад
True alchemy at play 😉
@veselka16 Год назад
Thoroughly enjoyed this in depth discussion. I especially enjoyed the feelings associated with the topic. When the focus was on real financials the feelings I got were positive yet the stress when human control invaded the natural order. How beautiful the depth of thinking here! Thank you so much for sharing all the thoughts and it’s progression.
@Whatishappeningworld Год назад
I've been waiting for an interview like this for the past 5 years. Very well explained for the cycle of value, labour, time and money. I'm obsessed.
@big_red_machine3547 Год назад
Prime example of an economist completely over complicating a basic function
@MadShenans Год назад
This has absolutely been the best discussion I have ever seen on this channel. I will probably be watching this fully another 2-3 times, and have sent it to everyone I know that has an interest in economics. Please have this guy on again!!!!! Wow!!!!!
@barbaraherda9212 Год назад
Brilliant interview. First time I’ve heard of Roy Sebag. Imho, this man is spot on. He doesn’t have all the answers, but his assessment and opinions of the past up to today is lucid. So lucid that it shows light on the path forward. Let the system collapse people. Protect yourself & loved ones, it’s all we can do. There’s nothing to save cause the system inherently has no money in it, it’s a debt palace. We do NOT need a gold standard, just start using gold & silver as money. It’s that simple. What will be complex is watching it collapse.
@PaulRayProductions Год назад
Roy Sebag is an economic rock star, what a delight to hear him speak.. Amazing surprise
@mariannwarner3774 Год назад
As a CPA, and someone who has long been interested in all things financial, I have always felt that our entire system is a house of cards because there is really no value in so many of our financial transactions. I’ll have to read this book. My terror comes in imagining what happens when all the cards collapse.
@miranda92051 Год назад
When the cards collapse we will be introduced to a government-controlled digital currency - for everyone's convenience, of course!
@barbaraherda9212 Год назад
It’s why people need to get their wealth out of the system, as much as possible.
@mrme3717 Год назад
Our world has 4 fundamental practices that are problematic. If we dont understand the causes we will address the symptoms or actors, not the causes. 1st. Large private & Central banks have obtained the Exclusive franchise to create ALL new Currency as Debt, at interest. An increasing population needs an increase in currency, but it is ALL created as debt bearing interest. This indebts the whole world, every person, every government, in totally unpayable debts, enslaving us all to bankers through personal debt or ever increasing oppressive and unjust taxation, permits, licences, rates, registrations, regulations, duties, fees, fines, levies, surcharges, adinfinitum, of which an increasing volume goes straight to the debt creators, who created it for free. (At zero cost to themselves.) 2nd. Virtually no limitation plus fractional and recirculating fiat currency allows banks to effectively create massive new Currency volumes as DEBT, blowing massive bubbles (in housing/stocks) which devalues everyone's wages, savings & pension by raising all prices. We call this inflation, but it's really devaluation. (Shrinkflation adds to our reduction and desolation. ) The fix ? Go back to Sound Metalic Money and stop all banks and financial institutions loaning out more than they have on deposit, but further, DO NOT ALLOW ANYTHING BUT Metalic Money TO BE CALLED AN ASSET OR COLATERAL. Real Estate loans have been classified as collateral. This allows the bank to call the loan an asset, and sell it, or loan against it, which blows real estate bubbles. Today >80% of Bank loans are for Real Estate, 50 years ago > 80% was for industry. Return currency creation to national treasury departments with a zero Inflation policy and set % levels for industry loans v home loans. This will not create inflation like some bankers/economists would have you think. It is not WHO creates currency that drives the constant devaluation of your work & money, it is THE VOLUME per population/ productivity. The banks increased the base currency supply by over 65 % since March 2020 & 300% since 2008. This is multiplied as real estate bubbles lever up equity to underwrite new loans. You can't spend it off planet, and we've had no increase in population or productivity. How can this not devalue all our savings, wages and retirement funds by a similar % as it enters the economy ? 3rd. Fiat currency whether paper OR DIGITAL has no intrinsic value, thus it cannot be used as a long term store of value, particularly in an ever expanding fiat system and it is really only taxation and the 'legal currency' label attached that creates only (artificial) demand for fiat currency. The fix ? Return to Silver, Gold, Copper & Nickel currency, designated by weight, not cents/dollars. These will find their own local value. These can't be printed to oblivion, have intrinsic value, and are a safeguard against bankers counterfeit loans. Continue to keep the manufacture of Gold & Silver rounds by private mints & foundries to help keep the government mints honest. Do not allow bankers and economists of the current system to con you into believing there isn't enough Metalic Money. There is a lot of the peoples Gold sitting in every Central Bank doing nothing. Monetise it now. You mix 1% gold, 99% copper or Nickle and you have Gold backed currency. Same with Silver & Nickle. Mint 10th ounce, 2 10ths, 5 10ths and 1 ounce. Or grams in similar increments. Never give it a 'value number,' which is a lie. Give it its weight & purity, and let the market decide what it will buy. Call it 'slow money," like 'slow food.' It's slower for sure, but it's 10 times better for you. We don't need a faster 'speed of money' if we aren't racing against inflation and unpayable debts & interest, and we dont need to live at 100 mph. Probably necessary to nationalise mines & pay shareholders out in metals. We are aiming at a more just, more perfect union, and that requires we treat shareholders justly and make them whole while preserving a mining and exploration industry. So gently, thoughtfully, carefully on this one. 4th The World Bank and IMF are your friendly international arms of the Federal Reserve, who loan worthless US currency invented at zero cost to enslaved nations of people to purchase necessities, when their own commodities or worthless currency would do just as well. This ensures the indebtedness of nation's simply to survive. Correct these 4 Principles and >80 % of a nation's problems would disappear. Do not allow your masters the Debt slave creator's to tell you it can't be done. They are not seeking your best interests, but theirs. It is easily done within 3 years if a Global effort was made. Beware. The FED, IMF, WEF wants you totally enslaved with Digital currency. Convert your garbage fiat currency into Gold and Silver or prepare for destruction. Come to think of it, you better prepare for destruction anyway. The bankers motto is : 'Preserve your Capital at all costs.' The bankers are buying Gold. We the people can afford Silver.
@stapleman007 Год назад
Don't worry, the US Federal Reserve and the almighty dollar is backed by a dozen aircraft carriers and 1000's of nukes. Even balloons stand no chance.
@phoenixrising4762 Год назад
My sentiment exactly
@AkiKii519 Год назад
as a business and finance specialist myself I loved this episode.
@stevemcgee99 Год назад
What I learned in MBA school was that tax law and monetary policies are why “corporations are evil”.
@TheRcDrake Год назад
Brilliant guest. Huge fan of yours Dr. Peterson but there were times in this conversation where it seemed like you could have let him speak more. Thank you for making conversations like this available to us. I deeply appreciate everything you do.
@gregizzo4191 Год назад
This is the first time in my life where economics seems both interesting and real to me. Thanks Jordan for bringing this man to my attention.
@benruby5269 Год назад
The understanding of stuff like this will help humanity come together and accept hard truths like unfairness instead of blaming every problem on greed and evil. Be careful, people's confirmation bias will not allow them to accept that stuff like equality and fairness are not possible. You will be accused of being all types of terrible things for trying to teach fact and reality. When you experience this you will realize war and conflict are inevitable and the side that appears to be on moral high ground are so stubborn and confused that they will only bring pain and chaos. Check out economics professors channels like Anthony Davies and demographics too, like Peter Zehain. Don't let these sad truths get you down too much!
@davidhunt313 Год назад
What can possibly be more unwelcome than the understanding that in every voluntary relationship, those who care the least about maintaining the relationship have most of the power within the relationship!?
@melchizedekagudze262 Год назад
I'm 23 now and when I turned 20, some life events led me into questioning the flow of money in the larger commercial world and how the world is structured around this. I was also led into questioning the relation between the nature of the commercial world, how money flows, and how it's interrelated with my university education. One day I came across the name Adam Smith in an entrepreneurship lecture and fast forward I chanced on his book "AN ENQUIRY INTO THE WEALTH OF NATIONS" then I felt how people in the past have thought like I'm doing which is very interesting and insightful. DR. JORDAN PETERSON, I look up to you so much and hoping to meet you someday. From Ghana 🇬🇭 ♥.
@seamusbolton215 Год назад
Roy is impressive, but Jordan's ability to abstract information and understand subjects outside of his own field is incredible.
@begie666 Год назад
Yep. Best Wookie I eVer seen 💜
@kristelanneparagas Год назад
"I've never looked at the periodic table the same way until I saw this video. These people should be running countries, and it would flourish, where people would be accountable for themselves and their environment and take responsibility, not by force. Thank you for what you do, Dr. Peterson. It would be a privilege to meet you someday, insha'Allah!"
@zacksymes Год назад
My favorite Peterson podcast in the last 12 months. What a blend of spirituality and basic 3rd grade geology - all mixed with common sense and a focus on “nature does it better than man”
@IThinkImGonnaBust Год назад
I’ve always wanted Roy Sebag to be on the Joe Rogan Experience because he’s my favorite public intellectual and I didn’t realize until today that such an interview wouldn’t be nearly as valuable as an appearance with someone like Jordan Peterson. So happy to have done my monthly “Roy Sebag” search into RU-vid today. Great conversation and great book! Highly recommend it!
@donaldmccullough9129 Год назад
I've been compelled to watch 4 times now and each time I leave satisfied, having gotten closer to what's luring me. I overcame my hesitancy to invest in gold, after the first viewing, and I have been calmly grounded as a result. No doubt I will watch again. I thank you both!!
@JaxVideos Год назад
Holding those first bits of bullion is a revelation, isn't it? If you'd like to move the world toward a gold standard of money, consider what Keith Weiner is doing by delivering a Yield on Gold, in Gold.
@SmithsnMoz Год назад
Silver should be $200 an ounce... minimum! 😮
@ayala7282 Год назад
Yes! Thank you for talking about money and how it works! Keep it coming it's very helpful to hear this wisdom
@blueeyedbull67 Год назад
What an interesting and fantastic discussion. I am a deist and, therefore, agree with Mr. Sebag's premise that the more we decouple from the natural world the more unproductive, lost and chaotic our society becomes and, also, spirituallycorrupt as well. I just ordered a copy of the book.
@jmat8762 Год назад
Great ideas from Mr Sebag, but I'd challenge him on a few things, two biggest points are 1. Moving most workers back to working the land would eliminate massive amounts of specialization in our western economy, which would impoverish us. Most people work the land in most parts of Africa and they are poor partly because of lack of specialization. And 2. the idea of using birthrates as a better proxy of economic wellbeing in an economy makes no sense because the more poor a group of people, the higher the birth rate per capita, and inverse for more wealth people; birth rates drop with more wealth
@alamine6214 Год назад
thanks for intriguing my brain as always Dr. jordan peterson and introducing us to a fascinating thinker
@geico1975 Год назад
So true, when he talked about the "quality" of life and tangible things have drastically declined. As a matter of fact, I'm no craftsman per se but I do love working with my hands making things from wood. In fact, I've built my own shelves, bookcase, bed, and coffee table so far. Of course, I wouldn't claim that some King would want it, but it is smooth, level, plumb and built strong. In my opinion, it looks as good as any piece of furniture one could buy from Big Lots, Walmart, Costso, etc..., and it's 3 or 4 times as strong and durable every part of it has real wood, the kind that needs cut and sanded with a few different grits (for smoothness) and then finished with a few coats of paint or stain. Besides my tools including hand tools, I probably spent 3 or 4 times less than at some store, but I did have to do the work, but I love it:)
@ScottlandShaffner0423 Год назад
That's awesome! Real work, real craftsmanship.
@rathelmmc3194 Год назад
My issue with his position in that regard is everything he talks about in regards to "quality" still exists. You just have to go find it and it's crazy expensive. Even grocery stores have tremendous variety if you go to the expensive ones. I'm not convinced that forcing money to a gold standard would change this.
@pranjalsisodia5003 Год назад
For my own reference- 8:53 9:43 I always marvel at people's ability to stop their thought's momentum (train of thought) and shift focus to listening to the other individual. 12:09 17:07 Creative destruction 19:23 Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance - Book by Robert M. Pirsig 1:32:06
@nicholusradcliffe3290 Год назад
Getting a lot of Atlas Shrugged vibes from this conversation. The rationality of tying one's standard of economic value to tangible assets with physical properties that lend themselves that function seems self-evident. The removal of that standard has so obviously played an essential role in the voluntary enslavement of free societies over the past 100 years. The natural order will absolutely assert its correction. I can only hope that civilization will survive the process. Thank you both for this conversation. It was very interesting and refreshing to hear.
@investorbettor505 3 месяца назад
This guy gets it. If the financial industry had more free thinkers like him the world would be in a better place
@DavidBreneisen Год назад
Loved the discussion of the farmer as prerequisite and fundamental to the market economy.
@stephenuhe9229 Год назад
I have saved this video after watching because there are some real gems in this conversation. Ty J.P.🥂
@FibiCharts Год назад
no doubt sir you will be remembered as once of the great minds of the 20s
@jamsenbanch Год назад
Legend has it he’s still waiting to finish his sentence.
@ExpensivePizza Год назад
Wonderful talk. I've been studying what is money and the history of money for the last 3 years so this was right up my alley. It's remarkable to see how quickly Jordan learns new concepts. Much faster than me for sure.
@RunBayou Год назад
I'll have to listen to this 2 or 3 more times. Dense, deep, and fascinating
@ChaoticNeutralMatt Год назад
Personal notes are useful
@wintermatherne2524 Год назад
This conversation has a dense specific gravity.
@yogamama1879 Год назад
This was an amazing discussion. I have never heard anything like this, but it just feels so logical, clear, and true on a deep level. It clears through all the fluff and all the smoke and mirrors of complexity around this topic and reveals the heart of the madness. Thank you so much for sharing this conversation. I immediately ordered the book after watching. Looking forward to gaining more wisdom on this topic.
@colbygibson7594 Год назад
I really feel left aside hearing and seeing several testimonies from people on profits they make from crypto/Forex investments. Can someone please recommend a good expert that can trade on my behalf and generate profits for me.
@zacharystephenson680 Год назад
Same here, it's strange how people talk about all the profits, they've been making through investing in crypto currency, while am here not making any profit at all. Please can someone put me through on the right path?
@desireegibson Год назад
She trades for me too. My first investment with Mrs fedora_fx_burkina gave me profit over $15,000 and ever since then I trade with her and she has been a good turn up
@teresavazquez8832 Год назад
Wow you really know expert fedora...? I'm a living testimony of expert fedora_fx_burkina, she has been trading for me for months now
@haydencrosby Год назад
I'm one of her clients... and I'm a living testimony of Expert Mrs fedora_fx_burkina. She has changed my financial status for the best, all thanks to my friend who introduced her to me
@julianamoran3889 Год назад
You can reach her on her ig below tell her i referred you👇
@erikwurgler Год назад
AMAZING episode. Speak to Thomas Sowell next please, while you can. He is a titan within the realm of economics and cultural history.
@articulate_monkey Год назад
This is the first time in any Jordan Peterson video where I've enjoyed the other person talking more than Jordan Peterson himself. I actually got frustrated when Jordan interrupted him. This is rare.
@diyalectic52 Год назад
This talk was wonderful to follow, they both spoke so eloquently. Thank you both for giving us this knowledge. It's amazing how they can make a person, like me, who really struggled with finance and economic classes in uni, get into an attentive reverie-like mode listening to them on those topics, picturing everything they're talking about.
@jenamirgholi6004 Год назад
economics and finance are not supposed to be complicated. that's why many of the books are not written right?
@nirtheart Год назад
This is the best interview on the topic of economics I have ever seen. It is extraordinary how similar my view on economics is to this guest's
@creativeideator Год назад
Thank you for the high-quality video and content, as much as the format. Very engaging and entertaining.
@Bill-ws4ke Год назад
This is one of the best conversations I have ever heard about money and value. I have listened to hundreds of hours of interviews and so on… Possibly thousands of hours. Iab
@michaeltiller694 Год назад
Great Thinkers are increasing every day because of people like you guys. Thank You.
@e75short14 Год назад
This is probably the best video and guest of this channel has ever produced so far. Roy is definitely one of the shoulders of giants we are standing on.
@RomaArmyMensRights.- Год назад
✨Thank you for your love and support❤️ Leave me a direct msg for more info's....I have something essential to share that will change your financial life!!! LET'S CONVERSE👇
@ChaoticNeutralMatt Год назад
That's extremely hard to gauge, but he was certainly excited. And it was very informative
@GallumA Год назад
Please do one of your therapy like interviews with Chris Eubank Snr. He has a lot of interesting views of what it is to be a man, what it is to be English and proud of it, he's suffered loss, guilt, pride and remorse on a self-aware Hero's journey. He is poetic, emotionally available and a very interesting person. I think you could really find a lot of meaning in a talk with this incredible, unique retired Boxer. When I look at him talk, I genuinely get a distinct and strange feeling that I am talking to an old King, one who made his life on a hero's journey and continues to do so both internally an externally. I feel it'd be a real loss if we never got to see a talk between you and Chris Eubank Snr.
@abechung4738 Год назад
This was SUPER interesting to listen and to observe. Mr. Sebag is insanely sharp in his intuition, soft-spoken in his cutting ideas. Dr. Peterson was constantly unpacking Mr. Sebago's de-facto statements the way Rogan would reiterate "for the listeners who don't see it". Thank you Dr. Petrson for being the conduit for us listeners who learn so much from amazing people you bring in to teach us. 감사합니다.
@ctruthlyfe4452 Год назад
Yes, I need an interpreter on such topics with such braniacs!
@LilaSilk Год назад
Thank you gentlemen for this incredibly interesting conversation. I break my head over the question why companies, especially the stock market listed ones need to grow to survive, as at a certain point it means they become corrupt, or dissapear, as to me the energy and resources necessary to constantly be at the forefront of innovation, or research is unsustainable in the long run. I love local business and manufacture, as they are the most environmentally friendly and therefore sustainable. Globalisation has its risks besides potential. Small companies run at less overhead costs and employes are taking responsiblity.
@Lost_Again_ Год назад
I am so sorry you are being bullied. I wanted to teach at University but couldn’t stand the politics. After watching you, I have renewed faith in people and have come to a point in life where I think I’m strong enough to deal with my past. Thank you for all you do and stay strong.
@Lost_Again_ Год назад
@JordanBPeterson__. I definitely will. I don’t use social media as much as the average person, but I’m sure I can manage what’s app. Lol. Talk with you soon and you will be in my prayers along with the rest of your loved ones. Hold on to them tightly until this witch hunt is over. I see what’s going on but am still having a hard time believing this is happening to you.
@Paul-th9vr Год назад
​@@Lost_Again_ Hello Again please tell me what happened to you? I am sorry to hear that you have been through a difficult time, I am too and I think it would be good to connect with you. Please let me know if you want too.
@pj61114 Год назад
GREAT to see Jordan Peterson interview this topic with Roy Seabag; evoking much food for thought.❤🎉
@damianochoa8295 Год назад
Please have Roy on again! Such a good interview. The world (especially this country) needs more financial literacy and more smart people who are able to articulate themselves so that the rest of us can understand these principles at a fundamental level. Great interview by you as well. Please do a follow up interview!
@tareknassany Год назад
The world is changing and each and every one of us is responsible for how it will change. Let's all not forget to man up, keep our heads up and speak up. We are all making a better future for ourselves and our children.
@kandi163 Год назад
You really think they will allow the majority to participate in structuring a new digital AI filled global government? No this is a distraction. Jordan is full of it paid to make us feel like we are involved. The new system is built going online. The same greedy compassion less narcist running it.
@ProphecyOfAlice Год назад
My poetry is a navigation 🧭 tool; A new style of a chronometer
@teboholenela4268 Год назад
My take from individuals like Roy Sebag is that they really go deeper into the etymology of words because words have intrinsic meaning that affect our imagination and perception.
@nkyabosi4827 Год назад
A discussion with Jordan Peterson and Roy Sebag, is a must watch for me.
@joelcarini1796 Год назад
This feels like peeking in on a conversation straight from the 70’s. Love the decor! 😂
@Whatishappeningworld Год назад
'When money is gold cooperation between people and nature is sustainable.' Makes perfect sense.
@stoggafllik Год назад
Yea. For kikes like him
@Whatishappeningworld Год назад
@@stoggafllik do something with your life!
@ashleyh.2523 Год назад
This podcast made me think of Clayton Christensen, who developed the theory of disruptive innovation. Christensen often described the bookcase in his Harvard faculty office, which contained various books about management theories. He kept places open on the shelf where he believed there were not yet satisfactory, workable theories on effective management. One of those empty places was metrics. I can't help but wonder if The Natural Order of Money might have filled that space on Christensen's shelf? If nothing else, I'm intrigued and will be reading it. Thanks for an intriguing podcast!
@PaperGrape Год назад
What a delight, that Dr. Peterson was somehow able to procure a podcast opportunity with Mr. Rogers!! But honestly, I had felt that the podcast had become somewhat stale (for me) in some of its ideas, but this brilliant guest and the delightful, rooted conversation was enthralling. This is where I find Jordan at his best, with the best guests, hanging neck-and-neck, completing each others' sentences, enjoying a sentence from a book. Jordan has become so accessible that I forget how ridiculously intelligent and learned he is.
@fr.minchfabio Год назад
When it is clear it must be short. We should read this book! The discussion helps us to comprehend it. Thanks a million!
@alexjayschimel Год назад
This podcast blew my mind on all levels of analysis!
@stoggafllik Год назад
Probably cause you don’t have one in the first place.
@goldstandard3714 Год назад
As the credits roll and movie night comes to a close, I frequently exclaimed to my wife (God rest her beautiful soul) after a particularly bad "B" movie "Baby, you sure can pick 'em!" This episode fascinated me from beginning to end on a subject I had already surrendered to likely being a complete waste of my time. Not entirely true because when Jordan Peterson is involved, there is always anywhere from a nugget to a truckload of nuggets of wisdom to be gleaned. Where the UFC can hold me at the edge of my seat, you had me firmly committed to 2 hours of fascinating deep couch relaxation. Thank you, Jordan and Roy. Mr. Peterson, you sure can pick 'em!
@Markburton86 Год назад
I had never heard of Roy Sebag before this podcast. Super smart guy and I’ve purchased his book. Would love to see more of this guy.
@roccoforte6889 Год назад
This interview is indeed incredibly great and essential to listen to, the discussion is undertaken at a really in-depth level and touches on the right topics to consider in order to progress as individuals psychologically, socially, financially, i.e. as essential parts of a natural order of life, nature, within human communities, etc. Which defines how our economies, financial, social and political structures, etc.should operate... and the in-depth insights and analysis Jordan offers definitely add substance to the topic of the natural order of economics and how other elements complete it
@aidendrake11 Год назад
I'm so glad Dr. Peterson is having a conversation like this. Absolutely phenomenal.
@pwrmvs247 Год назад
Excellent discussion! Roy’s points are very compelling.
@derylrobinson Год назад
That was amazing. Possibly the most intelligent study of first principles and natural law I’ve heard yet. It reminds me of Abolition of Man by CS Lewis.
@benchokwaiman Год назад
Hi Roy, Excellent interview wow!.. I love the concept of gold as money and I agree totally that it should. You come to the conclusion that deflation would be more likely to occur in that case. The economy is as you know also naturally deflationary. This is why governments aim at 2% inflation. That brings me to the point which you must actually already know: That governments don't want gold as money because it would force them to be a competitive organization and be efficient. And since governments attract inefficient people that are not able to compete well in the regular economy, you have an entity that will collapse when gold would be money. Even if gold where to be adopted, it would not take long before the government would recognize that it will not be able to compete with the regular economy and it could either take the economy off of the gold standard again and survive OR keep the gold standard and collapse. And as the people that will make the decision would be saving them selves the outcome will be obvious. But if somehow gold would stay as money, then we would get a more efficient society, because governments will be forced to be more competitive. The concept of always working, is hard to understand for someone without children. I always find it fascinating to see how even the brightest minds cannot wrap their head around how much effort in time an money it takes to have a family. I think this is what you are missing when you made the comment about not understanding why people are always working. I know this is sort of a vague comment and not complete with a why, but here in lies your answer. ( I did understand you correctly so, ponder it if you feel like it :))
@Mmmmkaaay Год назад
The value we place on gold, even in our modern times, has always fascinated me.
@Memesdailyt4 Год назад
People value historical things yk.
@alirezaone Год назад
It feels really good to watch Dr. Peterson listening to the interviewee more than talking.
@MrKen59 Год назад
What’s interesting is how Gold is stored for its value rather than using gold for something of value. This is a very interesting discussion and I appreciate the conversation.
@cazzac4817 Год назад
That's kind of the point it has less perishability than most commodities and is rarer (therefore more labour intensive). as well historically there was also little you could use gold for it was heavy but soft meaning it was good for little more than ornaments. Now obviously gold has a much higher use value.
@andrewroberthook3310 Год назад
The story of a man Who realises the structure he lives within Follows rules It appears that people are acting in a way according to the abilities of teachers to convey information Says a lot
@hairetikos6402 Год назад
Roy has literally distilled muddied thoughts that I have had myself in this podcast... I will be reading his book. This was a great conversation that has really helped my own thinking.
@randallsawyer4133 Год назад
Thank you for this interview! You mentioned Tupe's "Superabundance" more than once. You did not - however - mention Temple Grandin. I would say that Grandin's concern for the decline in hands-on-skills and Roy Sebag's concern for the decoupling of money from nature - and their calls to attention for proposed action - are fruit of the same tree! I ordered Sebag's book before the interview was over.
@nicolegoddard4375 Год назад
I agree. After our money was no longer backed by gold, everything in economics has been this slow decline instead of growth. With corporations owning farms, etc. all we have seen is them essentially raping the land. Even our food contains way less nutrients than before all of this.
@ChaoticNeutralMatt Год назад
I don't want to jump on the pile, but you are correct. One of several patterns
@sdrawkcabUK Год назад
JP interviewed Grandin quite recently and they discusses this issue
@Evan-rx6cj Год назад
@@nicolegoddard4375 What do you mean "way less nutrients"? Sure, new foods exist that are low in vitamins/minerals but high in macronutrients... but the old foods (i.e. basic agricultural commodities) are as nutritious as ever.
@geo6892000 Год назад
@@Evan-rx6cj That simply is not true. Modern farming techniques with the use of chemicals, is literally killing off all of the microorganisms that live in the soil that produce the nutrients that end up in our food. The soils on these large scale farms are dead. If you grow a 'cabbage' in your back yard it will contain far more nutrients that the same cabbage grown industrially. That is a truth that is easily verifiable.
@King_Illuminaughti Год назад
Returning to the Gold Standard is ONE tool in Our arsenal of methods to ensure sustained prosperity & accountability in the global economy. It does not replace the need for a new industrial & manufacturing base in each country to produce more locally w/commensurate ideas that are truly original & revolutionary. We do agree overall & appreciate this detailed discussion & hope you continue with this topic: would love to hear one on Sovereign Debt❣️🙏🏻💎🗽👼🏻
@itsunoshiyuga Год назад
loved this conversation. Jordan seemed genuinely interest in the topic and was achieving Roy's undiscovered information while listening. He is great at making right questions to probe for deeper meaning of other peoples worldviews
Thanks for this Dr. Peterson and Mr. Sebag, learned some very good ideas.
@ican6635 Год назад
Best Takeaways: 1) By aggregating measure of prosperity to the level of GDP or Index you are basically measuring nothing because things which are underlying GDP or Index basically changes overtime. 2) Money and the Monetary system has to be rooted in natural world and empirical realities. Decoupling them(ignoring decay, assuming infinite human desires and persistent growth), are the main causes of inflation, inequality and other modern economic problems. 3) Anything scarce and store of value can't be money(like bitcoin etc) , it has to have intrinsic value which is at the same time, not of immediate utility. 4) More people should be part of Natural Economy(extracting resources, farming) than service sector, because it is in the former, the real growth lies.
@muchiking Год назад
Nice list i would love to add one of my takeaway The importance of first principals thinking and trying to unmask abstractions in systems
@durtisdanger Год назад
Absolutely Love Roy’s take on things. As someone who’s monetary history journey started wondering why every nation is in debt and to whom?… Throw in environmental science, construction and farming I felt as if he was speaking directly to me. Thank you both for a great conversation. The world is an incredible gift and we have not begun to unleash the creative capacity of humanity. The future will not be without challenge, but we will soon enter a time of prosperity and freedom not known in generations. God bless you and all who enjoy this.
@cravenmoore7778 Год назад
I love the way he keeps bringing in Benjamin Graham. I met Mr. Graham in my youth, kept my mouth shut, and my ears open
@Apostate_ofmind Год назад
This video was so dense with value, that its extremely apt to say it was GOLD.
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