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The nature of love, the end of seeking, and the felt experience of 'it' 

Untangle Your Mind
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5 сен 2024




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@Neil1957- 19 дней назад
Lovely home video, nicely shot and edited , if I may say. Always helpful and insightful. I watch all of your videos, I wish there were many, many more. I keep an eye on your site for any new additions. Much appreciation.
@lindsayhaskins2848 Месяц назад
What a beautiful transmission of Love. Thank you for this video ❤
@hannahlily11 4 месяца назад
Dear disembodied Voice, thanks once again. Nature Itself! I couldn't listen to this for weeks.. And just now I heard it more like.. as a whole rather than picturing it as levels. It's like a knot in my stomach started to unravel. You are a wonderful teacher.
@hannahlily11 4 месяца назад
I felt the duality of my question, that's it!
@ameliaforbes5210 6 месяцев назад
Just wow, disembodied voice made me cry, my own words made me cry, the love just rises up and pours forth out of these eyes what can I say… There are no words except a long time ago little I had nobody she could turn to for spiritual advice so little I asked big I(absolute) from the bottom of her heart to please help her and she did. Little I has meditated, been on retreats, read lots on religion and lots of spiritual books, visited swamis, monks, ashrams, monasteries and watched videos but you voice were the final piece of the puzzle! 🧩 Thank you 🙏 so so so much for all of the wisdom you relay, gratitude comes from the bottom of my heart! ❤ I also giggled at your video disembodied voice and enjoyed the gentleness of the family day out and laughed at the kangaroo popping it’s head up at the end!😂 Thank you again Big I, little I bows down to you and surrenders….💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
@untangle-your-mind 6 месяцев назад
❤️🙏. I am so glad that your search is at an end. It is a joy to be able to share in this understanding. P.S. That was a wallaby! The roo's furry little cousin.
@ingridkrueger4961 12 дней назад
Beautifully said, very special.
@NowhereNonduality Месяц назад
I checked in on your channel today and happened on this-lovely to see old friends in this video. Beautiful responses to their questions ❤️ I hope you’re well.
@untangle-your-mind Месяц назад
Nice to hear from you again. Hope you are well too. You got together quite the sangha!
@hannahlily11 6 месяцев назад
BTW, the footage itself is delightful 🌻🐦🌿💛💛💛
@elizabethgilbert5547 6 месяцев назад
Sound before light. Sound from the twinkling smiling headless Jnani horseman. This talk struck the heart cave with a light such that weeping and laughing happened long before the ego who was chomping at the bit to hear the answer to “my” question appeared. Seems we know the answer to questions before we ask them? Years back sitting after a yoga practice a direct voice inside said.. there are no questions. I cannot express how deeply your teaching touches this heart. It is beyond sound. :-)
@christinegrace6783 5 месяцев назад
so so useful. thank you. i too have learned so much from Sri Nisargatta. the way you unpacked and expressed/answered the quests where perfectly resonant with beyond knowing that i know that i only desire to share from this awareness i am ... infinite love.
@untangle-your-mind 5 месяцев назад
Thank you 🙏. It is a joy and wonder to share this understanding.
@yadirarodriguez2333 23 дня назад
Thanks, very helpful.❤
@Lisa.Martin_AL Месяц назад
Loved this! I’m new to the channel and this format of answering the deeper questions very nice.
@untangle-your-mind 29 дней назад
Thank you and welcome to the channel 🙏 ❤️
@neerusengupta1129 5 месяцев назад
Thank you
@OnBeing3 5 месяцев назад
Thank you.
@oneom8158 10 дней назад
@henriette... 6 месяцев назад
I love this!! Thank you so much! 🙏 You’re right - the talking head is unnecessary! It’s better this way. 😁 I really like the practice of asking “To whom did this thought arise?”!! I’m going to do that. ♥♥♥ Sometimes, I feel like a fake… like the realisations that I had seem to disappear, or at least get hidden, by everyday life etc. I mean, they always “come back”, they’re not gone forever, but I still wonder how real all this is if I can then go outside and be irritated by someone and just go back to being a zombie for a while. Like what if it's just wishful thinking, you know, and not real "progress"?
@untangle-your-mind 6 месяцев назад
Thank you :) The realisations are not fake. The bit that keeps flipping is the mental pointer called "I". When the mind conceives of you a certain way, it produces feelings and behaviours that correspond to its conception of you. The Self-inquiry practice helps in being firm on what is "I". This is Self-knowledge based on actual fact, rather than the mind's conceptions of self.
@henriette... 6 месяцев назад
Thank you! 🙏 I know the answer to pretty much every question is to rest as awareness, and yet here I am asking stupid things. I will continue with the Self Enquiry and hopefully end this flipping.
@liamobroin9491 Месяц назад
Sheared Gifts Shorn sheep in pastures lie Upon this misted morn Nestle close in recompense Like fleece-less newly borns Heavy coats now forsworn In pastoral symbiosis Full fleeces to the flocker's floor In this perennial wool-hypnosis. Liam Ó Broin 160724 (Attributed to the Impersonal Consciousness)
@liamobroin9491 Месяц назад
If only as wise as the words that emanate from that acknowledged 'impersonal consciousness'... beautiful the engaging with your video respected sir... and the becoming as 'the llittle defenceless innocence therein'... thanking you.
@l.a.leighton3086 6 месяцев назад
Hello, the videos are full of knowledge that can be applied directly. The videos that have been posted have been listened to. The interest and affinity for ramana is present within myself. If possible could Ajata be explored and explained. Thank you
@untangle-your-mind 6 месяцев назад
Thank you for the suggestion. I will explore Ajata in more detail. Many videos on this channel touch on Ajata when pointing back to the Absolute standpoint. When there is no birth or death, all is unborn, uncreated, without beginning or end. Where there is no trace of any conscious entities that can exist or cease to exist, there is no one to seek or be liberated. Then it is seen that there is nothing apart from the one, indivisible Reality/ Self.
@l.a.leighton3086 6 месяцев назад
Hi! Yes ok. so all is absolute all uncreated...I seem to be lacking clarity on...what does it mean when there is actually nothing being projected or no "projector"... does projection of the "I" thought never actually occur? nothing ever really happens because it is all the one invisible self ... and projection is of course the self as well as the thought... Thank you for your understanding.
@untangle-your-mind 6 месяцев назад
From the normal human and scientific point of view, the Self is literally 'nothing'. Cannot be perceived, cannot be measured, cannot be conceived of in thought. Just an absolute 'nothing'. But to the Jnani only the Self is real. When what the mind considers to be 'nothing' is seen as Reality, then all that was previous seen as 'real', is seen to be completely without substance. So, from the Jnani's standpoint, nothing new was ever created. And nothing is ever destroyed. No illusion was ever projected and no one was ever deceived. The Self/ Reality has ever been the same and has never changed in any way. I like to express this through Form is Emptiness and Emptiness is Form, since it is a bit more palatable to the mind. Ajata is a more direct way of expressing the Jnani's standpoint and it will always be baffling until the moment that it isn't!
@l.a.leighton3086 6 месяцев назад
Hi. Ok oh wow...I see what is being said...it does baffle the mind. I will contemplate on this. Thank you for the kindness.
@sakinasewani6314 6 месяцев назад
That is the exact word I used last week "baffling" to describe to someone this understanding. Ajata, sunyata, heart sutra leave me baffled. And you say it is baffling until it isn't, so after all this understanding to one who doesn't exist to begin with .... no separate entities, is it just Grace now ? How does dropping of something that doesn't exist happen ? Obviously something is holding on or does clear seeing happen in so called time ...... perhaps you can guide. Thank you.
@hannahlily11 6 месяцев назад
I keep getting struck by. Oh, this is tricky. OK, start with the easy.. I was banging on about this a lot when I first started communicating on your channel. The astonishing weirdness of there being.. anything at all. Even 'nothing', though that seems a little less bizarre somehow. OK.. OK, I found a way to express this wonder, I think. In your talks, you often use the word 'fact'. The 'fact of you'. The FACT. Whenever you have said it I was left with a little question mark of doubt, somehow. Ah, crying again! My mind keeps getting gobsmacked by the sheer astonishment of being, of existence, non existence, of emptiness, wholeness, anything and nothing. It doesn't know what, or why. And yet.. Oh my god, the beauty of this!? I don't know, and yet THIS. Is there a space beyond the sheer astonishment? I mean.. There is acceptance here, in a way I've not felt before, and perhaps a bit of numbness.. No that's not what I'm trying to get at. It feels like..this, I don't know what to call it, is both known and unknowable? Like everything else, apparently.. Not opposite but a spectrum holding it all, including 'can't be held'. But oh wow.. Aside from all this wonder, this sheer mystery.. FACT. Just.. Wow, just wow! So much love.
@hannahlily11 6 месяцев назад
I mean.. Fact means real! And non dual means.. No gap at all?? Constant, right?
@untangle-your-mind 6 месяцев назад
Haha! Yes, the FACT is real. Easily verifiable and beyond doubt. To whom did this thought arise? That is the Self. Not a person, not a body, mind, or a sentient entity, but Sentience itself. The astonishment is temporary. I find that it is only from the lens of this instrument/mind. To the mind the Self is unknowable and infinitely mysterious. But as the Self, the fact of being aware is entirely obvious and cannot be imagined to be any other way.
@hannahlily11 6 месяцев назад
Obvious, yes!! (And gosh.. fact!!) I don't know about that last bit 'can't be imagined to be any other way'. What do you mean!? That awareness is simply awareness? unaffected by any changing content?
@hannahlily11 6 месяцев назад
Hmm.. I'm reminded of something that struck me during during the first few mystic experiences, where I thought to myself that the nature of the experience WAS the answer to any question, and there were simply no words or descriptors appropriate. Is what you were pointing to something similar? I think it must be.
@untangle-your-mind 6 месяцев назад
Awareness cannot be unaware, can it? What is real cannot stop being real. Ultimately, it is seen that Reality cannot be any other way. All space, time, experience appear in Awareness and depend on Awareness. So, there never could be any separate little things in space and time that somehow gained the magical power of being aware.
@hannahlily11 6 месяцев назад
That was beautiful through and through. And helpful, healing and clarifying. And funny! I would love to see more of these style videos, sans talking head 😉 Thank you, deeply
@hannahlily11 6 месяцев назад
Wait.. OK this is suddenly very confusing. Do 'What am I?' And 'To whom did this thought arise?' have the same answer!?? Or is the first question directly affirming and the second affirming via negation? If me is a thought, can thoughts arise to it? I mean.. Up until hearing your answer to Amelia, I would have said the ego was driving the seeking, to keep itself going, but the was such a wave or relief and joy to hear you say that it was passion, love. I just feel right now that I should ask this question despite feeling embarrassed, because I might have something upside down that might simplify everything if put the right way up. I super duper want to shut up shop, just to simply live this life quietly without all this tension of seeking sounds like heaven, simplicity feels like a magnet. Not fighting an illusory battle sounds very appealing! I want to find the dangerous question, I'm tired of questions! Or am I just making noise and splitting hairs to avoid awareness? To whom DID this question arise? To no-one!? God, do _I_ HAVE no question?! Am I the answer!?
@untangle-your-mind 6 месяцев назад
You are on a good line of inquiry here. The answer to, "To whom does this thought arise?" is an affirmation. The affirmation is in being present and aware of the question and whatever else is arising in that moment. Silent, imperturbable, aware. That is You. Not as a thought or concept, but as a matter of fact. > If me is a thought, can thoughts arise to it? That's it. No, of course not! That me, previously sitting imperiously on the throne, claiming to be the subject, is found to be just another object of perception. And what an insubstantial one at that! Only the Self, Aware-ness itself, is aware. So, the answer to, "What am I?" and, "To whom does this thought arise?" is the same.
@hannahlily11 6 месяцев назад
Thank you 💛
@hannahlily11 6 месяцев назад
BTW.. The sadness around the empty nature of the absolute, the pain feeling that love was the ground zero of consciousness instead has disappeared. In fact, it's beautiful, and spacious. Once again, thank you so much, that fear was a heavy weight!
@hannahlily11 6 месяцев назад
I realised I don't even REALLY know what shutting up shop means. Just be aware of being aware, just that?? Don't do anything with feelings, but feel them and be mindful of awareness? I'm tired!! Is it stopping, winding down all this looking, just that one practise? Right now it just feels like another practise, and hard to believe that its actually not just another bandaid.
@jacatijagago1233 6 месяцев назад
@divinenonbinary 5 месяцев назад
Now this confused me a lil. Why would love need anything isnt state of love is when we don’t need or desire bc it’s not a state of lack but of abundance and oneness
@untangle-your-mind 5 месяцев назад
Ultimately all states, including the felt experience of love, depend on consciousness. But the prior-most condition, or most fundamental state, is one that transcends consciousness and unconsciousness, being and non-being. That is pure Awareness at rest. In terms of divinity, this is the Godhead from which arises God; the pure knowledge that "I Am", felt most intimately in all lives as the simple love to be. Immersed in this Love, it can be seen how it arises and becomes the seed of all creation.
@hannahlily11 6 месяцев назад
I have another question.. Is the dark night of the soul just facing the non reality of me when still believing/feeling that awareness is 'in the me'?
@untangle-your-mind 6 месяцев назад
Yes, it comes from trying to see or conceive of the Self while still unclear on the core insight. There may be divine visions or the dark night, mostly both.
@goldmine4955 2 месяца назад
Stop it or I fall in love with you. Oh well, too late.
@untangle-your-mind 2 месяца назад
Haha! "Lose yourself, Lose yourself in this love. When you lose yourself in this love, you will find everything." -- Rumi
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