
The Other Side of the Resistance: The Fear and Desperation of Axis Collaborators 

The Front
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@pjbyrne1997 6 месяцев назад
In one of Mark Mazowers books, he states that the number of Dutch individuals that joined the Waffen SS and joined the NSB doubled the confirmed number of Dutch Resistance fighters. But he also points out, that it's really hard to define what a collaborator is, and what a resistant is. The post office worker that "accidentally" loses German post, they'll never get mentioned in history books, but are they performing acts of resistance? Vichy French was considered the legitimate government of France until Case Anton, not just by many French, but also by governments such as the USA and Canada. Many actions of the holocaust in Le Zone Libre and places like Algeria were carried out by French Police, under French orders. Would the men who committed such actions be considered Collaborators? Or men carrying out illegal orders of a lawful government they had sworn loyalty to?
@seanlander9321 6 месяцев назад
After Australia defeated France in Syria and Lebanon Vichy wasn’t recognised at all, other than as the pathetic colonial subjects of the Third Reich.
@pjbyrne1997 6 месяцев назад
@@seanlander9321 You are simply wrong.
@michaelmazowiecki9195 6 месяцев назад
My mother was arrested in the Vichy zone (Toulon) by French police under German Gestapo orders in March 1943, spent 6 months in Gestapo prisons in Toulon and Marseille, then transported to Germany to concentration camp for nearly 2 years. She was a Resistance courier aged 24 at the time , betrayed by a Vichy sympathiser. French Nazi collaborators met rough justice subsequent to the liberation of France. About 60,000 were killed. The worst collaborators were Darland's Milice . It was commonly called the French Gestapo and operated in 1943-44.
@ryanh4775 7 месяцев назад
I was visiting family in Reims France many years ago and I asked my cousin about the Vichy French and I'm simply paraphrasing but when she was a little girl she watched a collaborator get dragged out right across the street from where she was presently living and pointed out the spot where they were promptly executed no sweat. So I'm sure all sorts of crazy things played out that we will never know about.
@Lonovavir 6 месяцев назад
A lot of off the books "Justice" was dealt out after a town was liberated. Allied soldiers would tell the locals we'll start enforcing the laws tomorrow, by the way, here's a gun. The messed up part is some victims weren't even collaborators, just people someone else has issues with.
@igotfriendsinlowplaces2971 6 месяцев назад
The Allies were terrible
@ryanh4775 6 месяцев назад
@@Lonovavir the crazier part is I've had people from that area corroborate the story even down when I describe the landmarks that were around at the time and they were like yep that happened. Not unlike when I talk to the grandkids of the other side that my grandparents fought against. I. In different circumstances I could everyone being very good friends.
@matthewjay660 6 месяцев назад
Yeah, the Free French had 25 days of "People's Tribunals" or "Wild Purges" upon Liberation.
@sakkra93 6 месяцев назад
And yet, most collaborators were just as patriotic as they were, some even more so. Many were French ultranationalists who wanted to rebuild French strength and to protect France from destruction by working with the Germans in their crusade against the Bolshevists. French ultranationalists had no love for Stalinist Russia, so why not give the Germans a hand? It'd give them a higher standing in the inevitable German-led Ultranationalist European alliance.
@brokenbridge6316 6 месяцев назад
So hands down this video points out that occupation is an exceedingly complicated n nuanced existence. And not just during past wars but today as well.
@HawkThunder907 6 месяцев назад
They should have picked Yugoslavia for the video, it was anarchy and nobody knew who was on which side and which political belief. The chetniks alone were a pretty divided group and the JVUO gets mixed up with collaborators.
@MrReymoclif714 6 месяцев назад
Yugoslavia had 3 separate resistance movements!!! 2 were vying for Moscow direct aid!!! Tito was the leader of the minor party of these two!!!
@RedFawcett 6 месяцев назад
I did sort of hope for mention of rhe Yugoslav conflict as well in this video, now I hope there'll be a separate one on that topic.
@ZS-rw4qq 6 месяцев назад
Yugoslavia was actually fairly simple - you either went with the partisans and resisted or went with your ethnic militia and collaborated. Atleast by 1943 that was the case
@HawkThunder907 6 месяцев назад
@@ZS-rw4qq "collaboration" is the wrong word.
@ZS-rw4qq 6 месяцев назад
@@HawkThunder907 How so?
@lawsonj39 6 месяцев назад
The French collaborator Louis-Ferdinand Celine wrote a fascinating series of books detailing the increasing desperation of people like him as Vichy and the Nazis gradually collapsed: Castle to Castle, Nord, and Rigadoon. Well worth reading.
@puppetguy8726 6 месяцев назад
Not sure I agree that giving sexual services is collaboration. I would disapprove of it, but I wouldn't go as far as labelling them as quislings.
@bunk95 6 месяцев назад
If youre lying about human slaves collaborator. Are you lying about human slaves?
@justout75 6 месяцев назад
Me either...women have it rough in uncertain times. Husband dead or pow, children to feed, ect
@tomg5187 7 месяцев назад
Excellent video topic thank you!
@edwindooley2303 7 месяцев назад
Kind of surprised there was no mention of the Charlemagne Division. Not complaining, just seems like an interesting tidbit that could have made the video more informative.
@parodyclip36 6 месяцев назад
Honestly ? Not that interesting. A few thousands guys that volunteered to fight communism on the eastern front. All there is to say
@edwindooley2303 6 месяцев назад
@@parodyclip36 battle of Berlin. Collaboration til the end
@parodyclip36 6 месяцев назад
@@edwindooley2303 It wasn't collaboration at this point, it was survival and desperation. Most troops defending Berlin were foreigners with no home to go back to. These men could not go back to France either way. It isnt that particular. Even Numerically they weren't that many. They barely had any impact overall and most of them ended up slaughtered by the reds.
@edwindooley2303 6 месяцев назад
@@parodyclip36 don't disagree, just seems like a missed opportunity to me tion most of the foreign volunteer units overall. Charlemagne is just the most interesting to me.
@parodyclip36 6 месяцев назад
@@edwindooley2303 Yeah fair enough
@cliffordnewell2445 6 месяцев назад
Great program
@codyshi4743 6 месяцев назад
Is it possible to make video on the axis collaborator in Asia.
@brazendesigns 6 месяцев назад
Fyi: Quisling is pronounced “kwisling” in English, not “kisling”.. This video is a great topic never covered elsewhere.
@MR_ponki 6 месяцев назад
19:40 thats konstantinos logothetopoulos not ektor tsironikos
@hobinrood710 6 месяцев назад
Those names are literal tongue twisters.
@MR_ponki 6 месяцев назад
@@hobinrood710 true
@SeanDahle 7 месяцев назад
It's easier to collaborate than resist. Unfortunately, many people often take the easy way out or are too afraid to fight back. That's what happened with many of these collaborators. Just like how during the American Revolutionary War, 2 thirds of the people living in the 13 colonies supported the British empire or stayed silent despite the fact that the rebels won in the end because it was the easier way out. The moral of the story is that if you're going to resist big government, prepare to face all kinds of adversity and understand you won't be popular. However, if you are victorious, you will be seen as a hero. History is written by the victor, after all.
@TomFynn 6 месяцев назад
After the defeat of France, German soldiers marched through the streets of Paris. Strapping lads, spring in their steps, dashing uniforms. On the other hand, French soldiers: demoralized, torn uniforms and slouching from defeat. Also, at first, German soldiers were ordered best jack-booted foot forward since H. still wanted to woo the French. So a lot of French Mademoiselles fell for German soldiers. When the tide turned, however....
@havocgr1976 6 месяцев назад
In Greece the collaborators mostly remained in power, the Americans and British protected em, because as fascists(or nationalists) they hated communism and that was more important to em. Ofcourse not all were that, some were just opportunists with no morals and others were starving and did it to survive.Thanks for this video.
@capitan_gorgonzolazola 6 месяцев назад
Imagine communist Greece , if they re fucked now they would be double fucked under some red regime
@bunk95 6 месяцев назад
Greece is fictional.
@weirdguylol 6 месяцев назад
​@@bunk95what is greece?
@reneedennis2011 6 месяцев назад
Great, informative video! Some of this information is in The History Channel documentary series Nazi Collaborators.
@astralclub5964 6 месяцев назад
From the Fall of France until the German defeat at Stalingrad, the German side seemed like a smart bet!
@billashby7858 6 месяцев назад
I would like to know if the Communist in France supported resistance against the Germans before the invasion of the Soviet Union in June 1941?
@TonyGModesto 6 месяцев назад
Those aligned with the actual French Communist Party? No. Other leftist groups did though. Including the Spaniards in Southern France. There were nearly a quarter million of them, and many of them were veterans of the Spanish Civil War. They formed guerrilla groups that proved a great nuisance for the Vichy, and then the Germans. Groups of French Volunteers would often form around experience Spaniards who had been soldiers in the War. They were fighting pretty much from day one, having few other options. By 1944 they had formed an all Spanish Army of nearly 40,000 men (high estimates), and lead the way on liberating much of Southern and Western France. Once of their divisions even attempted an invasion of Spain with the goal of restarting the Civil War. They had some success at first but were defeated by larger forces and had to withdraw back into France. It was called ‘Operation Reconquista’
@strfltcmnd.9925 6 месяцев назад
Greece, where they separate the men from the boys with prybars.
@michaelw2288 6 месяцев назад
In Greece after the war, the collaorators siezed power and the resistance was sent to political prisoner camps.
@flyingsword135 6 месяцев назад
95% of the French population collaborated
@-JA- 6 месяцев назад
@bluewizzard8843 6 месяцев назад
Just do what is the best way to keep your family save. That's the number 1 priority a man should have. Not national pride or the urge to be a hero.. nothing more important in life than family.
@michaelw2288 6 месяцев назад
In Netherlands there was strong, public resistance to Nazi rule but also strong collaboration above mere survival. Organised gangs of militia hunted down Jews in hiding, for a cash bounty. These gangs included organised crime, police , firemen, young street thugs and idealogically driven Dutch Nazis.
@kingjoe3rd 6 месяцев назад
I wish you wouldn't bring up how someone "spewed racist rhetoric" as if it was anything out of the ordinary back in those days. You know who also spewed racist rhetoric? Winston Churchill, my great uncle who fought against the Nazis, Harry Truman, etc. It feels like you are bringing modernist perspectives in to an era that it has no place in. Next thing you know, you are going to be making videos about which WW2 army was most inclusive.
@literallynothinghere9089 6 месяцев назад
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes: Axis collaborator mantra
@bluewizzard8843 6 месяцев назад
So you would clearly be a Résistance fighter yes? Are you Sure about that? I wonder what stupid price you would win.
@literallynothinghere9089 6 месяцев назад
@@bluewizzard8843 No I will just sit at the sidelines
@justout75 6 месяцев назад
​@@literallynothinghere9089in total war..there aren't any sidelines.
@jdools4744 6 месяцев назад
Go back to making boring polls
@weirdguylol 6 месяцев назад
​@@justout75there is
@dewetmaartens359 6 месяцев назад
The French resistance hardly exited until after D-day. We know this because the Germans only needed 5000 policemen in the entire northern half of France. Most of their efforts were for dealing with criminality and not sabotage. The supposed French resistance was simply used for propaganda purpose, during and after the war. The first hand source material is very clear about these facts.
@parodyclip36 6 месяцев назад
Hum, no ? The reason why the germans didn't need police in the north is because for every act of resistance 10 civilians were executed. My great grandfather died like that in 40, along 4 other towns men "Pour l'exemple". The part played by the resistance was policatlly inflated and used but it was still real. It's justtthat most of the fighting happened after d day but you cant dismiss the entirety of the French resistance based on your flawed impression on one particular area of France. You say first hand sources prove you are right, I can give you a shit on of first hand sources that prove that you are wrong. The French resistance existed long before d day but for obvious purposes it was quiet, waiting for it's time. Maybe you cant comprehend that it is useless to do an uprising, out of the blue. Poles tried that, they died and got their country even more devastated for little to no effect on the war.
@dewetmaartens359 6 месяцев назад
@@parodyclip36 your post essentially backs up my argument: Before D-Day there was no real resistance. Reprisals can be used as a reason for the French being passive and collaborative, but this is a reason only and does not remove the fact that they were in fact passive and collaborative. A reason does not remove fact, it helps explain why a fact exists. Futhermore, reprisals, as a reason for passivity, is not universal. In the east there was a real resistance, where groups of men took up arms despite reprisals. This resistance was so great that the Germans had to allocate entire divisions to subdue them. So reprisals in of itself is not a universal reason for passivity.
@parodyclip36 6 месяцев назад
@@dewetmaartens359 You don't understand anything. Reistance did exist before d day. Sabotage in factories, assassinations (in my hometown a man blew up a nazi ship well before 44), rescuing down allied pilots (A bomber crew was hidden by people next to where I live), giving intels on german activity,. You have to understand that resistance took place in very different forms throughout France. In the North it was a lot more useful to build up a network and bid your time than to just assassinate the first german you see. So in the north the resistance *wasn't* passive but it was not up armed resistance for obvious reasons. In the South the resistants build up vasts networks to help the allies (Helping jews escape, ensuring allied pilots could get back to England via Spain, smuggling french soldiers to join De Gaulle etc). Itvwas sometimes more violent. May I remind you that French resistants LIBERATED Corsica in 1943. You know why ? Because it was possible : Corsica is an island so it wasn't easy for Germany to come back, because allies were advancing and could rapidly back the French resistants. Even tho, acts of armed resistance still took place all over France before 1944. And D day was this successful thanks to the French resistance. Without their intels provided beforehand, sabotage taking place the week before and the collective uprising during D day : a lot of allied soldiers could have died. Overlord was the french resistance masterpiece and a lot if resistants died for it to happen. Dismissing everything before that is incredibly stupid because it is untrue as I just proven you (remember Corsica) and it is unfair because they laid some of the groundwork for their own uprising. I don't know why you are so eager to shit on the French resistance (based on nothing really) but Eisenowher himself credited the French resistance for their pivotal role prior and following d day. Comparing reistance to the west and to the east is stupid too. From a strategic standpoint the uprising of Warsaw (armed resistance in the east) achieved nothing and proves that it is useless to just take up arms without any goals, preparation and cooperation with allied forces
@dewetmaartens359 6 месяцев назад
@@parodyclip36 if the resistance prior to D-Day was as prolific as you believe, then how were only a mere 5000 policemen required? Resistance did exist, but it's contribution has been greatly exaggerated and often even fabricated during and after the war. Many declassified documents the last few decades along with research using first hand source material has proven this. The French did provide intelligence, in the same way as all occupied people did. So far my posts are explicitly regarding pre D-Day. After D-Day the resistance did much more and contributed a great deal.
@parodyclip36 6 месяцев назад
@@dewetmaartens359 Why only 5000 policemen ? Because your statement is untrue lol. You do not account for the presence of wechmacht soldiers conducting military police activities estimated between 50k and 200k before 44), the Abwehr, the Gestapo (after 1942), the Vichy Milice, the French police (supposed to also track resistants, they were sometimes resistants and sometimes collaborators). Finally let me give you an other number ~25 000 resistants *executed* between 1940 and 1944. Not accounting for those who were killed during fightings. The germans and French collaborators were able to round up and execute 25 000 resistants, most of them before d day. So maybe for you those people that got executed did nothing but for us and for the germans they were resistants actively disrupting the german war machine. You got your 5000 german policeman number wrong so just admit that you were wrong and biased. The resistants executed before d day are a proof that there were active resistants before d day.
@454FatJack 6 месяцев назад
Collaboration right wing. Allies ❤ Communist’s . So Who is really right and more right😂❤..
@antonyware9887 6 месяцев назад
Statesman my arse ( Petain), 😂 A very mediocre individual. Laval on the other hand …
@JackGordone 6 месяцев назад
Why no mention of the extensive and enthusiastic collaboration of the Banderites who currently rule Kiev? Why no mention of the scores and scores of Nazi war criminals shielded from any retribution by the OSS, the predecessor of the CIA?
@isaacmoore1146 6 месяцев назад
That’s very stupid. What would a Jewish person (Zelenskyy) be the leader of a antisemitic group
@MrZombiekiller23 6 месяцев назад
This channel is just outright doing naZi apología now 😂 it was only a. Matter of time 🤡 fascists are so predictable
@block8893 6 месяцев назад
Wtf r u talking about
@paulreilly3904 6 месяцев назад
​@@block8893 Well said.
@TheDragonborn97 6 месяцев назад
I would say just anti communist
@MrZombiekiller23 6 месяцев назад
@@TheDragonborn97 80% of anti communist propaganda originates from Nazis the other 20% originates from Nazi collaborators working w the CIA in the cold war🥴
@Iron-Bridge 6 месяцев назад
It's more nuanced than that if you actually paid attention and bothered to engage your brain. But perfectly understandable that binary thinkers ( non thinkers actually 😄) like you can't think beyond your limitations. It's possible to understand why something was the way it happened without necessarily agreeing with it. There. Try that. Only 🤡 here is you.
@impermanencenoself5965 6 месяцев назад
No mention of the Banderites? Telling!
@dubaikay5871 6 месяцев назад
Im dutch for my dutch lessons THIS year i needed to read 3 dutch books with The central theme of ww2 one of The books i read The veraadster was at first I thought an normal book about ww2 through The perspective of people from my country but what I was really shocked about was The appearance in The book of somebody who had my identical last name and after some searching and asking my grandparents hé was The head of an resistance group in Gelderland (a dutch province) learnd some interesting family history that day edit: forgot to mention in The book The main subject about The book is that they went after A nazi traitor verraadster/veraader is Dutch for traitor The book ended with The traiter being found in A park burried after getting a shot in The head earlier resistans members Where talking about what to do with her And somebody was sent to take care of it
@HaqTaichou 6 месяцев назад
How about a Japanese Collaborator in Asia???
@raymondyee2008 6 месяцев назад
And why not? That would be an interesting subject especially here in Singapore.
@HaqTaichou 6 месяцев назад
@@raymondyee2008 yes same here in Malaysia.. there lot of Japanese Collaborator in Malaya during Japanese occupation
@kwamesmith3214 6 месяцев назад
Fascinating... Because I was a collaborator for the Japanese decades ago. But I don't think they themselves agreed 😅😅 🤔🤔
@brokenbridge6316 6 месяцев назад
Thanks a bunch for mentioning my comment The Front. You made my day.
@GM-tw4el 6 месяцев назад
I don't think people should be so harsh on collaborators in Europe in the early part of the war, especially before the USA and USSR got involved and pushing back the allies to flee from Dunkirk. At that point it looked pretty certain that Germany would triumph in western Europe. Fair play to the resistance, because a betting man would have gone with Germany all day long when Germany forced the remaining allies into retreat back across the channel.
@jeffersonwright6249 6 месяцев назад
Love what General Patton said about the French Resistance: “Better than expected but not as good as advertised.” Or what Adolf Hitler said about France: “French passivity saved me 16 Infantry divisions.”
@tomskonieczka2385 6 месяцев назад
the French were cowards during WWII and it is a disgrace that so much Allied assistance went to them instead to countries that actually would have fought the Germans
@Orly90 6 месяцев назад
@@tomskonieczka2385the problem lies in how ruthless the Germans were. If you killed one German then they’d kill MANY civilians in return. And it would be naive to think the Germans wouldn’t level cities. The Germans were also way better equipped to fight than the French.
@theofarmmanager267 6 месяцев назад
⁠@@tomskonieczka2385please outline the sources from which you were able to make this statement. I think this video probably quite accurately summed up that there were resistance fighters; there were collaborateurs but the majority were just passive. It seems easy to say now, without having been actually in that position, that I or you would join the resistance. It does seem that, after the war, you could count millions who said that they resisted.
@SuperCulverin 6 месяцев назад
@theofarmmanager267 We are in the same position now. Most people are very passive towards the occupation forces in control of the world, and collaborators are everywhere.
@SuperCulverin 6 месяцев назад
@theofarmmanager267 We are in the same position now. Most people are very passive towards the occupation forces in control of the world, and collaborators are everywhere.
@princeofpokemon2934 7 месяцев назад
Being a collaborator doesn't guarantee that your loved ones will be safe and that you'll be able to give them the luxuries of having food and medicine. Even if you have your uses, you are easily expendable and can be disposed of if they deem your services no longer necessary. While I do understand why some people would collaborate either out of fear or just to protect those they care about, this also means that they've betrayed their very country. And that's something I can never forgive. And being a collaborator is also extremely risky. Because not only will you be targeted by the resistance, but being a double agent can also be risky. You'll either be exposed by the enemy and tortured or killed, or the resistance will dispose of you if they think you're too much of a risk and liability. There are many dangers of being a collaborator and those that wish to be one must Choose Wisely
@wurzel9671 7 месяцев назад
Easy for you to say.
@bloodrave9578 7 месяцев назад
If you are going to collaborate in let's say France, have a plan B in place to get out of dodge when the Allies arrive. Ie, head to Spain or South America and keep a low profile.
@AuntieTrichome 6 месяцев назад
Collaborating is fighting under a different flag than your country’s own. That meant the death penalty. This is also the only death penalty I have no problem with either.
@matthewholehouse2718 6 месяцев назад
As always context matters. Collaboration is collaboration but if your nation was under the thumb of a brutal dictatorship and then was invaded and occupied by a nation whose government treated its citizens fairly then collaboration may be the morally right thing to do.
@mbryson2899 6 месяцев назад
OP, are you in the US? If yes, do you support the police?
@curragh2840 6 месяцев назад
One of the great French writers one said that for all the talk of resistance most people tried to get on with there lives without any great calls being made on their bravery or courage. This inevitably led to concessions with each concession dragging behind it another like links in a chain. None of use know what we would do if put to the test.
@deoglemnaco7025 6 месяцев назад
I myself was in the same boat. It’s hard I did what I thought was right and I was held to the candle for it.
@ErikYehl 6 месяцев назад
Honestly if I was just an average French factory worker under German occupation I probably would just try living my life as is. Or if I was a politician who was promised significant power I’d probably collaborate to an extent. But If I was Jewish or Communist, I’d have to join some kind of resistance group.
@bunk95 6 месяцев назад
Could those slaves try or were those parts removed?
@bluewizzard8843 6 месяцев назад
As would nearly everyone who want's to live. Don't Trust internet heroes that claim they would be Résistance fighters. They truth is most people would always collaborate because they have no wish to be executed.
@bluewizzard8843 6 месяцев назад
You could try to forge your identity.
@OpalLeigh 6 месяцев назад
I get what you’re saying:) I think for Jewish people though, there’s a bit of a hindsight bias. In the beginning they didn’t know how bad things were gonna get (g*nocide), and by the time they were certain they no longer had access to arms and resistance was basically futile 😔 even in the most successful acts of Jewish resistance (Warsaw ghetto etc) they knew they had basically a 0% chance of succeeding and were only choosing to take their enemies down with them.
@ErikYehl 6 месяцев назад
@@OpalLeigh for sure. As much as I’d go against it I probably wouldn’t play the hero role. Nor would I know what they’d be doing to people who ended up in the camps. Just being realistic.
@DanTheYoutubeAddict 6 месяцев назад
It is easy to look at occupied Europe in hindsight and see that the resistance fighters were in the right. But if you were living in those occupied countries at the time, it would be very easy to think that the allies could not win the war and that the Nazis and their allies would eventually rule most of the continent. With this in mind, it is not too difficult to understand how people decided to either passively continue their lives or work with the Nazis, because for a while it genuinely looked like they might win the war. For those of you who will say that collaboration meant working with the Nazis to aid in the Holocaust, I would say that you are likely forgetting that antisemitism, racism, and fascism were quite popular in many European cultures at the time. So it is not hard to imagine so many people holding similar beliefs to the Nazis in other countries. What they did is definitely not justified and was completely wrong, but you need to understand the context in order to know why they did what they did from 1938-1945.
@havocgr1976 6 месяцев назад
I d argue that most resistance movements in history never had a chance to win and still they fought.The chances of winning isn't what motivates em.
@justout75 6 месяцев назад
"what they did"....did they really?
@wout4yt 6 месяцев назад
"Nazis to aid in the Holocaust, I would say that you are likely forgetting that antisemitism, racism, and fascism were quite popular in many European cultures at the time" Just because it's popular, doesn't make it any more right.
@DanTheYoutubeAddict 6 месяцев назад
@@wout4yt agreed. Please read the remainder of my comment to see where I condemn what the collaborators did with the Nazis.
@justout75 6 месяцев назад
@@wout4yt perhaps we should make it popular again if we plan on continuing as a race.
@billmalone5050 5 месяцев назад
The Greek communists killed my great grandfather near the end of or after WW2 because he was a Greek Orthodox priest.
@spookyt8692 6 месяцев назад
I look at some of my countrymen today, and their views and expressions lead me to believe they would have collaborated if they were there at the time, and if the UK was invaded.
@runaway_slav 6 месяцев назад
No mention of collaboration in the Soviet Ukraine or Stepan Bandera, interesting to leave that out
@petebondurant58 6 месяцев назад
Stepan Bandera was locked up by the Germans, as were many members of his family. The Nazis did not want an independent Ukraine.
@joshualifetree5398 6 месяцев назад
Yet the French were considered a part of the victorious allies when they could not even free their own country and has French soldiers attacking American and Commonwealth soldiers. What a JOKE!
@arozes8324 6 месяцев назад
Not talking about Belgian Resistance weak
@HughWilson-sj4xd 6 месяцев назад
This film did not view the problems in Eastern Europe. Poland did not admit defeat either to the Hitlerites or the Stalinists. Collaboration with the Nazi occupiers was largely confined to Volk Deutsche, legally those who were Polish citizens who considered themselves to be German. Czechoslovakia had a similar problem. Ethnic identity was the driver of collaboration. Those we now term collaborators saw themselves as ethnically loyal. In Poland those who were of high social and political social status who sided with Berlin were identified , tried by legally constituted Underground courts & where the death sentence was passed had those sentences approved by the Exile Government in the UK before those operations were carried out. This procedure allowed some semblance of civilized practice in response to an utterly degrading, dehumanizing in the extreme, occupation. Those courts considered Reich citizens resident and operating within the borders of Prewar Poland similarly subject to the courts jurisdiction. The procedure in these cases was identical for those so charged as it was for Volk Deutsche/Polish. With Poland's twin betrayal's by means of the Ribbentrop/Molotov partition of 1939 followed by the Stalin/Roosevelt/Churchill partition of 1945, it had to wait until the 1990's before Poland could again be independent. Their Esprit remained unconquered, if not unmarred. The moral stance taken by the Home Army resistance, by applying forensic, legal process even under such difficult circumstances helped Pole's avoid the Occupier's programme of dehumanization prior to to national annihilation.
@olelarsen3357 6 месяцев назад
Why isn't Denmark on this listing? The danish politicians where more than willing to collaborate with the nazis.
@Judith-fg4lx 6 месяцев назад
The money market hasn't been too kind to commoners lately. I feel like I'm not making as much as I could be, can anyone refer a financial advisor that can optimize my investments?
@bunk95 6 месяцев назад
The money market or whats [marketed] as it to slaves? Give slaves fake money markets…
@chrislong6541 6 месяцев назад
Brilliant video bringing to light often untalked about but very important subjects the underlying things of war great work and opens your eyes alot if people need to see this easy to say you wouldve resisted without actually having to sacrifice anything
@alicelopes4693 6 месяцев назад
Here in France, towards the end, collaborators would receive cardboard coffins in their mail
@samthemacman 6 месяцев назад
Great content and commentary. It is a difficult quandary to find oneself in when evaluating and discerning what to do. With the creeping totalitarianism which ensued the Cov lockdowns in our recent history it is easy to see the divide and conquer ideology that manifested across Western societies. The distrust and mistrust of government institutions, the medical establishment being weaponised by the state and all sectors of life under oppression and control are the closest post WW II generations have come to this issue of collaboration. The Freedom Convoy in Canada showed a united defiance to tyranny and what can take place. It also revealed a very broken democracy and the growing hatred of a totalitarian government. It will take decades if ever for Canadians to recover or even trust a government that violated their civil liberties and rights. Those who were part of the apparatus and politicians have never been held to account to answer for their crimes. Justice delayed is no justice at all. I personally will never trust our government or institutions, medical science and experts again. I have zero trust in any of them. They all betrayed their country and fellow citizens. I no longer feel like a patriot. My country died in the Pandemic. Canada will never be the same. This whole Pandemic has scarred the current generation much like those who went through occupation and collaboration.
@jokodihaynes419 6 месяцев назад
"one would like to be both the one and the other but because it is difficult to combine them it is far better to be feared than loved if you cannot be both"- Machiavelli
@angelcabeza6464 6 месяцев назад
is that the guy that was deposed when he tried ruling an Italian state with his philosophy?
@michaelchen8643 6 месяцев назад
There is a family story that was not necessary, passed out, but it was reconstructed by one of the married members of my family, as to what happened to my grandfather My grandfather was invited to be the village head in China about 1940. It was a great honor so he returned from his home in canton China. He disappeared. We don’t know what happened to him, and the villagers kept quiet as to what happened. My ladyhood married my aunt, the eldest sister of my grandfather, that the villagers invited him back so they could have a fall guy so when the Japanese would come, they know who to kill because they were killing all the leaders of the communities that they were coming across to save their own skins
@daveacbickford 6 месяцев назад
Another incredible video guys, on a difficult topic but one that needs to be spoken about - content like this is one of the many reasons I subscribe to your channel, no doubt many others watching feel the same 😊 Keep up the brilliant work team.
@viandengalacticspaceyards5135 6 месяцев назад
My great-uncle was in France at the liberation. He was captured by a resistance group who had mistaken him for a colaborator and were going to shoot him. Luckily, one of them got the bright idea of getting a witness. The witness took 2 days to get there and say 'wrong guy', then they let him go.
@fonzaug3355 Месяц назад
the soviets eradicated more of the enemy than any of the other Allies. The people of the soviet union defeated Nazism. :) The Red Army and The People...Hurrah!!
@peterbrungardt5434 2 месяца назад
23:37. I think it’s also worth pointing out how that some resistance fighters used (apparent) collaboration as a method to obtain information. Perhaps a barber who gave discounts to Germanss would collect info and secrets and pass it on to armed resistance members.
@fabiopaolobarbieri2286 5 месяцев назад
The opening remarks are nonsense. There could never have been resistance groups anywhere if the majority of the population had not supported them. Not to actually take up arms is not the same as collaborating; it meant, much more often, to cover for the actual fighter in a dozen ways, sending them food and blankets, lying to the authorities about them, sheltering them, passing messages. The partisans who took up weapons in a valley, or anywhere, needed to be sure that everyone on that valley would not give them up, or else they would not even have started. In Italy in 1944, the secret services of Mussolini's collaborationist state estimated that only about 5% of the population supported them. The rest could be counted as enemies. That is why Nazis and collaborators slaughtered whole villages at a tune: they could be certain that everyone on the place had supported their enemies.
@lessssssgooooo Месяц назад
My great grandfather was a greek Partisan fighting in the mountains of Makedonia im so proud of him !
@johnsmith8906 7 месяцев назад
Completely ignored Albania.
@ronalddunne3413 3 месяца назад
Injustice is injustice, regardless of reasons or background milieu.
@seanlander9321 6 месяцев назад
There was virtually no French resistance. The first German killed after France surrendered was in August 1941, as Speer said “what French resistance”? France fought for the Axis and gave Germany 40% of its wartime production which exceeded the contribution of the Italians.
@Karl-nv5ok 6 месяцев назад
France signed an armistice with Germany.It wasn't a surrender.
@arlosmith2784 6 месяцев назад
Many people did like the Dutch, Danes and many Parisians: Never publicly criticize or oppose the Germans. Just don't cooperate with them. Even let your non-cooperation extend to not betraying the Resistance or Jews. But keep such non-cooperation quiet.
@NP3GA 6 месяцев назад
I highly recommend Kraut's video about french police and the lingering shadows of the nazi occupation
@kittymervine6115 6 месяцев назад
though as occupation went on, as in the Germans demanding more and more young French men be sent to Germany to work in factories. This happened in almost every nation Germany took over. In fact it was used by POWs that had escaped from prisons. Germany was full of people from all over Europe, many working in ship yards and other factories. One German citizen wrote that it was more common to hear other languages than German on the docks of Hamburg, as all the workers were forced labor from "everywhere but Germany". Germans had to be on the front lines, workers from France knew their families would not be safe unless they worked hard. They were not Jews or in any way a danger to the Germans, but Germany needed bodies to fill the jobs left empty to by the needs of the Army.
@mohammedsaysrashid3587 6 месяцев назад
Nice introduction and evaluation about WW2 bleak circumstances....collaboration with invaders is always a shameful and humbled attitude. at least staying neutral is better than fatherland betraying .resisting occupiers regarding bravery and honors 🎖 love of homelands
@tommo9176 6 месяцев назад
People may not remember your old channel, but I certainly do. Despite it being highly unlikely that you'll ever see this, I think it's important to state. Mate, as a fellow Aussie, total rando, I just want to say that I'm immensely proud and lucky to be your countryman (not that you need my approval). Man, with all the problems piling on, you've not only got to the other side, but you're thriving, and f m dead has it been well earned. You're already at half a million subs which I'm sure will keep growing and growing. Anyway, I just wanted to say that (apologies). But I bloody hope 2024 is an absolutely incredible year for yourself and all your projects, because not only is it merited, it's so deserved. Keep it up brother and as always thank you for such incredible content!
@centralhunter9169 6 месяцев назад
In my opinion, collaborators were dealt with too harshly but not by much.
@lancegoodthrust546 6 месяцев назад
Ya, you're never going to get a full picture from France and collaboration. And there's a good reason for this. The postwar French government burned most of their records. As to pretty much say "We didn't collaborate very much."
@realkangaroocafevietnam 6 месяцев назад
The Vietnamese that collaborated with the French were vile, brutal & merciless. The French in Viet Nam during WW2 merrily collaborated with the Japanese & were nearly as bad. However it was the Vietnamese collaborationists that caused the great famine resulting in the grisly deaths if between 1 & 4 million by stealing all the food from the ordinary Vietnamese to give to their new Japanese masters. In the end it was actually the Japanese & not the French that ordered the stealing of every grain of rice to stop.
@neilbuckley1613 6 месяцев назад
Were Germans who worked with Occupation forces after the war ended morally "collaborators" ? They were certainly using their common sense and made a long term peace in Europe a lot easier, but were they differentfrom a philsophical view point?
@GrahamNewman-n7d 6 месяцев назад
this makes one think how would you react, I"m no hero I couldn't collaborate just try to live a day to day life as best as possible for my family. The resistance fighters were incredibly brave when they talk about heroes they talk soldiers, these people are civilians no military training but take huge risks
@ThePrisma5555 6 месяцев назад
Tsolakoglou was the first Prime Minister in occupied Greece, after the surrender to the German forces, which he decided and signed as an officer, actually against orders. After liberation he sentenced to death but the court turned the penalty to life imprisonment. Later he got sick & transferred to hospital, where he died from leukemia in May 1948.
@DeanLeadbetter-e8r 6 месяцев назад
As a collaborater, your safety Would Not be guarenteed. You can become expendable
@Mrgunsngear 6 месяцев назад
@chriswharton 6 месяцев назад
The name Quisling is pronounced “Quiz-ling”.
@reneedennis2011 6 месяцев назад
Nice voice of the narrator!
@Groovy_Bruce 6 месяцев назад
Quisling got a noun named after him, so he got quite a bigger legacy than deserved.
@Jin-uu5he 6 месяцев назад
happy for once not to see the Italians from RSI in the video. In fact, while there are some Italians who see them as collaborators only out of political hatred, abroad they are recognized as allies of the regular axis forces.
@skaldlouiscyphre2453 6 месяцев назад
The original alt-right.
@Justjunniee 6 месяцев назад
@skaldlouiscyphre2453 6 месяцев назад
@@Justjunniee The fashy collaborators.
@alexpostma645 6 месяцев назад
I got the stories of family thats reseted and 1 celaberatour and that gives a weird perspective from both sides instead of just 1 side The 1 that was part of the NSB died during the war And the other in the resitance was arested in 1944 and a janitor in the trade school in Rotterdam and taken to the Oranje Hotel nearby bud escaped during transportation
@bluewizzard8843 6 месяцев назад
Sometimes collaboration becomes necessary to save either your countrymen, your family or your nation. Phillipe petain for example saved france from complete occupation and destruction. He did more for france than de gaulle ever did. De gaulle would have watched france burn to the ground just out of pride. That's not how s to serve a nation. Petain served france in defeat and that's probably one of the most honourable a man could do for his country.
@johnwotek3816 6 месяцев назад
Ah yes, the old shield and sword theory. Theses claims have been dismissed a long time ago. Petain was an asshole. He sold the jews of France and pushed hard for France to stop the war while it wasn't over. That man is a disgrace, stop trying to reframe him as some sort of savior. That maybe was the case in WW1, but that ship had sailed a long time ago in WW2.
@geraldperyman6535 6 месяцев назад
DeGaulle was a true patriot,soldier and saved France
@followerofjulian1652 6 месяцев назад
Free Palestine!
@rickyspanish9002 6 месяцев назад
Lol the Israeli army is currently doing exactly that.
@InViSiBlEGuy1 6 месяцев назад
Israel is freeing Palestine from the world map
@rickyspanish9002 6 месяцев назад
I never knew that Palestine was the Hebrew word for garbage dump, but you learn something new every day
@csonracsonra9962 6 месяцев назад
There are people doing this very thing today in Ukraine, it's so crazy
@Groovy_Bruce 6 месяцев назад
Unlike France, the Norwegians had a meaningful resistance. Honestly all the false history in that country about their “heroic” actions during occupation are wild. They have museums dedicated to what is a near absolute fiction
@jdools4744 6 месяцев назад
Collaborators did nothing wrong
@xys7536 6 месяцев назад
Lot of old news
@deadby15 6 месяцев назад
TL/DW: Axis Collaborators were actually right.
+1000 Aura For This Save! 🥵
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