
The Othering of Trump Supporters | Douglas Murray 

Jordan B Peterson Clips
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@Bob-cx4ze 27 дней назад
You can't do inhuman things to people unless you first dehumanize them.
@kathyborthwick6738LakotaEmoji 27 дней назад
Absolute Truth!
@digzat 27 дней назад
Well said👏
@BoomTribeEntertainment 27 дней назад
The libs / big tech love dehumanizing anyone with dissenting opinion by removing their right to speak online
@mrsqueakthecat.8061 27 дней назад
Righties refusing to fight back no matter their losses helps a lot.
@julesbrunton1728 27 дней назад
No, you have to be inhumane first. Don't be putting the cart before the horse
@shellyschmelter2190 26 дней назад
You also need to understand, that as a conservative woman, we have been mocked by all our media my whole life, for our conservative views and beliefs. What they did to Sarah Palin, for example, was disgusting. They mocked Reagan, mocked Bush. Our media has ALWAYS sided with democrats. And along came Trump, and said out loud what we all were thinking, and it felt so good, to be heard, and understood. So, yes, we finally felt like here is a republican with a set of balls-FINALLY.
@karenclark266 25 дней назад
To be fair, Palin deserved mocking. And now Kamala is the Palin of the Dems and deserves equal mocking. Both these bimbos failed their way to the top. Neither is deserving of respect.
@EgoBrain1 25 дней назад
@LetsProblemSolve 25 дней назад
This is so true I want to write a paper about it. The correlation of Hollywood and public perception of Republicans and Conservatives.
@hiturbine 25 дней назад
Do not use the term "Democrats," for reason that it is a false decription of who these individuals are and what they represent - the correct term is Marxist. Atheistic Communism, where the State is god and the individual is nothing but a means to an end.
@sarahsoutar252 25 дней назад
You are so right and I don't think these two have a clue about what modern day conservatives think. I feel they are so off base. I personally don't think todays republicans are anything like the Bush era republicans. We are not the party that actually wants violence and endless wars. We are the party of peace, but everyone has their limits.
@asdisskagen6487 27 дней назад
Of the two political stances (Right & Left), it isn't the people on the right that are burning down cities and looting everything they can get their hands on. When the violence is overwhelmingly one-sided, and is backed up by a two-tiered legal system, then it doesn't matter "who started it" - the people that had shown restraint in hopes that the system would self-correct and resume functioning for ALL citizens will eventually decide to take matters into their own hands.
@mawnkey 27 дней назад
More succinctly: once tyrannical rule is involved who started it doesn't matter when the more important question is who's going to finish it and how.
@asdisskagen6487 26 дней назад
@@mawnkey Well said!
@nodarikirtadze8220 26 дней назад
January 6th?
@asdisskagen6487 26 дней назад
@@nodarikirtadze8220 What was set on fire? People did die as a result ... the protesters. People are currently still incarcerated without trial, charged with *wait for it * TRESPASSING; that is political persecution. You hold up one example, while I can give you literally a dozen far worse examples of people on the left not just destroying property, but targeting and killing people who hold different political views.
@arnowisp6244 26 дней назад
​@@nodarikirtadze8220 Right. The same people that literally did F all once they were inside the chambers and trolling around.
@FrankBurnham 27 дней назад
Canada and the U.K. have no place critiquing anyone right now.
@rosonoftom1655 26 дней назад
@redhammer9910 26 дней назад
You can say the same for all the 5 eyes nation's.
@mrmj2397 26 дней назад
Remind me when the US had a moral leg to stand on? Was it when they supplied the Germans while standing on the sidelines until 1933? Or was it more current? Like when your gov't lied in order to enter Iraq and then abandon Afghanistan? Which, by the way, only strengthened the very groups you claimed to be dismantling??? Americans have such a peculiar amnesia? Guess it's easy to feel superior when you refuse to remember your faults eh?!
@mrmj2397 26 дней назад
Remind me when the US had a moral leg to stand on? Was it when they supplied the Axis powers while standing on the sidelines until 1933? Or was it more current? Like when your gov't lied in order to enter Ir@q and then abandon Afghanist@n? Which, by the way, only strengthened the very groups you claimed to be dismantling??? Americans have such a peculiar amnesia? Guess it's easy to feel superior when you refuse to remember your faults eh?!
@mrmj2397 26 дней назад
Remind me when the US had a moral leg to stand on? Was it when they supplied the Axis powers while standing on the sidelines until 1933? Or was it more current? Like when the bush admin lied in order to enter Ir@q and then abandon Afghanist@n? Which, by the way, only strengthened the very groups you claimed to be dismantling??? Americans have such a peculiar amnesia? Guess it's easy to feel superior when you refuse to remember your faults eh?!
@haroldfarquad6886 27 дней назад
The problem is that conservatives, in general, have a much clearer understanding of liberal's positions and motivations, understand the flaws in them and reject them, while liberals generally do not comprehend why conservatives value what they do. Let's not pretend this issue of misunderstanding goes both ways. Liberals and leftists have taken pride in not understanding conservatives and being unwilling to grant them space to compromise on policy, instead resorting to slandering them as every form of evil and stupid they can imagine. The left's entire attitude towards conservatives is of an existential enemy who must be defeated, not people who can teach them something about their own ignorance. They have left no other option but war, because they have forced the issue by refusing to engage in disagreement at the rhetorical and content level. They are so thoroughly convinced of their own moral superiority, they are incapable of dialogue. If they want a war, they'll have one, and they will lose because their side is full of of the mentally feeble and physically weak. A physical conflict will see their numbers decimated.
@AliciatheCho 27 дней назад
@iiDefied 27 дней назад
The extreme right wingers do the exact same. The extremes on both sides are the same archetype of human and they’re both insufferable. These are people that haven’t changed their opinions on a single issue in their entire lives because their identity is completely wrapped up in whatever political party they associate with. To admit they’re wrong on an issue would crush their entire reality. Both extremes are mentally feeble.
@mattstanbridge 27 дней назад
So you say. A Liberal will say exactly the same thing about Conservatives and the right. What makes you all seeing all knowing? Answer: You're not. You're just guessing, unless you've spoken to thousands of Liberals and people on the left.
@JSBach-jd1ri 27 дней назад
​@mattstanbridge There's nothing liberal about liberalism anymore. Many of those who used to be liberal have chosen to leave the Left because of that very fact.
@michaelryce1200 27 дней назад
@@mattstanbridge you ask 1000 trump supporters if they'd be willing to have a casual but friendly convo with 1000 biden voters, 700 of them are going to say yes. You ask 1000 biden voters if they would be willing to have a casual but friendly convo with 1000 trump supporters, 1000 of them are going to say no. you're simply wrong, buddy. Don't believe me? Okay fine.... but i will just point out the RAW UNFETTERED CONTEMPT that the left has for independents/moderates/3rd party voters. Try and deny that lol. I dare you Only one of the two major parties has made cross-aisle dialogue total anathema and it isn't Republicans
@Razear 27 дней назад
The difference between Trump and traditional Republican elites is that he came from a business background where the outcomes of his decisions directly mattered. This is why he's able to empathize with the struggles of the working class despite never having experienced life in their shoes first hand. Hillary was so detached from reality that she truly believed revolving her campaign around intersectionality would resonate with her constituents.
@karenclark266 25 дней назад
Hillary tried to mimic Obama's coalition except it cannot be replicated.
@chrisfleischman3371 25 дней назад
And she followed the template in “Rules for Radicals”. The left are bearish on American culture and the Righr are bullish on American culture.
@chrisfleischman3371 25 дней назад
Trump was not an elite monetarily like trust fund babies. He took chances and CREATED WEALTH. He learned from hard experience what people value and created things of value. The elites use their money to keep people down. Trump knows that real wealth is derived from the free collaboration of people seeking what they desire from life. Wealth derives from freedom of choice and the courage to take chances to make something that others desire and are willing to trade a portion of the wealth they have created for the thing you have created.
@user-cz5lj2vx1f 21 день назад
Trump declared BANKRUPTCY 6 TIMES--his CASINOS FAILED. His (fake) charity Trump "Foundation" was a FRAUD. His Trump "University" was a FRAUD. Bother were closed down and he had to PAY MILLIONS to the people he scammed. Trump CHEATED construction workers and small businesses. TRUMP HAS NO MORAL CORE ABOUT ANYTHING. He serves ONLY himself.
@HalasterBlackCloak-u2w 17 дней назад
@@chrisfleischman3371 Was that why he was raping 13 year old girls with Epstein? Trump broke the emoluments clause of the constitution to create a whole lot of wealth for himself in shitty ways. He's known for stiffing contractors and working with mobsters like roy cohn. He just knows how to manipulate your emotions and appeal to your sense of patriotism and fear of change. He's just like Pol Pot, Hitler, Stalin, Caesar, Napoleon and a whole host of other demagogic predatory and militaristic leaders. He had a copy of hitler's speeches by his bedside for a reason and the reason is he wanted to find ways of appealing to vulnerable people who are looking for a leader to solve their problems. Like all other grifters, demagogues and tyrants though, he doesn't solve problems. He just steals power for himself and wrecks the culture.
@AngelfromGenX 27 дней назад
People from other countries are so reductive in their analysis of American politics. When you ask them "what would you add to, or take away from, Donald Trump to make him qualified to be a President you'd vote for?" And they always remold him into Hillary Clinton or George Bush, so THEY WANT A RULING CLASS, even when they rail against it. If anyone's going to play identity politics in this country, they have to include the core "American identity" which is the one identity the left seems intent on destroying, and serves the globalist agenda as well. After the last 60 years, we have to get the USA put back into DC first. Trump may not be the complete package but that's only testifying to how effectively they have stamped out that American identity in our politics over the last half century. There is a core identity they are intent on fading out and Trump is that core identity that represents at least getting that much back into DC. It's not mindless. If presidents were elected for 10 years at a time he wouldn't be running.
@paulsaulpaul 27 дней назад
Very good points. Brilliantly said.
@justlina2769 23 дня назад
It's the education system.
@ldl1477 23 дня назад
@@justlina2769 And the media, custody&divorce laws, quotas, etc etc.
@depsny 25 дней назад
To be clear. We voted for Trump because we actually want Trump. No excuses are necessary.
@bobSeigar 27 дней назад
Why would I care about _their_ "Historic" pain, when _they_ weaponize mine?
@matthewskinner6626 27 дней назад
Who is "they", what "historic pain" and why is this "they" weaponizing YOUR "pain"? What exactly are you talking about?
@bobSeigar 27 дней назад
@@matthewskinner6626 That's the point.
@flamethedarktruesalt9347 27 дней назад
The eternal cry of the perpetual victim. Historic pain? Screw you. Life's hard for everybody. Always has been. Nobody gets a free ride. No one. So get the hell on it with it.
@missnukkinfutz 27 дней назад
I'm not sure who DOESN'T have historic pain. It's like they're playing in the Opression Olympics.
@Snakebloke 27 дней назад
Well that's his point, is that we need to understand each other - no matter who we're referring to - all human beings, unless we want to descend into a 'Hobbesian State' as Jordan described.
@djknox2 27 дней назад
This clip is from 2021 and shows how naive both JP and DM were in 2021 about US politics.
@austin73 26 дней назад
Thank you for pointing that out. I was baffled at this low IQ understanding of things from two of the highest IQ people on the internet.
@aaronthompson192 26 дней назад
I was just thinking that. Surprised they released this clip now; has Peterson not changed his mind on some of those points?
@AFringedGentian 26 дней назад
@@djknox2 Dr. Peterson had been out of the public discourse for two years at this point because of his ill health and was not well enough to keep abreast of politics. He was easing back in here.
@geostrophc 26 дней назад
They released it because it's unfolding irl now
@dckatyx9577 26 дней назад
Are you sure it’s not 2017? They sound very worried about Trump having just come to power. Like fools.
@Hunpecked 27 дней назад
Trump appointed Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Barrett to the US Supreme Court. Biden appointed Jackson, Obama appointed Sotomayor, Kagan, and (unsuccessfully) Garland. That alone is reason enough to vote for Trump.
@mortygoldmacher 26 дней назад
There will need to be a federal paramilitary presence in every city. They will stop you and demand proof of U.S. citizenship. First, people will be detained locally with a few thousand others. Next, they will be concentrated in purpose built camps. Trump calls them Freedom cities. Dude! The plan to deport 15 million people is starting to look like the holocaust. Fascism is staring you in the face and you're not recognizing it.
@HalasterBlackCloak-u2w 17 дней назад
Why do you think these justices are so superlative and Kagan and Sotomayor so bad? I think the supreme court sucks and the reason I think they suck is that they have upheld the "personhood" rights of corporations while denigrating the rights of individuals. The US criminal "justice" system jails more people than anywhere else in the world and 25% of people in the United States have a criminal record. I'm sorry, but I haven't seen much evil and criminal behavior in everyday people. I just haven't. Conservatives generally create paranoia about crime in order to uphold "tough on crime" laws that don't work and which destroy the lives of millions of people. And it isn't like old style conservativism either. Trumpism is a new kind of conservativism which looks more like the desire to create a dictator than anything else.
@Hunpecked 17 дней назад
@@HalasterBlackCloak-u2w Was Trump a dictator in his first administration? He actually reduced the impact of the government on our lives by eliminating many regulations and appointing 234 judges who, in general, interpret the Constitution more in line with the original intent of the framers. Trump's Supreme Court appointees have in many cases ruled against the government (reversing "Chevron deference", for example). The Dobbs decision reversing Roe v Wade (actually Planned Parenthood v Casey) returned the question of abortion to the states, bringing the question closer to the people. These are hardly the actions of a dictatorship. The US has always had a crime rate higher than most countries, but if you'll check, you'll see it was lower under Trump than Biden/Harris (see the National Crime Victimization Survey, for example). If Trump was trying to create a crime crisis, he wasn't very good at it. 😄 Can you name some cases in which you think the Supreme Court unjustly favored corporations over individuals? I'm genuinely curious.
@mortygoldmacher 17 дней назад
@Hunpecked Everything the MAGA court does will be tossed aside by a future Supreme Court. Its opinions discard two centuries of jurisprudence, and gives no future guidance for how to resolve future controversies. The MAGA Court, in layman's terms, has thrown out the old rules and make up new ones as they go. They've become apostles of a far right movement, they no longer apply the rule of law.
@ianyoung6706 26 дней назад
It was my opinion that our election had been unfairly interfered with by media, state governments, poll workers, WAY before Trump said it. I saw things going on that looked familiar to me as a former manipulative criminal.
@Eirik_Bloodaxe 26 дней назад
I mean they outright said they had a shadow campaign
@ianyoung6706 24 дня назад
@@Eirik_Bloodaxe yes they’ve ended up doing and saying things publicly that would have gotten them…… handled…… back in the day when your average young man or woman wasn’t too dumb to realize the implications of their actions and how they violate our relationship to the government that is supposed to serve us in fear (reverence for our free will), rather than the other way around.
@HalasterBlackCloak-u2w 17 дней назад
Trump has said things to the effect that he wants to end democracy "you won't have to vote in 4 years, we'll have it fixed" he actually fucking said that. Fixing elections is definitely interfering with elections. He is not as popular as you might imagine, especially amongst women and people with morals. Republicans have traditionally gerrymandered more than democrats.
@darkaxel1991 27 дней назад
A lack of understanding and conflict IS the desired result. People who are happy and well fed have little need for absolutist ideology. The only way to get the people to rebel against the status quo is to convince them that they are victims of it.
@Luvtadzio 27 дней назад
@chrisfleischman3371 25 дней назад
Yes, and it is the same strategy that advertisers use. Read Vance Packard’s “The Hidden Persuaders”.
@thanksfernuthin 27 дней назад
That's when I knew it was different. And it was a really bad thing. It was normal for politicians and the media to slander a politician they didn't like (usually a Republican). But this was the first time in my 50 years or so the target was that politician's supporters. It sent a chill up my spine. No longer was it Americans deciding collectively which way the country should go. Now it was half the population were monsters and needed to be re-educated... or destroyed.
@HalasterBlackCloak-u2w 17 дней назад
He's the only politician I've seen that has said things to the effect that he wants to end democracy. He is unique in how bad he is. Project 2025 calls for relegalizing child labor for chrissakes. He's a conman and a criminal. he enjoys reading hitlers speeches to find out exactly what sort of crap you can tell people so that they will make you a dictator. The very idea that you can idolize a guy who finds inspiration in Hitler is really chilling.
@robloxmanchesterunited5757 27 дней назад
Murray always discerns the core of the subject in such a refreshing way, what a sharp mind and what a pleasure to listen to him.
@kareemlayne9258 27 дней назад
He’s a racist, however refreshing and intelligent his take on life is.
@clarckkim 27 дней назад
he is just an israeli mossad asset whos mission is spread racism into weak minds in a refreshing way.
@robloxmanchesterunited5757 27 дней назад
@@kareemlayne9258 Marxist 101: Throw out enough pejoratives and hope some of them stick. I suppose you don't care to give a single example not taken out of context to back up your nonsensical claim?
@jibjr88 27 дней назад
​@@kareemlayne9258ok Yoda
@Steve-du2nz 27 дней назад
@@kareemlayne9258 nobody believes you people anymore
@transition2023 23 дня назад
Additionally, Trump was not a vengeful President. He implemented his programs not always effectively but he didn’t pursue Hillary and the Deep State to any great extent, despite a huge smorgasbord of opportunities to do so
@ClarkKent-pz4wj 27 дней назад
Liberals react to their emotions. Emotional people are much more likely to waver in their direction, following the popular issue of the day. Conservatives have the ability to weigh, measure and make informed decisions that anticipate long term effects.
@Tified967 27 дней назад
I think your thinking is very binary & lacks a degree of nuance. We can't easily dichotomise liberal vs conservative even in the US the current Democratic candidates are centralists. No bias here, I'm English. Were the Conservative Party in Britain measured?...No they turned the country into a sh*t show over the course of the years, had extravagant parties during lockdown, destroyed the NHS & public sector which I work for & have seen first hand the ramifications & proffered their own self serving interests...where was reason utilised here? If you put money into grass roots & prevention as empirical research indicates everyone prospers...they looked after their own primarily. Good riddance to that lot, no relatability to the general public whatsoever. Remember we each have a limbic & cerebral system it's basic neurology; we're all endowed with emotions and reason and I don't think cognitive preferences can be definitively mapped on to political affiliation. I'm a left leaning centralist & extremely rational person with an IQ of 148. I'm struggling to see where you find the symbiosis between political affiliation & reason/emotion here.
@mattstanbridge 27 дней назад
You're just guessing.
@christophersnedeker 27 дней назад
I've found the opposite. Conservatives are all pathos and no logos, while leftists are all logos and no pathos. You need both.
@postmodernmining 27 дней назад
​@@mattstanbridgeit's called pattern recognition
@Blaser614 27 дней назад
@tified987 JBP has literally used the big five personality traits to predict political affiliation. Consciousness and openness seem to be pretty accurate predictors. Conservatives are usually high in consciousness and low in openness and liberals are the opposite.
@littlebird3495 21 день назад
I recall the moment I realized I had been engaging in this othering; completely dismissing millions of people I knew nothing about without even questioning it. This was the crack that let the light in, so to speak. You helped tremendously Mr. Peterson, I am very grateful for that.
@johnthompson6656 26 дней назад
This hasn't aged to well considering what's been found about cheating !!
@djknox2 26 дней назад
Agreed, So I am wondering why this clip is now being released? Could they be planning to revisit the topic?
@John-w6s 23 дня назад
I voted for Trump long before Trump showed up i new what corruption was at the government level state city level . Trump 2024
@morganhale3434 24 дня назад
This was a conversation from 2021 and if I had watched this back then I would not listen to a word Jordan Peterson or Douglas Murray says today because it is obvious that they did not have a clue about American politics or American society. Blind as two bats being led by a blonde. Also, they are intellectually captured by the left and carry the same biases as the left, but they have "grown" in their understanding of America and Americans since then. The Canadians and British are two people who woefully misunderstand the American Experience and have historically looked down their noses at us "Colonials."
@thefriesens1071 23 дня назад
Believe me, I know. I grew up in Canada. We always made fun of America. But I've lived in America now for over 20 years and I understand all the things I didn't use to understand. Part of it is that people who visit foreign countries, even frequently, think they understand the place. But you will never understand a place until you live there for an extended period of time. This is why lots of Canadians think they know so much about America, because they travel here a lot, and know some Americans, so they think that makes them qualified.
@thelamington8195 27 дней назад
Two of my favourite, most admired men. Thank you both for everything you’re doing. It is immensely appreciated.
@Jessica-wk7nf 23 дня назад
They've slowly come into smarter positions, but have not apologized for calling us names of all terrible kinds.
@williamlott7612 27 дней назад
What Douglas Murray misses is that it was not the right that allowed Trump to happen, it was the left and its egregious overreach. I love you and Douglas’ observations but obviously you two are 🎉on the outside looking in… Darlington, South Carolina USA
@djknox2 26 дней назад
This clip is over 3 years old. I would hope their opinions have now matured. How far however I would like to hear more on. Let's hope this clip was issued in anticipation of the two revisiting the topic.
@williamlott7612 25 дней назад
I agree wholeheartedly.
@nathanperquin9910 20 дней назад
douglas murray like many SAFE opposition voices, sellectively decide when the mainstream media speaks the truth and it doesnt' and when it truly matters suddenly they decide the MSM isn't always lieing, wich is why i believe them to be controlled opposition, they only voice their resistant when its already too late or on subjects that in the end dont matter
@HalasterBlackCloak-u2w 17 дней назад
Like how, because we don't want to roll back child labor laws or criminalize women for getting abortions? Or is it because we support the right of people to identify with whatever gender they want to identify with? Is it because we want a more meritocratic world? Is it because leftists are more educated? Leftists generally want to make society better than it currently is. This is a position generally called "good." maybe more accurately "utopianism." but I definitely would not want to support anyone who wanted to make society more unjust, cruel and unfair. It's not like conservatives are ever wrong about anything and leftists are right about everything, but generally conservatives want to preserve the power of the wealthy and powerful, protect corporations etc. You want to take rights away from gays, women, minorities and preserve the power of white men. Uber-rich people like Trump who want to preserve their power more than anything. A position known as classism. America was started as a revolutionary action against unjust rulers in England who wanted to boss people around. The left right paradigm started in France with "the right" supporting the old monarchy regime. Almost always the left has the right ideas, but might have trouble implementing them correctly or maybe has corrupt lying leadership or something. The right on the other generally wants to continue terrible ideas or even make things worse such as Ronald Reagan and his campaigns to shift tax money to the wealthy and protect the legal rights of corporations. You cannot possibly be both a good person and want to oppress the poor. Like, I'm sorry, but you can't. Go read a Bible. You're with Christ or you're with Rome, but as god says "you are with me or against me" and being with God means against oppression of the powerful against the powerless. "sooner a camel goes through the eye of a needle than a rich man gets into heaven."
@spencermorris5873 26 дней назад
This was obviously a few years ago before Jordan & Douglas finally caught up to reality. MAGA2024🇺🇸🇺🇸
@FrankBurnham 27 дней назад
I was a Dem all of Trumps first term and he actually got thing done for the people.
@computer_janitor 25 дней назад
this is like when a doctor and his many staff performs a complex surgery so save someone's life and perform a miracle and then afterwards, everyone thanks god and they don't even get a hallmark card. trump spent his time tweeting, watching tv, self-aggrandizing and procrastinating every one of his promises. dummies need to learn how government works.
@chicojcf 26 дней назад
Apparrently, I'm a 'deplorable'; by association. Funny (both strange and Haha) , I don't feel any different.
@computer_janitor 25 дней назад
are yall still buthurt about hilary clinton? lol, catch up weirdo.
@thaddeusmorgan3915 26 дней назад
Peterson & Murray are international treasure- protect them at ALL costs
@HalasterBlackCloak-u2w 17 дней назад
Murray is an IQ fetishist. I have an IQ of 120 and I can tell that he fetishizes IQ because he thinks the clever have the right to oppress the unintelligent. The kids at harvard who deny IQ exist are annoying, but they probably act like that because this IQ idea is at the vanguard of bad ideas of why we should hold black people back. Peterson seems to be an apologist for a lot of shit that no one should defend. I remember being homeless and listening to him ramble about "cleaning your room" and I knew that he was totally out of touch with the real struggles of people. He is not a "national treasure", he uses ideas about god to prevent moral progress. A common tactic amongst evil people. It's like what happened with the catholic church, they burned all the libraries in Rome and weaponized Christianity against classical learning to keep Europe in the dark ages. He is not a true Christian and neither is Trump.
@larrycutting4514 27 дней назад
Yes, Trump has been expressing most Americans frustration with the left and growing government size and regulations
@SaltyPatriot12 27 дней назад
Trump speaks truthfully & directly. We want him to be a bull in a china shop.
@menmatter1 17 дней назад
That’s actually a perfect analogy. Especially considering where china is made lol amazing how that analogy works
@FTTLOMS 25 дней назад
For the first time I am listening to these two and saying, "What the hell are these two talking about!?" They are SO wrong about almost everything in this whole discussion.
@jeffw5263 27 дней назад
0:33 “War is the continuation of politics by other means.” -Carl von Clausewitz
@josiah5776 22 дня назад
It's shameful.
@FrankBurnham 27 дней назад
I understand human nature. Elections are supposed to prevent violence. If they are not fair, as clearly ours is not fair, then it WILL happen. I want peace and prosperity for the world, call me crazy. Thanks for all the words Mr. Peterson. You started the feed back loop you know. Whats next.
@computer_janitor 25 дней назад
@FrankBurnham 25 дней назад
@@computer_janitor oh no it's the grammar police
@KrinkleBear 25 дней назад
God bless the Trump people for being fearless
@user-cz5lj2vx1f 21 день назад
ROFLMAO. Trump is a COWARD for the first degree. He's only running for president in 2024 to stay out of prison.
@aulusagerius7127 22 дня назад
Personally I don't care what DMurray thinks any more.
@jamessoucy3740 27 дней назад
Just more Christian persecution in my opinion. But.... what the heck do I know?
@R.PMcMurphy 27 дней назад
I would love a explanation
@williammentink 27 дней назад
​@@R.PMcMurphyKilling Christianity is in some ways patricide for the West. Moreover, it's the leftist authoritarians systematically going after every group of people who may possibly oppose them.
@jamessoucy3740 27 дней назад
It's in reference to the title.... does that clear it up?
@ClosetPankin 27 дней назад
@@R.PMcMurphy Part of Christian doctrine is that it's prophesized that they will be victimized for their beliefs before the Second Coming. Ironic to the subject matter at hand, it's a built-in victimhood complex which perpetuates a lot of projection of this persecution onto the shedding of restrictive doctrine.
@R.PMcMurphy 27 дней назад
@@jamessoucy3740 No
@LifeBy10000Cuts 27 дней назад
Rocks and Cows for Trump!
@ochukwu 26 дней назад
The hubris of intellect on full display here indictating even bonafide, legitimate 'big brains' can get it so terribly wrong.
@HeavyK. 23 дня назад
A Canadian and a Brit walk into a bar to fix the US.
@juliorosa9857 27 дней назад
Douglas Murray has been spot on regarding the issues that affect Western Society and Culture. he is the next target. maybe for "ideological re-education". I am sure there will be someone ready to perform the training. probably in the same ideological frame work of those re-training Peterson. Well, I don't think they will succeed with the tasks. And when they come for me, for sure they will fail. I got two nice books at home written by George Orwell.
@AFringedGentian 27 дней назад
It’s hard to watch this. Dr. Peterson was so sick at this time. It’s hard to look in his eyes.
@iRunKids 27 дней назад
A couple of foreigners talking about US elections a though they understand the first thing about them… but they don’t.
@concilium1 27 дней назад
They have a good read on the ideologically possessed madness that has gripped the west as a whole.
@paulbadics3500 17 дней назад
Not fare..they are extremely wordly & have both worked & lived in US & are keep observers of US from the closest 2 cultures ..sometimes a neighbour or cousin can understand much better what is going on
@GoodKarma22 27 дней назад
Could listen to Mr.Murray speak for 1 or even 2 hours straight! Thank you for the short clip. Going to look for the long version of this one.
@sitindogmas 27 дней назад
we are going through historic pain right now. it'll get worse before it gets better
@AncestorEmpire1 26 дней назад
Was raised on the wisdom: Fix your own house before critiquing others.
@charles.neuman18 25 дней назад
I have learned to understand the political right, and I get a lot of pushback from those on the left. How dare I.
@Rundark- 25 дней назад
Better to accept the peace I offer in one hand than to suffer the war I carry in the other.
@anindividual9225 27 дней назад
You think conversation hasn’t been tried? Idk why no one has thought of that before lol
@CoachJJ 27 дней назад
Do you normally provide such valuable commentary? 😂
@anindividual9225 27 дней назад
@@CoachJJ and that’s why you can’t have a conversation lol
@CoachJJ 27 дней назад
@@anindividual9225 kewl retort lol. Use the thing you shrug off, that’s not been done before 🤤
@anindividual9225 27 дней назад
@@CoachJJ do you see why no one wants to have a conversation with you? Lol why would anyone want to have a conversation like this? I’d rather run my face across nails.
@taralaburt4073 27 дней назад
Thank you. These warmongering women haters must be stopped.
@francisshapley2292 25 дней назад
If RFK isn't given a voice we will all lose. You will not silence me or those who align with God's will. Love you Jordan. You have helped me so much.❤
@francisshapley2292 25 дней назад
And that's not an endorsement of RFK. Just how I was raised in rural America in the 80s
@dwattz4872 25 дней назад
This conversation was a positive feedback loop.
@davemTX2023 25 дней назад
I’m a high earner, well educated white business man, and under Trump life was good, good policies, no one was pushing transgender ideaologies on people and he did a lot of common sense things. I’m voting for him again. I do believe the election was stolen and there was a lot of funny business. American needs Trump. If he loses I support Texas leaving the US behind for good.
@nataliekirschner9020 23 дня назад
Where is there to go?
@HalasterBlackCloak-u2w 17 дней назад
Actually, I believe we should return Texas back to the Mexicans and Indians. You know, the people that the whites slaughtered and stole their land. I don't support thieves.
@scottstewart4387 24 дня назад
For the first time . i could not disagree more with this discussion . they ignored major parts of what's going on . calling people who voted for trump dumb . and the fascist left ,intellectuals . wow .
@JohanThiart 27 дней назад
Murray on Trump: “He could have been a hell of a lot worse……” 😮Now, there is a solid reason why all Americans should vote Trump! 😂😂😂 This was actually a good analysis … 🧐 coming from people that I admire for their intellect, Jordan and Murray, I found it very entertaining. 😊😊
@SaltyPatriot12 27 дней назад
Murray & VDH are 2 of my favorite people. Their perspectives are invaluable.
@MrDeez1111 26 дней назад
Why does everyone keep talking about the right like we're acting like the left? We are not acting like the left so please stop this BS!!
@themysteriousdomainmoviepalace 24 дня назад
T destroyed political correctness which many of us loathe. Also he was anti-war and proved it.
@itsyungchevy 13 дней назад
Oh man its always so refreshinv to listen to these types of intellectual podcasts
@PhilDykshoorn 25 дней назад
The whole point is that if there are equal number of diametrically opposing point of views in society, then these self-appointed-political-leader-geniuses can do nothing in society, which will make everyone much happier. Think about it.
@FallenHellscape 25 дней назад
Individuals don’t experience “historical pain.”
@Yotaciv 23 дня назад
God bless this project with hundreds of millions of views.
@adriennefried5368 27 дней назад
Two brilliant men whose intellect is available to and can explain complex ideas in understandable language for us average person.
@loris3595 27 дней назад
Yet they buy into the narrative too.
@Jessica-wk7nf 23 дня назад
who's average?
@69memnon69 22 дня назад
I tried have a conversation about increased support for older homeless women in Australia, due to them being the fastest growing cohort of homelessness in the country. When I raised the point that across every age group, men are around twice as likely to be homeless, I was shut down. It essentially devolved into a one sided debate, where men’s suffering did not matter and was irrelevant. You can’t have a discussion with these people because their empathy is conditional and they hate men. I totally get that as men, we should protect our women. I just thinks it’s wrong to vilify men the way that the left does. They’ve stripped humanity from men and think it’s righteous to do so. I feel sorry for children today because they will likely never own property. I feel even worse for young boys because society has stacked all the odds against them.
@et1016 22 дня назад
Trump 2024 !! 🇺🇸
@WhatTheWHAT524 23 дня назад
What!?!?!🤯 2 of my ALL time FAVORITE people all in one video!?!?! YES PLEASE!! These Men are truly 2 of the greatest minds of Our time, in my opinion. I look forward to seeing any and all of their videos. Best wishes to you ALL!! 💖🙏💖
@Outis634 27 дней назад
I wonder what they'd both think about this conversation today?
@josefkopacz1144 19 дней назад
That's so true if there's no communication, talk etc . Leads to force.
@punkinhaidmartin 26 дней назад
I hope and pray that we never produce another Bush family.
@Alipotamus 23 дня назад
Trump is a street fighter who loves our country and our constitution. He’s not a true conservative but he’s an enormous breath of fresh air for most of us on the right.
@francismcglynn4169 25 дней назад
Teddy Roosevelt said "speak softly and carry a big stick and you will go far". Finally ending his rise from soldier, governor to President he understood that diplomacy was important but that the power to act was more important. Those who speak belligerently with no ability to back up what they want to do except by cancelling others through media innuendo and trash talk seldom accomplish what they promise, though they may accomplish what they intend.
@suggesttwo 22 дня назад
10:45 The problem is young people especially don't understand the difference between science and propaganda and good and bad policy. I was a liberal till Trudeau said that "The economy would balance itself" in 2015. As a landlord, running a business I remember thinking... No... That's not how business and the economy works.
@FAHRENHEIT-gj4ng 26 дней назад
It all changes when the corporate media is disbanded, reformatted and restricted by criminal penalty for expressing personal opinions, personalities, false data, information and anonymous sources. And they must be separated from all government reach by criminal penalty too.
@Rimasta1 26 дней назад
The PRC and Kim Jung Un are so proud of the example the UK and Canada are setting.
@bungalowlogic7676 27 дней назад
This feels like a conversation from 4 or 5 years ago. Murray looks younger, JBP in his old setting pre-illness
@Dee-nonamnamrson8718 27 дней назад
This is a video from immediately after the 2020 election.
@b.alexanderjohnstone9774 20 дней назад
It was Trump's enemies and haters that changed my mind about him. Initially I just didn't believe he was a conservative but my conservativism is not the only kind.
@NorCalNeel 23 дня назад
I think the term Narcissism needs to be examined and how it’s effecting American society
@SuperKripke 23 дня назад
Two men who have spent their life othering liberals, the wokes and trans people are concerned that people are othering Trumpers.
@paulbadics3500 17 дней назад
They did NOT start the "othering"..they were "othered" by the radical left just because they spoke truth to power about important controversial issues..they would gladly debate but the left just says "we dont debate with fascists"..which is very fascist
@jemzargo 22 дня назад
I recall reading a tract by Vladimir Lenin years ago where he said you should never try to understand your opponents viewpoint because if you do you've lost.. That's the zero sum approach to politics
@PsychicMediumshipSelkie 27 дней назад
Jordan and Douglas you two are brave man. I respect you both and believe in what you are doing. It seems to me that you both speak the true and honesty. I pray (as a Pagan) for world peace. Look after yourselves because there is always someone out there wishing to harm you physical. Mad world we live in. You both put your heads above the parapet. Much love and light to you both x
@windmolenfarm8030 19 дней назад
Douglas Murray is absolutely right in his contention that the right has been at a political disadvantage for literally the last century. The right may have gained a toehold in the 80s but lost it in the 90s, then minimally recovered under Bush 2 but lost it dramatically under Obama. The one overlying strategy on the right has been, even during right Presidencies, to allow the left to define the terms of discourse and therefore the "battleground" of the political debate. This essentially gives the "battleground" to the left. In other words the right has been on Defense in this interaction for over a hundred years. Trump threw out this paradigm and went on offense to the dismay of the left because it upset their carefully laid plans of incremental takeover of the country and converting it to Marxism (because they know they can make it work this time). This engendered a profound and overwhelming hatred by the leaders of the left because it is the only way their ideology and Strategy can be realistically fought and defeated. This hatred is visceral and literally all encompassing which is why there is no backing away from the battle line or compromise on the tactics. Many on the Right and Left, and I would say the Majority of by sides would be willing to debate and compromise, but the Leadership (primarily on the Left) cannot allow it or their Strategy is forfeit. The Right has finally been shown this and therefore they elected a Rabble Rouser who has the strength of personality and charisma as well as the courage and conviction as well as ability to continue the fight against, Not the majority, but the Leadership, of the Left. They know instinctively that he can disrupt their plans terminally and thus "He will destroy (their aberrent perception of) Democracy.
@TexasTimeLord 27 дней назад
Trump 2024 !
@Siwashable 16 дней назад
Your history started when you were born. People who claim "historic pain" that they've never experienced directly were deluded into believing they are suffering by the people who are bent on perpetuating this pain.
@JBW27 27 дней назад
I should imagine that the US will soon find itself in a similar position to us in the UK. It's cliché to say that our situation is Orwellian, and I think that even though that may be the overarching situation with the background mechanics of government currently, the feeling for the individual, every day man and woman is rather more Kafkaesque than anything else (sadly, employing another cliché). We're in a situation in which many are now afraid to be prosecuted for a crime which cannot be named (recent judicial messages seem, in my view, to be lacking a legal rationale), or at very least ostratcised for things which, only months ago, were opinions one could reasonably hold without too much pushback. Douglas himself exemplifies this rather well. Consequently, it's a disorientating and worrying time for many. The reason this is relevant is that I think the moment that set the wheels in motion is the "othering" of people here, alongside some policy issues. In the run up to the election, both the left and right displayed more vitriol and threw around baseless accusations moreso than in any election certainly in my life time. This spurred on voters to vote tactically, as the noise was too much to make sense of, purely aiming to get the Tories out by any means necessary. The result of which has been the election of a party with no real democratic mandate, with fewer than 1in 5 of the population voting for them. Consequently, they're under a very bright light and are (rightly) being criticised for every move they make. This is cyclical and has further spurred on the "othering", which, in part, led to the riots we had and the following clamp down on social media. It is, if nothing else, a warning to the US and other democratic countries in the West. "Othering" will not end well. Throwing around accusations back and forth won't end well. We must remain calm and thoughtful, keeping away from making rash decisions, otherwise the results can be catastrophic. Of course, this is a massively simplified abridgement of what's happened, for the sake of the RU-vid comment format, but the US ought to heed the warning. You don't want to become a Western North Korea, so don't give into violent or rash urges and keep the debate respectful where possible. Never in my life have I found the UK to be such a suffocating place in which to live, so I hope that doesn't happen to other nations. One of the most important things to remember as you head towards the election has been immortalised through the words of the late, great Christopher Hitchens, who said "the essence of an independent mind lies in not what it thinks, but how it thinks". So instead of fixating on "othering" people, playing with identity politics, or any other nonsense like that, focus instead of making sure you're thinking for yourself and being mature in your thoughts. That alone ought be sufficient to ensure you don't become what the UK now has.
@Tified967 27 дней назад
I wouldn't say the UK is akin to the US the US is in by far a worse state. The fact that the idea of a personification type figure of Trump would even be running in an election is laughable. Yes I could see Reform supporters voting for someone akin to him but that's it. Honestly I think the riots are simply predicated on opportunism for people with a very low IQ to bestow havoc on those they perceive as 'other'; nothing to do with Labour being voted in. The US is in a worse position by having die hard Republican voters who'll vote for Trump irrespective of what sh*te he comes out with. At least the people who did vote went by and large for the stable party over the pond. Sure if the Conservatives or more aptly Reform got in I could see your point. This is a man who's even stated he'll get rid of democracy as we know it in the US. I'm not saying we're perfect but the US currently as it stands is in a much more precarious situation.
@computer_janitor 25 дней назад
lol, "i should imagine" lol you're overthinking it. Your government has tyrannized people all over the world for centuries. You never though they would do it to you? the us is different. They actually have the means to fight their government. you guys are the original cucked out red coat sympathizers with mad kings. bummer that all those chickens are coming home to roost. In the US, they just have riot season to get it out of everyone's system.
@nightrunnerxm393 24 дня назад
Y'know, governments having a monopoly on the use of force haven't exactly got the greatest track record of "preventing vengeance." Usually what happens is the "aggrieved" manage a takeover of that government--or even just a section of it--and proceed to use governments' force to exact their revenge. All without anyone being able to stop them from doing so with force. The end results most often involve pretty spectacular body counts. Weird how that works.
@Vincentthecatsings 20 дней назад
I understand that all my friends were brainwashed, first in college and finished off with social media. I tried to compare actual things from the Trump and Biden administrations terms and they lost they're mind and told me that god and religion is all they hate, and its concept creates all bad in the world. These are normal, educated men with families and jobs. I don't know what to do
@SamtheIrishexan 25 дней назад
6:06 The right says the left started it, the left says the right deserves it.
@jeffreychatfield7881 26 дней назад
Back in the day we didn't have internet and social media, so discourse was face to face, their could be violence, but if we are willing to understand the other you can negociant, so there may be 2 outcomes, conflict, or compromise, walking away from each other on a ball you will face each other again, WW1 and WW2 was an example of an unwillingness to compromise, what happened after was an example of compromise.
@martypoynter9806 25 дней назад
Very insightful. Well said
@CartoonSlug 27 дней назад
I'm really just looking forward to the moment where I know longer live in the same country as half the citizens here
@Kevin-sr8yx 27 дней назад
There will always be an other half
@CartoonSlug 27 дней назад
@@Kevin-sr8yx I'm actually more startled that I wrote "know" there and didn't realize it than I am at the failing United States.
@Jessica-wk7nf 23 дня назад
@@CartoonSlug at least you caught it, I didn't.
@MorteWulfe 25 дней назад
Wonder what the Brit thinks about his country after the last few weeks? That weakness displayed is what brought about Big Brit Brother....
@lilolmecj 25 дней назад
Thank you! #Othering!
@gregscott3479 26 дней назад
Had lots to say but got afraid of internet punishment laws.
@SirWhiteRabbit-gr5so 20 дней назад
Vengeful Retribution is a bad thing?? They have it coming!
@Gianniutah 26 дней назад
Hey doc Peterson, I voted and will vote again for Trump and I’m not stupid. Stick to the mess that Canada is.
@warrennicholsony.fernando4513 24 дня назад
If I wre you guys, you should take your advice and clean your room. Australia, Canada and the UK are just if not more chaotic right now.
@RepomanPro 25 дней назад
The man who owns the world is not happy with his plantation administrator. He is clearing the plantation for a new workforce. With half the population depends on government and the other half doesn’t a scalar weapon injects A LIE half the population depends on it the other half rejected.
@datsumcrzysht 25 дней назад
Dr Peterson, I’ve been listening to your ages and you’ve become one of my favorite advisors in terms of developing an optimal perspective on life experiences. One critique I’ve to share is that you’ve often worked with the premise that the 2020 election was not stolen and it was simply an over reaction from the “right” or Trump going down the rabbit hole. Although I do agree that at this point it only matters in terms of protecting it from happening again. But I’m not sure if you picked up this idea shared by some at Daily Wire or what, but there is more than ample evidence to support this claim.
@user-yq7xf2ss6e 23 дня назад
Im Italian my great grandparents came in the early 1900s. I don't speak Italian my grandpa was taught never to speak Italian outside the house. Thats how Italians are considered white now. We integrated into American society so we weren't outsider's. I think people that come to this country or are born in this country identity as Americans and adapt Americas culture they won't be treated differently.
@ThePsychodad69 25 дней назад
3 states are throwing out results after 3yrs of everything is fine and secure. Too late now amputated a foot for a hangnail😂 and guess what he's still doing surgery.
@petitorveritatis1 25 дней назад
Im a registered Republican Voting for Kennedy
@Jessica-wk7nf 23 дня назад
@user-lx5iv5cw1w 26 дней назад
How come me liking my country and improving it is vengeful and stupid and escalating things in a feedback loop, but them hating my country and undermining it is just "waving a red flag in my face" as if they're just faking all their beliefs to piss me off? As if they're not actually doing what they said they'd do, and it's not actually being disastrous?
@HRPFayetteville 26 дней назад
This is how. It started with the Jews in mean it's such a trip. Cause what do you think? Most of us come from in America? I'm German, Scottish Irish and english, but my grandparents met here. How can we even be allowing this to happen? We're the ones who abolish slavery and the u. K. I mean, we should be the back end of non censorship and free speech, which we have laws that govern free speech, civil and criminal laws like nothing needs to change from that and they're all crossing the line like crazy dictator. I don't know if anybody read the diary of Anne Frank. But that's one of the books we read when we were like in fourth grade and it starts out slow like this. Hillary Clinton started this and I need to figure out how we all need to file a Supreme Court case because our constitutional right to be violated as Trump supporters and now Jewish people. Here in America too. This is all what are 4 fathere's warrant abouthou and and are 2 countries. No matter what we've all been through. We were still the ones who a ball is slavery so that people in our countries could have equal rights. I'm freedom
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