
The Pacific Coast Highway is DANGEROUS - Can We Fix It? 

LEJ Explains
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@Danji_Coppersmoke 8 месяцев назад
CalTrans's solutions are total cringes. Definition of 'pretend to do sth'. Potholes would do better job than CalTrans.
@tettazwo9865 4 месяца назад
I agree and would volunteer to come equipped with a shovel.
@daikon711 8 месяцев назад
CalTrans is the problem, nothing pedestrian friendly will come out from them. There's a state bill to fix that
@mizzury54 3 месяца назад
Speeders are the problem.
@jordanjohnson9866 3 месяца назад
Nah. /
@kristenmlondon 7 месяцев назад
Thank you very much for this video! I grew up in malibu and its always been infuriating to basically have a freeway go right through the city. Devastated for the four women that died last year. Hoping something real actually gets done.
@EdwardM-t8p 4 месяца назад
And it's not even a real freeway, just a surface artery posing as a freeway. Give me a real freeway instead, that's what the road needs!
@gymjoedude 4 месяца назад
Simple solution for speeding. Do like Portugal. They use stop lights in the highway if any one person is speeding, everyone has to stop at the stop light. If everyone obeys the speed limit the lights didn't signal to stop.
@kailahmann1823 4 месяца назад
With this massive death toll, there should be instant radical changes: At first lowering the speed limit to 30 mph, where ever buildings are directly adjacent. This also sets a lane with of 11 feet on any redesign. Next is a raised median with NO openings (except for pedestrians) outside of signalized intersections - left turns across two or even three lanes are unacceptable. Next is a multi-use path on the coastal side (because there buildings seam to be continuous) - not with a barrier, but up on the curb. The other side get's a sidewalk where ever it's needed. At every bus stop we need a full traffic light for a pedestrian crossing - this may also be combined with a lane for U-turns (however only on one side, as we need the median for crossing!). If there is space left (mostly from narrowing the lanes probably…), that can be used for parking or a third lane. …and then you have about the type of road, any European road designer would call a "barely acceptable car oriented design".
@Wooster77 3 месяца назад
Yes, speed cameras would help, as would more crosswalks and an additional pedestrian bridge or two.
@Tazaman310 4 месяца назад
The road dieting thing is fine but it would have to take an immense amount of consideration for the people traveling from Ventura and agoura hills area. Also I don’t think the Jersey barriers would work because I feel like they would have to add a certain design element or else the residents along PCH would probably go against it unless we made it pretty. I mean it’s a lot of factors to consider from cargo and worker/tourism commuters, residents, environmental passes and such should be implemented too. Also beach access might be limited unless more parking lots are built or metro expands overhead times for the 534 I think is it? Yeah but if planned correctly and executed well, I don’t see why not. PS too bad Culver is getting rid of the bus/bike lanes🫠
@EdwardM-t8p 4 месяца назад
Wow, so Culver City is going back to all lanes for cars! I didn't know that. They might as well rezone their downtown to eliminate shops that require any driveways to parking lots of the main street or any on-street parking.
@theOGabcduong 4 месяца назад
I've been to the CalTrans HQ in DTLA during my school years. They don't do anything and move very slow.
@solsist3989 2 месяца назад
0:40 bikers fault
@TheOtherKine 4 месяца назад
You defunded the police, and quit patrolling and enforcing the law. And then used said stupid "85%" law to INCREASE speeds on state highways and freeways by 10 to 15mph on most of these major "roads" - So why is anybody wondering why SPEED accidents happen? It wasn't like this 30 years ago when you got tickets for even going 3mph over the limit, sometimes, the CHP were so worked up to get their monthly quotas. We actually need that type of enforcement back in, as well as speed cameras at trap zones and ticket them all, no questions asked!!!!
@andreasencio3184 4 месяца назад
I drive this almost every day to commute to work.
@ptdjevents8621 3 месяца назад
Take away lanes on PCH? Wrong! Do you know the amount of cars traveling here in the eve and more so summer ?This is wrong ….this is not Culver City!! A series of stop lights better ..speed cams or perm traffic cop ….but taking away lanes Will lead to other problems
@loudoggg5618 3 месяца назад
They need bridges
@allanmoger1838 4 месяца назад
Ok Karen. 🙄
@blores95 8 месяцев назад
I had heard all the news of PCH but never traveled up it past Long Beach until the past week or two when I went to The Getty. Holy shit was it the most uncomfortable, scariest place I'd driven in a long time. The idea of having this highway right along the beach and shops with basically no sidewalk was baffling and I don't see how anyone would willingly drive up it for pleasure. Maybe in the less populated areas but as it's designed through the LA area is some peak carbrain idiocy. CalTrans set themselves up for a difficult situation of trying to please everyone by making it a high traffic corridor while also being a pedestrian destination, but it needs a gigantic road diet with priority to people and transit. Just like how the people in charge of planning transit should use the transit on a regular basis, the people in charge of road redesigns should use the roads as a pedestrian on a regular basis.
@love4lyfe51 3 месяца назад
It’s only scary because speeders speed. Speeders speed because there is no law-enforcement. There is no law-enforcement because Democrats want to defund the police. It’s not complicated.
@vapedragon983 8 месяцев назад
This was really well made ! As a lover of the PCH highway, I hope this video gets more attention
@mariusfacktor3597 8 месяцев назад
I think you solved it. A center median to make it easier to cross and a concrete protected walk/bike path would have saved more than half the lives of people who needlessly died. After that they should think about slowing it down from highway speed (45) to boulevard speed (30). CalTrans's pretend solution is an embarrassment. They called it their number one priority but don't suggest a single design change. We need better people in charge.
@nimeshinlosangeles 8 месяцев назад
A median with trees not only makes it safer for pedestrians, but it adds to the beauty of the drive as well. LA proper has a lot of roads with medians containing large shady trees, which helps slow cars by making the road seem narrower, decreases noise, and gives opportunities for pedestrians to cross. Tangentially related, I find it funny how willing LA is to put trees in medians for the sake of improving the car experience, but they don't put trees on the sidewalks for the pedestrian experience. But that's a topic that deserves its own video.
@ultimatedouchebag6760 4 месяца назад
What we need is more gas taxes for 2 inches
@Eelxlicker14 3 месяца назад
As a local, here is my view on this matter. Unfortunately I don’t think pch in Malibu can ever become safe unless they installed a system that automatically tickets people for speeding. Firstly, medians would make it almost impossible for emergency vehicles to get through Malibu since they are often driving down the center lane when traffic is bad. (Ironically, this could lead to more deaths if emergency services are inhibited) Second, the issue with removing a lane is that parking is already extremely low and further removal would increase the inaccessibility to the beach, which as a vital public resource, administered by the coastal commission, would land dead on arrival since they would have a say in the matter. Lastly, nobody really walks the length of Malibu, at 22 miles long, there is not a need to add an unobstructed sidewalk on both sides for its entirety. The side walk is pretty good by the pier and cross creek. Some updates here and there would probably suit the need and enhance its safety and usability. In my opinion a protected bike lane would be the most suitable fix other then adding some South Korean style speed monitoring equipment, which as I mentioned, automatically tickets people if they pass from point A to B too quickly. But that’s very big brother and might not go over well here. But I if that’s the cost to save lives then it absolutely worth consideration.
@mariusfacktor3597 3 месяца назад
@@Eelxlicker14 Speed cameras are a must and so are just cameras in general. If someone pulls a crazy stupid move which endangers everyone around them, they should get punished regardless of the speed. Most of the time emergency vehicles are deployed on the PCH it's because of a car crash involving someone making a left turn from the center turn lane. Turning that into a median would prevent these crashes. So the argument that emergency vehicles wouldn't be able to get through due to a median doesn't have merit when the very reason those emergency vehicles are needed is due to the lack of a median.
@Eelxlicker14 3 месяца назад
@@mariusfacktor3597you’re correct that the median would prevent those types of accident but I think it’s inaccurate to state that the only reason there are emergency vehicles entering Malibu is for auto related incidents. Plenty of people are injured at the beach. People do have emergencies at their homes. While these might not be as prevalent as auto incidents it’s still not insignificant, and without a middle lane emergency vehicles would completely stuck. I think the median is not a viable solution for the PCH. (Edit: not viable for the entirety of the pch, They did build a new median just east of Corral Canyon, but it’s definitely not stopping a car) The engineers at Caldrons are no dummies. If saving lives was as easy as installing a median, I have faith that this would have been proposed long ago. Far too many people have died on that road.
@MoralHazard-g1e 4 месяца назад
PCH was designed for a bygone era. Up to the early 1980s it was adequate for the traffic volume and population density. I remember when you could take a nap on the stretch from the Ventura County line to Malibu in the 70s. There is simply not enough space nowadays to maintain adequate capacity AND increase safety, without bulldozing the homes and businesses along the road.
@mariusfacktor3597 3 месяца назад
Even if you did bulldoze thousands of homes and businesses and add more lanes, traffic would not improve. This was demonstrated recently with the Sepulveda Pass. They spent $1B widening the 405 through the Sepulveda Pass and after it was done traffic became worse than it was before. Widening highways is not the solution to traffic. If, however they provided good alternatives to driving such as turned one lane on the PCH into a dedicated bus lane, then you can expect traffic to go down because some of those drivers will choose to take the bus.
@wasabiginger6993 3 месяца назад
So true! I grew up Old Malibu Road in the 50's and early 60's ... before Malibu & ocean front property sold it's soul. In the 90's I went to visit an old childhood friend and was shocked at how PCH had turned into a deadly racetrack ... even trying to get in and out of a parked car was scary!
@thepinoz 13 дней назад
Right, only way to move more people is more cars and lanes /s
@ehoops31 8 месяцев назад
PCH is deadly in Long Beach too. We lose at least one person every month. Poor people dying never gets as much press, which is sad. I hope that we can put pressure on CalTrans to get their heads out of their asses and make real infrastructure changes. And I hope those infrastructure changes get applied to all of the affected communities along PCH.
@jamalgibson8139 8 месяцев назад
One death a month??? And nothing is being done to change this road? I swear, traffic engineers are straight up sociopaths.
@jordanjohnson9866 3 месяца назад
Nah. Not “We lose at least one person every month.” /
@ehoops31 3 месяца назад
@@jordanjohnson9866 I know you think you’re funny, but death isn’t funny.
@ehoops31 3 месяца назад
@@jamalgibson8139 our city council finally grew a pair and told Caltrans to do better. Now they might do something about safety in like 10 years. They aren’t canceling the currently planned projects that will need to be ripped up for the safety improvements. Better than nothing I guess?
@jamalgibson8139 3 месяца назад
@@ehoops31 Most state DOTs are full of highway engineers who roleplay as transportation engineers. They only know how to build and expand roads, but nothing about those roads impact the community, and safety barely even registers as a line item for them. And if safety is a message they follow, it's basically limited to safety of the construction workers, and not safety of the general public.
@dayp77 4 месяца назад
My dad loves going biking with his friends at the Ray Miller trail, so he took me and my mom to go hike there. We emerged from the sycamore canyon exit, and had to walk like over a mile back to the car and i was so stressed out having to walk on the edge of the highway! It takes 1 errant driver to completely change your life. There were signs saying no pedestrians, but thats not going to deter people from walking, though it is incredibly unsafe to walk with how it currently is. I hated having to cross the highway, i love your suggestion of adding more crossings. The pacific coast highway isn’t just to drive through, it provides access to some great nature trails and the beach, but the way it is currently designed makes it unsafe for everyone! Thank you for this insightful video!
@jcole1679 2 месяца назад
shhhhh dont tell people about the ray miller trail lol
@lionleader 5 месяцев назад
OK, very much enjoyed your work here. I live in Malibu, the crosswalk at Moonshadows is a good idea, that can get done. The medians is a very interesting idea, that could get done. The cost is significant, but possible. However ‘Road Dieting’ the entire 23 miles, is completely untenable. Or even a single mile. This is Southern California, the volume of cars is just so many, that it would cause almost twenty four hours per day traffic jams, it won’t happen. Recent landslides have effectively done this with lane closures and with Topanga Canyon’s closure until September, PCH cannot be lane reduced, because of bottlenecks. Even in winter the lane reductions have been traffic nightmares, come summertime, as I said untenable. I think you’ve raised some interesting ideas though in other areas.
@e92e36 4 месяца назад
exactly everyone supporting lane dieting here has never driven pch or only occasionally driven it with light traffic. even with 3 lanes the traffic is beyond terrible to sit in. medians with trees is probably the most that can be done since trees and greenery are proven to slow people down
@EdwardM-t8p 4 месяца назад
​@@e92e36 If a surface artery with 3 lanes of traffic suffers intolerable gridlock the only solution is to upgrade it to a full-blown freeway with a median barrier, breakdown lanes, and interchanges. No buildings alongside the road but a bicycle-pededtrian path protected by a tall, stout concrete wall. And the #lanes can be reduced to 2 each way because then there would be no stoplights!
@e92e36 4 месяца назад
@@EdwardM-t8p that’s a good idea in theory except there are many businesses and homes along pch so it wouldn’t be viable
@EdwardM-t8p 4 месяца назад
@@e92e36 Putting it on a road diet is untenable because of all the traffic. Where is it supposed to go? And light rail in the median is not doable for a similar reason (car accidents with the trolleys). And Americans tend not to take transit anyway. So what's the alternative to a surface freeway? An elevated freeway obviously.
@lej_explains 3 месяца назад
@lionleader Appreciate it! I get these concerns, as i’ve driven up and down all of PCH here since I was a teenager and know the potential for bottlenecks- that’s why I said ‘most’ (not all) areas beyond Topanga Cyn should have one lane removed on only on one side of it. It will undoubtedly slow traffic, particularly during peak summer - but the point of it was to be the strongest possible solution to save lives + give residents and cyclists their first chance to safely move on their main road. This may or may not prove not worth it from traffic effects, but could maybe be done strategically. If all my other suggestions - medians/cameras/crosswalks were made and not some lane removal, I’d still be happy tbh.
@DemarcusQ 3 месяца назад
2:22 I hope they put this sign at the beginning of both sides of the road. Seeing a sign that says “This road has killed 100… people” would instantly make me think twice about driving crazy on it. A current count is even scarier to read as a harsh reminder.
@tacobellappreciater Месяц назад
There are plenty of reminders in Malibu telling people that, a lot of which were put up by residents
@ttopero 8 месяцев назад
It’s inferiating to hear the pandering with so little substance in the name of preserving the highway for murderous behavior!
@beegdonkey5750 4 месяца назад
Will the city of Los Santos ever address this issue?
@finchman1 4 месяца назад
Los Santos? You mean Los Angeles? Since PCH is a state highway, it’s up to Caltrans to address the issue.
@beegdonkey5750 4 месяца назад
@@finchman1 welcome to San Andreas I’m CJ from Grove Street
@finchman1 4 месяца назад
@@beegdonkey5750 I see what you did.
@joshuasuhaimi 2 месяца назад
@@finchman1look up gta v
@FlyingOverTr0ut 8 месяцев назад
What an embarrassment of a road. It's an admission that we just prioritize speed and can't imagine how to efficiently move traffic while making the PCH much safer. It's just an embarrassment, like we're all playing a game in which we pretend that we don't know that traffic calming and road diets work and that we just are ideologically committed to the car industry.
@ttopero 8 месяцев назад
That’s actually part of the problem: we’re fixated on moving cars through the corridor, no people. It’d be a different story if moving people through and allowing people to move within the area were the priority. This corridor is forever fucked because of our priorities. It was bad in the 80’s when I drove it and it’s worse now!
@torunit4620 4 месяца назад
@ 5:08 PCH does not go to the San Fernando Valley. It's a bypass; An alternative to going through the San Fernando Valley.
@Alepfi5599 7 месяцев назад
That's also in GTA isn't it
@merriemisfit8406 6 месяцев назад
5:34 : How many of us geezers remember when that red-highlighted lane used to BE free road-side parking? And when what are now paved, pay parking lots between some of the little beach shack-mansions there, used to be sandy, unpaved, no-fee beach parking (where locals used to bring their dogs to empty them out on walks)? I understand the reluctance to remodel PCH through Malibu. Putting it through the closures and interruptions of a major reconstruction project, which will end with half the number of road lanes to handle the same (and ever increasing) amount of traffic, would be bad enough for the locals on their weekday commutes. But the already insane weekend gridlock might become so intolerable that Malibu beach visitorship would drop significantly -- and Malibu business owners might not be so keen on that either. Your video got me to wondering if anybody ever cleared out that pocket of quicksand just off PCH near Moonshadows ...
@TC1Z2L3 2 месяца назад
Great points. I lived in Oxnard and worked in Santa Monica for years so PCH was a real commuter route for me. This is a huge fish to fry and likely will never happen. LA and CA have so many issues nor have they proven themselves capable of a completing a project of this scope within ANY sort of timeline or financial budget. Sad but true, this area is deterriorating and no one with the power or money is interested in fixing it.
@merriemisfit8406 2 месяца назад
@@TC1Z2L3 I hope you took your commutes the way I did, and never let heavy traffic ruin the drive. No matter how slow things might get, or how bad the jam might be, I'd look over at the ocean and remind myself that I would rather be stuck in traffic there, than anywhere else in the world. 🏖
@patriot9487 6 месяцев назад
One guy got a speeding ticket, when his car was on the back of the tow. The tow truck was speeding, but the guy who's car was being towed ended up being saddled with the charge. We need human reviewers for the tickets.
@sunandsage 4 месяца назад
They would also need to make sure that the person driving the car is the one that gets the ticket which may not be the one who actually owns the car.
@SaveMoneySavethePlanet 8 месяцев назад
I think road dieting would be a great solution here. Leave three lanes for cars and claim one lane for a protected multiuse path for bikes and peds, then turn the last lane into a single track rail. I don’t have time to do the math right now, but that’ll almost definitely leave the route capacity high enough to handle all the commuters while also making the road WAY safer! Anyways, that’s my off-the-cuff solution with 0 research :-) Edit: regarding speed cameras: there’s actually a pilot program for this happening in several CA cities this year. One of the things I love about the program is that any money generated from the cameras has to be used to modify the road they’re on and make it safer. If the money is not used within several years then it is given up to the state for the same purpose.
@davidjackson7281 8 месяцев назад
Sorry, stupid speed cameras are evil Big Brother totalitarianism. No Leica.
@ttopero 8 месяцев назад
A lane of track would be pretty incredible but probably quite useful, even if stations are a couple miles apart-everything is spread out in that area.
@Metal0sopher 4 месяца назад
I think there is a better option. Here's the best solution: 1. The West-Oxnard bound two lanes should be turned into a slightly elevated north-south single lane two-way ROAD from Sunset Blvd to Oxnard with a highway level speed limit of 55 to 65mph, except at roundabouts. No stop lights or stop signs. Continuous commuter access. 2. The East LA-bound two lanes should be a separated into a beach access Street, 20mph speed limit, for residents with front of home parking and also parallel parking against the slightly elevated PCH ROAD. 3. All intersections should be replaced with roundabouts giving the PCH Road users access to the mostly North side mountain streets, which are few and far between, and south entry into to the beach side access street for residents, beach, restaurants and parking. This would separate the through commuters on a continuous thoroughfare PCH, with just a few roundabouts and no stop lights, from the locals and beach goers who would use the roundabouts to exit to the beach side access street. It would also make U turns and back and forth travel safer. There are tons of examples of this all over Europe, especially in tourist heavy places like the Mediterranean coast. Much safer but also faster because there are no stop lights and in and out traffic from locals, who use the side access streets. Just search "driving videos France/Italy" to see tons of examples. And best part, no need for more police and speed cameras--both hated and proven ineffective, but extremely expensive.
@lej_explains 4 месяца назад
I like these ideas a lot - wonder how feasible they would be from a financial and space perspective, plus length of construction which for the elevated sections and possibly roundabouts would maybe necessitate months long shutdowns of PCH. If this proves to be not so much of a concern, your idea would keep PCH as a fast highway to Oxnard while increasing safety for local travelers. Caltrans would have a heart attack if they were ordered to do this though 😂,
@Metal0sopher 4 месяца назад
@@lej_explains Yes you are right, it would be expensive but I think it would be worth it. As for closures, if they did two lanes at the time, the other two could stay open. I'm basing this on how they do in Europe, where roads and spaces are much tighter. To a European the PCH in Malibu is a 6 lane highway wider than 90% of roads and expressways on the continent. For this to work they would have to get some European engineers with experience of such construction, hire a huge crew, and start from both directions, maybe a third in the middle to knock it out in a year or two. It can be done, but unfortunately the American political system is not willing to put that level of effort and organization into it.
@Metal0sopher 4 месяца назад
@@lej_explains Here is a great video on the Netherlands. "Road and Street Design In the Netherlands" And of course "Not Just Bikes" does a great job covering all forms of travel infrastructure.
@jeromewegand4785 3 месяца назад
@TightyWhiteyTrash 27 дней назад
7:40 that car is always parked there. I know it’s just a “dummy car,” but it doesn’t do anything 🤷🏼‍♂️
@VanquisherFantical Месяц назад
Thank you for making these videos. LEJ slowing solving all of LAs decades of fatal and insufficient faults.
@cyclicmusings2661 4 месяца назад
PCH needs a serious road diet. As a concession, the four travel lanes can stay, but be narrowed to 10ft each to slow drivers down to a target speed of 40mph or less. The center turning lane has to go and be replaced with a 5ft raised median that only widens at intersections to facilitate turn lanes. Add pedestrian crossings every half mile with traffic lights because signs or even flashing white lights won't cut it - it needs red lights to stop traffic in both directions. Maybe these intersections can facilitate u-turns at some points. And lastly - get rid of on street parking at least on the "mountain" side of PCH. Ideally I'd get rid of parking on the side fronting the ocean too but that might be too much for some folks. With removing the center turn lane parking on one side, and narrowing lanes overall, this should give up enough space to build a 12-15ft multi use protected path on the ocean side, and at least a 5-6ft protected sidewalk on the other side.
@fkporsche1 4 месяца назад
Speed cameras would help to regulate traffic speed. We should have more speed cameras on highways and freeway to keep those crazy street racers in check. In UK, many speed cameras, result safer for everyone.
@DamianKevitt 8 месяцев назад
A very well-done video! We will be sharing this with others. Thank you. -- Damian, Street Are For Everyone.
@xbmarc 2 месяца назад
Who would've thought that a car crashing at over 100 mph could kill someone. That's a design flaw of the pch...
@thevibe7415 3 месяца назад
I used to drive this Specific road for YEARS going to the college. I never got into an accident however I would always see people speeding,pedestrians always waiting to cross and last but not least,I would always get blinded by the lights from oncoming traffic. So yeah your on point and they need to also put one of those elevated bridges you can walk across!
@mleask 8 месяцев назад
I also think round-abouts at key locations could slow people down. That would also potentially cut down on electrical bills for the city/county by removing traffic lights at those locations.
@ttopero 8 месяцев назад
I’d love to find a state DOT that would allow a traffic circle or roundabout on their highway in an urban setting. AzDOT allowed some on SR 179 into Sedona, but that’s hardly urban, despite the volume of tourists.
@cyclicmusings2661 4 месяца назад
As much as I like roundabouts, they take up a large amount of space and not very suitable at locations like PCH where the road is constrained without the land to expand. PCH needs as much space as possible dedicated to pedestrians/cyclists and a roundabout would eat into that significantly. 2 lane roundabouts certainly do work and we have many in Florida where I'm from, our DOT (FDOT) actually has built them on certain busy roads. If you ever heard of The Villages in Florida, there's a ton of multi-lane roundabouts there but land here is flat and development happened in a way that allow these to take up the large amount of space required. They also have an interesting system of paved trails complete with bridges and tunnels that largely avoid interacting with car traffic, that is mainly designed for golf carts but easily accommodates cyclists, pedestrians, and users of various types of personal transporters like electric mobility scooters or standing scooters.
@grahamturner2640 4 месяца назад
@@ttopero and State Route 89A in the heart of Sedona. Also, the intersection of US-60 and US-93 in Wickenburg is a roundabout, which works surprisingly well given the volume of people going between Phoenix and Las Vegas on weekends (US-93 is supposed to become a part of I-11 at some point, as it’s the primary route people take to go between Phoenix and Las Vegas). Also, New Jersey has at least 2 along State Route 34 (one at State Route 33, and one at Allaire Road, while a lot of other intersections have received jughandles for the sake of improving traffic).
@michaelgreen9484 4 месяца назад
The problem with roundabouts is for large vehicles. PCG has a lot of simi-trucks that have to make deliveries to the various businesses. Plus a lot of film shoots occur along the various beaches on PCH, roundabouts would be a nightmare for large vehicles to navigate. Simple solution drive the speed limit and pay attention. Put your phone down.
@NoFrictionZone 3 месяца назад
Round-abouts? No one here knows how to use them.
@BrandtAbsolu 7 месяцев назад
"highways", whether they are the expressway or stroad variety, have no business plowing through a residential neighborhood. Also, no roadway needs more than two car lanes in each direction. The whole stretch needs a road diet and hard barriers to protect cyclists and pedestrians.
@empirestate8791 8 месяцев назад
They should also reduce the speed to 25 mph in the urban areas that are lined with shops and houses. The speed limit can be higher on the rural stretches of road. More crosswalks are also absolutely necessary. They should aim to narrow the lanes too so people aren't as tempted to speed. You can maintain 2 lanes in each direction and have street parking on one side of the road with a well-thought-out road diet.
@MrPsychopathYT 4 месяца назад
Lol I saw those speed bars and thought wtf is this, and continued driving my speed
@nomad05 8 месяцев назад
This is such an incredibly important video, thank you for making this!
@Distress. 4 месяца назад
It's crazy how there's no sidewalks on so many roads. I know it's mostly a problem with old roads but like how the hell did you get so self absorbed in your car that you forgot people need a space to walk. The obvious answer is that some lanes will have to go, maybe sidewalk that runs slightly elevated along the mountain might work though it sounds far more expensive. This is rough one because like said in the video I don't seen any other nearby roads. A 2-lane would not suffice.
@ryancraig2795 4 месяца назад
I think Caltrans' philosophy is pretty much entirely focused on allowing drivers to get where they want as fast as possible. Accidents, cyclists, pedestrians are way down their list of priorities. I've ridden the PCH from Neptune's Net to Topanga Canyon Rd, and yeah, it's a little hairy.
@CrazyDash9 8 месяцев назад
Very nice video! All of your suggestions for this could definitely make for a huge improvement in safety. I also really hope they try to improve the bus lines along PCH as well and get more people to ride them so there’s less cars on the road. Right now the stops are literally just a bench with no sort of shading or easy walkable access to them. It’s honestly really embarrassing. One thing that also really annoys me is that for Pepperdine students to access the bus line, they have to walk all the way down to the bottom of the hill to access it. At that point most students just drive because it’s easier. LA can do so much better. I would gladly use the bus more if we had easier access to it. That was a bit off topic, but I just wish there were other alternatives to driving cuz I feel uneasy whenever I’m on PCH. As a Pepperdine student, we are still completely devastated over the 4 girls who tragically lost their lives. They didn’t deserve to lose their lives on that tragic night. It is pain we have to carry with us for the rest of their lives. It just angers me that CalTrans is hardly doing anything major to make the road safer. It really just gives me the vibe that they really don’t care. What’s also annoying is that the suggestions you gave in this video would probably not be supported by Malibu residents since it would probably slow down car traffic and cause more congestion. I thoroughly believe that’s what needs to be done to make PCH safer, but it just seems really hypocritical of them to reject things just because it would prioritize safety over their convenience. Regardless, something major needs to happen, not what CalTrans is doing whether the residents support it or not. Sorry for going on a bit of a tangent. It just needed to be said. Thank you for making this video to spread awareness of what should be done to make this treacherous road safer.
@lawrence.centinales 3 месяца назад
i love these videos keep them coming
@shlubbers1778 8 месяцев назад
I remember when I was younger that I always used to visit the tidepools and hiking trails on the Western/Ventura County part of PCH. Walking along that part of the road and getting stuff out of the car was dangerous at best and impossible at worst. Medians would not only slow drivers down (the road would be thinner) but it would also mean that pedestrians only have to look in one direction for cars, cross to the median, and then look the other. At my 4th grade outdoor camp, (which I think burned down in 2017), I can't imagine how stressful it was for our chaperones to shuttle us across 5 lanes of, let's face it, 55-60mph car traffic, especially when it could have been 2 lanes of 40-45mph car traffic.
@donaldduncan7095 3 месяца назад
There is no other way to go other than UP ⬆, they should build an ELEVATED pedestrian & bike sky-way lane all along the Malibu coast, which could also be used to secure the unsightly powerlines from the wind. Not only would offer a great view of the ocean, but it would also be the SAFEST way to cross PCH. Santa Monica and Venice have the Boardwalk, Malibu should have the Skywalk.😉
@roblovegreen 3 месяца назад
Reducing PCH down to one lane going each way would be a nightmare. Traffic is already terrible certain times of the day.
@stevegonzales527 4 месяца назад
Forgot to mention that mud slides have been coming down onto pch since the beginning of this year so no one is taking that into account thats it’ll be the same issue if they added bigger side walks…. WHICH AGAIN NO ONE WALKS ANYMORE, you only see people walking on the Santa Monica bridge or along the beach or near the Malibu pier.
@Ro6entX 4 месяца назад
People have been demanding changes on that road even since the 90s and very little if anything, has been done. Unless a person with political affiliation gets involved in a crash, nothing will be done.
@GirtonOramsay 17 дней назад
I rode my ebike along the entire PCH in OC, except for the Laguna and Emerald Beach segments since they were basically the same road setup. I just hopped on the bus at Crystal Cove and started back up in Dana Point where they have the decency to add some bike lanes. Not worth my life to ride those highway segments. Luckily, San diego county's PCH isn't this miserable either
@dennisconrad6124 4 месяца назад
This could easily be fixed by doing what Mexico does all over their country. Install speed bumps (Topes). Yes, their aggravating but they work. All the other things their talking about doing is a waist of time, and money.
@MrAkatosh 11 дней назад
It’s the rich snobs that come speeding down the hills from Beverly Hills and all around the mountains that already speed on the winding tiny messed up roads till they get to speed on the highway. They never learn. They need to to finish reinforcing all the walls along the hillsides and push open the road as much as they can leaving space for a long sidewalk and bike path protected on the side with maybe a metal cage should any rocks or boulders come rolling down they won’t die from it which is already a risk. At the pier for the cafe in Malibu they need to get rid of those crosswalks reduce traffic add pedestrian bridges overhead solid and concrete beautiful. Traffic there makes impatient drivers cause wrecks the other day I was waiting about half an hour of traffic because the amount of people crossing even on red lights, multiple cars cuz alllll the way thru the median to cut traffic and they stopped because one got in a wreck avoiding a person walking out between cars they swerved into oncoming traffic. They need to add bridges. Where there’s seafood cafe is also on the Dan blocker beach. Cars coming to a halt going down fast from a hill people keep running out the parking long to stand on the tiny median a bridge would be perfect there let people walk over with ease not stopping cars or slowing them down. The end of deer creek road by neptunes is horrible also I’ve seen multiple crashes there cuz cars come speeding from the east side around the mountain they rammed into cars pulling out across the road. All trouble is caused cuz the mountains are way too close to the shoreline they need a 4 lane road with sidewalks on each side. And bridges it’ll be absolutely perfect for everyone. Nothing will be good till the day that happens.
@bonwatcher 19 дней назад
Road diet is the best way to increase vehicle pollution. They did this all over CA, putting in bike lanes and removing a lane of traffic. On some of those streets the traffic backs up by dozens of cars at every signal, takes three changes of the signal to get through and causes impatience in drivers. On PCH the traffic would back up by miles every day and take hours to move a couple of miles.
@joshakaoger69 2 месяца назад
It's not dangerous people are ... People always crossing all areas too it insane
@sunandsage 4 месяца назад
Try traffic calming measures. Those typically work better than speed limits.
@Absaalookemensch 3 месяца назад
The drivers are 100% at fault. Anything that the state does, irresponsible people will find ways to abuse.
@OGPAPERBOY77 3 месяца назад
Should they put crosswalks on all highways? If people dont use their brains its the highways fault?
@valerievonskullz825 3 месяца назад
As a school bus driver that commutes with kids on board on PCH frequently… I agree with this
@Skrin19 Месяц назад
I think the idea's here are good, and I agree that Caltrans' plan is essentially nothing. However, I know that removing a lane of traffic in that area of PCH is absolutely not feasible. As I am typing this, there is one lane closed at just about the same spot that's recommended in the video, and the backed-up traffic is HORRIBLE. It's bumper to bumper, 1 mph traffic. I don't know what the solution is, but one driving lane isn't it.
@robinr.2233 16 дней назад
If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Drive safely and don’t be an idiot, most of us do it daily with no issue. More regulation is never the answer.
@richardbehrle1496 28 дней назад
I’ve been a resident of Malibu for almost 30 years, I’ve seen when the center median were islands, then taken away. I’ve also seen areas with cross walks. So a lot of this has been done in the past. Every time a bad crash happens, the cops come out in force for a few days and implement double and triple fines. Also keep in mind that the rent-a-cops here are from Agoura Hills and look at this as a Cush job.
@mist2498 2 месяца назад
I live here! Travel on the pch all the time!! ITS A HIGHWAY!! Im tired of the pedestrians and bicyclists treating it as if it was regular streets.. 🤦🏻‍♂️ they are the problem! Not the fast cars who are on a highway to literally get from point A to point B the fastest
@805pato 2 месяца назад
I live in Oxnard and the PCH is literally my backyard, the tourist driving around the area, cyclist, younger kids at Pepperdine university are just way too much variables that can be fixed.
@mizzury54 3 месяца назад
Blaming the road for someone crashing at 100 miles an hour. I drive on PCH on this stretch often. The problem is SPEEDERS.
@TC1Z2L3 2 месяца назад
People riding their bikes on PCH have a death wish. They'll gladly push you into onconing traffic and act like you're the problem if you're not willing to play chicky run for their safety.
@juliet2756 Месяц назад
I remember when I was young, my parents and I took a trip to SF. My Dad decided to take this highway to LA. There was a little area that seemed like a pull off road at the cliff. My Dad let me get out of the car to go look at the ocean. I remember cars kept honking at me as they sped by. I guess to tell me to be careful. Is that why? I always wondered!
@raydemarco427 3 месяца назад
How about this? Where the heck is the police presence? I moved to LA co from New Jersey in 2020. You could NEVER get away with the stuff drivers pull here on the east coast. Virginia, Maryland NJ police are not f-ing around. They actually ticket speeders
@RoadRallyLife 2 месяца назад
Caltrans is a JOKE. Malibu is a death trap, the most unsafe stretch of road in the country. We need MORE lights and an actual police presence.
@Larkinchance 4 месяца назад
Before Malibu High School was built, my school bus traveled 35 miles every morning from Trancas to Santa Monica High School. Fond memories but I wouldn't like to live there now.
@markdc1145 4 месяца назад
The speeding on PCH is out of control.. Reducing the maximum speed to 35mph, radar and speed bumps would help solve this. Drivers in California completely disregard crosswalks, they don't even notice them anymore.
@santiagoelias6172 2 месяца назад
...great video...intresting and informative..pch is a nice place to visit...parking is a hassle but well worth the wait for a spot...can stay there all day...but my opinion is the night traffic going home doubles in danger...speed is probably at its worse...I'm all for more law enforcement..
@NoFrictionZone 3 месяца назад
The problem? Buying teens cars they can't handle due to lack of skill and maturity. Cell phones, and aggressive drivers.
@timetraveler2518 3 месяца назад
I visited Malibu two months ago. I drove on PCH in the Malibu area, which was intense heavy traffic. The biggest problem was Californian drivers, who were speeding, reckless, and dangerous. Driving in LA was a nightmare because of extensive fast-paced and constant heavy speeding traffic on clogged freeways everywhere. Driving in southern California sucks! 😱
@user-hm5zb1qn6g 3 месяца назад
Cross 4 lanes of 45MPH traffic? No thanks. That's Russian Roulette.
@StephanieHughesDesign 3 месяца назад
It won't be solved until the LAPD start doing their jobs and ticketing/sanctioning these criminals. The Pepperdine students were innocently killed - this was not an accident. Rather. involuntary manslaughter or Murder in 2nd degree or Criminal Negligence. A complete disregard to the value of human life. I have cycled on PCH and Sunset and was scared out of my mind. Car speeds are beyond monstrous. I have been on rides where 1 of our cyclists was hit on PCH.
@DesolateGoldFields 3 месяца назад
It's pretty much Freeway but with cars, bicyclists, and people walking on the side.
@kellythesinger2945 4 месяца назад
OH Come On !!! Install the KellySmith modular Elevated Bike Paths on one side - wont hinder parking or take land or value from expensive property- End of problem. they have pedestrian bridges options so you can Add elevated Cross walk where ever !
@prevailz1 3 месяца назад
Just a heads up FAA can cite you for flying over a vehicles. I've been warned about it in person by an FAA agent, I knew the rules as well just didn't think It would ever be enforced.
@stephenalexander9558 4 месяца назад
@lej_explains - 45th! Speed cameras is one of those situations that until experience the plethora of problems/issues they bring in HOW they are executed.... the imagination is at loss of the possibilities! The biggest issue is that they are actually VERY expensive to install, manage, & maintain! The resolution to this situation has been to have the "camera company" fully run as a business with FULL desire to create as many tickets as possible.... making money! The obvious solution is to all tickets be first sent to the local police department for review. Of course this now means funding police officers in taking time to review and possibly review possible "falsely caught" situations! Still get the ticket? Due diligence & process of getting your day in court to argue? Not as you may think! Reason is that your argument will not be with a human being (police officer)... instead with the company managing the speed cameras! Red light & speed cameras has their potential of being good. However, due to most execution process failure, should be avoided in being installed! Yea! 🍀🙀🌟 😇
@chrisc8073 3 месяца назад
Thank you for this post. We need any and all help to pressure Caltrans and city government to finally do their jobs and fix PCH in Malibu.
@62Madison 4 месяца назад
I’ve taken PCH from LA to Marin Co - it’s beautiful! Like the median idea. Planting trees in the median would also slow people down as studies have shown. An intermodal bike/pedestrian lane seems like a good answer too. I’m curious about those beach houses, will eminent domain remove them over the next 20-50 years due to rising sea levels?
@chrisc8073 3 месяца назад
Malibu qualifies for a "Residential Corridor" that would reduce the speed to 35mph. Caltrans refuses to do so in violation of existing code and law.
@craiganderson5556 4 месяца назад
Caltrans is all about vehicular mobility and Caltrans is in charge of state highways, including PCH. Nothing will change without constant pressure from the community and elected officials. Keep fighting the good fight.
@richk3135 4 месяца назад
Welcome to the former paradise of California. Lots of platitudes and promises but little substance for the public good. Good luck with your very reasonable suggestions.
@frankcerbantes9429 3 месяца назад
Every year a piece of this hwy goes crumbling down but looks like a different section
@edward1937 4 месяца назад
I wouldn’t mind them using one or two lanes to turn into concrete barricaded side walks. It’s usually around Malibu-Long beach that is usually the hot spot of danger on the pch. However not to remove street parking, locals and contractors need it. But speeding is an issue, 45 is good enough, any slower or faster is a waste and pain in the butt.
@rollinwithunclepete824 4 месяца назад
The center turn lane should be eliminated except at intersections. The asymmetrical nature of road geometry after dropping the center lane will require greater driver attention to their driving. The center turn lane then become a median strip. U-Turns can be accommodated with Jug Handle turns. The extra stop lights required for these kinds of intersection might be a good way to slow down traffic if the lights are timed for 45mph. Plus more pedestrian bridges is always a good thing.
@Chris_Kwon_Do 4 месяца назад
The stretch from ventura to santa barbara was he'll for 10 years. It's Finally gotten better since they are almost done. I can't even imagine pch
@gymjoedude 4 месяца назад
Speed cameras are revenue generators only, not safety equipment. Good grief. We don't need big brother sending out tickets constantly every time you go 1 mph over.
@danielamaro3114 3 месяца назад
Sure buddy, is like everything in this world is dangerous no matter where you live at or food you eat; is called common sense, the scariest and problems in this world is us humans 😮😂
@PurposefulRecreation 4 месяца назад
Very easy to blame caltrans, but they have tried to add crosswalks and other engineering solutions. But the city of mlibu and it's residents prevents them from installing them. It's malibu residents wanting to commute faster and not be stuck in traffic because of a pedestrian crosswalk or anything that would make the pedestrain a priority over the commuter.
@RobertSpradling 3 месяца назад
Here is a thought: Quit blaming the road or Caltrans for the stupidity of drivers and pedestrians. It is high time that enforcement needs to be the rule on all roads. Acts of stupidity and illegal driving make roads dangerous not the inanimate roadways.
@EdwardM-t8p 4 месяца назад
CalTrans should bite the bullet and do what Robert Moses would have done: buy up all the properties fronting the road by eminent domain, replace the chicken lane with a median barrier, eliminate intersections and build interchanges where feasible, and eliminate street parking on the shoulders because they're meant to be breakdown lanes. CalTrans' pretend solution is an utter humiliation for this state. They are not proposing a single thing that would improve the safety of this road even one iota!
@rustyheyman214 4 месяца назад
Drove by the tires yesterday. 5/18/24 and I believe it was at 60 not 58.
@jcole1679 2 месяца назад
if you think for even a second malibu residents will allow the city or state to do anything to make it more pedestrian friendly, i have a bridge to sell you.
@IvanHernandez-wh8eq 4 месяца назад
Having law enforcement present will only make things more dangerous for everyone while a traffic stop is in progress. There is no room to pull people over on the side of the road... Back to the blueprints and re-do the highway
How This LA City Is (Slowly) Turning Into Amsterdam
An Honest Look at Safety on LA Metro
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