
The Posthumanism Manifesto 

Pill Pod Philosophy & Critical Theory Podcast
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Erik and Pills do the thing because everything needs to be manifestoed at some point and I needed a title. If you wonder whose name is being referenced throughout, it's the forgotten sociologist, Niklas Luhmann.
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16 сен 2024




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@mathieucharbonneau2710 3 месяца назад
Thanks for another thoroughly enjoyable pod guys! I noticed that there was a contrast posited between « self-interest » and « system-interest » - but I think this is quickly resolved by thinking of the subject as defined by the internalized fiction that is the social belief-system. The ‘subject’ comes only after the association of ideas is formed in the mind according to its social context, or the dominant discourse. There is no a priori fixed subject, or self, or « I », which isn’t the internal structure of external forces which define our interests. So while I agree- « system-interests » come before « self-interests », the two are interrelated given that the former reproduces in the latter via our determined interests qua members of society. I am just riffing off of Deleuze’s Hume here, but here we can make a link to when you guys posited that there are no humans beyond the roles attributed to them- the same goes for ideas; their qualities are not inherent in themselves but superimposed by the roles we can attribute to ideas when represented within a system through the principles of association which define the relation between ideas. No idea has any constancy and uniformity without the role it plays within a relational system… anyways, just poopin thoughts, much love. ❤
@jonatanbergli5344 2 года назад
The book "predictably irrational" is a great book to illustrate the phallacies of thinking people act rationally in the marketplace. And Darwin actually said that it is not the fittest who survives, but whover is most apt to change
@noahbrasmonteirozino8703 2 года назад
You got me interested in systems theory this week! Would love to see it relate more closely and practically with deleuze, marx, negri, etc. "revolution" in the 21st century, irritation, mediation, and some other concepts sound useful in organising :)
@ludviglidstrom6924 2 года назад
Why is not every human being a system according to this model? I don’t see the reason for not treating humans as systems in the same way as every other system.
@josea1365 2 года назад
Hello guys!! Thanks for amazing content. Also, can you tell me what is your theme song 🎵? I love it. I would like to have it for my early alarm 🚨 ahhh
@Anabsurdsuggestion Год назад
“Call the Bears, it’s Erik.”
@TechMik3LP 2 года назад
i dont fully get the argument about internet marxists centering the individual. The usual debate bros like destiny (liberal), vaush (anarchist/libertarian socialist) dont call themselves marxists. I mean lenin himself wrote about how bad debatelords are and how unhelpful it is, Mao too. People i see on the internet do systemic critique with dialectical materialism as a lense, like hasan and others. The weight in human belief is just idealism. Of course doing political commentary can sway people who face material problems when someone addresses these grievances with marxist theory. Especially Hasan talks the marketplace of ideas down, and doesnt do debates when not for reach increase. But good take on the idiotic idea of purity testing. I think a problem internet leftists have is that they want everyone to understand philosophical analysis of class and capitalism and right wingers just dont grant this critical thinking to their listeners and just peddle the talking points the heritage foundaition crafts. Its a a nice idealistic idea to emancipate everyone and do the socialist enlightenment but maybe thats just naive, we should rather adopt the alt right playbook for our own arguments and manufacture consent without stating that we are more rational are unideological.
@exlauslegale8534 2 года назад
To designate any system as closed goes directly against the Deleuzo-Guattarian post-structuralism (which is informed by Raymond Ruyer)
@ShadinCore 2 года назад
i am layman but wouldn't it make more sense to call this postindividualism or postpersonism or something like that if it's about looking at systems and beyond the idea of individual? or is this terms contrast to term "humanism" is that important?
@pinkroses2522 2 года назад
I think the relationship to humanism is more so the reason- like post-modernism is kind of a random seeming term, but even though it’s relationship to, and it’s necessity to be beyond modernity while evolving as a concept snd material truth out of such- To simplify humanism proposes that humans are unique, and special, and sure there’s important ethical and social Justice postulates it created, and we can keep the good parts of those that make sense, but it kinda plants it’s spores inside that concept snd begins to grow into what is ultimately a very different way of viewing systems, politics, science, phenomenology, etc in a way that yes might to somebody who just wants the cliff notes rundown, they would understand it as being less anthropocentric, looking at the cybernetics and territories that define what makes us see ourselves as subjects among objects- but where does the awareness, consciousness, body, feelings, DNA, relationship to space and time, and the unknown. Plastic pills has a good vid on his main channel about humanism and it’s flaws and kind of watery liberal ethics and how irs assumed politics and axioms don’t rlly make sense or line up with most critical leftist theory and his schizoanalysis vid although mainly ab the d&g critique of psychoanalysis, it inherently includes modes of thinking that align more with systems theory and what these guys are trying to get at (tho they def have a more radical stance), however my brother who is getting his PhD in physics with a double BS in mathematics, and quantum physics- and being a bit of a prodigy in understanding how you can mathematically make sense of how math implies the universe is best understood in terms of non duality, abs things are connected and glued together are often swapped, warped, perhaps fold in to reveal more layers, have dimensions and components that aren’t easily observable but still once detected snd researched very much comprise our experience- (like seeing/the imaginary is so staple to most people- where does the electromagnetic spectrum of visible light waves begin ans where does a human begin? Could the entire beck of our brain being dedicated to vision, be connected to those waves, and does the perceptual experience of seeing colors and having a minds eye fit in?) Sorry I know this is long hope this helps
@ShadinCore 2 года назад
​@@pinkroses2522 thanks for responce! i watched his video on posthumanism some time ago and i understand that their critique is posthumanist one, but my question was more about "posthumanism" in the context of this video, because, sure, i understand that this kind of system analysis arises from rejection of humanist framework, but there's many ways to reject that framework, and i saw this video as being one kind of them like i would call myself posthumanist as well, but i would mean it in a more biological and moral sense, in that i reject idea that human form and biology should be viewed as the "correct" one and the moral view that being "good" means being more "humane", that "humanity" is what's "good", and when someone is "bad" that they are "subhuman" or "animal" or something like that both mine and their ideas are posthumanist, and they would probably agree with mine, as i agree with theirs, but in this video they were speaking more about system analysis so it's just that there is one term that means different things, and so i am like "wouldn't it be better to have more specific terms? 🤔" it feel's awkward that it seems like if i would have specified my point in original comment better someone wouldn't have to spend a lot of time on a response 😞sorry for that! but i aprecciate the response and desire to help nonetheless, thank you, kind person from the interwebs! 💕
@pinkroses2522 2 года назад
@@ShadinCore For sure, it’s super Meta and pretentious but there’s still interesting discussion surrounding the different ways in which we define ourselves- a human, person, being, subject, individual, body, soul etc.. i suppose re-contextualizing the human part, I almost feel like we could look at humans as being defined in terms of a idealized closed system that has some sort of anthropocentric, dualist essence- like yeah we’re just body’s wirh brains like all animals but we’re the special animals called humans, and that explains our experience and is rhe only efficient way to organize”. So the posthumanist response like they said may just reject this concept all together - “well there are no humans” so the idea of subhuman or the general implications of being or becoming human are just out the door. I def am someplace in the posthuman camp. I still think obviously whatever we’re experiencing and whatever is glueing us together and making us feel like what many consider humans is a thing- snd just like tkh have to understand the macro scale of cybernetic power our political systems entail- we also like need to work within the confines of our experience because also nothing can get done living in some kind of long term k hole lol. Obviously when talking to regular people I still like say people and humans but for the sake of this discourse I like to use the terms subject/object because it doesn’t create tunnel vision and egocentrism and can still account for other living (abs non living things) abs can still refer to dualistic interactions abs different each node in binary terms rk buikd something way more intense. I know the PA tradition usually pretty much always sees subjects as needing to be “people” but since lacan, Jung, Freud etc orollt weren’t post-humanists of course they didn’t lol. Ultimately though you’re right snd when looking at the deeper side and getting into the systems theory snd cybernetics theory I think humanness has to be rejected abs therefore it does seem odd to still even use that word. I know it’s a pretty dividing and “love it or hate it” text and I DONT mean to say it’s like a great resource to understand abs study this stuff snd what the current theory holds- but an interesting, amusing, and creative depiction of what all these systems snd entities that we can’t possibly fathom might be seen as, whike still only having our limitted perception and minds to make sense of it… but the ccru compilation primarily written by nick land before he sucked is definitely a brain worm. You can’t take ur too seriously, it’s not 1000 plateaus, it’s more of an ARG with some interesting implications and thought experiments for philosophy. Mt brother got me ir for Christmas and I had no idea what the hell was going on abs why he just got me this random book that doesn’t make any sense. But I read it, through, and did a little background research and read it again and again and like - as a sort of art piece more than anything I love it lol. Okay it’s pretty self aware and has some pretty epic late 90s early 2000s memes
@ShadinCore 2 года назад
@@pinkroses2522 i don't think it's necessary a problem to use humanist terms, as long as we understand what is being said, it's like saying "sun is rising up" as a figure of speech and not a statement about astronomy i heard some stuff about nick land, like neo-china and something about capitalism being a.i. that projects itself into the past to be build in the future, but anything too deep, thanks for suggestion, i definetely will take it into consideration! by the way, when youre talking about perceiving universe in terms of non duality, can you explain what you mean by it? i generally hear about nonduality in the sense of body-mind distinction, but i dont know what it means to apply it to the universe (no need to spend too much time explaining, just a gereral gist would be enough)
@pinkroses2522 2 года назад
@@ShadinCore so basically things are often framed on some kind of binary at the mose basic level rhe a sense of something versus the presence of something- a simple example is computer logic and our brains- computers basically having their whole functionality rooted in logica defined by yes’s and no’s or 1s and 0s. Our brains which ultimately modulate the homeostatic functions of other core requirements for life (pumping blood, breathing) on the basis of whether an action potential is met in order to create a biochemical reaction tbsg causes neurons to fire. In the ideological context, people tend to define themselves as systems in a dual sense being a mind and body. So yes I believe generally dualism monism are associated with ideological branches of philosophy wirh respect to the mind body problem. In this regard rhe post humanist’s rebuttal would be that this framing of identity and experience doesn’t work and ground their position in systems theory. However when I say this (and the term is somewhat convoluted- like for instance people like Rupert spira define their philosophy as non dualism and have a lot of interesting and valid points- but also happen to have a lot of their ideology rooted in Sanskrit traditions ie Hinduism and to some extent Buddhism which while still having interesting takeaways has certain flaws or illogical aspects hard to challenge or modify like secular philosophy) but anyways abs regardless of who’s using it, it rejects the mind body problem in the way I mentioned above, abs also looks at the more fundamental scientific importance and usage of binaries, opposites and and bilateral spectrums and says yes logistically binaries exist and are a necessary building block for reality, and whether something is or isn’t is part of reality and makes sense to be expressed as a binary BUT that it’s not some essential truth and the more complex ranges and dimensions they define are just as if not more important. Again taking light versus the absence of light which is a binary range- but in the absence of light trillions of wavelengths exist that correspond with trillions of hues abs colors when perceived. And since the absence of light is defined by the existence of light in the first place, even in say like a black hole, it’s not necessarily just a lone opposite thats detached from other things. And to get more contentious, there’s some mediums in which a physical anomaly like a wave or force cannot travel or be contained but others can- so you can have the absence of sound without the absence of light- that alone is two concepts that can be expressed most preciously in binary terms but exist in relationship to more than two features. The material side of it is inherently relevant but not so much the subject since post humanism again has its relationship to humanism which is basically assuming the mind body problem to be a core axiom. Another stream I think also on the plastic pills channel with the dissertation streams talks about phenomenology and he as an example of what questions it deals with uses something like “where do our thoughts go, do they go anywhere, how would you define the dimension in which they reside” basically something like that. I’ve heard more abstract abs hyper-fictive concept and analogies used like rsther than the perception of people having a “soul” that inhabits their body and leaves when they die, due to its attachment to hard duality- to instead consider the idea of “the soul” which all conscious beings are part of and that it could be thought of as an open system in stasis that we perceive lr have some singularity type of connection to as persons and irs constantly changing snd growing but we all comprise it snd or comprises us. I could go on, but I don’t know if I’m explaining this in s way that is espeidallr accessible rather than just the way that makes the most sense to me lol. If you’re interested I can try to compile a few videos and texts that together better illustrate what I mean. And even the more generic Ruperts I still think are worth listening to. Def have to nitpick and decontextualize but I find his talks about objects without awareness, consciousness, etc very moving and they do hold up as philosophically consistent yet run more into issues in being understood through a neurobiological and psychosocial lens which I think further lends credence to the humanist approach to such topics to be limitted and possibly outright illogical in some respects. And yeah the entire ccru manifesto kind runs on one premis being that the imaginary, occult, fantasy, sci fi, delusions, etc we have ultimately become real and manifest in our lives but the nature of the system is inherently based in control and hierarchy which has mechanisms to make it impossible for most people to even understand it, and should they, mental illnesses like paranoia, schizophrenia, delirium etc function to deem anyone who begins to pick up on snurhing that exists out of their respect zone in the system as being inherently unstable with the defining features of psychosis entailing any awareness of more complex systems and cybernetics st play. There’s s free pdf online but if you’re like not trying to try your brein too much right now there’s a pretty interesting RU-vid channel that provides explanations snd does a good job at trying to practically apply it in a more realistic and grounded manner in like 3-10 min vids that I really enjoy. It’s easier to grasp, at least for me, when an excellent presenter is able to break it down for me- as that alone is a special skill.
@TechMik3LP 2 года назад
33:30 a german intellectual i listen to, likes to say its nicer to cry in a taxi than in the rain.
@MrBioBlue94 2 года назад
It's pretty clear that this material is based on a pretty poor understanding of biology and linguistics. Some things here were hard to listen to.
@drayzorn 2 года назад
Erik is a receiver. In all seriousness, I am listening to these videos about systems theory you make and although I have done no real reading on it, including Luhmann, and from what I understand it's a descriptive framework that nestles itself into many areas, I am struggling with and mightily suspicious of Luhmann's claim that he has grasped a Copernicus like break with this (you mentioned he claimned this in an earlier video if I remember correctly) considering how close it is to Dialectical Materialism in some aspects. It reminds me of a video by Red Plateaus ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-r6TYyqeB0Lk.html where not only is the video curious in retrospect to you guys saying in one of your earlier videos on this that Systems theory is better than Marxism(this is not really elaborated on), but RP has comments saying how his video sounds a lot like systems theory and he responds with the fact he's done no reading on it himself and asks for introductory book recommendations. So all in all, I am a bit confused as to how ST has been presented to me, including here, on where really the tension is and little explanation to the agreements either with what Marx wrote, and I am getting a little bit squint eyed over Luhmann essentially doing a bit of rebranding of DM and dressing it in a different language, which is funny to me considering the mention of Derrida and death of the author. Not trying to be weird I just genuinely think the spaces and convergence here seems to be being talked around by everyone I have found and might be interesting to find some points of contact. To that measure, I've heard Hans-Georg Moeller drop some flirtatious mentions of Luhmann might be worth seeing if you guys could have a chat with him?
@TheTurkey79 2 года назад
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