
The Princess and the Plow Horse 

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Art by Europa Phoenix:
French Version: • Video




19 янв 2014




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@EmoEmu 10 лет назад
Horses Going Their Own Way.
@acp597 10 лет назад
As a former plow horse that is now liberated I found the story very clever and amusing.
@QuartzChrysalis 7 лет назад
The harshest thing is that the horse knew the whole time, somewhere deep down, but was happy with the illusion.
@PlasmaMongoose 9 лет назад
And the horse lived a lot more happily ever after...
@metal0n0v 9 лет назад
Alex A don't forget that he snorted coke from stripper ass, that important!
@thoban1724 9 лет назад
Alex A you're a funny guy Alex, this had me laughing today.
@faustteufel9727 6 лет назад
Strippers don't wash their ass, you're not missing out.
@sn0wchyld 10 лет назад
profound, and deeply disturbing, to have the correlation between the two so easily depicted. One of those things that for many have always been known, but rarely described so succinctly.
@philliphickox4023 2 года назад
George Orwells Animal Farm
@Terenin 9 лет назад
For those of you who may not have gotten the symbolism: The bridle is a marriage ring.
@Wavemaninawe 8 лет назад
My interpretation is that it is rather a symbolism of public image. The ideal of agency that is more associated with males rather than females. The horse got all the admiration for his achievements, but also had to pay for it with his health due to the hard labor. The princess got jealous since it drew attention away from her and wanted to claim the benefit (admiration) without considering the cost (hard labor). Once she took the horse's role of hyper-agency (the bridle) away from him, he realized that he was being exploited and left.
@Solanum20 6 лет назад
Late to the party, but Alison, this is fantastic! I love how you wove both marriage and male roles such as "pride in work" and "husband" into one artistic symbol of the bridle. Men used to get great satisfaction from our roles. For just an ounce of validation and respect we would literally build society or die to protect it. For whatever reason society no longer respects men or wants them around, and like the gentleman we are, we are quietly taking our leave and walking away from it all. Despite the heavy topic, this is one of the coolest things I have seen in a long time. Great job!
@StJoseph777 10 лет назад
Why are men refusing to get "grow up" "man up" and become providers? Gosh I have no idea.
@maxdamagus 10 лет назад
MMODoubter Where have we heard that before?
@VagabondCrazyDiamond 10 лет назад
MMODoubter MGTOW is not hiding in a bunker. MGTOW are the men's movement's shock troops.
@VagabondCrazyDiamond 10 лет назад
MMODoubter Um...boycotting marriage as an unapologetic, silent protest...researching the darker sides of female instincts and natural mechanisms and exposing them...giving men who feel utterly hopeless another option than staying trapped between playerhood and marriage...showing men that they can have their own positive male identity, independent of women...showing men that they can be strong, beyond the reach of social approval...tearing down the divine facade of feminine mystique and giving the fresh perspective that relationships are far from heavenly...take your pick.
@XCBeskow 10 лет назад
Who the fack argues that men should "become providers" in this day and age? I mean, besides conservative Christians who are openly patriarchal in every reasonable sense of the word? The idea that men should work and women stay at home stopped making sense around the time the washing machine was invented, and I have NEVER heard anyone who isn't conservative and religious argue for that bizarre system.
@StJoseph777 10 лет назад
XC Beskow A lot of people are conservative and religious, however, I've seen articles in newspapers how among upper class people in the US this is also an expectation many, many women place on their high-earning men. The result if he ever stops being able to earn like that are pretty predictable I'd say.
@IchbinX 8 лет назад
The Birth of MGTOW
@raccoononymous 10 лет назад
"Queendom"? Sounds like the name of a kinky gay bar.
@wisdomworshipper2666 6 лет назад
Female writers like Lucrezia Marinella or Modesta Pozzo. Marinella recounted that, in 1600 AD, women of lower socioeconomic classes were treated as superiors by men who acted as servants or beasts born to serve them. In 1590, Pozzo wrote, "don’t we see that men’s rightful task is to go out to work and wear themselves out trying to accumulate wealth, as though they were our factors or stewards, so that we can remain at home like the lady of the house directing their work and enjoying the profit of their labors? That, if you like, is the reason why men are naturally stronger and more robust than us-they need to be, so they can put up with the hard labor they must endure in our service."
@Maxpound 10 лет назад
Outstanding. I would love to see more stories like this if you don't mind of course.
@Nualaboala 10 лет назад
Dusk Prowler Just Google the title :) it is a famous children's story in Germany but it is so fitting.
@NorseGraphic 8 лет назад
The story of marriage between man and woman fully explained. The free horse has gone HGHOW (Horse Going His Own Way), like us guys going MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way). The bridle and marriage is the trap.
@dimysharma1930 8 лет назад
+NorseGraphic HGHOW can't stop laughing.
@mrblank-zh1xy 9 лет назад
It just seems strange to me that women/wives get jealous of their own husband's accomplishments
@cityman2312 8 лет назад
It was the queen's fault, squashing the compassion the princess had at the beginning.
@Tallial 8 лет назад
+Cityman Nope, the true nature of the "princess" is at fault. One must take responsibility for ones own actions. Be it the enslavement of the draft horse(Men), or being a narcissistic cunt(the "princess). ~MGTOW
@gurugeorge 8 лет назад
+Tallial You're both wrong, the problem is magical thinking, to which the queen, the princess and the horse were all prone.
@FrankCastle-tq9bz 6 лет назад
The real problem lies in the fact that their entire culture rests on the back of a slave - anything built by some one else's hands can be torn down by those same hands once he realizes he's been cheated: the "horse" was given nothing but meaningless accolades for his achievements while the "princess" held the power from them - once the "bridle" that kept him blind to this was taken off of him he saw his own enslavement and left all that he built to go to ruin.
@StubbornProgrammer 10 лет назад
The reactions this story provokes should be quite illuminating.
@Damezumari1 10 лет назад
This is the best example of allegory I have read since "Beauty And The Beast." Even laying aside my agreement with the overall political point of the allegory, I must say that you have authored something that shines with economy of language, precision of message, and real entertainment. I am glad that Canada's schools are turning out young women like you.
@tomhaply2699 10 лет назад
Horse that bolted ? That was so last gen folks :P The current gen and the next gen men, the younger generation of men..men like me..We don't even give the princess the chance to put the bridles, we just bolt off to freedom before Princess Cupcake and Queen Hamster has the chance to do anything ! Nualaboala is right. Women truly have no idea what they have actually done. They are starting to slowly get it however. What they are getting now is just a taster and a teaser for the full blockbuster.
@sadwomble4723 10 лет назад
Exactly my feeling. They have messed up
@MrGchiasson 10 лет назад
Sad Womble Once freed (awakened), the plow horse will fight the bridle whenever he sees it. He won't be trapped again. Throughout history men were rewarded for their efforts and sacrifices. Now, the standard is, "We men can't do anything right" according to the TV commercials, news media and social engineers... We take the 'red pill' and 'defy the bridle'. Like the princess, feminists won't learn until it's too late for them.
@lumirgjanku3484 9 лет назад
Remember Eden, Eve and the snake oil salesman? The original sin -- while it's a story hidden behind the biblical parable covering up a crime against humanity based on a hope that amnesia would get that somehow out of the system -- is the susceptibility of women to snake oil salesmen because of selfishness, solipsism, jealousy and envy (and nowadays even laced with a heaping dose of gluttony). The story today is complex. and the problem of women is that they are being seduced again with a lucre. They do have potential to discover their existential depth as men do, in their own way, but instead they are enthralled by vapid concepts. A coterie of men and women that are drunk on power decided to socially engineer a society according to their vision and went the way of lowest resistance to destruct the society so they can make it from a scratch as they see fit. They had different tools in their kit, but the snake oil of feminism proved to be a resounding success, maybe beyond expectations. They don't need world wars, though they wouldn't mind one, because their main goal--genocide--is well on its course without a bloodshed. How benevolent they feel, smug and with a facsimile of self-make-believe conscience Whether women are a willful or unwitting participants does not matter. The repercussions would affect them the same as men, temporarily may they live in a delusion that they won (false) gold. Only a few women are cognizant what women as a group have done and the projection forward is a dark landscape of unending suffering for those that would live through the whole experiment, bare the engineers. There is one saving grace... Even for social engineers, despite their superior manipulation and direction, there are always unintended consequences. They sort of planned for MGTOW, but it is acquiring a form that is deviant from their plan. And if more women start waking up, see things for what they are and discard dysfunctional concept after souls searching and realizing what is truly important, there is a small chance that the dark age may not come to pass.
@TINMANHOANG 3 года назад
@@lumirgjanku3484 July 4th, 2021 OC Commiefornia *Disneyland bubble$* here. Bravo 👏🏽👏🏻👏🏿. YOU know ongoing Ascension TRUTHs...~~~+++!!! !!! !!! 1st Rule of Engagement ROE = Know thy enemie$$$
@pauljackson2409 10 лет назад
What a brilliant little parable! It sums up women, feminism and its consequences so well. ......and of course there's no point closing the barn door when the horse has bolted!
@KeyLimeLemon4U 10 лет назад
Very well done Alison. A true commentary on feminism, selfishness, and gender politics. .
@kelleytm57 6 лет назад
The bridle/Bridal veil of deceit explained in a fairy tale. BONUS happy ending. Thanks for bringing me here Sandman
@Geminilion100 10 месяцев назад
I still think of this story. It feels so ancient and passed down. I love it
@affablevagrant 10 лет назад
This one is a contender for best typhon video of all time.
@sirskeptic 10 лет назад
Why isn't this in a collection of modern fairy tales? Run a competition, do the illustrations and sell the book.
@malepositivemedia7937 10 лет назад
A parable of relations between men and women.
@SubLBCgrowingforfreedom 10 лет назад
Great work, I enjoyed it very much!
@veng3r663 6 лет назад
YEP !!! Once he was freed of the bondage of that bridle(marriage ring ??) he was a Stallion free TO live his life as he saw fit. NO longer enslaved to the whims of some petty, unappreciative, and EVER-demanding woman-child...
@validationwarfare 10 лет назад
This is a really good video. Obviously well made, as one will immediately notice. Well voiced too, I love the part when the princess is voiced, it made me laugh. I interpret this as a morality tale about gender roles and gender conflict. The princess and the queen representing the human female and the horse represents the human male. This video should be on TV. It's definitely that good and has a message that benefits society. Should we and others try to get this put on TV, or just have it only on RU-vid?
@hidden_true 8 лет назад
@Bestoftherest222 10 лет назад
Fantastic what a wonderful adaptation on how modern masculinity is used.
@sn0wchyld 10 лет назад
@kaledovic 10 лет назад
sn0wchyld Yes, modern.
@sn0wchyld 10 лет назад
sorry, was trying to imply that the word 'modern' was not needed...
@kaledovic 10 лет назад
sn0wchyld It's fine. Actually, it's a good thing 'modern' was put in there, just to make it crystal clear for people (women and men alike) oblivious to how nowadays the male population is indoctrinated into a life of submission to females.
@Sparten7F4 10 лет назад
kaledovic Which needs to be fixed but is preferable to the past ways
@rafegb9131 8 лет назад
Wow. Awesome story and production. I'm speechless.
@fignalforest9985 10 лет назад
This story is so true it actually hurts me to hear it. I identify with the horse and I so desperately crave some feminist or tradcon refusal, rebuttal, rationalization or response to this! In part at least to attempt to justify all the things i was taught while growing up.
@sn0wchyld 8 лет назад
+Jamie Ward and im sure your townspeople will agree with you, princess.
@FrankCastle-tq9bz 6 лет назад
"In part at least to attempt to justify all the things i was taught while growing up." Why? If what you were taught all your life is lies, then toss them aside - break all that can be broken and build a new value system to serve your own needs!
@darkfoxbill9657 9 лет назад
beautiful commentary on marriage.
@Njoydancing 8 лет назад
MGTOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And this has been the role of men for centuries, but times are changing and men are starting to wake up to this sad depressing reality. Very good animation and an accurate analogy of men`s roles.
@ChiefKeeffiyeh 10 лет назад
Brilliant! Wish I could read this story to my sons, if I ever get the opportunity to read them bedtime stories again. Again, just brilliant creative storytelling...
@0rdinaryguy 8 лет назад
A powerful truth revealed in exquisite fashion. Stunning!
@DanielMartinez316 10 лет назад
This tale is the truth about gender, in one story. This is your best video so far. Alison, you rock!!!!
@MensRightsEdmonton 10 лет назад
@nonconformist101 10 лет назад
The broken plow horse is the modern man.The queen, today's feminists.
@franknshank7439 10 лет назад
Outstanding. Simply outstanding.
@jessewaughcom 6 лет назад
AKA: The Allegory of Feminism.
@pauljackson2409 5 лет назад
Allegory of marriage.
@mgtowmonger2729 5 лет назад
@@pauljackson2409 Allegory of MGTOW... the horse got away although not before he got 'saddled' with child support and alimony ;) (wamp wamp)
@rockinron4725 10 лет назад
Thank you so much for your excellent presentation.
@GabrielKnight666 10 лет назад
Very thought provoking video. Thanks a lot for your work. Added to Favorites.
@Lodatzor 10 лет назад
One of your best vids to date. More analogies and metaphors like this would be most, most welcome. :)
@maxdamagus 10 лет назад
Magnificent, and sad. :(
@Nualaboala 10 лет назад
at least the horse is free now. And thus begins the great spiritual awakening for man. I really don't think feminists realise what they have set in motion.
@assida143 6 лет назад
I love that story it's so true
@YeahOkay3000 10 лет назад
This was DEEP!
@sstan1337 10 лет назад
Excellent work here!!! The story, artwork, naration, all!
@bassfu141 10 лет назад
@TheMaelstrom04 10 лет назад
Fantastic story!
@josephdickinson1172 10 лет назад
Accidentally stumbled upon your channel by mistake 1 video ago, but I am glad I did. What a great modern fairy tale. Subscribed.
@infernalstryfe 10 лет назад
Awesome and talented as always.
@reasonablespeculation3893 4 года назад
Young Man, take heed
@MoonBurn13 3 года назад
This was awesome! 😮
@Baoudor 9 лет назад
Very nice, very surprising story.
@sadwomble4723 10 лет назад
@bofthegaffe7642 10 лет назад
Loved this vid.
@joejones9497 10 лет назад
Holy!! that was a good one.
@ProxyDoug 9 лет назад
This was very impressive.
@tripticon 10 лет назад
It was a great summation of what's happening with men and women these days, but it was also a good, entertaining and well executed story.
@MrKilroi 10 лет назад
Nicely done
@kismet512 10 лет назад
Good video . Very true
@TheLoneMaverick 10 лет назад
Great allegory.
@trexpaddock 10 лет назад
Amazing, as always.
@DigitalWraith 10 лет назад
I've got to mirror this!
@pro5702 10 лет назад
I concur with many others, OUTSTANDING. Please make it into a book. I would love to read this story to my son and daughter. I wish I know how to make this go viral. Thank you.
@chadnine3432 10 лет назад
An older fairy tale would have had the horse trample the princess. As a fan of fairy tales, I really like this one. I can imagine this being an animated short...
@Lastindependentthinker 10 лет назад
Mmmm Wild Grass's, I like the sound of that..
@strongrelaxed9202 2 года назад
Well done.
@TheStraightShooter500 10 лет назад
Was this story inspired by someone who served in the armed forces??
@Wyowanderer 10 лет назад
Nicely done. I resolve to never put the bridle on again.
@ionlyfearphobophobia 10 лет назад
It's definitely a very good idea for a fairy tale, however it's message needs to be clearer and more detailed.
@raymondcole5068 10 лет назад
i like your "horse story" i am still thinking about it
@magrathean0 10 лет назад
Very good. Cheers:)
@Southparker100000000 9 лет назад
Your words have beauty
@Radeo 10 лет назад
I didn't know they had glue factories back then. That kind of potshotting is incongruent with the rest of the story, and takes away from it.
@jeffmilligan 9 лет назад
This video grows more brilliant each time I watch it. Good luck through this Calgary Expo bullshit.
@freddymercury2346 10 лет назад
Seriously? You wrote that? Nice. Great job.
@Raxapheon 10 лет назад
Theese ilustrations are yours? They are really nice
@Raxapheon 10 лет назад
***** Well, I like them a lot, really nice talent
@MrAlelama 10 лет назад
Mean while in Japan.
@ronbronb 10 лет назад
@VagabondCrazyDiamond 10 лет назад
@lloydgush 10 лет назад
where did have you gotten the idea? Is there a similar tale you adapted?
@lloydgush 10 лет назад
@vikingsoftpaw 9 лет назад
***** Perhaps you will pen the MGTOW's version of Esop's fables.
@julesraven7941 8 лет назад
+Alison Tieman It is just awesome.
@Shinyume 8 лет назад
The french version is not available anymore.
@zoppie 10 лет назад
Fry (looking thru narrowed eyes): Not sure if downthumber is an animal lover or just a feminist.
@Sparten7F4 10 лет назад
Is either bad?
@zoppie 10 лет назад
Sparten7F4 Either would be downthumbing this tale from superficial emotion, rather than from any due consideration given to the inherent message. So, on that level, yes.
@Sparten7F4 10 лет назад
zoppie To be faair it does convey a rather disgusting message. Or at least, i saw it.
@zoppie 10 лет назад
Sparten7F4 Sometimes we need to touch the fire to understand the importance of avoiding getting burned. Dark fiction, tho unpleasant, can make a bigger impression on the psyche precisely because of this.
@Sparten7F4 10 лет назад
zoppie The message seems to me that women should just know their place which is utter BS.
@The1stGurehaundo 10 месяцев назад
Amber Heard had a plow horse? Who knew?
@irishalpha 10 лет назад
@yamiblade 10 лет назад
@MMODoubter 10 лет назад
In other words - equality for women, but not men. So, my question is: is feminism blind to its own irony, or dishonest about its hypocrisy?
@Nualaboala 10 лет назад
Both, but more of the latter.
@ReefBlastbody2 6 лет назад
@clintcarpentier2424 5 лет назад
I can't post this video to gab. That's not to say that I can't post videos there, but there are a growing number of videos gab tells me I'm not allowed to post.
@rtg5881 3 года назад
Try hive. Gab i knew from the moment that they removed ANY PIECE of even ILLEGAL CONTENT that they arent for free speech. Becouse guess what? We have long build social media where even outright CP couldnt be censored. A price well worth paying for the alternative is censorship of speech and really, pure data doesnt hurt anyone. Nor can anyone but the poster be held to account nor even the poster remove the posts as they are on a blockchain. They may be hidden on a given implementation if you click the "delete" button, alll it reallly does is add another post with the same permaurl, on the blockchain you can still easily check every version of it.
@johnemero 10 лет назад
The womens got to stop horsing around with us mens.
@SecretCh0rd 4 года назад
I may not be an H, but I make a pretty good S. That'll have to do.
@SecretCh0rd 4 года назад
Source the rest, cos I have work I'm not yet quite sure of the field I know I tractor, pull, and bait Perhaps my private eye I'll wield? Up to someone else, I guess. I'll keep at what I know. My MTG has proven me Adept at dodging woe.
@josefzack4617 9 лет назад
the "queendom" ??? ha ha ha ha ha PRICELESS. HA HA HA HA HA !!!!!!!!!!!
@nonconformist101 10 лет назад
The broken plow horse is the modern man...the queen, feminists..
@zarkoff45 10 лет назад
Still want to get married guys?
@maxdamagus 10 лет назад
Discouraging openminded men from getting married and increasing "fear" of procreation will breed them out of existence. There are intelligent people manipulating mens rights supporters with what seem supportive messages but actually just enforce fear, and likelihood of leaving the worlds gene pool. Procreate. As much as is humanly possible! Even if you become destitute and a wage slave to an ungrateful mother (which is precisely why the roadblocks (child support, lack of fathers rights, glorification of marriage sold to women making it something they feel they need) to such lives are so fierce), nature routinely overturns nurture. We need procreators as well as MG(too far)TOW. We cannot continue to exist without planning for the future, and to do so, we must swallow a little of the poison that ails us. No justice without sacrifice.
@zarkoff45 10 лет назад
maxdamageman The world has enough people in it at present. We've got time to negotiate better terms.
@Sparten7F4 10 лет назад
zarkoff45 Yes I intend to because now we can be equals, not a ruler and slave as in the past
@zarkoff45 10 лет назад
Sparten7F4 Good point, however, before you do, you might want to look into the divorce statistics and laws. You're not going to be equals in that regard. Also, you seemed to have missed a detail. The princess didn't do any of the work -- the plow horse did. How does her getting credit for the horses work make them equal? Your version of the story would require her not to remove the bridal, but to get down there and work with the horse.
@Sparten7F4 10 лет назад
zarkoff45 I don't see the relivance if I'm not getting divorced. Is it un fair? A little yes. Should it be changed? Yes. In time it will happen. 'Til then people who are against women's rights and/or moderate feminism are bigots to me. We just need time to fix it and thats all
@SuperZez 10 лет назад
Where'd you get the Avatar font from?
@SuperZez 10 лет назад
Ah, thanks. I was under the impression that it had been made specifically for Avatar, guess not.
@lordsomber 10 лет назад
Good story. I wrote one with a similar metaphor a while back, but it involved a peasant woman and a burro. pungeon.blogspot.com/2007/09/la-paz-en-cuamadera-el-pedazo-que-falta.html
@deadguy1040 10 лет назад
good video for me this sums up being a MGTOW and how I don't want to be tied to the system anymore
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