
The Promise Episode 70 (Season Final) With English Subtitles 

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16 окт 2024




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Комментарии : 6 тыс.   
@melocoton1659 5 лет назад
Reyhan while seeing Emir who is asleep on the bed remembers the moments when he promised to wait forever if it was necessary for her to express his love. Leyla says goodbye to Masal and apologizes for abandoning her to pretend that he He had promised that he would always be by his side, then he went to Kemal's room and thanked him for having shown him a different life from the one she had, he said, please forgive me. Kemal listens to everything because he is not asleep. Reyhan remembers when Emir tells her that she will no longer be alone in that room and that she will always make her so happy that she will feel dizzy with such happiness. In that Emir wakes up and asks him what he was doing there that he was preparing a surprise for him. Reyhan tells him a surprise, this surprise. Emir tells her to stop, to calm down, while she tells him that everything has changed again. Kemal wonders what Leyla intends to do. Reyna asks if this is another way to collect revenge, Emir denies it and tells him that he does not remember anything, that he was preparing our house, Reyhan says our? I get tired of you from today you are dead to me and he leaves, Emir runs after her until he manages to reach her, she asks him to release her, he does not want to hear or know anything, but Emir finally tells him to let her go until calm down Cemre calls Cavidan and tells him that he already did what he had to so that Reyhan and Emir separate and that this time if it turns out, Cavidan tells him to be careful that he can not find out about all Hismet. Histemt listens to the phone conversation. Hismet listens to the servant who speaks alone and says as if I do not know everything he is capable of, of all the damage, when he hears this he tells him that he must go to the office since he must tell him everything he knows about his wife . Arriving home, Emir thinks he will not stop until he knows what's going on. After several minutes of seeing Emir and Reyhan suffering each one by their side. Cemre arrives home hoping that Reyhan is already gone, tries to talk to Emir but tells him that he does not have time. Cemre very annoying tells Cavidan that she is the woman with so much pride still here, in that Reyhan arrives and appears before the two women and emir as if nothing had happened, Emir feels a small hope to see this behavior and thinks what he wants if he had not already left. In the room Emir tells Reyhan to please listen to him for a moment, I have not cheated on you, because I love you. Reyhan says to him it is not necessary that you explain to me, I do not want to listen I saw everything. Emir says damn, what I did, I do not remember anything I do not know what I did, I was ordering and afterwards, I do not remember anything. Suna asks her brother if something has happened and when he touches it he remembers the woman who came to his house. Emir talks to Reyhan that he will discover what happened and see that he has not done anything. Cenre meets the woman who set the trap for Emir and pays him, and asks him to send the pictures that were taken with Emir, she asks who. Leyla meets with her father and goes to the building where Leyla is supposed to help open a safe with money. Taci receives a letter from Leyla where he says goodbye to him, thanks his friendship and tells him that he will leave forever, and I think he even says goodbye. Kemal the maid and Masal see a farewell video that Leyla left where he says how much he loves them and he missed them but can not continue with them, he apologizes for not fulfilling his promise to always be there for them. Leyla on the roof of the building marks the number of the police to denounce the father. Hismet receives the photographs where his son is with a woman, he is blackmailed with a million lira. Leyla is discovered by Tazy, tells him that he saved her if she had not been like that she would be dead but there are times when the right thing to do, the father tells her that she wants to betray him and points him with a gun and asks him to calm down, that all this is due to Kemal, that they begin again that is their daughter, their soul, Leyla again calls the police, the father asks him not to do it. Reyhan continues to remember images of his life with Emir. Leyla falls through the void and is found by dying Kemal, Reyha goes to Inger's cage and opens the lid, says fly, leaves finds your freedom at least your save yourself, but the bird does not leave. Hismet reunites the family in the living room, and says that he can not let things continue as usual, unfortunately there is no family, everything has changed, he knows all the evil that his wife has done, shows him the document of the actions that altered and along with that he asks you to sign the divorce, Emir tries to interfere and is silenced by his father, do not get involved do not say anything! , shows him the photographs he received from the trap he is the victim of, Emir denies everything but tells him that he loves his wife, that he is married. Hismet says Reyhan did not get married for money, she did not want Reyhan is a woman who endures everything with patience because I swear, now I release her from that oath she will decide. Emir says an oath, until now you are free says Hismet to Reyhan I can not ask you anything else, if you wish it ends this marriage. Sounds a music that speaks of the pain that suffers a heart that burns with love and that does not know whether to stay and fight or abandon everything to leave while Emir asks him with eyes full of tears and the head that does not remove the wedding ring. ..... I WANT TO THANK ALL THE PEOPLE WHO READ THESE SUMMARIES DAY BY DAY THAT I DID THEM WITH A LOT OF LOVE FOR YOU, WITH THE PURPOSE OF HELPING TO UNDERSTAND EVEN IF IT IS IN ONE PART THIS BEAUTIFUL TURKISH NOVEL, IF GOD AND HEALTH ALLOWS ME TO WAIT THE SECOND SEASON WITH MUCH ENTHUSIASM
@Mapet1383 5 лет назад
Can you translate last minutes?
@melocoton1659 5 лет назад
@@Mapet1383 I'm going to translate everything but they should give me time
@gatorcrazy2991 5 лет назад
melocoton take your time sweetheart it was a long episode
@catherineconcepcion4236 5 лет назад
Por favor español
@maryamhussain6096 5 лет назад
Plzzzzz translate I'm dying
@melocoton1659 5 лет назад
Reyhan mientras ve a Emir que está dormido sobre la cama recuerda los momentos en que le prometía que esperaría toda la vida si fuera necesario para que ella le expresara su amor .Leyla se despide de Masal y le pide perdón por abandonarla a presar de que le había prometido que siempre estaría a su lado, después se dirige a la habitación de Kemal y le agradece por haberle mostrado una vida distinta a la que ella tenia , le dice perdóname por favor. Kemal escucha todo porque no está dormido . Reyhan recuerda cuando Emir le dice que ya no estará más sola en esa habitación y que la hará siempre tan feliz que se sentirá mareada de tanta felicidad. En eso despierta Emir y le pregunta que hace ahí que el le estaba preparando una sorpresa. Reyhan le dice una sorpresa , esta sorpresa. Emir le dice que se detenga, que se tranquilice , mientras ella le dice que porque nuevamente todo ha cambiado. Kemal se pregunta que pretende hacer Leyla . Reyna le pregunta si esta es otra forma de cobrar venganza , Emir lo niega y le dice que no recuerda nada , que el estaba preparando nuestra casa , Reyhan le dice nuestra? me canse de ti desde hoy tu estas muerto para mi y se va , Emir corre tras ella hasta que logra alcanzarla , ella le pide que la suelte, que no quiere escucharlo ni saber nada, pero Emir, finalmente le dice que la soltara hasta que se calme. Cemre llama a Cavidan y le cuenta que ya hizo lo que debía para que Reyhan y Emir se separen y que esta vez si resultara, Cavidan le dice que debe tener cuidado que no puede enterarse de todo Hismet. Histemt escucha la conversación telefónica . Hismet escucha a la sirvienta que habla sola y dice como si yo no supiera todo lo que es capaz de hacer , de todo el daño, al escuchar esto le dice que debe ir a la oficina ya que debe contarle todo lo que sabe sobre su esposa. Al llegar a casa Emir piensa que no se detendrá hasta saber que está pasando. Después varios minutos de ver a Emir y Reyhan sufriendo cada uno por su lado. Llega a casa Cemre esperando que Reyhan ya se haya ido, intenta hablar con Emir pero le dice que no tiene tiempo. Cemre muy molesta le dice a Cavidan esa es la mujer de tanto orgullo aún sigue acá , en eso llega Reyhan y se presenta frente a las dos mujeres y emir como si no hubiese pasado nada , Emir siente una pequeña esperanza al ver este comportamiento y piensa que quiere si no ya se habría ido. En la habitación Emir le dice a Reyhan que por favor lo escuche un momento, yo no te he engañado , porque yo te amo. Reyhan le dice no es necesario que me expliques , no quiero escuchar yo lo vi todo. Emir dice maldita sea , que hice , no recuerdo nada no se lo que hice, estaba ordenando y después , no recuerdo nada . Suna le pregunta a su hermano que si ha pasado algo y cuando la toca recuerda a la mujer que llegó a su casa. Emir conversa con Reyhan que el descubrirá que paso y vera que no ha hecho nada. Cenre se reúne con la mujer que le tendió la trampa a Emir y le paga, a demás le pide envié las fotos que se tomó con Emir , ella pregunta a quién. Leyla se reúne con su padre y acuden al edificio en donde se supone Leyla ayudara a abrir una caja fuerte con dinero. A Taci le llega una carta de Leyla en donde se despide de el le, agradece su amistad y le dice que se irá para siempre, y creo que hasta se despide. Kemal la sirvienta y Masal ven un vídeo de despedida que dejó Leyla en donde dice lo mucho que los quiere y los extrañara pero no puede seguir con ellos , pide perdón por no cumplir su promesa de estar siempre ahí para ellos. Leyla sobre el tejado del edificio marca el número de la policia para denunciar al padre. Hismet recibe las fotografías en donde esta su hijo con una mujer, es lo chantajeado con un millón de liras. Leyla es descubierta por Tazy , le dice que el la salvó que si no hubiese sido así estaría muerta pero hay veces en que se debe hacer lo correcto , el padre le dice que ella quiere traicionarlo y le apunta con una pistola y le pide que se calme , que todo esto se debe a Kemal, que comenzaran de nuevo que es su hija , su alma, Leyla nuevamente llama a la policia , el padre le pide que no lo haga. Reyhan continua recordando imágenes de su vida con Emir . Leyla cae por el vació y es encontrada por Kemal moribunda, Reyha se dirige a la jaula de Inger y abre la tapa , dice vuela , sale encuentra tu libertad por lo menos tu sálvate, pero el pájaro no se va. Hismet reúne a la familia en el salón, y dice que no puede dejar que las cosas sigan como hasta hora , desafortunadamente ya no hay familia todo a cambiado sabe todo el mal que su esposa ha hecho , le muestra el documento de las acciones que alteró y junto con eso le pide que firme el divorcio, Emir trata de interferir y es callado por su padre, ¡no te metas no digas nada! , le muestra las fotografías que recibió de la trampa de la que es víctima , Emir niega todo pero le dice que ama a su esposa , que esta casado. Hismet dice Reyhan no se caso ni por dinero , ella no quería Reyhan es una mujer que soporto todo con paciencia porque me lo juro , ahora la libero de ese juramento ella decidirá . Emir dice un juramento , hasta ahora eres libre le dice Hismet a Reyhan no puedo pedirte nada más , si tu lo deseas termina este matrimonio. Suena una música que habla del dolor que sufre un corazón que arde de amor y que no sabe si quedarse y luchar o abandonar todo he irse mientras Emir le pide con los ojos llenos de lagrimas y la cabeza que no se saque el anillo de matrimonio...... QUIERO AGRADECER A TODAS LAS PERSONAS QUE LEYERON DÍA A DÍA ESTOS RESÚMENES QUE LOS HICE CON MUCHO CARIÑO PARA USTEDES , CON EL OBJETIVO DE AYUDAR A ENTENDER AUNQUE SEA EN UNA PARTE ESTA HERMOSA NOVELA TURCA , SI DIOS Y LA SALUD ME LO PERMITE ESPERARE LA SEGUNDA TEMPORADA CON MUCHO ENTUSIASMO
@magaliquiroz3254 5 лет назад
Gracias melocotón, de verás que final más triste😢😢
@andreialima2470 5 лет назад
@coraliastulzer9730 5 лет назад
Donde vas a continuar...aqui mismo?????
@sandragimenez9004 5 лет назад
Donde sigue?Por favorrrr!!!!
@nataliaperez1441 5 лет назад
Hola .. muchas gracias alguien cuándo comienza la otra parte???
@ЛейлаРысалиева 5 лет назад
Reyhan ne olursun dinle... Bırakıpta gitme...🙅 Ömrünü kat Emirin ömrüne....💑 inşallah yorumum tutar😊(yorumumtutmuş herkese teşekkürler 🤗❤)
@goycaylibaxisava4040 5 лет назад
Çok guzel 😂😂😂
@ЛейлаРысалиева 5 лет назад
@@goycaylibaxisava4040 teşekkürler canım kardeşim
@kubrasahin4234 5 лет назад
Salam size is teklifimvar
@kubrasahin4234 5 лет назад
@@goycaylibaxisava4040 salam size is teklifim var
@khojistakamgar3635 4 года назад
For non Turkish viewers: Hello friends: I’m back since u people have not found Maryam’s summary Scene1: R: ( fladhback) I’ve learned a good lesson of it, I promise I’ll never do anything to hurt u again..... (We will have such good memories that u won’t believe in your eyes! I just want u to believe in us) Emir: Reyhan! U r here? How ..... when did u come?? Was I asleep? How? I was gonna surprise u - is it what h called surprise??? - Wait reyhan! What r u doing stop it ! U will hurt yourself!-oh u r worried for me! Then what was h thinking bringing that woman here? Which woman ?? At least don’t b such a coward to deny it! I saw here leaving here with my own eyes -- relax... I don’t know what r u talking about!--- dont Touch me-- plz believe me reyhan ... even I don’t understand what’s going on... I have prepared this house for us! For we both! For a new beginning ... the rest is blank-- what have u prepared it for.... I saw with my own eyes-- oh god I’ll go mad how did it happen? What’s all this miss here? Why r u talking so? I really don’t understand ! --so ..... is it the last part of your revenge after what u did in the beach fonsurprising me? ( he reminds Emir of the last time so called surprise , he took her for a date and giving her a blank check said” this is your price! For entertaining me) -- no no plz don’t say that.... there is no plan of revenge... I just wanted to prepare a surprise... -- ok tell me did I really entertain u enough? Does it worth to play all this long time??? But I just wanna know what did i do to u to deserve all this???-- no no honestly nothing is like what u think ... there must b something wrong... a misunderstanding ... here is our.... -- yes! Your dirty place of sin! From nod on u don’t exist for me... u died for me in this house of your sins Jemre calls javidan to tell her the plan worked and she spend her not to involve her again in such dangerous plans Emir: Wait pls let me talk ... listen i can guess something strange has happened here but I aware I can’t remember -- leave me I said! I don’t wanna listen t u nor I’ll see your face! I don’t wanna b with u for more a second! Leave me I said! -- ok ok relax let’s return home Melikeh tried to make Suna believe that Emir will never leave the house .. Suna finds Taji’s phone number in her pants pocket Scene2: R: ( that day.... I thought what worse can happen than it!! Here I m again with something worse than ever again! How can I stay here god? Pls help me) E:( ufffff ... I’ll find out anyhow what happened .... and prove u I’m innocent ) Jemre: Emir ! Were in in Balkon ? Let’s talk -- I’m going to my room Melikeh: Emir do u want me prepare something special for iftar? - no Reyhan: I’ll prepare dad’s favorite meal ... ( to Emir) and u last night had asked for soup ... I’ll prepare it tonight for u Emir: ( shes angry ... but still loves me ... otherwise she wouldn’t have treated me good) I’ll bring if U want something - no need ! Sagst will handle it ! Emir: let’s talk finally ! How is it possible for me to cheat on u while being so much in love with u - u don’t need to explain anything! I saw everything and believe in my sight ! BTW I’ll not let anyone know about it ... if u r worried for that -- oh god I’ll go crazy ... what could happen there last night ? If I only remember? She’s talking about a woman! But I was all alone! I have to remember damn it! What a nightmare was it! My head is gone! .... think man think! The workers left ..... I was alone.... and then ... that woman!!! Suna dear I’ll come back soon Suna: but bro... dad is waiting for u..._ later my sister .... I’ll b back soon .... ( to. Reyhan) I’ll come back with all proves and h will see I didn’t cheat on u ! Scene3: Jemre is mad on the girl bcz reyhan was behaving normal and ask the girl if she has made a mistake and she is sure of the plan, so jemre told her about plan B and to send the photos to Emir’ s father Emir: My god! How ? I can’t remember a single link. What the hell is going on! Why!!! E: no ! I’m sure even if I can’t understand! But I know mysels! I can’t do it ! What does all this mean?? All is blank ... ( to reyhan) u r still here ... bcz u know what u saw was not real... pls don’t give up on believing in me.... someone is playing a dirty game with me I’ll prove it finally! Give me some time! ...... Emir : ( i still have not found a proof! How I can I face her again!) Reyhan to bird: u r free ! Common fly away and go wherever u wanna go... at least u get rid of here! Come on! Did u love this place so much???? Or u also r banned with an oath / promise to someone? Pls go ... fly away Melikeh : reyhan dear , hekmet sir us waiting for u in hall ( flashback) I see .... u know already .... sorry my dear for making u face all this! I can’t say how ashamed I am of myself and .... pls forgive me) Hekmet: come here my dear... sit by my side JAVIDAN : well u tell us what’s going on ? H: Family ... is defined by protecting, honesty, support , trust and respect one another... we r a family too ... but only by words Suna: what r u saying dad? Yes my dear. Unfortunately it’s the truth ! What I tried to save and entrust for my family after leaving... have realized that doesn’t worth at all! This is for u JAVIDAN ! Tnx! U plaid the games even the devil could not plan Hekmet revealed jawedan ‘s evil plans against reyhan including the fake will documents when she made Emir believe that reyhan had married him for money.... then gave her the divorce papers Emir wanted to interfere but Hikmet blaming him for cheating on reyhan Hekmet: to Emir dont u dare talk ! U made me feel ashamed of u and go through this unchastity at this stage of my life! I was dying and asked her to marry u, but don’t deserve her! So she is free too to take any decision she wants E: no dad I never cheated on her! We are married ..... I love her and so does she ! H: u r wrong! She neither had loved u nor she married u for heritages and money ..... but to fulfill the last wish of a dying person.... bcz she had promised to me E: did u believe this too? no dad! It’s a lie ! Someone has set me a trap! For god sake at least one of u believe me! H: yes I was dying and wanted u to b in safe hands instead of being misguided by your mom ...and reyhan proved me right by behaving so patient and wise facing all difficulties , but after what u did to her I’ll make her free of that promise! She can decide if she gives u another chance to this marriage or leave! The end
@saminamughal616 4 года назад
@cvarsha9457 4 года назад
I am addicted to both of them
@ni29na12 4 года назад
Thank you so much for your translation in english! God bless you! @ khojista
@joynobakhi6816 4 года назад
thank you .......
@kushanthimekala9675 4 года назад
Thank u soo much my dear friend.. Iam from 🇱🇰
@qudretlicesur1874 5 лет назад
Emir cok yakisikli Reyhan cok guzel. Ikiside cok farkli tip ..ama bu kadar farkliyken bu kadar bir birine yakismak❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@NA-kh3px 5 лет назад
ben anlamadım Cavidan Reyhana hangi evrakta sahtecilik yaptıki....???
@toprak5018 5 лет назад
N A miras verdiydi dayisi reyhana ama evlendikten sonra ama cavidan onu sanki evlenmeden önce verilmis gbi tarihini degistirdi cemreyle birlikte emirle para icin evlenmis gibi gösterdi emirde gördü ve reyhana cok agir sözlersöyledi ama dyai ortaya cikardi
@gulnazbeylerli9198 5 лет назад
@qudretlicesur1874 5 лет назад
yorumum tutmus😂😂
@fexriehmedov4250 5 лет назад
evet haklisniz
@kavitharani.b955 5 лет назад
Beautiful acting by Emir as well as Reyhan. Their non verbal communication is excellent. 14th to 18th minute and 22nd to 24th minute says volumes about Emir's love for Reyhan. He should be given Best actor award this year along with Baris Arduc of Kuzgun. Great Series... Turk series hats off. These people should be in Movies yaar. Sao for the episode.
@iammyriem 5 лет назад
How ironic she was wearing a green dress when Hikmet introduced her and is wearing a green one when he freed her of the oath
@agnieszkaszumna3300 5 лет назад
I thought the same :-)
@mercybernal2929 5 лет назад
I think the season 2 reyhan will become fearless
@iammyriem 5 лет назад
@@mercybernal2929i just saw the trailer for the season 2 . I dont think that she will become fearless but Emir will have to grovel to get her back
@meijicabrera6706 Год назад
Still no English subtitles?
@roweenachetty7312 Год назад
Now I'm in tears , 😢 😭 after everything they been through, now Hikmet releases Reyham from the oath . If only he told his children the truth from start. Reyham and Emir could of had a beautiful marriage. Gosh the writer, hats off ,you now broke my heart even like Reyham .
@VeiLoamanu-ho4mq 3 месяца назад
Thank you so l know what is happening 👏 hope it was subtle 👍
@katherinevelasquez8274 5 лет назад
Omg! speechless. This girl has suffered so much that she needs a break and start a healthy marriage with Emir. Finally, most of the truth came out. Thank you Yemin cast, this couple got into our hearts with their extraordinary connection. Pure love. Tonight it's finishing Hercai's season as well. I cannot take so much:(. Love Turkey ❤️
@ouidaad-aya6554 5 лет назад
Katherine Velasquez is this the end
@katherinevelasquez8274 5 лет назад
@@ouidaad-aya6554 Nope, I understood that there's a 2nd season in September :)
@moonovermiami9787 5 лет назад
haaa! pure torture! I must find another series to preoccupy myself in the meantime. Torture.
@Danielle-ph8ls 5 лет назад
Katherine - what is the Dad saying at the end?
@inalukina3994 5 лет назад
@@katherinevelasquez8274 Actually in October... Four more months to wait...
@marniaoufar6736 5 лет назад
Watching Reyhan suffering and Emir wrongly accused was really heartbreaking😭 The only good things are that Hikmet finally has revealed the oath and that Cavidan has been unmasked.👍 "Please Reyhan don't leave Emir". 🙏🏼 I'm waiting impatiently the second season to watch Cemre and Cavidan severely punished, Yonca fired and finally Reyhan and Emir happy💏💕
@anaandrade2105 5 лет назад
sara aras yes, please don’t take the ring off.. very heartbreaking, it’s was hard to watch cried with Reyhan the whole episode.
@marniaoufar6736 5 лет назад
@@anaandrade2105 This episode was a torture. "Oh yes, please Reyhan don't take off this ring Emir doesn't deserve it" 🙏🏼🙏🏼😰😱
@moonovermiami9787 5 лет назад
this episode went as fast as the one hour ones....
@clairejohn1007 5 лет назад
Who is Younca?
@marniaoufar6736 5 лет назад
@@clairejohn1007 Sorry her name is Yonca. She is a secretary in the office of Emir and Kemal. She's Cemre friend and spy in the company. She gives her all the secret informations (for example: Hikmet's will, and the adress of the house that Emir bought ect.......) Yonca is like Cemre she loves a man that doesn't care about her. She loves Kemal.
@marniaoufar6736 5 лет назад
The cast of this series is really talented.👏🏻 Whether it's the nice characters or the villain characters, they are all good actors.🌹 Özge Yağız and Gökberk Demirci are perfect. 🌹Their acting is so moving and natural. Ceyda Olguner who plays Cemre the psycho is so credible in this role of villain. 😉 Thumbs up for all the actors👏🏻
@clairejohn1007 5 лет назад
@iasnmiadial1720 5 лет назад
Yes, they reel.me in every time. Ozge, even in silence expresses with her eyes, and sometimes awkward gestures. Gorberk is so intense as moody Emir. Everyone played their role well. For a daily drama, the quality is top notch
@tecnicalguru7586 5 лет назад
Nice casting..😍😍
@clairejohn1007 5 лет назад
Maybe we see some new casts in season 2??
@marciaregina2493 5 лет назад
I loved also- Monize and Can Verel-(Leyla and Kemal) and of course - the little girl fantastic Masal.
@zishanselection6576 3 года назад
Only legend people watch this drama without understanding lenguage
@piamontezannerah2845 3 года назад
@itsmeartee9943 3 года назад
@nazmaiza 3 года назад
After a few yrs of watching turkish drama serries & movies, you'll roughly understand the language.. it'll help if you speak english, know a little arabic and urdu. You'll be able to put them together ..
@angeliesumaya4899 3 года назад
@syednazarsibtain616 3 года назад
Hahaha 😁😂
@sarasaraaa-va7680 5 лет назад
Yaaaaaa sen ne güzel dizisin. #yemin iftardan sonra kabul ettiğim enn güzel tatlısın.tüm haftalık dizilere 10basarsın.şarkınız da muhteşem olmuş 😍😍😍😍
@samirhuseynov9152 5 лет назад
Cok gözel dizi😘😘
@gulyamirana2131 5 лет назад
@michelleramirez6506 2 года назад
sonunda çalan şarkının adı
@Kanaha-jl3io 5 лет назад
I want them to get the best couples of this year...in Turkish drama awards...
@sandhyasalve7939 5 лет назад
Oh is this a finale episode, it is a fentastic serial, emir & reyhan is best couple, thank you very much for the entire team, reyhan is so beautiful & emir is so handsome specialy his voice, thank you very much for uploading this fentastic serial, & special thanks to maryam for summerise this serial, I am waiting for 2nd season, love from India
@laraibkiran3397 5 лет назад
His eyes tells much different
@9995700016 5 лет назад
India kerala😄
@jovitaaquino4664 2 года назад
Loved the scene where Emir embraced Reyhan so tightly not to let her go.
@nildadeligero9402 5 месяцев назад
Me too .I said to myself hug her tightly Emir
@ЭмнаТв 5 лет назад
Yemin Hercai en guzel diziler ikiside final yapiyor uc ay nasil gecer ya haksizlik
Vuslat var
@syyarallahverdiyeva9613 5 лет назад
He super kinodu ikiside axşam o qadar ağlamişam hercaiye baxıb😔
@Papitoo__777 5 лет назад
Hakllsln 😔😔😔
@salehmikailov4311 5 лет назад
nasıl olucak😩😩
@yusifidrisov9482 5 лет назад
Bencede oyle
@aysunabasl7543 5 лет назад
Nasil Ya Bu kadar Heyacanli Yerindeki Bittti final Olmasin Deyenler sarci Cox Güzel Uymus Diziye Ne Olursun Dinle Birakib Da Gitme
@edilenefranca3395 5 лет назад
Em espanhol por favor
@selinbelinda 5 лет назад
Bu final yapti
@yusifidrisov9482 5 лет назад
Sarki icimi yakti com acikliydi
@nancykinerson4841 2 года назад
Don’t understand Turkish. It is hard to understand the English, they use. Stop sending chapters in turquís or Arabic. Don’t waist my time.
@anandk953 5 лет назад
Now at least channel authorities can translate all episode in English subtitle untill season 2 start. So that we never miss Yemin . Love from INDIA (banglore)
@anandk953 5 лет назад
@@geetharao6831 Hi Geetha, nasilsinz(how are you). It nice that someone is watching Yemin serial from India. Benim adiniz(my name is Rathnanand)
@geetanegi8797 5 лет назад
Yes please do it I also a fan of yemin
@geetanegi8797 5 лет назад
I love yemin Nd i love reyhan nd emir😘😘😘😘
@joelreji9323 5 лет назад
Iam also from india ( kerala) Big fan of yemin
@Salsalcm 5 лет назад
Ya need English subtitles
@rowenae.rimando6491 3 года назад
Please bring back Leyla in season 4. 😭😭😭 She is the reason why I'm watching Yemin. with Kemal also.. I like their chemistry ❤️☺️ I can't watch Yemin season 2 because Leyla's died. 😭😭😭😭😭 I love you Leyla , also very nice role/character. ❤️❤️❤️
@nurhankara8200 10 месяцев назад
Leyla gitti dizi bitti bende.Leyladan sonrası yok.😢
@vasun515 5 лет назад
Should have made a happy ending and started season 2 with new storyline with the same cast(must).. Also requesting to upload English subtitles for all episodes.. love from India🙏
@ansansebastian285 5 лет назад
Me too. From INDIA😍
@VivekKumar-yw3lt 5 лет назад
Same here I am from India
@evezcabbarov5533 5 лет назад
Agaselim the the
@jawadkhalid6469 5 лет назад
This is just season 1, Turkish's season 1 end at incomplete ending dear , season 2 will be start from there I mean same story line same casts sometime there's changing but not in a main story line seasons are made just for.there relaxation Turkish always made 2 seasons thank u❤️
@jawadkhalid6469 5 лет назад
@@VivekKumar-yw3lt read my cmt
@lakshmiJk6556 5 лет назад
Emir and Reyhan you are very cute couple i have ever seen. You are too too good. I am waiting for your season 2 episodes. Please provide English sub titles. with love from India.
@amrinbaig7990 5 лет назад
Same here plz English subtitle for further videos
@SachinYadav-qj6ok 5 лет назад
Download daily motion app for english subtitles 👍👍
@KashifAli-bg2re 5 лет назад
Is this the last episode?
@Myidea4 4 года назад
Lakshmi, Emir and Reyhan are too busy acting they can't translate but someone on this page has put up a summary may be you want to read that LOL
@status_of_feelings7731 4 года назад
@@SachinYadav-qj6ok how does it works
@vodavoda4935 5 лет назад
Sezon finallarina nifrət edirəm. 3 ay, bəzən də 4 ay gözləməli olursan. Dizinin dadini qaçirirlar.
@fatmabars3850 5 лет назад
Aynen bende sevmiyorum finale giden dizileri
@fidanvelizade4290 5 лет назад
Amma belə bir şey var ki onlar da tətil etməlidirlər 3 ay😊😊
@ТарикГабибов 5 лет назад
Bide hacan baslar
@gulyamirana2131 5 лет назад
@@ТарикГабибов İnşallah sentyabrın 16-da bazarertəsi başlanacağı haqda eşitdim
@amandutta2575 4 года назад
Reyhan is so pretty, Emir is handsome, lots of love from India, die hard fan from India... Will visit turkey, after covid 19,reyhan will look gorgeous in indian attire ... Saree. Love you both.
@BB-sm7eg 4 года назад
Yes she is very beautifull with indian sharee
@rameddinisgenderov7277 5 лет назад
Bunlarida sakin Ömerle Zehrañin gunune salmasinlar yeni sezon ask dolu gelsin deyenler haqsizmiyim
@hercaimiran3650 5 лет назад
Aynen reyhan : ben rmiri seviyorum bosanmicam ne olursa olsun evliligime sahip cikacam desin
@cinaremovsumova9242 5 лет назад
Aynene ikinci sezoon belasiz gelsin
@ШукюрАхадов 5 лет назад
ALLAHIN SALAMI olsun sizlere bilmek isderdim ikinci sezon ne zaman
@gulnaz.a-va8486 5 лет назад
Rameddin Isgenderov tam haqlii
@gulyamirana2131 5 лет назад
@fatimareyhani1793 5 лет назад
Love 22 min when he hugs her and doesn’t want to let her go, perfect 👌 Can’t wait for season 2
@Myidea4 4 года назад
same here it was a very powerful action for the couple that were so slow to get there.
@Saqib_bey 2 года назад
@urkiyesasmaz4973 2 года назад
Canavar cemre okadar zalimsin hiç aclmasl yok çok kötü
@yusifqurbanl5810 5 лет назад
hikmet durdu durdu sonunda turnayı gözünden vurdu arkasından dönen dolabları sonunda fark etdi
@diamondsheis8486 5 лет назад
Tam razi suyun lal axanı adamın yere baxani ... Ama mence Reyhan getmez
@diamondsheis8486 5 лет назад
Reyhan indi hec getmez mence evvel bitek dayısı idi sebeb indi hemde Emirde sebebdi belke zeyneb üçün getmez..hem axi sevgi varsa niyede vaz keçsin ki
@pelagiaalmonte9547 2 года назад
Thank to the trsnslation
@elsiedlembula3130 Год назад
Hikmet is the awesome cool handsome mature man of truth and and both traditional and modernised man. Thumbs up for you. Youre a Great natural actor 😍😍❤❤❤❤👏👏👏
@kathysmith9993 5 лет назад
I've watched this episode 2-3 times...it finally hit me that Emir says he loves her and she loves him(even though she hasn't said the actual words, he knows she does) but he announced to his whole family that he loves Reyhan...and she loves him, if she calms down and thinks about that, he told them all of his love for her!!!!!!
@nurulwandasarisinggih9277 5 лет назад
I think reyhan will not leave emir just because of her uncle's health is the priority
@netsanetmitiku52 2 года назад
Where can i get all episode in English subtitles
@shaneveya1551 2 года назад
@@netsanetmitiku52 Turkish123
@netsanetmitiku52 2 года назад
@@shaneveya1551 tnk u
@arzuhesenova1696 5 лет назад
23 saati bekleye bilmiyorum 3 ayı nasıl beklicez.Dayıyada helal şak diye söyledi qerçekleri.
@fexriehmedov4250 5 лет назад
haklisin ya bekliyəməm bən
@kuebrastic1219 5 лет назад
3 ay sonra mi devam edicek???
@nuraynesibova5881 5 лет назад
Emir ❤️Reyhan.. Kemal❤️ Leyla
@lindayahya7705 5 лет назад
For season 2 , I want Suna to end up with Zafer. They're both lovely, kind-hearted people.
@yadigarmusayev3017 2 года назад
Rehan ❤
@hokumeqasimova7193 2 года назад
merdimazarlar qoymurki xowbext olsunlar
@hamarimohabbat3672 4 года назад
I don't know why I am watching this drama maybe because of Rehan, While I do not understand a word.
@cruzdora405 5 лет назад
I want to thank everyone who knowing the language helped to understand exactly what was said throughout these episodes of this show. Let's wait for the second season and have your help and understanding again. Thank you 😘😘
@نننن-ف9ن 5 лет назад
Indeed they have done a great job for us
@erminiasharpsteen5772 5 лет назад
Well said Dora Maria we would have been lost without them! Thanks to all our helpers!
@khojistakamgar3635 5 лет назад
Erminia Sharpsteen Tnx to u all viewers, who liked and appreciate the work done just for non Turkish people like me, to be hooked with this amazing drama, I understand the situation bcz I have watched many of them without subtitles and so I had to learn Turkish gradually.
@evelyngeorge6820 5 лет назад
Honestly I loved this episode so much because we got to see Reyhan really being out her emotions and it was beautiful the whole episode can’t wait for the next season
@alifaditya5533 5 лет назад
So there is season 2?
@Flurf29 5 лет назад
@@alifaditya5533 of course
@evelyngeorge6820 5 лет назад
Yeah I saw that there was on fb lol if not that is stupid to end it like that lol
@alifaditya5533 5 лет назад
I hope the season 2 they will happy ending
@fridaqasimova4573 5 лет назад
Tatlı yanlış anlaşılmalar olsun. Amma Emirle Reyhan ayrılmasın🌹🌹🌹
@azeresgerov3747 5 лет назад
@marigold9736 4 года назад
I don't understand a single word but I love the beautiful songs .A girl who is lost within her heart, A men whose heart is growing like the early morning sun reaches the mountain to drive away the misty fog of early morning to clear the vision of love from dusk untill dawn . Rayhan here's a line for you, my dear 'oh the clouds of my mind clear away the tears of my soul, So I can gently walk the ground with you holding hands as one..May Allah grant us strength of patience generousity kindness always ameen🙏🏼♥️🧡❤️🌴🌴
Bence cavidan bosanmamaq icin bide oĝlunu kaybekmemek icin tuzagi cemrenin qurdugunu söylüyecek
@alinababazade7386 5 лет назад
Düz deyirsən valla
@hellycat7426 5 лет назад
Nə qədər ağladım Reyhan və Emir üçün darıxacam😪😪😪😪😪
@aysekelebek9391 5 лет назад
Mende agladim
@yusifidrisov9482 5 лет назад
Beni en cok sarki alatdi
@gulyamirana2131 5 лет назад
Başta yapımçı olmakla tüm ekipe teşekkürler emeklerine sağlık
@ramiznazarov3275 5 лет назад
Hələdə gözləri yaşlı yazıram sizə 😑
@gulyamirana2131 5 лет назад
@@ramiznazarov3275 Erkekler ağlamaz sil göz yaşını )
@Moonlight-pm4jr 5 лет назад
Leyla ölmezin. Kemal ve Leyla kavuşsunlar. Onlar mutluğu hakediyorlar.
@graciousj6494 2 года назад
I’m so shocked that Cavidan would still connive with Cemre after Reyhan saved her life from the loan shark people.
@rashadahahmad9179 2 года назад
A mother who reads the Al Quran and practises what GOD orders us to do will not be so vindictive to her own son… she should accept Emir’s marriage to Reyhan and pray for their well being…. But then.. this is life we follow our emotions rather than the guide Allah gives us in the Greatest Life Manual ie.. the AlQuran
@muradsalimov9960 5 лет назад
Mən hec bir diziyə baxmıram .Yemin məni ekrana kilitlədi .Cox gözəl dizi .Səbirsizliklə yeni sezonda görüşərik inşallah .
Sen haradansan?
@muradsalimov9960 5 лет назад
@@ОксанаСалимова-ы8е Mən bakılıyam
@СемаСема-з3ж 5 лет назад
Менде хеч бахмаздым бу сериаллара амма бу сериалдан айрыла билмирем 🙄🙄🙄🙄даже повтор- повтор бахырам 🤗🤗🤗🤗
@gulbadamaliyeva2438 5 лет назад
İndiye qeder heç bir kinoya baxmırdım amma bu kino necedise meni özüne bağladı
@gulbadamaliyeva2438 5 лет назад
@@СемаСема-з3ж siz russunuz
@lelolahi 5 лет назад
Adultery really brakes a woman Reyhan acts very well as a woman betrayed she made me feel for her Poor Emir if he had known that this is the last time he would be holding the love of his life he wouldn’t let go
@khojistakamgar3635 5 лет назад
Danielle Rowe Last scene : Helmet revealed jawedan ‘s evil plans against reyhan including the fake will documents when she made Emir believe that reyhan had married him for money.... then gave her the divorce papers Emir wanted to interfere but Hikmet blaming him for cheating on reyhan said u don’t deserve her! So she is free too to take any decision she wants E: no dad I never cheated on her! We are married ..... I love her and so does she ! H: u r wrong! She neither had loved u nor she married u for heritages and money ..... but to fulfill the last wish of a dying person.... E: did u believe this too? no dad! It’s a lie ! Someone has set me a trap! For god sake at least one u believe me! H: yes I was dying and wanted u to b in safe hands instead of being misguided by your mom ...and reyhan proved me right by behaving so patient and wise facing all difficulties , but after what u did to her I’ll make her free of that promise! She can decide if she gives u another chance or leave u!
@farahm.6610 5 лет назад
Thank you!
@sarlagopal9197 5 лет назад
Thanks 🙌
@finufinu3214 5 лет назад
Thank u
@musashahid7415 5 лет назад
Thanks khojista kamgar
@bindhushibu5077 5 лет назад
Thank you
@gwapanglaagan7530 3 года назад
My heart is broken when Leyla died.. she is the strongest character for me and their theme with Kemal is just unique.. I love them both.. my heart stops beating so i will not watch season 2 seeing there is another woman for Kemal...olmas 😡 only Kemal and Leyla.. 🥰
@rowenae.rimando6491 3 года назад
We will stan for Leyla and Kemal loveteam. ❤️
@nurhankara8200 10 месяцев назад
Bende izlemedim Leyla dan sonra.
@azrbaycanngucu8092 5 лет назад
Allah her eve Hikmet kimi kisi qismet elesin evde kisi bele olmalidi Cavidan kimisini de Allah uzaq elesin
@elvinaalekberova2161 5 лет назад
Amin Amin Insallah
@zaminmuradov1588 5 лет назад
Düz deyirsen
Вы не поверите у моего мужа точно такие родители папа ангел мама змея. Жаль что папа ушёл из жизни 😥.
Duzdu esl kiwi bele olar 👍
@pmlkaptan6946 5 лет назад
@erestunmustafayev2571 5 лет назад
Reyhan Emirin sucsuz oldugunu gorub bowanmasin deyenler kac kiwiyiz?
@barnosaidinova6927 5 лет назад
Ama. Bence gitecek
@cinaremovsumova9242 5 лет назад
Bence yox gedesede emir qoymaz
@eylencelidunyam6284 5 лет назад
@@cinaremovsumova9242 he qoymasin aparib bir otaqa da kilitleye bile ne bilim belke bi yemin eder deyer ki sen getsen ozumu oldurecem wahane olurdu 😆😅😅😅😂
@cicekleriyi9768 5 лет назад
Cok yazik olduu
@nigarqurbanova1743 5 лет назад
Bence Emir koymucak gitmeye
@hercaimiran3650 5 лет назад
En azyndan emir aklansaydi oyle bitseydi😏 3 ay nasil gecer yeminsiz😢😰😭🙇
@eylencelidunyam6284 5 лет назад
@edilenefranca3395 5 лет назад
@sihirlidunya7623 5 лет назад
Off off 😥insani alisdirirlar sonra cekib alirlar
@eylencelidunyam6284 5 лет назад
Yeni sezona qasin deyibler yeqin
لا لا لا لا لا لا ريحان لا لا لا لا امير لا تفرحوا الأعداء
@Maria-vt2oz 2 года назад
It is Emir's turn to be wrongly accused. It happened to Reyhan too, and it was so 💔💔💔. Now, they are quitz! This simply means, they are really meant for each other. In this dramas and real life! ❤️❤️❤️
@muratbozfan4723 5 лет назад
*Vaay bee😭Son sahnede kalbim parçalandı Emir'in Reyhan'a bakışı 😢💔Şimdi 3 ay nasıl bekliyicez yaa😭*
@cicekleriyi9768 5 лет назад
Yazik yaa
@muratbozfan4723 5 лет назад
@@cicekleriyi9768 😒
@muratmuradov666 5 лет назад
Murat boz sarkici murat bozmu acaba
@muratbozfan4723 5 лет назад
@@muratmuradov666 *ya hayır kardeşim Murat Boz'un hayranıyım😊*
@fridaqasimova4573 5 лет назад
Yönetmenden çox rica ediyoruz bu dizi de Adını sen koy ğibi olmasın
@xeyalresulov4546 5 лет назад
Reyhan bize gosterdiki bir kadin herseye doze bilir sabr ede bilir ama aldatilmaya asla
Döze bilmesede qalmağa məcbur olanlar o qederdi ki😔😞😟
@xeyalresulov4546 5 лет назад
@@lailaheillaallahbismillahi4836 oda dogrudu mecburiyyetden cox qadin ezilir
@aliciacotto1893 3 года назад
Bendito Emir también está llorando y sufriendo por que él ama a Reyhan.
@serdalcigdem5592 5 лет назад
Bence cavidan herseyi itiraf edecek. Cemrenin tuzagi oldugunu soyleyecek.Kaybedecegi bisey kalmadi.Oglunu geri kazanmak icin konusacak..
@gunelkerimova6120 5 лет назад
Bencede bende seninle aynı fikirdeyim
@Kiraz1549 5 месяцев назад
Ich glaube das nicht.
@nurhankara8200 3 месяца назад
Yok yaşasın kötülük. Kötüler yaşamaya devam.
@zahramammadova2286 5 лет назад
Güzel 👏👏👏👏👏👏💖 Əsas, doğrular ortada: Reyhanin yemini, Emirin aşki , Cavidanin yaptiklari, inşa ALLAH o da dayanamaz və Cemreni verir elə )))) Leyla ölməsin, lütfən! 🌹
@agnessmariki2744 5 лет назад
Thank you Maryam SL, Melocoton and others who helped with English translations!
@fateepapiya2297 5 лет назад
Agness mariki.yes it must.always help them to translated this serial. I d'nt forget them.and i so very miss yemin,reyhan,emir😍😍👍👍❤💓💕💖💗💙💚💛💜❤💓💓❤💓💝💞💟🙋🙋🙋
@agnessmariki2744 5 лет назад
@@fateepapiya2297 Yes Papiya, hopeful they will be there to help in season two also!!
@fateepapiya2297 5 лет назад
@@agnessmariki2744 yes I hope so!😊😊😊
@martalopez6144 5 лет назад
Agness Mariki Yes thank you very much. 😊😉🙏
@agnessmariki2744 5 лет назад
@@martalopez6144 You are welcome!
@chawchaw1414 3 года назад
Oh my God, how hard injustice is, and how difficult it is to judge a person without hearing. The most difficult thing is that that person has a love with him that we cannot take from our hearts.
@zhrababayeva3167 5 лет назад
Emir💖 Reyhan, Kemal💖 Leyla
@nitalopes515 5 лет назад
I don’t think 🤔 we need to worry Reyhan won’t take off her ring she will come back full of new fighting spirt & as another viewer said with a new word robe 👘 beautiful girl you don’t need those granny dresses love 💖 R & E 💔💔
@nurulwandasarisinggih9277 5 лет назад
I think she was pretty with those wardrobe 😊 whatever she wear,still beautiful as always
@nitalopes515 5 лет назад
Nurul Wandasari Singgih hi i call her beautiful you call her pretty our views are different we all have a wright to differ but I think we both agree the series is amazing 😉
@zaidamorales2118 5 лет назад
I tell you my turkish is limited. I have been learning watching the series. This episode was awesome...Reyhan has to make a decision....divorce or stay. Hikmet tells it all. And divorcing that snake. Can not wait, for the new season. Thank you.
@lg6419 2 года назад
This episode touched my heart😥Emir💔Reyhan.
@musashahid7415 5 лет назад
Excellent superb ending......extraordinary performance by ozgy and gokberk ....specially song in last scene of the episode...Very heart touching Beautiful couple excellent music.....this couple show us excellent chemistry between them..beautiful romantic couple ....love the #yemin
@thasnihussain6597 5 лет назад
Amazing couple Reyhan & emir..what a performance ..but such an ending is heartberaking....ozge yagiz& gokberk demecri live in their charectors...waiting for next season..hope for best. Die heart fan of REYMIR......just love them...
@sofxal9646 5 лет назад
Thasni Hussain
@lindayahya7705 5 лет назад
I just loved the interaction between Emir and Reyhana, be it, when they were in a foul, loving or playful moods. Their chemistry was simply awesome and so convincing that you feel that you're going through the same happiness and heartaches that they were going through. I hope Ozge and Gokberk win the Best Couple Award for 2019 (if there should exists such an award).
@SabrinaMarcelli 11 месяцев назад
Hi there, I see you wrote your comments in English so I am assuming you watch this series with English subtitles. Is it just me or can you also not get the subtitles for this episode even though it says they are there. Maybe it’s me who is missing a step….. 😳
@lindayahya7705 11 месяцев назад
@@SabrinaMarcelli You're the second commenter telling me about the unavailability of the English subtitles for this series. True enough, the English subtitles no longer seem to be available. They were there when I was watching this series 4 years ago. However, I did give up watching this series halfway through its second season. Only the first season was interesting and worth watching. For the second season onwards, the plot line became so ridiculous and nonsensical that it became such a sheer waste of time watching it. So, I just want you to know that you're not missing anything much by not watching this series. Try watching Hayat Sarkisi(not sure if English subtitles are still available now) if you haven't done so. This is way better than Yemin.
@adindalarasati1370 2 года назад
Aku membayangkan ada di posisi Rayhan begitu lelahnya hati dan pikiran menghadapi semuanya.😭😭
@imenzouaghi6220 5 лет назад
I' writing this comment a bit late because I couldn't figure out if I liked the episode or not. I still wan't tell. Ok, I want to start off by saying, I feel sorry for Emir, after what his father revealed he is going to question Reyhan's feelings for him, it's going to be a rollercoaster of feelings: the love, the doubt, the disappointment and the worst of them all feeling powerless. Thinking that the woman he loves doesn't believe in him and that she was staying with him purely because of a promise she made to his father. Uncertainty is going to be his biggest torment. As for Reyhan I think that she's going to stay, she will remember when they came back from that camping site (episode 68 I think) and he put her hand on his heart and said that whenever she is in doubt she should remember his heart beat and his promise that he will make her so happyy and to believe in their relationship. I think that is going to be the memory that will convince her to give him a chance. Or at least give him the benefit of the doubt. (It's a personal wish). I really do not want them to have that separation period that will only end if one of them (or both) are in a deadly danger. Finally I just don't know what to do with myself now that all the dramas that I like are either on a break or downright ended. How will I make it to September?!!!
@agnieszkaszumna3300 5 лет назад
I think you can be right about the further course of Reyhan's and Emir's love story. I hope there will be no separation. However, I am afraid, based on the views of several finals of Turkish TV series, that the story may end in death for one of them - in the last seconds of the episode. Let me be wrong and we will watch the romance of all time with a happy ending. To see you September 16th. Yemin's fan from Poland :-)
@gunaysirinova6866 5 лет назад
Vaxtı ilə Emir Reyhanı çox günahlandırırdı.Yazıq Reyhan heç günahının nə olduğunu bilmirdi.İndi Emir günahsız yerə necə günahlandırmağın nə olduğunu bilsin.Məncə bundan insanlar dərs çıxarmalıdılar.....
@binitashrestha764 5 лет назад
I couldn't stop watching all the episodes until the last one. I have many questions and I felt very sad to end the season like this. I really feel bad for Emir, want to give him a big tight hug and like to say everything will be fine. You will get your love. I really want a happy ending, please! Finger crossed!
@Nmb009 5 лет назад
New season coming on 9 th sep
@ayeshanazneen3573 4 года назад
Did leyla die????😕
@siyumistry3103 4 года назад
Abi too mx pe season 2 k 40 part h k.. Or kab upload hoga
@adithyan5699 4 года назад
She is even more beautiful when she is crying 💕💋. But I don't want to see her cry😌....always be happy my darling Reyhan💋
@mylifegoodlife8911 5 лет назад
Her sey ortaya cikdi sonunda ela baslayana qeder gozleyek☺
@jaffartv8861 5 лет назад
Azerbaycandan baxanlar burdasızmı?
@syyarallahverdiyeva9613 5 лет назад
Burdayıq burda
@uzeyirhusen9989 5 лет назад
@samiremiroff9714 5 лет назад
şirvandan salam olsun
@uzeyirhusen9989 5 лет назад
@@samiremiroff9714 salam
@sehriyarbayramov4764 5 лет назад
Berdeden salamlar
@aylinalekberli1863 5 лет назад
Canim Leylam seni cokkk seviyorum sen uzulme nolur 😢😢😢
@naimanaima947 4 года назад
مابان لي حتى تعليق مكتوب بالعربية وانا نخلي الباروك ومتاكدة غادي يبانو العرب ديالنا😊😊😊😊
@rihabrihab1359 4 года назад
@rihabrihab1359 4 года назад
انت من المغرب🇲🇦؟
@النفسالزكية-ق8و 4 года назад
kn9llb 3la tarjama ma9achbalt walo hhh
@naimanaima947 4 года назад
@@النفسالزكية-ق8و kolchi hakdak hhh
@rihabrihab1359 4 года назад
شكرا على👍🤗
@sezeninalkac5023 5 лет назад
Son sahne beni yikti süperdi emirin caresizce basini sallayipda hayir demisi 😭😭😭
Reyhan gitma qal
@cicekleriyi9768 5 лет назад
Aynen yaaaa
@vusalqurbanov9520 5 лет назад
Kemal ❤️Leyla sizleri çoxxx beyenirem bezen fikirleşirem göresen Kemal bey kimi dürüst insanlar heqiqi heyatda eynidirmi
@lamordaz5116 5 лет назад
@lamordaz5116 5 лет назад
@yagmurmamedova5095 4 года назад
Leylani hec xaslamiram yeniqizgelsin#
@yagmurmamedova5095 4 года назад
Leyla nediyee onu beyenirsiz .sacina zadina bax hele
@perfact2838 4 года назад
Did lyla die
@krcicegi4156 5 лет назад
Acil fırakman istiyoruz yoksa seyircilik hakkımızı helal etmeyiz diyenler Reyhan biraz daha sabretsinde gerisini boşver 😉 yani 3 ay beklemeyelim bizede acıyın lütfen
@vioricatiterlea8707 3 года назад
Reyhan este un fenomen,nici pasărea ei din colivie nu vrea s-o părăsească,pînă și ea o iubește,asta este minune! O inimă curată Nu simte și nu bate Decît pentru credință Iubire și dreptate!
@xatinabduraqimova 5 лет назад
Emir. Ona okadar kızgınım ki, oCemreyi vaktinde uzaklaşdırsaydı şimdi ne bunlar olacakdı ne Reyhanla ayrılacakdı
@AniMemas1 5 лет назад
Bizde bu seriala baxmazdiq
@kittybrundell8322 5 лет назад
Sad ending, can't wait for Sept to roll on so I'm going to surmise that Reyhan is going to be staying on and become the mistress of the mansion, change her wardrobe looking absolutely gorgeous and have Emir running after her, U can see that she still loves him dearly, she becomes braver and starts talking a lot more., Cemre will still have her cat claws out till Emir finally finds out who set the trap. Most probably take up all of season 2 and finally it will be happy happy joy joy with Reyhan and Emir finally coming together as a family with their 3 baby girls running around. Advert fan from NEW ZEALAND. WOULD BE SO NICE TO HAVE SEASON 2 IN ENGLISH SUBTITLES, THERE MOST PROBABLY BE A HUGE INCREASE IN FAN MAIL.
@rajaletchumyramasamy8098 5 лет назад
Did yemin have season 2 ???
@nurulwandasarisinggih9277 5 лет назад
@@rajaletchumyramasamy8098 they said that 2nd season will begin at sept
@rajaletchumyramasamy8098 5 лет назад
@@nurulwandasarisinggih9277 thanks
@animalsworld6004 5 лет назад
it was a last episode????
@nurulwandasarisinggih9277 5 лет назад
@@animalsworld6004 no, this is just the last episode for season 1
@fatemapakitwala3332 5 лет назад
Ne olur se dinle birikma gitme. Ömurnu kat ömuru ne...... Çok güzel 😍
@reneaeverett3335 2 года назад
Oh why did Layla had to die her and Kamel was my 2nd best 💑 👫 I will miss her she is an awesome actress ❤ keep up the good work where ever you go. ❤ outstanding performance 👏 👌
@ibrahimcamalov1244 5 лет назад
Bəli Azərbaycandan baxanlar çoxdur Emir və Reyhana sevgi dolu salamlar 💕❤
@fidanvelizade4290 5 лет назад
Yaa Leylayla Kemal ne kadar da yakışıyolar😍😍😍Leylanın düşmesi, Kemalın o korkusu...ağladım resmenn😢😢😢Nolur Leyla hayatta kalsınn😢
@elif314 5 лет назад
Ben de. Leyla olmesin. Leyla ve Kemal birbirlerine olan asklarini itiraf etsinler ve mutlu olsunlar. Bunu coktan hakettiler.
@fidanvelizade4290 5 лет назад
@@elif314 haklısın. Hatta onlar çıkarsa ben Yemine bakmam bi daha. Çünki dizinin en eğlenceli kısmı onlar😍😍😍
@elif314 5 лет назад
@@fidanvelizade4290 Leyla-Kemal aski biterse dizi benim icin de biter. Leyla olur de Kemal'e baska bir sevgili gelirse onu da kaldiramam zaten Kemal'in son yasadigi Leyla'yi kaybetme panigi ve korkusundan sonra kimse Kemal'in baska birini sevebilecegine inanmaz.
@fidanvelizade4290 5 лет назад
@@elif314 tamamen haklısın👌acaba kitabı var mıdır bu filmin🤔🤔
@tuqayagayev7150 5 лет назад
@@elif314 kemal leylaya o qeder ağlamşam nolardi canim bir birlerine aşklarini itraf etseydiler hakk edirdiler ama
@gunelhesenova2599 5 лет назад
Hadi be Cavidan hayatinda bir defa annelik yap, itiraf et Cemrenin yaptiklarini.
@diamante1249 3 года назад
Tanto que le costó a Emir enamorarla😢😢😢😢ahora otro infierno hasta yo no le creería viendo eso.
@mutluyillar9087 5 лет назад
Of ya cok ozledim emiri,reyhani,kemali ve tabikide leylayi.Lutfen cabuk baslasin artik bekleyemem😙😙
@ayselelekberli2659 5 лет назад
Suçmu sevdi seni suçmu, Zormu soylemek zormu, Kalbim küle dönmüş zaten Ateşlerde yanmış çokmu Sanmaki ettiğim dönülmez yemin Gözümden aşkı silmeye yetsin Huzursun,mutluluksun Aşkı sende buldum Ne olursun dinle Bırakıpda gitme Ömrünü kat ömrüme😊👍🌹
@mayaferecova9309 5 лет назад
Bilge Kotkay Ne Olursun Gitme 2019 super mahni
@faridehkodrami7407 4 года назад
Thank you so much for song 😍😍😍
@fozilovmaqsud2259 4 года назад
Chuk guzel
@Maria-br5eb 5 лет назад
Kemal ve Leyla cok guzel cift😍😍😍
@nurhankara8200 10 месяцев назад
Bencede Ama Leyla ya kıydılar.❤😢
@GTplanets 2 года назад
Omg the best best part, great song, finally truth came out , what a smart and good hearted men is his father and sister. I hope she doesn’t leave bcz Emir is not a bad person
@furkinecefov4794 5 лет назад
Sabirsizlikla beklicem seni YEMIN😍😗😙😚
@kayt2932 5 лет назад
Kemal cok yakisikli cok karizmatik bence leyla ile cok mutlu olabilirler. Emir’e kurulan tuzak bence ciksin ortaya. Reyhan yine susar sandim ama sessiz kalmayisi cok guzel
@lornasmith1286 5 лет назад
😲😲😲😬😬😩😩😭😭😭😭😭 Such a terribly, horrifying angonizing ending...we now have to wait months to see new season. Last Episode, delight wonder and love...now heartbreak! Will the marriage survive? Emir❤Reyhan...Leyla ❤Kemel...is Leyla going to be alright? The writers have left us devastated! 😩
@Kanaha-jl3io 5 лет назад
Yeah...totally..they make as devasted...even I can't wait Saturday and Sunday..i hate to wait two days..now I am going wait for three months...ahhh..its a hell
@barnosaidinova6927 5 лет назад
@@Kanaha-jl3io dont worry in a week u will forget about it. But I think it was great ending. I was really sick of this show and I was like if they gonna a have nice finale then I will just pretend and show is over, and wont watch it anymore but.. ending was so exciting specifically cavidens situation. But it was so not fare to emir, now I decided to watch next season if it was happy ending I would.never come back to this show, Il
@agnieszkaszumna3300 5 лет назад
I feel the same. we have to have hope that Rayhan will stay with Emir - yemin is yemin :-) Cemre and Javidan wil get what deserve after making all evil. Emir, after everything that will happen to him, will be the ideal of a man and a husband, And , the most important, Emir and Rayhan will not die in the last episode, as in many Turkish series. We will see :-)
@nurulwandasarisinggih9277 5 лет назад
For god sake,heartbreaking ending! Supposed to wait for 3 months. Is the ending of second season will be disapointed too? Huuft... like kara sevda maybe 😔 such a ridiculous
@ravixalxo9338 3 года назад
Love is depicted through Reyhan's reaction 😊😇😇
@jgcsn3533 2 года назад
Ugh this scene absolutely heartbreaking😢😢😢😢💔💔💔💔
@dinaj.5338 5 лет назад
Ok. This was an excellent episode. Reyhan loves Emir, she isn’t going anywhere. Even her Therapist, aka 🐥the Bird, advised her to stay since he wouldn’t fly away when she tried to set him free. Ahhhh, Jemre, Ahhhh, you will get what you deserve real soon.
@timeforalex 5 лет назад
@nurulwandasarisinggih9277 5 лет назад
Nice 👍 and cemre will commit to suicide 😂
@SaadKhan-mf7su 5 лет назад
@@nurulwandasarisinggih9277 I hope so
@lindayahya7705 5 лет назад
Based on the comments, am I right to assume that the majority of the viewers here are from Pakistan? Salaam and warm regards from Malaysia.
@spaceworld__ 5 лет назад
Yea true majority are from pak
@mam_araaa 5 лет назад
I think from Azərbaycan..
@fatimakhan8761 5 лет назад
@RanaMuhammadAsifMajeed 4 года назад
Linda Yahya Yup 🇵🇰
@MZATanimallovers 4 года назад
Salam to all from PAKISTAN
@royalhemidov126 5 лет назад
Adini sen koy gibi olmasin deyenler
@sevdaverdiyeva8621 5 лет назад
@lmanabbasli1826 5 лет назад
@nerminatayeva136 5 лет назад
Lütfen öylə olmasın
@turkandostumaliyeva1304 5 лет назад
Royal Hemidov beli burdayam gozel oglan mende yemni sevrem gozel dizdi
@lmanabbasli1826 5 лет назад
@magerramova2009 3 года назад
Emir + Reyhan = ❤
@iolandalanda3274 3 года назад
Eles são Lindos meus actor actriz mais preferidos do meu❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤😥😘❤💚💚🤴👸🌻🌻🌻🤲 uma boa tarde a vocês
@douaaakouna7904 3 года назад
@@iolandalanda3274 p
@douaaakouna7904 3 года назад
@@iolandalanda3274 ?!! 9..
@yupiguay5978 3 года назад
Emir + Reyhan = 💔 Emir + Feride = ❤😭
@rajakadil1970 3 года назад
Hope Dad Emir will not die cause Reyhan only ...
@MuradMemmedov-dy5tg 5 лет назад
Sezon finaldan xoşum gelmir...Amma baxdığım filmlerden en gözel sezon finalı olan filimdir.
@halima4614 5 лет назад
Lütfen yeni sezonda burdan başlasin zaman aşimi yapmasin yazik emir nasil çaresiz bakiyo yüzüğü çikarmasin diye
@madinatochieva9214 5 лет назад
@salehxalilov3833 5 лет назад
Bu dizi bu heyecanla 10 yil sürse izlerim Allah nazarlardan korusun Reyhancim cooooooook güzelsin sana bakmaya doyamıyorum gözlerin var yaaa... hele o duruşunun hayraniyiim MAŞAALLAH sana seni coook seviyorum...
@sawe6207 4 года назад
Menim kimi yeni baxanlar burdasiniz ?super bir dizi hele bu yasa catmisam bele gozel dizi gormemisem super.
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