
The Psychology of Josh Powell (Chapter 2 - Childhood) 

Psychology In Seattle
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28 сен 2024




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@confusedpuppy1 4 месяца назад
I appreciate Humberto's openness to talk about his history and experiences
@katherineplackett5600 4 месяца назад
Me too. Both of these men are so open and vulnerable it’s beautiful to see
@andedom 4 месяца назад
Yes, I love hearing about it. A lot of his stories feel very relatable (the stories about bogota are nostalgic for me too because I traveled there frequently for a while).
@Theinfamouskiki411 4 месяца назад
I think who you are depends on how you raise your kids. I wish I could leave world events out of it but as a black mother with biracial kids living in a texas town where we stick out. Kids have asked my kids questions since they were 4. About me, their dad, their skin color. George floyd happened and yes i had to discuss with my then 11 yr old police violence in america and what that means to him. When my kids go to school and here god awful things about migrants and hispanics and people not know they are partially mexican too. Or someone calling my 6yr old daughter the N word. They come to me with questions that i have navigate. So politics and news isnt a choice its a necessary part of their upbringing.
@nicoleallen5454 4 месяца назад
Exactly my thought--it is such a privelage to be able to decide wht to let in and what not to.
@sfooshy4517 3 месяца назад
I think witnessing 911 as young children and really affected my generation. Every generation has been through terrible terrible events but this one was right in front of our faces, and it was so unfathomable.
@amateur_artist6057 4 месяца назад
This case is so awful. My heart breaks for Susan. I live in Utah and most everyone guessed Josh murdered his wife, we were just waiting for an arrest to happen (so angry it didn't). Poor Susan married into such a toxic family. RIP Susan and her sons ❤
@ahsokabun-o2583 4 месяца назад
Some of the Jennifer/Steven relationship reminds me of Grace and Ben Thorpe. I'd be super interested to see Kirk talk about it
@FishareFriendsNotFood972 4 месяца назад
31:10 I feel like a lot of misogynists believe women sincerely have this sinister power, that they all know they have, of their 'attractiveness' to men. They frame it as something that gives women ultimate and complete power over men, and that women use this power cruelly, mostly to 'deny' men physical access to them. That in other words, no pain is worse than the pain of not being able to get intimate. It's interesting, they turned a natural impulse all humans have (to touch and get intimate with other humans), and centered themselves so much they assumed they, and they alone, have those urges, and women are just taunting them with it.
@audbod4140 4 месяца назад
Very interesting 👌....I wonder if the men feel shame re: the porn and intimacy and therefore see it as weakness and vulnerability that they perceive females can take advantage of.
@FishareFriendsNotFood972 4 месяца назад
@@audbod4140 Yes, absolutely! Men have also received a LOT of social messages that male sexuality and the male body is inherently gross, that acting it out is 'imposing on' or 'degrading' the partner. I certainly find that part of male social conditioning to be heartbreaking......men need to be told they are beautiful by their partners too (or handsome, whatever positive term one likes), just as much as women need that validation
@pinkpugginz 4 месяца назад
A lot of misogynists believe men are superior biological beings and women/non masculine presenting people are weak and subhuman.
@colettephair 4 месяца назад
This is a really random detail to comment on, but since you were saying you thought your mom was all-powerful because she could drive and spend money and people talked to her... Just last night I was reading and watching a lot about the Middle East, in particular Saudi Arabia and how they only in the last like TWO YEARS allowed women to do any of those things. So I'm now realizing another effect of that is that their kids likely saw them as powerless.
@Theinfamouskiki411 4 месяца назад
I dont get misogyny at all. Because if you hate women and think they are all manipulative or evil just move on. I have had hurtful relationships with men and have become weary of them. So i dont seek a romantic relationship. I domt get how incels and those type of en hate women but STILL want to date, marry or have relationships with women. It makes no sense to me. If u hate women then move on and go be alone or date men. Women do this all the time. We occupy our time and dont focus on having a man. Men are odd, its like they cant just be single and be happy. You're not entitled to a relationship.
@slimkt 4 месяца назад
It’s because they don’t desire an actual relationship, they desire *control.* They desire power over women.
@srm0520 4 месяца назад
You make an interesting point and I’ve never wondered that so it made me think. I guess I’ve always seen it as not really about women at all- it’s more about an “object” or someone (women) who’s viewed as subhuman or at least below them as men. So when a woman does ANYTHING out of her own volition and ignores or refuses what a man wants they just cannot comprehend how that’s possible. How DARE she? Men with those extreme beliefs keep focusing on dating and controlling women because anything other than that means their world doesn’t make sense
@whatdoyoulivefor735 4 месяца назад
Aww, I'm sorry your experiences have caused you to become weary of men 😔I understand. That can be heavy and painful. I hope you meet at least one good one and are able to connect with him.
@FishareFriendsNotFood972 4 месяца назад
THANK YOU for the conversation on the trauma of generational misogyny in men, I found that part fascinating.
@fuchsialocks592 4 месяца назад
I will never get over this case. Josh Powell was a downright evil man, and his father was quite the head case. It makes me so sad for those two sweet little boys and susan.... and the fact that we STILL don't know where he left her remains. And probably never will.
@BethanyNash 4 месяца назад
Well this is upsetting. Josh Powell is the name of my ex who abused me 2019-2021 😕 I know he’s also a criminal in a higher profile case because I tried googling my ex once and saw all the articles but whew seeing that name delivered straight to my notifications first thing in the morning…I need more coffee!
@applegal3058 4 месяца назад
Oh my, I'm sorry you had to experience that, and that your start to day started with a jolt. I hope you find further healing in knowing it's not your fault and that most people aren't like him. Take care ❤
@applegal3058 4 месяца назад
@@imhottequilabrown 😪
@_inmyhead 4 месяца назад
I can't imagine if I saw my abusive ex's full name in my youtube notifications how I would feel. I'm so sorry I hope you feel better soon 💕💕
@imhottequilabrown 4 месяца назад
@@applegal3058 😩🤗
@francinesanchez5402 4 месяца назад
I’m loving the compassion in this comment section. For those of you who responded, I feel like you made the world/internet a bit of a better place…. Not only for the original commenter, but those reading the comments. ❤️ (For me, it warmed my heart, this morning). I’m feeling grateful for that. You don’t always see it on RU-vid and I feel like I’m with “my people.”…….. Or, at least, people I want to be more like. To the OP, enjoy that coffee! I coparent with my ex, who was abusive, and for many years I worried he may do something similar to what JP did in this case. I still have this concern, although it seems less likely as the years have passed and he’s gotten more grounded. Let’s all take special care of ourselves as we dive in and learn from this truly horrible occurrence.
@cookie_dough_hangover 4 месяца назад
Poor woman was surrounded by sickos. Her father in law and his sick obsession with her,filming her and stuff. 😭And those poor little boys. This is one of the saddest cases out there.
@ahsokabun-o2583 4 месяца назад
I think the point regarding talking politics with kids I fully understand Kirk's point. I am however curious how one might navigate having a kid who will be influenced by such things. If a kid is a member of any minority group or has parents who are, that might effect them. How would one go about that responsibly as to prepare their kid to the world while being responsible?
@Theinfamouskiki411 4 месяца назад
BINGO!! honey raising a biracial child in a neighborhood and city where they are they are the minority oh boy. You have to have conversations because teachers and kids ask small and big questions that are funny and at times uncomfortable
@MsJeanneMarie 4 месяца назад
I agree with Humberto on the issue of the conversation that the mom had with the daughter. It sounded like she was saying, make a choice, honey and you know what the right choice is.
@kassig7547 4 месяца назад
Yeah I got that vibe as well.
@helena5442 3 месяца назад
Yes I agree with that as well.
@Aalisrocklist 4 месяца назад
youtube forgot to show me these episodes, but I found them anyways.
@petrabethyname7142 3 месяца назад
The title cold also is a reference to the cold night Susan went missing
@tonkalicious132 4 месяца назад
Hi! The previous video is hidden. Not sure if that's happening to anyone else?
@ksussl 4 месяца назад
Yes, also not seeing member vids at all
@pinkpugginz 4 месяца назад
Steve Powells parents divorced. They played a "kidnapping game". In Jennifer Graves book she talks about this. Steves dad and grandma took the kids for a visit and while in the car the grandma stated he was never seeing his mother again. He wrote about it in his journals.
@les8826 4 месяца назад
Wait. Will you add the patron portions for members on youtube?
@nicoleallen5454 4 месяца назад
I might be wrong, but I feel like I remember looking up that the pod cast was owned by a news company owned by the LDS church.
@pinkpugginz 4 месяца назад
I wouldn't be surprised. That cabal owns everything
@adrianamartinez8092 4 месяца назад
Question: What's up with Umberto's made-up professions? Why doesn't he just say what his real profession is? It's unsettling, It feels like he's not taking the subject matter seriously. I really dislike that part of the intro.
@pinkpugginz 4 месяца назад
It's his shtick
@adrianamartinez8092 4 месяца назад
@@pinkpugginz it's so annoying 😑 😅
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