
The Quandary Most Calvinists Avoid Talking About 

Soteriology 101 w/ Dr. Leighton Flowers
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@believein1 2 года назад
The rich young ruler asked, “What must I do to be saved?” The answer was not, “It doesn’t matter what you do, it has already been decided.”
@davidhorvat700 Год назад
Christ told him to keep the law, unlike nicodemius whom he told that you must be born again. Nicodemius was elect the rich young ruler was not. God conceals truth from unbelievers. Sharing more truth with an unbeliever, will result in a greater judgement on them in eternity having heard more and rejected more. This is mercy although only beleivers will understand it.
@believein1 Год назад
@@davidhorvat700 Do you understand how much tapdancing and mental gymnastics you need to perform to try and get Scripture to agree with your faulty theology, instead of dropping determinism and letting it say what it actually does?
@davidhorvat700 Год назад
@davidhorvat700 Год назад
@@believein1 What does scripture say Forget our flawed human logic “The Lord of hosts hath sworn, saying, Surely as I have thought, so shall it come to pass; and as I have purposed, so shall it stand:” Isaiah 14:24 KJV “Remember the former things of old: for I am God, and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like me, declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure:” Isaiah 46:9-10 KJV “Who is he that saith, and it cometh to pass, When the Lord commandeth it not?” Lamentations 3:37 KJV
@believein1 Год назад
@@davidhorvat700 Reagarding Isaiah 14:24 - "The fact that Scripture frequently speaks of God’s will being thwarted and his Spirit being grieved should prevent us from interpreting this passage as a universally applicable, absolute law. The fact that Scripture provides teaching and illustrations of the Lord modifying his “designs” in response to what humans do-even after he’s publicly declared what they are (e.g. Jer. 18:1-10)-should caution us against this interpretation as well. The point of this passage is not to instruct us about the way God operates at all times and in all places. The context makes it clear that it is simply teaching that when God irrevocably decides to bring judgment upon a nation (in this case, Assyria, vs. 22, 25), no one can stop him. A careful reading of similar passages that speak of God fulfilling his “purposes” and “plans” reveals that they too invariably “have in view a particular event or a limited series of events” (e.g. Isa 25:1; 46:10; Mic 4:12; Jer 23:20).* They do not warrant the conclusion that God determines all things." Regarding Isaiah 46:9-10 - "To distinguish himself from the dead idols Israel was devoted to, the Lord displayed his ability to do what dead idols cannot do: namely, control the flow of history. Hence the Lord says, “My purpose shall stand, and I will fulfill my intention,” which is why he can declare “from ancient times things not yet done.” For God to have this foreknowledge he need only know his own purposes and intentions. Unless one is willing to believe that everything throughout world history (including all evil) reflects God’s purposes and intentions, this verse can’t be used to defend the notion that everything throughout world history is foreknown." Regarding Lamentations 3:37 - "Similarly, if read in context, Lamentations 3:37-38 does not suggest that Yahweh causes or ordains evil. Indeed, four verses earlier the prophet teaches us that God “does not willingly afflict or grieve anyone” (Lam. 3:33). This passage is not concerned with God’s cosmic sovereign activity; it is specifically addressing prophecy. Both “good and bad” prophecies (viz. prophecies about blessings and disaster) come “from the mouth of the Most High.” Jeremiah is saying this to confront people who only want to believe that prophecies about blessing are from God. As much as it grieves the Lord (cf. vs. 31-33), he is prophesying judgment on Israel because “[t]he prisoners of the land [a]re crushed under foot” and “human rights are perverted” (v. 34). Far from suggesting that good and evil are part of God’s sovereign plan, the passage highlights God’s unequivocal holiness in coming against evil as something that he does not in any sense will!"
@kendesmarais9018 9 месяцев назад
Dr. Flowers thank you so much! You have helped me more than you’ll ever know. I have a friend/calvinistic bully who is trying so hard to make me feel like I am a reprobate even though I love God and believe with all my heart. You have helped me understand salvation and scripture so much more than I did and I appreciate it very much!
@armylngst 7 месяцев назад
A calvinist preacher once said that until God gives him a roll call of the elect, he will continue to preach the "whosoever wills" gospel. If you are a true believer, if you believed the true gospel and have truly been converted, calvinism does not stand in your way. However, the only way to be sure is after death. Even for that friend/bully. Calvinism is not some get out of jail free card. It is an understanding of soteriology, and what happened. It is not the gospel. I was dead set against calvinism, until one day, thinking and praying about it, everything just snapped into place. I am not a calvinist, but my beliefs are no longer contrary, but more in line with it. There are issues with terminology, and ideas that some people have a hard time understanding. From my experience, it is usually older, more spiritually mature believers who become calvinistic as they begin to understand the bigger picture. Things snap into place, and they begin to understand what it is actually about. The younger ones argue a lot, and can be very contrary. I agree with RC Sproul and John MacArthur. Arminians CAN and ARE saved. Not everyone who says they are Arminian are, and not all who say they are Calvinist are. If you have the true gospel (read Paul), and have accepted it and are truly saved (I can't answer that), your friend doesn't have anything. However, you do need to take scripture at its word when it says that you must test yourself to see that you are truly of the faith. Read what Peter says in his epistle about testing yourself. It is hard hitting. It is important. Talk to your friend about the gospel you believe and have accepted.
@bradhays5961 7 месяцев назад
army.. you simply don’t get it do you! You can not believe in the “true gosbel” and be a Calvanist. The true gosbel does not point to or support calvism period. One must twist the truth and ignore logic in scripture to make it even appear that it teaches or points to calvanism. Yes it has all clicked for you… this is easy to do when you ignore the truth. With age is suppose to bring wisdom not the other way around.
@kal_eide 5 месяцев назад
I’m curious. Since you say Calvinist are going to hell, what EXACTLY, is the damning evidence?
@mccaboy 4 месяца назад
Bullies in the kingdom? Sounds like Pharisees
@mccaboy 4 месяца назад
​@@armylngstbut he includes himself why?
@lawrenceagnew3972 2 года назад
Just because McArthur is a big time preacher along with piper,doesn't mean he can't be wrong
@nicholascarter6543 Год назад
@JamesBrown-fd1nv Год назад
It is beyond obvious that they are wrong, and this is what happens to men that are driven by ego and inappropriate philosophical musings instead of humbly studying the obvious from basic grammar and the preponderance of evidence. This is why it is crucial to remain faithful to the King James Bible version, the only version that tells us, ...2 Timothy 2:15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. Failure to do this the way that the Holy Spirit has done is why there are so many false doctrines and false prophets.
@lukeleaf8295 Год назад
And by your own logic it doesn't mean that the people who have an opposing point of view can't be wrong either.
@tauisuitonu8505 Год назад
@@lukeleaf8295 True, but where there is no love, there is no Jesus. Everyone will know Jesus people by their love, Calvin’s flock live by the law from what I have experienced.
@djoseph7164 Год назад
@ronnywhite5602 Год назад
I'm a simple minded follower of Jesus Christ. When the Bible says whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved, I believe it. I'm one of the whosoever. I cannot imagine how much stress Calvinist place on people making them feel they may not be one of the elect when their heart is sincere but satan constantly whispers...sorry but you are not one of the chosen! Satan giggles but God is greived that they have been taught such error.
@tonyrussell5058 7 месяцев назад
I don’t think Calvinists think that way. If you believe, you are one of the elect. It’s just that simple.
@troyisakson1060 5 месяцев назад
Why would that add stress to a believer?
@tonyrussell5058 5 месяцев назад
Calvinists believe that whosoever believes go to heaven just like anyone else. If you believe, you’re a “whosoever”.
@SeanWinters 4 месяца назад
​@@tonyrussell5058Calvinists literally have always thought this way. That's literally one of the main things that has pushed Calvinism forever, the idea that no one truly knows if they are elected or not, which is why they believe they need to do a whole bunch of acts and work to prove to themselves and others that they are indeed elect. That's literally the Protestant work ethic in action, the idea that idle hands Are The devil's play thing and such. The whole reason for all of that crap is because the Calvinists don't know who is saved and who is not including themselves, therefore they feel the need to be as pious and self-righteous as possible, as a proof to themselves. Which hilariously lends itself towards making Calvinists incredibly prideful in their own works.
@SeanWinters 4 месяца назад
​@@tonyrussell5058How are you sure you believe?
@malcolmhayes9201 2 года назад
I’m a new follower of Christ who loves speaking and telling the words of Jesus. Stumbling on James White really hurt my love for God after learning of Calvinism but this really helped me see through the inconsistencies. I can sleep a lot better now.
@dfischer5878 2 года назад
How so? ( how did James White hurt you?)
@malcolmhayes9201 2 года назад
@@dfischer5878 well for one, I have a deep love for sharing the gospel. With a Calvinist appeal to the elect I would have to believe that God chose me rather all the lose sheep around me. By Calvinist standards why would we even need to preach if God is going to find his elect regardless. I hate the idea of preaching to someone who is destined to burn forever in hell. It honestly stumbled me for a bit.
@thirdplace3973 2 года назад
@@dfischer5878 By teaching/preaching the compatibilist and micro-managing fatalist God of the Neoplatonists and Gnostics instead of the God of the Bible.
@scottyfleming2203 2 года назад
I so understand when you said you can sleep now.. my goodness I was a wreck for a while after I was taught this. A mess.. God bless you I’m so glad you can rest in Christ now
@mikem3789 2 года назад
Yes, stay away from Calvinism. It’s a ‘doctrine of demons’.
@eensrds 2 года назад
"Let the cognitive dissonance of that statement sink in." Loved it.
@jacksonrelaxin3425 Год назад
Soteriology101 also a suffers from cognitive dissonance because he believes in the lie of eternal conscious torments
@jeffreybomba Год назад
Can you show me any scripture that says otherwise? I had a former professing christian ask me, “How could a loving God condemn people to eternal punishment? If they don’t want God, why can He just put them somewhere with out Him?” That is exactly what hell is… ETERNAL SEPARATION FROM GOD! Scripture says there will be torment. Does it say what causes the torment? What do you think will happen if you take a bunch of unregenerate human beings, make them immortal and you set them loose in a place without the staying hand of God? What does man do in Revelation once the restrained is removed? What are the world leaders already doing, but trying to figure out how to reduce as much of the world to abject poverty and slavery so the leaders can feel like Gods. God has every moral right to punish those that tormented His creation for their entire lives, but in reality He does not have to because they will punish themselves.
@lastmistakeyoullmake Год назад
@@jeffreybombaso then if God did not choose your son or daughter, you would be ok with that?
@nics4967 7 месяцев назад
​@jacksonrelaxin3425 How so?
@nics4967 7 месяцев назад
​@lastmistakeyoullmake, would it be God not choosing rather than them rejecting good?
@bobbyadkins6983 Год назад
Thank you for taking a stand against Calvinism in a loving manner.
@TheMaskedBaptist 8 месяцев назад
Better than I am. I'm trying to imitate that.
@bobbyadkins6983 8 месяцев назад
@@TheMaskedBaptist ?
@TheMaskedBaptist 8 месяцев назад
@@bobbyadkins6983, yeah, so, I assume you're saying Leighton takes a stand against Calvinism in a loving manner. I'm saying he does a better job of doing that than I do, and I'm learning how he does that.
@bobbyadkins6983 8 месяцев назад
@@TheMaskedBaptist Oh, ok. Thanks.
@Drspeiser Год назад
I did a Sunday school series on the beliefs of Calvinism, and when we were studying what is taught about determinism, a woman in our congregation lifted her hand and asked, "If God determines EVERYTHING, what need is there for the devil?"
@makedisciples8653 Год назад
Great point
@Gablesman888 Год назад
First, the woman should have been asked "Do you then deny the existence of the Devil?" Obviously, she would have said no. The obvious existence of evil and the Devil in this world is a question neither Augustinians nor Arminians can answer adequately for this life. That is a real puzzler and I will refrain from a voluminous mere introduction to that question that still does not satisfy us mortals. Read Job. Also, your Sunday school teacher should know the differences between determinism and God's ordaining will; and the differences between a free will that is truly free in Christ versus a will that is in bondage to sin; and the difference between God's mercy and God's beneficence. Scripture is pretty clear on all of those issues.
@makedisciples8653 Год назад
@@Gablesman888 The existence of evil and the Devil is NOT a question that CANNOT be answered. It is not a mystery, it’s a contradiction. What you are saying is a contradiction of the words of Scripture. Most people on this comment section are neither Augustinians or Arminians. That is just another false dichotomy that Calvinists ask you to answer. Don’t fall for it.
@Drspeiser Год назад
@@Gablesman888 Yeah, when God ordains something according to His will, the Bible is clear about that. And it is clear that His will is not for mankind to live in sin. He can and does use their sin to accomplish His will in spite of their sin, but not because He made them sin. When Determinists/Augustinians/Calvinists attribute evil and sin to the determinism of God instead of to fallen men or the kingdom of hell, there is nothing biblical about it, and THAT teaching essentially makes Satan redundant. I know that's offensive to sincere Christians, and those that ascribe to Augustinianism because they don't recognize the conclusion of their teaching. I'm not saying YOU personally believe that, because I don't know. But there are numerous Augustinians who teach that God ordains all evil and sin. John Piper is one example. Sorry, but that is explicitly not biblical, and it is also dangerous because many Augustinians continue in their sin because they have been deceived/lulled into believing/making the excuse that God has ordained it, and that's just how it is going to be unless God ordains for them to stop. The real difference between the will of the believer and the will of the lost is spiritual LIFE. A sinner can choose to do right or wrong, but they don't do it by faith. They are limited to and operating only from their soul because their spirit is dead, (yes there is a difference between the soul and the spirit, although they are intricately connected). They can however, hear and BELIEVE the gospel - turning from their sin and trusting in Jesus - and be born again. That is not to say that they earned their salvation or were saved by works in any way, as Augustinians teach. They simply surrendered to Christ, He forgave them and supernaturally made their spirit, (which was dead in sins and transgressions), alive. What is born of the flesh is flesh, but what is born of the Spirit is spirit. Now, as a new creation, they are capable of using their will according to the will of God by faith, because they are spiritually alive. They are no longer slaves to sin! Either way, all mankind has free will given to them by God.
@Gablesman888 Год назад
​@@makedisciples8653 Then out with it. Explain exactly how and why evil exists in this world. Explain the reason for its origins. We are all waiting. There are certainly "stabs at it" but I have yet to hear Protestant or Catholic, Calvinist or Arminian give a completely satisfactory answer to that question. Btw, I get 25% of the book deal. LOL.
@romeomk510 2 года назад
This is why Jesus said, "Follow Me." He didn't say follow Muhammed. He didn't say follow Joseph Smith. He didn't say follow John MacArthur. He didn't say follow John Calvin. The problem with following Calvin is you begin looking at the bible through an altered lense. Once you've done this for a time and wrapped yourself into it, the very pride the Holy Spirit is ridding us of (when we submit to his rule) becomes our master. And we become too great to receive correction. Even when the truth is this obvious.
@bornagainbeliever1429 2 года назад
@jacksonrelaxin3425 Год назад
He said follow me because he was talking to people around him who wanted him to follow him. You can’t “follow Jesus” right now because he’s not here. Not to sound like a dick, but the “following Jesus” cult has done a lot of damage on RU-vid and their bullshit must be quenched whenever I see it.
@tauisuitonu8505 Год назад
@@jacksonrelaxin3425 You need to hear His voice if you are His. You can’t hear His voice unless you follow Him daily. Read His Word and talk to Him. He IS right here, right now. The path is narrow, time is short, you need to follow Him if you want to live with Him forever. His voice is gentle, He doesn’t shout.
@jacksonrelaxin3425 Год назад
@@tauisuitonu8505 if there was a hell you’d be on your way right now because you’re attempting to save yourself with your own false doctrine and effort and not depending on Christ for your salvation. The “follow Jesus” bullshit has wreaked havoc on countless minds and if you can’t see that yet, you’re only gonna crash harder when you wake up.
@nilpo Год назад
He didn't say follow Leighton Flowers either.
@richb.48 2 года назад
I posted just so the count would move off of 666. But I love Leighton's reasoning.
@lynngemmel7842 7 месяцев назад
@SarieDeeann Год назад
Amen amen amen!!! I was almost sucked into Calvinism!! So thankful for your channel!!
@jacksonrelaxin3425 Год назад
You’ll never get sucked in if you have any real need of truth. Anyone with a conscience who hears these men say that God “predestines people to hell” will either not accept it or just rationalize it because they’ve already been in a church such as Mcarthers. Hell is also bullshit too which is why false doctrines of demons continue to thrive, and Soteriology101 rarely addresses the contradictions of his beliefs regarding hell also. They’re all confused hypocrites who can’t accept the fact that Jesus is literally the savior of the world, like literally everyone in the world. Their pride won’t let them admit it.
@michaelanthony1797 Год назад
I agree, but I kept searching.
@angelahighwolf Год назад
Me too!
@jeffcarlson3269 Год назад
@sarahdeeann1669 I was almost sucked into Calvinism!! So thankful for your channel!! that sounds like it would be a good book title... how about this one?... "how I was shown the error of my ways... and repented for Not accepting Calvinism"
@believein1 Год назад
Thank God.
@jeffbiggs1994 2 года назад
Leighton you are a wonderful man of God who is given the ability to show these calvinist their obvious and dangerous error, with love unshakable bro God bless you and continue to use you to open their eyes to this most basic flaw
@paulklenknyc 11 месяцев назад
Can I just say, does anyone else think MacArthur’s audience in this video looks bored, unhappy, dispirited and joyless? Can I get an amen?
@HorseloverFat1984 5 месяцев назад
@johncee77 Месяц назад
MacArthur himself looks bored, unhappy, dispirited and joyless. Always has.
@moniquelemaire5333 2 года назад
In the early 1800's , I think it was Barton Warren Stone that said very plainly:. "I am not a Calvinist, I am not an Arminian, I am simply Christian.". That's simple!!! Thank you for all you do. Miss Monique 🙂🙏🌷
@katiep608 Год назад
I have been saying this for a long time! YES!
@hudsonensz2858 Год назад
This sounds pious but it's not really helpful. Both Arminians and Calvinists are Christians and doctrine really matters.
@moniquelemaire5333 Год назад
@@hudsonensz2858 YES!!! Doctrine matters immensely!!! The Apostle Paul reminds young Timothy and Timothy the importance of doctrine in every day life. The young church planters are to teach sound doctrine to their new Christian brothers and sisters. What this expression means to me is that the Teachings of Jesus surpass any and every "theology" that has been made up through Church history. Another older saying states:. "No creed but Christ, no book but the Bible, no Law but Love, no name but the Divine." Essentially, if Christians today could truly imitate Christ and the earliest Christians, that is the ideal. Church is not a business, Christianity is a Relationship with God, not a "religion" and is available to anyone who submits their life, repents of their sins puts their faith in Christ in the LORD Jesus. Yes, there is a lot of meaning in these two statements, and they are Biblically based and part of our American Christian Heritage. Thank you for your reply. God Bless you!!! Miss Monique 🙂🌷🙏💗
@Fassnight 8 месяцев назад
That is nice, but it isn't helpful
@John-jh5ks 2 года назад
Wow! Greeting in the name of the Saviour Jesus Christ. Thank you for your Godly discernment. GOD bless you
@carolwilliams5337 Год назад
Calvinism really does not honor God, His character, or His grace.
@Rood67 2 года назад
When I doubted my salvation, I looked at some of the things Calvinist say, and started wondering if God had determined me from conception to die without Him. Then the Holy Spirit spoke within me; and reminded me of the terror I had of dying and going to hell in 1974. How I could not wait to get back to church and getting to the alter (at six going on seven, I thought I had to be in church to get saved). And then reminded of the absolute peace I felt when I was drowning, while pinned up against a rock, under water, while on a white water trip. The only time I've ever felt that kind of peace before was the Wednesday night I asked Jesus to be my Savior because I feared the just wrath of God against sin. If I was pre-determined to salvation, why did I fear God and His wrath? Why did the message the preacher preached Sunday night give occasion for the Holy Spirit to cause conviction? Why at an early age, and not decades later? Why me and not everyone? Because it is not God's will that any should perish (2 Peter 3:9) The Word convicts us of our sin (John 8:9) If they were predestined to hell, why were they convicted? Life is but a vapor, and we are not promised tomorrow (Proverbs 27:1, 2 Corinthians 6:2, James 4:14) It is everyone (John 3:16, Romans 10:13, 2 Peter 3:9)
@jtfairchild3838 2 года назад
John 3:17 .... Because he has not believed in the only begotten son of God
@afterthefallcreations Год назад
John 6:John 6: 63The Spirit gives life; the flesh profits nothing. The words I have spoken to you are spirit and they are life. 64However, there are some of you who do not believe.” (For Jesus had known from the beginning which of them did not believe and who would betray Him.) 65Then Jesus said, “This is why I told you that no one can come to Me unless the Father has granted it to him. Christ himself is EXPLICITLY saying No man is able or has the power or willingness to come to Him unless the Father has granted salvation to that man. You and the outhor of this video are mistaken and do not understand the bibles plain speech about God's doctrines, calvinists have historically been the advocates for mission work because God has decreed it as the means of reaching those he appointed and further condemning "the sons of disobedience" Matthew 28:18-20 18Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me. 19Therefore go and make disciplesd of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, 20and teaching them to obey all that I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”
@dfischer5878 Год назад
Because He opened your eyes. Faith is a gift.
@lynngemmel7842 7 месяцев назад
@ipaporod 3 месяца назад
​@@dfischer5878: Salvation is the gift (freely given to all who believe/FAITH)!!.You got it backwards.
@mjazzguitar 2 года назад
Calvinists care more about the gospel of Calvin than the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I heard a really good sermon one night and at the very end they just had to say 'you can't choose God, God has to choose you.' All I could think of is someone with a substance abuse problem listening and on the verge of changing their ways until they heard that, thinking 'God would never choose me'.
@billprorok8115 2 года назад
Interesting defense of the truth.
@AirsoftTeamOSMD Год назад
Saul of Tarsus and Jacob would have said the same thing. But God did choose them. Let's not put God into a box with our hypothetical situations. It's hard to have unity between Calvanist and Armenian. Lord help us to do this well with each other both looking to Christ and the Holy Spirit to do it, not fighting each other.
@makedisciples8653 Год назад
@@AirsoftTeamOSMD just about everyone here that sees the error in Calvinism is not an Armenian
@R.L.KRANESCHRADTT 2 года назад
10:10 ... The sad truth is there is not a single person in that crowd that can make sense of what he is saying. Yet, they bow to the perceived authority of his education and skilled oratory and accept what they cannot understand, and all the while he doesn't understand it either. In fact, in another sermon, he joking says Paul doesn't understand how salvation works either.
@cecilspurlockjr.9421 2 года назад
Yep ! The emperor has no clothes .
@anabanana7599 2 года назад
@@cecilspurlockjr.9421 Amen
@anabanana7599 2 года назад
It's the cult of personality
@demitrykhandree1774 Год назад
Sad truth is that you are being guided guided by an anti-Gospel Pharisee and you are so blind you don't even recognize it...🤷
@@demitrykhandree1774 Thanks for sharing. Our prayer is that someday you too will look back on Calvinist 'theology' and wonder why you ever believed it in the first place. Calvinists are forever forced to defend our heavenly father from the claims of their own system. In the end they have only two replies. One is the 'out of context' accusation "who are you to question God?" (when it is actually only Calvinism in question). And Two is ... "we cannot understand how God is responsible for all the evil which can only occur by his eternal, unchangeable, decree from before the foundation of the world, and still not be held culpable for it... so just accept it and hope for the best because there is no other option." You're either "in" or you're "out" and there's not a thing you can do about it.
@chriscasillas 2 года назад
“Their culpability increases” John McArthur has a lot of good things to say, but that statement, and the implications of it, honestly made me a little sick to my stomach.
@mtac99 2 года назад
Yes, completely ridiculous. God has condemned them to hell from birth, but is showing them mercy by not giving them the ability to understand
@nathanhellrung9810 2 года назад
@@mtac99, twisted thinking right?
@a.k.7840 2 года назад
The fact that it has such an effect on people is often worn as a badge of honor by calvinists. As if the repulsion is somehow evidence of its truth. SMH.
@handytheology2448 2 года назад
But that's what Jesus said in Luke 12:48. So.. what happens when Truth is given? Culpability is increased. What happens when He takes away truth and hides it from them? Their culpability is lessened. Mind you - they had already crossed the line and were worthy of a condemnation worse than Sodom and Gomorrah (see Matt 11:20-25, where Jesus thanks and praises His Father for hiding the truth from the occupants of the region of Galilee). Now let's put it all together: - Jesus knew from the beginning who would not believe and who would betray Him (Jn 6:64) - Jesus preached to those who would not believe, knowing they would not believe - Jesus knew His preaching would only serve to increase their condemnation (Matt 11:20-24) I've only heard one non-Calvinistic explanation of these facts. It was from William Lane Craig "Oh, the verses in Matt 11:20-24 are just hyperbole! Jesus didn't mean what He said." Which is very odd, because His words could not possibly be hyperbole: He knew they would not believe, yet He preached to them anyway, and that preaching did indeed result in hotter condemnation for them. Food for thought. (BTW, see Matt 11:25-27 to see who controls whether a person believes or not)
@Nick-qf7vt Год назад
Calvinists seem to get a sick sense of enjoyment out of that stuff, like a kid burning ants with a magnifying glass. There's a difference between uncomfortable truths and stuff that's just downright repulsive.
@valerie3955 Год назад
This is a bit like Gnosticism. They claim secret knowledge that others do not have, so they have salvation that others cannot have.
@turtleneckferret 2 года назад
Conversely MacArthur says it's a person's responsibility to accept Jesus as well but they can't accept without God given grace. I've heard MacArthur say this is a paradox. He doesn't hide the fact.
@losnfjslefn8857 2 года назад
@thirdplace3973 2 года назад
@Brad1980 There is absolutely *NO* mystery to the gospel. Jesus died for our sins, was buried, and rose again the third day according to the scriptures. Simple, *NO* esoteric Gnostic mystery involved. (1 Corinthians 15:1-5)
@youflatscreentube 2 года назад
He might not hide it, but it’s not a fact.
@RG-lc1qx 2 года назад
@@thirdplace3973, and many others on this thread, so the absolute ruler of the universe instituted human gov't (Gen. 1-26-27) to be vice-regents before the fall, yet after the fall they are responsible to govern righteously, that is, to punish evil and reward good (Rom. 3:1-7) and you DO NOT see any tension in the Scripture between Sovereignty and human responsibility? The Scripture is full of tensions like this. Do NOT murder, yet God commanded Saul to kill (murder) every man, woman, infant child and animal of the Amalekites in 1 Sam. 15. The gospel was preached, from the beginning to non ethnic persons (Gen. 3:15) then to a pagan gentile named Abram (Gen. 12:1-3; 15:12-21; Joshua 24:1-5; Gal. 3) yet many believe that the gentiles are an after thought since they were not the recipients of the Covenants, but is that true? No! Abraham was a pagan gentile who received the promise of the redeemer that in him, that is Abraham, all the nations of the world would be blessed. The origin of Israel, the nation did not happen until Gen. 35:10 where the pagan grandson of Abraham was renamed Israel and then had the 12 sons (tribes) of Israel revealing that the promise to Israel came via the loins of a pagan gentile! The gospel was, from beginning to end, to gentile and jew! Dt. 31:14-32:43, esp v 32:43 and many other places. Again, there are no tensions in Scripture? Jesus is 100% God & 100% man, this is NOT a tension? You and many like you (on this thread) fail to see the forest through the trees!
@thirdplace3973 2 года назад
@@RG-lc1qx God gave dominion on the Earth to mankind in Genesis 3. It’s re-iterated again in Psalm 115.
@solaar11 2 года назад
I’m so glad I found your page. I never understood Calvinism and there are so many Calvinist leaders hyping up this doctrine.
@Migler1 Год назад
There are far more non-calvinist preachers than there is calvinist preachers. I’m surprised whenever I find out someone is calvinist. I think the reason why there seems to be so many calvinist preachers is because they usually stand up for the bible publicly and unashamedly.
@keith3362 Год назад
@@Migler1 I think it’s because a lot of Calvinists spend time criticizing other Christians (on RU-vid especially). They will talk about people taking scriptures out of context when Calvinism itself is based on scriptures taken out of context.
@davidhorvat700 Год назад
“The king's heart is in the hand of the Lord, as the rivers of water: he turneth it whithersoever he will.” Proverbs 21:1 KJV “There are many devices in a man's heart; nevertheless the counsel of the Lord, that shall stand.” Proverbs 19:21 KJV “O LORD, I know that the way of man is not in himself: it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps. O LORD, correct me, but with judgment; not in thine anger, lest thou bring me to nothing.” Jeremiah 10:23-24 KJV “Man's goings are of the Lord; how can a man then understand his own way?” Proverbs 20:24 KJV “And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power: that your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God.” 1 Corinthians 2:4-5 KJV “so shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.” Isaiah 55:11 KJV “And he increased his people greatly; and made them stronger than their enemies. He turned their heart to hate his people, to deal subtilly with his servants.” Psalms 105:24-25 KJV “For of a truth against thy holy child Jesus, whom thou hast anointed, both Herod, and Pontius Pilate, with the Gentiles, and the people of Israel, were gathered together, for to do whatsoever thy hand and thy counsel determined before to be done.” Acts 4:27-28 KJV
@ethanthomas5724 Год назад
@@keith3362 please read ephesians then you will see which side is taking scripture out of context
@troyisakson1060 5 месяцев назад
@@keith3362 When God says He has predestined us, what does that mean if not simply that?
@sheilasmith7779 2 года назад
Once a false belief is established, and then other beliefs are built on the false belief, the result will be a crooked building. It's a " if this, then that," problem.
@gilbertsanchez4513 2 года назад
Many calvinists have gotten themselves so deep into a hole? Their human pride doesn't allow them to get out of it!
@cecilspurlockjr.9421 2 года назад
I believe that's the case most of the time isn't it . When I point out their blasphemy against CHRIST in scripture they usually just say that's nonsense and dismiss the issue disrespectfully .
@landonramsey462 8 месяцев назад
"The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance."
@ingela_injeela 5 месяцев назад
So important.
@scottyfleming2203 2 года назад
Mind blowing… Following Calvinism to its logical ends..always changes then nature of Gods character inconsistent with so many other proof texts. Keep doing what you’re doing Leighton! You brought me out of this concept taught to me early on and opened my eyes to the beauty of Gods character, not the confusion of a complicated doctrine
@lionofjudahlambofgod9132 2 года назад
@toddcote4904 2 года назад
"Brought you out of it".... In what way, how long were you "in it"? Interestingly, I have the opposite story. I found the doctrines of grace straight forward and "fell into" them without ever knowing of this debate. My tradition was non-calvinist, but I wouldn't have been able to tell you that. But as I read the scriptures for 1 to 3 hrs every day, I became uneasy with the conflict between my traditions and what scripture was revealing about God. Many months later, as I studied church history did I realize that reformed soteriology was the norm. God bless 🙏
@thirdplace3973 2 года назад
@@toddcote4904 Your tradition was pre-Calvinist not non-Calvinist. And no such thing as “the doctrines of grace”. Grace is just a word that appears like any other word in literature, it just means a gift. There are many different gifts from God in the Bible depending on the context. And “Reformed Soteriology” has only been the norm since Augustine in 412 AD, and only in Western Christianity through the Catholic Church. The Eastern Greek-speaking church flat out rejected Augustinian doctrines in regard to the grace of God because they could read Greek and Augustine couldn’t.
@nathanhellrung9810 2 года назад
@@toddcote4904, so you didn't read or listen to anyone or anything outside of the Bible that could have influenced how you interpreted the Bible?
@toddcote4904 2 года назад
@@nathanhellrung9810 Since nothing is learned in a vacuum, no one can say their free from influence. However, no I was not influenced by anyone (like Washer, Baucham, MacArthur, Sproul, etc). I didn't read any other book than the Bible, and I didn't listen to anyone or anything on YT. YT wasn't a part of my life in any way. All I knew was that as I read the Bible for myself, God was clearly in control of all things, even of salvation. I didn't have any knowledge of John Calvin nor Agustine, nor Arminius, nor these type of debates. I was very ignorant and just a nominal Christian really. I even thought the JW faith was just normal Christianity too. I told you, ignorant, lol. After about a year of studying the scriptures, then YT entered and I began to learn more of soteriology from Spurgeon, Whitfield, Edwards, Washer, James White, Durbin, Sproul, MacArthur, etc. I listened to every debate I possibly could. Probably over 200 hrs at this point. In the end, after 6 years of study, my conclusions of the scriptures line up with what is typically referred to as Calvinism. I find every non-calvinist position untenable and twisting something to try and harmonize things, but I always find it not working..... God bless
@sunshinegirl1967 2 года назад
Here's something that occurred to me the other day as I listened to Luke 8:9,10 And his disciples asked him, saying, What might this parable be? And he said, Unto you it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God: but to others in parables; that seeing they might not see, and hearing they might not understand. Why were the disciples given understanding and not the others? They simply asked, and they received. Notice how THEY did not understand this parable either. But it was given to them to understand. Because they asked for understanding. Could it be just this simple? I think so. Did the disciples who left Jesus in John 6 bother to ask what He meant by "eat my flesh and drink my blood?" Jesus even explained what it meant but they wouldn't listen. They were offended. Everyone who asks receives. If you don't understand something in the bible, ask the Lord! Those who truly want to understand will ask.
@gk.4102 2 года назад
_″Notice how THEY did not understand this parable either.″_ Exactly! Nobody understood the parables including the disciples. This disproves the idea that the audience didn't understand because they were born dead with some innate moral inability to understand.
@user-ry1vi1jc7o 2 года назад
@SunshineGirl That’s a great point. Thanks for sharing!
@waynepavy888 Год назад
Excellent point.
@gk.4102 2 месяца назад
@@kgar5String Yes and that proves that Total Depravity is false.
@robfiore1503 2 года назад
This is a fascinating point you are making. I love your videos and sometimes I think the most obvious truths are the hardest to communicate because they are SO basic, to explain them almost seems absurd. My family are ALL Calvinist and I can't break through the veil of confusion. The reformed overlay they place over the the bible blinds them to the truth. I will share this point with them and see how they answer, my guess is they won't understand what this video is saying. Thank you for all your diligence and hard work, your videos are very helpful.
@dw6528 2 года назад
DW: Rob - one thing I think you will find very powerful is when you have enough understanding of the underlying foundational core of Calvinism - which is EXHAUSTIVE DIVINE DETERMINISM - as enunciated in Calvinism's doctrine of decrees - you are guaranteed to consistently observe every Calvinist one minute affirming the doctrine and the next minute denying it. The affirmations will typically appear in the form of explicit language. The denials will typically come in the form of inferential language. The reason for this is because every Calvinist secretly has a love-hate relationship with the doctrine of decrees. They are taught to affirm it - but in order to retain a sense of HUMAN NORMALCY - they are forced to treat the doctrine of decrees *AS-IF* it is FALSE. When you come to be able to recognize Calvinist denials of their own doctrine - you will come to realize - as many have - that Calvinism is a system of DOUBLE-SPEAK. Blessings!
@PETERJOHN101 2 года назад
Another very simple repudiation is to ask the question: "Is God pleased with all of his Sovereign decrees?" They will answer, "Of course." "Then why does God express regret for creating Man in Genesis 6:6?"
@lessthanaverage1394 2 года назад
@@PETERJOHN101 I have wondered this myself
@R.L.KRANESCHRADTT 2 года назад
@@dw6528 Yes! Calvinists are constantly speaking, casually, "as if" they have free will... never fails in to happen conversations. BUT to violate a core belief like that always puzzles me. It is something I would never do. I would never say "accidentally" that I thought abortion was OK, and be forced to correct myself as if I'd misspoken. Yet, on the issue of the freedom of man to make actual choices that matter they do this all the time.... and they HATE it when you point this out. When forced, they will admit the irony of their belief and try to find refuge, as Calvin himself did, in 'mystery'. But there is no refuge to be found. Calvinists are impervious to cognitive dissonance.... It's their Super Power. Man was made in God's image. THAT that matters. Determinism teaches that man does NOT matter. However, man cannot live as if he does not matter. It is emotionally, mentally and even physically destructive to our well-being. And some Calvinists can even be forced to reluctantly admit it. In an effort to maintain a semblance of sanity Calvinists must live and speak as "if" they do matter while still maintaining they do not. ... A 'double-minded' man is unstable in all their ways. The way they frame their favorite statement: "It's ALL about God", or, "It's all about Jesus", is a misdirection. God's eternal, perfect, love for ALL of his creation IS the reason that Christ was came. And that means man matters to God most of all. Would you give your best for something worthless that does not matter to you? No, a sane person does not create anything in their own image for the purpose of destroying it.
@dw6528 2 года назад
@@R.L.KRANESCHRADTT Yes - you are correct. But the reason the Calvinist violates his belief is because the core of his belief is Determinism. And every serious Determinist understands he must live *AS-IF* Determinism is FALSE - in order to retain a sense of human normalcy. Determinism is as radical a belief as is Solipsism. The Solipsist must live *AS-IF* his belief system is FALSE - because otherwise he would be treating people as figments of his imagination - and would suffer consequences in his career and his marriage if he does. Determinism is just as radical a belief as Solipsism. And the Calvinist will lose any sense of human normalcy if he lives coherently with it.
@samuelhilllive 2 года назад
Calvinism fell apart for me when I was trying to demonstrate regeneration in the Old Testament.
@davidbengb8484 2 года назад
Then your calvinism was pretty weak. It's an objective comment so don't try to call me a calvinist. I'm in favor of logic, not in biased defend one side. If I'm going to demonstrate the problem with a posture then it's needed to reject bad arguments even if they support my position.
@icypirate11 2 года назад
Calvinism fell apart for me after 20 years when I learned that the Bible is *not* infallible/inerrant. I know this claim won't sit right with this crowd either but I'm just being honest. I deconstructed hard over the last four weeks. But, if the Biblical authors did disagree with one another (which I now believe) it is wrong for the Calvinists (or anyone in my opinion) to harmonize everything every author claims. I now see the complete _cognitive dissonance_ I had just to hold all the contradicting truth claims. James White was my favorite debater and now I think he is wrong. Leighton, if you are reading this, Calvinists have cognitive dissonance. The Calvinist has to, to hold to so many contradicting claims about God. Whatever God does is defined as Good, even if what God does is only _assumed_ via presuppositions into the text. I knew this as a Calvinist but whatever presuppositions you start with when approaching the Bible there will be passages that affirm your view and intern you will [re]interpret the contradicting passages of your view in your favor. I still believe Paul taught a Calvinistic Gospel because I now allow Paul to get some of the details "wrong". I do not believe God necessarily hardened Pharaoh's heart either. I believe that is what the Biblical authors thought and wrote down but we need to be careful and not believe everything the Bible claims. Everything should be interpreted, in my opinion, through the person and nature of Jesus Christ. Would Jesus harden Pharaoh's heart to show His might? Would Jesus command the Israelites to commit genocide to take land (and women)? I also believe each Biblical author should be represented individually and fairly without forcing another author's definition or views onto the other. I know this is a hermeneutical principal by allowing other clear definitions to interpret the vague passages but we should be very careful in how that's done. Our own presuppositions definitely cloud what is appropriate or not. I was never open to changing my theological views before and I always argued from the Calvinistic perspective. I even thought that Leighton was never a Calvinist at all (or maybe he was "born" into it) if he left the camp. C'mon, anyone who reads the Bible seriously ends up being a Calvinist right? I used to troll the comments section of his videos just to have theological debates with his "followers". I never thought that I would ever consider believing similarly as Leighton does. God simply does not fit into any of our nice and neat theological boxes. The Bible simply does not allow it.
@handytheology2448 2 года назад
Regeneration is indeed referenced in the OT. - Lev 26:40-43. follow the theme of "uncircumcised hearts" all the way to the NT to see how the NT authors understood it. See also Jer 9:26, Ezek 44:9, Acts 7:51 and of course Col 2:11-14. It is a work of the Holy Spirit, and cannot be done by man. - Ezek 36:25-27 is how a person is "born again". Jesus reprimanded Nicodemus, a teacher of the Jews, for not knowing this. - Deut 29:4 explains why people don't believe. The opposite would explain why people do believe. It directly implies regeneration, of course. - Eze 11:19 - Eze 37:14 There are more. But those are enough to get started. Thanks.
@dfischer5878 Год назад
@HorseloverFat1984 5 месяцев назад
@@icypirate11 Great comment brother.
@rebamoon4965 2 года назад
It's so disturbing that the Calvinists who spout this arrogance and ignorance just happened to be "elect". As though they can boast about being "chosen" based upon some kind of merit on their part. I heard a Christian say "I'm a Calvinist. I am so thankful I know the truth." Forget Calvinism...I'm a Christ-Follower, period.
@peterfox7663 2 года назад
Well, they would say that only the chosen Elect are capable of understanding and believing in the "things of God". Which is interesting because there are former believers in Christ who also do believe in Calvinism, and just assume they aren't Elect.
@Gablesman888 Год назад
Augustinians do not believe they are chosen because of some kind of merit on their part. Augustinians are totally humbled when they realize they were chosen NOT because of some merit on their part. When I discovered Augustinianism I did not go down to my knees. I fell on my face because suddenly I was faced with a question I could not answer and to this day I cannot answer: Why was I elect?" And if you are Arminian, do you ever think of this question? Let's say you were saved in a church service. You "made a decision" for Christ and the person next to you did not. Were you saved because you were more self righteous than the other person? You were raised in a Christian family? You live in America? God gave you a mulligan? Why was Abraham elect and Hammurabi was not? They lived at about the same time and in the same area. What great and fabulous merit did Abraham have that the other guy did not? These questions dog the Arminian. Arminianism does not answer these questions but the Bible does.
@Dropaprayer 2 года назад
Final judgment against their unbelief? Clear and unmistakable? Bro... The disciples themselves had to ask what Jesus meant. I think MacArthur is confused.
@turtleneckferret 2 года назад
But Jesus told his disciples what he meant because they weren't under judgement
@thirdplace3973 2 года назад
@@turtleneckferret Neither were the Pharisees under judgment at that point in Jesus’s ministry, Christ was hiding His teachings from them for the purpose He was sent for, to make atonement on the cross. Paul said in 1 Corinthians 2:8 👇 “which none of the rulers of this age knew; for had they known, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.” In Mark 4:10-12 Jesus tells the 12 disciples that He speaks to the Jewish leaders in parables so that they *DON’T* understand His teachings, if they did understand they would believe and their sins would be forgiven them. Jesus was purposing His death in the cross, purposing His rejection by the elders and leaders of the Jews.
@thirdplace3973 2 месяца назад
@@kgar5String Yeah, I said that.
@gospeltruthtv 2 года назад
Another quandary is the unpardonable sin. The elect certainly couldn’t commit it! If you are not elect, what sin could you possibly commit that would change your eternal destiny as un-elect?
@dfischer5878 2 года назад
John 6:39. We do not save ourselves and we surely do not keep ourselves; if we could lose our salvation we would.
@marincusman9303 2 года назад
@@dfischer5878 completely agree. No Arminianist thinks we save ourselves. The whole idea of salvation is that you stop trusting yourself and trust in Jesus.
@thirdplace3973 2 года назад
@@dfischer5878 Only people who put their trust in their own works think they save themselves, or at minimum think they merit God saving them by their works.
@beatrizescalera1137 Год назад
Dr Flowers you are a blessing for us layman/woman
@danitapowell2291 Год назад
I’ve always wondered why McArthur’s radio program wasn’t called Grace To Some.
@Gablesman888 11 месяцев назад
If God did indeed extend His grace to everyone, then everyone would be saved. When Arminians get to screwing around with the Holy Bible instead of exegeting its verses, such Arminians fall down that slippery slope into universalism. Ephesians 2. [Read all of it].
@Rayceunit01 2 года назад
I think I would be too fustrated to try and break through the cognitive dissonance. Intentionally or not, they're misrepresnting the character of God, misrepresnting his gospel, leading people into having a false belief about who He is. I mean, I dont know where I would put that in the sin/blasphemy teir list but its way, way up there, because they're claiming to know the real God that acctually exists, and they know a lot about Him, they know his word, they know arminian arguments, and many of them are choosing to ignore the logic and evidence. And since God judges people according to their knowledge, that is much worse than an ignorant person in another religion believing in a false God, or no God at all. And when you look at the life and mission of Jesus, is there any indication that God cares more about his power or soverignty? It seems to me he cares more about showing his perfectly good character and his unfathomable and intense love for his own creation, and He went to extreme lengths to communicate that to all of us.
@ShowCat1 2 года назад
Well said, Rayce.
@cecilspurlockjr.9421 2 года назад
Yes indeed it is blasphemy my friend , especially when applied to passages like Mark 16 : 15 where CHRIST is speaking and offering salvation to every creature in the whole world . GOD bless you
@RUT812 2 года назад
Well said! Calvinism is heretical. It is a false doctrine to lead many away from the Truth of God & His wonderful plan of salvation that is for all who believe (John 3:16).
@a.k.7840 2 года назад
For all the accusations they hurl against us about elevating man above his station, I'd rather be guilty of that (not that I actually am) than to be guilty of impugning God's holiness, goodness and love. I'd rather err on the side of elevating man, that's the more prudent of the two. I've come to believe they are spiritually blind to full revelation, but I still think they are probably saved. I think you can be wrong about a lot and still be saved.
@Rayceunit01 2 года назад
@@a.k.7840 I agree, saying man is more free is safer than saying God is doing something clearly wrong. I also cant say wether they're saved or not, but I do often wonder how much they know God on a personal level, if at all. I cant imagine you can with their twisted theology
@richardcoords1610 Год назад
3:31 is the mic drop, which annihilates Calvinism, particularly "Total Inability." All they need is "clear truth" and they are capable of believing in the truth.
@AnathemaMysticalcel 2 года назад
Didnt watch the whole video of john MacArthur's sermon... but does john MacArthur address that judas is one of the disciple present when jesus says "to you it has been given."?
@amadeusasimov1364 2 года назад
I think the most heartbreaking thing about Calvinism, is seeing so many people just sort of sit there, listen to it, and then just accept it and its heavy theological burden, and then go on to try and rationalize it for their own lives.
@sunshinegirl1967 2 года назад
That's what I saw too and commented above. I could sense their hopelessness by their expressions and postures. Very sad. Maybe they will read their bibles and pray and look for a good church. John MacArthur is too highly esteemed imo. The clips/statements I usually see of him are not evidence of a deep abiding faith but merely critical talking points.
@thelongshotartist1 2 года назад
goodness this is so accurate.. they are actually putting God in a box and limiting his greatness
@warmanecasualpvp 2 года назад
The vast majority of American Christians are not Calvinists, yet they still just sort of sit there, listen, and do nothing. That is hardly a problem limited to Calvinists.
@sunshinegirl1967 2 года назад
@@warmanecasualpvp I hope that's true! I find it to be opposite in regards to the almost monopoly of Calvinist online resources which I suppose mirrors the amount of people searching for it. There needs to be a balance. I think you've got a point that apathy is (not) only a Calvinist problem. It's a "ears grown dull of hearing because of watered down preaching" problem, imo.
@warmanecasualpvp 2 года назад
@@sunshinegirl1967 Yeah, could be a search engine algorithm issue. Nowadays, it's difficult to tell how much of it is manipulated whether intentional or not. What's most popular on Google may not be the best representation of the position. I can totally see how Calvinism has a tendency to attract those who strive for logical consistency (or just to be shown "right") at the expense of being loving and respectful towards one another as we are commanded to do. I myself have been guilty of that.
@LandmarkBaptists 2 года назад
Schopenhauer wrote, “Talent hits a target no one else can hit; Genius hits a target no one else can see.” Geniuses can make connections others cannot even conceive. Well-reasoned, and presented. Thanks to you, the obvious is no longer obscured.
@johndisalvo6283 2 года назад
Calvinism is cognitive dissonance at its finest!!!
@leonardu6094 2 года назад
Exactly! Thank God he saved me from such an incoherent worldview.
@dorianjohnson8480 2 года назад
@jasonj_vii2012 2 года назад
So is Arminianism
@johndisalvo6283 2 года назад
@@jasonj_vii2012 I’m not Arminian, but please explain how!!! I don’t think you have a clue.
@jasonj_vii2012 2 года назад
@@johndisalvo6283 well I do, but a rule of thumb is not to assume especially without knowing my background and the church I was raised in. My experience comes firsthand.
@zacharyhonzell9619 2 года назад
When McArthur states that the unsaved person’s default position is to reject the truth, as a non-Calvinist, I tend to agree with the statement. Their default position is to reject the truth, however the truth, namely the Gospel, is the power of God unto salvation. Their default position is to reject the truth, but the position is not an absolute, for light overcomes darkness. They may be held blind, but the one thing that can cut through the lies of Satan, is the light, the truth of God has revealed in the Scriptures; The Scriptures, quick and powerful, dividing even soul and spirit.
@nathanhellrung9810 2 года назад
Yes. The Gospel is able to overcome any "inability" that man has, either due to ignorance or due to suppressing the truth in unrighteousness. What man does once able to understand it though is still on them. That's why we see in passages like John 20:31 where John says that the words written are done so that man may believe. The Gospel is said in scripture to be able to make one wise unto salvation. The word of God is powerful, sharper than any two edged sword. It's God's divinely inspired word, given to man. Under Calvinism though the words have zero power to do anything. Man must be regenerated first. But by then man is already saved if we are to believe Biblical regeneration (which Titus 3:5 says that the washing of regeneration is HOW we are saved) so the Gospel itself has no power unto salvation if Calvinism is true.
@gk.4102 2 года назад
_″When Mcarthur states that the unsaved person's default position is to reject the truth, as a non-Calvinist, I tend to agree with the statement.″_ I personally don't agree. I grew up as a Christian and loved God since forever. Yes I backsliden and became rebellious in my late-teens, but rejecting God wasn't my default position.
@zacharyhonzell9619 2 года назад
@@gk.4102 I appreciate your comment…I don’t know that you could have loved God since forever….before conversion, you were and enemy of God. What I said, to be precise, was reject the truth….if upon hearing the truth, if it is not immediately accepted, it has in fact been rejected, in a sense.
@zacharyhonzell9619 2 года назад
@@nathanhellrung9810 agreed, I don’t think man has an inability…..he does not, because he will not…..this is not an inability, but an unwillingness to yield to the truth. The fallen man, has a fallen inclination, bent on his own way…..this does not make him unable to respond, only oriented in a way that must be over come, overcome with the truth.
@gk.4102 2 года назад
@@zacharyhonzell9619 If you're treating ignorance (when I was a baby or too young to understand) as rejection, then I guess I would agree with you.
@wmarkfish 2 года назад
When I first encountered the abstruse and convoluted ruminations of John Calvin, despite the fact that I was just a young boy, I could discern the prideful intellect of a man who seemed jealous that he, himself, was not written into the bible. It is pride that makes people desire to be among the elect. Who doesn't want to be "in on it", "quick on the uptake", "in with the in crowd" Well, not I if that "in crowd" are the prideful Calvinist. You can be Christian without drinking the Calvinist koolaid.
@RUT812 2 года назад
1 Peter 5:5 KJV Likewise, ye younger, submit yourselves unto the elder. Yea, all of you be subject one to another, and be clothed with humility: for God resisteth the proud, and giveth grace to the humble. Scripture quotations are from The Holy Bible, King James Version.
@thirdplace3973 2 года назад
John Calvin was a Narcissistic tyrant. In Geneva people were burned at the stake for not going to church, Michael Servitus was burned at the stake for heresy. 2/3 of the criminal offenses in Geneva were for disrespecting Calvin. A child was beheaded for stoking his parent, and Calvin’s own step-daughter and son-in-law were burned at the stake for adultery. Jacques Gruet called Calvin “ambitious” and a “haughty hypocrite” and Calvin ordered him nailed to a stake and he was tortured before being beheaded for “blasphemy and rebellion”. The Bible says to disfellowship with people in error, not barbecue them. Resolution passed by Luther in 1529: “Every Anabaptist, both male and female, shall be put to death by fire, sword, or in some other way’” The Anabaptist’s sins? 1). Only confessed believers should be baptized, not infants. And 2) Every meme we of the church should function together as one body.
@Architectureguy 2 года назад
The "I" in pride has kept more people out of heaven than problem any other single thing. Calvinism, Methodism, etc. are not in the Bible, but HOLINESS is! "Be ye holy for I am holy." If someone tries to use fancy words and philosophy, I'll just whittle it down and simply ask, "So, how's your relationship with God? Is it everything you'd want it to be if you were God?". When I ask someone how it is with their soul, and they say, "I'm alright" like they've just had an ok meal, that says it all.
@jefftube58 2 года назад
You obviously haven't read a single word that Calvin ever taught. You assume to know what Calvin thought. Bad idea. There are no convoluted rimunations in Calvinism. Your belief that there are is proof that you don't really know a thing about the Calvinist system. I'm Reformed (think Protestant Reformation) and thus a Calvinist. Like so many pastors and others who criticize Calvin, you haven't read his teachings. You believe heresay about him.
@thirdplace3973 2 года назад
@@jefftube58 Plenty of reformers were non-Calvinists or Lutherans. Like the Anabaptists who were being murdered by the Augustinian reformers. “If Christ himself came to Geneva, he would be crucified. For Geneva is not a place of Christian liberty. It is ruled by a new pope, but one who burns men alive while the pope at Rome strangles them first.” - Sebastian Castellio Augustine is known as “The Father of the Inquisition” because his book “The City of God” led the Catholic Church to murder 66 million Christians over the next 1,100 years. Calvin was a narcissistic tyrant who tortured, beheaded (children) and burned people at the stake over differences in theology, not going to church, and disrespecting him.
@mickknight6963 11 месяцев назад
GOOD JOB, BROTHER! Excellent truths. And you are right also about the parable of the sower and the work of the devil.....his stealing seeds of the word away makes no difference in Calvinism. Like I've told them for years, "then I guess God has decreed me not to be a Calvinist, so why preach to us of what we cannot be convinced." Thanks, Bro Leighton. ☝️
@daviddriedger3244 Год назад
I cannot stand listening to John MacArthur or r.c. Sproul when they preach, that haughty arrogance that they think is humility sickens me🤮
@daviddriedger3244 Год назад
@francesbonner3721 12 дней назад
Wonderful, succinct explanation of the dynamic of Calvinism. Thank you for your passion to expose error and illuminate truth.
@hellopeople4264 2 года назад
Just as He chose us in Him, before the foundation of the world, that we would be holy and blameless before Him. In love He predestined us as sons through Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the kind intention of His will, to the praise and glory of His grace, which He freely bestowed on us through the Beloved. Ephesians 1:4-6
@gk.4102 2 года назад
Amen! God is choosing people IN CHRIST not outside of Christ like Calvinists assume.
@nathanhellrung9810 2 года назад
Amen! God chose those in Christ (not outside of Christ TO BE placed into Christ) to receive every spiritual blessing. Thank God He had a plan for those who would be saved, a post-conversion plan to give us every spiritual blessing in Christ.
@peterfox7663 2 года назад
Yes, we all affirm scripture
@thirdplace3973 2 года назад
And some people get into Christ before others do! “Salute Andronicus and Junia, my kinsmen, and my fellow-prisoners, who are of note among the apostles, _who also were in Christ before me_ .” Romans 16:7
@makedisciples8653 Год назад
If everyone would just read to understand who the audience is! …..To the saints in Ephesus, the faithful in Christ Jesus Those people are the ones who are predestined, who are the elect (for God’s purposes, his plan) Every time you see in the letter “we, us , you in the plural sense or your” …Paul is talking to THAT audience. Every time! He never changes the audience No unbeliever is predestined to heaven or hell See Nathan Hellrung’s explanation above…
@brotherderek 2 года назад
Calvinism, to me, is nonsense. I don't even really argue about it with Calvinists anymore, because I have learned that they don't listen anyway. This is a great conundrum you have presented, Leighton. John MacArthur just crushed his own position here.
@anabanana7599 2 года назад
@thirdplace3973 2 года назад
Make sure you never separate Arminianism from Calvinism, that’s a Calvinist-family argument. Both systematics start with Total Depravity/Total Inability.
@leonardu6094 2 года назад
@@thirdplace3973 We all use the same words and phrases but we have a radically different understanding of them.
@johntrevett2944 2 года назад
@@thirdplace3973 Is Total Depravity unbiblical?
@bkt6025 2 года назад
@@johntrevett2944 at first, it would seem that of course total depravity is Biblical,,,until, realizing the Calvinist understanding, then it is totally unBiblical
@Azurewroth 2 года назад
Well if they can use "mystery" to explain the problem of evil I am sure "mystery" can be used to explain this away. For the Calvinist it seems "mystery" is just an excuse to ignore logical contradictions. It seems they purposely ignore issues of redundancy in this regard as well(not to mention deceitful implications about God), pretending as if it is completely normal when God asks people to "choose" or in the case of parables as explained in this video. I think "The normalcy of redundancy in Calvinism" or "The consistency of redundancy" would make good titles in the future.
@josephbrandenburg4373 2 года назад
Everybody has to appeal to mystery at some point. We don't know the answer to everything. In a non-calvinist world-view, why do some choose to believe and not others? It isn't their goodness, since God doesn't save us according to works. It's a bit of a mystery, since you can't explain it as an effectual call.
@leonardu6094 2 года назад
@@josephbrandenburg4373 Did you read anything he wrote? Appealing to mystery isn't the problem in & of itself (somethings truly are mysterious). It's when calvinists appeal to mystery in an attempt to get rid of explicit logical contradictions. I've seen this time & time again from the reformed folk. To your second question, I don't need to know why some choose to put their faith & trust in Jesus, while others don't; anymore than i need to know why some commit murder and others don't. That's why it's called a free choice.
@Azurewroth 2 года назад
​@@josephbrandenburg4373 It is not just the issue of appealing to mystery per se, it is the degree of convenience it affords Calvinists as well as the consistency in which they choose to appeal to it. As it stands it seems they always have a free pass to ignore logical inconsistencies as well as redundancies in their interpretation of scripture. For example, why not appeal to mystery with regards to how Man can have genuine free will? Why not appeal to mystery as to how God can be sovereign despite Man's free will? Why of all topics, when it comes to deciding what can be appealed to mystery, do Calvinists decide that it must be with regards to how God can be the very definition of love, but wills and manipulates evil to occur and is somehow not Himself responsible? Their priorities with regards to what they choose to appeal to mystery exposes what they really hold most important to them in Christianity which is not God's love but determinism, and determinism simply is not the crux of Christianity, it is the love and grace of God.
@josephbrandenburg4373 2 года назад
@@leonardu6094 I don't agree with you on either point. I did read it and understand it, and I do think it matters why people choose what they choose. It has to be mysterious because if choosing is done in a purely rational way, then it is something that may be subject to determinism. If people alwaya make choices according to, for example, their strongest desire, then their decisions are sort of determined by their desires, and if you follow that back far enough you make it to "why did God do it that way?". This idea is something someone asked me and I don't think I have a great answer.
@josephbrandenburg4373 2 года назад
@@Azurewroth this I entirely agree with, because it is all high IQ stuff. I've brought up the same point before... and I will add another. With the apparent ability people seem to have to do all kinds of good except to believe, and the "God uses means" explanation for the parables and preaching... Clavinism has no meaningful difference from free will, because if it looks like a duck and it quacks like a duck- it's a duck. But anyways, _where do I appeal to mystery?_ is a very important question. I can't accept the Calvinist idea that God does everything-- including predestining sinners to hell -- for his own glory, because Phillipians 2 makes it clear that God is glorified _as a result_ of his redemptive work, not for that end. So I appeal to mystery in a way that allows me to hold on to the God of love model.
@Tdahl1961 7 месяцев назад
One of the best arguments against Calvinism. Thanks for sharing what the Lord has revealed to you!
@owensullivan252 2 года назад
You are why I’m no longer a Calvinist. Maybe someday I’ll hear a Calvinistic argument that sways me back, but as time goes on that seems increasingly unlikely.
@HeavenGuy 2 года назад
You no longer slander God by making Him the author of rape, murder, and abortion. Glory to the real God.
@a.k.7840 2 года назад
Take the advice of James ("if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God) and ask God for discernment, understanding, wisdom and insight each day before you read His word. God answered this prayer for me, He'll do it for you too! Thanks and praise to Him for calling you out of that error!
@dwashington1333 2 года назад
Sovereign Grace is in Epheshians 1 and 2 Romans 8 and 9. John 6 and 10. Read those and you can't be an Arminian if you are honest with yourself.
@a.k.7840 2 года назад
@@dwashington1333 calvinists always assume non-calvinist christians must be arminians...
@thirdplace3973 2 года назад
@@dwashington1333 I’m not Arminian or Calvinist, that is a Calvinist-family argument. Two sides of the same coin, Bible-believing Christians are an entirely different coin. Arminius was a disciple of Beza.
@rolandovelasquez135 Год назад
Like turning off the light so that a blind person can't see. "I'm gonna turn off the light so that blind Tom can't see." Or... "I'm gonna turn off the music so that deaf Bill can't hear".
@GrahameChristianGould 2 года назад
This is such a good point. Calvinists routinely ignore that they blame God for sin. They so much want to elevate their idea of sovereignty that they make God evil. Sovereignty simply means kingship. It does not mean that God has to directly cause every single choice that ever occurs. That is stupid. And evil.
@elimartin4107 2 года назад
There is not a single Calvanist who blames God for sin. We simply agree with what scripture teaches. Not only that but its really not "Calvinism" a more accurate term is "Paulism" or just plainly the teachings of Christ. Just go read Romans 9, all objections to God's sovereignty are settled there. Proverbs 16:9 "The heart of man plans his way, but the LORD establishes his steps." Genesis 50:20 "As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive, as they are today." Proverbs 21:1 "The king’s heart is in the hand of the LORD, as the rivers of water: He turns it wherever He will." I can pull many verses that go on and on. God is sovereign over His creation and we are fully responsible alone for our actions. In fact read the book of Judges, its a perfect example of God’s sovereignty in human decisions. God raised up pagan kings to come against a rebellious Israel, and then God later held those pagan kings responsible and brought judgment on them when Israel cried out to God. Its the perfect example, God used those men to bring about His will and those men were still fully responsible for the sin against God and His people, and were judged themselves. But again read Romans 9 it puts your false accusations to rest right there. 11 for though the twins were not yet born and had not done anything good or bad, so that the purpose of God according to His choice would stand, not because of works but because of Him who calls, 12 it was said to her, “The older shall serve the younger.” 13 Just as it is written, “Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated.” 14 What shall we say then? Is there any unrighteousness with God? May it never be! 15 For He says to Moses, “I will have mercy on whom I have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion.” 16 So then it does not depend on the one who wills or the one who runs, but on God who has mercy. 17 For the Scripture says to Pharaoh, “For this very purpose I raised you up, in order to demonstrate My power in you, and in order that My name might be proclaimed throughout the whole earth.” 18 So then He has mercy on whom He desires, and He hardens whom He desires. 19 You will say to me then, “Why does He still find fault? For who resists His will?” 20 On the contrary, who are you, O man, who answers back to God? Will the thing molded say to the molder, “Why did you make me like this”? 21 Or does not the potter have authority over the clay, to make from the same lump one vessel for honorable use and another for dishonorable use? 22 And what if God, wanting to demonstrate His wrath and to make His power known, endured with much patience vessels of wrath having been prepared for destruction, 23 and in order that He might make known the riches of His glory upon vessels of mercy, which He prepared beforehand for glory⁠- 24 even us, whom He also called, not from among Jews only, but also from among Gentiles? 25 As He says also in Hosea, “I will call those who were not My people, ‘My people,’ And her who was not beloved, ‘beloved.’” 26 “And it shall be that in the place where it was said to them, ‘you are not My people,’ There they shall be called sons of the living God.” 27 And Isaiah cries out concerning Israel, “Though the number of the sons of Israel be like the sand of the sea, it is the remnant that will be saved; 28 for the Lord will execute His word on the land, thoroughly and quickly.” 29 And just as Isaiah foretold, “Unless the Lord of Sabaoth had left to us a seed, We would have become like Sodom, and would have resembled Gomorrah.” 30 What shall we say then? That Gentiles, who did not pursue righteousness, laid hold of righteousness, even the righteousness which is by faith; 31 but Israel, pursuing a law of righteousness, did not attain that law. 32 Why? Because they did not pursue it by faith, but as though it were by works. They stumbled over the stumbling stone, 33 just as it is written, “Behold, I am laying in Zion a stone of stumbling and a rock of offense, And the one who believes upon Him will not be put to shame.” Its an undeniable truth, God causes men to work according to His will, God is not responsible for the sinfull choices we make, He is completely separate from all sin. Admittedly we dont truly know how how this works yet nor will we this side of heaven, but it is undeniably taught in Scripture. "Paulists" or "Calvanists" dare not blame God for being responsible for sin.
@cecilspurlockjr.9421 2 года назад
@@elimartin4107 more double speak from a calvinist . Calvinism when applied to passages like Mark 16 : 15 is blasphemy against CHRIST as it portrays HIM as a deceiving liar when HE tells HIS apostles to offer salvation to EVERY CREATURE IN THE WHOLE WORLD . CHRIST isn't going to offer someone salvation through the preaching of the gospel if HE has cursed them to not be able to receive salvation from before creation like calvinism claims and teaches .
@elimartin4107 2 года назад
@@cecilspurlockjr.9421 Him not offering salvation to some is not a curse, you or me or anyone else for that matter deserves death, hell, and the grave. And the apostles don't offer salvation, Christ does. Also that is not true, christ offered many people salvation that He talked to and many ignored Him. And eventually killed Him. 16 "He who has believed and has been baptized shall be saved; but he who has disbelieved shall be condemned." This is the follow-up to that verse. There are those who will disbelieve, you are calling Christ a liar not calvanists, you jump to that conclusion not calvanists. Men will not believe unless the Father draws them to Christ. Its that simple and not everyone was predestined to be in Christ, we spread the gospel to go after the lost sheep, we dont know who they are we just know they are out there. If you do not believe the gospel you are not one of Christ’s sheep, its that simple. Some are destined to be examples of Gods wrath, justice, and judgment. You can tell who they are if they never come to put faith in Christ. 15 For He says to Moses, “I will have mercy on whom I have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion.” 16 So then it does not depend on the one who wills or the one who runs, but on God who has mercy"
@cecilspurlockjr.9421 2 года назад
@@elimartin4107 we don't deserve death before we are even born Eli. Calvinism says these names were written down before creation and Calvin himself said the unelected are doomed from the womb and that is a curse from before birth . CHRIST plainly offers salvation to every creature in the whole world through the preaching of the gospel in mark 16 : 15 so why do you deny this passage is true ? Once again , CHRIST doesn't offer salvation to every creature unless HE wants every creature to be saved . 1 Timothy 2 : 3 thru 6 tells us that CHRIST wants everyone to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth , which calvinism also denies .
@elimartin4107 2 года назад
@@cecilspurlockjr.9421 That's where you are wrong, we all deserve death, we are all born in sin and inequity. Yes all who are saved were selected before the world was. Ephesians 1-11 Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God,To the saints who are at Ephesus and who are faithful in Christ Jesus: 2 Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. 3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ, 4 just as HE CHOSE US IN HIM BEFORE THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD, that we would be holy and blameless before Him in love, 5 BY PREDESTINING US TO ADOPTION AS SONS THROUGH JESUS CHRIST to Himself, according to the good pleasure of HIS WILL, 6 to the praise of the glory of His grace, which He graciously bestowed on us in the Beloved. 7 In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of our transgressions, according to the riches of His grace 8 which He caused to abound to us in all wisdom and insight, 9 making known to us the mystery of His will, according to His good pleasure which He purposed in Him 10 for an administration of the fullness of the times, that is, the summing up of all things in Christ, things in the heavens and things on the earth in Him. 11 In Him, we also have been made an inheritance, HAVING BEEN PREDESTINED ACCORDING TO THE PROMISE OF HIM WHO WORKS ALL THINGS ACCORDING TO THE COUNSEL OF HIS WILL," Also He commands us to take the gospel to every creature, but as stated above just because you give the gospel doesn't mean someone will be saved, salvation is an act of God not human will. No calvanist denies the great commission we juat know that not all men are lost sheep. Jesus died a objective death for His people, Jesus didn't die for a chance. He didn't die and raise from the grave to then say "oh goly gee I hope they pick me". John 10:15 "15 even as the Father knows Me and I know the Father; and I lay down My life for the sheep." He died for His sheep not all people. And there are some who Christ says are not His sheep. John 10:24-29 24 The Jews then gathered around Him, and were saying to Him, “How long will You keep us in suspense? If You are the Christ, tell us openly.” 25 Jesus answered them, “I told you, and you do not believe; the works that I do in My Father’s name, these bear witness of Me. 26 BUT YOU DO NOT BELIEVE BECAUSE YOU ARE NOT OF MY SHEEP. 27 My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me; 28 and I GIVE ETERNAL LIFE TO THEM, and they will never perish⁠-ever; and no one will snatch them out of My hand. 29 My Father, who has given them to Me, is greater than all; and no one is able to snatch them out of the Father’s hand. See Christ gives eternal life to His sheep alone not everyone. You have to realize that there is a very defined difference between what God wants and what He wills to happen, no calvanistdeniesthat God wants all men to be saved, we just understand even though He wants somethingthat doesn't He wills it to be. He wants all to come to repentance and faith, but His will as evidence shows doesn't geant faith to all men. I end with this, you thinking God doesn't save all men is evil just shows that you think on some level men are good, I am sorry but Only God is good. You have to high of a view of man and a low view of God.
@granthollandvideos 2 года назад
A little off topic , but I love how he points to his congregation to say " you have the eyes to see". But this would be a lie under Calvin, they are not supposed to be selective about who the elect are, as they have removed themselves from all objective truth " ie the all of scripture '. It may be that God has chosen his whole congregation to have "effivecent" faith. They can't even be objective about their own faith, as the base has been removed . What a torment this must be deep down.
@EloyAbreu-mx7tf 20 дней назад
I agree with your reasons pastor God Bless you!
@troydunn6228 2 года назад
We are not supposed to try and pull out the tares from the wheat. So I have to ask God to give me grace towards Calvinists. I know I have received grace in my blind spots. Also remembering Dr. Flowers came out from its deception is very encouraging too.
@DamonNomad82 2 года назад
I strongly suspect that the top-end Calvinists like MacArthur and James White are well aware of the fact that their soteriology is built not just on sand, but on quicksand. The dilemma for them is, though, that they are so deeply invested in their system that the cost of admitting they are in the wrong would be dire. Their admirers would turn on them, the great wealth MacArthur has accumulated would be unlikely to remain, their reputations would be in ruins among all those they care about, and most of their families and friends would probably disown them. That's even if we are charitable enough to assume that they haven't fallen victim to that all-to-common snare to people of faith: spiritual pride. That is why intelligent, educated men continue to defend at all costs the repugnant, blasphemous and irrational system that is Augustinian Gnosticism. To be perfectly fair, I would have great difficulty not doing the same if I were in their place.
@amadeusasimov1364 2 года назад
I sadly think you are very correct on this. Most big name figures have built so much on their ideologies that to humble themselves and accept correction would mean plunging themselves off the top of their high tower they built up. Most all of them cannot make that decision.
@DamonNomad82 2 года назад
@Blessed Augustinian Gnosticism is a synthesis of Christianity and several aspects of the Manichean brand of Gnosticism that Augustine of Hippo belonged to before his conversion to Christianity. For the first decade or so after his conversion, Augustine held conventional Christian beliefs for his place and time, but when he got into a dispute with a British ascetic monk named Pelagius and was unable to defeat his arguments using conventional theology, Augustine re-embraced some parts of his old Gnosticism, which included things like: - Guilt for sin passed down from parents to children, who were then born evil and bound for hell. This belief caused a problem with Christ being born as a human being, as if it were true, He would have had the same "sin nature". Attempts to solve this problem led to Catholic doctrines like the "Immaculate Conception" of Mary. -A capricious, unrelatable God based on Gnostic assumptions that gods were like Zeus and similar pagan deities rather than the God of the Bible, thus (probably unintentionally) ascribing aspects of the former to the latter. -Many more, which there isn't space to list in this already very long-winded comment. Of course, there are many parts of classical Gnosticism that are NOT a part of the Augustinian version, such as the belief the physical matter is inherently evil and the physical world was thus created by an evil force.
@DamonNomad82 2 года назад
@Blessed Truly. That's why I consider Augustine to be the greatest flesh-and-blood enemy Christianity has had to date.
@wynandl.oberholzer1702 2 года назад
Well that means they love mammon...
@alvinblackburn9212 2 года назад
I have to disagree. Being a Calvinist myself I see no inconsistency and I know for a fact that MacArthur doesn't either. The scripture is saturated with God's sovereignty. God doesn't have to make men condemned. They are already. Being born again means they are saved from that. Men are responsible for their unbelief but God can save them from that by giving them a new heart as scriptures declare. Men say, "I'll be damned if I don't have something to do with my own salvation." And they will. God bless.
@eugenelombard960 Год назад
It is indeed so very sad to see this. The plan of salvation was and still is intended for all. If Calvinism is correct, then there is no need for satan to exist.
@ekabahenda 2 года назад
“For rejecting His clear teaching” yet just a while back he said Jesus was not giving them clear teaching. The irony!!!!
@theidolbabblerthedailydose33 2 года назад
The “default” position of their minds was to reject the truth, yet the truth needed to still be given in parables so that they wouldn’t understand????? I guess God’s decree of the rebellious, default state of their minds was not powerful enough to get the job done…
@youflatscreentube 2 года назад
Lol That’s what I saw…and they appear so bothered by God’s sovereignty supposedly being questioned by us exercising the freewill He gave up.
@Gablesman888 Год назад
The same scripture(s) can bless eternally or condemn eternally. See my comments in this section on Noah. Also read Isaiah 6 and his vision in Heaven. God ordains Isaiah to the ministry, then tells him that basically nobody is going to believe a word he says. Would you allow yourself to be ordained a minister under those circumstances? Isaiah did.
@lesliewilliam3777 2 года назад
Leighton, as any, say, language, teacher knows, when students do not grasp a grammar point, you explain your point first through a picture (aka parable). When they understand the picture, then you lead them to the real object of instruction. I'll give you examples. If I began to teach a class on the past perfect tense by jumping into its uses, the students would not be able to understand my lesson from the get-go. What I will do is first draw a timeline on the board and I stand right where the present is met by the past and future lines. I then act out how the past and future tenses move in different directions relative to the present. Once they get that, then I point to an arbitrary point in the past and show how before that point is where the past perfect kicks in. I then give them actual examples. Or, even more basic, to teach the difference between subject and object I act out "I kick the ball." You know, a picture is worth a 1000 words!! Jesus was doing something no different. A parable is not masking something: it leads one to something deeper. It's a teaching aid. Calvinists are the blind leading the blind.
@TheDoctrineDetectiveChannel 2 года назад
The core problem here is identifying with any denomination. You can agree with some of their doctrine however that doesn’t mean you have to blindly believe all their doctrine. Followers of Christ ought be thorough students of the word. Our commitment only to what scripture actually teaches, not denominations and doctrine of men.
@thirdplace3973 2 года назад
Yeah, don’t identify with any denomination. Identify as a Bible-believing follower of Jesus Christ.
@TheDoctrineDetectiveChannel 2 года назад
@@thirdplace3973 well said family, may God bless you.
@sunshinegirl1967 2 года назад
They also go completely silent when you ask them about Romans 11:22.
@josephthomasmusic 2 года назад
Exactly, this is why a few verses later Paul says that "by-election, the Jews are praised by the patriarchs, but by the gospel, they are enemies." Why does Paul separate election from the gospel in such a strong bifurcating manner? Maybe that's because the Jews believe that they were elected as God's chosen people and therefore elected for salvation, therefore Paul is saying that that type of election is not part of the saving gospel. It's really a matter of putting two and two together.
@sunshinegirl1967 2 года назад
@@josephthomasmusic You are so right! I had not considered those verses afterwards and found that segment a bit obscure. Thank you for sharing Paul was a very intelligent man. Like Peter said some of his sayings are hard to understand. Also that some people twist his words to their own destruction.
@thirdplace3973 2 года назад
@@josephthomasmusic Election just means chosen, and chosen for service. There are only two groups/people spoken of as “the elect” in the Bible, the nation of Israel and the Elect One Himself, Jesus Christ. Regenerated church age believers are “in Christ” (the Elect One) by baptism of the Holy Spirit at the moment of belief. (Ephesians 1:13). The Bible never once uses the term “elect” as chosen for salvation, not once in all 226 verses where the word appears.
@josephthomasmusic 2 года назад
@@thirdplace3973 Exactly brother. Thank you for freezing it better than I did. 👍
@thirdplace3973 2 года назад
@@josephthomasmusic No problem, brother. 🫡
@Mark-oo3om Год назад
Trying to reason with a Calvinist is like trying to reason with an Atheist. Theyre so smart and unwilling to listen to an alternative perspective.
@greginfla_1 2 года назад
I struggle with this topic because I have so much respect for James white and Voddie … Didn’t know John MacArthur was a Calvinist even adds more to my conundrum.
@FBCTrona 2 года назад
Just remember that these men John MacArthur and Vodi Bachmann and others like them are fundamentalist just like we are. We agree on 95+ percent of the scripture but we do disagree on weatherman has free will or not. They are believers and so are we they are great teachers and we have many great teachers in fundamentalism as well. These men are to be highly respected but like us they can be wrong as well
@Steve-og4ii Год назад
Be careful nor to exalt any man too high! No one is above the correction of the clear teaching of scripture!
@PizzaFvngs 9 месяцев назад
That’s why they say “don’t get to know your heroes” lol
@Darcyholte 2 года назад
They can’t believe unless God intervenes. Would Jesus incarnate directly speaking truth to someone constitute an intervention? Yes. Is he God? Also yes.
@reddog9484 Год назад
Another problem calvinism has is one of injustice when Christ comes back taking vengeance upon those that obey not the gospel for whom He 'supposedly' didn't die, II THESSALONIANS 1:7-9. there is no good news for the unbelievers available in that false system. If the text read they were punished for their other sins, as we know is the case in other scripture, few would have a problem. But to punish people for not believing the gospel, when there is no gospel is a perversion of God's Holy character.
@thirdplace3973 2 года назад
John Mac just said regeneration comes before faith in Christ. And said “scripture is very clear on this”, that’s an absolute lie because scripture says faith precedes regeneration, faith is how we receive regeneration. He’s speaking lies from the pulpit and saying the Bible says it. 😡😱
@goodshorts 2 года назад
Calvinists also believe they are given faith because they were chosen before the foundation of the earth, but Romans 10:17 clearly states "So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God." The gospel is God's will, God's work, God's power. Those who hear and believe are saved.
@cecilspurlockjr.9421 2 года назад
Just another bibl8cal inconsistentsy my friend .
@tiqvahone 2 года назад
Regeneration before faith comes is a tenet of Reformed theology/systematic Calvinism. And I agree its unbiblical.
@thirdplace3973 2 года назад
@@goodshorts Correct, but you misquoted Ephesians 1:4 like they do. We (the faithful in Christ, verse 1) were chosen “IN HIM” before the foundation of the Earth to be saved??? NO!! We (the faithful in Christ) were chosen in Him from before the foundation of the world TO BE holy and blameless before Him in love. Nobody gets to be “in Him” or “in Christ” until they believe the death, burial and resurrection. Then they are sealed with the promised Holy Spirit. (Ephesians 1:13) In fact, Paul says two people he is writing Romans to were “in Christ” before he was!!! How could this be if God put us individually in Christ before the foundation of the world? 👇 Salute Andronicus and Junia, my kinsmen, and my fellowprisoners, who are of note among the apostles, *who also were in Christ before me* - Romans 16:7
@losnfjslefn8857 2 года назад
@@thirdplace3973 👍
@reg7916 2 года назад
When i was first introduced to calvinism i literally was like what??? Then by clearly grasping this i would have to blame God for others unbelief and so much more could be said, but really this site is beyond a blessing.... because it's a clever systematic and is not silent!!! Thank you soteriology 101🌻
@sunshinegirl1967 2 года назад
Same here. And in all my 42.5 years that I've been a Christian I've always considered Calvinists claims but always other scriptures themselves rebut them.
@lolersauresrex8837 2 года назад
That’s why they teach Calvinism before they teach how to read scripture
@lionofjudahlambofgod9132 2 года назад
I was too but fell in it. Its demonic.
@reg7916 2 года назад
@@sunshinegirl1967 i do agree i think the hardest thing for me is their knowledge of the Word but yet at the same time they snub any conversation that goes against their understanding as if we just don't get it and they're okay with that. To me love speaks up if i believed this systematic I'd not be silent hopefully always in love... but definitely not silent, because the study of salvation seems pretty darn important to me!! & Not a secondary issue as I've been told...
@sunshinegirl1967 2 года назад
@@reg7916 I ageee it's not a secondary issue it's actually wandering away from the Shepherd Who saves. So it's also, imo, not an in-house argument amongst brothers although I do know of some Calvinists (usually not 5 pointers) who exhibit the signs and the fruit of true believers.
@jc.8596 2 года назад
Thank you Dr. Leighton Flowers.
@aureliaphilosophyofyum 2 года назад
Fantastic. Thanks so much for your work!
@Carlosalmanza760 2 года назад
Once again, Bravo 👏 Brotha Flowers ❗️❗️❗️
@Blessedpb 3 месяца назад
We currently have a very sweet 45ish stand in lay preacher that is preaching Calvinism. Basically, I'm the only one that is catching it and I've talked to him/shared some scriptures but he persisted when he came back months later. Therefore, I told him about Leighton Flowers and bought him a gift of "The Potter's Promise". He preached recently and I could tell he had not been looking up the scriptures the LF laid out. Our pastor is in ill health and as there are few preachers in our very rural area in the Ozark Mts, I see him being called. I'm in my mid 70's and a woman and since no men in the church have the Bible knowledge to withstand I've decided to try to find a traditional "whosoever" church. Any that read this , say a prayer for the Calvinist problem spreading in the churches and for the famine of the Word of God that is in our land. Blessings, p
@skokenos 2 года назад
This is one of the best proofs of the ridiculousness of Calvinism that I've heard, to date.
@patiduran2438 2 года назад
Lol ur kidding right? You have to be. You take this guys word over Calvin? Jeeez
@skokenos 2 года назад
@@patiduran2438 I take God's word over Calvin. I dont need anyone else's opinion. This is just one example of a slew of twisted scripture fantasized over by Calvin.
@patiduran2438 2 года назад
@@skokenos Calvin is repeating God's Word. I'll bet u don't know anything about Calvin. Wherever the Band goes there u are. I know ur type. Be original n knowledgeable
@patiduran2438 2 года назад
@@skokenos tell me, if u can, the sleew of twist Calvin tells. I'm looking forward to the enlightenment lol
@thirdplace3973 2 года назад
@@patiduran2438 Calvin means nothing to non-Calvinists. Just a Narcissistic tyrant who murdered heretics, people he had theology differences with and people who didn’t go to church. 2/3 of the crimes in Geneva were for disrespecting him. The Bible says to disfellowship with heretics, not barbecue them. But Calvin was obsessed with Augustine, who is known as the “Father of the Inquisition”. “If Christ himself came to Geneva, he would be crucified. For Geneva is not a place of Christian liberty. It is ruled by a new pope, but one who burns men alive while the pope at Rome strangles them first.” - Sebastian Castellio
@musicinspire1745 2 года назад
Yes. It never made sense to me for the Lord to punish people He allegedly chose from before the creation of this world, to populate Hell...as punishment for not ever coming to Him when not even given that ability to begin with. That makes God out to be an unjust monster...allegedly on the basis of His Sovereignty. These people have a strange understanding about Sovereignty. What they have never been able to answer for me is how it violates God's Sovereignty to SOVEREIGNLY give to mankind the ability to CHOOSE? As their counter, they put forth all kinds of nonsense, such as, "That forces God to wait on everyone as to what choice they will make, " or the ever popular, "How can man have free will when the Lord knows in advance what they will choose?" Folks, Dr. John Barnett, who once served under MacArthur on his staff, posited a parallel about having recorded a ball game he wanted to watch later, and received a text in advance telling him the score of that game. When he got home to watch the game, his knowledge of how it was going to turn out did not in the least affect the choices those players made in that game when it was played.
@Lena.9 Год назад
What choice had the billions that never heard of the God of Israel or of the Gospel of Jesus in later ages? God called Abram but what about all those other idol worshippers in Ur of the Chaldees? Abram wasn’t even given a ministry to preach to them, but he must leave! How unfair! God must be an unjust monster.
@ILoveOldTWC 8 месяцев назад
Thanks again Dr. Flowers for exposing these false teachings that have infiltrated the church, including Baptist churches.
@markwitmer5498 2 года назад
I've been struggling to have an intellectually honest conversation on this topic. When I bring up logical issues with the position, I've often heard "you're not understanding our position" and the conversation just stops there.
@handytheology2448 2 года назад
It could be that Jesus wants His disciples to see that He (and He alone) holds the key as to who gets to understand/hear/believe. So making unbelievers deaf/blind/hard isn't about preventing unbelievers from doing what they COULD do, but rather, for showing the believers what He can do to bring about His desired end. Leighton Flowers' response would probably be "No! God is not willing that any should perish!!". But it begs the question: then why did He harden their hearts so that they couldn't believe? Why not forgive their stubbornness and give more grace, like He did to S/Paul, the chief of sinners?
@TheSireverard 2 года назад
The basic grounding of Calvinism is the Fall itself. When sin entered the world through Adam, man's nature became corrupt, and eternal communion with God was lost forever (until the salvation of Christ). Calvin would argue that our now-corrupt nature makes it impossible for us to desire to submit to the authority of God. That in fact we're not capable of it on our own. Hence it's God who saves us by gifting us with faith. It's not an unreasonable line of logic to follow...
@Ephesians--ih5fl Год назад
@@TheSireverard Faith comes by hearing. Hearing what? The word if God.
@Ephesians--ih5fl Год назад
Word of God.
@TheSireverard Год назад
@@Ephesians--ih5fl respectfully, your comment doesn't add much. I can't even tell if you're disagreeing with my statement.
@gregjay9933 2 года назад
It's amazing how smart people can be so irrational.
@thirdplace3973 2 года назад
They aren’t smart, they’re indoctrinated. Unlearned and unstable, twisting the scriptures.
@RichardSmith-dj2th 6 месяцев назад
wow, John MacArthur says two sentences and it takes flowers to interpret it in ten minutes
@davemitchell116 2 года назад
If I were the devil, I would come up with an ideology that would prevent people from believing they could be saved by making a conscious decision for Christ. No, wait! He already did.
@dfischer5878 2 года назад
If I were the devil I’d let people think they have the ability to save themselves
@davemitchell116 2 года назад
@@dfischer5878 You are absolutely right. Only Jesus saves. But He receives only those who receive Him (Jn. 1:12; Rom. 10:8).
@thirdplace3973 2 года назад
@@dfischer5878 That’s all non-Christian religions. Every one tries to earn merit with a god for good deeds.
@beccalou597 Год назад
I needed this. Thank you!
@angelahighwolf Год назад
This is easily solved. The Bible says that Jesus only came for the “House of Israel” (Jews). The “elect” at the time of this parable is only referring to the Jews. Those “not able to see” was referring to the Pharisees. We are not under the ministry of Jesus, which was to bring the Kingdom of Heaven to the Jews, which They rejected. We are under the ministry of Paul after Jesus told him to bring us the Gospel of Salvation by Faith. People need to remember that the whole Bible was written in parts meant for certain people at certain times. McArhtur is incorrectly lost in the wrong dispensation.
@eiontactics9056 2 года назад
Good video like always, brother! Keep them coming ❤️ 🙏
@coreykeplinger3391 2 года назад
John MaCarthur said Jesus taught in parables as a judgment, but Jesus said I have not come to Judge but to save.
@BloodBoughtMinistries 2 года назад
Exactly! Judgement will still come, now we are under grace
@thirdplace3973 2 года назад
He didn’t speak in parables as a judgment, but He did do it to hide the truth from them lest they believe and their sins be forgiven them. He did say that.
@coreykeplinger3391 2 года назад
@@thirdplace3973 It never stated that he was hiding the truth.
@thirdplace3973 2 года назад
@@coreykeplinger3391 Read Mark 4:10-12 🤨
@coreykeplinger3391 2 года назад
@@thirdplace3973 Read John 18:20-21 😃
@jamesjohnson8918 2 года назад
So children who hear jingle bells or other Christmas songs about Jesus are they quickened then? MacArthur insinuates that you're dead until the message is heard. Well I was singing Jesus loves me before I realized who Jesus was. I didn't ask God for salvation. I asked God to get alcohol and drugs off of me. He threw salvation in.
@dr.byronloyd4713 2 года назад
powerful, outstanding video, thank you
@kevinevans5921 2 года назад
I’m am totally anti-Calvinist, so he’s preaching to the choir with me. But he brings out so many strong points that reaffirm my belief in free will and the Gospel for everyone.
@tangoseal1 2 года назад
For the time will come when they will not tolerate sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance with their own desires. 2 Timothy 4:3 ----- A warning to everyone listening to this channel.
@andrewlineberger7544 2 года назад
This might be your best video yet..Plain and Simple !
@cecilspurlockjr.9421 2 года назад
If MacArthur is as smart as you say HE is brother Leighton , it just proves how deceitful he is when he misreprents these passages . JM has displayed a crippling lack of discernment many times in the past , for example by saying if one says the blood of CHRIST is the blood of GOD it is heresy , by saying that it's OK to take the mark of the beast , by distorting the gospel of CHRIST as he claims CHRIST didn't die and rise from the dead for every man like it says HE did in so many passages like Hebrews 2 : 9 , 1 John 2 : 2 etc... Really good video brother Leighton, thank you . May GOD continue to bless you n keep you my friend .
@anabanana7599 2 года назад
Agreed, and yet his devotees continue to hang on his every word instead of God's. All they need to do is compare what he says to the word of God . If they did that there would be a stampede to the EXIT doors .
@cecilspurlockjr.9421 2 года назад
@@anabanana7599 you've got that right sister . It's just to comfortable to them to just follow a system and a man pushing that system just like with Islam . I've studied Islam for a while now to better evangelize Muslims and the distinctives of calvainism are exactly the same as Islam's and gnosticism as well . GOD bless you Ana .
@anabanana7599 2 года назад
@@cecilspurlockjr.9421 Thank you and God bless you also brother 😊
@dustinberes6401 Год назад
You could write an entire book called The meaningless means of Calvinism. In Calvinism, Satan sat down on his earthly throne and never had to lift another finger after the first sin. The entire battle was won at the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. All the damage was done on that day. All of the other evil influences the Bible talks about: principalities and powers, the world and the world systems, false prophets, evil people- all meaningless. In Calvinism, every single person is already born completely, and totally defeated. Of course this doesn’t agree with the rest of the Bible at all. Thank you Leighton for having the energy and consistency to keep making these very good points.
@saiyasho16 2 года назад
This channel is 🔥🔥🔥
@leonardu6094 2 года назад
Ikr! It’s a blessing to us all.
@Revelation-cb1rb 2 года назад
@@leonardu6094 Lies
@thirdplace3973 2 года назад
100% And when you are ready move on to “Beyond The Fundamentals” channel. Leighton had Kevin Thompson on his show a few times. That’s the 300 level class. 👌🥰
@leonardu6094 2 года назад
@@thirdplace3973 Oh I've heard of that channel. Does he do refutations of Calvinist talking points?
@Revelation-cb1rb 2 года назад
@@leonardu6094 Ask "third place" his biblical God given ethnicity and written judgement
@tomtvedt5454 2 года назад
Excellent video clip!!!!!!!!!! I so appreciate these 'short' teaching sessions in lieu of longer teaching sessions....
@rrjohn5 8 месяцев назад
Great points you make. I’m not a Calvinist, but I know some. From a non-Calvinistic viewpoint, COULD the parables be a form of judgement for those who continue to CHOOSE to reject Christ? Never thought of that before.
@katiedc8239 2 года назад
When I first picked up the Bible, it made zero sense to me. I didn't understand the majority of it. Later, when I became a believer in Jesus Christ as my Savior, my eyes (my heart and mind) were *opened* to Truth and things started making more sense, and as God has grown me in my walk (the process of sanctification), I understand God's Word even better and God has changed my heart accordingly (repentance leading to regeneration). (And it should be noted that I was a very analytical and also literal reader, so I was kind of upset by the parables, too, like why would God make this confusing for me? I'M trying to understand. But listen to what I just said in those last two sentences. Like, God's Word should have been written MY way. Sound familiar? A bit like Adam and Eve wanting to be their own god, like HIS Word should have been written according to my faithless/sinful nature. But that's not Who God is or how God works. HE is perfect, wise and holy and HE draws us; we put our faith in the finished work of His Son Jesus Christ on the cross; and the more we trust Him, the more He shares Himself with us and our knowledge of Truth and wisdom grows.) Of course God doesn't "wish" or "will" any to perish. ("The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance." ~2 Peter 3:9) But just because God doesn't wish or will anyone to perish, that doesn't mean the verses IN SCRIPTURE about predestination and "the elect" go away. Because God foreknew those who would love Him (He foreknew because God is outside of time; He is not constrained by time like mankind is. He is omniscient), He predestined them (those that would love Him) for adoption into His family. Because He is GOD, He foreknew who would CHOOSE (free will) to accept His call on their lives and put their faith in and follow His Son, Jesus Christ, who is the Glory of God. Theologians, like the Calvinists you're implicating, AND YOU, sir, with all due respect, are much too divisive on this topic and quite frankly make it much more complicated than it needs to be. Which hurts those God is drawing to Him, like a stumbling block. Concerning Jesus speaking in parables, Jesus was speaking about those who would either 1) not be drawn by God (because, again, God foreknows the hearts of men and who will reject the Truth) or 2) be drawn by God but ultimately not accept the call on their lives to believe in His Son and follow Him (fall away). The Word (Jesus' parables!) would be/become foolishness to them. Too stubborn to listen to God so He can open the eyes of their hearts. Many are called; few are chosen. "Chosen" meaning, not those who are "better than others" (which is what it sounds like you're trying to twist "the elect" to mean), but chosen because God called them, and they accepted the invitation and followed Christ. Can't you see that you and John MacArthur are both a little right, and each also a little wrong? Pray about it. Peace of Christ.
@nurseluke4951 2 года назад
I’m a Calvinist that believes Jesus is the Good Shepherd. When a sheep gets lost it needs to be found by the shepherd. I also believe that we need to “…seek the Lord while He can be found…” I also believe that we were “…dead in our transgressions…” being dead I could not do anything to help myself. I needed to be “…made alive together with Christ.” I also believe that “flesh is born of flesh and spirit is born of spirit.” And still I believe that “if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead you will be saved.” Moreover I believe the “…God has allotted to each a measure of faith.” I say all that to say one can confess Jesus as Lord but not truly mean it and therefore not believe that God raised Him from the dead. Let’s not grieve the Holy Spirit by tearing each other down but edify one another. My intentions here are not to argue but give an explanation to a particular view. Ultimately as a Christian first and Calvinist regarding theology my hope is to give all glory to God and this is why I believe this way. Speaking for myself because of the wretch that I am can easily fall into the temptation of giving myself some glory in my salvation. The result of which is arrogance towards those who do not have the understanding I’ve been given. Grace and peace to you all in our Lord Jesus Christ. 🙏🏼
@trooperman1080 2 года назад
Well said 👏
@tangoseal1 2 года назад
NurseLuke this channel is dangerous. Don't even waste your time here unless you come to warn others of the perversion this channel is teaching. This video alone is a complete violation of Proverbs 6:16
@nurseluke4951 2 года назад
@@tangoseal1 I appreciate the concern. 🙏🏼
@leeleedart1367 Год назад
I give all glory to God, as well. You don’t have to believe in Calvinism to give all the glory to God for your salvation.
@lol24891941 Год назад
​@leeleedart1367 All of the arminian/Calvin debates are honestly name labels. These are secondary issues which I honestly never can understand why believers are so pressed on with going after debates. Souls are lost. God saves. We plant and water, God gives increase. We need to refocus and Leighton honestly is fueling this idea of breaking down the church even if his intentions are good.
@mrnoedahl Год назад
I believe John MacArthurs ministry should be renamed Grace To a Few, and Probably Not You.
@BloodBoughtMinistries 2 года назад
Where on earth does John Mac get this silly idea that Jesus speaking in parables is Him bringing judgement?? Judgement will come at the end of the age at the white throne judgement. now we are under grace, free to believe the gospel of Jesus Christ!
@mutulica10 2 года назад
A believer has bypassed this judgement through salvation by Jesus Christ, hence we will stand seperately before the judgement seat of Christ at the moment of our translation. The great white throne judgement is where the Father will judge the unbelieving at the end.
@StevenWayneJones 2 года назад
Great job as always!
@robertrodrigues7319 Год назад
1-Why put blinders on a dead corpse? ( The eyes). 2-Why put parables on a dead corpse? (The ears). Explain That oh ye Calvinists!!!!! I am a biblical Provisionist and make no Apologies..I'd rather be locked by the Calvinists than by my Lord Jesus.
@alwilliams3628 2 года назад
Leighton, there is also a time element that needs to be understood in the teachings by parable method used by Jesus. Simply put, many things regarding theology take a lot of time to really get a competent 'grasp of' , and Jesus knew this very well. Even Jesus Himself needed His own disciples to be 'pre-schooled' in holy living and teaching by John the Baptist, because it often takes much time to successfully convey truth about God to people. And, this is also why Jesus in His Gospel message included the admonition "SEEK and you shall find", because it often takes a lot of seeking and striving...and chewing on holy ideas and concepts...for a disciple to become like His teacher, even as Jesus taught. It seems that Calvinists assume that everything is instantaneous, as if a disciple becomes perfect and saved at the first lesson, and doesn't need to "run the hard race and finish it'...even as St. Paul talked about and had to successfully accomplish in his own life. So, instead of discipleship being an instantaneous conversion into full knowledge of God, a person needs to grow and be nourished by teachers even as a grape vine is grown by a skilled and diligent vintner. It all takes time, and the vine can have many setbacks due to many causes, like Jesus mentioned, such as insects, drought, weeds, animal grazing, etc... And, if we look at the Church of the first few centuries, this is what we see. Catechesis was a process and a catechumen progressed in His knowledge of the faith by degrees, and then after a lot of teaching he decided to either be baptized or not be baptized by the Church. And then, even after baptism, this was only the beginning and it would take many years more to possibly become a bishop, or deacon in the Church. And, all along the way the Christian is making decisions, and is being tried and tempted even as Jesus and the Apostles were. And I guess this is why Jesus also taught "You shall know them by their fruits." So, faith and salvation is not necessarily what somebody proclaims by voice, but also by living a life filled with holy and loving actions. And this, also, Jesus demonstrated to the world by His holy sacrifice on Calvary. Moreover, He also admonished his followers to do the same as He did, saying to them ( and to us too): 'Pick up YOUR CROSS and follow me'.
@makedisciples8653 Год назад
That is so good Al. The first thing Jesus said after being baptized, being in the wilderness for forty days, after John said “Look, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the WORLD (my emphasis)”, now starting his ministry- was… “What do you want?” To Andrew and most certainly John And so it all began. It took time (to get the grasp of) “Follow me” Jesus invested time in his disciples “and I will make you … fishers of men Now it’s our turn
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